#dash game ii no day off for heroes
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2ndbat · 5 months ago
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[ ain't it fun? ]
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savior-of-humanity · 4 years ago
OKAY here are my Thoughts(tm) about The Ancient Gods part II
In terms of the gameplay: I really liked how it played! The combat encounters weren’t downright vicious like in the first DLC, but they still go out of their way to mix things up (i.e a hallway filled with explosive barrels + blood punch pick-ups + Pinkies, or the double-Marauder encounter that you could ACCIDENTALLY FUCKING BUFF JESUS CHRIST) so it was still fun all around.
The new enemies added - the Cyber-Baron/Armored Baron, Riot Zombie/Chaingunner, Screecher Zombie, Stone Imp, and Cursed Prowler - are...okay. I like the idea of new enemy variants based off pre-existing ones but they felt either really fucking frustrating to fight (particularly the Cursed Prowler and Chaingunner) or were very “simple”, I guess. The Stone Imps, in particular, are a variant of Imp that are very resistant to damage unless you use the full-auto mod for the shotgun, in which they drop even more shotgun ammo if they’re killed by that. Other than that they do a Sonic-style spin-dash and slam into you, which can actually knock you off a ledge. Screecher Zombies are basically just mobile hazards that if you accidentally hit, will act like temporary Buff Totems. Cursed Prowler is fucking awful: basically, if it hits you with a projectile, you’ll be cursed with a debuff that keeps you from double-jumping and dashing that also drains your health over time, and you HAVE to kill it with a blood punch in order to remove the curse. Chaingunners are basically just the Shield Zombie Soldiers, but they shoot faster and have an indestructable shield. And finally, the Cyber-Baron: It’s basically a Baron of Hell, but with indestructable armor that can only be destroyed by shooting it’s mace when it flashes green, or by shooting it with plasma. After the armor is gone you have to kill it as fast as you can before the armor is regenerated, repeat until it dies.
Summoner Ghosts and Blood Maykrs also make a return, which is cool.
The Hammer is cool to say the least. I was hoping to see some glory kills with it but considering that it’s primary use is to either clear out groups of small enemies or to stun larger ones like Barons, it makes sense that they’d omit glory kills from it. On top of that, Marauders now have a mechanic (for the entire game, not just the DLC) where when you shoot them as they flash green, they’ll become stunned (though the sound effects are rather corny and cartoonish, even for the game). Using the Hammer on a stunned Marauder will GREATLY extend that stun, which allows you to just fucking shit on them.
I also really liked the grapple-Hookshot points that you had to use to progress in a level. I’m still not really used to how you’re supposed to move in the opposite direction of the point to swing yourself, but the idea is intuitive, fun, and makes me wish it was in the base game and the previous DLC.
My biggest grievances with this DLC, however, is how it handled some of it’s characters, the story, and the new lore that was implemented in the codexes.
So first off: I want to say that while I still appreciate the DLC, that’s honestly only with the gameplay. The story, much less the lore, is fucking stupid to say the least.
To TL;DR the story: It is, quite honestly, bare-bones as fuck. We continue from where we directly left off from the Ancient Gods Part 1: Davoth/The Dark Lord is being summoned into existence and into his physical form, which for some reason looks exactly like Doomguy except with sick tats, glowing red eyes, and a weird implant in his chest. Doomguy, naturally, tries to spawncamp him and shoots him with his super-shotgun, but nothing happens as “no blood can be spilled in this holy place”. Davoth leaves, telling Doomguy that he’ll be waiting for him in the city of Immora, the capitol city at the very center of Hell.
Doomguy goes to Argent D’Nur. He murder-death-kills shit, as per usual. He goes into this big castle where a hologram of Valen is waiting for him. He tells him that he atones for his sins and gives him the Hammer since Doomguy lifted the curse from his son’s soul. He goes to the Torch of Kings and lights it, marking his journey to the giant crystalline spear that impales Argent D’Nur known as the World Spear. Cue cutscene of a bunch of different Argenta people/Night Sentinel seeing the light of the Torch of Kings from all over Argent D’Nur. Internguy tells him that it’s a day’s walk still from the World Spear, and conveniently a very fucking awesome looking Argenta dragon shows up and gives him a ride to the World Spear.
Doomguy gets to a lake that separates him from the World Spear. The Father says “He is worthy” and then a bridge rises out of the water. Doomguy crosses past some big ass Sentinel ghosts/guardians and into the World Spear. Turns out the inside of the World Spear is like some giant, fucked up ship made out of crystal, with weird figures lining the wall and all that: Internguy even says “This isn’t a crystal at all, this is a ship!” This does not get expanded upon whatsoever in neither dialogue or codexes. Doomguy grabs Convenient Power Crystal and leaves.
Doomguy arrives on Earth through a portal, which is looking substantially better than since its invasion. Internguy tells him that a Convenient Ancient Portal close by is the only way to Immora. Doomguy kills shit, arrives at portal, activates it with Convenient Power Crystal, and leaves.
Doomguy arrives in front of a giant wall surrounding Immora. Davoth walks out, wearing a big ass power suit that looks like something straight out of Warhammer 40k. He’s surrounded by guards in cool red armor with cool spears that look very humanoid. He says some shit and a bunch of Hell-ships and demons and titans start showing up. But then surprise! A bunch of portals open up on Doomguy’s side like it’s fucking Infinity War/Endgame all over again and a fuckload of Sentinels start coming out, with mechs and dragons and spaceships. Valen is there. Doomguy and Valen stare at each other for like 5 seconds before Valen says “Let Hell tremble before our might!” or some shit like that. Doomguy fights, gets past the wall, fights some more inside the city. Again, the usual.
I also want to briefly point out that Immora is basically just a Maykr city but red, and that it’s apparently “Hell’s own technology.” Also, the red dudes in armor are actual enemies but the guns they have (the hell-razor from 2016) do piss-poor damage and they die if you so much as breathe on them.
Doomguy finally catches up to Davoth. Davoth monologues about how he’s going to get his revenge and that it’s inevitable, bla bla bla. Fight begins. It’s basically Marauder 2.0 but if he hits you and/or you shoot him at the wrong time he heals a fuckload of health. And also 5 different health bars. After you knock down 2 or 3 of his bars he stops the fight to monologue for some fucking reason? And then shits out a plot twist that surprise, he’s actually the real God, and that the Father betrayed/usurped his power, and that he will “unmake everything by his hand.” Fight resumes. Doomguy eventually beats him. Davoth asks him if he has anything to say before he strikes down his creator. Doomguy takes off his helmet, stabs Davoth in the heart, and says no in his stupid sexy voice. Davoth dies, his life-sphere emerges and then explodes. Doomguy suddenly becomes weak and falls over. The Father says “He created everything in his image, even you.” Doomguy passes out and wakes up to see 3 Seraphim seal him in a sarcophagus like the one from 2016. Fade to black, with the quote “May the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.” End game, roll credits.
If you hadn’t read any of the codexes while playing the DLC, the story probably makes little to no sense to you whatsoever. But honestly the codexes don’t expand upon things much and, if anything, just fucking make some aspects of the story even more stupid.
The World Spear is implied in the codex that it contains live Wraiths (“A live Wraith has not been seen in centuries, but rumors persist that some yet remain inside the World Spear itself.”), and while the figures in the World Spear could be Wraiths, absolutely nothing is said about them out of three Codexes related to the level, which honestly just makes me wonder the point of adding this stuff if you don’t even give a single sentence of why the interior of the World Spear is Like That.
The codex entries related to Earth are basically uninteresting as they’re pretty much just “humanity is rebuilding and views doomguy as a hero”. There is one about the Convenient Ancient Portal (Gate of Divum) but all it really says is that it was built and used by the Father to access Immora. Nothing about why it’s on Earth, or anything interesting like that.
However, the real bullshit comes in when we start to look at the codex entries related to Immora and Davoth.
So, Immora is the central - and oldest - city in Hell. It’s described as such: “Once a paradise at the dawn of creation, Immora now survives as a stronghold where the Dark Lord resides. Sustained now by the essence of Hell's victims, the people of Immora experience life eternal. Regular infusions of Hell energy have prevented them from transforming into the demons found outside the boundaries of the city. Ancient technology defends Immora from invaders, the high walls impenetrable to those who would bring harm to the last people of the first world.“
Yeah. So not only did Hell have high-tech technology all this time, but also the red guys in armor? Those are Immorans. Which is weird to me, because if Hell had this super advanced technology that’s also ancient, and thus around for a long time, why the hell are we only seeing it now?
Also, surprise! Turns out the Book of Seraphs is a complete fucking lie according to the very first codex entry related to Davoth! (”Our research shows that Maykr history and lore holds truths that are not consistent with passages found in the Hell Priest texts, revealing the true origins of Hell and all surrounding dimensions. This revelation would explain why Hell is the single dimension that connects to all others, and why it is the oldest in existence - the first world.”)
The real truth is that Davoth is the real Creator/God, and that Jekkad was the very first realm, not Urdak. He still sought immortality for his people, so he created the Maykrs to figure it out for him. They did, but decided it would be too dangerous to give Davoth that information, so they basically said “fuck you” and sealed Jekkad/Davoth while re-writing their own records to hide the truth. Obviously, this pissed off Davoth. So much so that he basically became super angry and emo and became the Dark Lord from all the vengeance and hatred (which also turned Jekkad into Hell.)
Another surprise! Turns out that Davoth had a hand in the creation of the fucking Doom Slayer! Because he wanted to get revenge against the Maykrs, he started to manipulate a bunch of people while he was trapped as a life sphere I guess. He started with the Khan Maykr, convincing her that there was a “chosen one” who would threaten her rule and thus making her paranoid as fuck. He then guided her into creating the Divinity Machine using a fragment of himself that had been sealed in Urdak. Then he manipulated Samur, by convincing him that “the Khan Maykr will lead us all to ruin.” He was then controlled and compelled to release a stranger from his prison (Doomguy) and empower him using the Divinity Machine.
As you can probably guess, he got his revenge since Doomguy would go on to utterly fuck Urdak/the Khan Maykr (as well as Samur), and ever since he knew that his “Beast” would come for him.
Listen. I don’t really mind the idea of Doomguy being used or even manipulated by different godly powers. Or even Davoth being the real God or whatever. But this new lore and story just feels... really sloppy and poorly executed, especially since it directly conflicts with the fucking base game. If he manipulated the Khan Maykr and wanted revenge against her, then why did he scream “NOOOOOO!” when Doomguy killed her?
And, if anything: Why the fuck does Davoth even look like Doomguy in the first place? Is it some form of mockery? Or did id just decide to fucking retcon the Doom Slayer being the same person as the Doomguy from Doom 1/2 with the Father’s line of “He created everything in his image -- even you.”
And, on top of that, the DLC just left more open questions than answers: what the fuck happened to Samur, since he isn’t even so much as mentioned beyond the codexes? Who is the Wretch, the being who had supposedly forged Doomguy’s armor back in 2016? What is the fate of Earth/Hell/Urdak/Argent D’Nur after the Slayer’s victory? What the fuck happened to the Demonic Crucible, the one from 2016? What about the ARC Carrier and the Fortress of Doom?
Finally, Valen, Internguy and the Father should’ve been far more involved in the story beyond just being either convenient voices telling you convenient stuff or (in the case of Valen) being a convenient guy to give you convenient weapon that also conveniently shows up with a giant army that doesn’t actually do anything but look cool in the skybox.
TL;DR The new lore and story of the DLC is basically garbage, and since I highly doubt id will change it I’m going to completely disregard it, write my own, and also take up Davoth as a muse because it seriously pissed me off that much.
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scottymcgeesterwrites · 4 years ago
Final Fantasy V Review
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Year: 1992
Original Platform: Super Nintendo
Also available on: PlayStation One (Final Fantasy Anthology), Game Boy Advance, Steam (updated graphics)
Version I Played: Game Boy Advance
Bartz is a drifter, riding across the world with his chocobo – Boko. One day, the wind seems to fall. Lenna’s father, the king of Tycoon, goes off to make sure the Wind Crystal is all right, but doesn’t return. Meanwhile, a meteorite falls. Lenna and Bartz check it out separately, where they find each other and a man named Galuf with amnesia. Together they figure out that the world is falling apart – the crystals that drive wind, fire, earth and water are dying out. They stumble upon a pirate hideout led by Faris, and together they seek to restore the world and uncover the mysterious forces behind the destruction of the crystals.
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Once again, this Final Fantasy game was originally unreleased outside of Japan. Unlike II and III, the developers thought that the game was a different tone than the others and the vast job system would be too complicated for Western audiences. The West didn’t experience Final Fantasy V until 1999 with Playstation One’s Final Fantasy Anthology; a compilation of both V and VI. One notable change from the Japanese version is the name Bartz. The original name for Bartz in the Japanese release was translated as Butz, but because Americans are immature and laugh at such a name, they changed it in the localization to Bartz.
Holy capitalism, Batman – so many jobs!
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Not only that, but each job has abilities that you can mix and match! Every time you level up a job, you earn a new ability for that job. You can switch those abilities across jobs.
The possibilities are seemingly endless!
The gameplay is the most fun I had with customization in a while in any video game RPG. The best part is that the Job System is so rewarding by the time you reach the third act of the game. It gives you such a variety that it allows you to approach battles from many different angles. There’s no one way to be a badass and deal destructive damage.
It’s so much fun that once a year, Final Fantasy V gamers join in “Final Fantasy Five Four Job Fiesta”. It’s a challenge where you are randomly assigned four jobs in the game and have to finish the game ONLY with those four jobs. I’ve joined in the challenge myself and it’s a great way to come together with Final Fantasy players.
I had fun unlocking the legendary weapons and hunting down the most powerful summons - this time naturally without looking anything up. I find it interesting to say that I had legit fun hunting down all the extras. Sometimes in other Final Fantasy games I get weary over hunting for some extra, higher powered spells and summons. I sometimes even wonder if I should bother going after them. The vast Job System in Final Fantasy V keeps you occupied for the entire game and more. I finished the game and there are still some jobs that I haven't even touched. Luckily, the Game Boy Advance version adds some extra dungeons after you complete the game.
The sprites in this game look a bit rough around the edges. They also come off as too small in my opinion. The same is said of the Game Boy Advance version. Regardless, it now looks like an actual SNES game. Unlike Final Fantasy IV, it has more color, structure, and doesn’t look faded.
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Something irked me though about the sounds. I never have anything bad to say about the sound effects, but for some reason, in this game, the battle sound effects were meek. Even when someone had a sword, the attack sounded puny.
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The PlayStation One version has an FMV sequence that look awkward and ugly as fuck, just like the FMV sequence for the PlayStation One version of Final Fantasy IV. As much as I love Yoshitaka Amano, trying to transplant his style into 3D is not a good idea.
The story transcends that of Final Fantasy IV. Where Final Fantasy IV can feel weak or simple at times, Final Fantasy V delivers a strong, emotionally charged storyline.
It starts simple. Once again, the world is in danger because the crystals are in danger – but this time because humans are misusing their power and breaking them. So this is a rare Final Fantasy game without any evil empires or rebellions.
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Out of all the Final Fantasy games, I had heard the least about what happens in V. Heck – I knew more about II before going into it, mostly because of what people said about the Star Wars parallels. It’s been a long time since I went into a Final Fantasy game completely blind. I kept it that way and was very pleasantly surprised.
I can see what the developers meant by a “change in tone.” Final Fantasy V is probably the funniest of them all. It’s not campy – just humorous. Galuf loves to share puns. Bartz can be a klutz. The characters bicker a lot during their journey. One part actually made me genuinely laugh out loud when you are in a certain underground place searching for clues:
Despite the lighter tone, each character has a pretty sensitive, delicate backstory. I cared for Bartz’s personal history with his parents. I worried about whether Lenna’s father would die or not. I wondered what Galuf forgot and who Faris really was. There are dashes of tropes here but none of them stand out too much. You have to remember that tropes themselves are not inherently bad – what matters is how you utilize them. There’s no hokey romantic subplot thrown in either, which is extremely rare in a JRPG.
It was so rewarding to go into it blind because there was even a shocking death. I thought maybe they would be all right in the end through some Disney cop out.
No. That person is dead. Dead as a door nail. Never coming back. I also enjoyed the bit where they tried to revive said dead person with spells and phoenix downs. They finally imply that there can be a point where someone can go beyond and it’s too late to bring them back.
The henchman Gilgamesh is very memorable and lovable, probably the most memorable character of the entire game. He serves as great comic relief while not being at all annoying. I kept hoping he would show up.
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My only real complaint, if I’m ever forced to say anything bad, is that Boko wasn’t really an asset in the story, at least not as much as I assumed he would be.
The story is unfortunately very overlooked. I can understand that maybe at the time American and other Western gamers may have found the third act strange – especially after learning about the villain Exdeath’s true nature. Compared to the other Final Fantasy backstories, it’s a little out there, and something tells me it relates to Japanese mythology. But today? You’d be sorry to miss out on it.
Final Fantasy V’s main theme is somewhat reminiscent of Final Fantasy IV’s main theme. They have this melodic soaring feel with a continuous beat. “The Four Warriors of Dawn” in Final Fantasy V is reminiscent of “Red Wings” in IV. Meanwhile, the biggest and most interesting display is “Battle with Gilgamesh”. (sometimes titled “Clash/Battle on the Big Bridge”). The piece opens up with some intense drumming. While the later orchestrations and adaptations of “Battle with Gilgamesh” are pretty good, nothing seems to capture the tempo and umph of the original.
“Dear Friends” is probably the most endearing tune in the soundtrack. It’s played at the end and gives a really bittersweet feel. The Distant Worlds concert version is extremely bittersweet. It has a sweet, gentle guitar, and it reminds me of how Uematsu said one of his inspirations was Simon and Garfunkel. “Dear Friends” definitely has that folk tune.
Exdeath’s theme song gives a heavy rock vibe. That heavy rock vibe was last heard in the opening segment of the final boss fight in Final Fantasy IV. The rest of the score has a lot of drumming incorporated, partially due to the fact that pirates are involved in most of the plot. Ultimately, this Final Fantasy score broke out all of Uematsu’s classic and hard rock inspirations – and it’s fucking awesome.
Notable Theme:
“Battle with Gilgamesh”
I have replayed this song over a thousand times by now.
Definite must-play. It’s the most underrated Final Fantasy game. The Kob System can be overwhelming, especially if you have never played a Final Fantasy game before. I wouldn’t suggest playing this for beginners – more after you get your hands wet.
Direct Sequel?
Yes. And No.
While not a video game, Final Fantasy V did receive an anime sequel titled Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals. It’s technically the first sequel to a Final Fantasy game. The anime is set 200 years in the future, with the heroes of the original game having become legend. Critical reception of the miniseries was mixed.
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jinjojess · 6 years ago
DR Kirigiri Vol. 5 Summary Part II
Not as soon as I wanted to get this up, but at least I’m moving!
Chapter 1 The Mania of Existence: Bar GOODBYE - Yaki Hajiki
If you don’t remember Yaki, he’s the gambling detective we met all the way back in Vol. 3 during the Takeda Haunted House Case (i.e., the Sagittarius case, where a gyaru detective made a big slingshot with one million yen’s worth of rubber bands...I’m still not and never will be over that). In Vol. 4 he got assigned to check out Bar GOODBYE, which is the Scorpio case, if the secondary weapon, scorpion venom, is any indication.
The chapter opens with Yaki riding in a taxi toward the bar, which his intel says is wedged between empty storefronts in a bad part of town known for gambling and prostitution rings. Because the place is such a maze, he’s bringing along a young guy he sometimes teams up with to take down gambling operations named Ooba Ryou, who knows the area. Ooba apparently has recently given up gambling and decided on the straight and narrow, partially because of settling down and having a kid, and partially because he got schooled by someone way younger than him.
“Don’t tell me...that rumor about ya gettin’ caught up with that mysterious goth loli’s true?”
“It’s not a rumor, it’s what really went down.”
“Fuckin’ shame, man. If that’d been me, I’da crushed her in 5 seconds flat. Where’s the brat now?”
“No idea. One minute she was there, and the next she was gone,” Ooba said with an exaggerated sigh of grief.
This is like that time Minase was talking about Sagishi in Vol. 2, but even more hilarious.
Ooba is surprised to hear that this isn’t a gambling sting, and asks what they’re going to GOODBYE for. Yaki tells him that he’s on a homicide case, and in response to Ooba’s uncertainty about that says he’s out of his element as well.
At that point they hear from the passenger seat of the taxi that they’re almost there. This is the other guy Yaki’s brought along, a rep from the real estate company that owns the building GOODBYE is in, named Arai Gunzou. His name is written the stupidest way possible, just so you know. I’ll get back to that in a second, actually. 
Apparently Yaki isn’t against some good old breaking and entering or other petty legal infractions during the course of his usual investigations, but in this case he felt it was better to keep everything above board.
Remembering the tip from Kirigiri, Yaki then asks his two cohorts their birthdays, to the surprised confusion of both of them. Ooba was born on September 29th, making him a teal blood Libra, and Arai has the same birthday as my mother on November 1st, which puts him firmly in Scorpio territory.
Well. Case closed, I guess.
Or it would be, if Kirigiri hadn’t been frustratingly vague about WHY everyone should ask about birthdays to everyone who wasn’t Trusted Confidant Samidare. This sounds like a complaint, but I actually like that it shows a real flaw in Kirigiri, and how she’s putting people in danger because of her trust issues and maybe even a desire to nab all the culprits herself.
Also, here I’m going to note that Arai’s name is written with the kanji for “wash” and “group of three”, so he’s pretty suspicious and I’m watching him.
Anyway, our dudes arrive at the shopping district where the bar is, and Arai almost immediately receives a call on his cell phone. He steps away to take it. Annoyed, Yaki puts an unlit cigarette in his mouth and muses that he hasn’t smoked in a year, since that day when it started making him feel like throwing up.
Then he overhears Arai ask the person on the other line if they said something about Bar GOODBYE and commandeers the phone call.
On the other end is a creepy, almost ghost-like voice asking for help, saying he’s tied up at the hands and feet and can’t move, and is trapped. Yaki tries to check the number, but it’s unlisted. The man on the other end claims he picked up the phone in front of him and tried to call 110 (the emergency line in Japan) but it connected him to this phone instead. He begs Yaki to call the police, and when asked, says that the matches in front of him say “Bar GOODBYE”.
It’s at this moment that Yaki realizes that the Committee of Something Something’s game has begun. He hollers at Ooba to get him to the bar, orders the man to stay on the line, and barks at Arai to come along as well. They dash through the dark, creepy streets of the maze-like shopping district, with its weird plants growing on the walls. Yaki uses his own cell to call the police, which he doesn’t really want to do, but a man’s life hangs in the balance.
They arrive at the bar and Yaki hassles Arai to get the door open while he fumbles with the keys on the ring to find the right one (I want you to remember this for later). In the meantime, Yaki asks the guy if he’s hurt, and the man says no, other than being tied up he’s fine. Yaki thinks about how Kirigiri told them all to stay safe, but if they could solve a case and prevent a murder, that’d be fine. He loves the idea of being the MVP of Team Not Phoenix.
When Arai finally gets the door open, Yaki dashes inside to find it pitch black except for a weak standing lamp on the bar. He calls out but gets no answer, then approaches an old man slumped over the bar under the lamp. He’s tied not only to the stool he’s sitting on, but also to the other side of the bar. 
He’s also got a knife in his back.
Yaki calls for the others to call an ambulance, and tries to check the man out. Luckily, though he isn’t conscious, he’s still alive. 
While Ooba and Arai handle that phone call, Yaki starts to investigate the bar. In front of the stabbed man is a box of matches, an open flip phone, and a perfectly normal ballpoint pen with the cap on. Carefully picking up the phone with a tissue to keep his fingerprints from getting on it, Yaki confirms that the phone is still connected to a call on Arai’s phone before hanging both up.
He asks if they can turn on the lights, but Arai explains that the building hasn’t had power in ages, so instead Yaki has to take the standing lamp and use it as a flashlight. Ooba has a mini breakdown, saying that he can’t go to jail, he’s got a kid! Yaki tells him to knock it off with the hysterics and guard the door with Arai. He thinks the culprit is using the darkness to hide, so when he flushes him out, he doesn’t want the guy making a dash for the door.
Ooba remembers as Yaki is searching that there’s a backdoor that opens into an alleyway, but when Yaki checks the door is locked from the inside. He scoffs at this being a locked room murder and continues searching the bar.
Good thing someone didn’t buy the culprit time to pull off their trick, eh?
Yaki does a pass of the entire place but finds nobody. No one’s under the bar. No one is hiding in the storage closets or shelves. There’s not even anybody inside the huge, dilapidated jukebox. 
He once again considers the backdoor, and how he can’t think of a way to lock it from the inside while outside (for instance, pulling a string wouldn’t work). Yaki’s a simple man, though, so he decides that if the culprit isn’t in the bar, he must be outside it. He suspects he’s being led on, but remembering Kirigiri telling him not to try to hunt down the culprit really hurts his pride as a detective.
“Ooba! Wait here until I get back!”
“Where are you going, Aniki?”
“To take back my losses!”
As soon as he said it, Yaki realized--these were forbidden words for gamblers, famous last words no one should ever utter.
However, Yaki’s an unstoppable force now, so he propels himself into the alleyway anyway. The way to the left is blocked off and the ancient wooden boxes there aren’t big enough to hide a person, so instead he takes off to the right. 
He’s feeling the excitement now. The tingle in his fingertips. The sensation of running mapless through a thick jungle hiding terrifying creatures. This is what Yaki lives for, why he became a detective, why he’s the hero of the hoodlams.
At least until he turns a corner and runs into someone, causing him to reflexively stop. Yaki’s instincts have saved his ass many a time, so he tends to heed them.
Who’s waiting for Yaki?
Why, an ethereal sprite-like boy dressed in his best... Or is it a girl?
Either way there’s a distinct smell in the air that Yaki thinks might be perfume, and he--or she--is smiling calmly at Yaki.
“Who the hell’re you?”
“No one came this way.”
The boy’s melodious voice reminded Yaki of a pipe organ.
“So yer sayin’ yer the culprit, huh?” Yaki said, rolling up his sleeves.
“I already told you. You’re wrong.”
“Quit fuckin’ around. If it ain’t you, why’s a kid like you hangin’ around a place like this? And it sounds like ya know who I am too... Who the hell are you?”
“I came to warn you. I don’t believe the others would want there to be any more casualties.”
“Please do not continue down this road.”
“I don’t need yer fuckin’ charity.”
Yaki reached forward to grab the boy by the shirt, but he nimbly evaded and, with a rueful smile of abnegation, disappeared down the alley.
“H-Hey! Wait!”
The only thing left behind in the dark was the strange scent.
“Shit, can’t leave having gotten bested by a kid, can I?”
Yaki ran toward where the boy had disappeared.
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thedcdunce · 6 years ago
Mister Mxyzptlk
“But I have yet to begin to shenanigan! And I shall shenanigan again and again!” - Mister Mxyzptlk
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Clark Kent
Mister Mxyztplk
Gender: Male
Eyes: Black
Hair: White/ Balding
Race: Imp
Power Limitation
Mental Illness
New Earth
Prime Earth
Base of Operations: Zrfff, 5th Dimension
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: Superman Vol 2 #11 (November, 1987)
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Magic: Mxyzptlk is nigh-omnipotent and can do virtually anything imaginable; he can manipulate anything and everything under him.
Teleportation: Mxyzptlk can disappear and reappear anywhere instantly with a thought. 
Gesturify: Mxyzptlk can manipulate logic and the fundamentals of reality on a multiversal scale. He can create structured lifeforms with full complexions that don't exist just by thinking, and in that regard, he can also make any living organism vanish and become non-existent at a single thought.
Immortality: Mxyzptlk is able to use magic to survive most attacks, making him impossible to defeat without exploiting his weaknesses. He can regenerate and heal himself instantly and has high tolerance to pain.
Cosmic Awareness
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Power Limitation: Mxyzptlk's actions are also governed by restrictions that he establishes for himself. If Mxyzptlk decides that he will return to the 5th Dimension if someone convinces him to spell his name backwards, then he is obligated to comply with the regulation. Once banished, Mxyzptlk must remain in the 5th Dimension for a minimum of ninety days before returning to Earth. When Mxyzptlk is banished, all of the damage he caused would be reversed and any of his spells or magic used on Earth will fade.
Mental Illness: Mister Mxyzptlk has an irrational compulsion and attachments towards practical jokes and things of a prankish, immature nature. He rarely takes fighting seriously and normally spends his battles goofing off or playing games, uninterested in harming or killing his enemies.
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The history of Mister Mxyzptlk is unknown before he introduces himself to Superman in his most known form, although it is suggested that he visited the universe before in other forms.
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According to one story, young Mxy was drawn to Earth and encountered Young Justice, years after his adult self first visited Superman. This Mxy was a serious student who was disbelieving of Young Justice's claims that he would go on to be a prankster for Earth's greatest hero. He vowed to never become that person. Unfortunately, this changed history so that the Earth was destroyed, so the boys Robin, Superboy, and Impulse had to indoctrinate Mxy with "Three Stooges" videos, changing him from the serious student to the silly prankster. However, when Superboy encountered the adult Mxy after this adventure, he seemed to have no knowledge of their encounter.
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Mxyzptlk first appeared on the Post-Crisis Earth in Metropolis posing as a dashing young man named Ben Deroy, who convinces Lois Lane to marry him. Superman quickly learns that he's really an imp from the 5th Dimension. The imp agrees to go home, undoing everything he has done magically, if Superman can get him to spell, type, or say his name backwards. He then proceeds to make up a name for himself on a giant typewriter, choosing "Mxyzptlk" as he figures it will be nearly impossible for Superman to accomplish. After putting up with Mxy's antics, Superman grabs the giant typewriter where Mxy left it and defiantly said that the imp could never type the name forwards. Mxy used his magic to type the same exact keys — but Superman had rewired the typewriter, so Mxy had to go home. After he was gone, some scientists theorized that he would not be able to return for 90 days.
On Mxy's next visit to Metropolis, he revealed that the "rules" to send him back would change each time. This time around, Superman had to get him to paint his face blue, which he eventually was able to do.
The next time Mxy stopped by, he found that Superman was missing. He decided to have some fun with Lex Luthor instead, but Luthor double-crosses the imp, teaching him what a lie is in the process.
Mxyzptlk later uses his new experience with lying the next time he visits Earth. He decided to force the Flash into an around the world race against Superman, promising to leave only if Superman wins. Flash won the race, and Mxy revealed that secretly that was the real condition for his leaving.
Although Mxy exclusively annoys Superman, it has been implied that he has traveled to other universes to continue his amusement. As such, Mxy decided he did not have the time to pester Superman, but wanted to give him a hard time anyway. He appears to Luthor, and gave him a lump of "red Kryptonite" which turns Superman into a human. Mxy said it will work so long as Luthor does not tell Superman. Superman enlisted the help of Starman to steal the rock from Luthor while posing as the Man of Steel. Mxy dropped by to tell Luthor that "Superman" was really Starman before popping back out. The rock was useless to Superman, however, and as Clark Kent he angrily confronts Lex Luthor. Luthor bragged that Mxy gave him the kryptonite, figuring that he can tell Clark and Clark can tell Superman without the "rules" being violated. Unfortunately for Luthor, this breaks the spell, and Superman was restored. Mxy showed up again in Luthor's office, angry that Luthor told. Luthor accused of Mxy of lying about the rules, thinking that Mxy must have "really" meant that if he told anyone the spell would fade. Superman interrupts them before they could piece together the truth, and Mxy gets Superman to punch him out so he can get back to the other dimension.
Superman ended up being just as blind to Luthor's secret as Luthor was to his. Mxy's next encounter puts "Lex Luthor II" into his old body and uses his lying ability to torment both Luthor and Superman. Superman managed to defeat him and send him home again.
Mxyzptlk's next encounter was a minor one, occurring when an enraged Superman became convinced that Mxy was responsible for a dead body in his image appearing his old tomb. Mxy turned up to confess that he was not responsible, but given how much turmoil Superman had been under, he wouldn't heap on any more.
On his next visit, Mxy tried being "nice" by granting people's wishes — although the results of the wishes are disastrous: a woman who wishes her dough would rise faster results in it flooding out into the street; several people's desire to have a river view apartment cause their building to stand up and walk over to the river; and many, many people all win the lottery all at once. Mxy was distraught when he finds that Lois has broken off her engagement with Clark. He tries to put them back together, resorting to everything he knows how, but they all fail. He told Superman that he never used his wish, so he can wish for Lois to get back together with him. Instead, Superman wishes Mxy would return home.
Mxyzptlk was therefore happy when Clark and Lois got back together. He showed up at the church in both his new, cutesy form and his classic form to wish Superman the best, promising a visit sooner or later.
Mxy's next visit was pretty harmless, however. He arrived during a funeral and having no real understanding of mortal death, thinks the whole thing is rather hilarious. Superman was not amused by Mxy's mocking the subject of death — so Mxy makes fun of Superman's new costume and powers instead. He then decided to learn about death and earn the admiration of the world by recreating Superman's battle with Doomsday only with himself fighting the creature. Unfortunately, the creature is a little too good, and it succeeds in actually killing Mxy. The imp ends up at the desk of the "supreme being," Mike Carlin, the editor for the Superman books at the time, who restores him to life in the comics.
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Mxyzptlk was captured by a transdimensional booby trap created by Mister Oz, putting him in a negative space prison. Mister Oz commented that because fifth dimensional beings were immortal, it would be 2,000 Earth years before either Mxyzptlk's girlfriend or Bat-Mite realized he was gone. Mxyzptlk gloats to Oz that Superman will come looking for him; when he doesn't, Mxyzptlk suffers an emotional breakdown. In the depth of despair he says Kltpzyxm, and finds out that it can crack his prison. However, it is very painful for him to do so. He pushes through the pain and, after saying Kltpzyxm with multiple heads, escapes the prison.
However, Mxyzptlk finds that Mister Oz prepared for this possibility. To escape, Mxyzptlk turned himself into a physical and mental duplicate of Clark Kent. However, the inconsistencies of those who remembered Clark Kent caused him to confront Superman and his family. This encounter prompts him to remember who he truly is. Eager for revenge at being forgotten, he kidnaps Jon Kent, Superman and Lois' son. Mxyzptlk also reveals that both the New Earth and Prime Earth Supermen are actually two halves of the true, complete Superman, who was split into two separate people during the Flashpoint. The two Supermen save Jon and become a single, complete version of Superman, while Mxyzptlk escapes to another dimension, as his actions have brought the attention of an entity even he fears.
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Fun Facts
Mister Mxyzptlk reveals that he can move from one alternate reality to another and that the name he uses has different spellings and pronunciations depending on the reality he is in: Mxyzptlk, Mxyztplk, Mixelplik. The pronunciation on New Earth was mix-yez-pittle-lik.
Mxy did not only plague Superman in the DC Universe, but it was hinted at that he was also the character Impossible Man from the Marvel Universe. This was a joke when he is shown in another universe having fun with his four "fantastic" new friends, and that it was "impossible" for him to always remember what he looked like from one universe to the next.
Mister Mxyzptlk is the name he adopts after he introduces himself to Superman and says that his real name would never translate into any Earth language.
Mister Mxyzptlk is sometimes simply known as Mxy.
Mister Mxyzptlk has an irrational compulsion and attachments towards practical jokes and things of a prankish, immature nature. He rarely takes fighting seriously and normally spends his battles goofing off, uninterested in harming or killing his enemies. It has been demonstrated that this is an aspect of Mxyzptlk's interaction with a three-dimensional reality such as the Earth-dimension. The more time he spends in the Earth dimension, the more prone he is to engage in puckish behavior.
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wigglywormy · 7 years ago
A Day Off [submission]
I finished this fic WAY FASTER than I thought I would lmao. Also hi it’s me again 8) 
Ok so Lee! Kirishima is literally the cutest fucking thing I’m talking like my heart explodes at the thought of it. As much as I love Lee! Bakugo This is just such a cute idea. I love thinking about how much Kirishima loves to laugh and how he rlly likes tickling in general and he just has so much fun with this omg. And his underarms being his most ticklISH SPOT??? YEEEEES. Here u go enjoy ily so much
worms notes: IM CRyING ILY DUDE this was such a gift to wake up to omg. please never stop submitting me fics i love them so much ur such a good writer !!! kirishima is so fucking cute i love this………… so much………. <3333
Finally, a day off. Heroes in training hardly ever get a chance to rest, but the pro heroes are having a planning-day, which gives their students a full day to do whatever they’d like. Some chose to study, or work out, or practice their abilities as much as possible. But for two specific boys, they decided to spend their day in their dorm room, playing video games. 
Actually, it was Kirishima’s idea to stay home and do nothing. Bakugo seemed highly irritated to be cooped up inside. The two sat on the floor, in front of Kirishima’s small T.V. Bakugo picked at a thread coming off of his sock, grumbling to the other. 
“We should really be brushing up on our hero work. Instead of doing this dumb shit.” Kirishima grunted as he lost another round on Street Fighter II. He set the controller on the ground and cracked his knuckles, chuckling a little. 
“C’mon, Bakugo. It’s a day off! We should really enjoy it while we can.”
Bakugo rolled his eyes somewhat, looking away from his boyfriend. 
“The number one hero never gets a day off. That’s why we should stay focused.”
Another round started up, and Kirishima got sucked back into the game. But after a moment, he spoke. 
“Look, Bakugo. I completely understand. But you’re already such an impressive guy; I really don’t think just one day off will hurt you.”
Bakugo was used to complements, not that they inflated his ego or anything. Not anymore, at least. He was silent for a minute, before shrugging. 
“It’s just not in my interest to sit around. If you wanna waste the day, go ahead. I’m gonna go for a run or somethin’.”
He began to stand up. Kirishima paused the game and watched the other. 
“C’mon, Bakugo. Grab the other controller! I’ll be happy to beat you to a pulp in a safe way, this time.”
The blonde scoffed. “I don’t feel like kicking your ass right now.”
“Oh yeah?” Kirishima teased, a toothy grin blooming across his face. “I’ve been playing this game since I was a little kid. I’m a master at it.”
“You’re not master of anything.” Bakugo replied, reaching down to slip on his running shoes. Kirishima stood, stretching his spine out a little. 
“Sure I am. You just haven’t given me a proper chance to prove myself yet.”  What’s his deal? Was he trying to piss him off? Because it seemed to be working. Bakugo’s eye twitched slightly. 
“So the sports festival wasn’t enough of a chance?”
Kirishima frowned. “I’ve practiced a lot since then. C’mon, give me another shot.” 
“Right now?” Bakugo raised an eyebrow. “You really want to fight, right now?” Kirishima grinned, shrugging a little. “Sure, why not?” He put up his dukes, giggling. His pure happiness got on Bakugo’s nerves. “In here seems like a terrible idea.” 
“But if we go outside, people will see you get your butt kicked by me.”  Bakugo’s blood boiled a little. 
“You’re starting to piss me off, you know.” 
“Aw, relax, Bakugo. I’m just messin’ around. Besides, with a weakness as big as yours, it’s easy to take you down.” 
Bakugo froze a little at the word weakness. He turned towards the door, about to forget all this nonsense and just leave, but now he wanted to prove Kirishima wrong more than anything. He sighed, kicking his shoes aside. 
“What’ya mean, weakness?” 
Kirishima’s smile turned devilish. “Dude, you’re the most ticklish person I’ve ever met.” 
Bakugo scoffed again. “That’s not a weakness,” He began, before swallowing thickly at the realization Kirishima was right. He shook his head. 
“Look, I already said I don’t feel like kicking your ass right now.” Bakugo replied, beginning to pick up his running shoes again. Kirishima decided he had enough of his grumpy attitude, and snuck up behind him. His fleeting fingers dashed into Bakugo’s sides, tickling him mercilessly. 
“Jeez, Bakugo. You should really take my advice and relax for once.”  Bakugo instantly jerked against Kirishima’s touch, forcing a yelp down his throat. But he couldn’t stop the tumbling barrel of laughter that followed suit. His laughter was sudden and loud; it even surprised him. One hand slapped across his mouth, shrouding his giant smile, and the other hand angrily pushed at Kirishima’s tickling fingers. The two stumbled back, and Kirishima put one leg between Bakugo’s, attempting to bring him down to the floor. 
“See? It hardly took anything to get you laughin’ like this!” Kirishima teased, his fingers making their way to Bakugo’s middle, scribbling at his heaving stomach. His abs were pulled taught, making the tickling sensation even worse. Bakugo sucked in as much air as possible, his palms sizzling against Kirishima’s touch. 
“S-Stop it — Y-You fuck!” Bakugo begged,  struggling to get out of Kirishima’s grasp. But his hold was as strong as ever. 
“Maybe if you admit you’re ticklish, I might consider it.” Kirishima chuckled in Bakugo’s ear, kneading into Bakugo’s ribs again, as the blonde finally doubled over, desperately kicking his boyfriend. This always happens. They’ll be having a normal day, with nothing out of the ordinary. Bakugo would actually be in a calm mood, but Kirishima would do something stupid or annoying that would piss him off. As soon as he shows any kind of irritation, Kirishima would tickle him and say he needs to relax. No matter how hard he tried, Bakugo was simply too ticklish for his own good and always found himself in a pile of laughter. He always had been ticklish, and luckily no one found out until now. Now he can’t escape his own weakness even for a second. That thought alone really switched him into high gear. It was time for some serious payback. 
With a small surge of energy, and a little stroke of luck, Bakugo gripped Kirishima’s leg, squeezing his knee. 
Kirishima stumbled a little, snickering. “C-Cut that out, it–!” He giggled, “It tickles!”
His knees buckled, and the two tumbled to the floor. Kirishima finally released his grip on Bakugo’s sides, and the blonde didn’t hesitate to mount the other, straddling his hips. Kirishima was taken aback, but still smiling. 
“I like where this is going~.” He teased, but Bakugo wasn’t having it. He grabbed Kirishima’s wrists and pinned them above his head, panting. 
“I’m really sick of your shit, Kirishima.” He breathed, “Tell me your weak spots so I can fuck you up.”
Kirishima felt his face grow hot, but he knew better than to back down from a fight. Especially a fight with Bakugo. 
“Why don’t you find out yourself? It wouldn’t be a fair fight if I just handed you the answer, right?” 
Bakugo’s grip on Kirishima’s wrists grew tighter. Shuddering at the ghostly feeling of Kirishima’s tickly fingers attacking his ribs. Finding out sounded good. It sounded really good. He never really tickled anyone before, let alone someone who was willingly allowing it to happen. It pissed him off. His large hand hovered over Kirishima’s middle; the red-haired boy was wearing a skin-tight, cotton T-shirt. It left him wide open. Bakugo couldn’t decide where to start. He wished he knew Kirishima’s worst spot already, so he could really get a taste of his own medicine. He only hoped he was as ticklish as he was. Kirishima watched closely, his sides already tingling with anticipation. Each time Bakugo’s hand got close, he squirmed a little. At one point, His hand got dangerously close, and he started giggling. 
“Q-Quit teasing!” he pleaded, his cheeks still red. He knew not to activate his hardening quirk, which would be difficult, but he was all about fairness. 
“You’re laughing already and I haven’t even touched you.” Bakugo bit into his lower lip, trying to hide his evil smile. He was actually having fun with this. Finally, his fingers dug into Kirishima’s side, feeling for any ribs that he could wiggle in between. Kirishima yelped a little, trying to worm away from his touch. He giggled, but nothing too loud. So he wasn’t as ticklish as Bakugo was.
Bakugo found himself to be a little disappointed, so he upped the tempo a little. He really dug around, moving lower, curious as to if his hips were ticklish at all. Finally, Kirishima actually began to laugh, struggling a little more. 
“Aha- ah, shit!” Kirishima breathed, wiggling beneath the other. It was a good spot, but nothing special. Bakugo switched hands, and began to tickle his other side. Kirishima laughed harder, beginning to wheeze a little. 
“No-!” He almost whispered, especially as Bakugo got a little too close to his worst tickle spot. Bakugo seemed to be in deep concentration, eager to find where the hell his spot was. It wasn’t fair, for Kirishima to have a specific spot, but for him to be outrageously ticklish on every square inch of his body. That thought alone pissed him off again. 
“Ugh, c’mon! Where’s that fucking spot?” He growled, wishing he had both of his hands to explore faster. 
Kirishima lifted his head a little, pushing against Bakugo’s touch. 
“J-Just give up, dude,” He snickered as Bakugo pushed his thumb into the hollow of his hip. “Just admit I won!” 
“Die.” Bakugo spat, tickling up Kirishima’s sides again. His fingers crawled into the fold of Kirishima’s arm, and he found something wonderful. Kirishima threw his head back, nearly screeching. Bakugo tried not to look excited, as he clawed against his underarm. Kirishima bucked, his laughter roaring. 
“NO, NO NO!” He begged, kicking his leg against the floor as hard as he could. That was absolute worst spot. He found it. He was going to die. 
Knowing this was going to bring him success, Bakugo finally let go of Kirishima’s wrists, and shoved both his hands under Kirishima’s arms. The poor red-haired boy was laughing so hard, he merely wheezed and weakly squirmed away from Bakugo’s touch. Tears started to stream down his cheeks.
“F-Fuck, stop-!” Kirishima pleaded, pounding his fist against the floor. It was so difficult not to harden himself. He pressed his arms against his sides, bucking again as his laughter nearly shook the walls. Bakugo had a full-on smile at this point, as devilish as ever. 
“Doesn’t feel good, does it?” Bakugo actually teased, jabbing his fingers quickly right above Kirishima’s rib cage. The other was practically crying at this point; he could hardly breathe, let alone talk. After a few more moments of basking in this beautiful scene, Bakugo stopped. 
Kirishima coughed, catching his breath quickly. “Th-That’s…” He began. Bakugo cracked his knuckles, impatiently waiting for him to finish his sentence. Finally
Kirishima beamed up at Bakugo. “That’s all you’ve got?” 
Bakugo seemed surprised. “You’re fuckin’ with me, right? I could’ve killed you.” 
Kirishima shrugged. “I mean, I did say I was going to beat you in a fight one day, right?”
“Not this kind of fight.” 
“We never mentioned what kind. So yeah, this kind of fight.” 
Bakugo at least had the advantage of knowing where his most ticklish spot was. But he had a feeling Kirishima would do something stupid and he’d end up being the one heaving on the floor. But this was also at least satisfying his thirst for revenge. “Suit yourself.” He mumbled, before pinning one arm above Kirishima’s head, and tickling full-force against his underarm again. Within milliseconds, Kirishima was howling, enjoying every second of the sensation. His closeness with Bakugo felt stronger than ever, and so did his grip. He decided a little more time for Bakugo to soak up his feeling of success wouldn’t hurt. After all, the smile on his face was pure enough to cure diseases. His lungs felt like collapsing, and it almost felt like he was going into some kind of subspace whenever he squeezed his eyes shut and laughed with all his might; he saw stars and sparks off light, uncontrollably twisting his body away as much as possible with no means of escaping. 
In a word, his day off couldn’t have been more perfect.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years ago
Xenoforce II Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Metal Face (Disclaimer!! I own nothing of XenoBlade Chronicles or Ratchet and Clank!) For the next few weeks I’ve been playing some pretty awesome games with the paintball team. With all that was going on, it sounded pretty shitty not to ask Ratchet to be part of it. He was a good help to us. We even befriended the leader of our rival school’s paintball team, Victor Von Ion. He had one hell of a paintball suit. Chuck disagrees however and only sees us as a nuisance. And although I am busy with stuff I’m still keeping up my grades in my classes. “Good work Mr. Morrison,” said the professor, “Keep up the good work.” “Thank you sir,” I said. I was on my way to a store to meet Kitty to get some supplies. “So what do you need this stuff for again?” I asked. “Its for a new magic trick I’m practicing,” said Kitty, “Its gonna be amazing.” “What is it?” I asked. “It’s a surprise,” said Kitty, “But it requires a special tool. “What does it look like?” I asked. “I don’t know,” said Kitty, “I’m blind.” “You’re blind?” I asked, “Wait…. If you’re blind then how are you…” “I have this kind of radar that allows me to see things through a sound barrier,” said Kitty. “Wow,” I said. “I was born blind but I’m not ashamed of anything,” she said. (To the 4th wall) Holy shit that’s cool. “Good for you,” I said as I smiled, “But me… my uncle acts like he’s ashamed of me.” “Why?” asked Kitty. “He claims he knows who I want to be and how I should live my life,” I said, “Its just hard trying to get him to accept me for who I am.” “Why should you care about one family member’s approval?” asked Kitty, “You have dozens of friends.. well at least us who think you’re a good person.” “Thanks,” I said as I smiled. Meanwhile in another area of the store the masked man appeared with some mechons. “Gentleman, I’m here to pick up some items,” he said, “Act calmly and I won’t harm anyone.” He picked up a table with his bare hands and threw it. I saw him. “Oh no,” I said. “What is it?” asked Kitty. “Kitty you gotta hide,” I said, “That guy is bad news.” I took her somewhere safe. “Stay hidden,” I said, “I’ll be back after I call XenoBlade.” “Ok,” said Kitty, “Be careful!” I went to change my costume and sprung into action. “So you’re the famous XenoBlade the world talks about,” said the metal man. “And youi are?” I asked, “Metal Face?” “I kinda like that name,” he said, “Metal Face it is!” He commanded some mechons to attack me and I avoided them. One of them threw something at me. “Here’s your change!” I said as I threw it back using my headband. I jumpd around fighting off the mechons. I tried to do something with the headband but it was malfunctioning. “Oh shit,” I said, “Come on!” I suddenly had a vision of one of them attacking me from behind. I used the monado to cut off one of its tentacles. “Time to try out its new toys,” I said, “Monado Buster!” The blade part of the monado grew larger. Now I had more distance attacks. One of the mechons was about to tackle me but someone dashed by and pulled me out the way. IT was Denise. “Took you long enough,” I said, “Thanks.” “No problem,” said Denise. “Can you and the gang take care of the mechons for me?” I asked. “Got it bro,” said Micah. I saw Metal Face trying to escape with the tools he needed. “Get back here!” I said. I saw a mechon about to attack Kitty. “Kitty watch out!” I said. But somehow Kitty blocked it with her cane. “Am I the only one who saw that?” I asked. She kept blocking the attacks from the mechons and did some kind of spell that pushed them away. The mechons got away with the gear. I was face to face with Metal Face. “Give it up,” I said. “I don’t think so,” said Metal Face, “Looks can be deceiving but I am an expert at swordplay. He had some kind of blades on his hands. “Attack,” he said. I fought him and he blocked my attacks. The blades manage to cut through my costume. “Damn it!” I said. I kicked him in the face and he quickly got back up. “You really think fighting me will be that easy?” he asked. “You’re damn right I do,” I said, “What’s your game here?” “You wanna know?” he asked as he put his blades away, “Let’s talk.” “Very well,” I said, “But away from those people.” He got on a mechon and went to the top of a building. “From what I’ve seen you’re an amazing person,” said Metal Face, “We’re not so different when we see each other face to face.” “From what I’ve seen you just like getting what you want while hurting innocent people in the progress,” I said. “Well, everyone has their path,” said Metal Face, “Los Angeles and its people find you amusing, worship you like a hero.” “That’s because I am a hero,” I said, “I do what I have to.” “However one day they’ll all turn against you, it starts with one person, then it starts to grow,” said Metal Face, “So why bother?” “Because its right,” I said, “Its my responsibility.” “Responsibility,” he said, “A word that’s considered a poison for some of us.” He took out one of his swords. “I could kill you right now, but I’ll give you a choice,” said Metal Face, “Use your popularity, their trust, to convince them that the only way to evolution, is though the mechons. Imagine a world we could create….. or destroy, causing the deaths of innocent people again and again until we both die. IS that what you want?” He got on the mechon. “Think about it, hero!” he said as he flew away. I jumped down from the building to a cheering crowd. “Thank you, but its my team you should be thanking,” I said, “They make all of this possible.” “What are you doing?” asked Micah, “You know how much these people love you.” “I’m not gonna take full credit from my friends,” I said as I smiled. “Hey,” said Kitty, “You’re Mr. Xenoblade.” “Just Xenoblade,” I said as I smiled, “Mr. Xenoblade was my father.” “Oh my god, Michael!” said Kitty as she went inside. I jumped in and powered down and walked up to her. “Thank goodness you’re ok,” she said. “OF course,” I said, “Why wouldn’t I be?” She looked at my face. “You’re hurt,” she said, “Hold still.” She got a napkin and did some kind of spell. “This should heal that scar from your face,” said Kitty. “That’s really sweet Kitty,” I said.. Denise and Micah were smirking. I flipped them off. I was continuing my double life saving people and hanging out with Kitty. Meanwhile my paintball team was getting some phenomenal results thanks to me, Ratchet and Clank. My uncle was looking at the paper. “Who is Xenoblade?” he read, “He’s a criminal is what he is.” “Christopher,” said my mom. “He’s a menace Vixen,” said Uncle Chris, “He’s just like the rest.” He showed her another article about some other superheroes causing damage at a party. “Come on, they can’t help it if they’re a little clumsy,” I said.  “Michael its people like Xenoblade that are responsible for how our city has turned out,” said Uncle Chris, “Look around you, there’s vandalism, disrespectful children, and criminals with powers similar to him.” “Not everyone with super powers are criminals,” I said, “I talk to Xenoblade all the time.” “You what?” he asked. “We’re pals, homeboys,” I said, “He’s always there to listen no matter what.” “Do yourself a favor,” said Uncle Chris, “Stay away from him.” “Wait what?” I asked. “He’s a bad influence on you, and your friends,” he said, “Most importantly he’s interfering with life.” “You don’t know that,” I said. “Yes I do,” he said, “Don’t you ever say I don’t know something when I do.” “Xenoblade’s a good guy,” I said getting angry, “He’s out there saving the world and doing things the police can’t.” “Can’t?” asked Uncle Chris. “Yeah,” I said. “Michael I will not have you affiliated with those demons out there pretending that they’re on our side,” said Uncle Chris, “If you and Xenoblade don’t stand back and let the police do their job there’s gonna be nothing we can do for you. One day that Xenoblade is gonna get what he deser….” “I’m not gonna listen to anymore of this,” I said. I stormed out and headed back to campus.
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2ndbat · 5 months ago
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[ just tell me what I am ]
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tuseriesdetv · 4 years ago
Noticias de series de la semana
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Netflix ha renovado Love and Anarchy por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado Cidade Invisível por una segunda temporada
CBS ha renovado The Equalizer por una segunda temporada
Apple TV+ ha renovado Central Park por una tercera temporada
Amazon ha rescatado la tercera temporada de Loudermilk que no llegó a emitir Audience Network
La segunda temporada de Special (Netflix) será la última
La quinta temporada de Queen of the South (USA Network) será la última
Claire Foy (The Crown) y Paul Bettany (WandaVision) protagonizarán la segunda temporada de A Very English Scandal. Serán los duques de Argyll, cuyo divorcio fue muy sonado en los años 60.
Josh Holloway (Lost, Colony) protagonizará Duster. Será el valiente conductor de las escapadas de una banda criminal en el suroeste de Estados Unidos en los años 70.
Dakota Fanning (The Alienist, I Am Sam) será Marge Sherwood, americana viviendo en Italia que sospecha de las motivaciones de Ripley (Andrew Scott), en Ripley.
Lucy Hale (Pretty Little Liars, How I Met Your Mother) será Lake Edmunds, nueva agente de policía, en Ragdoll.
Chloe Bennet (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nashville), Dove Cameron (Liv and Maddie, Descendants) y Yana Perrault serán The Powerpuff Girls en The CW.
Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin, Kajillionaire), Jake Johnson (New Girl, Stumptown) y Kesler Talbot (50 States of Fright) protagonizarán Lost Ollie, la serie de Netflix híbrido entre acción real y animación. Serán Sharon y  James, los padres de Billy; y Billy, el niño que ha perdido a su conejo Ollie. Jonathan Groff (Mindhunter, Looking) pondrá voz a Ollie, que ha acabado en una tienda de segunda mano sin poder volver a casa. Mary J. Blige (The Umbrella Academy, Power Book II: Ghost) y Tim Blake Nelson (Watchmen, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) pondrán voz a Rosy y Zozo, una osita de peluche y un muñeco payaso que ayudan a Ollie a encontrar a Billy. La serie de cuatro episodios ha sido creada, escrita y producida por Shannon Tindle (Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings). Será dirigida por Peter Ramsey (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Rise of the Guardians). La animación corre a cargo de Industrial Light + Magic (The Mandalorian).
Famke Janssen (How to Get Away with Murder, X-Men) será recurrente en Long Slow Exhale como la doctora Melinda Barrington, la rectora de la universidad.
Annie Murphy (Schitt's Creek, Kevin Can F*** Himself) y Carolyn Michelle Smith (House of Cards, Colony) se unen a la segunda temporada de Russian Doll. No se conocen detalles.
Connor Swindells (Sex Education, Emma.) protagonizará SAS: Rogue Heroes. Será David Stirling, un excéntrico soldado aburrido. Hospitalizado tras un ejercicio de entrenamiento que sale mal y convencido de que los comandos tradicionales no funcionan, decide crear otra forma de ataque y reclutar a los soldados más duros, valientes e imprudentes para una unidad encubierta. Le acompañarán Jack O'Connell (Skins, Godless), Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones, Jojo Rabbit), Sofia Boutella (Modern Love, Atomic Blonde), Dominic West (The Wire, The Affair), Amir El-Masry (Industry, Jack Ryan), Theo Barklem-Biggs (The First Team, Carnival Row), Corin Silva (The Bay), Jacob Ifan (Bang, Cuffs), Dónal Finn (Cursed, The Witcher), Jacob McCarthy (A.P. Bio), Michael Shaeffer (Bodyguard, The Salisbury Poisonings) y Miles Jupp (The Durrells, Rev.).
Leslie Bibb (Popular, Nobodies) y Kevin Dunn (Veep, Samantha Who?) serán Satán y Gene, el padre de Clark (Ben Falcone), que es el mensajero de Dios, en God's Favorite Idiot.
Tom Mison (Sleepy Hollow, Watchmen) participará en la segunda temporada de See.
Katrina Law (Arrow, Hawaii Five-0) se une como recurrente a la decimoctava temporada de NCIS con posibilidad de convertirse en regular en la decimonovena. Será la agente especial Jessica Knight, experta en negociación en secuestros.
Snoop Dogg (Dolemite Is My Name), La La Anthony (Power, The Chi) y Serayah (Empire) serán recurrentes en Black Mafia Family como el pastor Swift, consejero espiritual de la familia Flenory; Markaisha Taylor, esposa de un traficante de drogas; y Lori Walker, novia de Demetrius Flenory (Lil Meech).
Mark Pellegrino (Supernatural, 13 Reasons Why) se une como regular a American Rust. Será Virgil Poe, marido de Grace (Maura Tierney).
Michelle Gomez (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Flight Attendant) se une como regular a la tercera temporada de Doom Patrol. Será Madame Rouge, excéntrica con una misión muy específica pero que no recuerda.
Lexi Underwood (Little Fires Everywhere) será recurrente como Malia, la hija de Michelle Obama (Viola Davis), en The First Lady. Aya Cash (The Boys, You're the Worst), Jake Picking (Hollywood), Cayden Boyd (Heathers, Awkward), Marc Hills (Snatchers), Ben Cook (Paterno), Leslie Rodriguez Kritzer (Bridge and Tunnel), Thomas E. Sullivan (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; Roswell, New Mexico) y Patrice Johnson Chevannes (Chambers) serán Esther Liebowitz, secretaria de prensa de Betty Ford (Michelle Pfeiffer); la versión joven de Jerry Ford (Aaron Eckhart); Michael, Jack y Steven, los hijos de Betty Ford; Martha Graham, profesora de baile de Betty en 1939; Bill Warren, el primer marido de Betty y Clara Powell, la niñera de los Ford; en The First Lady.
Shar Jackson (Moesha) participará en los episodios finales de Shameless como Constance, una prima de Veronica (Shanola Hampton) que vive en Louisville.
Adelayo Adedayo (Timewasters, Origin), Ian Hart (My Mad Fat Diary, The Last Kingdom), MyAnna Buring (Ripper Street, The Salisbury Poisonings), Kerrie Hayes (The English Game, Tin Star), Warren Brown (Strike Back, Luther), Josh Finan y Emily Fairn protagonizarán The Responder junto a Martin Freeman.
Lizzie Broadway (Here and Now, The Rookie) y Jaz Sinclair (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) se unen al spin-off de The Boys que Amazon estaría a punto de encargar.
Barrett Carnahan (Cobra Kai, Alexa & Katie), Andrea Anders (Joey, Ted Lasso), Benjamin J. Cain Jr. y Nicole Bilderback (Dawson's Creek, Dark Angel) se unen como recurrentes a Cruel Summer.
Ruby Cruz (Castle Rock, Mare of Easttown) sustituye a Cailee Spaeny en el papel de Kit, la hermana melliza del príncipe secuestrado, en Willow.
Midori Francis (The Birch, Dash & Lily), Gavin Leatherwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Christopher Meyer (Tell Me a Story, The Affair), Ilia Isorelýs Paulino (Queenpins), Lauren "Lolo" Spencer (Give Me Liberty) y Renika Williams (Over-the-Rhine) se unen como regulares a The Sex Lives of College Girls. Serán Alicia, Nico, Canaan, Lila, Jocelyn y Willow, estudiantes de Essex College.
Babs Olusanmokun (The Defenders, The Widow), Christina Chong (Line of Duty, Bulletproof), Celia Rose Gooding (Jagged Little Pill), Jess Bush (Playing for Keeps) y Melissa Navia (Dietland) se unen a Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
Uyoata Udi será Inspectah Deck en la segunda temporada de Wu-Tang: An American Saga.
Joshua Caleb Johnson (The Good Lord Bird, Snowfall) se une como recurrente a Women of the Movement. Será Wheeler Parker Jr., el primo y mejor amigo de Emmett Till (Cedric Joe).
Dominique Fishback (The Deuce, Judas and the Black Messiah) será Robyn, amiga de la familia que ayuda a Ptolemy (Samuel L. Jackson), en The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey.
Sarah Catherine Hook (NOS4A2) y Imani Lewis (Star, The Get Down) protagonizarán First Kill. Serán Juliette Fairmont, una tímida y amable vampira adolescente; y Calliope Burns, una adolescente vulnerable y valiente cazadora de monstruos.
       Nuevas series
Natalie Portman (Black Swan, Jackie) y Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave, Us) protagonizarán Lady in the Lake, limited series de Apple TV+ ambientada en Baltimore en los años 60 y adaptación de la novela de Laura Lippman (2019). Serán Maddie Schwartz, un ama de casa y madre que se reinventa como periodista de investigación tras un asesinato sin resolver; y Cleo Sherwood, una mujer muy trabajadora que combina la maternidad con varios trabajos y la meta de ayudar con el progreso de la comunidad negra en Baltimore. Escrita por Dre Ryan (Colony, The Man in the High Castle) y Alma Har'el, dirigida por Har'el (Honey Boy) y producida por Ryan (The Man in the High Castle, The Exorcist), Har'el, Portman y Nyong'o.
Kaley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory, The Flight Attendant) protagonizará y producirá una limited series sobre Doris Day. Basada en su biografía 'Doris Day: Her Own Story' escrita por A.E. Hotchner (1976). Producida por Warner Bros TV y Greg Berlanti (The Flight Attendant, Brothers & Sisters). Aún no hay cadena asociada.
Will Forte (The Last Man on Earth, Saturday Night Live) protagonizará y producirá Expiration Date, drama de Peacock sobre un hombre roto que considera suicidarse para que su familia pueda cobrar el dinero del seguro y planea qué hacer en el año que todavía debe permanecer con vida. Escrito y producido por Harry y Jack Williams (The Missing, Liar).
Peacock encarga Langdon, serie precuela de The Da Vinci Code y adaptación de la novela de Dan Brown 'The Lost Symbol' (2009) en la que Robert Langdon (Ashley Zukerman; Succession, A Teacher) deberá resolver una serie de rompecabezas mortales para salvar a su mentor y frustrar una escalofriante conspiración global. Completan el reparto Valorie Curry (The Following, The Tick), Rick Gonzalez (Arrow), Eddie Izzard (Hannibal, Powers) y Sumalee Montano (This Is Us, Scandal). Escrita y producida por Dan Dworkin y Jay Beattie, guionistas de Criminal Minds y Revenge y creadores de Scream y Matador. Producida por Dan Brown, Brian Grazer y Ron Howard, que ya produjeron las adaptaciones cinematográficas de The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons e Inferno.
FX ha encargado nueve episodios de Fleishman Is in Trouble, limited series sobre un cuarentañero recién separado y con hijos cuya esposa desaparece sin dejar rastro y deberá afrontar qué pasó con su matrimonio para saber qué le ha ocurrido a ella. Escrita y producida por Taffy Brodesser-Akner y basada en su novela (2019).
ITV encarga tres episodios de The Tower, thriller criminal en el que un policía veterano y una adolescente mueren al caer desde lo alto de un edificio en Londres mientras quedan vivos en la azotea un niño de cinco años y una agente novata que desaparece horas después. Adaptación de 'Post Mortem' (2015), la primera novela de la saga de Kate London, antigua agente de la Policía Metropolitana en la unidad de homicidios y delitos graves. Escrito y producido por Patrick Harbinson (Homeland, Person of Interest) y dirigido por Jim Loach (Save Me, Victoria).
Amazon desarrolla Women of the Year, antología adaptación del proyecto 100 Women of the Year de Time. Cada episodio se centrará en una mujer. Creada y producida por Alma Har'el (Honey Boy).
OWN ha encargado The Kings of Napa, drama sobre una familia afroamericana cuyo patriarca abandona la empresa de viñedos dejando a sus tres hijos luchando por el control. Escrita por Janine Sherman Barrois (Claws, Criminal Minds) y producida por Oprah Winfrey. Matthew A. Cherry (Hair Love) dirigirá los dos primeros episodios.
Amazon desarrolla The Wives, thriller sobre una mujer localmente enamorada de su marido, aunque sepa que tiene dos esposas más que ella no conoce, que un día entabla una relación con la más joven y comienza a preguntarse quién es su marido exactamente. Adaptación de la novela de Tarryn Fisher (2019). Escrita y producida por Kayla Alpert (Code Black, Ally McBeal).
Searchlight Television ha adquirido la saga de novelas fantásticas The Inheritance Trilogy, donde los dioses moran entre los mortales y una familia poderosa y corrupta gobierna la Tierra, para su adaptación televisiva. Producida por Will Smith y Jada Pinkett Smith.
Bradley Walsh (Doctor Who, Coronation Street) y Joanna Scanlan (No Offence, Hold the Sunset) serán Pop y Ma en The Larkins, dramedia adaptación de la novela 'The Darling Buds of May' (1958) de H.E. Bates para ITV. Sabrina Bartlett (Bridgerton, Victoria) será Mariette Larkin, una de los seis hijos de esta familia de clase obrera. Tok Stephen (Grantchester, Holby City) será Cedric 'Charley' Charlton. Escrita por Simon Nye (The Durrells, Finding Alice). Producida por Bradley Walsh. Seis episodios.
Peacock desarrolla Wild Cards, adaptación de las novelas de George R.R. Martin que desarrolló previamente Hulu.
ITV encarga seis episodios de The Ipcress File, adaptación de la primera novela de la saga de Len Deighton (1962) protagonizada por el espía Harry Palmer (Joe Cole; Gangs of London, Peaky Blinders). Completan el reparto Lucy Boynton (The Politician, Sing Street), Tom Hollander (The Night Manager, The Missing), Ashley Thomas (Them, Top Boy), Joshua James (Industry, Life), David Dencik (Top of the Lake, Genius) y Tom Vaughan-Lawlor (Dublin Murders, Love/Hate). Escrita y producida por John Hodge (Trainspotting, The Beach). Dirigida y producida por James Watkins (McMafia, Black Mirror).
HBO Max desarrolla Enjoy Your Meal, comedia que examina satíricamente la cultura tóxica de la industria food media. Inspirada en los escándalos del verano de 2020 en adelante, se centrará en un grupo de jóvenes asistentes negros que se alzaron para destrozar la cultura corporativa. Escrita y producida por Amy Aniobi (Insecure). Ryan Walker-Hartshorn (Bon Appétit) servirá como consultora.
ABC Signature y Searchlight Television han adquirido City of Ghosts, la novela de Victoria Schwab (2018) que sigue a una adolescente que se ve inmersa en una épica batalla entre fantasmas y humanos, para su adaptación. Escrita por David Lowery (A Ghost Story, Pete's Dragon) y Sehaj Sethi (Two Sentence Horror Stories) y dirigida por Lowery (A Ghost Story, Pete's Dragon). Producida por Schwab y Gerard Butler.
ALLBLK ha encargado seis episodios de Lace, que sigue a una prolífica y exitosa abogada de Los Ángeles (Maryam Basir) que no respeta los límites entre el bien y el mal al proteger a su rica y poderosa clientela. Completan el reparto Skyh Black (Sistas), Tanyell Waivers (Queen Sugar), Antoine Harris (Ballers, The Breaks), Terrell Carter (Empire), Leonard Roberts (Heroes, American Crime Story), Kellita Smith (The Bernie Mac Show, Z Nation), Shanti Lowry (Family Time, The Game), Chris Attoh (A House Divided), Nate Walker, Jordan T. Johnson, Taylor Bynoe, Mollie Dolcimascolo y Isaac Stephen Montgomery. Creada, escrita y producida por Katrina Y. Nelson y Michelle Ebony Hardy y dirigida por Jamal Hill (Deuces, Brotherly Love).
Grace se estrena en ITV el 14 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Family Reunion llega a Netflix el 5 de abril
La quinta y última temporada de Queen of the South se estrena en USA Network el 7 de abril
Them llega a Amazon el 9 de abril
La quinta y última temporada de Van Helsing se estrena en Syfy el 16 de abril
La segunda temporada de Bigger se estrena en BET+ el 22 de abril
La segunda y última temporada de Special llega a Netflix el 20 de mayo
Tráilers y promos
Line of Duty - Temporada 6
Family Reunion - Temporada 3
Van Helsing - Temporada 5 y última
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groovygladiatorsuit · 4 years ago
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Build. Battle. Create. Fortnite Battle Royale is the always free, always evolving, multiplayer game where you and your friends battle to be the last one standing in an intense 100 player PvP mode. Available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac, iOS, and Android.
Save the World
The Storm came without warning and 98% of the world's population vanished … then came the monsters. You and up to four players lead the world's remaining Heroes in a battle to save survivors and hold back the monster hordes. Explore a large, destructible world where no two games are ever the same. Build huge forts, craft exotic weapons, find loot and level up your Heroes.
Battle Royale
Fortnite Battle Royale is the completely free 100-player PvP mode in Fortnite. One giant map. A battle bus. Fortnite building skills and destructible environments combined with intense PvP combat. The last one standing wins.
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Build your Fortnite. Imagine a place where you make the rules, filled with your favorite things and your favorite people. Claim your own personal island and start creating! Design your own games. Invent games with friends, and build your dream Fortnite experiences. Your island, your friends, your rules.
On mobile, Fortnite is the same 100-player PvP game you know from PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Mac. Same map, same gameplay, same weekly updates. Build your fort as you battle to be the last one standing. Jump in and squad up with friends around the world or in the same room.
Band together online to build extravagant forts, find or build insane weapons and traps and protect your towns from the strange Monsters that emerge during the Storm. In an action experience from the only company smart enough to attach chainsaws to guns, get out there to push back the Storm and save the world. And don't forget to Loot all the things.
What's New:
Android version updated to 13.30.0.
Splash down into Chapter 2 - Season 3! Survive more than just the Storm in the aftermath of its revenge. As the Island adapts to its flooded way of life, stay afloat, take on new enemies and new challenges. Haven't tried Fortnite before? Explore the Island and check out what's new. Dive in!
Games For Mac Computers
Season X - Battle Pass
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New Season, new Battle Pass. 100 levels, over 100 new rewards. Find out more information on everything that’s new in Season X in the announce blog. In Season X, you'll have the ability to gift the Battle Pass to a friend! Available on all platforms (timing may vary per regions) until August 15th. Your first purchase also includes a unique Gift Box for you to use when gifting items from the shop.
Few suits make you feel as powerful as a mech suit does. In this two-person vehicle, players can control its movement while their partner controls its firepower. Those feeling extra adventurous can operate it solo by switching between moving and shooting!
Rift Zones
The Zero Point Explosion has made the island volatile! Locations once thought to be lost are beginning to appear, but they aren’t the same as they once were… Drop in and explore to discover what mysterious gameplay changes they have in store.
Weapons + Items
This vehicle can be operated by up to two players. If two players are operating it, one (the driver) controls movement, while the other (the gunner) rains down missiles and shotgun shots.
The driver is able to:
Dash into combat.
Super Jump to victory.
Stomp enemies and structures into the ground.
Anything you would normally harvest will grant materials when destroyed.
The passenger has two weapons at their disposal: a shotgun and a missile launcher.
Clip Size: 10
Damage: 50
Headshot Multiplier: 1.5x
Missile Launcher
Fires up to 10 missiles at once.
Holding down Trigger will begin loading missiles.
After releasing Trigger, or after 10 missiles have been loaded, all missiles will automatically fire.
New Mechanic: Overshield
Consumes 200 of any Material type to create a personal overshield for 5 seconds to protect you in the mech.
Quad Crasher
Flint Knock Pistol
Shadow Bomb
Semi-Auto Sniper
Tactical Assault Rifle
Mounted Turret
Air Strike
Itemized Glider Redeploy (still available in large team modes)
Over time, we have added many mobility options, both itemized and map-based. We feel that Season X is better experienced with a reduction in mobility. As with all changes, we’ll keep a close eye on how this affects the player experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the Heavy Shotgun not piercing through water in modes where it is available.
All Campfires now heal vehicles.
The Storm Scout Sniper Rifle no longer has perfect hip-fire accuracy after aiming down sights.
Boogie Bombs and Grenades no longer pass through vehicles.
Missions are a series of thematic objectives that grant rewards. As you complete these objectives, you'll earn Battle Stars, XP, and exclusive cosmetic items.
Battle Pass Owners will get access to a new Weekly Mission with rewards each week.
More information about Missions can be found in the Battle Pass and Challenges tabs.
Limited Time Missions
Limited Time Missions are available to all players.
Daily Challenges have been replaced by Limited Time Missions.
Each Limited Time Mission contains Objectives that unlock over the course of a week.
One Objective unlocks each day, even if you don’t log in, and the Mission expires after 7 days. So make sure to finish all your Objectives in that Week’s Limited Time Mission before the 7th day ends!
A new Limited Time Mission is available each week.
NOTE: Any Challenge that previously required Daily Challenges to complete can now be completed with Limited Time Mission Objectives.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue involving players getting stuck under a ramp as it’s placed.
Arena Game Mode updates!
Season kicks off with Solos and Trios Arena.
Hype will be reset at the start of Season X, with a new scoring structure in place.
10 Divisions - point values have been increased, but progression should be roughly the same. The bolded divisions are new.
Open I (0 - 499)
Open II (500 - 999)
Open III (1000 - 1499)
Open IV (1500 - 1999)
Contender I (2000 - 2999)
Contender II (3000 - 4499)
Contender III (4500 - 6499)
Champion I (6500 - 9999)
Champion II (10000 - 13999)
Champion III (14000+)
Scoring model updates - standardized points and bus fares across all playlists.
Eliminations: 20pt
Top 25: 60pt
Top 15: 30pt
Top 5: 30pt
Victory Royale: 60pt
Eliminations: 7pt (per team member)
Top 8: 60pt
Top 4: 30pt
Top 2: 30pt
Victory Royale: 60pt
Bus fare increases at Divisions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Matchmaking in Arena is still based on players with similar Hype. Players in higher divisions may experience longer-than-normal wait times to ensure higher-quality matches.
Improved level streaming performance for all platforms by optimizing the way assets are preloaded. This reduces cases in which players land on buildings with a low level of detail, particularly on Switch and Xbox One.
Free Full Games For Mac
The Ride the Pony Emote is now a traversal Emote.
Players who earned the Ride the Pony Emote from the Season 2 Battle Pass have been given a new, additional traversal Emote: Pony Up!
Added new bullet impact sounds.
Increased the volume of distant gunfire and Gliders.
Increased Chest volume and audio range by 10%.
Bug Fixes
Ambient sound no longer cuts out when players walk between biomes.
Pressing the Main Menu button on controllers now defaults focus to the Main Menu (right side of the screen).
Bug Fixes
The loading content message will no longer be stuck at 0% when players are matchmaking.
Fixed a Lobby camera issue when returning from a replay.
Fixed an issue that prevented the selection of different players in the Lobby after switching from different game modes.
Selecting Leave Match no longer prevents a player in your party sitting out in the Lobby from entering matchmaking.
A new camera mode, Battle Map, has been added to server replays. This camera mode shows:
A path of where the followed player has been during the match.
The locations of the eliminations the followed player has done during the match.
Auto-fire system improvements:
We’ve re-tuned Auto-fire for every weapon with this update and would love specific and detailed weapon feedback so that we can continue to improve it.
If you want to try it out and don't use Auto-fire already, go into your HUD settings and enable Auto-fire.
Added a new setting: Tap to Search/Interact for Controllers.
Added a message for devices on Android that have the Sensor Pressure settings (S8, S8+, S9, S9+, and Note 9) to inform players about the settings being active.
Players would unintentionally return to the Home screen due to this setting being active.
We’ve increased the size of buttons and icons in the following areas:
The Frontend Lobby tab buttons.
The Crown for Party leader display icon.
The Map Marker.
'First team to reach the elimination goal wins!' message won’t remain throughout the whole match in Team Rumble.
Bug Fixes
Exiting a vehicle won’t reload the player’s weapon.
The button for skipping cutscenes is now visible on Android.
Vertical black lines aren’t displayed on the Challenges page.
The Settings Menu will properly display when language is set to Spanish.
The text on the menu buttons in the Settings Menu is aligned.
Quick Heal button won’t appear when falling or after opening the map.
Scaling the Quick Heal button in the HUD Layout Tool won’t cause the icon to change to the item's icon in the inventory.
Quick Heal button won’t disappear from the HUD Layout tool when another button is modified.
Players are able to open doors or Chests while using the ADS button.
Build mode button will correctly change to the Weapon mode button when pressing it on Android.
Added header on multiple widgets in the HUD Layout Tool.
Graphical improvement of CloudBreaker outfit.
Graphical improvement of the blue variant of the Sea Wolf outfit.
Freefall icon will be displayed when falling to the map.
ADS button won’t be displayed when driving a vehicle that you entered while holding a gun.
When updating the Banner Trooper outfit, players won’t disappear in the Locker, and the proper Banner will be displayed.
Edit button will be displayed when using passenger seat.
Screen won’t turn black when looking inside of a body of water.
Jump button won’t remain greyed out after players press it.
Audio improvements.
Fixed the occasional static sounds on Android.
Tapping with interactable items in Edit mode will no longer cause the camera to lock.
Player won’t be able to edit through structures.
Ex: Looking at your wall and being able to edit another structure (floor, ramp, roof).
Fixed an unopenable Chest near Polar Peak.
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daysswithyou · 7 years ago
Hot and Cold Part I
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Characters: DAY6 Dowoon x OC
Genre: fluff, slice of life
Words: 1.7k
Description: What is likely to happen when the hot and cold fall into a tumbling mess.
part ii
The big metal doors clanged shut with a large bang behind, making you wince in pain at the loud noise assaulting your sensitive nerves. The disgruntled sigh that came from your school’s security guard made you shrink, guilt crawling its way into your heart. You felt bad that you stayed so late in school and delayed the closing of the school for the school but there was some urgent student council matters to handle and being it’s president, you had no choice but to stay back and plough through the thick stack of paperwork.
I bet the school security guard hates me now…
As you muttered a mental apology to the school security guard, you noticed your bus zoom past your sight and that’s when the urgency of the situation hit you.
The next bus stop was 5 minutes away by foot,
The bus would reach in 2 minutes,
And that was the last bus of the night.
To make the situation worse, the rain was pounding onto the pavements mercilessly, the impact of the rain onto the ground making the small droplets rising up to your knee level. The first thought on your mind was simply to run, and that’s exactly what you did. Holding onto the contents of your backpack to make sure that they don’t fall out, you ran after the bus frantically, taking in mouthfuls of rain as you gasped for breath. Thankfully, you managed to catch the bus in time but by that time, you were soaking wet. Water droplets was literally dripping from your clothing, your hair was stuck in your face and you were coughing rather violently in an attempt to rid all that extra water from your body system. As you got onto the bus, the first sensation you were aware of was the cold. The air conditioning was on and coupled with your wet self, the entire bus felt like Antarctica to you. As the passengers threw dirty stares your way, you tried to hurry along the aisle to find a seat at the back and eventually, you slumped into the seat and curled your body, trying to conserve as much body heat as possible. As a pool of water began to form steadily around you, no one was within a three seat radius of you and you didn’t even have the energy to feel hurt or guilty anymore. All you could think of is how terribly cold you are and how much you wished you had a jacket with you now.
So of course, when someone sits down beside you, it caught your attention. Looking up, you see a familiar face. Squishy cheeks, curly dark hair and contrasting deep set eyes that always make him seem more mature than his actual years. Yoon Dowoon, the basketball star of your school, was sitting right next to you.
But that isn’t the most shocking thing.
Him giving you his jacket is.
But when he drapes his black basketball jacket over you, you don’t protest. Instead, you snuggle deeper into the warm jacket, extremely grateful for the residual heat left behind. You mumble out a weak “Thank you”, your teeth chattering so much it’s making it hard for you to speak coherently. When he shifts closer towards you, you naturally scoot away, afraid that your backpack and you are taking up too much space. But when you feel him scoot closer the second time, you start to wonder why.
What is he doing? Is he going to try something funny? But he isn’t that type of guy right? It also doesn’t make sense for him to be nice to me and then try to harm me later.
That’s when realisation hit you.
Oh… he’s trying to keep me warm with his body heat…
At this point, you let your guard down, close your eyes and drift off to sleep for a little while. The next time you awake, he was gone and you had reached your stop. Your hand instinctively curled around the jacket and you held onto it tightly until you got home. That’s when you were stripped bare of all your possessions including his jacket before being sent into the hot shower by your concerned mother. You hadn’t even noticed you had brought him his jacket until your mother questioned you about it.
“Y/N are you dating?”
“What’s with that weird question? Of course not. I don’t even have time to sleep, how on earth am I supposed to find time to date?”
“Then whose jacket is this?”
“Mum what are you talking about? That is clearly mi – oh.”
The name “Y.DOWOON” and number “25” was stencilled in big white fonts at the back of his jacket.
“Who’s Dowoon, and why do you have his jacket?”
“He’s my school’s star basketball player. I was soaked just now so he lent me jacket to keep me warm. I didn’t even notice that I had brought it home. But don’t worry Mum, I swear I’m not lying and that I’m not dating him, or anyone.”
“Don’t get yourself into a twist honey. I believe you if you say so. Just got some rest now.”
You nodded your head as she left your room, the lights outside dimming as she retires for the night. As for you, you absentmindedly admire his jacket, running your hands across his name and feeling the soft fabric under your skin.
I should probably wash this; it must be dirty from all that rain water. Let’s check if he has anything in the pockets.
Turning the pockets inside out, your fingers came into contact with the rougher surface of a piece of paper and you smoothened it out before reading the small, neat font which you assumed was Dowoon’s penmanship.
 I didn’t take the jacket back because you looked like you needed it more than I did. You can return it to me whenever you see me in school. Take care.
 You smiled at the sweet gesture and placed it neatly on your table before proceeding to wash the jacket.
The next day in school, with the jacket in hand, you walked up to your friend whom was a fan of the school basketball team on Dowoon’s whereabouts.
“Hey Emma, do you know where the basketball team is?”
“Yea. What’s the matter though? Are you going there to cheer on a special someone?” She then wiggled her eyebrows at you before snatching the jacket out of your hands to reveal Dowoon’s jacket in front of the whole school.
You took back the jacket defensively before folding it neatly in your arms.
“Goodness Emma that was uncalled for! Can you just tell me where they are if you know? I’ll explain later.”
“Ok you better! They’re in the basketball court now playing a match. It starts at 10.10am.”
You quickly worked out the timings in your brain.
It’s 10am now and the match starts in 10 minutes. I won’t have time to make it there in time. Should I just return it to him after the match?
But then, you realised that was not an option. Their basketball coach focuses a lot on unity right down to their attire. It’s a school tradition for the whole school team to appear on court with their jackets on and you’ve seen what happened when someone doesn’t: they don’t get to play for the whole game. It is unreasonable, yes, but an issue that is out of your control as well.
I can’t make him lose his opportunity to play; I got to get this to him now!
Without thinking much, you pushed past students to reach the basketball court before you missed your window of opportunity. When you got the basketball court, the team was just making their way onto court and you could easily spot Dowoon amongst the crowd, he was the only one without his jacket. Even down sweat was dripping down your back and every muscle on your body was on fire due to your sudden outburst of running, you simply charged forward whilst calling out his name.
“Dowoon! Wait!”
The male snapped his head to look at you and you tried to stop yourself before reaching him but as luck would have it, the floor was too slippery and you ended up colliding into him before both of you collapsed onto the floor. He broke your fall and his back took most of the impact, which means that you were now lying directly on top of him.
In front of a crowd of thousands of students and teachers.
Your day had quickly gone from hero to zero as the entire court hushed, all pairs of eyes on the both of you.
The predicament caused you to freeze in place; you had never been this physically close to a male before and you didn’t know what to do. For a brief moment, you were aware of his gaze upon your eyes, his breath fanning across your lips and his strong arms on your back.
“Are you ok?”
“Yea I’m fine! Oh gosh I’m so sorry Dowoon, are you hurt?”
“No I’m fine.”
You quickly got off him and helped him up before actually doing what you came to do.
“Here, your jacket. Thank you for last night and eh… good luck for the match!”
“Thank you.” He took the jacket and slipped it on and once you were satisfied with what you were seeing, you dashed out of the basketball court, semi hiding your face in your hands as you did. Dowoon watched you as you left the place, shaking his head a little at how goofy you were before taking his place amongst his teammates
In the locker room, his teammates began to question him about that little incident.
“Hey Dowoon, what’s up with you and the Council President?”
Wanting to let these events remain private to only you and him, he merely shook his head before pulling the hood over his head. Realising that the jacket smelled like you, he smiled a little to himself picturing your flustered look just now. Plus point: You smell like peaches, which also happened to be his favourite fruit.
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jflashandclash · 7 years ago
Attrition of Peace
Eighteen: Kalypso
The Return of the Paxmobile
(or: Dananananana Dnananana Paxmobile!)
 Everyone was laughing as they ran out of the club. Pax scrambled to pull his shirt back on. Axel surprised her and Euna with a quick front flip as they ran. He laughed like a maniac and Kally realized Merry’s power had affected more than the Heroes of Olympus.
The outside cold snapped Kally more into reality. The gleeful tears that streaked down her cheeks now turned to trails of ice. She’d been in a sound booth tucked into one of the walls with protective Plexiglas. Apparently, it wasn’t uncommon for the merfolk to splash the electronics whenever they disliked a song so everything had been waterproofed. Also effective for, In Case of Percy Jackson. Despite that, Merry had taken over the music halfway through with her jacket, allowing Kally to dance in the isolation of her box without any responsibilities.
“Okay, Merry, I owe you an apology,” Axel admitted. “I didn’t think whatever idea you had was going to work. I mean… the Diet Cokes?”
“The sacrifice to Dad,” Merry giggled. “I ain’t that powerful.” Calex carried her bridal style as they ran down the alleyway. She kept throwing her head back and forth, like she was still dancing to the music, making it as difficult for Calex to carry her as possible.[1]
Merry had collapsed in the club. That party had completely drained her. Kally had seen Merry talk her way out of tons of exercising in gym class and wasn’t used to Merry looking so exhausted. Now, she kept giggling nonsensically, waving her fingers haphazardly to a beat no one could hear, nuzzling up against Calex’s chest, and mumbling the words to Bollywood songs. The grin on her face was absolutely silly and contagious.
“You two—” Merry flicked her hand at Pax and Axel, making Kally duck to avoid being struck. “—are great at the whole war thing, but you’re not very god at peace, are you two?”
Pax laughed and stated, “No, all we’ve ever known is violence,” in the least comforting manner he could.
The image of Pax’s bedroom fluttered to the surface of Kally’s memory—the corner with the chains, clubs, and whips. All the mirth flushed out of her. Instead, she thought about laying beside Pax on his bed, and about what Pax must have done to make Frank flustered the other day. Did other demigods have this problem? Worrying about their traumatized not-boyfriends making out with unwary praetors?
“Merry, that was brilliant, though you’re a mad woman,” Calex said, interrupting Kally’s thoughts on her muddled emotions.
They turned out of the alley onto the main street. Axel slowed them to normal walking pace to draw less attention. The sky was dark now—as dark, Kally figured, as the sky could get in Brooklyn. It gleamed with an ominous orange haze that washed out most of the stars, like Hephaestus was hammering away new New York Part II to impress Athena somewhere nearby.
The streets were busy with the night crowd. Some people made Kally happy that Euna had Backbiter and that someone as intimidating as Axel was leading them.
Now that they’d left the energy of the club and were walking, Kally could feel herself shake in the cold. Merry was the only one with a real jacket in the group. Calex’s beanie and scarf couldn’t have kept him that much warmer.
“Why did you need me to shoot Percy?” Calex asked.
Merry giggled. “Oh, that wasn’t for the plan. I just thought Pax would get a kick out of seeing Percy fall in love with Jason.”
Calex’s jaw dropped. Axel choked on a laugh. Pax burst into one. Even Euna cracked a half-smile, though Kally thought Euna’s grin might have been in reaction to her own musings due to the distant glint in her eyes.
“You had me shoot at the SON OF POSEIDON because this idiotic block might get ‘a kick out of it?!?’” he demanded.
“M-Merry, you’re am-mazing,” Pax said, wiping happy tears from his eyes. “I g-give you 10 out of 10 on app-preciating your efforts—HUNNIE! BALLER!”
Before Calex could drop Merry on the sidewalk or toss her into Pax to knock both of them over, a shriek erupted from a passing group of girls in high heels and boys in button downs. “Ew! Rats!”
Two furry creatures darted through their prancing feet and, upon reaching Pax’s legs, scampered up his pants. Once they reached his belt, they burrowed under his shirt, incurring several shouts of glee and pain.
“Ow—ow! Ha ha! Ow! Guys—I missed you—aye! Who fixed you up, Hunnie?!” he asked.
Axel smiled. Then his eyes widened. “Wait—Ajax, if they’re here—”
“We can have weasel death battles again!” Pax exclaimed, and hugged a squirming bulge along his waist.
“That… too, but it means—”
“That means the Paxmobile is nearby!” Pax scrambled to withdraw the two weasels from his shirt. As he pulled them out, they wriggled and bit as his arms. “Ow—ow—go forth my—ow—pretties! F-find us our mobile home!”  
 Kally wasn’t sure how much time passed before Sam Datta’s taxi-van stopped. They’d tried walking after Hunnie and Baller for ten minutes before calling Sam, all of them shaking from the cold and exhausted.
Sam was a little skeptical about letting a pair of weasels direct their movement, but the skepticism turned to wonder when Pax handed him a pocket full of denari and drachma.
“Is this… pirate edition Monopoly money?” he asked. He glanced in concern to where Merry, Calex, and Euna had immediately collapsed in the back seats. Merry was out after a delirious greeting, “vanakkam.[2]”
“It’s what Frank and Jason had in their pockets,” Pax said, hopping in the passenger seat. “So, they’re probably made out of gold. Can you imagine if New Rome was using monopoly money though?” Pax shook his head. “We could use inflation to destroy their economy. Mu ha ha.”
Sam shrugged. “That credit card from earlier didn’t bounce yet. Did you guys beat up her stalker and their cavalry reinforcements?” He pointed a thumb at Kally.
Kally frowned. She wished that wasn’t the story they’d gone with. She sat in the middle with Axel.
“We showed them how to party,” Merry sleepily murmured from the back.
Sam shook his head. Despite the late hour, his eyes were still lit up with excitement. “Hey man, I want details. I’m not driving you places for monopoly money and Mr. Stoic’s angry glare. Now, before I hear how you kicked mythological ass, I’m not going to get dive bombed by like, a dragon, this time, am I?”
Kally thought about Festus, the bronze dragon that Leo had.
“No,” Axel said with firm confidence.
At the same time, Pax said, “Possibly.”
Sam’s eyes sparkled more. “Ah, awesome. Well, I hope you can make sense of my biostat notes, because you’re going to help me study between story time.”
 Pax sat in the front to watch the weasels dash across the dashboard and verbalize their movement to Sam. Axel sat up, alert, and vigilantly scanned the horizon.
Kally wanted to stay awake, to make sure they didn’t derail too far from Camp Half-Blood to find the Paxmobile, though it would be nice to have their own transportation. Honestly though, Kally didn’t know if they were going away from Camp Half-Blood, considering her lack of knowledge about the geography of New York.
Apparently, something about the weasels’ dance across the dashboard was mesmerizing enough for Kally to nod off. When she felt the car roll to a stop, she could smell the cloy mix of spicy chocolate and sweat in her nostrils. Her face and right arm felt toasty despite the cold of the van. Kally glanced up, looking past a torn and bloody Camp Jupiter shirt to where Axel was staring out the window.
Her face was pressed against Axel’s chest and his arm was loosely around her shoulder. When he noticed her wake up, he gave her a soft smile, ruffled her hair, and removed his arm.
Kally’s face felt even toastier.
For a disorienting moment, Kally had a weird flashback to her brother, John. Before he’d became a total jerk, when Kally was really little, he used to help carry her inside the house whenever she fell asleep on long car rides. Sometimes, she’d pretend to have fallen asleep, just so John would complain about how heavy she was while tossing her over one shoulder.
The memory faded when Axel startled and shouted, “STOP!”
Sleepy grumbles erupted from the back.
They squeaked to a sharp halt. From the ease of the break, they couldn’t have been going that fast. From what Kally could see in the scattered street lamps, they were in a suburban neighborhood, with concrete sidewalk forming a horseshoe in a cul-de-sac. They’d braked at the entrance of the cul-de-sac.
The houses were nice, middle-income family homes, bigger than Kally’s house, but she was used to her friends’ houses being bigger. Each had about an acre of land, with minor landscaping and a few scattered trees.
There wasn’t anything that should have made Axel shout for them to stop. Except maybe Hunnie and Baller. They were going nuts and doing flips. One scratched at the front windshield while the other sprinted in circles around the dashboard.
“Unicorn or something?” Sam asked, ducking his head back and forth like he might see something.
Axel pointed to the last house in the cul-de-sac.
Amidst the overgrown grass of that last house, there was indeed a unicorn grazing in the grass. Kally was relieved to see the sputtering rainbow sparkles erupt out of the red and black stallion ahead. Vinyl was okay and happily munching on the lawn.
A white, dented pharmaceutical van was parked in the house’s narrow parking lot.
Kally hoped that was their Paxmobile, and not Lapis and Hiro’s. But she could see the faintest hint of paint on the side, from where the Pax brothers had scribbled Pax Extraction Team. A weird nostalgia hit her as she thought about playing card games with Pax’s holographic deck in the back.
A golden donkey poked its head out from the other side of the Paxmobile: Lucius the Golden Ass.
“That’s just a deer du—oh.” Sam’s eyes went wide. “Oh, man, are most deer secretly unicorns? Have I hit a unicorn with my car before without even knowing it?”
He edged the taxi forward at a slow roll.
Axel shot forward and grabbed Sam’s shoulder. “I said stop.”
The taxi halted again. “Are unicorns deadly?” Sam asked, wide-eyed.
“Very,” Pax said absently. “I heard they eat human livers.” He sat rigidly in the passenger seat, leaning forward slightly. He bounced slightly back and forth in a motion recognized as his I want to hop but I’m sitting.
“Krios and Luke only told you that so you’d stop asking for one,” Axel said. His normal sigh didn’t follow. Instead, his gaze was steady. The Mist fluttered for a moment, and Kally could see his pupils had widened, leaving a thin rim of his iris, like a cat ready to pounce.
“There’s a rune barrier around that house,” he said. Kally didn’t see anything, but she assumed this was a true sight thing.
“Like..?” Pax asked.
“A child of Hecate rune barrier,” Axel clarified.
Pax went silent. Kally thought he might break his seat if he bounced anymore. She could imagine the internal, chibi version of Pax clawing at his seatbelt, squealing, “Release me!”
Something small and ghostly darted from under the Paxmobile, gliding bouncily towards their taxi, like the most menacing of specter bunnies.  
One of the weasels on the dashboard made a loud squeak and phased through the windshield. Kally blinked, watching as the remaining one bit and attacked the glass in attempt to follow after.
“Wow! Your ferret can—”
The weasel left in the car shrieked at Sam before continuing to attack the glass.
“Weasel,” Pax corrected absently. He looked stunned as he watched their weasel scamper up and intercept the approaching white figure.
“Baller does that sometimes,” Axel said. His posture was rigid. He absently grabbed at his belt, where a weapon should have been. This was the tensest Kally had seen him since he interacted with Aphrodite. “Kally, wake up the others. Everybody needs to get out.”
As soon as the doors opened, Hunnie darted off to join Baller in attacking that floating spectral thing. Once Pax remembered to remove his seatbelt, he bolted after them. Merry wouldn’t budge. Calex, sleepily, had to carry her out. None of them wanted to wake up Euna. They took Joey’s old piece of advice about throwing things at her, mostly crumbled up pieces of Sam’s notebook. Fortunately, she didn’t assault any of them on waking. She just glared.
Sam said he’d wait at the bottom of the cul-de-sac until he heard everything was okay. He hefted up his biostats book and cracked it open for some studying. “Unicorns and golden donkeys make the perfect backdrop for studying. Besides, knowing my luck, you’ll make the house explode or something.” He made it sound like that really would be lucky. Kally was starting to wonder what this guy did on weekends, other than pick up random kids with stolen credit cards and take them to strange houses by weasel direction.
As they walked up the small incline of the sidewalk, towards the house, Axel seemed deaf to Calex’s questions about where they were and what they were doing and why they weren’t at Camp Half-Blood yet. Though his questions quieted to glee at seeing Vinyl in the yard.
Ahead of them, Pax reached the three battling creatures and dropped onto the pavement, crying, “Nietz! Nietz!” Kally thought neats was a weird thing to call when being overrun by—
“Oh gods,” Calex groaned, “Are there really three of those damned things?”
When she got close enough, Kally recognize the small specter to be another weasel, this one albino. The three weasels decided Pax’s body was a battle ground, bounding over his limbs, hiding, and ambushing one another.
Tears streamed down Pax’s cheeks as he scrambled to snatch up the albino weasel. “Axel—Axel, it’s Nietz! Do—do you think—”
           They were at the house’s property line when Axel knelt down. He touched a part of the concrete, and a green rune appeared on the ground, glowing dimly. “It’s an alarm ward,” he said absently. He clenched his jaw.
           The three weasels bound away from Pax to scamper around Axel’s legs. He reached down to pet the white weasel, who dropped onto its back and curled to bite and scratch his fingers. “Hey Nietzsche,” he greeted with a soft smile. He stood up, inhaled shakily, and said, “Whoever lives in that house will already know we’re here. Let’s check to see if everything is in the van. I want to be armed. Just in case.”  
 Thanks for reading :D Are you ready to meet the new Seventh Traitor of Olympus?
[1] My niece does this when you carry her and it is terrifying since you never know when she’ll drive to dive out of your arms.
[2] Greeting in Tamil.
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oldschoolretrogaming-blog · 8 years ago
List of NES Games
10 Yard Fight 1942 1943 3-D Worldrunner 720 degrees 8 Eyes A Nightmare on Elm Street Abadox The Addams Family The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Dragonstrike Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Heroes of the Lance Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Hillsfar Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Pool of Radiance Adventure Island Adventure Island II Adventure Island III Adventures in the Magic Kingdom The Adventures of Bayou Billy The Adventures of Dino Riki The Adventures of Gilligan's Island The Adventures of Lolo The Adventures of Lolo II The Adventures of Lolo III The Adventures of Rad Gravity The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Air Fortress Airwolf Al Unser Jr.s Turbo Racing Alfred Chicken Alien 3 Alien Syndrome All Pro Basketball Alpha Mission Amagon American Gladiators Anticipation Arch Rivals: A Basket Brawl! Archon Arkanoid Arkistas Ring Astyanax Athena Athletic World Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Baby Boomers Back to the Future Back to the Future II & III Bad Dudes Bad News Baseball Bad Street Brawler Ballon Fight Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach Bandit King's of Ancient China Barbie Bard's Tale Barker Bill's Trick Shooting Base Wars - Cyber Stadium Series Baseball Baseball Simulator 1.000 Baseball Stars Baseball Stars II Bases Loaded Bases Loaded II: Second Season Bases Loaded III Bases Loaded IV Batman Batman Returns Batman: Return of the Joker Battle Chess The Battle of Olympus Battle Tank Battleship Battletoads Battletoads and Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team Beetlejuice Best of the Best: Championship Karate Bigfoot Bill and Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge Bionic Commando Black Bass Blades of Steel Blaster Master Blue Marlin The Blue's Brothers Bo Jackson Baseball Bomberman Bomberman II Bonk's Adventure Boulder Dash A Boy and His Blob Bram Stoker's Dracula Break Time: The National Pool Tour Breakthru Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble: Part 2 Bucky Ohare The Bug's Bunny Birthday Blowout The Bug's Bunny Crazy Castle Bump N Jump Burai Fighter Burgertime Cabal Caesars Palace California Games Captain America and the Avengers Captain Planet Captain Skyhawk Casino Kid Casino Kid 2 Castelian Castle of Dragon Castlequest Castlevania Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Caveman Games Championship Bowling Championship Pool The Chessmaster Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers 2 Chubby Cherub Circus Caper City Connection Clash at Demonhead Classic Concentration Cliffhanger Clu Clu Land Cobra Command Cobra Triangle Code Name: Viper Color a Dinosaur Commando Conan: The Mysteries of Time Conflict Conquest of The Crystal Palace Contra Contra Force Cool World Cowboy Kid Crash N the Boy's: Street Challenge Crystalis Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine Dance Aerobics Danny SulIvans Indy Heat Darkman Darkwing Duck Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum Day Dreamin Davey Day's of Thunder Deadly Tower's Defender II Defender of the Crown Defenders of Dynatron City Deja Vu Demon Sword Desert Commander Destination Earth Star Destiny of an Emperor Dick Tracy Die Hard Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise Digger T. Rock: Legend of the Lost City Dirty Harry: The War Against Drugs Donkey Kong Donkey Kong 3 Donkey Kong Classics Donkey Kong Jr. Donkey Kong Jr. Math Double Dare Double Dragon Double Dragon II: The Revenge Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stone Double Dribble Dr. Chaos Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dr. Mario Dragon Fighter Dragon Power Dragon Spirit: The New Legend Dragon Warrior Dragon Warrior II Dragon Warrior III Dragon Warrior IV Dragon's Lair Duck Hunt Duck Tales Duck Tales II Dungeon Magic Dusty Diamonds All-Star Softball Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus Elevator Action Eliminator Boat Duel The Empire Strikes Back Evert and Lendl Top Player's Tennis Excitebike F-117A Stealth Fighter F-15 Strike Eagle Family Feud Faria: A World of Mystery and Danger Faxanadu Felix the Cat Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge Fester's Quest Final Fantasy Fire N Ice Fisher Price: Firehouse Rescue Fisher Price: I Can Remember Fisher Price: Perfect Fit Fist of the North Star Flight of the Intruder The Flintstones The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll Flying Warrior's Formula 1: Built to Win Frankenstein: The Monster Returns Freedom Force Friday the 13th Fun House G.I. Joe G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor Galaga Galaxy 5000 Gargoyles Quest II Gauntlet Gauntlet II Guardian Legend Gemfire Genghis Khan George Foreman's KO Boxing Ghostbusters Ghostbusters II Ghost's N Goblins Ghoul School Goal! Goal! Two Gold Medal Challenge 92 Golf Golf Grand Slam Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode The Goonies II Gotcha! Gradius The Great Waldo Search Greg Norman's Golf Power Gremlins 2: The New Batch The Guardian Legend Guerilla War Gumshoe Gun Nac Gunsmoke Gyromite Gyross Harlem Globetrotters Hatris Heavy Barrel Heavy Shreddin High Speed Hogan's Alley Hollywood Squares Home Alone Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Hook Hoop's Hudson Hawk The Hunt for Red October Hydlide Ice Climber Ice Hockey Ikari Warriors Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue Image Fight The Immortal The Incredible Crash Dummies Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Infiltrator Iron Tak Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors II Isolated Warrior "Ivan ""Iron Man"" Stewarts Super Off-Road" Jack Nicklaus Major Championship Golf Jackal Jackie Chans Action Kung Fu James Bond Jr. Jaws Jeopardy! Jeopardy! 25th Silver Anniversary Edition Jeopardy! Jr. Edition The Jetsons: Cogswells Caper Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour Joe and Mac John Elways Quarterback Jordan VS. Bird: One-On-One Journey to Silius Joust The Jungle Book Jurassic Park Kabuki: Quantum Fighter Karate Champ Karate Kid Karnov Kick Master Kickle Cubicle Kid Icarus Kid Klown in Night Mayor World Kid Kool Kid Niki King's Knight King's of the Beach King's Quest V Kirby's Adventure Kiwi Kraze Klashball Knight Rider The Krion Conquest Krusty's Funhouse Kong Fu Kung Fu Heroes Laser Invasion Last Action Hero Last Ninja The Last Starfighter Lee Trevinos Fighting Golf The Legacy of the Wizard Legend of Ghost Lion The Legend of Kage The Legend of Zelda Legendary Wing's Legend's of the Diamond Lemmings Lempereur Lethal Weapon Life Force Little League Baseball: Championship Series The Little Mermaid Litle Nemo: The Dream Master Litle Ninja Brothers Little Samson Lode Runner The Lone Ranger Loopz Low G-Man Lunar Pool M.C. Kids M.U.L.E. M.U.S.C.L.E. Mach Rider Mad Max The Mafat Conspiracy: Golgo 13 II Magic Dart's Magic Johnson's Fast Break Magic of Scheherazade Magician Magmax Major League Baseball Maniac Mansion Mappyland Marble Madness Mario Bros.. Mario is Missing Mario's Time Machine Marvels X-Men Mechanized Attack Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Mendel Palace Metal Gear Metal Mech Metal Storm Metroid Michael Andrettis World Grand Prix Mickey Mousecapades Mickey's Adventures in Numberland Mickey's Safari in Letterland Might and Magic: Secret of the Innner Sanctum Mighty Bomb Jack Mighty Final Fight Millipede Milon's Secret Castle Mission Cobra Mission: Impossible Monopoly Monster in My Pocket Monster Party Monster Truck Rally Motor City Patrol Ms. Pac Man Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival The Mutant Virus Mystery Quest Narc NES Open Tournament Golf NES Play Action Football NFL Football Nigel Mansells World Championship Racing Nightshade Ninja Crusader Ninja Gaiden Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom Ninja Kid Nintendo World Cup Soccer Nobunagas Ambition Nobunagas Ambition II North and South Operation Wolf Orb-3D Othelo Overlord P.O.W.: Prisoners of War Pac Man Pac-Mania Palamedes Panic Restaurant Paper Boy Paper Boy 2 Peter Pan and the Pirates Phantom Fighter Pictionary Pinball Pinball Quest Pinbot Pipe Dream Pirates! Platoon Popeye Power Blade Power Blade 2 Power Punch II Predator Prince of Persia Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom Pro Sport Hockey Pro Wrestling (Mike Tyson's) Punch-Out The Punisher Puss N Boot's: Peros Great Adventure Pzznic Q*Bert Qix R.C. Pro-Am Racing R.C. Pro-Am II Racket Attack Rad Racer Rad Racer II Raid on Bungeling Bay Rainbow Islands Rally Bike Rambo Rampage Rampart Remote Control The Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ Renegade Rescue: The Embassy Mission Ring King River City Ransom Roadblasters Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Robocop Robocop 2 Robocop 3 Robo Warriors Rock N Bal Rocket Ranger The Rocketeer Rockin Kats Roger Clemens MVP Baseball Rollerball Rollerblade Racer Rollergames Romance of the Three Kingdon's Romance of the Three Kingdon's II Roundball: 2 on 2 Challenge Rush N Attack Rygar S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Aattack Tea Secret Scout Secret Storm Section Z Seicross Sesame Street: 123 Sesame Street: ABC Sesame Street: ABC/123 Sesame Street: Big Bird's Hide and Speak Sesame Street: Countdown Shadow of the Ninja Shadowgate Shatterhand Shingen the Ruler Shooting Range Short Order/Eggsplode Side Pocket Silent Service Silkworm Silver Surfer The Simpsons: Bart VS. The Space Mutants The Simpsons: Bart VS. The World Simpsons: Bartman Meet's Radioactive Man Skate or Die Skate or Die 2 Ski or Die Skulls and Crossbones Sky Kid Sky Shark Slalom Smash T.V. Snake Rattle N Roll Snakes Revenge: Metal Gear II Snoopy's Silly Sport's Spectacular Snow Brother's Soccer Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warship Solomon's Key Solstice Space Shuttle Project Spelunker Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six Spot Spy Hunter Spy VS. Spy Sqoon Stack Up Stadium Events Stanley and the Search for Dr. Livingston Star Force Star Soldier Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Voyager Star Wars Starship Hector Star Tropics Stealth ATF Stinger Street Cop Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight Strider Super C Super Cars Super Dodge Ball Super Glove Ball Super Jeopardy! Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Off-Road Super Pitfal Super Spike VBall Super Spike VBall/World Cup Soccer Super Spy Hunter Super Team Games Superman Swamp Thing Sword Master Sword's and Serpents Taboo: The Sixth Sense Tag Team Wrestling Tale Spin Target: Renegade Tecmo Baseball T&C Surf Design Tecmo Bowl Tecmo NBA Basketball Tecmo Super Bowl Tecmo World Cup Soccer Tecmo World Wrestling Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Tennis Terminator 2: Judgment Day The Terminator Terra Cresta Tetris Tetris 2 The Three Stooges Thunder and Lightning Thunderbirds Thundercade Tiger-Heli Time Lord Time's of Lore Tiny Toon Adventure's Tiny Toon Adventure's 2: Trouble in Wackyland Tiny Toon Adventure's Cartoon Workshop To the Earth Toki Tom and Jerry Tomb's and Treasure Toobin Top Gun Top Gun: The Second Mission Total Recall Totally Rad Touchdown Fever Town and Ccountry II: Thrillas Surfari Town and Country Surf Design's Toxic Crusaders Track and Field Track and Field II Treasure Master Trog Trojan Twin Cobra Twin Eeagle Ultima: Exodus Ultima: Quest of the Avatar Ultima: Warrior's of Destiny Ultimate Air Combat Ultimate Basketball Uncharted Water's Uninvited The Untouchables Urban Champion Vegas Dream Vice: Project Doom Videomation Volleyball Wacky Races Wall Street Kid Wario's Wood's Wayne Gretsky Hockey Wayne's World Werewolf: The Last Warrior Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune: Family Edition Wheel of Fortune: Featuring Vanna White Wheel of Fortune: Jr. Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? Where's Waldo? Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Whomp Em Widget Wild Gunman Willow Win Lose or Draw Winter Games Wizardry II: Kight of Diamonds Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Wizards and Warrior's Wizards and Warrior's III Wolverine World Champ World Championship Wrestling World Class Track Meet World Game's Wrath of the Black Manta Wrecking Crew Wrestlemania Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth WWF King of the Ring WWF Wrestlemania Challenge WWF Wrestlemania: Steel Cage Challenge Xenophobe Xevious Xexyz X-Men Yo! Noid Yoshi Yoshi's Cookie The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Zanac Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Zen: Intergalactic Ninja Zodas Revenge: Star Tropics II Zombie Nation
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koganeirou · 8 years ago
Tagged by @mikulek04​ Thank you for tagging me C:
5 things you’d find in my bag:
My wallet. I have a rilakkuma coin pouch that I stuff all my bills + my student ID and coupons
My keys. Though my keys are more on my bag since I clip them to the handle and I have a floofy fox key chain hanging from them too.
A nail clipper cuz you never know when they come in handy
Medicine for stomach cramps because I get them really often
My retainer case
5 things in my bedroom:
All my stuffed animals
All my paintings and art work from school and stuff. I store a lot in the basement but lately I’ve been too lazy to move my big ass canvases to the basement so they’ve been chilling in my room.
My potato computer though lately I’ve been using my dad’s computer since it’s just flat out better
My clothes. No shit.
Two VIXX posters cuz I’m VIXX trash
5 things i want to do in life:
Own a pet. My dream is to have a cat!
Get more gaming consoles because I only have my 3DS right now
Do commissions... though at this point it’s more of a pipe dream honestly because art has become far more of a hobby than a dedication for me
Meet my online friends 
Learn another language 
5 things that make me happy:
Kuroyuki (best boy)
Bubble tea. Honestly whenever someone gives me bubble tea my entire day just brightens
Finishing a drawing
5 things i’m currently into:
NIGHTSHADE. This game absolutely phenomenal and everyone should do themselves a favor and play it //shot. I temporarily dropped both Amnesia and Ace Attorney Investigations II to finish this game asap because it’s that good.
Honestly otome games/visual novels in general? I used to be really secretive about liking them because I didn’t want people judging me but now I’m literally gonna get a vita so I can play Collar X Malice and danganronpa v3
Fire Emblem Heroes though I’ve currently been really disheartened because I have less than 20 stones and it’s been months since I rolled a 5 star *huffs*
MADs. Recently I’ve found a lot of good music through these videos.
Persona 5. Despite not playing it because I don’t own a PS3 or PS4 I see it on my dash the most so I reblog it most often LOL
5 things on my to-do list:
Get my driver’s license that I slacked off on for two years my parents won’t let me slack off anymore *weeps*
Finish all or almost all the games and visual novels on my to-play list (Amnesia, AAI2, Nightshade, Dandelion, Zero Time Dilemma, SMT IV that I bought on sale in March but haven’t touched since oops, and more)
Get a PS Vita.
Watch Goblin. And maybe some other kdramas but I doubt I’ll get to that because summer vacation is short.
Deal with all my University admissions shit aka the biggest chore ever
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2ndbat · 5 months ago
A PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE . (my Wayne verse since I did something like this for my Main verse already, last name and profession would be the only difference stat wise but its something)
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repost, do not reblog, with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some others of your own !
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NAME. Terrance Wayne NICKNAME(S). Terry ALIAS(ES). Batman, The Bat, uses the last name Prince on public records
AGE. 16-17 SPECIES. half-human, half-amazonian GENDER. trans masc ORIENTATION. bisexual, biromantic
INTERESTS. gymnastics, wrestling, martial arts, health and medicine related subjects, History (in general and especially from first hand accounts), cooking, dogs, mechanics and engineering, tech, dancing (the list goes on, but mostly things that help him be Batman) PROFESSION. student, Batman
EYES. ice blue HAIR. black SKIN. pale FACE. somewhat sharp features(?), cleft chin, cheek dimples when smiling or upset, piercing eyes, fuller top lip than bottom HEIGHT. 5'7''
ANTAGONISTS. Jokerz and T gang members, Spellbinder, Shriek, Inque(sometimes ally), Mad Stan, the royal flush gang (minus the 2 children, they reformed), Blight, Curare, Terminal, Willie Watt(reformed), and many more (too many to name them all) COLORS. black, red, grey, brown FRUITS. pomegranate, apples, technically tomatoes and avocados DRINKS. coffee, water, soda, juice, hot chocolate, milk, smoothies, shakes ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. none. SMOKES? no DRUGS? no DRIVERS LICENSE? yes
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abraxasrinbalt · 8 years ago
88.) List all the video games on your phone, console, etc. Plz and thank~♡
Sweet baby Jesus in a beer cozy, get comfy, cus this is a LONG-ASS LIST LMAO
Small legend:
This means I really enjoyed and/or recommend playing it.this means it disappointed me, and so you might not wanna play it.
POKEMON ((Play all of them or I’m blocking you*))
Core Series:
YellowCrystalFireRedEmeraldPearlPlatinumSoulSilverWhiteWhite 2YOmegaRubyAlphaSapphireMoon
Mystery Dungeon:
Red Rescue TeamExplorers of DarknessGates to Infinity ((*except this one, it was disappointing.))Super Mystery Dungeon
Side Games:
SnapStadiumStadium 2ColosseumXD: Gale of DarknessDashRangerRanger :Shadows of AlmiaRanger: Guardian Signs
Legend of ZeldaA Link to the PastLink’s AwakeningOcarina of TimeMajora’s MaskOracle of AgesWind WakerMinish CapFour Swords AdventuresTwilight PrincessPhantom Hourglass ((fuck you repeat dungeon of death))Spirit TracksSkyward SwordA Link Between Worlds
In no particular order:
Metroid PrimeMetroid Prime 2: Echoes
StarCraftStarCraft II: WIngs of Liberty
Donkey Kong 64Diddy Kong Racing
Conkur’s Bad Fur Day
Star Fox 64Star Fox AdventuresStar Fox Command
Robot Unicorn Attack
Pony Island
Uncharted: Drake’s FortuneUncharted 2: Among ThievesUncharted 3: Drake’s DeceptionUncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Big Brain Academy (NDS)
The Land Before Time: Activity CenterThe Land Before Time (GBA)
Mr. Potato Head Activity Pack
Kirby: Crystal ShardsKirby’s Epic Yarn
Super Smash Bros.Super Smash Bros.: Melee
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham HeartbreakHamtaro: Ham-Ham Games
Avatar: The Last Airbender (GC)
Need For Speed: Underground 2Need For Speed: Most Wanted
Spyro the DragonRypto’s RageYear of the DragonEnter the DragonflyA Hero’s TailThe Legend of Spyro: A New BeginningThe Legend of Spyro: The Eternal NightThe Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
Dragon Rage
Final Fantasy XIV ((Still playing it))
World of Warcraft ((hi im new i have no opinions yet lmao))
I think that’s all of them? Man, remembering all of this off the top of my head is... pretty good lmfao.
And no, before anyone accuses me of a Pokémon or LoZ bias, it’s literally because a good chunk of the games I’ve played were these two. It was a lot easier than listing everything by series, or game console.
Of note: I’ve played Saturn Bomberman nigh on constantly with a couple close irl friends, and alongside Diddy Kong Racing it remains one of my absolute favourite party games. 10/10 would recommend.
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