#fuck snape apologists
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licorice-and-rum · 4 months ago
More Snape Slander guys!!!
Lol, I truly, really love having a reason to add to my already 15-pages-long rant of Snape Slander, so let’s go:
Okay, I’m going to be posting this as a different post but this is an answer to some arguments that someone made in this post (I’ll tag them below, I just hate to have repostings on my profile - or, if any kind soul could tag them I'd appreciate, this is their post, read at your own discretion [it's terrible, though], I really need to get some sleep rn). If you’re interested in reading more about my not really favorable view of Snape, there’s also my character analysis here.
So let’s begin, shall we (oh, and by the way, I am as educated as you were with me)?
Interesting that you think that my post is bullshit, love, because I think your arguments are ludicrous, to say the least. I wasn’t going to bother with a response but I think it’s only right I add some critical skills and point out that many of your points are already taken care of in my original post – something you’d know if you had read it and understood it.
Anyway, your whole argument is based on the fact that no legal system would consider Snape guilty which… okay?
Because the judiciary system is completely fair and absolves only people who should be absolved. It is not at all used as a political tool to advance the very corrupted system we all live in, as noted by the contrast between the speed with which the ICJ issued Putin’s prison mandate but delayed Netanyahu’s prison mandate for months. It’s not like most of the people locked up in jails in America are black and poor despite the criminality rates showing white men as more likely to commit crimes such as rape, child abuse, kidnapping, and feminicide.
It’s not like every and each judiciary system serves a capitalist political agenda. A very white, patriarchal, European political agenda.
And about that, which judiciary system are we talking about? Mine? Yours? The UK’s? The International Court of Law? The wizarding world's? Because of course, there’s a difference between all of them and even if you’re right, what does it proves? What does it prove that a white, fascist man with connections to the most privileged in the society (rich purebloods and Dumbledore at the same time btw) would be absolved of his crimes in a system that also privileges him?
Because it does privilege him of course: we’re talking about a system of oppression that is ingrained in the wizarding world, why would it be any different from the real world? Snape was fighting for the maintenance of a system that is corrupted (and this also includes the judiciary btw) and to keep on the status quo, especially when he was a Death Eater but also when he was on Dumbledore’s side.
He might not have been targeting muggleborns as he once was when he was young but changing his choice of victims doesn’t change the fact that he’s using his societal privilege to continue the oppressive system and cycles of abuse he upholds so perfectly since he was a kid. A fucking role model, to be honest.
I mean, using his teacher position to condone bullying and terrorize children, who are a social minority and are in a position of vulnerability in relation to his place as a professor? Ring any bells?
And don’t come with me with the “but he saved them all the time” argument. He took on that role because he wanted to, he did it because he chose to, and as a professor, it was his responsibility to care for his students’ wellbeing (not that he does much besides keeping them alive for enough time to traumatize them on his way out). I imagine what a role like that would entangle in a magical school where children have potential guns in their hands all the time – sounds a bit like a security hazard to me even without the whole genocidal maniac persecuting one of them, to be honest. It’s like a parent wanting laurels for actually doing their responsibility, it’s shameful.
Or, I don’t know, using his higher position in the social hierarchy to expel the only competent teacher of the children he was supposed to look out for because of his lower societal status as a werewolf and continuously using that to make them feel bad in Order reunions, over and over again using his privilege as a non-werewolf as a tool to express his well-placed resentment?
The legal point of view is the real bullshit.
“He paid his debt to society” and now he’s free to do whatever the hell he wants because he chose to take vengeance on his ex-best friend’s murder (that he also had a hand in) even if it means that he gets to use his privilege against others exactly like he did in the past – just not on muggleborns because last time he did it, his feelings got hurt. But *these new marginalized people* he can beat up because that’s not the same thing at all.
You say that “redemption within society isn’t about changing your ideology” but forget to question why. Is it perhaps because the people who are actually let go always seem to be the fascist one who upholds what capitalism needs them to uphold? In contrast, of course, with the people who actually do the right thing regardless of legality and are persecuted their whole lives because of it.
Plus, you don’t take into account what is the effect of it, right? Why should we ever worry about someone’s ideology if they paid their time? It’s not like their ideology reflects on what they think and how they act in and affect society. It’s not like it can do any harm by perpetuating and encouraging these beliefs by, I don’t know, taking a racist education and using it to argue in favor of colonization and occupation of non-white countries because your group has been victimized by the same people that think you and those non-white communities are garbage, or taking on a job that involves children and condones bullying and slurs being thrown at the marginalized kids of his school.
Of course not.
And you say that “the system Rowling portrays isn’t fascist because it lacks the economic and social foundations to support that definition” but forgets also that it doesn’t really matter whether is a bad or good representation because it’s still a representation of it. You can’t smell smoke, feel your eyes burning, suffocate on it, and say there isn’t a fire because you technically weren’t burned.
It's like denying there was a State coup in Brazil in 2016 because the impeachment had “legal ground” (which it didn’t by the way): it’s a lazy attempt to grasp at technicalities to escape the very obvious truth that, regardless of the argument (or, in this case, the literary representation) being good or bad, the facts remain the same.
And the fact is that Rowling wrote the Death Eaters as an analogy to fascism (nazism, actually, but let’s use the general term), and as such, most of the fandom interprets it and internalizes it that way. Thus, her negligence of the societal and economic portrayal (although I would question the need for an economic portrayal in a children’s book) does nothing to further any argument at all, not when the truth is that it doesn’t matter that the portrayal is lacking: it’s enough to be understood as such by the masses and thus it becomes a moot point to make.
Severus and every single Death Eater is a fascist because they propagate, believe in, and are violent in the name of fascist ideology. That their group is not represented as a populist movement or that the wizarding world is not on the brink of its economic collapse to sustain that populist background is of little consequence to the average reader and their interpretation of the problem.
Plus, fascism is a concept that should apply to any social variation of the same movement. You sound like my college professor saying my class should call Bolsonaro a fascist because fascism is a concept used in a very tight set of rules – which is bullshit.
Although I had already taken all that into consideration in my previous post. You’d know that if you knew my arguments.
Now, you said that “redemption is about regretting what has happened and paying for it” and that’s interesting because, you see, that’s not what it is at all, not in every legal system, nor when we’re talking about narratives and writing.
In Brazil’s legal system, for example, our judiciary system is about social revitalization. Prison is not a place we send someone as a punishment, it’s not about paying a debt to society or being punished for what they’ve done. It’s about giving them the tools to not repeat their crimes once they come back to society, and that’s not a test Snape would be passing anytime soon because redemption from being a fascist would be to let go of fascist views.
In writing, on the other hand, an author has certain control over their character, which means that their portrayal is the author’s responsibility. A Redemption Arc is not about judging someone’s actions and applying a penalty, it’s about allowing your character to develop substantially throughout the narrative. They need to go from what they are in the beginning to a better version of themselves throughout the rest of the story and that’s certainly not what happens to Snape.
Again, refocusing your bullying to fit other vulnerable groups does not equal betterment in any way, shape of form.
Oh, I really love this one: “His ‘sentence’ was 17 years of self-imposed prison and life-threatening service, which is far more than any collaborator with a terrorist group would face in any real-world court.”
Seventeen years of which exactly 14 of those he spent being a professor in the most important schools of magic in the UK, being respected by his community, well-fed, having a probably copious amount of galleons in his bank account to do whatever the hell he wanted to, and still wallowing in his own misery and self-imposed (as you kindly pointed out) emotional torture living in his childhood home to go back to a castle and bully children at his leisure instead of bettering himself as a human being and actually putting some work towards self-improvement as to not, I don’t know, perpetuate cycles of abuse that ultimately led him towards that mess of a life he got for himself.
You’ll excuse me if I don’t find his journey that impressive from where I’m standing. He made his bed, he can sleep in it or try to do something about it. And, to be honest, I have little to no respect for people who do nothing about their own misery.
Then, he used three and something of those doing something useful but ultimately a sorry attempt at a Redemption Arc. Snape’s big, bold actions in the name of his love for Lily are not something I see as useless, they’re pretty heroic but it doesn’t matter because that’s not what my character analysis is about.
What I try to bring to light (and what you sincerely lost in the reading) is that there is no Redemption Arc for a fascist unless they are no longer fascist at all, and even so, there is some degree of immorality in portraying them as redeemable at all. But if you’re gonna attempt it, you need to be responsible and actually redeem them, ideology and all.
We’re talking about a book, a narrative that will be read by thousands of people, that will be example and insidiously have an effect on how people see the world. Condoning fascist ideology because they don’t persecute *this specific vulnerable minority* anymore (ignore that they do persecute others btw) and did some heroic things for the “good side” because they felt wronged by the “bad side” and not really for basic human decency is not impressive. Or worthy of praise.
Or basis for admiration.
And as for your account on “In any real-world war, he would not only have been honored and considered a national hero—he’d have a hundred movies and documentaries made about him. He’d be an icon.” – so do countless others who are not even remotely deserving of any kind of admiration or having their memories preserved in that sense.
I should know, the number of novellas and documentaries and songs and History lesson materials and street names in my city alone that are homages to “national heroes” that “helped” the poor people or some other minority while massacring indigenous peoples, selling out our land to big corporations and the agribusiness, censored and persecuted artists and journalists in their time, and so on are actually crazy in Brazil.
National heroes are only national heroes because they serve the political narrative our system needs them to serve, darling, otherwise, they are forgotten and even villainized, make no mistake of that.
“Politically, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to call a working-class boy a fascist when he ends up in a nest of far-right extremists simply because they’re the only ones who treat him well”
Interesting that you should mention Snape as a working-class boy – like class traitors don’t exist? Granted, the expression is mostly used to define cops but that’s no different, although I would call it a bit hypocritical of you to use Snape’s class to defend him when you accuse (rightfully so, of course) Rowling of not portraying well the economical part of fascism.
And “the only ones who treat him well”? Really? Lily apparently doesn’t exist in your reality. Or better yet, you’ll tell me she’s not a good friend and didn’t treat him well enough and all the misogynistic gross and stupid points snape apologists make when you’re scrambling to save your fave? Please, if that is it, spare me.
Oh, and by the way, the part you didn’t read at all on my very thorough analysis:
“The truth is, even with all the undeniable good Snape did as he worked as a spy, he was a Death Eater for his conviction, and at the end of the day it doesn’t matter why he chose to become one.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter that he was neglected and abused by his parents, or that he was bullied in school, or that his crush didn’t reciprocate his feelings: he still became a Death Eater, he chose to become one. And that is unforgivable. It is unforgivable because it means he supported and actively worked for a system of thinking that ridiculed, persecuted, tortured, and murdered hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people. He advocated for a political view that has no regard for human life, that perpetuates the abuse he suffered firsthand — just in a slightly different direction. He didn’t just not break his cycle of abuse, he actively perpetuated it. Advocated for it.
And don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying here that the abuse Snape went through isn’t important at all: there is definitely something to be said about the preying of supremacist groups for young isolated men who feel left out and emasculated. But that doesn’t mean Snape gets to be absolved for his own choices because that’s what they were: his choices. He chose to become a Death Eater, he chose to uphold the cycles of abuse he had been a victim to not long before, he chose to protect it even in the face of people — good people — telling him that it wasn’t a good thing.
That’s my point, actually: Snape may have been preyed upon by the blood supremacy ideology as a teen but at some point, he chose to be influenced by it more than by millions of other influences around him. He wasn’t completely isolated or ignorant of the world to the point that the only influence he could possibly choose was the blood supremacy one, no: he had people telling him the contrary and still chose to follow blood supremacy. So, no, it’s not forgivable that he chose to become a Death Eater because he did know better than that, his very friendship with Lily proved it.”
Oh, and let’s be very real here: “the rich, left-leaning aristocratic kids bully him for not meeting their social standards”
First of all, I brought the Marauders into my analysis as little as I could because I could destroy Snape’s character without even needing them. Now, if bullies like James and Sirius are actually better in their “social standards” (human decency is more like it, actually) as you so nicely put it, then I have no idea why you bother to defend Snape at all. I don’t have time, nor patience to explain that believing people are equal and deserve equal respect is the most basic thing you can do as a human being and if Severus doesn’t even manage that, his class or trauma has little to do with it, his character on the other hand...
Many people have trauma, as I already pointed out, and many people were lulled by fascist ideology but not all of them chose to give in to it. His choice is his responsibility, don’t ever deny that or fool yourself into thinking it’s some kind of forced brainwashing. It isn’t, and even if it is, it doesn’t matter as much as the fact that he’s an adult who should know better than to condemn people to die or think less of them because of things they cannot control.
And even entertaining you're crazy notion that Snape's not actually a fascist (he is) it doesn't really matter if he believes it if he joins a group that advocates for it.
Plus, you should really start thinking about what kind of idiotic ideology you tolerate just because of “trauma”. Fuck him and his trauma, I couldn’t care less if Snape was bullied because he lacks human decency because the truth, so eloquently put by my fellow countryman, is that “a fascist’s hat is a hammer; all suffering is not enough; and the swastika has to be hit until it turns into a pinwheel.” And by lovely miss Lyudmila Pavlichenk: “Not men, fascists.”
And yes, I think anyone left-leaning is better than anyone in the far-right any time of the day, not really sorry if I actually understand politics and how important it is to preserve the lives of people in a system that is designed to leave them in an indecent condition. A system that Snape fought to preserve ideologically and politically for the earlier years of his life without so much of a written recognition of the real garbage it all is.
Plus, let’s be very clear again, I wasn’t talking at all about the Marauders when I criticized Snape. You brought them into the discussion, not me. I could very well cite other characters who are not as terrible as Snape or bullies like teenager James and Sirius (and I’m gonna ignore that you included Peter and Remus into the ‘aristocratic’ and ‘rich’ context because I don’t think even a Snape apologist would be that idiotic although your hashtags beg for me to think otherwise), and still manage some fucking human decency despite their traumas.
Garbage is that you think, at fucking 28 years old, that fascist ideology is somehow tolerable, or that the legalities of some situation actually account for something other than the political structure of the system, or that admiration equals the deserving of it. Bullshit is you thinking that you can actually beat me on technicalities and that you believe advocating for tolerance over the intolerable is somehow admirable, is to be naïve enough to think the legal system doesn’t obey a political agenda and therefore benefits whoever is on the winning side, which to Snape was both during the two times he was a spy.
He was the one who had nothing to lose, darling. He had no family, no one that he cared about, no one who could even stand him, no one who would mourn him - all through his own merit by the way. And to be honest, no one to pity him either. It's pathetic that that is the truth because he chose so, that the only thing that "saves" him are a few memories of an abusive friendship.
He was nothing to be admired and never evolved as a human being. He gave himself to a cause that kept him commode most of the time and acted only out of the fact that he was wronged by the other side. The fact that if it had been Neville who was chosen he would never have turned is shameful as a human being, the fact that he only kept his students alive but never really took into account their wellbeing is shameful as a professor, the fact that he hated Harry because of all of it is childish and unbecoming for an adult, the fact that he bullied children is shameful as an adult.
And none of that was redeemed because he was a spy. He could be a spy and a fucking decent person. But he wasn’t, and he wasn’t by choice, so fuck him.
And, to end with this tiresome and, honestly, easy as fuck to refute, tirade of useless arguments, “What I’m saying is that I don’t give a damn about moral niceties.” – Clearly. Just as clear as your ignorance of what “moral niceties” really mean in this context.
PS: look, 22 pages now! I’m expecting more to be added…
PS2: Tbh, you'd think this person thinks the only people to ever fight Voldemort were the Marauders for all they seem to argue
PS3: This person really confirms everything I know about the relativism of European people for dangerous and prejudiced political views.
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maxdibert · 6 months ago
If James bullied Severus because the latter knew a lot or liked dark magic, then why didn’t he also target the wealthy pure-bloods from important families? Instead, he conveniently chose a poor half-blood boy with no financial resources or family support as the main target of his taunts and abuse.
James hated dark magic, but rather than torment all the future dark wizards who were already showing signs of what they would become, he decided to go after someone who couldn’t defend himself socially or economically. James didn’t go after the boys with money and strong family support because he knew that would have consequences. Bullying someone with present, well-resourced, and influential parents could cause him problems. With Severus, he didn’t have to worry. He was a nobody. Just a poor half-Muggle kid who couldn’t even afford decent clothes. He was the easy prey, and that’s basic bully behavior: you go after the person you perceive as the most vulnerable. The dark magic excuse is just that—an excuse. James targeted Severus because his social and economic position allowed it, while Severus’ situation made it so there were no consequences for James’ actions.
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glacierberries · 2 days ago
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but not severus snape. you'd excuse a grown man masquerading as a teacher to lead a child to his death, but not the man risking his life to protect that child to atone for his past mistakes. fuck y'all
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rewritingcanon · 2 years ago
snape apologists: omg poor baby boy he never did anything wrong he’s had a rough childhood but he was always a sweetheart like hes a total victim! a victim!!! hes never done anything to warrant what he got and he deserves sm better than that absolute *insert any misogynistic term here* lily he totally didn’t deserve what SHE did to him 😢😢
canon snape, literally making whole ass spells that torture his enemies and being an overall sassy feral shit who also happens to be part of a gang of terrorists:
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timdrakemybeloved · 2 years ago
Snape makes me so fucking mad holy fuck, I’m incapable of thinking of him positively. I don’t even like Draco and I think of him 10x more positively than I think of Snape.
What kind of person gets bullied as a child and then grows up and bullies the child of his bully like that makes him way worse than James (btw I love James and I fully believe he matured and grew up and is a good person who deserved more than for Snape to tell a literal Nazi terrorist to kill him and his infant son but to leave his wife alive). Snape had way more power over the kids he taught than James did over him and what did he do with it?
He made fun of their appearance and scared them to the point that he was Neville’s boggart (which when you think about it is so awful because 1, Neville’s parents got tortured into insanity and I’m pretty sure he was there, and his boggart probably should have been Bellatrix or his uncle even, and 2, he did it because Neville was the other possible prophecy child and Snape was upset that Voldie didn’t pick him to kill when HE GAVE HIM THE PROPHECY IN THE FIRST PLACE).
He said shitty things about Harry’s dead parents and orphan-hood, was glaring at Harry literally right off the bat so don’t say it was because he got into trouble a lot, asked him questions he couldn’t possibly know, told Draco to summon a serpent during duelling club??? How irresponsible is that???
Literally lied to the minister just to get Sirius killed, which atp is ridiculous (I think Sirius was dumb as fuck, careless, possibly malicious, to tell snape where to go to find moony, but snape literally already suspected that Remus was a werewolf so idk what the fuck he thought was gonna happen if he found him during the full moon, and calling it a murder attempt is a stretch), like grow up please this man was in Azkaban for 12 years which is a hugely disproportionate punishment for anything he did do to you, and the reason he was there in the first place was literally fraudulent, which he knew and he lied anyway.
And honestly the Legilimancy lessons were fucking joke, who looks through an abused kids memories and makes fun of both the abuse and the few good memories he has?? And then he’s surprised that Harry tried to equal the playing field between them?? Snape had way more power than Harry did, and obviously it wasn’t the best thing to do to a person but yk what I’m not going to judge Harry’s actions, Snape was abusive and the victim isn’t to blame for their reactions to their abuser.
And he threw Harry across the room for seeing his memories?? Abuse. To be honest even seeing the memory about James being a bully felt like JKR trying to make shit up as fast as possible to make Snape seem more redeemable, which apparently worked for some people who think abusing kids is okay as long as you have a tragic backstory and an abusive parent. And it actually makes me really mad that he thought Harry was treated like a prince so decided to treat him like shit so he wouldn’t get any ideas about having self esteem or confidence, then found out that he was abused and then just did nothing and tbh treated him worse. And the lessons themselves were actually painful to Harry?? They definitely made his mind more vulnerable, he had more nightmares.
And let’s not forget that he joined a Nazi group that wanted to exterminate people like his best friend, called his best friend a slur, viewed Lily as an exception to the other muggleborns, and invented sectumsempura for his enemies IN SCHOOL which means the Maurauders.
And it makes me sick that he looked in a room with a crying baby whose parents just got murdered, his mom right in front of him, and a dead woman who was killed by his Nazi leader like directly because of his actions, and then he ignored the baby and went to hug the woman’s dead body. Like if I was Lily, I wouldn’t want him near either my body or my child, but if he was my only option, then he better be fucking taking care of my living son. Like she rejected him his weird obsession for her freaks me tf out.
And I get that without Snape asking for Lily to be spared, Voldemort wouldn’t have asked Lily to stand aside and the blood protection wouldn’t have been activated, but literally once good thing happening because of a tragedy he caused doesn’t make him a good person.
Anyway. Think I got it out of my system for now. Fuck Snape. :)
Edit: Just to be clear, I actually find his character really compelling, even though I dislike him and his actions. And of course I’m not saying no one can like Snape.
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exy-pipe-dream · 2 years ago
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if he’s got a million haters, i’m #1.
if he’s got one hater, it’s me.
if he’s got no haters, i’m dead.
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the-muppet-joker · 9 months ago
Greetings, Homosapians.
My name? Heh. Don't be so coy.
Kermit. Croaker. Joker. Clown Prince of Crime. Bro Strider. The Original Adam. Vriska Serket. I am a man of many names, so keep up unless you want to be schooled by myself or my league of dedicated followers. Mess with Croaker Nation if you dare. Don't ask me about my Pro Nouns unless you want me to roll my eyes at you and kick you. HARD. I train my kicks for hours every day, so bones WILL be broken.
Other Kermit/Joker kintypes
People who frequently post about Dennys (I have Dennys trauma. Genuinely fuck all of you Dennys enjoyers! Toxic.)
Anyone who kins Gonzo or Batman. Fuck you, Batsy... *voice drops to a low growl* And double fuck you, Gonzo.
Protestants. (Self Explanatory)
Klance shippers-- annoying.
Brennan Lee Mulligan apologists.
People under 21, just a personal preference, please respect it
Anyone who engages with Harry Potter-- fuck terfs and fuck JKR!
Snape apologists
Anyone who violates my previous DNI. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND RESPECT MY BOUNDARIES. It is not my job to do emotional labor for you and tell you what those boundaries are. Be respectful and figure it out.
One exception to my previous DNI, however: Women may interact with my blog. You see, I have been reading a webcomic called Homestuck and awakened a Vriska kintype in the process. It has made me realize how close minded I have been and that hating an entire gender based on shallow stereotypes is reductive and harmful.
Men DNI. I am an advocate for the feminist movement and have made it my sworn duty to destroy those who oppose it.
Good Omens fans. Y'all are annoying.
Tumblr user Strange Aeons. DO NOT INTERACT or I will get you with my sword. Consider yourself warned.
As for those of you who are afraid of seeing what real darkness and depravity looks like? Heh........
Run While You Can.
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s-lorelei · 1 month ago
Also funny that James Potter apologists always say "he grew up" and "he changed" to justify that he was a good person and had a heart of gold.
No, besties. He fucking died.
Yes, it was noble to die for his wife and child, that's why he was in Gryffindor.
But we have to look at this from the perspective of someone younger than 20 (much younger in the case of the marauders fandom since the fans are mainly under 15). And five years seems like a huge amount of time to a 15yo, but it isn't.
I'm 21. Similar in age to James and Lily when they died. And I still get bullied by my old middle/high school bully whenever she sees me (it's a small town don't judge mee 😭😭). She's 21. She has maintained her crude bullying habits for 9 years (she bullied me from the moment she met me in 7th grade)
So no, it's likely James was still a rude, classist bigot and he kept that from Lily (we have proof that he lied and hid that he was still hexxing and jinxing Snape behind her back) so he wouldn’t leave her.
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hp-confessions · 8 months ago
Seeing Snape and marauders fans argue all the time is like the live reenactment of the characters in a nutshell.
Both will continue arguing over their takes on that era and how their sides are the better choice. However, no one, or at least most of each community refuses to listen to each other. Instead they keep arguing as if it’s going to solve things.
Usually it’s always just reduced to petty insults.
“Snape deserved to get bullied” On a snape slander post.
“stan bambi” on any and EVERYpositive tt centered around snape.
“She should’ve gotten with snape anyways” on a jily post.
The same thing happens in the book. Insert the name calling.
Then there’s the apologists/victim blamers.
“Snape didn’t do anything wrong. he was right to bully children.”
Just because snapes life sucked doesn’t mean he’s just allowed to take it out on others?
“They were just fifteen.”
Unclothing someone, the shrieking shack incident , and probably having multiple 4v1 isn’t justifiable by any means.
“they matured”
Seeing as sirius still calls snape snivilous at his grown age, snape taking any moment he can to slander any of them, or just remus brushing things under the rug id say that yeah no the fuck they didn’t.
“snape saying mudblood was an accident”
He still said it.
“Shrieking shack was an accident”
Remus got exposed and Snape could’vedied.
“We dont know if they completely took off his underwear so it’s not that-“
exactly. we don’t. yet a lot of evidence points towards it but wtv. either way he still took his pants off. That’s assault.
“His father and the rest nearly killed me and tormented me for seven straight years.”
yes, and that’s bad ofc but that doesn’t excuse snape continuing the cycle and doing the same to his students.
”He was a slytherin! He wasn’t a good person!”
pretty sure a first year wasn’t showing any signs of being death eater material but alright..
then there’s the demonizers….😟
“Snapes a pedo because if harry was a girl he’d be creepy towards harry”
WHAT THE FUCK🤢🤮 NO HES NOT OH MY GOD..😨😭 Genuinley what goes through your mind when you think that.. Snaoe would probably still act hateful or if anything he’d absolutelyavoid fem!harry because in this hypothetical situation she was similar to lily. Not because he’s a pedophile but because of TRAUMA????? HELLO???? Seeing ur bully is one thing but seeing ur dead ex bff is another.. just. because. you. think. he. liked. her. mother. does. not. mean. he’s. going. to. become. a. kid. liker. for. her. daughter. just because harry’s a gender bend doesn’t mean snapes going to transform into a creep. how did you even get that from SNAPE of all people. SNAPE. If you haven’t gotten the memo bro DESPIES no he LOATHES the existence of children. he’d be the last person to be a pdo. Yes he does care for them obviously, but in a way of where if a pedo was idk being creepy with a child bro would 🪄💥🧨🔪🧠 off that pedo…
“Sirius tried to murder snape”
….no…he didn’t. if i recalled sirius was not guilty gor murder charges regarding a rat.. like i said earlier, the shrieking shack incident wasnt okay in the slightest but that doesn’t mean it was purposeful attempted murder. they were stupid (no this also doesn’t justify their actions) and thought it’d scare him and obviously didn’t think their little prank through. they weren’t trying to murder him they were just being assholes. i don’t see sirius using remus to kill, ever. a highly dangerous prank apparently? yeah? murder? no,
“____/____ didn’t contribute at all”
Snape, sirius, and remus literally threw away his life to save harry. not pettigrew tho he’s a little bitch rat i hate pettigrew!!!!!!!👺👺
Anyways, to summarize, everyone’s arguing yet never actually trying to achieve anything but submission when that’s quite literally impossible to accomplish. And that’s because no one’s willing to find a common ground and no one wants to actually create logical arguments. Petty insults and cursed theoretical nonsense isn’t going to solve the argument.
Many Snape fans ignore or straight up defend him bullying students and refuse to acknowledge he was in the wrong.
Many marauders fans ignore or straight up defend the bullying and refuse to acknowledge they were in the wrong.
Snape will refuse to back down from Sirius and Lupin and will continue behaving the way he does.
Sirius and Remus will refuse to back down from snape and continue to do the same things they did as schoolboys.
Real or fantasy, this is something that will never be resolved. maybe because no one cares enough to fix it? maybe because they care too much?
either way i guess it’d be nice to say i like snape and not immediately stereotyped as a snape apologist or get made fun of by it from friends. Im not stupid and if anything i like that he’s morally grey. i don’t support his actions, but i like to see characters with faults and put together why they ended up that way. his home life and other (non bullying) aspects of him are relatable and that’s another reason i like him.
i guess it’d be nice to talk to marauders fans and let them yap abt fanfics and for them not to think that i’m going to instantly call them horrible people for liking the marauders. I may not be in the m fandom but that doesn’t mean i won’t be respectful and gen listen to them. i’m sure that marauders fans like relate to the non bullying aspects aswell.
anyways yeah, i kinda just wished the fandom was a little more chill and not a fucking dumpster fire💀💀
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licorice-and-rum · 21 days ago
don't have an opinion the snape worshippers will chew u alive. its embarrassing as it is that a bunch of adults with jobs are backbitching like a bitter stoned group of mean girls that too about a minor ew. don't fall for their trap
Haha I know, don't worry, I won't engage
The problem with what James did to Snape being thrown around like SA is that this shocks people enough for them not to think about it anymore or be scared of saying anything on the matter by fear they'll be labeled. It's a scare tactic.
With this argument, you can say Harry SA'd Ron when he used levicorpus because Ron's shirt probably ran down because of gravity! It was heavy bullying, I won't deny it, but it's insane to label it as SA.
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maxdibert · 6 months ago
Marauders fans who try to whitewash the actions of James Potter and Sirius Black or excuse them with the pretext that Snape joined the Death Eaters, I have news for you: you’re a bunch of classist idiots, and you don’t even realize it because you’ve never bothered to open a damn book to read about how capital and power work and how they are connected.
Was Severus Snape a racist? No, because believe it or not, there are many reasons to join an extremist group, and when we talk about vulnerable youths, ideology is often the last motive. Severus joined the Death Eaters because he wanted protection, he wanted to fit in somewhere, he wanted power. That need for protection stemmed from coming from a home filled with violence, but also from being systematically bullied at school without any consequences. In fact, not even the attempt to murder him had consequences. His life meant nothing, while his abusers—those rich, popular, and handsome kids (economic capital, social capital, physical capital)—did whatever they wanted without facing consequences. He was poor, friendless, and ugly, so he had no power, he was nothing. The only way to become something, to gain status and defend himself, was to do what other people with capital told him to do, those people he met at his house who didn’t treat him like an outcast. They promised that if he joined their group, he too could win, he could have power, he could be part of something—and he accepted. And he accepted because people like him only know how to do one thing: survive. A poor kid raised in violence is a survivor, and survivors do whatever it takes to stay alive. And they do ANYTHING to stay alive. Severus learned this from a young age, and that’s what he did as a teenager; that’s why he created spells to defend himself and why he made decisions to survive. Were they the right choices morally and ethically? If we ask ourselves this from the comfort and stability of a structured life, probably not, but that wouldn’t be fair, because his reality was very different.
It’s very easy to make the right choices when you have everything going for you. It’s very easy to surround yourself with the right people when you’ve had nothing but good influences around you. It’s very easy to have the right views when that’s all you have to think about and not whether you’ll have food the next day or survive a beating. James Potter had it incredibly easy in life, and even then, he chose to torture a poorer and more vulnerable kid simply because he could. And he didn’t do it alone; he did it supported by his friends, outnumbering him. Potter didn’t have to survive, he didn’t have to fend for himself, he didn’t have to find safe spaces because he was born surrounded by gold and affection, and still, he chose to be a jerk. And he did it because he had the money and the social position to do it. He did it because he was rich and Snape was poor, because he had loving parents and Snape didn’t, because he was a spoiled, classist brat. And so was Sirius. Sirius was classist and violent, and he enjoyed the suffering of others. He had the usual sadism of the Black family, except he changed the discourse about blood. But Sirius also never had to survive. He left his home with a millionaire inheritance from his uncle and was taken in by other millionaires, the Potters. He never had to fend for himself or survive anything, and he never knew what it was like to truly escape from hell with absolutely nothing. And he chose, like his other rich friend, to take advantage of his privileges.
Defending the abuse of power based on class advantage is classist. Not considering someone’s socio-economic conditions when evaluating their decisions is classist. Comparing the decision-making power of someone rich with that of someone who has nothing is classist. Judging the ethics of a person who had everything with someone who has feared for their life since childhood is classist.
And yes, defending the Marauders is classist as hell, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
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noblehouseofgay · 7 months ago
HIHI HELLO i see u've asked for asks and so i shall ask :] (i wrote a lot so OBVIOUSLY u dont need to answer all of them if u dont want to)
i cannot think up proper fully fledged questions so
tea party with the marauders OR with the skittles OR with the valkyries (i think thats what they're called?)
take arithmancy OR ancient runes classes
take divination OR astronomy classes
beat up snape OR give a character of your choice a hug
sirius in moony's sweater OR remus in sirius' leather jacket
the rosier twins with dreadlocks OR without
jily/flowerpott OR jegulily OR marylily OR pandalily OR marypandalily (yes ik its a lot of options im sorry 😭 basically just which lily ship)
partyvan OR rosestarkiller OR jegulily (as crack treated seriously)
barty's patronus/animagus being a raccoon OR a hyena :0
sirus being genderfluid OR identifying as a guy but loving to express his femininity (especially thru his clothing and hair)
WHICH IS MORE CANON (not literally bc yk):
the fact that james wore red converse OR that moony wore doc martens OR that sirius wore leather jackets
the fact that sirius stole remus' sweaters or that reggie stole james' shirts
the fact that marlene thought effie was hot OR that reg thought monty was hot
autistic regulus OR adhd james OR bipolar sirius
lily only being friends with snape at the very beginning of first year before realising he's a bigot and ending their friendship OR lily being a snape apologist all the way up until year 5 (?) and trying to ignore the fact that he's racist until she can't anymore and becomes his Biggest Hater TM
Fuck yes this'll get me thinking
1 tea with the skittles for sure. I'm the most like them, plus tea with pandora sounds amazing
2 ancient runes
3 astronomy!!! I genuinely love astronomy, plus the astronomy tower is my favorite
4 hug!! I need a hug from james. So fufkign bad. We both need it anyway
1 siriis stealing moonys sweaters <33
2 I can go either way with the twins hair but I do love them with dreads. I think pandora is constantly changing her hair, you never see it the same way twice
3 pandalily!!! Ugh I'm obsessed with them rn. Genuinely they're so special to me. Etherreal gfs. I do enjoy marylily and marpanlily too tho
4 hehe I love his patronus being a raccoon. Tho hyena is such a fucking good one. But I love his being a raccoon and evans is a possum bc they kinda match
5 both! Genderfluid sirius my beloved, but in the way they he does not give a shit. Bitch wears whatever tf they want all the time. But if someone sees him just as a dude that's perfectly fine. I just think sirius would hate being restricted in how they express himself
1 obviously leather jackets but I looove the red converse
2 Reggie stealing james shirts. You give me anything jegulus and I'll pick it <333
3 HA ok marlene definitely wanted to fuck effie. All james friends had a crush on his parents you cant change my mind
4 autistic reg my beloved
5 I think she really really tried to see the good in him, but he just kept getting worse and worse ans she decided it was b3tter for herself to leave
TYSM FOR THIS genuinely making my time stuck in the airport better <333
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albi-bumblebee · 8 months ago
Intro Post
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Hello! Welcome to my blog
Some Stuff about me:
I go by the names Oli and Miles(and also Leander sometimes but shhh)
I use they/he/xe pronound
I’m Bisexual and Aspec, also, technically genderfluid(genderfaunet microlabel-wise) but a guy most of the time
Here’s the Link to My Pinterest: https://pin.it/7qGXe5ySM
(I have a general HP board, a Marauders Era Board, a Black sister’s time at school/Hogwarts during the ‘60s board, Character Boards for Sirius, Lily, Dumbledore, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and a general Black family board for members older than the Black sisters. Also boards for other fandoms but I don’t think my followers would be too interested in those.)
I also have sideblogs
@mostly-minecraft-zvahl is where I put most of my non-fandom posts and non-Harry Potter fandom posts. The main fandom I am in there is Aphmau(as evidenced by the name) but I reblog a lot of other fandoms too
@my-tears-ricochet5 for (mostly Taylor Swift themed)music posting
My original posts are all tagged #og and I mostly post about Harry Potter(Anti JKR)(I am literally transgender). I will sometimes reblog posts from other fandoms
My art is tagged #my art, obviously
I have a cat named Gracie and she is a silly goober, you may see photos of her on here tagged #gracie the cat
Heres the link to my Ao3
The only WIP I’m currently trying to update is Time Rewound, a next gen time travels to Grimmauld Place fic(there is Scorbus but it’s minor)
I mostly write ficlets/microfics about Sirius Black
less important stuff(my main ships and fandom opinions, and my userboxes) under the cut
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A little bit about my fandom opinions and ships
Sirius is my favorite character
I’m a stan of Albus Dumbledore
I am a big fan of the seven books(I do in fact love HP canon), but I’m not a canon purist who thinks you shouldn’t HC characters as queer, or that femme/not a cis man Sirius is always bio-essentialist, or that it’s inherently misogynistic to prefer an m/m ship over an m/f ship
I’m a chronic multishipper, but I mostly post and write about Prongsfoot
I also ship Remadora and pretty much all of the canon ships as well
I hate adult Snape(I find him annoying) but acknowledge that he redeemed himself, and I’m chill with child/teenage Snape
I’m not really a fan of the popular Marauders fanon
Peter Pettigrew is my babygirl✨🐀
I think the Marauders were bullies but I love them anyway
I prefer Evans sisters angst over Black brothers angst
Ron is my favorite Weasley
I’m a Percy apologist
I think Hermione was done dirty by the later books in the series, and not because she ended up with Ron
I love Harry whump
Okay we’re done
Goodbye, thanks for reading
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redwinesupercvnt · 1 year ago
are you a marauders fan desperate for like minded friends?? luckily for you me and some friends online have a marauders groupchat (on whatsapp) and could use new members!!
you get a cool nickname based off of who you kin (imo the best part!!)
new friends around the globe (most of us are from the UK but we have 2 americans including me and there's a girl from new zealand)
i know i already said the friends thing but really it is so cool meeting everyone and making lifelong friendships
we're accepting of all people! the vast majority of us are queer ourselves and we will always use your preferred pronouns/terms
you can talk about litteraly anything!! romance troubles to fic recs to boring homework we'll be there to talk
my cat is like the chat pet and you WILL be spammed with amazing pictures of my wonderful perfect kitty (plus other extremely cute animals like one of us has an axolotl how fucking cool is that??)
literally nothing we have a blast soooooo why not join
sometimes we get into arguments but if you try to stay out of it they're super entertaining trust me
"how can i join such an amazing gc with amazing people" i hear you asking..
just message me!! i'll ask a few questions or wtv and if everything goes well you'll be added!
just a few requirements:
must be 13-15 years old (some exceptions ig for a few months)
must be a real marauders fan like we mostly talk ab other stuff but still please dont be a fake fan lmao
must like regulus black/not have extreme hatred for him (or any of the other slytherin skittles)
dni if you're racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc, etc
i cant wait to meet new people <3
i reached the tag limit on this post i didnt even know that existed
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impishtubist · 1 year ago
Some posts talking about Sirius and Remus:
Remus was a flawed character. He was soooo grateful to dumbledore, and never dared to bother anyone ever with his own problems, and deeply loved his friends even after they treated him like trash, poor and disabled, and that's why we love him!
Sirius was an asshole who never grew past his teens and caused the death of everyone, and tried to use his friend as amusement and a murder weapon, while also abusing his house elf
Yes these are comparable and fair in my mind
Yeah, my least favorite Sirius take is that he's reckless and irresponsible. It's brought up in canon by Molly and Hermione (Hermione even uses it to try to justify his death!), but the most heartbreaking one for me (and probably why this fanon exists, tbh) is where Harry thinks he's as reckless a godfather to Teddy as Sirius was to him. And we all KNOW Sirius wasn't reckless and irresponsible, but of course that's how Harry sees it, because he's grieving and hurt that Sirius left him.
Another Sirius take I hate is that he never matured beyond 21, and Remus is SO mature and wise compared to him. That is not supported at all by canon. Who wrote to Harry diligently throughout GOF and gave him advice? Who told him NOT to do reckless things like going into the Forest? Who lived in a cave and ate rats just to be near Harry? Who had the wisest advice and insight re: Karkaroff and Snape and Dumbledore and Fudge and Crouch?
Sirius had to grow up real fucking fast as a teenager living in an abusive household, and then again as a young adult fighting a war. Being stuck in wizard torture prison for 12 years does NOT mean that his maturity got stunted, omg. That's just a lie the Remus apologists like to perpetuate bc it makes their poor innocent long-suffering blorbo look better by comparison.
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mugglebornmenace · 9 months ago
I am SICK of Snape - Apologists.
I could talk for HOURS about all the vile shit he did in canon.
People need to understand that canon and fanon are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!!!
I hate Canon Snape, Fanon Snape can be great, depending on the author.
But all that "he proved to be a good person in the end" bullshit is just that, BULLSHIT!!!!!!
FUCK that guy who bullied and harassed literal children & the only good he ever did he did out if guilt because he got the girl he loved killed.
Evil people are capable of love, but they are still evil.
"Boohoo he was bullied" tons of people have a shotty childhood without becoming a cunt like Snivelus.
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