#fried mushrooms with rabbit
hi abby! you wanna go to the saloon later? i really don’t wanna cook today.
— kenny ( @kennyarchersdv )
Yeah sure! My dad has decided he wants the world's blandest meal tonight anyways
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darkacua · 1 year
Weird headcanons of the guys that are just hanging around in my head:
They can be very good on instruments, but they sound like a dying animal begging for God's mercy when they sing. Sadly for our freshman group, they love to go to karaoke.
They can't ride skates. You won't find someone with worse balance than them.
There is an eternal discussion about whether he is a girl disguised as a boy or just a very effeminate boy. Ruggie has a lot of money attached to Yuu being a boy and constantly begs him to tell him that's the truth.
He is allergic to peaches, they discovered it when they put him on a diet for having gained 4 kilos in a week. Use this as an excuse for not eating healthy.
Somehow, he's good at origami. He surprises many with his paper cranes.
He wears braces, hardly anyone notices them because he rarely smiles in front of someone he doesn't consider his friend.
He likes to make collages with papers that are no longer of use to him or someone else. Her favorite is one of a rose that she made from history notes for a subject that was taken out of the syllabus.
Can't weave even if his life depends on it. He tried, thought it would be cute to make some place mats to put his baked goods on, but failed miserably.
He tends to hum a lot when he's baking. Has a specific tune for each dessert he makes.
He usually wakes up on the opposite side from which he falls asleep. He moves and kicks so much that it's impossible to share a bed with him without getting hurt.
Hates talking to his sisters on the phone because they always end up complaining about their exes.
He has the palate of a 5-year-old. If there are no burgers and fries or nuggets on the menu, he simply won't eat anything.
Can't whistle. He would say yes, but if you ask him for a demo he will fake an urgency and run off.
He called Professor Trein dad on one occasion. Trein didn't say anything for a good 5 minutes and poor Deuce wanted to jump out of the window in embarrassment.
It is the teachers' favorite. He's not the smartest, but he's one of the few students who really tries to pay attention in class.
He cried like a baby the first night at NRC over the fact that he left his mother home alone. He didn't calm down until I called him around 3 in the morning.
He has slammed himself into a glass door at least 2 times for being more asleep than awake while skipping class.
Although he does not like vegetables or greens, he is a keen lover of fruits in any type of presentation. He almost bites Ruggie when he tried to steal his mango milkshake.
Have had lice more times than he can remember. You know he got them again when he completely shaves his head.
The first time he ate at NRC he cried. He cried because for the first time in a long time he wasn't hungry after eating and because it was unfair that his grandmother couldn't enjoy that privilege.
Didn't believe Ace about Riddle's rages until he saw them for the first time. Now he fears him as much as he respects him.
Firmly believes that if he doesn't exercise for a day, all his performance will go down the drain. He tried to go to training once with a bent ankle.
It's a mama's boy. They talk to each other every day and even have video calls scheduled on the weekends for her mother to give him business advice, sometimes his stepfather participates.
He had a lot of trouble adjusting to the surface air. Occasionally he still has trouble breathing, especially in places with a lot of dust or dirt in the air.
Has costumes of all kinds in his closet, from the most common to the most extravagant and bizarre one can imagine. He has used each of them on at least one occasion and won't tell anyone why or where.
He likes to talk to Silver about the mushrooms that can be found in the forest, he treasures one that was given to him by one of Silver's rabbit friends.
It is lightweight. One drink of alcohol and he's dead to the world.
He joined all the clubs (excluding Jade and Malleus) for at least a week. He got bored with everyone and is only in Basketball because he was given the ultimatum that he will no longer be allowed to join anyone else if he gets out of it.
All of his siblings are from different mothers and many of them do not officially consider themselves to be members of the Al-Asim family. He completely ignores this and treats all of them the same.
On one occasion a business associate of his father called one of his sisters a whore and Kalim almost beat the man to death. It was the first and last time anyone saw him get into a physical altercation with such intensity. He has also thrown out many party guests for such comments towards his siblings and their respective mothers.
His hair color is the cause of Marie Antoinette syndrome.
Because of him there is a massive fumigation in Scarabia once every two months.
Secretly hates Vil's food so much that he gave him a recipe book along with a set of spices.
He has a large scar on the palm of his hand from an assassination attempt.
He sets aside a couple of hours a week for his “stress deportation” session, taking pictures of the people who have pissed him off that week and throwing darts at them.
Vil indeed knows his mother. He met her at the age of 15 and she tried to emotionally blackmail Vil for money, his father placed a restraining order after that day towards the woman.
He loves his family more than anyone can imagine. Once one of his younger brothers came back pretty beaten up by a bully and Rook went to said bully's house to "talk" to him. The boy and his family moved within a week.
Will go out with anyone who asks him to, his motto is that anyone can be the ideal. Whether the relationship lasts more than a week is another story.
His family nicknamed him “Macaron le glouton” because more than once he was caught eating the cookies and cakes they had stored in the middle of the night.
He has a recurring dream in which he is on a raft along with a zebra, an astronaut, and a ballet dancer. He always wakes up scared and without understanding the dream.
He firmly believes that it shouldn't look bad to hit an old man, if you make fun of him he'll punch you in the house he doesn't care how old you are.
Tried to crash some women-only event for some kind of collectible figurine. He was discovered instantly and kicked out.
He's totally gone on a personal hunger strike because some anime/manga doesn't have the ending he wants. Ortho always ends up breaking down the door to force him to eat.
Once a girl he met online confessed to him and asked him to be her boyfriend. He instantly blocked it because he thought it was a scam.
He has at least three certificates and trophies as a winner of cosplay contests. They are contests that he did not sign up for and he was not wearing a cosplay.
Once tried to eat something out of curiosity as to what the act of chewing and swallowing would be like. It took 4 days to get all the food residue out of his system and gears.
Its body is covered in dark green scales, almost reaching black. They don't sting or anything, but sometimes they get caught in his clothes and it's hard to get them off without hurting him.
It has eaten 3 cell phones. This was a method of revenge against Lilia.
He often has a nightmare in which Silver's biological family shows up to take him away, leaving him completely alone in his cabin. He always ends up sneaking into his son's room to calm his nerves when he wakes up from this nightmare.
More than once he has bumped into random women who end up slapping him even if he doesn't talk to them. Whenever this happens, he reminds the Diasomnia group that they should end their love affairs correctly and not make careless promises about getting married.
Another guy who wears braces. Sebek's father put them on because his mouth looked like a shark's with how crowded his teeth were. He always receives a star sticker on his visits for being a very calm patient.
He has calluses on his hands from his practice with the sword.
He has so little interaction with women that prior to joining NRC his only female acquaintances were Mrs. Zigbolt and Sebek's sister. So at the first event where girls showed up at school he just didn't know how to interact with any of them.
As a baby he had a wooden stick which he bit when his teeth barely came out. He has it in storage and still uses it when he is stressed.
His appetite isn't hereditary or something fairies have, he's just a glutton and has a fast metabolism.
His horse threw him many times because he scared him with his screams.
He'll never admit it but Riddle terrifies him when he has a fit of rage. This fear only increased when the latter had to be electrocuted TWICE in order to kidnap him in chapter 6.
Español bajo el corte
Headcanons extraños de los chicos que solo estan por ahi dando vueltas en mi cabeza:
Puede ser muy bueno con los instrumentos, pero suena como un animal moribundo rogando por la misericordia de Dios cuando canta. Tristemente para nuestro grupo de primer año, le encanta ir al karaoke.
No pueden andar en patines. No encontrarás a alguien con peor equilibrio que ellos.
Hay una discusión eterna sobre si el una chica disfrazada de chico o solo un chico muy afeminado. Ruggie tiene mucho dinero puesto en que Yuu es un chico y le ruega constantemente que diga que esa es la verdad.
Es alérgico a los duraznos, lo descubrieron cuando lo pusieron a dieta por haber subido 4 kilos en una semana. Usa esto como excusa para no comer saludable.
De alguna forma, es bueno con el origami. Sorprende a muchos con sus grullas de papel.
Usa frenos, casi nadie los nota porque rara vez sonríe frente a alguien que no considere su amigo.
Le gusta hacer collages con papeles que ya no son de ayuda para él o para alguien más. Su favorito es uno de una rosa que hizo con los apuntes de historia de un tema que fue sacado del plan de estudios.
No puede tejer aunque su vida dependa de ello. Lo intentó, pensó que sería lindo hacer unos manteles en los que poner sus productos horneados, falló miserablemente.
Suele tararear mucho cuando está horneando. Tiene una melodía específica para cada postre que hace.
Suele despertar del lado contrario al que se duerme. Se mueve y patalea tanto que es imposible compartir una cama con él sin salir herido.
Detesta hablar con sus hermanas por teléfono porque siempre terminan quejándose de sus ex parejas.
Tiene el paladar de un niño de 5 años. Si en el menú no hay hamburguesas con papas o nuggets el simplemente no comerá nada.
No puede silbar. Él diría que sí, pero si le pides una demostración fingirá una urgencia y saldrá corriendo.
Llamó al profesor Trein papá en una ocasión. Trein no dijo nada por unos  buenos 5 minutos y el pobre de Deuce quería saltar de la ventana por la vergüenza.
Es el favorito de los profesores. No es el más listo, pero es uno de los pocos alumnos que realmente intentan prestar atención a las clases.
Lloro como un bebe la primera noche en NRC por el hecho de que dejó a su madre sola en casa. No se calmó hasta que le marcó alrededor de las 3 de la mañana.
Se ha estampado al menos 2 veces con una puerta de cristal por estar más dormido que despierto mientras se saltaba las clases.
Si bien no le gustan los vegetales o verduras, es un amante vivido de las frutas en cualquier tipo de presentación. Casi muerde a Ruggie cuando este intentó robarse su batido de mango.
Ha tenido piojos más veces de las que puede recordar. Sabes que volvió a tenerlos cuando se rapa por completo la cabeza.
La primera vez que comió en NRC lloró. Lloro porque por primera vez en mucho tiempo no se quedó con hambre después de comer y por lo injusto que era que su abuela no pudiera disfrutar de ese privilegio. 
No le creía a Ace acerca de los ataques de ira de Riddle hasta que los vio por primera vez. Ahora le teme tanto como lo respeta.
Cree firmemente que si no hace ejercicio un día todo su rendimiento se irá al caño. Intento ir a entrenar una vez con un tobillo doblado.
Es un niño de mamá. Se hablan todos los días e incluso tienen videollamadas programadas los fines de semana para que su madre le de consejos de negocios, a veces su padrastro participa.
Tuvo muchos problemas para adaptarse al aire de la superficie. De vez en cuando aún tiene problemas para respirar, sobre todo en lugares con mucho polvo o tierra en el aire.
Tiene disfraces de todo tipo en su armario, desde los más comunes hasta los más extravagantes y extraños que uno se pueda imaginar. Ha usado cada uno de ellos en al menos una ocasión y no le dirá a nadie porque o en donde.
Le gusta hablar con Silver sobre los hongos que se pueden encontrar en el bosque, atesora uno que le dio uno de los conejos amigos de Silver
Es de peso ligero. Un trago de alcohol y está muerto para el mundo.
Se unió a todos los clubes (excluyendo los de Jade y Malleus) por lo menos una semana. Se aburrió de todos y solo está en el de Basquetbol porque le dieron el ultimatum de que ya no se le permitirá unirse a ningún otro si se salía de este.
Todos sus hermanos son de diferentes madres y muchos de ellos no se consideran oficialmente como miembros de la familia Al-Asim. Él ignora por completo esto y los trata a todos por igual.
En una ocasión un socio de negocios de su padre llamó a una de sus hermanas puta y Kalim casi mata al hombre a golpes. Fue la primera y última vez que alguien lo vio entrar en un altercado físico con tanta intensidad. También ha echado a muchas invitadas de reuniones por ese tipo de comentarios hacia sus hermanos y sus respectivas madres.
Su color de cabello es causa del síndrome de Maria Antonieta.
Por él hay una fumigación masiva en Scarabia una vez cada dos meses.
Odio secretamente tanto la comida de Vil que le regaló un libro de recetas junto con un conjunto de especias.
Tiene una gran cicatriz en la palma de la mano de un intento de asesinato.
Tiene apartado un par de horas a la semana para su sesión de “expulsión de estrés”, toma fotografías de las personas que lo han hecho enojar esa semana y les lanza dardos. 
Vil de hecho si conoce a su madre. La conoció a los 15 años y está trató de chantajear emocionalmente a Vil por dinero, su padre puso una orden restrictiva después de ese día hacia la mujer.
Ama a su familia más de lo que alguien se pueda imaginar. Una vez uno de sus hermanos menores regresó bastante golpeado por un matón y Rook fue hasta la casa de dicho matón para “hablar” con él. El chico y su familia se mudaron a la semana.
Saldrá con cualquier persona que se lo pida, su lema es que cualquier persona puede ser la ideal. Que la relación dure más de una semana es otra historia.
Su familia lo apodo “Macaron le glouton” porque más de una vez lo atraparon comiéndose las galletas y pasteles que tenían resguardados en medio de la madrugada.
Tiene un sueño recurrente en el que él está en una balsa junto con una cebra, un astronauta y una bailarina de ballet. Siempre se despierta asustado y sin entender el sueño.
Cree firmemente que no no debería de verse mal golpear a un anciano, si te burlas de él te dará un puñetazo en la casa no le importa tu edad.
Ha intentado colarse en algún evento solo de mujeres por algún tipo de figurilla coleccionable. Fue descubierto al instante y echado a patadas.
Totalmente se ha puesto en una huelga personal de hambre porque algún anime/manga no tiene el final que él quiere. Ortho siempre termina rompiendo la puerta para obligarlo a comer.
Una vez una chica que conoció online se le confesó y le pidió que fuera su novio. Él la bloqueó al instante porque creyó que era una estafa.
Tiene al menos tres certificados y trofeos como ganador de concursos de cosplay. Son concursos a los que no se inscribió y no llevaba un cosplay.
Una vez intento comer algo por la mera curiosidad de como sería el acto de masticar y tragar la comida. Tardaron 4 días en quitar todos los residuos de comida de su sistema y engranajes.
Su cuerpo esta cubierto en escamas de un verde oscuro, casi llegando al negro. No le pican ni nada, pero a veces se atoran en la ropa y es difícil de soltarlas sin lastimarlo.
Se ha comido 3 celulares. Esto fue un método de venganza contra Lilia.
Suele tener una pesadilla en la que la familia biológica de Silver aparece para llevárselo dejándolo completamente solo en su cabaña. Siempre termina colándose en la habitación de su hijo para calmar sus nervios cuando despierta de esta pesadilla.
Más de una vez se ha topado con mujeres al azar y estas terminan dándole una bofetada incluso si no habla con ellas. Siempre que esto pasa le recuerda al grupo de Disomnia que deben terminar de forma correcta sus relaciones amorosas y no hacer promesas sobre casarse despreocupadamente.
Otro chico que usa frenos. El padre de Sebek se los puso ya que su boca parecía la de un tiburón con lo encimados que estaban sus dientes. Siempre recibe un sticker de estrella en sus visitas por ser un paciente muy tranquilo.
Tiene callos en las manos por su práctica con la espada.
Tiene tan poco interacción con las mujeres que antes de entrar a NRC sus unicos conocidos del sexo femenino eran la Señora Zigbolt y la hermana de Sebek. Así que en el primer evento en el que se presentaron chicas a la escuela él solo no supo cómo interactuar con ninguna de ellas.
De bebe tenía un palo de madera el cual mordía cuando sus dientes apenas salían. Lo tiene guardado y aun lo usa cuando está estresado.
Su apetito no es nada hereditario o algo que las hadas tengas, él solo es glotón y de metabolismo rápido.
Su caballo lo tiró muchas veces porque lo asustó con sus gritos.
No lo admitirá nunca pero Riddle lo aterra cuando tiene un ataque de ira. Este miedo sólo  incrementó cuando este último tuvo que ser electrocutado DOS VECES para poder secuestrarlo en el capítulo 6.
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tastesoftamriel · 10 months
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The Cheydinhal Bridge Inn
The Niben's best kept secret, specialising in Cheydinhal's signature Dunmeri fusion
Harlun's Watch famous beef pie, with tender beef brisket, Harlun's Watch Stilton, locally-foraged mushrooms, and a wickwheat crust
Hlaalu-style ash-baked chicken, with fresh roasted vegetables from Cheydinhal Market
Corbolo River grilled salmon, with a sweet teriyaki glaze, pickled comberries and radish, and egg fried saltrice
Nibenay Basin wild rabbit, braised in port, sujamma, and served with ash yam gratin
Cheydinhal roast goose, with plum and comberry sauce and creamed hacklo-lo
Lake Arrius creamy slaughterfish and mudcrab bake, served atop cheesy saltrice
Jerall Mountains venison roast, with black pepper gravy and spicy ash yam wedges
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randomprose · 1 year
“What are you doing?”
Guan Shan doesn’t pause as he drops a piece of stir fried carrot on He Tian’s bowl.
“Feeding you, you ungrateful dick.” Guan Shan says over a mouthful of sweet and sour fish. And then, just to prove his point, he also picks up a slice of mushroom and deposits it on top of He Tian’s rice. “Eat up.” 
“What am I a rabbit?” He Tian grouses as he picks at the different vegetables Guan Shan kept on piling at his bowl over the course of dinner. There’s not even any meat in it. “I don’t remember being a vegetarian.”
“Oh, believe me. I know you’re not.”
He Tian makes a face at the greens on his bowl which Guan Shan pointedly ignores. Beside them, Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi are fighting over the last piece of shrimp. On both ends of the table sit Qiu-ge and He Cheng quietly eating and the only ones exercising proper dining etiquette. 
Zhan Zheng Xi snags the last piece of shrimp but willingly relinquishes at Jian Yi’s pout. Qiu-ge rolls his eyes at the exchange as he reaches between them for another slice of pork feet.
They weren’t supposed to be part of dinner. The whole affair was supposed to be just for two. He Tian got a new place downtown and asked (read: demanded, made) Guan Shan come over and cook them a housewarming dinner. Ten minutes into Guan Shan bossing around He Tian to cut vegetables, the doorbell rang because somehow Jian Yi found out and wanted a free meal as usual. He bodied his way in with Zhan Zheng Xi in tow because where Jian Yi goes he goes. 
He Cheng and Qiu-ge arrived just as they were setting the table. He Tian had hit Jian Yi over the head for being a blabber mouth and didn’t want to let them in, but Qiu-ge muttered something about a burned house and a flooded bedroom as he pushed He Tian aside. He never did forget that incident the one (and only) time he bought them dinner. At least they brought dessert and wine. The good expensive kind. 
Guan Shan just thanked all fuck he followed his gut and made enough food to feed more than four.
He moves to put a piece of bok choy on He Tian’s bowl but his chopsticks get intercepted. He looks up and meets He Tian’s eyes. 
Stop. Don’t you dare.
His hand moves and drops it on the bowl anyway, delicately balancing it amidst the rice and all the other vegetables He Tian has moved around and still refuses to eat.
I dare.
“Fuck, Guan Shan. If you insists on shoving a balanced meal down my throat at least put some meat in it too.”
“Fine,” Guan Shang sighs muttering ‘picky eater, fucking child’ under his breath. “There.”
He puts a piece of chicken breast on He Tian’s bowl. Steamed. No Sauce. White meat.
He Tian sends him an annoyed smile. The glint in his eyes tells Guan Shan he’s about to try his patience some more and do something stupid.
“I’ll eat the vegetables if you feed them to me, darling~.”
He Tian says this with a sugary smile not caring if He Cheng is literally on the same table and witnessing his brother acting shamelessly. His tone is lilting with the pet name as an annoyingly cloying cherry on top, all meant to embarrass Guan Shan, he knows, but years of being exposed to He Tian’s shamlessness has somewhat immuned him to his antics. Somewhat.
This is one of those times. Guan Shan takes food and nutrition very seriously. 
“Fine.” Guan Shan picks up the piece of bok choy and puts it near He Tian’s mouth. “Open up.”
He Tian rears back as he looks at the piece of vegetable like it personally offended him. Then he looks at Guan Shan, nonchalantly but expectantly holding up his chopsticks as if feeding a child, and glares.
“Mo Guan Shan.” A warning.
“He Tian.” A challenge.
The table has grown silent as everyone watches the exchange. He Cheng sips at his wine and continues to eat, acting like he doesn’t care and pretending the scene in front of him doesn't interest him, but He Tian knows he’s waiting as well. No one has ever succeeded in making him eat his vegetables. Not the baby sitters, not the maids, not He Cheng, not even their own mother.
He Tian’s glare intensifies, feeling like a cornered animal. There’s oyster sauce dripping down the bok choy’s stem. He tries to convey a promise of wicked retribution to try and scare Guan Shan into backing down but he just meets He Tian's glare with a look that says 'If you don't eat your vegetables I will never cook for you again. Ever.' 
And He Tian can say he doesn’t care. It’s just food after all and he's got the money to eat good food whenever the fuck he wants if he feels like it. But the truth is it’s a real threat because he’s always really liked Guan Shang’s food. His cooking has truly elevated ever since he started apprenticing under a chef that own’s a famous family restaurant at Dongcheng. He’s saving up money to go to culinary school next year. Get proper professional training and get certified. When that happens, Guan Shan’s food is gonna be stupidly hella good and if He Tian doesn’t yield now Guan Shan will surely make good with his threat. He'll probably still cook for Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi just to spite him and He Tian really doesn’t want that.
So He Tian opens his mouth and lets Guan Shan feed him his stupid vegetables. 
Beside them, He Cheng stifles a smile through his wine glass. ‘Whipped’ his eyes taunts and He Tian glares at him acidly through his mouthful of bokchoy. 
Later, when the table has been cleared and they’ve all had dessert, He Cheng gets a call and he and Qiu-ge excuse themselves to leave. He Tian walks them to the door, anticipating an order or a job assignment. There usually is something whenever He Cheng gets a call that requires him to leave immediately.
“Nice wife you got there,” He Cheng comments as he puts on his coat.
A teasing instead of an order.
It catches He Tian off-guard. His eyes stray to where Guan Shan is making Jian Yi do the dishes while Zhan Zheng Xi cleans the pots and pans. He’s got a plain white apron on and a towel drying a plate Jian Yi has finished washing. He makes him redo it when he deems it not clean enough. The kettle sounds off and Guan Shan goes to turn it off. There’s three mugs with instant coffee on the counter and one with a teabag of green tea for Jian Yi.
And suddenly, He Tian is hit with the word. Wife. Guan Shan will blow his top off if he finds out he’s being referred to as such so He Tian thinks of another word. Husband. The word hits him like a freight train, heady with the images it implies. 
Fuck. He Tian will gladly be called the wife if he gets to call Mo Guan Shan his husband.
“He’s uh—Huh. Hm. Yeah. That’s—He’s…Yeah.”
He Cheng follows Qiu-ge out the door. He lights up a cigarette, shaking his head at his brother and thinks, 'Whipped'.
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pricegouge · 5 months
Fatted Rabbit Part Eight on AO3
Bearshifter!Price x reader | explicit
John wakes with a sharp jerk when his own snoring gets too loud. Underneath him, the pillow he's wrapped around wriggles discontentedly and then falls still. John snuffles into it, the soft, pliant smell digging a hook right behind his sinus cavity and pulling. He humps down once - more instinct than actual desire, he didn't even know he was hard - and the pillow grunts. Oh, right. He's caught a rabbit in his den.
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John wakes with a sharp jerk when his own snoring gets too loud. Underneath him, the pillow he's wrapped around wriggles discontentedly and then falls still. John snuffles into it, the soft, pliant smell digging a hook right behind his sinus cavity and pulling. He humps down once - more instinct than actual desire, he didn't even know he was hard - and the pillow grunts.
Oh, right.
He's caught a rabbit in his den.
Reluctantly, he raises his head from where he's got his nose smushed behind her ear. She's still asleep, somehow, her face pressed into his pillow as if she's also scenting him. It unclenches something in his stomach, turns his blood languid and syrupy sweet. They rotated slightly in their sleep, the rabbit laying more so on her belly with John draped over her like the world's heaviest blanket, just like she'd wished his bear could be. He's got a thigh pressed between hers and his arm wrapped around and under her to keep his mit exactly where she'd put it the night before. She's sweaty, probably blistering under the heat of him, poor lamb. He wonders how long he's been snoring directly into her ear and cringes. He can be a bit hard to wake up, god knows. Hopefully he didn't keep her up half the night, pinned to the mattress as she was.
John cops one last feel of her belly and places a quick kiss on the drool stain behind her ear, only resists licking it up by promising himself there would be plenty of time for that later so long as he doesn't freak her out now.
He sneaks off to the kitchen, humming as he cooks them up a full English. He's not sure what she'll want or if she'll even want anything - but his bear has been beside itself ever since she said she didn't have much of an appetite. Poor mate, doesn't know what's good for her. He knows he should back off, that continually insisting on feeding her wasn't really normal. It was probably even impolite. But he couldn't escape the gnawing feeling in his chest that he needed to provide for her, make sure she was ingesting enough calories and nutrients to make up for what she was losing. So, he wouldn't force her to eat, but he'd make sure she had access to anything she could possibly want.
John's got every part of the pig cooked and keeping warm in the oven. He's fried and scrambled eggs both, just because he doesn't know which she'd prefer. There are mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, and hashbrowns. Orange juice, coffee, and tea. He's timed it perfectly, is just putting the toast on when his rabbit wanders out, nose in the air.
"Man, you weren't kidding about breakfast, huh?"
"I never joke about breakfast."
She laughs and tucks herself into his chest, face burrowing right between his pecs and breathing deeply. John chuffs happily, scratching the back of her head with one hand as he flips the buttered slices on the pan.
"Can you make that noise again?"
Hell. "What noise?"
"That like… huffy kind of noise you just did, can you do it again?"
John huffs, distinctly human. "That one?"
"Nah, nevermind. You sounded like my friend the bear for a second."
"Oh right, that bloke…"
The rabbit laughs at the affected jealousy in his voice. "Can I help with this at all?" she nods at the oven.
"Nope, just take a seat, honey. How are you feeling?"
"Dehydrated," she groans, and reroutes at the sight of the kettle.
"Forgot to get you a water bottle last night, damn me," John grumbles, but the rabbit just smiles at him.
"You did fine, big guy, no worries." She peruses his mug tree and selects the cheeky bear mug his mum had sent him a few years back, trying to keep her smile private. He wonders if she's thinking about his goofy feigned jealousy or if she's starting to see similarities. He's tempted to let her, considers chuffing at her again. He doesn't mind her knowing - trusts her enough already - but he's not sure how best to say, 'Now this is going to sound crazy… ' He'd just outright shown his mum, but she'd fainted so perhaps that wasn't the best route either. Besides, he doesn't want to scare her off, so perhaps the best thing would be to let her draw her own connections. He decides to play with it, bides his time for a good opening as he watches her get her tea ready.
He learns she takes it with orange and honey, the sweet girl.
"Thanks for taking care of me last night. That wasn't really necessary but it was very nice."
"Of course, honey. Sorry if I kept you up though, I forgot to warn you I snore."
"Like a chainsaw," she agrees, laughing, as he tables all the food. He sits cornered to her, knees brushing. "Probably weird to admit but it was kinda nice. The Jeep's either dead silent or surrounded by awful parking lot noises when I'm trying to sleep so it was a good change of pace. Even if you do run at approximately nine hundred kelvin."
"Aye, sorry about that. Make for a good heating pad, though?"
"Decent weighted blanket, too."
"And I'm fuzzy," he laughs, faux-nonchalant. He pretends to consider the sausage links for too long, avoiding eye contact.
He can feel the weight of her gaze, assessing. The bear mug dangles from her fingertips ominously. "Regular teddy bear, you."
To his delight she fills her plate with bacon, fried eggs, toast, mushrooms, and pretty much every fruit he had the foresight to prepare and by the end of it she - finally - looks a little less pallid.
"Feeling better?"
She tilts her head back and forth, weighing. "Eh. Not the greatest but that's… unrelated to the hangover."
"Poor bunny. Go lay down on the couch, I'll join you in a minute."
Realizing he intends to clean up, she protests, "Mm! Let me help."
"I insist," he starts, but she's already wrapping up leftovers (he hadn't wanted to make an ass of himself by eating nearly a kilo of meat).
"No, I insist. In fact if you wanna go lie down, I can manage."
"Bloody unlikely," he grumbles, and they work through the mess together in companionable silence.
Or at least, he thought it was companionable.
"Well, thanks for breakfast, John. And also lunch. And dinner. And being so nice. But I should probably head out so -."
The cliff his emotions fall off feels endless. "You're leaving?" It's probably too desperate to sound so stricken but he can't help it, most of his energy spent throttling his bear to keep from dragging her back to bed and pinning her there.
"Oh, uh. Well, I figured…"
Christ, there it is again: that blind panic he's seen in her eyes a few times now. As if he's got her backed up on a trapping pit and any move could be her last; like there's a correct answer, or a quick drop.
He's not sure where the instinct has been coming from. He's never exactly been known to be gentle, but he is with her now. "Not kicking you out, honey. I'd like it if you stayed… but I understand if you'd like to leave."
Guard up, still squirming, "Even if I don't -. Don't want…" he waits her out even though it kills him how much she looks like she might bolt. Eventually she clears her throat, dons some unnaturally blank expression that's somehow even worse. "I thought you'd want me to leave because I don't want to have sex with you. Today. Because…"
Shite. John thinks back on what he'd said the night before. 'We'll talk about it in the morning.' God, he's a knob.
"Sweetheart…" Lost, John flicks at his mustache, antsy. "I shouldn't've… look, I might've put my foot in my mouth last night. Everything I said was only meant to show you how willing I'd be, not to convince you to be. If you don't want… that… that's the end of the discussion, right? But that doesn't mean I want you to leave. I'm just as happy to simply spend time with you, if you're up for it."
The rabbit's eyes are still shuttered, but he thinks he sees the barest hint of hope in there, too. "I can still suck you off, if you'd like."
And John experiences the mental equivalent of having your engine stall out while accelerating. What the fuck?
"No. Well, yes," he clarifies when she looks - disappointed? Self-conscious? Scared, again? "Yes, but not -. Hm. The first time you take my cock isn't going to be in your throat, aye?"
There it is, finally. Pupils dilated with something other than fear now.
"Don't care how long you make me wait, sweetheart. You could keep me chasing you half across the state for a bloody year if you wanted. But when you're ready for me," he hooks two fingers in the band of her sleep pants and pulls her closer, testing how pliable she is, "I'm taking this cunt first."
He'd planned to kiss her, but she beats him to it.
"Don't wanna be casual," she tells him as he lays her out on the couch.
He can't help but laugh. "You thought this was casual?"
It's slow and languid, syrupy as the honey he tastes on her tongue. The impatience of last night is gone, driven out by the same instincts that gentle him every time those wide, prey eyes show themselves. He gets her on her side, flush to the back of the couch. It's hard for him to fit along with her because she's so perfectly fucking soft and John - despite the winter's best efforts - is still a big man, but they manage. Even if he's half on the coffee table, technically. By the time they're trading more words than kisses, John's got the flat of his palm planted exactly where she'd put it the night before and he's making her giggle by flexing his fingers into her soft flesh, grinning like an idiot all the while.
"Fucking heaven holding onto you all night, you've no idea."
"Well I might have some idea." She stretches languidly and John ducks to kiss her exposed neck.
"Yeah? That mean you'll stay again tonight?"
"John," she laughs, exasperated.
"One more night, bunny, then I'll let you free."
"Don't you have to work?"
"Closed Mondays."
"Benevolent of you."
"What were you planning on doing today?"
"Gotta call my friend at some point, maybe try to catch the game. But that's about it..." the way she trails off has him eyeing her suspiciously. "Okay, fine, I was going to try my luck charging my Switch at Starbucks."
"Charging your… Christ, go get it, whatever it is," John grumbles. "And anything else you need to charge too, you stubborn thing."
She rolls up and over him to reach the floor and for a brief moment John is in heaven, surrounded by the soft warm plush of his mate, and then she's gone, leaning over him. "Speaking of, did you charge my phone last night?"
"'Course, honey."
"Yeah, 'course you did. Can you stop being so friggin' sweet, I'm still trying to figure out how to return the favor."
When she turns, John can't help but smack her playfully on the ass. She gives him a look over her shoulder, all fake anger, and he can't help but look contrite. "You said stop being sweet."
It turns out a Switch is a gaming console and she teases him about not knowing that the entire time it charges, then absolutely wipes the floor with him in Mario Kart.
"Thought you said you were good at this?" She asks, shifting again. John needed both hands to play, unfortunately, but they'd discovered just his calf resting over her belly was warm and solid enough to appease her. Or it had been, at least; he'd noticed her getting more restless the last circuit.
"This is not like the game I grew up with."
"Which one was that, old man? Pong?"
He ignores the jab. "How you holding up?"
"I'm good, thanks." She's a liar, if the acidity of her discomfort is anything to go by. The smell of blood is stronger today, and he vaguely remembers past partners complaining about their second days being the worst.
Funny, how little he'd cared in the past.
"Want me to get you anything?"
"Think you've gotten me enough." She motions to the coffee table full of snacks and beverages, a bottle of ibuprofen within reach.
"Those were for me, actually. Was a bit miffed when you dug in."
"Oh, sorry, I'd assumed you'd eaten enough at breakfast, mister four eggs."
"Not nearly. Only reason I didn't polish off that pig is 'cause I didn't want to embarrass myself falling asleep ten minutes later like my old man."
"Don't feed the bear, eh?" she laughs.
John sideeyes her. "Pardon?"
"Fat and happy? It's what we call a food coma back home. Feed the bear, get fat and happy, hibernate."
John chuckles, low. "I like that."
"Did you wanna take a nap? I can cl -."
"If you say clear out I'm gonna chain your tires."
"Sorry," she tries to laugh. Comes out a touch too breathy. He peeks and sure enough, wide, prey eyes.
"'M not mad." John prods her with his toe to make sure she's listening. "If you wanna leave that's one thing, but I'm not kicking you out today. May never," he grins and the quiet huff he gets in response is far more grounded. "Tell you what. If some life shattering event were to happen and I needed to kick you out, I'd just say, 'Sorry, bunny, but can we pick this up some other time?' Short of that explicit dismissal, go ahead and assume nothing I say is a subtle attempt to get rid of you, okay?"
Her smile is maybe a little sad, but appreciative. "Okay."
"There's a good girl. Now, to answer your first question, it's my day off and yes I very much would like a nap. Should I doze off listening to you curse this game or can we move it to the bedroom?"
"A nap does sound nice…"
John grins salaciously. "Bedroom it is."
She wants to lay on top of him this time and he's all too happy to oblige, letting her hike a leg over his own and dig his hip into her belly. When she snuffles into his chest he thinks he might be in heaven. He doesn't need more than this, truly. He'd meant what he said earlier - that she could run him ragged for as long as she wanted, so long as she allowed him this. His bear would be content. Mated, whether she knew it or not. She said she didn't want to be casual so surely she felt it, too. This would be enough for him, for however long it took her to be comfortable with him. And she would be, one day. He'd figure out what made her flinch away every time she thought he was mad or disappointed. It was worrying, to say the least, but he didn't think he could just out and ask her if she was scared of him, or what had happened to make her so flinchy. It was driving him more than a little crazy, though, his bear searching for flesh to sink his teeth into. Somewhere, someone had convinced his girl she was only worth having around if she was putting out, had made her scared to admit what she wanted. Had made her fear him.
He'd kill them if he ever found them.
In the meantime, it was nice to flex this side of himself, be sweet and soft in a way he'd never felt inclined to be before, let his anger simmer under the flesh where she'd never see it.
"What time do those muppets play?"
She hummed, already on the verge of sleep. "Seven, I think."
"Would you rather go out to see it, or stay in?"
"...I'm good with staying in. I can make dinner."
"Don't have to, honey."
"Want to."
"Mm. Such a sweet rabbit."
He wakes up confused and alone, more bear than human, already snuffling around the empty sheets for her. She was distressed, headed to the bathroom, and then out the door. John's pulling on clothes and grabbing his keys before he's even consciously aware of it, phone being tucked into a pocket when it vibrates with a missed text.
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Christ. The sigh he emits is loud as a bellows.
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Really, he's so floaty on their growing bond he feels like he'll never need a cigar again, but the temptation to keep an eye on her from above is far too good, so he climbs his way upstairs with a choice, sweet number and leans on the short wall as he lights up. He can't see her properly, but the Jeep's boot is open and he can hear her voice clearly enough he knows she must be sitting back there. He shouldn't be listening, he knows. It's an invasion of her privacy to say the least, but she's giggly, voice sugar sweet, and it prickles along the shell of John's ear, needle sharp and mean.
"I know, it's good to hear from you, too. No, I had to change that a couple years back. I did, had it memorized. For real. Your's and Kadie's. Couple others."
Scared, now:
"Yeah, about that... No, but I'm better, thanks… Mm… I fucking knew it. Blond, scar on his cheek, generally unsettling? Yep, that was Phil… No, I'm sorry… Mm. Hey, how long ago was that? Shit… No. Two, maybe three months… No, I figured he would. S'why I didn't reach out sooner… Well, you know how my mom is… Nah, it's fine. Better this way anyway. No one can tell him shit if they don't know anything to tell… Well, desperate times." A deep sigh. "It was bad, Benny… the usual stuff at first. Wasn't allowed to talk to friends, yadda yadda. By the time it got physical I didn't have anyone to reach out to… yeah. He had complete control of finances. Made shit hard. Took nearly four years to get things sorted but here we are… yeah, thanks. So anyway, this stays between me and you, yeah? Don't go around saying you heard from me, please. Phil's probably following all your socials from ghost accounts. You and everyone else. Would just take one loud mouth to draw his attention back… I'm serious, Ben… thanks. So anyway, enough about that shit. How've you been?"
Her voice is light again. Too light, reminds him of the blank face she'd adopted when she'd let it spill that she assumed he didn't want her around if she wasn't going to sleep with him. He's still turning his cigar over the open flame of his lighter, too lost in thought to notice it was nearly engulfed.
The usual stuff… got physical… nearly four years.
"Fuck," John hisses as his thumb is burned. He shakes the cigar in an attempt to put it out but only succeeds in fanning the flame. He lets go, watching as it falls through the air. Simmers with it when it lands in the last of the snow banks hiding deep in the shadow of the building. When he looks back up, the rabbit is standing next to the Jeep, watching him warily. She's still on the phone, half paying attention to her conversation. John forces a casual smile and waves at her, desperately holding his anger in check lest she realize he'd heard her; or worse, believes he's mad at her again.
She waves back after a moment, calm as you please, and John thinks about Phil.
She joins him on the roof and complains about the chilly breeze, tucks herself into John's chest which gets him damn near purring and John thinks about Phil.
She makes stuffed peppers for dinner - fucking delicious, even if his bear isn't the biggest fan of capsaicin - and John thinks about Phil.
She answers his stupid questions about hockey playoffs, talks his ear off about the rag tag group of muppets they've both found themselves supporting, and John thinks about Phil.
In bed later, he gets her pinned under him again and uses her soft tits like a pillow made specially for him, rubs her belly absently just to hear her sigh in contentment and John thinks about Phil. Phil, the blond from Dallas with a scar on his cheek. Phil, who isolated his rabbit and took control of her money to make sure she'd never leave. Phil, who's got her so terrified she's living in her car all alone in the world, still scared to reach out to her own friends and family.
Phil, who got physical with her.
Aside from the odd, misguided urges to eat his rabbit right up, John's bear has never really been tempted by human meat; but he has hunted plenty of big game. He wonders if Phil's pretty blond neck will break just as satisfyingly under his jaw as an elk's.
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hevexns-realm · 2 months
Hiii, it's a random question time: What are favorite foods and drinks for Sonic characters in your AU? 👀
Ooo~ a good question! To be honest I didn’t really think about this before, but I think it’ll be interesting to give it a try! ^^
Sonic is the most obvious due to his cannon love for chili dogs, and he could eat them all the time if he could! For drinks, I feel like for a time it’d be Pepsi, but then swap it out for more “healthy” drinks, such as water or the occasional monster can for some extra energy!
Shadow is a little tricky, but due to his time with Maria, he probably has a favorite food from his times with her! I’d honestly say that he’d probably enjoy a good old medium rare steak and some red wine, but his absolute favorite? Chocolate. As he used to make a lot of chocolate with Maria back on the ark, and if you get chocolate from him, it’s going to be the best you’ve ever tasted! (He tends to make dark chocolate for Amy when her cramps get too bad!)
Silver is a pasta type, so any kind of pasta is his favorite dishes! He specifically loves Iris’ shrimp scampi, he doesn’t know what she puts into it, but it feels like it’s made with love and care every time!
Knuckles and tails love potatoes. However, knuckles likes the baked potatoes more, as it’s fluffy and soft, and you can customize it to your heart’s content! For drinks, knuckles tries to keep with just water, but he does drink the occasional beer with the boys, but not too much, he doesn’t want to give rouge the opportunity to steal the master emerald!
Tails loves anything to do with fries or chips, as they’re his go to with most dishes! Although on sick days, he loves himself some loaded potato soup that knuckles makes for him when he’s sick! For drinks, I say Coca Cola is his favorite drink, but specifically from the glass bottles. It just tastes heavenly.
Amy loves anything sweet, and shadow’s dark chocolate is one of her favorites! It’s just perfectly balanced between dark and bitter, yet sweet and creamy! Her absolute favorite though? Vanilla’s strawberry cake. It’s just absolutely delicious and creamy, and yet the strawberries blend in perfectly with their sweet and juicy flavor! It’s a perfect match with her teas, earl grey being her favorite. She always asks for vanilla to help with her parties, and the woman has recipes for every occasion!
Same goes for cream, her mother makes such amazing baked goods, it’s hard to ever choose a favorite! However, her favorite food in general is anything with veggies in them! (Can’t beat the rabbit allegations-) and her favorite drink is hot chocolate or milkshakes!
Nazo - due to his pots, he can’t have a lot of foods without them having the possibility of making his heart rate jump too high and make him pass out. However, he tends to eat more salty and protein filled foods to keep his blood pressure from becoming too low. They’re usually in small quantities and are ranging from cheeses and nuts to a small thing of pretzels or something salty. However, a favorite food? Probably Iris’ salmon mushroom carbonara. It’s filling, but yet it doesn’t make him feel like passing out from the blood instantly rushing to his stomach! For drinks, he needs salt, so he tends to carry some kind of electrolyte water around him. This is why if you see them out in public, seelkadoom has a small backpack or a tote bag on him at all times, except for when they go on fancy dates and all that. Iris usually packs a fancy satchel for those occasions.
Seelkadoom - now unlike nazo and Iris, he just likes the taste of more salty foods. However, his favorite food outside of his beloveds’ cooking? It has to be the funnel cakes and cotton candy that come around with the Solaris festival! And he ranges his drinks between water, Pepsi, an occasional monster, and on fancy occasions? Red wine.
Iris (TW: mentions of eating dead bodies 0-0||) - much like Nazo, she can’t have many foods due to her pots, and she’s kind of traumatized by eating one too many mobian sailor corpses for her own survival. So, she opts for lean proteins and veggies. It makes sense why sushi is her favorite dish! Although, she makes a wide variety of dishes that can help with the symptoms of pots at least a little bit.
Mephiles - he gets offered foods and drinks on the daily, and he really can’t choose an absolute favorite. However, ask him about his favorite memory regarding the food offerings, it’d be about a sweet trans woman who was visiting solleanna and left behind some homemade honey-sugar cookies, roasted tomato soup, and some noir wine. She stayed by his statue and chatted with him about a lot of things, and it was quite endearing that she was so willing to talk to him, especially about her own life. The food was made with a lot of love, just like her; He still watches over her to this day, hoping she’ll come back one day to talk to him again.
Iblis - she loves anything spicy, and there’s a Spanish chef in solleanna who makes some delicious foods with just enough spice that is just delicious. They’re also one of her most frequent visitors to her statue and temple. So let’s just say iblis has a small amount of favoritism to the cute chef she buys soup from! For drinks, a good old red wine is her favorite!
Circe - she loves a good old medium rare steak, but her favorite of all time? It’s actually quite odd for a hedgesiren, Cesar coast salad, a local specialty with the land close by. It’s the mixture of the local fish and veggies with a Cesar salad, and it’s honestly perfect for her!!
Scylla - she doesn’t really eat, especially since her dad is a piece of sh+t. But back when she was a teen, when she snuck out a lot. She always had these delicious octopus kebabs mixed in with some kind of kelp or seaweed. It was always so good, if she could go back in time for just a small amount of time, she’d go and buy some of those kebabs and savor their taste one last time before she got locked into the castle. Her favorite drink? Usually tea that a few of the guards sneak into her tower or the blood of enemies. The guards still do it, even though she and Circe are currently being interrogated by their father as we speak..!
Hope you enjoyed!
@hunniegl4zed @thebreadmeower
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A sandwich.
It contains ice cream, whipped cream, sponge cake, meat balls, broccoli, pineapple, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, rice, noodles, mac and cheese, bacon, beef jerky, dried fish, seaweed, one of every Pokemon berry, jam, olive oil, lotus, dragon fruit, ravioli, ramen, tempura, teriyaki chicken, macaroons, escargots, mint, pepper, salt, sugar, croquettes, pickles, apples, avocados, sausages, bell peppers, grapes, pizza, a donut, cheese, more cheese, even more cheese, mushrooms, mustard, olives, a fried egg, a scrambled egg, blueberries, a poached egg, chawanmushi, a red bean bun, mochi, bbq sauce, chicken nuggets, french fries, takoyaki, pancakes, mackerel, salmon, coffee beans, spinach, a tiny bit of corn cream soup, ramensanga, fettucine alfredo, a plain bagel, pretzels, chocolate chip cookies, sweet potato, yam, potato, scallions, scallops, squid, crab stick, fish balls, fish cakes, oyster sauce, silken tofu, barley, cereal, paprika, oysters, red snapper, sea bass, plums, bean sprouts, garlic, string cheese, camembert, swiss cheese, mozzarella, parmesan cheese, yogurt, brinjal, a macdonald’s happy meal (without the toy and the packaging of course), truffles, caviar, tapioca balls, fried chicken, century eggs, cake sprinkles, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, milk tea (just a tinge), coffee (also a tinge), pudding, pumpkin, honey, mutton, mashed potatoes, bananas, icelandic fermented shark that they bury in the ground for months, raisins, dried mangoes, a drop of water, jelly, nata de coco, prunes, roasted pork, rosemary, bee pollen, peas, deer meat, rabbit meat, fish maw, ham, turkey, m&ms, chub, fufu, watermelon, winter melon, rock melon, coffee jelly, cacao, carrots, blueberries, black tea, dumplings, carrot cake, beetroot, purple cabbage, corn, celery, edamame, red beans, black beans, green beans, kidney beans, cashews, peanuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, walnuts, chickpeas, almonds, daikon, MSG, tamales, anchovies, tabbouleh, lions mane mushroom, chicken of the woods, kelp, octopus, durian, kimchi, crème fraîche, popcorn, cotton candy, everything bagel seasoning, capers, pears, marinara sauce, bittercress, butter cream, every single iteration of galarian curry, sushi, sashimi, kale and a very very specific ramen bowl (without the actual bowl) from a very particular shop located in Iwatodai.
And the top and bottom buns are somehow made from 50 different kinds of bread in a checker box pattern.
It comes with a picture.
Ingredients: I am not typing all of that out again. What the fuck.
Smell: You’ve taken an entire food court’s worth of food and made it into a sandwich. This isn’t even possible. Why am I considering this. 3/5
Taste: How do you eat this. 2/5
Texture: You get like 5 different foods every bite. This is not balanced. There is no harmony. This sandwich is the embodiment of disorder and chaos. 1/5
Presentation: The fact that this even looks sandwich adjacent is a fucking miracle. You don’t get full points though. Because I don’t like you. 3/5
Would Chunk Eat It?: He would eat maybe 1/50th of it. So no. 1/5
Final Score: 2/5
Critic’s Notes: Why would you waste this much food. Just host a party. Donate it. Something fucking anything I am begging at this point.
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dragonskxn · 6 days
Draconic Harvest Festival — The Menu!
You can't have a fall festival without good eating!Anna's made a full menu for party goers.
Muses are encouraged to bring their own dishes as well for everyone to enjoy! You're visiting a 500+ year old dragon lady with grandma hobbies; you're definitely gonna leave with a stuffed belly AND leftovers to take home.
Vegan options are available in place of the meat dishes!
Acorn Bread Rolls
Honey Buns
Cheesy garlic bread
Grilled eggplant
Spicy salmon bites
Dragon's eggs (artichoke stuffed with soft boiled egg)
Corn on the cob
Fried onions
Soups and Salads
Pumpkin soup (served in mini carved out pumpkin)
Potato venison stew
Carrot soup
Cabbage and leek soup
Mushroom stew
Rabbit stew
Autumn harvest salad (dandelion greens, raisins, sunflower seeds, golden tomatoes, garlic croutons, and drizzled with herb vinaigrette) 
Radish and turnip salad
Main Course
Roasted turkey legs
Spit roasted wild boar
Spiced venison ribs
Vegetable risotto
Rosemary lemon chicken
Beef (or grilled vegetable) stuffed pumpkin
Gourd casserole
Roasted rabbit haunches with peppercorn and cloves
Steak and vegetable skewers
Caramel apples
Candied apples
Pumpkin pie
Sweet potato souffle with marshmallows 
Baked Alaska (set on fire by Anna herself)
Blackberry cobbler
Cinnamon apple pie
Blueberry cheesecake
Cotton candy 
Kettle corn
(Alcohol is served in special wood tankards carved with dragon and pastoral motifs, and can be taken home as souvenirs!)
Dragon's Blood Wine (VERY strong and has quite the kick to it)
Wyvern Whiskey
Honeyed Mead
Spiced Wine
Lavender Lemonade
Chamomile Lemon Tea
Spring Water
Apple Cider
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bonefall · 2 years
For Warrior Bites: What about one of the clans having a sort of dip, like a cat version of salsa or gravy?
mhhh fried grasshopper-poppers sizzling on the grillstone and whipping up a juniper-gravy dipping sauce. Warrior cat nuggies.
I initially planned for WindClan to be the ones to make dipping sauces, since they love novelty, have breadcrumbs, and have a lot of rabbit meat on hand to bread and fry. Plus the grasshoppers. But the more I think about it, it's the sort of thing all the clans EXCEPT RiverClan would do.
ThunderClan's dipping sauces would be fruity or honey-based, and they'd have a lot of gravy. Mostly they use these as marinades, not dipping sauces.
Because ShadowClan ferments and has access to vinegar, plus the marshes and pine trees full of birds and eggs, they have the ability to make something similar to mayonnaise which can be made into tartar sauce or remoulade. Not to mention their access to juniper, mushrooms, rosemary, and other spices...
WindClan is the only Clan that can bread and fry things, and BOY do they want sauce. Problem is that they may not have a ton of spices on the moor. They CAN make blood sauce, though, since they have so many rabbits. It would taste deliciously salty; rare before the Lake Territory when you have to boil plant roots to get that.
RiverClan is touchy about their food culture. They think raw fish is healthier for you, and prefer it to be roasted or baked. If they put their mind to it though, there's tons of spices and herbs to be found by the river. Not to mention that they can make fish sauce, if they ever decided to ferment it.
And SkyClan? While you weren't looking they just stole your ketchup. Sorry.
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johannestevans · 8 months
always curious what people's like. staple meals and regular meals are
like the meals you regularly cook a few times in a month, for yourself or your family as well
bc for me it's like
bacon sandwiches. basic.
garlic bread
baked feta with peppers & tomatoes, oregano, olive oil, a bit of lemon juice
the lidl potato gratin with peppers, tomatoes, and spinach mixed in, again normally with olive oil and some cheese
roast chicken with roasted potatoes and root vegetables, normally carrots and parsnips
pork souvlakia, chunks of usually belly pork or chop on kebab sticks and oven grilled with or without chunks of pepper and tomato
dolmades, vine leaves stuffed with stewed rice
chicken risotto made with chicken stock on a base of butter with spring onions and bacon to toast the rice with
pasta with chicken pieces with a tomato-based sauce w more cheese and vegetables
a "greek salad" with some modifications - chunks of cucumber, tomato, red and yellow pepper, spinach leaves, red onion or spring onions, garlic granules, and then olive oil and feta chunks
parchment pastry scrolls, a spread of pastry smeared with tomato purée or similar chutney, cheese, bacon, vegetables, or mushrooms, and then cut into discs and baked
homemade burgers with beef or lamb mince, tiny chopped onions, egg, honey as a binding agent, and then fried hopefully to eat with slices of cheddar or leerdammer, bacon, and pickles/cornichons
i made a kouneli stifado a while back (whole rabbit cut into chunks, slow cooked with potatoes and root vegetables, onions, red wine, stock, etc) that i want to do more regularly bc a whole rabbit is a fiver and it feeds a LOT of people
then obvs like. various oven cooked things i don't modify, like prawn tempura or frozen calamari, etc
because i've moved and haven't set up my rice cooker or got my short grain rice again, and bc i don't have a new deep fat fryer yet, i'm not cooking like, my fresh cut chips, or maki rolls and onigiri, or a meal i'd regularly do of just like. fried eggs on rice and stuff
i used to make lasagnes more regularly and i'd like to go back to that, esp bc like... i love making latkes and once we have a nice wide frying pan it will be nice to do that more regularly, and my big thing atm is that i want to learn to cook with some new ingredients
i want to learn to do more and more interesting stuff with coconut and pineapple, i want to do more like. kormas and other diff curries, i want more green vegetables, esp asparagus and broccoli
i want to cook more with different fish and sea food bc i know i desperately need the oil for my fucked up joints and brain, i want to break more breads and savoury things, esp garlic and tearaway breads
esp bc like. my body's capacity for red meat is fucking terrible lmao, i want more fibre and less heavy protein from red meat at once so i don't just utterly eviscerate my guts lmao
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cellamare · 8 months
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☑️ Lord of the Rings film & food marathon
My friend who hosted this shindig handled all the cooking while I did all the baking. Between the two of us, we fed 15 people over the course of 7 meals 😎
Breakfast: Pan-fried tomatoes, bacon, sausages, and eggs
Second Breakfast: Scones with jam and clotted cream
Elevensies: Spinach and mushroom hand pies
Luncheon: Rabbit stew
Afternoon Tea: Madeleines, honey cake, finger sandwiches, tea
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
Hiya! I'm an infernal felinekin looking for quick but yummy and nutritious, protein rich meals I can toss together for lunch and dinner. I'm living my best life eating pretty much just a pan fried protein + roasted veggies + honeyed fruit for dessert, and would love some more inspo. I'm big on sweet and spicy flavors, I love any white fish + salmon, shrimp, rabbit, venison, and beef (but not huge on pork or most poultry, though I'll eat eggs), and I don't tend to eat a lot of grains in general but will be willing to eat wild rice and whole grains as long as it's not the main part of my meal. I adore some good, hearty veggies, but most legumes don't really do it for me. Can't stand eggplant or tomatoes. Typically, I like my meals to feel both fancy and refined but also like I could really sink my teeth into it and taste the freshness of the kill. Think crisp and juicy textures? thank you so much!
Hello! Here's some suggestions for you!
Wild Mushroom and Beef Stew
Brown Sugar Flank Steak
Baked Fish with Lemon Butter and Capers
Slow-Cooked Short Rib Ragu
Grilled Salmon with Avocado Salsa
Soy Sauce Eggs (Shoyu Tamago)
Garlic & Rosemary Grilled Lamb Chops
Hope you enjoy these, sorry for the slow reply! Have a great day ♥
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fivemonsturzzzwowz · 11 months
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the menu from https://www.freddysfanzone.com/ ! i'm visitor 102,723 :3 i have such a soft spot for in-universe expansive basically useless details like menus. i'll transcribe all the menu items the best i can! Value Deals 1. 20 game tokens, 1 medium 1 topping pizza, 2 soft drinks, 3.99 2. 40 game tokens, 2 medium 1 topping pizzas, 4 soft drinks, 5.99 3. 80 game tokens, 1 large 1 topping pizza, 4 soft drinks, 8.99 4. 120 game tokens, 2 large 1 topping pizzas, 6 soft drinks, 10.99 BONNIE'S FAMILY SPECIAL: 120 game tokens, 4 large 1 topping pizzas, 2 large fries, 10 soft drinks, 14.99 Pizzas Sizes: small (2.99) | medium (4.99) | large (5.99) (additional toppings .20 cents) Toppings: cheese, pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon, banana pepper, mushroom, red onion, spinach, black olive, extra cheese, tomato, pineapple, green pepper. FREDDY'S PIZZA: 3.99 medium | 6.99 large All Meat Combo- classic marinara sauce, pepperoni, Italian sausage, ham, and smoked bacon Veggie Lovers- classic marinara sauce, tomatoes, black olives, green peppers, onions, and mushrooms Super Combo- (Obscured, likely classic marinara sauce), pepperoni, seasoned (obscured for a couple ingredients), green peppers, and onions Chica's Special- classic marinara sauce, pineapple, and ham (Upgrade any large pizza to a family size for just [$5? blurry] substitute milk or apple juice for kids beverage) House Salad Classic crisp lettuce, tomatoes, croutons, cheese, black olives, red onion, and cucumbers. $1.50 per person $1 add chicken (Add French fries, only $1!) Wings & More CHICA'S WINGS Small (serves 3) 2.99 | Family (serves 4) 5.99 | Party (serves [8? blurry]) 4.99 | XL Party (serves 13) 6.99 Beverages: Soft Drinks (0.75) Iced Tea (0.50) Water (0.25) Milk (0.50) Apple Juice (0.25) Beer (0.99) Entrees: Chicken Tenders- box crispy chicken strips with a side of French fries (1.99) Foxy's Sub- pepperoni, salami, ham, onions, banana peppers, Italian dressing, & provolone cheese (1.95) Club Sandwich- turkey, ham, lettuce, tomato, onions, mayonnaise, & American cheese on white toast (1.99) Grilled Cheese- American cheese melted on white bread with a side of tomato soup (1.99) Rabbit Foot Stew- rabbit legs, potatoes, carrots, and rice with a side of bread (1.50) Desserts: Mini Apple Pie (1.99) Cinnamon Sticks (1.00) Birthday Cake (1.50) Candy (0.25)
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List of all SDV and SDV:E (Stardew Valley: Expanded) Giftable Items
Cave Carrot
Large Egg
Large Milk
Green Bean
Fiddlehead Fern
Hot Pepper
Red Cabbage
Ostrich Egg
Pale Ale
Void Egg
Duck Mayonnaise
Void Mayonnaise
Copper Bar
Silver Bar
Gold Bar
Iridium Bar
Refined Quartz
Copper Ore
Silver Ore
Gold Ore
Iridium Ore
Nautilus Shell
Summer Shell
Spice Berry
Sea Urchin
Spring Onion
Sweet Pea
Common Mushroom
Wild Plum
Winter Root
Crystal Fruit
Snow Yam
Sweet Gem Berry
Red Mushroom
Purple Mushroom
Goat Cheese
Truffle Oil
Coffee Bean
Goat Milk
Large Goat Milk
Duck Egg
Duck Feather
Lucky Rabbit’s Foot
Aged Roe
Ancient Fruit
Summer Spangle
Fairy Rose
Blue Jazz
Green Tea
Bug Meat
Maple Syrup
Oak Resin
Pine Tar
Bat Wing
Rusty Blade
Swirl Stone
Solar Essence
Void Essence
Void Pebble
Void Shard
Void Soul
Dinosaur Mayonnaise
Squid Ink
Tea Leaves
Taro Root
Cinder Shard
Magma Cap
Bone Fragment
Radioactive Ore
Radioactive Bar
Ancient Fiber
Dried Sand Dollar
Ferngill Primrose
Golden Ocean Flower
Green Mushroom
Four-Leaf Clover
Monster Fruit
Monster Mushroom
Mushroom Colony
Poison Mushroom
Red Baneberry
Salal Berry
Slime Berry
Sports Drink
Stamina Capsule
Void Root
Winter Star Ross
Dewdrop Berry
Aged Blue Moon Wine
Blue Moon Wine
Aegis Elixir
Armor Elixir
Barbarian Elixir
Gravity Elixir
Haste Exilir
Hero Elixir
Lightning Elixir
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Rainbow Trout
Red Snapper
Red Mullet
Green Algae
Super Seacucumber
Ghost Carp
White Algae
Stone Fish
Lava Eel
Scorpion Carp
Midnight Carp
Mutant Carp
Tiger Trout
Void Salmon
Midnight Squid
Blue Discus
Baby Lunaloo
Bull Trout
Dulse Seaweed
Grass Carp
King Salmon
Meteor Carp
Radioactive Bass
Razor Trout
Sea Sponge
Shiny Lunaloo
Snatcher Worm
Torpedo Trout
Void Eel
Water Grub
Dwarf Scroll 1
Dwarf Scroll 2
Dwarf Scroll 3
Dwarf Scroll 4
Chipped Amphora
Ancient Doll
Elvish Jewelry
Chewing Stick
Ornamental Fan
Dinosaur Egg
Rare Disc
Ancient Sword
Rusty Spoon
Rusty Spur
Rusty Cog
Chicken Statue
Ancient Seed
Prehistoric Tool
Dried Starfish
Glass Shards
Bone Flute
Prehistoric Handaxe
Dwarvish Helm
Dwarf Gadget
Ancient Drum
Golden Mask
Golden Relic
Strange Doll
Strange Doll
Prehistoric Scapula
Prehistoric Tibia
Prehistoric Skull
Skeletal Hand
Prehistoric Rib
Prehistoric Vertebrae
Skeletal Tail
Nautilus Shell
Amphibian Fossil
Palm Fossil
Prismatic Shard
Fire Quartz
Frozen Tear
Earth Crystal
Lemon Stone
Petrified Slime
Thunder Egg
Ocean Stone
Ghost Crystal
Tiger’s Eye
Fire Opal
Fairy Stone
Star Shards
Fried Egg
Cheese Cauliflower
Baked Fish
Parsnip Soup
Vegetable Medley
Complete Breakfast
Fried Calimari
Strange Bun
Lucky Lunch
Fried Mushrooms
Bean Hotpot
Glazed Yams
Carp Surprise
Salmon Dinner
Fish Taco
Crispy Bass
Pepper Poppers
Tom Kha Soup
Trout Soup
Chocolate Cake
Pink Cake
Rhubarb Pie
Spicy Eel
Maki Roll
Red Plate
Eggplant Parmesan
Rice Pudding
Ice Cream
Bluberry Tart
Autumn’s Bounty
Pumpkin Soup
Super Meal
Cranberry Sauce
Farmer’s Lunch
Survival Burger
Dish’O’The Sea
Miner’s Treat
Roots Platter
Triple Shot Espresso
Seafoam Pudding
Algae Soup
Pale Broth
Plum Pudding
Artichoke Dip
Stir Fry
Roasted Hazelnuts
Pumpkin Pie
Radish Salad
Fruit Salad
Blackberry Cobbler
Cranberry Candy
Fiddlehead Risotto
Poppyseed Muffin
Fish Stew
Lobster Bisque
Maple Bar
Crab Cakes
Shrimp Cocktail
Ginger Ale
Banana Pudding
Mango Sticky Rice
Tropical Curry
Squid Ink Ravioli
Mushroom Berry Rice
Big Bark Burger
Flower Cookie
Frog Legs
Glazed Butterfish
Grampleton Orange Chicken
Mixed Berry Pie
Baked Berry Oatmeal
Void Delight
Void Salmon Sushi
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calidrisminuta · 1 year
Orsterran Cuisines (from CotC)
OK! Finally done! Since I’m attempting to write again - and my next writing project has a foodie theme - I’ve been checking all the NPC dialogue in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent for mentions of cuisines, dishes, foods, rare ingredients, or anything connected to cooking. Some of the Memoirs mention food, too, so I included them as well.
It was quite fruitful, really! A lot of towns don’t make mention of food at all (Theatropolis, Rippletide, Berecain, Sufrataljah, Donescu, Clearbrook, Victors Hollow, Flamesgrace or Emberglow), but there are some really nice ones in various places, mostly in Valore and Grandport. I can only check from my current point in the story (which is up to date as I type this post), but I’ll be checking in future in case any more get added.
On to the list, then! I’m not used to Tumblr, so apologies if it’s not formatted correctly.
Atlasdam: Crimson Crab Pie (Capable Culinarian), and River Fish (Liquor-Loving Fisherman)
Grandport: Stewed Fish with Quatrait (Mentioned in bio of Woman from Quaragosa)
Also Grandport: Mossy Cave tortoise garden salad, Giant Sheep a la tomato stew, River Bean Vichyssoise, and White Grape Muffins, all mentioned by the Fastidious Housewife.
Shepherds Rock: Sheep’s milk cheese and grape wine (Jocular Soldier)
Sunshade: Cactus Cocktail (Tavern Patron Comparing Drinks, Working Dancer)
Valore: Raisins (Long-time Resident), Powder that “Tastes really good on chicken” (Powder Seller), Crushed Nuts (Ruffian Chef), and Rosso’s Favourite Powder “Valorian Mustard, and the Sunlands legendary Sufra Masala” (Rosso)
And finally I’cirlo: Alpaca dishes (Tavern Keeper)
There’s also a couple from the Memoirs: Steamed shellfish, using the leftover juice to make a soup (Trish and Barrad memoir)
Plounder Carpaccio, Saucy Shrimp,  (Fish - Clearbrook’s Claim to Fame memoir)
Armor Eater Tomato Stew, Shaggy Spider Meat,  (Yugo’s Gourmet Diary: I’cirlo)
So there we are! I know there’s more, and I’ll be adding to this list as I find it. Hopefully it’ll help anyone else with adding details to their fics, or just for appreciation of the depth of worldbuilding in CotC. At least by putting it here, I won’t be able to lose it when I’m looking for info when I’m writing!
*****Editing to add some contributions from @blazlngblade, after a quick collab over on Twitter. Thank you so much for the help! Since some of these aren’t in the Global version yet, I’ll edit this again to update it when necessary. :)
Ember Mushroom Pie: Crispy pie crust, snowy cream filling, ember mushrooms (Frostlands/Emberglow)
Rinyuu’s Stew: Wild boar meat marinated in alcohol, vegetable (Frostlands)
Rinyuu’s Cream Pie: Ember mushrooms (Frostlands)
Cave Mint Stuffed Chicken: (Frostlands/Flamesgrace. Lianna’s dish)
Shrimp Stock soup and anything with the Phantom Crab: (Trish’s dishes)
Herb roasted chicken stuffed with intestines: (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Magg’s Bean Soup: (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Magg’s Strawberry Tart - made with bright red wild strawberries (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Magg’s Rainbow Trout Carpaccio with shrimp sauce (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Crab shell seared with fat (Coastlands/Grandport Markets)
Seared Whirlpool Flounder (Coastlands/Grandport’s Tavern)
Herb Grilled Killer Chameleon (Cliftlands/Cragspear)
Sauteed Demon Goat (Highlands)
Unnamed Eastern Sweets (Mentioned in Sarisa’s Traveler’s Story)
Orsterran made Eastern Bento Box - Honeyed fish teriyaki with white rice, chicken fried tatsuta, stewed river beans.
Edit #2! Just scanned through all of @scholarlycait‘s Letters from a Cait Scholar for foodie mentions, per a wonderful idea from @legendaryandroid. I found four, so here they are! :)
Emberglow/Flamesgrace stews
Cave Mint tea
Reaper Crab Salad - a popular dish in the Coastlands
Cave Tortoise moss and embershroom stir fry - Frostlands Dish
Edit #3:
Mentioned by Bargello’s Crew:
Pasta with tomatoes, Rabbit Soup, and White Grape Juice
From OG Octopath Traveler:
Gigaswallow Soup. The Gigaswallow comes from a remote location and is very rare, as are its eggs. Called “One of Orsterra’s delicacies”
Valore (Hell):
Veal Saute (LeRuiz Chef)
Panini (Mighty Turilli)
Milkwine (Buttermilk) - from W’ludai’s Traveler Story.
Herbal Bread (Bowman in Shepherd’s Rock - from Dorothea’s Story) Apparently contains medicinal herbs in it.
Plum bread (Dorothea’s Traveller Story, Shepherds Rock)
Flying Fish Teriyaki, Marinated and deep-fried Cetus Maximus, stewed river beans in sweet sauce - Yugo’s Gourmet Diary - Theatropolis.
River Beans: The specific type is Phaseolus Lunatus - Lima beans!
Züsbaum, Per one of Isla’s letters, it grows in the Frostlands and its leaves have a sweet flavour. A tea made from them has a taste distinct from sugar. Many monsters love them, so picking the leaves is a monumental challenge, but many say it is worth the risk.
Herb Wine: a drink from the Frostlands - remember to drink in moderation, Isla says!
Berry pies: a favourite of Elrica’s.
Snow Beets: From OT1, but from the Frostlands. Naturally sweet.
Embershroom cooking method: (From Isla’s letters) “In Emberglow, the city which glows like dying fire against the night, the people harvest embershrooms. The name comes not only from the place it’s found, but also the way the mushrooms are prepared - embershrooms are cooked by roasting them slowly over the embers of a bonfire. In snowy regions, it’s im-purr-tant not to waste a single spark.“
Alpaca Cheese: from the memoir between Pia and Varkyn. From I’cirlo. It’s distinctive aroma can put some people off, but it does go well with wine.
Ketchup apparently exists in Orsterra, too. Isla mentions the condiment in one of his letters.
Catnip Juice. Another thing Isla mentions. Possibly a kind of wine for caits.
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chaos-cousins · 8 months
Pelipper mail!
A sandwich.
It contains ice cream, whipped cream, sponge cake, meat balls, broccoli, pineapple, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, rice, noodles, mac and cheese, bacon, beef jerky, dried fish, seaweed, one of every Pokemon berry, jam, olive oil, lotus, dragon fruit, ravioli, ramen, tempura, teriyaki chicken, macaroons, escargots, mint, pepper, salt, sugar, croquettes, pickles, apples, avocados, sausages, bell peppers, grapes, pizza, a donut, cheese, more cheese, even more cheese, mushrooms, mustard, olives, a fried egg, a scrambled egg, blueberries, a poached egg, chawanmushi, a red bean bun, mochi, bbq sauce, chicken nuggets, french fries, takoyaki, pancakes, mackerel, salmon, coffee beans, spinach, a tiny bit of corn cream soup, ramensanga, fettucine alfredo, a plain bagel, pretzels, chocolate chip cookies, sweet potato, yam, potato, scallions, scallops, squid, crab stick, fish balls, fish cakes, oyster sauce, silken tofu, barley, cereal, paprika, oysters, red snapper, sea bass, plums, bean sprouts, garlic, string cheese, camembert, swiss cheese, mozzarella, parmesan cheese, yogurt, brinjal, a macdonald’s happy meal (without the toy and the packaging of course), truffles, caviar, tapioca balls, fried chicken, century eggs, cake sprinkles, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, milk tea (just a tinge), coffee (also a tinge), pudding, pumpkin, honey, mutton, mashed potatoes, bananas, icelandic fermented shark that they bury in the ground for months, raisins, dried mangoes, a drop of water, jelly, nata de coco, prunes, roasted pork, rosemary, bee pollen, peas, deer meat, rabbit meat, fish maw, ham, turkey, m&ms, chub, fufu, watermelon, winter melon, rock melon, coffee jelly, cacao, carrots, blueberries, black tea, dumplings, carrot cake, beetroot, purple cabbage, corn, celery, edamame, red beans, black beans, green beans, kidney beans, cashews, peanuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, walnuts, chickpeas, almonds, daikon, MSG, tamales, anchovies, tabbouleh, lions mane mushroom, chicken of the woods, kelp, octopus, durian, kimchi, crème fraîche, popcorn, cotton candy, everything bagel seasoning, capers, pears, marinara sauce, bittercress, butter cream, every single iteration of galarian curry, sushi, sashimi, kale and a very very specific ramen bowl (without the actual bowl) from a very particular shop located in Iwatodai.
And the top and bottom buns are somehow made from 50 different kinds of bread in a checker box pattern.
What the actual fuck.
It has whipped cream on it. Disgusting.
No it's just the first thing I saw that grossed me out and you know I hate whipped cream
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