#friends to lovers for the win! (especially when it's like an unspoken thing and then both characters just come to the realization one day)
Pink Roses
A/N: To the person who requested this: sorry this took so long! I’ve had a bit of writer’s block this week (mostly pertaining to my current WIP), but I *think* I’m coming out of it now! Hope you enjoy🥳
Warnings: None really, just some slight nerves and anxiety related to crushes 😊 Oh, and the author pretending she’s a baker and knows what she’s doing when it comes to cake decorating 😜
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Protagonist’s lips turned down into a slight frown. Her brows drew together in concentration, her narrowed eyes fixed on the nozzle of the piping bag. Carefully, Protagonist wrote “Happy Birthday, Crush!” on top of the cake. With the final stroke of the piping bag, Protagonist sighed, sagging back on her heels. Satisfied that the orange frosting was perfectly centered and the script neat enough to read, Protagonist set the piping bag aside. Eyeing the delicate gum paste flowers she’d made earlier, Protagonist nearly groaned. She’d have to place each and every one by hand, and while that normally wasn’t a problem, her hands were trembling with nerves and excitement.
It was finally Crush’s birthday, and Protagonist knew this was one of the few days when she could get away with doting on Crush. Normally, Crush blushed at being the focal point of attention, shying away from the limelight in favor of putting others on a pedestal or helping them in any way she could. It’s what Protagonist liked about her. Crush was so humble, and kind, and just this once she wanted to be able to do something special for Crush, regardless of the little feelings fluttering in her heart. Crush deserved a day to be treated like royalty. She did so much for others that Protagonist often wondered when she found the time for herself.
Shaking her head, Protagonist delicately picked up the first of the pink roses. She’d made a dozen, varying in shade to give the cake an ombre effect and balance the buttercream frosting. Crush liked subtly, so Protagonist hoped that the coloring wasn’t too stark. Placing another rose, a medium shade one this time, Protagonist bit her lip in concentration. Delicately placing the remaining ten roses, Protagonist’s hand began to twitch, cramping up as her shoulders ached from hunching over the miniature cake.
But at last, it was ready. Gently spinning the cake on her icing stand, Protagonist gave it one last examination. She hoped Crush liked it. She’d tried to incorporate as much of Crush’s preferences as possible, right down to the cake flavor. A spiced orange sponge cake with vanilla frosting, Crush’s favorite. Protagonist had had to wrestle the recipe from Protagonist’s mother, a feat that’d taken the better part of a week, because it was apparently a family recipe.
Protagonist clicked her tongue, remembering how desperately she’d had to plea with the woman. She’d promised not to use the recipe for her bakery, something she wouldn’t ever do without permission anyway, but apparently the [Crush’s surname] didn’t believe in sharing family recipes. In the end, Protagonist had only succeeded because Crush’s mother had a soft spot for her. She’d been Crush’s best friend since the second-grade, and she knew as well as anyone that Crush’s mother wasn’t a baker. It was Crush’s gran that could bake, though she’d past a few years ago, and with her passing, was the end of Crush’s spiced orange cake.
Once Protagonist had told Mrs. [Surname] her plan, she’d gladly given her the recipe.
And then offered to plan a surprise party. For Crush. The daughter who didn’t like attention.
Protagonist sighed. Maybe she should’ve looked up a recipe online. It certainly would’ve saved her a lot of hassle—and Crush. In the end, she’d managed to convince Mrs. [Surname] to host a small dinner party with Crush’s close friends and family. Crush wouldn’t mind that…much. Just so long as no one sang “happy birthday” so the spotlight wouldn’t be on her for the awkward ritual.
“Protagonist? Are you back there?” Protagonist jumped, bumping into the table and nearly knocking over the cake at the sound of Crush’s voice from the front of the bakery.
“Uh…no! I’m…uh…” Protagonist panicked, darting to the kitchen door and rushing through it just in time to stop Crush from entering the back. “I’m just coming out…”
Crush narrowed her eyes. “Uh-huh. Are you okay? You’re acting…weird.”
“Fine!” Protagonist said too quickly. Taking a breath she added, “It’s just a mess back there. I dropped a bag of flour and…yeah. Not my easiest night of prep.”
“Oh? Do you want help cleaning it up?” Crush asked, trying to edge past her and into the kitchen.
“No, that’s okay,” Protagonist said, stopping Crush by putting her hands on her shoulders and spinning her around. “It wouldn’t be right to make you work on your birthday.”
Crush huffed, rolling her eyes. Stepping toward the coffee machine, she groaned, “Don’t remind me. My mother’s planning a dinner party tonight, and I’m worried it’s a birthday trap.”
Protagonist cringed. “It couldn’t be that bad, I mean at least it’s not a surprise party?”
As the machine whirred to life and began to gurgle, dispensing the steaming liquid into Crush’s mug, Crush frowned. “I mean…I guess so? At least I’m expecting it?”
“What if…” Protagonist started, taking a breath and glancing at the ceiling like a prayer, “What if we did something just the two of us?”
“And ditch the dinner party? I mean I’m totally down for that, and just doing something low key like movie night at your place, but,” Crush started, leaning against the counter. Tilting her head, she studied Protagonist in a way that had her shifting on her feet. Biting her lip, Protagonist hoped she didn’t look as guilty as she felt. Tutting, Crush set her mug down with a clink. “Something’s off. What’s going on with you tonight? Did my mother put you up to the dinner party plan?”
“Well…no. Not exactly,” Protagonist said, her shoulder’s drawing up around her ears. Wringing her hands together, Protagonist tried to explain that it was a just a huge misunderstanding, and that she’d never intended for something like this to happen, that she just wanted to give Crush a cake and…well that was it. She hadn’t thought about anything other than the cake and the design. “I just wanted to do something nice…for you…because you always do such nice things for everyone else and I know it’s been hard with the business and then your brother’s health, and I just wanted to make a nice cake, but then your mom wouldn’t give me the recipe but then she did, and I think I sold her my soul? And then she—”
Crush burst out laughing. “And then she decided to throw a party, so you talked her into doing something smaller?”
“Yeah,” Protagonist said sheepishly. The tension slowly eased from her body. A slow smile spread across her face. “How’d you know?”
Crush scoffed, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “I know my mother, and I know you too. She means well, but sometimes she misses the mark. And you really didn’t have to do anything, we could’ve just hung out and had a movie night or something…but seeing as you’ve gone through all this trouble…” Crush said mischievously, taking a step closer and then another until the gap between them was closed. Protagonist gulped, watching the devilish gleam flash across Crush’s eyes. “So about this cake…is it done? Can I see it? Oh we should it eat it, like right now!”
Protagonist laughed, “What about the dinner party?”
“It’s my birthday,” Crush said, “and I choose to spend it with you and one delicious cake over an awkward dinner party full of stuffy small talk and an awkward “let’s sing ‘happy birthday’ to the grown woman after we’ve just asked her why she’s still single and give her unsolicited business advice. That’s not at all how I want to spend my birthday. I just want to relax and not feel like I have to do something for other people, you know? It’s my birthday, but doing things makes it feel like it’s less about me and more about other people trying to, I don’t know. It’s just such a hassle. I’d rather hide out until all this is over and I can relax again.”
“Well,” Protagonist said, grabbing two forks from a drawer, “when you put it like that, I’d be honored to share the brunt of your mother’s wrath with you when she realizes we’re not coming to dinner. Happy birthday, Crush.”
“Thanks, Protagonist.” Crush wrapped her in a hug before she could turn back into the kitchen. “I always know I can count on you.”
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loftylockjaw · 3 months
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TIMING: Current day, 22:00 LOCATION: The Grit Pit PARTIES: Wyatt (@loftylockjaw), Felix (@recoveringdreamer), & Samir SUMMARY: Tonight's fight is Lockjaw vs. Razor, and Wildcat watches on in fear as their friends tear each other apart. CONTENT WARNINGS: Mentions of drooling
It was a rough full moon. It always was a rough full moon these days, but at least these full moons were not spent in the wide forests and luscious fields filled with lovers and hikers. Samir ached but it was a dull, welcomed ache. An ache put there by Felix, though he’d never really managed to hold the balam accountable. (They didn’t hold him accountable either.) 
He’d become a little less evasive since he’d first interacted with him. He’d met a few more people involved in the Pit. He was trying not to let his heart sink down his body and grow roots, because the soil here was as poisonous as his bite presumably was. But he’d met more people and they were gaining a shape in his mind. Wyatt, who cooked better than him (a feat, admittedly — he didn’t take pride in much but he did take pride in his cooking). A zombie called Archie who’d disappeared and got on his nerves like his little brother had. A girl with sharp, human hands who he only knew by her stage name — Hostile Intent. And there was Saf, who smiled as she had in childhood. Wicked’s Rest was a place to settle by all accounts, but he felt undeserving of the concept of settlement itself.
It was the third night. The moon wasn’t in the sky yet – the nights were getting shorter, which was both blessing and curse – and he had some time. He’d been cooking all day, wincing through his injuries and glad that there was just one more fight night left. He’d taken the food with him, down to the boiler room where Felix had been put like a bad dog on time out. It was bigger than the cage he got into before every fight — but at least the cage opened in the morning. 
Guilt pushed him down there, hoping that the balam wasn’t there as he came to drop off tupperwares filled with unspoken words of it’s okay. He was glad Felix had won. Felix deserved to win. The wolf did not.
The boiler room seemed empty. Samir winced at the attempts to make it seem homey, hatred and anger making his neck hair stand up. He exhaled, told himself not to get worked up, that he could not let his rage get the best of him — when he was younger it’d just made him lash out. Now it made him monstrous. He put down the two tupperware containers and was ready to scurry out when he heard not one but two pairs of footsteps. Samir smelled Felix and Wyatt before they arrived and stood there, anticipating an interaction he’d prefer to avoid. Especially between fights. Because where he’d fought Wildcat the night before, he’d fight Lockjaw tonight.
It wasn’t so bad. That was what Felix kept telling themself, like a desperate mantra. It wasn’t so bad, it wasn’t so bad, it wasn’t so bad. He slept next to the boiler on a mattress on the floor, but it wasn’t so bad. He listened to the rats fighting and screaming and scurrying in the walls, but it wasn’t so bad. Leo walked in and out of the boiler room like he owned the place, picked up the personal items Felix had brought in to try to make it feel less like a prison cell and inspected them with a sneer, but it wasn’t so bad. They fought as something less than human, control a slippery thing that they could no longer hold onto even with both hands clasped tightly around it, but it wasn’t so bad. It wasn’t so bad. It wasn’t. 
The words hardly felt like words anymore, they’d repeated them so many times. They were little more than a collection of syllables now, something whispered into the darkness so often that it was hard now to differentiate between the darkness and the words, as if night was a thing that lived on Felix’s tongue. 
Last night’s fight had been rough. Rougher because it was Samir, even if he insisted that he and the wolf were separate entities. Leo knew about their friendship with the werewolf, though Felix wasn’t sure how he’d found out. They thought they’d been careful to hide it, but Leo was good at reading them even now. He’d pulled them aside before the match, told them that they’d be fighting nearly entirely shifted, gripped their shoulder so tight they thought there might be bruises in the shape of his fingers now. But Felix wasn’t permitted to argue, and Wildcat had been especially wild the night before, had torn into the wolf so brutally that Felix woke up wondering if Samir was still alive. Only seeing Razor’s name on the schedule again tonight reassured them, and they’d retreated to the boiler room immediately after spotting it.
There was still blood under their fingernails. They’d showered three times since last night’s fight, but it was still there. Flakey and crumbling and Samir’s. Felix wondered how badly they’d hurt him, wondered how it would affect his fight tonight. They’d tried for another shower, stood beneath the flow of water in the locker rooms and hated the way the water ran clear at their feet. It felt disjointed, somehow. Like it should have been different. Like everything should.
Eventually, they turned off the water, or someone else did. They pulled their clothes onto their still-wet body, and the fabric stuck to their skin in a way that was uncomfortable, but it wasn’t so bad. They trudged towards the boiler room, only half aware of the direction they were heading. They hated that their legs knew the way without the input of their mind now, hated that they could navigate there by heart, hated that —
They stopped in the hall just outside the door, swallowing at the sight of Wyatt. They weren’t angry at him. They really weren’t. He’d been trying to help (even though Felix had asked him not to). He couldn’t have known how Leo would retaliate (even though Felix had warned him that retaliation was inevitable). He hadn’t meant for any of this to happen (even if none of it would have happened if he’d only listened). Felix wasn’t angry, but they didn’t really want to talk right now, either. Not to Wyatt, not to anyone. So they opened the door to the boiler room and rushed inside, nearly colliding with Samir in the process. Samir, who looked like hell. Who Felix had made look like hell. Who they also didn’t really want to talk to.
Their head felt heavy.
Control was not something that Wyatt had ever struggled with before, but the longer he went sleeping one hour at a time to avoid REM, the more he slipped into what he could only describe as hallucinatory fugue states that would have him coming back to himself only to find that he'd shifted without meaning to. That was a problem in and of itself, of course, but it also meant trouble for his fights. He still had never lost a single one, but he was getting more and more backlash for killing his opponents instead of leaving them well enough to recover. Not by the upper management, of course—they didn’t care about the beasts that were brought in to fight the headliners. No, the aggravation always came from the people contracted to acquire those beasts, and the root of their anger depended on the person: there were a few that cared for the creatures (and those people were stupid), and even more who simply felt overworked because Lockjaw couldn’t stop fucking murdering their captures. 
Exhausted and on the brink of mental and emotional collapse, the lamia found solace in the irreversible destruction of whatever the Pit threw at him. The adrenaline rush would keep him going just a while longer, the high of another victory bolstering his mood and preventing the inevitable spiral from coming to terms with his own mistakes. 
He wasn't sure if this was punishment or not, being scheduled to fight Razor. It felt like a gamble on management’s part, given his recent string of bloody, definitive wins. But maybe they figured he wouldn’t go so far with one of his fellow headliners, or maybe… maybe they really didn’t care. Maybe they had more werewolves on retainer, who knew? But that was why he’d gone looking for Samir, wanting to warn him about the danger, wanting to give him a fighting chance to get himself out of there if it became too much. But how much would a warning help, really? Samir wasn’t himself when he was shifted, would he even remember what Wyatt had said? Probably not. But… he had to try. There wasn’t any getting out of this, either way. 
Saw him headed that way, a janitor had told him. That way being toward the boiler room. Felix’s new... fuck. With a rock in his gut, Wyatt headed there, praying he wouldn’t run into his friend. Ex-friend? He didn’t know anymore, they’d hardly spoken a word to one another since the fight with Leo. But, as it so frequently was these days, luck had no desire to give him a hand. As he rounded the corner, he saw Felix standing in front of the door to the boiler room, staring at him. His chest tightened and he opened his mouth to say something, anything, but there wasn’t time. Felix was looking away, pushing the door open with the anxious energy of someone who didn’t want to be engaged, and nearly running into Samir. Wyatt’s gaze jumped from the balam to the werewolf, his feet frozen to the spot. 
“... Samir,” he finally managed after another second or two of heavy silence. “I… need to talk to you.” He glanced back at Felix, the emotional pain he was feeling showing more in his expression than any physical pain ever had. “I…” I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. “I’m…” His eyelids fluttered and he sucked in a sharp breath, ripping his gaze away from Felix and begging Samir silently to come to him, to spare him this encounter.
A wolf, a jaguar and a crocodile walk into a boiler room … It could be the start to a joke with a mean punchline, but it seemed there was no humor in the air. Sometimes Samir could muster it on days like these, offering a grin through the bruises as if to wave away his physical injuries, making some kind of quip about it. But there was no space for laughter in this boiling room where Felix had been relocated, like a bad kid in time out. He couldn’t laugh away the damage done by Wildcat here, with Felix dragging their feet and looking the way they did. 
He didn’t know Leo very well, but he knew enough to despise the man, to know he was lucky that his handler was Mikey and not the glib fae. And most of all, there was and always would be a stark difference between himself and Felix. The balam had been trapped. Samir (and Wyatt, too, he thought) had signed up of their own volition. And sure, he had a cage of his own, but his was a literal and deserved one. Whatever trepidation he had about getting into a cage and being collared like a beast was ignored, as those were safety measures that worked.
Felix, however … Fuck, he didn’t even have a kitchen. Hence the food. 
But he wasn’t really ready for whatever this was turning out to be. His two opponents in a room with him that was rage-inducing. Injuries on display. The next full moon hanging over them all, a promise of another vicious fight ahead of them. Would Felix be watching them? Or would they remain here, in this ugly place, and try to amuse themself with the posters that were placed around? Samir made a mental note to bring a plant, next time. One that didn’t require a lot of light. Something to at least give the illusion of air being filtered.
He blinked at Wyatt, at the way the lamia stumbled over his words in an uncharacteristic manner as he finally broke the silence. Samir didn’t like this request. He didn’t talk about the fights with his opponents as a rule, not prior or after them. He preferred to speak to them as if they were fellow line cooks, sweating through a shift with a fully booked restaurant. There was no need to discuss the details of said shift — just a need to smoke a cigarette after and drink a few beers and laugh about something else before going home and crashing. He missed his old job. He missed — well, everything. 
So he hesitated. “Felix,” he said, “Brought you some food. Should still be warm.” He gestured at the containers, then looked at Wyatt, taking a few steps in his direction.  “What’s the matter?”
Wyatt was here to talk to Samir, evidently, and Felix hated the quick flash of hurt that burned through their chest. It wasn’t fair — they had been avoiding Wyatt as much as possible, anyway, so how could they be upset that he was here to see someone else? — but it ached all the same. Felix almost turned, almost ducked by Samir just to walk into the boiler room the way he’d originally planned to and slam the door childishly behind themself, but that just wasn’t something they were capable of. Felix had always clung to manners, even when those manners ended up damning them to a life in the Grit Pit. 
So, they nodded to Wyatt. They said, “Uh, you can come inside, if you want. It might be easier to talk in here. I can — You know,  I can go somewhere to give you guys privacy, I wouldn’t listen in, I…” They trailed off. They had no idea how they wanted the sentence to end, so they just let it hang. 
Samir spoke, and their eyes darted to him with a new kind of guilt. “Thanks, buddy,” they said quietly. “Um, are you okay? I know I…” Hurt you. Messed you up. Went too far. Clawed your chest so bad I thought I might have hit your lungs. There were a lot of terrible ways to end that sentence, too, and Felix shrunk away from all of them. Wasn’t it cowardly to do? Didn’t it make things worse to do terrible things and then shy away from them, to pretend your hands weren’t your hands when they were covered in someone else’s blood? Felix hated themself. It wasn’t a new feeling.
“Sorry,” they said, unsure if they were talking to Wyatt or Samir or both. They’d fight later, the two of them. Felix had seen it on the calendar. And Felix would go, would watch, because he owed it to the both of them. Every blow would hurt them as much as it did their friends, and some sick part of him would still feel relieved that it wasn’t Wildcat in the ring. That was how it always went.
Seeing Felix had not been a part of the plan. Seeing Felix had put a very severe wrench in said plan, and Wyatt couldn’t find his voice. Felix was offering a space for them to talk, a space that had become their unfortunate living quarters, and Wyatt couldn’t breathe. Felix was apologizing, and it made Wyatt feel sick. 
I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t mean to fuck up your life, I didn’t mean to make Leo worse, I didn’t mean, I didn’t mean— 
His gaze jumped to Samir, but that offered no reprieve, no peace. 
I need to warn you. I need to tell you that I don’t think this fight is going to end before something bad happens. I need to tell you that I can’t control it, that I keep blacking out. I need you to know that it isn’t my fault. It isn’t my fault. I’m going to kill you, and it isn’t my fault—
He blinked again, paralyzed by his fear. Strangled by it. He never felt fear like this. He never felt regret. He never worried about what was going to happen in the ring because he never cared. But he cared about Samir. He cared, and he knew that his care wouldn’t be enough to stop him. He couldn’t decide for himself anymore, because he was losing his grip on control. He was becoming more animal than man, the smell of blood and the adrenaline of the fight and the fractured state of his sleep-deprived mind sending him over an edge he’d never known existed. 
He was looking at anything that wasn’t the other two people in the hall, his gaze jumping from point to point as he tried to speak, as he tried to tell them both that he was sorry for the things he’d done and things that he would do. But no words came. No apologies, no explanations, not even an acknowledgement of his fragile state. What good would it do, what good would any of it do? There was no stopping this fight. There was no fixing what he’d ruined with Felix. There was nothing for him to do, no reason for him to be here. 
“Nothing,” he lied in response to Samir’s question, abruptly finding his voice again. It sounded foreign, like it wasn’t his own. Like it belonged to someone who had no reason for fear, no reason to dread the battle he was being paid to fight, no reason to ache at the sight of someone he’d considered a friend. “Good luck tonight.” His stomach lurched and he turned on his heel, walking away and getting around the corner as fast as he could without sprinting. Panic swelled in his chest and he let out a soft groan, holding a hand over his heart as he moved through the building and back to the locker room. 
The sun had set. The fight was less than an hour away. Patrons were lining up outside the venue like this was a concert, joking and laughing with their friends, their colleagues… whatever kind of people they had in their life that would want to watch something like this. They either didn’t know or didn’t care that it was forced. They saw two headliners set to fight, and maybe they thought it would be a grand old time. That the headliners would share a drink after, one congratulating the other, and go back to their regularly scheduled lives. But Wyatt knew they wouldn’t. He knew he’d be drinking alone, he could feel it. And god, he wanted to back out. But his handler was there waiting for him, a scowl on her face and no chance of being convinced otherwise. His begging fell on deaf ears, his insistence that Razor wasn’t going to live through this was met with indifference. Razor was not her fighter. Razor could die, and she would prosper. Lockjaw needed to get his act together, a reminder she delivered in the form of a swift kick to the backs of his knees that sent him to the floor. They were in the holding area, the space where he shifted before entering the ring. His handler held a device to his neck, two prongs at the end of a long wand, keeping her at a safe distance. “Shift,” she commanded, and Wyatt squinted his eyes closed. He could hear the audience filing into the room, talking, cheering, and antagonizing the fighters they couldn’t yet see but who they knew could hear. “Shift!” A shock was delivered to his body and he reeled back, snarling at her as his reptilian form ripped through his clothing. She smiled at him, and he seethed. “Good boy.” His gaze jumped to the muzzle of a weapon on her back—a tranquilizer. She knew this fight wasn’t going to end well, but she was letting it happen anyway. The fae stepped out of the holding cage, locking it behind her as she stared at her fighter. 
“Make me proud, Lockjaw.” 
Maybe there were no good ways to start these kind of nights, but this was definitely the wrong foot. As Samir let his eyes dance between Felix and Wyatt he had the feeling something was seriously amiss — and it made sense, did it not? How could it not feel all wrong in a place such as this? Anything that would feel right would be a farce. But Felix apologizing and Wyatt turning on his heel were still not things that needed to happen and yet they did. He stood there for a moment, considering his tupperware boxes. “You too,” he said to Wyatt. And then, to Felix: “I’m fine. Don’t apologize.” 
Wyatt left and he remained standing there a moment, looking at Felix and his new place of dwelling, his apology still hanging in the air when he was owed so many. Samir couldn’t take it. He gave a nod, told Felix, “Enjoy it while it’s hot,” and trudged out the door as well to prepare for his oncoming fight.
It didn’t take a lot, of course. He was blessed with a lack of mental presence during the fight. Still, there was the matter of getting undressed and changing into his robe (which he would rip before his transformation — and which did come out of his pay). There was the cage, as there was always the cage. The blessed cage that was able to contain the wolf, or at least for as long as he was allowed to be contained. Some days he dreamed of owning the cage, of being able to place it somewhere where the wolf did not have to fight, where it could live to thrash against the bars. 
But tonight he’d fight, as any other full moon. So he got into the cage, let it be locked by his handler and remained as silent as he tended to be. Mikey threw him a water bottle through the bars, which was quite the feat, and Samir caught it. His handler was a petite woman who liked her star fighter and had not so subtly been suggesting he start working on transforming outside the full moon. The indication that it could be learned through force was also always there, but tonight she was grinning. “Gonna be a good one,” she said, which usually meant a higher pay out for them both. She checked her watch. “See ya on the other side.”
The moon rose, bones cracked and organs shifted. The robe fell into pieces onto the ground and Samir was no more — it was just the wolf now, or Razor as the audience and its owners called him. The creature was collared through snarls and slams, subdued with a jolt between his paw and midriff and shoved into his own holding area. The wolf was enraged, his body marred with recent injuries and knew nothing but the instinct that came from pain — the instinct to defend and attack. 
The doors opened, the pit revealed. The wolf knew this place by now. He hated this place, as far as he was capable to feel such human emotions. And yet he burst forward into the circle, electric currents nipping at his heels as he came to meet his opponent of the night.
Some days, Felix felt as if their chest was a canyon full of things they didn’t know how to articulate. There was a river of emotion flowing through the curves and two towering walls of rock and stone holding them in place. He was given a small plastic cup and told to move the water with it, told to carry it up to the top of the canyon, and it was an impossible task. He could only ever transfer the smallest amount at a time, could fill the cup to the brim and still not carry a fraction of the raging river. They climbed the rocks, and most of the tiny amount of water he’d started with spilled before he reached the top. 
The end result was only the smallest fraction of what they wanted to say spilling out onto the sand while the majority of it continued to flow, unseen and unheard in its hidden chasm. 
They wanted to talk to Samir. They wanted to apologize for the way their claws had carved those angry red lines into his chest, wanted to make up for the blood staining the bandages that covered them. They wanted to thank him for the food and tell him it wasn’t necessary, wanted to vent about how much all of this fucking sucked. They wanted to ask him if he was happy. They wanted to admit that they weren’t. 
And they wanted to talk to Wyatt, too. They wanted to tell him that they were angry at him, wanted to ask why he hadn’t just listened when they’d asked him to leave things alone. They wanted to know if he thought less of them now, after speaking to Leo. They wanted to ask if he was okay, because he looked tired. They wanted to say they were sorry, even if they weren’t really sure what they were apologizing for. They wanted to thank him for trying to help, even if they hadn’t wanted it.
There was so much they wanted to say, but their mouth was dry and the river was too far away to reach. So, Felix did what they did far too often and said nothing at all. They nodded to Wyatt and Samir in turn, they went into their prison cell, they waited for time for the fight. And, when their alarm told them the time was now, they dragged themself to the ring to stand on the side and pretend they didn’t feel sick at the sight of two of their friends being forced to fight for the entertainment of cruel, wealthy people. 
It wasn’t exactly a rare thing.
Wyatt could hear Razor before he could see him. Furious (rightfully so) and looking for the first thing he could rip apart. That thing happened to be Lockjaw, who was hovering in the open doorway of his holding cage. Hesitating. His yellow eyes blinked against the bright overhead lights, tail swishing as he took a step back. He couldn’t do this, he couldn’t. His handler shouted at him to move his ass, jabbing her prodder through the bars of the holding cage and into his back leg. He gave a frustrated bellow, slinking forward and into the ring. The gate slammed shut behind him, cutting off any hope for escape. 
Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s a big one, we’ve got for you our resident attack dog, Rrrrrrrrazoooooooor!
He locked eyes with Razor and saw nothing of Samir within them. His chest ached, his body pressed to the fencing that kept them separate from the crowd. 
… and his challenger, our undefeated champion, Lllllllockjaaaaaaw! 
He hardly registered the overhead voice, slinking along the edge of the ring with his gaze focused on the werewolf. He had to win this with a knockout. He had to… he had to stay here. He couldn’t get all fucking stuck in his own head in the middle of the fight again. Stay here. Stay present. This isn’t a dream. Maybe. Probably. Pretend it isn’t, anyway. Don’t freak out.
Razor lunged at him, teeth bared. Lockjaw hissed, narrowly avoiding the bite by ducking to the side and twisting around to face his opponent, quickly reaching for him and trying to latch onto his back where he’d be safer. Maybe if he could get Razor to crack his head on something—
The wolf was unfamiliar with this opponent. He had smelled him before, a lingering stench in the pit that he’d never been able to identify, but now they were fully confronted with him. Someone unfamiliar, something unfamiliar — but that was the beauty of Razor. He needed little convincing when it came to the fights. He was shoved in a pit with deafening sounds and had his beasty rage triggered and so it was simple.
Samir didn’t know this level of decisiveness. This clearheaded emotion, the way the wolf’s anger was so very simple and direct. Perhaps if he was conscious to experience it, he’d envy the creature, but he wasn’t — the person inside was repressed and far gone, slumbering until the moon was gone.
So it was Razor who tried to sink his teeth into Lockjaw’s tough hide, who tried to claw at him, but the gator-esque creature evaded him. He roared with frustration, feeling the other on his back and staggering, shaking and turning around. The sharp claws for which he was partly named rushed out, blinking underneath the Grit Pit lights as he aimed for the other’s face.
The crowd was wild, perhaps as wild and inhibited as the wolf itself. He wanted nothing more than to claw at those fences but he’d been conditioned, by now, not to. So in stead he honed in on his fellow predator, the instinct to kill the only one left.
There was something jarring about the whole thing, really. Felix knew, of course, that the two beings they were looking at in the ring were the same two they’d been speaking to by the door of the boiler room before, even if there was no real trace of Samir in Razor’s vicious attacks and Wyatt looked so different with scales covering his body. Wasn’t it almost easy, in this position, to understand why the crowd treated the Grit Pit’s fighters like mere animals? None of the people screaming at the ring had seen the bags under Wyatt’s eyes, none of them knew that Samir stacked tupperwares on Felix’s table. And, god, it made Felix want to scream. It made them want to thrash against the bars blocking off the ring, even from the outside, made them want to burn the goddamn place to the ground. 
Please, they wanted to shout, please. They’re people, we’re people. You can’t keep throwing money at this. You can’t keep cheering every time we bleed. It hurts. You have to know it hurts. Razor snapped at Lockjaw, and all Felix could think of was the conversation they’d just had outside the boiler room. I need to talk to you. What’s the matter? 
Their chest ached. Their heart was pounding. In the stands, someone was selling popcorn.
The whole thing would have been a pretty good fight for Lockjaw if he wasn’t avoiding hurting Razor like he would happily tear into any other opponent. The werewolf was a pretty even match for him, but  his own hesitation kept costing him. There was a nip here, a slash there—wounds that would take time to heal, wounds that would remind him of this fight for weeks to come. Just knock him out, he kept telling himself as he dodged this way and that, striking out with claws curled safely inward to instead inflict blunt damage. Razor was vicious and pissed, and Lockjaw was doing everything he could to stay out of the way of those teeth. His hide was tough, but he didn’t want to test out its durability on his friend’s chompers. 
Exhaustion was creeping up on him again and he felt his movement growing sluggish. He couldn’t have that—to be slow in the ring with Razor was to surely face death. With a loud bellow, the lamia threw himself at Razor, the claws digging into fur as he pinned the other shifter to the floor. Rearing his head back, Lockjaw thrust it down, knocking it into the werewolf’s own and dazing them both for a moment.
That was when he heard it. 
Wings in the air, flapping furiously to a rapid beat that matched his heart. Lockjaw snapped to attention, his head angled toward the metal rafters over the cage in which he fought. A murder stared back at him. Dozens of beady eyes, clacking beaks, and taunting caws. 
His pupils contracted into thin slits, his jaws agape. Razor howled and thrashed beneath him, but he couldn’t rip his attention away from the birds. Their calls rang in his ears, drowning out the cheering of the crowd. We’re coming for you, they screamed. We’re going to peck out your eyes and your tongue. We’re going to dig down to your heart and pull it from your chest and shred it with our beaks like tasty pulled pork, Wyatt. Your heart, Wyatt. You’re not using it anyway. We’re coming for you! The crows swarmed around the rafters and then dove at the cage, and Lockjaw seized. 
The lights were blinding as he opened his eyes again. Bitterness burned his tongue and his body ached, and he could hear shouting. Something struck him on his belly and he roared, convulsing with the electric current that coursed through him. Angrily, the lamia swung his head around in a blind grab for whatever was causing that pain, and his teeth found flesh. He bit down, crunching through muscle and bone, and jerked his head around violently as he scrambled away from where he’d been standing. There was more shouting, more screams, but he couldn’t make sense of it. Couldn’t see. The lights were too bright, they were too—
A dull thud hit him in his ribcage. He gasped, releasing the fleshy thing from his mouth and standing up to his full height, clutching at the object now sticking out of his side. “Lockjaw!” he heard someone shriek. “Back the fuck up! You’re done!” He stumbled, vision darkening and swirling as he sank back to the floor.
We’re coming for you.
Razor was furious. Back against the floor, the crowd going wild, the reptile on top of him as if he was no more than a bug to be squashed — not that the wolf would ever make such a comparison. Saliva was flung from his teeth as he bit wildly into the air, snarling at his opponent and wanting nothing but to taste the reptilian creature, rip it into piece after piece after piece. But the upper hand was of the other, of the one on top of him — no matter how much the beast trashed against the claws digging into his fur or the weight on his chest.
If anything could be said about the fight occurring, it would be that Razor refused to die easily. When teeth found his neck and sunk down, when the head those teeth belonged to shook like a rabid beast, he did not give in. Though he could no longer use his own teeth as a weapon, he had his claws and so claw he did, scratching ugly marks into the leathery hide of his opponent as his blood spurted down both himself and the lamia. 
As his lifeforce seeped out, so did part of his fight, adrenaline and rage not enough to keep a body that was rapidly losing blood going. Razor’s vision was doubling and even a creature as reduced to instinct as him knew that there were injuries you couldn’t come back from. If he was privileged enough to be in nature, he might drag himself off somewhere, to find a place to lay in his own blood and die in it in private. But he was not so lucky — the only luck he was granted that night was the release of the fight between him and the lamia.
As Lockjaw was pulled from the fight, made unconscious through an instrument Razor would never understand, he slumped down. No one came for him. Mikey, the human whose smell the wolf knew, was stood watching with an expression of loss as the werewolf bled out — but don’t mistake it as a look of grief. The loss his handler suffered was one of the financial and bragging rights kind, a top fighter lost. But she didn’t come, and neither did the medics. A lost cause was a lost cause. Razor was sticky with his own blood.
Samir’s consciousness was slumbering in some deep part of the creature and perhaps that was the only kindness to be found here — that he didn’t know he was dying on this dirty floor, with crowds yelling, a friend watching and another dragged from the fight. And yet it was in death, that Razor and Samir became truly one, united in their ceased heartbeat.
There was something almost funny about the way, in the midst of a thing like this, time moved in a way that was both too slow and too fast. Everything happened both in slow motion and all at once. Felix’s friends were killing each other, trading blows back and forth and back and forth, the cheers and screams of the crowd acting like a soundtrack rolling beneath the fight. They kept going back to the boiler room in their mind, to the awkward and stifled conversation that preceded the brutality. 
Hadn’t it been silly of the three of them to pretend? They’d been like kids playing dress-up, standing around the door to Wildcat’s cage and talking like they were allowed to be people between the walls of this terrible place. Maybe outside, they could be Felix and Wyatt and Samir, but here? Here, they were Wildcat and Lockjaw and Razor. Here, they weren’t people. Felix wasn’t even sure they were animals. To the Grit Pit, they were mostly… commodities. Property. Profit margins. 
Something seemed to shift in the ring. Something crossed over Wyatt — over Lockjaw’s face. He wasn’t in control anymore; Felix could tell. They surged forward, they let out a yell. Someone grabbed them by the shoulder, yanked them backwards just as a jaw snapped around a throat. They screamed, they thrashed, and the noises were drowned out by the audience’s cheers. 
Lockjaw was hit with a tranq and went down. Razor stilled, blood pooling around him. Wildcat, never much good at being anything more than a witness, smelled the familiar stench of blood as hands held him in place.
The crowd went wild. Someone came to the ring to drag the two unmoving fighters away. The announcer queued up tomorrow’s fight and encouraged everyone to visit concessions on their way out.
Had it all ended with a whimper or a bang? Felix didn’t even know. All they knew was that something had ended, and the world was different now.
This never seemed to be a good thing.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Could you make a fic about Diavolo finding out that his mc is being bullied for not being good enough for the future King?
We all know MC would get the hell bullied out of them by several demons
Warning: mentions of bullying
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Coming to the Devildom, you would’ve never imagined all the fascinating things it would bring you. After all, hell is supposed to be this dark and unforgiving place, is it not? Yet, when you arrived you were greeted with somewhat open arms. A little mistrusting, and a hell of a lot chaotic, but not as badly as you would have imagined it. Things, for the most part, went smoothly, and even Belphegor grew on you at some point. Of course, what would this story be without some classic romance? The Demon Lord took particular interest in you and you found yourself being intrigued by him too. Seriously, the man is attractive, intelligent, and has a sense of humor; it’s an overall win! Still, there was a lot that came with being close to him. Even as just a friend, you were challenged on the daily for ulterior motives or any regime you might lead against him. As his lover, all of that became worse. But none of that mattered to you, or really made you think twice about him. You always came out on top, truthful and honest, and never proved a threat to the future King. In a way, Barbatos had even praised you for it, although discreetly. It felt good to be wanted and it felt even better to be wanted by him, that’s why you didn’t really have much of a problem to prove yourself pretty much on the daily. 
But proving yourself didn’t just mean you had to prove yourself to him and his immediate circle, did it? Demons were jealous beings, rageful demons… the seven avatars shone in every sinful creature that walked the Devildom grounds and some of them shone out more than others. You weren’t a favorite by default, being human and all, but having managed to “suck your way up to the Demon Lord”, per the citizens of the Devildom, had you on a whole new hate list. Diavolo was, per unspoken rule of, once again, the citizens, off limits for anyone. Many have tried and all of them have failed to come close to him. Barbatos had been the main cause of that because the loyal servant seemed to think no one was good enough for his Lord, but if by some miracle, someone did manage to get past Barbatos, it was Diavolo they had to worry about. The Prince was picky, always has been, in everything he does and in everyone he takes. Even being courtesan to the future King proved more than difficult, and yet, somehow, someway, a measly human managed to snuggle up to him. 
Needless to say, you really grabbed the short end of the stick. Thankfully, you were at the House of Lamentation for most of your time outside of RAD, so the bullying and accusations were limited to school hours, but you would be lying if you said they didn’t take a toll on you. Hearing things like, “pathetic, useless human” or “Spineless cocksucker” or “dick kissing attention whore” took its toll on you mentally. Of course, the abuse never stayed verbal, did it? If none of the brothers were around to protect you, which thankfully rarely ever happened, people are quick to get physical, too. Being shoved into walls, robbed of any money you had on you, or even being dunked into the toilets are all not new tricks to you. As much as life in the Devildom was glorious, it was also frightful. Naturally, as most people would, you tried to keep these things to yourself, maybe cry in the shower or in the middle of the night when you were sure everyone else was asleep. 
Today, you couldn’t hide it though. You were supposed to meet Diavolo right after classes were done, but sadly, one succubus decided to gang up with a few incubi and throw you, yes literally throw you, down the steps at RAD. Nothing terrible happened, but you twisted your ankle and bruised both elbows when you landed. If that wasn’t enough, they of course had to throw some words at you as well. “He’s just looking for new meat.” “You’re nothing more than a cockwarmer.” “You don’t think Lord Diavolo actually wants you, do you? You’re an easy slut with no sense of self worth.” You cried, of course, and couldn’t wipe the tears quick enough before Barbatos came to pick you up. His usual smile faltered and before he even asked what happened, he went to get Diavolo. “I’ll tell My Lord immediately.” For obvious reasons, that’s the last thing you wanted, but Barbatos was already gone before you had the chance to stop him. You curled up on one of the steps, pulling your knees up to rest your head against, one hand rubbing over your twisted ankle while your face rubbed against your knees to collect the tears, “What ever did I do….” that’s the thing though, you really didn’t do anything. 
“(Y/N)!” Diavolo was quick behind you, racing down the steps to get to you and immediately dropping to his knees to inspect your ankle, grimacing when you pulled it back because the pressure he put on it hurt, “Get some ice Barbatos.” “Yes, My Lord.” You couldn’t look at him, feeling pathetic that a few bullies got to you and actually managed to somewhat break you. “Talk to me (Y/N). What happened?” He tried to lift your head, cradling your face in his hands but you turned away from him, not wanting him to see your tears, which broke his heart. His arms wrapped around you gently, pulling you into his chest while letting himself fall back on his butt so both of you could be more comfortable. You shook your head against his chest, watching as the tears got soaked into his red RAD uniform, which made you feel worse. “They hate me…” the sentence came out in sobs, making Diavolo’s arms only tighten around you, “Who hates you?” 
His head rested on top of yours, anger and sadness boiling beneath his skin. Anger because who dares touch you? Who dares mess with the Prince’s lover? Sadness because he feels like he can’t do anything unless you tell him. His head lifts when Barbatos comes back with the ice pack, taking it from him and then shifting a bit, “I’m putting this on your ankle, alright?” He waits for you to nod before placing it gently against your ankle, which had started to swell already, “who hates you, (Y/N)?” You gripped his coat tightly, hiding your face further in his chest, “Your people…” 
You told him everything, albeit in between sobs and heavy breathing. He listened, making sure to keep the ice back on your ankle, although it almost broke a few times from how hard he was gripping it. Honestly, he can’t believe anyone would have the guts to touch you while you’re under his care and supervision, but especially because you’re his. Have they forgotten whom they’re messing with? This could easily end in a death sentence for all of them, and from a quick glance at Barbatos, Diavolo knew that his servant was thinking the same thing. “You’re coming with me, (Y/N). Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” You let him pick you up, bridal style, and carry you through the never ending RAD hallways until the outside of the Devildom hit your skin. He walked, all the way back to the castle, with you in his arms, and something about that made you feel at ease. He didn’t push anything else, he didn’t even try to make it better, although he did make it better by just holding you. 
“Why am I here?” You couldn’t help but wonder, though, why he did bring you back to his castle. After all, you lived back with the brothers, but his next words had your heart flutter and a soft smile spread across your lips, “because you’re staying with me, by my side, where you belong.”
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megumitski · 3 years
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hello these are the bnha fics i’ve read so far and i just made this to track them for myself. favorites are marked with a 💥! more bakudeku plus tododeku and other ships under the cut.
💥 Bluebird - EtherealBeing (53k)
Dialing a wrong number was no unusual occurrence. Everyone did it once in a while, and Katsuki was well aware of that fact.
However, possessing this knowledge made it no less aggravating for him to discover — a full two minutes into his rant about his day — that he’d been venting his frustrations to a complete stranger. As if that wasn't enough, said stranger was also inexplicably determined to hear his story to its end.
Let’s Be Alone Together - lalazee (3k)
Prompt: Deku being aggressively forward in his pursuit of Bakugou, and how that big oaf would react to someone else actually making the first move.
“Are you going to spend your entire life wishing you’d kissed me or are you gonna grow some balls and fucking do it?”
Bell Pepper - ticklishivories (7k)
Midoriya knew they wouldn’t talk about it. He was right. But he never thought it’d happen again.
spilling over every side - failbender (6k)
No good deed goes unpunished, not when there's a crazy lady with a complex and Lust Quirk parading around the city. By now, Katsuki should probably be used to things blowing up in his face.
be loved - bonnia (5k)
They sit there, in the darkness of the common room, about a few centimeters between them, but miles apart. Somehow, the quiet is companionable. More than it has been in many years. Katsuki knows he’s responsible for the rift between them, and he knows even more that it can’t only be Deku who attempts to mend it.
“Hey,” he says, after a while, and Deku turns to him in question, but Katsuki refuses to look his way. “Touch me again.”
(or: the kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands)
Leftovers - brichibi (6k)
“Did you two make up?”
That. That’s why that fight felt like it was worth it, even if, technically, Izuku can’t answer her. Have they made up? Is this making up?
He actually doesn’t know.
[Or: the house arrest fic where it is, somehow, more awkward to talk through feelings than it is to fight]
lust-drunk - theboykingofhell (8k)
The one where Bakugou tries not to lose his mind to lust, and Midoriya is the useless gay who does nothing to help that matter at all.
💥 Quiet Rapture - lalazee (261k) - inc.
That A/B/O fic where cocky Alpha Bakugou falls in mate-love at first scent, while Midoriya is just a poor bookstore-owning Omega who got his nose punched in is a kid and can't smell a damn thing. Also known as: That time an Alpha had to use his actual personality to woo his mate instead of relying on his scent.
💥 A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF - kewltie (8k)
Bakugou of the Demolition Squad is famous for running one of the most popular Youtube channels on the web that regularly blow shit up and jumped off a perfectly good building for shit and giggles. He's also famous for his Cryptid BF™, never appearing on camera except for a few bodyshots and all information on him is kept locked up tighter than Fort Knox, therefore drawing all sort of attention and curiosity toward his mysterious boyfriend.
Deku from Deku Explains is a hopeless chatterbox who is known for uploading 20-30 minutes video that talked about his favorite shows and comics and have one of the most devoted following on Youtube. He also can't seem to shut up about his boyfriend Kacchan, who regularly make his presence on the channel as a disembodied voice.
They should theoretically have nothing in common except a shared platform to host their content and an army of fans with an endless curiosity and devotion to their Youtubers. Vidcon is where we lay our scene and the internet is about to get a rude wake up call.
What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me? - reading_raindrop (8k)
“A-ah B-Bakugou! You dropped some pencils!”
Katsuki stiffened. Kirishima and Kaminari froze. Basically, everyone within earshot stopped what they were doing to look at Izuku like he sprouted a second head. What did he just call him? “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
Katsuki whipped his head towards Izuku with his signature death glare as he stood up from where he picked up the fallen supplies.
“U-um I said you dropped some pencils! I think this eraser might be yours to-”
“No. What the fuck did you just call me?”
Izuku starts calling him Bakugou and it pisses the explosive teen off a lot more than he thought it would
💥 take care - Chrome (2k)
There are words to say stay safe, I’ll miss you, I love you, but Kacchan has always preferred to leave things unspoken. Izuku isn’t much with languages, but he thinks he’s figured out this one.
“Emotional constipation manifested as over-the-top housewifery?” Mina asks. Before Izuku can say that is not what he meant at all, she nods. “Yeah, I can see it.”
Just Look At Me - Colourcubify (52k) - dnf
Midoriya is completely happy with his life. Nope, not one single regret in his twenty-seven years. He especially doesn't regret running into his old childhood friend/bully after almost ten years, nor does he regret spilling coffee all over his very expensive looking suit. How nice it will be to die with no regrets. ~~~~ AKA the sugar daddy AU I meant to be a one shot, that turned into a full fledged story.
A Nest for the Best - Camellia_Sinensis (1k)
Deku’s been nesting and asking everyone in 1-A for pieces of clothing for his horde. Everyone, that is, except Katsuki. Cue the jealousy.
unforgiving - i_write_emotion (19k)
Deku is hit with a quirk that takes away his ability to forgive, and Bakugou’s world comes crashing down. Quirkless!Deku. Pro-hero!Bakugou.
@ Deku WRONG CHAT - katyastark (16k) - inc.
Deku: or! like! It doesn’t even have to be his abs! It could be anywhere else! I’m not picky!
Pinky: excuse me what
ChargeDolt: OMG
Uravity: @Deku WRONG CHAT
I love you. I’m completely and utterly in love with you. Please don’t get married. - InkspillsNotebook (6k)
Ta-Da!!!! I hope you all enjoy the finished product!!! I'm sorry (not sorry) I broke a lot of you when I first posted this to tumblr!!
Procrastination - capncapk (5k)
But it is still surprising to see his more-than-friend-but-also-lover-he-guesses in his office seeking attention though Izuku already turned him down.
Usually he'll get a text of 'wyd?' followed by a time and place if Izuku responds with a confirmation, and silence if he's busy.
Or slammed into the wall in the agency's shower for a quickie if no one was around, which despite his anxiety, he often acquiesces to.
While You Were Sleeping - Belkacaramelka (71k)
The one where quirkless fanboy Midoriya Izuku rescues Pro Hero Todoroki Shouto, gets mistaken as his fiancé while he is in a coma, and gets caught up in the most unlikely fake engagement... until his childhood enemy and Todoroki's classmate Bakugou Katsuki tries to catch him out, and they both end up discovering a lot more about each other than they'd expected.
Quirkless AU based on the film; endgame BakuDeku. -- Katsuki didn’t know when the change had happened: how he had gone from asking why Todoroki chose Deku of all people, to wondering why it was Todoroki that Deku chose. Troublesome Deku, who cooed like an idiot at cats, tripped at a random catcall and sang badly. Who, despite everything, proved that it wasn’t the quirk that defined a person. Deku, who was too much, not his, and undeniably off limits to begin with.
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) - vannral (16k)
In complete honesty, no one who knows the Class 3-A should be surprised anymore. Izuku is asleep.
In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
Yes, They’re All Safe - teaandtumblr (5k)
Villains have entered UA grounds and are disposed of just as quickly, but that doesn't mean a headcount of the students doesn't need to be done. Toshinori would admit, he wasn't quite prepared for what he found in Bakugou Katsuki's room.
💥 all choked up - spicyrabbit (5k)
Bakugou Katsuki had a habit of turning away from the heard. At 16, he does this by coming to terms with wanting, desperately, to see his childhood friend cry.
💥 May I take your order, dipshit? - supercrunch (6k)
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
blooms every hour - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“It’s you, okay?!” Deku screams. “It’s you. And I know you’ll never love me back, so -” Deku wipes his eyes and straightens. “So just leave it.”
Deku has hanahaki, and Katsuki doesn't know how to save him.
all choked up - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“Deku, what the fuck are you doing?!”
Izuku asks Kacchan to help him train blackwhip. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
A Fight To The Death - iknewaman (10k)
Izuku isn’t competitive by nature, but when the blond, cocky asshole from the other table’s team gets involved he suddenly becomes hellbent on winning.
Rival Pub Quiz AU
💥 Like the Moon - osakakitty (15k)
Katsuki Bakugo is having constant, erotic dreams about Izuku Midoriya. He isn’t sure why, but they won’t go away. In order to make them stop, he needs to figure out what Izuku Midoriya means to him.
Canon-verse story in which Bakugo is confused about his feelings for Midoriya, and doesn’t know what he wants. Besides a good night’s sleep.
💥 We Wear Chains on the Weekend - surveycorpsjean (35k)
Well, in a day of revelations, it turns out that Izuku isn't as vanilla as Katsuki previously thought. Unfortunately, that fascinating discovery is overshadowed by Izuku's dumbassery, because he has zero concept of aftercare.
"Don't go to anyone else," Katsuki says, because screw it. He can do a better job anyways.
Or; Katsuki finds Izuku on a bad drop.
take me out to dinner first - dynamighttiddy (3k)
“Kacchan,” Deku chides. “What’s going on?”
Katsuki takes a deep breath.
He trusts Deku with his life. He can trust him with this, too.
“Have sex with me.”
Katsuki Bakugou is one of the only virgins left in class 3-A - and with graduation just around the corner, he's desperate to change that.
💥 that ultra kind of love - dynamighttiddy (11k)
“So, uh,” Kirishima starts. “Was that your first kiss?” he whispers, almost sheepish. Katsuki’s stomach drops, and he freezes. Memories of green eyes and freckles and soft lips flash behind his eyelids. “Yeah,” he lies easily. “That was my first kiss.”
In which Bakugou pretends Kirishima is his first kiss, amongst other things.
to the moon and back - kewltie (1k)
"He gets stupid when he's drunk," Katsuki seethes in his seat as he watches Izuku croon love notes into Uraraka's throat. He’d never met a worst lightweight then Deku, who become some kind of demented affectionate monster.
💥 Bridges - supercrunch (18k)
Yaomomo sighs. “We’ve got a little bit of a situation, Bakugou. Ashi—uhm, somebody might have accidentally signed you up for that modelling gig.”
Katsuki holds up a hand. "So what you’re telling me here," he says, "is that you told Calvin Klein I would model for them. In my underwear.”
Ashido sinks behind a desk to hide. “Yes.”
(The thing is, they really do need the money. And Katsuki's technically the leader of this bunch of morons, so he finds himself taking the job even though his pride will never recover. And even though nobody thought to tell him that he'd be working with his ex-boyfriend. You know, the cute freckled guy from high school who went and broke his heart.
So, yeah. This whole situation kind of sucks.)
Crescendo - supercrunch - inc. (4k)
(Izuku's band is on their way to the top of the charts. But the real star, he thinks, is the drummer.)
Guilty Kiss - osakakitty (1k)
He could feel Midoriya's eyes on him. Even though he knew it was wrong, Bakugo still wet his lips in anticipation.
(Canon-verse) A short story about making out in a closet. It's messy, but so is their relationship.
💥 Surfaces - surveycorpsjean (25k)
Katsuki has a new girlfriend, but something isn't right.
As impossible as it is, Izuku can't help but wonder what it'd be like to be called Katsuki's girl.
Classical conditioning - supercrunch (8k)
(or: how to trick a boy into going out with you.)
Alright. Maybe his idiot friends had a point, Katsuki thinks as he shoulders open the front door. His mother’s in the living room drinking coffee. Katsuki kicks off his shoes and stomps over. “Am I charming?” he demands, blocking the TV.
Mitsuki pats his cheek. “Oh, hon. Not at all.”
💥 Dance Bunny - EllaBesmirched (17k)
Katsuki Bakugou spends most week nights by himself, sitting in a corner at his local strip club and passing time until he feels tired enough to sleep. Work leaves him stressed and the new city he moved to a year ago is just different enough that he can't sleep at night and can't seem to get comfortable no matter where he is.
When he finally changes up his schedule and decides to head to the club on a Saturday night, he is instantly infatuated with a part-time dancer who can do things with his body that Katsuki didn't even know were possible. The dancer calls himself Bunny. By the second lap dance, Katsuki realizes he is in trouble.
but the entrails are the best part! - supercrunch (15k)
The boy straightens up. He’s about half a head shorter than Katsuki, face soft and youthful and sweet. He turns to look at him properly. His dark hair shines in the dying light, basket of blooms looped over one arm and mouth quirked into a tiny half-smile. The sun hits his face and makes his eyes a bright greeny-gold, just like emeralds.
Katsuki likes emeralds.
“Pretty,” he says, reaching out and picking the stranger up around the middle. He’s surprisingly heavy, although Katsuki doesn’t mind. “I like you. Come see my nest.”
The boy hits him.
He’s stronger than he looks, turns out. Katsuki drops him and falls onto his back, pain blooming across his face. Birds sing. The sky’s a lovely shade of orange, clouds floating lazily by. The boy scarpers. He leaves his basket of flowers behind, footsteps thumping on the ground and fading away as he escapes.
The sun sets. Katsuki, lying flat on his back with a bloody nose, decides he’s just fallen in love.
(You Know You’re Really) Cute - ladyhoneydarlinglove (2k)
Kirishima poses the question, who’s the cutest boy in Class 1-A? The answers kind of surprise everyone, especially Midoriya.
Everything Except - Pouler (28k)
"In retrospect, Midoriya probably should’ve realized the moment they were enveloped in a glittering pink cloud that something was about to go Very Wrong."
After an encounter with a unique villain threatens to change the nature of their partnership, Midoriya must find a way to get things back to normal between him and Todoroki. That is, if he's certain that getting 'back to normal' is what he really wants...
count your blessings, not your flaws - PitViperOfDoom (7k)
Midoriya Izuku has never been asked out, confessed to, or flirted with, except as a joke.
Riddles in the Heart - PitViperOfDoom (19k)
The law is clear: whoever correctly answers three riddles will marry the prince, while all who fail are to be executed. The people live in fear as more challengers try and fail, and the throne grows bloodier with every passing year. But a young prince, nameless and in exile from his home, believes there may be more to this brutal challenge than meets the eye.
Of course, there's only one way to find out: ring the gong, and take the trial.
Late bloomer - Nohaljiachi (10k)
That’s why when they’ve found themselves face to face on the ring of the sport festival once more, for the third time ever since they’ve met each other, and Izuku smiled at him, eager and challenging, self-confident but never full of himself, Shouto blinked, dazed and shocked, in realizing just how blindingly beautiful his best friend was. The way Izuku’s white shirt clung on his muscles, the little peek of his collar bone and the hard lines of his pecs visible under it, the way his thighs curved and filled the school gym uniform.
‘Oh, fuck—‘ Shouto thought, his head spinning, feeling like he just got run over by a freight train. ‘Shit. He’s- hot?’
Burn and Breathe - PitViperOfDoom (11k)
Soulmates are connected through pain, and some bonds have more to share than others. Todoroki Shouto wishes he could reject his soulmate. Midoriya wants nothing more than to protect his own.
one string, fit for a bow - furihatachlookie (5k)
There was no magical moment that played a part in Midoriya's realization that he liked Todoroki. The thin red string that greeted him every time he looked down at his hand was an obvious factor, yes, but it wasn't love at first sight either.
It sorta just... happened over time.
fire and feelings - kagshina (8k)
“Uh…” he starts, eyes widening. “Your finger’s on fire.”
Todoroki’s face scrunches together, confused, and then he looks down, noticing the flame. Midoriya watches as shock flashes across Todoroki’s face, and then horror, and then finally settles on embarrassment as he puts out the flame.
“Shit,” Todoroki mumbles, and Midoriya’s lip curves upward.
💥 Fire in the Mountains - EllaBesmirched (168k)
“I’ll do it.”
Enji froze, fingers curling into a fist at his side, and didn’t turn around.
Shouto froze too, feeling his own eyes widen in shock at the words that had come out of his mouth, at the fact that he had actually stood up, followed his father out of the room, and dashed after him all just to say… he’d do it? He would do it? Him. Shouto Todoroki. He would--
Enji finally turned around and fixed Shouto with an expression so scathing, Shouto had to fight to keep his chin raised. “You’ll marry the Barbarian King.”
Shouto blinked. “Yes.”
The Ballad of Love and Hate - EllaBesmirched (6k)
After eight painfully long years, Katsuki finally has Izuku back. He's determined to keep him this time, and to do that, he knows there are some things he has to say.
(mis)matched - ethydium (12k)
Midoriya doesn't hate the idea of finding one's soulmate, even though he had long since given up on finding his own. And then Bakugou and Todoroki match, and while he's happy for them, his heart breaks from all the unsaid things he feels for them.
Midoriya pines and suffers his way to his own happy ending.
pillowed by love - ethydium (21k)
As a prank, Uraraka gets Midoriya a body pillow (dakimakura) with the image of Bakugou printed on it. Then another one with Todoroki's picture. Chaos ensues.
For who could learn to love a beast? - supercrunch (4k) - bakutodo
Bakugou takes a deep breath and steps out into the living room, eyes automatically adjusting to the change in light. There’s a boy hanging up his coat in the hall. He’s handsome, albeit in an annoying way, hair dyed two colours to match his heterochromia and skin pale and perfect and smooth. He looks expensive. “Bakugou.”
“That’s me,” Bakugou says. “You’re younger than I expected.”
“I’m older than I look.”
(Deku was right, damn him. Pretty boys are Bakugou's type.)
Want it All - surveycorpsjean (29k) - kiribakutododeku
“Hey, so..." Eijirou grins. "Can we ask you guys a question?"
Frankendick and the Great Acid Fiasco - EllaBesmirched (11k) - shiggyxdabi
Dabi had been intending to spend a very nice Saturday getting stoned and plotting murder, thank you very much, but when a trio of UA brats on enough L to kill a Beatle accidentally dose him and two other unsuspecting homicidal maniacs, Dabi has to change his plans a bit. Apparently no else around here knows how to trip balls and fucking enjoy it.
The Twitter - EllaBesmirched (8k) - tododenki
Shouto never really intended for anyone to find his secret Twitter account. He certainly didn't intend for Kaminari to see Shouto's thirst tweets about him. Luckily, Kaminari doesn't seem to mind.
pray you catch me - supercrunch (4k)
Katsuki pushes her shirt up to kiss her stomach. It’s silly, how it makes her heart flutter, how Izuku’s whispered I love you threatens to make her cry all over again. They’re unwrapping her from her clothes. They won’t let her hide, she thinks numbly. Won’t let her curl in on herself like she’s something dirty, Katsuki’s hands tugging off her underwear so she’s naked and exposed between them. “I,” she says breathlessly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be crying. I’m just being dumb.”
Izuku shushes her. Another tear trickles down her cheek and into her ear. He kisses it away, humming, brushing her bangs off her forehead so he can press his mouth between her brows. “You have every right to be upset. We’ll deal with him later. For now just let us take care of you.”
“She’ll get the message once you stop talking and fuck her,” Katsuki says, slipping his fingers into her. She clenches around him and shudders. “Gonna eat you out ‘til you forget how to move. Now put that fucking motor mouth to good use, Deku.”
179 notes · View notes
chastiefoul · 3 years
secret. | itafushi
in which Fushiguro and Itadori are dating in secret.
and it was going all great and good
until Itadori accidentaly kissed Fushiguro in front of their whole group of friends.
Needless to say, it was kind of a great night.
With both, 1st and 2nd year trio hanging around in the common room watching some stupid movie—that’s what they decided to call it after Itadori chose it- cramped around each other, because no one really wanted to give up the couch and sat on the floor.
Well, not really everyone is cramped up. Maki—of course, got to sit alone on the single couch all because she won the rock paper scissors tournament, and when that settled no one really wanted to rechallenge the scary master of cursed weapons now, did they?
Panda and Inumaki had also luckily managed to win the double couch, already making themselves comfortable. And given how unlucky the first years track record was—like having to fight a literal special grade cursed spirit on their very first mission, the three of them had to sit pressed against each other on the another double couch available there.
It was right then Itadori, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki made an unspoken agreement that as soon as their damn white-haired teacher comes back from his usual shenanigans, they would rightfully demand another place to sit they deserved immediately. Literally these guys had to risk their lives every time a mission comes up and they couldn’t even get a proper common room where everyone could sit comfortably.
Though, it’s not like these situations didn’t bring certain advantages to certain boys who are dating in secret.
The atmosphere was strangely quiet, only the sound of the tv continued along the nightfall. They’re all focused on the movie that Itadori had specially hand-picked from his personal collection. He felt strangely smug about that—fortunately no one has said anything about it.
But the thing is, being the guy who recommended to film means that you’ve already watched it. And it’s only normal to find some parts of it were pretty boring when you already knew what’s going to happen.
Itadori yawned, feeling the drowsiness coming. Kugisaki that was leaning to him mumbled on his right shoulder, “You tired?” Her eyes still on the moving screen. “Nah, just sleepy,” Itadori responded, finding himself staring Fushiguro on his left. He thought about how great it was if he could snuggle up against the boy and just sleep right then, but couldn’t, since they both agreed to wait for more time until telling the group about their relationship.
It wasn’t long before Fushiguro noticed the lingering gaze, returning the stare with one of his own. “What?” He whispered exasperatedly, yet gentle, like a newfound fondness in what he considered to be annoying before. Itadori just smiled, letting out the quietest mutter he could manage, “Nothing, you’re just too pretty I couldn’t help it.”
The raven-haired male only cringed at how cheesy it sounded but still blushed, nonetheless. “The embarrassing things that came out from your mouth sometimes..” He held the cushion pillow closer to his face, in an attempt to hide the color that was creeping up to his cheeks, though it wasn’t really doing much since the room was already dim.
Suddenly Itadori felt a sharp nudge on his right side, making him double over in pain. “Shut up with your whispering over there, some of us are trying watch!” Kugisaki hissed, clearly infuriated. “Salmon,” Inumaki chimed in, seeming like agreeing to what the redhead had to say.
Itadori only chuckled without any remorse.
“Fine I’ll be quiet! Geez. This could be considered bullying, y’know,” he mumbled the last part, Kugisaki made a face at this, ready to give him a second violent nudge. Itadori raised both of his arm, surrendering. He could feel Fushiguro’s body shook, holding his laughter. Itadori softened.
If he could see Fushiguro’s smile then all is good.
Another fifteen minutes passed, Itadori couldn’t take it anymore. He’s extremely sleepy. As good as the movie was, it’s not really fun anymore to watch for the second time, especially for someone who got easily bored. He let out another yawn,
“I think I’m gonna go back to my room, enjoy the rest of the movie everyone, good night.” Everyone offered a curt hum, one or two of them mumbled wishing him a good night as well.
He got up, giving Fushiguro a small peck under his eye.
It was not until too late and everyone had stared at him that he realized, he just kissed Fushiguro in front of them, the very people who they’ve been desperately hiding the relationship from.
Itadori would be fine with some cheering, or a hundred bombarding questions, or maybe something else, really, anything besides this complete and utter silence. This unbearable stillness that demanded explanations about what it was that Itadori just did.
“Th-there was an eyelash on Fushiguro’s cheek!”
Even Fushiguro’s demon dogs knew that wasn’t a very smart answer.
“So like a normal person you decided to pick it up with your mouth?” Maki asked, drawing her hand up to fix her glasses’ placement.
“That’s unsanitary,” Panda said disapprovingly while Inumaki only nodded along.
“What?! How was it different than kissing a person?” Itadori retorted, Fushiguro wished that the older male would just stop talking. None of the thing he said had helped their now futile attempt in keeping their relationship a secret.
“So you were kissing him then?” Kugisaki smirked, the four of them succeeded on cornering Itadori to where they wanted.
“There was no kiss, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Itadori stubbornly deflect, bringing his gaze elsewhere. “No? So nothing like the one like last week when both of you were in the kitchen making dinner?” Maki said, now wearing a similar smug smirk like Kugisaki. “Or that time at night after a mission before you both went back to your respective rooms?” She continued, merciless.
By then Itadori and Fushiguro’s faces had turned red in shame, the pink-haired boy a spluttering mess, the younger boy had his face so deep on the cushion he’s holding, wishing it would open a hole similar to a shadow puddle he summoned on a daily basis and swallowed him already.
“Right, I also saw you two on the training ground a few days back, underneath the tree, K-I-S-S-“ Panda followed, tone mischievous.
“Ah!! Stop, stop!!” Itadori cut him off, before he could totally die out of mortification.
His friends already knew, they already knew and didn’t say anything to him. He remembered all those times thinking he was being sneaky when it turns out, they all already knew, even worse, they saw it all!
“I can’t believe none of you guys said anything until now!” Itadori yelled, though it lacked bark seeing his neck still in a color similar to his uniform’s hood. “Please, it’s not like we had to see you guys kiss to know you both are dating, you flirt with him in broad daylight every damn day, have some shame!” Kugisaki yelled back, now standing up pointing his index finger sharply to the other male.
“Wha-well, in my defense, Fushiguro likedit!” He blurted out, making the entire room spared their attention to the shadowcurses-wielder.
If Fushiguro didn’t want to die before, now he definitely does.
“Oh? Why are my cute students still up this late at night?” Said a familiar playful voice, making everyone turned their heads to the source of sound. Gojo had come back from whatever business he was attending to. Honestly no one asked anything about it anymore, the guy’s too vexatious.
Itadori saw this distraction as an opening, he dashed past his teacher, grabbing along Fushiguro with him.
“Nothing at all, Gojo-sensei, me and Fushiguro were just about to go back to our own room!” The older male shouted, running to the direction of their rooms.
It seemed like they were both saved, because Fushiguro honestly didn’t know how to respond to that kind of thing. Relieve washed over him, seeing the sight of his own room’s door. A safe place. But forget about that.
Fushiguro thwacked Itadori over the head, it didn’t hurt, it never did. “Are you an idiot, saying things like that in front of everyone?” He sighed relently, his cheeks somewhat still a bit warm. He was actually glad by the sudden development of the event, Itadori really looked like he was really troubled then.
“Ehh?” Itadori leaned in upon hearing that, putting his both of his hands on the dark-haired male either sides, trapping him against the wall between their room. He’s pouting. “But you do like it, right?” His eyebrow furrowed in worry, searching Fushiguro’s expression.
The latter man only squirmed at the sudden proximity; his face returned to a color of crimson.
“Of course I do,” he mumbled, looking away. Fushiguro’s eyes glistened with peeking moonlights, his eyelashes moved gently along the breeze of wind over the opened window. What a stunning sight, Itadori thought.
He sneaked a hand below his lover’s jaw, leading his stare back to him. The usual goofy expression on Itadori’s face was gone, replaced by a serious one. Like finding a chore that had to be done immediately, the urgence on the boy in front of him was pulling Fushiguro in, he shivered in excitement.
Finally their lips met, for a moment, nothing else mattered.
It was only a quick kiss, but still sweet nonetheless, considering the smile they have on their features.
A realization dawned upon them suddenly. Perhaps the real problem here all along was that they need to stop kissing in places like hallways if they really want people to not know. They only looked at each other, knowing that the matter was far from over since they practically ran away from the situation.
They can only imagine how troublesome tomorrow’s going to be.
“We don’t learn, do we?”
“I guess we don’t.”
They smiled.
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ah-ga-seven · 4 years
Till’ The End Of Summer -  Chapter 11
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>> series masterlist <<
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
In a Nutshell: College!AU, Rich Kids, Friends to Lovers, Fuckboy athlete Yeonjun, Overprotective Best friend Soobin, contains all of TXT and other Idol cameos, Omnipresent perspective.
Synopsis: You and Yeonjun are caught up in a cat and mouse game because of unspoken feelings and endless pining for each others’ attention. With the summer break approaching and lots of college parties, will you finally get a chance to explore your feelings for each other; even though the world and Yeonjun’s reputation makes things complicated?
Word count: 12K
Genre:  Angst, SMUT, Fluff
Warnings: very descriptive mature content, read at your own risk, I put a bolded warning at the start and closing. I also didn’t proofread cause well...12k words. I’ll get to it asap!
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“What are you waiting for? Come in. You’re all acting like strangers to each other.” Your mom snickered as she wiped her hands on a paper towel so she could greet them properly.
“Oh, y-yeah.” Mia says as she steps inside, walking past Soobin without a word to greet your parents.
Your frozen state vanishes as you make eye contact with Mia, and you automatically start to walk towards Yeonjun with big, confused eyes.
You looked at Yeonjun, and he looked at you. The corners of his mouth lifting up a little as he opened his arms for you. You didn’t think twice about launching yourself into his arms, though your confusion got the best of you, you were still incredibly happy to see him. Your whole body relaxed as he enveloped you into his strong arms, patting your head as he buried his nose in your hair. “Hi baby,” he whispers into your hair. Closing his eyes to savor the peaceful moment.  
You look up with glassy eyes as he cupped your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb before he planted a kiss on your lips, followed by a sweet kiss on your forehead.  
“Did you miss me?”  
You nod bashfully, burying your face in his chest once again and he just chuckles, tightening his hold on you a little. “Me too,” he hums as the feeling of being whole and loved washes over him.  
It’s like you forgot your parents, Soobin or Mia were in the room. It felt like time stopped. As if it was just you and him in your apartment.
Your father cleared his throat, cringing at the scene. “You didn’t hug me like that when I came in.”
The comment made Yeonjun chuckle and you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as you let go of him.
Soobin’s eyes were focused on Mia, but he snapped out of it as he heard your father speak. Putting on a smile at his comment. “Well, he was gone for almost two months,” Soobin says as he grabbed Yeonjun by his shoulders, smiling at him with love emitting from his pupils.  
Yeonjun chuckled, pulling Soobin towards him for a hug. “You could have given us a heads up.”
“He wanted to surprise you.” Mia chimed in quickly, giving Yeonjun a look that Soobin couldn’t read, and he didn’t like it. But maybe they did visit here to surprise you? All in all, he was confused at them showing up here together, but it seemed like you didn’t find it odd at all.  
“Let’s talk later,” Yeonjun says as his pupils dart from Soobin to your parents, nodding at them.  
Soobin immediately understood, since they didn’t need words to communicate.
It was still awkward for Soobin to see you interact with Yeonjun like this, he wasn’t used to seeing Yeonjun being more whipped than heavy whipped cream for a girl, and since you were that girl it made it all even more awkward to watch for him.
“Give me a second,” Yeonjun says as he let go of your hand, making his way through your apartment to greet your parents.
You gulped at the sight, suddenly the nerves in your body were taking a toll on you and you unknowingly grab a hold of Soobin's hand who was standing next to you.  
Soobin raised his eyebrows, looking at your intertwined fingers and he scoffed with a side-smile. Whispering an ‘it’s ok’ to you in the process.  
Yeonjun was a charmer, he could make anyone like him by adapting his energy to theirs. For some reason, he thought your dad would appreciate it more if he went to greet your mother first, and so he did. Receiving an approving smile from your father.
“Hi Mrs. y/l/n, I’m Yeonjun.” He smiled at her brightly, taking her hand with both hands as he bowed to her politely.
You saw your mother's breath literally hitch in her throat at the sight of his smile and you roll your eyes at her.
Mia chuckled as well, and so did Soobin. Really? All it took was a smile and a simple ‘Hello’ and she was already in awe?
“Y/n, where the hell did you find him?” Your mother chimes giving you a shocked look and you curse at her through your teeth for embarrassing him and yourself
“Mom!” you whine, rushing to his side to grab his arm for comfort.  
Heat rose to Yeonjun’s cheeks as he giggled softly at the not-so-subtle compliment. “We actually kind of found each other.”
“Okay, stop before I throw up my lunch.” Soobin says as he plops down next to Mia on the couch, putting an arm around her.
Everyone chuckled lightly, and your father made his way to the kitchen as well to talk to Yeonjun.
As everyone was getting acquainted with each other, Soobin leaned into Mia.  
“You ghost on me for days and now you show up here with him? What’s going on.”
Mia’s mouth went dry, not wanting to ruin the moment given how happy you were to see Yeonjun and your parents together. She eyed your facial expression and melted. She hasn’t seen you this happy in weeks. She sighed, averting her attention back to Soobin. “I’m sorry…I had deadlines and stayed up all night, Yeonjun called me up to surprise you guys that’s it…”
Soobin’s hard demeanor softened and he wrapped Mia into his arms tightly as he pouted. “Oh no, my baby. Did you work so hard?” he cooed, babying Mia to his best ability; similar to how he baby’s Hueningkai from time to time.
Mia giggled, relaxing in his touch. “I missed you, I’m sorry. It was a really important deadline.”
“It’s ok…I understand,” Soobin says as he pecked her lips softly, staring into her eyes lovingly before pulling her closer to him on the couch. “I know I should’ve just trusted you, I’m sorry.”
Mia avoided Soobin’s eyes, feeling guilty about lying yet another lie but this just wasn’t the time.
“You’re on the team with Soobin?” your dad asked suddenly intrigued by the revelation.
You lean against your kitchen counter and watch your dad like a hawk, but he seemed to like Yeonjun already, especially if he’s this interested.  
“Oh, yeah. I like to believe I’m their star player.” Yeonjun states cockily, huffing out his chest while nodding to Soobin who just rolled his eyes at him.
“He’s good. Sure.” Soobin admits bitterly, making your parents laugh in response.
You smile at Yeonjun adoringly for being able to win over your parents so easily, something you didn’t think was possible given your track record of dating incompetent men. The two other boyfriends you brought home weren’t necessarily approved of. They were tolerated but not liked, and you could already sense that this was not the case with Yeonjun.
With every ‘I told you so’ you heard from your mom whenever you broke up with an ex, she made you realize that mama indeed ‘knows best’ but given the way she was looking at Yeonjun with stars in her eyes as he conversed about this and that, you already knew she’d see him as a keeper. Which made your shoulders drop in relaxation.
“I’d love to talk some more but this dinner isn’t going to prepare itself.” Your mother chuckled pointing to your kitchen area. There was literally no space left on your counter because of all of the ingredients and Yeonjun’s eyes widened.
“Do you need help miss?” Yeonjun offers politely, putting a hand on her shoulder as he smiled at your mother softly.
He couldn’t help but notice how similar you looked to her, how you have the same mannerisms and the same twinkle in your eyes. She smiled at him and shook her head. “No, that’s really nice of you to offer but I think y/n, Mia, and I will have it handled. Right?”
Mia got on her feet immediately and that’s the exact moment you notice her presence for the first time. Your eyes widen and you burst out laughing, giving her a clumsy hug as you cling to her. “Oh my god dude, I had no idea you came.”
“It’s ok,” she scoffs. “I know where I stand.” You playfully hit her arm as she rolls her eyes, and Yeonjun smiled at both of you, giving Mia a look you couldn’t quite read after he kissed your temple.
“I’ll be with Soobin and your dad.” You look back at him and give him an awkward smile while your brows furrow with concern. “Tell me when my dad’s being annoying ok.”  
He chuckled, crossing his arms in fake defense. “If I can handle you, I can handle anyone.”
The comment made your mother snort to herself as she cut up some veggies, and you just give him a kittenish angry face as he makes his way to the couch, plopping himself down between Soobin and your dad.  
He watched you for a while, the corners of his mouth curling up into a slight smile without knowing. He noticed how content and happy you were to be with a room full of people that you love, and his heart did a thing at the view.  
As he was getting lost in thought, his smile faltered while he thought of the reason he came here in the first place. Seeing you like this made it so much harder. He didn’t have the heart to wipe that pretty smile off your face and neither was Mia from the looks of it.
“Right Yeonjun?” Soobin cooed, snapping him out of his daydream.
Yeonjun’s head snapped back to reality, looking at Soobin and your father with big confused eyes. “Ah…sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”
“I know. You were looking at my daughter.” Your father chuckled, patting Yeonjun’s thigh, which made Yeonjun freeze in place at being caught. He nervously smiled, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“Well, at least it’s super obvious he cares about her.” Soobin chuckled, putting his arm around Yeonjun to pull him back and trapping him into a hug.  
“You two seem pretty close too,” your dad remarks with a smile.
“Oh yeah, we live together,” Soobin says as he snuggles his head into Yeonjun’s shoulder.
“Stop that. I’ll get jealous.” Mia pouts waving her knife around as a warning and Soobin immediately let go, making everyone laugh in response.
Yeonjun looked back at Soobin with an amused smile. He furrowed his brows at Soobin as he something odd about his attire. “Are these my clothes?” he asks pulling on the black bedazzled Vetements shirt Soobin was wearing.  
“Oh…yeah about that…”  
“That’s more than he was wearing when we came in here, so be glad.” Your dad jokes, not noticing the damage he did.
Soobin coughed, basically choking on air, shooting your dad a look of desperation.
“What?” Yeonjun asks raising his eyebrows at Soobin. He was trying not to sound too annoyed given the presence of your father, but it failed miserably. If Yeonjun can’t hide something it’s his jealousy, he fucking hated it about himself but there was nothing he could do at this point.
“Ahh, hyung. It’s nothing. Seriously. She told me to change into your clothes since I crashed here but I couldn’t find your shirts, so I walked out and at that exact moment her parents were in the living room…I had no idea.”
Yeonjun squinted his eyes at Soobin but didn’t want to say anything else since your father was right in front of him. He didn’t want to seem possessive or jealous, even though he was. So, he decided to let it go for now. “We’ll talk later,” Yeonjun says through his teeth, which made your father laugh out loud, enjoying taunting Yeonjun a little too much.
When Yeonjun looked back at your father he saw a smug grin on his face, and Yeonjun knew enough. He was doing it on purpose to test him; and luckily, he passed the test.
“Honey! We forgot the honey.” Your mom says in panic as she rummages through the grocery bags.
“Are you calling me honey or…” your dad asks looking back at your her.
“Yes and no, go be a good husband and get me some honey.”
“Ok, honey.” He sighs exasperatingly, getting up from the couch with reluctance.  
Yeonjun chuckled, enjoying the dad jokes a little too much and you roll your eyes at him. “Oh my god.” Mia sighed. “I guess they found each other.”
You smile at them both lovingly but your smile falters quickly. You catch yourself being way too giddy and positive about life right now. You were so used to everything going completely wrong all the time that you wouldn’t let yourself have this moment of peace, serenity, and happiness without overthinking.  
Mia noticed, nudging your shoulder. “You ok? What was that?”  
“Nothing, I just…I’m really happy right now,” you say with a million kilo-watt smile, which made Mia’s eyes twinkle.  
You deserved this more than anyone after all the shit you’ve put yourself through to make your relationship with Yeonjun work. Guilt consumed Mia again as she averted her attention back on the task at hand, peeling these damn potatoes.  
“At least someone in this house appreciates my humor. I guess I’ll go get it then.” Your dad says as he retrieved his jacket from the coat rack.  
“Let me come with you.” Yeonjun volunteers as he got up with determination. “I can drive,” he offered, and your dad just nodded at him in response.
You blinked a couple of times to check if this was really happening. Your dad let Yeonjun come with him?  
You were taken aback by the fact that your dad allowed Yeonjun to come with him, and even more taken aback by the fact that Yeonjun volunteered to get grilled in the car. Knowing your dad, he’d probably lynch him alive with questions, and you felt bad for him already.
You give Yeonjun a look, mouthing a ‘Are you sure about that’ but he shrugged it off, giving you a reassuring nod.
“Ok, well…have fun you two, and don’t take too long.” Your mom nags as she continues to stir into the large pan on the stove.
“Yeah…hurry back.” You pout at Yeonjun and he chuckled, pecking your lips.
“Don’t worry.” He whispered into your ear, patting your head before he followed your dad out of the house.  
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“This is your car? A Range Rover?”
“I-uh…it was a birthday present,” Yeonjun said opening the door to the passengers’ seat for your father.  
Your dad got in, looking at his surroundings with big eyes. “That’s some birthday present. What do your parents do again, son?”
‘Son’ wow, that’s a first.
“Uhm, they operate in software and applications, well my mom does. My dad is well….dead.”
“Oh, Jesus. I’m so sorry. I completely forgot.” Your dad quickly apologizes as he fastened his seatbelt.  
Yeonjun bit his lip, starting the engine. He wasn’t off to a great start. He wanted to keep things light and airy, but he should’ve known that a 22-year-old, driving around in a 50.000+ dollar car would raise questions with heavy answers.
“It’s ok. Well, I mean it’s not Ok. We had a complicated relationship. My parents were never really around so they compensated that with…gifts such as these.”  
“You seem well mannered though.”
“Yeah, my housekeeper raised me.”
“Ok, I’m sorry.” Yeonjun chuckled nervously. “Can we please start over sir? I’m starting to sound like a brat.”
“Only if you stop calling me sir” your dad says with a smile, patting Yeonjun on his shoulder which made him relax in his seat as he turned the corner on his way to the nearest supermarket.
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“What do you think they’re talking about.” You nervously say as you munch on a rice cake.
“You.” Soobin shrugs, stealing a rice cake from the pan which made your mother slap his hand away.  
“Use a spoon!” she nags, making Mia laugh in response.
“I knew you guys were close, but I had no idea Soobin had a second mother,” Mia says comforting a pouty Soobin by rubbing his back.
Your mom smiled at Mia and looked back at Soobin adoringly. “Well, he basically grew up in our house, the same goes for y/n in his home. His mom and I went to college together, and never parted ways since.” She explains as she fishes a rice cake out of the pot with a spoon, handing it to Soobin so he could try it.
“Ahh, that’s gonna be us!” you giggle excitedly, smacking Mia’s arm.
Mia gave you a half-hearted smile. “Yeah…” she says lost in thought, trying not to make things too obvious.  “I hope so…”
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“A guy as well off as you should have his options open. So why y/n?” your dad questions as Yeonjun and him walk down the aisles of the supermarket in search of the secret ingredient to your mothers famous stew.
Yeonjun chuckled. “She saw me for me before she knew who my parents were. We just really clicked. We share the same interests. We just get each other. Also, I did most of the chasing, she was not convinced at first.”
“How come?”
“Let's just say I didn’t make the greatest decisions. We really had to work on the way we communicate and though I’m still working on it…I do feel like we’re finally getting somewhere.” Yeonjun carefully explains as he skims the aisles for pots of honey.
“Can I tell you a secret about my daughter, Yeonjun.” Your dad starts lost in thought as he stopped in front of a shelve filled with different types of condiments.  
“Y-yeah…of course,” Yeonjun states standing behind him, putting his hand in his pockets as he waited for your dad to speak up.  
“y/n tends to see the guys she dates as projects. She wants to fix them and when it doesn’t work out, she’s the one left broken hearted, because she puts all of her soul and energy in trying to make things work…even if they don’t want to work.”
Yeonjun was taken aback by your father's statement. Projects? Men? What now?
“I...I don’t think I fully understand.”
Your dad turned round after having retrieved the biggest pot of honey he could find on the shelve, looking at Yeonjun seriously.
“You seem to care about her a lot. I can tell. By the way you look at her, talk about her. It’s evident that your heart is in the right place and that your intentions are good, but the last two guys she dated were similar to you, and I actually like you, so I would hate for you to end up as some failed experiment.”
Yeonjun blinked a couple of times as he followed your dad to the long line behind the cash register. “I never even asked her about her exes, are you saying she sees me as a project?”
“Oh no! God. No. She’s going to kill me.” Your dad quickly jumped to his own defense, looking at Yeonjun seriously.
“She’s never looked at a guy the way she looks at you, trust me. I’d know. She doesn’t even look at me like that.” He jokes to lighten the tension but Yeonjun furrows his brows in concern, which made your dad sigh at the sight.
“Y/n wants to fix people; it’s basically embedded in her DNA. I used to serve in the army, I wasn’t around as much, and her mother had a hard time with it. So, y/n took care of her from a young age. When I got back, she was hesitant around me, not knowing what it’s like to have a father around and all. Although we’re good now; it somehow scarred her in ways I don’t think she even knows about herself.”
“She…never told me,” Yeonjun says as they moved forward in line, he was too lost in thought to even comprehend what was happening around him, and just followed your dad like a lost puppy.  
“I think it’s because she doesn’t think it’s an issue. My daughter only knows how to take care of others, she neglects her own needs. You could call her somewhat of a wounded healer. She’ll do anything to make your relationship work Yeonjun, what I’m asking of you is to take care of her when she’s taking care of you.”
“Of course,…I’d do anything for her.”  
Yeonjun sighed dramatically. Of course, it takes two to tango. If he’s going to tell you that he wasn’t planning on going back to college, you’d probably blame yourself. He had to think long and hard about how he was going to break the news. For once he has the advantage, and he was going to do it right.
“All in all, it’s kind of my fault she’s like that. The fear of abandonment, not knowing how to put herself first, it’s because of my absence in her childhood.”
“So, to summarize this, she has….daddy issues.” Yeonjun blurts out without thinking.  
Your father snorted, holding in his laughter as they made it to the cash register, Yeonjun was too lost in thought to even pull out his card, though your dad would never let him pay, he wanted to make the gesture.  
It was already too late as the lady at the register handed the receipt to your father. And he turned to Yeonjun, looking at his fallen facial expression.
“See it as something you have in common with her.”  
Yeonjun’s eyes turned from serious to playful at the out of line comment your dad just made and he couldn’t help but laugh. “I guess so yeah, I guess we’ve been too focused on me and my past. This was really helpful thank you.” Yeonjun says as he took the bag from your father, carrying it to the car.
“Fix your flaws together, not separately.  If it works it works, and if not and you break her heart…I still have my gun from the army.”
Yeonjun’s eyes widen, and your dad laughs as he opens the car door. Enjoying his empty threat, a little too much. Yeonjun nervously chuckled as he got in the car again, biting the inside of his cheek.
“Got it.”
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Your dad and Yeonjun walk in, and your heart finally started beating again. They looked fine, and your dad was even laughing with Yeonjun as they stepped foot into your apartment.  
Your eyes grow in size and Yeonjun immediately makes his way over to you, standing between your legs since you were seated on top of your dinner table to watch your mother cook.
“I’m back,” he says with a soft smile, pulling you in for a hug.
“What did you two talk about?” you whisper, your eyes follow your father as he hands your mom the bag with a quick kiss on her cheek.
Yeonjun looked at your parents, and then back to you with a smirk.
“Oh, nothing. He told me all about your ex-boyfriends that’s all,” He says nonchalantly letting go of you, but you hook your legs around his thighs to keep him from leaving.
“He what!?” you whisper-scream, but Yeonjun just shot you an amused wink, untangling himself from your hold to compliment your mother on her cooking.
Dinner was served pretty quickly afterward. Soobin and Yeonjun had to move your desk from your bedroom to extend your dinner table since your place wasn’t made to have 5 guests over.
Your parents sat across from each other as Mia and Soobin sat next to each other on one side, while Yeonjun and yourself sat next to each other on the opposite side.
The setting was intimate, candles were lit, and soft music was playing in the background as all of you made light conversation about your studies and how you all met.
When your dad and Yeonjun were gone, you instructed your mother to keep from asking deep questions to Yeonjun about his family for the time of being. You didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable or burdened to answer, especially since you didn’t have time alone with him since he returned, meaning you couldn’t really check on him given his unexpected return.
You could tell that Yeonjun was trying his best, but he kept zoning out and suddenly you feel yourself worrying about what your father might have said to him, so you decide to distract him.
Your hand found his under the table, and you intertwine your fingers, squeezing his hand while placing your intertwined fingers on your thigh just above your knee.
He didn’t think much of it, continuing to listen to Soobin ramble about their first encounter in the locker room during freshman year.
He was laughing, listening intently. He looked relaxed and you couldn’t help but stare. You start looking at his features one by one. At his honey skin and eye smile. At his cushiony lips as he chewed on the food your mother prepared.
Yeonjun looked down at you, feeling your eyes on him and when he caught you staring, he giggled shyly. “What is it?” he asked with a smile, but you just shake your head, guiding his hand up your thigh a little more, passing the fabric of your skirt which made Yeonjun’s eyes widen.
“Nothing,” you say innocently, raising your spoon up to your mouth with your free hand to take a bite as you guide his hand even higher up your thigh.
He basically choked on his food and started coughing, trying to untangle his fingers from yours. He grabbed a napkin, covering his mouth with it to muffle his coughing sounds.
“Yeonjun? Are you okay?” your mother asks in concern which made Yeonjun’s eyes travel to hers as if he got caught.
“Ah..y-yes, I need to chew more.” He chuckles apologetically.
“It’s delicious, the best kimchi stew I’ve ever had.” He compliments, which made your mother smile proudly.
“Yes! Completely agree.” Mia says.  
“You should all come over for Christmas, bring the other boys too. I can cook you a real dinner then.” Your mother proposes which made Soobin gasp. “That would be amazing!”  
Yeonjun smiled at your mother and Soobin, but you weren’t done taunting him.  
You ‘dropped’ your chopstick, the noise alerting everyone in the room.
“Oh, sorry. Let me just-“
“I’ll get it,” Yeonjun offers quickly, but you stop him.
“No, It’s ok, I can see it from here.”  
The attention of your dad, Mia and Soobin was quickly averted back to your mother so you took your chance. Grabbing Yeonjuns thigh, digging your nails into his jeans for leverage as you bend down to grab the lost chopstick between his feet.
He froze but knew exactly what you were doing and when your head dipped down, his eyes widened. This could NOT look right from the outside looking in.
He couldn’t believe you, first the whole shirtless Soobin ordeal, then the revelation of your ex-boyfriends you never told him about and now you are provoking him at the dinner table? What the fuck has gotten into you.
You come back up, letting go of his thigh and you innocently set the chopstick aside, raking your hand through your hair as you give Yeonjun a questioning look.
His eyes were burning into you, but you just shrug with a sly smile. “Keep this up. I dare you.” He whispers through his teeth, counteracting his threat by sweetly tugging a strand of your hair behind your ear.
He dares you? Ha. Ha. Ha. He should know by now that you’re crazy.
It didn’t take long before everyone was finished, so when you cleaned the table you made sure to reach for Yeonjun’s plate over his shoulder, brushing your arm over his chest and touching him subtly whenever you could.  
You could tell he was losing his patience with you but frankly, you didn’t care. It’s the least he deserves for basically ignoring you for the past few weeks and showing up here like nothing ever happened. Of course, you were happy to see him, but you were bitter, and you were going to make him suffer the best way you could.  
After dinner, dessert and tea you were completely stuffed and low on energy. You wanted everyone out of your apartment and your father was quick to notice the way you dragged your footsteps around your apartment. He proposed to leave not long after, and to your relief your mother agreed.
Soobin and Mia left first with a lousy excuse of finishing schoolwork but judging off the looks they were giving each other all night you knew better than that.  
“It was so nice to meet you, Yeonjun!” your mother exclaims pulling him in for a hug. He stiffens in surprise at first but relaxes in her touch instantly. As he let go of her, your father patted Yeonjun on his back and shook his hand firmly. “I guess we’ll see you at Christmas.”
“Yes. For sure.” Yeonjun smiles, and it in unknowingly made you giddy inside that he made plans to be with you and your parents so far in the future.  
He really wasn’t going anywhere this time, and you couldn’t be happier.
After exchanging hugs with your parents and promising to contact them more often they leave, and you sigh in relief.
_  WARNING: Heavy Smut ahead. Soft Dom!Jun, oral/finger play, size kink, choking, rough sex, playful banter, sweet/dirty talk and aftercare. _
When the front door closed the air got thick. It’s like your breath hitched in your throat and you knew the endless diner table teasing was about to get you in trouble.
You were almost afraid to turn around and meet his eyes. You halted your movements for a few seconds before you found the guts to do so and immediately regret it.
He stared at you through hooded lids, the dimmed lighting in your apartment was accentuating his features perfectly and romantically. He walked closer to you with slow strides, backing you into your front door as he trapped you between his arms on each side of your body.  
“In front of your fucking parents' y/n?” he starts, letting his fingers ghost over your bottom lip before he tugs at your chin, making you look at him.
You gulp with wide eyes, lust filling your senses as you basically see him undress you with his eyes.
“You’ve given me multiple reasons to completely wreck you today.”
Without a warning he parts your legs by propping his knee in between. Bending down to curl his strong arms around your thighs so he could lift you against the door frame. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist as your back hits the door frame with a loud thud.
You moan at his sudden actions and he was quick to shut you up by kissing you roughly. Trapping your lip between his teeth, tugging lightly before he started to pepper your neck with wet kisses and love bites.
He moaned against your skin, nails digging deeper into your thighs as he tightened his grip, making sure not to let you fall.  
“Did you miss me that much baby?”
You nod furiously, your fingers tangling into his hair as he kept kissing your neck.
You feel his teeth graze over the sensitive spot below your jaw that he just ferociously sucked on. A breathy moan escapes your lips as you tug on his soft locks a little harder to let him know you wanted his lips back on yours, but he didn’t budge, grinding his hips into yours as he kept sucking hickey after hickey into your delicate skin.
“Tell me you want it.” He growls, grinding his hips against your clothed core once more. He grins smugly against your skin as your legs shudder at the barely-there sensation against your heat.
Your body was reacting to him in ways he had only fantasized about and he was going to take his sweet time with you. The number of times you almost had sex was infuriating, and he was sure to go through with it this time, swearing to himself that the only thing that could stop him right now would be a fucking fire in your apartment building.  
“P-please,” you pant, throwing your head back as you feel his tongue glide down your neck, going straight for your breasts.
The anticipation was too much. You hold onto him as he pulled his arms from underneath you, hiking up your shirt enough to where he could expose your tits.
He licked his lips, approving the sight; skillfully unclasping your bra with one hand.  
A string of curses and praises left his lips as he started to litter your chest with kisses, sucking on your nipple while he made sure not to neglect the other by rubbing circles onto the sensitive nub.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful” he cooed, placing you back on the floor.  He hooked his arm around your waist to stabilize you as the other found the hem of your skirt all while his mouth was still busy alternating between kisses and bites on your neck, lips and tits.
Lewd moans left your lips as his long fingers make contact with your clothed clit. “Right here baby?” he asks sweetly as his middle finger starts to rub slow circles against the fabric of your panties.
“Yes, baby please.”
“Please what?”
“Please, more.”  
His fingers pushed the fabric of your underwear aside, making contact with your bare skin for the first time. Your slick surprised him; it didn’t take much to get you this wet so he could only imagine how juicy you would sound with him buried deep inside of you.
He licked his lips at the thought, your moans only becoming less controlled as he spread your wetness between your folds with his long, cold fingers.
You whine at his teasing movements, hooking your leg around his waist to give him better access.  
At that his eyes found yours again before he pushed his ring finger inside of you completely while still rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb.
The sudden filling sensation made you gasp. The hunger in his pupils only amplified as he listened to your wetness being fucked by his finger. You were tightening around him already making him smirk to himself. “Not sure if I should let you cum after all that.”  
You whine in response and grab on to his wrist down there while your head fell back, enjoying him pump a second digit into you at a faster yet steady and comfortable pace.
It felt good, too good, and you knew that he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
“You’re so fucking tight, and wet. Fuck” he compliments before he pecks your lips again.
“ahh, Yeonjun, I’m close.”  
He curled his fingers inside of you, fastening his rhythmic tempo as he kept thrusting his fingers deep in and out of you deliciously.
God he was good. He didn’t lose his rhythm, giving you something to concentrate on which only brought you closer and closer to your orgasm.
“I-I’m gonna cum” you whine, biting down on the skin of his neck to control yourself.  
He wanted to deny you your orgasm, he really did. But he was too whipped for you to care all of a sudden. Having you cum for him is something he fantasized about for months now, and he wasn’t going to pass up on the opportunity. At least not now.
“Let go baby, go to heaven.” He encourages you, lacing the fingers of his free hand through your hair tightly as he rested his forehead on yours while the speed of his fingers thrusting into you started building a little more.
Your legs start to shake as you feel euphoria approaching and with a few more hard yet controlled thrusts, you come undone.
You fall quiet as your orgasm washes over you. A squeal escaping your throat as he slowly pulls his fingers out of you, maintaining eye contact before you see him do the hottest thing you’ve ever seen him do in your life.
He brought his fingers up to his lips, sticking out his tongue and curling it around his fingers, licking your wetness off of it while maintaining eye contact with you.
Your chest was still heaving up and down as you were trying to compose yourself from the first orgasm Yeonjun has ever given you and your mouth goes completely dry at his beauty. You’re dumbfounded by his dirty actions as he smirks again, grabbing your face with both hands as he kisses you once more, a lot slower and more passionately this time.
“You taste like fucking candy baby.” he smiles against your lips and you giggle at his lewd compliment. Shying away from him as the embarrassment of your loud moans from before suddenly washes over you.  
“Don’t hide that pretty face,” he says as he makes you look at him again, placing both hands on your shoulders before blinking at you intently.
He smirked again, slowly pushing you down until you were on your knees for him. You placed your hands on your thighs, submissively staring up at him with big eyes, waiting for him to tell you what to do.
The sight made him groan loudly in approval, tugging on your chin with his hand while his fingers pinched your cheeks together.  
“Are you going to let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours?” he asks licking his lips, rocking his hips forward a little.
Your eyes land on the tent that had formed in his pants and you gulp given his size.
You look up at him again, nodding sweetly as you start to undo his belt while keeping eye contact with him as he tightened the hold he had on your face.
He helped you fasten the process by aggressively ripping his jeans open, helping you pull his jeans and boxers down simultaneously all while staring at your naked body.
His eyes averted back to yours, and he looked at your bewildered facial expression when his cock sprung free. He was huge, fully hard and he had pre cum leaking from his angry tip. He grabbed the base of his cock, laying himself across your cheek to compare his largeness against your small face.
It got him off more than he liked to admit, and he caressed your cheek gently, love emitting from his pupils as you lick your lips, waiting for him to push himself into your mouth.
You take over from him, spitting into your hand to slick him up. You start to slowly pump him, making sure to twist your wrist to cover his whole base while applying the right amount of pressure.  
“Fuck. Yes. Baby,” He groans in approval, throwing his head back as he enjoys your skilled hands pump his shaft steadily.
You keep eying his facial expressions and you feel yourself getting wet again at the sight of his enjoyment.
You open your mouth, sticking out your tongue to lick the precum off of his tip. The action made Yeonjun’s had snack back in response, but he was quick to avert his gaze back to you.  
He looked at you part your lips even more so you could take more of him, and you nod; blinking a couple of times as a silent okay for him to start pushing his cock down your throat.
He loved how you knew what he wanted, and how well you were taking him despite his size. To be really honest your experience kind of baffled him. He secretly wanted to teach you everything he knew, to corrupt you and make you his personal slut – in the most loving way possible – but given the way his dick was almost balls deep down your throat without a single gag or whine, he knew that you knew what you were doing.
“Holy fucking shit baby.” He hissed through his teeth, slowly thrusting his long and veiny length in and out of your mouth.
You were taking him like a champ, keeping your eyes on him as you stabilized yourself on his thighs. You hum in approval and the vibrations almost drive him insane. He bucked his hips, and you lean back, letting him pull out of your mouth completely before he came too fast from your mouth alone.
Watching him was the best part. He’s never been so riled up for sex and that was purely because of the fact that it was you pleasuring him.
He crouched down, giving you a sloppy kiss on your lips and you grin back at him, enjoying the amused glisten in his eyes. “Condoms?”
“Bedside table.”
“Then let’s fucking go,” he huffs, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. You squeal and start laughing loudly, wiggling your feet around in protest.  
“YEONJUN!” you scream, smacking his back but he wasn’t having it, giving your bare ass cheek a loud smack before he swiftly opens the door of your bedroom, dropping you on the bed roughly.
As both of you were still laughing, he hovered over you, giving your neck a quick kiss before taking off his shirt and throwing it on the floor.  
He was completely naked now and you just stare at him, in awe of his physique. In awe of the fact that this toned, milky skinned man is all yours.
He noticed your gaze and the way your eyes were doing a full up and down analysis of his body. He stood before you confidently, snickering as he pulled you towards him by your legs, situating himself between your thighs.
He reached down to open the drawer of your bedside table as he leaned back, pumping himself with his free hand. The show he was giving you was one of heavenly proportions, and you weren’t sure if he realized just how hot he looked in the moment.
He scoffed, ripping the condom package with his teeth and discarding the rest of the foil on the floor.
“Why the fuck is the last one in the packet.” He scowls at you, rolling the condom onto his shaft without breaking eye contact and you can’t help but roll your eyes at him.
“I had a social life before we were a thing Yeonjun, now shut up and fuck me.”
“You’re gonna roll your fucking eyes at me while you’re lying in front of me like this? Bold move baby, I don’t think you know what I’m about to do to you,” he threatens as he leans into you. His hand now wrapping around your throat as he used his other hand to spread your wetness between your folds with his tip.
He silently aligned himself with your entrance, but you were too busy to notice, your mind completely occupied with his burning stare and the tightening hold he had on your throat.
Fuck you loved this, you loved him, and you were more than ready to feel him stretch you out.
“Don’t hold back.” You challenge him and he inhales sharply at the way you look under him, absolutely beautiful and bare. He pulls you even closer, making you rest your legs on each side of his shoulders.
“I won’t.” he smirks at you smugly, pumping himself a few more times as he kept staring at your body.
He didn’t ask confirmation for what he was about to do next, since he couldn’t wait any longer and honestly, the answer is pretty obvious. He pushed his tip inside of your tightness and eyed your reaction to him.
The stretch was intense yet heavenly, you licked your lips and watched his tip disappear in and out of you with ease.  
If his tip alone was making you feel this good than what the fuck was yet to come?
As you arched your back in pleasure, he knew he could continue with pushing his length into you a little further and so he did. You gasped simultaneously at the immaculate feeling of your walls tightening around his grit and he groans, being on the other receiving end of the sensation.
He slowly pulled out of you to do it again, and again, and again until you were comfortable enough to take all of him. He took his sweet time, enjoying your moans and mewls. He was nice enough to let you adjust to him, taking note when your body started to relax more with every thrust.
“S-so…fucking…big.” You were grabbing on to his wrists with full force, trying to take him without being a little bitch to your best ability but he was a lot to handle.  
You could easily take him in your mouth but since it’s been entirely too long since you’ve had sex with anyone it started to feel brand new, and his size wasn’t helping.
“U ok?” he asks as he kisses your temple sweetly, brushing your hair back with his fingers as he watches your face contort in both pain and pleasure.
He was sure to wreck you for your smart mouth, but the most important thing to him was your comfort, so he couldn’t bring it upon himself to live up to his threat.
You nod, burying your face in his neck as he starts to thrust into you a little deeper, agonizingly slow so you could adapt to him completely before he’d start to build up some speed.
“I…ah…I’m,” you start, but you’re unable to complete your sentence, too concentrated on being fucked by the love of your life.
Again, his rhythm was steady, almost robotic which gave you something to concentrate on other than being ravaged by his monstrous size. You were moaning, trying to form words but your mind was hazy. You were unable to tell him how well he was fucking you and how good he felt as your eyes roll back while he kept thrusting in and out of you with slow and deep strokes.
“Use your words baby. Tell me what you want.” he says in a whisper as he caressed your cheek with his thumb, finally releasing the hold he had on your throat this whole time.  
“More,” you moan, tugging at his grown-out hair on the nape of his neck and he growls in approval. Wanting nothing more than to be buried balls deep inside of you.
He silently caressed your thigh, taking one of your legs off of his shoulder, bending your knee up to your chest so he could plunge into you fully.
He watched his cock disappear inside of you completely and a low, yet throaty moan escapes your lips as you grip the sheets tightly, your knuckles turning white at how hard you were gripping at the sheets to deal with the stretch.  
He growled as he felt your walls contract around him, your tightness only edging him on to thrust into you faster and harder.
“Yes, baby. Yes!” you moan loudly, throwing your head back on your mattress, and he fastened his pace. Pounding in and out of you as he sucked on a newly found sweet spot on your neck.
“Ahh, so fucking tight,” he mused. “You’re sound so beautiful baby, fuck.”
He was praising you with every thrust. His pace steadily increasing, and you were just about to lose it.
You hated yourself for comparing him to your previous lovers in a moment like this, but you already knew that he took first place without a doubt. No one you’ve ever fucked came even close to how Yeonjun was making you feel right now.  
Your mind focusses on the steady pace of his thrusts again, your wetness combined with the dirty skin slapping noises edging him on to continue to fuck into you mercilessly.  
Your second orgasm of the night was approaching fast as you felt the knot in your stomach starting to form, and by the way you tightened around his cock even more. He sensed how close you were as your moans started to sound like pleading mewls.
He gave you a kittenish grin, biting down on your earlobe as he panted, moaning into your ear while his thumb found your clit, rolling delicious circles onto the sensitive nub. Applying more pressure with each of his thrusts.
“Y-yeonjun.” You gulp for air as you moan his name. “I can’t.”
“Yes, you can baby, yes you can. Come on. Do it for me.” He encourages you with a low voice, wanting nothing more than to see you cum on his cock.
His thrusts were getting erratic, the mix of your moans, his grunts and skin slapping sounds filled your room and he bent your other leg to your chest, exposing you to him completely as he fucked into you harder and even deeper than before.
You watched him bulge in your stomach, the feeling being just as intense as it looked and Yeonjun could swear that he had never seen a more arousing sight. He bit his lip, watching you completely lose it under him as you throw your head back, letting him have you the way he pleased as you grabbed on to your sheets again for some type of leverage.
Somewhere inside of you, you found the strength to lift your head to look up at him and the view alone of watching him fuck into you animalistically was enough to make you come undone completely.
Your orgasm washes over you so intensely that your whole body starts to shock around him, your legs shake uncontrollably, and he leans into you, muffling your noises with his hand so your neighbors wouldn’t start complaining to you the next day.
With a few more thrusts, you tightening around him even more and the visual stimulation of your extreme orgasm, he came. His liquids filling the condom to the brim after he pulled out of you completely.  
You whimpered at the sudden loss of contact and squeal.
He was panting heavily, watching you like a hawk as you bring your hand to your forehead, panting as you press your thighs together tightly, hoping it would subside the tension.
_ end of smut _
You were trying to calm down, but your chest was heaving up and down so quickly that it almost felt like hyperventilation. You closed your eyes in order to concentrate on your breathing, trying to get your heart beating at a normal pace.
He was quick to notice just how fucked out you were and speedily discarded of the condom, wrapping you into his arms as he held you tightly, patting your head in an attempt to calm you down.
“Shhh, it’s ok, it’s ok.” He kissed your temple, and then your forehead, and then your nose, followed by a quick peck on your lips.
“Baby talk to me. Are you okay?” Concern was evident in his voice as you stayed quiet, still trying to catch your breath at the overstimulation you just experienced.
“I need a minute,” you manage to say, your voice hoarse and barely audible but he understood.  
He caressed your back in comfort, letting his fingernails graze your bare skin in up and down motions to calm you down and you did, your lashes fluttering as you open your eyes slowly.
He just held you, pulling the sheets over the both of you so you’d feel less exposed and warm.
“That was incredible.” You finally speak up, completely calmed down from your adventure.  
You were tired though, unable to do and say what you wanted since your brain didn’t allow you to.
All the muscles in your body were finally able to relax after being in a complete state of flux for over half an hour.
“Damn right it was.” He kissed your bare shoulder, massaging your scalp with his fingers, applying just the right pressure, making sure to help you relax even more.
“Stop, I’m going to fall asleep like this,” you mumble into his bicep, your eyes closing involuntarily at the divine feeling of his warm embrace in combination with the massaging motions of his fingers on your scalp.
“Then sleep baby.”
“But I wanna talk. I missed you so much.” You pout against his skin, blinking slowly to fight the heaviness of your eyelids.
“Me too, but we can talk tomorrow, and the day after that…and the day after that.” He lowkey reassured you of the fact that he wasn’t going anywhere, and his words made you smile to yourself since the confirmation was something you didn’t know you needed.  
You nod, a small yet cute yawn escapes your lips with a squeal and the sound has Yeonjun’s heart doing martial arts in his chest. “You’re adorable,” he remarks and chuckles as he covered your shoulder with the duvet, making sure you were completely covered and warm.  
“Goodnight baby, I love you.” He hums into your hair, tightening the hold he had on your waist while brushing your hair back as you rest your head on his chest comfortably.
You close your eyes overwhelmed with his sweetness and the love you felt for him.
This is where you belong, in his arms. Safe and sound.
At the moment you felt as though nothing could ever change the way you feel about him. That there was nothing in the world that could tear you away from him. You were his and he was yours, and you were sure your neighbors knew that by now too.
“I love you too, Yeonjun.”
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You’re awake and happy, despite the soreness in your body.  
You already showered, got dressed, had a coffee but Yeonjun was still asleep. You figured he’d be spent given the trip from home and the sudden family reunion at your place followed by the sexy stuff that happened afterward; so, you let him sleep in. Not having the heart to wake him.
You collected all of your scattered clothes throughout the house and made sure to fold them up for Yeonjun as he slept.  
When you got out of bed you replaced your own warmth with a pillow that he was clutching on to as his lips were parted slightly. Breathing slowly with your sheets covering his manhood while his chest was covered by the pillow he was holding.
You adore him some more before you find something hard in the pocket of his pants as you fold the piece of clothing, retrieving the item from his pocket.  
Ah, his phone.  
The screen lit up automatically, and you didn’t mean to snoop; but her name on his display was enough to make you frown, using his asleep face for facial recognition to open up his phone.
[Mia, 9.21 AM]: Last night was a blow.
[Mia, 9.21 AM]: We need to tell them today.
[Mia, 9.22 AM]: Or else I’m going to lose it istg.
[Mia, 9.23 AM]: How tf did you manage to pretend like everything was okay last night?
You look over to Yeonjun and bite your lip.  
Stop overthinking.
Just ask him when he wakes up….it’s probably nothing.
Your eyes dart from him to his phone again and you sigh, hating yourself for what you’re about to do.
You check his recent call list, and your eyes widen. All you see is Mia’s name.
Missed calls, calls that went through, calls from him to Mia and calls he had with her in the week he was ‘too busy’ while ignoring you.
‘Don’t. Freak. Out. Play it smart, play it safe.’ you tell yourself. You quickly put his phone back on the nightstand and put the pile of clothes next to it.
Walking out of your bedroom and closing the door behind you.
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Yeonjun woke up about half an hour later. He looked around your room, but you were nowhere to be found. He frowned, discarding of the pillow in his arms that he was hugging tightly and as he did, so he found his phone on your bedside table, on top of a pile of his folded clothes from last night.
He didn’t think much of it, thinking you were in the living room or something but when he opened his phone and saw Mia’s already opened texts, he sits up immediately in shock.
“Fuck,” he curses, kicking the sheets off of him. He put on his boxers with the speed of light while making his way to your living room. Empty.
Kitchen, empty.
Bathroom, empty.
“Shit baby, where are you…”  
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“Hey, hey, hey. What’s wrong?” Soobin rushed over to you. You were seated on a bench in the park in front of your apartment complex, reading the screenshot you took from their texts over and over again to make sense of it all.
You told him it was an emergency, so he hurried to your side as quickly as possible.  
He hugged you tightly and your lip starts to tremble as you bite down on it harshly, trying not to cry.
“Soobin, I hope I’m wrong, I really fucking hope I’m wrong,” your voice was shaky and laced with sadness as you looked up at him with big and confused eyes.
“Y/n…you’re scaring me,” Soobin says as he rubs your back, sitting down next to on the bench.
You hand him the phone in silence, and he smacks his lips in confusion as he read it, his pupils darting back and forth in disbelief.
“What is this?” He manages to ask, not understanding what was going on.
“You said she was acting weird since school started, they have been calling each other all throughout summer even when the semester started. When he was too busy to reply to my texts, he was on the phone with her…” you stop yourself from rambling and look at Soobin.  
He looked completely hurt. “This…has to make sense somehow. Don’t think the worst of it. Mia would never do this to me,” he tells himself in reassurance. She wouldn’t. He had to believe it to stay sane.
Soobin’s last relationship ended with the girl cheating on him and if it was to happen again, he wouldn’t be able to take it. Especially with Mia. He has never had a relationship that he was so sure about before, but this…and with Yeonjun? Nothing made sense to him.
“I’ll call her over.” Soobin says through his teeth... “They’ve got some explaining to do.”
Your phone was blowing up with calls from Yeonjun but you didn’t pick up, waiting for Mia to get to your apartment. You lured her in the same way you told Soobin to come, hoping that she would race to be by your side just as quickly, cause if not; you’d know enough.
To your surprise, she arrived in no time, her face full of worry as she approached, but when she saw Soobin beside you with an equally fallen facial expression to yours, she stopped in her tracks.
“W-what’s going on?” She asks as she made her way to you, putting a hand on your shoulder but you shrugged it off, making her step back in shock at your coldness.
“Soobin…” Mia started but he sighed. “Let’s go inside first.”
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Yeonjun sat defeated on your couch after a quick shower and a change of clothes, waiting for you to return home. He sighed, rubbing his forehead but when he heard your door open, he got on his feet in a split second.
He made his way to the front door watching you walk in with sad eyes followed by Soobin and Mia.  
“Baby…let me explain.” He starts, taking a step closer to you but you took a step back as he did. Hiding behind Soobin who stood between you two protectively.
Mia’s eyes dart from you to Soobin to Yeonjun and suddenly everything clicked to her.
“You saw the texts…” Mia speaks, her eyes looking down at the floor.
“Someone better start talking, or I swear to god.” Soobin says clenching his fists.
“It’s not what you think. I swear. We came here last night to talk to you both, but your parents were here and y/n you were so happy…I couldn’t do that to you..” Mia says she gets teary-eyed.
“Do what to me!? What are you talking about? Stop being so fucking vague.” You yell at them, your gaze lingering on Yeonjun.
Mia sighed, throwing her head back, emotion getting the best of her.  
“Yeonjun…please…after last night…I can’t…,” you didn’t finish your sentence because he already knew what you meant.
“It’s nothing like that. I swear. Y/n believe me.”
“Then what,” Soobin speaks averting his gaze to Mia.
“I was keeping tabs on y/n through her.” Yeonjun says with sad eyes, and Mia slowly walked over to Yeonjun���s side so she could look at both you and Soobin clearly.
“What?” you say confused as ever, why would he do that? Why would he need to consult your best friend instead of talking to you personally when he had the chance to.  
“That night of the funeral, I noticed something weird about him.” Mia chimes in. “He was looking at all of you as if he was trying to remember your faces and something didn’t sit right. I walked into the kitchen to talk to him and…”
“I wasn’t sure if I was going to come back.” Yeonjun says, finishing Mia’s sentence.
Your heart dropped, looking at Yeonjun with disbelief.
“Y-you weren’t coming back?” you question in horror.
“And you knew?” Soobin says averting his attention to Mia.  
She avoided his gaze, playing with her sleeves.  
“Y/n…you don’t get it. There are so many secrets, so much baggage. So much pain. I didn’t want to come back to you unable to give you what you deserve. I needed to make sure my past didn’t haunt me back to school.”
“So instead of talking to me about it…you were going to ghost on me?” You were past being just hurt. The fact that it was so easy for him to turn his back on you was beyond your comprehension; and the fact that Mia basically aided him in doing so only amplified how damaged you were by the revelation.
You couldn’t even be angry. You were just sad, disappointed, and broken.
“Y/n…being in the know could get you hurt. If malicious people were after the company, or if my dad had enemies I didn’t know about… I could never forgive myself if something happened to you because of me. If I told you, you would never leave my side. You know that.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t have left you!” you sniff. “You told me you loved me for crying out loud!” you yell at him as tears spill from your eyes and Yeonjun broke at the sight.
“Please…please don’t cry.” He stood in front of you, grabbing your face to make you look at him but you push him off of you. “You could have told me before you decided to fuck me last night.”
Yeonjun gulped. “N-no, y/n. Please. It’s not like that.”
Soobin glared at Yeonjun, anger filling his senses until his eyes landed on Mia, his anger turning to sadness as they made eye contact.
“What he does is his business. I get why he’d want to handle his business before he returned. I do. He could have handled it better, but we already know that Yeonjun hyung is fucked up. But you…lied to me…for two months…you lied to me so easily…Mia…that’s…” Soobin’s disappointment was evident.
“I was just…trying to help.” Mia sighed wiping the tears from her eyes.
You couldn’t even look at her. All the heartache you went through, venting to her about how much you missed Yeonjun all while she knew that he had no intention of coming back made you sick to your stomach.  
“When will you stop choosing other people over our relationship?” Soobin says, his sadness turning back to anger as he raised his voice a little.
“That night when Yeonjun hyung and y/n fought…you rushed to be with her instead of staying with me to go together. You left me that night and I needed you.”  
“Soobin…don’t…please.” Mia was sobbing by now. The empathy in yourself felt bad for her, but she did this to herself, and frankly, you were still too mad at her to jump in her defense.
“Why did you do it? Why did you keep it from me?” You sniff as you look at Mia, her heart breaking into a million pieces seeing your distressed state.
“Because I didn’t want you to be hurt…” she replies through her tears.  
You can’t help but scoff, aggressively wiping your tears from your eyes with your sleeves. “This hurts way worse,” you say as new tears spill from your eyes. You were trying to breathe normally through your tears, but you couldn’t manage to calm down until Soobin grabbed your hand.
Yeonjun was looking at you, defeated as ever. He lost. Again. “Y/n…”
“No…” you stop him from speaking. “Please, shut up. I hope you had your fun with me last night. If I’m such a joke to you then please grab your shit and leave.”
“Y/n, stop. You know how much I love you.” Yeonjun pleads. He needs you to understand that he felt like he didn’t have a choice. That it was an either-or situation to him, but you were hurt and angry. You weren’t going to listen to him now and he knew that.
“No, no I don’t,” you say looking down, and Yeonjun’s heart shattered.
“I don’t think I can be with someone who can’t seem to get her priorities straight. I was always afraid I loved you more than you loved me” Soobin states looking at Mia with hollow eyes.
Yeonjun, yours and Mia’s eyes widen simultaneously at Soobin’s cold words.  
You swallow harshly, looking up at him. “Soobin…”  
He didn’t look at you as he bit his lip, tears filling the brims of his eyes as he kept staring into Mia’s tearful eyes “I need time,” he says raking his hand through his hair. “Alone.”
“N-no, Soobin. I-” Mia starts, but Soobin was already on to the next.
“And you,” he says diverting his attention to Yeonjun as he pulls you behind him protectively as if he was hiding you from him.
“You hang up this sad story about wanting to work on yourself, making sure y/n gets what she deserves from you. Wanting to keep her safe from god knows what. But you return just as fucked up as you left? Maybe even worse.” Soobin snaps, taking a step in Yeonjun's direction but Yeonjun didn’t budge though.  
You pull him back by his arm, giving him a pleading look to contain himself.
Yeonjun was looking at his best friend with sad eyes for a second until he avoided his glare, looking at Mia on your couch with her face buried in her hands.  
“You can’t be mad at her. I asked her to keep quiet.”
“I don’t give a fuck what you asked of her. She’s her own person, making her own decisions. As are you.” Soobin strikes back.  
“Was it worth it? Did you at least find something useful about your family?”  
Yeonjun shook his head in disappointment and looked at you. You were still looking down, clinging onto Soobin’s arm for leverage. You were sure your legs were going to give out on you if you didn’t hold onto him, so you held on for dear life.
“I couldn’t find anything. I came back because Lita helped me realize that my happiness is here. With you, the guys…with y/n.
You glanced up at the mentioning of your name.  
“Nothing back home outweighed what I have here... My mind was clouded by loss and sadness. I couldn’t think straight and completely lost myself in the company and dealt with grief the wrong way, but I promise, I’m getting help. I’m going into therapy, I’m going to be better.”  
Soobin scoffed. “Seeing is believing,” he states as he tugs on your arm.
“Let yourselves out. I’m not staying here to look at your faces.” he says as he pulls you with him
You stop in your tracks, your eyes darting from a lost looking Yeonjun to a broken looking Mia.
Leaving them in your apartment while you left felt odd, but you didn’t know what else to do at this point.
You lock eyes with Yeonjun and quickly avoid his stare, sadness washing over you as you see a tear spill from the corners of his eyes.  
“Let’s go y/n.”
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The halls of the massive Vila were completely empty.  
Yeonjun’s mother had left for a long day at Choi Enterprises a few hours ago. Leaving Lita on her own in the house.  
Lita’s heels were ticking on the marble tiled floor as she made her way through the endless halls.
Her stride slowed as she approached Daniel’s old home office, looking over her shoulder before she retrieved a key from her pocket to unlock the door.
She walked through, closing the door behind her, making her way to the bookcase in silence.
Her fingers grazed over the shelves, looking for the 13th book from the 9th shelf, Yeonjun’s birthday.
Lita pulled on the book and stepped back as the bookcase folded inwards automatically, revealing a staircase to a hidden bunker in the house.
She looked over her shoulder once again, calmly making her way down the hidden lair.
It was dusty and dark. The only things left in the room being an old desk, a computer, a phone, and some vaults.  
She waited patiently before the clock strikes 5.53 PM.
The old phone on the desk rang, just like they agreed on and she sighed contently, clearing her throat before she accepted the call.
“I did what you said. The boy isn’t a problem anymore. He went back to that college.” 
She took deep breath. Relaxing at the thought of Yeonjun no longer butting in to her business.  
“We can proceed with our plans, I still have people shadowing him just in case.” she says as she smiled to herself.
“It will all be ours soon honey. We’re closer than ever now.”
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Chapter 12
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binunus · 4 years
college bf!rocky
a/n next is our rock and aegyo king sorry sanha park minhyuk !! also I was going to post this yesterday :( but me and my roommates got a little too lit for valentine’s and I literally sat for 7 hours straight in zoom so I couldn’t finish it until now but !! I hope you loves enjoy!!
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ word count: 4.9k
alright aright alrightttt
we’re gonna switch it up a little bit
add a little flavor
because as much as I would love to say that college bf!astro all got their partners in a cute and smooth sailing way
we all know relationships aren’t that easy
but before we get into how you and rocky met
major: dance
are we surprised? no
rocky is a prodigy in dance
he’s been dancing since he could walk
he started choreographing at age 6
it just made sense for him, like even his parents were like go pursue dance, you’re not a law or business type of kid
he can master any type of dance from jazz, to ballet, to street, to contemporary, to tango, whatever you can think of
he’s roommates with music tech!jinjin
jin literally takes care of him all the time bc rocky??? when he comes back to the apt after dance practice?? dead weight
only passes his gen ed classes bc eunwoo tutors him
if it weren’t for the boys, rocky would literally live in the dance studio
they make sure to drag him out for fun and food at least once a week
or they join and keep him company while he’s practicing
have they gotten noise complaints before while messing around in the dance studio? yes
rocky is loud alright, especially when he’s with astro
he’s a perfectionist, literally will not leave the studio until he’s 100% satisfied with his progress
oh the amount of times myungjun and jin nag at him to take care of his health
now now
you’re also a dance major
people could say that you and rocky are the top two dancers of your year
gasp a rivals to lovers au??? you betcha baby
granted you switched into a dancer major your second year so rocky technically had seniority
but boom baby as soon as you made your appearance, it rocked his world
now im not saying rocky’s cocky bc obviously he’s a cute hardworking humble boy
but was he used to always being placed first in evaluations or getting the highest marks??? yeah
so the first time you placed first and he placed second??? it lit a bit of a fire in him
he’s seen a ton of good dancers in his time, but no one has ever matched his capabilities better than you
there was an unspoken rivalry between you two, everyone knew about it 
you both always wanted to upstage the other
there was always a tension whenever you two were in the same room
but like...have either of you ever really talked to each other besides side remarks in class?
and it didn’t really help that the whole dance department basically pit you up against each other to see who was really the best dancer of your year
so you and rocky never had the proper introduction to a friendship, it just went straight to rivalry 
and then came the announcements for the end of the year showcase
and instead of putting on a solo, the department chairs decided to have you and rocky perform a duet
and you’ve never worked with him before so you were dreading the first time you met up
you to your roommate: ugh i can’t believe im partnered up with rocky, that arrogant rude–
your roommate: have you ever even talked to him, y/n? he’s actually very nice
you: no...but that’s what he wants you to believe!
your ego sorta just went along with the whole thing
and rocky was 15 min late to your meeting bc he was out eating food with the guys so your patience?? very thin
literally as soon as he stepped into the dance studio, the air turned stuffy
rocky could feel you glaring at him and he just smirks?? 
rocky: did I make you wait long y/n?
you: yeah you did
he liked pushing your buttons?? idk he just felt satisfaction knowing that any small of action of his affected you that much
it made him feel like he was winning or whatever
and god it took literally forever for you two to decide on a song and genre of performance for the showcase
you wanted contemporary, he wanted ballet
you were literally disagreeing so much on it that you had to ask Siri to flip a coin
and then you fought and said that Siri was rigged when it chose tails (contemporary)
so you decided on a happy? mix of both
rocky at the end of your first meeting: i get that we’re not exactly friends, y/n, but we have to work together so let’s at least be professional
you: i can if you can
rocky: fine
you two literally bicker like five year olds on a playground
even the guys are like ???? why are you being so childish ???
you have 2 months of preparation until the showcase and you start meeting once a week for choreography and practice since given the assignment
you two are pretty civil for the most part, you make the contemporary parts and he makes the ballet parts and then you combine it when you meet up and see how it can incorporate and complement each other
there’s not much joking around ?? like you know how rocky’s a clown when he’s teaching astro choreography?? it’s not like that at all
and honestly you two are too caught up in your rivalry and tension to notice that your styles really match and highlight each other well??
there’s definitely a lot of “i could do this better than you” from both sides
i repeat: you are children
and then there’s this one practice where you and rocky are trying a pas de deux for the first time
(i literally looked this term up, it’s basically what jungkook and jimin from bts did during the 2020 mma black swan intro...if you haven’t seen it, watch it bc it is perfection mmm chefs kiss)
and you don’t know if it’s because you didn’t have enough momentum or rocky didn’t prep himself enough for the lift but he ends up dropping you and you both fall
and you both immediately start blaming each other for the mishap
until you lift your hand to point at him and it just hurts
it’s like a switch goes off, rocky’s immediately concerned and he’s like gently taking your hand like: holy shit are you okay??
you shake your head and you’re wincing whenever you try to move it
you: ow fuck rocky, I think it’s sprained
and he suddenly feels so guilty, like he goes silent
you: can we stop for today? I’m gonna go get this checked out, make sure it’s not broken
rocky: do you want me to go with you?
you: no. I’ll see you next week.
boy he feels so bad, he texts you throughout the course of the following week asking if you’re okay, asking your roommate if you’re okay, telling you he’s sorry that he dropped you
you didn’t respond much, not bc you felt weird texting him–well, you did a little bit shhh–but bc you were beating yourself up for getting injured a month before the showcase
you show up to practice the next week with your wrist in a compression bandage
and he doesn’t greet you with a quip like he usually does, he immediately grabs your wrist (gently) and he’s like inspecting the bandage
you: uh...the doctor said I should be careful with it for a week or two if i want it to heal faster. so don’t bitch at me if i’m not going all out
rocky: y/n...i’m so sorry...I didn’t mean to injure you, it was my fault that we didn’t execute the pas de deux
you just shrug: it was both our faults...if I didn’t fall on my wrist maybe we could have avoided this little obstacle
rocky: if I caught you correctly, you wouldn’t have even fallen
you: are we really arguing right now about this??
and then the two of you just laugh??? 
this is the first real pleasant interaction you’ve had with him
and you notice like wow rocky had a nice smile
you: i should be back to normal before the showcase so we should be fine
rocky: don’t push it though while we’re practicing alright? if your wrist starts hurting then stop, and don’t even think about doing any floor choreo
the atmosphere between you and rocky change after that
he becomes pretty concerned about your recovery–and maybe it’s bc he still blames himself for the cause of it
each night before your set practice days, he always shoots you a text asking how you’re feeling and how your wrist is doing
he brings ice packs, painkillers, and extra bandages during your practices just in case you need it
and you’re actually pretty touched by his concern
about two weeks before the showcase, your wrist is back to full movement and you’re like excited to actually practice to your best ability
from now on you see each other twice a week, just to get that detail and fine-tuning perfected
rocky’s still a bit hesitant to have you go full out but you reassure him that you’re fine
you both try the pas de deux again the day you take your bandage off 
and you can see that he’s nervous to try it
you: rocky, i’m fully healed now. we haven’t practiced this move since the first time and we need it in our routine
rocky: but...y/n, what if I drop you again??
you: you won’t...i trust you 
and you really did, that move requires a lot of trust between partners and you know? maybe it didn’t work out the first time because of the lack of trust between you two
and so you go through the full routine and rocky was holding his breath when that part of the choreography came up but you both successfully did it!! and it was a beautiful move
he was so excited at the end of the run through that he hugged you
and you were smiling too bc this was the first time you did a full run through without any stops in between
you both don’t even notice that all the hostility is gone??
and the tension suddenly changed from hatred to...dare I say it...sexual
oo baby the day of the showcase you two were hella nervous 
but c’mon you and rocky were the best of the best so ofc you absolutely killed the performance
your energies literally merged as soon as the music started
every move was flawless
and you both had to face each other during your ending pose and you were just like looking at him like ??? wtf ??? did you maybe wanna kiss him??
and you know the look that rocky has in his eyes when he’s dancing
imagine that literally piercing into your soul
you got the shivers waiting for the lights to dim 
you both received a standing ovation after your duet obviously
astro watching it bc they always support rocky: they’re gonna fuck 100%
fast forward to the next term bc you both didn’t really have a reason to contact each other during summer break now that the showcase was done
you and rocky had two classes together, dance research and advanced modern technique
it was then that you started to see his actual personality and how goofy of a person he was
you still had a rivalry of course, but now it was healthy
instead of trying to bring each other down, you both started motivating each other to do better
and yes you’ve always been impressed with how good of a dancer rocky was (and vice versa), but now whenever you saw him practice you start to feel a little bit of stir in your stomach and shit are you blushing??
and then you two get paired up again for your midterm evaluation
your teacher: i saw the chemistry you had for the showcase last term, i think you two would work well together for this project
and god is your teacher trying to murder you??? the theme of this midterm was “couple dance” to encourage collaboration or whatever
you were just thankful that the song choice she gave you was more upbeat and not sensual bc you know for a fact that you would not survive doing a sexy dance routine with rocky
but that didn’t stop the way your skin felt like it was on fire whenever he touched you for partner-dependent moves
this time around, you did the choreography process together and it was actually pretty fun??
you and him would bounce back ideas and joke around whenever something looked stupid
you and rocky did this by the way for reference
and then there was one late night when you two were practicing
it was around 2 am, no one else was in the music building and you both didn’t have class the next day so you two were just like fuck it let’s just practice until campus security kicks us out or whatever
you both were literally dancing for four hours, not just this new routine but old ones and freestyles as well
and then you were doing your new routine and during the part where he had to twirl and dip you, you both fall again
but no one got injured this time luckily
and you both just burst out laughing, maybe you were a little delirious at this point in the night
you: i can’t believe you dropped me again
rocky’s laughing and you both just look at each other, and he’s hovering above you right???
and your heart is beating so loudly in your chest you’re positive he can hear it
and you’re thankful that your face was already hot from dancing so that he couldn’t tell that you were in fact blushing
rocky’s like looking at you for a good minute or so and he’s just like thinking in his head: have you always been this cute?
and maybe it’s bc you guys have been getting along so well lately and the vibes are??? immaculate
but the atmosphere suddenly gets super thick and he !! just !! leans down !! and !! kisses !! you !!
and phew baby you bet that you immediately respond to it
you’re literally making out on the floor for like five minutes
and mind you, five minutes is a long time
until rocky’s phone rings loudly through the speaker and you both suddenly separate
he scurries to his phone and you sit up trying to compose yourself 
jinjin: park minhyuk where are you?! it’s 3 am!!
you literally hear jinjin scolding rocky through the phone and you laugh a little bc it’s so cute how he’s getting nagged right now
rocky: hyung...im practicing...
jinjin: do i need to drag you out of there?! i’ll literally call bin to carry your ass to our apartment! how long have you been practicing huh?? have you eaten dinner at all??
rocky: okay okay I’ll come back home
he turns to you after ending the call and he’s so !! shy !!
rocky: I guess that’s the end of our practice haha...do you want me to walk you back to your place?? it’s pretty late out
you: yeah that’d be nice...hm you sure your hyung’s not gonna call a search party for you??
you’re teasing him and he just pouts
rocky: i’ll be fine
rocky walks you back to your apartment and it’s a little?? awkward?? 
but before you bid him goodbye he’s like: uh...the kiss earlier...sorry if I surprised you
your cheeks are hot again: it’s um...it’s okay, I didn’t mind it...it was actually pretty nice...I guess...
and rocky’s heart skips a beat and now he’s blushing: yeah...it was...i’ll see you in class then??
you: yeah, i’ll see you. text me when you get home okay?
he nods and waits until you’re safely inside and then he just starts grumbling to himself
rocky: i’ll see you in class?? could i say anything more stupid??? 
rocky’s adorable okay
him texting you when he gets back: im home :)
you: that’s good! good night rocky :)
he goes to the guys the day after like: i have a predicament !! me and y/n kissed !! 
jinjin: that’s why you were late last night??
eunwoo: you dirty dog, doing it in the dance studio??
rocky: we didn’t do anything else hyung !!
bin: so did you ask them out??
rocky: no...i said...i’ll see you in class
myungjun: i’ll see you in class?!?! are you an idiot??
sanha: hyung even I’d ask y/n out after that
rocky: i know !! im dumb okay!! help me
sanha: you’re a lost case sorry
jinjin: why don’t you start with, hey y/n do you wanna get some food with me??
rocky: AHHHH
yes he does want to ask you out, yes he does want to kiss you again more than he’d like to admit, but he’s shy
you’re not faring any better, you and roommate were literally talking about it all weekend
the next time you see rocky (in class), you two are awkward as fuck
you both keep stealing glances at each other and then if one of you get caught, you both immediately look away
those 50 minutes of class could not go by any slower
and you were so ready to book it after the professor dismissed you but then you hear rocky call your name
rocky: hey y/n, are you free right now?
you: uh yeah! why what’s up
rocky: do you...um...wanna get some coffee with me?? or food or something??
you: do you mean like just to hang out or...uh like a date?
rocky: a date...if you want it to be
and cue the blushies again
you and rocky end up going to this cute cafe and get smoothies bc neither of you were feeling caffeine at the moment
and the whole time you two are just ??? so cute and shy and awkward with each other ???
which is such a contrast from how you two would dance together
rocky’s so sweet, really the cutest boy
gives you so many butterflies
the two of you end up going on little cafe dates before practice 
and you’re all cute and wholesome
and then he turns all passionate and dominant when you start dancing
like wow alright rocky giving you whiplash or whatever
when you show the routine for your midterm, the teacher and other students give you both high praises 
and he’s all giddy after class and he goes up to you: i think its safe to say that we have really good chemistry when we work together, don’t you think?
you’re smiling hehe but you wanna mess with him a little: hmm i think we’re alright, but who knows, i might mesh well with someone else
and then he’s all frowny, a little jealous: what do you mean someone else? do you make out with someone who just has alright chemistry with you??
your eyes go wide and you put your hand over his mouth: im kidding!!
rocky just smirks at your embarrassed reaction and he like tickles your sides
and then he just grabs your hand like: don’t find another dance partner y/n, just be mine
how could you say no to that??? especially when rocky’s just looking all handsome and charming and shit??? exactly. you can’t and why would you ever say no in the first place??
you and rocky dating?? biiiig news in the dance department
and even outside of it
bc lowkey rocky had a bit of a fanclub bc of how good he is at dancing, are we shocked? no
the boys are so happy for him !!
you meet his friends literally the day the two of you start dating
and you’re a bit nervous meeting them bc ofc you want them to like you, they’re his friends
but they’re so sweet...and headass
when rocky brings you to their dinner, the five of them literally start applauding at your entrance
you were so confused and rocky’s just out here with second hand embarrassment
he’s the cutest boyfriend
shy with pda in public (unless you’re dancing), most he’ll do is hold your hand
but in private he’s very clingy
loves backhugging you
he also tickles you when he wants to be a little shit
which is 50% of the time
very playful bf, will tease you at least once every day
if you two are just practicing dancing, he’ll make any sort of excuse to hold you or kiss you
asddfadsjf he’s so cute
gets very soft at night especially when you two are worn out from practice
just wants to go back to your (or his) apartment and cuddle and sleep
imagine just you two cuddling in bed after hours of dancing and he’s just spooning you and he mumbles tiredly into your shoulder: you’re amazing y/n...you’re one of the best dancers i’ve ever seen
and before, his pride would have never allowed him to say that, but now it can
not really one for pet names in my opinion, but he does call you “my y/n”
after you two start dating, you begin to call him by his real name, minhyuk
or you say hyukie
he lowkey loves it when you call him that, it’s so endearing
the guys teasing him, cooing at rocky all gross like : heyyy hyukkie
then rocky just like crosses his arms: only y/n can call me hyukie
he didn’t realize he loves couple dances so much until you and him are dating
well he only loves it because you’re his partner ofc
alright hear me out !! slow dancing with rocky
slow !! dancing !! with !! rocky !!
he dims the lights in the dance studio until it’s just a single spotlight and some slow romantic music comes on and he just grabs you by the hand and twirls you once before pulling you close and you’re just swaying side to side
and then he presses your foreheads together and he’s just looking into your eyes and gives you the softest smile
!!! im freaking out!! i want this so bad !!
that’s how the first i love you comes out
surprise, you say it first
okay but like in the moment, the atmosphere is literally so perfect, and you can just see how much he treasures you and you always feel butterflies whenever he does this, but there was just something that night that made you say it
like your chest was constricting so hard and you were thinking to yourself, i love this man
and so you just said it
and omg the smile on rocky’s face just widens and he kisses you so sweetly before he says it back
loves kissing you, your lips are like a drug to him
can literally make out with you for hours
has pushed you against the walls of the practice room just for a little make out session
ahhh here we go ladies and gents
sex !! with !! rocky !!
first and foremost, dance studio sex??? yes
especially if it’s just you two late night practicing like the first time you kissed?
mirror kink? maybe so
and bc y’all are ~flexible~, you bet he likes bending your back like a pretzel
he’s a very passionate lover, your pleasure is his #1 priority
loves foreplay just as much as the main event
but oof his hips?? grrrrr bark bark ram me over with a truck
his stroke game is so good
literally knows how to fuck you in all the right places
and his stamina??? god tier, can go at it for hours on end
into edging and overstimulation, oof you bet you’re cumming at least twice during every session
i cannot stress this enough!! thigh riding
you know he has thighs of steel
will make you cum just from riding his thigh
most of the time you guys start off slow and sweet, and then just boom it turns it hard sex
will definitely get turned on from doing a sexy dance routine
the amount of times he’s wanted to just fuck you in the middle of class bc you turned him on?? but ofc he has public decency he won’t do that
he knows you get turned on from his fingers oops
anal or vaginal fingering?? he’s all for it baby
he’s loud during sex, all the grunting, huffing, growling, oo im getting chills
not afraid to tell you how good you’re making him feel
not really into spanking, but he grips a lot, like his fingernails have definitely left some deep imprints in your hips or your ass
hair pulling?? yes, both sides receiving
okay but if you call him rocky during sex? big turn on
i can’t explain why, it just is
favorite position?? cowgirl
he loves when you’re on top of him
yes he likes seeing you try to fuck yourself on him
and then when he can’t take it anymore and just grabs your hips and thrusts up into you until your body literally collapses on him
he always tries to make you cum first but oops sometimes baby just busts a nut
yes you will probably tease him about it and then he’ll just shut you up by kissing you 
on another note, no way to turn rocky on faster than sucking on his bottom lip when you’re kissing
will cuddle you after cumming, like he doesn’t care if either of you are sweaty or messy, he’s hugging you for at least five minutes
honestly becomes a baby after sex so it’s more like you’re giving him after care sksksk
the switch he makes from being a sex fiend to a clingy cuddly boy? whiplash
like you need to go to the bathroom to pee or something and he’s like: but...i wanna hug u
i would risk it all for rocky yes
anyway after graduating, rocky becomes a choreographer for this really famous dance studio and get recruited to join a highly-competitive dance troupe
you both do long distance for a little bit bc obviously he’s back home but you have to travel with your group for competitions, sometimes even internationally
and so that caused some strain in your relationship bc distance sucks, but you would always make sure to call him every night before going to bed and despite any time zone difference, he would always answer
your biggest supporter !! literally flew out to surprise you during a big dance competition in london or whatever and you cried happy tears bc was he really there right now??
that’s when you knew that he was the one :’)
you spent the night w him in his hotel room and after a good couple rounds of reunion sex, you were like trying to test the waters a little bit: i missed you hyukie
rocky: i missed you too, but now that you’re here with me, nothing else matters
you: what do you really think about this long distance thing??
rocky: it sucks...but i know it made us stronger. i feel like we can get through anything now
you: yeah, i agree
rocky getting paranoid: omg why? are you thinking of living abroad?? y/n, do i need to start looking at dance studios out here??
you have to hold in your laughter bc he’s so cute: why? would you move out of the county for me if i wanted to??
rocky: i mean...if you’re thinking of leaving for good...then yeah.
he gets so shy and quiet and you’re just !! wow you love him !! he’s yours !!
you kiss him shortly and you smile: no, i’m not gonna live abroad. I miss being home and I miss seeing you all the time. I told you before, I’m thinking of leaving the troupe in two months and then gonna find a job back home for good.
he lets out a sigh of relief: you scared me a little
you just laugh: I only wanted to confirm something and hmm I was right
rocky: what did you wanna confirm??
you being a confident baddie: that I wanna be with you for the rest of my life
rocky feeling his heart implode: you mean it??
you scoffing: why would I be lying about this?
he just laughs and kisses you: I wanna be with you too...I’ve been thinking it since the last time you visited. How much I love you and how much I hated seeing you leave for who knows how long, but I didn’t wanna say anything bc you’re still living your life and I didn’t want a promise like this to influence you to come back if you didn’t want to yet.
two months later you’re back for good and move in with rocky
you end up becoming a choreographer at his dance studio too
you and rocky: the couple™
and you live happily ever after
somewhere down the line...
sanha: hey remember when you two hated each other?
eunwoo: remember when you injured y/n??
bin: remember when you freaked out to us about your first kiss together
myungjun: and you said i’LL sEe yOu iN cLaSs
jinjin: those were fun times, right hyukie?
rocky: i hate you all
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
we’re just like kevin bacon!
prompt: for @bricksatanakinswindow​ ‘s halloween writing challenge! this was initially inspired by "mortal enemies accidentally showing up in matching costumes every fucking year" but once i started writing it kind of snowballed from there and i ended up with this lmao
ship: jj maybank x fem!reader
word count: 4.6k+ (i think this is the shortest thing i’ve ever written lol)
warnings n stuff: childhood enemies to lovers, swearing, mention of underage drinking, halloween shenanigans, makin' out, smut (not too explicit but i still think it's spicy enough to need an 18+ warning), jj and the reader being cute lil nerds and quoting movies back and forth, the author blatantly using some of her personal favorite movies/shows as inspiration for costumes, the author also making her opinions on ghostbusters clear (instead of the human trash can peter venkman, stan the adorable dork known as ray stantz for clear skin)
a/n: this was hella fun to write and i already have so many more halloween fic ideas bouncing around in my head (it's spoopy season, y'all!). title of this fic comes from guardians of the galaxy 😊
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Of three things in life you were certain.
One, you loved Halloween more than any other holiday of the year; after all, you and your twin brother Mason were born just after one AM on October 31st so you could say a penchant for all things spooky was in your blood.
Two, Sarah Cameron was your best friend. Being neighbors your whole lives, the two of you were thick as thieves and spent almost every day together, much to the annoyance of both your brother and hers; as much as you loved Mason, sometimes you wished Sarah was your twin instead of him and you knew without question the blonde girl would trade Rafe for you in a heartbeat (with little to no guilt, in fact.). 
And three, you absolutely hated JJ Maybank. You'd been at the top of each other's shit lists ever since you were both six years old, when he made fun of you for the stutter you'd had back then and you dumped a full milkshake over his head as payback, and even as time passed and you grew out of your stutter, your disdain for the blond pogue only grew stronger. He was infuriating, plain and simple, and the mere mention of his name made steam come out of your ears. 
The boy was just good at being annoying and seemed to love pushing everyone's buttons, yours especially, and always found ways to get under your skin without fail every single time your paths crossed (which was way too often for your liking, but running in the same friend group made it hard to avoid each other). It became an unspoken thing, the great Y/L/N-Maybank feud, with both of you trying your hardest to piss the other off until one of your mutual friends or your brother broke it up and pulled you to opposite corners of the metaphorical ring to take a breather before the next round.
You'd never admit it but deep down you kind of liked it. You liked being at the center of his attention (granted, it was antagonistic in nature but it was attention all the same), his bright blue eyes following your every move whenever you were within his sights and you liked that you were in his thoughts even when you weren't around, a fact proven to you by the tiny notebook Kiara carried around in her pocket recording how many times he mentioned your name. Knowing you lived rent free in his mind brought you an embarrassingly high level of satisfaction that you'd absolutely deny feeling if anyone ever asked, just as you'd deny the fact that he lived rent free in your mind, too.
...At least for most of the year. Everyone, including JJ, knew that to you Halloween was a damn-near sacred time. He knew never to mess with you during the weeks leading up to the holiday and definitely never on the day itself, lest he want yet another milkshake dumped over his blond head. He knew that, the whole damn island knew he did and yet...somehow, some way, he managed to get your blood boiling every. single. year. And you, like a masochistic idiot, let him. 
It all started when you were twelve.
You, Mason, and your friends were finally old enough to go to the annual youth party held on the sprawling lawn of the Island Club, an event you'd been looking forward to attending every Halloween since you were eight. Of course, you were excited for the dancing and games and food but the thing you couldn't wait the most for was the costume contest, a chance to show off your skills and prove to everyone on the island that Y/N Y/L/N was the undisputed queen of Halloween.
So what if your hopes were a little too high (considering you were only twelve and going up against kids ranging from your age to fifteen), you were still gonna give it your all; you spent weeks perfecting not only your costume but your brother's as well with your mom, helping her cut fabric and sew zippers, styling wigs and painting props until everything was perfect. 
"Oh my God, Y/N!" Sarah, dressed as Cinderella, yelled from the passenger seat of her dad's SUV when they swung by to pick you up. "You look amazing!"
"So do you!" You said, slipping into the back seat in between a miserable-looking Rafe as Sarah Sanderson ("I lost a bet," he explained with a scowl) and Mason, holding your mini R2-D2 on your lap. Was it kind of cheesy, dressing up as the most iconic twins in movie history? Probably, but you really didn't care because Leia Organa was a total boss bitch and Mason was practically over the moon that he got to be his ultimate silver screen hero and swing around his very own lightsaber as Luke Skywalker.
"The Force is strong with you two." Ward joked, earning an eye roll from both of his children as he drove to the Island Club to drop you off. Rafe immediately disappeared into the crowd to meet up with Topper and Kelce and the three of you went off to find your own friends, skirting around the edge of the party toward the snack tables, also known as the most likely place for them to be.  
You spotted Kiara first, looking like an actual princess in her Tiana costume and waved, smiling when she waved back and beckoned you over as she said something to Pope, dressed as Albert Einstein, that made him start laughing hysterically.
"What's so funny?" You asked, reaching between them to grab two handfuls of pretzels and immediately dropping one into your brother's outstretched palm, careful to keep the sleeve of your white dress away from the bright orange-iced cupcakes on the table. 
The two of them exchanged a look that instantly made you realize something was Up™ but before either of them could answer, Mason asked around a mouthful of pretzels, "Where're Tweedledee and Tweedledum?"
"J, why didn't we think of that?" John B's voice came from somewhere over your shoulder and when you turned to face him, you nearly dropped both the droid cradled in the crook of your elbow and the snacks in your hand. Not because of John B and his hilarious Chewbacca costume but because of the fact that JJ Maybank, the one person you hated the most on the whole entire island, was dressed as Han freakin' Solo. 
"Yikes." Someone muttered behind you -it sounded like Sarah but you weren't really sure- and Mason nearly choked on his pretzels as he tried and failed miserably to keep himself from laughing. 
"You've gotta be kidding me." You huffed, rolling your eyes as JJ crossed his arms and glared in your direction, blaster hanging from the holster on his hip.
"Listen, Princess, I'm not too happy about this, either."
"Oh, shut up, you nerfherder."
"Who you calling-" Mason and John B cut in and pulled you both in opposite directions before either of you could turn it into a shouting match, your brother physically grabbing you around the waist and carrying you off while the latter caught the back of JJ's vest and dragged him away. Despite their best efforts to keep you apart, you ran into each other more times than you could count and spent a minute or two squabbling like cats and dogs each time until one of them intervened once again. It was childish, it was immature, and it was fun, even though you'd never, ever admit it. Ever.
You didn't win the costume contest that year in the way you'd imagined at all. Still, first place in the group category was a win in your book and it felt good, even if one of the members of your unintentional Star Wars posse was someone who tested every bit of patience you had. The four of you split the cash prize and you went home 25 bucks richer, stashing it away for next year's costume and pushing the thought of accidentally matching with your mortal enemy from your mind. 
You had no idea this thing was only just beginning.
The next year, you let Sarah and Kiara convince you to match with them and the three of you rolled up to the party as the Pink Ladies -you as Rizzo, Sarah as Sandy, Kiara as Frenchy- only to run right into the boys, your brother included, dressed as the T-Birds. John B, perfectly in character as Danny, immediately whisked Sarah off to dance while Pope, the most adorably awkward Doody you'd ever seen, went to grab some snacks with Kiara, leaving you stuck with the bane of your existence as, of course, fucking Kenickie (Mason, as Sonny, dipped sometime before then without you noticing). The two of you spent the whole evening glaring at each other and hurling insults back and forth at breakneck speed, more in character than either of you'd ever want to acknowledge and for the second year in a row, you won first place in the group costume category.
At fourteen, you went as Princess Buttercup and JJ showed up as Westley, fake sword in hand as he followed you around all night like an annoying fly, sarcastically drawling "as you wish" every time you so much as glanced in his direction. Your brother, dressed as Inigo Montoya, nearly pissed himself laughing and you wanted to snatch both of their prop swords and shove them up their asses. You came in first again in the group costume contest and begrudgingly split the prize three ways. 
At fifteen, you worked hard on a Dr. Ellie Sattler costume from Jurassic Park, he strolled in as a disheveled Dr. Alan Grant with mud splattered boots and tattered clothes, and you really regretted not taking the offer to be the Tai to Sarah's Cher and Kiara's Dionne. Once again, Mason laughed so hard his face turned red and you were tempted to grab the sword he was holding and beat him over the head with it, not just for laughing at you but also for the completely atrocious Jack Sparrow costume he wore. To your absolute horror, you and JJ won the contest in the duo category and you wanted to melt into the ground when they called you onto the makeshift stage to collect your reward. 
When you were sixteen, you and your friends "graduated" to the party held for the older teens inside the club itself. With costume rules a little more lax than they were for the younger kids, you decided to go as (an only slightly sexy) Janine Melnitz, complete with a prop telephone you answered every so often with a loud "Ghostbusters, whaddya want?!" much to the embarrassment of Mason, who was once again dressed as Luke Skywalker, this time in the fatigues he wore while training on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back.
You strutted into the party in your heels and pencil skirt only to nearly fall flat on your face when you caught sight of JJ in a terrible black wig and glasses, proton pack strapped to his back and 'Spengler' printed on the front of his jumpsuit. Your brother winced when you all but screeched "Again?!" right into his ear and grabbed your elbow, dragging you over to an empty table and depositing you into an open chair.
"There's no way this is a coincidence anymore! He could've picked Venkman, with all the womanizing and lowkey being a creep and thinking he's God's gift to mankind? It would've been the perfect choice! He's not nearly adorable or dorky enough to be Stantz or sassy enough to be Winston-"
"Jesus, you have a lot of feelings about Ghostbusters," Mason muttered, rolling his eyes when you shot him a withering glare.
"Shut up! Listen to me, there's no way in hell Maybank randomly decided to be, out of alllll the 'Busters, Egon fuckin' Spengler, okay? He had to have somehow known I was coming as Janine and did it just to piss me off!"
Your brother heaved a deep, heavy sigh that made you want to smack him and fixed you with a deadpan stare. "Or, have you pulled your head out of your own ass long enough to think that maybe you're just becoming...predictable?"
You really did smack him then, hard on his exposed shoulder and he yelped, scowling as he rubbed at the red mark you left behind. "Ow! What the hell, bitch?!"
"Don't you dare call me predictable, you dickhead! I pride myself on my costumes being very unique and unexpected -you know, out of the box!"
"Hate to break it to you but they're not really out of the box if Maybank shows up in a matching one every single year." He said with an infuriating, shit-eating grin, patting your shoulder before straightening the plush Yoda strapped to his back. "I'm gonna go get some food, wanna come with?"
Still miffed at his comment, you shoved his arm away and glanced down at your lap, ignoring your brother's sassy "your loss" as he headed toward the snack tables. Not even a minute passed by before his empty seat was taken and you groaned when you looked up to see who it was, your eyes meeting a pair of bright blues behind tacky, oversized glasses. 
"Hi, Janine."
The two of you sat in silence after that, watching the dancing crowd under the flashing neon lights and sparkling disco ball until you saw him turn to face you out of the corner of your eye.
"Why Janine?" 
"Huh?" You turned to face him, too, one eyebrow raised in a perfect arch as he gestured toward your costume.
"Why did you dress up as Janine, Y/L/N?"
"I've always liked her sassiness and 'I like to play racquetball.'" You offered a casual shrug of your shoulders and carefully stuck a finger under your wig to scratch an annoying itch above your ear. "Why'd you pick Egon, Maybank?"
"He's my favorite." He answered simply with his own shrug, shooting you a genuine, real smile that you, for who knows what reason, found yourself returning without a second thought. "Smart, hilarious -plus, 'I like to collect spores, mold, and fungus.'"
For the first time in your life, your eyes rolled out of amusement and not annoyance at something that JJ Maybank said and, to your complete surprise, it kind of felt...right. "Really? I'd have pegged you for a Venkman stan."
"Are you kidding? He's the worst!" 
Never in your wildest dreams did you ever think you'd sit across from your hated enemy, not only having a civil -hell, downright enjoyable- conversation but actually smiling right along with him, laughing at his jokes and doing your best to ignore the sudden flutter in your stomach each time you caught sight of his slightly crooked teeth when he grinned. You didn't even notice when your brother returned with Kiara, dressed as Moana, at his side and two heaping plates of snacks in his hands until his chair scraped gratingly across the hardwood floor. 
"Kie, are you seeing this? Pigs must be flying 'cause they're actually smiling at each other." Mason said, cackling as Kiara turned to squint out the window.
"Yeah, I think I see one or two soaring around out there." She giggled and sent a mischievous wink in your direction. With your face feeling like it was on fire, you flipped them both the bird and took off, disappearing into the crowd and leaving all your traitorous, confusing thoughts about JJ behind with the boy himself; it was Rafe's last party at the Club and he owed you a dance anyway, but even as your best friend's older brother, cute as hell in his Thor costume, playfully twirled you around the floor to the Ghostbusters theme song, you felt more than your partner's blue eyes on you.
To no one's surprise, you and JJ won the duo category for the second year in a row and when you joined him onstage to collect your prize and didn't feel like you'd rather die than be up there by his side, you suddenly realized you were only certain about two things in life instead of three. 
At seventeen, you were confident you and JJ wouldn't be matching for once (after last year, though, you were kind of thinking it wouldn't be that bad of a thing). You'd gone cult classic for your costume, pulling inspiration from your mom's favorite move, 1999's The Mummy, and put together a screen-accurate Evelyn Carnahan in her iconic black dress, including a handmade Book of the Dead and matching key. You blackmailed Mason with pictures of him, drunk as a skunk and dressed in your Janine costume from the previous year, and got him to go as Jonathan, complete with a pith helmet and prop bottle of The Glenlivet.  
But, as always, JJ managed to surprise you. You literally ran right into his chest and if it wasn't for his arms instantly wrapping tight around your waist, you would've bit it hard.
"Whoa, careful there," He said, one hand keeping you close while the other moved to help you hold the book in your arms. "'The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you wanna be messing around with this thing?'"
Of course he'd make the perfect Rick O'Connell, you thought as you playfully raised one eyebrow and curled your fingers around the strap of the gun holster draped over his shoulder. "'It's just a book. No harm ever came from reading a book.'"
Mason was a little too in character as well as he dramatically rolled his eyes and wandered off, muttering "puh-lease" under his breath and shooting Sarah a conspiratorial wink that you didn't see. The blonde girl glanced between the two of you -arms still around each other and identical smiles on your faces- and grinned. The party flew by in a blur of movie quotes, laughs, and more dances than you could count and by the time you made it home, 50 bucks in the pocket of your dress and another group costume win under your belt, you were almost positive you never actually hated JJ Maybank in the first place.
Now at eighteen, you pulled out all the stops for your last party at the Island Club. You'd spent the last few months slaving over your costume, sewing custom pieces, hand-crafting your prop, and spending way too much money on body makeup and a wig but when you saw the final product in the mirror, you knew it was all worth it. You were ready to slay the competition this year and take home first place for the final time.
Mason, indifferent as always about the contest but willing to do anything to keep those pictures from seeing the light of day, didn't protest one bit when you forced him into the matching costume you'd made for him -in typical Mason fashion, he liked that he didn't have to wear a shirt and could show off his muscles- and spent a few hours perfecting his makeup.
You felt on top of the world when you walked into the party that night as Gamora, a replica of her Godslayer sword in hand and skin painted a perfect shade of green, followed by your brother as Drax, already flexing for anyone and everyone looking his way. The rest of your friends came to win as well: John B and Sarah as Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, Kiara as Eleven, Pope as T'Challa, and, of course, JJ as Peter Quill, Baby Groot perched on his shoulder and twin blasters at his hips. 
"Lookin' good, Gamora!" He called over the music, shimmying his way over to you with some dance moves that would impress Star-Lord himself.
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Quill." You replied in a sing-song voice, even as you took his outstretched hand and let him pull you into the crowd of bodies hopping up and down to some terrible EDM beat under the twirling disco ball.
"It got you out here with me, didn't it?"
You rolled your eyes and hooked the sword to your belt before stepping closer and draping your arms around his neck, twirling your painted fingers in his hair. "Just remember, 'I know who you are, Peter Quill. And I'm not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your pelvic sorcery.'"
You should've known you spoke too soon the second you saw the spark in JJ's eyes that all but screamed 'wanna bet?'
And that's how you found yourself in the middle of the single hottest make out session you'd ever had the pleasure of participating in an hour later: back pressed against the locked door of someone's deserted office, legs wrapped tight around his waist and his hands hooked under your ass, both your sword and his blasters abandoned on the floor at his feet, and he was either a sinfully good kisser or trying really, really hard to blow your mind.  
"I'm not gonna end up green after this, am I?" He mumbled against your mouth before trailing his lips along your jaw and you breathed a laugh, tightening your grip on his hair.
"This is professional makeup, dumbass. It's gonna take more than some kissing to smudge it."
"I'm down for some smudging if you are." 
You pulled him back for another kiss in response and gasped into his mouth when he walked across the room, one strong arm reaching out to sweep whatever was on the desk to the floor before setting you down on it.
"Confident, are we?" 
JJ smirked at your breathless question and the way you hooked your ankles around the backs of his thighs to pull him closer. "So is that a yes to the smudging?"
"Just shut up and kiss me." 
He did -very well, you might add- and you kissed him back, untangling your hands from his hair to slide them under his jacket instead; you helped him push it off his shoulders and it had barely hit the ground along with poor Baby Groot before your fingers were tugging his shirt from the waistband of his pants.  
"Someone's impatient." He teased, leaning back just far enough to let you pull it over his head and toss it somewhere behind you.
"Someone doesn't know how to stop talking." You whispered your reply low in his ear and then trailed your lips down his neck, smiling in satisfaction at the tremble in his voice when you kissed the purple mark you'd left behind earlier.
"N-never was very good at that." 
"'You should've learned.'"
"'I don't learn, it's one of my issues.'"
One of his hands gripped your wig, pulling your head back a little roughly -you'd have so been into that if it had been your real hair he pulled- and you winced at the way the bobby pins holding it it place tugged painfully at your roots. "Ow, not so hard!"
"Wait, what the fuck? I thought you were wearing a wig!" 
"I am but it's still pinned to my actual hair!"
"Sorry, but how the hell was I supposed to know that?"
The sight of JJ's face slowly turning red made the butterflies in your stomach go haywire and so you just shook your head, mumbling "don't worry about it," before pressing your lips to his once again. He was gentler this time with the pulling and you dug your nails into his bare shoulders at the thrill of his mouth against the exposed column of your throat, leaning back further and further until you laid flat on the desk.
His fingers had just unbuttoned your pants when your phone started to ring from your pocket, blaring the Star Wars theme you had set as your twin's ringtone. 
"Mason's timing is impeccable," JJ said sarcastically, chuckling as you clamped a palm over his mouth and answered the call.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Jesus, no need to be pissy!" Mason loudly replied over the applause crackling through the phone's speaker. "I just thought you'd like to know that we just won best group costume with Maybank. Again." 
The blond winked at the mention of his last name and pulled your hand away from his mouth, pinning it to the desk beside you with one of his while the other started tugging your pants down over your hips.
"Oh, that's cool, Mase-" You inhaled sharply when his lips touched the edge of your underwear, so close to where you wanted him most but at the same time so far away, and your fingers held your phone in a white-knuckled grip. "But I-I'm kind of in the middle of doing someone -something!- right now."
"Smooth," JJ said, not even trying to be quiet as he released your pinned hand to finish pulling your boots off, along with your tight leather pants that he casually tossed aside. "And I knew you weren't green under these!" 
Your laugh quickly turned into a gasp when his fingers hooked under your panties and pulled those off, too, and the touch of his tongue against the skin of your inner thigh sent white-hot lightning racing through your veins; the phone slipped from your grip, falling with a clunk onto the desk as your fingers tangled in his hair and he lifted one of your knees over his shoulder.
"Okay, I'm hanging up now! I already know you're getting laid but I don't need to hear it." Mason's loud grumble drifted up through the speaker and if you weren't so preoccupied with the boy between your thighs doing some downright wicked things to you with his mouth, you might've noticed that your brother didn't actually sound that grumpy before he ended the call and your phone's screen went dark, right as you lost control of your voice.
"Fuck me."
"Funny, I thought that's what I was doing?" You felt more than heard his response against you and a shiver ran down your spine when his bright blue eyes flicked up to met yours in the dim light of the office.
"You know what I meant, Maybank."
"Trust me, Y/L/N, I know. Question is: where do you want me?"
You tugged on his hair, grinning wolfishly at the way his eyes fluttered closed and a low moan rose from his throat. "Everywhere in this damn room, starting right here."
"I was hoping you’d say that.”
- Back at the party, Mason looked up and met Sarah's gaze, both of her eyebrows raised expectantly as she asked, "Well?"
He took his time slipping his phone back into his pocket before giving her a quick nod, grinning triumphantly when she immediately burst into gleeful giggles.  
"Yes! I just knew they had a thing for each other! Mortal enemies, my ass."
"I think that was the very first time in my sister's life that she didn't give a shit about the contest." Mason said and reached over to snag a cookie from her plate, chuckling when she pushed his hand away from the chocolate chip ones and toward the peanut butter. "We couldn't have pulled this off without you. I mean, making sure they showed up in matching costumes every year? Genius, Sarah. Absolutely genius." 
The blonde girl grabbed her own cookie with a wink. "Think they'll ever figure it out?"
Your brother just threw his head back and laughed. "I hope not! I wanna save that story for my best man speech at their wedding."
taglist: @sinkbeneathwaves @cordeliascrown @maysbanks @jjpogueprincess @jiaraendgame @alexa-playafricabytoto @sexualparkour @agirlwholovescoffee​ 
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one-boring-person · 3 years
H'okay I gotta bite. From the friends-to-enemies-to-lovers prompt, would you please do #5 with one of our favorite smart asses: Gabriel Cash? I was going to ask for Snake but after seeing 'Guilty as Charged' I *LOVE* how you write him!
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it! And thanks for the request, I enjoyed writing it, though I'm really sorry that it took so long :/
We Make A Good Team.
Gabe Cash (Tango and Cash) x reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of gun violence
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"Sorry, can I just…" A pair of hands suddenly grip my waist and pull me to the side, away from my position by the corner, the familiar voice sending a wave of irritation through me as I hear it.
Stumbling to stand beside the newcomer, I glare at him as he takes my place, drawing a gun from his belt as he presses himself back against the grimy bricks, peeking round the corner.
"Cash, get the hell out of my way!" I hiss at him, grabbing his arm to pull him back.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you say something?" Gabe turns briefly to look at me, his hair whipping into my face from our accidental proximity. 
"Come on, Cash. You know playing deaf doesn't suit you." I retort, still pulling at his arm.
"Really? Because it sure as hell looks like you're enjoying it." He sends a pointed glance at my hand on his sleeve, "See, you're already trying to take my clothes off."
Snapping my hand back to my body, I make a sound of disgust, blushing angrily as he smirks at me and turns back around, peering round into the darkened street.
With an angry scowl, I turn back to face the rest of the team of armed police behind us, locating my captain quickly.
"Why the hell is he on my case, sir?!" I growl, gesturing back to the blonde beside me.
"Hey, hey! "He" has a name, you know." Gabe interrupts, "And who said it's your case? Last I checked, there's a whole crowd here."
"What, you think you should go in solo?" I scoff, barely looking at him, "I've been on this case for a week now, so it's mine. I call the shots, so fuck off!" 
"Actually, (Y/n), I called him in." My captain says from the back of the group, sending me a stern look as I set my jaw.
"But why?" 
"Because, babe, there's no way you're gonna pull this off without me." Gabe smirks, before he suddenly steps out from behind the corner, yelling out to the criminals I'm trying to convict.
"Cash! You fucker!" I bite out after him, following swiftly with my gun raised, knowing I'll probably need it now.
Falling in beside him, I take up a position to his right, inadvertently reverting back to old habits I built up years before, weapon aimed slightly to the side as I keep half an eye on the surroundings as well as the scene before us. Noticing me there, Gabe shoots me a quick grin, winking as he sees me realise what I've done, looking back as I make a face of disgust and move into a different place, scowling to myself. Observing the scene before me, I change my aim as I figure out that there's no way we'll be snuck up on - the gangs (all three) are there in their entirety. Swallowing, I signal to the squad behind us to move in, thankful for the forethought of bringing in more help from the armed cops. It's not long before they're all in position, both the ones behind us and on the roofs around, as well as those at the other end of the alley. 
"Put your weapons down, you're surrounded! Nobody needs to get hurt, but if you don't do what I say, someone will!" I call out to the gathered gang members before Cash can get a word in, eyeing them all warily.
Nothing happens, the whole alley remaining still and silent, almost eerie as we stare at each other, guns aimed at one another. It takes a full minute for the tension to be broken.
"You think she's joking? Listen, guys, I've seen her angry and trust me, it's not pretty. Just drop the weapons, and none of us have to see her go batshit! Everyone wins!" Gabe finally shouts to the gangs, nodding towards me with a knowing look. 
Annoyed, I glance at him, glaring as he winks at me again, finding his relaxed approach infuriating. Across from us, the gang members look at each other in confusion, as if debating whether or not to follow our instruction 
"Look, guys, it's really not that hard. Just do what she says!" Cash tries again, cocking his gun ominously.
"Drop your weapons!" I follow up, adjusting my grip on my gun, "Drop them and step back, hands in the air!"
As the threat of the situation finally sinks in for them all, many of the gangsters gradually place their weapons down, surrendering themselves even as their compatriots curse them out, pointing their guns at them. It doesn't take long, however, for them all to see sense, especially as the armed police move forwards to start making the arrests. 
With a triumphant grin, Gabe turns to me and holsters his gun, lifting an eyebrow at my vexed expression as he goes to move past.
"Way to go, team!" He comments as he steps past me, bumping my shoulder with his.
Flipping him off, I go to help the others, ignoring him.
It's already half ten by the time I finish writing the report, my hand aching from the continuous movement - my captain has always preferred handwritten files for some reason, so I often spend hours writing up days and days worth of case notes. Even so, as I walk over to the door to the captain's office, I can't help but feel a little satisfied by the completed wad of paper, holding it carefully so that it doesn't get damaged at all. 
Naturally, the captain isn't in at this time of night, so I push open his door and go to the desk, dropping the file by his keyboard with a final thunk, glad to be rid of the burden. Without further ado, I leave the room, heading to my office again to grab my things, only to realise I have yet to sort out the conviction forms for the gangsters we picked up earlier, a job that will take me a good hour or so alone. Sighing, I take up the pile of papers, shuffling through them with a tired carelessness, moving back out into the corridor with them. 
This time, I make my way over to the communal area, intending to make myself a cup of coffee so that I'll at least be able to stay awake whilst I fill these in. As I enter though, I fail to notice the figure sat in the corner.
"Babe, it is way too late to be drinking coffee. You should try a beer." Gabe's voice sounds almost as tired as I feel, though I can't quite see why, as it's highly unlikely that he's done any paperwork in the last four hours.
His words startle me, making me jump and drop my cup to the counter top with a loud clatter.
"Fuck, Cash! You scared the shit outta me!" I curse, pressing a hand to my chest as I catch my breath.
"Sorry, sweetheart. Thought you'd seen me." The detective apologises, lifting his beer up to his lips.
"S'fine." I mumble, turning to the fridge in search of a drink, "I need something stronger than a beer."
"Stronger?" Gabe lifts an eyebrow.
"Yeah. But I'll take a beer...I ran out of scotch a few days ago." 
"Scotch? You take that shit to work?" His other eyebrow joins the first.
Shooting him a tired smirk, I grab a beer and join him at the table, dropping the papers down in a messy heap.
"I usually do." I reply, cracking the beer open on the edge of the table, "As I said, I drank it all."
"Damn, girl, didn't realise work got you so stressed." He remarks, toasting me as I lift my drink to my lips.
I shrug, taking out my pen to fill some of the forms in, writing in the date, charges and signing the bottom. 
"Why don't you just leave that for someone else to do? Or wait until tomorrow? They're not going anywhere." Gabe asks after a while, having watched me in silence, the longest we've gone without arguing in a long time.
"Because," I sigh, glancing up at him, "I actually stick to my deadlines. This needs to be done by tomorrow."
He clicks his tongue, rolling his eyes as he reaches across, pinching the end of my pen.
"The captain isn't going to expect you to have written a whole report, plus thirty of those fuckers. You're not a machine, you need a rest." The blonde says to me, clear blue eyes fixed on mine, genuine care written into his expression.
"No, Cash-" I try to argue, only to be cut off as he takes my pen from me and stands from the table, coming round to my side.
"Yes, you're going to listen to me for once." He orders, almost sternly, helping me from my chair as I protest a little, unused to the friendly way he's behaving around me.
Shushing me, Gabe leads me over to the sofa at the far end of the break room, sitting me down before taking his place at the other side, which isn't so far given the small stature of the piece of furniture. Our legs are touching from our close proximity, but I'm too tired to do anything about it, simply enjoying his company instead, something I never thought would happen again.
"You know, (Y/n), we still make a good team." He murmurs after a minute or so, drinking from his beer as I turn my head to look at him.
"I guess so." I agree, thinking back to the arrest earlier today, as well as a few earlier on in our careers. Back when things were easier.
Gabe is clearly thinking the same as he sighs and turns to look at me, the two of us making eye contact properly for the first time in years, unspoken words passing between us as we gaze at each other. 
"I still wish things hadn't changed." He sighs wistfully, glancing away again, hand clenching the bottle. 
"Me too, honestly." I reply quietly, finishing my beer quickly as I settle back into the sofa, feeling sleep tugging at my mind, "It was nice having a partner."
"Yeah it was. Work gets lonely now." 
"Tell me about it." 
All is silent between us for a few more minutes, during which time I start to feel my eyelids drooping closed, my body relaxing comfortably into the soft cushions.
"Maybe one day we could work together again." He proposes, placing our bottles on the floor by our feet.
"Yeah, that would be nice." I agree, being totally genuine as I try my hardest not to drift off, "I miss you, Ca- Gabe."
At the sound of his name, Gabe looks over at me again, evidently noticing me half-asleep on the couch beside him. It takes him a moment, but it's not too long before I feel a lair of arms wrap around me. Eyes opening, I give him a questioning look as he pulls me closer to him, maneuvering us so he's got me cradled against his chest, leaning back against the arm of the sofa. If I wasn't so tired, I would've pushed him away, but as it is, it feels nice being held in his strong grip, his chest firm under my cheek and palms as I give in and nuzzle closer to him. His scent floods my nostrils, something in the mixture of old fast-food and hastily-used cologne comforting me as I feel a soft warmth spread through me. 
Too tired to argue, I relax into him, allowing him to lull me to sleep with gentle patterns on my back, his hair falling into my face as he leans forwards over me. Just before I drop off entirely, I feel him press a soft kiss to my forehead, his arms tightening around me as he hugs me to his body, muscles loosening underneath me.
I really have missed him.
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tenthgrove · 3 years
Yandere La Squadra- Illuso, Prosciutto, and Pesci
(Cw: Abduction, Forced Relationships, Obsessive Behavior, Murder)
It’s probably a given that Illuso never intended to find love. For a person so proud and jealous, a romantic obsession would most likely arise out of just that- jealousy. You were a bystander, a mere distant relative of Illuso’s mark. He probably never would have even heard of you, had it not been for the party.
As Illuso watched the happy revellers from the safety of his mirror world, his efforts to observe the target were hampered by a far more appealing distraction. You. You were exactly his type, beautiful and amicable. As you spoke to your friends and family, he found himself wishing you were saying those words to him and not those worthless nobodies.
He tried to shake off his captivation, leave the room you were in to focus just on his target. But when he returned, you were talking with another man. As envy cut through his chest, he came to understand how he really felt. You were not something he could leave alone.
For months, Illuso did nothing but watch you. When he would normally go down to the bar or for a walk around town, he would head into the mirror world and watch you go through your day. He would even talk to you, secure and yet saddened in the knowledge that you wouldn’t be able to hear him.
Then one day, Illuso had a stroke of luck. Another individual vaguely in your social circle has been pinned as La Squadra’s target, and this time, Illuso is going to use it to the fullest. He goes out of his way to exaggerate the connection between you and the target, saboutaging all the usual routes the team would use to hunt them down until the only option seems to be going through you. Finally, Illuso gets permission to abduct you and take you in for interrogation. His plan is to be your saviour, to convince the team to let you go and carry you home in his arms like a knight in shining armous. Unfortunately for him, it takes all of 5 seconds of talking to you for Risotto to realise what’s really going on.
Illuso gets hauled to one side, and after getting one of the biggest dressing-downs of his life, is informed that he could have very well gotten you killed since La Squadra can’t let witnesses go. Risotto informs him that if he wants you to live, he’s going to have to keep you captive himself now. He started this mess, so he’s going to deal with it.
Illuso always intended to have a ‘normal’ relationship after the whole kidnapping stunt, but he supposes keeping you prisoner is a close second. Since he never planned for this to happen, his home is completely unprepared for holding you, and he has to keep you in the mirror world for the first few days.
Once he has a suitably secure room set up, you’re allowed to come out of the mirror world again but on the strict conditions you don’t act up. After spending days in an alternate dimension at his control, you would have to be very brave indeed to ever go against Illuso’s word.
Illuso tries to win you over with gifts. He misses the way you acted when your life was happy and is annoyed he can’t see that side of you now you’re finally together in person. Don’t be surprised if he offsets his anger by hunting down those you loved. If you had a partner before, you can be certain they’ll be first to go.
Despite this cruelty, Illuso genuinely begins to feel remorse for your sorry state. It will lead to him doing some self-reflection for the first time in his life, and he will genuinely try to be a better person around you to make you smile again.
By the time Prosciutto fell for you, you had already been having a bad time of things. Trapped in Passione through no fault of your own, you were unfortunately no stranger to peril. It’s this reason that attracted Prosciutto to you in the first place.
As a standless, low-ranking newcomer to the syndicate, you were as vulnerable as they come. And yet, as Prosciutto listened to your story from someone who knew of it, he felt intrigue. You presented to him the opportunity of a project. Someone to mold.
Prosciutto sought you out a few days later. His offer was simple- a friendship and nothing more. In exchange, you would gain the company of a far more distinguished member of Passione who could teach you the unspoken rules of survival. For some weeks, this is how things were. He would teach you his skills in his spare time and talk with you afterwards. The two of you began to develop a genuine, warm bond.
That’s where the problems started, however. As Prosciutto learned more and more about your story, he began to question his original plan. You didn’t belong here, there were no two ways about it. You may be showing potential in your training, yes, but would you ever truly belong in such a syndicate? Prosciutto didn’t think so, and he couldn’t bear to imagine you spending the rest of your life this way. Second, there was the issue of his romantic feelings. They were getting hard to ignore.
So, Prosciutto comes up with a proposition for you. Disappear off the map entirely. Prosciutto will handle everything, and you can live comfortably with him in hiding for however long is necessary. He also pleads with you to become his lover.
However, you just can’t find it in you to trust him on something so important. You turn him down, thank him for all he’s done for you, and leave. Prosciutto is heartbroken. He can’t let you continue like this, especially not without his protection, and so, he’s going to do something he knows you’ll hate him for. Prosciutto breaks into your hideout and murders your entire team, planting evidence to look like a rival gang did it. As you cower in the corner, tears streaking down your face, Prosciutto whispers an apology and presses a chloroform rag to your nose and mouth. He takes you to his house.
The next day, Prosciutto is holding you against his chest as you cry, even as you hurl frightened profanities about how much you hate him for doing this. He’ll take it all, and remind you calmly everything he does is for your sake. He promises again and again that he loves you, unconditionally.
Prosciutto tries to make things as bearable as possible for you to make up for keeping you captive. He buys you anything you want on a whim, and looks after you when you refuse to look after yourself. He encourages you to find new interests, since your life is no longer dominated by Passione’s orders and you can be yourself again.
As much as he wishes, he can’t let you leave the house, except on closely supervised trips in the dead of night where you can’t possibly be spotted. If Passione were to find out you were alive all along, they would surely have both of you killed. Prosciutto dreams that one day, perhaps when La Squadra has the status they deserve, he can give you the freedom he owes you. Maybe then you will find it in you to forgive his betrayal.
Pesci is certainly not the type to resort to the extreme actions of a yandere unless he felt truly desperate. It’s for this reason he becomes a yandere for someone he has an existing relationship with.
Pesci didn’t think he would find love at all now he worked for Passione, especially not a squad as feared as La Squadra. And yet the stars aligned and brought him you- a wonderful, kind-hearted civilian he met by chance and began a steady, loving relationship with. Several months in, the pair of you couldn’t be happier together.
There was just one thorn in this relationship threatening to bring it all down: you didn’t know that Pesci was a mobster. He couldn’t bear to tell you. Would you hate him? Fear him? He didn’t want to even think about it. All he could do was hold you tight and pray, pray to whatever would listen, that the two of you could be like this forever.
What made Pesci’s worst dreams true was a simple, awful coincidence. You were out shopping alone, when, across the street, you spotted your boyfriend headed in the other direction. Pleasently surprised, you chased after him and called out, but he didn’t seem to hear you. Not giving up, you followed him into an alleyway, and what you saw turned your stomach.
There on the ground was the writhing body of an injured man. Above him, stood Pesci and a stranger, a tall, well-dressed blond man who spoke to your boyfriend with an air of authority. As you watched in horror, the stranger took a knife to the injured man’s throat while your boyfriend watched emotionlessly. You turned tail and ran.
By the time Pesci gets home, you have already gone through everything. His phone, his diary, his checkbook. You know everything, and you can’t stand to be a part of it any longer. With tearful eyes, you announce you are leaving. If he doesn’t want to be turned in to the police, he won’t try and stop you.
Pesci panics. He can’t let you go! Can’t! You’re the first person who has ever loved him! In a brief act of fear, Pesci hits you over the head to stop you leaving. He’s knocked you unconscious.
Dismayed at his actions and cradling your body in his arms, Pesci breaks down crying. But then he makes a decision. He regrets that it came down to hurting you, but he isn’t letting you go. He isn’t letting his love leave him. When you wake up, you’re in Pesci’s apartment, tied to the bed with a gag in your mouth. As much as it hurts him to hear your distress, Pesci forces himself to hold to his promise. He isn’t letting himself lose you.
Pesci comforts you as best he can, but knows it could be a long time before you trust him again. He explains his actions whenever you show signs of sadness, and tries to tell stories of his team that will paint them in a better light. He knows deep down, however, that what he’s done is unforgiveable.
Should the day come when your bitterness finally disappears, and Pesci can trust you full-heartedly not to tell anyone of what he really does, he is more than happy to return all your normal freedoms. You can even return to living part-time in your old house, if it helps. Just remember, should you ever abuse this freedom to try and flee, don’t think he won’t hunt you down. Pesci swore to himself he wouldn’t let himself lose you, and that promise doesn’t end now your original abduction is over.
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multimilfs · 4 years
Eda Clawthorne x Fem!Reader: Once A Rival (Now Something Better)
Summary: Anon requested “Eda x reader, School rivals turned lovers? Meet at a bar.”  
A/N: I can’t find any gifs of Eda playing grudgby and I’m so sad about it
Warning(s): None
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“We have a tie. You all know what that means.” The grudgby coach said, making all of the other players ‘ooooh.’
You and Eda stood across from one another, panting heavily. This was the third year in a row that you had faced off for grudgby captain. And this year, you’d given it everything you had. Only to end up here. In a tie breaker.
“Clawthorne, you’re up first.”
Eda gave you a cocky smirk, before grabbing the ball. Whoever was able to cross the field and launch more shots through the hoops would win captain. The opponent was allowed to do anything they could to block them.
“Ready?” The coach called, Eda gave him a nod, “Get on it, then!”
She took off down the field. Using your plants and anything you could get a hold of, you attempted to block her. None of them came close. Until you wrapped a thin vine around her ankle, lifting her from the ground.
You felt triumphant for a moment before Eda summoned all of her strength, throwing the ball from her upside down position, and sending it cleanly through the hoop. A growl left your mouth.
“Your turn, Y/L/N.”
This went on for ages, with neither of you missing, until Coach called a final face-off between the two of you. Whoever scored first was Captain. It was clean and simple. Unfortunately, you and Eda wanted the position equally as bad. Nothing was going to stop you.
Eda managed to grab the grudgby ball first and took off past you. She nearly made it to the hoop, until you used a strong vine to pluck it from her arms. It was easy. Too easy. As it was plopped into your grasp, you ran as quickly as possible towards the other hoops.
When your nose started to itch.
You let out an unexpected sneeze, immediately moving to cover your face. Then you sneezed again. And again. And again. In horror, you realized that Eda had covered the ball in a sneezing potion. Try as you might, you couldn’t stop long enough to get the ball into the hoop.
It left it open for Eda to manipulate your own vines and launch the ball through her hoop. Making her captain for another year. While you sneezed so hard in the middle of the field that you worried you’d never stop.
“Nice job, Clawthorne,” The coach congratulated her, “A good start to your third year as captain. Now go help Y/L/N out.”
Eda smiled, coming over and handing you the anti-sneezing draft. You gave her a heavy glare when you stopped.
“Hey, no hard feelings, right?” She said with a smile.
“Sure. Good luck, captain.” You rolled your eyes before turning and leaving. Eda said something after you, but you didn’t stop to hear any of it.
It wasn’t the losing that made you bitter. It wasn’t even the sneezing potion. No. What made you bitter was that becoming Captain was the only thing keeping you at Hexside. Now, you’d have to leave.
You weren’t going to make it any harder by saying goodbye.
“Here, Y/N.”
You looked up from the bar, taking in the large drink that the bartender was placing down in front of you. It was huge. Larger than should probably be allowed, not to mention it was bright yellow.
“I didn’t order that.” You said.
“I know. She did.”
He motioned behind you, making you turn boredly. Though your eyes widened. Sitting in the booth across from the bar was a face you never thought you’d see again. The smug face of one Eda Clawthorne.
She tilted her drink in your direction, giving you a grin. And as if in a trance, you grabbed your own, and moved over to where she was sitting. Like you were in some sort of trance.
“Of all places I expected to see you, this was not one of them.” You said in greeting, sliding in across from her.
“Even I enjoy a good drink.”
“I never said you didn’t. But you’re not just Eda now, you’re the Owl Lady. Isn’t it a bit risky?”
“Not unless you’re going to report me.” Eda said flatly.
“Not likely. I have no interest in doing anything to help the Emperor.” You admitted.
That caught her attention. During your shared time at Hexside, you’d been an almost devout rule follower. The idea of getting in trouble had left you shaking. It interested her that you had changed so much.
“Well, it seems I picked some good company then.” Eda said.
Silence surrounded the two of you. The only sounds were the two of you sipping your drinks. It was nice, almost. There was an underlying tension there. Unspoken questions.
“I never thought I’d see you back in Bonesborough.” She said after some time.
You looked up from your drink, meeting her eyes. She’d attempted to make the statement casually. Though you could tell there was more there, some emotion she was doing her best not to show you.
It’d been hard to leave Bonesborough. Especially without saying goodbye. Eda may have been your rival, but she’d also been your friend. Sometimes. Leaving it all, leaving her, had been the toughest thing you’d ever done. But you couldn’t handle saying goodbye.
“I missed certain things here. Thought maybe it’d be a good idea to come back, see how it had changed.” You said slowly.
Eda scoffed.
“You were in such a hurry to leave, now you miss it?”
You flinched at her harsh tone. It was well deserved, sure, but it still hurt.
“I was never in a hurry to leave.” You said softly.
“You could have fooled me. Was not being captain so terrible? I… I would have given you the position if it meant you’d stay.” Eda said.
She looked at you intensely. You’d forgotten what she was like. All you had for years were the memories, moments to replay in your mind. Now she was in front of you, looking nothing like the witch you’d left. Her hair was bright white and she had a gold fang where she’d never had a tooth.
It was a good look on her, you admitted to yourself.
“I never had a choice. My family made the decision to leave. The only thing that would have changed it was getting Captain, but I never wanted it out of pity. I wanted to earn it or not have it at all.”
Eda raised an eyebrow. It was a different story from the one your absence had left. But you’d spoken with such conviction that she couldn’t help but believe you.
“And you couldn’t say goodbye?”
“We didn’t even like one another half the time, Clawthorne. I never expected you’d care.”
It was a lie.
You knew it and she could tell. Sure, maybe you hadn’t always gotten along, but neither of you wanted the other to leave. No matter how tenuous the relationship, it was still a relationship. Sometimes losing a rival also feels like losing your greatest ally.
“Well, I did. Sue me.” Eda said.
“Hmm. I could sue you, but where is the fun in that, when we could take it to the grudgby court instead?” You suggested.
Her eyes lit up with that familiar spark. The same one you had seen before every game and every practice. That was the Eda you’d missed; the one who reveled in the challenge.
“You’re on,” She grinned, sliding out of the booth, “You’re also paying.”
She let out a wild laugh before leaving the bar. With a sigh, you handed more than enough money to the bartender. You couldn’t help but shake your head. Eda’s looks may have changed, but she was definitely the same.
Finding yourself back on the grudgby court felt surreal. Like something you could have dreamed up, but never expected you’d live. It felt comfortable to be back on the old court.
You and Eda had spent more time than normal warming up, though it was probably a good thing. The last thing you wanted was to lose because of a leg cramp.
“You ready to lose, Y/L/N?” Eda asked, cocky as ever.
“Not happening, Clawthorne.”
She gave you a smile, before the two of you raced towards the ball.
Eda snatched it up first and evaded an attack expertly. She moved down the field, sending the ball flying through the hoop. You let out a low growl.
Not a great start.
The next play was all yours. While Eda had believed she was getting away, you used magic to grab the ball away. She was shocked for long enough, giving you time to score.
It went on like this for hours. Back and forth, score after score. Eda was starting to slow down. And though you hated to show it, you were too. It reminded you that you’d been away from the court for far too long.
“Next point wins.” Eda panted out, “So get ready to admit defeat.”
“Not this time.” You said back, hands on your knees.
The both of you managed to collect yourselves for one last play. Your palms felt sweaty, but there was a surge of confidence through you. This was going to be your game. You could feel it.
You launched yourself from your spot, speeding towards the ball. Only to narrowly miss it as Eda grabbed onto it. Without thinking, you grabbed at her, knocking the ball into your own arms. You froze. It was only a second, not nearly long enough to mean anything, but it felt like an eternity. Then you ran. Ran as quickly as your legs could manage after all of this time.
Eda could be heard chasing after you, even as you managed to dodge her attacks. So you put all of your focus into getting within range of the hoop. In your haste though, you missed one of your own vines, still sticking out of the ground. You tripped and the ball flew out of your hands.
You prepared yourself to hit the ground. Hard. But it never came. Instead, a sturdy pair of arms caught you before you hit the ground. As she lifted you up, you found yourselves very close.
She looked shocked at her own speed, before her eyes scanned your face. Darting to your lips. Eda unconsciously licked her lips, drawing your attention. She was so close. It would take barely a breath to close the gap.
“You win.” Eda whispered, before you could kiss her.
“You win.”
Motioning to the scoreboard, you saw it. You had won by a single point. The ball that had flown out of your arms had just cleared the hoop, finally making you the winner.
“I won…” You muttered, before it hit you, “I won!”
You laughed, pride surging through you, as Eda watched on with a grin. So overcome with joy and pride, you pulled her into a deep kiss. She froze. You worried that you had misread the situation, before she finally started to kiss you back. It felt like winning a grudgby match ten times over.
Eventually the two of you pulled away for air. You had a smile on your face, a subtle blush spreading across your cheeks. Eda looked similar, but rolled her eyes, and spoke with a smile.  
“It seems I won too.”
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namluve · 5 years
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you had always been a part of the plastics and he was born on the wrong side of town. what happens when your worlds collide, and you realize that he is the only one in your life that’s not fake? 
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paring: jungkook x reader
genre: 90′s AU, high school AU (both are 18), fwb to lovers, smut, fluff, angst
rating: mature, 18+
warnings: explicit language, jungkook has an alcoholic abusive father, alcohol consumption, switch!jungkook, switch!reader, sub/dom themes, noona kink, protected sex, unprotected sex, fingering, oral f receiving, face sitting, praise, blindfolding, dirty talk, manhandling, slight degradation, miscommunication that leads to lowkey unhealthy relationship
word count: 13k
note: first of all, I would like to thank @spicykoreantatertots​ for helping me with developing and editing this story. I can’t thank Hannah enough for all her help. secondly, I want to thank @joopiterjoon​ for always supporting me and helping me, especially with this fic. can’t wait to share the sequel once it’s done as well!
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11 November 1991
Walking down the school’s hallway you sigh as you approach your group of friends. The four girls wave at you as you approach them. You smile quickly at them, thinking about the day you would have with them. Talk about boys. Complain about your parents. Discuss the latest fashion and of course, find some kind of way to bully you without it being too obvious. Ask where you found those shoes, if you had any cake for dinner last night and if you actually went through with the workout the five of you were supposed to do. Yep, just another day in your life. Wishing the week could swish by so you could have some alone time by the weekend. 
Well, maybe not all alone you think as you see Jungkook leaning against his locker, talking with his two best friends Jimin and Taehyung. Jungkook is a piece of work but at least he is honest with you. All you were to him was a booty call at 1 AM and frankly, you would not have it any other way.
“Oh ‘____’, we were just discussing this week’s exercises. I expect this weekend went well for you since you never reached out to us?” Tiffany chippered and you smiled, you had to play your part.
“It was so much fun! Especially the crunches, they got easier every day!” You exclaim and your group of friends seem happy with your response. The bell rang, thankfully, and the five of you began walking to class. Oh, did you long for college, a way out of this hell hole of a town. Away from the plastic bitches that were supposed to be your friends. The only thing all of you had in common was being the daughters of wealthy families living in the same neighborhood. God, you wish you could just move away from them. Only ten months left and that would be your reality.
“I can’t believe how you go by your days without having an alcohol problem.” You knew exactly what Jungkook was referring to, if anyone hated your friends equally as much as you, it was Jungkook.
“I feel like I’m soon gonna have to start day drinking,” you say, joining Jungkook, leaning against the wall with him. Meeting him outside after school hours was a common thing between the two of you. No one was around, besides the nerds in the library but it was not like they would tell anyone about the two of you meeting. 
“Let me know if you do, could need a drink myself,” you always appreciated Jungkook’s honesty, how he never once bullshitted you, no matter how ugly the truth was.
“Your dad?” He nodded at your question, sighing as he extinguished the cigarette in his hand on the wall that his back rested on. He knew he did not have to say anything else. You knew about his abusing father and he appreciated how he never had to explain himself to you. You understood him.
“Isn’t he supposed to go on a business trip this week?” He smiled slightly at you. You had remembered what he said last time the two of you met.
“Yeah… but not until tomorrow. His plane leaves in the evening. So… I wanted to ask you for a favour.” Turning towards you, he leaned against the wall sideways, putting his head against the wall and looking at you with his bunny eyes.
“No. We nearly got caught the last time you spent the night at my place.”
“Come on. I promise we won’t get caught this time either. You weren’t exactly quiet baby, you know?” So… he is trying to pin it on you even though he was the one who started it all? Not on your watch.
“It wasn’t me who couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.”
“Come on baby, I don’t wanna fight. I just want to spend the night at yours.” Stepping in front of you, Jungkook meets your gaze, looking at you lovingly, winning you over more every second. He knew you loved the nickname he had for you. Baby, it rolled so easily off his tongue and he knew the effect it had on you. Taking your hands in his he took a step closer, leaning his forehead against yours.
“I just want to sleep in your bed with you, my arms wrapped around you, your heat warming up my cold body. Your hair sprawled out on your pillow…” as Jungkook softly spoke to you, he gently pushed back your hair behind your ear before continuing, “your face in a pout as you sleep that I always wanna kiss away.” 
Jungkook’s words affected you more than you wanted, they always did. He always had you at the palm of his hand, wrapped around his finger.
“Ugh fine, but you have to sing me to sleep.” 
Leaning down he kissed you briefly, knowing the two of you were still out in public. “Anything for you.” Jungkook softly murmerd. 
Things like this made you wonder if there was something more than just sex between you and Jungkook. The two of you were not really exclusive and you knew he brought home different girls every week while you went on dates with guys your friends set you up with. They rarely led to anything more than that. The few times you had actually slept with them, they were all disappointments, none of them knowing your body like Jungkook did. 
In the evening, you tidied up your room, as you waited for Jungkook to arrive. Suddenly, a small stone hit your window and you knew it was Jungkook waiting to be let inside. Opening the window, you saw how Jungkook began climbing up the garage to reach your window. Throwing his backpack inside your room before he climbed in himself you took a moment to really look at him. Hair long and messy, parted in the middle, shoes dirty, brown oversized jacket that he probably got from his father slightly ripped on his left arm. He was not from a family of wealth, unlike you.
“You really have to let me buy you a new jacket.” You sigh as you move over to sit on your bed again, and he laughs.
“Nah, that would be too suspicious. Also, can’t take away all that money that probably needs to go to the latest bags that’ll come out soon.”
Groaning, you put your head back against the bed frame. “Ugh, don’t remind me of next week. Still can’t believe we have to buy matching bags as if we’re fucking ten years old or something.” This was Hanna’s idea and it was probably the stupidest thing to ever come out of her mouth. To be fair though, nothing smart ever came out of it either so.
“I’m just gonna wash up. Then we can go to bed,” Jungkook announced as he took off his jacket and threw it on his bag. He always showered when he came over to yours, never missing the chance to shower in actual hot water with nice soaps and shampoos.
“Don’t take too long.” You say as he brushes past you to go to your bathroom. Having your own bathroom connected to your bedroom was probably the most luxurious thing you had, according to Jungkook.
“Wouldn’t keep my girl waiting.” He said before closing the bathroom door. My girl. It was something that Jungkook had started to call you not long ago. The thing you had going on-- had been going on for over a year-- on and off, but for the last two months the two of you had been meeting every week. Neither of you knew what this meant and did not dwell on it. Enjoying each other’s company was enough for the two of you. 
Brushing your hair, you decided to put it up in a scrunchie before laying down on your bed. Shortly after, Jungkook was done with his shower and joined you in bed. Smelling like strawberries he began to quietly hum something in your ear as he drew you closer to him. Your back against his chest, his arms around you. You fell asleep fast that night, feeling safe in Jungkook’s arms. He waited until you had fallen asleep to admire your features once more before falling asleep as well. This was the first of many times the two of you shared a bed without having sex.
18 December 1991
“What do you wish for Christmas?”
“For the last time Jungkook, I’m not letting you buy me a Christmas present.” The two of you sat in his bedroom, doing some homework while his father was away and his mother at the store. For a whole week Jungkook had been trying to figure out what you wanted for Christmas, but you were not budging. Not one bit.
“It could be anything, it doesn’t have to be something I have to buy for you, if you are worried about the money.” 
Sighing, you let your textbook fall to the floor. “You really don’t have to.”
This you made very clear. He did not owe you anything and you did not owe him anything either. Although, you had already got him a Christmas gift. You saw it as your only chance to get the boy a proper jacket that was not ripped everywhere.
“I know but I want to give you something.” As he emphasized the want you realized there might be something more between the two of you. Something the two of you left unspoken as Jungkook went over to your place for the second time this week without any intentions of sleeping with you.
“A fantasy you wish to come true? Come on baby, you know I won’t judge nor that I would find it gross or anything. Most likely I’m more into it than you.” This was a fact, Jungkook was kinkier than you but not by much. There were some things you wanted to try but felt weird to ask about when the sex the two of you had was already good. Jungkook would dominate you and have you in any way he pleased while giving you tremendous amounts of praise. You loved it, but sometimes you wondered how it would be to dominate him. Have him crumble in your hands, blindfolded, not knowing what would happen next.
“Come on baby, I can see that you are thinking about it. Just tell me.” Urging you to tell him, Jungkook scooted closer to where you were sitting, a smirk on his lips.
“Maybe I could be in charge for once? Just to try it out?” You hesitantly suggested, searching Jungkook’s face to try and see his reaction. To your surprise Jungkook shrugged and leaned back against his bed.
“Sure, why not?” Smiling shyly, you were happy that Jungkook is agreeing to it, even though, so far, he had been the most dominant man you had been with in bed. Maybe he was different with others, you thought.
“Although…” Jungkook began. “You are probably the most submissive person I’ve ever met, so I have quite a hard time imagining it.”
“Oh really?” You said as you start crawling towards him. You needed to prove your point now, your competitive side needing to show him you could be dominant towards him. As you reach him across the floor, you straddle him, putting your arms around his neck. An amusing smirk pinned on his face as he watches you struggle to figure out what to do next. Usually, Jungkook would have told you to do something by now, but here he was, quiet, letting you take charge.
“I think…” You began, losing your trail of thought, feeling slightly overwhelmed with the situation.
“I think I need to tie you up.” You say a bit more confidently, biting your lip.
“Then get a tie from my drawer.” Jungkook tells you and you hop off him in order to find a tie in his drawer. Even when you were the one in charge, he called the shots. Coming back with the tie, you looked nervously at Jungkook who smiled widely at you as he got up from the floor.
“Where do you want me?” He asked and you thought about it for a second.
“On the bed, take off your shirt and pants.” Biting his lip, barely believing what you were saying, Jungkook complied with your order, taking off his clothes. Eager to see what you had in mind for him.
“Yes ma’am.” He said as he laid down on the bed. You joined him, sitting down beside his head, trying to figure out how to tie his hands to the bed. Jungkook saw your hesitation and sat up, taking your hands and the tie in his.
“I’ll show you how to do it, and you just have to do the same, okay?” Reassuring you, seeing you relax a bit, he showed you how to tie the tie around one of his hands. The knot seemed fairly simple you thought.
“Lay down.” Jungkook did as you said, and you took the tie around the bed frame, bringing it back to his other hand and tying the tie around his other wrist. Jungkook tugged on his hands slightly and when you saw that he was getting nowhere, you relaxed for a bit. Taking off your pants, you positioned yourself on top of him. Your clothed pussy above his half hard dick. Staring down at him, you were mesmerized by his abs. Boy did his workout pay off. You could sit endlessly and trace his chest and abdomen, so that is what you did.
“Noona…” Jungkook grunted after a while, growing harder with every second as you touched him in any way that pleased you. It was a nickname you had not heard in a while. In the beginning, he used it to tease you because you were a few months older than him. now it had a whole different meaning and oh did you love how it sounded when it came out of his mouth like a prayer.
“Please kiss me.” Reaching down you captured his lips in a sweet kiss that soon enough grew heavier. You missed Jungkook’s hands all over your body but soon enough you remembered it was not the time for that now and you began planning what to do next. Jungkook felt when you began grinding on him, and he was happy his tactics worked. Kissing always made you relax and that was what he was after. He needed you to relax so you could enjoy this as much as he did. Feeling him grow even harder underneath you made you whimper, loving the way his dick felt beneath you. Jungkook moaned as you sat up and grinded down hard on him.
“Noona please… will you touch me?”
“Not yet, patience.” Taking off your top, leaving yourself in only your underwear, you continued to grind on Jungkook, earning a quiet moan from him. You wanted more. More specifically, you wanted his mouth on your clit. There was only one way that would happen in this position with him tied up. 
You would have to ride his face, something you had only done once before when you were drunk. Remembering how good it felt was all the motivation you needed to set your plan in motion. Pulling off your underwear while still sitting on Jungkook proved to be a challenge but eventually you got it off.
“Take off your bra too Noona, wanna see your tits.” Shaking your head at Jungkook’s words, you began to crawl your way upwards.
“Not yet, wanna ride your face first.” Jungkook hissed at your words, barely believing his ears. He had wanted you to ride his face again ever since that night you took one to many vodka shots and ended up sitting on his face.
“Fuck… please ride me Noona. I promise I’ll make you feel good.” Clenching upon hearing his words, you eagerly placed yourself above his face, holding the bed frame for support as you began lowering yourself down on him. Jungkook met you halfway, too eager to have to wait any more and you let out a deep moan as he licked your wet slit. You continued lowering yourself until Jungkook’s head rested against the pillow again, slowly grinding yourself on his tongue as he laid it out flat for you to ride. 
Your moans got louder as you approached your release and Jungkook took notice. Flicking his tongue fast against your clit as your movements slowed down. With legs shaking on either side of Jungkook’s face, you came. Your vision blurred, head a bit dizzy as you got off Jungkook and sat beside him on the bed. Looking at him tied up against the bed, breathing uneven, lips red and puffy you wanted nothing more than to kiss him, so you did. You tasted yourself on his lips as you softly made out with him before pulling away and releasing his hands from the bed frame.
“Had your fun baby?” He asked you, smiling, rubbing his wrists for a bit. You nodded and smiled back at him. It was better than you could have imagined. Never did you think you would find the courage to sit on his face again. You were afraid he would suffocate somehow and had always declined when he had asked. Of course, Jungkook never pushed you and let it go every single time. Finally, he got to have you ride his face again.
“Want me to take charge?” As you answered his question ‘yes’ he got on top of you, pushing you down towards the bed. Kissing you desperately and grinding himself against your wet core. He was almost painfully hard at this point.
“Feel what you do to me baby? You were such a good girl when you were in charge, made me so hard.” He whispered in your ear as he began to kiss your neck, leaving a few marks here and there until he found the spot that made you let out a moan. 
“Want me to make you feel even better? Want me to fill up that pretty little pussy of yours?” His hands found their way around to your back. He unclasped your bra, taking it swiftly off as he began to palm your breasts with one of his hands, the other supporting him so he could lay above you.
“Please.” You pleaded and Jungkook could never say no to you. Taking off his boxers and letting his cock nudge at your entrance, you whined.
“Someone’s impatient.” Jungkook teased and you rolled your eyes as you looked into his, making sure he saw it.
“Someone has been waiting for a while.” You snarked back at him and he laughed.
“Well you don’t have to wait any longer.” As soon as the words left his lips, he began to push inside of you. The stretch stinging a bit at first but as soon as he bottomed out and stayed still for a while, kissing you in the meantime, it all went away. When he started rocking into you, you were in pure bliss.
“Fuck… you feel so good.” Jungkook grunted and all you could reply with was the moans that left your mouth whenever he hit a spot that had you feeling pure bliss.
“Wanna go deeper… Can I do that baby?” Always asking, always making sure you are okay with everything.
“Please.” You answered, wanting nothing more. He put one of your legs on his shoulder, going even deeper and occasionally hitting your g-spot. When you started clenching around him, Jungkook took it as his cue to circle your clit with his finger to help you over the edge. As soon as he began drawing circles you moaned loudly.
“Shh baby, you are doing so good for me, but I need you quiet down a bit yeah?” You nodded and he dropped his head to yours to kiss you, muffling your moans. As he did the leg you had on his shoulder got stretched out more and you felt a little bit of pain at the uncomfortable position. Luckily it was barely noticeable as you came when Jungkook started rubbing your clit just a little faster, wanting you to cum at the same time as him.
This one, he dragged out until you almost started to feel overstimulated and started pushing him away. Getting your cue, he slowed down after one final thrust that sent him over the edge. Breathing heavily on top of you, Jungkook kissed you before getting up from the bed, cleaning the mix of both of your cum off his dick with a tissue as he got dressed.
“Want me to help you get dressed?” He asked as you switched positions, so you were laying on your side, breathless and almost dizzy, needing some time to recover.
“Yes please.”
Smiling, he picked up your clothes from the floor and began to help you dress. Normally he would not do this for a girl, but you were not just any girl, you were his girl.
 25 December 1991
Laying in bed in your room at night you suddenly heard a noise outside of your window. Going to check out what it was you see Jungkook looking up at you, hands in his jacket pockets and a beaming smile. Opening the window for him, he starts climbing up your house, something he does way to often nowadays you think. Once he got inside your room, he throws his arms around you before you could even ask him what he is doing here.
“Merry Christmas!” he says softly in your ear and you melt in his arms, hugging him back and mutter ‘merry Christmas’ back to him. Pulling away, he reaches inside his jacket pocket. His hands that had gloves on that did not cover his fingers (you always asked him if they even provided any heat) had now a small wrapped gift in them in front of you.
“Open your gift.” 
Beyond shocked that he had gotten you a gift you murmured back at him, “I thought we said no gifts?”
“Just open it.” He pleads and you cannot help but to do as he says. You take the gift from his hands and unwrap it slowly. It was a box. Jungkook had a grin on his face as your eyes met before you opened the box. Inside of it was a goldenrod scrunchie.
“You didn’t!” You exclaimed at him.
“I know how much you love that yellow sunflower dress so when I saw it, I couldn’t help myself.” He spoke as you inspected the scrunchie carefully, not believing your eyes.
“I have looked for it for so long, where did you find it?” You ask him and he shakes his head.
“Not telling, in case I have to buy you more presents.” He answers, and you laugh. Smiling at him, you put the scrunchie around your wrist and admire it.
“Thank you.” He just nods at you, unsure what to do now. Breaking the silence, you ask the question that you have been wondering ever since you saw him outside your window.
“Why did you come here? Shouldn’t you be with your family?” You saw the way his face frowned a bit. Truth to be told, Jungkook wanted to be anywhere but with his family.
“Dad asked me to go and buy him more booze, took a detour to see you.” Smiling at him softly, you nervously tuck your hair behind your ear before looking beside your bed to see the present that you had bought for him.
“Guess you’ll have to open yours now as well.”
“I thought we said no gifts?” His smirk was back on his face and you roll your eyes as you walk over to pick it up.
“Shut up and take it.” Walking over to him and almost shoving it in his arms he laughs.
“Feisty.” He says before looking at the package wrapped in front of him as big as his chest. He really wondered what you could have gotten him, that was this big. Now, his own gift felt lame but so did yours to you, knowing how much your gift means to you while your gift to him was a bit more… well… not that personal. As he unwrapped his package, he was greeted with a jacket, brown and looking much like the one he already owned, well except all the holes and dirt.
“Figured if I bought you a similar one, no one would notice, and you didn’t have to freeze as much. Argh, it’s so stupid!” You say as you slump down on your bed, brushing your fingers through your hair and letting out a sigh.
“Hey…” Jungkook spoke softly as he crouched down in front of you. Searching for your eyes with his as your head hung low, staring at your hands that were placed in your lap.
“It’s not stupid, I really love it.” Taking your hands in his he caresses them. You look up to meet his eyes. The worry slowly disappears from your body.
“Really?” You asked. Jungkook nods and smiles at you, bringing a smile to your face as well.
“Thank you so much.” Jungkook meant it. Never had anyone bought him clothes, noticing how cold he was in his old jacket, having to put on layers underneath it. Now he did not have to freeze every winter and rainy day. All thanks to your gift. All thanks to you.
  14 January 1991
"Are you coming to the party?" Jungkook asked as he was laying on your bed, mindlessly throwing a baseball he found in your room towards the ceiling and catching it on the way down. He had been asking you to come to this stupid party for days now. Parties were not your thing, but if it were not for them, you would never have met Jungkook. Still, you hated them. Parties meant spending more time with the plastics and going to a social gathering where everyone expected you to play some kind of role. A role you did not like.
“I’m not sure.” Answering him with the same answer as you did yesterday, Jungkook caught the baseball one last time before placing it down on your nightstand. As you sat on the bed next to Jungkook reading this week’s history chapter, you were suddenly attacked. Jungkook wrapped his arms around you, dragging you down with him. 
Squealing as you fell down on top of Jungkook you tried your best to wiggle your way out of his grasp. Jungkook chuckled and began to plant kisses all over your face, whenever he got the opportunity. Dropping your book beside you, you tried using your hands to get out of his grasp, but he was not budging. His strong grasp keeps you trapped against him.
“Ugh let me go Jungkook I have homework to do!” You tried reasoning with him but Jungkook would just ‘hmm’ in your ear, like he was in deep thoughts.
“On one condition… You come to the party.” Once the words left Jungkook’s mouth you tried your very best to get out of his grasp without any success. Sighing, you realized there was no other way if you were going to get your history homework done on time.
“Fine, I’ll come.” You agreed, thinking Jungkook was going to let go of you but as soon as you tried to get up you were pushed down against his body again.
“Jungkook!” You annoyingly exclaimed and he snuggled his head in the crock of your neck.
“Just give me a sec… You are so cosy. I can’t help myself.” Rolling your eyes at his words, trying to get out of his grasp one more time, Jungkook let go of you. Sitting up and picking up your book, you looked over your shoulder to see him lying peacefully on your bed. A smile on his face.
“Behave or else I’ll throw you out.” You warned him but he just chuckled at your words. Knowing you would never actually throw him out.
“I promise baby.”
 17 January 1992
The moment you saw him and Holly making out you wanted to gag. For days Jungkook had asked you if you were coming to the party, only to be making out with Holly as soon as you arrived. Anger, disgust filled your body. The two of you were not together by any means but you were still angry somehow, disgusted and a little hurt. You and the plastics had been appropriately half an hour late to the party. Drinking at Tiffany’s and getting ready. 
Already tipsy and fuelled with anger you took a shot before going out on the dancefloor in the living room to find someone who could get your mind of him. Somehow, Matt who happened to be two years older than you, caught your eye and you decided that he would do. He had been flirting with you at other parties so it felt safe to assume he was attracted to you and would want to dance with you. 
As you looked eyes with him and approached him, he took a swing of his beer, eyeing you up and down. Normally, this would make you feel something but tonight your mind was clouded by Jungkook. You were not looking for Matt’s attention, you were looking for his.
“Wanna dance?” You asked as you made your way over to him, standing now in front of him and looking up at him. He was way taller than you remembered, but then again, you decided not to wear your highest high heels tonight.
“Sure.” He said, putting down his beer and reached out to grab your hand, dragging you after him out on the dancefloor. The two of you started dancing together, your back pressed to his front, grinding your ass against his crotch. 
Your focus was however not on him, but on Jungkook who danced with Holly not far away from you. He stopped making out with her for a second, moving away her hair to expose her neck for him. When he leaned in to kiss her neck, he met your eyes. Shocked, he just looked at you for a second before starting to kiss Holly’s neck, never breaking eye contact with you. 
Never once did he think he would witness you in another man's arms, grinding your ass against him while he roams his hands all over your body. Never had you taken an interest in another man, at least not until tonight.
Two can play this game, you thought as you took your right hand up to Matt’s face. Gently touching it, you urged him to meet you halfway as you tilted your head upwards. He understood exactly what you wanted and met you in a sloppy drunk kiss. You could smell the faint of alcohol from his mouth as he kissed you and he tasted bitter. 
Mother fucker, was all Jungkook could think for a while, completely forgetting the girl in his arms. He stopped kissing Holly’s neck. He wanted to reach over and drag you away from him, but he never got the chance as the two of you were interrupted by one of Matt’s friends. They talked with each other for a brief moment before Matt whispered something in your ear, kissed your cheek and disappeared after his friend.
Once Matt left your side to check on one of his friends had gotten into a fight, you were left alone on the dancefloor. When you looked straight forward again and saw Holly still in Jungkook’s arms you decided this was it. There was no point in you staying, moping around, being alone, since Jungkook was your only real friend and the only one who wanted you here. Or at least, so you thought.
Walking through the crowd trying to find the exist while being slightly drunk in a house you had been to only once before proved to be more difficult than you thought. Eventually you made your way into a hallway and saw one door open, revealing a bathroom inside and decided to try and sober up. Drink some water from the tap or something, anything to get you sober enough to find your way out. 
As your hand reached the doorknob to close the door behind you, you were pushed further in. As you stood with your back pressed against the sink and looked up to see who had followed you, you were met with Jungkook’s deep brown eyes. Anger filled your body.
“Leaving your new girlfriend on the dancefloor I see.” Jealousy filling your body at the thought of him and Holly. Jungkook locked the door behind him and closed the distance between the two of you, standing now in front of you. You turned your face away when Jungkook tried to bring his hand up to caress your cheek. He looked at you with a pout.
"Baby..." He dragged out the ‘a’ as he took hold of your arms trying to bring you closer. He knew you were upset.
"You know you are the only one for me." You scoffed at his words. His charms were not working on you tonight. Still resisting his touch, you snarked back at him.
"Didn't look like that when Holly was down your throat." The image of them popping back into your head and leaving you with a bitter, sour taste. To be honest, you did not even know why you were so upset. Just that you did not like seeing Holly anywhere near Jungkook.
"Are you jealous?"
"No," you were quick to answer him. As you did his body language changed. It was like a switch had been flicked and as he looked down on you with desire, you started feeling hot. He towered above you, parting your legs with his body, standing in between them.
"Cause I was pretty fucking jealous when Matt was down yours." Before you even had a second to process what Jungkook said he had his lips moving with yours. Hungrily kissing you, making you breathless. His hands moving through your hair, grabbing it, tilting your head so your neck was exposed. His lips left yours and travelled downwards, kissing the outer corner of your lip, your jaw and lastly your neck where he started roaming around. 
Sucking, biting and licking, trying to find your sweet spot. You let out a deep moan once he did. He smiled, smelling the faint scent of the perfume you were wearing. Sweet, just like you, he thought to himself. You felt his bulge getting bigger against your thigh, his hands getting rougher, more impatient. 
A sudden loud bang on the door made the two of you freeze in your movements.
“Can you fuck somewhere else? Some of us have to use the bathroom.” Muttering ‘shit’ under your breath you suddenly realized the situation the two of you were in. Anyone could have seen the two of you getting into the bathroom, someone is guaranteed see the two of you leaving together. Your secret would be exposed. Seeing the worry on your face, Jungkook took his hand to caress your cheek, comforting you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go first and buy you some time, okay?” You nodded and he followed through with his plan. Letting go of your face, taking a step backwards he smiled before he turned around to face the bathroom door. 
As he unlocked it, you took a deep breath, your head hanging low, eyes on the ground, trying to avoid the eyes of the people you were imagining were looking at you. Jungkook looked back at you once before opening the door and stepping out of the bathroom. He hated it, the secrecy of your relationship. How you almost looked ashamed of being with him. He felt like it was time for him to go home, he no longer had any thoughts on staying, even though all of his friends would probably look for him. 
A girl entered the bathroom and gave you a look that more or less said ‘get the fuck out’ and so you did. Looking around once, you stepped out of the bathroom and realized nobody was really looking at you, or judging you. Thank God. 
Finally, being able to breath again you once again tried to find your way out. On your quest to find the front door you stumbled upon Matt, who was very insisting on letting one of his friends drive you home as apparently, all of you were going to the same neighbourhood. Not being able to say no, you got in the car and that’s how you found your way home.
Once your head rested against your pillow, body laying down on your bed you could not help but think how differently this night could have ended. Jungkook could have been by your side, if only you would have talked to him. If only you were not so afraid of what people might think of you. If only… and with that on your mind you feel asleep.
 03 February 1992
“So… what are you planning on becoming?” Jungkook asked you as the two of you were walking, hand in hand on your way over to his house, skipping the last class. The teacher was probably just going to put on a movie any way since your school had an information day today where they brought up the different universities and options you had after school before lunch. 
Most of the teachers thought this would be going on for the whole day so skipping class did not seem too bad. Also, this meant you could hang out with Jungkook in public without worrying about anyone seeing the two of you since every one of your classmates were at school. What you wanted to become when you grow up… This was something you had already been thinking about for the last couple of years, looking forward to when you could finally leave this hell-town.
“Maybe… a boss of some sort?” At your answer Jungkook chuckled. Letting go of his hand you lightly slapped him, asking him ‘what?’.
“No, nothing. I think you are great at bossing people around, so it’ll suit you just fine!” Jungkook said with a smile on his face but you did not really believe his words. Taking hold of your hand again, Jungkook continued walking with you by his side. Despite his words, you were still feeling as if he was teasing you.
“You are just making fun of me…” Pouting and whining as you said it, trying to make Jungkook feel guilty, you quickly realized you succeeded when he stopped walking. Holding your hand, the both of you came to a halt. Jungkook’s gaze on you softened as you stood in front of him.
“Hey… I didn’t mean it like that. I really do feel like you would make a great boss.” Scoffing, you turned your head, letting go of his hand to cross your arms over your chest. With fondness Jungkook smiled, knowing you were not really angry with him. If you had, you would have already started walking away from him. Something he had picked up over the last couple of months. 
“You are compassionate, responsible, great at teaching and you do have a lot of patience. Isn’t that exactly what a good leader needs to have in order to have people look up to them? See them for guidance and trust them?” His words almost threw you off a bit. Jungkook rarely spoke to you this way but when he did, your heart skipped a beat every single time. No scratch that, nowadays it skipped a beat whenever he would just look at you. 
You could not help but smile and feel your cheeks getting redder as you slightly slapped him on his arm again. Embarrassed and not wanting him to see your reaction.
“What now?” He would ask you, amused with your reaction. Noticing the way your cheeks had turned a shade redder.
“Shut up, let’s go.” You told him as you started walking again. Wanting to get to his house as soon as possible. Shaking his head, Jungkook followed you. Taking your hand in his again. He smiled, as you did not fight him. Enjoying the warmth, you provided by his side.  
 04 March 1992
Jungkook was late. Over an hour had you waited for him to come over to your house and study like the two of you had agreed. He was falling behind, by a lot. He did not want you to know of course but as you looked for a hoodie in his drawer last week you found his grades. You did not mean to look at them but once you saw an F on several of them, you could not help but to ask Jungkook about it. He told you the truth, as always. 
He was failing because he could not study at home but because of you, he was not failing every class. The study sessions the two of you had helped him greatly and he was very thankful for your help. So, you decided the two of you should study more often so you could help him pass this term. Give him a chance to be able to study after high school. 
He was probably not taking this seriously, you thought and when you finally heard someone climbing up the garage outside your window. You knew it was him. Angrily, you crossed your arms and waited for him to get inside so you could scold him. His face was hanging low, his whole body slumped as he climbed into the window.
“An hour Jungkook? Honestly? Do you think I enjoy-” Stopping yourself mid sentence, as soon as you meet his gaze. His left eye was swollen and purple, his lip bleeding with a cut on the outer corner. Hair messy, clothes wet from the rain that started a while ago. Your eyes softened when your eyes met his tear-filled ones. Going over to him, you gently caressed his face. He tried avoiding eye contact with you.
“What happened?” You whispered and Jungkook suddenly put his lips on yours, wincing at the pain the cut in his lip provided. He was not in the mood to talk. Jungkook just wanted all his feelings to disappear, even if for only a moment. Taking your hands to his chest you gently pushed him away.
“Please tell me…” Jungkook cut you off before you could even finish your sentence.
“You are my distraction, aren’t you?” You nodded, confused at what Jungkook was trying to imply.
“Then fucking act like it.” His harsh words left a sour feeling inside your throat, but you tried to swallow it down as he kissed you again. Leaving you breathless as he pulled away to study your face for a minute, giving you a chance to say no. You knew you were in for a rough fuck but after a stressful day, it was exactly what you needed. As you pulled him down towards you, kissing him, Jungkook took this as a hint to continue. 
His rough hands on your body, undressing you as he backed you up against your bed. Pushing you down, you bounced around in your underwear before he placed himself on top of you momentarily before he got up again. Standing in front of you, in between your legs, he took off his shirt.
“Wha…” Your question was cut short as Jungkook placed his shirt around your eyes and tied it behind your head. Usually, he would use a tie to blindfold you but this time he had to be creative. 
“Be quiet and take what I’m willing to give you.” Manhandling you, Jungkook turned you roughly around. His hands on your hips, grabbing them upwards and placing you in the doggy position. His hands started roaming around your body, feeling your ass, kneading roughly your thighs before moving upwards towards your core. 
He touched you slightly over your clothed pussy and decided it was time for the fabric to go. Taking hold of your panties he ripped them apart. Squealing at the sudden sting the waistband of the panties hitting your sensitive skin, you felt exposed as the cold air of the room hit your core. 
“You can’t just-” your complaint about your new panties being ripped apart was cut short by Jungkook. 
“I can and I will. Now… I’ve told you to shut up and somehow you are still talking. Want me to stuff that dirty mouth with your panties hmm?” Shaking your head as you felt yourself getting wetter at the thought of Jungkook stuffing your mouth with your panties. A fantasy you have had for a while but did not have the courage to tell Jungkook about just yet. 
“No sir, I’ll be good,” you answer him, wanting to please him. 
“That’s my girl…” Jungkook whispered as he continued moving his fingers dangerously close to your hole before continuing, “now… Can I use you however I please and you’ll be a good girl and take?” Nodding at his question, wanting nothing more than to be his good girl, Jungkook entered one of his fingers in your pussy. You were not nearly wet enough as you needed to be for his cock, and he was going to change that. 
Whining, when he suddenly put in another finger. Stretching your unprepared pussy a little too much for your usual liking, but you were determined to take what Jungkook was willing to give you. Wanting to please him. If only he would pay attention to your clit. 
As if he could read your thoughts, Jungkook slightly brushed over your clit with his thumb which had you let out a low moan.
“Such a dirty slut, letting me use her however I want. I knew this about you ever since the first time I saw you at that party. Bet you let a lot of guys use you however they want, don’t you?” You chose not to answer him but someday you probably had to tell him the truth. There was really no one else but him. Twice had you tried sleeping with other guys and both were disappointments to say the least. Jungkook was even your first, but you would never tell him that. Afraid of how he would react.
As Jungkook continued fingering you, you could feel the pressure building but all the thoughts in your mind were distracting you. Clouding your pleasure and somehow you never reached the top like you usually would. So… you faked it. 
Not feeling like you could cum anyway and trying to avoid making Jungkook more upset, it seemed like the logical thing. Jungkook was pleased, thinking that he made you cum. You could hear him unzipping his pants and soon you felt the presence of the tip of his cock at your entrance. 
As he slowly entered you, you could feel the stretch slightly, but it was not as bad as you thought it would be. When he bottomed out, he stayed there to let you get used to it, waiting until you relaxed, before he started fucking you. Taking hold of your hips, pushing his cock in and out of your tight pussy, he moaned. You could not help but do the same, moaning whenever he reached your g-spot. 
It didn’t take him long to reach his high, he was not exactly holding back and trying to last longer. Thinking he had already made you cum. As Jungkook came with a finally deep thrust, body slumped over yours, he took a deep breath before pulling out. As he pulled out, you noticed how you could not feel any of his cum leaking out of your cunt. Did he not cum? 
As you took off his shirt that had been tied around your head. Acting as a blindfold, you turned your head around as you laid down on your side. You saw Jungkook removing a condom from his cock before tying it up and throwing it in the bin. His pants were still on, resting just below his hips. He pulled up his boxers and then his pants. He had not even taken off his pants this whole time while you had been lying naked in bed.
This gave you a weird feeling that you could not shake off. Something felt off. For some reason, he had used a condom tonight when the two of you had been going without one for more than half a year now, both getting tested beforehand. Making sure it was safe as you started taking birth control pills so the two of you could do it safely without a condom. He was probably seeing other girls again, you thought as you remembered Jungkook making out with Holly. Yeah, that was probably it.
“You’ll be alright yeah?” Your thoughts were interrupted by Jungkook who was now putting your blanket over your naked body as he took his shirt from your hand, his eyes searching for yours as he tried to make eye contact with you.
“Yeah.” You would answer him, not really sure what he was asking.
“Good. I’ll see you around.” Jungkook said before giving a kiss to your forehead. As he stood up, he turned around and went to your window. Was he really leaving? Your question was quickly answered as Jungkook threw his leg on the other side of your window and proceeded to climb out. 
This was not like him, you thought. Nowadays, he usually stays the night. Maybe this was a one-time thing? At least, you hoped it was as your heart felt heavy that night. Thoughts filled with worry for him. Was he going home to his father? God, you hoped he was going to his friends or something, but mostly you would have hoped he would have stayed. 
A single tear left your eyes as you got up to get dressed in your pyjamas to get ready to bed. What ever had happened today, you hoped would never happen again.
That night, you kept your window slightly ajar the whole night. Hoping Jungkook would come back. When you woke up the next morning in bed alone, you realized that was not the case. You were not his girlfriend. He was not your boyfriend. What were you even thinking right now? 
Annoyed with yourself, you put on your jogging shoes to try and go for a run. To clear your head. At first, it worked. For a little while. Until you started to worry again, and you almost found yourself running over to his house. No, if he wanted to talk, he would have come to you. You thought as you made your way back home. Hoping he would talk to you one day. Hoping he would explain.
 31 March 1992
You had spent all morning waiting for the mailman to come by your house. Hoping he would carry your college acceptance letter. Anxiously, you had been walking around, cleaning, trying anything to get your mind off it but nothing was working. Your mother tried to assure you, saying any college would be lucky to have you. You were above average, sure, but not too outstanding if you asked yourself. 
Jungkook, on the other hand. He would probably say the same as my mom, you thought. The two of you had not talked much recently. It seemed as if Jungkook was busy hanging out with his friends every day, and the time he had for you was minimal. 
You missed him, although, you would never admit it. So, while you were waiting, you decided to write down your thoughts and hide them in your box of confessions. Here were all the letters and things you wanted to say to people, but probably never would. 
Maybe, getting it all down on paper would help as usual, but this time it left you writing with no end. Emotions and thoughts that were never ending. It felt like you could almost write a book to Jungkook. How mad you were at him when he kissed Holly. How sad you were the first time he left you alone in bed. How happy you felt when he brought you that scrunchie. It was a mess indeed, but at least you were getting it out somewhere when you could not talk to anyone about it. Still afraid people would judge. Still afraid people might talk if they knew what was going on between the two of you.  
Jungkook missed you terribly, but he thought it was for the best. He had completely fallen for you. Head over heels and he was screwed. You would never want him as anything more than a fuck buddy, he thought. So that is how he decided to treat you. 
Go back to the beginning of your relationship, no sleepovers. No sweet talking. No studying together. Just sex. That worked most of the time, except for the times Jungkook felt guilty every time you asked him to stay. It made him second guess his choice every time. Thinking, maybe… just maybe… you had feelings for him too. 
Those thoughts would quickly disappear as whenever the two of you locked eyes out in public, yours would turn away. You did not want to be seen with him, he had to remind himself. With that in mind, Jungkook had made his choice to stay away from you. No matter how hard it was.
Around an hour later, you finally held your college application letter in your hand. Nervously you opened it. Reading though it, you realized. You were accepted. You got into your first choice even. 
Squealing, you could not wait to tell Jungkook. Oh… right… The smile on your face quickly turned to a frown when you remembered how distant he had been with you lately. He probably did not care, you tried to remind yourself. The two of you were merely fuck buddies after all. 
With that in mind, you tried to distract yourself from the thoughts of Jungkook, by showing the letter to your mom. Hugging her tightly as she told you how proud she was of you. Somehow, she was not the person you wanted to make the proudest anymore. Somehow, that was Jungkook and as you realized it, you were terrified. You had fallen in love with Jeon Jungkook.
 18 April 1992
With a lump in your throat and your vision blurred from the tears that escape your eyes, you hesitantly walk up towards Jungkook’s house. What was he even supposed to do? Why did you even think of going to him in the first place? After all, the two of you had not lately talked at all. He had been distant for a while now, but lately, you did not even talk with each other. It was like, he came over to your house, the two of you had sex and then he left. Nothing more, nothing less.
Today, you and the girls had all gathered at Tiffany’s house to hang out and start planning what dresses you would be buying for prom. It should have been fun, considering you actually looked forward to prom, but all your excitement was flushed down the drain as soon as the girls started talking about your body. 
Who you should go with or why you should even bother to go, when no guy had shown any interest in you so far. You got out of there as quickly as possible to get some air, but somehow your thoughts drifted to Jungkook and your legs started moving towards his house. Should you even knock? What if his father is home? With shaking hands, you knocked lightly on his door and soon enough you heard footsteps approaching the door.
As Jungkook opened the door he found you, teary eyes looking down on the ground, your trembling lip caught between your teeth and hands fiddling at the seam of your shirt. The smile he had on his lips when he opened the door and saw you quickly disappeared as he noticed your state. Walking outside, he closed the door behind him so his friends would not hear your conversation, respecting your privacy.
“Hey,” he spoke softly, and you looked up at him, meeting his eyes. He never expected you to show up at his doorstep like this. Especially not after how distant he had been towards you lately. Still… he was somehow happy that you had come to him.
“What’s wrong?” You shrugged, not really knowing what to say but Jungkook was patient. Waiting for you to collect your thoughts and talk to him.
“I don’t really know, the girls started talking about prom and how I’m never going to find a date because…” Your trembling voice gave out as you started sobbing. Jungkook wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in tightly against his body. Your head against his chest as you cried into his hoodie. He truly felt like home, his scent and warmth bringing you comfort.
“Shh…” Jungkook whispered as he caressed your back and stroked your hair.
“You know better than anyone that most things that come out of their mouths is utter bullshit.” He was right, but you could not help but to feel your heart sink every time you thought about what they had said to you.
“Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt,” you mumbled into his chest and he kissed your hair. Letting out a heavy breath, you finally felt like you could breathe again.
“I know, I know.” Jungkook reassured you. Letting out a sigh as Jungkook took a step back, releasing you from his embrace, you wanted to complain. Wanting him to comfort you more, but he was quick to bring one of his hands up to your face and wipe away your tears. Tilting your head up by taking hold of your chin so your eyes would meet.
“Want to hang out with me and boys for a while and once they leave, we can talk?” He suggested and you quickly shook your head. The last thing you wanted was to bother him in anyway. He was not your boyfriend. He had no obligation to take care of you.
“I really don’t want to intrude.” As soon as your answer left your mouth, Jungkook was quick to respond.
“You wouldn’t” That was all it took to reassure you and with a beating heart you quietly muttered an ‘okay’ and Jungkook smiled.
“Follow me.” Intertwining his hand with yours he opened the door and walked in with you right behind him. The boys that sat on the couch all got quiet as they turned their heads to see you and Jungkook standing in the hallway. They all recognized you quickly, one of the plastics, one of the wealthy girls in town. 
You, on the other hand, only recognized Taehyung and not the other two boys that were sitting in the living room. Taehyung was often seen beside Jungkook at school and Jungkook often talked about him with you, saying you would love him if you got to know him. Guess this was your chance.
“Guys, this is ‘____’, she’s staying with us tonight” Jungkook announced and truth to be told, you could not really read their faces at all. Staring at them as they stared back at you, you had never felt more out of place. The plastics somehow felt more normal. Never did you think you would ever have that thought. 
You were brought out of your trance as Jungkook tugged on your hand, dragging you towards the couch. Following him, he sat down on the empty couch, next to the one where Taehyung and the other two boys sat. Sitting down next to him you awkwardly smiled at the boys and they smiled a sceptical smile back at you, not really sure probably on how to react. Never had they once seen Jungkook take any girl home. 
On the table in front of you were beer bottles and tv-game controllers. As you looked over on the tv you saw that they were playing some sort of video game. Jungkook smiled as he observed you.
“It’s Super Mario, Jimin got it last week. Probably the best game out there on Super Nintendo” He explained to you and one of the boys, the one on the far right spoke up.
“It’s really fun, you should try it!” He exclaimed and you smiled shaking your head, declining his offer.
“Oh! I’m Jimin by the way, this is Hoseok and that’s Taehyung.” Jimin said as he pointed at the other two boys sitting on his couch. Once the boys started playing their game you started to feel more at ease. More comfortable as you started leaning towards Jungkook on the couch, bringing your feet up to rest on the couch as well. As you changed position, Jungkook could not help but want you even closer.
“Come here.” Confused, you looked to your right to see that Jungkook had parted his legs, encouraging you to sit in between them. Looking over at the boys on the other couch you saw that they were fully immersed in the game. Why not? You thought and settled between his legs. Jungkook wrapped his body around you as your back rested against his chest. For the next round the controller was thrown to Jungkook and he bent down to whisper in your ear.
“Imma win this one for you baby.” You felt goosebumps all over your body, heart skipping a beat. What the girls had said earlier to you was long forgotten as you sat in here in Jungkook’s embrace. He ended up winning the race and for the next one, he showed you how to play. How he managed to win despite having his focus on showing you all the controls was beyond you. 
The game after that you were the one playing against Jimin. Jungkook showed you how to change character and you chose Peach. He probably went easy on you since you won, nothing he would admit though. Jungkook was proud, happy and content. You were getting along with his friends.
You could not help but to think of the night not too long ago, when Jungkook had showed up to your house, beaten. There was no doubt it was his father who had abused him, but you never asked. Whatever was between the two of you had felt different after that. 
He had always seeked your comfort before and you his as you did today, but something had always felt off after that. As if his trust in you was broken. Not entirely, but enough to wonder why he never felt as if he could just talk to you about it. Why he had stopped talking to you almost entirely. Also, it was not the last time Jungkook came to you for comfort like that. Each time, leaving you a little hollower than the time before. Remembering your place in his life. His fuck buddy. Merely someone to take his mind off things for a while.
The rest of the night was spent playing video games, staying up way too late and lastly with you falling asleep in Jungkook’s arms. If only every night could be spent like this, you thought. If the two of you could somehow talk about the two of you. What you were to one another. By now, you were sure you loved him. Somehow you could never allow yourself to completely fall for him, scared he does not feel the same way. Scared that the feelings you were feeling were one sided. 
They probably were, you thought, remembering the way he spoke to you that night. Saying you are his distraction and nothing more. Remembering when he made out with Holly at the party instead of hanging out with you when he had begged you to come. Something had felt off after all of that. Remembering that he had barely spoken to you these last few weeks. Today, you had fallen asleep in his arms, pretending it was all fine. Wanting it so badly to be fine. Not trying to think too much about it, when lately it was all that had been on your mind. If only you could tell him your thoughts. If only.
 29 May 1992
You look over the schoolyard as you and the plastics sat by one of the outside lunch tables, eyes glued on Jungkook as he played basketball with his friends. Things have been different lately. Jungkook had wanted to spend more time with you but this time… you had been distant. 
The two of you had not had sex together in over two weeks now. Your mind filled with worry, anxiety and stress. As you got your acceptance letter, you quickly tried to find your own apartment in New York. In your favour, your aunt had a friend that was going away for a year to study abroad. Needing someone to take care of her apartment in the meantime. 
You had signed the contract a few days ago. You would be moving in a few days after school had ended. Everything was happening so fast, too fast. Therefore, you prioritised yourself. Spending as much time planning and figuring this out in order to ease your mind. Of course, you wanted to see Jungkook, but you knew that would no longer be possible once you moved. 
So, you distanced yourself from him. Tried to become used to not seeing him. It was mostly going well. Well, that was until the two of you locked eyes and he shot you a smile before continuing to play with his friends again. You had smiled back at him, loving the warm feeling inside your body whenever his attention was on you. Fuck… this was not going to be easy, you thought.
 14 June 1992
Jungkook was happy, school was over. He had passed his exams, he could actually come with you, wherever you were going to study. Jungkook had not told you this yet, but he was hoping he could come with you, get away from his father. He wanted to tell you this today so the two of you could figure it out over the summer. Maybe... He could probably work for a year or two. Maybe save enough money for college one day, he thought. He remembered how you almost glowed when you talked about your dreams. Your dream to work for a big company one day. So, he worked his ass off. Studying wherever he had the time so he would pass his exams, so he had a chance at college one day. Anything to make you proud. Anything to be with you.
As he brushed his teeth, he could not help but to imagine your reaction when he told you that he would be able to come with you. He knew you were anxious about leaving but the two of you knew it was for the best. Leave this small town and find new friends, family and a place to call your own. A place that could be potentially a home for the two of you. He was certain he would confess to you. His love, he was sure, was endless for you. A never stopping force that he could not deny any longer. Today he would tell you. Of that, he was sure.
When he saw you on the park bench his smile faded. You were crying, hands fiddling with your shirt, something you did when you were nervous. Eyes looking towards the ground. Jungkook imagined this was all because you thought he would not be able to come with you. That you had to say goodbye to him, as you left for college.
“Hey.” He spoke softly once he reached you and your eyes looked up to meet his.
“Hey…” You whispered back, and he put out his arms to pull you into his embrace, but you refused. Putting your arms in front of you, stopping his body from wrapping itself around yours. Jungkook looked confused letting his arms fall to his side again.
“What’s wrong?” He asked and you could barely look at him.
“I can’t.” Puzzled he looked at you, trying to read your face.
“What do you mean?” Yeah what did you actually mean. You had been thinking about how to tell him for the last couple of days but now when the day had come, no words formed in your mouth. You knew by now that you loved him, but you also knew he could not come with you. You had to end it here, for your own sake and his. The two of you could not make it work long distance. For God’s sake, you were not even a couple, you thought.
“What do you mean you can’t?” Jungkook asked again when no answer came out of you. Whimpering, lip trembling, breathing unsteady you said it.
“I can’t be with you.” Jungkook was quiet. It felt as if all the air in his lungs had left him. His chest empty, drained of all the happiness that had filled his body earlier on. He did not know how to react. You could not even look at him, you knew if you did you would change your mind. For him, you probably would. The desire to be able to get out of the town that was the source of your unhappiness was bigger than your desire to be with him, not by much, but enough. You knew if you did not break up with Jungkook you would stay here. Stay and regret the decision your whole life. 
The silence was killing you. You had said what you needed to say. So, you decided it was time to leave. As you turned your heel to walk away from Jungkook he spoke, making you halt your movements.
“Why?” His question raised a number of thoughts in your mind, but before you had the chance to answer him, he continued. Clenching his jaw to keep the tears that had been forming in his eyes at bay.
“Was it something I did?” No, you wanted to tell him. You wanted to tell him that he made you feel loved like no one ever had before. You wanted to tell him the scrunchie that he got you was the most precious gift you had ever gotten. 
You wanted to tell him, no one ever was as honest as he was with you and that he was the only one who never once doubted you. Never made you feel insecure, made you feel as if you could not be yourself or made you feel like your feelings and thoughts were not valid. You wanted to tell him he made you whole, as if you had been searching for something your whole life and finally you had found it. None of that came out of your mouth though.
“I can’t stand watching you mess around with other girls.” The thought of him and Holly at the back of your head. Jungkook with someone else that was not you, someone that probably would treat him better. Treat him the way he deserved to be treated. Someone that just was not you. 
Besides… How would even things work if he could come with you? He was still one of the biggest players in the school. Would he be able to drop all of that for you or would you stay worried the entire time like you had now? Worried that all you were to him was a distraction even though deep down you knew you were something more than that. At least you hoped so.
All Jungkook could think about was that you probably had feelings for him too. Why else would you otherwise not be able to stand seeing him with other girls? He felt hope. 
“I’ll stop.” Jungkook choked out, his voice quiet, lip trembling as the first tear escaped his eyes as yours meet his.
“I promise.” He continued. What he wanted to tell though was that he had not messed around with anyone ever since you got jealous at that party, ever since he saw you in someone else’s arms. After that, it all felt wrong to him. Especially since all he wanted was you.
“I have to focus on myself, I need some time.” You whispered as Jungkook stepped closer. When you did not move away, he brought his hands to your face, holding it carefully as if you would break otherwise. He rested his forehead against yours and took a deep breath.
“I’ll wait.” Jungkook said truthfully, he would wait for as long as it would take for you to come back to him. You did not want that. You wanted better for him. Someone, who could openly say they were in a relationship, without thinking of others. Show him the love he deserved without being afraid of how other people may react. 
Sobbing with your eyes closed you tried to remember what his scent was like, the one that gave you a feeling of home when you breathed it in. You wanted to remember it, forever if you could. This close you could smell it, if only you could stay here forever, but you could not.
Jungkook let his fingers run through your hair and back to your cheek, feeling the softness of your skin, the roughness of your hair telling him you had not brushed your hair today, yet, you looked stunning as ever. He had to tell you what he thought, he had to let you know. Had to let you know you were his home, his safe place, his sanctuary. You were a breeze on a hot summer day, refreshing, well needed and something he craved.
You placed your hands on top of his, taking them in yours. As you took a step back you opened your eyes, looking up at him. Jungkook opened his as well, swallowing hard as he choked on the tears that had started to escape his eyes. You could never do this to him again, never see him again like this, he did not deserve it you thought.
“I don’t want you to. I want you to let me go.” As the words left your mouth, Jungkook did so. His hands left yours and he stepped back. Maybe you did not feel the same way as him, he thought. Maybe something had happened, and you needed some time. Maybe… there was still a chance for the two of you to make it. Finally, be together. 
With this little hope Jungkook had let you go of his grasp. As he opened his eyes and met yours, he realized that was not the truth. The truth was this was it. Your mouth turned into a painful smile as tears left your eyes and you spoke your last words to him.
“Thank you.” He never got the chance to ask you for what or to thank you back as you turned around and left him on the street. He wanted to say thank you back. For all the times you had been there for him. When he did not know how to express himself, never pushing him to explain. Just being there for him whenever he needed someone. Whenever he needed you.
Jungkook could think of anything else the next couple of hours, his body limp, crying into Taehyung’s chest. Thinking about all the times he probably screwed up, leading to you breaking up with him. Was it even a breakup if you never officially dated? It sure as hell felt like it at least. 
He had to see you one last time, he had to change your mind. He needed to tell you how he felt. How much you meant to him. How badly he wanted the two of you together, wherever and whenever that would be. As long as you heard him out… maybe… just maybe… he had a chance at winning you back. Wiping away his tears he told Taehyung he would be back soon, that he had to see you one last time and with that he left his house, on his way to yours. 
As he reached the door and knocked, your mother opened the door.
“Hi, is there anything I could help you with?” She answered and Jungkook smiled at her through the pain and hollowness he was feeling. Your mother recognized his face, but she could not quite place it anywhere. 
“Yeah, is ‘___’ home?” He asked and your mother shook her head.
“I’m afraid not, she left for college an hour ago” Jungkook nodded at your mother and turned around, walking down your doorstep he let out a broken cry. This was it. You were really gone. You wanted nothing to do with him. That was probably why you had been away the last couple of days. You had probably been moving into your new place, Jungkook thought. 
He walked for hours around the town with these thoughts until Hoseok found him sitting on a bench by the river. Jungkook still barely remembers what Hoseok had told him that day. All he remembers is the hollow feeling in his chest, his nose running, eyes swollen, barely being able to breath. Consumed by the sadness you had left with your words, the sadness that he thought would never end. A hole in his soul he did not believe could ever be filled again. 
His first and only love… gone, and there was nothing he could do about it. If he only knew you felt the same, if he only knew how much you loved him too. Maybe he would have confessed sooner, maybe you would have if you would have known. Maybe… this would not have been the end of your first love. 
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imaginingsoftly · 4 years
4 Times He Went to Her + 1 Time She Went to Him - Ryan Murray
Type: friends to lovers, 4 +1, angsty-ish
Requested: No
Warnings: none
A/N: A little 4+1 for Ryan Murray (just in time for his birthday!)
(1) 16 years old
“Ry!” Jamie’s parents laughed as she went flying out of the house, sprinting across the front lawn and into her best friend’s arms. Ryan caught her with a small chuckle, and his arms wrapped around her back securely. 
He had been gone for months, playing in the WHL, and it felt like this day would never come. “Hey, trouble.” His voice had gotten deeper in the months since Jamie had last seen him, and phone calls didn’t do the change justice. He sounded older than his 17 years. 
After a hug that lasted longer than necessary, even for the two of them, Ryan gently untangled her limbs from around his neck and waist. Jamie’s parents had come out of the house at some point, and they took their turns hugging him. Growing up next door to each other they’d naturally become close friends, and Jamie knew at some point her parents had become like another set of parents for him, much like the Murrays were for her. 
It took almost an hour before they could get away from Jamie’s parents, after they’d invited Ryan inside for dinner, but finally they were in the passenger seat of his truck tearing down side roads with the windows rolled down. “I missed you, Jame.” Ryan’s hand reached over the center console to squeeze hers gently. “I wish you could come to Everett. We could take a day trip down to Seattle.” 
Jamie smiled. Seattle was at the top of her bucket list of places to visit, and Ryan knew it. Farmers markets and eclectic coffee shops were two of her favorite things, two things which Seattle had in abundance. 
Their conversation moved on to other things, like what home had been like while he was gone and which one of his teammates had the best chance at the draft that year. Conversation was easy between them, rarely lapsing despite the fact that they’d talked for hours on the phone the night before. He wasn’t going to be home long, just a few weeks and he was off to some camp with a bunch of other top prospects, so she tried to settle in and enjoy the time they did have together. 
“You’ve gotta promise to come to at least one game every year for me, especially when I make it to the NHL.” Ryan glanced over at Jamie as he stopped the truck at a red light, and she nodded in agreeance.
“Obviously. Someone has to make sure your head doesn’t get too big.”
(2) 17 years old
Jamie smiled as she set up the last of the decorations for Ryan’s party. Him and his family were on their way home from PIttsburgh, and she’d been texting his mom all day to make sure that everyone was ready by the time they got back. Ryan would probably kill her for setting up a surprise party for him, but it wasn’t like she wasn’t going to celebrate her best friend getting drafted 2nd overall. 
It was a small party, anyway, Jamie and her parents plus a couple of Ryan’s friends and the rest of his extended family. A text came from Ryan’s mom to let her know they were coming up the street, and she turned off all the lights and shushed everyone. Doors slammed outside, and Jamie stifled a giggle. 
“SURPRISE!!!” Ryan jumped back as everyone jumped up from their hiding places, and Jamie laughed at the look on his face when he registered what was happening. “Just second, buddy?” Ryan rolled his eyes at her joke, hauling her against his chest for a hug. 
“You did this, I’m assuming?” She nodded into his neck, and Ryan kissed the top of her head. “Thanks, trouble.” 
Jamie squeezed a little tighter, trying not to think about how far away he was going to be that fall. “Love you, Ry. I’m so proud of you.” 
“Love you too, Jame.” 
(3) 21 years old
Jamie’s college roommate laughed when she leaped at her phone as a text came through. “You sure you’re not dating this guy, Jamie?” Kelli laughed when she said it, but Jamie still felt a sliver of pain at her words. They weren’t true, but damn if she didn’t wish they were. Kelli must have seen a bit of pain flash across Jamie’s face, because she touched her arm gently. “Hey. Are you okay?” Jamie swallowed, nodding slowly. She would be. It wasn’t like she was the first person to have a massive crush on her best friend.
“I’m good. He just wanted to know if I can still meet him for lunch. They landed in Montreal today, they play the Habs tomorrow.” Kelli nodded, still not entirely convinced she was telling the truth. “Speaking of,” Jamie said as she tried to change the subject, “Ryan invited me to the game tomorrow. You coming with? He said he’d save a ticket for you.” That would do it. Her roommate, a French national who watched her first hockey game ever when Jamie had dragged her to a game their Freshman year, loved hockey. 
An hour later Jamie was walking the streets in old Montreal, heading for an old cafe she began frequenting early in her Freshman year. Ryan and a few of his teammates were waiting for her, and Ryan’s face lit up when one of his teammates pointed in her direction. 
The pair collided with a small “oof”, and Jamie giggled as Ryan pulled her tightly against him. “Hey,” he breathed. His teammates were laughing in the background, chirping Ryan mercilessly, but he ignored them. She grinned into his chest as he squeezed her even tighter. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Ry.” Jamie breathed in the smell of his laundry detergent and cologne, a smell she hadn’t ever really appreciated on any men except for Ryan. It was comforting in a way that nothing else ever had been for her. 
For all their laughter when Jamie first appeared, the guys were happy to see her. Nick and David both hugged her tightly, and the former showed her photos of his daughter. Ryan watched her interact with his teammates with a smile on his face, and his grin widened when Jamie met his eyes. An unspoken staring contest began, and Jamie won like always. 
“So how’s your senior year at McGill treating you, JR?” David’s voice, softly accented, reminded her there were other people at the table. Of all Ryan’s teammates, David and Nick were her two favorites. They were both like older brothers, and questions like that one made them feel like the siblings she didn’t have. 
“It’s going well! There’s a firm back home that’s already interested in hiring me as a financial consultant, so I think I’m pretty set!” Nick patted her on the back, offering up congratulations, while a couple of the younger guys chirped at Ryan for having a friend that was so much smarter than him. 
Jamie smiled as she looked around the table, noting how Ryan interacted with each of them. She had gotten quiet while she did, and Ryan mouthed a silent “you okay?” at her. She nodded, and he grinned at her again. Just seeing him smile had her melting, and Jamie again recognized just how screwed she was. 
(4) 25 years old
Jamie sat silently in the passenger’s side of Ryan’s truck, much like she had for ten years now. The two of them had fought before, sure, but this one felt different. “I really wanted you there, Jamie. You’ve been there for every other part of my life, and I wanted you there to see us win the series.” 
He sounded hurt, and it was almost too much to handle. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be there for him, much like she had been for most of his milestones; he was right about that. It was the fact that he’d been talking about a girl for months now, and she didn’t know if she could handle seeing him with someone else. “I had to work, Ry, I told you that.”
“No you didn’t!” Jamie flinched when he yelled. Ryan never raised his voice at her, unless he was trying to get her attention from across a busy arena. “I talked to your mom. She said you never tried to get the time off, that you kept making excuses!” Damn her. Her mother had gotten pushy about her feelings for Ryan, tired of her daughter dancing around them in favor of security. 
Ryan pulled onto a dirt road, one Jamie knew led to a small beach at the reservoir. “You don’t talk to me anymore.” His words were quiet, but Jamie heard them anyway. They cut deeper than anything else he could have said. He was right. They didn’t talk anymore, not really. Sure, they had phone conversations almost every week and she made the flight out to Columbus to see a game every year with his parents like she’d promised to years before, but they didn’t talk just for the sake of talking anymore. 
Part of it was her fault, Jamie knew that. It was hard to talk to Ryan without shouting out her feelings, so she held back. She didn’t call him as much. Then he started dating that girl, Eliza, and he stopped initiating the conversations. Eventually, that weekly talk turned into a stilted conversation that lasted ten minutes at most. Recently, they’d stopped altogether. 
Jamie turned her head to look out the window when Ryan looked over at her. She felt his hand twitch, like he was about to reach for her, but then he stopped. “I can’t do this right now, Ryan.” Shit. She hadn’t used his full name in years, and that in itself told her enough about how much things had changed. 
“So this is it, then? Twenty years of friendship gone just like that?” Ryan’s words were soft, but they hurt more than shouting ever could. He sounded broken. Jamie didn’t respond, because really there was nothing to say. Ryan had Eliza, and dammit she wasn’t going to be that person. She wouldn’t throw her heart out there when Ryan had finally found someone. “Will you at least look at me?” 
He sighed heavily when she didn’t, throwing the truck into reverse with a little more force than necessary. The drive back to her apartment felt like it took forever, and the silence that settled in the cab of the truck was different from their usual silence. Ryan pulled into the parking lot of her building and slammed into a parking space, putting a hand on Jamie’s arm before she got out. “Look at me and tell me that this is what you want.” 
Silent tears dripped from Jamie’s cheeks when she finally looked over, and Ryan’s face dropped in devastation. “Jame,” he began, reaching for her across the console, but she jerked back. The last thing she needed was for him to touch her. Her resolve had crumbled enough already at the hurt in his voice.
The cab suddenly felt too small, and she fumbled for the door handle. “Jamie!” Ryan swore as she jumped out of the truck, quickly turning it off and jumping out of his seat, but she was gone. He chased Jamie to her door, banging on it for almost ten minutes after she slammed it in his face.
Jamie slid down the inside of the door, sobs wracking her body as Ryan begged her to talk to him. “Jame, please.” Ryan’s voice reached her from the other side of the door, and she did her best not to listen even as her legs wouldn’t let her walk away. “Jamie, I need you to open the door. Talk to me. Tell me what the hell is going on.” He stopped talking, like he was waiting for her to open the door. A thud sounded near her back, like Ryan had kicked the door, and Jamie jumped. “Dammit, Jamie, don’t throw twenty years away and not tell me why!” 
She could feel his presence outside the door even after he stopped knocking, but eventually he walked away. Her heart shattered all over again when she realized that this time his leaving was for good. 
(+1) 25 years old
Ryan’s mother had appeared at her door out of the blue hours before, not even giving Jamie a chance to speak before she turned on her mom voice. “I don’t know what happened between you two, and frankly I don’t care. He’s hurting without you, Jamie Rowland, and you will fix this.” 
Jamie gaped at the woman as she pushed her way past Jamie and into the apartment. “Tell me what happened. Did my son do something wrong? He doesn’t seem to understand why you won’t talk to him anymore.” The older woman softened, laying a hand on Jamie’s shoulder. “Come on, sweetheart. I may be Ryan’s mother, but you might as well be my daughter.” 
She was right. Everything Jamie had been afraid to tell her own mother, big or small, she told Momma Murray. They had a bond outside of her being the mother of Jamie’s best friend, so it was probably time she told her the truth. Jamie gestured for the couch, and they sat down side-by-side. “I’ve been in love with your son for years.” 
Out of all the reactions Jamie could have expected, laughter was not one of them. Ryan’s mother chuckled to herself for almost an entire minute while Jamie sat there in confusion. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” she said in between chuckles, “I’ve known you two were in love with each other since you were ten.” Jamie jerked back, and the other woman reached out to touch her arm. “You two have been circling around each other for years, Jamie, and I’m honestly shocked it’s taken you two so long to get together.”
Jamie began to shake her head. “No. Ryan doesn’t think of me like that. He has Eliza.” 
“No, honey, he doesn’t.” Jamie looked into Mrs. Murray’s eyes, disbelieving. “He was with Eliza while he waited for you. I yelled at him for it. It’s cruel to string that other girl along when it’s always been you.” Jamie smiled slightly. His mother had always been a bit too much of a meddler for her own good. “You have the weekend off, I checked with your mother. There’s a flight to Columbus that leaves in two hours. I have a ticket in your name waiting at the airport.” She didn’t. Jamie’s stomach dropped. “It’s time for you two to make up, Jamie. I don’t want to watch you two be miserable without each other anymore. Go get him back.”
As much as Jamie wanted to strangle the other woman, she was right. But shit, two hours wasn’t a lot of time to get packed and head to the airport. Jamie jumped to her feet, and Mrs. Murray followed her with a chuckle. “I’ve gotta pack, and find a ride to the airport, and,” the other woman cut in before Jamie could continue panicking. “I’m driving you sweetie, so don’t worry about that.” 
She was thankful to have a maternal presence with her as she packed to leave, and the gentle kiss Mrs. Murray laid on her forehead as she dropped her off helped to calm her nerves significantly. 
The flight to Columbus was a little too spontaneous for Jamie, but she needed to go. She didn’t really have a plan now that she was here. Talk to Ryan, obviously, but that was easier said than done. 
Right now, the plan was either to suck it up and head straight to Ryan’s or find somewhere to collect herself first. The choice was made for her when a familiar voice called out to her from the baggage claim. Nick, and what looked like his entire brood of children. “Hey JR,” the Jackets captain called out as she got closer. “Murr’s mom got a hold of me. She said you might need someone to drag you to Murr’s.” 
Damn the woman, but she was right. The kids swarmed around Jamie, hugging every available limb and screaming “JR!” . Nick laughed at the look on Jamie’s face even as he pulled her away from the kids and in for a tight hug. Nick had become a lot like an older brother for her over the years, and she appreciated that he was there for her today. “I’m assuming she told you why?”
“Nope,” he said simply. “But I figured it out. It isn’t hard to see that the two of you have been dancing around each other for longer than I’ve known you both.” They moved together as a large clump of humanity into the parking lot, and Jamie helped him get the kids settled into their carseats. “He misses you a ton, JR. Trust me, he’ll be happy to see you.” 
The ride to Ryan’s was anything but quiet, though Nick mostly left Jamie to her own thoughts. Nick reached out and patted her arm as Ryan’s apartment building came into view, and Jamie smiled over at him gratefully. “Go get him, kiddo.” The kids yelled good luck from the back seat, though none of them seemed to actually understand why they were wishing her luck. 
Jamie took a deep breath once she reached Ryan’s door, knocking gently before she could lose her nerve. Nick said he was home, but what if he’d gone out? What then? Just as she began to spiral into a panic, Ryan opened the door, and Jamie almost broke down in tears at the sight of his face. He looked confused, but he still stepped aside when she asked to come in. 
She barely had time to put her stuff down inside before Ryan was pulling her in close. He shoved his face into her hair, breathing in deeply. For the first time in almost two months, she felt totally calm despite the conversation they were about to have. Jamie burrowed deeper into Ryan’s chest, and he pulled her in tighter without hesitation. “I’m sorry, Ry.” Her words broke the moment, and Ryan released Jamie just as quickly as he grabbed her. 
“I love you.” Jamie’s eyes widened when she realized what she’d said. “Shit. That came out really wrong. I uh,” 
Ryan’s voice cut her off. “You love me. Sure didn’t seem like it when you ran away a couple of months ago.” Jamie bowed her head. Any doubt she’d had about if he was still angry disappeared at the tone of his voice. He was still very angry. 
“I’ve uh, I’ve loved you for a really long time.” Jamie breathed out a laugh. “Probably close to ten years, actually. I was just so damn scared, Ryan.” He stood frozen, staring at her face like he didn’t believe a word of what she was saying. “It got harder and harder to ignore how I was feeling, and then I finally got to the point that I felt like I could tell you and I found out you were dating Eliza.” 
She started pacing, looking anywhere but at Ryan. “I was so damn hurt, Ry. I knew I had no claim over you, and yet the thought of you with anyone else felt so wrong.” Jamie paused in front of his living room window, staring out at the city. “I know I should have told you. I just didn’t want to put you in an unfair position when you were still dating Eliza.” 
There it was. Everything was out in the open. She suddenly felt far too raw and exposed, a new feeling when it came to Ryan. Jamie opened her mouth to say more, but suddenly hands came around her waist. “You love me?” Ryan rested his head on her shoulder, and Jamie could feel his eyes on her face. She nodded slowly, and he spun her around. “I love you too.” He looked nervous, even after her declaration. 
Jamie put her hands on either side of Ryan’s face. “Kiss me, Ry.” 
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satoruvt · 3 years
fanfic writer tag game <3
helloooo <3 thank u for tagging me @hannie-dul-set this is so cute lol
ummmm! i think i will tag. @leejuyeeon and @seokmingiggles !! and as always anyone else who wants to <33
peum ~
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
omg lets see if i can do this in order. i think the first fandom i ever wrote fanfic for was creepypasta LMAOO and then... fairy tail? then 5 seconds of summer, then maybe it 2017?? voltron legendary defender, detroit become human, monster prom and mystic messenger kind of overlapped, the arcana !!! then my hero academia, haikyuu, a Little bit of demon slayer... i think thats it lol
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
seventeen is all for rn, but i’m thinking of also writing for mha again and adding jjk!!
3. how long have you been writing?
oh wow for like... probably around 6 years? maybe 6 and a half
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
rn just tumblr, i used to post more actively on ao3 but i havent since i started writing for kpop
5. what is your favourite genre to write?
ahhh like !!! comfort fics!!! i think theres something really sweet in those unspoken feelings during moments you think you’ll never forget... the idea of being with someone and you’re just so sure they’re your favorite person, and then warmth that comes with that realization... wahh
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
oh it depends i think. for longer fics i like to plan them out, but i really wing it with like timestamps or shorter ones
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
ONE SHOTS. my god i fucking suck at multi-chapter shit LMAOO ive only done 1 series like that and it was so rough for me lol
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
hm how do i explain this... anything that makes sense? however long it takes for it to feel like the chapter/fic is summed up or completed. i used to worry about word counts a lot but now i rarely pay attention to them, both in reading and writing
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
if we’re talking about multi-chaptered, then the color of you wins at 17k !! in terms of one shots, it’s for now; forever at 9k!
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
oh boy. i think... anything from the last like. 8 months? my svt stuff for sure!! i went a while without writing in between like january-late november 2020, and i was worried that my writing would suffer a lot... it took a sec for me to get back into the groove of things but i’m feeling happier than ever with the stuff i write now. i feel like ive matured about the way i approach my own writing and ideas, and how i do everything, and my fics make me really proud. ive started writing within different aus that i hadnt touched before, or talking about different feelings or ideas, etc... i really feel like ive grown with this most recent burst lol, and i love working on them! i get so hyped up when im in the middle of writing or even planning, im just so excited to share all of it hehe
11. favorite request you've have written and why (if any?)
ah its been so long since ive worked with requests that i cant remember anything LOL
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
yes. it is comfort and content. it is the feeling of love. it is holding hands on a walk in the middle of spring and smelling flowers. it is the sound of leaves when a gust of wind blows past. it is looking into ur lovers eyes and feeling nothing but pure fondness
13. current number of wips?
fuck like somewhere around 20 probably
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
i really like repetition (specifically in sentences if that makes sense??), LOTS of unspoken things (even if i picture a fic with an established relationship, i dont say it within the fic; and especially concerning romantic feelings, i love when things go unsaid and are FELT full force), i think a lot of detailed rambling... i really like to try and describe emotions and stuff in the most abstract and obscure ways lol i feel like it makes things a little more palpable and honest
15. a quote you like from a published story
im gonna do a few. Lol. firstly this long one from pretend people can unlearn:
“Are you…” Jeonghan starts, and when you look at him, his eyes are still on the city in front of you. “Are you ever afraid that we’ll fall out of love?”
It never occurred to you that this was love. It’s not like the love you’ve experienced in the past, not even close. But maybe… maybe that’s why you never leave, why you hold yourself back from certain arguments like it might fix everything. Maybe love is the reason why Jeonghan still seems to believe in you. Why he promises he’ll be the best thing for you despite always breaking that promise.
(Is it love, a voice in your head questions, or is it longing?)
It takes you a while to respond. “I don’t know,” you end up saying, because you really don’t. Jeonghan turns his head and looks at you, and you half expect him to start an argument in the middle of night, out on the street like this. It wouldn’t be the first time. “Would that… be okay?”
“I don’t know,” Jeonghan answers, just like you. His voice is soft. You want to reach for his hand just to hold it. “You’re still…”
He pauses, like he’s trying to find the right word. You let him take his time, for once, instead of accusing him of the worst. “I’m still?”
“Everything,” he tells you. He looks so sad and you reach out for him because it’s the only thing you can offer. You think the worst thing about your relationship with Jeonghan is that you will always believe him when he gets like this, just like you’ll believe him when he takes it back in the heat of a fight.
next is from like there isn’t something missing <3
But you’re crying into his chest because it’s not you, and it’s not him. Seungcheol wonders if it was always meant to be like this, if the two of you were always meant to part or if something… if something just went wrong, somewhere. A bump that did a bit more damage than either of you thought.
He tries not to think about it now. Tears fill his own eyes as he presses a kiss to your hair because he loved you. He truly did.
“I was so lucky to love you,” he murmurs, voice a cracked whisper. “I’m so happy I got the chance.”
When Seungcheol wakes up the next morning in an empty bed, he’s not surprised. But the Post-It note that’s dressed in your handwriting…
Well. It’s over.
and this last one from only for you, i will dance !!
“This will always be our own time,” he says. “We’ll meet here.”
You know. He says it every time. It never fails to make your heart soar.
“Our thirteenth month,” you say, just like every time. Chan smiles.
He kisses you so strong you feel yourself falling.
16. a quote from an unpublished story
ahh ok ill do a few here too!!! one is something ive begun writing, the other is one that i’ve just been working on planning out <3
Smoke blows past somebody else’s lips and partially obstructs Wonwoo’s view of you.
He hasn’t been to a party like this in a long time. It’s elegant, more of a gala than anything. He can’t remember who threw it or for what reason. It doesn’t really matter, he supposes, watching you make conversation with the partygoers. They all have old money to throw around, the symbolism stitched into their suit jackets and red-rimmed heels; remnants of it left on tables and in the contents of expensive cigars.
You play them like you are one of them, tell them the right things with a silver tongue. Wonwoo always watches, plays the part of an observer. It’s impressive, the way you float around the room like it’s nothing.
Wonwoo observes; Wonwoo knows things.
and the second one...
"you don't know me," you respond. your voice carries no bite, just a fact, and joshua knows this
"i want to," he says after a second. "if you'll let me."
and he's asking permission to be your friend, to be close to you, something so tender and strangely polite
it makes you feel almost sad
"don't expect too much," you say, a little teasing. joshua only smiles
17. space for you to say something to your readers
wahhh thank you all so much!!! when i first got into writing for kpop it was a lot different mostly because i think... i was writing stuff for different anime before, and i had built up a big following because of that and my works always did like, really exceptional in terms of notes and feedback and such, and getting into kpop... has been rough on that end 💀 but i appreciate your support thus far, even if it’s small... i’m still working towards a standard that i have for myself!!! so please be patient with me, thank you for the support !!
also please find it in yourself to leave lil comments or any sort of feedback... please..... PLEASE... any creator ever understands this struggle please always try to do this!!! for me and for any other creator you follow and enjoy content from <333
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it’s a little before seven in the evening as i am attempting to begin writing this post on the day a former president has died. in other words, i am winging it and praying it comes out half decent. i have been winging all my the posts for this show, but writing this post about this particular episode at the tail end of the last week is interesting, to say the least.
upon first viewing on iwanttfc, i had already tweeted “consider this the soul of the show.” at this point we’re not even halfway to the entire series. that declaration carries such weight, but this episode did prove to be the soul of the series. this is also the first episode i’ve had a visceral reaction to, beyond the understandable kilig. i was lightheaded, stumped, and on the verge of tears after the first episode viewing, that’s probably why this is taking awhile to put out.
this also feels like an episodic answer to a lot of questions.
max has entered the lion’s den, lost, but with her defenses up. deib was less than prepared to fight back, considering the circumstances, but he was quick to gather his wits about him, pinning max where he is at an advantage. even now, as i am writing it, i feel it - it’s a notch above giddiness, it’s an awareness, it’s pushing the envelope in a way that’s right for their age, but still surprising, and refreshing. it’s the naughtiness of the sly smiles, the role reversal, and the trading of banter, all of them collectively are building blocks to max and deib’s dynamic.
the banter graduates to actual conversation, that, for people who are considered arch rivals, is surprisingly decent, and seemingly cordial. both max and deib give as good as they get, much like a tennis rally where either one refuses to be on the losing end. this amuses to no end, and ups the kilig factor in such an intelligent and substantial way. this is how you know, this part of the series is their story. more on this later.
outside of the boy’s room, the banter becomes a challenge, a daring as represented by a pool table, and the number of games that such table hosts. these pool games between benison’s star player and mindoro’s top billiard player, and pool center fixture, these games are metaphors, with the stakes higher each game, for their rivalry, and their curiosity about each other. more so his curiosity about this slip of a girl who he finds difficult to win against. i daresay, at some point he gave up trying to win, and just gave in seeing her in a different light. deib’s eyes give him away, and as for donny’s eyes, finally doing the work, this is it, and it’s a sight to see, a growth to enjoy.
it’s a given that belle makes donny’s job easier for him. four episodes in, and i am still in awe at belle’s ability to transform. it’s still surprising, how she willingly gets lost in character. i am watching max, but she doesn’t make me forget that i am watching belle. it’s a weird thing i have watching actors in character - i am aware i am watching both the character and the actor wholly and simultaneously, and belle is one of the few who makes me do that with ease.
deib’s mother announces her presence, interrupts the pool tournament shaping up between taguro and sensui.
in front of his mother, deib the star bear, the alpha disappears. he signals for max to leave, and just when she was about to, max is invited to join them for dinner. it is insisted that she join her for dinner. he warns his friend: 'don't say anything that will get us into trouble' prompting said friend, max to wonder, what could she ever say that will put them both in trouble?
at the dinner table, the silence weighs heavy between mother and son. a silence foreign to the lone guest, a silence she attempts to diffuse, by talking about anything other than subjects, as touchy as family, and the like. then again, between this mother and son, the line between touchy and permissible topics of conversation are blurred and fragile.
food! food is a free for all, food is a benign subject. the food's delicious, is it her own recipe? max is genuinely curious ma'am. the woman across the table laughs off such a formal honorific. call her auntie, she says. 'tita' is more like it. 'tita' it is, max decides. not stopping there, max asks if she'd gone to one of deib's games to see his lay ups and three pointers. she regaled him with embellished stories of his reputation, of being an all around star student and an instant friend. this, much to the mother's relief - her son is apparently surrounded by good people. max was able to do all this, when all deib asked of her was to not get both of them, into trouble. just like that, the girl single handedly broke the tension and dispelled the air of formality, in a way no one else has. if that isn't enough of a surprise for deib, max held the door open for him, and granteded him access to his own mother's heart, and let hope spring in his own.
after dinner, we find max and deib in his room, steeped in the assigned work. it's an easy silence between them, proof that from that dinner encounter, something new and beautiful and unnamed grew between them. he pays her his due, and thanks her for not damaging his reputation more in front of his own mother. so he knows how to say thank you, after all, she's surprised...in jest. he allows it. and so insues an exchange of histories, and fears and lessons. she reads him so perfectly, he's supposed to be scared, or condemn her, or banish her from this earth, or whatever it is the deib lhor enrile does to those who get a bit too close for comfort. he, instead allows it, giving her unprecedented access to his friends, his brother, his heart. and his heartbreaks. he dares to get closer himself, in the most physical sense so the curiosity planted at the pool table grew exponentially. that is until she breaks the spell. there is resistance in letting him in, which he knows to hold against her. he wins, and she relents. we learn of a ghost of a past love, a young love. a better player than deib is.
just a note though: for a past love who ghosted her, max boasts of rj being the better basketball player still. this could be true, based on who I am guessing rj is, but consider this: could she be clinging onto the untarnished memory she has of this first love, disregarding the pain she was caused, because straying away from that memory will allow her the space to fall, and that's what she promised herself she would never do? if that's the case, max is just as complex as deib is, maybe even more so.
after knowing her story, he did promise to go up against this ghost of a lover, in a one on one game of basketball and win it for her. someone is making her promises now. that's unsettling.
meanwhile, the barb is winding down as alpha two plus lorde strolls in. they keep it open for the boys who are in for a later night shot of caffeine, sweets, a shot at love perhaps?
art and sweets and flirtatious, funny quips are choice ammunition in this game of love, or something like it. naih's confidence is legendary. she gets away with her boldness because of criza's charm. joao, you know, that boy always makes it work.
tob and michiko are easy, because rhys and kaori make it easy. i understand the visual. I get the chemistry. I swear I get the hype. I have been waiting for this. you all know that. they've only cemented their place in the industry as new partnership, and there are hardly any words for it, a chemistry this strong. theirs is an unspoken connection and sincerity that cannot be taught. they are all that.
it is clear, though, that this is deib and max's story. see, I have been hyping myself up for thst tochiko moment, probably from the time when we still had very little news in the junket about donny and belle. and they did deliver, they did not disappoint. max and deib's chemistry surprisingly captured my heart from the get go, though, especially in this episode (as they should, this is, again, their story anyway). if I was a teenager, I would be fawning over tochiko's eye to eye silent conversation and up to now, I still do to some extent. I'm just older now. give me substantial kilig more than anything any day. give me kilig in context. kilig that opens up the heart. kilig with emotional intimacy.
max and deib in the fourth episode is kilig (just as tob and michiko are), but I can't stress enough, just how much and why. from the entire conversation from the banter to the interaction with the mom to the entire encounter in the room, they aren't trying to make us kilig. it isn't exactly sweet, but you'll reach a point where just the mere act of people wanting to have a conversation with you is life changing, when someone cares enough not to put you in more trouble than you expect, matters so much more. it shows you your worth. and that to me is the sweetest most loving thing ever. that is, even before both of them acknowledge that love between them.
a breakthrough has been reached. walls have been shattered.
the day of their school presentation, the event is met with an air of uncertainty, not for the two's lack of skill, but because two people from separate ends of the social spectrum are to work together, which up to that point is unprecedented.
the presentation started out shaky even for max and deib themselves, but once they got drafted, they had the audience, most of them, at least in the palm of their hands.
'we are all bullies, yet we are also victims. the cycle never ends...because we are all trying to survive this cruel world, trying to succeed, trying to grow. trying to discover who we really are. trying to accept who we really are. trying to be accepted for who we really are...'
this was followed by definitive apologies from both deib, for bullying, and max, for judging, and not necessarily helping to make things better. this prompted the entire community to mingle, and make their own apologies.
a few things about this whole moment:
there is such power in calling things as they are, calling things by their name. 'bully' and 'victim' are such weighted words and there is such a relief in taking responsibility for your disgressions and through that responsibility allowing your victim to embraced their pain guiltlessly.
there is also such power and humility, that while one did not do anything explicit, to stop the cycle, they did not do anything to make things better, easier. there is humility in realising that even as a victim your own pain, might have caused more pain to others.
apologies matter. the word 'sorry' matters. and it matters across the board. while metaphorical apologies are in some ways acceptable, and poetic, sometimes, the simpler, the better. a sincere 'sorry' should suffice. no one is ever too old to apologize.
now, even the sincerest words have parameters that are dictated by how many listen, and how many don't. and that's what we cannot control. there is power in recognizing who you are in the community, and that, especially when you are in a place of influence, you have the power to create change. the power to stop the cycle. there is peace in knowing we've done all that we could to make things better, just like deib had his own moment of reckoning.
as for max, the moment she stepped into that school, she was meant to be a trailblazer, and even at this point, she had been nothing but an agent of change.
I am curious now, how she is changed by the newness of her surroundings and the possibility of a budding love?
everything is well and dandy for everyone else, max and deib even had that little moment by the tables, again with the simple but powerful chemistry. everyone is changing (this is a shoutout to melizza again. every time the camera pans to her, especially when max was speaking at the auditorium, you could sense an internal transformation. she knows the assignment well, huh? )...everyone else, but aimee. I feel sorry for her. it makes me want to know more of her story. what makes her cling to being mean? why the volatility? more than anger, there's curiosity. I feel sorry for her. there's more to be told. breakthroughs open the narrative up for more, newer stories.
this was a fast one to write, but I held off until these last few moments, because it's incredibly triggering and just as healing. more than the kilig I understand and we all enjoy, the real message is the importance of communication, telling people how you really feel. don't let them assume and don't assume they know. it's also important to call things as they are, even if it's ugly, even as it hurts. some days, there is no replacement for a 'sorry,' a genuine apology.
be gentle. be kind. listen. everyone, after all, is a story.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
In what season and episode did you realised that Destiel went from subtext to actual text?
Difficult question really. I don’t exactly have a magic switch of some weird personal set goalpost I have, and frankly, wasn’t even really a shipper, just defended shippers, until... 13.5/6. I think I started slipping after 12.19 because I’m not a moron, I don’t live under a rock, I have eyes and know what the fuck a mixtape means to Gen X. But I kept it at arms reach because even Carver era was so totally subtextual-- atop all the stuff that got cut S10 after the S9 blowout, I didn’t exactly want to invest myself as much as point out shippers weren’t crazy for seeing what they saw, especially S8/9+ and even prior the resonance of the hero’s journey over our entire human civilization and historical othering of queerness made earlier readings or notices of it completely fair even if not really like, directional by the crew?
But to begin, Carver era was when I saw /intentful and meritful construction of the body of text, via subtext, to subtextually tell a story with classic queer coding./ Because a lot of what this fandom calls queer coding makes me want to hide my face behind a quantum hole of facepalms and is often like, pretty much the reverse of what should be advocated or considered. All those retro old “he’s been written as queer from S1″ make me want to kick puppies or something because oh my god it’s Not Good, most of the content there is Very Bad And Hugely Problematic, and it’s an attempt to retroactively prove what old canon was doing without any substance.
Carver era was the shift to substance, but silent substance. Subtext that’s genuinely thematically scaffolded into the storyline in a way that while the events themselves were largely cued on subtext, consideration of that subtext was critical to understanding the full body of text and people that refused to grow into and adapt with that text as the tone shifted are the ones that got more and more confused and angry.
Dabb era was the threshold crossing into (often low-visibility) text. Fandom intentionally arguing points that require complete removal from social structures (which is everything from regional meanings of major symbols, social codes, language, or why-letters-mean-things) doesn’t mean shit doesn’t mean what it means. A mixtape isn’t subtext any more than getting on one knee and popping open a box is subtext even if they don’t verbalize the words. We know what these fucking things mean and anyone who doesn’t is in DESPERATE need of going outside and experiencing the real world before making any kind of social commentary on a body of text.
When it comes to dialogue text, Last Call is where Bi Dean or at least Queer Umbrella Dean was textualized. Again, it doesn’t matter if people don’t understand the long argued history that was put to bed about repeat sexual encounters with men, it doesn’t matter what the gender of the other triplets were, literally none of that matters. It doesn’t matter if the person understands it. It doesn’t matter if they know their queer culture enough to know their arguments were already buried. It is what it is.
There’s this disillusionment that unspoken physicalized shit like kissing or sex, or verbalized ones like “I love you,” but “I love you, in a gay way, specifically and only you, and want to be romantic with you” because every other statement of the like so far has people crying or arguing about it as not enough either. 
These things are nice, but it is not the only way to deliver a textual romance. These are things we want and deserve, and people aren’t wrong for wanting them, the only wrong comes in deleting other text because it isn’t the style of text they want. 100% unhelpful.
Text in AV is complex. No matter how decontextualized people try to pretend this all is, throwing pasta at the wall and calling it an argument worth validating, AV media study doesn’t just incorporate social codes on shit like dialogue -- though anyone that applies those social codes wouldn’t be arguing anyway, as per my old post on that -- but visual language and TV literacy are a long studied topic and are just as relevant as understanding of textual/verbal language and having textual literacy. People trying to eschew these in the interest of favoring fanspaces to try to keep them equal within the canon, which is NOT what fandom space equality is supposed to be about, is just... lol. 
When that soap opera reporter that doesn’t even watch the show wandered in commenting on the full mise en scene of the 15.03 breakup being classical “Dark Point in the Romance” framing, that’s not subtext. In a book, characters aren’t running around on a blank canvas. Their environments are the text. 
What people may draw symbolically out of an environment varies, and if someone’s /interpretation/ holds up, that’s fine. But being able to digest the entire presentation of a work, that is to say, to read an entire scene in a book and understand their setting and the relevance of that setting is simply a form of text. And when literal fucking randos can spot classic cinematography, it’s time to consider what the full cinematic framework is telling you both in incremental minutiae of texts and in the full body of work.
So basically, I acknowledged lowkey text based on the most basic understanding of social codes, by 12.19, even if I was still kinda eyerolling about it. By 13.5/6, Castiel returned to Dean in something later echoed by Eileen for the zoom shot, but the rest of the arrangement was verbatim identical to the original ending of Swan Song with Lisa, with the only difference being “Never too late” wasn’t a verbal line, but an entire sound track they applied to highlight the scene.
Despite the Swan Song parallel ending reactives went up in arms about the fact that they weren’t having big romantic moments anymore and kinda failed to wrap braincases around the fact that the endgame reunion that was literally the ORIGINAL endgame shot, which ALSO didn’t include physicality (in fact, the text read, “this isn’t sexual at all. He’s a lost soul, and she’s his home” in the script for Lisa), and this dumbass fandom would go “SEE PROOF THAT MEANS THE TEXT MEANS IT WASNT SEXUAL AND HE JUST BECAME BEST FRIENDS THAT WAS HER BEDWARMER MAYBE SHE HAS COLD FEET AT NIGHT” and that’s not how this fucking WORKS. Common sense is NOT removed from fucking discussion and what sense is applied needs to be levelly-- again, social codes.
So at 13.5/6 I had considered it textually paramount to the original endgame arrangement. S14 was just... blatant ass domesticity. Dean got his happy ending. He had his family. He got his win, his everything. They spoke frequently in the kitchen -- only vaguely over cases, more slapping around idioms, eyerolling over barbarous eating, and occasionally discussing how to raise their son. In fact, if you look at non-research-non-casework S14 kitchen scenes I’m gonna let you sit there and map out what all those domestic moments in the heart of the kitchen was, minding 13.5/6. 
It was something gained. It was their life. And it was something to lose. 14.18 already advert framed it, we all saw it. Troubled family. People delete history of what is connected where to pretend “we” is vague or makes the romance any less of a canon piece and lmao guys 
And season 15 is their year long run where they’re spearheading a huge part of the plot and will be a critical final resolution.
Speaking of 13.5/6 and social codes, anyone remember that Jack hadn’t met Dave Mather and looked at one nonphysical picture of them and recognized “he’s her boyfriend”? SOCIAL CODES MEAN SHIT GUYS.
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So there’s no magic moment. There’s S8/9 coding and subtext. There’s S12′s tape and other elements -- tape is just the easiest to nail down but several through the year tbh -- there’s S13′s Never Too Late, and all things that followed that in waterfall. There’s S14′s established domesticity with Castiel having essentially moved into the bunker, something that wasn’t even entirely established in S12 yet even if he was more frequent there than Carver era.
Without social codes, I could argue that “Dean loves pie” doesn’t actually mean he loves pie. In fact, I could argue those letters mean nothing, because basic social codes are what even give words meanings. Without them these are just squiggly lines on a screen. If I eschew social codes, I could take a “love me some pie” line from Dean and say it means he fornicates with children and make long convoluded excuses around it instead of the observable fucking fact that Dean fucking Winchester likes goddamn pie.
Waiting for your perfect personally dreamed magic moment for a landmark to call text generally disregards the full body of the text and merit of the work. The amount of time and effort this FUCKING shipping fandom has put into -- even Destiel shippers -- bashing down and calling blatant ass text subtext because it’s not the text they want -- just because they want to argue with people that threw the logic baby out with the destiel bathwater they thought was dirty -- it’s fucking embarrassing tbqh. Imagine if people’s competitive fandom BS was muted how anyone here would be addressing this body of text.
Like. “After Carver directed Misha to play Castiel as a jilted lover in season 9, Cain through S10 escalated it into Castiel as Colette, which was confirmed by both the author and actors, seating him as a lover, as Sam was Abel the brother; by season 11, pining and connected hearts becomes the driving theme of the show, repeatedly denounced both in text and showrunner commentary that it wasn’t Amara that was that romance, and instead, a different one rose; by season 12, domestic arguments were many, mixtapes were shared, coming into rooms and playing people for things secretly stashed under pillows were a hinging plot moment, by season 13 he was the Never Too Late Big Win as a far more powerful version of Lisa, by season 14 Castiel moved in, by season 15 their giant sacred marriage euchartist ceremonies on repeat are driving the entire body of the season while overtly making the straight pairing a secondary parallel to the primary Dean and Castiel pairing by 15.09 such as the AU scene, or the ending where they mimicked the same phrase, truncated by physicality. But anyone viewing this text is an adult not competing for their preferred fandom playbox to be considered in the text, and had eyeballs, saw Sam and Eileen were clearly courting, flirting, and/or romantically engaged for a long time before this.”
Can we hope for the equality in that, sure.  I want that, sure. That doesn’t erase all the other modes of text before that though. 
But there, I just addressed 4 consecutive seasons of storytelling as its stands in the critical themes, without breaking down the dozens of independent scenes themselves that have already been analyzed to death and yall have scorched in your eyeballs by now like angels have prophet names. 
I’ve seen people desperately, desperately try to reinterpret this text, or this story structure, in inconsistent ways that fall short. They’re never held accountable for their entire shit falling flat on their face, they just keep building new shit that falls on its face too and keep using it as a base. People can *interpret* ~text~ however they want. Anyone that tells you that “true text is inarguable” is either an idiot or selling you something for your subscription to their blog. Anyone CAN make any jackass interpretation of anything they want. 
So sure. You can make some nonsensical explanation around every core theme their relationship is shadowed by, removing all social codes and context from basic elements understood by adult human beings natively, whatever. You can take 200 pages writing around it and degaying it. Generally when I see this, I see unhinged, incomplete writings with no central thread, just a thousand disembodied excuses that don’t even make a story. They’re just that. Desperate excuses. Years of it at this point. And they’re free to /interpret the text like that/ if they want. But that’s their /interpretation/ of a /text/ and as-above generally in /intentional, willful, conscious denial and erasure of the basic social codes we all understand./
Just because they /can/ warp the most left field interpretation doesn’t make it not text. If I pulled an “I don’t know I can’t english suddenly” and threw those codes out the window that doesn’t mean that the shit doesn’t mean the shit it means just because it’s inconvenient to me lmao
And this isn’t necessarily at you, Nonnie, I just feel the need to expand on this because any single time I don’t nail down these conversational stakes, someone breezes through and intentionally hotboxes the conversation to go down these very predictable manipulations and extremizations of the conversation that I really am far too tired to repeat the arguments raging in my mentions again, so I head ‘em off before the shit ever reblogs.
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