#ft: steve
394bugle · 1 year
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Front page news:
The wedding reception of Asgardian Prince Thor Odinson and Dr. Jane Foster didn't go as planned last Saturday, as Avengers Tower where the party was located, fell under attack by Hydra insurgents. Sources say that Hydra agents weakened defenses a few days before in what is now being called a 'practice run,' and took advantage of the crowded guest list to sneak in and strike from the inside. Civilians and heroes alike were wounded, several seriously. Asgardian Prince and fellow heir to the throne, Loki Odinson, took a particularly nasty blow and remains in serious condition. Prior to his injury, some witnesses claim they saw the younger god lift the hammer Mjolnir -- a mysterious Asgardian artifact. (See page 3 for a more in-depth article.) Clean up efforts have already commenced at Avengers Tower, and while the mood is tense, for now the danger has passed. Still, this reporter has to wonder how long it will be until the next major attack -- and how something like this can happen in the first place. If heroes can't keep their own houses safe, what hope do the rest of us have? Tell us your thoughts at [email protected]
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Mjolnir, mysterious weapon of Thor, was rumored to have been destroyed in Canada earlier this year. Yet eye witnesses from the Reception Attack claim to have seen the hammer reform before their very eyes. This reporter delves deep into the history and myths surrounding this strange hammer, asking what exactly it means to be 'worthy.' Find out more inside.
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The wedding might have been all about Asgardian royalty, but Captain Peggy Carter and Captain Steve Rogers showed us all what old-school romantic couple goals should be. Looking classy arm in arm at the ceremony, and leading efforts to keep civilians safe when the attack broke out.
ft: @asgcrdianprince @drfcstrs @strongestavengerthor @cptcvrter @cptamerica
if you want your characters mentioned in the next bugle post, shoot us a message here. but double check out submission guidelines!
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vpofcookies · 1 year
Draw techno and steve :D
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cosm1cbrownie · 3 months
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tony made him that cake :3
[hihi!!! this is the avengers assemble uni! please do not repost my work, reblogging and liking are fine with me!]
/ twitter edition / (also uhhh my old account got sussed pls follow me back if ya havent alrdy!!)
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matchingbatbites · 5 months
Every fic I was working on took a backseat as soon as I had this idea. Dommy Mommy Sapphic Steddie coming to you sometime soon????
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absinthefog · 2 years
some cheebs
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wingheadshellhead · 1 year
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it's not a new avengers lineup unless the leader is trying to convince tony to join the team and reassemble the avengers
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sachart · 2 years
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acowardinmordor · 1 year
This idea really only works as a tumblr post rambling to someone about a fic, but it aches, so I'm sharing.
Standard issue setup where Steve gets thrown back in time so he can fix things. One minute he's trying to keep the last of his friends alive in the final fight, the next he's waking up in bed in 1983, a day before Will would have gone missing.
Will is safe and home, but has horrible nightmares for a few weeks. After the first night, when he told his mom and his friends about it - the monster and the creepy place he went and the cold - they have nightmares too. It's strange that they all had dreams, but Will has always been a good storyteller.
Nancy and Barb get stuck on babysitting duty for the kids, where they mostly gossip about how Steve broke up with her one day and became a social outcast within two more.
The Party meets Jane at the start of summer break in 84, and they become fast friends. They know she has something bad in her past, but she's very careful not to say something she shouldn't. The boy who found her told her it was important, and her Dad agrees. The boys tell her that friends don't lie, and she quotes the boy who found her first, that 'safe is more important'
Will gets new nightmares as time goes on. Dustin dreams about a tadpole that grows too fast and eats his cat. They dream about things that could never be real, and they dream about Jane having superpowers and fighting monsters. Sometimes they talk about them a little, mostly they don't. They're just weird dreams after all, using words from DnD, and they're not little kids anymore.
Steve Harrington goes missing in early 1985. His car is found near the construction site for the new mall -- well, what's left of the construction site after a gas leak causes a massive explosion and fire.
That's when the kids start to realize something is weird. They see photos of this missing teenager who has been in so many of their dreams. It starts them talking, and they start to listen, and they've always loved to solve a mystery. They hear Nancy talking about him, and how he broke up with her out of nowhere and became super weird. How he dropped out of sports and showed up with bruises and bandages and scars after that. How he pushed away his old friends and never made new ones.
It's not until they're talking to El, who says she's not supposed to talk about him, that they decide there is definitely something weird, but they can't figure out what it is.
The dreams get weirder, and the circle grows. Nancy eventually talks to Jonathan and the kids. Joyce and Hopper talk. Over the summer, Robin, confused and shaking, finds Nancy to ask what's going on. Eddie makes it to 86 before a nightmare breaks him so badly he calls Chrissy Cunningham's house in the middle of the night to be sure she's okay.
It's not everyone who was ever touched by the Upside Down. Barb and Chrissy and Billy don't remember it at all. Benny goes about his life. Its the people that Steve knew and loved and had a connection to that are stuck with these dreams.
Once they accept that they're all seeing a cohesive thing, they start to compile it. Notes and notebooks and pinboards and post its as their dreams tell them the story.
Eventually, El confirms it might be possible by levitating the toaster.
They all accept that what they saw is real, but they also know it never happened. The Mall never opened. No earthquakes. Eddie is alive and Will never fell into the Upside Down. Even as more of them have dreams about dying, they don't understand.
It's Robin who puts it together for real, because everyone had dreams about Steve outside of the big fights and horrors, but she had dreams of long conversations and hushed confessions all the time. So at the end of 86, she's the one who hears him crying after they lost Dustin and Lucas to a pack of demodogs. She hears him talk about how he'd give anything to take it back and make it right. That's her Platonic Soulmate, and she knows him, even though they've never spoken.
So yeah, she might not know how, but she's the one that realizes what must have happened, what he must have done, and how much he achieved. They've all seen how much happier he was as years went on and they got closer. They've seen him protect them and tease them and help them in a hundred different ways.
And they know he made the choice, like he always did, to keep them safe, even if it cost him everything.
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adelacreations · 1 year
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"You're staring Pretty Boy~"
Happy Birthday, Billy! Enjoy your date with Steve as he wines and dines you tonight!
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surferboyzaza · 2 years
eddie and wayne get their first real thanksgiving meal
but at what cost?
steve shows up at the trailer at 5:30 in the morning and poor sleep deprived wayne opens the door and asks “why are you here so early”
that completely sets steve off because, between the pies, turkey, and all of the sides, he needs a minimum of 10 hours before the meal is perfected
all day long steve slaves away in the kitchen, barely allowing eddie to shove food and water into his mouth before sending him away
at the end of the day, the meal is incredible but both eddie and wayne have a new found fear of steve
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
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continuation of alt dads >:))
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beatle-capaldi · 5 months
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Placebo + text post memes (16/?)
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
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s-so yeah uh. that episode huh?? ahah that was crazy man. definitely learned a lot
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ghostlysage · 1 year
its overtaken my brain
so i drew with the lovely @/a-cryptid-called-magetha last night and came up with some whacky stuff <3
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and then these are from free draw a couple days ago (last one is for smfs 🥰)
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wayward-wren · 1 year
Every single character I have ever obsessed over falls into one of four categories:
Kid with no one in his corner who's used to looking after himself realises that (often despite his best efforts) people actually care about him and he has a support system.
Older brother type vibes who is the comic relief and painted as dumb or clueless but actually has deep insecurities and is so so smart in other ways and has a fiercely protective streak.
Young (though not always) woman who has been through a rough time and has Trauma but is still strong and refuses to let her past define her and makes an effort to be kind. (this character tends to become part of my soul)
Loser man become dad.
Also bonus points to trope voted Most Relatable but is never my favourite character:
5. Kid who has had a reasonably trauma-less life compared to friends and feels a bit like a sidekick and maybe doesn't consider their problems worthy when their friends have been through so much more
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mc-i-r · 2 years
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some steddie bc I've been taken over
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