#fuck hfs all my homies hate hfs
dragon-zena · 2 years
every time i think about certain magical girl animes i get so mad about how the main protags are treated like woah why is the whole squad talking shit about her THAT’S NOT FRIEND BEHAVIOR!!!!!!
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Ayesha Liveblogs SAO S1
The real question is how no one has arrested this game creator yet 
There are only two types of game players those who create their avatars to look as much like them as possible and those who want to be a pretty princess 
“2,000 people have died so far” well that escalated quickly
Lmao @ Kirito’s group-work anxiety same my guy same
I don’t trust Blue Haired Knight he is hanging back at the rear while everyone else fights 
Well he’s dead now so I suppose it’s irrelevant
I like that Kirito was phased by the fact his partner was a pretty girl for about five seconds before he was calling out battle tactics
Jesus Kirito went from plucky young boy to Edgelord in ten seconds
“Are you talking about suicide?” “That’s not such a bad idea” I mean... u right
I can’t be the only one wondering what’s happening to their bodies while they’re spending literal months in this game unable to eat or defecate
How do u think Kirito’s mum would feel about him sleeping in bed with girls
Kirito made friends and they all died so quickly yikes 
All of Kirito’s decisions are made so abruptly he decided to adopt Silica out of nowhere
Nice to know romance isn’t dead in the virtual reality hellscape
Things are so happy right now I’m sure everything’s about to go terribly fucking awry
Apparently Kirito is a bounty hunter now these time lapses are wild
I can’t believe Asuna is taking Kirito on a date in exchange for letting her nap
Grimlock is a name that screams evil but I’m honestly more suspicious of Yoriko
It seems me being suspicious of someone means they’re immediately going to die lmao
Nope I was correct the first time whoops
“How many times you been married anyway?” Kirito pls 
“I had to kill her while she was still my wife” calm down Othello
Kirito, explaining marriage: “If you marry someone, that means you already like whatever you know about them, doesn’t it? And if you discovered something you didn’t know about them before and fell in love with that too, then that would be awesome?”
Lisbeth: Brr it’s cold
Kirito: Well damn Lisbeth I can’t control the weather
But if Asuna has a date and it’s not with Kirito who else are these teens romancing 
“Especially if that someone’s a girl like you, Lis” the biggest recurring trope in this anime is that Kirito is inadvertently romantic 
Lis is such a good friend she sees that Asuna likes Kirito and immediately backs down
“It’s been almost two years since this game of death began” yikes how decrepit must your real body be what about your family what if some of these players have children you are a child
These domestic virtual times are sweet but depressing because their lives are a lie
Sfdjhgdfhgkjh does Asuna’s bodyguard have a titty detector that senses when someone is touching her
“Hey, Klein, still alive huh?” Kirito’s social skill are so great
Lmao @ Kirito punching Klein for trying to hit on Asuna even he seemed surprised by it
I appreciate the plot twist of dual wielding because it’s cool but not like unreasonable within the context of the story
I really do not like that Asuna is basically the prize in this duel 
It’s really zero percent surprising that this event turned to murder so quickly
Literally every choice Kirito makes is so abrupt like I know he likes Asuna but he went from reluctantly joining her guild to kissing her and vowing to stay by her side forever in like a day calm down Romeo 
Gfkhgkjdfhgkfhgkjhfkgj Kirito just wanted to hang but Asuna thought he wanted to bang I’m crying
“And then... we’d get married” I know you’ve been in this game a long time but I feel like you are definitely still minors
This show is the definition of that escalated quickly they decided to get married one minute ago and now they have a house in the woods
They’ve still got separate beds and haven’t seen each other naked but also I don’t know what I expected they’re like 15 
I can’t believe they’ve just adopted a child this is insane they are really embracing the ‘I do what I want’ philosophy
You can never escape the stranglehold of capitalism even in virtual reality
“Your mom’s crazy strong, isn’t she?” they’ve really embraced their roles as Yuhi’s parents huh
“I’d rather trust her and regret it than not trust her and regret it” what a lovely philosophy Kirito
It’s really cute that they’re like this little family and all but also really fucked up and sad because they’re not her parents and who knows if Yuhi’s even real
Oh my goodness their baby is a robot 
“Remember, you’re our child” this is going to be upsetting
Did they just promise to recreate their robot baby christ how do you plan on raising her
“Nice job, honey,” this is so funny he’s so proud of his wife the fish slayer
Finally addressing the reality of their decrepit comatose bodies
I knew we couldn’t trust Captain Cheekbones 
I’ve never heard “I promise I’m gonna end this world” said in such an optimistic tone
Whoa they’re both dead that is not where I thought this was going but I guess they went full Romeo and Juliet huh
Well this plot twist makes a lot more sense also how is no one in this hospital stopping Kazuto from escaping the hospital surely a nurse notice him flatline
Is this intro meant to imply that these guys continue to play MMO games after their extremely traumatic two year comas
How exactly did Kazuto explain his relationship with Asuna to her family
Is Asuna’s father going to marry off his comatose daughter?? Surely there are laws against this 
“If I proposed and she could speak, I’m pretty sure her answer would be no” WHAT THE FUCK 
Kazuto makes it sound like she’s just moving away instead of being married against her will while in a coma 
“In the end your heart belongs to her” Is Suguha in love with Kazuto because even if you’re not siblings you’re still cousins ew pls stop
Robot baby has returned
Kirito does not know the meaning of low profile
I am not okay with this cousin-fucking vibe that’s going on Leafa u need to stop
This dude is a fucking rapist I hate him 
How is Kazuto’s education going I wonder considering he just lost two years of his life 
“Do you feel the same way about him?” Obviously not bc she’s too busy wanting to fuck her cousin
Dickface accidentally giving Asuna hope by confirming that Kirito lives
“Did he.... set you that way?” Leafa is asking if Kirito has a daddy kink
This level of drama and dedication to not letting anyone die must not make sense to someone who does not know he was trapped in a life-or-death game coma
It’s funny to see how quickly Kirito has jumped on the killing train now that there’s no longer a danger of actually killing someone
Although with Asuna there it stands to reason that there is potential to hurt someone because there are still some people whose nervous systems are still tied to the game
I can’t believe that Kirito is delaying stopping his girlfriend’s real-life marriage to deal with in-game politics where are your priorities dude 
Kirito as a news anchor: Violence in video games is ruining this generation
Honestly this boy has never been anything less than 200% Extra a day in his life how does he expect to get Asuna if he is causing a ruckus everywhere he goes
Lmao @ everyone hitting on Kirito while he is lowkey thinking about how he’s married 
I can’t wait for Asuna to murder her forced fiance
“Do I want to be a good sister? Or...” do you want to fuck your cousin? It is the latter and it’s unsettling
“I’m in love with my brother, and that’s something I can’t tell anyone about ever” at least you’ve registered that it’s incest but doesn’t mean it doesn’t give me the heebie jeebies still
Without the context it might just seem like Kazuto and Asuna are a weird couple that calls each other mommy and daddy 
I guess Kirito brought a sword to an arrow fight 
“I can do this on my own,” he said immediately after dying
Leafa tried to give Kirito the Hug of Passionate Restraint but instead gave him the Shoulder Grab of “You’re Making a Poor Decision”
Suguha coming to the realization that her life has twice as much incest as she thought it did
“I’m sorry” Don’t apologize Kazuto it’s not your fault your sister/cousin wants to bang you
“Right then and there, I swore to close the gap that had grown between us over the last couple of years” looks like that gap was closed a little too well my guy 
That’s a lot of love confessions in a very short time frame 
What are you apologizing for homie literally all you did was exist and be a good human being 
I fucking hate Sugo he is the worst person alive
I think this is the first time I’ve seen someone assaulted on screen in an anime I feel sick to my stomach
What kind of honourable ass shit is this Kirito just gave his enemy a sword
I guess honour only extends so far when you’re tossing someone’s bisected body into the air to impale them
What the fuck are you gonna kill a teenage boy Sugo 
Well if you’re gonna get stabbed a hospital is the best place for it to happen
Kazuto should really get those stab wounds treated
Lmao @ these priorities “well you just woke up from a coma it’s time to meet and make out”
Pretending you have objection to PDA Ms. Let’s Get Married at 16
I like how they all come out of the VR world and they’re all still fuckin nerds
Kirito is such a good big brother to his creepy little sister
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