#also i just keep watching rocky dance videos and just
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clovers-housetree · 7 months ago
Activities for Regressors Without Caregivers! (or just fun regression activties!)
(Although you're always welcome here if you'd like any form of comfort anyway! ^w^)
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This one's kind of a long one, after the few tips I list, I've mentioned an app I use called Finch, which will be talked about below the cut.
Since that's the case, I'll put my little ending message here instead:
Knowing how to take care of yourself can take a lot of work and practice, but I believe it's worth the effort, because then you'll be a happier and healthier you! Especially if you can find ways to make it fun!
I'm more than happy to be here for you and offer my support in any way I can, anyhow! I'm proud of you for doing what you can, I know it can be very hard.
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I myself don't have a caregiver for when I regress, so most of the time I end up taking care of myself! Here are some fun activities and things I do when I regress to keep myself calm and happy! ^w^
Paci mentions/pics not long after the first section for those of you who'd rather not see 'em.
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♄ Arts and crafts! I absolutely LOVE coloring and making bracelets with beads, something not too complicated for little hands, but also something fun!
With coloring, you can buy coloring books, or draw something of your own to color in- even printing out a page you find online, coloring digitally, or tracing over something to color in could work! I prefer coloring more than drawing personally because I don't draw all the time, but I bet I could learn a little thing or two from the artists around here!
For bracelets (and other jewelry), strings can be hard to knot with little hands (at least they aren't those small, slippery clasps!!), but the beads shouldn't be too hard to handle if you're careful! Even just planning out patterns is fun!
Here are some My Little Pony bracelets I made, and the decorations I did for my pacis!
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♄ Making playlists! Dancing is fun, and a good way to get the zoomies out, but you can just make playlists for any occasion! I have playlists that help me pet-regress, songs with sounds I like, adventure playlists... (Well- a lot of these are still in progress, but- you get the point!)
I also love those playlist videos on YouTube! Animal Crossing, Super Mario Galaxy, Minecraft and music box music are typically my go-to to help me settle or just make for comfy background music! Here's one of my favorites, shadowatnoon has lovely Nintendo music mixes!
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♄ Playing with your plushies! You can take them on adventures, or make your own!
Like Toby, climbing The Great Pillow Mountain!
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(This is Toby by the way, he's one of my best friends and a VERY good hugger!)
You can play games with them, too! Toby's REALLY good at hide and seek... Maybe you can find him for me? :0
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♄ Finding shows to watch! I really like Paw Patrol and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the moment. Plus, you can look at agere content and fics from shows you like! People make really cool stimboards and moodboards, for example, and I like reading through all the fun stories people write!
Here's a silly picture of Rocky I found! :3
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Finch is a self-care app where you take care of your very own little bird friend by taking care of yourself!
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You can set daily goals, or for each day (or more specific ones as well I think.). By completing these goals, you give your bird energy to go on adventures! They usually come back with a funny little story or silly questions, because they're learning, too!
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Through completing these goals (or daily, at least), you can get Rainbow Stones, which you can use to buy clothes for your bird, make them different colors, or give them furniture for their house!
They're also LGBTQ+ and disability-friendly!! :3
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This is my little bird, Honeydew! You're welcome to friend me as well if you'd like, my code is: Z3E2T7VRK6
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It's helped me learn a lot about taking care of myself and keeping track of my goals, and I get little rewards for it! I've used the app for several months now, and it's helped me out a lot!
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"Fluttershy protects this blog! SFW interaction only, please and thank you! ^w^"
"Wouldn't show a kid? Doesn't belong here!"
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smuthospital · 1 year ago
⭐Degrees of lewdly: Eden⭐
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Premise: You're a spooky place youtube explorer, and you get lost in a big scary forest! Eden voorhees lol. Reader is fem. Enjoy!
Art by Minagami
Re-upload because tumblr took it down last time.
Content Warning: Non-con, kidnapping, tummy bulge, blood, Eden is Jason, Voorhees
Miners DNI
You've never really gone hiking before and it's proven itself to be a lot more difficult than you originally thought it would be. You like to explore places you've never been, spooky places. more for the thrill. you started filming it and posting your videos on youtube. You usually take some friends along, but all of your friends decided to be little babies this time since the place you're exploring is extra creepy this time. It's a large forest 20 miles away from your city. You borrowed your mom's car to get here. you always tell them you're at a friend's house because they'd kill you if they ever found out you're putting yourself in possibly harmful situations. This forest is known for creepy sightings, disappearances, ghosts, and lots of other things your viewers would love to watch. You've been to abandoned hospitals, cemeteries, tunnels, all that good stuff. You don't think you'll actually see anything, but you brought a can of pepper spray just in case.
The wind howls, making the trees dance above you. The shapes that were once branches in the day have turned into long gangly fingers that desperately reach for you and the bushes now house entities with red eyes and fangs that you imagine want to tear you to pieces! "Wow, guys. This might just be the scariest one yet, haha. There's probably some sort of scp in here with me haha!" You try to keep yourself company by talking to your soon-to-be viewers when you post this, but it's really just to keep you calm.
"I'm a bit lost. The trail kinda disappeared somewhere around here, I think. there's just so much long grass and it's more of a footpath than an actual trail." you complain as you try to spot any familiar landmarks. It's almost impossible. It might be easier in the day for sure, but the night masks everything. You step over decayed logs and large roots, feeling worry set in. What if you're really lost!? Your thoughts come to an abrupt stop when you hear a strange sound not too far from where you're standing. Your blood freezes as you feel a cold sweat coming on. Maybe...maybe it's a person? And maybe they can help you?..or..a monster!? No, (Y/n), this is no time to be silly! That could be a person willing to help you before you get yourself completely lost!
Little did you know you were already a mile deep, walking in the wrong direction.
“I heard a sound. It could be someone who could help me get back on track.” You whisper. You turn off your video camera's flash light and carefully make your way to where you heard the sound, being careful not to step on anything that could alert whatever it is of your presence. You don’t want to startle it, just in case it's an animal willing to protect its territory from invaders like yourself. The sound came from below you. There's a rocky slope leading down to a river. You get down on your knees and peer between the long grass. You can't make out much in the dim moonlight... until you spot a giant of a man dragging a sack through the shallow water. His size alone sends shivers down your spine. Even from where you're crouching, you could tell he would dwarf you the way a cat would to a mouse. You examine him a bit more.The sack is stained in a dark colour that is seeping through the fabric and into the water. You don't dare move a muscle or even breathe. You can't believe your eyes. This can't be real. Are you in a horror movie?
You make sure he disappears behind the tree line with the mysterious sack before letting out a breath. You didn't want to accidentally alert him of your presence in any shape or form. He was probably just a hunter. Yeah, he could have helped you, but he also could have added you to the wet sack and you were not risking that.
You stand up and turn around, ready to get as far away from here as possible, only to bump your nose into a tree. The collision causes you to drop your camera. That's strange. You don't remember walking around a tree to look over the cliff. You rub your nose in annoyance. Wait a minute... This tree didn't have rough bark like the rest of them...Your brain blanks out. You've been in denial this entire time, your brain working extra hard to rationalize what's happening. Before you is a large torso. You can't even see their shoulders from how close you're standing, just a wide, firm chest. You crane your neck up and it takes you a good three seconds before your brain registers that you're looking at the man from before..and he's wearing a mask!
He looks down at you with a focused gaze. You let out a short scream and try to run away, but being within arm's reach of the giant makes it too easy for him to simply reach out and grab the back of your top. He lifts you off your feet with one arm and brings you to his eye level. He cocks his head to the side, observing you slowly. He looks down at the camera you dropped and places his large boot on it, pressing down and crushing it. You start to hyperventilate. He's gonna chop you up and wear your skin, he's gonna keep you in a dark hole and shout "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!" You thrash in his iron grip, pushing at his large hand and sobbing untellable pleas for mercy, but your begging falls on deaf ears. "I-I'm sorry. I-I'll leave, I promise! Please let me go! I-I didn't mean to bother you, I'm sorry!" You cry. Your little struggle seems to have made your shirt ride up a bit, showcasing your supple flesh to his thirsty eyes. His eyes laser focus on your bare skin.
To your confusion, his hand reaches to caress your skin, feeling the smooth texture before slowly moving up. You wiggle more, scared of where this is going. His hand soon finds your breast and cups it before giving it a squeeze. He shudders. His breathing becomes heavier as he continues to mess with your body, his thumb rolling over your nipple. All you can do is whimper and wiggle in his hold. his hand begins sliding down and you scream. You suddenly remember you brought a can of pepper spray, whipping it out of your back pocket and pointing it at his face. Then as you were about to press down and unleash the fire juice, it was gone. In his hand that was previously molesting you lies the remains of your poor pepper spray, crushed and bubbling pathetically. He was so fast you hadn't even realized he snatched it. You just stare at him in horror. To your surprise, he's not even mad, too preoccupied with the need to explore your privates. You hold his wrist and look into his eyes. He looks back into yours as if telling you to stop. You hesitantly let go, and he nods as if to tell you that you've made the right decision. His hand cups your pussy through your jeans, pressing in a bit at the entrance. He seems eager.
He lifts you higher and uncomfortably sets you on his shoulder, his hand on your ass to keep you in place. You don't even bother struggling. You'll wait for an opportunity. If this man wanted you dead, you'd be dead. You don't want to provoke him. From your spot on his shoulder, You notice that he's got a hunting rifle strapped to his back along with a machete. He has an assortment of things attached to his hips among them being a hunting knife and bullet pocket. You shiver. One more off-putting thing that's just about forcing bile up your throat is that he's also covered in a dark wet liquid. You haven't noticed till now, but you haven't been breathing so his smell has now come to your attention. He smells strongly of iron. To that, you're not very surprised.
He starts marching down the hill you were previously watching him from. You have no idea how you saw him disappear through the treeline and he still managed to sneak up on you. He picks up the large stained sack where he left it in favor of locating his little spying mouse. It smells awful, the meaty smell assaulting your senses every second. It's been 15 minutes and an opportunity to escape has not shown itself. This is it. This is how you die. Your body will never be found. Maybe in a few years in a shallow grave by some hiker if you're lucky. This inhuman mass of muscle is going to cut you up and eat you. Maybe even skip cutting you up. He could probably eat you whole as pre-workout. He lifts his leg to step over a large log, his grip on your ass slightly loosening just enough for you to catch him off guard and slip off his shoulder. You grunt as you fall into the dirt and leaves behind him. You scramble up before the giant can scoop you up. You run in a random direction. You just needed to get away from him, getting out of the forest was a problem for later. You didn't even think about how fast he'd be. How could someone be so big and fast!? He took off after you and suddenly, he was on your ass. You've never felt such a primal fear as he chased you like a hungry animal.
A large hand grabs your shoulder and rips you backwards. You fall on your back and stare up at the man now on his knees in front of you, his body completely casting a shadow before yours. He gets down on his hands, caging you too the ground, his body inches above yours. You stare into the holes of his mask and into his rabid eyes. He leans in by your neck. You stop breathing once again, you think your heart stopped. You feel something large and hard pressing roughly into your crotch. You hear him take a deep breath and smell you..."Smells nice." His voice is deep and rough, but it sounds like he rarely uses it. You scream and begin to cry again, not being able to take it anymore. You fight him with all your might. He grabs your wrists with one hand. You hear him chuckle a bit before his hand comes up to cup your check. He suddenly squeezes it and twists your face around to get a better look at your features. He grinds his hips against yours, teasing you of what's to come. He roughly releases your face, before standing to his full height and dragging you up with him. He tosses you back over his shoulder, this time with an almost bone-crushing grip. “Name.” His tone is commanding. When you fail to answer right away, his fingers press into the area on your crotch. Threatening to rip right through. “(Y/n)! My name is (Y/n)!” He hums in response.
Hot tears run down your cheeks as he walks back over to where he left his murder mystery sack. He navigates through the forest as he knows it like the back of his hand until he comes upon a clearing where his home stands. A lonely wooden cabin. He drops the gooey meat bag on the ground. You cringe at the wet sound it makes on impact. You peer over at the sack to see a human hand flop out. Before you could react, he slams his hand over your mouth painfully. "Shut up." He waits for you to nod before removing his hand. He opens his front door and steps inside. It smells musty, like old wood and man smell. Not bad, but not amazing either. He walks up his stairs and sets you on a very large bed. You take a deep breath in, your stomach sore from being jabbed by his shoulder for the entirety of the long walk.
He doesn't let you get comfortable though. His hands are on you in an instant, grabbing your clothes and ripping them to shreds like tissue paper, you're naked before you could even hold any of your clothes together. Hungry eyes leer over you through his mask. You feel his hot breath fan you through the bottom of his mask. "S-stop it, please! Don't hurt me!" You beg. As if to mock your plea, his rough hand grips your plush thigh a little too close to your cunt and squeezes it tightly before shoving it against your chest, making room for himself between them.
He releases you for a moment, only to unzip his uncomfortably tight pants. You shut your eyes and look away, only to feel the soul-crushing weight of his cock slam against your lower stomach. You writhe underneath him, small sobs and hiccups coming from your mouth every few seconds. He pauses for a moment but ultimately decides to continue. You peer up between your wet palms and see him rubbing the tree trunk between his thighs while looking down at your pathetic form.
"W-wait! I-I'm not rea-" He grabs your thighs and forces you closer to him and lines his cock up with your entrance, he slides it up and down your folds, causing you to shudder. He doesn't care if you're ready or not. You shut your eyes as he presses forth. You scream in pain. It won't go in. You're too tight, he's too big and you're dry. The tip can't even get through. You whimper in pain. It burns. You need moisture. He lifts his mask a bit and you get a peek of his jaw. It's noticeably sharp and covered in stubble. You feel his saliva plap against your poor dry cunt before he puts his mask back into place. He tries to enter you again. You yelp. He gets a bit through before he can't anymore. He sighs. He was trying to be gentle. He didn't want to break you so quickly...
He grips your thighs tightly. You feel his nails dig in. You barely have time to register the pain before you feel like you're being ripped in two. He's forcing his way in. You immediately let out a scream and begin spazzing. He just continues until he reaches his base, more than snug against your insides. Drool leaks past the corner of your lip as you stare off into space. He breathes heavily and stares at the bulge he created in your lower stomach. He brushes his hand over it and watches as you whimper and twitch. He pulls his hips back and watches it disappear before ramming himself in again and seeing it jab through your insides. He chuckles.
You lay there, unable to do anything but feel what he's doing to you. You lift your arm and place it on his lower stomach, hoping to stop him that way. You feel his rock-hard abs through his shirt and push. "You're...adorable...fuck.. you're tight." He groans before he slams himself deep inside and you clench around him. He hisses and struggles to pull out halfway, your insides trying to pull him back in. He slams in again and presses himself as deeply as he can, firmly hugging your cervix with his cock. Your eyes cross as he thrusts in and out, keeping a proper pace. Moans spill from your lips along with jumbled-up words he can't make out, all of which sound like music to his ears.
He leans over you, forcing himself snugly against you again, his mask right next to your cheek. He groans as he feels you twitch around him. "Feel..so good... was worried you'd rip... you're only bleeding a little." You can hear the smug grin in his tone.
It feels so good. You're so ashamed, feeling good when you're being raped by a maniac. You clench your tear-filled eyes as he pounds into your aching cunt. The knot in your lower stomach bursts as you cum. He moans as you tighten around him. He stills for a second, just enjoying how you feel before he pounds into you like a feral beast. You're surprised your pelvis is holding up. He grips your waist tight and grunts as he empties his balls deep inside you. You can almost feel yourself getting pregnant. You feel too full. Your stomach bloats with cum. You feel hot and fuzzy. Your pussy is so very sore and your legs are numb. He pants above you. "I've been thinking of getting myself a little wife like you." He says as he slowly pulls his still throbbing cock out with a wet 'pop'. "You're a pretty little thing and you take my cock well. Be grateful I'm letting you live as my cock sleeve." He stands up, towering over your crumpled body once again. "My name is Eden. Your duties from now on are cooking, cleaning, mending my clothes and taking my seed. Do not make me repeat these orders. Object and I won't hesitate to remind you of your place. I was gentle this time." His giant cock is still dripping your juices. You can't stop looking at it. Ge takes notice and climbs over you before grabbing your head and forcing you close to his groin. "I see you love cock. Lick it clean then like a good wife. go on."
You look up at him and hesitate a bit too long. You see anger flash in his eyes and you quickly envelop his tip in your mouth. He groans as you lick your mixed juices off, going as deep as you can without choking. He moans and grabs the back of your head. He stares down at you with such intensity that you can feel him burning holes into you. You suddenly feel your throat being invaded and your nose pressing into his pubic hair, nose pressing into his crotch. He moves you back and forth, face fucking you. You struggle to breathe properly through your nose. You let out muffled whimpers and cries, sending vibrations through his cock. He grunts in pleasure before you feel a load of hot thick liquid being shot into your mouth and down your throat. You're so tired. He slowly pulls his cock back and laughs at your exhausted state. Your head flops back onto the bed, your jaw and lips so incredibly sore and raw feeling. "Good girl." He says before your sight fades to black. You explored a bit too much.
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whatyourusherthinks · 5 months ago
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Review
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God, you haven't seen this either? Have you watched ANY movies that didn't come out in the last ten years? Yes, my film history is filled with blind spots, but look on the bright side! I can tell you what I think about it in a modern retrospective kind of way!
What did I know about RHPS before watching it? Well, I remember playing The Time Warp on Just Dance 4 a lot. I saw the clip of the Sweet Transvestite song when I was probably too young to watch it. And I heard this movie was the pinnacle of so good it's bad. My friend Mary from the Video Booze podcast (I know you won't be reading this but HIIII MARY! Fuckin' name dropper over here.) loves the movie and is constantly telling me about the history and impact of this movie, so I went with her and my other friend/coworker (I know you won't be reading this either but HIIII! What, you aren't gonna tell us their name?) to see it. And well...
What's The Movie About?
It's astounding... Time is fleeting... Madness... Takes it's toll. But listen closely... Not for very much longer. I've got to... Keep control.
I REMEMBER Roan we don't have time to do the whole song. Aw...
What I Like.
First of all, I like the story. It kinda steals from a bunch of classic horror movies in a very surface way. Like Doctor Frank-N-Furter is obviously a parody of Doctor Frankenstein, but he kinda acts like Dracula with all these people under his (sexual) thrall. Not to mention he's from Transylvania. But in a hilarious twist (Spoilers) TRANSYLVANIA IS A GALAXY IN THE MOVIE. THE TRANSYLVANIANS ARE ALIENS COMPLETE WITH SILVER AND GOLD OUTFITS AND LASERGUNS. It's so fucking funny, I absolutely loved it. This movie had me rolling in the aisles laughing. More to the point of the story, even though it heavily borrows from classic horror and sci-fi, it DEFINATELY is it's own thing. Doc Frank is such and iconic character and performance, I was really surprised that it was Tim Curry's first role in a movie! Admittedly he was playing the role on stage for a while, but stage and movie acting are two different things with different levels of elaboration. Everyone reprises their roles from the play, and they are all great. I STAN RIFF RAFF! His actor switching between two extremely different voices was so impressive!
And the music! HOT PATOOTIE BLESS MY SOUL! I REALLY LOVE THAT ROCK AND ROLL! Stop just singing every song! NO! THEY'RE ALL GREAT! I love musicals, especially ones with some darker themes. RHPS has some overt stuff like cannibalism, but the subtle storytelling implying Doc Frank's history as a concentration camp survivor is insane. Honestly, if Mary hadn't pointed it out I don't think I would have noticed. Also, I love rock and roll music! I was actually kinda impressed on how much storytelling was done in the lyrics of the music, because listening to most of them isolated, they just sound like songs! As much as I like them, there is a distinction between song written to be just listened to in isolation, and a song written to be part of a bigger story. RHPS has some songs that only really work in the context of movie (slash play) but The Time Warp, Hot Patootie/Bless My Soul, as well as a few other I can't think of of the top of my head work extremely well in isolation as well and perfectly slot into the storytelling of the movie.
This movie is so goddamn cool you guys.
What I Didn't Like.
Literally my only complaint is that the ending is a little too long. Like a skoosh. Mary told me the version we watched had one extra song stapled onto the ending, and the theatrical cut is much cleaner. So there's that.
Final Summation.
I think everyone who told me this movie is so bad it's good was too straight and dumb. Hey! This movie is actually, legitimately, really really fucking good! I think it may have became one of my favorite movies ever. The music, the queerness, the acting and story, it's all fucking perfect. Check it out if you like anything remotely related to this movie, old horror, musicals, queer people, cross dressers, rock and roll, fucking... Charles Atlas. Rocky Horror Picture Show is SO GOOD!
It's just a jump to the left.
AND THEN A STEP TO THE RIIIIIIIIIIGHT! Oh just end the review down already.
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iluvnyasm1th · 2 years ago
random ninjagay headcanons
they r all under cut because its kinda long lol
kai: tries 2 make jokes but laughs at them b4 he can say them, has a bunch of merch of himself, carries bandages and bandaids 4 lloyd when he was lil bcuz his like gi was 2 big 4 him and he fell all the time, radiator, takes showers daily and nightly (zane had to convince him to only take them nightly)
cole: knows how 2 sew and fixed lloyds lil gi 4 him (he face plants bcuz of the tmrs tea incident and had 2 fix it all over again), he has had a bunch of pets and is a big animal lover, literally oblitareates everybody at just dance 2017, he has all of them memorized, has a rock collection (his favorite rock is named rocky lol)
lloyd: names eveyrything and anything, gets emotionally attached 2 stuff too easily, (cried all the times the bounty got destroyed), left handed weirdo, often fantasized about doing generic father son activites with his dad when he becoems good again, terrified of snakes, its the trauma, he gets sick a lot (my brother core), curls up and hugs his knees when he sleeps, hates vegetables (cole has 2 pin him down and force feed him any type of greens)
jay: horror movie fanatic (mostly why hes paranoid all the time), autistic about mechanics and video games, has a game reviewing yt channel, loves physical aftection but cuz of electric things others dont rlly appreciate it they try 4 him tho, hes so cold all the time, has won multiple gaming tournaments, vocally stims a lot and gets overstimulated easily, spends all of his money on random ass things nobody needs and tries 2 tell the ninjas it was a life long valuable investment, obsessed with orange juice, doesnt brush his teeeth, what does that make? yellow ass teeth
nya: loves going 2 the aqaurium, celebrates random national days, plays mermaid with lloyd whenever they go to a pool, will punch u in the face for anything and everything, loves sharing way too personal things, kind of a grimy girl, has a scrapbook thats rlly thick with pictures and scraps of paper or stickers
zane: rlly quiet, he sneaks up on ppl all the time (he says its on accident but the ninja rnt rlly convinced of that), literally looks like the epitome of some guy, so confused when they text, he sent a list of tone indicators 4 them 2 use bcuz hes austistic and confused, night light, is air conditioner in the summer, often gets confilcted about being a nindroid and if he ever truly feels things, tells the same joke 100 times and still thinks its funny, he doesnt need 2 sleep so he kinda just cleans at night and keeps watch 4 the ninja in case sormthing bad happens, nya often has 2 like oil up his joints bcuz if they rnt treated after a while they get rlly squeaky
pixal: hangs out with zane a lot at night cuz no need 2 sleep, also looks like some girl, cooks a lot, she may be a nindroid but she does not cook well, she loves building random like yk hings where u put a marble in and its like a beautiful just like continuenous movement that knocks stuff over and triggers stuff yk? likes to doodle and lloyd hangs up her drawings on the fridge, has a secret cat hidden in the monastery that she named screws, jays allergic 2 cats, she avoids jay a lot bcuz of this and jay thinks she doesnt like him, also she just isnt fond of the little blue one
i have more about other random things if u guys wud like it
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ericleo108 · 3 months ago
My Favorites 2024
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Last Years: 2020, 2022, 2023
This is a list of my favorites. The picture of the cat is my favorite image I found when looking for pictures that represent "favorites." This started off as my favorite YouTube channels, but I have since expanded the list. I watch a lot of media over the internet. I still watch youtube every day. I do not have cable. I tend to gravitate to informative and educational content. As a hip-hop artist I watch a lot of rap-related content to keep my hand on the pulse of the culture. I have broken down my lists into categories. I still watch the posted YouTube clips from the night before late shows in the morning.
My Top Favorite (Late Night) TV Shows I watch on Youtube
Amber Ruffin
The Daily Show  
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Jimmy Kimmel
Stephen Colbert
Seth Meyers
Jimmy Fallon
Real Time with Bill Maher
My favorite Late Night host is probably Jimmy Kimmel. It’s good and bad, but I love how he makes fun of Trump for being a criminal rapist, it give me hope. The Daily Show is number 2 because John Stewart is back. Amber still has the number 1 spot. John Oliver shot up to the number 3 spot from 8th last year because he did a special about a subject close to my heart, specifically the disability system in America. If you wanna know why I call America a “POS” (go to FarmingHumans.com to read why [spoiler because] the economic rules don’t allow me to have a prosperous life) watch John’s “Disability Benefits” episode. 
I have broken down my favorite YouTube channels into two categories, general, and farm/animals/outdoors. I still watch a lot of farm-related content. I have also started watching more animal and landscaping related content like dog grooming. I have grouped the farm, animal, and lawn care channels in the same list
Top Ten YouTube Farm and Animal Channels
Gold Shaw Farm
Girl With The Dogs 2
Urban rescue ranch
Just A Few Acres Farm
SB Mowing
Ann of All Trades
Justin Rhodes
Nate Petroski 
Greg Judy Regenerative Rancher 
League of Pigs
Rocky Kanaka
Mrs Cog Hill Farm
Top Favorite YouTube Channels
Philip DeFranco
Leeja Miller 
Adam Conover
Democracy Now!
Mark Rober
Casey Neistat
Casual Geographic 
Alyssa Grenfell
Josh Johnson
I still watch Robert Reich, I’ve just been watching more Alyssa Grenfell who is an atheist making ex-mormon content. I still watch Phil every day he posts a show. Josh Johnson is hilarious and has a great perspective.
I still watch an ASMR video every night to fall asleep. I watch it on my phone though instead of youtube videos on my tv. My youtube list hasn’t changed much since I’m on tiktok more so I will give my top ten Youtube and Tiktok ASMR channels
Top YouTube ASMR Artists:
Dr. T
Ephemeral Rift
ASMR Zeitgeist
Hypnotic dreams
Trigger Happy ASMR
Sophie Michelle
ASMR Bakery
Top Tiktok ASMR Chnnels:
Asmr kenobi
Tom Who
Jeffs ASMR
Miss Yu. ASMR
Chels ASMR
I don’t really take naps during the day anymore and when I do I turn on tiktok and not my tv like I used too. My favorite ASMR artist is number 1 floofs. She does a dinosaur themed asmr that I watch while winding down for the night. Then after Floofs at 8:45 to 10 pm I watch ASMR Kenobi at 10:30 which is my bedtime. I have a stand next to my chair that holds a cellphone and I turn it on at 7pm when Raul goes live. I often watch Tom Who or Miss Yu after I take my nightly bathroom run in the middle of the night.
I haven’t found any new dance channels with the exception of Jasmine and James who have stolen the number one spot.  
Top 5 Dancing Channels on Tiktok/Instagram
Jasmine and James
The Pitman Sisters
Cost and mayor
Party with Carly
The Begin sisters 
The Song Twins
My current favorite artists
Kendrick Lamar
Snoop Dogg
Mike Posner
Taylor Swift
Top ten affiliated underground rappers
Headband Henny
Jay Matthews
Rich G
Zen Requium 
Duce McGuire
Kurupt the killa
Mr. J
Honorable mentions:
Hundo music
Lumi funk
I put my top 5 artists, not just rappers. Unless it’s cosmic luve, I don’t listen to a lot of music. I actually go out of my way to consume other artists material because otherwise I wouldn’t hear it.
The top ten affiliated underground hoonorable mentions are artists that I know or work with. Hundo is a guitar player with a couple albums. Ardea is my producer’s artist moniker from Kalalmazoo Michigan. And Lumi funk is a funkadelic band from the UP who I went to school with the bassist. 
Here are channels that are about hip-hop whether it be educational, entertainment or interviews. I updated my top favorite commentary channels.
Favorite Hip-hop related content channels
Kyle Beats
Pat cc
Navie D
Hiphop dx
Big boys neighborhood
Curtis king
Dev Lemons
Wendy day
Adam Ivy isn’t making music content anymore and Dev Lemons is hilarious.
Top 8 hip-hop commentary/reaction channels:
Scru Face Jean
Hiphop madness 
Anthony Fantano
Blacky speaks
Fantastic hiphop
Blacky speaks
F.D Signifier
Crypt The Rapper
Top 10 beat makers; I have a published songs made to all of these
Anno domini
That Kid Goran
Kylo Got Beats
They Call Me Heat
Bb beats
0 notes
into-the-center-of-things · 8 months ago
day five: looking at local chicago southside sights part TWO!!!
After we left the co-op bookstore we went to Powell's, which is a used bookstore off of 54th Street. It has the same name as the one in Portland, Oregon, but apparently there is no relation between the two of them.
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It was a lot bigger on the inside than I suspected. I ducked into the second room in the back and that was where I found the poems! Not as much variety as the co-op but I saw Harryette Mullen's newest book there, so that's cool. They also had The Cow by Ariana Reines which I did end up buying, because it was cheap and I really liked how bizarre it was. Not to mention the purple typeface on the inside.
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We walked back to the apartment and @germfreeadulthood made me a little immunity drink (using the immune suport stuff and ginger powder), and then took a shower. I drank it while looking through the Chicago Reader—I don't really look at newspapers so it was cute to see some passionate write ups about new and well known underground heavy music (since I guess The Rumble is coming up, so the were writing about bands particpating or bands in similar genres)...suuuuuper cool, will be looking into the band Torture when I have time.
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I accidentally fell asleep for a good 30-40 minutes—I guess I was a lot more tired than I thought, but maybe that means I needed the rest? Was I just feeling weak from that damn train ride still? Is the way back gonna knock me on my ass too? Argh.
We walked to "The Point" afterwards, which is I believe Promotory Point, where Chicago kisses the edge of Lake Michigan. We had to walk through this tunnel beneath the road to get there and people had done a mural of "things they want to do before they die", which was cool, ad well as different encouraging phrases or things they liked about Chicago. Someone wrote something about not liking the cicadas which was funny.
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Honestly I actually I kind of love cicadas, I think they are cute and I like the droning noise they make. I am going to try to catch it on video tomorrow or something so I can listen to it when I am home. I would prefer that sound over the clanging of trash trucks or construction any day. We saw a dead cicada earlier today and I wish I had like, been able to keep it and take it home with me. I wonder if its possible to preserve it if I grab one and put it in a Ziploc baggy. I would worry about it getting squished in my luggage though.
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Anyways. Lake Michigan is fucking huge.
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You can see as far as Indiana from the coast—super fucking cool! There were some sandy beachy areas and some rocky areas, the latter was where @germfreeadulthood and I sat. We put our feet in the water and the water actually felt really good. I wish we bad gone swimming but we didn't have our swimsuits and the sun was setting so it probably wasn't going to be a good idea to get totally drenched when the sun wouldn't be out long enough to dry us. We'll probably come back again before I leave for a proper swim.
There were also some seagulls circling fhis kid throwing crackers at them—they like totally came to him as if summoned and then all perched at his feet. It was lowkey kind of magical and I wish I had taken a picture..
I walked closer to the sand to get a better scope of the area. The beach area was crowded with families and there even was what I think was a wedding happening? They were moving to a dance between the daughter/bride and the father and he got all weepy and I felt weird watching so I left.
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After that we took the bus to Saucy Porka, which is like an Asian Latin fusion sort of food place, for dinner. We both got a banh mi and shared sweet potato fries.
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The banh mi was kind of meh honestly but the sweet potato fries were absolutely delicious. I had a teeny little cup of Cherry Pepsi because I never drink soda and wanted to try it and it tasted good, but I know it has caffeine in it so I am hoping it doesn't keep me up too late.
We walked back and I showered and I think tomorrow we are going to go to the Art Institute of Chicago!!! Yippee!!
0 notes
binunus · 4 years ago
college bf!rocky
a/n next is our rock and aegyo king sorry sanha park minhyuk !! also I was going to post this yesterday :( but me and my roommates got a little too lit for valentine’s and I literally sat for 7 hours straight in zoom so I couldn’t finish it until now but !! I hope you loves enjoy!!
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ word count: 4.9k
alright aright alrightttt
we’re gonna switch it up a little bit
add a little flavor
because as much as I would love to say that college bf!astro all got their partners in a cute and smooth sailing way
we all know relationships aren’t that easy
but before we get into how you and rocky met
major: dance
are we surprised? no
rocky is a prodigy in dance
he’s been dancing since he could walk
he started choreographing at age 6
it just made sense for him, like even his parents were like go pursue dance, you’re not a law or business type of kid
he can master any type of dance from jazz, to ballet, to street, to contemporary, to tango, whatever you can think of
he’s roommates with music tech!jinjin
jin literally takes care of him all the time bc rocky??? when he comes back to the apt after dance practice?? dead weight
only passes his gen ed classes bc eunwoo tutors him
if it weren’t for the boys, rocky would literally live in the dance studio
they make sure to drag him out for fun and food at least once a week
or they join and keep him company while he’s practicing
have they gotten noise complaints before while messing around in the dance studio? yes
rocky is loud alright, especially when he’s with astro
he’s a perfectionist, literally will not leave the studio until he’s 100% satisfied with his progress
oh the amount of times myungjun and jin nag at him to take care of his health
now now
you’re also a dance major
people could say that you and rocky are the top two dancers of your year
gasp a rivals to lovers au??? you betcha baby
granted you switched into a dancer major your second year so rocky technically had seniority
but boom baby as soon as you made your appearance, it rocked his world
now im not saying rocky’s cocky bc obviously he’s a cute hardworking humble boy
but was he used to always being placed first in evaluations or getting the highest marks??? yeah
so the first time you placed first and he placed second??? it lit a bit of a fire in him
he’s seen a ton of good dancers in his time, but no one has ever matched his capabilities better than you
there was an unspoken rivalry between you two, everyone knew about it 
you both always wanted to upstage the other
there was always a tension whenever you two were in the same room
but like...have either of you ever really talked to each other besides side remarks in class?
and it didn’t really help that the whole dance department basically pit you up against each other to see who was really the best dancer of your year
so you and rocky never had the proper introduction to a friendship, it just went straight to rivalry 
and then came the announcements for the end of the year showcase
and instead of putting on a solo, the department chairs decided to have you and rocky perform a duet
and you’ve never worked with him before so you were dreading the first time you met up
you to your roommate: ugh i can’t believe im partnered up with rocky, that arrogant rude–
your roommate: have you ever even talked to him, y/n? he’s actually very nice
you: no...but that’s what he wants you to believe!
your ego sorta just went along with the whole thing
and rocky was 15 min late to your meeting bc he was out eating food with the guys so your patience?? very thin
literally as soon as he stepped into the dance studio, the air turned stuffy
rocky could feel you glaring at him and he just smirks?? 
rocky: did I make you wait long y/n?
you: yeah you did
he liked pushing your buttons?? idk he just felt satisfaction knowing that any small of action of his affected you that much
it made him feel like he was winning or whatever
and god it took literally forever for you two to decide on a song and genre of performance for the showcase
you wanted contemporary, he wanted ballet
you were literally disagreeing so much on it that you had to ask Siri to flip a coin
and then you fought and said that Siri was rigged when it chose tails (contemporary)
so you decided on a happy? mix of both
rocky at the end of your first meeting: i get that we’re not exactly friends, y/n, but we have to work together so let’s at least be professional
you: i can if you can
rocky: fine
you two literally bicker like five year olds on a playground
even the guys are like ???? why are you being so childish ???
you have 2 months of preparation until the showcase and you start meeting once a week for choreography and practice since given the assignment
you two are pretty civil for the most part, you make the contemporary parts and he makes the ballet parts and then you combine it when you meet up and see how it can incorporate and complement each other
there’s not much joking around ?? like you know how rocky’s a clown when he’s teaching astro choreography?? it’s not like that at all
and honestly you two are too caught up in your rivalry and tension to notice that your styles really match and highlight each other well??
there’s definitely a lot of “i could do this better than you” from both sides
i repeat: you are children
and then there’s this one practice where you and rocky are trying a pas de deux for the first time
(i literally looked this term up, it’s basically what jungkook and jimin from bts did during the 2020 mma black swan intro...if you haven’t seen it, watch it bc it is perfection mmm chefs kiss)
and you don’t know if it’s because you didn’t have enough momentum or rocky didn’t prep himself enough for the lift but he ends up dropping you and you both fall
and you both immediately start blaming each other for the mishap
until you lift your hand to point at him and it just hurts
it’s like a switch goes off, rocky’s immediately concerned and he’s like gently taking your hand like: holy shit are you okay??
you shake your head and you’re wincing whenever you try to move it
you: ow fuck rocky, I think it’s sprained
and he suddenly feels so guilty, like he goes silent
you: can we stop for today? I’m gonna go get this checked out, make sure it’s not broken
rocky: do you want me to go with you?
you: no. I’ll see you next week.
boy he feels so bad, he texts you throughout the course of the following week asking if you’re okay, asking your roommate if you’re okay, telling you he’s sorry that he dropped you
you didn’t respond much, not bc you felt weird texting him–well, you did a little bit shhh–but bc you were beating yourself up for getting injured a month before the showcase
you show up to practice the next week with your wrist in a compression bandage
and he doesn’t greet you with a quip like he usually does, he immediately grabs your wrist (gently) and he’s like inspecting the bandage
you: uh...the doctor said I should be careful with it for a week or two if i want it to heal faster. so don’t bitch at me if i’m not going all out
rocky: y/n...i’m so sorry...I didn’t mean to injure you, it was my fault that we didn’t execute the pas de deux
you just shrug: it was both our faults...if I didn’t fall on my wrist maybe we could have avoided this little obstacle
rocky: if I caught you correctly, you wouldn’t have even fallen
you: are we really arguing right now about this??
and then the two of you just laugh??? 
this is the first real pleasant interaction you’ve had with him
and you notice like wow rocky had a nice smile
you: i should be back to normal before the showcase so we should be fine
rocky: don’t push it though while we’re practicing alright? if your wrist starts hurting then stop, and don’t even think about doing any floor choreo
the atmosphere between you and rocky change after that
he becomes pretty concerned about your recovery–and maybe it’s bc he still blames himself for the cause of it
each night before your set practice days, he always shoots you a text asking how you’re feeling and how your wrist is doing
he brings ice packs, painkillers, and extra bandages during your practices just in case you need it
and you’re actually pretty touched by his concern
about two weeks before the showcase, your wrist is back to full movement and you’re like excited to actually practice to your best ability
from now on you see each other twice a week, just to get that detail and fine-tuning perfected
rocky’s still a bit hesitant to have you go full out but you reassure him that you’re fine
you both try the pas de deux again the day you take your bandage off 
and you can see that he’s nervous to try it
you: rocky, i’m fully healed now. we haven’t practiced this move since the first time and we need it in our routine
rocky: but...y/n, what if I drop you again??
you: you won’t...i trust you 
and you really did, that move requires a lot of trust between partners and you know? maybe it didn’t work out the first time because of the lack of trust between you two
and so you go through the full routine and rocky was holding his breath when that part of the choreography came up but you both successfully did it!! and it was a beautiful move
he was so excited at the end of the run through that he hugged you
and you were smiling too bc this was the first time you did a full run through without any stops in between
you both don’t even notice that all the hostility is gone??
and the tension suddenly changed from hatred to...dare I say it...sexual
oo baby the day of the showcase you two were hella nervous 
but c’mon you and rocky were the best of the best so ofc you absolutely killed the performance
your energies literally merged as soon as the music started
every move was flawless
and you both had to face each other during your ending pose and you were just like looking at him like ??? wtf ??? did you maybe wanna kiss him??
and you know the look that rocky has in his eyes when he’s dancing
imagine that literally piercing into your soul
you got the shivers waiting for the lights to dim 
you both received a standing ovation after your duet obviously
astro watching it bc they always support rocky: they’re gonna fuck 100%
fast forward to the next term bc you both didn’t really have a reason to contact each other during summer break now that the showcase was done
you and rocky had two classes together, dance research and advanced modern technique
it was then that you started to see his actual personality and how goofy of a person he was
you still had a rivalry of course, but now it was healthy
instead of trying to bring each other down, you both started motivating each other to do better
and yes you’ve always been impressed with how good of a dancer rocky was (and vice versa), but now whenever you saw him practice you start to feel a little bit of stir in your stomach and shit are you blushing??
and then you two get paired up again for your midterm evaluation
your teacher: i saw the chemistry you had for the showcase last term, i think you two would work well together for this project
and god is your teacher trying to murder you??? the theme of this midterm was “couple dance” to encourage collaboration or whatever
you were just thankful that the song choice she gave you was more upbeat and not sensual bc you know for a fact that you would not survive doing a sexy dance routine with rocky
but that didn’t stop the way your skin felt like it was on fire whenever he touched you for partner-dependent moves
this time around, you did the choreography process together and it was actually pretty fun??
you and him would bounce back ideas and joke around whenever something looked stupid
you and rocky did this by the way for reference
and then there was one late night when you two were practicing
it was around 2 am, no one else was in the music building and you both didn’t have class the next day so you two were just like fuck it let’s just practice until campus security kicks us out or whatever
you both were literally dancing for four hours, not just this new routine but old ones and freestyles as well
and then you were doing your new routine and during the part where he had to twirl and dip you, you both fall again
but no one got injured this time luckily
and you both just burst out laughing, maybe you were a little delirious at this point in the night
you: i can’t believe you dropped me again
rocky’s laughing and you both just look at each other, and he’s hovering above you right???
and your heart is beating so loudly in your chest you’re positive he can hear it
and you’re thankful that your face was already hot from dancing so that he couldn’t tell that you were in fact blushing
rocky’s like looking at you for a good minute or so and he’s just like thinking in his head: have you always been this cute?
and maybe it’s bc you guys have been getting along so well lately and the vibes are??? immaculate
but the atmosphere suddenly gets super thick and he !! just !! leans down !! and !! kisses !! you !!
and phew baby you bet that you immediately respond to it
you’re literally making out on the floor for like five minutes
and mind you, five minutes is a long time
until rocky’s phone rings loudly through the speaker and you both suddenly separate
he scurries to his phone and you sit up trying to compose yourself 
jinjin: park minhyuk where are you?! it’s 3 am!!
you literally hear jinjin scolding rocky through the phone and you laugh a little bc it’s so cute how he’s getting nagged right now
rocky: hyung...im practicing...
jinjin: do i need to drag you out of there?! i’ll literally call bin to carry your ass to our apartment! how long have you been practicing huh?? have you eaten dinner at all??
rocky: okay okay I’ll come back home
he turns to you after ending the call and he’s so !! shy !!
rocky: I guess that’s the end of our practice haha...do you want me to walk you back to your place?? it’s pretty late out
you: yeah that’d be nice...hm you sure your hyung’s not gonna call a search party for you??
you’re teasing him and he just pouts
rocky: i’ll be fine
rocky walks you back to your apartment and it’s a little?? awkward?? 
but before you bid him goodbye he’s like: uh...the kiss earlier...sorry if I surprised you
your cheeks are hot again: it’s um...it’s okay, I didn’t mind it...it was actually pretty nice...I guess...
and rocky’s heart skips a beat and now he’s blushing: yeah...it was...i’ll see you in class then??
you: yeah, i’ll see you. text me when you get home okay?
he nods and waits until you’re safely inside and then he just starts grumbling to himself
rocky: i’ll see you in class?? could i say anything more stupid??? 
rocky’s adorable okay
him texting you when he gets back: im home :)
you: that’s good! good night rocky :)
he goes to the guys the day after like: i have a predicament !! me and y/n kissed !! 
jinjin: that’s why you were late last night??
eunwoo: you dirty dog, doing it in the dance studio??
rocky: we didn’t do anything else hyung !!
bin: so did you ask them out??
rocky: no...i said...i’ll see you in class
myungjun: i’ll see you in class?!?! are you an idiot??
sanha: hyung even I’d ask y/n out after that
rocky: i know !! im dumb okay!! help me
sanha: you’re a lost case sorry
jinjin: why don’t you start with, hey y/n do you wanna get some food with me??
rocky: AHHHH
yes he does want to ask you out, yes he does want to kiss you again more than he’d like to admit, but he’s shy
you’re not faring any better, you and roommate were literally talking about it all weekend
the next time you see rocky (in class), you two are awkward as fuck
you both keep stealing glances at each other and then if one of you get caught, you both immediately look away
those 50 minutes of class could not go by any slower
and you were so ready to book it after the professor dismissed you but then you hear rocky call your name
rocky: hey y/n, are you free right now?
you: uh yeah! why what’s up
rocky: do you...um...wanna get some coffee with me?? or food or something??
you: do you mean like just to hang out or...uh like a date?
rocky: a date...if you want it to be
and cue the blushies again
you and rocky end up going to this cute cafe and get smoothies bc neither of you were feeling caffeine at the moment
and the whole time you two are just ??? so cute and shy and awkward with each other ???
which is such a contrast from how you two would dance together
rocky’s so sweet, really the cutest boy
gives you so many butterflies
the two of you end up going on little cafe dates before practice 
and you’re all cute and wholesome
and then he turns all passionate and dominant when you start dancing
like wow alright rocky giving you whiplash or whatever
when you show the routine for your midterm, the teacher and other students give you both high praises 
and he’s all giddy after class and he goes up to you: i think its safe to say that we have really good chemistry when we work together, don’t you think?
you’re smiling hehe but you wanna mess with him a little: hmm i think we’re alright, but who knows, i might mesh well with someone else
and then he’s all frowny, a little jealous: what do you mean someone else? do you make out with someone who just has alright chemistry with you??
your eyes go wide and you put your hand over his mouth: im kidding!!
rocky just smirks at your embarrassed reaction and he like tickles your sides
and then he just grabs your hand like: don’t find another dance partner y/n, just be mine
how could you say no to that??? especially when rocky’s just looking all handsome and charming and shit??? exactly. you can’t and why would you ever say no in the first place??
you and rocky dating?? biiiig news in the dance department
and even outside of it
bc lowkey rocky had a bit of a fanclub bc of how good he is at dancing, are we shocked? no
the boys are so happy for him !!
you meet his friends literally the day the two of you start dating
and you’re a bit nervous meeting them bc ofc you want them to like you, they’re his friends
but they’re so sweet...and headass
when rocky brings you to their dinner, the five of them literally start applauding at your entrance
you were so confused and rocky’s just out here with second hand embarrassment
he’s the cutest boyfriend
shy with pda in public (unless you’re dancing), most he’ll do is hold your hand
but in private he’s very clingy
loves backhugging you
he also tickles you when he wants to be a little shit
which is 50% of the time
very playful bf, will tease you at least once every day
if you two are just practicing dancing, he’ll make any sort of excuse to hold you or kiss you
asddfadsjf he’s so cute
gets very soft at night especially when you two are worn out from practice
just wants to go back to your (or his) apartment and cuddle and sleep
imagine just you two cuddling in bed after hours of dancing and he’s just spooning you and he mumbles tiredly into your shoulder: you’re amazing y/n...you’re one of the best dancers i’ve ever seen
and before, his pride would have never allowed him to say that, but now it can
not really one for pet names in my opinion, but he does call you “my y/n”
after you two start dating, you begin to call him by his real name, minhyuk
or you say hyukie
he lowkey loves it when you call him that, it’s so endearing
the guys teasing him, cooing at rocky all gross like : heyyy hyukkie
then rocky just like crosses his arms: only y/n can call me hyukie
he didn’t realize he loves couple dances so much until you and him are dating
well he only loves it because you’re his partner ofc
alright hear me out !! slow dancing with rocky
slow !! dancing !! with !! rocky !!
he dims the lights in the dance studio until it’s just a single spotlight and some slow romantic music comes on and he just grabs you by the hand and twirls you once before pulling you close and you’re just swaying side to side
and then he presses your foreheads together and he’s just looking into your eyes and gives you the softest smile
!!! im freaking out!! i want this so bad !!
that’s how the first i love you comes out
surprise, you say it first
okay but like in the moment, the atmosphere is literally so perfect, and you can just see how much he treasures you and you always feel butterflies whenever he does this, but there was just something that night that made you say it
like your chest was constricting so hard and you were thinking to yourself, i love this man
and so you just said it
and omg the smile on rocky’s face just widens and he kisses you so sweetly before he says it back
loves kissing you, your lips are like a drug to him
can literally make out with you for hours
has pushed you against the walls of the practice room just for a little make out session
ahhh here we go ladies and gents
sex !! with !! rocky !!
first and foremost, dance studio sex??? yes
especially if it’s just you two late night practicing like the first time you kissed?
mirror kink? maybe so
and bc y’all are ~flexible~, you bet he likes bending your back like a pretzel
he’s a very passionate lover, your pleasure is his #1 priority
loves foreplay just as much as the main event
but oof his hips?? grrrrr bark bark ram me over with a truck
his stroke game is so good
literally knows how to fuck you in all the right places
and his stamina??? god tier, can go at it for hours on end
into edging and overstimulation, oof you bet you’re cumming at least twice during every session
i cannot stress this enough!! thigh riding
you know he has thighs of steel
will make you cum just from riding his thigh
most of the time you guys start off slow and sweet, and then just boom it turns it hard sex
will definitely get turned on from doing a sexy dance routine
the amount of times he’s wanted to just fuck you in the middle of class bc you turned him on?? but ofc he has public decency he won’t do that
he knows you get turned on from his fingers oops
anal or vaginal fingering?? he’s all for it baby
he’s loud during sex, all the grunting, huffing, growling, oo im getting chills
not afraid to tell you how good you’re making him feel
not really into spanking, but he grips a lot, like his fingernails have definitely left some deep imprints in your hips or your ass
hair pulling?? yes, both sides receiving
okay but if you call him rocky during sex? big turn on
i can’t explain why, it just is
favorite position?? cowgirl
he loves when you’re on top of him
yes he likes seeing you try to fuck yourself on him
and then when he can’t take it anymore and just grabs your hips and thrusts up into you until your body literally collapses on him
he always tries to make you cum first but oops sometimes baby just busts a nut
yes you will probably tease him about it and then he’ll just shut you up by kissing you 
on another note, no way to turn rocky on faster than sucking on his bottom lip when you’re kissing
will cuddle you after cumming, like he doesn’t care if either of you are sweaty or messy, he’s hugging you for at least five minutes
honestly becomes a baby after sex so it’s more like you’re giving him after care sksksk
the switch he makes from being a sex fiend to a clingy cuddly boy? whiplash
like you need to go to the bathroom to pee or something and he’s like: but...i wanna hug u
i would risk it all for rocky yes
anyway after graduating, rocky becomes a choreographer for this really famous dance studio and get recruited to join a highly-competitive dance troupe
you both do long distance for a little bit bc obviously he’s back home but you have to travel with your group for competitions, sometimes even internationally
and so that caused some strain in your relationship bc distance sucks, but you would always make sure to call him every night before going to bed and despite any time zone difference, he would always answer
your biggest supporter !! literally flew out to surprise you during a big dance competition in london or whatever and you cried happy tears bc was he really there right now??
that’s when you knew that he was the one :’)
you spent the night w him in his hotel room and after a good couple rounds of reunion sex, you were like trying to test the waters a little bit: i missed you hyukie
rocky: i missed you too, but now that you’re here with me, nothing else matters
you: what do you really think about this long distance thing??
rocky: it sucks...but i know it made us stronger. i feel like we can get through anything now
you: yeah, i agree
rocky getting paranoid: omg why? are you thinking of living abroad?? y/n, do i need to start looking at dance studios out here??
you have to hold in your laughter bc he’s so cute: why? would you move out of the county for me if i wanted to??
rocky: i mean...if you’re thinking of leaving for good...then yeah.
he gets so shy and quiet and you’re just !! wow you love him !! he’s yours !!
you kiss him shortly and you smile: no, i’m not gonna live abroad. I miss being home and I miss seeing you all the time. I told you before, I’m thinking of leaving the troupe in two months and then gonna find a job back home for good.
he lets out a sigh of relief: you scared me a little
you just laugh: I only wanted to confirm something and hmm I was right
rocky: what did you wanna confirm??
you being a confident baddie: that I wanna be with you for the rest of my life
rocky feeling his heart implode: you mean it??
you scoffing: why would I be lying about this?
he just laughs and kisses you: I wanna be with you too...I’ve been thinking it since the last time you visited. How much I love you and how much I hated seeing you leave for who knows how long, but I didn’t wanna say anything bc you’re still living your life and I didn’t want a promise like this to influence you to come back if you didn’t want to yet.
two months later you’re back for good and move in with rocky
you end up becoming a choreographer at his dance studio too
you and rocky: the coupleℱ
and you live happily ever after
somewhere down the line...
sanha: hey remember when you two hated each other?
eunwoo: remember when you injured y/n??
bin: remember when you freaked out to us about your first kiss together
myungjun: and you said i’LL sEe yOu iN cLaSs
jinjin: those were fun times, right hyukie?
rocky: i hate you all
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years ago
Hi!can you make an Ateez reaction to you, a serious and professional boxer, teasing them relentlessly after seeing their rocky performance.
ateez reaction to their boxer s/o teasing them for their rocky performance
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genre: general, crack
word count: 0.5k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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you'll keep teasing hongjoong, saying how much he was inspired by you and your profession based on ateez's new song. and he's like "nooo i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about 🙄" but really the whole song was literally inspired by you. he just can't help but be proud of you for your job and wants to show you how much he admires your strength, hard work and persistence in doing what you do.
you can tease seonghwa all you want but there's no way he is getting shy or embarrassed about doing a song inspired by you. "it's cos you're awesome babe" or "all that dancing is no match to your talents" please he's so sickly sweet with his compliments that you regret ever teasing him at all!
yunho is much like seonghwa. he doesn't really care if you tease him about the rocky performance. he will be so smiley and happy that he got to connect with you through both his and your careers, in a way that you hadn't of expected before. he will randomly start doing the choreography out of nowhere, which seems to make you tease him more.
of course, yeosang did put a word in for the choreography to watch some of your videos and see if he could incorporate some of your professional boxing moves or at least be inspired by you. he got hella shy when you noticed though and started teasing him for it. i don't think he would admit to doing such a thing for you!
the whole rocky performance is so intense. the choreography is what you enjoyed the most, as it featured some of your favourite moves that you used in boxing tournaments. but you teased your boyfriend about those hips of his. "what were those hip thrusts and body rolls all about?" you may ask him jokingly. but he would just wink and blow a kiss, "they were just for you."
mingi also had a part to play with regard to writing the song. his favourite lyrics were part of his verse: 'my fist filled with ambition that the world pays attention. on the ring, go louder 'til I become deaf, say my name.' these lyrics were written with you in mind because of how far you had come in your professional boxing career. but he did indeed get shy and blushy about it when you called him out for it.
it wasn't even the performance itself that made you want to tease him; it was the fact that in the dance break, he did your signature move. he is all like "i have no idea what you're talking about" because he genuinely doesn't remember doing it until he watches the replay. "i must be on your mind all the time that you don't even notice it," you tease him. and he can't deny it either!
oh dear, this could go down very interestingly indeed. of course you loved his performance but teasing him was so fun and you were very flattered to start with anyways. but jongho probably challenges you to a boxing match if you start teasing him too hard 💀 like bro we know you're strong but your partner is a literal boxing champion so MOVE. anyways, put him in his place in whichever necessary way you feel <333
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withloveoptimus · 2 years ago
It's Prime Time Chap 1.
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was posted on ao3 first but i wanted to post it on here too since I'm writing more lmao
this is a two-shot little story that may end up with its own series but who knows that may also change n e way onto the story
Chap One of It's Prime Time
Pairings: Optimus Prime & Reader (platonic), Smokescreen & Reader (platonic)
Summary: Optimus wishes to take you somewhere because he wants to spend quality time with you, and fun ensues.
You spent the day like any other, sitting at the base with the kids, either sitting around or playing video games, which would often get too loud and Ratchet would shout, “Quiet down! Some people are trying to work here!” which was of course like any other day at the base. You were eating snacks you brought as you watched them, occasionally playing when they asked but mostly watching.
As you stuff another chip into your mouth, your eyes wander before landing on your partner in crime, and guardian, Smokescreen. His back was turned to you as he was engaged in a conversation with Bulkhead, probably talking about past battles or something, and you were honestly happy that their friendship was getting better since they got off to a rocky start. Bulkhead was a good influence on Smokescreen, in his own way and they acted more and more like brothers. A “Bromance” as Miko put it when you two talked about it one time.
That did leave you with a few thoughts, like imagining those bro memes you would see and you had to keep yourself from laughing.
While lost in your train of thought, you hadn’t noticed Smokescreen walk over to the human area until a metal finger was poking you. “Oh shit!” You jumped, turning to the owner of said finger only to meet Smokescreen’s gaze, “Oh, hey Kachow.”
He immediately shoots you a look that only makes you laugh.
“C’mon, you promised!” He whined.
“I may have promised but your reactions are so worth it.”
You will never let him live down the fact that you walked in on him doing the 'Kachow!' in one of the empty rooms of the base, after having a Cars movie marathon with the kids. It took lots of bribing from him but you promised to keep it between the two of you–he would never know that you let it slip to Optimus and had to swear him to secrecy–, although you can't help teasing him with it.
He rolls his optics at your teasing but you know he isn’t upset if the little smile on his face is anything to go by. “Anyways,” You close the bag of chips and place them on the table, “what were you and Bulk talking about?” 
There’s some shouting and you sneak a glance to see Miko doing a victory dance as she beats Jack, who watches in defeat, in one of the fighting games you brought. You can only laugh as she shouts, “In your face!” and Jack just sighs. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Raf watch in amusement, making comments here and there.
“Bulkhead was just sharing some battle stories,” Smokescreen says, excitement clear in his voice, and you turn your attention back to him. “just hearing about them makes me so jealous! I would’ve been so awesome on the battlefield back on Cybertron.”
You chuckle and decide to indulge your guardian, “Mind telling me some stories then?” You ask as you get up from the couch and walk over to where he was standing by the railing.
The grin you get in return is worth it and you can only smile as he picks you up and goes somewhere quieter.
It was late night by the time the kids went home and you lounged on the couch, waiting on a certain Autobot leader, who was your other guardian. Smokescreen had offered to take you home but you declined, wanting to spend what little time you could with Optimus, seeing as he was always busy and you were kind of missing his company.
You were officially bored after attempting to keep yourself busy by doodling, reading some books you brought, or playing games. You were blaming it on Optimus taking so long doing whatever it was he was doing.
It's quiet, save for Ratchet typing away at the computer with his occasional grumbling.
An idea comes to mind and it might be a bad idea and maybe it'll piss off Ratchet but you're bored and it's Optimus' fault.
It's too late to back out now as you look over to where he is. "Hey, Grumpy?" You call.
There's no response and you aren't surprised.
"Doc Bot?"
He pauses but continues working.
"Mister Grinch?"
A heavy sigh and shake of his head and you're fighting the urge to just laugh.
"What do you want?! Can't you see I'm working!" He finally snaps, and you howled with laughter. His reaction was totally worth it as he just watched you, utterly annoyed and ready to just send you through a ground bridge home. He fails to understand how Optimus deals with you.
It takes a bit for you to calm down, still a fit of giggles, but when you look at Ratchet again you're close to another laughing fit.
He's gone back to ignoring you, probably for the better, but he's frowning and grumbling about something. Just as you're about to open your mouth to say something, totally not to mess with him some more, you're being picked up.
“I can’t leave you alone, can I?” Optimus says as he sets you in his palm, using a finger to nudge your little body. 
“What do you expect me to do, I was bored! And would you stop doing that–” You growled, attempting to bat his finger away.
Optimus looks to Ratchet, "I apologize for the disturbance, old friend." The medic only grumbles in reply, waving them off so he can get back to work.
You breathe a sigh of relief when Optimus pulls his finger away, you swear he and Smokescreen only do it to mess with you. Before you know it, you find yourself in Optimus' passenger seat.
"What took you so long, Big Red?" You inquire as he starts the drive out of the base.
He's silent for a bit. "I was taking care of some business. I apologize for making you wait so long, Little One."
You snort, “Any longer and I wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”
Optimus sighs, knowing all too well how much you love messing with Ratchet. The two of you could have your moments, but primus could you grind the poor Medic’s gears. The Autobot leader couldn’t even count on his fingers how many times he’s had to pick you up and take you somewhere else before Ratchet hauled you through a ground bridge. It’s even worse if Wheeljack is around.
“Must you mess with him so much?”
“Uh, duh! I do it out of love though so it's okay!"
That pulls a chuckle from him. “Out of love, you say?”
You nod, crossing your arms over your chest, sporting a huge grin. Any teasing from you was always out of love or just joking in general. Still, you weren’t the best at reading the room or reading people in general, so sometimes it went farther than you’d have liked.
It isn’t long before Optimus is pulling up to your home, the ride feeling a little shorter than usual and you can’t help but feel just a bit upset. You kind of want to ask him to drive around for a bit, just so you can spend just a little more time with him, but decide against it. You’d rather not keep him from his duties.
“Little One?” Optimus calls, worried at your silence and the slight change in mood. He decides not to mention the pout you were now sporting.
You shake your head, “Sorry, Big Red, I was just thinking.”
He hums, waiting patiently as you collect and calm yourself. You’re glad he let you do so, even if he could read you like an open book.
Once your thoughts are clear, you pat the dashboard, ready to say goodnight and let him be on his way but Optimus stops you.
“Before you go,” He starts, “I must ask something of you.”
Now that puzzles you. A little weird, you think.
“What’s up?”
He was silent for a moment, trying to piece together whatever he was going to ask. You’re silently hoping it isn’t anything too bad, your behavior has been good this week.
“I ask that you do not stay up late,” Okay now he is being weird, “I wish to take you somewhere, Little One. I do not know where, but we shall go somewhere.” He finishes.
And now he’s completely thrown you for a loop.
Of course, it wasn’t weird for him to take you places, there were a few times he had taken you on patrol if he wanted some company. Sometimes he’d even take you and the kids out if you had projects to do because he was hesitant to let Ratchet help with them again, though he would never say so aloud. So what was this all about?
“What?” Is all you manage to say.
"We'll be spending the day together." He simply says.
That is enough to bring back the grin you were sporting earlier and you have to stop yourself from squealing and kicking your feet. Your wishes had been granted and it honestly felt too good to be true. 
"Really?!" You look at the steering wheel excitedly then pause, "You're not joking are you?"
He's a little offended you'd think he would joke about this. 
"Of course not, Little One, I speak only the truth.”
You pump your fist in the air, “Fuck yeah!” Ignoring the silent reprimand for your profanity. 
Optimus chuckles when you hurry to unbuckle yourself and open his door. “Goodnight, Big Red! Love ya!” You shout and dash to your front door, almost tripping in your excitement. You wanted nothing more than to hurry to your bed and sleep the night away. Although you didn’t think you would even be able to sleep with this much excitement, you were going to try.
Once you finally manage to open the door, you turn and offer your guardian a final wave goodnight before scurrying inside.
You find yourself rushing through your nightly routine, and just as you slip on a baggy shirt to sleep in, your phone buzzes on the nightstand. Sneaking a glance, you realize someone was messaging you. That someone being Optimus.
Big Red: Please be ready by ten.
Big Red: Sleep well, Little One, I love you.
You go to bed with a smile and a warm feeling in your chest.
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scover-va · 3 years ago
1. does your back hurt from carrying the hex fandom 2. do you have any hcs for swk and rust mclain ever since i read the swk and rust fic rust has become a comfort character for me 3. do you have any reginald hcs
No but it DOES hurt for mysterious reasons that I fail to understand and that are entirely out of my control (bad posture + slouching)
Rust accidentally teaches SWK to swear. Only reason SWK didnt know the word fuck beforehand is because Mr. Shrewd never swore in front of him and he didn't talk to Catarina enough to hear her swear. Rust immediately goes through the first 4 stages of grief and never acceptance upon hearing SWK scream fuck after stubbing his toe. Also SWK bullies him for shooting the groondas. Rust is questioning if teenagers are usually like this or if it's just SWK. Because Rocky would never bully him for this. Also SWK makes Rust do movie nights with him. Rust has yet to understand how movies work. Also also, SWK keeps bothering Rust abt his gun and abt how he wants to try it out, so instead of giving a hyperactive teenage boy a gun, Rust basically buys him the video game world equivalent of a Nerf gun. Chandrelle hasn't been able to exist without getting shot by a foam dart.
I'm gonna assume you mean good ol' mister barkeep and not mister "I went to Russia to give an evil disk to fucking Satan", though if you meant mister Barry Reginald Wilkinson lemme know bc i ALSO have hcs for him. Hcs are under the cut bc this is already a long enough post as it is
He's. Kinda at fault for Jeremiah having ceaseless boredom. But it's also kinda Gameworks' fault. Basically Reggie kept telling him he should be allowed to have fun without constantly thinking about work. And as much as Jeremiah likes working for Reggie, he quickly grew to resent how boring the janitor job was. Blame Irving, the janitor job was his idea
Before the "Lionel wants this" disaster, Reggie actually liked to consider Irving his friend! The sentiment wasn't returned, but he made several attempts to try and bond with Irving. Irving still calls him Reginald despite Reggie having told him so many times in the past that Irving can call him Reggie.
Also before the "Lionel wants this" disaster, during after work hours when they had time to spare, Reggie and Jereiah liked to dance to the music on the old gramophone! Jeremiah sucked at dancing, but Reggie didn't mind.
On that note, Reggie and Jeremiah are PAINFULLY oblivious. They share a bed. They're with each other as much as they possibly can be. They have nicknames for each other that are borderline pet names. But they insist they're straight and are just friends despite acting like they're a married couple.
Due to being a video game version of Barry, any sort of event trigger can cause him to remember a memory of Barry's. It was most frequent back when Reggie was younger and after he became crippled, because every little thing reminded him of his anger, which reminded him of Lionel, causing him to get plenty of Barry's memories of Lionel. Even with the heartwarming memories, it never swayed him away from wanting to kill Lionel. If anything, it made him angrier, because why couldn't Lionel care about him the way he cared about Barry? It was far from fair.
I also have this hc to explain the fact that SWK doesn't age, that aging only happens if you have a living, real life counterpart. Reggie stopped aging when Barry was killed (Which. Wasn't when Lionel was a kid. Faked death), Mr. Shrewd died of old age the same time the real pet shrew died, and SWK stopped aging when Lionel's pet weasel got out and died a short couple weeks later. Because I doubt an animal that's been a pet its entire life is gonna know how to survive the wilderness
Regrets basically becoming a dad to six major idiots, because god forbid Jeremiah take a turn watching them
Finally, hopping on the 'Reggie and Jeremiah have a connection to the Mycologists' theory, I'm not following the 'It's actually those two' theory (especially the theory where they're piloting around Lionel's corpse), but it's more of just. Those two created the Mycos in a fucked up lil lab experiment (which we know Jeremiah is more than happy to conduct fucked up lil lab experiments thanks to that one weird room in VG2) and then shipped the files off to Inscryption. Basically, they artificially created a couple of sons and then immediately slapped them into what might as well be a war zone
Oh and also he's technically bi but he doesn't know any of the labels so. Technically he's also unlabelled
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junicai · 4 years ago
Relationship with SuperM
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➣ BAEKHYUN ☟ baekaria
before being thrown into a supergroup together, aria and baekhyun hadn’t really spoken 
they’d seen each other around the building, and aria was an avid supporter of exo so of course she knew who he was but she wasn’t expecting him to know who she was 
so when aria walked into the practice room and was greeted by baekhyun waving her over and calling her name
sue her if she was a little stunned 
their relationship was a little stilted at the beginning
between the age gap, and baekhyun not having a girl member in a group before, it took a few weeks for the two of them to figure out their dynamic and where they fit around each other 
eventually though
they settled into a pretty comfortable situation
baekhyun tries to put her at ease as much as possible 
there is 8 years in the difference, but you’d swear that its less than half 
although he’s playful and generous with the teasing like he is to other members 
he’s careful to avoid certain topics when it comes to aria, just out of respect for her and not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable
this came to fruition after kai unknowingly made a small comment on how aria “must have been hungry”, considering how fast she was eating
baekhyun knew he didn’t mean anything by it, but he watched aria slowly put down her chopsticks and reach for the bottle of water beside her instead
he didn’t see her eat for the rest of the evening
did kai get in trouble? no but he did get hit lightly over the head
when aria does something cool - like a spin or a trick - baekhyun is the first to say “that’s my child. i raised her, look how well i taught her” 
ten: “heY-”
tldr: although they’re not the closest, aria’s slowly grown more comfortable around him, and he’s looking out for her all the time 
200829 Knowing Brothers: when baekhyun brought up the members of superm all showering together to get closer quickly, heechul quickly pounced on aria - the girl slowly moving to put her head in her hands. 
“and where was aria during all of this? don’t tell me you brought her to?”
baekhyun: “well of course we did-” 
*cue baekhyun laughing his ass off*
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➣ TAEMIN ☟ arimin
aria thought she was going to die
there was absolutely no plausible reason that she should be in a group with The Taemin
he was highkey the reason why she had even accepted her position in sm at the very beginning of her training
this man convinced a fifteen year old to give up the sport she’d been doing her entire life 
his impact  (*¯ ³¯*)♡
please stand by while aria tosses herself off a bridge
she was So Formal at the beginning
he honestly was the member she took the longest time to warm up to - because she had idolized him for so long
will still refer to him as taemin-ssi occasionally, but now its less a formality and more of a tease
this boy was shook when he found out how young aria was - mark and lucas he can deal with because at least they’re 1999, but aria....
“2000??? 2000?” 
he said :O
despite their rocky start, they’re quite comfortable around each other, especially after spending a few nights rooming together over the tour
does aria still look for his validation in a lot of her work? yes, but she’s more open about asking for it now then she would have been 
taemin definitely doesn’t have a favourite kid and it’s definitely not aria no why would you think that
aria really out here collecting parents like pokémon 
gotta catch em all~
he looks out for her a lot during their schedules, mainly because he knows what its like to be the youngest in a group and how it can feel a little like you don’t really have a place there
so he always makes sure to include her where possible 
sitting in a circle in a waiting room while mark toy-ed around with the guitar in his lap, aria sat curled in the corner, humming lightly to herself as taemin sang softly along with mark playing “view”.
quietly, she began to sing soft backing harmonies along with taemin, her eyes still attached to her phone in her hands.
when she felt the device being tugged out of her hands and her being pulled upright by another hand on her arm, she looked up to see taemin smiling brightly, still singing 
cue the impromptu concert of a lifetime: with god tier vocals
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➣ KAI ☟ kairia
so, they met
and kai just kinda went: mine.
and that was that really 
its like a puppy refusing to give up its favourite chew toy 
“nooo but its my turn to room with aria :(”
never really did the whole awkward, getting to know each other phase? 
not that aria had any real say in it
but jongin point blank refused to engage in small talk with her
so they ended up spending their nights on the superm tour talking about stuff ranging from why the sky is blue to why aria stopped ice skating
she started crying and he did not handle it well, bless him
although he’s super chill and fun to be around
he’s also the only non-nct member that seriously scolds her 
when he found her in a practice room lying on the ground (she was Resting, thank you very much) at three in the morning, he dragged her out without a word and brought her back to her dorms in silence 
aria knew he was mad at her, but she thought it was because he had to borderline carry her four blocks down to the nct dorms 
“no you idiot, im angry because you thought that instead of coming to one of us for help with the bits you’re struggling with, you figured hey. let’s pass out instead.” 
he’s so affectionate with her
you know how lucas and kai have Intense Brothers Energy
well aria has that, little sister vibe that makes kai want to wrap her in a blanket and carry her everywhere
she’d hate that, if he tried that she’d scream (he did try that, this is coming from past experience)
kai chucking aria like a cannon ball into the pool during the filming of mtopia when she refused his hugs.
“oppa, oppa no im sorry ill give you all the hugs you want, oppa, JONGIN-OPPA NO NO NO NO -”
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➣ TAEYONG ☟ ariyong
taeyong took one look at aria the first time she showed up for group practice and immediately adopted her (not literally but he would if he could)
eomma meets highly protective brother meets life coach type beat?
so so soft for her its sickening 
says he doesn’t have favourites and will then spend an hour cooking for aria because she’s been in the studio the whole day and he knows she hasn’t eaten yet
when aria was given a duet to do for the sm stages, she had to pick another member to do it with and her first choice was taeyong 
she always has said that taeyong is one of the pillars keeping her upright and sane - without him she wasn’t sure if she would have been able to complete her training 
because of all the schedules they share together, if aria isn’t rooming with mark then she’s definitely rooming with taeyong
whenever she does his makeup (more often than you’d think) she point blank refuses to cover his scar, even when he asks her to do so
“please? i don’t like it.” “*gasp* how dare you.”
sleepy aria! snuggling into taeyong’s shoulder when a schedule ran late!
he gets uncomfy when the stylists put her in too revealing clothes, and has spoken to them on numerous occasions about dressing her in age-appropriate attire, no matter how “sexy” the concept might be
he keeps little bags of sugar-dusted strawberry sweets in his bag incase she forgets to eat and feels faint after the last time (they used to be blueberry flavoured but he heard donghyuck throwing out any and all “blueberry-contaminated” food one evening)
taeyong doesn’t tolerate hate towards aria, especially in person, so he always makes sure to sit down the line from her so that he can see when people skip her intentionally 
taeyong had just been awarded the single bedroom on the last night of the mtopia series, and was staring off into the corner looking rather uncomfortable. aria, who was meant to be rooming with baekhyun, looked over and saw his mouth curled downwards slightly. 
“baekhyun-oppa, is it ok if i room with taeyongie-oppa tonight? i ran out of my tablets, and he has some in his bag..”
baekhyun looked down at her with a small smile and agreed, while the edited captions on the video appeared with the words, “a cute maknae asking to room with a younger member..”
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➣ TEN ☟ tenaria
so so gone for her its upsetting actually
yangyang and aria share the position of his baby
except aria willingly accepts the title while yangyang would rather fling himself from a rooftop
ten’s instagram is half his cats, half miyazu aria
he posts her dancing practice on his story a lot, with a variety of captions ranging from “thats my baby  ♡( ◡‿◡ )” to “yah that’s not right
such an enabler for her bad ideas
aria wants to go shopping at 4am? ten agrees, now they’re sitting by han river eating ice cream
pls he’s gonna get her in so much trouble one day
when they walk together, ten likes to take her hand and put it in his pocket
its under the pretense of not wanting her to get lost
he just wants to hold her hand
yes he has lost her in a shopping mall, and NO it wasn’t his fault
ten always complains that they never have schedules together and he misses his baby
“we have superm-” “I NEVER SEE YOUUUU (àȄ益àČ„)”
if they’re in the same room ten is either watching her out of the corner of his eye, or is actually wrapped around her like a boa constrictor
hugs n kithes all around
only he is allowed make fun of her mistakes in dancing
anyone else gets deaded. he will fight for her honor how dare you insult his baby
sm give these ttwo a dancing duo video pls
the first and only time aria and ten had a duet was during their last concert on superm’s first world tour. during the second half of ten’s solo performance, aria emerged from the left side of the stage, coming to join him in the centre stage. no one had ever seen aria as serious as she was then, both herself and ten becoming completely different people in the moment. midway through, aria spun with her back to ten and leaped backwards into the air - eyes closed - completely trusting ten to be where she needed him to be to catch her.
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➣ LUCAS ☟ arihei
please they’re so cute together - tol child next to tini child she barely comes up to his chest :(
bear hugs
he just swamps her in his arms, and when he doesn’t feel like being bent over he picks her up
complains that she’s too heavy but then immediately after will throw her around like a softball
someone tell this man to be careful with her she’s not a barbie doll
singular braincell energy
don’t get it wrong, they’re both super smart
so it’s just - being smort together, but then nearly dying because neither of them remembered that you couldn’t eat raw cookie dough when there are eggs in it
she adores how he’s so confident in the things that he does - like convincing the entire nct fandom that he was fluent in english? king behaviour
so aria looks up to him (literally) but also because she wants to have that confidence some day
lucas says they’re not close and then aria pouts and he takes it all back
nczennies made a 14 minute compilation titled “lucas melting like a popsicle in australia for aria”
and literally what the title tells you, this man goes :(( when he sees her
lucas was actually the person to convince her to go ahead with the [redacted] proposal - and reminded her that it was too good an opportunity to pass up just because she felt like she was outgrowing the boys
he’s so proud of her
and she’s so proud of him
they’re so proud of each other and it makes nczennies want to cry because they never are seen together
sm stop separating the platonic soulmates first markhyuck and now arihei smh
during a photoshoot, aria was standing off to the side of the boys, dressed in white suit to contrast the boys’ black ones. the photographer was calling out to her to get her to move closer, but she couldn’t hear him from so far away, and so lucas (who was on the end) just walked over to her, gripped her by the biceps and lifted her vertically and to the left a little bit. 
“you had to move :)”
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➣ MARK ☟ mari
œ of the best friend crew
honestly at the beginning, mark and aria weren’t very close, having only really seen each other in passing or with johnny
but after being dropped into training together the two quickly became fast friends, and now they’re borderline inseparable
you thought you knew pain? watch aria’s reaction to mark’s graduation from dream :)
mark’s the reason why aria felt confident enough to pitch some of her lyric ideas to the team, after staying up until 4am to help her make some edits so she was as confident as possible
kinda just, rests his head on her shoulder? and wraps his arms around her waist when he’s tired
mari being confused in foreigner: ???
aria said once in a vlive that she finds mark really comforting to be around - when she feels stressed or worried about something she’ll go to mark’s room and just sit on his bed for a while
aria is so close with his parents - “ahh, how’s my favourite child” “i’m doing great mom.” “no not you, how’s aria?” “wh-hu-MOM?”
you’d swear sometimes mark is younger than her, considering the pout he puts on and how much he whines when they’re not on the same team together for promotions
mark big protecc boi but also little small cuddly boi
they’re so soft for each other ( ╄ω╄ )
in one of the fancams for mark’s solo stage during superm, someone zoomed into aria singing along with him in the wings and dancing to herself with the Proudest Smileℱ
he’s! so! proud! of! her! constantly! she could be walking and he’d be like “omg get it”
when aria refuses to get up and make herself food (this happens way too often, she just gets into the groove of her work and doesn’t want to move) mark gets her to by threatening to do it himself
consistently caught by czennies just standing behind her and holding her hand in crowded areas - airports, waiting rooms, etc.
mark and aria were standing off to one side as the mc explained the rules of the game they were about to be playing. mark looked totally confused, and elbowed aria in her side before looking down and mouthing “what?” to her. aria opened her mouth, before closing it and looking down at the ground, muttering to herself, “êȰ합  ç”ćˆâ€Š.. le chĂ©ile
. le
 le.. oh oh - combined! we have to put them together, markie.”
and thus, a new confusion meme was born
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tainted-wine · 4 years ago
Heroes (And a Villain) Handling a Laughably Unfit S/O
Headcanons I came up with while thinking about how pathetic I am during my daily workout routines.
Yagi Toshinori
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It’s really impressive that you’re nearly as frail as him, and you don’t even have the excuse of fighting powerful villains and missing major organs.
He helped transform little Deku into a capable vessel for One For All. You shouldn’t be a problem! Don’t worry, he’s not gonna have you carrying heavy junk everyday. 
We’ve seen that Toshi still exercises, so now he’s going to drag you along on his daily jogs. No excuses. If his skeleton ass can do it, then so can you.
He’s sad about the state he’s in now, but he’s still going to do everything he can to stay relatively healthy, and so should you, dammit.
Exhausting yourselves but also motivating each other keeps both of your spirits up. 
He’s going to do what he can to rescue his lover from one of the greatest evils in the world: Physical Inactivity.
Toshi: Look at that, we reached the beach this time.
You: Are you serious? We only ran that far? Ugh, this is pitiful.
Toshi: It’s less pitiful than our last run. Good job.
You: You too :)
Shouta Aizawa
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If Aizawa is going to help you, he’s not gonna half-ass it. Get ready to endure his personal workout plan. 
He tries to not look too disappointed when you collapse on the fifth push-up. He’s convinced that this is gonna be more tiresome for him than for you.
No, he is not going to let you screw up your schedule and take any breaks because you didn’t sleep well or your leg hurts. 
“Every morning, seven days a week. That’s all I’m asking for. Learn some discipline.”
Will make sure you’re fit enough to at least throw a basic punch and kick.
He’s gonna make you do shit like tumbling as well. Flexibility is important.
When you fall over because you managed to hurt your ankle during some jumping jacks, he just stares.
Aizawa: “You’re expelled.”
You: “Huh?? From what?”
Aizawa: “I don’t know. But you’re expelled.”
Yamada Hizashi
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Hizashi is more like your personal cheerleader than a coach.
“GET PUMPED!!” is a playlist he made specially for you with music that should keep you more hyped than Rocky Balboa himself.
He’s gonna make sure you at least have enough stamina to keep up with him when you dance together.
“Hi I’m Present Mic and I’m your freestyle dance teacher.”
There’s nobody better than him when it comes to giving you full-body workouts while being super fun about it.
Your phone will buzz with voice messages. “HEEEY, my baby better be groovin’ right now! I hope you have the ‘Wiggle Wop’ memorized when I come back ‘cause I’ll be putting you to the test!”
tl;dr Hizashi is Zumba Fitness.
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When Hawks hears you say that you want to improve your cardio...
“Oh, so you think you should walk more? I guess you won’t be taking any more flights with me.”
Say goodbye to your living personal plane. He’ll encourage you to reach all of your destinations on foot or on a bike.
Of course, he won’t be around much, so he’ll keep a feather on you to keep track of your activity and wellbeing.
You’re about to say “screw this” and hail a cab during a tiring walk, only for the feather to suddenly come to life and attack you. The driver watches you squeal while the tiny flying object assaults your ribs and shoves you away from the car. He just shrugs and moves on to find a customer that isn’t dealing with...whatever’s happening to you.
Hawks: “You’ve gotta try this new food joint with me. It’s on the other side of town.”
You: “Sounds nice, just pick me up an-”
Hawks: “Nope.”
While you’re fuming and your stomach growls, Hawks discovers that it’s pretty nice to slow down and just walk with you. 
He doesn’t expect you to make the whole journey. Once you’ve exhausted yourself and worked up an appetite, he’ll scoop you up in his arms. Feels like he hasn’t done that in forever!
Taishiro Toyomitsu
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Taishiro will be there to keep an eye on your diet as well as your fitness.
As a guy who’s always fattening himself up, he knows which foods cause the most weight gain and health issues.
Now Tai doesn’t believe in eating meals so light that you’re practically starving yourself. “That’s just gonna make ya crave the bad stuff even more!”
He’ll make sure you’re burning those delicious calories and carbs instead of sitting around and letting it all turn into fat. 
Sure, his quirk sounds great right about now, but at least you’re not always hungry like him. That’s not easy on the wallet!
He can recommend a lot of places for healthier eating. You’ll even get plenty of discounts thanks to his reputation among restaurants. “Just tell them Fatgum sent you!”
He personally prefers weight training, but you’re always welcome to try something less strenuous around him.
Hey look, Kirishima and Amajiki are here too!
You: Doesn’t Amajiki eat a wide variety of stuff? What keeps him thin?
Fatgum: Stress.
Kirishima: Stress.
Amajiki: A lot of stress.
Tomura Shigaraki
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Shiggy doesn’t care.
Or at least, he didn’t. Until he watched you play an active video game and you said that your arms were tired. It hasn’t even been thirty minutes.
Fuck that. If you’re gonna have the audacity to ask him to stop his rpg grinding so that you can play Wii Sports together, at least last long enough for him to enjoy himself. Didn’t mean to make that last part sound suggestive.
“For god’s sake. Do some arm rolls or something.”
Besides, exercise sharpens your brain to perform better during gaming. He always feels ready to face the hardest boss after killing people. Murder really gets the blood pumping.
He tosses you an old dance mat so that you can get your DDR on.
Once your stamina and strength is maxed out, he makes you play with him again. And look at that, your mind is clear enough to properly strategize now!
Shigaraki: Not bad.
You: Thanks. So...can we play bowling now?”
Shigaraki: “......Fine.”
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thanatophobia-thoughts · 4 years ago
Moving on from Routine, let’s look at Emotional Self-Care. This is Self-Care that you use to improve your emotional stability. This is what Emotional Self-Care can take the form of (though I do not use all of these; I will talk more about the ones I use):
Comfort Food
Taking a “mental health day”
Napping and/or Sleeping In
Binge-Watching Comfort Shows/Reading a Comfort Book/Listening to a Comfort Podcast/Comfort Music/Comfort Video Games/Etc.
Long Baths
Reflecting on the Good
Taking a Walk Outside or Hitting a Treadmill
Turning away from Social Media
Lighting a scented candle
Giving Gifts
Crying/Screaming/Emotional Outburst
Breaking Breakables
Playing with and/or Petting a Pet or Animal
Telling Other People You Don’t Want To Interact With Them (Right Now)/Boundary Setting
Taking care of Plants
Treating Yourself (non-food)
Every time I googled “emotional self-care”, I got some things like “set boundaries”, “learn to say no”, and “create a support system” – all of which are very good things, but they don’t really fit the quick regulation criteria that I’m going for here.
So, which of these do I personally use? Comfort Food, Mental Health Days, Sleeping In, Comfort Media, Venting, Reflecting on the Good, Meditation, Hitting a Treadmill, Scented Candle, Giving Gifts, Crying, Animals, Boundary Setting, Cleaning, and Treating Myself.
I’d take care of plants but right now I don’t have a good space for plants.
I’ll look at comfort food last, because I have a list of food.
Mental Health Days, I usually try to schedule ahead of time, around days or times I know are going to be hectic. I know that after a convention, for example, I need “cooldown days”, so usually I will take the following Monday-Wednesday off from work to cooldown from the convention.
If I don’t know ahead of time, I do feel comfortable enough to call in sick, but I vastly prefer being able to plan it, simply because of who I am as a person. It is sometimes a necessity. Sometimes there is just too much going on, and I need to step away from everything. Usually on these days, I will sleep in, or sleep for most of the day, with the promise to go back to normal tomorrow – and that is how it should be.
These are tricks to put you back in line in caring for yourself! To get you back to normal!
Now, most weekends I do sleep in a little. I wake up every day at 6am, so on weekends, I will absolutely let myself sleep in to like, 9-11. It’s a good thing I have this blog on a schedule.
Binge-Consuming Comfort Media: I do not consider this the same as observing New Media, because often for me that is a Personal Self Care, and not necessarily Emotional Self Care. It can be, but more often than not, it gets my thinking fired up and engages me in a wholly different fashion. For example, I consider playing Final Fantasy XII to be a “comfort game”, but I will not consider playing Elden Ring for the first time to be “comfort”, so much as Personal, because the former I have already done, while the latter is something new and is creating new experiences for me. One regulates my emotions, the other does not do so in a foreseeable fashion. In new games, I do not know the experiences I will have, whereas with old games, I can predict them.
I will usually use Binge-Consuming Media in downtime that I have nothing else to fill, but do not have the energy to try something new right then (usually with the promise that I will return to new things in the near future, usually the following day when this happens on a weekend, or the next weekend if this happens on Sunday). Binge-Consuming Media also tends to occur normally on Weekday Evenings, as I tend to lack any desire for new media after work. It thus helps me to stay in a calm mood throughout the night, and prepares me for the next day of work by maintaining mood, rather than changing it.
Venting has to be done with care; I have friends I can vent to, but the vast majority of them only end up aggravating me more when I vent to them. Venting is something I tend to reserve for after I’ve figured out what I’m going to do, and I just need someone else to know my pain, because very rarely are people actually able to give me decent advice. Yet, venting is still useful because it lets me finally express it, and lets other people into my life, which is healing, and allows me to move forward without feeling like I’m keeping a secret.
Akin to that, reflecting on the good is a bit more of a solitary action, but it’s useful to remember that a “bad day” isn’t a bad life. To think of the people who love me, to think of the good things that did happen, even amidst the bad, and to remember there are more good things to come. After a particularly bad day at work, remembering good things, good phone calls with customers, and just good people, is always helpful, and can prepare me to continue through the rest of the day.
Meditation is something I try to do every day, and I do feel that it helps me focus on the moment, as well as helps me work through my thoughts when I’m not meditating.
Back when gyms were safe, hitting the treadmill was great for days I just couldn’t fucking convince myself to do my weight training. It still got me in the gym, it still got me exercising, and it helped me beat out the anger while listening to a podcast or music. I felt like I could breathe. I miss this, a lot, and I look forward to being able to return to this, or getting the “Just Dance” games for my home so I can do a similar thing, without going to the gym. I was then usually able to resume weight lifting the next day – and it kept me from breaking my streak of going to the gym, back in the day.
Aromatherapy is just a thing. I enjoy it, it helps me, and I love candles, haha.
Giving Gifts is also something I like to do. Making other people happy, makes me happy, and this is often a surefire way to do that. It can be as simple as a bit of chocolate, it doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Of course, I have to make sure I am financial stable enough to do that.
Crying – when I need to. Sometimes I will have to kind of force it, by putting on a movie I know will make me cry, because just bursting into tears from stress without additional stimuli can be hard, but once it’s done, it is so relieving, and it allows my brain to start to function again without feeling as much in a daze.
It’s true I do have pets, and they’re kind of around me everyday, so this is more of a routine one – the animals are a constant source of comfort, but if you don’t have pets, visiting a pet store may be beneficial to give their animals a bit of affection, or going to an animal shelter. Or perhaps watching cute animal videos if those aren’t options.
Boundary Setting is also important. While sometimes, it can be good to help others when you’re going through a thing – I find it helpful sometimes – at other times it is just too much. Being clear on that, and also giving your friend some idea of when to “check in”, is good. It also lets your friend know a bit of a time period, so they know it isn’t a permanent block on conversing. Being open and clear about your situation can only do you good when it comes to your friends – and checking in with them when you’re ready!
Cleaning is oddly enough something I do when I’m preparing for something that is Good. I feel like I must cleanse the area in preparation of the New Good Thing. I will do this when I buy a new gaming console, or a long-awaited game, for instance. It makes things feel fresh and rejuvenated. It lets me walk into the New Thing as if it is a New Thing, and it starts it off on good footing. Some of the anxiety and anticipation of it, is quelled.
Treating Myself, when it’s non-food items, is usually things like clothing for me, or new PJs lately. I will also invest in books I plan to read, one day, eventually, cute Star Wars things, shows and/or movies to watch that are new, or things that generally speaking bring joy into my life. Sometimes emotional regulation, is also about reward. If you’re doing good in your life, you absolutely SHOULD be rewarded for it! Otherwise, why bother with balance and moderation? Why not live a hedonistic lifestyle? That would be far more pleasant if balance and moderation don’t have rewards. Not all emotional regulation is just to stop being sad, it’s also to be vindicated and celebrate good events. Celebrating IS regulating, when it calls for it, obviously. So I’m not encouraging here spending your money on whims because you are sad, but spending it more when you’re happy, and doing good.
And then we get to Comfort Foods. What do I use for comfort foods?
Chipotle Gouda Pasta Salad
Lime-Chipotle Pasta Salad
“Chicken” Fried Steak (Scare quotes because I’m a vegetarian so it’s fake meat)
“Tuna” Salad
Cheesecake, particularly raspberry white chocolate, or turtle.
Ice cream, particularly from Cold Stone, but usually either Rocky Road or Raspberry with Chocolate Chunks. There’s also Love Potion #9 which I have to drive a significant distance for
Extra Lattes (note the extra – I already have these planned in with my meal plans).
Hot Chocoalte
Potatoes O’Brien and Gravy
The idea behind Comfort Food: Eating tasty food often restores a mood, or at least puts us in a better mindset. They aren’t always the healthiest things, though they aren’t necessarily unhealthy. They have to be done in moderation, as you see I indicate with lattes it’s “extra” lattes that go on the comfort food side. I usually have two decaf lattes a week, one on Wednesday, and one on Friday.
Comfort Foods are for a “limited time”. An extra latte means I don’t get one the following day, or I don’t get one every single day of the week. I take the comfort it offers when it’s needed, and resume my usual drinking habits.
Things like Pasta Salad are for weeks when I need a bit of help, or when I’ve done good, because they’re multiple serving things. So like, my birthday week, eating a pasta is good. Or a week where everything went to hell, and I can’t focus on making something “new” and I just need to eat – but then it’s right back to normality after that week. This is not have pasta for an entire month, this is a way to set intentions, and work on orienting myself back to normal with food I love, and food I can make with my eyes closed.
Single-serving things, like cheesecake or hot chocolate, are usually Reward self-care. Like fuck yeah, I did great, I should give myself a little treat. It encourages my good behavior, and does not become an indulgence. It also ends up “planned”, and so the rest of the meals work around that indulgence so I don’t go overboard with it, either.
Knowing what foods, and what I use them for, helps me to use them when they will be most beneficial for me. Things like “extra lattes” also makes me think: Do I really want to do this now, or wait until the day I’m going to have it? Is there a reason I need it now? What will I do after I have it? How does this impact everything else in the balance?
So these are kind of the “quick trick” emotional self-care tools I use. Obviously, you should try to have a steady way of regulating your emotions, but shit happens. Cars break down, work days suck, friends are angry, people die
we need to have tools to get “back to normal”, or close enough to normal.
And you should also, absolutely, take time to treat yourself in self-care! If you don’t reward yourself, what’s the point in being “balanced”, and not just living a hedonistic lifestyle? That’s why comfort food as rewards is a thing! It’s why you can use these as rewards, if it helps, for doing good!
These are just what I do, and what I suggest. These are ideas to get you thinking about what you could put on a list, and how that could help you. If these same ideas work for you, great! If not, you just have to feel out yourself to determine what will help you! Brainstorm with your loved ones!
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mjmacchio1991 · 3 years ago
hello! i hope you're having a great day! <3 so... i was just wondering, which are your 80-90s hcs for the boys? <333
Hello! So sorry this is late! My schedule has been swamped but it is all good now! I do have some 80s-90s hc's for the boys and here they are:
Ponyboy got a portable color camera and used it to take photos of nature and the gang.
Johnny would apply decorative pins to every shirt and jacket he owned.
Ponyboy is a giant Earth, Wind, and Fire fan and loves to pop a tape into his Sony Sports Walkman and roller skate to the funky music.
Ponyboys halloween costumes were those vinyl masks and trash bag-like shirts (Pink Panther and other characters).
Steve wouldn’t shut up about the first moonwalk for many weeks after it premiered at Motown 25.
Darry and Dallas were giant Prince fans (bought 1999 record at launch).
The gang saved up enough money to go to a Michael Jackson concert in Kansas City on February 23, 1988 and loved it.
Ponyboy was a big advocate for the “We Are The World” foundation and bought the 45 for it along with getting a “USA For Africa” shirt.
Steve jokingly subscribed Sodapop to all those cheesy teen magazine services (16, Tiger Beat, Teen Machine, etc.) and Soda thought it was strange that he would get those magazines that promised “HOTTEST BOYS OF THE 80’S! 6 COLOR PIN-UP’S!”
Darry really liked the “Rocky” movies.
Dallas really liked the album "Bad" and the music video for it.
Once, Ponyboy accidentally put copious amounts of Razzle candies on Darry’s tab.
Johnny unironically used “grody”.
Ponyboy and Steve stayed up to watch the premiere of “Beat It” on MTV in March ‘83.
Johnny used Garfield The Cat and Odie The Dog stationary.
The gang was really into the He-Man cartoon and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Ponyboy would rush to record songs off the radio with his cassette recorder.
When crystal Pepsi was announced, Soda’s nickname for the whole year of 1992 was “Crystal Pepsi” and he was obsessed with both the name and drink.
The boys became fascinated with BMX biking and tried making their own at the junkyard with scrap metal (Steve broke an arm going down a trash pile).
Two-Bit would like the cartoons “Ducktales” and “Darkwing Duck”.
Two-Bit somehow redirected the schools satellite after throwing rocks at it and, instead of the Tulsa weather channel, all the televisions started playing the live OJ chase in 1994 (Two got suspended for 2 weeks).
Dallas was really into timberland boots and Biggie Smalls.
Dallas also got a single diamond piercing in his earlobe (Curly did it for him with a needle and ice cube) and this inflated his ego to the max.
The gang's favorite movie to watch was “The Sandlot”.
Ponyboy, Soda, and Johnny were Sega nerds.
Johnny started to watch “The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air” and dressed like Will (denim overalls with multi-colored and baggy striped shirts).
Steve would try to fight someone if they tried to diss the remixes on Michael Jackson’s “Blood On The Dance Floor” album.
Soda and Ponyboy were total Pokemon nerds when the show started and got the first movie on tape the day it was released.
Dallas would have his video cassette tapes stacked up in his living room simply because it felt “practical” to him to have them all in one place (Johnny pleaded with him to put them in a cardboard box or something of the sorts).
Johnny was the first one in the gang to buy a CD as they all could only afford audio cassette tapes (Motown Greatest Hits CD.)
Dallas started a secret business with Tim of ripping CDs and making cheap copies to sell.
Ponyboy's favorite snack were Dunka-roos (chocolate flavored).
When their local arcade got a Nintendo 64, they all went and played it for hours for several days a week.
Darry would keep a neatly organized bin in the living room of all his recorded tapes of various movies and talk shows (with Steve's copy of the 1993 Oprah interview with Michael Jackson).
Ponyboy and Two-Bit chatted in AOL chat rooms (Two-Bit usually got them kicked.)
Two-Bit refused to pay for music once Napster came onto the scene.
Ponyboy would get frosted tips like Joey Fatone and be made fun of until his hair grew out.
Steve would wear hammer pants and wouldn’t take any lip from anyone about it.
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bangchanshehe · 4 years ago
Are You Mine? pt.6
You arrived in Korea to start living your dream, or so you thought until you meet a man that woman dream of throwing themselves on. His entry into your new life takes you down a rocky path where friends will become enemies and foes will make themselves be known.
word count: 2k
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The next day things had started without a hitch. You had gone to the company to get your official name badge and started to set up your office so it felt more like your own. You had organized a file on your computer for each other the boys in exo so that you could keep track of each boys schedule, progress with English lessons, and take notes.
The boys’ previous English instructor had sent you an email with references as to where each of the members were as far as studying and materials that you could use during lessons. You had smiled at your desktop and thought back to the day that Baekhyun had asked you to help him with English
 if not for that day you wouldn’t be where you are now and you decided that you would thank him later.
But the more that you let yourself think about how he went through your phone and found you the more you started to feel a little uneasy. Had it had been any other person in the world you would have felt incredibly uncomfortable and maybe even unsafe. What had started off as unsolicited hitting on turned into him essentially stocking your information and then calling you to beg for help.
You immediately let out a deep breath and promised yourself that you would pocket all of those feelings and emotions. At the time sure you had some red flags but after getting to know Baekhyun you no longer had any alarms going off in your head. Plus if it weren’t for that unfortunate beginning to your friendship then you wouldn’t be where you are right now.
A knocking at the door caught your attention and you immediately called out for whoever was at the door to come in. you waited with a polite smile and when you saw the familiar long hair of johnny at your office door you smiled.
“hi” was all he said as he stood awkwardly by the door like a little schoolboy
“hey” you said back giving him a warm smile “watcha doing here?”
He took a seat in the chair directly in front of your desk and cleared his throat before he looked back up to you. You watched and waited for him to answer you or at least say something else, and as the seconds went by and the room was still silent you began to smile wider and wider.
“johnny?” you asked
“I’m sorry. I’m just-“ he smiled up at you and then looked down again “I’m just a little tired” he finally said
“what time did you get here this morning?” you asked him
“8am” he answered
You looked over at the clock on your computer monitor and you noticed that the time was only 12. Perhaps he got home late last night. Or maybe he was so tired that he couldn’t sleep.
“so I wanted to ask you if you would eat lunch with me today.” He said keeping a straight face. “I mean I figured that you may not know about the good places to eat around here yet or have any friends to eat with so I thought id take you somewhere” he said nervously explaining away
You chuckled and smiled at him as you asked him “you think I don’t have friends?”
Johnny’s eyes went wide and you knew that he felt a sense of panic since he had essentially called you a loner. And it wasn’t that he was wrong and you weren’t offended either, but you knew that he wasn’t in his right mind and you wanted to give him a little bit of hell.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I just mean that since you just got here-“ he yelled as he explained
“its okay
. Im just messing with you.” You said with a smile. You stood up and grabbed your purse and watched as johnny remained seated “come on
 where are you gonna take me?” you asked
The practice room
. He took you to the practice room to eat with you. You looked around and let out a happy chuckle as you looked around the room that you had seen so many times on the internet and in dance practice videos. And while it wasn’t the place that you had really anticipated eating in you knew that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be in the same place that so many of your favorite idols had been before.
“is it just you and I?” you asked him, confused as to why the room was so empty
“yeah” johnny said taking a look around until he saw something that caught his eye. He ran off towards a counter in the back corner of the room and grabbed a bag that had takeout inside. “everyone usually likes to go out and eat or they have other schedules and they eat on the way”
He sat down in the middle of the floor and he opened up the containers one by one. Kimchi fried rice, kimbap, rice cakes, and fishcakes were opened one by one and as you smelled the aroma of each dish your mouth began to water.
“I didn’t know what you liked so I ordered all of my favorites assuming that you must like at least one of them” johnny said as he pulled out chopsticks and separated them for you.
“so do you not have any more work for the day?” you asked him
Johnny looked up at you and gave you a small sad smile. “its not that I don’t have any more work for the day, I just don’t have any individual work to do. When the group comes back then ill have more practice” he stated with a confident tone, but with one look in his eyes you could see that he was affected by his lack of work.
“at least you have time for a life. I mean you get to eat peacefully and enjoy taking midday naps.” You said with a smile hoping that it would cheer him up.
“I guess” he said before he let out a soft sigh “it gets tough being alone though. And since I cant really go outside and just do whatever I want to do, I almost just kind of wish that I would be working more.” He confessed.
You had no idea what you could say to make johnny feel better. And If you could make him feel even a fraction of a bit better you would do so in a heart beat.
You had always known that the companies of idol groups tend to have favorites and display that unequal kindness quite unashamedly. But to hear how sad johnny was and see the look in his eyes, you had realized that there could be a lot more hurt than you had ever thought.
The two of you ate comfortably as you enjoyed the food that johnny had prepared. The two of you had made small jokes back and forth with one another and it felt good to feel the energy of the room switch from sad to lively.
“if you ever want to eat lunch with me just text me” you said holding your hand out for johnny’s phone
“really?” johnny asked with a smile. He immediately looked down at your hand and eyed it for a moment before he placed his hand in yours.
You laughed and shook his hand off “not your hand! Give me your phone weirdo!”
“oh” was all he said as he fished his phone out from his pocket and handed it over to you
You quickly put your phone number into his phone and then handed it back to him. He looked at the contact and then smiled to himself before placing it back into his back pocket.
The two of you had wrapped up your meal and you were about to leave the practice rooms when suddenly johnny had cleared his throat, making you turn around.
“soo” he said as he put his hand on the back of his neck out of nervousness “I just wanted to say thank you for having lunch with me and being so fun
 I really like you. And it’s a shame that you’ve already got a boyfriend.”
You were speechless that johnny had just said that he liked you. It was something that you could never even imagine would happen in this lifetime
 or well ever. And yet after two days of knowing each other he has already said that he likes you. Your heart was pounding out of your chest and you felt like you were the most successful fan ever. Not only did you get to work with your favorite idols but you also got to-
“did you just say boyfriend?!” you asked him confused
Johnny looked back at you perplexed and he nodded his head. You took a second to think if you had ever mentioned anything about dating anyone or even liking anyone and you kept coming up short.
“what boyfriend?” you asked him
Johnny gave you a strange look before he finally answered you “Baekhyun said that you already had a boyfriend.” He looked up at the ceiling as if he was wracking his brain and trying to remember something “someone who was also from the states
 I think he said his name was corey.”
“cole” you said to clarify
“yeah cole!” johnny said snapping his finger and pointing at you in confirmation.
You scoffed and looked down at your shoes. You couldn’t believe that Baekhyun would lie about something like whether you were single or not. Why would he even lie to begin with?
You were starting to feel like who your impression of Baekhyun was, was only who he wanted you to see. and the more that you were talking with other people about events involving him, the more that you found lie after lie. This on top of the whole phone incident was starting to not sit well with you and you were starting to lose some of your good impressions of him. And while it hurt to feel like the excitement from the night previously was diminishing you figured that it would be for the best to not get yourself involved with him anymore.
“yo hyung!” johnny called out to someone behind you and it snapped you out of your thoughts “did’nt you say that Emily had a boyfriend?”
You immediately turned around to see Baekhyun who looked like a frozen deer in headlights. You stayed put in your spot and watched as he panicked as to what to do next. He continued to choke on his words and with a scoff you turned around to face johnny once more.
“no I don’t have a boyfriend” you clarified to johnny “Cole is just one of my friends”
“oh” johnny said nonchalantly “well then if you aren’t seeing anyone would you maybe like to go out sometime?” he asked with a shy smile
You would be lying if you said that you were excited. The fact that Baekhyun was here and was still acting so shady had completely ruined your mood.
You knew that dating within the company was definitely a no-no. and while it wasn’t a written rule per say it was definitely an unspoken one, because the idols available image was very important to their marketability. But in this moment you wanted Baekhyun to get the message to stay away from you loud and clear.
Without a second though you smiled up to johnny, giving him your best fake smile before answering “sure. Id love that”
You didn’t care if Baekhyun had felt bad about seeing you and johnny agree to a date. It had infuriated you that he was manipulating so many people and doing so many shady things. And hopefully now he would leave you alone.
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kam-tree · 4 years ago
how BiNu confessed
Hello! I’m back~ It’s exam season but here I am. I hope you guys like it! Don’t be shy and request anything if you would like.
Theme: Fluff
hey, I’m sorry I’m busy today! Just reminding you I love you
A smile painted your face as you sent a reply back to your boyfriend, Eunwoo. You were a little sad that Eunwoo had a schedule today but it is what it is right? It’s his job after all. Although you missed seeing him, he always made an effort to video call every night and occasionally would drop by your apartment at night before heading back to the dorms. He always tried his best and for that you loved him dearly.
That’s alright! I’ll enjoy this nice day for the both of us~ Keep working hard! I love you
After sending your message, you were immediately met with a cute emoticon. Giggling like a 5 year old, you sent one back. Truthfully everyday seemed like a dream. It was such a blessing you met Eunwoo and the fact you were in a relationship with him still felt surreal. He was such a caring and selfless man, always considerate and hard working. When you first met him, it was a little hard to believe how polite and caring of a human being he was. You didn’t know if he acted this way because he had an image to up hold or not. But your doubt was eventually proven wrong after some drinks and a very real and raw conversation.
You still remember the smell and sounds of the tent bar. The loud business men coming to drink after a long day of work, the group college students ignoring their final assignments and the smell of soju. Eunwoo and you weren’t very close friends back then and it was certainly awkward when your mutual friend didn’t show up. However 3 bottles of soju seemed to do the trick and helped you both let loose and start talking about your dreams and insecurities. It was refreshing getting to know Eunwoo and his mind. At the moment you really admired him as a person, how hard working he was and how considerate he was. You felt horrible for misjudging him and doubting him. It was probably then when your feelings for him started.
It took eight more months for anything to actually start. You tried your hardest to stop your feelings for him as you didn’t want them ruining your friendship. Anyway, how could he feel the same way about you anyway? That’s why you were taken aback when you were both resting on the couch on your apartment and he suddenly became agitated. You had invited some friends over just to have a little breather and you were all playing charades. 
At first you thought he was just frustrated because his team couldn’t play for shit and yours won as the game ended with 9-5. Rocky had you on his back as you both celebrated your win with your two other teammates. You were laughing while holding Rocky tightly so you wouldn’t fall as he began dancing when you felt an icy stare coming from somewhere. Your eyes met Eunwoo’s and you were slightly taken aback by the glare he held on his face. Confused, you watch him flee to the kitchen. You got off Rocky as gave another ‘whoop’ before making a beeline to the kitchen.
“Look, if I’ve done anything wrong, let me know. I can’t read your mind and glaring won’t help either ok?” You spoke bluntly as you found it rare that he would be this childish.
“I just- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to glare.” He said as he brushed his hair back and swallowing a lump in his throat.
“Well I can still see your not in a very good mood. Do you want to step out and talk about it?” You offered with a smile while taking his hand and staring into his eyes. You swear you melted right then and there. He seemed to think about it before nodding and letting you lead the way to the door. 
“Damn it, it’s cold” you muttered to yourself as you left the warmth of your apartment. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you and suddenly it felt like you were in a sauna. Trying to get rid of the blush on your cheeks, you wriggle out of his embrace. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll survive. Now tell me what’s been plaguing your mind.”  You said turning around, trying to not be flustered. Although you felt safe in his arms; as if you belonged, you didn’t want to give yourself false hope. To him it might just be an innocent hug but it sent butterflies to your stomach. 
“I have feelings for someone and I don’t think they’ll return them.” He said as he stepped back and met your eyes. You felt your stomach drop. Ignoring the slight pain in your chest, you turn to look at him as he stares back at you. 
“Ahh, I see. How would you know if you haven’t heard that person’s answer? There’s a 50% chance they’ll return them or not. But seeing as to how you act like the perfect gentleman, the chances are probably higher.” You smiled before looking away, trying to not let him see the slight pain in your face.
“Is that so?” He said as he moved to were your eyes were looking off to and waited until your eyes met his. “What are the chances of you returning my feelings?”
“What?” Honestly, you were so confused. What was happening? Is what you were thinking happening? He smiled before holding your hand in his.
“I like you Y/N” A blush seem to creep on both of your faces. Unable to meet his gaze, you nod.
“Me too” You felt time stop as he smiled at you and pulled you into a tight embrace against his chest.
“Thank god.” He sighed in relief before planting a light peck on your lips.
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“You made all this?” Moonbin said with excitement and disbelief as he stared at the six lunch boxes in front of him; one for each member of Astro. “Thank you so much!” And with that, you were engulfed into a big bear hug. 
You dramatically gasp for breath before he pulls away and places a kiss on your forehead. Smiling up at the man, you realise how awfully tired he looked. A pout soon graced your face, Moonbin noticing immediately. He stroked you hair and put his chin on your head, pulling you into a gentle and warm hug.
“I’m alright. I have your food to energise me through the day! Don’t worry about me.” He said gently.
“I know I shouldn’t worry, I just wish you could have a day off and sleep like sleeping beauty. To rest properly.” You mumbled into his shirt. You feel him kiss you head before pulling away and looking into your eyes.
“My day off’s on Sunday, I’ll make sure to sleep like the dead.” He laughed before turning to the door “I’m super late! I’ll text you when I get there and when I should be home. I love you~” And with a kiss goodbye, he was out the door. 
Watching him leave in a rush always made you laugh, his poor time management was always the product of him sleeping in. It always worried you how he’d come home late and leave early for his schedules. He practiced like crazy as well. It also reminded you of when you first met.
Your friend wanted to introduce you to a dancer as you expressed an interest in it. You were hesitant, as your interest was only a passing comment and not meant to be taken seriously, however you also suspected this was your friend’s way of setting you up with someone. They had been constantly asking you if you were seeing anyone for the past year. You were too busy with your part time job and being a full time student in culinary school. With some persuasion, you finally went with your friend to meet this man. Honestly you kind of judged Moonbin when he was 20 minutes late. You were thinking about how you could have been studying for an upcoming exam and here you were, waiting for some dude. However after talking to man, you seemed to become smitten with him. He was funny and gentle but was also ready to fight with anyone who thought cats were annoying. 
As cheesy as it is to say, time seemed to stop. You didn’t really pay mind to your friend leaving you two alone and you also didn’t realise the sun was already beginning to set. You realised that this man was a breath of fresh air to you so when he asked for you number as you were both about to part ways, you absolutely did not hesitate.
Your relationship was little complicated for the next 4 months. It was like you were a couple but at the same time you weren’t official. Both of you would go on dates, talk late at night and would have movie nights in your apartment. You both knew that each other was interested but neither had actually spoken about it. It was a strange and weird situation to be in.  
At first it made you heart flutter every time your hands would brush past each others or when your faces would be so close to a kiss. But soon you grew a little tired of it. Moonbin seemed to be the person you could count on whenever you wanted to rant about school or your co workers and would always taste you dishes with very honest feedback, however you were tired of this wishy washy relationship you both had. As much as you knew that Moonbin was a kind and caring man, you insecurities started to overtake your mind. You often wondered if he was like this another girl, he was an awfully handsome and talented man so who wouldn’t want to have him?
You began to think he only saw you as some fun on the side. 
Your chain of thought was disrupted when you heard a knock at your door. Ah, that’s right, Moonbin said he was coming over after recording. Opening the door, you were greeted with a smile that could easily turn you into a puddle. He had said he couldn’t stay long as he needed to back at the dorms before 10pm. A little confused as to why he would bother coming over if he needed to leave in 45 minutes, you followed him into the apartment.
“Then why are you coming to visit then silly?” You said in a playful tone as you offered him some gimbap you made. You were shocked when he rejected them. What as going on? Moonbin rejecting food? And then it dawned on you. He was probably gonna tell you that he wasn’t interested and only saw you as friend.
“I’m sorry I should have done this earlier” You braced yourself for the rejection as your hands found the hem of you shirt and played around with it. He looked into you eyes with an intensity you had never seen before and it made you nervous. As you felt some tear beginning to form, you look away from his gaze.
“I like you. Like a lot. I’m sorry for not telling you early enough. I was just shy and didn’t know if you would like me back.” what? You looked back at him in confusion. Your mind went blank and you were left to just stare, no words seeming to form. 
When you didn’t reply back, his head hung down for little bit before he looked back up at you with a bittersweet smile. “It’s ok, you don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to confess my feelings.” As he was about to reach for the door handle, you snapped out of your trance and rushed to stop him.
He was caught by surprise when he left your arms embrace him from the back. You didn’t trust yourself to talk to him with his eyes on you so you mumbled it into his back. “I like you too. I like so much. I didn’t know if you actually liked me or if you were just having some fun” He quickly turned around to your words and cupped your face.
“Of course I like you. How could I not?” Moonbin smiled as he kissed your forehead and then your lips.
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