#maybe maybe Jaime Lannister fits here
khr-guilded-cage · 3 months
Blogs that hate awful characteres that most of the fandom love and stan after are always my favorites
And yes, even if I don't agree with them
Still love such a different view
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januaryembrs · 2 years
THE NIGHT IS DARK AND FULL OF TERRORS | Jaime Lannister x reader
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Request: hi!! biggest congratulations on 1k, it is so so deserved!! i would like to send in a drabble request for jaime lannister, maybe where either he or the reader has a nightmare, and the other person comforts them, if that’s okay? and feel free to change this however you see fit, of course!! thank you, and I hope you're having a good day :))
description: Jaime has a nightmare of his sister finding out about your secret affair. 
Word count: 1k
trigger warnings: Though the reader is a cousin of Ned Stark, I left her racially ambiguous so that everyone may feel included, reader and Jaime are naked but no smut, Bolton's men chopping off Jaime's hand and hurting reader.
main masterlist
Author’s note: this was written as part of my 1k follower celebration. please feel free to send in 1000 word drabble prompts of your own! also thank you to the person who sent this in, I appreciate it very much and I hope you like it!
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A low gasp broke the pure silence the dark bedroom kept. Jaime’s mind took a brief moment to decipher where exactly he was, his dream being so realistic it seemed to have knocked him senseless. 
In King's Landing, he was in his chambers. He would know the smell of the fragrant soaps the maids here used anywhere, chamomile and honey as Cersei always demanded so that he and her could match. He’d kicked his sheets off in the night, it was a warm harvest season considering winter was right around the corner. He reached out to pull the thinner of the sheets over himself, his naked body now catching quite a chill in the twilight air, when he struggled to catch the fabric. 
And that’s when he saw why. Where his glorious, sword wielding hand had once been, now lay a messy, gruesome scar at the end of his forearm. Amidst his vivid dreams of you being held at sword point per his sister’s orders, one in which he’d been having the past week you’d both returned to King’s Landing, he seemed to have been dragged so far from reality he struggled to grasp it even now.
Jaime Lannister had always been a proud man, the best swordsman in the continent. Known for his skill in the field, and his glorious reputation in his kingdom. That was before Roose Bolton’s men had gotten their hands on him, and Locke had carved his hand from his arm with one quick manoeuvre that left him no better than his half-man of a brother.  
The blonde man didn’t have enough time to mull over his loss before he felt a body stirring next to him. You made a noise of protest upon realising he had rolled away from your side, your equally nude body now cold. Your eyes peeked open to observe him. Where the moonlight filtered in through the thin windows, decorated intricately with maroon wire to match his house colours, it illuminated his features enough for you to realise he seemed troubled, saddened almost. You woke yourself up out of your slumber more to tend to him, though you had a good idea what his distress was about. 
Your hand fell to his cheek gently, the sudden contact making him flinch. You sighed deeply as he dragged himself out of whatever though he seemed to be buried deep into, turning your body over to face him completely.
“What is it?” You whispered, afraid to disrupt the silence cooing at the man as if he were a trembling cub. “Same dream again?”
Jaime says nothing, but you feel him relax into your touch, his head shifting to gaze at you with sleep infused green eyes. You see him glance over every part of your face, a short groan of fatigue leaving his dry lips. That was confirmation enough for you he had been yet again woken up by his troubled mind. 
“We’re being careful. We don’t interact outside of your room, for all your sister knows, we could just be comforting one another after-” You tried to reassure him, though he cut you off tiredly. 
“Cersei will find out somehow. She has eyes everywhere.” He spoke solemnly, though he reached his good arm up to stroke your hair out of your face. “I don’t want her to find more of a reason to hurt you. The fact you’re a Stark is already a death sentence to her.” 
It had been unlikely - the two of you falling for one another. You had offered to return Jaime to the Lannisters when he had been captured by Catelyn and Robb in exchange for Sansa, only travelling intending to be sure the Lannister man kept his word and returning your cousin’s daughter. You and Brienne had ridden the chained man two-thirds of the way before the Bolton’s men had got their slimy grasp on you. 
They said they knew your head could fetch just as much gold from Roose as Jaime’s, and had beaten you to near death right before their eyes before they’d decided they wanted you alive. 
You had been a few more hits away from losing consciousness when Jaime had fought. He had stolen one of their meagre steel swords, taken down three of the hunters, and threw his body over yours to defend you before Locke had intervened and cut off his sword hand. 
He had sacrificed his greatest weapon, his greatest achievement for you. A woman he should have hated, a woman he would have died to defend. A woman he had grown to love, who he couldn’t stand to watch be assaulted in such a way before he had to mediate the fight himself. 
But returning to King’s Landing, being pardoned for your ‘crime’ of a treasonous family by King Joffrey. That didn’t mean you weren’t walking on a sharp blade every second you spent in court, now a bartering chip for Tywin to use against your family. At least you could protect Sansa as promised, and explore your growing affections for the King Slayer. 
The man you regularly slept with, regularly exchanged sweet words in the privacy of his bedsheets, the man you knew would protect you with all he could as he had before. 
“Your name, your status would be enough to sway anyone wishing to hurt me.” You tried to convince him, laying a gentle kiss to his lips, “You don’t need both hands to protect me as viciously as you do,” 
“It would certainly help,” He grumbled back, tracing his remaining fingers down your bare back gently, salvaging every touch he could get of your nude body. 
You smiled whimsically, pressing another kiss to his lips though this one was heavier, more deep with the love you found yourself pouring over him in these moments. “My brave lion fighting for his wolf. No one could stop a man so powerful,” You stroked his ego, feeling him tighten his grasp on you. 
He knew you were pandering to him, but as all Lannisters, he didn’t complain one bit. Because he knew it was the truth. He would wreak the havoc of a feral beast before anyone, his sister included, would lay a hand on you. 
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permanent taglist:
@greeneyedblondie44 @liadamerondjarin @andy-rocks @musicartmayheminmyheart @howlerwolfmax @ciarra-mae
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
9 - Secretly Vaella Lannister
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Part 10
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Lyanna Stark, a person I had never met until the day she wed my brother in secret. 
Jaime and Rhaegar were speaking with sept that my brother had gotten his marriage to his other wife anelled from.  Leaving me and Lyanna together to get changed into our gowns and not be in our sea travel clothes. “I suppose we shall be sisters after this you and I.” Lyanna first spoke to me tying her riding boots instead of wearing heels. 
“Yes, I suppose you’re right.  I must warn you though my brother does snore in his sleep.” 
She chuckled with a smile. “That I can handle.  He already knows I don’t shy away from a challenge.” 
“Apparently neither do I.  For Jaime could have kept his vow entirely and told me I was just dreaming like a foolish princess and that I should be focusing my sights on finding a man fit for my title.” I shake my head playfully smiling back at her.  
She came around the corner twirling in her light blue and white wedding gown with some of her hair styled into a flower crown. “What do you think, Vaella?” 
“You look beautiful.  My brother shall surely think so too.” I hung my mouth open seeing somewhat of the appeal he had towards the Northern Stark daughter. 
Lyanna grinned at me. “Ser Jaime and you shall have beautiful children if that’s ever something you talk about.” 
“Maybe someday we shall have children. But for now let’s both go get married.” Offering her my hand we walked outside together through the grassy area of trees in Dorne.  I was wearing a simple red dress and my black horse riding boots.  Leaving my silver hair not styled and allowing it to just flow naturally. 
"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." The sept wrapped a white ribbon around their intertwined hands. "In the sight of the seven. I hereby seal these two souls. Binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words."
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crown, Stranger. I am hers ( his )  and she ( he ) is mine from this day until the end of my days." My brother and his secret lover said back to the other before they faced one another and sealed their love with a tender kiss. 
Rhaegar came over to me looping his arm through mine walking me back to the end of the small tree line that we had claimed as ye aisle. “Father may not be here to walk you down the aisle.  So I’ll gladly fill in his place.” 
“Thank you, brother.  I hope you approve of him.  I’d hate to see you two have to duel.” I squeezed his hand in my own, sending him a genuine smile. 
Rhaegar smiled with a shake of his head. “Gods you know how I hate fighting.” 
“I’m fully aware. You’d rather be born a minstrel and move your way through the streets singing to the King's people rather than be the King yourself.” 
He nudges me in the arm with us getting closer to the Septon and Jaime. “And you’d rather be a - I’m not entirely sure what you want.  But you’re surely not one to enjoy being in the spotlight as a princess.” 
“So um - what do you think of him?” I asked him a second time, wishing to know his feelings before we became husband and wife. 
Rhaegar clicked his tongue eyeing the boy with bright blonde hair. “From what I can he makes you happy. Like Lyanna makes me and so that’s all that really matters….Take good care of my little sister Jaime.” He slipped my hand in Jaime’s left. 
“I will, my prince.” Jaime went to bow but Rhaegar still held out his hand. 
“Just Rhaegar. You’re my brother in law now.” 
“I will take care of her, Rhaegar.” Jaime put his right hand shaking it firmly before my brother stepped out of the way when the Sept walked forward to stand in front of us. 
"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." The sept spoke softly, wrapped the same ribbon around mine and Jaime’s hand.  "In the sight of the seven. I hereby seal these two souls. Binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words."
Glancing over my shoulder at my brother who had his arm secured around his new wife’s waist sent me a grin along with a head nod before I heard Jaime ask. “Are you ready, Vaella?” 
“Yes.” I uttered out pouring my eyes into his green orbs looking down on me. 
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crown, Stranger. I am hers ( his )  and she ( he ) is mine from this day until the end of my days." Jaime and I never took our eyes off of the other. 
The sept took a few steps back once untying the ribbon from our hands allowing me to fling my arms around Jaime’s neck crashing my lips up onto mine deeply.  “I’m officially yours and now always, my golden knight.” I muttered in between deep kisses until he broke it. 
“Lady Vaella Lannister does sound rather good to me. But you’ll always be a princess to me.” Jaime grinned holding me in his and against his chest as much as he physically could without hurting me too badly. 
Rolling my eyes I wonder when the day would come that he would stop using that nickname. “Please enough of that.  That’s my one request as your wife.” 
“Well I’m sorry but I cannot fill that request.  Because I love the look on your face when I do it.” He smirked proudly down at me, looking over to Rhaegar and Lyanna smiling back at us.  For that one and only day we were all happy and together.  Not aware that would be the last time we saw them and it was the last time they’d see us. 
I heard the lock of my chamber door rustling around with someone trying to open it causing me to wake in the middle of the night.  Slowly reaching underneath my bedside I drew a sword out from under it climbing out of my bed. Moving towards the door I raised the sword over my shoulder with both hands clutching the handle of the sword seeing the chamber door creak open very slowly. "Show yourself you twat. I'm ready and armed!" I raised my voice outward holding back tears knowing it was better to show no fear.
Yet my entire conscious state was completely rattled when I heard someone call my name that was impossible for me to not recognize in a heartbeat. "Vae...Vaella ....Jaime...please don't....it's me...it's Jaime." 
"J...Jaime. Is it...is it really you?" I croaked through heavy tears struggling to keep my grip on the blade handle on the off chance it wasn't and the gods were just playing tricks on my mind. Yet sure enough the door creaked open all the way revealing a sight that nearly broke me in two and shattered my heart. 
My gaze focused on his figure when he slowly stepped out of the darkness of the door and into the light being provided by burning candles. He didn't meet my gaze while I scanned over my husband's face.  “Yes, my princess.” 
I wanted to slap him across the face for using the nickname but all I cared about was that Jaime, my Jaime, was finally home to me. 
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nesiacha · 3 months
Another Frustration with the Series (Spoiler Alert for Blood and Fire and House of the Dragon)
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Me after see the episode
Alert spoil
I watched the new episode. Maybe I'm a masochist, but honestly, I didn't like it at all. This is just my personal opinion. I’m probably not going to be thrilled with what I have to say about the Blacks and the Greens.
Let's start with the death of Rhaenys. In the book, she is totally badass from beginning to end. Even more so at her death: I mean, she saw Aegon and Aemond charging at her with their two dragons, including Vhagar. It’s clearly stated that she had a chance against Vhagar (in my opinion, she would have beaten him one-on-one since she has a lot of combat experience—just look at Aemond getting beaten by Daemon and Caraxes. As for Aegon and his dragon, she would have made short work of him). But instead of retreating, knowing it would probably be her end, she decides to engage in battle. She dies a warrior’s death, fitting for her life. Here, she is taken by surprise by Aemond... I mean, the trap was there to catch the two dragonriders from the Green camp from the start, the Blacks fell into it, but from the beginning of the confrontation, it was Rhaenys against Aegon and Aemond at the same time. The series did not respect the book's Rhaenys, who is a thousand times better in my eyes.
Similarly, Aemond could usurp his nephews and seemed in the book not to care about his sister Helaena (just like Aegon). He would have said that the crown suited him better, but he never tried to usurp Aegon (one of the few positive points because frankly, I don't understand the whitewashing of Aemond—GRR Martin deliberately made him resemble Maegor without any strategy, and Maegor was less worse in his usurpation of the throne because Visenya brought him not out of ambition but to fight the militant faith that was rampant everywhere; seriously, Aemond would be the equivalent of Gregor Clegane with a little more intelligence, although very gullible if he possessed a dragon).
The rise of Cole as Hand of the King. I’ve talked about him many times. This guy is Littlefinger if he were less clever and more acclaimed (he is a deliberate contrast to characters like Jaime Lannister and Sandor Clegane, who are more hated in Westeros but more honorable than him). The series overlooks what he did first as Hand of the King. He put all of Rhaenyra's supporters in the dungeons to the sword (he directly told them to choose between submitting to Aegon II or dying—most chose to die). Moreover, the writers make him seem more competent than he is (he is slightly more intelligent than Aemond but not by much). Yes, he practices scorched earth, won a Pyrrhic victory, and tried to rule by terror. But GRR Martin made it clear that an enemy might seem more powerful and oppress the smallfolk, but he can have people stand up to him precisely because of that terror (see the example of Tywin Lannister who is beaten militarily and even when he kills Robb, the fights continue subtly in the book). Here, I feel like the show presents him as competent.
Let’s not talk about Otto Hightower. It's not a question of saying he ruled wisely—I mean, he inherited a stable policy under Jaehaerys (although I don't like that character at all), didn’t care about the Stepstones, and let the Triarchy take it, which is a crucial route for Westeros' trade. Not very brilliant, not to mention that the Greens stole the royal treasury and spread it out in several places, causing the smallfolk to suffer, and Rhaenyra found nothing when she arrived at King's Landing and had to raise taxes.
Alicent Hightower... Honestly, I still don't understand her connection with Cole in the show. Cole only cares about power and not Alicent (in my opinion), and Alicent is Cersei with ambition, knowing that it’s better not to have adulterous relations unlike Cersei. Nevertheless, I don't like book Alicent much for trying to shame a 12-year-old Rhaenyra regarding Cole (when she wonders who will protect Rhaenyra from Cole), while if there was any ambiguous behavior, it was from Cole who is an adult and acted creepily. Honestly, Viserys was a horrible father for tolerating a Cole when any father would have at least kicked him out and let that slide.
Moving on to the Blacks, even though there are characters I really like (like Baela and Rhaena—thank you very much, show, for not showing them well), Jacaerys (who shows that diplomacy is better than force since it’s mainly the Starks who turned the tide), Rhaenys, and even Corlys... Even if the Greens initiated the first thing that can be blamed like the usurpation of the throne by ambition, stealing the royal treasury, and that Aegon II was a horrible king and unleashed dragons on the smallfolk... The Blacks also had things to reproach themselves for, like the murder of Aegon II and Helaena's eldest son in response to the gratuitous murder of Lucerys. Even if the murder (deliberate, sorry show, I don't accept it) of Lucerys was horrible, they also inflicted this death on an innocent in front of their mother’s eyes. Even though Daemon wasn’t a Tytos 2.0, unlike his brother, he was competent in wars or with the Goldcloaks, and he was rightly annoyed with Otto, there was a caprice and cruelty in him (certainly not as much as Aemond or Tywin) that did not fit a consort king (plus his horrible phrase about the heir for a day).
As for Rhaenyra, even though in some aspects she is tragic and I won’t blame her for her mistakes in trusting a creepy Cole as a teenager (in my eyes, she is a victim here, so we don’t blame the victim), there are things that clearly indicate she was destined to be a bad queen from the start. It's not that she had bastard children because Laenor couldn’t have given her children as he was very gay, and she respected that, plus she was forced into this marriage by her father Viserys (and after all, Catherine II had illegitimate children as her husband was apparently incapable of giving her any, and one of them reigned). It could have worked with great political intelligence, but she took it for granted that she was going to be queen (even though I don't understand why the series says she left the castle and settled at Dragonstone when she was more or less forced to leave) when her stepmother Rhaenys was the living example that being accepted as queen would be difficult. At the start, she was ready to handle the Hightowers with care but refused to renounce her rights (and she was right). She tried to use soft power until Aemond deliberately killed Lucerys. But there is no trace of her condemning the murder of the son of Aegon and Helaena . As the tragedies unfolded, she became increasingly paranoid and alienated even her allies. I understand that she had to raise taxes because of the Greens’ theft of the royal treasury, but she lived a lavish lifestyle. Even if Rhaenyra was, in my eyes, lesser compared to Aegon II among the Greens, as Kelsey L. Hayes so well said, the tragedy is that neither side proved worthy of the crown. The main victim was the smallfolk. Incidentally, I didn't understand the propaganda saying that Maegor is Rhaenyra because if that were true, she would have thrown Cole to a dragon, maybe even other Hightowers, and massacred all of King's Landing at the slightest protest (and if Tywin or Maegor were actually in Daemon and Rhaenyra's place from the start, they would have ordered the murder of all the Hightowers to the last, including infants—just look at the murder of Elia Martell and her children to be convinced, as Tywin acted both opportunistically and to take revenge on poor Elia who simply had the "fault" of marrying Rhaegar instead of Cersei).
And frankly, I was happy when Cregan Stark arrived, came to restore order, and scolded both sides. That’s why he is in my top 20 favorite characters.
In short, why this long message? Because none of the tragedy so well done by GRR Martin is conveyed in the show, there is too much whitewashing of some characters, and characters inconsistent with the plot (Mysaria, Alicent, etc.). Unlike the producers of Game of Thrones (who made bad scripts and destroyed or erased very good characters), the writers of House of the Dragon have no excuse as they know the ending. When I learned there was a prequel, I was happy because I thought I would reconnect with the spirit of Game of Thrones before it went off the rails. Huge disappointment. I don't think I will continue watching this series. It's sad but I don't want to make another facepalm by watching this show XD
Once again, just my opinion :)
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A Mouse in a Lion’s Den Pt.17
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Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, referenced Rhaegar Targaryen x Lyanna Stark
Warnings: none
Words: 2219
Summary: Thalina gives Jaime a stern talking to.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 18
Book One of Heir of Ash and Fire
“I’d advise against it, my prince.” Arthur tries to persuade him against writing to (y/n). There was hardly anyone they could trust at the moment. Whoever they gave the letter to could very well betray them and send Aerys’ army after them.
Rhaegar was defiant though and didn’t want this wife to be kept in the dark any longer. “We can trust Varys’ birds though.” He insists. “Varys only has the realms best interests at heart. He knows that at this moment, the realm is in danger of my father. He wouldn’t betray us. Not when we offer something better than my father does.”
Even Griff shakes his head. “You give the Spider too much of your faith.”
The other members that were present in his tent confirmed so with nods of their heads. Many of these men had once put their loyalty in Aerys but it had grown evident throughout the years that Aerys was unfit to be king. Rhaegar however was just what they needed at that time.
“Would you really put all of your efforts at risk for her?” It was Brandon Stark who spoke up. His younger brother Ned, was as stoned face as Brandon spoke to Rhaegar. “All of us could very well lose our lives. We are all considered traitors now for siding with you. We may be a secret now, but the time will come that everyone will know where certain houses stand. Then will it truly be an all out war.” Dark gray eyes refuse to yield as they’re trained on Rhaegar.
He knew they were right. But it was Varys’ little birds that had informed him that his wife was finally awake. He despaired, knowing that (y/n) must have assumed that she had been deserted when that wasn’t the case.
Varys could have done so in an attempt to lure Rhaegar back to King’s Landing. Would the Spider really do that? Maybe he was having doubts about Rhaegar being fit to rule Westeros. Maybe he feared that one day Rhaegar would turn out to be just like his father.
No. With (y/n) by his side that wouldn’t happen.
Rhaegar sighs, defeated and casts his eyes downward. “Alright.”
Arthur pats the young prince on the back. “Affairs of the heart are difficult to deny. But it is in the best interest of your army. We still need time to gather as many bannermen as we can and win over the ones that your father still possesses.
“I just want to get out of this bloody heat.” Robert Baratheon complained as he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. “Whose damn idea was it to station ourselves in Dorne?”
Even Ned and Brandon, who were accustomed to the chilly temperature of the north were sweating terribly.
Cheekily grinning Arthur takes a proudful claim to it being his idea. “I figured it would be the safest place here. Afterall, my family has always been sworn to House Martell, and the Martells have agreed to help us overthrow Aerys. They weren’t particularly happy at his outright dismissal of their proposal to wed Rhaegar and Ellia.”
Several of the other noble houses of Dorne nod in agreement. They didn’t want someone like Aerys in power any longer.
“How do you people live in this heat?” Robert continues to bellow, making his way to the tent as if the outside would be any better than the inside. Ned shakes his head, apologizing for Robert’s behavior.
“I must thank you again Arthur. If it were not for you we wouldn’t have the Martells on our side.” Rhaegar smiles at the Sword of the Morning with gratitude.
The knight returns the smile. “I did nothing. It was your personality that won over Doran Martell and his family.”
Brandon purses his lips, wanting to say something about his sister Lyanna. He knew that it wasn’t the place for him to question Rhaegar of his intent with his sister. There were still other lords in attendance and it would not do to besmirch Rhaegar in such a manner. They were fighting for him now. Even if Lord Rickard Stark was opposed to it. He wanted to stay in the north and mind their own business. How could Brandon do such a thing though? The safety of the realm was holding on by a thread. If Aerys’ reign were to continue, who knew what would happen to the north and it’s people. Brandon was doing what he thought was right. Some day he would take over his father’s title as Warden. He had to start somewhere to ensure the safety of Winterfell.
As battle discussions lulled, other bannermen left to go to their own lodgings. Rhaegar began to pack his things to return to make the journey back to Sunspear and back to the Water Gardens that Doran had been so kind as to let Rhaegar stay in.
Brandon noticed a folded piece of paper slip from Rhaegar’s grasp and before the prince could retrieve it Brandon had already caught it. Rhaegar regards him with wary lilac eyes.
“From Castle Black?” Brandon grows serious. “Lyanna told you.”
“Maester Aemon has been a great help to me.” Rhaegar steals it from Brandon’s hands and stuffs it away into his saddle bag. “After all, winter is coming.”
He didn’t particularly like the way the prince was using his house’s motto. “You don’t even ask about my sister.”
Rhaegar flinches, knowing that he would have to address it sooner or later. “Whatever fancy we had for eachother-”
“First you moon over her shamelessly even though she is betrothed and now you want nothing to do with her.” He points out defensively.
“I have a wife.” Rhaegar glares at him. “I love my wife. Whatever brief fancy I had for your sister is over. I can promise you that I will not jeopardize her relationship with Robert Baratheon.”
With a clenched jaw, Brandon hisses “You broke her heart. You led her on with your sweet letters.”
“I’m truly sorry for what I’ve done. But I have learned and grown since then. Your sister helped me a great deal by telling me about what goes on beyond the wall.”
Brandon wants to argue back, to get back to the subject of his sister. What was done was done. Rhaegar truly did seem to have a change in heart. “So, you truly think the Long Night will happen in our lifetime?”
Rhaegar nods. “We need Westeros to be united before darkness befalls on us. United we stand. Divided we fall.”
He’d been visiting more often than usual, Thalina had observed over (y/n)’s recovery. There were still guards posted outside per Aerys’ request but they did nothing to keep Jaime from his sister. Although even Jaime dare not try and take her out of her room. The commander of the King’s Guard would definitely have something to say about that. Did he even get in trouble for bringing little Lord Tyrion yesterday? Even if he had it was worth seeing both (y/n) and Tyrion so happy. The Lannisters were leaving King’s Landing tomorrow and because (y/n) had been in house arrest she hadn’t been able to see her brother that entire time. And Ser Jaime, well, Thalina wasn’t sure she’d seen him that happy in quite some time. Something must have transpired between him and Cersei for Jaime to be committing his time entirely to (y/n). It’s almost as if he was trading one sister for another.
Thalina watched the two as Jaime helped her around her chambers, building her strength. She was already getting better. She could walk a small distance by herself without the assistance of anyone. (y/n) giggled, happy to have her big brother back. It was about time that Jaime make up for neglecting her all those years. Thalina hadn’t been around back then when (y/n) had gotten stuck in the lion’s cages of Casterly Rock, but she had seen the terrible scars left from the event. Both physically and mentally. After all those years, (y/n) was still prone to nightmares. And they were worse now that Rhaegar was gone. Despite Thalina now sharing her bed, (y/n) would still cry out for her prince in her sleep. It was heartbreaking to say the least. She loved him dearly at surprisingly she didn’t resent him at all for leaving. Not that Thalina thought she would. (y/n) was such an understanding person, sometimes to a fault. Thalina hoped that Rhaegar wasn’t doing anything behind her back that would end up hurting (y/n) again. He had given her enough grief to bear.
She peers outside the tall lancet window of (y/n)’s room. It was narrow but Thalina was still able to catch the red banners of the Lannister house as people were beginning to gather their belongings for the long journey they faced the next day.
Good. It didn’t do well to have Cersei and Tywin still here. Thalina never did trust Cersei. She had a bad air around her. Poisonous and full of hate. There were many rumors of how it was the king that ordered (y/n) to be poisoned, but Thalina truly believed that it was actually Cersei’s doing. For the king to have a hand in it, well, it was too messy a job. Even if he was spiraling into further madness he wouldn’t dare do something so outright. Cersei was sneaky though. According to (y/n), her sister had always been the manipulative type and was good at not getting caught.
Wringing her hands together, Thalina turns her gaze away. Jaime had just seated (y/n) in the parlor and was walking over to the maid. “Would you mind getting my sister some tea?”
“Of course not, but there is something I must discuss with you.”
Jaime looks over his shoulder at (y/n) who is happily opening the window to hear the birds chirp outside. He turns back and nods, following Thalina out of the room and closing it. The guards keep their gaze away from the two as they walk down the hall.
Thalina wastes no time. “If anything happens to me I want you to take (y/n) out of here and to Volantis.” She urges him.
In complete bewilderment, Jaime stops in his tracks. “What are you talking about?”
“You heard me.” She pivots back around. Seriousness making her soft features become hard. “I have a bad feeling. Something will happen to me where I will not be able to take care of her. And even (y/n) may be in peril. You must understand that she cannot stay here if anything happens to me. I thought I’d be able to help her on her journey. . .” Her eyes fill with clouds of gloom. “That is not what R’hllor has destined for me though.”
“Your speaking nonsense. Stop it at once and go get my sister tea. I don’t want you saying any of this to her. You might upset her condition.” Jaime waves her talk off as one of a lunatic.
Thalina refuses to be waved off though. She viciously grabs Jaime’s arm and even he’s unable to pull away, staring at his sister’s maid as if she’s lost her mind. “Promise me. You NEED to promise me that you’ll take her to Volantis. She’ll be safe there in the red temple. They’ll teach her all she needs to know and when the time is right she’ll return to Westeros. There are little of my people here who could help her. She’s better off in Essos where people believe in the Lord of Light. She will be lost if she stays here.”
Now it was starting to concern him. Never had he seen Thalina like this. Meek, silly, Thalina that always made his sister laugh. Silly Thalina that was quick to forget even the most simplest of tasks; a girl who easily got into accidents and hurt herself. Something had indeed changed in her. All Jaime could do was stare at her, dumbfounded.
“You swore upon the eyes of your gods, to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to protect all women and children, to obey your captains, your liege lord, and your king, to fight bravely when needed and do such other tasks as are laid upon you, however hard or humble or dangerous they may be. She is your princess. Your future queen. If you want to make up for all the wrongs she has suffered under you, you will do this.” Her lips tremble betraying her strength. “You must do this. She is more important to the world than you can truly understand. She may have been a mouse to you and your family, but to others she is so much more.” Her tears started to spill forth but she kept her eyes trained on him.
The desperation on her face made Jaime uncomfortable. Her nails digging into his steel mesh arm made him nervous. He had never seen a woman so desperate.
How could he deny her her request? Even if it sounded ridiculous, he would say whatever Thalina needed to hear in order for her to release him from her maddening grip.
He stiffly nods and Thalina reluctantly lets go. “I will hold you to it. In the name of the Lord of Light.”
@marytargaryen @madislayyy
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atomic--peach · 1 year
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Her Grace's Handmaiden Pt. 8
(Short Chapter, mostly filler. Sandor Clegane x Fem Reader. Cersei Lannister x Fem Reader x Jaime Lannister TW: MENTIONS OF PREGNANCY)
AO3 VERSION: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48276340
"So, how are you coping?"
"With what?"
Jaime leaned on the back of a plainly crafted chair, gazing at his sister expectantly "You know very well with what."
"Oh" Cersei scoffed, "What's there to cope with? Everything is settled now it can go back to the way it was before."
Jaime blinked, momentarily stunned into silence.
"You don't think her being married is going to be an issue?"
"She's married to my son's sworn sword and will very likely become the mother to the heir of House Clegane." Cersei pointed out, "And while she is not technically a Lady, I think this had earned her a spot in my court. What better way to keep her close, and still let Robert think he has won?"
Jaime considered this, "She won't survive at court." He said firmly, "As a servant, maybe. But she has no experience at court outside of serving. She won't fit in and if she's allowed to be a courtier the ladies will see her presence as an insult. Especially if you show her favor."
"Then let them be insulted" Cersei was growing impatient with his refusal to see the brilliance of her plan. "Everything is working out perfectly, especially after last night."
"They might not have done anything."
"Oh no, they did." Cersei assured him. "Varys isn't the only one with little birds, you know. My sources tell me we don't have to worry about a thing."
"Your Grace?"
Cersei whipped around with a smile, "Y/N, Good morning darling."
"You wanted to see me?"
"Of course, come in. Sit with me." Cersei eyed you up and down, the glow that lingered about you was all the confirmation she needed that her new plan was going perfectly.
You sat near the fire rather awkwardly as Cersei's eyes assessed you. Neither one of you seemed to want to start the conversation, so Jaime jumped in boldly.
"So how was he?"
You blushed furiously at the sudden question, "I- well." you swallowed hard, "It was very...pleasant."
"Pleasant" Jaime grinned cheekily, "So what I'm hearing is I was better."
"Jaime, stop it" Cersei scolded him, "This is a delicate topic."
"Since when?"
"It was lovely" you assured them, "Honestly it was. He was very kind and very...."
"Jaime!" Cersei's face was red with anger, "Out, I have had enough of you. Go swing a sword at something."
Jaime left them chuckling, off to locate whatever gutter or brothel his brother had landed in the night before.
"I'm so sorry about him."
"Please," you breathed, somewhat relieved he was gone. "I expect nothing less. Now, surely you didn't call me here just to talk about my wedding night."
"Of course not, not that I'm not interested." Cersei settled into the chair her brother vacated. "I wanted to let you know that I've figured out a way for us to stay close without offending Robert."
"That's wonderful!" you beamed, "how?"
"Well, for all intents and purposes, you are Lady Clegane now. Wife of the sworn sword of Prince Joffrey Baratheon. And gods willing, mother to the future heir of House Clegane." Cersei began, "And it is for this reason I have decided to offer you a place in my court at King's Landing."
"A place...you mean as a courtier? Your Grace I couldn't I... I just wouldn't fit in."
Cersei leaned forward, pressing her hand on top of yours firmly, "You will fit in wherever I decide you belong." Your skin prickled with goosebumps as her emerald eyes bore into yours. "And if someone decides to make that difficult, I will simply have to carve out some pieces to make room for you."
Her tone was shockingly intense, and you found that the hand on top of yours had begun to grip your wrist tightly.
"Am I making myself clear?"
"Yes" you nearly trembled. "Yes, your grace, I understand. Thank you so much for your help."
"You're welcome" Cersei's cold eyes flashed and suddenly seemed cheery once more. "Now, you'll need some dresses for court, consider them a wedding present. So, we will have to arrange a meeting with a dressmaker when we return south."
"Sandor Cle-gane." The name rolled off Tyrion's lips like a joke as he grinned coyly. "I hear congratulations are in order."
"Fuck off, Dwarf."
"No wonder you never visited the brothels in Kings Landing." Tyrion continued as if he hadn't heard him, "Can't go around giving a gift like that away for free."
"I said fuck off."
"Keep at it like that, we'll have Clegane puppies in no time."
"I will throw you, little man" Sandor roared, restraining himself from putting hands on the dwarf.
"Mother said if you and she do have children," Joffrey had to jog to keep up with Sandor's stride, "Then your child can be the sworn sword of my heir with Lady Sansa."
Sandor was well over the day before it had even started. It was one thing for his life to be shit from the moment he woke up, to the moment he went to sleep. It was another to wake up to a beautiful wife pressed up against him, still breathing slowly in sleep, and having to force himself away to attend to responsibilities he didn't even want.
"Alright, leave him be." Jaime joined the parade, making Sandor roll his eyes almost to the back of his head, "let the poor man breathe."
Joffrey sulked but slinked back towards the yard where he was supposed to be at practice with the Stark brothers, while Tyrion left to locate a pitcher of dark beer and breakfast.
"Good morning to you too." Jaime smirked, "I trust you slept well."
"If you don't lay off..."
"Touchy. Alright then, I'll leave you be." Jamie raised his hands by his head as they stopped at the stables finally. "I just wanted to thank you. For being kind to her."
"Kind to my wife, you mean?" Sandor glowered at him, growing tired of the Lannister knight constantly feeling the need to speak for you. "You want to thank me for being kind to my wife."
"Steady on, I meant nothing by-"
"Because that's what she is." Sandor cut him off, "And I think you would do well to remember that the next time her name passes your lips."
"No disrespect intended." Jaime assured him, then looked past him slightly, "Speaking of, good morning, Lady Clegane."
"I'm not technically a Lady, ser." You corrected him, "Your sister wishes to speak with you, if you could come directly."
"Certainly." Jamie nodded, casting his eyes up at Clegane wearily before sighing, "Well, congratulations to you both all the same."
You watched the knight go before turning back to your husband, "What was that?"
Sandor shrugged, "Must not have slept well I guess." He brushed off the subject casually as you approached him with a sly smile, checking around to make sure no one was watching.
They were, obviously.
"I missed you this morning," You said in a hushed whisper, "I suppose I'll have to get used to rising early, if I'm to see my husband off like a proper wife."
"I didn't want to wake you" He grumbled, not adding how perfect you'd looked asleep against him.
"The queen has decided I am to join the royal court at Kings landing." You informed him, anxiety edging your voice. "I'm not sure how to feel about it."
"My advice?" Sandor breathed, moving past you to tend to Stranger "Don't feel anything. Those nobles can smell fear, and if you set your expectations high, you'll only be disappointed."
"On the other hand," you continued, "It seems the only other thing people are talking about is how quickly you'll put a baby in me. "
"Depends" Sandor grunted, dumping a large ration of oats into the horse's trough, "How quickly do you want one?"
"Do you want one?" You asked. "I mean, any child of ours won't be likely to inherit anything. You have an elder brother."
"My brother," Sandor cringed to bring the hated man up, "doesn't seem to be in any rush to fulfill his first-born duties. My father's dead, so currently everything rests with Gregor. If he drops dead before he sires a welp that isn't a bastard, then it falls to me. So, I wouldn't say likely, but I also wouldn't say impossible."
You thought about this a moment before nodding, "Better safe than sorry, I think."
"Very well then." Sandor slipped on his sturdy leather gloves and looked around, "I don't have much time, but if you don't mind the hay-"
"Shut up" you laughed, playfully shoving him.
Sandor swallowed a smile before squinting at the activity in the yard where the Stark and Lannister boys were fighting, "I really should get over there. Because those little brats get themselves killed"
"Go" You nodded, "I'll be around."
It was strange, not having anything to do.
Cersei had decreed that most normal labor was now below your station and instead had you tailing her most of the time as she toured the castle with Lady Stark, who nodded at you congenially.
The greenhouses were thriving, the Gods Wood heavenly, and the Great Hall large enough to host their entire entourage plus some. You took everything in with interest at first, but once the good parts were over, you discovered being a lady was dead boring.
"Lady Clegane." Lady Stark addressed you and you didn't bother to correct her, "I hear you are newly married. How thrilling for you."
"It is a blessing, My lady." You nodded, "I couldn't be happier."
"They had already been engaged of course," Cersei lied through her teeth, "But it was the king's will that the wedding should take place earlier than planned. I supposed there had been so much tedium on the road, he thought we needed something uplifting to stir us."
"Oh," Lady Stark's pale blue eyes were set in surprise, "And you parents, they didn't mind?"
"Unfortunately, Lady Stark, my parents passed some time ago. Until very recently I have been quite alone in the world."
"How lovely for you then" Lady Stark gave you a genuine smile. "My daughters will be joining you at court when you return, my eldest Sansa and my youngest Arya."
"I'm sure they will fit in well at court." You nodded agreeably. "Her Grace is most welcoming."
"Please, you flatter me" Cersei hooked her arm through yours, "Shall we keep going?"
"Of course, your grace." Lady Stark nodded, leading the two of you down the halls once more as the queen's hand found your and held it tightly, as thought you might get lost in the cavernous castle..
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bananacorn-limeade · 11 months
1961's The WORLD of ICE and FIRE
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I'm going to do it. I'm going to self-indulge!
The Roger Corman ASOIAF production post is mostly just a novelty, but since I'm me, I have a lot of FEELINGS and OPINIONS about this cast. Naturally.
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Anyway. Here's how well I think the actors in my post would play their roles, from worst to best.
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#19, Worst: John Ashley as Robb Stark
You know how Ben Affleck has a face that knows about emails? John Ashley has a face that knows about sock hops. Woefully miscast.
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#18: Tor Johnson as Gregor Clegane
God love the big guy, but I've only ever seen him make this face. Also, despite his repertoire of roles suggesting otherwise on paper, he just doesn't seem like a mean guy.
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#17: John Agar as Jaime Lannister
Another terrible choice. The only reason he's not ranked as worst is because his soulless performance would make viewers interpret Jaime as an absolutely irredeemable sociopath, which at least would be... uh, interesting, I guess.
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#16 Robert Reed as Renly Baratheon
Renly, but only if he was the most boring Baratheon. Go ahead, try to picture Reed eating a peach. You can't.
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#15 Dawn Bender as Arya Stark
Aw, she'd try. But I feel like her attempts at Arya's fire would mostly come off as petulance.
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#14 Richard Carlson as Ned Stark
Sorry, what? I fell asleep for a minute there.
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#13 June Kenney as Daenerys Targaryen
Kenney would try her level best, but you know Corman would do a terrible job incorporating her storyline with the main plot, so she wouldn't have much to do except lounge around on mildly offensive orientalist sets and talk to her force-perspective dragon puppets. (Stop-motion you say? What, you think American International is made of money?)
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#12 Dolores Faith as Sansa Stark
Again, no knock to Faith, but as with Daenerys, I think a 1961 production would flatten Sansa's character away to nothing. She'd get to pine and wear some nice dresses.
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#11 Anthony Dexter as Petyr Baelish
This guy can play oily like nobody's business (check him out in 1962's Married Too Young), but 5D-chess-level deviousness might be beyond him.
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#10 Michael Dunn as Tyrion Lannister
Full disclosure: I'm plopping him in the middle because I've never seen him in anything! The only little person I've personally seen in Corman's movies is Billy Barty (playing an actual, literal imp), and Dunn was someone I found who was said to play much meatier roles. In general, I think the depth of Tyrion's character would seriously challenge 1960s casting directors who were used to casting little people in jokey roles or as something less than human. One of many problems they'd have with the source material, no doubt.
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#9 Lon Cheney Jr. as Sandor Clegane
Here's another actor who would do the best with what he was given - which would be an essentially empty role. This Sandor would be a beast used only for jump scares, with too much rubber over his face to ever show an emotion.
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#8 Glen Langan as Stannis Baratheon
Langan would be serious, but dull, with lots of droning sermonizing. In other words, perfect. Still boring though.
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#7 Basil Rathbone as Tywin Lannister
Who better to play a role totally owned by Charles Dance than an actor who's even Charles Dancier? The only reason I'm not ranking this legend higher is because I do think he'd kind of sleepwalk through this role, especially at this stage in his career.
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#6 Raymond Burr as Robert Baratheon
The future Mr. Perry Mason was damn good at playing hard-drinking, prowly, "beastly" men. See him in this fabulous trailer for 1951's Bride of the Gorilla (spoiler: Burr is the gorilla). Of course, for this production, he'd be about 10 years on from that virile role, but that's perfectly on brand for Bobby B.
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#5 Michael Landon as Jon Snow
Landon's tortured James Dean era would be a great fit for angsty goth teen Jon, though he might have trouble keeping his feelings as hidden as Jon does.
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#4 Allison Hayes as Melisandre
Should she be ranked this high? Eh, maybe not, but this woman is a goddamn B-movie bombshell goddess. Her Red Woman would be a little less mysterious, sure, but her perfectly arched eyebrows and bullet bra would do R'hllor proud all the same.
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#3 Marie Windsor as Catelyn Stark
They didn't call her Queen of the B's for nothing. Windsor always did great with roles that call for strength and verve. She'd be a fantastic Cat, and - dare I dream it - an even better Lady Stoneheart.
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#2 Jack Nicholson as Theon Greyjoy
Now this would be fun. If baby Jack Nicholson had half the presence and charisma he would show in later movies, his Theon would be legendary.
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#1 Coleen Gray as Cersei Lannister
If I can get Tumblr to understand one thing, it's how much Coleen Gray would absolutely eat in the role of Cersei. She's beautiful. She's a schemer. She's a helpless victim. She's back for revenge. I challenge anyone to watch her insane, murderous, fierce, gorgeous, duplicitous performance in 1960's otherwise pretty terrible The Leech Woman and not come to the same conclusion. I'm serious. There would be no survivors. 👑
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roosterbox · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday 6/2/23
Title: you come back with gravity
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Jaime Lannister & Brienne of Tarth
Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Tyrion Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Lysa Tully Arryn, Hyle Hunt
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friends to Lovers, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Protective Jaime Lannister
Summary: Now she runs back to the same old swing, the place that ties them together. Brienne doesn’t understand what she’s feeling, but she needs to be here–where she can remember all the versions of herself, and their history is as present as a living thing.
She rocks back and forth, clinging to where they started, because she has no clue where they’re going.
This week’s rec is from the wonderful, wild world of Game of Thrones fanfic. God, remember when that show was popular? Time keeps rolling on. But thankfully fanfiction is forever (and usually better than canon!), and so here we are.
I love a good modern AU of a fantasy story, and putting my favorite ASOIAF ship in it? Perfection. The love between Jaime and Brienne is so easily translatable to any time and setting, but something about seeing them in modern times especially warms my heart. Maybe because Brienne being tall and “ugly” (in quotes because looks are always subjective, and even if she was absolutely hideous (she’s not!) her beautiful soul makes it irrelevant) is less remarked upon than in canon? Maybe because Jaime’s genuinely good nature has more of a chance to shine through? I don’t know why, but I love it.
The relationship in this one builds naturally. Gently. We only see a few snapshots of their life together, but you never doubt their feelings or commitment. And the characterization rings true of their canon counterparts too, but with a modern flair that fits them well. Also, the role reversal in the last segment is just *chef’s kiss*. Perfectly emphasizes what birds of a feather they are, while ostensibly being opposites.
A truly lovely piece of writing!
Next Week: Time for another trip to visit our favorite autistic space man and his vulgar, dog shirt wearing sweetheart! And this one has an interesting trope as its main concept - temporary amnesia. But not even losing his memory will stop Nigel from being absolutely smitten with Adam Raki. That man is DOWN BAD.
See you next time, my lovelies!
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Hey, kids! Today I’m going to be talking to you about Homestuck. And also ASOIAF, I guess.
Classpect analysis is a form of analysis where we internet-bound losers look at characters through the lens of the Homestuck classpect system, which assigns every character an ‘Aspect’ that is a bit like a personality grid, and a ‘Class’ that determines their powers in the game SBURB, but more importantly for us, their place in the story.
Still here? OK.
JON SNOW – RAAAG- Oh, too much? Ok, ok.
Aspect: Rage. Rage players have an antagonistic role in HS itself, but those are destroyer classes. Rage is about, not just anger, but truth. Seeing the world for what it is, and breaking down lies and false systems until something better is achieved. Sound familiar? It’s an aspect that fits well with Jon’s sort-of proto-human-rights-activist story. For the class… Jon ultimately applies this change of ways to the world around him, and it’s not for his own benefit. His aspect is his downfall. Simultaneously, he’s really really good at what he does, and his sway and effects of his actions are vast. So, I might put him as Witch of Rage. (I prefer this because it gives Ghost a place as his familiar. Good wolf. Best friend.)
However, he’s also really overconfident that he knows what the truth is, despite, say it with me ‘you know nothing Jon Snow’. And his overconfidence does lead to his death in a way; where he is so focused on the right thing and the truth, that he misses the lies spreading around him. So Seer of Rage is also an appropriate option.
TYRION LANNISTER – Tyrion is a Hope player. Point-blank, he is the aspect of Hope. He’s got the privilege, the self-centredness, the ability to bounce back from the deepest shit like the world’s grossest morally-greyest phoenix, the sex-obsession… For the class, I’d say Maid, because of their tendency to fix themselves with their aspect. Tyrion’s Hope only really affects himself. I truly believe that hope is a key word in Tyrion’s arc, and his whole life. no matter how depressed he gets, it’s hope that pulls him out, and forwards.
CERSEI LANNISTER – Is a Void player. Her worldview is distorted, and she revels in lies without seeking out the truth. It’s not that she is an idiot, but her refusal to question things trips her up. She surrounds herself with toadies and shmucks, and she seems to genuinely believe that she did fine by Sansa.
She also has a lot of the same personality flaws as the other Thieves in HS (self-obsession, overt conviction in her own incorrect logic, utter and unbelievable selfishness), so I call her Thief of Void.
Although – Seer of Void works just as well, and has quite a vibe to it. Cersei being so self-assured, but seeing only irrelevance.
I think Jaime is a Heart player. Every action that he takes, even the most selfless, is self-centred. He never considered any reason to explain himself after Aerys, because he knew he was in the right, so what else could matter? Statistics would also imply that Heart players tend to have extremely strong relationships, and Jaime is very attached to Tyrion and Cersei and to his admiration for Arthur Dayne. He also does self-reflect a lot for someone… bad at it. Overall, I’d say… Page of Heart? For a character so badly in need of psychological growth, and so tied to the idea of Knighthood. Although, I’m not positive about him having the promised secret potential of Pages. Maybe Maid of Heart, for a man who has to change his self-image over the course to the series.
BRIENNE OF TARTH – Knight of Breath. This one was easy.
Breath is freedom. It is innocence, childlike idealism, and self-sufficiency. It is associated with the ‘Hero’s Journey’ and with the ‘forward momentum’ of the plot as opposed to the interpersonal relationships that fall under Blood.
Brienne is free. Even if she suffers horribly under the misogynistic state of Westeros, compared to so so many of her fellow women, she is almost unbelievably self-motivated. She’s a gnc female knight, come the fuck on. Her idealism defines her, her clinging to her morals in the face of everything is the core of ASOIAF, this dark, dark story. She is rarely seen (apart from the beginning, where she’s with Renly) in a city or even a building, she’s in constant motion. Also, she’s blue. Class-wise… Knights protect others in Homestuck, they serve under/with others with their Aspect powers just like Pages do, and they have the same self-esteem issues. Brienne, is a knight not only in the way she reforms that title from the dark definition it has through ASOIAF, but in the class sense. She serves Catelyn, she is underconfident and puts up a façade to help, she gives Breath to Jaime.
She’s a Time player, for sure – never still, always running from/to something or another. The constant danger she’s in might be a part of that, sure, but even in AGOT, she is implacable, always seeking out a better place for herself. And although Doom is suffering and death, Time is the aspect of the dead. Arya’s story is about finding a place for a human girl among the dead and ghostly. She orders her friends around through her own vision, and seeing is another big motif for her – she sees her mother’s corpse, she loses her eyesight and sees through the eyes of a cat, and so on. Thus, I dub thee Mage of Time.
SAM TARLY – (my beloved my beloved my BELOV-) He was originally a tossup between Mind and Light, both being intelligence-based aspects, but the reading-people part of Mind and the cunning ruthlessness of Light neither fit him. I took a step back and thought, maybe Space. He is a protector of new life (with Gilly and her baby) and remarkably selfless. His intelligence allows him to see a bigger picture than most. While Mage (the active, less overconfident Seer class) does fit him, his tendencies towards cowardice and need for others’ help make me go for Page. So, Page of Space. My poor lonely son.
part 2>>
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bitterarcs · 6 months
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@stingslikeabee sent in 👑 + Jaime Lannister
ICON & WRITING SAMPLE (IF YES TO EITHER PREV. QUESTION): I actually write Jaime currently! My ASOIAF blogs aren't super active as of late, but it is one of my favourite fandoms to write in; Jaime in particular is a lot of fun to write. Here's an excerpt from a piece on my blog.
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It had always been Jaime who moved, who bridged the gap between their bodies. An obedient dog at the heels of his master  —  or a man in love. It was love which haunted his dreams with sweet nightmares, filled him with jealousy and desire, stepped on anyone who stood in their way, and it as love which pulled Jaime Lannister to his twin each and every time. Cersei was entirely capable of scratching out his eyes like a mad crow before beckoning her brother to his bed, and he, bloody and injured, would hardly hesitate to follow the motions of her finger until the both of them were scattered in bliss. 
This night proved no different, only Cersei’s touches and lingering gazes had been as sweet as honeycakes. The future King of the Seven Kingdoms had been born, Joffrey Lannister Baratheon, and while it had been several painful months without sex between them, the birth of their child had transformed his sister. Your son  —  she had told him, but Joffrey, despite hair of gold and eyes of emerald, was not truly his. Joffrey was Robert’s son, and Jaime.. he only desired his sister. The servants were in their quarters, and the drunken oaf of a king paid as much attention to the newborn child as Jaime had, less so perhaps. Jaime, clothed in red and gold silks, watched the brilliance of his sister’s glowing face from the doorway of the chamber. 
She knew he was there, and she waited.. waited.. then raised her crown of gold hair to offer him a sweet glance. She glowed, genuinely. Even in the throws of their passion, Cersei had never looked quite so happy. A bang of jealousy struck Jaime. The door behind him was shut slowly, quietly, and the latch was fastened before he moved to Joffrey’s wooden crib. There was a lack of love in his gaze, but Cersei did not seem to notice as her slender digits found the sleeve of his tunic to pull him to her. Jaime wanted nothing more than to hike up her skirts, but he knew his twin like the own back of his hand. 
Instead, a gentle kiss was placed on her forehead before he slid to her back. She still held his sleeve as both of his arms coiled around her slender waist.. She fit perfectly against his body. While the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms basked in the joy of her son, her brother, a knight of the King’s Guard, stilled his desire as the warmth of her body seeped into her. She was beautiful. He wanted her; she knew it. Jaime dropped his gaze to the golden hairs curling behind the shell of her ear, but he would not kiss her.. No.. he had to wait.
...as Jaime always did.
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munsonfamilyband · 2 years
I posted about this yesterday but I have a brain worm for a Stranger Things/Game of Thrones crossover fic and I decided to share the current character list and plot changes I have in mind. It would be a Steddie fic (duh have you seen my blog) so some plot lines won’t be addressed as much because it will be from Eddie’s POV. Anyway, major spoiler warnings if you’ve never watched GoT or read the books (though I’m going off the show)
Eddie: Jon Snow (not as brooding but it fits)
Jeff: Robb Stark
Gareth: Theon Greyjoy (I originally had Jeff as Theon but I like him as Robb better, plus Gareth feels more like Theon to me)
Nancy: Samwell Tarly (she goes to the Wall in drag using the name Nate)
Robin: Sansa Stark
Max: Arya Stark
Will: Bran Stark
Erica: Rickon Stark
Uncle Wayne: Benjen Stark
Jason: Joffrey Boratheon
Lucas: Gendry Waters (I did fact check this, bastards in King’s Landing have the last name Waters)
Steve: Ygritte of the Free Folk
Jonathan: Dolorous Edd
Argyle: Varys
Dustin: Podrick Payne
Mike: Jojen Reed (this is one option, alternate was Robin Arryn)
Chrissy: Daenerys Targaryen
Hopper: Tormund Giantsbane (I love this for him)
Murray: Tyrion Lannister (may swap him with Jonathan to have some Jargyle but idk yet)
Joyce: Brienne of Tarth
Enzo/Dmitri: Jaime Lannister
Brenner: Stannis Boratheon
El: Melisandre
Billy: the Hound (this is mostly out of how interesting I find Billy’s character potential, as he stood in the show he was awful but at the very end he showed a potential to be good)
Tommy H: Alliser Thorne
Barb: Missandei (or maybe Gilly?? So she’s friends with Nancy)
Karen Wheeler: Cersei Lannister (I love Karen but it’s the MILF energy that puts her here)
Dr. Owens: Ser Davos
Patrick: Grey Worm
Henry/Vecna: the Night King
Bob: Hodor
Lt. Col. Sullivan: Tywin Lannister
Yuri: Little Finger/Petyr Baelish
Reefer Rick: Mance Rayder (Idk it feels right)
the Stark children (minus Robb, sorry Robb) will all live
Benjen will still become the half-walker half-human that he becomes
Brienne will end up with Tormund rather than Jaime (I love Brienne and Jaime but I can’t split up Jopper)
Dany and Jon won’t sleep together they just become besties
I may do Jancy or I may do Ronance, unclear right now
Hodor will still die
Melisandre will not be the sexy priestess she normally is, having El be the powerful magic user that she normally is fit too well especially with Brenner as Stannis but there won’t be any sexy stuff between them
I’m letting Arya and Gendry be happy because I love Lumax so much
Ygritte will get injured but not die, the cave scene IS happening (maybe Steve is trans??? I don’t know how well I could write that but I have always loved trans Steve in canon as a way to play into his family dynamic)
Varys won’t die
Rather than having an age difference between all the siblings, Bran and Arya are now twins so Will and Max are the same age
Characters that don’t have a match and need one/will just be getting random names:
Jaqen H’ghar
Ned and Catelyn Stark
Lady Talisa Stark
Jorah Mormont
The Mountain
Jeor Mormont
Ramsey Bolton
Yara Greyjoy
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so don't wreck yourself, for there's more tales beyond the shore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jewvd1Z
by Anonymous
“Brienne of Tarth, yes. I always was better at swordfighting than at about anything else, and — we could say every time he tried to marry me to someone, it went sour.” Her eyes cloud for a second, then she shakes her head. “Then it happened that before he died, Asha Greyjoy showed up at our island for a diplomatic visit.”
“I imagine my lady found her an inspiration?” Jaime says, starting to guess where this is going.
“Maybe I did. And don’t call me like that. Everyone here likes to, but I’m no lady and I never was. Anyway, she… gave me a new perspective. When the King saw fit to inform me I should come to court so they could find me a marriage, I thought I’d ignore his missive.”
“And become a pirate?”
“Tarth is in an excellent position for raids,” she says, “and I don’t attack anyone who doesn’t deserve it.”
Words: 7860, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Sandor Clegane, others mentioned - Character
Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pirates, Alternate Universe - Pirate, POV Jaime Lannister, BAMF Brienne of Tarth, Brienne of Tarth is the Best, past Jaime/Cersei, Explicit Sexual Content, Pegging, Oral Sex, Marking, Idiots in Love, Timeline What Timeline, Woman on Top
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jewvd1Z
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castle-in-the-air0 · 2 years
Hi there, Throw Me to the Wolves anon here! Thank you for answering my other ask, it was great! I honestly might die of joy if I get to read Jaime and Robb interacting again. Two people who are fiercely protective of Alysanne, who absolutely hate each other but are also undeniably grateful to each other - the atmoshpere would be incredibly tense, and I have no doubt you'd do it justice if you ever decided to write it.
I do have another question: I was wondering if you have any example pics for Alysanne's appearance? For some reason I just really want to make sure the image in my head is right. For instance, her hair - I think you've referred to it as golden several times. I've always sort of imagined it on the paler side of gold - maybe just blonde enough to pass as Lannister and just silver enough to pass as Targaryen. I know that Alysanne's eyes are the traditional Lannister green, so I wondered where (if anywhere) the other side of her heritage made itself known. Now that I've typed it out, this kind of seems like a wierd question lol.
Sorry (again) for the long ask!
Hello! Sorry again for taking a minute to reply, I wanted to be able to sit down and really answer this. (Also, incredibly flattered that you think I’d do the conversation between Jaime and Robb justice, thank you ❤️)
And you’re not the first person to ask this! I’ve spent so long trying to find someone who fits perfectly my image of Alysanne I have in my head and it’s been almost impossible, but I’ve been playing around with art breeder, though, so I can attach that picture at the end :)
It’s not a weird question at all, and you’re completely right about the hair! It’s definitely on the paler side of gold, somewhere between Lannister and Targaryen. Her eyes are indeed Lannister green.
I think the shape of her eyes, though, comes from her mother. As does her nose, and both of those things to me come entirely from her Targaryen ancestry. There’s also some of that “Valyrian” beauty in her, a regal air about her almost. She has her mother’s height as well, and her chin, oddly enough. 
(A small little head cannon I have is that she isn’t overly fond of her nose, as most aren’t, but the only reason she doesn’t truly hate it is because she knows it comes from her mother)
Since her mother’s parents were siblings, she’s still half Targaryen in the sense that she still has a good bit of Valyrian blood in her. She just as easily could have been born silver haired and purple eyed like her mother, and so could her children someday. 
I’m still not 100% happy with how the portrait on art breeder came out, but it’s the closest I could get! The eyes aren’t perfect because I had to fix those after the fact with Lightroom, and I’m not very good at using that program lmao
Thank you again for the question :) 
Read Throw Me to the Wolves on AO3
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tyriongirl · 11 months
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Thank you so much! This is fun :) I'm gonna try to give the songs characters
Power & Control - Marina and the Diamonds cliche choice, but Cersei.
How I Survived Bobby Mackey's Personal Hell - Lincoln shades of both Tyrion and Theon. I actually came across Lincoln thru someone saying another song of his, St. Bernard, is Theon about Robb. Honestly all of his A Constant State of Ohio album is Theon. Check it out. I'm glad I found him because now he's one of my favorite artists. I love every song on that album, and I still need to listen to his new album. He tends to make me cry though (have been known to cry to every song from the Ohio album) so I haven't been inclined to properly listen to it yet.
What's Your Prerogative - Alex Brown & The Hepcats (they used to be The Hellbound Hepcats btw) ok I admit this one isn't actually any character but it's a really good song by a good rockabilly band and I wanted to put one of my favorite genres here. Anyway, could be Tyrion to Shae but not really, or if you pretend the romantic implications are not for the protagonist but rather for the protagonist's batshit crazy friendboss, it could be Davos about Melisandre. Maybe.
Yeti - Paris Paloma This is just the Lannisters. Mainly Cersei and Jaime about each other. I can also see this as Cersei about Tywin. This family is so messed up that this clearly breakup song could fit multiple people ugh
Pelo Suelto - Gloria Trevi (+ translation to English) Ygritte. duh
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januaryembrs · 2 years
hi!! biggest congratulations on 1k, it is so so deserved!! i would like to send in a drabble request for jaime lannister, maybe where either he or the reader has a nightmare, and the other person comforts them, if that’s okay? and feel free to change this however you see fit, of course!!
thank you, and i hope you’re having a good day :))
just posted my lovely! Read it here
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fandom-puff · 3 years
A Lion’s Feast
Pairing: tywin lannister x younger!wife!reader
Requested by: anon ‘Could you write a modern au for tywin lannister x younger wife reader. Maybe they have a Lannister family dinner and its all just chaotic.’
Notes: I didn’t end up doing this as a modern AU, because I found it easier to work with everything in like... Westerosi time frame, but I hope this is okay.
Warnings: older man/younger woman, political/arranged marriage, Joffrey, use of words like slut/whore etc (cheers, Cers), reference to Jaime and Cersei’s incest, awkward family dinner
Gif creds to owner
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“We will be dining in the Queen’s chambers tonight,”
You tensed up, staring straight ahead as you walked through the gardens of the Red Keep with your lord husband. “Am I… in trouble?” You asked softly. You were new to King’s Landing, shipped over from the Vale to marry the Lord of Casterly Rock, and you weren’t quite used to the way King Joffrey’s court worked.
“No. I’ve arranged for us to dine together as a family. You have not properly met my children and grandchildren. You are a Lannister by marriage, you are their mother-in-law, whether they like it or not, and it’s high time we acted like it,” his voice had a bitter edge to it; it hadn’t taken long for Queen Cersei to make her distaste clear. While no one in court would dare insult Tywin Lannister, the girl from the Vale was an easy target for gossip. You had been called every name under the sun, but the Queen’s favourite jibe was ‘whore’.
“Alright,” you murmured, lowering your eyes. You knew there would be no point in arguing. You had quickly learnt that when your husband put his mind to something, there was no turning back. As a few men of the court crossed your path, you felt Tywin’s hand come to rest on the small of your back, and it did not move until you were in the tower of the Hand. You smiled softly as you caught sight of the steaming tub of hot water, scented with sweet oils as you entered your bedroom. “You’ve had this all planned out, haven’t you, my Lord?” You asked, a small smirk gracing your lips. “You should’ve just told my handmaidens to do it in my chambers, to save the walk up all of those stairs,”
Tywin smiled ever-so-slightly. “You’re hardly ever in your own chambers downstairs, wife,” he reminded you.
“Only because you’re the only person I really know in this godforsaken keep, and even then I don’t know you that well. Besides, if I stayed in my own chambers, I’d get lost and end up in the maze of dragon skulls below the keep,”
Tywin smirked, giving you a little push by the small of your back. “Bathe. Wear red, and preferably rubies and gold,” he said sternly. You sighed, knowing Tywin wanted you to dress the part, to look like the Lady of Casterly Rock. You bathed and dried, perfuming your skin and hair before pulling on your smallclothes, calling in your handmaiden to tighten your bodice, then help lace up your dress. It was a deep red, with golden embroidery on the bodice and cuffs that glimmered when you moved, just covering your shoulders and showing the swell of your breasts, and you fastened a pendant around your neck- a golden lion with tiny rubies for its eyes, tongue and claws. You braided back the front of your hair, but let the rest fall down over your shoulders.
You emerged from the room into Tywin’s main office, your hands folded in front of you. He surveyed you briefly before nodding, offering his arm.
You sat in silence as you ate, eyes fixed on your plate. Tywin was sat to your left, Jaime to your right. Cersei and Joffrey occupied the heads of the table, and Tyrion sat across from you, in between Myrcella and Tommen.
“More wine, my Lady?” Tyrion said out of the blue, holding up the jug. He gave you a slight smile, knowing how you must feel to be the outcast, like a stranger with the people you were meant to call family.
“I... yes, please. Thank you, my Lord,” you said.
Tyrion smiled as he poured, before filling his own glass. “Just Tyrion will suffice. Let us leave formality at the door,” you smiled slightly and nodded.
“I agree,” said Jaime, earning himself a sharp look from Cersei, who was used to her twin almost always siding with her. “Wasn’t the whole point of this evening to introduce you to us? As a family,” Cersei scoffed into her goblet. “We won’t get very far with ‘my lords’ and ‘my ladies’, will we?”
Tywin nodded his approval at his sons’ attitude and you smiled, beginning to relax a little, though the presence of Cersei and Joffrey kept you on edge. “Tell me, Lady YN, how is the Vale at this time? Have the northerners got their grubby claws on it yet?” Joffrey suddenly asked.
You froze slightly. You were here to talk, yes, but not talk politics. “The Vale... your grace, is not quite like the Reach, or the Riverlands, or even like Winterfell or Casterly Rock,” you said carefully, fully aware of all of the eyes on you. You looked at Tywin, and when he gave you an approving nod, you turned back to the king and continued. “The majority of the Vale is mountain, with the valley you desire buried between them. Even Robb Stark’s best men couldn’t seize it. No one could. To take the Vale, one must take the Eyrie. To take the Eyrie... well... you just couldn’t,” you were happy sharing this fact, as it was known across Westeros that the Eyrie was impenetrable.
“There are other ways to the Eyrie, though. Marriage,” Cersei said. It was the first time she had spoken, and she had a conniving gleam in her eye.
“There is only one heir to the Vale. Jon Arryn was murd-died before he could have any more children. Only little Robert Arryn is the Lord of the Vale, and he’s just past his sixth name day I believe. Besides, his mother is... very protective of her boy. As I’m sure you can understand, your grace, as a mother yourself,” you said cooly. You didn’t know what possessed you to speak that way to the Queen, but something about speaking of your home, your true home filled you with confidence.
“Indeed. There is nothing quite like a mother’s love,” she responded, fixing you with a cold stare.
“I’m unfamiliar, having lost my mother when I was seven,” you said.
“Does the Eyrie really have a trap door that leads nowhere?” Tommen Baratheon suddenly asked, breaking the silence between you and his mother.
You smiled softly at the little boy. How could someone so innocent come from the loins of a beast like Cersei. You supposed some of the good nature came from his father- his true father, that is, Jaime Lannister. “Yes,” you said. “They call it the Moon Door. It’s a big trap door that opens into the sky. If the Lord of the Vale commands, prisoners can be thrown from it,” you stopped, realising quickly how gruesome that must sound to a little boy.
Tommen simply shrugged. “I suppose that must be less messy,” he said, returning his focus to his food. Soon Tommen and Myrcella were bundled off to bed, and Myrcella told you rather sweetly that she liked the way you did your hair.
Once the children were gone, it left only you and Tywin, his three children and the King. Tywin suggested you move away from the dining table to sit and drink wine. Joffrey excused himself, utterly disinterested with continuing on with the evening. You felt a little lighter after he left, although you could feel Cersei staring daggers at you.
“It must feel strange,” Jaime said. “Coming down here from the Vale. I imagine it’s all rather confusing, and daunting,”
“You can say that again,” you said. “I thought I’d just get bundled off to Casterly Rock, never seen or spoken to,”
Tywin laughed slightly. “Come now, wife, we do have some level of decency in this family,” he said. You smiled shyly, looking at your lap. He was often a little more... relaxed after a few glasses of wine.
“Ha!” Cersei said, having also drunk a fair bit. She had been holding her tongue all night, and it seemed now it had loosened. “Once he puts an heir in your belly, you’ll be shipped off to Casterly Rock. And if it’s a girl, you’ll be spared a visit or two, until you give us a son. That’s all you’re here for, that’s all you’re good for,”
You sat up a little straighter, responding before Tywin could. “I am aware of the general concept of political marriages. Your father gets a wife and an heir, my family gets money, or protection or something of the sort. The Seven know, you Lannisters have gold pouring out of your ears,”
“I believe the phrase is that we ‘shit gold,’” Tyrion supplied with a smirk, making you chuckle.
“You think this is a game,” Cersei hissed. “I’ve seen you, prancing around court, dressed in red and gold, following father around like a lost dog! Fluttering about like a common slut,”
“Cersei-” Jaime said lowly.
“No! No! Can’t you see, she has her claws in father the same way Margaery has her claws in Joffrey! And you want me to accept that whore as my mother,”
It was silent. Cersei panted, now standing up. Jaime and Tyrion looked between her and Tywin. Tywin remained stoic, although his eyes revealed the way he seethed. But it was you who spoke first.
“I don’t expect you to accept me as your mother. I am not your mother. Nor will I ever try to be, or call myself that,” you said quietly, contrasting the Queen’s outburst. “I will, however, do my best to serve my husband, to provide him with the heir that is expected of me, the same way you provided King Robert with his heirs,”
Cersei snorted. “I’m sure you do a fine job of serving, you brazen little who-”
“Enough, Cersei!” Tywin finally said, standing up. “Whether you like it or not, I have married YN. She will give me an heir, or two, or more. And she will remain the lady of Casterly rock, no matter how much you protest,”
“She’s not fit to be lady of Casterly rock. She can barely curtsey,” she spat. “You have heirs, father,” she said, almost pleasing. “What need have you for a little whore,”
“I have a son who swore an oath, another who has more interest in wine and whoring, and a daughter who is not nearly as clever and tactical as she thinks she is. Casterly rock will not be left to either of you when I’m gone. It will be left to mine and YN’s son,”
“It could be! It could be left to one of my children,” Cersei hissed.
“One of your children? I wouldn’t put a bastard on the seat of Casterly Rock,” Tywin said cooly. Cersei opened her mouth to argue but Tywin held up his hand. “Give it up, Cersei. You told me yourself, my legacy is a lie. You have had your chance to build the Lannister name. Now it is time for YN and I to rebuild what you have trampled into the ground with your lies and your... acts,” he said with disgust. “And if I so much as hear the words whore or slut to describe my wife, I will resign as hand, withdraw my knights and my gold, as well as that of the Vale and leave you to pick up the pieces of this kingdom that I have been holding together. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from the Tyrells. Come YN,” he said, turning away from his daughter and resting his hand on your waist, guiding you out of the Queens chambers and back to the tower of the hand, not giving you a chance to curtsey to the Queen.
As the door slammed shut, Tyrion drained the rest of his wine and clapped his hands as he stood. “Well. That went well,”
Tags: @sociallyawkward-princess @lazyotakujen
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