#fuck politics
jasonsthunderthighs · 2 months
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The fuck he wouldn't. Nor would he have ever be seen to miss.
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strippa1s · 2 months
If nobody else has told you recently
Thank you for existing 🖤
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musicalislife · 7 months
Today’s comforting lyrics are snippets from Everybody’s Waiting - Joker Out
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This series is me trying to find comfort in songs for the current situations and feelings I experience.
I decided to use this parts because the current political situation in my country. If it continues like this I’ll have to go back to the closet.
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sagethegayyyy · 4 months
here is where I stand on politics
warning: these are very controversial.
math is green
reading is red
social studies is yellow
miscellaneous is purple
science is blue
im open to hearing other opinions
edit: I forgor to add science whoops
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shadowbannedirl · 2 months
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iamtheweirdomister · 5 months
I feel the same way she does. I'm younger but she nails it.
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pissodeluxe · 10 days
Money is so insidious.
Never before have I wished to be wealthy like I do right now. My heart is bleeding every time I see another post, another face, another please do not scroll. I empty everything I can find into fundraisers and sim cards and organisations feeding the hungry.
I've never been wealthy. In all the ways possible in a Scandinavian welfare state, I've been poor. I've grown up hungry and without proper clothes. I've been homeless several times. But I've never wanted to be wealthy. What would I do with money, I always thought. Buy a car I don't wish to drive? Buy a house that I probably won't know how to live in? I once was gifted a lottery scratcher that was a single, final digit away from being the winner and all I remember is the feeling of stress. I don't like money. I was relieved when it wasn't there.
Rock stars fly around in private jets, rich men build rockets and force their workers to piss themselves on the line, my country's subreddits are full of people advising each other on how to become wealthier through becoming shareholders, the famous and the aristocrats waltz around in pointless fashions giving pointless interviews and here we all are on Silly, Pointless Tumblr, half of us are already begging each other for help, for just a single dollar, just anything at all, just enough to feed my dog, just enough to buy my medication, someone please save my cat.
And we're apparently the only place where the cries for help from Gaza and Sudan are even heard anymore. Across the street the owners of the new, fancy apartments with the rooftop gardens whose gentrification has caused five new dog grooming salons to open up in an area that used to be only run down mechanics and car parks, they come here to my government apartment blocks and park their expensive cars, because our parking was always too far away from any place useful to be used like this.
Those people, I see them around. Talking about terrorism and complications, talking about their political views of fiscal responsibility and moral conservatism like they know anything at all about what life is like. They look at me sideways because I'm a filthy homo. They could help but they would never. They need that money, how else would they have their next date night at that Michelin restaurant. How else would they book their next vacation and buy a second Mercedes.
I'd key their disgusting cars except I'm pretty sure they have surveillance built in, and I'm a single parent and I'm already doing my best to find any leftover cash to donate it. I can't afford a fine. But I wish I could hurt them even just a little. Make them think twice before telling anyone who'd listen about how great they're doing. We're not even allowed to have dogs here. Not that I know anyone who would have their dog groomed. We don't even go to the human hair dressers. Five dig grooming shops in an area that I can walk across in twenty minutes.
I hate it.
I want the wealthy to suffer poverty. To feel hunger at night. To be afraid of the end of the month. I want them to feel what it is like to have their rent go up further than their income reaches. I want them to know the desolation having nowhere to go. No home and no family.
I want politicians to become powerless. I want them to become as irrelevant as the victims of their ruthless campaigning. I want them to yell in vain at a world that no longer listens.
I want open borders. I want all of us to weather the coming climate together, I want us to share what we have.
I want Palestine to be free. I want it's people to be compensated and apologised to somehow. I want their olive trees to grow back. I want Zionists to become a ridiculed minority again. I want Jews to be allowed to exist outside of some political nightmare state that claims to speak for them.
I want corporations to become illegal. I want previous metals and whatever else is causing people to be murdered and tortured to be respected and reused. We have enough smart phones, we have enough. I'm ashamed to admit I don't even know what the rest of the current conflicts are really about, because I'm so heartbroken all the time that I'm afraid for my health if I keep reading. I want the world to be safe for Muslims. I want us to get over the stupid, evil racism that's been driving us to murder and maim and torture and starve and kidnap and
I want it to stop. I can't accept that wanting it to stop is "too naive" or "too utopian." I don't care. Let me be childish then, and say that I want it to end. The suffering, the cruelty. I want a just world where everyone is given food and shelter. I want a world where no one gets to just claim the right to hurt their fellow humans.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that so many have already been killed for pointless reasons and unfair wars. I'm sorry that the protests aren't listed to (yet!) I'm sorry that people feel allowed to turn a blind eye. I feel sick to see my country folk pretend like they don't know anything. I'm sorry I don't have the money to help everyone reach their needs, and I'm sorry I'm centering myself in this rant that my one follower will see. Like my heartbreak matters. Like my exhaustion is worth mentioning.
But I refuse to believe that this is how it will be. I refuse a future where not everyone is allowed to have a happy, safe life. I refuse it. There is too much good in this world. We will be heard. Our childish dreams will be made more and more real until the selfish forget that they ever denied them. We will keep fighting and building and sharing until everyone is cared for, until justice is done. We will learn to take care of each other and the ground that carries us. We will learn to become what we want. We will have clean air, clean water, clean food.
There's been enough pain. Something's gotta give. It's been paid for a thousand times already. This planet is too mathematically unlikely to just end up empty. Injustice is a losers game. Because I said so.
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leaderlamby · 1 year
Daily Sermon #52
Politics are a thing...
Honestly, they shouldn't be. Lamb isn't going to go into much detail about the subject because it's irrelevant, but the concept of politics Lamb finds foolish.
Humans can't be trusted to pick an eligible leader, they're too biased. And so are the options for the leaders. Narcissistic close-minded pieces of trash.
The way it was in my world, the way it should be, the lesser beings flock to the most powerful for protection.
No debating about it. Everyone knew who the most powerful was because their very presence would demonstrate it.
And before I was transported to this world, the most powerful was me.
Once this cult manifests to the real world and not simply online forums, people will be able to tell how powerful I truly am, and how much more powerful they should make me.
Politics are a joke. I'm in charge, that won't change, I decide everything.
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c3s6 · 8 months
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Campaigning for an international beat the shit out of world leaders day
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viago-vamps · 1 year
the most insidious thing about so many republican proposals is the sheer refusal to see anyone outside of the party as human beings. it’s scary how easy it is for other humans to forget that, yes, trans people are people, black people are people, indigenous people are fucking people.   please don’t give into the propaganda. talk to people, see the humanity in others and stay sane
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anhilliator1 · 1 year
Just read through the Restrict act
Ok, Tiktok is bad and should be shut down, I agree, but you couldn't just issue an executive order
Instead you have to pull a bullshit blanket ban like this
I fucking hate my country's government sometimes.
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musicalislife · 1 year
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New song by Carson Coma❤️
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paperandink403 · 2 years
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themidnightcryptid · 2 years
Well, my country is on fire and everything is a nightmare in the worst possible way
All I wanted was to enjoy my Halloween, but noooo
We might even have to cancel classes because it's too dangerous to leave the house today
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motherofplatypus · 3 months
This is how many bullets they shot on a fucking kid.
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