#no muse tag for this though (although I could) lol
constellationcrowned · 2 months
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lawomi · 3 months
From the Start ch4 - Trans Trafalgar Law x AFAB Mink Reader
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Chapter 4 - The Wolf at Sea
You encounter Law during your first night on the Tang. Law reveals to you a side you didn't expect and your feelings for him deepen. Still, as days pass, you begin bonding with everyone else, causing an unintentional rift between you.
I created a Wattpad that includes some art from me. Not too much right now, but eventually I might update with more than just the cover lol. Arts been tough for me lately.
Chapter CWs: Nonconsensual touching, jealousy, possessiveness. Voyerism? Sort of.
The next day, you groggily get out of bed, still adjusting to the change in sleep schedule. Moving down from your bed, you see Ikkaku and Robin are still asleep. It must be early, you thought. Walking towards the window, you realize all that could be seen was pitch black ocean. Hair rising, iris shrinking, chills running rampant, you recall the Polar Tang is submerged. How deep? Trying to catch even a sliver of light from the moon, but nothing. You shakily step away from the unknown, moving into the room towards the door. Your night vision worked just fine within the Tang, surely getting out of this claustrophobic room would help. Opening the heavy bolted door you glance down the hall before closing it behind you. Small lanterns lit the walls, helping your vision further.
Your keen ears caught the sounds of not only the cruising motor, but two of the Heart Pirates talking directly above. They were likely steering and keeping watch. Instantly, you feel more at ease, although you were still queasy. The floor still felt as though it would shift under you as you slowly walked down the hall towards a particularly bright light coming from under a door. Thinking back, you recalled the Heart Pirates telling you about their captain.
“The captain? Oh, he loves coffee and onigiri. Despite being a doctor, his diet is dirt poor,” Shachi had laughed. “When we set out to sea food was scarce and once we had a cook, it became easier, but his diet never quite returned to what it was while we lived with Wolf.”
Wolf, you smile, recalling Law had passively mentioned him, too.
“Beside his diet, he can’t catch a wink of sleep, either,” Penguin pitched in to the conversation as though he were Shachi’s twin. “He never sleeps when we do, especially when he has a lot of work to do. We turn in our findings to him each night about the Tang’s condition, plus those monthly exams are tough to get through. He always has a book he’s recording his important findings in and makes sure to study the books he collects along our journey.”
That’s a lot, you think to yourself. He must be stressed out often with so many things to keep track of. Yet he still manages to be a captain, waking early in the morning to instruct them, doesn’t he?
“Oh, yeah,” Bepo laughed brightly, always so happy to gush about his captain, “He gets up early to check how we all slept and to make sure we eat breakfast. He worries about us and he makes sure we don’t overwork ourselves. Not so much himself, though.”
He's kind, Isn’t he? You muse, thinking back to the articles you read describing how callous and calculated a person he was. Yet, the crew had said he would help people – for a fee – island to island. He was keen on studying any disease he came across in hopes of saving people. In the end, the poorest people were treated first and for free. Your heart couldn't help but beat faster, your mind focusing on him as you walked. A sensitive man despite his cold, closed off exterior. He was handsome, he was cool, he was gentle, he was strong. Above all, he loved others. Oh, no. This crush is worse than I thought.
As you reach a conclusion to your thoughts, you reach the room with the light peeking through. You press your ear to the door, assuming you wouldn’t hear much anyway save for the tapping of a pencil. Suddenly, your blood rushes as a blue aura encases the area around and beyond you.
“Shambles!” You catch his voice, but instantly you’re standing in his room. “What are you doing?” Law shrilled. You cover your face, hiding your embarrassment behind your paws. It didn’t help you hadn’t dressed, even if in mink form it was difficult to see the details.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you whisper. “I didn’t mean to spy. I’m sorry, sir…”
Clearing his throat, Law stood from his desk chair. “There isn’t hiding much from me on this ship.” He walked towards you with purpose. You didn’t look, too ashamed to remove your hands. He wrapped his hands around your wrists, then pulled your hands from your face. Your snout tilts away, waiting for him to yell. “Wolf mink-ya, I’m not angry,” his voice had softened significantly. He reached up and pet your ear, gently scratching behind it thru your hair. Concentrating on the sensation you try to steady your breathing.
Your eyes finally look up to meet his. He looked very tired, his eye bags more prominent than usual, but his eyebrows were knit together in worry. You finally smile and shake your head, paw spread over his that pressed into your hair. “I’m okay,” you murmur, “I can see in the dark, but when I looked out the window there was no light. I know many areas of the sea are empty, but it scared me anyway.”
Law nodded, “The Polar Tang is a unique experience even for senior pirates. The ocean is one of man’s biggest fears,” his inked hand made its way down now that you had let it go. He pet the fur along your shoulders, arms, down to your paw. He held it as he did your human hands, rubbing circles into your knuckles. His long digits curled to feel the palm of your paw, curious to examine your paw pads that lined them. “Your paws are different than Bepo’s,” he smiled warmly, “They’re just as soft, though.” A blush once again spreads across your face as his other hand touched the rolls of your belly, pleasure bloomed along each squeeze. Slowly, the hand moved up to your sternum. “Did you feel all that?” he asked smoothly.
“Yes,” you felt ashamed saying so. Somehow, this interaction made you feel very strange. You backed up enough to remove his hand from between your breasts.
“Oh,” Law sighed, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t let myself get curious without your consent like that… I wanted to know if you had more than just the two, that’s all. Not to mention, I’m lacking sleep myself.”
“You assumed I wanted your attention regardless if you asked,” you said softly, still allowing him to hold your paw. “That was rude, but, it is a little true…” you grin sheepishly at him. “I didn’t expect you to touch me when I look like this.”
“You’re still Y/N-ya, aren’t you?” He teased, a duchenne smile causing the rooms light to dance along his iris’. “If anything, this is what you originally look like. It would be ridiculous to not think you as a whole person unless you’re human.”
You furrow your eyebrows at him. He was being so honest, you weren’t sure what to make of it. Did he… “Are we just friends?” You ask softly.
“Yes,” he scowled instantly. He let go of your paw and turned away towards his desk. “I don’t mean to confuse you,” he muttered as he sat down.
“It’s okay,” your heart was aching, but it didn’t matter. You walk forward and sit in his guest chair. “Can I accompany you?”
“…,” he stared at you a moment, looked down at his paperwork and sighed. “You’re not to do this again,” he scolded, “You shouldn’t be wandering the halls at night, let alone coming to my office. You can’t stay long, I don’t want the others thinking anything of it.”
You nod, “I will go in five, sir,” you smirk and watch him focus on his paperwork. “You might want to teleport me to the room, though… I am only in my underwear,” you teased, giggling.
He looked you over quickly and nodded, a blush painting his cheeks. “I’m exhausted, but you’re right.”
“In the meantime, you can do whatever you like,” you offer, a sly smirk on your lips.
Law scoffed, “Bad dog,” he teased right back. “I always do as I like,” he rolled his eyes, “and I like organized paperwork.” You laugh, earning a small smile in return.
A long moment of silence passed. You had crossed your arms and rested your head, slowly beginning to drift again before you spotted a book on the desk with no title on the side. Curious, you reach over to check it. Law doesn’t seem to notice, busy taking notes as you open the book. The book was hand written, the first page titled *Autobiography; 13-16*. Turning to the second page where the writing starts, you realize it’s in first person. As you read, you take note that the protagonist of this book lost someone and that they were walking through snow. Law’s slender fingers interrupt you, taking the book away from you.
“You didn’t ask to read that,” his acid tongue was telling, the book was personal to him.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur sleepily. “You lost someone at 13?”
“Yes, Cora-san, my savior.”
“Savior?” You tilt your head, “That’s a big title. I’m glad he saved you.”
“Yeah,” he muttered, “I still haven’t killed his murderer, Doflamingo.”
“Isn’t he in prison?” You recalled the Straw Hats mentioning it during the banquet at the Guardian’s District of Zou.
“Yes, after Mugiwara-ya defeated him,” he seemed okay with this, his demeanor still calm.
“How kind of him. But not quite satisfying for you, hm?” Your eyes brighten a little bit, the conversation shaking you of your sleep.
“No,” Law gripped his pen tightly. “I want his face caved in,” he growled, “but I refuse to kill like that anyway. Cora-san wouldn’t have wanted that. I just can’t stand seeing Cora’s face on that man’s torso.”
“Maybe someday I can help you with that,” you grin wickedly, licking across your teeth. “I enjoy battles that involve plenty of blood.”
“I see I’m not the only morbid one here,” he chuckled darkly, then shook his head. “That’s not how we do things, I’m afraid. He can rot slowly in that prison, unable to escape, watching the world change while he’s helplessly chained. Thank you, though.” He looked back at his work again. Suddenly, tapping the little bear decoration on the end of the pen against the table thoughtfully, he looked back at you. “I suppose you can read the book, if you want.”
You sat up now, surprised, elated. It didn’t feel like a small gesture, surely this was practically a diary to him, right?
“Don’t get too excited,” Law furrowed his eyebrows, “Make sure no one sees you with it and don’t go around talking about it, alright? Only Bepo, Shachi and Penguin have read that.”
“W-why are you letting me, then? Aren’t they your closest friends?”
He looked down and nervously tapped his pen again. “Well, I’ve seen between your legs. That was already personal enough, right?”
A pause.
“Law, you’re a doctor,” you chortle, cupping your nose with your paw.
“Tch. Not for doctor reasons, I didn’t,” a sly grin spread across his face, he rested his cheek on his wrist. Maybe he liked that you called him Law. He averted his gaze and leaned back, pressing his lips together. “You should go to bed now. I’ll do the same.” You frown, disappointed, but nod in response. He can’t help but laugh at you, “There’s no use begging. I am not risking the crew knowing we ever had anything between us. It was meant to have been a one time thing…” he seemed to realize too late it may hurt you to say that. But it is the truth, he thought.
“Yeah,” you agree, although a twinge of pain pokes at your lungs. “I’m the one who wanted to join and I knew there was a chance of a no. I begged you that night knowing it could be our last meeting. I know,” you let out a slow sigh.
Law nodded thoughtfully, thinking hard about what to say. Finally, though, as the silence stretched he said, “Room,” and “I’ll see you later, Omi-ya,” he chuckled, “Remember: Don’t do this again.” Although he had been serious before, he seemed playful this time. “Shambles.” Lifting his fingers, he teleports you and the book back to your bunk. You were stunned a moment, allowing yourself to absorb that you were now sitting at the edge of the bed. You see the women still sleeping, so you lie down - think about this dark broody man over and over - until you too fell asleep again.
You instinctively slap whatever it was that was tapping your face, turning over deeper into the bed. A tug on your wolf ear wakes you completely, you flip over in surprise to find a dismembered hand wiggling its fingers at you. Yelping in surprise you sit up quickly and see Nico Robin down below, laughing at your reaction along with Ikkaku.
“Good morning, Wolfy!” Robin chimed. “It’s wonderful to see you again. Although, I didn’t expect to see you quite so naked.”
You roll your eyes, “Lesser minks need to learn everyone has breasts.” Begrudgingly you slink your way down the bunk bed ladder. “It’s good to finally meet you properly, Ms. Nico. Instead of at a banquet, I mean,” you smile meekly at her. She reminded you of that broody man, but it was only her looks. Her personality was bright and bubbly in contrast. “May I greet you?”
“Greet me? Haven’t you already?” Robin giggled. Ikkaku whispered something to her quickly and she laughed, then nodded. “Yes, of course. You don’t need to ask me, I love affection like that.”
Canine glee filled you. You threw yourself into Robin’s arms, who caught you easily, holding you bridal style. “Garchu!!” You wrap your arms around her neck and press your face into her cheek. Her laughter filled you, your heart raced and your tail wagged enthusiastically. Ikkaku looked on with what only could be described as envy.
Robin, still holding you, walked over to set you on the couch. She used her ability to grab you a set of clothes. “Come on now,” she gently prods your cheek with a dismembered hand’s finger, “Get dressed. I do agree with you about the breasts, but in our custom you can’t be running out like that in front of men—I suppose we are pirates, but it’ll only result in a lot of blood.” You snort at her comment, got dressed, and jumped up back into her arms. She grinned at you, “I suppose I should let you keep some customs, shouldn’t I?” The three of you made your way to the galley, the others just arriving down the hall as well.
“What on earth—Oh, right! She’s a mink,” Shachi nudged Penguin with his elbow.
Penguin ignored him, but he looked troubled by the sight of you with Robin regardless. “Aren’t you supposed to be one of us?” Penguin’s arms were crossed, he was pouting as if Law had assigned him of disposing of the Tang’s waste for a month.
“Someone’s already jealous,” Ikkaku teased, flicking Penguin’s nose as she passed. Penguin chased after her to the table, his signature hat hiding his expression. Shachi followed them, losing his shit over Ikkaku’s slick move.
Robin sighed, “It’s true. If you don’t want me to steal you away, you should probably make them hold you instead,” she beamed cheekily. “How about you get yourself a seat.” Notably, the others were looking at you and Robin, finally tearing their attention from the hooligans that came in screeching. Robin was about to put you down, but stopped short. “Oh, hello, Torao!” She turned her attention to Law, who was staring at you with an odd expression. He seemed to want to forget whatever was just happening, walking forward to his seat. Robin finally places you on your feet and you obediently find your own seat beside her.
“When does Penguin get to hold you,” Shachi was mostly egging Penguin on, his attention and nudging entirely focused on his best friend.
Penguin shoved him toward the table, “Sit down!” He looked a bit pink from what you could see. They both finally sat, especially quickly thanks to Law glaring at them. There were fewer pirates than usual in the galley, indication some either had eaten earlier or avoided breakfast. You wonder what Law usually chose yourself. He looked quite tired; had he slept at all? Bepo brought the coffee pot to pour each person a cup. There was cream and the like on the table for said coffee, so you think ahead to grab what you need as he came around.
“Nico-ya,” Law yawned, “Did you sleep well?” She seemed to be the only Straw Hat besides Franky at the main table this morning.
Robin leaned against her knuckles, a warm expression pleasantly wrinkling the corners of her pretty blue eyes. “Wolfy came back to bed quite late last night,” she was clearly treating Law like a water balloon, trying to poke a hint out of him. His expression remained as stoic and neutral as ever. “Regardless, I slept quite well.” Ikkaku stifled a laugh, not wanting to cause a scene.
Law’s ever cool, piercing eyes landed on you. You sip your coffee, flattening your ears as if it’d make you less of an eyesore. “I see,” he shrugged, “I didn’t hear anything. It's not good for guests to be slinking around my submarine without a guide, though,” his eyes shift to Ikkaku. Ikkaku looked nervous now, it was her responsibility to keep watch of the guests while they were in the women’s quarters after all.
“Don’t worry, I noticed they left. It’s my fault, of course,” Robin’s flirtatious look made Law glance away. “I’ll make sure to keep Wolfy in line.”
“Tsk,” Law smirked, “I do trust you the most among the Straw Hats, Nico-ya, but you shouldn’t try to take responsibility. The crew know what their rolls are. And they know the type of punishments I like to give.”
Robin laughed, “I’m sure for not paying attention, you’d remove their head and leave it displayed in a cage, wouldn’t you?”
Law grinned, clearly appreciating her dark humor. “You’re not too far from the mark.” Ikkaku dared not look in his direction for the moment, feeling his sadistic expression burning a hole in her cheek.
You felt excitement fill you again, playfully leaning on Robin. There was something magnetic about her just as you felt for Law. Apparently, you had a type. A partial forearm and hand sprouted atop your head, scratching you behind the ear. You closed your eyes and hummed, rubbing your cheek into Robin’s shoulder in minkship.
Opening your eyes after a few moments of bliss, you see Penguin looking a tad downcast as he finished his coffee. Shachi stared in your direction, smiling gently when you met his gaze, though you couldn’t see his sly eyes behind his sunglasses. “Speaking of watching Wolfy… We haven’t had a nice mixed bath for months among the Heart Pirates. I bet Ikkaku would be overjoyed to finally join us since she’s not the center of attention no more.” Ikkaku shot him a death glare. “I recall Bepo and Hakugan mentioning one on an island coming up soon,” Shachi nudged Penguin once again, who had perked up, but remained hiding his face behind the brim and flaps of his hat.
You glance towards Law who you realize was staring quite intensely at you, though you couldn’t identify the emotions behind his gaze. “I’m sure everyone could use some socializing,” He said, averting his eyes towards a much happier Penguin. If they want to join us they can. What do you say?” he looked over at Robin who was focused on you. You lock eyes with Robin, grinning broadly and taking her hand. Law cleared his throat to grab your and Robin’s attention.
Franky raised his huge hand from the end of the table instead, “Absolutely, Torao! We’d love to. Sounds SUPER!” He had a huge smile, chuckling at his crewmates clear interest in you. “Robin sure is sweet. Always giving people the attention they deserve when they like her,” he teased you. You look over at him in surprise, a blush dusting your cheeks.
Law eyed you suspiciously, unsure what to make of your and Robin’s affection nor even of Robin’s clear interest in himself. She had flirted with him during her exam, too, but he paid her no mind. She was a respectful woman. She loves to tease people, that’s all that is, Law dismissed the idea she might actually be promiscuous. Of course, even if she was, she had every right to enjoy herself. How could a pirate judge another pirate?
Thank you, Torao. I’m fascinated by this one as well. Robin’s words echoed in his head. Come to think of it, she was an information gatherer. She could sprout an ear anywhere she pleased… He wondered if she had spied on you both during the banquet on Zou. He’d have ample chance to confront her on the island.
Several routine days passed. You had been spending much more time with Robin, openly showering her with cuddles. Ikkaku, too, but she’d get rather flustered by it. You also made sure to give Penguin some affection as he seemed depressed; a nuzzle from you seemed to give him an energy boost. Occasionally, you’d be found snuggling Shachi or anyone else you began to trust. Raizo had showed you his ninja skills and you couldn’t help but fawn. Kine’mon was rather creepy, so you kept away, but Kanjuro was okay. Meanwhile, Zoro was a particular favorite, who didn’t seem to mind your minkshipping despite having rejected plenty a mink before- he was incredibly hot, to boot. Usopp & Franky loved you and gave you bear hugs, sometimes together. Bepo tended to follow you around closely, always wanting to snuggle or show you something cool. So far, it was fun!
Law in the meantime was keeping himself busy in his office, telling the crew what needed to be done daily and gathering as much intel as he could on the Beast Pirates and Wano. Unfortunately, the retainers of Oden only had limited information on how Wano currently was. They had been away from the country for some time in search of Momonosuke. Sometimes, he would appear around the Tang and although you did try and give him an embrace or two, he was always off-putting. He did not want public affection, but even when you caught him alone he was silent and walked away. It made you nervous you’d done something wrong.
Finally, the Polar Tang docks at the next island. The Heart Pirates prepared to restock on supplies and fuel before running off to enjoy themselves. The main three of the Heart Pirates along with Robin, Usopp and Zoro kept you company as you explored the island. It was a rather large town with plenty of shops to look through.
“This is really cool,” said Penguin, having ended up beside you as the others dispersed to different shops. His hand gingerly pushed yours, his fingers occasionally grazing until you confidently took his hand. His face lit up into a cherry red, but he held your hand tightly, his other hand gripping the brim of his hat.
“I appreciate you protecting me, Penguin,” you say in a smooth, loving voice. Penguin does a little skip, nodding vigorously, but staring at the ground. You take his arm and hug it between your breasts, enjoying how he panics and makes the silliest dopey face you’d ever seen. He was so cute.
From afar, Law had come out of a pharmacy and was watching you and Penguin. He sighed gruffly, the bag on his wrist rustling when he adjusted his idling position, hands shuffling some medications he had picked up to recheck the dosages. He swore to himself whatever he felt boiling in his stomach was just him getting sick. It had nothing to do with you or all the minkshipping you were indulging in with other people. When you found him alone or tried to make advances of affection it was just anxiety towards Kaido that made him feel too nervous to your touch. He was just worried about everything, everyone, and about Mugiwara who he doubted kept a low profile against Big Mom in her own territory. He hoped that idiot would survive.
Nothing to do with jealousy. He didn’t even recognize what that felt like. All he could conclude- if he thought about it long enough- was that Robin and Penguin in particular made his skin itch when they showed special interest in you. Something about it made his skin crawl, despite these two people being people he trusted to keep you safe. So why?
He placed the medicines back in the bag, deeming them suitable for his needs, and took out his grocery list to make sure everything was checked off. There were a few more things he needed elsewhere before he would get ready for the bathhouse. He had already booked the mixed baths for his crew and guests.
“Torao!” called a familiar voice. It was Franky. “What’s up my man? I helped Ikkaku grab some equipment for the Polar Tang. I plan to help spiffy things up, aye? The Tang is SUPER sophisticated, I’m obsessed with learning how submarines work better. I could use the information to improve the Sunny Go’s Shark Submerge III!” Franky’s enthusiasm was infectious, Law found himself smiling and nodding, approving of Franky’s help.
Glancing up towards you again, Law sees from far down the road that you were now facing Penguin. A shiver ran down his spine, his eyes grew wide and teeth grit tight as you planted a kiss on Penguin’s cheek, laughing heartily as the man fell to his knees with his arms wrapped around your thighs. His cheeks rested against both your knees, you could feel the heat of his cheeks radiating through your pants. He was too cute, you could tell he was in love with you. What that meant for the both of you, you weren’t sure. To Law however, it was outrageous. Why? He didn’t know! It just was!
“You’re looking a little… hot under the collar,” Franky said to Law, grinning cheekily. “You jealous?”
“NO!” Law hissed, whirling around to stomp to the next location. Franky laughed, following him close behind.
“You can open up to me, Torao! Relationships can be tough, how many have you had?”
Law ignored him, walking into the next shop. He went in to pick up some personal wine for his office. Maybe a pack of cigarettes to relax and talk with Corazon for a while. It didn’t matter, he just needed to clear his mind.
“Hey, now.” Franky insisted, patting Law on the back, “Don’t become an alcoholic over a crush,” he joked.
“It’s not a crush,” Law corrected, leering at him.
“Right,” Franky snickered. “Hate to break it to ya, but you’re down bad.”
Law scoffed, glaring down at a bottle of vodka. “No,” he finally muttered, “I’ve never been in a relationship.”
“Oh, I see.” Franky nodded. “And we’re pirates, so that makes it tougher. Hmm…”
Law rolled his eyes, “I have more important things to worry about.”
“Sure,” Franky shrugged, “But people get lonely, y’know? Robin and I spend time together sometimes, but we aren’t official…”
“I didn’t ask,” he felt that weird clench in his gut again. He walked away, heading for the counter to pay and pick out the cigarettes. Franky, like all the Straw Hats he’s ever interacted with, insistently followed him, paying for him. He sighed, “That wasn’t necessary.”
“It’s fine, we’re friends, buddy,” Franky ruffles Law’s hair. Law groaned.
“You Straw Hats don’t get what a fucking alliance even is, huh?”
Franky laughed loudly, “We’re friends regardless.”
Law’s expression softened. He walked out with Franky. He immediately looked towards where you’d been standing, but you were gone. He bit his lower lip, wondering where Penguin had taken you. Ugh, what does it fucking matter. Her body isn’t mine or something, Law cursed himself.
Franky once again rested a hand on his back, “If you ever need to talk about it I’m around, yeah?”
Law finally redirected his gaze to his list again. “It’s just stress. Nothing more, nothing less.”
It was finally the hour to meet at the bath house. You were excited, taking Penguin’s hand and Bepo’s paw towards the bath house. Your other escorts had reunited with you, too, and followed with beaming faces. They all liked your energy, enthusiasm, and your confidence.
You all enter the bathhouse. At first, it separated by gendered locker rooms. As usual, you chose the women’s lockers as it was quieter anyway. Only Robin and Ikkaku were with you, you saw Ikkaku was looking irritated and Robin looked amused. You had a feeling you were going to walk in on perverts, but there was also Law, and Zoro who would keep them in line. You thought about those two quite a bit, a little too excited to see them on display yourself. I’m kind of a pervert myself, huh. You giggle to yourself.
The three of you headed out, Robin beside you and Ikkaku semi-hiding behind you both. The Straw Hats had already jumped into the gorgeous steaming hot spring, the rocks displayed beautifully and a small waterfall could be heard over the men chattering. They all stopped and looked at you all as the door closed. Zoro walked over to you, a towel around his waist, he had been waiting by the door.
“You all good, ladies and others?” he asked nonchalantly.
“Yes, Zoro,” Robin chimed. She took his arm affectionately. “Thank you for protecting us,” she smiled. Zoro nodded, eyes averting and a light blush touching his cheek as Robin leaned her covered breasts into his upper arm. He guided the three or you into the water, glaring at the twenty plus idiots all gathered to stare.
Penguin fluidly swam over to you, a dopey grin once again gracing his face. He looked quite different without his hat. He had a mop of black hair a bit like Law and his eyes were red, typically associated with Fishmen. You smile warmly at him, accepting an embrace. He moaned ever lightly in your ear. You laugh, holding him close with one hand in his hair.
Shachi protested, jealous he didn’t get a hug and some of his crew followed. You laughed and accepted a few more hugs, although Penguin refused to let go. Law stared from one side of the pool, his arms spread out over the edge of the bath. His face was red from the steam—or so he would say. He wanted to tell his crew to back off, but he dared not out himself like that. Zoro meanwhile was glaring at Kine’mon whom he knew made you uncomfortable. He dared him to make an advance, making Kine’mon shrink into the water from your glare. Momonosuke wasn’t with them, he stayed cooped up in the Tang as he did in Zou.
“Nico-ya,” Law called Robin, only a few steps away. She looked at him with an inviting look. Once close enough, she gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Beautiful tattoos, Torao.”
“Thanks,” he remained indifferent. “I wanted to ask something in private.”
“Oh? What’s that?” she leaned on the side of the pool, resting her elbows on the edge and her head on her laced fingers.
“How did it occur to you I could like that mink?”
Robin giggled. “Well, I can tell. Not necessarily that you like them, but you are attracted, aren’t you?”
Law rolled his eyes. “Sort of.”
“Do you want me to call them ov—”
“—No. I’ll talk to them eventually myself.”
“So what does it matter?” Robin tilted her head a bit.
“Then why do you seem interested in them-- in me-- in Franky or Zoro?”
“You’re very alluring and we are very similar,” she said honestly, her warm expression unchanging. “As for Franky & Zoro, that’s my personal business. I do like Wolfy, they seem fun and I feel loved in their presence. Don’t you think so?”
Law remained silent, staring at you again. Penguin had let you go and the men were all laughing, jabbing him with jokes as he had grown erect and shrunk down into the water covering his still clothed crotch. You seemed pleased with the power you had over him, your eyes sparkled with amusement. Law clenched his jaw again.
“Do you think they don’t like you?” Robin asked, now turned around and watching the scene. “I saw you had a night out with them on Zou, didn’t you?”
So she knew, Law looked back at her. “Don’t tell anyone,” his voice held a hint of acid. Robin simply nodded, unafraid.
“How nice, would you reveal what you both did?” Robin grew closer, making Law tense.
“No,” Law squinted at her. “I had another question.”
Robin raised an eyebrow, “You didn’t respond to mine. Do you think they don’t like you?”
He raised his forearms in irritation. “Well they seem to like everyone else!”
Robin chortled, unable to hold in how funny he was to her. “They are a mink. But your friend seems very interested. Shouldn’t you hurry?”
Law glared at her. “I…” he didn’t know how to finish that. He’d basically just admitted it to himself. “I barely know them,” he concluded, “We have no idea if we’ll survive the next island. I don’t plan to know them. I’m not like Penguin.”
“Understandable,” Robin leaned on him, causing him to tense again. “But it’s good to spend the time we have wisely, isn’t it?”
Law didn’t respond. He watched you splashing at Ikkaku and the others. It had grown noisy. Zoro argued with Shachi about touching you a certain way, Bepo joining Ikkaku to splash, betraying you entirely. Penguin made sure to back you up. Meanwhile others were doing canon balls, cheering, chatting or relaxing. Law suddenly felt a trickle of warmth run down his nose to his chin.
You stood there, having accidentally undone your towel, your breasts were on full display above the water. They all gasped and stared. You sighed, lesser minks were far too sensitive about this. Penguin had dunked himself under water, either on purpose or on accent. You still have it covering your lower bits, you peek under the water to see he was just covering his crimson face.
“Th-They’re like a work of art,” Jean Bart commented from his place beside Franky, the older men were all talking in a circle at the far end. Kine’mon had predictably lost it as did most of the others.
“Now that’s confidence! SU~PER!” Franky posed, proudly sporting his bloody nose.
Law wadded forward and stood in the way of the view, “Come with me,” he demanded, one hand covering his own bloody nose.
You narrow your eyes at him. “What are you doing, Captain?” Penguin asked quickly.
Law lifted your towel to cover you up once he wiped his blood off. “Nothing,” he sneered. “I’ll be back.”
“Hey, now. They aren’t part of your crew,” Zoro sharply remarked, coming between you both. “They aren’t a Straw Hat either, but I ain’t letting you take them to point B, capiche?”
“Well,” Law stared at him intensely, “I’m a captain. And you lot are on my ship. It’s my responsibility to care for everyone. If you have objections, take it up with whomever gave me the responsibility. It was your captain, by the way.”
You felt your excitement escalate. In response, you slink over and hop onto Law’s back like a koala, earning a yelp from Law who hadn’t expected it. Of course, you weren’t heavy to him but he was still shocked. “It’s okay, Zoro~,” you nuzzle your face into Law’s hair. “I can handle it.”
Penguin stared, his red eyes clouding a tad. His shoulders sagged after a moment, Shachi’s own red eyes landed on him and came over to comfort him. Law ignored them, walking passed Zoro even with your weight and the water exhausting fruit users. Zoro had accepted your words, but he watched on skeptically. Robin joined him, leaning on him again.
Law sighed and walked out of the bath, making sure his towel was secure and trusted you were confident with your arms around his neck, your legs hooked around his waist. You used one hand to also make sure your towel covered what you wanted. He brought you into the men’s locker, going over to his locker to fetch something.
“Are you going to keep doing that?” He asked, your breasts were hardening against his back. You blush but tighten your arms. He sighed, “I need to ask you something. It’s bothering me.” He moved to sit on a bench, using a clean towel to dry his hair. It was his turn to blush as your hands slowly felt up his chest as he moved. You bury your nose into his neck.
“What’s the question, Dr. Heart Stealer?” You tease.
“Are you like this with everyone?” he asked bluntly.
“Like what?”
“Flirtatious. Do you fuck everyone?”
“No,” you blushed fiercely, “Only if I really like them.” He dared not ask the next question, but you did it for him. “Do you like me?” you whisper.
“In a sexual context,” he emphasized, “Sure.”
“You seem a little jealous. Maybe possessive,” you grin into his neck.
He thought a moment, gazing at the ground. He shivered when your lips met his skin, kissing along his pulse point. He tilted his head away slightly, giving you more room. You bite him, making him groan.
“Quit it,” he remarked. “They can’t see those. Just, be with me,” he whispered. “Be loyal to me— on my ship.”
“No,” you bit his shoulder.
“Ngh! Why not?” He grit his teeth, gripping your hair in one hand.
“I want life long commitments,” you lick the love bite you left, “And even then, it won’t be one person. Plus, you won’t even make me a Heart Pirate.”
Law’s eyes narrowed, he felt angry and confused. “Well I don’t feel the same,” his husky voice cracked slightly, his eyes water.
“If you change your mind, talk with me,” he felt you slide off his back. He stood quickly to look at you. You smile at him, walking towards the bath again. He could see your eyes trail his body, especially around his chest.
“Wait,” he took your wrist, “Let me show you something.”
You touch his tattoos as he pulls you close, then down to where his hands fumbled. He dropped the towel. It revealed first a womb tattoo, but more importantly a vulva. His hard engorged clit barely covered by the lips and hair. You stare, quite fascinated. You can’t help but reach forward and cup his member. He stomach visibly flinched, his hips bucking into your hand involuntarily.
“I really like you,” Law echoed the words you expressed about people you wanted, “But I hate seeing you with them, too. It’s driving me insane.”
You let go of his dick. He walked closer, touching your hips with both hands, squeezing possessively. “That’s okay, jealousy is normal,” you rest your hands over his, “I want to know you, too. We can be friends with benefits, but not a commitment. You have to get used to me being with others, sir.”
He squinted at you, clearly perturbed. He wasn’t sure how to process this idea. “Right,” he muttered, pouting, “It isn’t a commitment. But I want you first,” he insisted.
You giggled, “Now?”
He glanced down, blushing. “N-no. Let’s go back to the bath.” You watch him crouch to pick up his towel, then to allow you back up onto his back. You grin ear to ear, happy he seemed to enjoy you on his back.
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thestrangeillusion · 4 months
a get to know you better meme
Ahhh this took me more than a month to get around to doing, but I didn’t forget about it!! Thank you so much for tagging me @dummerjan! <3 <3 <3
do you make your bed? No, I don’t really see the point tbh, I’ll only be messing it up in the evening again anyway.
what's your favourite number? Umm, 7 I think? There’s not a particular reason for it though. I do have a soft spot for 21 as well for entirely SKAM related reasons haha.
what is your job? I do scientific evaluations of (primarily) government programmes.  
If you could go back to school would you? Hmm, there’s some appeal to that because I didn’t hate school and the structure and routine of it was mostly good for me, I think. But the thought of being a teenager again and being cooped up in a room with 25+ other teenagers for a minimum of 30 hours a week – no, thank you. But if school is meant in the way US-Americans sometimes use it, as in also meaning further education, then I could be convinced. I mean, I still have to write my master’s thesis, so I’m technically still a student, but I sometimes think re-doing my first couple of years of undergrad (and maybe making some better decisions lol) could be fun.
can you parallel park? Nope, I can’t even really drive anymore, I’m pretty sure, even though I do have a licence. It’s more of a glorified ID at this point because I haven’t actually driven a car in like 4 years or so and even before that I honestly wasn’t very good at it (driving or parking).
a job you had that would surprise people? Not really tbh.
do you think aliens are real? I mean I am pretty sure there are forms of life on other planets, since some of them have been found to have inhabitable environments. If it’s intelligent life I don’t really feel qualified to say although, if I remember correctly, one of my good friends who’s doing a PhD in astrophysics and is one of the smartest people I know once made a pretty convincing argument for it (but I have since forgotten what the argument was lol).
can you drive a manual car? Refer to the question about parallel parking above. I learned to drive in a manual car (I’ve actually never driven an automatic), but I’m fairly sure I don’t actually know how to do it anymore.
what's your guilty pleasure? That’s a difficult question. Reading fucked up smut fics is definitely one of them, I guess. Also does pissing away many of my weekends by staying in bed all day and reading or writing fanfics instead of putting effort into having a social life count? Because I also do that and I do enjoy it, but it’s painful whenever anyone asks what I did on the weekend lol. There’s only so many times you can say “Nothing much” tbh.
tattoos? I like them on other people, mostly. My cousin has a full back tattoo in colour and is slowly adding onto it so that it expands to her arms and sides and I always love seeing which new piece she’s gotten tattooed since I last saw her. It just suits her really well and she’s super passionate about the motive and I love that. And I think that’s where the problem lies for me, I just don’t have any motive or phrase or whatever that I am passionate enough about to permanently put on my body tbh. Also, I am scared of pain and needles, so…
favourite colour? Burgundy.
favourite type of music? Ooof that’s hard to answer, I listen to so many different types of music. One genre I’ve liked pretty consistently from my early teens until now is (mostly British) indie rock and alternative rock – I really like Muse, Placebo, Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines and Nothing But Thieves, for example. And I’ve been to quite a few tiny club concerts of that genre because I know I’ll enjoy it even if I don’t know the band or any of their songs beforehand.
And then I also go through intense music phases mostly related to TV shows I love – it started when I was like 13 watching Gossip Girl and obsessively listening to Death Cab for Cutie, Bloc Party and Sum 41 to when I watched SKAM and got very into Norwegian music (the Norwegian singer/rapper Cezinando still features consistently in my top Spotify artists and has done so since 2017). And now that I’m watching Thai BLs, I started with an obsession about Jeff Satur’s music (and listened to nothing else for like 2 months) and am now gradually venturing out into discovering other Asian music (I’m really enjoying WOODZ, Hua Chen Yu and Violette Wautier so far). So that was a lot of rambling, but still barely covers half of what I actually love listening to…
do you like puzzles? I haven’t done puzzles in aaages, but I have very fond childhood memories of doing them with my grandparents on NYE while waiting for midnight. I think I would still enjoy them if I did them now.
any phobias? Not really. Stuff I’m pretty scared of, sure, but no full-blown phobias.
favourite childhood sport? Hmm, in terms of the sports we played in school, I really enjoyed “Völkerball” (which I’m pretty sure vaguely translates to dodgeball, but I don’t think it’s entirely the same thing). The only problem was that I was really good at dodging the ball and never getting hit, but very, very bad at catching the ball or hitting other people with it, so I could never actually end the game by taking out people on the other team either.
I only started in my teens, but I also really enjoyed (and still enjoy) climbing and bouldering. And my family went skiing every winter when I was a child, which I hated at first, but started to enjoy in my early teens when I didn’t have to do lessons with a bunch of other kids tumbling down the mountain anymore.
do you talk to yourself? All the time in my mind, and sometimes out loud when I’m on my own (particularly when I’m frustrated about something).
what movie(s) do you adore? I actually really love heartwarming feel-good movies tbh. One of my favourite movies is Pride (2014) because it just radiates so much joy and solidarity and a will to live and make things better that always lifts my mood. And I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve rewatched Mamma Mia. Another genre of movies I seem to enjoy is movies about female rage a.k.a. women going batshit crazy but being totally justified in it, such as Promising Young Woman or Gone Girl. I do generally prefer watching TV shows to movies, though.
coffee or tea? I get the jitters and become hyperactive in a really uncomfortable way when I drink coffee, so I rarely do. I mostly drink black tea or Mate for the purpose of waking me up.
first thing you wanted to be growing up? Well, according to old friendship book entries, I first wanted to be a princess (until my mum bought me a book about the Habsburgs and I quickly abandoned the idea, which I think was the point) and after that a cook.
Tagging @crumchycow, @mightymightygnomepriest, @salamander89, @fiddlepickdouglas, @obscurecurse
and @lilmaemae and anyone else who wants to do it 😊
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Writerly Question Tag
I was tagged here by @i-can-even-burn-salad, and I'm actually going to do it :D thanks!
Open Tag for anyone who would like to jump on this. Under the cut bc its loooonng. There's a template at the bottom.
About You
When did you start writing?
Sometime in 2019/2020, before covid started. Late start, I know lol
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
No, not really. I am a fantasy romance girlie (gender neutral) through and through. It's really a rarity for me to branch outside the fantasy genre at all.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
I've not been writing long enough nor do I have a wide enough reader base to be compared to anyone lol. Emulate though 🤔 I don't know. I do know that certain writers leave an impression on me. Or I'll admire their style or how they did some bit of worldbuilding or torture. But when I'm writing, I'm not consciously trying to be like them or to even reference the stuff I was admiring to try and emulate it. That being said... I swear, C.L. Wilson, I was not trying to emulate you. I couldn't even approach the depth and mastery of your epic 5 book fantasy (this one). But I also can't deny the similarities that turned up in my book despite me not having read that series for multiple years before writing it 😂
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
My recliner in the living room or my (home) office. My office is the cooler option lol. I have a floor to ceiling built in bookshelf that my desk faces and a pretty ice blue rainbow backlit keyboard. However, I am having issues with both spaces currently. Nobody will leave me alone in the living room. And I'm in my office 8.5 hrs every goddamned day for work and really don't want to continue being in my office when I'm done. At least for a while anyway. It's smth I need to figure out so I can start writing again XD
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Uhhh. I wish I knew. Usually stuff will just hit me randomly and I have no control over when or where or why :')
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Most likely? In that it's just more work for me to write an environment that isn't close to the one I live in. But, it's fantasy, so. 🤷‍♀️
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Outcast/loneliness, finding a place to belong/found family, being enough, finding love without stipulations/compromises ... *deadpan* I'm so super surprised. Oh, and the suffering. We gotta have some of that :)
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Right now, it's probably Carr from Hidden Depths. Carr is so much fun to write. There is smth very freeing about writing a char that really truly doesn't give a shit :)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I could be friends with Alaia, but I'd never be able to keep up with her. Carr would probably have no patience for me lol. Kadin would amuse and annoy me and I could probably only tolerate him in small doses. Darian would intimidate me. Maybe Resh? Provided I could learn their version of sign language so I could talk with him.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Any of the bad guys XD
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Uh, they come up with themselves 😅
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Most of them are neurodivergent as fuck, even the ones I wrote thinking I was NT XD
How do you picture your characters?
I don't? 😅 *cough* aphantasia Although, some of those artbreeder pics helped, along with the commission :D
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Because I can! Because I started and I don't want to stop! (current dry spell notwithstanding XD) Because only in writing will I probably ever get the things I want 100%
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Literally any comment. Any indication you read and enjoyed what I wrote. However that may come across, I treasure it :D
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
*side eyes this question* People would think of me? Why? I am not the story o.o
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Look, I am terrible at identifying my own strengths XD Maybe characterization? Someone told me I did a good job with that once upon a time <3
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Frequently lol. I need to write more 😂 See above. Apparently I cheated and borrowed from this question. I've also been told I do a good job with descriptions, like in a worldbuilding way. Which is fascinating to me, bc I can't see shit in my mind. I just make shit up and hope it works 😅
How do you feel about your own writing?
Depends on when I'm reading it lol. Honestly though, I can tell I've improved a lot from when I first started a few years ago. Mostly I'm proud of it when I'm not being embarrassed by the thought of someone reading some of the more... interesting... things I've written 😅.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Probably. Only through writing can I fully characterize and flesh out the daydreams. Plus, it's a freaking treat to sit down with your own book and read it and enjoy it.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
I'm very influenced. I want to make my friends happy! But I also will write what I enjoy in the parameters of my chosen genre. I just might incorporate things I otherwise might not of thought of. And if it ends up making me uncomfortable down the road, I can always remove it.
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About You
When did you start writing?
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
How do you picture your characters?
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
How do you feel about your own writing?
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
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invinciblerodent · 21 days
Writing Interview Tag Game
Tagged by @ra-scheln – thank you dear! ❤️
When did you start writing?
I feel like there is almost never a set date for anyone- I never really considered myself a writer, I still don't fully embrace it as a label any more than I do many others, but it's very much in that "technically true" vein of things- I don't think of myself as a writer, but I do write, and have been writing most of my life.
The first story I ever consciously remember writing was a lengthy (and objectively terrible) story I wrote around the time I was maybe 11 or thereabouts, though- kind of a fairytale paranormal romance before I would have ever found out what that meant, involving wisecracking frogs, and the three little pigs, and some sort of an ancient curse, and it stretched quite luxuriously across roughly 120 single-spaced pages that -true to form for me- were never posted anywhere.
It was utterly gratuitous, masturbatory, filled with the most horrible purple prose in existence, and I will never stop feeling regretful over losing it to a simple hardware upgrade.
I really wish I could re-read it now, at 30, and maybe get back a little bit of that unapologetic confidence and drive to just write what the fuck ever I feel like writing, without feeling the eyes of an imaginary critic burning holes into the back of my head.
Are there different themes or genres that you enjoy reading than what you write?
While I'm most interested in writing navel-gaze-y, introspective character-pieces and romance/fantasy (romantasy? is that what the kids are calling it now?), I do like to consider myself an omnivore, when it comes to reading.
I generally read a lot of literary- and historical fiction, SF, fantasy, a couple thrillers here and there- though there are topics I don't gravitate towards, I don't exactly discriminate against any genre, and I try to keep a varied diet of pulp- and high-brow literature alike, lol.
Some books I've really loved over these past few years are (hold on, scanning my shelf here) Min Jin Lee's "Pachinko", Ursula K. Le Guin's "The Left Hand of Darkness", Raphael Bob-Waksberg's "Someone Who Will Love You In All Your Damaged Glory", and Iona Grey's "Letters to the Lost". That's an award-winning saga novel, a genre classic, a contemporary collection of short stories, and a very good romance novel, lol.
Although I do admit, reading tends to fall by the wayside in my most active writing periods, which is whenever I get super absorbed in a particular video game, lol.
Can you tell me about your writing space?
I don't actually have a dedicated writing space. Over the past while, I've realized that I most like writing by hand, in coffee shops mainly- which may make me look a touch obnoxious, but it's just the way my brain and hand work the best together. (I handwrite slower than I type, so it's easier to get into that ~~flow~~ state because I have time to think without pausing, and with the background noise being just at the right level, I can babysit an americano for hours at a time.) If I'm writing on the computer, it generally falls more into the realm of editing.
I don't exactly have a preference when it comes to the space itself, but the stationery is crucial. I'm very particular about the pen I use (it has to be a Zebra Superfine H-5000- I've been using them exclusively for like ten years now, and unfortunately you can't really get refills for them, but they're like a dollar each, and they last bloody forever), and slightly less particular about notebooks, but I still have strong preferences there too (lined paper, hard cover, not terribly ugly- which is harder to find than one would think).
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I don't typically try on a conscious level, but sometimes, just that dedicated action of putting my notebook away, and walking to the coffee shop gets the words rolling. Often I find myself starting to tell myself the story on the way, and then I'm kind of playing catch-up with myself, once I actually get there.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing?
Disappointment, mostly. "Wasted" potential, reclamation of personal choice, and the deeply personal act of mourning the self that died so that another may live. What-ifs, maybes, could-have-beens. The things we want to want.
.................. also dicks. Dicks are a big part of it.
What is your reason for writing?
There's no real reason, I think. I thought about this one for a long time, but I can't phrase it any better than prev: the words just have to go somewhere.
Besides, if I'm not writing, I'm crafting. If I'm not crafting, I'm drawing. If I'm not drawing, I'm designing, baking, making something. I'm always making something.
Is there any kind of specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I haven't published much of my writing over the past few years, but from what I've gotten, "It feels like you really know this character" is the comment I keep coming back to in my mind.
I got that one on a silly, smutty fic from like 2016, and it really gave me pause. It really got stuck in my mind.
It's been many years since, and I still catch myself smiling whenever I write a line of dialogue that feels quintessential to a particular character. I found that really encouraging.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I... I'm still kind of unpacking whether I want to be thought about at all. Whether I want to be perceived. You know, the terrifying ordeal of being known, and all that.
I think the way I want to be known is how a pet fish knows its owner, you know? Like I arrive occasionally, at a reliable, if nebulous time, and they kind of have a vague idea of what I am, but mostly I just bring them food, dump it in the water, and disappear while they voraciously consume whatever it was that was dumped in there.
If goldfish were terminally horny and could leave comments but expected no response, they'd be the ideal audience for me.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I want to say maybe... evocative imagery, and dialogue. I like to get somewhat poetic with my descriptions and I feel like I'm rather good at grasping somewhat powerful images through minute details, that's something I know I have a lot of fun writing. I also enjoy the process of trying to find words that feel like they sit right in a certain character's mouth.
If someone were to actually say "he would not fucking say that" to me, I think I would mentally walk into the nearest ocean.
How do you feel about your own writing?
.... Insecure. Apologetic. Fearful, in a way I'm well aware I shouldn't be.
I have tried to blame the fact that English is my second language, and there is a kernel of truth in there, but I know that's... kind of bullshit. I know my linguistic prowess is not exactly the issue here (if I may, bigger idiots than me have done it, I've a darling friend who can absolutely testify), it's literally just the confidence that I lack.
I'm also apologetic in tagging, or promoting my work whenever I do end up posting something, because I know it's not going to have mass appeal, or I know it's not going to be interesting to a lot of people even of the ones following me, and that completely undue, asinine embarrassment is definitely holding me back within my writing as well.
This is why I enjoy handwriting most I think, because that, I know is for me.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
It's purely for myself, and this ties into the previous answer- I know I write my best when it's utterly self-indulgent. But that's also the shit that makes me feel the most naked emotionally, so it's hard to bring myself to want to subject myself to any kind of scrutiny.
This really is the fucking duality of man, to crave validation but hiss and sneer at anything that might invite it, lol.
Anyway, I think if you guys are up for it, I'd like to tag @sketchyelvenasss and @lindira, and of course anyone who feels like it. ❤️
(Please do excuse me for the copious amounts of whining in this post lol, I have realized in myself that once I come closer to filling a new notebook I always get a bit emotional about my stuff, and I've like 10 pages left on my current one. Prime angsting-time.)
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lead-to-code · 2 months
writerly questionnaire
hi hello o/ i've been tagged by @agirlandherquill thank youu btw :3c this was fun
gonna tag @kiisuuumii and only you cause you're the only other writer I've talked to on here ^^"
although if you're a fellow writer and feel like playing along then I tag you spiritually~~~~~
(its kinda long so i put it under a read more)
About Me:
When did you first start writing? I think I was about 9 when I first started writing stories, most starred whatever cartoon characters I was into at the time, I had a bit of a hiatus from like 13-18, but when I got back into it I mostly wrote poetry
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write? I try not to focus on genres in general so I can't really tell if there's one I tend to lean toward, and as far as themes go I don't really know lol I do love a good tragedy though
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared? Nah not really, but there are some writers I'm mutuals with who are excellent and I'm always looking forward to the next thing they make
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.) I've been trying to write more at my desk so that I'm not spending all my time on my bed, so it's usually there, also helps that I have most my writing implements plus my computer there so it's far more convenient to be at my desk than my bed
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse? I kinda just go about my day, I roll around a few ideas here and there, keep some lines either in my head or write them down if I like them enough, but I don't have a specific process or anything
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about? I think its impossible to not be influenced by the life you've lived, so yeah I would say so
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all? If I had to pinpoint one reoccurring theme in my poetry it would have to be identity, which given that I grew up feeling like I lacked one just kinda makes sense to me
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favourite character? (Current WIP, Past WIP, Never Used, etc) I don't think any of the stories I've been mulling over have any characters fleshed out enough for me to choose one as a favorite, so I'll pick an old d&d character lol, her name was Pae'ces who was an angsty little wood elf with anger issues, she was my first d&d character and I definitely didn't play her well but it was my first time playing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (she also died so rip ;_;)
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life? at the moment, none of them lol
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them? i don't really know, none of my characters are fleshed out enough so I can't make a decision on stuff like that
Tell me about the process of coming up with one, all, or any of your characters, idea + issues = character
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters? uhhh, I think they could all use a friend, I would say that's one trait a lot of them share lol
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc) I'm always picturing some kind of animated show with them even if that's not like the chosen medium for the story
My Writing
What's your reason for writing? All my life all I've wanted to be is an artist, the written word is the medium I have the most experience with
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers? uhh, this is gonna sound like a flippant answer, but not really, I do like hearing what people think, good or bad, though neither one really affects my motivation otherwise
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented world builder, as a role model, etc) I don't want to be thought about, the work is mine sure, like I'm whose credited, but outside of that I want people to not be concerned with my perspective, the art is meant for you, what it means to you if anything at all
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? I truly have no clue, feels like maybe that's something I'm not meant to determine for myself
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others? I have not been told much about my writing, so another non-answer, sorry
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question) Its fine, its something I made and that's enough for me
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write? i would yeah, writing is a part of my emotional process so I would do it for that alone
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it's a mix of the two, which holds most influence? I don't know if this necessarily comes from a place of enjoyment, but I write what I feel like writing, whatever idea pops into my head or a particular story I feel like exploring tends to be my influence behind everything I make
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champion-of-light · 4 months
Rules and Generals!
1. No homophobia, racism, gender exclusion/misogyny, no godmodding (unless spoken first about it, I know it’s gonna happen in starters and that’s fine! Just not full blown controlling my character!)
2. Please don’t rush me for replies. I’m low activity at the moment due to personal issues and work. I also suffer from CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) so sometimes I just can’t write. I normally reply within the same day or it could take me a week! There is no in between I’m afraid lol
3. Blog is completely multi-ship, crossover friendly and OC friendly! Gimme, gimme! If I don’t know a fandom it’s ok! I’ll just have Alan ask a bunch of questions lol.
4. I have no triggers! So I’m open to anything! If you have triggers let me know and I’ll tag them for you!
5. I’m still learning how I want Alan to be like. I’ve only played the first Alan Wake so I won’t be able to do a AW2! Verse! Currently he’s just a guy who is trying to be more positive/optimistic despite his never-ending Hell. He’s snarky, grumpy at times but it’s mostly due to frustration never at your muse unless it’s part of the plot!
6. Currently verses that are open are his own verse Alan Wake, Dead By Daylight verse and a fandomless verse! Heads up though, for the fandomless verse, I will probably just use his Alan Wake verse BUT before The Dark Place happened. Shipping can be discussed! There won’t be any cheating. I know in canon he’s married but we can work around it!! I want everyone to feel included and have the opportunity to ship with him!
7. If I follow you that means I’m interested and want to interact!! Although, if I follow first and after three-four weeks without a follow back, no interactions between us (either rp or DMS!) or if my attempts to reach to you our ignored I will unfollow. I don’t wish to be a number on your blog. This is NOT directed at anyone specific!
Thanks for reading!! I’ll update as needed!
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Questions about me!
Thanks for the tag, @sleketon666 ! 😄 won’t tag anyone else as this briefly veers into somewhat personal mental health territory (and is under the cut for mentions of that.) This was fun!
Do you make your bed?
Yes. Not super perfectly but I just kinda automatically tweak the covers on a morning.
What’s your favourite number?
Don’t think I have one. Numbers are more useful and interesting in aggregate haha.
What is your job? // A job you had that would surprise people?
Hmmm well not to go into too much detail, but my real-life work is in science. I guess that might surprise people who know me for my creative side over here! (But also problem-solving inherently requires creativity, and a good plot a good dose of planning and internal logic. Perhaps they aren’t so dissimilar after all ;) )
If you could go back to school would you?
What? Primary school? Secondary school? Non. Secondary was rough until sixth form. I was so fucking bored a lot of the time, and harassment in my school was rife. Although I would love to do lessons with my art teacher again; she was wonderful!
University-wise: already did. Horrible undergrad, in a very high-pressure place, that completely destroyed my sense of worth and all my plans for the future. Took a few years out, went somewhere less horrible, and crushed it. Ta-da! (I mean I’ll forever have a lot of lingering self-doubt but you know. I did the thing. And proved to myself I both love it and am good at it).
Can you parallel park? // Can you drive a manual car?
I hate cars (on both an experience level and an environmental/political level) and will avoid learning to drive for as long as I possibly can. Luckily I love big-city life, which makes that easier!
Do you think aliens are real?
For sure, in a balance-of-probabilities way. The universe is vast. Will we ever find them? Again, the universe is vast. At the very least though, there’s some alien microbes wiggling away out there. That’s fucking cool.
(And watch the science on this, bc we FINALLY have telescopes capable of surveying the spectra of some exoplanets. Exciting discoveries about other planets’ atmospheres to come, and their reflected light, which can provide indirect evidence of life!)
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Oh boy. Bad reality TV. It’s a guilty pleasure because I know it’s a) completely engineered and b) exploitative. (And c) complete brainrotting rubbish). But then someone says “the new series of Too Hot to Handle is out!” and OOPS I am THERE.
Nope. I’m not a tattoo person. I think some people carry them off but I wear a lot of different clothing silhuoettes and don’t enjoy tattoos half-peeking out of cut-outs. (I just like a “neat” personal style I guess?)
Favourite Colour?
Mmm midnight blue-purple. Some colours are contextual: that one is always perfect. (But I love colour full stop!)
Any phobias?
WASPS holy shit wasps. I know it’s irrational as fuck, and I know they’re important to the ecosystem. That is, in fact, one of the few things I cling on to when they’re really freaking me out. But suffice to say, you’ll never catch me sitting outside a pub in September.
As a kid I was terrified of hand dryers and air conditioning vents. To the point I spent every supermarket trip looking up to see whether I was standing under a vent or not. It is perhaps not surprising I ended up with OCD lol.
Favourite type of music?
Late 70s/Early 80s new wave. Talking Heads and Blondie my beloveds. 80s alternative generally.
Do you talk to yourself?
Unfortunately mostly when I’m struggling with OCD. I’ll curse myself out and say horrible things to myself aloud as effectively emotional self-harm. It’s not nice. (Don’t worry, I’m ok ATM. And have had therapy).
I will muse to myself a little sometimes, on a more fun note.
Do you like puzzles?
Yes! I go through occasional phases of being seriously puzzle-obsessed. Love a good overly-complicated Sudoku variant.
What did you want to be as a child?
Palaeontologist, all the way. I LOVED dinosaurs and would read my dinosaur books constantly. I think my faves were T-rexes (OBVIOUSLY) and Parasauralophus (probably not how you spell that and I suspect my ten-year-old self would have done a better job!)
Coffee or Tea?
Love them both. I drink more coffee atm but tea is great too (Lapsang Souchong being my absolute favourite. I need to order more!) I am 100% a caffeine addict but I find it so soothing. Even when I’m anxious, I want a cup of tea (yeah, yeah, sensible it is not. But ahhhhhh so relaxing).
Favourite Movies?
Star Trek: The Voyage Home. Just everything good about TOS Trek. Wonderful.
The Sure Thing: Underrated 80s romcom gem about an uptight, studious girl and a slacker-but-sweetheart boy getting stuck on a road trip together. It’s got a lot of humour and a lot of heart. Plus a great instance of the “confession via essay read in class” trope, which I love. The gif below is from this movie!
It’s a Wonderful Life//A Muppet Christmas Carol - I adore a good Christmas movie, and these are the best. I’m an atheist, but I adore Christmas; to me, it’s about kindness, family and community, which is why these films have me bawling my fucking heart out every year. (Yes, I cry when muppet Tiny Tim says “god bless us, every one”. Fucking come at me. Sniffle).
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redlightspellsdaanger · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers - Big thanks to the mega fabulous @kaossbells for tagging me!  
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
22 (look at that, Jenson's racing number...) 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Only F1 now. In the past I've mostly written for Muse. I've also written for BBC Sherlock. I have been writing since I was a kid, though, so there was a lot of stuff that didn't even make it online, let alone to AO3 lol 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
Dance Me To The Moon (F1 / Sebastian Vettel), Zero Minus Ten (Muse), Everything of Nothing (Muse), Never Dream of Dying (Muse) and Resistance (Muse) 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
Absolutely. Unfortunately it's very common that readers do not give the authors any feedback. So if someone goes out of their way to show any kind of support or, as some very kind people do, leave detailed reviews, I will be incredibly grateful and make sure to let them know. 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
I often end my stories in a positive note, even the ones who have a vague or open ended finale. But I'd say a Muse one-off I wrote in 2009 called "Il Coma" was heavy for my standards. Also Never Dream of Dying, but that was part of a trilogy so not sure it counts. (well, the readers at the time were not pleased with the TBC, let's put it that way LOL)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Currently, on AO3, I think Dance Me To The Moon. I don't want to spoil but it's a romance so.... haha  
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
I don't remember ever getting hate tbh.  
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Oh, yeah. Lots. Ha. All kinds. M/M. F/M. Threesomes. I've done PWP. I've done kink. I've done romance. I've done dubious/non-con. I've (literally) written smut sitting in a church. I've gotten to the point where I'm sort of getting bored of writing it.  
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Yes. I once wrote a Muse / BBC Sherlock crossover - Showbiz. It was incredibly fun to plot. It was well received, too, so I enjoyed that! The Mb-7 universe trilogy is also a crossover of sorts between Muse and Daniels Craig's James Bond, because characters such as M and Q feature.  
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
If I did, I never noticed.  
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I was once asked for permission for someone to translate a story, I felt very honoured! 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Yes, the whole MB-7 trilogy was co-written with one of my best friends. 
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 
In F1 I will have to say Sebastian with Jenson or with Mark. (although in reality I like him with everyone lol). But Mulder / Scully from The X Files and Matt Bellamy / Dom Howard from Muse are probably my OTPs.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I don't really have WIPs because although I have a lot of ideas and have plotted things in detail that never materialised, I only start writing once I am 100% I will write it in full.
The only exception - and therefore a regret I never finished - is a sequel to the BBC Sherlock / Muse crossover. I wrote a few pages and sadly that was it.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
Hard for me to answer this. But I try to make the characters as realistic and true to life as possible. I also make it a point of having a decently structured plot.  
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
Oh, god, where to start. I feel immediately restricted in how and what I write because my command of English (as second language) is not as good as I wish it would be. Then I'm also a very slow writer and edit endlessly. I tend to repeat ideas and certain expressions. I don't know, we could be here all day lol  
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
Very cool! I love languages and especially in F1 it's very fitting.  
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
It was a TV show and I don't remember the name, I was a kid. The first one I do remember was for an American band called Matchbox 20.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
This is SO hard to reply! I'm going to leave out one-shots (which kills me cos there is a few I still love) and mention only chaptered stuff:
Dance Me To The Moon (F1) because I never thought I'd be able to write a romance and I was so incredibly proud of myself, was fully emerged in it and I will carry these two with me for the rest of my life.
Resistance  (Muse) because it was the first time I wrote a novel length thriller that I felt had all I wanted and it was such an enjoyable process.
Everything or Nothing (Muse) because it was the first of the MB-7 trilogy, it was co-written, we adored our villain, the huge amount of nods to James Bond. And it kicked off a series with a level of plot intricacy that I will never be able to top.
Showbiz (Sherlock / Muse) because it was such a crazy crossover but I had so much fun dissecting Sherlock and I was very happy with the result.
Honourable nod to a figure skating fanfic I wrote with Alexei Yagudin / Michelle Kwan, years ago. It was self-indulgence of the greatest kind and I loved writing every word of it. I have no idea if it's online anywhere atm. I wish I could remember the title!
tagging @magnycours2004, and anyone who would like to participate!!!
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urchintoast · 10 months
I was tagged by @colettebronte and @fayes-fics! Thanks for thinking of me darlings!! 🫶🫶🫶
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Bridgerton and Fellow Travelers. But I’ve also written for The Umbrella Academy, Star Trek, Harry Potter, MCU, and Kingsman (though I don’t have any fics on ao3 for the last 2)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ooh by Kudos?
It’s Not Saturday with 565
I See You with 452 (ooh this one’s moved up! TUA had been my top 3 for the longest time!)
Blush with 416
The Last Man with 415 (very close!)
His Everything with 410
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! If someone made the effort to leave a comment for me, the least I can do is thank them for taking the time to read my silly writings 🥹 I have a lot of kudos/likes but the comments are rarer and mean the world to me 🥹
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Milk? It’s in Hawk’s pov and I just find it very hard to not be angsty in his voice. Idk.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I love happy endings (don’t we all? 😜) so I tend to write happy endings for most of my fics. The absolute cheesiest is Pebble, although the relief in Fear is a great pay off in my opinion.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did. I had some really mean comments a few years ago and that’s why I took such a long break from fic writing. A few people told me that my fics made no sense and told me to stop trying. It’s taken me a while to build my confidence back up after that, and I’m still really struggling with writing smut again after that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I used to write some mlm and omegaverse fics but as previously mentioned, got some hate on them and stopped. Currently no, at least not that I’m comfortable sharing yet.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve never written crossovers, though some AUs are fun!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 🤔 hopefully it stays that way! Please don’t steal! 🥺
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not that’s been published, but with friends in discords over the years we’ve written some fics for ourselves. Always befriend authors, you get the best riffing!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I can’t pick just one!! Ummmm. Nope, I can’t even pick just one for each fandom lol. I like different ships for different reasons, I can’t choose just one!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’m determined to finish it! But right now Surprising seems like it’s not gonna be finished any time soon, just cause it’s been a published WIP since May, and then life happened and I just lost inspiration for it. Hopefully my muse will return soon once work and things settle down 🤞
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh this is hard. I’m so critical of myself. Umm I’ve gotten some nice comments about funny dialogue so I guess that?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Besides finishing them? Length. Smut.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Please just have the translation available at some point (like a footnote) so I don’t have to open a new tab to look up what they’re saying because then I get distracted and forget that I was reading something lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter is the first one I published on ao3. No clue what the real first one is 🤷🏻‍♀️
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I don’t really have a favorite? I’m pretty proud of them all for different reasons. Ease My Mind cause it was omega/omega and I’d never seen anyone do that before. Surprising because it got me back to writing. I See You because it’s the longest fic I’ve ever finished. Milk because I was the first one on ao3 to write for that pairing!
Really I could go on and on about why I’m proud of each fic 🥹
Thanks for tagging me!! 💗
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dreamstone28737 · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I was tagged by the wonderful @minim236 ! 😘 Thank you, doll!
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 7! (Very soon to be 8! 👀) All of them are from my Meet Me at Midnight series.
2- What's your total AO3 word count?
67,450… which is a little crazy to me! (Also, in looking for these stats, I learned that “Can I Ask You a Question” has 15,998 words, and now it’s taking everything in me not to just go in and add two words somewhere. LOL)
3- What fandoms do you write for?
I’m still a really new writer, and Bridgerton is the only fandom I’ve written in, technically… Although I once started a Poldark fanfic that I abandoned and never published. (That was back when I was still very gun shy about posting anything anywhere!)
4- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
First place: Can I Ask You a Question? - 290
2 - I’m So In Love - 258
3 - Stars by the Pocketful - 233
4 - Older but Just Never Wiser - 185
Last place: My Whole Life - 154
(“Can I Ask You a Question?” was the one I was most insecure about so it’s nice that it did so well.)
5- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every comment I see because I can’t believe how sweet people have been about my little stories. I so appreciate everyone who takes the time to say something nice!
I’ve always loved writing. Pretty much since I could hold a pencil, it’s been a sort of coping mechanism (and occasionally a source of stress 😆 ) but I’ve never ever felt confident enough to share anything with anyone. With fanfic, I finally freed myself to write little plotless stories and share them, and it’s been unbelievably rewarding and I genuinely feel it’s helping me grow as a writer. Knowing that people enjoy the thing that gave me so much joy to write is mind-blowing. ❤️
6- What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Honestly, I’m not that angsty in my writing. I think “Older but Just Never Wiser” was my angstiest fic, but the ending was still fairly sweet and resolved. I honestly can’t imagine myself writing something with an angsty ending!
7- What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh my gosh, I think my first one, “I’m So In Love…” was absolutely saccharine! It was nothing but candy-coated sweetness. However, “My Whole Life” ended in a proposal/engagement with like fireworks, so I guess it’s a coin toss.
8- Do you get hate on fics?
I haven’t yet! (Thanks, everyone!!)
9- Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No — not yet! I’m definitely still too shy about it. But I do have an outline for a little something smutty that I wrote once when the muse visited me with it... Whether it will ever see the light of day depends on, like, my confidence and the supply of whisky in my house. Haha
10- Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No crossovers! I haven’t even read a lot of crossovers, so that’s completely uncharted territory for me.
11- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! (I don’t think I’m high-profile enough for that! LOL)
12- Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven’t!
13- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! But that sounds super fun.
14- What's your all-time favorite ship?
Right now, I’m pretty ride-or-die for Kanthony. I’ve loved so many ships throughout my life, though!
15- What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
SO. About two years ago (before I came late to the Bridgerton party), I had watched Poldark and it was so beautiful but also had a lot of heart-wrenching aspects, which sort of matched the dark place I was in mentally, so I started a Poldark fic that was just full of angst and sadness and hurt feelings. I never finished it, but I think about it quite a lot, actually, and how I left those guys hanging. I’d love to finish it just to give them some closure, but I’m not really in that headspace these days (which is a good thing!).
Also, more recently, I had an idea for a Regency-era, canon-compliant Kanthony story that I actually did start (I wrote a prologue and have an outline for the rest of it) but as I’m getting into it, I’m rapidly losing confidence that it’s a good idea…. So I don’t know. It might end up abandoned. It’s Anthony POV and more angsty than my Midnights series. It would be a challenge to write, for sure, and maybe that’s why it makes me nervous!
16- What are your writing strengths?
Oh gosh, that’s so hard to answer. I like to think my writing paints a picture, because I see the characters and settings so vividly in my head. Hopefully that’s true!
17- What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, in a general way, second-guessing myself is the BIGGEST weakness. But I often catching myself writing in what I call “outline form,” where I write like “she did that. Then he said this. Then this happened.” And I have to go back and write in more emotional reactions and physical sensation. Also, I’m intimidated by writing conflict and angst. 😂
18- Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
That’s fascinating, and frankly it’s a really intimidating thought. Language is so complex that using a translator just doesn’t capture the full scope and meaning of words and phrases, does it? So, I feel like I would only go there if I could check with someone who knew the language.
19- First fandom you wrote for?
Oh wow. I guess technically that’s Poldark (see above) but back in high school (before I knew what fanfic was) I wrote out a prose version of scenes from a Broadway musical I was obsessed with because I wanted to explore the inner feelings of one of the characters. Nothing was really original, but I needed to do it in order to understand this character I couldn't stop thinking about. Now, looking back, I realize that was fanfic!
20- Favorite fic you've written?
I have this special place in my heart for “I’m So In Love…” because it’s the first fic I ever finished and the first one I ever shared. It also really captured a moment in time for me personally, so I think that one will always be a fave for me. Tied with it is “Stars by the Pocketful,” which was an idea that I carried in my heart for MONTHS before posting “So In Love” gave me the confidence to write it down. That one felt like it was burning a hole in my imagination for ages and I’m so genuinely happy with the finished product.
I’m tagging these lovely people, but no pressure! ❤️- @mimix007, @harnitbee, @nervousladytraveler, @ninamayawrites, @stars-of-kyber
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sparklymuses · 10 months
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name — sparkle. pronouns — he / him. preferred comms — IMs, i rarely use discord for tumblr stuff. kinda protective over giving my discord out. name of muse — maki, peko, ryukyu and luvia. experience in RP — hoo boy, if we're going overall experienced - i started in early college for online sites like early dA roleplay, so 8+ years. best experiences — i can't really think of one single time, but just generally roleplaying with my buds over discord groups in danganronpa in college was some of the most i've had on the web. no worries of cringe or shit, just being free and loving our characters. i just wish the group hadn't broken apart over drama on the leader who became pretty shitty overtime. pet peeves / dealbreakers — forcing ships on other people because "ITS CANON" is an instant way for me to lose interest. part of the reason i dislike fuyupeko, although that's more personal to me. muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — mostly fluff or action. angst i've done a lot in small times but not a lot recently. as for smut ... i've honestly never really done it often, like i can count on one hand how many times. mostly because my characters ... well, you can see the issue with me being hesitant to write them in smut in fear of crucifixion. plot or memes — memes. mostly because it's super disheartening to talk up a plot for so many messages and getting excited ... only for it to die within two posts. part of the reason i lost my motivation in the first place. long or short replies — usually i like to do long replies, but that's more me losing control of how much i write versus trying to pace myself. so i'd say medium at worst. best time to write — whenever i have the energy to nowadays. are you like your muse — lol, no. maki and peko could fold me like an omelette, luvia is too rich for me and ryukyu is ... well, it's complicated. i hope we would at least get along though !!
tagged by : @tealsteel tagging : @electricea , @nulltune , @more-than-a-princess , @mysticallities & @celestiialnotes !!
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demonsfate · 5 months
1, 2, 3, 4.
canon questionnaire // accepting . . .
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1. What made you pick up this character?
I found Jin to be a very interesting character when I started learning about him! Although Jin is a "stoic" archetype, I found him to be interesting compared to a lotta stoic characters, and I found him to be interesting compared to other fighting games characters (especially the main characters). I loved that Jin was a stoic, but still a very caring guy and not literally emotionless / cold. I loved that Hwoarang tries to be his rival, but often, Jin doesn't really share the same enthusiasm for the rivalry. I just found Jin to be a subversion of many tropes 'cos of the things I mentioned.
It was watching his Tag 1 ending that really made me love him, though. A lotta ppl took it as Jin LITERALLY not being able to kill Kazuya because Jun or something stopped him. I don't... really agree with that and I didn't see it as that to begin with. As for one thing, Jun nor Angel or even present lol. Yes, Jin looks down at his shaky hands, which a lotta ppl took for Jin being confused as to why he can't kill Kazuya. But honestly, WHAT I THOUGHT was happening was that Jin wanted to kill Kazuya, but then realization hit him; he's about to kill his own father. Jin stops himself after this and looks down at his hands in horror because of this. And that, along with Tek4, is what made me really fall in love with Jin and wanted to write him. I loved how he was the good guy, but still struggled with the age old question of "is killing always a bad thing, or do some people really deserve to die?" Yes, there are LOTS of media with this same question. But the thing is... usually characters like Batman or Superman are already so sure of the answer, and they have to debate it with other characters. With Jin, he really doesn't know what the right answer is. It's something he struggles with, and understandably so.
Funny enough is that I had no idea about the Tekken lore, I literally knew nothing about it despite playing it since my very early childhood. So I definitely had no knowledge about Tekken 6, so everything was a surprise when I first saw it. And guess what? I hated Tekken 6 so much that I nearly considered NOT writing Jin. Like Tek6 was almost the reason this blog never got made. I was considering maybe just writing Tek3-Tek4 Jin and nothing else, or not making the blog at all. Even though a lotta people trash Tekken 7's story. The good thing about it is that... it DID give me inspiration on how I could "fix" Tekken 6 and still write beyond Tekken 4 on this blog. Thus, becoming canon divergent and saying that Devil Jin was responsible for the war, not Jin.
An interesting thing is that I wasn't nearly as interested in Devil when I first started this blog. In fact, I believe my early promos would just say "ft. Devil Jin" and sometimes make a joke that he has to be around because it's hard to write Jin without him. Which was how I truly felt at the time. A very early icon and dashboard header for this blog featured Jin only. Yet as I learned more about the series and I wrote the two more, I realized just how much I love Devil. Like Devil has become a very integral part of this blog, and he IS just AS IMPORTANT as Jin is now!! Like I really do consider Devil on the same level of importance - he's not just a side muse or anything, he's as main as Jin is! In fact, the primary focus of this blog had quickly become focusing on Jin and Devil's relationship as I found it particularly fascinating. So it was wild to think there was a time I didn't care for Devil as much. But I made this blog pretty early on when I just got into the lore, so I still wasn't as familiar with it as I am now!
Sorry for writing a book based on THE FIRST QUESTION you sent me lol! A quick fun fact is that I almost considered writing Heihachi, too.
2. How did you get into this franchise/fandom?
Well as I said, I actually played the game as a small wee child thing! Probs when I was only like 6 years old or younger! My mains used to be Xiaoyu and Eddy back then lol :P But strangely enough, despite it being one of my fav games to play with my bros when I was a kid, I never got into the lore until fairly recently. (Nearly 2 years ago I guess?) And that happened because my brother for some reason decided to buy all the Tekken games lol. So I watched him play through them, and then that's when I realized how much I was really liking the concepts and the characters - especially Jin, of course as I explained above!
3. What’s the best thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.?
The games are fun to play lol! But really, if we're not talking gameplay wise. I just really love the characters. I think the game has a colorful cast of characters that are all highly unique, wild, or funny. They're also all wonderfully designed, too.
4. What’s the worst thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.?
The handing of the characters, or the lore in general. Jin being the worst case of course because hoo boy, Tekken 6 has definitely ruined Jin's character. Even with Tekken 8 trying to "fix him", it still didn't undo the damages of Tekken 6. But really. Tekken as a series is FULL of amazing concepts, yet they always get messed up because of inconsistences, retcons, dropped plots, drastic changes for no good reason, etc etc. Characters being completely changed from what they were, characters being turned into jokes, characters just being useless. It just gets frustrating.
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darkestrellar · 1 year
1, 5 & 15!
Questions about the mun's taste in muses
1. How many muses, do you think, have you had in total while on tumblr?
UHH let me see. At first it was 3 (Ice, Descole, OC Frost). Then I picked up Svern (technically my sister tried to rp him first but she handed him over to me due to several reasons) and made the multi where I added a bunch of other muses. I currently have 8 muses on the multi and 2 singlemuse blogs for a total of 10 represented muses.
However, there are some Pokemon muses I briefly had and then either confined to being npcs or just dropped. I think I only wrote 2 of them, although I had ideas for more... I'll only count those 2 because I don't think I actually wrote any of the others. So total 12 I guess?
5. Who is / was your favourite muse of all time to play?
No for real I can't pick a favourite of all time. I can give a list of my top muses though in mostly-chronological order. That would be: Ice, Descole, Svern, Akutagawa, Rengoku. Kunikida and Eugene and Bonajiko I also love, they're a slightly lower level of brainrot.
So you see this is just most of my muses anyway.
15. Which muses of yours have currently very dead fandoms?
*I'm assuming talking about roleplay fandoms here
Descole (Professor Layton) is probably the deadest to my knowledge. I'm not aware of any UWO rpers other than you and me, same goes for Sky: CotL rpers which is why Bonajiko is basically fandomless. The difference there is that I know there used to be Layton rp blogs but I don't know if there are/were ever any other UWO or Sky blogs.
You know what? I'm going to count Ice and Svern in this as Pokemon Ranger muses too. Pokemon RPC is huge and alive and kicking I don't even know the half of it bc I stay in my corner. But Pokemon RANGER muses is an entirely different story. The wider fandom still forgets about the Ranger series... this is the bane of my existence... I'm going to be posting and complaining about it to the end of time... one day I'll see them included in worldbuilding and region lists and the stories and antagonists acknowledged... maybe... maybe...
(if we're talking about General fandoms, the professor layton fandom is Definitely not dead LOL and neither is Sky. UWO is just very small I think, I haven't been in the tags for a while.)
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yanderechuu · 3 years
do any of the teachers ever notice the things happening to y/n? (i headcannon Mic and Midnight as yanderes that would give advice to 1A lol)
yandere!Class 1A x fem!reader
Summary: Aizawa is the first one you approached in regards to your certain predicament.
Warning: nonconsensual recording
Aizawa suspected something wasn’t quite right by the moment he saw you entering the class a minute before the bell rang, all haggard and teary-eyed, though you tried your best to obscure your disposition. He always knew you to often be in a state of discomfort whenever you were compelled to socialize, especially with your classmates, but now - you looked as if you reached your limit of holding the weight of the world on your shoulders, crashing down all at once as depicted on your crestfallen expression. 
And when you showed up in front of the faculty room, timidly soliciting his presence, his suspicions were only further verified. Even with a pending question regarding subject matters in your mind, you weren’t one to approach a teacher to inquire about it, and if you did it was because the teacher was the one who would ask your attendance; never the other way around.
Present Mic was the first one to acknowledge you. He stood up from his office chair, waving at you comically. “Yo, (l/n)! Having trouble with English again?”
You never had a problem with his subject; he only insisted that you’d come to him in regards to that. “N-no, not really. May I speak to Aizawa-sensei?”
“Talk with me instead!” He enthusiastically spoke and headed over to you. “Come on, what’s the matter?”
“It isn’t your place to ask that when I’m here.” Aizawa interceded, clearly unimpressed by Mic’s antics. He failed to see the latter’s displeased countenance. “(L/n), what is it?”
You avoided eye contact with him, averting your view to the ground - that was alright. You were always like this, and he didn’t mind. Nothing out of place except for the fact that it looked as if you were about to cry any moment now.
“Can we- can we, um, talk somewhere more private?” You asked quietly.
His brows raised in wonder at your request. Nevertheless, he didn’t decline you, only nodding lackadaisically before heading towards the teacher’s lounge, where you followed him suit. He flicked the door tag to ‘occupied’ and entered the room after you, when he told you sit on the three-person sofa situated not quite on the farthest left of the space. Then, he settled himself on the chair across you.
“Well?” He asked, expectantly.
But you had once again your head above a thick cloud of anxiety. You knew that after the event with Momo in the girls’ locker room - where you had injured her against your will because she had been violating your personal space - your homeroom teacher kept a cautious eye on you in case you’d re-enact that incident. And it wasn’t just that incident that made him look at you like you were a criminal on the loose, either. Your classmates found and did a lot of ways to place you in Aizawa’s naughty list just so you wouldn’t snitch on their abusive (they’d call it affectionate) behavior on you.
That didn’t erase the fact that you were nevertheless his student; he cared for you no less than he cared for his other pupils, yet you were just too ignorant in figuring that out. All that mattered to you was that you’d voice out your current concern to him, but with your insecurities holding you down it seemed it would be more difficult than you had primarily foreseen it to be.
“I-I,” you stammered out, fiddling with something inside your pocket, “u-um, you see, t-there’s this, I mean, I can’t-”
He grew increasingly frustrated with your constant stuttering, and although he did understand your shy nature which largely affected your conversational habits, he only had so much patience to deal with it.
“I don’t have all day.” He stated, glowering at your form in mild irritation. “If you’re going to keep doing that, talk to the wall.”
You abruptly halted in speaking after that, only looking down on your lap, staring wide-eyed, grief-stricken at the revelation that perhaps he really did not want to heed any of your words because you were just that bad of a student that he had decided you were not worth much the effort to concern himself with. And maybe he was right - that your words didn’t matter because you didn’t matter; that there were more affairs he better be tending to than yours; that you were only making a big deal out of this when it truthfully wasn’t.
Oh god, you felt like vomiting. Self-deprecation was getting the better of you.
He stood up and sauntered to the exit, not bothering to spare you a glance. “Come back to me when you actually know what you want to say.”
It was a matter of seconds when you ran to him, pulling him back rather harshly by the grip you had on his sleeve. He turned around due to the force to see your head still hung low, avoiding his gaze as always - only, your shoulders were quivering sporadically, and occasional sniffs were heard from your person.
“P-please, sensei...” you voiced out, shaken and horrifyingly delicate. “I-I’m so scared. Please.”
While he looked at you with contracted irises, countenance now alert from your unexpected disposition, you pulled your trembling hand out of your skirt pocket, nervously disclosing to him from your palm a small, black device with a tiny yet prominent lens.
“M-my room,” you heaved, “I-I saw this i-in my room, m-my closet, while- while I was dressing up, and I don’t know how long it had been in there but it probably already caught me bare and-”
You broke down in a flurry misery and shame, allowing yourself to fall to the ground but you didn’t - Aizawa seized you in his arms, his gentle, fatherly arms that could only do so much to console you from the horror of your reality. And he held your head as you cried on his chest, one little thing he could do after ignoring your situation and letting you think that your significance was less than the rest of his other students. At that moment, you were just so little, so fragile, so naïve he’d keep you in his pocket if he could. Why would someone do something as debauched as illegally recording your innocent self?
“I’m sor-sorry,” you sobbed, “I’m really telling the truth, p-please-”
“Shh, it’s okay. I don’t doubt you.” He reassured. Why were you apologizing? Were you that insecure of being a nuisance? No, no, you never were. Not to him. He reached for your hand to take the cursed device. “Since when did you find out?”
“J-just this morning.” You responded.
“Alright. Do you want to rest? This must have taken a huge toll on you.”
But you still had classes ongoing. Then again, you didn’t feel like looking at the faces of the prime suspects who possibly did you dirty, even when you knew that you’d have to eventually interact with them to get notes of your missed lessons. You were so tired from summoning the lot of your courage to confront your teacher regarding your problem, so you probably wouldn’t have the energy to listen to class discussion. Aizawa finalized your decision by pulling you up and guiding you towards the office of Recovery Girl who, after being briefed of your predicament by your homeroom teacher, welcomed you with a warm smile, telling you to make yourself comfortable in one of the beds in the infirmary.
He then made his way to 1A classroom, a newfound swelling of rage and disappointment in his chest, both forwarded to his class and to himself because only now did he realize that perhaps you were often so restless and apprehensive in the presence of your classmates because they did things that made you bury yourself in the deepest parts of your shell as a last attempt to revel in a sense of safety. Your timidity was not entirely derived from your own nature; it was also due to the maltreatment you were receiving from your classmates. Halting his steps by the classroom door, he looked through the glass window, seeing the class focusing on Midnight’s lecture.
Well, not quite. He could tell that your classmates were visibly affected by the lack of your presence, glancing at your desk from time to time as quiz papers were being passed behind - so they were in the middle of a test, he guessed. But that wasn’t his concern.
In impudent manner, he walked in amid Midnight’s talking, disregarding her face’s sudden morphing into vexation as the students gave him a look of confusion.
“Eraser, what are you-” she was rudely interrupted as Aizawa took the test reference papers from her hands. Something about Modern Hero Art History, he read. He faced his class with disdain, stating,
“Until someone confesses their crime of hiding a spy camera on (l/n)’s dorm room, all of you are receiving failing marks on this test.”
Quite suddenly, the class burst into violent upheaval, gasping, perking, some allowing the dreadful news of your situation to sink in, others letting out noises of complaint before actually taking consideration to the main point of Aizawa’s statement. Midnight stared at him in disbelief, but did nothing to stop his measures.
Momo abruptly stood. “I-is (y/n) okay? We should go check on her!”
“No, you shouldn’t.” Aizawa said. “All of you are suspects. You’ve no right to see her.”
“She probably just made that up get back on us for whatever fucking reason!” Yelled Bakugou.
“Yeah?” The male pro-hero disingenuously mused. He then picked up the spy camera and held it for everyone to see, before setting it down the teacher’s podium. “This was found on her closet. Would she risk recording herself naked just to prove that point?”
Noise died down thereafter, setting their sights solemnly at the device, the class collectively having the same thought in regards to the spy camera.
(Why hadn’t they thought of that? It could have been easier to check on you that way, since you almost always confined yourself in the privacy of your own room.)
“So? No one wants to speak up?” Aizawa asked, though expected the silence.
“Aizawa, have them approach you after classes. It’s embarrassing this way.” Midnight intervened.
“Well that’s the point. Get them exposed to the entire class, so everyone could realize how much of a perverted bastard one of these to-be heroes are. Good values, my ass.” He replied, not bothering to filter rather colorful vocabulary. “Where’s your dignity?”
He let a minute or two pass for the perpetrator to reveal themselves, but soon it became apparent that whomever they were refused to admit to their crime, willing to sacrifice the grades of the class for the sake of anonymity. That would be deemed useless, anyway, because Aizawa was already set on figuring out whom they were, no matter the extent he’d go to in order for that to happen. He’d expel them at once.
But he didn’t have the power to expel someone outside of his class.
“I guess that’s it for your test.” He sighed, disgruntled, picking up the small camera and sauntering his way out of the classroom after giving Midnight a look that he was dead serious with marking all of them a failing score. She stared at him in uncertainty, nonetheless abided by his decisions, albeit hesitantly.
Upon ascertaining his absence, Midnight turned to Class 1A, amusement and humor dancing on her seductive countenance.
“Naïve, hormonal teenagers,” she mused, “the closet, really? Couldn’t you have chosen somewhere less conspicuous?”
None of them bothered to tell her that they were truthfully unaware of the incident.
Hagakure Toru, stealth hero, entered your room silently in the nude, the only proof of her movements being a tinier, different spy camera she’d brought along with her. No, not the closet, you might find it again. It looked so painfully obvious on the desk, too, and neither in the bathroom due to its pale white interior. 
But on the pencil holder situated atop your nightstand would do. You barely moved it, anyway, only having its purpose served as a decoration; something to fill the vacancy of the bedside table. After a few adjustments in camouflaging the device with the environment and making sure the lens displayed the area of your space, Hagakure checked its concealment one more time, before mechanically heading outside and back to her own dorm. 
Her body collided almost violently with her room’s door, snapping her out of her trance. 
“H-huh!? Weird... how’d I end up in my room?” She asked, receiving no answer from particularly anyone.
But Shinso Hitoshi could provide her one, if only he weren’t outside, staring at your terrace from five stories down your room, a gratifying smirk donned on his features. Now, the only thing he had to do was dismantle and relocate the gadgets wirelessly connected with the camera Aizawa had confiscated.
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goldenroutledge · 3 years
hi liv! congrats on 500 followers. can i please get “I’ve realised that you keep interrupting my daily and, holy shit, do I love it.” with rafe please🥰
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pairing: rafe cameron x reader
wc: 1.2k
warning(s): swearing and that’s it i think!
a/n: hope u guys like this! i don’t really like it but oh well lol
rafe masterlist
© goldenroutledge , do not copy, steal, or translate my work
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Due to your and Rafe’s busy lives lately, the amount of time spent together began to slowly decrease. Even then, you still made each other a priority, which made it work at the end of the day.
Rafe yawned, slapping a hand to his forehead and rubbing his eyes in regret of not going to bed earlier the previous night as his alarm went off. He was tagging along with his dad to work this week, though it already felt more like a year. The sun was barely up, leaving him to squint at the harsh light from his phone in the dark room.
He let out a deep chuckle, reading your ‘goodmorning <3’ text sent at 2:23am hours earlier. When you’d stay up later than Rafe, you made sure to send him something to wake up to after he had gone to bed. Even if it wasn’t necessarily around the time he’d be waking up. It would give him a little serotonin boost for the grueling day ahead of him, so you did what you could.
After he replied to you, he scrolled through a few social medias in an attempt to wake himself up for the day, eyes averting to the time displayed at the top of the screen every so often. This time when he checked, a notification from his photos app dropped down briefly, titled: ‘1 year ago, today’.
Upon opening the app, a small album of the pictures from a year ago covered the screen. They were of you, as well as some of him sprinkled in, on an afternoon picnic. A wide grin tugged at his lips at the gorgeous sight of you in the pictures, eyes bright and full of joy as they looked into the camera.
To Rafe, you were a work of art. So he didn’t mind if you were the muse of his photography, meaning every picture he has ever taken. That urge to take a photo came to him a lot when you were around, as opposed to someone only wanting to capture a picture of a pretty sunset or the ocean. Out of all the beautiful things in Rafe’s surroundings, you stood out to him the most. After all, the pretty sunsets or the ocean never made his heart race or made him feel soft inside.
Rafe knew he got carried away once his eyes peeled away to check the time again, now being quite past the time he was supposed to be dressed and downstairs for breakfast. A sigh left his lips, reluctantly shutting his phone off before starting his routine for the morning.
Returning home, Rafe hastily slipped off his dress shoes and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt, plopping down on his bed. This Wednesday spent with his dad felt much longer than Monday and Tuesday did, and now he couldn’t wait for the week to be over and done with.
Rafe mindlessly connected his speaker to his phone, hitting shuffle on a random playlist. After the first few seconds of the song played, he was able to recognize it as one of your favorites; a staple to every playlist you had, no matter the occasion.
He hummed along to the song softly, eyes closing as he pictured you singing it to him. Although it was a coincidence to receive so many reminders of you in one day, he thought that just maybe the universe knew it was what he needed. In no time, Rafe had dozed off, the melodies of your song and image of you in his head the only thing he could focus on.
You were a little disappointed to hardly hear from Rafe all day. But knowing Ward, you knew Rafe’s days spent with him weren’t the smoothest in the world. Somehow, you still found yourself at Tannyhill, going back and forth between the bathroom and Sarah’s room as you tried on some things from your shopping trip together.
When you had gone to check on Rafe when you arrived, he was sound asleep. After admiring the content look on his face for a moment, you shut the door and let him nap in peace.
“Have you seen Rafe today?” Sarah questioned, organizing her piles of clothes sitting on her bed. “Normally you would’ve ditched me for him by now.”
You scoffed, faking a look of offense. “Not true! I try to spend my time equally.” You defended.
Sarah raised her eyebrows, though unable to hold back a smile at your fib. “You do?”
“Absolutely. I said I try. I never said it actually works out that way.” You elaborated, adjusting your dress in the mirror. “When I went in earlier he was sleeping, anyway.”
“Oh.” She replied. “I think I heard him on the phone a few minutes ago. Maybe try again?”
“Are you trying to get rid of me or something?” You joked.
“Not at all. But after spending a day with my dad I’m sure he could use some cheering up. He’s always in a better mood when you’re around and I really don’t feel like fighting him at dinner tonight.” Sarah quipped, earning a chuckle out of you.
“If you say so. Don’t run away to the Chateau while I’m gone.” You warned, pointing two fingers from your eyes to hers as you backed out of her room and walked towards Rafe’s.
From outside, you could hear his voice speak up occasionally, leading you to the assumption that he was still on the phone. So you knocked lightly, peeking your head in through the door.
Rafe’s eyes lit up when they landed on you, as he was previously ready to yell at any one of his family members if it were them instead. He gestured for you to come in, which you did, strolling straight past him and going towards his mirror.
His jaw dropped an inch at seeing the pastel sundress adorning your body, as you turned around and looked at yourself from multiple angles. Being in your own world of course you didn’t notice his eyes on you, figuring he was probably attentive to his phone call.
“Hey, Top?” Rafe interrupted. “Let me call you back.” Before Topper could even protest or agree, Rafe had hung up the call and tossed his phone on his bed, eyes never leaving you as he approached you.
Of course you saw him in the mirror, turning around to give him a quick kiss and a hug. “Hi, Rafey.”
Rafe had other plans, chasing your lips after you pulled away from just a peck. Once he was satisfied, he pulled back with a matching smile. “Hi, sweetheart. When did you get here?”
“A few hours ago. Sarah and I went shopping, but when we got back you were asleep. I feel like I haven’t talked to you in days.” You told him disappointedly, wrapping your arms around his neck so his hands could hold your waist.
“M’sorry.” Rafe apologized, frowning shortly after.
“It’s not your fault. I just missed you, that’s all.” You smiled reassuringly, resting your head on his chest.
“I missed you, too. You’re all I’ve been thinking about since I woke up this morning.” He admitted in a mumble.
“Mhm. I’ve realized that you keep interrupting my day and, holy shit, do I love it.”
You giggled, pressing a chaste kiss to his neck. “Well, I’m glad I could be a distraction for you. I just hope it’s the good kind.”
“Believe me, baby. You’re the best kind of distraction there is.”
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taglist: @ilovejjmaybank @missevi @nxsmss @cameronsrafe @msgorillagripcoochie @bibliophilewednesday @tovvaa @rudybarnes @annab-nana @babeyglo @sunsetholland @moniamaybank @outerbankspreferences @laneybobeczko-g @jjpouggues @j-j-may-bank @heartdose @eifhames @outerbankies
rafe taglist: @vintageobx @givetaylorherscarfbackjake @drewstarkeysbitchh @littlementalpolaroids
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