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lightdekor · 2 years ago
ترانس پاور 12 ولت
large electric networks, transmission is traditionally char-
acterized as a static system. In regulated areas, the utility
dispatches generators over this fixed system to minimize cost,
and in restructured regions generators use this network as a
means to compete with one another. However, it is acknowl-
edged, both formally and informally, that system operators can,
and do, change the topology of systems to improve voltage pro-
files or increase capacity of a flowgate.
In this paper we ex-
plore the implications of automating this practice, and meeting
demand efficiently by optimizing the network through control
of transmission line circuit breakers in addition to generator
output. One reason this concept is particularly relevant now is
the extreme difficulty in building transmission to meet growing
demand; we propose one way to address this problem is to make
more efficient use of the existing network.
Kirchhoff’s laws allow the opening of lines to improve dis-
patch cost. Opening lines to improve dispatch is already being
done to a small degree. Anecdotal evidence exists that some
system operators switch lines in and out because of reactive
power consumption or production of lines, or other reasons.
The Northeast Power Coordinating Council includes “switch
out internal transmission lines” in the list of possible actions to
avoid abnormal voltage conditions [1], [2]. In addition, system
operators have procedures in place to close lines quickly in case
of emergency. In PJM, these Special Protection Schemes (SPSs)
see all trans power switching in lightdekor
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lightdekor · 2 years ago
چراغ استخری پایه دار روکار 36 وات
LIGHTING WATERFALLS Lighting waterfalls properly gets trickier depending on the depth of the water into which it is flowing. Although some waterfalls come with LED or fiber lighting, the effect is not always as desired since light does not reliably follow the curved path of falling water. Placing lights vertically directly beneath the splash zone of a waterfall will result in a larger portion of the waterfall capturing the light. Lighting waterfalls in shallow water When the water is shallow, as in structural waterfalls, ponds or baja shelves — your lighting strategy can be relatively simple — as illustrated in the example to the left. 47
چراغ استخری پایه دار روکار 36 وات
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lightdekor · 2 years ago
چراغ استخری توکار 36 وات
Removing the halo effect In pools with a lighter finish, a halo effect may result from light reflecting off the water’s surface. To eliminate the halo effect without sacrificing illumination, use a Lens Cover. Lens covers are easily attached, and can also be used to redirect light away from the eyes on stairs, baja shelves, lap lanes, etc. Lens covers come in ¼-moon and ½-moon sizes. Since trial and error may be needed to determine which size works best in each scenario, four of each lens cover type come in the lens cover kit. An extra installation tool will also be included. The kits are available in gray, black, or white colors. you can also see all pool light learning and prouduct.
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lightdekor · 2 years ago
چراغ استخری روکار
CALCULATING HOW MANY LIGHTS YOU NEED When designing a pool with nicheless lights, the general rule is to divide the length of the pool by 8 feet and round to the nearest whole number. For example: The pool is 30 feet long. Since 30 ÷ 8 = 3.75, place 4 lights in the pool spaced evenly apart. On plain rectangular pools this rule is the standard, but freeform designs or pools with other features may need additional lights and will be addressed later in this guide. LIGHTING GOALS The goal in organizing a lighting scheme is to eliminate dark spots, avoid hot spots, and create a beautiful, even glow throughout the pool. Generally, it is better to install a greater number of lower wattage lights than a fewer number of higher wattage lights. Although total wattage will be similar, adding more lights helps create that desired, even glow throughout. PRO TIP Darker finishes require more light, so we often advise rounding up after dividing the length by 8 feet. Factors in Deciding Lighting Placement and Quantity • Position of the residence in relation to the pool • Size & shape of the pool • Color of the pool finish • Features • Intended use see all pool light learning here
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lightdekor · 2 years ago
LIGHTING PHILOSOPHY SAFETY FIRST First and foremost, lighting helps prevent accidents. As internal and external configurations of swimming pools become more complex — creating blind spots and shadows — the need to address proper lighting has risen exponentially. Ensure all safety areas, such as pool steps, entrances and exits, are properly illuminated. MOOD AND AMBIENCE Subtleties in lighting can drastically alter the mood of a backyard landscape, contributing to the owner's enjoyment and satisfaction with the design. While safety is the number one concern, the ability to alter and manage mood and ambiance to suit the homeowner’s needs should also be paramount in the mind of the designer as light placement is can also see all pool light prouduct and learning from here.
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