#fuck the police & free the people
mueritos · 7 months
i hope we continue to see more protests within the US military. i see a lot of leftists and folks who are anti-military who have such an open disdain for the people who are in the military, yet neglect to considering the conditions this country makes to produce ideology, poverty, and the illusion of choice to make all kinds of people choose to enlist in the military. You ever see those videos of ROTC kids recording each other asking why they joined the military and everyone's like, "healthcare", "it helped me go to college", "I was bored" or "free ptsd lol". I hate to remind everyone but folks who are in the military are people, too, and they are the same victims and perpetrators of violence as the rest of you, we have all been shallowly conditioned to view each other as enemies just because one person is wearing army greens and the other is not.
some of the biggest anti-war advocates are those who engaged in war. Veterans who genuinely believed they were protecting the US against "terrorism" come back with blood on their hands, and they choose to realize that it was US imperialism that forced them to carry out violence, instead of doubling down and shielding themselves from the fact that they too are capable of atrocities... This is a class of people who are intentionally conditioned to be as poor and as ideologically aligned to US imperialism so that the military has a never-ending pool to send their youth to destroy other country's youth. The only people I have ever heard say "do not join the military" are those who ARE military.
This is in no way to ever excuse or explain away any of the atrocious war crimes and violence this industry and its people have committed against others. What I am saying is that we absolutely cannot cast aside the individuals who have been victimized within US imperialism, even if they are wearing army greens. I was speaking with my Palestinian classmate last week and another classmate--a member of the US air force-- walked up to me and struck up a conversation. My military classmate showed me her new bird, bid both of us goodbye, and left. My Palestinian classmate asked me if I was close with her, and I said we talked quite often, and she said, "I never met a person who's in the military. I still hate the military, but I never knew that they did, too. I didn't realize that they were also victims."
If my Palestinian classmate--one who is actively watching her own community die--can understand that it is not individuals who are the problem but it is in fact systems, US imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism...why can't we all? And she has EVERY reason to hate any individual military member. A lot of online activism just creates more barriers. if your optics look bad, complicated, or contradictory, you are cast aside. Everyone has got the be the perfect activist, you can never make a mistake or share a half-baked thought, you should always believe every word from a marginalized persons mouth (because being marginalized doesn't mean you're not entrenched in white supremacy too!) and you should never question what you see...Do you know what you sound like? The very imperialists who are convincing poor whites to vote against themselves. Perfectionism is white supremacy. Black & white thinking is white supremacy.
I'd rather have a military member who genuinely believed in the US imperialism machine but was disillusioned after being deployed as my comrade than some leftist who cherishes the performance of "being a good person". I don't want "good people" in our movements. I want humans who care. I want humans who make mistakes and who learn from them. I want humans who accept the messiness of a person. I want humans who hold others accountable and allow themselves to take responsibility for their actions. I want people who change for themselves and others.
fight systems, not individual people. we can change each other, but if we're too preoccupied looking like the World's Perfect Activists, we will only consume each other alive. Connect to your fellow humans, forever and always.
#muertotalks#a mind dump after seeing so much come out after the self immolation of the us air force member#i know hes not the first one to self immolate for palestine#and he might not be the last#i hate the military#i really fucking do#but i choose to see the people within them as victims within the overall system just like the rest of us#i will never go through what they did to make them choose to enlist#i never struggled with poverty homelessness healthcare or social acceptance#i wont shame them#shame is not productive#i want them to know there are civilians who support their protests#i want them to know that we their allies too#a note on my palestinian classmate#if youre arab or also a colonized person impacted by the us military feel free to hate every member of the military#i dont intend to police yall in how you choose to feel your anger#im angry with you#the point i mean to make is about understanding and compassion#someone who has every right to hate these people still chose to see them as the people they are#yes i even want the best for the “bad” people in the military too#i dont want these people to continue the ideology but we cant stop that without dismantling these systems#and we cant do that without creating spaces for healing and reform and growth#so many thoughts so many thoughts#none of this is easy#i fight daily against impulsively hating the world#everyday is a fight to choose compassion and understanding#but being a leftist and doing leftism is not fucking easy#if you genuinely think it is it isnt#and you may be missing the point of what leftism is#anyway
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autistic-katara · 5 months
peaceful is when u punch jews, yell slurs, set things on fire and wave around signs with mein kampf quotes on it
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raatteeth · 5 months
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so.informed //instagram:
"The Deadly Exchange between U.S. and Israeli police allows for the exchange of tactics on repressive policing, including racial profiling, mass surveillance, deportation and detention, and attacks on human rights. This is the most visible example of how we are fighting one, coordinated, united crackdown - from Columbia to Palestine."
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i would die for the shark in under paris but that's probably unnecessary to say considering she'd kill me without hesitation. icon. keep killing bestie i love the way you snack on humans you are a star
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poisonousquinzel · 3 months
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I had somethin' great to go home to.
"Harley! You're okay! I had the police scanner on and heard they booked you.
I was ready to cave that whole building in with a sample of aspergillus to get you out, but I knew you'd get yourself out in time to teach."
little miss cop is lucky Harley didn't mention the police brutality at the beginning of the chapter cause Ivy would have caved that building in for that alone if she knew !!!!!!
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"My baby girl was never the same after she saw you girls out robbing banks, pouting in your mug shots like it was a game." skill issue
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lady's daughter saw pretty women committing crimes, robbing banks and being cool and wanted to be like them. idk maybe you should try not being so lame and boring and corrupt :)
Harley Quinn (2021 - ) #41
Writer: Tini Howard
Artist: Sweeney Boo
Letterer: Steve Wands
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gnometa233 · 1 year
"The thing about being queer is saying fuck societal rules, so I highly encourage normalizing lesbians to fuck men and trans people to date people based on their AGAB" is a real take I've just seen on a post with 18k notes. I get you people wanna destroy all labels but some labels don't feel like a box!!! I'm starting to think some of yall don't like actual lgbtq+ people and cant respect labels!!!
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wingsofhcpe · 9 months
very interesting how this whole clusterfuck of a discourse centers around if cishet aro MEN are queer but the same question isn't applied to cishet aro WOMEN... hmm... could it be because it's radfems and TERFs stirring the pot with their bullshit ideology again.... because they inherently see all men as The Big Enemy as if men are Sauron and radfems are Frodo fuckin' Baggins... hmm... could it be because 99% of exclusionism and intracommunity bigotry originates from radfem/TERF circles since their "identity" is based entirely on exclusionism and hatred...
One can't help but wonder!
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nando161mando · 2 months
police are now arresting people for planning to protest, before even protesting. acab and free palestine
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adelinamoteru · 11 months
at some point some of yall will have to admit to yourselves that the jason todd you like and have built up in fanon is not the jason todd that he actually is
inconsistent canon writing included, I have no idea where these povs on him are coming from if ur not actually meaning to do a disservice to his character
#jason todd#red hood#dcu#dc#we already know a third of dc writers do NAWT like jason#I’m prepared to deal with that but even when hes written by them its like??#AT LEAST HES LIKE THAT BC THEY DONT LIKE HIM#but to say u like jason and include him in batfam and etc meanwhile the jason ur looking at couldnt even pass as a walmart version#hes not stupid hes not pit crazy hes not incompetent hes not only fucking angry all the time#actually u know what he is angry#but hes never let that affect his decisions to the extent that I see portrayed in fanon#I cannot dictate or police how people choose to create content for jason like thats smth they’re doing for free in their own free time#but its just so disappointing that I constantly see him getting watered down to the most consumer friendly version of himself#just so that he can fit into the world u want to create#he deserves better !! he deserves to be taken seriously as his OWN character and NOT just batman collateral#he deserves to exist on his own and be taken in as such#the things that happened to jason happened to jason happened to HIM#and the things jason did HE chose to do#to strip him of all of those characteristics so hes more palatable#or so he can have an easy transition into batfam#(which if anyone was to be honest with themselves would realize is not going to happen realistically in canon)#is boring and overdone and frankly should be easy to not do#its okay not to like jason as he is#but that IS who he is#and for goddamn good reasons#not me writing an essay in the tags
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loveguts · 14 days
i love seeing those advocacy groups that say they’re fighting to protect free speech on campus and i think that they mean advocating for the (peaceful btw) pro-palestinian protestors that have been brutalized by police and arrested and expelled en masse, but then i go to their website and they’re just advocating for conservatives to be able to say hate speech with no repercussions
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b-a-n-d-e-r · 7 months
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I'm tired of y'all "what side are we on again ?☹️🥺"
"I just don't know anything about politics🥺☹️🫣😖"
Stfu. Learn?
We are in a time where information has never been more easily accessible.
Please get a grip on the realities of the world right now.
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1hellofacookie · 5 months
Just. For the record:
Dear historians looking back on this time of the Palestinian Genocide in like what? 50? 70? 100? years time, please note that specifically in Germany barely anyone helped. Barely anyone does shit. At least up until now. A lot of people are acutely aware of what is going on and are still not doing anything. Our government is actively contributing to the genocide. The police are even more fascist than usual.
And if you're still wondering what the people did in Nazi Germany, if they were scared of also being sent to KZs, or if they just didn't know. Honestly no. They were probably the exact same as the people are now: very much aware of what's going on but either actively in support of it or too preoccupied to give enough of a fuck.
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comma-souptra · 4 months
A man in a “I <3 my gay daughter” shirt and his wife walked by our pro-Palestine demonstration at pride today shouting “USA USA”… where is your gay daughter and does she know you’re instigating and antagonizing queer people at the pride festival you complete dipshit??
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vicontheinternet · 5 months
Do ppl not know what the implications of them actively co-signing for the national guard to come to a peaceful protest is? They aren’t going to be as “harmless” as the cops were and they were fucking aggressive as hell. You are actively campaigning for the death of these kids knowing or unknowing because they are protesting. Are they really disrupting you that much? They are not being are nearly disrespectful and disruptive as they could be they could’ve held up inside the school with their dean like Kent university back in the day but they decided to do this peacefully. So why were there snipers for sure at Ohio state but from what I’m hearing on multiple campuses?
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chaiaurchaandni · 10 months
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