#ft phantom
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moonsofmachinery · 8 months ago
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i dont like DC and i dont like the white house (its actually more grey and its not a house) ft phantom by @skybristle . the yellow and grey one dont have names but the last one is BOMAK :]
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tired-all-the-time22 · 4 months ago
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Failed phantom smooch ft. Letting the besties know
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spookberry · 3 months ago
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Ember McLain and the Ghost Band
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weensysunshine · 7 months ago
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dew is really good at telling scary stories! maybe too good......
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bonus !
dew doesn't have time for these scaredy pantses, plus my headcanon that the recent summons are a lot closer to the sisters in the ministry than the older ghouls
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ghostbsuter · 10 months ago
It was Halloween, they were in Central City for some candy pickings (if their fathers know, it's too late, they're here and absolutely getting that stomachache in the morning once they're done here.).
Jon— Superboy had Robin in his grip, flying from apartment complex to houses, one ear out for flash, incase the hero accidentally stumbles upon them.
(He's doing some extra patrol, it was Halloween after all.)
It was spooky day and when they finally rest up on a roof, rummaged through their goods, did Robin and Superboy notice the glowing skull at the bottom.
It looked like it could be from gotham, honestly. It was creepy, dirty and Jon has it in his hands, studying and playing with curious spark in his eyes.
"Put that down superboy—! That's clearly cursed!" Robin warns, trying to take the skull, yet the other dances from reach.
"If I rub it 3 times, do you think I get 3 wishes?"
"Those are genies you're talking about, not skulls!"
Not waiting further nor listening, really, superboy rubs the skull 3 times and—
Nothing happens.
"Nothing. Will you pit the damn skull down now?"
Sighing, Superboy does so, until the skull starts glow.
And glowing it is, a bright green, frost growing along the ground and it was beginning to eat the entire apartment if they didn't do anything!
As the cool mist grows, they step and tense as a figure approaches through.
"Congrats, no idea how but you guys found Pariah Darks former skull! So much less work for me now."
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ovytia-art · 2 years ago
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First day of DannyMay complete! Fantasy AU is just my excuse to draw Moth!Danny
DannyMay Masterlist
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strawberrycamel · 11 months ago
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zhombiez · 8 months ago
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I saw the ghovie last week so here’s some artwork now that this movie has me in a choke hold
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sunshowersz · 1 month ago
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phantom siita fan art + design notes from when “just wanna xxx with you” came out
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pilotsacrilege · 1 year ago
pea,rl chrismtas
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vitaetmorsfilo · 4 months ago
this is a list of moments where natsu is smart (and then some, i couldn't stop myself) (episodes from 17 to 32)
- when fighting zalty, upon learning about time arc, deduced that it does not work on people, which ultear elaborated as it not working on any living matter
- when deliora started to crumble, caught on that this damage was not done by him
- when our team returned to the now fully undamaged village, natsu figured that that must be work of time arc
- when sherry and yuka came to village, natsu quickly told erza that yuka's magic can cancel out other's magic (in comparison, lucy told that sherry's magic is controlling trees and stones, like, girl, didn't she explicitly said that she can make puppets out of everything, excluding humans?)
- (on another note, in the episode where natsu, lucy, happy, gray, erza and loki's bodies and souls got shuffled, how did natsu managed to read that spell? it was in an ancient language that gave even levy trouble)
- i mean, even when he turned out mistaken, he recognised happy's egg as dragon's egg, because it had slash-like markings (like, we don't know how exactly dragon eggs look like, so it's a fifty-fifty chance that he was right)
- (on yet another note, makarov saying that you can't hatch an egg with magic? and that in general for there to be life there supposed to be love? it falls pretty in place as to how natsu himself was revived by zeref. after all, zeref genuinely loved natsu, and thats how he managed to revive him in the first place. if he held no love, then natsu would've still be dead after attack on his village. damned stubborn dragneels, amirite?)
- (also, i'm probably being delusional, but aren't first arcs strangely and loosely correlate with natsu's backstory? like, with macao being taken-over by vulcan = how zeref was consumed by his curse? or maybe how they searched for macao, when he was in their sight all along = igneel actually being sealed in natsu's soul, when natsu searched for him all around fiore? and daybreak book being saved by lucy from being destroyed and figuring out secret message from it = lucy being the one who rewrote e.n.d. book thus saving natsu from dying? yep, i'm being delusional-)
- figured that it was gajeel behind the attack on guild hall and team shadow gear (which is, like, okay, for us its obvious, but gajeel seemed surprised when natsu said that, did he really thought so low about natsu that he won't figure it out?)
- (have you fucking seen him when he overheard that lucy was taken by phantom lord? my boy was going to smoke that goon right then and there, he is down bad-)
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- (he was SO going to go back to beating the shit out of phantom lord, nevermind his injured guildmates and master and order from erza to retreat, but the moment he saw lucy cry and starting apologising and blaming herself, HE FUCKING FOLDED LIKE A PRETZEL, my boy is down bad)
- went to destroy jupiter before it accumulated power for another shot, which is honestly a solid plan
- when fighting totomaru, under the guise of letting out a roar, managed to spit on totomaru (which is... i don't know if it was intentionally planned or not, it could go either way, but i think the first variant is way funnier)
- managed to redirect totomaru's sword at the giant lacrima, and when he figured out how to fight totomaru by spreading his flames further even if they are under control and how to make them not susceptible to the control itself, got a fluke shot at totomaru that actually went flying into sword in lacrima, which was his target to begin with
- (onto yet another note, what was your fucking plan lisanna? hope that your words alone would reach elfman? without any kind of back-up plan, or at least some thought put into evading him in case he attacks, or measures to defend yourself? you are stupidly lucky that anima picked you up)
- when fighting gajeel, dissipated his roar with bare hands, wild
- when he heard that gajeel's dragon also dissapeared, he quickly connected it with igneel's dissapearence too
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tired-all-the-time22 · 3 months ago
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Ghost King Phantom's secret twin brother WHO?!?!?😱😱😱
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gruviaa · 11 months ago
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celestialtitania · 7 months ago
i have the biggest lucy bias ever but this is the first time it struck me that her mouthing off to gajeel in the phantom arc was her way of punishing herself for bringing all this chaos to fairy tail. since she couldn't fight herself and had to keep running, AND no one in fairy tail was blaming her. her own sense of guilt made her want to be punished and gajeel helped things along.
im like 99% certain this is also why it was so easy for her to accept gajeel as a member of fairy tail (the part of her that hesitated was for shadow gear only imo)
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undeadvinyls · 1 year ago
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tomfoolery with boogaloo and the team's weird doc
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cowgremlin11 · 6 months ago
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i think 1990 philippes one job was to serve cunt and give me a vision of how i wanna draw philippe for the rest of my life
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