#friederike otto
higherentity · 9 months
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
There is "a tiny window" of hope remaining for keeping the climate from spinning out of control. But to keep that window open we need to keep professional climate deniers out of power.
Increasingly severe weather impacts had also been long signposted by scientists, although the speed and intensity of the reality scared some. The off-the-charts sea temperatures and Antarctic sea ice loss were seen as the most shocking. The feeling of entering a new age of devastation was the result of the return of the natural El Niño phenomenon, which has temporarily turbocharged global heating, they said. Another factor was many people being confronted with extreme weather they had never experienced before, as climate impacts began to clearly stand out from usual weather. The scientists were clear the world had not yet passed a “tipping point” into runaway climate change, but some warned that it got ever closer with continued heating.
The scientists also warned that the “crazy” extreme weather of recent months was just the “tip of the iceberg” compared with the even worse impacts to come. In just a decade the exceptional events of 2023 could be a normal year, unless there is a dramatic increase in climate action. Some further warned that the tendency of climate models to underestimate extreme weather meant we were “flying partially blind” into a future that could be even more catastrophic than anticipated. However, a “tiny window” of opportunity remained open to tackle the climate crisis, they said, with humanity having all the tools needed. The researchers overwhelmingly pointed to one action as critical: slashing the burning of fossil fuels down to zero. “Climate science’s projections are pretty robust over the last decades. Unfortunately, humanity’s stubbornness to spew out ever-higher amounts of greenhouse gases has also been pretty robust,” said Prof Malte Meinshausen, of the University of Melbourne, Australia.
There's a relatively simple prescription to keep things from getting worse.
“We need to stop burning fossil fuels,” said (Imperial College's Dr. Friederike) Otto. “Now – not sometime when we’ve allowed companies to make all the money they possibly can.” Others said the world was on “code red alert” to stop fossil fuel extraction and to fight to halt new exploration projects.
The stats are pretty damned clear about what's happening.
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The first step in making things better is to stop them from getting worse. A certain political party in the US pretends that climate change is just "politicization of the weather". Making sure these people are not put in power gives us time to work on solutions.
Why Republicans can’t get out of their climate bind, even as extreme heat overwhelms the US
Even as more Republican politicians are joining the consensus that climate change is real and caused by humans, Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric has driven the party to the right on climate and extreme weather. Trump has called the extremely settled science of climate change a “hoax” and more recently suggested that the impacts of it “may affect us in 300 years.”
Even if some Republicans grudgingly admit that humans cause climate change, the influence of their party's Dear Leader will keep them from taking any action.
And if The Donald choked on a triple cheeseburger tomorrow, don't expect the party to abruptly swerve away from its extremist anti-science positions. It's not just Trump himself, it's Trumpism as exemplified by his Mini-Me Vivek Ramaswamay.
Vivek Ramaswamy calls climate change agenda a ‘hoax’ during debate
Here are some of the current "hoaxes" which Trump lickspittle Vivek doesn't want you to think about too much.
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my-life-fm · 2 years
Verantwortung *** Verursacher *** Rechenschaft
Verantwortung *** Verursacher *** Rechenschaft
» […] Friederike Ottos Forschung ist gefragt wie nie. Die Arbeit der Physikerin zeigt auf, wofür der Klimawandel verantwortlich ist und schafft Möglichkeiten, Verursacher zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. […]…
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Environment and Climate Change Canada says it's now able to publicly identify links between episodes of extreme heat and climate change within days of a weather event.
The federal department says that its scientists now have the ability to estimate the degree to which human-induced climate change played a role in a heat wave or extreme heat event within a week of it happening.
Friederike Otto, an internationally renowned climate researcher and one of the global leaders in weather attribution science, said Canada's weather service will be the first in the world to issue rapid analyses of heat events.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) - Schütz: Symphoniae Sacrae II, Op. 10 - No. 1, Mein Herz ist bereit, Gott, SWV 341 ·
Tobias Mäthger · Margret Baumgartl · Matthias Müller · Andreas Arend · Friederike Otto · Beate Röllecke · Hans-Christoph Rademann
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kp777 · 1 year
By Georgina Rannard, Erwan Rivault, Jana Tauschinski
BBC climate reporter & data team
July 22, 2023
A series of climate records on temperature, ocean heat, and Antarctic sea ice have alarmed some scientists who say their speed and timing is unprecedented.
Dangerous heatwaves in Europe could break further records, the UN says.
It is hard to immediately link these events to climate change because weather - and oceans - are so complex.
Studies are under way, but scientists already fear some worst-case scenarios are unfolding.
"I'm not aware of a similar period when all parts of the climate system were in record-breaking or abnormal territory," Thomas Smith, an environmental geographer at London School of Economics, says.
"The Earth is in uncharted territory" now due to global warming from burning fossil fuels, as well as heat from the first El Niño - a warming natural weather system - since 2018, says Imperial College London climate science lecturer Dr Paulo Ceppi.
Here are four climate records broken so far this summer - the hottest day on record, the hottest June on record globally, extreme marine heatwaves, record-low Antarctic sea-ice - and what they tell us.
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The world experienced its hottest day ever recorded in July, breaking the global average temperature record set in 2016.
Average global temperature topped 17C for the first time, reaching 17.08C on 6 July, according to EU climate monitoring service Copernicus.
Ongoing emissions from burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas are behind the planet's warming trend.
This is exactly what was forecast to happen in a world warmed by more greenhouse gases, says climate scientist Dr Friederike Otto, from Imperial College London.
"Humans are 100% behind the upward trend," she says.
"If I'm surprised by anything, it's that we're seeing the records broken in June, so earlier in the year. El Niño normally doesn't really have a global impact until five or six months into the phase," Dr Smith says.
El Niño is the world's most powerful naturally occurring climate fluctuation. It brings warmer water to the surface in the tropical Pacific, pushing warmer air into the atmosphere. It normally increases global air temperatures.
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The average global temperature in June this year was 1.47C above the typical June in the pre-industrial period. Humans started pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when the Industrial Revolution started around 1800.
Asked if summer 2023 is what he would have forecasted a decade ago, Dr Smith says that climate models are good at predicting long-term trends but less good at forecasting the next 10 years.
Four ways climate change is affecting the weather
"Models from the 1990s pretty much put us where we are today. But to have an idea about what the next 10 years would look like exactly would be very difficult," he says.
"Things aren't going to cool down," he adds.
Extreme marine heatwaves
The average global ocean temperature has smashed records for May, June and July. It is approaching the highest sea surface temperature ever recorded, which was in 2016.
But it is extreme heat in the North Atlantic ocean that is particularly alarming scientists.
"We've never ever had a marine heatwave in this part of Atlantic. I had not expected this," says Daniela Schmidt, Prof of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol.
Marine heatwave in the North Atlantic
Daily sea surface temperature April - July 2023, compared with 1985-1993 average
Press play to see the map animated. (Go to original article)
In June temperatures off the west coast of Ireland were between 4C and 5C above average, which the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration classified as a category 5 heatwave, or "beyond extreme".
Sudden heat increase in seas around UK and Ireland
Directly attributing this heatwave to climate change is complex, but that work is ongoing, Prof Schmidt says.
What is clear is that the world has warmed and the oceans have absorbed most of that heat from the atmosphere, she explains.
"Our models have natural variability in them, and there are still things appearing that we had not envisaged, or at least not yet," she adds.
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She emphasises the impact of this heat on marine ecosystems, which produce 50% of the world's oxygen.
"People tend to think about trees and grasses dying when we talk about heatwaves. The Atlantic is 5C warmer than it should be - that means organisms need 50% more food just to function as normal," she says.
Record low Antarctic sea-ice
The area covered by sea-ice in the Antarctic is at record lows for July. There is an area around 10 times the size of the UK missing, compared with the 1981-2010 average.
Alarm bells are ringing for scientists as they try to unpick the exact link to climate change.
A warming world could reduce levels of Antarctic sea-ice, but the current dramatic reduction could also be due to local weather conditions or ocean currents, explains Dr Caroline Holmes at the British Antarctic Survey.
She emphasises it is not just a record being broken - it is being smashed by a long way.
"This is nothing like anything we've seen before in July. It's 10% lower than the previous low, which is huge."
She calls it "another sign that we don't really understand the pace of change".
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Scientists believed that global warming would affect Antarctic sea-ice at some point, but until 2015 it bucked the global trend for other oceans, Dr Holmes says.
"You can say that we've fallen off a cliff, but we don't know what's at the bottom of the cliff here," she says.
"I think this has taken us by surprise in terms of the speed of which has happened. It's definitely not the best case scenario that we were looking at - it's closer to the worst case," she says.
We can certainly expect more and more of these records to break as the year goes on and we enter 2024, scientists say.
But it would be wrong to call what is happening a "climate collapse" or "runaway warming", cautions Dr Otto.
We are in a new era, but "we still have time to secure a liveable future for many", she explains.
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nordleuchten · 1 year
La Fayette and the "Emkendorfer Kreis"
The Emkendorfer Kreis (the Emkendorf Circle) was a Danish-German intellectual society that focused mainly on literature, music and theological discussions. It was formed around Friederike Juliane Gräfin von Reventlow (Countess of Reventlow, pictured below.) The circle counted such luminaires like Matthias Claudius, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Matthias Claudius, Heinrich Christian Boie, Johann Heinrich Voß and Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi as its members. It was sometimes also referred to as the Weimar des Nordes (the Weimar of the North.)
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The name of the group derived from the manor “Emkendorf” (pictured above) that was and to this day still is owned by the von Reventlow family. The von Reventlow family is a noble family with great influence in both Denmark and Germany. Several members of the family were diplomats and held high offices while also having significant influence on the academic and artistic landscape of their day. Although the influence of the family has diminished over the last two centuries, the family still has considerable holdings in northern Germany, is well connected and engaged in local politics. Gut Emkendorf in particular is often the venue for cultural or musical presentations, special markets were craftspeople can sell their goods as well as guided tours that touch on the regional as well as on the family history.
Gut Wittmold and Gut Lehmkuhlen, the two mansions where La Fayette and his family stayed during their exile in Danish-Holstein, are close by and the La Fayette’s as well as friends and other family members were guests at Gut Emkendorf and occasionally present when the Emkendorfer Kreis met. The relationship between the von Reventlow's and the La Fayette’s in particular was rather cold and reserved. I wrote in this post here about Friederike Juliane’s opinion on Adrienne and her sister Pauline, but there was far more to the matter.
Überhaupt hat der Aufenthalt all dieser Fremdlinge in Emkendorf dazu beigetragen, sich über die Ereignisse der Französischen Revolution genauer zu unterrichten, keineswegs aber das Urteil darüber zu mildern. Hier, wo ohnehin die alte ständische Gliederung als einzig wahre Staatsform betrachtet und deutscher Geisteskultur der Vorrang vor jeder anderen, besonders der französischen, gegeben wurde, konnten jene liberalen französischen Royalisten bei allem Mitgefühl für ihr Schicksal doch nicht auf volle Übereinstimmung mit ihren Zielen rechnen. Ein Mann wie Lafayette, der Holstein ebenfalls zu seinem Asyl für kurze Zeit erkor, ist in Emkendorf als unmittelbarer Mitschuldiger an den blutigen Anfängen der Revolution mit eisiger Kälte empfangen und wieder entlassen worden (…)
Otto Brandt, Geistesleben und Politik in Schleswig-Holstein um die Wende des 18. Jahrhunderts, Outlook Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt, 2022, original reprint from 1925, pp. 150-151.
My translation:
In general, the stay of all these foreigners in Emkendorf helped the people in Emkendorf to learn more about the events of the French Revolution, but in no way did it softened their judgment. Here, where the old system of goverment was regarded as the only true form of government and German intellectual culture was given priority over any other, especially French intellectual culture, those liberal French royalists, with all the sympathy for their fate, could not count on full agreement with their ideals. A man like Lafayette, who also chose Holstein as his asylum for a short time, was received in Emkendorf, as a direct accomplice in the bloody beginnings of the revolution, with icy coldness (...)
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The next passage partly quotes a letter from Friedrich “Fritz“ Karl Graf von Reventlow (left, Friederike Juliane’s husband) to his brother Cay Friedrich Graf von Reventlow (right) from June 1, 1798
Übrigens war man in Emkendorf überzeugt, dass Lafayette bei „seinem stillen und eingezogenen Wesen“ sich nicht „als Werkzeug brauchen lasse“ und nicht „kleine niedrige Künste und Ränke“ anwende um „den Geist der Revolution auch im Norden zu erregen“.
Otto Brandt, Geistesleben und Politik in Schleswig-Holstein um die Wende des 18. Jahrhunderts, Outlook Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt, 2022, original reprint from 1925, pp. 151.
My translation:
People in Emkendorf were convinced that Lafayette, with “his quiet and withdrawn nature”, would not let anyone “use him as a tool” and would not use “small low arts and intrigues” to “excite the spirit of the revolution in the north as well”.
While I myself always like to point out that La Fayette was far more than the bubbly teenager, he is often made out to be, I find it nevertheless quite remarkable that La Fayette is described here as “quite and withdrawn”. It shows once more that the last years had been a living nightmare for him and his family.
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dxmedstudent · 2 years
‘I am an optimistic person’: the scientist who studies climate catastrophes
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horseweb-de · 3 months
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plethoraworldatlas · 3 months
Scientists on Thursday released an analysis showing the likely role of climate change in creating the deadly heatwave that hit areas including Mexico and the U.S. south in late May and early June.
Record-breaking heat caused by a heat dome, which engulfed areas from Nevada to Honduras, was hotter and more likely to occur due to the climate crisis, with five-day maximum daytime temperatures 35 times more likely than in pre-industrial times and nighttime temperatures 200 times more likely, scientists at World Weather Attribution (WWA) found.
At least 35 died of related illness in just one week in early June in Mexico, and the total death toll may have been much higher. The scientists emphasized that the extreme weather causing the death and suffering was brought about by fossil fuel emissions.
"Unsurprisingly, heatwaves are getting deadlier," Friederike Otto, a co-author of the study and climate scientist at Imperial College London, toldThe Guardian. "We've known about the dangers of climate change at least since the 1970s. But thanks to spineless politicians, who give in to fossil-fuel lobbying again and again, the world continues to burn huge amounts of oil, gas, and coal."
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claubenaventer · 5 months
El fenómeno climático de El Niño —y no el cambio climático— fue un factor clave en las escasas lluvias que afectaron al tráfico marítimo en el Canal de Panamá, según dijeron científicos el miércoles. Entérate aquí Un equipo de expertos internacionales concluyó que El Niño, un calentamiento natural del Pacífico central que cambia el clima en todo el mundo, multiplicó por dos la probabilidad de las bajas precipitaciones que recibió Panamá durante la temporada de lluvias del año pasado. Eso redujo el nivel del agua en el embalse que proporciona agua dulce al Canal y agua potable a más de la mitad del país centroamericano. El cambio climático provocado por el ser humano no fue un factor clave en que el país centroamericano tuviera una temporada del monzón más seca de lo habitual, según concluyó el grupo World Weather Attribution, tras comparar los niveles de lluvias de modelos climáticos de un mundo simulado sin el calentamiento actual. El estudio aún no se ha publicado en una revista científica revisada por pares, pero emplea métodos científicamente aceptados y estudios similares previos a menudo se publican unos meses después. “La variabilidad natural juega un papel crucial en impulsar muchos (fenómenos) extremos”, explicó Kim Cobb, científica climática en la Universidad de Brown, que no participó en el estudio. “Este es un recordatorio importante de que el calentamiento global no siempre es la respuesta”. Panamá experimentó uno de sus años más secos documentados el año pasado, con lluvias por debajo de la media en siete de los ocho meses de su temporada de lluvias, de mayo a diciembre. Como resultado, desde finales de junio la Autoridad del Canal de Panamá ha restringido el número y el tamaño de los barcos que cruzan el canal debido al bajo nivel de agua en el lago Gatún, la principal reserva hidrológica del canal. El tráfico mercante global aún se ve afectado. Para probar si el cambio climático había jugado un papel, el equipo de científicos analizó datos meteorológicos en simulaciones informáticas lo bastante precisas como para determinar las precipitaciones en la región. Esos modelos simulan un mundo sin el calentamiento actual de 1,2 grados Celsius (2,2 grados Fahrenheit) desde la era preindustrial, y valoran cómo de probable sería la falta de lluvias en un mundo sin calentamiento provocado por la quema de combustibles fósiles. Los modelos climáticos no mostraban una tendencia similar a la falta de humedad que registró Panamá el año pasado. De hecho, muchos modelos muestran una tendencia de más precipitaciones en la región por el cambio climático provocado por las emisiones de dióxido de carbono y metano derivadas de la quema de carbón, petróleo y gas natural. Por otro lado, el análisis mostraba que El Niño redujo las lluvias de 2023 en aproximadamente un 8 %, y es improbable que Panamá hubiera tenido una temporada de monzón tan seca sin la influencia del fenómeno meteorológico. Los investigadores señalaron que un incremento de la demanda de agua en la región agravó ese déficit. El grupo tuvo en cuenta los registros de precipitaciones de más de 140 años en 65 estaciones meteorológicas, algo que Clair Barnes, investigadora del Imperial College of London y una de los autores del estudio, describió como “un sueño para la estadística”. “De modo que estamos bastante seguros de que El Niño provoca la baja precipitación”, señaló el científico climático Friederike Otto, también del Imperial College y que coordina el equipo de estudios de atribución. El grupo World Weather Attribution comenzó a trabajar en 2015, debido en parte a la frustración por el mucho tiempo que tomaba determinar si el cambio climático estaba detrás de un fenómeno meteorológico extremo. Estudios como el suyo, con ciencia de atribución, utilizan observaciones meteorológicas y modelos informáticos para determinar la probabilidad de que un fenómeno particular ocurra antes y después del cambio climático, y si el calentam...
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krispijnbeek · 10 months
Klimaatwetenschapper Otto vertaald door Kumar
Klimaatwetenschap is ingewikkeld met veel variabelen, ingewikkelde verbanden en modellen. Daarom een nieuwe reek: klimaatwetenschap in normale mensentaal. Met korte filmpjes waarin wetenschappers uitleggen wat wetenschappelijk bekend is en komieken dat vertalen in normale mensentaal. Of ze daarin slagen? Dat oordeel laat ik aan de kijker. Vandaag Friederike Otto uitgelegd door Nish Kumar. Bron:…
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zehub · 1 year
Canicules : le réchauffement climatique en est bien le principal responsable
« Comme le monde n'a pas arrêté de recourir aux énergies fossiles, le climat continue de se réchauffer et les canicules deviennent de plus en plus extrêmes et de moins en moins rares. C'est aussi simple que cela », atteste Friederike Otto
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Ovog ljeta oborena četiri klimatska rekorda. Znanstvenici strahuju: ‘Najgori scenarij već se ostvaruje’
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Serija klimatskih rekorda vezanih za temperaturu, toplinu oceana i antarktički morski led zabrinula je mnoge znanstvenike, koji tvrde da je brzina njihovih promjena i vremenski raspored “bez presedana”. Prema podacima UN-a, opasni toplinski valovi u Europi bi mogli oboriti nove rekorde, piše BBC.   U ovom trenutku je teško odmah povezati ove događaje s klimatskim promjenama jer su vremenski uvjeti, kao i oceani, vrlo složeni. Iako su studije u tijeku, znanstvenici već strahuju da se neki od najgorih scenarija već ostvaruju. “Ne mogu se sjetiti sličnog razdoblja kada su svi dijelovi klimatskog sustava obarali rekorde ili bili izvan normalnih granica”, objašnjava Thomas Smith, geograf za okoliš na Londonskoj školi ekonomije. “Svijet je sada na nepoznatom teritoriju zbog globalnog zatopljenja uzrokovanog izgaranjem fosilnih goriva, kao i topline od prvog El Niña od 2018. godine”, kaže Paulo Ceppi, predavač klimatologije na Londonskom Imperial Collegeu.
‘Stvari se neće ohladiti’
Ovog ljeta oborena su četiri klimatska rekorda,  najtopliji dan ikad zabilježen, najtopliji lipanj globalno, ekstremni valovi topline u moru i rekordno niski antarktički morski led. Najtopliji dan ikad zabilježen na svijetu dogodio se u srpnju, oborivši rekord iz 2016. godine. Prosječna globalna temperatura je 6. srpnja prvi put premašila 17 stupnjeva Celzijevih, dosegnuvši 17,08 stupnja Celzijevih.     “Ljudi su 100 posto odgovorni za ovaj uzlazni trend”, uvjerena je klimatologinja Friederike Otto s Imperial College u Londonu. “Ako me nešto iznenadilo ovog ljeta, to je što smo obarali rekorde u lipnju jer El Niño utječe na klimu pet ili šest mjeseci nakon početka”, kaže dr. Smith. El Niño je najmoćnija prirodna klimatska fluktuacija na svijetu koja donosi topliju vodu na površinu u tropskom Pacifiku, gurajući topliji zrak u atmosferu. Obično povećava globalne temperature zraka. Prosječna globalna temperatura u lipnju ove godine bila je 1,47 stupnja Celzijevih iznad tipičnog lipnja u predindustrijskom razdoblju.
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Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay Na pitanje jesu li znanstvenici mogli predvidjeti ovo ljeto prije 10. dr. Smith kaže da su klimatski modeli dobri u predviđanju dugoročnih trendova, ali manje dobri u predviđanju sljedećih 10 godina. “Modeli iz 1990-ih uglavnom su nas postavili tamo gdje smo danas. Ali znati kako će sve točno izgledati sljedećih 10 godina bilo bi vrlo teško”, kaže on. “Stvari se neće ohladiti”, dodaje.  
Led na rekordno niskim razinama
Prosječna globalna temperatura oceana oborila je rekorde za svibanj, lipanj i srpanj te se približava najvišoj zabilježenoj temperaturi površine mora, koja je zabilježena 2016. godine. Međutim, posebno su alarmantne ekstremne vrućine u sjevernom Atlantiku. “Nikad prije nismo imali toplinski val na ovom dijelu Atlantika. Nisam očekivala ovo”, kaže Daniela Schmidt, profesorica znanosti o Zemlji na Sveučilištu u Bristolu. U lipnju su temperature uz zapadnu obalu Irske bile između 4 i 5 stupnjeva Celzijevih iznad prosjeka, što je Nacionalna oceanografska i atmosferska uprava klasificirala kao kategoriju 5 toplinskog vala, ili “izuzetno ekstremno”. “Izravno povezivanje ovog toplinskog vala s klimatskim promjenama je složeno, ali ta istraživanja su u tijeku”, kaže prof. Schmidt dodajući kako je jasno da se svijet zagrijao, a oceani su apsorbirali većinu te topline iz atmosfere. “Naši modeli imaju prirodne varijacije, a i dalje se pojavljuju stvari koje nismo predvidjeli, ili barem još ne”, dodaje ona. Ona naglašava utjecaj ove topline na morske ekosustave, koji proizvode 50 posto svjetskog kisika. “Kada govorimo o toplinskim valovima, ljudi obično misle na umiranje drveća i trave. Atlantik je pet stupnjeva Celzijeviuh topliji nego što bi trebao biti – to znači da organizmi trebaju 50 posto  više hrane samo da normalno funkcioniraju”, kaže ona. Područje prekriveno morskim ledom u Antarktici je na rekordno niskim razinama za srpanj. Nedostaje područje otprilike deset puta veće od Velike Britanije u odnosu na prosjek od 1981. do 2010. godine.
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Image by Angie Agostino from Pixabay Zvona za uzbunu zvone znanstvenicima dok pokušavaju razumjeti točnu vezu s klimatskim promjenama. Znanstvenici su vjerovali da će globalno zagrijavanje u nekom trenutku utjecati na antarktički morski led, ali do 2015. godine on je odstupao od globalnog trenda drugih oceana, kaže dr. Caroline Holmes. “Možete reći da smo pali s litice, ali ne znamo što je na dnu litice”, kaže ona. “Čini mi se da nas je iznenadila brzina kojom se dogodilo. To definitivno nije najbolji mogući scenarij koji smo promatrali – bliže je najgorem mogućem”, kaže ona. Znanstvenici kažu da možemo očekivati sve više ovakvih rekorda kako godina odmiče i kako ulazimo u 2024. godinu. Ali bilo bi pogrešno nazvati ono što se događa “klimatskim kolapsom” ili “nezaustavljivim zagrijavanjem”, upozorava dr. Otto. Ulazimo u novo razdoblje, ali “još uvijek imamo vremena osigurati budućnost za mnoge”, objašnjava ona. Dnevno.hr Image by Nicola Giordano from Pixabay Read the full article
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rodadecuia · 1 year
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tearsinthemist · 1 year
“This is not a milestone we should be celebrating,” said climate scientist Friederike Otto of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at Britain’s Imperial College London.
“It’s a death sentence for people and ecosystems.”
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