#anti snape apologists
timdrakemybeloved · 1 year
Snape makes me so fucking mad holy fuck, I’m incapable of thinking of him positively. I don’t even like Draco and I think of him 10x more positively than I think of Snape.
What kind of person gets bullied as a child and then grows up and bullies the child of his bully like that makes him way worse than James (btw I love James and I fully believe he matured and grew up and is a good person who deserved more than for Snape to tell a literal Nazi terrorist to kill him and his infant son but to leave his wife alive). Snape had way more power over the kids he taught than James did over him and what did he do with it?
He made fun of their appearance and scared them to the point that he was Neville’s boggart (which when you think about it is so awful because 1, Neville’s parents got tortured into insanity and I’m pretty sure he was there, and his boggart probably should have been Bellatrix or his uncle even, and 2, he did it because Neville was the other possible prophecy child and Snape was upset that Voldie didn’t pick him to kill when HE GAVE HIM THE PROPHECY IN THE FIRST PLACE).
He said shitty things about Harry’s dead parents and orphan-hood, was glaring at Harry literally right off the bat so don’t say it was because he got into trouble a lot, asked him questions he couldn’t possibly know, told Draco to summon a serpent during duelling club??? How irresponsible is that???
Literally lied to the minister just to get Sirius killed, which atp is ridiculous (I think Sirius was dumb as fuck, careless, possibly malicious, to tell snape where to go to find moony, but snape literally already suspected that Remus was a werewolf so idk what the fuck he thought was gonna happen if he found him during the full moon, and calling it a murder attempt is a stretch), like grow up please this man was in Azkaban for 12 years which is a hugely disproportionate punishment for anything he did do to you, and the reason he was there in the first place was literally fraudulent, which he knew and he lied anyway.
And honestly the Legilimancy lessons were fucking joke, who looks through an abused kids memories and makes fun of both the abuse and the few good memories he has?? And then he’s surprised that Harry tried to equal the playing field between them?? Snape had way more power than Harry did, and obviously it wasn’t the best thing to do to a person but yk what I’m not going to judge Harry’s actions, Snape was abusive and the victim isn’t to blame for their reactions to their abuser.
And he threw Harry across the room for seeing his memories?? Abuse. To be honest even seeing the memory about James being a bully felt like JKR trying to make shit up as fast as possible to make Snape seem more redeemable, which apparently worked for some people who think abusing kids is okay as long as you have a tragic backstory and an abusive parent. And it actually makes me really mad that he thought Harry was treated like a prince so decided to treat him like shit so he wouldn’t get any ideas about having self esteem or confidence, then found out that he was abused and then just did nothing and tbh treated him worse. And the lessons themselves were actually painful to Harry?? They definitely made his mind more vulnerable, he had more nightmares.
And let’s not forget that he joined a Nazi group that wanted to exterminate people like his best friend, called his best friend a slur, viewed Lily as an exception to the other muggleborns, and invented sectumsempura for his enemies IN SCHOOL which means the Maurauders.
And it makes me sick that he looked in a room with a crying baby whose parents just got murdered, his mom right in front of him, and a dead woman who was killed by his Nazi leader like directly because of his actions, and then he ignored the baby and went to hug the woman’s dead body. Like if I was Lily, I wouldn’t want him near either my body or my child, but if he was my only option, then he better be fucking taking care of my living son. Like she rejected him his weird obsession for her freaks me tf out.
And I get that without Snape asking for Lily to be spared, Voldemort wouldn’t have asked Lily to stand aside and the blood protection wouldn’t have been activated, but literally once good thing happening because of a tragedy he caused doesn’t make him a good person.
Anyway. Think I got it out of my system for now. Fuck Snape. :)
Edit: Just to be clear, I actually find his character really compelling, even though I dislike him and his actions. And of course I’m not saying no one can like Snape.
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khr-guilded-cage · 3 months
Blogs that hate awful characteres that most of the fandom love and stan after are always my favorites
And yes, even if I don't agree with them
Still love such a different view
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Me when I remember that Snape would’ve not only been much happier in life but would have so many less tiring debates about him if he had just remained a loyal Death Eater instead of defecting and sacrificing himself for a world that hated him while getting nothing in return:
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I noticed a disturbing amount of snape lovers liking/reblogging my latest albus dumbledore post and while I appreciate the engagement I just wanna clarify that I hate this man with every fibre of my being and it feels so weird having snape apologists reblog my stuff, even if it's not about him. It's also worrying how many of the albus dumbledore stans are also apparently pro snape? Like can we please find the overlap of dumbledore lovers and snape haters? 😭
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derangedbookworm · 5 months
dumbledore and snape were good peo- *LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER*
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scaryspears · 2 years
Sirius black gets thrown into jail for 13 years, James and Lily die, Remus has to live a tough life.
Me: Ya'll deserved that.
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
The weird thing about this website is so many people who get really high and mighty about how they’d never stan fictional villains who commit fictional atrocities are the same ones who end up stanning real atrocity committing dictators like Putin a few years later. Like it’s really funny to see blogs that would performatively get angry at someone for being a Snape fan 2 years ago are often now Stalin fandom tankies.
And honestly I was thinking about this and I’m not sure these things are unconnected. Making yourself resistant to radicalization means recognizing how it works and also that it could work on you. And it crucially means recognizing the difference between someone having a fun and engaging personality vs. them having good political goals and policies.
I think people who can recognize that a fictional character is fun as a character to watch because they’re charismatic, silly, hot, etc. but also recognize that they did horrible things is thus going to be similarly better equipped to do that same calculus with real people.
Whereas a lot of “antis” have this idea that they’re inherently morally superior and even just learning *about* bad things will somehow taint that. And also they don’t have to worry because they’re too moral to ever be tempted anyway.
The easiest way to be a target for this stuff is to decide it’ll just never happen to you, so you refuse to even consider the possibility as it is happening. And there are clearly a lot of people being radicalized now by playing into their perception of themselves as more progressive and virtuous than anyone else.
(But seriously this isn’t just a hypothetical, a whole bunch of the current big Tumblr tankies like h3ritageosts have long histories of being sanctimonious moralists toward fandoms that stan the wrong characters or media or whatever. And now they’re stanning the Kim family and Putin and creating “Zionist blocklists” that are largely *anti*-Zionist/pro-Palestine bloggers who just happen to also be Jewish, and calling them “genocide apologists” while engaging in actual apologia themselves for other genocides.
Like, whatever stanning fictional villains is doing to me, at least it’s not that.)
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Guys wtf-
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Tell me why I just saw a post that said
"Since swm was his worst memory, that leads me to believe James didn't bully him that much"
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Omg being waterboarded and stripped in front of a crowd while being taunted, mocked, AND losing your best friend is your worst memory? That's not that bad, your bullying was probably over exaggerated!
It was described as RELENTLESS bullying...
Imagine hypothetically that this was domestic abuse we were talking about. "Being stripped and tortured was your worst memory of the abuse? The abuse couldn't have been that bad then"
Imma keep it a buck, Snape haters out themselves as abuse apologists very frequently. Even when they "stand up for the bullied students" it's only to feed their anti Snape narratives, then they ignore the abuse their faves inflicted on others. I'll die on this rock happily.
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dykeulous · 4 months
about me.
hello! i am apollo and i am aspiring to be an author and an activist someday. i come from a small, underdeveloped “post-socialist” country. i hope my blog will be helpful to everyone, and i try to be as open-minded on most topics as i can be. this is how i would describe myself:
i am a butch lesbian with heavy sex (& social) dysphoria. i would refer to myself as transmasc, and i am still very much trans-identified, as dysphoria has caused me much trouble over my formative years, and it has been making my life a true agonizing hell :)). i approach trans issues with sensitivity and criticism. i try my best not to be black-and-white about things; and i always try to be well-informed before speaking on anything. i love gender acceleration, and i would describe my views as gender critical. i am explicitly anti-racist, anti-capitalist & anti-imperialist. my views align with marxist feminism/proletarian feminism & radical feminism– which is why i would describe myself as a dual system feminist. my analysis & beliefs come from dialectical materialism, rather than idealism, which is why i’ve found myself in opposition with most trans rights activists. i am for abolishing the prison system, and i believe rehabilitation should be the goal, rather than punishment. drug addicts & recovering addicts have a special place in my heart ❤️‍🩹. i’m not vegan, but i appreciate & love all my ecofeminist sisters: i try my best to be vocal about animal liberation & climate activism. i believe the bpd diagnosis is being hyper-sold to female people, and this is because of medical misogyny & institutional sexism– it is being used as new age female hysteria. oh, and i’m also autistic. i love autistic women, and i wholeheartedly want to smash medical misogyny whenever i see how my neurodivergent sisters are being treated. 🇵🇸 FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!!!
my special interest is gender abolition (i’m very very passionate about this!!!) and marxist politics. my current hyperfixations are harry potter (i’m a slytherin 🐍), greek mythology & mbti. i unironically use the word kinnie; my highest kins are severus snape, twilight sparkle and diane nguyen. i love punk rock music, and i love riot grrrl. ask me about ww2, i used to be very hyperfixated on it last year– i reviewed a lot of ww2-themed movies critically & pointed their historical revisionism out. i am a slavic patriot by heart, and will punch a westerner who chooses to ignore our beautiful history. tito, lenin, che guevara, rosa luxemburg apologist. also i’m very interested in soviet history (the night witches are so fascinating!!), north korean culture & cuban cuisine.
if you wish to block me, go ahead. if you don’t, cool. i don’t block people, i allow a wide range of people to interact, and quite frankly, i think dni lists are useless. won’t hold back if you’re going to attack me. will engage in respectful arguments, and also will engage in disrespectful arguments, with the same energy you give me.
links to some of the posts of mine i find quite useful for people who are going to hate-scroll through my blog, and also for people who are interested in radical feminism, but scared we’re a hate group.
1. My Thoughts on Intersex People, Transitioned Trans Women & Transitioned Trans Men, My Addition to a Trans-Positive Feminist’s Post, Are Trans Women Privileged?
2. Feminist Praxis & Tactics: Separatism VS Proletarian Feminism, My Personal Critique of Radical Feminism
3. Transmedicalists VS Queer Theorists
4. Listen to Dysphoric Voices
5. What is Gender?
6. The Word “Cis”
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
Romione Hot Take
So I have seen arguments from Dramione antis claiming that Dramione would only benefit Draco (re. Draco's redemption) and Hermione would just be a prop to Draco's redemption arc in an AU where Dramione was canon.
And I kind of agree? I do think Hermione could benefit somehow from the ship if I think hard enough but Dramione mainly benefits Draco when you look at it from a surface level.
But I would pose to Romione fans that this criticism applies to Romione too. But in the reverse: Romione benefits Hermione more than Ron.
Off the top of my head, I can recall various and numerous moments where Ron was very caring and protective of Hermione. Like Ron covering Hermione with a blanket (or something like that), Ron screaming when Hermione was being tortured by Bella, Ron praising Hermione for being brilliant, Ron showing concern when Draco hit her with the growing teeth jinx, defending her against Snape in book 3 etc. Of course, Ron has his jerk moments but the dude is a teenage boy. He learns from his mistakes and it's nothing to crucify him for.
I can't say the same for Hermione. When I think about Hermione's treatment of Ron, the first moments that come to mind are moments where she is dismissive, cold and belittling Ron. Nothing Ron has done can top Hermione's vicious canary attack and the way she shows absolutely no remorse for it (she even jokes she is tempted to do it again in book 7). Or when Hermione doubted Ron deserved to be prefect in book 5. Or the Scabber and Crookshanks' fiasco and Ron was the one who was made out to be the bad guy. Hermione does care for Ron in her own way, not saying she doesn't, but it's sickening how the narrative constantly vindicates her. And plus there are a few moments where she shows care for Ron that make her look bad because it involves hurting others. Like how she sabotaged Cormac in tryouts so Ron could be goalkeeper. This is not as romantic as it seems.
I can't believe I keep defending a ship I don't like. But I am tired of seeing Romione fans toss stones from their glass houses. Several criticisms they level at Dramione shippers (most of whom they blanket label as rape apologists and sexists) can be applied to their canon ship.
Romione is not the ultimate romance. I am sure that if Ron treated Hermione the way she treated him, people would have a different tune about this ship. Ron deserved better than Hermione. Ron deserved someone who would build him up and could reciprocate his caring nature. Because Hermione ain't it.
Ron does not need Hermione. Ron is a sociable guy and has other friends and can make more friends. When JKR remembers to treat Ron with respect, the guy is smart enough on his own and he's probably the most emotionally intelligent of the trio. He's definitely the one with the most common sense. Hermione needs him more than he needs her. Romione does little for Ron. Sometimes I feel that Romione is just there to make Hermione feel special IMO. Romione and Hinny serve no great purpose as ships except to ensure our main characters can pop out their annoying offspring in the epilogue. If you take out the ships, nothing really changes.
That's my random TED talk. Not interested in hearing any defence about Romione either. I don't think there is anything that can endear me to this lacklustre ship.
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latineslytherin · 1 year
Snape Fandom Love-Hate Spectrum
& Definitions
An attempt at by Snape fans. Compiled by @ottogatto & @latineslytherin. Made in mid-2023. Note that definitions can shift overtime and are flexible.
We thought it would be useful for the Snapedom, especially those new and those old, to have a brief overview of the terms used within Snapedom to refer to each other and those we interact with on the daily. As well as to chart the various kinds of fans of Snape. And yes, this includes those who don't like or even hate Snape. Because that means you are interacting with Snape as a concept/character. :)
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Snape Antis: Snaters who vehemently attack and harass Snape fans whenever they see them, even hunting them down. They repeatedly declare that Snape is the most evil character of HP, that he is unredeemable and that anyone who likes him or, worse, sees anything positive about him, is a horrible human being. They have declared some sort of crusade to crush down any Snape-positive content, often with repetitive slander, and to bully Snape fans, going as far as spamming their inbox, calling them all sorts of names such as Nazi, pedo or abuse apologist, sending them death threats or suicide baits, invading Snape-positive/neutral spaces and engaging in mass-harassment of Snape fans with their followers and mutuals.
Snaters (portemanteau of Snape + Hater): people who hate or dislike Snape as well as the fans, sometimes making it a personality trait. Though they haven’t declared a crusade on Snape fans, they easily engage in Snape slander and bully Snape fans. Nowadays, a significant part of Snaters consist of Marauder fans that have created a Marauder-centered universe meant to be different from canon HP material, and in which Snape is where the line is drawn in terms of evilness and redeemability. Though they don’t target Snape fans as much as Antis, they are hostile to Snape-positive/neutral content, including from other Marauder fans and mutuals.
Snopers (portemanteau of Snape + Nope): people who dislike Snape or even hate him, but do not hate Snape fans. It is important to distinguish them from Snaters. Snopers understand that people have different tastes, remain cordial, respect fandom etiquette, avoid drama or clashes with Snape fans, and can be on very nice terms with them. The term includes people who acknowledge that the Snape they dislike/hate was made-up by Marauder stans in their fandom, and not so much the canon Snape. As such, they can actually appreciate some traits of the canon version. They may post content that is hateful against the character, but they tend to do it with far less frequency or radicality, while spacing it with ambiguous content about him. If they do post hateful content, they pay attention to not make Snape fans uncomfortable, either by avoiding interactions with them or specifying that they just have a different opinion/interpretation of him and do not pretend to shame fans.
Snape Wife: a term that has different meanings depending on the era of Snape Wife. Initially, and before the height of the Snape Wife cult, Snape Wifes were "possessive" of him and didn't like other people self-shipping with Snape. The old Snape Wives have died out in favor of more reasonable ones in the modern era, though they may remain a little too ardent in their love of Snape. There remain very few of them. 
Snapewife (pejorative): misogynistic-grounded insult thrown against anyone who likes Snape, with the intent to bring up the history of a Snape-centered, female-led cult in order to humiliate Snape fans (whether Snape Wives or not). Some Snape fans have reclaimed that insult for satire.
Snapeists: members of the cult of Snape that rose up after the Deathly Hallows Book release, but more extreme than Snape Wives. They were more welcoming to other Snape self-shippers and Snape-Shifters (people who believed they "astral projected" to be with Snape, or had their husbands "embody" Snape). 
Sneutrals (portemanteau of Snape + Neutral): people who have a mixed opinion about Snape, or remain indecisive, or are indifferent about him. More often than not, they roll their eyes at fandom drama and refuse to engage with it.
Snickers (portmanteau of Snape + Liker, made into Snickers for the candy bar pun): people who enjoy Snape as a character, but aren't super into him either, and aren't creating much Snape-focused content. They easily acknowledge his flaws and failures. They can appreciate Snape’s qualities more than they dislike his flaws, or they can like him especially because of his darker side. They won't turn down a story that includes Snape, though they may be dismayed/discontented if it has a grossly caricatured portrayal of him (either positive or negative).
Snovers (portmanteau of Snape + Lover and Snover Pokemon pun): common run of the mill Snape fans, who enjoy his multifaceted aspects, his negative and positive sides. They don’t deny that Snape did bad things and have an attitude of explaining why he did them without excusing him. They greatly appreciate Snape because he has a grim personality. However, they have a harder time openly saying or conceding that Snape was mean or did horrible things, since enough Snaters and Antis constantly make Snape-hostile “reminders”, and they don’t want to either inadvertently attract Haters and Antis onto their posts or make other Snape fans uncomfortable.
Snape Stans: Snape fans who turn rabid if you even remotely suggest that Snape has even one negative quality, and may purposefully hunt down Snape-hostile people/content to crush them down. They may include people who can't stand anything negative said about him because of bad experiences by Snaters and Snape Antis.
These terms, while not indicated on the graph, are more for general use.
Snape Defenders (not included in the graph): people who, in response to large amounts of Snape slander by Snaters and Antis as well as the increase in Snape-fan bullying, have decided to dedicate part of their fandom experience into defending both Snape and the fans, often by citing canon material, providing deep analyses, pointing out double standards, and sabotaging direct attacks against fans. Though it isn’t their goal to bully Snaters and Antis, as they are allegedly fighting against harassment inside the fandom, some can engage in borderline bullying tactics for efficacy and revenge. Note that theoretically, someone who hates Snape and/or dislikes his fans could defend him and his fanbase, on the basis that no one should be bullied for the fictional character they love, and on the sentiment that if one hates Snape, they must at least hate him for the right reasons or acknowledge they aren’t truly hating the character but rather an OC. 
Snape Criticals (not included in the graph): people who make a point of not falling into caricatures, biases or misconceptions of either side of the Snape love-hate spectrum, and readily mention that Snape has done wrong things and has been horrible in his life, while refusing outright slander as well. The term can encompass people who like, dislike, are neutral or ambiguous about Snape, though it cannot include the extremes. They are more likely to have issues with the larger HP fanbase, though they mostly remain in their own spaces rather than seek out fandom spaces in an attempt to correct fans or haters.
Snape Apologist (not included in the graph): insult created and largely used by Snaters and Antis against those who like or sympathize with Snape, as well as those who refuse Snape slander or even remotely defend him, in such a way that it sounds like “rape apologist”. By “Snape apologists”, Snaters and Antis accuse fans/neutrals/criticals of thinking that Snape is perfect, has never done anything wrong in his life, that everything he did was justified or can be excused away. The term has been reclaimed by the fans, who use it more or less ironically, sometimes contracting it into “Snapologist”. “Tobias Snape apologist” is a light-hearted variant used by and for those who want to give Tobias Snape (Severus Snape’s father) a sympathetic backstory.
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spooky-albi-bumblebee · 2 months
Intro Post
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Hello! Welcome to my blog
Some Stuff about me:
I go by the names Oli and Miles(and also Leander sometimes but shhh)
I use they/xe/he pronouns
I’m greyromantic and acespec
I have several sideblogs
@mostly-minecraft-zvahl is where I put most of my non-fandom posts and non-Harry Potter fandom posts. The main fandom I am in there is Aphmau(as evidenced by the name) but I reblog a lot of other fandoms too
@canismajor-leonisminor is for First War Era characters who don’t have much canon about them, and ships including at least one First War Era character without much canon on them (I have a different blog for this because I don’t think most of my followers care as much as I do about characters that are barely mentioned, and even then my view of a lot of these minor characters can be very different from the fandom at large)
@my-tears-ricochet5 for (mostly Taylor Swift themed)music posting
@pjo-andsequels-confessions is my Percy Jackson(+extended universe) confession blog
I’m fine with both Pro- and Anti shippers interacting with my blogs
My original posts are all tagged #og and I mostly post about Harry Potter(Anti JKR)(I am literally transgender). I will sometimes reblog posts from other fandoms
My art is tagged #my art, obviously
I have a cat named Gracie and she is a silly goober, you may see photos of her on here tagged #gracie the cat
Heres the link to my Ao3
The only WIP I’m currently trying to update is Time Rewound, a next gen time travels to Grimmauld Place fic(there is Scorbus but it’s minor)
I mostly write ficlets/microfics about Sirius Black
less important stuff(my main ships and fandom opinions, and my userboxes) under the cut
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A little bit about my fandom opinions and ships
Sirius is my favorite character
I’m a stan of Albus Dumbledore
I am a big fan of the seven books(I do in fact love HP canon), but I’m not a canon purist who thinks you shouldn’t HC characters as queer, or that femme/not a cis man Sirius is always bio-essentialist, or that it’s inherently misogynistic to prefer an m/m ship over an m/f ship
I’m a chronic multishipper, but I mostly post and write about Prongsfoot
I also ship Remadora and pretty much all of the canon ships as well
I hate adult Snape(I find him annoying) but acknowledge that he redeemed himself, and I’m chill with child/teenage Snape
I’m not really a fan of the popular Marauders fanon
I’m also Regulus critical and an Evan Rosier hater
Peter Pettigrew is my babygirl✨🐀
I think the Marauders were bullies but I love them anyway
I prefer Evans sisters angst over Black brothers angst
Ron is my favorite Weasley
I’m a Percy apologist
I think Hermione was done dirty by the later books in the series, and not because she ended up with Ron
I think how Harry acted in Cursed Child was actually kind of realistic, but that doesn’t mean I like it
Okay we’re done
Goodbye, thanks for reading
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hp-confessions · 2 months
it’s so funny that certain people when anti snape like to make fun of his circumstances especially when proving a point while also not being able to connect the dots so said claims land incorrect…. if someone’s raised in not only a bad household but also one where hygiene can’t be a financial priority some habits will stick even in better areas because that’s all he knows or has mental health issues that can make it hard for them to stick to good hygiene habits. or the fact that greasy hair even though it’s washed is a common problem many people face..
or maybe don’t make fun of someone for their hygiene….
i’m not even a snape apologist and even i know that’s a werid thing to say..😭
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OFMD fandom newbies. There will be people bitching at you about harassment if you post basically anything in the Izzy Hands tag.
I'm letting you know right now it's not a one way harassment campaign it is very much a standard fandom war with two sides who are both being annoying like you saw with the Reylos and with the Vriskourse and with the Snape apologists and with whatever the fuck the Voltron fandom had going on idk and with pretty much every other fandom since the beginning of time. Yeah there was a situation in which the employer of an Izzy enjoyer was threatened to be called very early on by someone who has an MO of hopping from fandom to fandom being a shit to anyone who doesn't meet their insane purity standards. There's a group of people attempting to varying degrees of success to bully anyone who didn't like Izzy Hands into silence, but honestly they're not very good at it. There was a really racist and ablist anon that harassed literally everyone, myself included, in the fandom regardless of their opinion on Izzy under the guise of hating Izzy stans but who seems to just hate anyone who doesn't appropriately suck Stede's dick, just block and report if they show up in your inbox they're corny. We as the OFMD fandom are very much not in undertale putting needles in cookies to hand out at cons bad yet, we're not even as bad as the SU critters got really. If anyone comes at you on a high horse claiming to be oppressed for their fandom opinions block them and continue posting whatever you want in whatever tags you want. Not everyone who doesn't like Izzy is an evil anti responsible for doxxing and not everyone who does like Izzy an abuse apologist Stan driving poc out of the fandom.
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rewritingcanon · 2 years
i would just like to SPECIFY and go into a bit of detail about what each thing actually means:
this may not seem so bad, but when i mean they will comment on anything, i mean anything. it doesnt have to be marauder-related. it doesn’t even need to be related to harry potter. i saw a tiktok on a gorilla eating a banana and someone deadass commented “thats cool and stan james potter 😝” and lord FORBID if you include anything with snape in it. want to make an edit of him? backlash. want to talk about how you like him because hes interestingly written? backlash. want to deconstruct his character due to how badly fanon twisted him and actually analyse him? “anyways stan james potter” may be the dominant response to that, just so you know.
“sirius would never say that about mary!” said the marauder fan, heartbroken. “canon sirius would hate himself in atyd!” i respond usually with “canon sirius is a white boy in the 70s, hes not the ‘slay feminist yass 😍’ king you think he is.” this elicits quite a plethora of negative reactions, and i understand why. misogyny is stinky, no one wants their favourite character to be acting like that. so this option doesn't mean "fans who like a characterisation of sirius black that isn't necessarily time period realistic," but rather "fans who deny canon evidence for a fanon conception and then hate on things that expand on the canon evidence provided to them." "they are wizards, which isn't realistic, but you choose the time period misogyny as a hill to die on?" the marauder fan replied to me (and im quite literally quoting on what a creator said to me, this isn't an exaggeration). meanwhile canon sirius black: *harrasses snape for dressing more femininely/more outside gender norms* yeah and you think that boy would be a feminist...
you may think to yourself: when did [insert ship] become a thing? why is this happening? who even is this person? most of the time, it's all in good fun, sometimes, however, ships are created that purely contradict the entire point of said character. snily was criticised for doing exactly this, and now look at where we are.
after reading these points, you may come to the conclusion: holy shit the problem is just marauders fans. in fact, you may take it one more and remember more shit that had occurred due to this sub fandom of the harry potter universe. ever been criticised for not characterising purely fanon (dorcas, marlene etc etc) characters properly? ever been attacked for calling out the hypocritical stanning of barty, evan, regulus and peter whilst piling all blame onto bellatrix or snape? yeah me too babes.
i know we've talked about tiktok a lot, but i raise one more thing: the inescapable hell that is dracotok. this usually consists of those young teenage girls thinking they are very hardcore for participating in death eater practices despite its mirroring of being violent oppressors on a discriminated group so they can impress none other than draco malfoy. this, or they're the badass 'girlboss' that can change him. completely and ironically misunderstanding the point of his character aside, every cringey POV/thirst trap you have EVER seen on tiktok is probably replicated and 10x worse on dracotok.
i swear i haven't heard the term "gryffindork" since 2016, but alas, there has been a comeback. i call hogwarts legacy fans 'baby' hp fans, because i seriously do believe that these people have not interacted with the fandom until now. that would be okay if they weren't regressing everyone to early 2000s discourse. are gryffindors not being invited to ravenclaw, hufflepuff and slytherin raves that deep? no. but those three houses wouldn't be having raves in the first place
we've all seen them, need i explain or go into detail? "b-but harry doesn't have any chemistry with ginny!!" so he does with DRACO of all people? "b-but lily and james are basic!" dont forget the roots from whence you came. its misogyny within the fandom disguised as allyship or whatever the hell this is. ship your ships, but leave the gals alone
this didn't get on my nerves until i suffered from years and years of randoms going into detail about why slytherin/hufflepuff was the best harry potter house and then getting genuine mad when idgaf. maybe you have experienced this tragedy too. there are grown people getting into genuine online beef with others because they made a joke about slytherin being evil or hufflepuff being useless. makes me think you are just evil and useless (just kidding, but please wake up and realise that slytherin & hufflepuff quite literally do not exist)
i sympathise for people who like snape, i do. i do not sympathise for those who attempt to justify or excuse his actions. this normally comes with a side dish of misogyny, because more often than not they will find a way to blame it on lily. other times, they will blame his trauma. i want to be clear: his trauma explains his actions, it doesn't excuse them. that is the whole point of him ruining his chances with lily (not even as a lover, but as a companion). you are doing your own injustice to his character by trying to make him innocent, please stop
it's understandable why the cursed child is so hated. it's meant to be seen, not read, in my opinion. there's a lot of things in it that i too wish didn't exist. but that doesn't make it "not canon" because it upsets you. and of ALL the things that these types of people would choose to complain about, these are the things they chose: albus potter's namesakes (we've been going on about this for years like can we stop now please), harry being a 'bad dad' (think about his own upbringing a tiny bit more and maybe your brain can make a little more sense of his actions), delphi being voldemort's child (probably the only thing that i agree with these people on), and albus' name again because they REALLY hate it (but then they will counter this by saying "james sirius" is a good name, when it's still mid asf). anyway, it doesn't matter how much you squeeze your eyes shut and writhe around about it, the cursed child is canon. soz lol
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opinated-user · 1 year
Outside of the Snape section, what do you think of the rest of Orchard's Harry Potter video? I think she makes some good points and there is a lot I've disagreed with her on in the past.
the rest as well was pretty bad. just like her first video, you aren't gaining anything watching her video that you wouldn't have by watching the videos of other people who are far better explaining their points. she is very close to reach something but she never does it. the point about how the women in HP are written with some misogynistic tropes and don't ultimately do much outside of that? heard that before. it's nothing new. the only thing LO add is about how the "anti slavery" portion of Hermione is written as a flaw, which somehow she doesn't relate back to how rowing views activist and activism in general as people being annoying. the idea that ron is written as clashing with hermione purely because of romantic tension is so reductive and then all their disagreements being purely jelousy is just... wrong. she talks about how people hated ron in the final book and apparently she missed the part about how ron was in direct contact with a cursed artifact that literally brings out the worst on people. that thing about him rubbing on harry's face that his parents are dead is because the collar he has is feeding off all his insecurities and fears. this is not an issue with ron specifically, anyone would end up saying something like that or worse because they're quite literally lashing out. he does tries to apologize regardless and harry doesn't want to hear about it, because they're in the middle of a war and have a friend is more important than unpack every single awful bad comment someone said. when talking snape, she either lies or forgot that snape did kept persuing harry's mom for far later after he already said a magic racist slur to her and she had to consistently reject him over and over again, in part too because snape just refused to apologize or see what was the issue in the first place, preferring instead to keep being mad at james. there's are so many little things that she says about the character that are outright not true or contradicted by the actual text and does literally sound like coming out from a snape apologist type of fan.
btw, the casually dropping that his father went to an abusive catholic school and might have been sexually abused himself by flashing the CSA allegations against that school? that's still disgusting. that's a real person whose trauma she's flaunting to her entire audience to be "well, he thought this was okay because that's what he grew up with" in the context of talking about a fictional character on a fantasy franchise? what a complete lack of any tact or sensibility. nobody needed her to flash those images, she didn't need to share to everyone "my father could have been a victim of CSA, no wonder he thinks like that!", her point could have come across without them! none of that comes with any warning. she's again treating a very serious, very delicate topic like CSA, CSA of a real person she's currently criticizing for internalizing abuse, on your face like it was just part of any casual conversation and i'm positively revolted that more people don't have a negative reaction to that.
the section of rowing hates women is fine by itself... but it's coming from the same woman that is adamantly against any self reflection, about actually learning from marginalized people, about listening when she's done wrong by them, that it sounds like she's actually just repeating what other people have said without any real conviction.
my only conclusion is that, again, she's not bringing anything new to the table and it's not worth watching. better look for other critical videos. they won't suddenly start talking to you about the sexual abuse their parents went through as children either.
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