#frequent advice
RE: the last post about Deanna becoming a Bridge Officer...
Wasn't she technically already a bridge officer? Or is there a difference between her being a Senior Officer/Counselor who happens to be on the bridge at all times next to the captain as a senior advisor, and a Bridge Officer who does the exact same thing but gets to sit in the captains chair?
If memory recall serves me, you can be a bridge officer without taking the Captains Test or whatever it's called, including the kobiyashi maru test, bc not all officers on the bridge are eligible to sit in the captains chair should it be requested???
Like for some reason I assumed that if you were allowed to be on the bridge working and manning stations, you were a Bridge Officer... But apparently in order to be a Bridge Officer you have to complete a test for Captains, although Crusher has the Bridge Officer Status, even though she doesn't operate on the bridge...
Literally the only difference I can see between you average Officer on the Bridge and a Bridge Officer is whether or not they are eligible to sit in the captains chair once in a blue moon..
Like Deanna is a Senior Officer, With Rank, who is frequently seen doing shifts on the Bridge as an Advisor and Picard's aid in Diplomacy, and your telling me she doesn't have the title of Bridge Officer bc she didn't take an exam to sit in Picard's Seat every 3rd Tuesday of the month????
Like "Line of Command" or even "Acting Captain Eligible" would've been better maybe???
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smorgasbort · 9 months
It sounds weird considering they're mute and featureless but I really like the character of C4-621. I suppose I should say I like them conceptually, rather than just liking the specific C4-621 self-insert that I play as.
I like this stoic shell of a human being who's gone through so much that at this point they're pretty much only capable of piloting an AC and doing nothing else. They're merely functional.
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But they're still a person with thoughts and drives and they still manage to express themself with the sole outlet they have available, the AC they're doomed to pilot. It isn't just a weapon and a lifeline, it's a canvas which Raven uses to design (or regain) their personality.
It's my own personal headcanon, but because of the reasoning above I like to imagine that when I get obsesses over ACs working both functionally and aesthetically and spend longer on colour-schemes that weapons, that's reflected in C4-621 spending hours between missions poring over notebooks and sketchpads and colour palettes.
It helps that on Tumblr I've seen so many people interpret their own personal C4-621s in so many different ways that all feel very personal and unique.
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qeggyinjail · 9 months
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happy new years and happy holidays from jyyyuuugooo
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tj-crochets · 7 months
Went to the doctor just for a check up and he basically just told me "your body just processes sugar very well! :) :) :) It's a good thing! :) :) :) It can't possibly be the source of your symptoms even though eating fixes it :) :) :)" But there was also a moment when talking about my iron deficiency that is possibly one of the funniest things a doctor has ever said to me, up with the cardiologist who said "you're a medical mystery": He was going over my blood test results, and said "Your iron levels haven't gone up at all, they are still extremely low, but you're not anemic anymore" And I was like how am I not anemic anymore??? And he said "Your hemoglobin levels have gone up...somehow..." while frowning at the blood test results on his computer. It was very "somehow, palpatine has returned" lol
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zoobus · 6 months
I got a heart monitor chest strap for exercise and it's been eye opening. They need to give this shit out to everyone for free.
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vibingforjudaism · 10 months
I need a therapist who I can argue with and who will give me jewish advice ....a rabbi. I need a rabbi
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rollercoasterwords · 6 months
just wondering how writing atwmd is going atm due to the slower updates? absolutely NO pressure whatsoever write at your own pace im just wondering since ive been hurt one too many times by abandoned fics and atwmd is honestly genuinely incredible i love it sm youre so talented, again 0 pressure literally just wondering
i updated a week ago lol what is ur frame of reference for “slower updates”…like i get that i’ve been updating more slowly than when i originally started posting the fic but ive still been posting consistently 1-2 times a month for like the past 6 months and i regularly answer questions abt the fic on this blog + talk abt my plans 4 it so i’m not really sure why you’d be worried abt it getting abandoned.
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formulahs · 6 months
one of the most upsetting parts of your twenties is seeing some your girlfriends center their lives around men
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vixendoesstuff · 7 months
Wow, writing fanfiction is harder than it looks when you have nothing to start with.
Like, I already have a broad plan in mind of how I want things to go, like how long pre-canon stuff is before going to the main story, but actually starting from point one is... hard.
Right now I have three options on how I want the prologue to be;
One is a dream sequence of baby Techno!Branch being comforted by one of his bro's (Floyd, possibly) about him being different than others and being reassured that he'll always have his brothers to rely on, then snaps back to reality of Branch (all grown up and grey) waking up from the memory.
Option two is basically no dream sequence, but instead brief flashbacks of his life leading up to his grandma's death, and then waking up in a cold sweat.
(Yeah, they're similiar in premise, but it's different enough for the tone of the fic to be set, y'know?)
And the third is not in Branch's POV, but JD and Grandma Rosiepuff's. Basically it's been about a month after the last Trollstice, with it taking BroZone's parents away (I'm subscribing on this headcanon for the sake of fic progression), and JD is sitting on a branch high up reminiscing. And suddenly a bird drops a "dookie" (Branch's egg) through the bars and onto the ground, so JD went to investigate and found the egg. Without thinking much of it (big bro protectiveness activated) he brought the egg back to the fam, and Rosiepuff just knew that this isn't a normal Troll egg. When it hatched and baby Techno!Branch came along, she decided, "actually, I like this one, I'll call him Branch" and the rest goes the way you'd think.
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askthekirbysquad · 4 months
Apparently Hollow Knight is free on the Switch for people with the Online subscription until the 12th?
So hey! If any of my followers have that. Go play Hollow Knight <333
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gobstoppr · 2 months
chat i finally played ultrakill for the first time today
its cool 👍
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trainingdummyrabbit · 26 days
Hello yes do you recommend a particular PMD. I tried looking for the game and a thousand dfferent ones showed up djksjd
explorers of sky!!! its my favorite :] also a really good installment in th series just in general hehe.. generally considered a fan favorite, for good reason!! stories that changed my entire life and iam Not Joking.
honestly you can play whichever whenever, theyve all got their charm! they dont really have any specific tie in to each other afaik, and theyre pretty easy t just hop into :]
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vmures · 4 months
Our bodies are all a bit unique and while there are basic needs that they all share in common, the exact requirements for heath and happiness are not one sized fits all.
It gets more than a bit frustrating to see one sized fits all health takes, especially when the comments have a ton of fat phobic comments.
It's okay to scroll past those takes and decide they aren't for you.
Figuring out what works for you involves a whole lot of trial and error. So explore things and see how you feel. Ignore the judgyc posts that list a whole lot of things and insist if you just did all of them you'd be happy and healthy. Mark them as not for you and move on.
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thatonebirdwrites · 5 months
I'm not entirely sure why people will treat a statement I make as an opportunity to give me suggestions on how to alter things that I do.
It is the most aggravating thing I've encountered on social media.
I can witness an interesting discussion, and then I share my thoughts that relate to the discussion, but rather than engage my words and argument -- it becomes an opportunity for them to suggest things I can do better or offer solutions that they didn't do for the other people in the conversation.
I'm not sharing a thought or insight in order to get advice. I'm sharing a thought or insight because it was pertinent to the conversation, and I thought it added value.
It's even worse if it happens in person, where the person treats me like my thought or insight is utterly useless and thus I need to be "schooled." Except they often end up repeating what I just said.
I understand as a disabled person it is perhaps shocking to abled-bodied people that I am capable of intelligent thought. It would behoove folks to remember this, and perhaps consider points made by myself and those like me with the same respect and thoughtfulness they afforded others in the conversation.
If I want advice, I will directly state that.
If I am sharing thoughts and insight that seem pertinent to the conversation at hand? Then that is what I am doing. It is not an opportunity to talk down to me or offer advice on how to handle something.
I also know it's not just me either as this is a common discussion within the disability community of how we are treated when we speak up about, well, anything.
For example, I discuss cultural changes and societal systems a lot. I find it frustrating that people will jump to: "I have solutions that will solve your issue so you can better assimilate" or something akin to that, instead of engaging my original point about x or y topic. (For example, a change in culture and how people act in that society may result from people adapting or altering their behaviors based on: peer pressure, external factors within the society at large, capitalist exploitation, oppressive factors within society, unconscious biases, impact of media, etc...)
And just as culture and societal systems can change over time, we can change it ourselves in how we interact with one another and in what we create. None of these are a set, permanent thing. It is possible to push back against harmful changes in culture and various societal systems.
Sharing insights like that shouldn't be radical, but I guess it is.
Plus sharing such insights should not result in strange and unasked for advice giving or solution-oriented mentality (unless the solutions are related to the topic and are not just for me or other disabled or marginalized people to do x or y to "solve" what we shared in our insight).
It makes me wonder if when I discuss societal systems and/or other complex topics -- are people overwhelmed? Have I failed a neurotypical hidden-rule-check and thus get treated differently based on that? Do people not understand the points? Are they falling back on biases in order to cease a topic that makes them uncomfortable? Is there some sort of cognitive dissonance happening? What is the disconnect happening and where? Should I ask or point out the disconnect? These questions often run through my head when I encounter this.
It's why I so rarely join conversations, because my insights are rarely treated with the same respect as others who have already spoken. Sometimes it feels like I get a pat on the head (there has been in-person discussions where someone literally did this to me) for daring to speak up rather than treating my point as adding value to the discussion.
Often I notice the conversation ceases after I or another marginalized person speaks up. As if we killed the discussion by daring to share insights at all. It's happened so often that I am skittish about sharing anything.
It's also why I often revert to writing out essays and sharing that, but it's rare for people to engage the essays though.
Yes, sometimes I struggle with conversation that happens in real-time due to my disabilities, but that doesn't mean my contributions are useless or require the other listeners to revert to advice-giving rather than engagement.
I also struggle to contribute due to that fear I won't be treated with same respect afforded others in the conversation or that I'll fail to articulate a point well and accidentally cause a misunderstanding or I'll misremember a detail and get blasted alive based on that technicality. It's why I like Internet conversations that don't happen in real time, but are posts and comments that take place over hours or days. It gives me time to consider my reply and how to word it, and if I need to pull out a link for the research bit.
But even if I approach conversations in that manner, it doesn't seem to matter. The advice giving or need to find "solutions" for insights that aren't asking for that will often happen regardless.
I wonder how aware people are of whether they do this or not.
P.S. if a person reading this feels the need to revert to advice-giving and solutions in response to this, I would like to kindly inform you that this is exactly the bias I discussed. Nothing in this post is about me asking for advice about this topic. I am simply relaying my insights of an phenomenon I have noticed over the course of my and my disabled friends' lives. The questions asked in this piece are only to invoke thought and are rhetorical.
P.P.S. Feel free to share your experiences with this phenomenon however! Sharing your experiences is always worthwhile and will add value to the discussion. (As long as sharing does not explicitly target someone to invoke harm.)
P.P.P.S. I probably overexplained as I tend to do.
P.P.P.P.S. Using post scripts on a blog post amuses me, okay?
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lungfuls · 2 months
Are any of you tragically uncoordinated and found exercises that are simple enough for you to do correctly and see positive changes.. like dyspraxic lvls of uncoordinated
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eisenartworks · 2 years
Me, reading opm: heehee funny parody seinen :)
Also me: if I think about the characters their experiences and their world a bit deeper I'll start throwing up
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