#fuck the xl bully ban
enbycrip · 9 months
I’m not sharing the OP because it contained pics of the poor dogs that no one needs to see, but a fucking hunt in Devonshire has hunted so dangerously on the A30 that two of their hounds were killed on the road.
Passers-by rescued the poor dog that wasn’t killed on impact and got them to a vet, but their injuries were too severe.
The hunt apparently wasn’t even aware the poor dogs were missing when they were contacted by the vet practice.
They clearly have no care for the poor souls at all; no more than they do for the foxes and other native wild animals that are ripped apart for their amusement, or the people on the road who were endangered in the accidents.
Every time I think I couldn’t be more sickened by hunters, they do something else.
This is on the day before legislation meaning “XL bullies” - not a breed; a *type* of dog with no defined consistent markers, background, breeding or anything else - cannot be sold or placed by rescues, must be neutered and registered, and must be muzzled and cannot be walked off-lead without being killed goes into effect. Far too many blameless, sweet-natured dogs have already been killed; more will be.
A government that has happily weaponised the lives of trans people, disabled people and refugees of course has no problem causing the deaths of thousands of equally blameless dogs. The entire thing is an exercise in cruelty to get them votes from people who thrive on performative cruelty.
I am filled with sick fury today.
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I love it when the government says we need to ban x breed of dog cause they attack people.
Acting like all dogs don't have the capacity to attack people. The issue, as always, is not the breed of dog, but the fact people don’t train and handle their fucking dogs properly.
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coolestfinch · 1 year
if you are someone who believes in or supports BSL (breed specific legislation) not only do i want you to block me but also kys
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lovesomehate · 1 year
Not me waking up to the news that the government is banning the XL Bully
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Like these cunts even know what that is.
I swear they keep blaming dogs for human bullshite and if they keep doing this there is not going to be a breed fucking left that’s not fucking banned
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epiales06 · 1 year
What is an American bully XL and should they be banned? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66775985
The root of the increase in dog attacks is fairly simple:
Over Covid, people bought and adopted dogs that they couldn’t properly train or look after then the lockdowns ended. No dog breed should be BANNED, only specific OWNERS. In all of the cases referenced in the article, there is no mention of an owner being anywhere nearby- the dog being out of control is because the owner is not fucking controlling it.
“It’s a MASSIVE dog!! 60kg!” Yeah and Irish Wolfhounds can get to over 80kg but you don’t see legal restrictions on them mentioned every time someone is injured by one. That’s because Irish wolfhound owners tend to know about the breed and are able to handle one.
American Bully XLs are not a problem, idiots that buy dogs they can’t control or look after are.
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ship-and-let-ship · 9 months
With the XL Bully Ban going on in the UK, I just want to take a second and point out a trend I really fucking hate... But first, to clarify; I'm pro-bully breeds. I think breed specific legislation is stupid, ineffective, and results in needless death.
I own a bully mix, and he is an incredible, sweet, cuddly dog!
It's not the dogs who are at fault for these attacks in the UK... It's irresponsible owners not training & containing properly + backyard breeders not breeding for temperament.
I 100% stand with you about this ban.
Some of y'all are fucking hypocrites.
It's always "Don't bully my breed!" Then in the same breath, "Chihuahuas are ugly rats!" Or "There are no bad dogs, just bad owners! It's all in how you raise them!" Followed by "Chihuahuas are naturally aggressive and evil incarnate!"
You aren't morally better than the people who hate your pittie for their breed just because the breed you hate is small. Matter of fact, you're exactly the same as the people who hate your pittie.
You are a hypocrite.
You don't need to shit on other breeds to defend yours, and if you do, you're an asshole just looking for someone else to throw under the bus.
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nightwanderers12081 · 11 months
Hey serious post here, //TW Domestic Canine talk, Animal cruetly, death and abuse
The Uk Parliment is trying to ban what they consider to be XL Bully Dogs from the Uk. Owners are forced to register their dogs and deal with strict regulations or euthenize them by January. Any dog that falls under the XL Bully Dog Breed requirements cannot be rehomed either as its considered illegal
This is literally animal cruelty. It is fucked up to punish an entire breed for irresponsible owners who are unable to properly care for their dogs. Many Dogs that are considered XL Bully Breeds are genuinely so sweet and dont deserve this, none of them do. Dogs don't know any better, they dont deserve to be killed for being dogs.
Its the Owner's responsibility it train and care for their dogs, Dogs shouldn't be punished for their owners failing to care for their dog.
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If your in the Uk PLEASE sign this petition to veto this ban, if you aren't in the UK please share this petition and spread awareness.
Reblogs are highly appreciated ~ The Nightwanderers
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ambulance-mom · 1 year
there banning the xl bully dog in the uk well what about the fucking innocent xl,s huh?! onces that have done nothing wrong they will be ripped from their familes for just existing
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palanquinpal · 1 year
If you're a UK resident and you love dogs, PLEASE consider signing this petition to prevent the banning of an entire breed based on owner negligence and abuse. These animals don't deserve to die for the disgusting way they are treated by us
If you're one of the people who believe the breed is to blame and refuses to educate themselves on why that is not the case, then feel free to not sign and move on because I'm not going to give a fuck about anything you have to say.
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mythicalmyles · 1 year
Are you fucking kidding me they banned xl bullies
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thankyoumskobayashi · 5 years
That part somewhere in the chapter 120s when Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are talking over campfire supper on Black Water Island and their convo goes something like this.
Xie Lian: Why haven't you won over that noble gracious special someone yet?
Hua Cheng: Maybe it's because that person is ashamed of me.
XL: What's not to like? You're the demon king Crimson Rain Sought Flower
HC: What shitty demon king? If I really was that great, then I wouldn't have been humiliated before that person hundreds of years ago.
This conversation was about the mean kids who bullied and beat up young Hua Cheng outside Xie Lian's temple. The young martial god happened to be around at the time and made sure their punches all missed. There were other ways he protected/saved Hua Cheng that day, but those aren't the focus right now.
When Pei Ming first shows himself in 145, he has a short convo which goes something like this.
Pei Ming: (crouching down to measure height) Heeeyy, is that the Crimson Rain Sought Flower? What did you eat to get this tiny? You improve every time I see you, Ha Ha!
Xie Lian: (sending RuoYe with intent to harm)
Pei Ming: (barely dodges) Geez, your highness, can't you take a joke? Just how important is he to you?
Even now, with his immense powers and underworld status, Hua Cheng has the scorn of others, who hate him for killing off the heavenly officials and fear his powers. Pei Ming's intention is to cut Hua Cheng down to size with that "joke," to make this fearsome figure of legend into a joke because he's so small at the moment.
Even now, after all his temples were burnt and it's been 600+ years without spiritual powers, still Xie Lian cannot bear to see people making fun of Hua Cheng. MXTX didn't specify whether his intent was to kill or bind Pei Ming, so I phrased it as "intent to harm." Either way, Xie Lian is provoked by insults to Hua Cheng.
Crimson Rain, on the other hand, showed far more restraint. If he moved against a heavenly official, it'd look bad on Xie Lian, plus Xie Lian might be banned from ever seeing him again. Does he have the power to seriously make Pei Ming miserable? Indubitably. Will he use it? Probably not, as he is basking in the glory of having Dianxia angry for his sake. And those earlier reasons about not seeing Xie Lian again.
Could he tear down the whole heavens rn, Pei Ming included? Probably. But Xie Lian wouldn't want him to, so he won't. But that doesn't stop him from telling Xie Lian that Pei Ming's sword was a fake, so Dianxia should kill Pei Ming. Of course Xie Lian wouldn't as that's against his moral compass, but Hua Cheng wanted the show of ordering Xie Lian to do it, especially calling him gege to show off how close they are. Another power move to tell Pei Ming to fuck off.
Why doesn't Hua Cheng get mad over this? He realized something, something important, something which I too have only just realized in the midst of writing this. There's another conversation to summarize/throw under blockquotes for you to enjoy.
Hua Cheng: I hate this form.
Xie Lian: Aw, but you're so cute!
Hua Cheng: I hate being weak and vulnerable like this most of all!
Xie Lian: According to San Lang, I should have died many times for always being in troublesome situations then. But, please do me the honor of letting me protect you? Just this once?
That's right. Hua Cheng learned that Xie Lian considers it an honor to protect him. That's gotta hit somewhere deep and emotional, because Hua Cheng has looked up to Xie Lian for years-- even now he still wonders if he's worthy of pursuing him romantically! But, to learn that Xie Lian thinks it's a huge deal to be trusted to protect Hua Cheng, now that knowledge would probably help him keep a steady mind to fend off Pei Ming's insults.
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