#aubergine pearl
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pilotsacrilege · 1 year ago
pea,rl chrismtas
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fae-sodapop · 5 months ago
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Lonely pearl, Rhodonite's component pearl, Aubergine pearl, & a backgrounds pearl im calling olivine pearl
Reference images under the cut!
Pst! You should totally check out my other Steven universe fanart
Look at a Moissanite
The last pearl was made using the design of the Soundtrack Attack Pearl & A Pearl seen in the SU movie.
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itorunatheplatypus · 3 months ago
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Finally, here are Mega and Aubergine as pikipeks~
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jubiscreide404 · 6 months ago
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Desenhos que fiz de todas as Pérolas que apareceram em Steven Universo em 2020.
Desculpe se o desenho do outro lado estiver atrapalhando, eu tinha feito ele com caneta.
(acho que não faz muito sentido a Aubergine Pearl estar aí, mas ok...)
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mostly-magical-polls · 6 months ago
Best Steven Universe Character Tournament - Round 1
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myrandomsuaus · 1 year ago
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Here's some art for you all!! This is Aubie and Penny's forms in the Diamond Swap AU. I know I should work more on my actual au, but I just keep having fun designing the different forms/outfits lol.
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Sorry if the quality is poor, tumblr really doesn't like this piece (at least not on my end lol). Anyways, I changed up the design of Penny (Pink Pearl) to be more fitting of the au. Pearl's design will be different as well, but not too much. Hopefully I'll get around to drawing Pink, Pearl, Yellow and Blue soon, but I might change the designs I already have for the other diamonds since I'm not a huge fan of them. We'll see. Plus I need to get around to designing the rest of the Crystal Gems, but who knows when that'll be since this is for pure fun. Even though I work on this more than my main au lol.
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sucharactertournament · 2 years ago
SU Character Tournament
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stevenuniverse-described · 1 year ago
[Image Description: three digital drawings of Yellow Pearl, Lonely Pearl, and Aubergine Pearl from Steven Universe. The art style is partially lineless and uses very little shading to create a clean, smooth appearance.
The first drawing depicts Yellow Pearl from behind. She is kneeling in front of three different screens, looking over her shoulder with an embarrassed blush.
The screens are a large text document with a keyboard underneath, a smaller screen showing a series of text messages, and a third with a row od three baby chicken emojis. The screens are all peach-orange.
The second drawing depicts Lonely Pearl with fluffy moth wings and attennae. She is leaning against one of the screens with her arms crossed under her head and a small, relaxed smile.
The first screen, the one she is leaning on, depicts a blue seashell and is labeled "music", the second is a small rectangle with the text "Fly Away?" with the option "Okay" beneath, and the third is a row of three caterpillar emojis. The screens are all pale-pink.
The third image depicts Aubergine Pearl sitting down, clasping her hands in between her bent legs with a wide smile.
The first screen to her right has text that reads "Welcome to the Reef! Initialize Tour?" with the options "yes" or "no" beneath. The two screens to her left is a loading screen beneath a blue clamshell that reads "Shell Inc." and a row of three eggplant emojis. The screens are all purple.
End Description.]
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windows aesthetic pearls | part 2 | part 1
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sudiamondszine · 23 days ago
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Our next (White) preview is an Era 1 piece featuring White Diamond and a whole cove of Pearls by artist @/sinedartandstuff on Instagram!
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pilotsacrilege · 1 year ago
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suits!! (and ties)
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en8y · 2 months ago
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[IMAGE ID: two rectangular flags with seven horizontal stripes each. each flag has a gem corresponding to their term names on the left. the first flag’s stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: pastel pink, dark warm purple, dull warm purple, white, dull pink, dark warm purple, and pastel pink. the second flag’s stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: pink-orange, warm brown, pink-brown, off-white, pastel orange, warm brown, and pink-orange. END ID.]
aubergine pearl: an individual who presents their identity through shades of pastel purple.
orange spodumene: an individual who presents their identity through shades of pastel orange.
part of @mantra-repeated's gem presentation system!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @presentationflag-archive
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stevenuniverse-described · 1 year ago
[Image Description: a digital sketch of Aubergine Pearl and Spinel holding hands as they both speak excitably. Purple speech bubbles are drawn around Aubergine Pearl and pink speech bubbles are drawn around Spinel. End Description.]
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spinel and aubergine pearl showing each other stuff i guess :)c
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owlzshitshow · 2 years ago
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they are all that is bitch
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years ago
I've thought of fusion ideas for black pearl and the other pearls.
BP + Blue Pearl = Dark Blue Pearl (done before)
BP + Classic Pearl = Grey pearl
BP + Volleyball = Wine Red Pearl
BP + Yellow Pearl = Bronze Pearl
BP + Aubergine Pearl = Dark purple Pearl
BP + Lonely Pearl = Silver Tahitian Pearl
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months ago
Word Alternatives: Colours
BLACK atramentous, charcoal, coal, crow, darksomeness, denigration, duskiness, ebony, funereal, jet, inkiness, melanism, melanotic, midnight, niello, obsidian, pitch, raven, sable, singe, sloe, smirch, smoke, sombrous, soot, swarthiness, swartness, tar
BLUE aquamarine, azure, berylline, cerulean, cerulescent, cyan, cyanosis, cyanotic, electric blue, ice-blue, indigo, lividity, midnight, navy, Oxford blue, pavonian, pavonine, peacock blue, robin's egg blue, royal blue, sapphire, turquoise, ultramarine
BROWN adust, auburn, beige, biscuit, braise, bay, bronze, brune, brunette, buff, burnt umber, burnt sienna, caramel, castaneous, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, drab, dun, embrown, fawn, grege, hazel, henna, infuscation, khaki, mushroom, ochre, paper bag, pumpernickel, raw sienna, raw umber, roan, rubiginous, rufous, russet, rust, scorch, seal, sepia, sorrel, suntan, sunburn, tan, taupe, toast, umber, walnut
GRAY ashiness, canescence, cinereous, cineritious, dullness, ecru, fuscous, glaucescence, greige, grisaille, gunmetal, hoar, iron, lead, mousiness, oyster, pewter, slatiness, smokiness, steel, taupe
GREEN aerugo, aestival, avocado, beryl, chartreuse, chloremia, chlorophyll, chlorosis, chlorotic, emerald, foliaged, glaucescence, grass, greensickness, ivy, jade, loden green, holly, olivaceous, olive, patina, patinate, pea-green, smaragdine, springlike, verdancy, verdantness, verdigris, verdure, vernal, virescence, viridescence, viridity
ORANGE apricot, cantaloupe, carotene, carroty, ochreous, ochroid, pumpkin, saffron, tangerine, terracotta, Titian
PINK carnation, coral, coralline, flesh-pink, incarnadine, peach, primrose, roseate, rosy, salmon
PURPLE amethystine, aubergine, bruise, empurple, fuchsia, lavender, lilac, lividity, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, pansy, plum, puce, purpure, purpureous, raisin, violaceous, violet
RED beet, blowzy, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, copper, crimson, damask, encrimson, erubescence, erythema, erythematous, erythrism, erythroderma, ferruginous, fire, floridity, floridness, flushing, gules, hectic, henna, incarnadine, infrared, laky, lateritious, lobster, lurid, magenta, mantling, maroon, miniate, port, puce, raddle, rose, rosiness, rouge, rubefaction, rubicundity, rubor, rubricity, ruby, ruddiness, rufescence, rufosity, russet, rust, sanguine, scarlet, stammel, vermeil, vermilion, vinaceous
YELLOW aureateness, auric, aurify, banana, begild, bilious, biliousness, cadmium, canary, chartreuse, citreous, citrine, citron, engild, fallowness, flavescent, flaxen, fulvous, gildedness, gilt, goldenness, honey, icteric, icterus, jaundice, lemon, lutescent, luteous, luteolous, mustard, ochroid, old gold, primrose yellow, saffron, sallowness, sandy, straw, sulfur, topaz, xanthism, xanthochroism, xanthoderma
WHITE achromatic, alabaster, albescent, albinic, besnow, blanch, bleach, bone, calcimine, chalk, cream, cretaceous, eggshell, etiolate, ghastly, ivory, lactescent, lily, lime, milk, pearl, sheet, swan, sheep, fleece, flour, foam, marmoreal, niveous, paper, pearl, phantom, silver, snow, driven snow, tallow, teeth, wax, wool
VARIEGATION (diversity of colors) spectrum, rainbow, iris, chameleon, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, ocelot, zebra, barber pole, candy cane, Dalmatian, firedog, peacock, butterfly, mother-of-pearl, nacre, tortoise shell, opal, kaleidoscope, stained glass, serpentine, calico cat, marble, mackerel sky, confetti, crazy quilt, patchwork quilt, shot silk, moire, watered silk, marbled paper, Joseph's coat, harlequin, tapestry; bar code, checkerboard
variegation, multicolor; parti-color; medley or mixture of colors, spectrum, rainbow of colors, riot of color; polychrome, polychromatism; dichromatism, trichromatism; dichroism, trichroism
iridescence, iridization, irisation, opalescence, nacreousness, pearliness, chatoyancy, play of colors or light; light show; moire pattern, tabby; burelé or burelage
spottiness, maculation, freckliness, speckliness, mottledness, mottlement, dappleness, dappledness, stippledness, spottedness, dottedness; fleck, speck, speckle; freckle; spot, dot, polka dot, macula, macule, blotch, splotch, patch, splash; mottle, dapple; brindle; stipple, stippling, pointillism, pointillage
check, checker, checks, checking, checkerboard, chessboard; plaid, tartan; checker-work, variegated pattern, harlequin, colors in patches, crazy-work, patchwork; parquet, parquetry, marquetry, mosaic, tesserae, tessellation; crazy-paving; hound's tooth; inlay, damascene
stripe, striping, candy-stripe, pinstripe; barber pole; streak, streaking; striation, striature, stria; striola, striga; crack, craze, crackle, reticulation; bar, band, belt, list
mottled, motley; pied, piebald, skewbald, pinto; dappled, dapple; calico; marbled; clouded; salt-and-pepper
Source: The Concise Roget's International Thesaurus, Revised & Updated (6th Edition) More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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caluanthes · 9 months ago
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Look at the colour. Aubergine. Probably highly valuable. Treasure of an oyster. "He kiss’d, the last of many doubled kisses, this orient pearl." Not even Mark Antony would want to kiss this one.
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