#fuck christianity all my homies hate christianity
cavalierappreciator · 8 months
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Can you all stop romanticizing* Catholicism on this website now
*using catholic aesthetics for gay stuff still encouraged
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ah damn. saw a post I wanted to reply to abt christian upbringings & trauma but I closed the tab, now it’s lost to the world 😔
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janesurlife · 3 months
This has no right being as hot as it looks.
I just want these two back. Horner you ruined my home, I hope you pay for it
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lichothemad · 9 months
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Lucifer Morningstar, King of Hell, Regent of the Damned. A fallen angel, once the star Venus, rebelled against God and was damned to the fiery pits for all eternity. Also he's trans.
Drawn on autodesk sketchbook on galaxy tab s9.
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ayrsontenna · 7 months
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size-two-shrimp · 1 year
Kinda funny that two of the characters I want dead the most are called the Archangel Gabriel.
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what the hell even is anastasia’s inner goddess
GREAT question, she is the fucking bane of my existence. Throughout the entire 50 shades trilogy, Ana (our main character) is accompanied by two internal personifications: her inner goddess, and her subconscious.
These are basically like...inner voices that serve to make snide commentary to/about Ana. Her subconscious's comments and general demeanor is to degrade and insult/question her, and she is more present in the first half of the trilogy. Very negatively judgemental
Her inner goddess is there to also make snide commentary, but to serve as like...the representation of Ana's womanhood? Her innate femininity and sexuality? She apparently has a harpy face and half-moon spectacles.
They're not separate characters, but an extension of Ana that are representative of parts of her? Like she's compartmentalized but it's all still her. Sometimes they make faces at her, sometimes they say things--but only ever in italics like thoughts, never actual real spoken dialogue. Ana will describe them as doing things as well, such as hiding behind a couch or doing cartwheels or kneeling submissively, etc.
Basically they're like voices in the back of her head but given WAY too much attention and page time and I hate them. vehemently
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dragon-zena · 2 years
every time i think about certain magical girl animes i get so mad about how the main protags are treated like woah why is the whole squad talking shit about her THAT’S NOT FRIEND BEHAVIOR!!!!!!
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omnomnb · 11 months
yknow the fact that levi and mammon were able to validly pass the 'angel's trial' by just not talking to anyone/not talking at all is VERY indicative of the performative nature of the celestial realm's 'morality' bc that doesn't actually prove anything about ur character, just that u can find loopholes
the fact that the trial is just 'do NOT lie' is also very in league with the flawed christian view on what is 'good' and 'bad'
idc what simeon says about how "lYinG tO ProTeCt sOmEonE iS nOblE aNd angEliC", he totally just pulled that outta his ass on the spot. bc if that was a VALID way to win the trial, the bracelet wouldn't have broken in the first place. bro probably just wanted luke to stop crying and/or for his crush to win the trial anyway
fuck the celestial realm all my homies hate the celestial realm
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bunny-j3st3r · 1 month
Archie sonic isue #3
Back at it again at krispy kreme
reminder that as much as I dislike archie sonic I am going to attempt to post as many positive as I do negative comments, these are just me logging my thoughts as I go through ALL of the comics because I like to torture myself.
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After fighting with the site for awhile I'm reading these on lmfao we start with issue number 3 it's release date was on august 1993 with it publication date being October 1993.
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"Sorry I scared you, anyway robotnik has a bomb" very normal thing to say sonic.
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Something about Antoine's being fancy is really funny. They wanted to call this fruit a faggot so badly.
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Mans really went FUCK christians me and my homies HATE christians.
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Okay this bit made me cackle I'm ngl
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I think this is what furry conventions feel like.
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turns out the bomb was in fact a bug bomb, still not exactly enviromental friendly but eh, maybe robotnik should try a glue trap next.
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Ah so they do aknowledge they changed her hair, I'm sure they aknowledge her fur change to but I don't recall that.
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Ah here we have one of my favourite child hood characters when I was a kid and her first origins before they changed it many years later.
Not that I'm complaining I guess they wanted to give characters more plot lines.
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I think her current orgins were similiar? don't quote me on that though.
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careful she's a hero.
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I love she was dying, saw a pretty girl and went I'm normal now acutally.
Very hetro behaviour.
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girl they stole ur pigment
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Tumblr when they see trans women
because I had to clip these from a different site it sadly seems that I'm unable to nab the questions and etc.
I do love the fun these old comics have but they sure have not aged well in some aspects.
They have charm to them though I suppose but it really does make me laugh when some sonic fans hold these comics as like the word of god of sonic lore when most of the time they just
don't make sense
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
Hello hello! I would love a matchup!
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? - Playing with Bad Luck by Set it Off ... Its a kinda day/ its a kinda week/ Its a kinda year/ When you cut and paste/ When you're on your knees/ When you're out of tears (damn)/ examine every scar. i'm auditing my karma/ something just ain't adding up/ it's close, but no cigar/ i'm dancing in the dark cause/ every light keeps shutting off/ i'm playing with bad luck
What is your Enneagram type? - I'm an 8w7! also an ISFJ personality type
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.- I created a lot of stories and characters as a kid, most of them were knights or huge creatures
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? - I usually have a cup of tea and sit with my dog. On nights where I can't get my brain to shut up I'll play audiobooks/redacted sleep aid lol
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? - Okay but something about the comfort/ reverse comfort audios hit a place in my heart I didn't think was in me. Like, I get why I like the healing audio cause the listener is getting doted on, and that's cute. (No matter how many times I listen to Gavin's comfort audios I will sob every time) But when I listen to a reverse comfort, it makes me love a character even more. Like the fact that they trust their listener (i.e., David breaking down, Gavin giving bits and pieces of his past to freelancer/ breaking down in the inversion, Milo injured, etc), makes my heart swell.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) - Okay, the character is made for the audience to not really like them, but Marcus (Project Meridian) sets a wave of anger in me I could never begin to explain like the manipulation tactics and gaslighting make me want to murder someone, BUT SOMEHOW IM LIKE "Oh I like Vega" which don't get me wrong also hate Vega at times but the way he acts with warden makes me love him
Tell me about that one book/movie/TV show you know all the words to. - does Redacted count "just gotta say ding dong the witch is dead fucking goes off and you better promise to play that at my funeral ALSO unrelated macho man unironically fucking goes off AND YOU KNOW WHAT actually IT IS related because you absolutely need to promise to play that at my funeral too back to back Macho man immediately followed by ding dong the witch is dead what do you say?" .... don't ask BUT IF NOT I also know pirates of the caribbean, the Grinch (live action), Mitchells vs the machines, Monty Python and the holy grail, too name a few
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? - OH MY GOD CAN VINCENT BE MY BESTIE (obvi also love ash and guy but let me explain) Okay vincent is one of those guys who's sarcasm is top notch like homie could roast anyone without a second to waste. Also I feel like I could literally sit in silence with Vincent and it not feel awkward yknow
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.) okay, I will ramble about history like there is no tomorrow. for example, did you know that Constantine the Great considered himself such a great Christian that he called himself the "13th Apostle" on his tomb (which very few people have been able to see because you have to be closely enough related to him to enter) he didn't write his name on his coffin instead it says 13th apostle also he put the remains of the other apostles in his tomb because "he deserved it" ......anywayssss
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo. - flaming hot Cheetos and a sprite reset my life in a way that makes me want to achieve my dreams
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. - The Balance, its so beautifully made, starting with a close experience to death, to cult antics, to AN UNEXPECTED CROSSOVER. its just made sooooooooooooo well
What’s your guilty pleasure in media, and why? - Okay cringy middle school emo/ animatic music from my past is engrained into my brain
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! - i'm 5'2 and the youngest of a big family. I'm an artist and currently working on an illustration degree. I love love love voice acting. Thats about it! THANKS
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You gave me so much to work with here, and yet it was a challenge. Like, I could have gone in so many directions. I think you could work so well with so many of the boys, but ultimately, it had to be Asher.
Your submission gives me the vibe of someone who’s loyal, unique, and confident, who knows what they’re about and always has something interesting to say even if you’re not particularly extroverted. I like the idea of pairing Asher with you because he would perfectly uplift you, pulling you out of your shell and giving you the stage to shine while also knowing when to take the reins and support you, in your education, social situations, whenever.
Your life would be so genuinely fun together- not just because Asher’s so fun as a dude but because y’all have so much in common. You two would have the same taste in music (that FOB fan boy) and pop culture. You’d be the tea drinker to his Monster Energy vibes, the perfect balance in the house to feed his bubbly nature but also ground him. Also, Asher should totally have a dog he can play with, so it’s even more perfect.
If you don't swim, you'll drown/ But don't move, honey/ You look so perfect standing there/ In my American Apparel underwear/ And I know now, that I'm so down/ Your lipstick stain is a work of arts I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart/ And I know now, that I'm so down
5SOS seems like just the sort of group y’all and Asher would like now, the group that was pop-punk adjacent and has evolved with its audience. This track in particular is a classic, and I can see Asher totally jamming out to this in the car, air-guitaring at red lights, and demanding applause from you when he’s done (which you’d give because he’s just that cute).
Like I said, there were so many boys that could have been matched with you, so there were also too many options for runner-ups! I settled on Anton because he’d be so cute with a tea-drinking dog lover. He deserves a puppy and a partner who makes them a pot to share. I also like you with Guy because an artist and writer couple is just too cute to pass up.
note: thank you for waiting 🖤
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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bireggiemantle · 1 year
7 and 9 🖤
7 - what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of fanon?
sweet pea 💔 I like the idea of sweet pea but the fandom loooves pushing their weird little bdsm fantasy onto him and I can't stand it so I've kind of become annoyed by him as a result
9 - worst part of canon
I hated season six. (EXCEPT RIVERVALE. those were high art episodes this is not about them) sorry. it had to be said. season six was the least coherent, most all over the place, inconsistent part of the show, and I didn't enjoy watching it. the superpowers plot was stupid, and combining that, rivervale, and the christianity plot was just plain confusing. they didn't have enough time to thoroughly develop any of those ideas or the characters and in the process they ended up mary-sueifying my girl bestie tabitha. fuck season six all my homies hate season six. sorry. not sorry.
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fuck christians all my homies hate christians. especially those who take advantage of the fact I'm unlocking my bike in front of the planned parenthood to tell me how bad abortion is He asked me if I liked abortion and I said yes. He asked me "oh so you like killing babies?" and I should have told him "yes. I love killing babies. fuck them kids" He told me that jesus loves me and I told him that me and jesus are divorced I have extreme religious trauma but these pukestains don't care and parade thier shit religion everywhere it's not wanted. fucking leave me alone
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d0rky-0utfits · 1 year
Oskar and Orel would be friends, Christina and sunshine would bond over being the cAnOn love interest and nothing else (Christina will always be better than sunshine) Joe would surprisingly NOT get along with Stoker because Stoker is dogshit. He would get along better with Klot and Ashley. Doughy and Leechy would OBVIOUSLY get along bc “main character’s best friend + the fandom ships them w/ said main character) Gothetta hangs out with Christina and sUnShInE for a bit before punting sunshine out a window teaching christina to make potions with herbs and stuff
and stoker tries to hang out with Joe, Klot, and Ashley but they want nothing to do with him.
Ok before I say anything I just want to say I love all of this
• I feel like Orel would try to invite Oskar to church but when Oskar explains to Orel that he literally can't enter churches Orel would go "W H A T?how do you live without church 🤯🤯??!?" followed up by a bunch of other questions
• Christina and sUnShiNe would kinda just be there 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️ yuh know (But you're definitely right Christina would always be better than sUnsHinE)
•fuck stoker all my homies hate stoker
• ok honestly this could be a hit or miss but I feel like Joe might be friends with Buck as well
• Doughy and Leechy being friends gives me a certain type of joy I didn't know I could feel
• I really like the idea of Gothetta hanging out with Christina but I feel like Gothetta teaching her potions would fall into like OoKy sPoOky wItcHcRaFt which is like a big no no I'm pretty sure when it comes to Christianity
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scenekidfancams · 2 years
cool shit I found on bandcamp 1: metal/emo/screamo stuff 2/12/23
I usually find stuff on bandcamp and either a. never share it again or b. can't find it again. So I hope this these bi weekly segments (hopefully) segments will help you find and share new tunes :3
DJ Count Olkoth - .​​​.​​​.​​​Welcome to the Dungeon House
this is the most original dungeon synth I have heard. because some fascist white neonazi fucking dnd nerd didn't make it, instead the dungeon synth was made by dj seinfield's friend whos way into bandcamp tape trading, hating religion, bullet belts, and red wine...oh and trve kvlt black metal. known as the "...evidence of the first known Dungeon-House record", this is gonna be in my rotation for a while. the boots and cats and thumpy four the floor house beats are gonna catch me twerking the moshpit. ffo: dj seinfield, Your Arms Are My Cocoon specifically the live songs on Your Arms Are My Cocoon (Deluxe Edition) , and idk funny haha four on the floor beats but with distortion.
buy here ----
Direct copy [3$] (all profits towards artist: Count Olkoth) https://northerndoom.bandcamp.com/album/welcome-to-the-dungeon-house
label copy [1$] https://grimestone.bandcamp.com/album/dj-count-olkoth-welcome-to-the-dungeon-house
Winter Demo 2022 - Every Promise Kept
its nice to seeing a christcore band that's actually not homophobic // transphobic // sexist etc etc and actually practice what they preach. often most Christians can be cringe and often will not call out poor behavior. jay barker (she/they) speaking to no echo "I think there's this assumption that if you're in a Christian band you have to be a hate-monger and that's not the case, three of the five people in this band are trans women, and we're pissed off at the state of the church in America and it comes through in our lyrics." also their riffs high key slaps. also they played in a bookstore with upcoming mathcore outfit callous daoboys so that's also pretty cool.
ffo: zao, focal point, no cure xxx.
buy here ----
Paid DL - https://everypromisekept.bandcamp.com/album/winter-demo-2022
Mind Goblin - Fall 2021 demonstration
DE straight edge hardcore band band that's also a good deez nuts joke with troll 2 references, hailing from Newark, mind goblin, is a band that will make you scream, laugh and crowdkill a your homies. also some slow screamo and doom metal elements in the mix and you get a spicy meatballa of a band.
DL - https://mindgoblin302.bandcamp.com/album/fall-2021-demonstration
Hate5six footage from Nov 17th 2021 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rJhvt8tsDs&ab_channel=hate5six
The World in Broken Glass - demo 2022
DISCLAIMER: (marcie is in my band bloodstainedeyes and the world in broken glass).
I don't have real words to describe, but holey original, beautiful and holy healing cathartic release. so much potential.
ffo: sysc, midwest screamo, modern queercore.
Paid DL---
never knows best × Garden Angel - Autumn (Single)
garden angel makes some of the most original emo and ambient post-myspace/scene music. she has hooked up with never knows best to make a valentines banger. it reminds me a warm happy times. the lyrics are really super cute. I specifically love the outro
"I smile like an idiot I smile like an idiot I smile for you I smile coz of you"
Also Alice (she/her) needs our help: Tw: abuse
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