#from the mun ( ooc )
cogitxtio · 5 months
It's been brought to my attention that these posts might be reaching individuals outside Rhodes Island, so I'd like to offer some clarifying guidelines for those uninitiated:
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misteria247 · 27 days
Danny: I don't like anyone except for like 3 people and if anything happens to them I stg I'll make sure no one finds your body-
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constellationcrowned · 2 months
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vxmpirehunterd · 2 months
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UPDATE: A REASON FOR MY ABSENCE, A BRIEF SUMMARY Normally I don't make posts about my life but I think I need to give an update to all the peeps out there about my random absences. I don't talk about my life a lot due to the amount of dysfunction and heartache that goes on behind the scenes that drain my will to be creative, to interact with everyone, to even live. It's like every year that goes on, there was something in the background that disrupted my life and mental state further.
First and foremost I've grown up a parentified child taking on responsibilities not mine to bear with no say in the matter. Being forced to give up my own childhood for my own parent's selfish decisions. Then I moved away from my mother's to my father's. Which wasn't even better from 2014-2019 living with him was very terrifying due to his anger issues and violence whenever I didn't do things his way. He had this expectation for me to go to college full time while working full time and expected me to pay for my own college and pay him rent. When I stopped going to school to focus on working, he would verbally and sometimes physically hurt me. I had lost a severe amount of weight due to the stress and decided to move back in with my mother in 2019.
Fast forward 2021 my father died of cancer and my mom is in a custody battle with one of her many baby daddies and looked to me for financial support since she hadn't worked in nearly a decade. I had started a new job around that time but my mental health was drained at that point.
Now in 2024 my mother has decided to bring my elderly and sick grandmother into the household where we don't have a lot of resources and we really aren't equipped to give her proper care. But now the table has turned where she has finally got a new job a month ago and I am not working currently. She decided to dump the task of taking care of a confused, incontinent, elderly grandmother onto. Even though my own mother never had anything good to say about her own mother and I don't have great experiences with my grandma either. But we have to take care of her because "we're family." Gimme a break.
So right now I'm a bit pissed, sad, tired, and a myriad of other unpleasant emotions. If you ever want to know why Koji is gone all the time. Here is your answer. Family life bullshit.
But not to worry, I've been working on trying to get myself out of this hole I've seemed to find myself in again. Because I do want to interact with all my new followers and old ones. It's just that I've been recovering from deep wounds.
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masquenoire · 12 days
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Teeny tiny snupdate regarding the new ball python! He's settled in so well and has become a lovely, cuddly - even kissy snake. He was really quite shy to start off with, even handling was scary for him as even though he didn't ball up, he would flinch a lot at unexpected movements. Two months down the line, he seems to really enjoy coming out, nice long tongue flickers and wanting to check everything out. ❤️
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tidesfate · 16 days
Yknow what while I go play video games LIKE THIS FOR A DIALOGUE ONELINER STARTER. You absolutely can like this one if you have the verse starter call liked to by the way
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shiranami-ren · 1 day
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(( OOC post just to say this is the realest username there is ))
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yakam0z · 14 days
for my bday i wanted patlıcan/biber dolması so i made me and my family some. not to brag - but actually they were sooo yum 💅✨️
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hiptobeitalian · 5 months
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//Might as well throw it here. This damn pig haunts me and I gotta spread its curse around.
Based on this specific pig statue.
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theworld-ologist · 4 months
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The diary isn't finished. Perhaps there still may be some stories to tell.
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The poll still has a week, but it seems the majority is leaning towards continuation. Even just having 10 people is enough for me to want to try giving this a go again. So, how about a refresher?
What is theworld-ologist?
This blog functions as an ask blog but is an interactive story. What you say or ask could directly influence the surroundings of the Lodge or change the course of the story. Be careful what you say, readers, for the sake of the Lodger. Whether you are the voices in his head, the mysterious Doppleganger, or a force of nature, everyone plays a part here.
How about some content warnings?
Please refrain from sexual topics within this space. Mun is sex repulsed and those topics will not be allowed here.
Blood, gore, horror, and dark topics however are allowed. These do NOT include things such as racism, pedophilia, xenophobia, etc. Do not come to this blog with the intent to harm or insult.
Knock Knock is a horror game and this blog will follow those same themes. Some common themes include but are not limited to: mental illness, ghosts and the supernatural, parental abuse, C-PTSD, suicide, animal death, etc.
Who is the mun?
You may call me Mebi, and my main blog can be found at @mebi-byte and my art blog here @basilacademia. If you were around when Knock Knock released, you may recognize me from an old blog named Nortaara. I've been in this fandom for a long, long time and this game has been my special interest since the very beginning so this is a passion project for me!
Please know: I am going to do my best but I am a disabled artist so things sometimes take me extra time (and I do commissions too!) so this is a hobby for me. I will be as active as possible but I make no promises! And I, of course, make no promises to keep this blog going! If my life situation gets bad or I need to move on to focus on other things, I will.
NOTE: I'll wait for the poll to end before this blog resumes. If people say no, then I'll put the blog away for good and private it again.
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crimsonsharked · 2 months
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Alessio's inspiration onion or as me and my friends call it a Kinion lol.
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misteria247 · 2 years
12 Donnie: So let me get this straight, your battle shell has a built in seat that you let your April sit in while you fly your jetpack?
Rise Donnie: Yep I do.
12 Donnie: That's honestly really cool ngl.
Rise Donnie:.......You wanna try it out?
12 Donnie: Wait seriously???
Rise Donnie: Hell yeah my ingenious friend, get your helmet we're gonna go out for a flight.
12 Donnie: FUCK YES-
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ravarui · 2 months
Hiatus from August 1st til August 5th/6th
//Since I'll be on my way to Elbenwald Festival soon, I'll put this blog on hiatus until my return.
I tried powering through all my drafts in the last few days, but didn't manage to get everything done. BUT I reached the single digits at least.
During my absence this blog runs on my queue which posts twice a day and will run out on August 8th.
I might post some OOC stuff and pictures in the evening, once I am back at the hotel and winding down from the day.
Mutuals can still reach me over Discord, but answers will be slow, unless you catch me during the eight hour car rides on Thursday and Monday.
My Discord is under the cut. Mutuals are more then welcome to just add me. Just tell me who you are.
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cool dance
Oh yeah. Lets dance baby!
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johnnyutah · 6 months
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casliveblog · 16 days
Petra: Oh, I'm sorry, while you were gone your father was killed... Guel: Yeah, I'm aware, you could say I was the first to find out...
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