#french names dont sound real
ceniwen · 1 year
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
hi!! this is kinda a weird question but ur post about characterization for french ccs is rlly helpful for writing, so i was wondering if u had any like . tips or advice about speaking patterns or like. common terms or phrases they use and stuff like that. i have a lot of issues with auditory processing and other hearing stuff that makes it like . hard for me to always understand speech patterns or just like . what people are actually saying so if u have any like . advice or info about like How They Talk that u could put in text or like specific that would be cool. no worries if u dont/cant btw i completely get it i just remembered that u were the one w the previous helpful post ::D
Yeah, no problem I could try ! :D Now keep in mind again I'm not necessarily an expert, and I'm just doing this because it's fun. I still might make some mistakes, and miss some important details, but 'Ill do my best. SO
Let's go for HOW DO THE FRENCH (and swiss) CCS TALK :
Let's start with
ETOILES : So I feel like it might be the easiest because he's the clearest to me. He tends to speak at a normal space and in english with a noticeable slighly french accent, but not an extreme one. He likes to crack jokes constantly when he speaks with other people (most of the time hyping up others, and self deprecating, you know the "You are a legend, I am dumb".) . He can drop pearls of wisdom randomly through ridiculous metaphors ("You don't need to worry, My name means stars, that means that when you look I'm here." "It's like crossing the road, you have to, and there is cars, you need to be careful, but it can't be all you focus on. Wait I'm not sure about that one...") and sometimes actually genuine and inspiring, but more often that not in the tone of discussion, it doesn't sound like he's dispensing "wisdom of the elders", he's just a humble guy talking with you and giving a random advice. He often says in french "Wow a flop" when something doesn't work. Or "c.s.c." (Contre Con Camp, a football term meaning scoring against your own team) when he comments on someone being a tryhard for example ("WOW such a tryhard (csc)"). He'll often makes the joke that nobody likes him when they don't answer in chat to himself, (or chat) and will directly tell them "You want me to die irl don't you?" ensues a myriad of "holy shit you want me to die for real" answered by the "NOO" of the other one. Two last details that came to me, he rarely actually answers by "no" or "yes", he often use "Yeh yeh yeh", or "no no no". He also uses a lot of "euuuuh..." when looking for his words when speaking.
AYPIERRE : He is fairly simple too. He has a very relaxed tone, speaks slightly slower than most people, and has slightly noticeable french accent but less so than others. His tone differenciate between three states : Focused (while building or infiltrating a base), relaxed, and humourous. Note that he's never fully serious, he has that constant gremlin energy and smile that makes him want to make jokes that will make everybody cringe (his favorite pastime.) The only time he's been serious and slightly upset was when he earned gegg died or when he learned that the federation was trying to replicate his wine (there you can see his priorities). Most of the time people are assuming the worst when it's his countless time he starts a conversation with "So, I did something..." and is the type of guy to say "*known illegal act* is a strong word, let's say it's more like *not necessarily better*". I don't follow him as much, so I currently have no other mannerism in mind.
BAGHERA : I feel like she is a bit harder to pin down. When speaking in english she has a very noticeable accent, especially when she is tired. And talks a bit fast, especially in french. Though she doesn't crack jokes constantly, she has a constant chaotic energy that makes her say random things at times. She often say "Oh Yeaaaah" when she is happy or hyped about something, mostly when she is with other people to show them she is happy too. When she is ashamed or not understanding something she likes to take a voice we call the "Antoine Croute" voice (a character she played in a Rp series on GTA V), it's high pitched and really shy. (imagine a little "wut... ?"). She can be really serious, especially when investigating. She almost nver express vocally, in tone at least, her anger. Instead she sounds incredibly cold, like she was with ElQuackity. Her voice when serious drops a bit, and she speaks a bit faster. There is probably plenty more but I'm starting to get tired.
ANTOINE : He is the hardest to me because it is even hard to pin down in french. He has most of the time a very serious tone, while he ironically constantly making either dark jokes based on irony and cynism OR a pun. Because of this, it's sometimes hard to pin what's a joke and what's serious. His accent alternates between horrible french accent OR almost ProPeR eNgliSH. Even when discussing absolutely batshit insane things he sounds serious (he is not in reality, but it's a form of humor in itself). OCCASIONALLY he'll break and cracks a smile, and sometimes, even the heartiest laugh you've ever heard, a very vocal and deep "AHAHAHAHA" that you can hear a mile away (but it happens rarely.) Though I didn't specify, most people, including the french, stutter at least a little bit, and search their words, (like I said for Etoiles' "euh".) but Antoine tends to have a very clear speech, only occasionally looking for a translation. In the same vein, he also has a very quick reaction and can answer with a pun almost instantly (very impressive, especially when it's not his native language.)
That's pretty much all I can think of right now, and I'm tired. Maybe it's not exactly what you asked, but it's what I can muster. Hopes that helped :D
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smicksstuff · 2 years
lets go racing in Jeddah! its the second race of the season and it is packed with twice the amount of drama you could have expected! drama unfolds, trophies passed around like hot potato and secrets spilled like red wine on a white dress. what has yn gotten herself into ? is all this worth it ?
read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 here
The PitBox Crew Series
Land of Pizza and Pasta
(f1drivers x yngasly)
a/n: sorry for the google translate french and italian. please note this is a work of fiction.
20 March 2023
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liked by lancestroll, estebanocon and 982, 792 others
yngasly i guess everyone is an aston martin now ?
view 791 comments
fernandoalo_official Vamos Yn !! 💪🏼
yngasly congratulations on P3 !
fernandoalo_official are you sure?
yngasly congrats to george then ?
yngasly someone help this is more confusing then trigonometry 😫
sharl she is so real for this
pierregasly what is with the memes
yngasly arent they cute !! i love Pear Gasly, gonna be your new contact now 😎
pierregasly no why?!
yngasly why not?
pierregasly at least its better than the current one
pedrogaseoso pls tell us what the current one is !! i need to know !!!
yngasly hint: its his spanish name 😉
pedrogaseoso NO WAY !!! MY USERNAME??! i have made it 😍
formulauno can someone tell me where to sign up to be yn’s friend ?
yngaslyfans SAME !!! drop the signups here 😃
charles_leclerc why am i a red flag ?
yngasly gee i dont know charles, maybe the fact that all my dates ditch me the second they find out i know you ? 😤
charles_leclerc well they weren’t good enough anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️
sharl where can i get a bestie like this ?
lancestroll green is definitely a good colour on you!
liked by yngasly and 67 others
lancelot ummm 👀 je suis pardon ? (translation: im sorry?)
f1fandom not another colour debate 😂
20 March 2023
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24 March 2023
yukitsunoda0511 added to their story
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26 March 2023
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liked by isahernaez, lilymhe, katerinaberezhna and 799, 793 others
yngasly Mi è mancato questo posto! Bello essere tornato ❤️ (translation: i have missed this place! great to be back ! )
view 799 comments
isahernaez come to spain next !! i miss you 😫❤️
yngasly buying my plane ticket to spain after the race!!
carlossainz55 you dont miss me this much 😧
isahernaez i see you too much 🫢
carlossainz55 WOW
isahernaez come on i only see her at races or during breaks ☹️
carlossainz55 fine 😕
isahernaez im planning our date as we speak !! keep a whole day free babes 😘
yngasly you can have the whole week 😉
ybfusername GOD I MISSED YOU SO MUCH !! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
yngasly ME TOO !! 😭😭😭 you need to come to UK next
ybfusername planning my trip to UK rn
landonorris if you need a tour guide, you know who is the best ! 😎
yngasly thanks lando for the offer! @maxfewtrell when are you free ?
landino oh no she did not 😧
maxfewtrell anytime mate! text me and ill bring my chauffeur too 👍🏼 (hint: he drives a mclaren)
quadrantmania not max joining in too
yngasly sounds like a plan 👍🏼
landonorris lando has left the chat
lilymhe im obessed with your outfits babe!! we need to go shopping together soon!!
yngasly awww thanks lils!! i learnt from the queen herself 😉 a shopping date is a need !!
alexalbonfans yn calling lily “lils” my heart 🥹❤️
charles_leclerc 10/10 for the maranello tour
yngasly how are you so sure
charles_leclerc what is your rating then ?
yngasly tour is a 10 but the the tour guide……
carlossainz55 i was so much better
charles_leclerc not trueee
yngasly he made me coffee !!! thats like +10 points
charles_leclerc 😧
yngaslyfans OMG this comment section is getting me pumped for the rest of the season!! cant wait for all the potential dates yn has !! im so excited!!!
emmainmilan this is just a phase. you dont even know the real yn! if you knew her, you would make sure these people dont mix around with her.
yngaslyfans no one asked mate
emmainmilan its just a friendly heads up. i know the real yn, to her this is just a game. when she has got what she wants she will bring them down instantly.
emmainmilan i was one of her closest friends and let me just say she is a real piece of work.
username7 pls i agree, i heard from a friend that yn is such a brat! im amazed her family took her back after all she did
user6 spill what happened
emmainmilan when she moved with her family to italy, it was all great until the passing of AH. she became a wrecking ball after that, she partied all night, skipped school, and did all sorts of nonsense. pierre and her got into many fights and it got to a point they didn’t talk anymore! she would come home black out drunk and she got into many fights in public too. her family kicked her out and she ended up staying with me. after that she dropped out of school and lived off the money in her trust fund.
user6 WTF i can’t believe i looked up to her
emmainmilan it gets worst, one night she got so drunk she got into a fight with a stranger and ended up in the police station, her parents were called and they had to bail her out ! thats the first time they heard from her since she left their family house 1 year before that. man she begged her mum and dad to take her back. and i honestly can’t believe how her mother took her back.
user5 if that was my daughter, i would have left her to rot in the cell. she deserves it.
emmainmilan same! after her parents took her back, she dropped me like a fly and never looked back! honestly she thinks that she can just forget all this but hell nah im not going to allow that.
yngaslyfans PLS STOP! this isnt your story to share ! its hers!
emmainmilan pls i suggest you find a better person to be a fan of, yn gasly is just an entitled brat!!
yngaslyfc Hey Yn!! if you read this, please know that we still love you so much!! and if this is all true, we are proud that you got better !! dont let these nobodies bring you down❤️❤️❤️
liked by yngaslyfans and 69 others
username8 what a suck up!! she doesn’t deserve it
26 March 2023
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liked by yngasly, carlossainz55 and 1, 893, 727 others
charles_leclerc Maranello Tour ‘23 🏎️
yngasly thanks for the tour! got to admit i really liked it 😍
charles_leclerc happy to hear that! what was the best thing ?
yngasly well carlos was amazing and i really liked the coffee and merch! im ready for australia now 😃
charles_leclerc and me ?
yngasly you could learn how to make coffee ?
carlossainz55 give it up charles, she is a chilli fan 🌶️
charles_leclerc 😞☹️
yngasly omg i love both ferrari drivers equally !
sharl when will it be me !!!!!
f1fans charles and carlos need a better friend to be honest. just stick with pierre.
liked by 3789 others
scuderiaferrari thank you for visiting us Yn !! Come back soon! We love hanging out with you ❤️
yngasly Thank you @scuderiaferrari definitely loved hanging with you too ❤️
alpinef1team stop stealing our Yn ✋🏼
yngasly no need to fight, @alpinef1team you will always have me 😉
comments have been limited
27 March 2023
yngasly posted on their story
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27 March 2023
carlossainz55 have posted on their story
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taglist: @fangirlika @threedalla @sticksdoesart @ophcelia @gothicwidowsworld @nmw-am @h0e-xoxo @inthestars-underthesun @tyna-19 @champomiel @pitconfirmbutton @clcspeonies @67-angelofthelordme-67
credits: all pictures are found from pinterest and instagram
a/n: thank you for reading this far !! If you have any suggestions send them to me!! I would love to hear them ◡̈
if you would like to be tagged when new parts are released, drop your usernames in the comments!! 😁
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pub-lius · 2 months
Why don't you have any detailed posts about Steuben smh do better
Early Life
Friedrich Wilhelm August Heinrich Ferdinand Baron de Steuben was born on September 17, 1730 in Prussia. He joined the Prussian army at the age of 17, so he got a real early start.
Note: I've written his name here as "Baron de Steuben", as this name is from a French record, however he is typically referred to as "Baron von Steuben", as "von" is the translation of "de" from French to Prussian, and they both mean "of" in English. I just wanted to clarify that for the sake of my own linguistically correct sanity
Steuben began his service in the French and Indian War (or Seven Years War if you're a dirty European) as a second lieutenant, and was then wounded at the Battle of Prague, a Prussian victory. Then, he joined General Johann von Mayer's adjutant and principle staff officer in a special detached corps.
Then, he was promoted to first lieutenant and wounded AGAIN at the Battle of Kunersdorf, which was a Russian and Austrian victory. He was then transferred to general headquarters as a staff officer in the position of deputy quartermaster (this is important!!).
He was taken prisoner when Major General von Knoblock surrendered at Treptow, and was released after a year in 1762. He was promoted to captain and then became an aide-de-camp to Frederick the Great, which is as metal as it gets. He joined the King's class on the art of war, where he learned even more super cool military leadership skills.
Life Between Wars
Steuben met St. Germain in Hamburg (a notoriously great place to meet people). If you aren't in the know like I clearly am, St. Germain would eventually be the French Minister of War during the American Revolution. They'd meet again in France when Steuben was serving as Grand Marshall to the Prince of Hollenzollern-Hechingen, and if that sounds made up to you, it's because you don't even know him like I do.
Steuben continued looking for military work, but those European assholes (the British, French, and Austrians) rejected my man for no good reason (probably because he was gay or something). It was during his stay in France where he heard of the rowdy Americans across the pond.
St. Germain introduced Baron von Steuben to Silas fucking Deane and Benjamin "Slim Shady" Franklin, but they weren't able to promise Steuben anything but some regurgitated American propaganda, since, by this time, they were already getting yelled at by Congress and Washington for allowing too many incompetent Frenchmen into the Continental Army. They told him that the only way he could assist in the American fight for independence would be to go to America and present himself as a volunteer to Congress (like Lafayette ended up having to do).
This obviously pissed off Steuben since he was actually experienced trying to get a job, because its not fun being an overqualified, unemployed gay man in 18th century Europe. But still, he settled for being a volunteer, and set out for America, his passage being paid for by the French government.
Steuben traveled to America with his Italian greyhound, Azor, and his two assistants, Louis de Pontiere (ADC) and Pierre Ettienne Duponceau (military secretary). They arrived in New Hampshire on December 1, 1777. They were almost arrested upon arrival because Steuben had a blond moment and mistakenly dressed them in red uniforms instead of blue. They traveled through Boston to York, Pennyslvania, arriving on February 5, 1778.
In Steuben's letter of recommendation, Franklin mistranslated Steuben's rank to "His Excellency, Lieutenant General von Steuben, Apostle of Frederick the Great", which made him seem way more distinguished than he was. As a result, he was presented a much higher rank by Congress.
Steuben was ordered to report to Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge, where he arrived on February 23, 1778, and was described by a soldier as "a perfect personification of Mars."
Steuben's good first impression also had an effect on Washington, who appointed him temporary Inspector General, and it was in this position that he had his largest impact on American history, and changed the course of the war
Why Every Army Should Have Gay People, An Essay by Publius
Baron von Steuben began his transformation of the Continental Army by writing training drills, overriding the regional trainings of the state militias into a unified and universal regimen. There was a significant language barrier, however, as Steuben originally wrote the drills in French, which were then translated into English by Duponceau, John Laurens, and Alexander Hamilton. Then, they were given to the brigade inspectors, who made the copies which were then copied to be delivered to each officer. There was definitely a more efficient way to do this, but you know. It was also Valley Forge.
General Washington's Life Guard and some men from each state (totalling around 120 men) were used as a model to show the rest of the army how they were supposed to go through the drills. As they trained and demonstrated the drills, Steuben was writing new ones, only a few days ahead, which is a massive time crunch. This was done intentionally to make the drills as simple as he could, so the training of the army was dispersed in a rapid, orderly fashion. This man was a genius, I can't emphasize it enough.
The officers in the British army, which was the standard for Americans in many respects, would allow the sergeants to drill the men, but Steuben said fuck that, I'm gonna do it myself. This made many American officers uncomfortable because the men developed a bond with him because of how talented he was (and the fact that he was funny and used profanity in multiple languages), and along with the fact that Steuben's office seemingly had no limitations, this caused them to complain to the big boss, Washington. To make them feel better, Washington issued orders on June 15, 1778 to govern the Inspector General's office until further word from Congress.
The reformed Continental Army showed off their swag on May 6, 1778 when they celebrated the news of the Franco-American Alliance, which impressed soldiers, officers, and civilians. More happy news came when Steuben was given his commission from the Congress as Inspector General, with the rank of Major General.
It was at the Battle of Monmouth when the new training of the Continental Army was able to take what would have been a losing battle for the Americans to a technical draw. Steuben was actually almost killed/taken prisoner (depending on the mood of the British) during this battle because he was wearing so many metals of honor that he glimmered in the sunlight, and was spotted by the British. He was fine, though.
General von Steuben went to Philadelphia in the winter of 1778-79 to write his book of regulations, referred to as The Blue Book. Lieutenant Colonel Francois de Fleury, a volunteer, assisted in writing it. It was with the assistance of ~Benjamin Walker~ and Duponceau that the blue book was translated into English, which is why we know Walker as being important! And the fact that he and Steuben totally boned! Anyway, Captain Pierre Charles L'Enfant was illustrated it, and the book was used all the way until 1814.
After the war
General von Steuben rejoined the Continental Army in April of 1779 to serve through the end of the war. He was an instructor and supply officer for General Nathanael Greene's southern army from the beginning of the southern campaign until Yorktown. Steuben commanded one of three divisions in the Continentals at Yorktown. He assisted in demobilizing the army in 1783, and resigned his commission in 1784, which is actually the latest I've heard of a Continental General resigning his commission!
Steuben continuously petitioned Congress for financial compensation for mesothelioma (not really) and fuck ass Congress only gave him a part of what he was owed, which was pretty typical. But! New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia all gave him land grants, which he sold portions off to have enough money to live. So, he retired from NYC to his land holdings to live the remainder of his life.
Oh, and fun fact, Steuben was present at one of the riots in New York that Alexander Hamilton tried to stop, and they both had bricks thrown at them. It might have been the Cadaver Riots, but I could be wrong since I didn't feel like double checking.
Steuben never married, and instead lived with Benjamin Walker for a long period of time. He died on his 16,000 acre farm tract in the Mohawk Valley of New York on November 28, 1794.
The source I used for this does not mention his homosexuality at all, but I'm going to, because the last thing you'll ever see me do is pretend like gay people didn't exist or are "unprofessional" to talk about in history.
If you say that Alexander Hamilton was gay, you have to say Steuben was, and vice versa. Rumors of homosexuality followed Steuben from Europe all the way to America, and play a large role in why he relocated many times, and never seemed to have a permanent home until the end of his life. This was a form of unofficial exile that many queer people faced in times where their existence was illegal. As soon as your name was associated with possible homosexuality, you couldn't get comfortable anywhere.
But von Steuben wasn't brought down by this, and you've gotta respect that. He threw elaborate parties starting almost as soon as he arrived at the Continental Army. If you're new to the amrev community here, this is what we mean by "flaming shot/pantless parties", because they had shots of liquor that they would light on fire, and in order to get in, at least part of your breeches had to have been missing. While straight men did attend these parties, the subtext in discussions about them seem to imply that they were also a gathering place for queer men.
These parties continued, and some familiar faces were there, such as Duponceau, Walker Hamilton, Laurens, and, later on, Charles Adams. However, I'm not going to speculate on who was fucking who, though it has been largely accepted by historians that General von Steuben and Benjamin Walker were lovers, and I personally think there is substantial evidence to support this when you align their personal correspondence with the close proximity they maintained throughout their lives.
General von Steuben is a figure that is very important to many queer people as a conspicuous queer man in history who had an undeniable impact on the course of American history. Portrayals of Steuben in media typically disregard this, however more and more biographers are discussing his homosexuality and the significance it plays in queer history. So, I'll end this post by saying this: Steuben is just as significant in American history as he is in Queer history, and it is irresponsible to pretend like he isn't.
National Park Service- Valley Forge
British Battles.com- Battle of Kunersdorf
George Washington's Indispensable Men by Arthur S. Lefkowitz
John Laurens and the American Revolution by Gregory D. Massey
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
Anyway, thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about Steuben lol. I didn't previously know much about his life before the American Revolution, so I was very happy to learn. I actually bought a biography about him not long ago, The Drillmaster of Valley Forge: The Baron de Steuben and the Making of the American Army by Paul Lockhart, but I haven't read it yet. If anyone has, pls let me know if it's good or not. After Massey and Chernow, I'm practically on my hands and knees begging for a male author to treat queer history seriously. Anyway, thank you for the ask! I'm going to go watch the george washington mini series for steuben content
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fuck it i dont have any other ways to share my jackal squad headcanons without Making A Whole Thing so im just gonna infodump about them here
general headcanons
the jackal squad are all siblings, with infinite being the eldest and quatre the youngest
the shadowy ones in the background in the one panel they appear in are not consired. no design no character. trois does get the katana used by one of them though
their names are the same as their semi-official ones: uno for the kunai thrower, deux for the one with the beret, trois for the girl, and quatrre for the one with the green bandana
the number names are codenames. infinite's codename is cero. zero, while cool-sounding, is just a bit too generic for me, so i have him share uno's quirk of being named in spanish rather than french. the other ones presumably have real names but they never come up and they always call each other by their codenames
they were initially collectively called the ultimate mercenaries until around the time that they were emoloyed by eggman, when infinite started trying to distance himself from his siblings. that's also why eggman calls him by his real name and why he acts so selectively dismissive about the apparent demise of his family in the flashback
the jackal squad survive getting fridged shortly before the episode shadow flashback, but infinite doesn't know this. i am Not coping they are Not dead they are So much more plausibly alive than the guy who killed them was at the end of his debut game!! coping? me... he's calling me coping? no...! i am not coping. i'm... i'm not. i'm not coping! i! am NOT! COPING! GRAAAAGH !!!
cero: the leader of the whole operation. a bit more domineering than some of them would like. a bit self-centered, but ultimately means well for his siblings. always insists he has a plan even though he usually doesn't. he always finds a way to improvise out of every sticky situation he gets them into, though. well i mean other than that one situation that he very notably did not get them out of
uno: plays up the cool and distant act but actually cares a lot about his siblings. he might get snippy with cero from time to time but ultimately he trusts his older brother. he's a good tactician and as such ends up acting as second in command a lot of the time. when cero leaves the squad, uno readily fills the position of leader.
deux: techie. if he's not physically there for a given run, he's usually running mission control. the jackal squad hq has a giant computer specifically for him. when he is there, he's a very calculating and relatively independent fighter. has a dry but nonetheless present sense of humor.
trois: a bit hotheaded and standoffish. the primary one to question cero's choices. cares openly and passionately about her brothers. has a habit of overthinking.
quatre: optimistic, always tries to see the good in a situation and encourages his siblings to do the same. often makes quips to try and lighten the mood. sometimes makes it easy to forget that he does, in fact, kill people for money, alongside the rest of the squad.
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sharksandjays · 1 year
Finally starting my Ninjago ethnicity headcanon era.
So starting with Jay…guys hear me out. I headcanon him as Korean/American. 🇰🇷🇺🇸(As far as I can in the Ninjago world). American because his father (biological) has so much American vibes and it’d make sense why he left him with another couple of Americans. The Korean hc is simply based on the fact that yesterday I was watching Ninjago in different languages and Korean fit Jay an illegal amount?? The language is just him. I dont know why but it makes sense to me. I dont know how the Korean logistics will work with his biological parents that are so white BUT i will make it work!!!!!! Because it fits him too well!!!!!! But I think he lost most of his Korean since he was raised with English (or Ninjargon) his whole life. In terms of other languages, just like most American families, I feel like Ed and Edna might raise him with some degree of Spanish classes and he got really good at it! But once he figures out he’s adopted and who his real parents are, he wants to learn Korean again too.
With Cole, i’m not going to veer far from the fanon canon and hc him as Puerto Rican/Korean. 🇵🇷🇰🇷 Lilly was Puerto Rican and spoke to him in Spanish until she died, and his dad spoke in Korean to him. Cole lost most of his Spanish after she died and is upset about it, so he and Jay help eachother out! He helps Jay with his Korean and Jay helps him with his Spanish.
Kai and Nya are Filipino/Japanese. 🇵🇭🇯🇵Thats a common hc that I absolutely agree with. They are very Japanese coded despite the occasional Chinese references and clothing choices, and I think both Tagalog and Japanese suit them as languages! They mostly speak Japanese, especially since thats what Lloyd is as well, but they try to keep up their Tagalog between them two.
Zane is Italian, 🇮🇹 or however Italian a nindroid can be. Mostly because Julien’s accent sounded very Italian to me, so in honor of him I think that Zane is the same :).
Lloyd is always a doozy, mostly because of the whole Oni and FSM and whatever Garmadon is thing. But, personally, I think he’s French/Japanese. 🇫🇷🇯🇵. I know Misako isnt a very white name, but she acts so white and I think her being French suits her. It also explains where Lloyd’s blonde hair came from (maybe her parents!) because both she and Garmadon were dark haired. Lloyd knows French because of her but refuses to speak it because he is so bitter about her leaving him and being the worst mom in history. So he just speaks Japanese and whatever the Ninjago universal language is (Ninjargon? Idk)
But yeah! My hcs! Its very hard because Ninjago has its own world and languages but this is Earthified Ninja I guess. Here are some corresponding doodles with this. Im hoping to make a digital version with sexuality and other hcs for them too!
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disappointingcabbage · 2 months
TDP Season 6 Episode 2 Live Reaction, spoilers under the cut
She looks so sad
Also her face now that she’s done so much dark magic is lookin real spooky
Yay Soren has Hat!!
Wait why are they going to Lux Aurea
Here’s how Sorvus can still win-
But seriously it makes sense, he is a tracker, he can find Zubeia
I forgot how obnoxiously French Janai is. I still love her.
Girlie you are making some questionable choices due to stress, you’re gonna want to treat your generals better if you don’t want more traitors
Thank you, Amaya, for being the voice of reason
“I’ve never seen mushrooms like this before? You think it’s edible” “no and pLEASE DONT FIND OUT” AHDIEJXIEKF lmao Corvus is very familiar with Soren’s stupidity
I fucking forgot Karim stole the light seed
Janai’s having fuckass dreams too???
Ok now she decides to properly communicate with her fiancée (when’s the wedding happening)
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU KARIM
this mf’s really gonna waste the sun seed on Sol Regem and throw away any chance at Lux Aurea actually rebuilding properly
I forgot Karim’s girlfriend’s name but it would be really fucking funny if she put poison in his wine glass, just saying
Glad to see Zym and Ez still have that whole telepathy thing going for them
yeah these two are gay dorks
I wanna gently squish it with a hug ITS SO CUTE I FUCKING LOVE MUSHROOMS
“Ah fuck my leg” *jump cuts to Soren absolutely booking it through the woods with Corvus on his back* YOUR HONOR THIS IS HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR AND ALSO HILARIOUS
Jesus Christ this mushroom can run
I think the mushroom brought them to its own mom
Oh shit the mushroom elf dude from the end of season 5
“You are my heart, my truth. If I ever start to doubt you I’ll know I am truly lost” BRB SOBBING
THEYRE CALLED MUSHPALS!!!! I love them so much
Wgeiejciero one of them has the fucking 2014 aesthetic mustache I’m gonna lose it this is so funny
So mushroom dude (Musko) is basically a doctor. Good for him!!
Ooooh the way that the shots of Karim addressing his army are intercut with Janai addressing her people is giving me chills
Karim sounds like a Zionist and/or general religious tyrant and I hope that’s an intentional parallel
Bro just fucking pulled out the Mario blue shrink mushrooms
Corvus telling Soren he’s a good man with a big heart is so incredibly gay
I love the glowy mushrooms in Zubeia’s tree room
wait what does she mean “Ezran needs you” because I’m hoping she means, like, in general and not because of some specific threat
oh my god he’s hat’s hat
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crydadoll · 5 months
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Hello poeple! Let's talk about Crydamoure! More precisely its etymology and design. And of course, it's a t h e o r y. Mine theory. Thanks to @whyfalloutwhenyoucanpanic to encourage me to do this.
Most of poeple think Crydamoure means "Cry (tears coming from your eyes) of Love", right? But to me, it doesn't makes sense if you think well. When you really love, you don't want to cry. You can cry about feeling happy or losing what or someone you love. But not about love something/someone.
The name "Crydamoure" cames from the french expression/phrase "Cri d'amour", which Cri means "shout/cry out" and Amour means, well, "love". So in the end, it means "Love shout". It could be a shout like a war cry, when the warrior gave a shout like "ATAAAAACK!" and right after start to moving to atack the enemy; like in movies. That's cool because it matches with the logo, that looks like a medieval emblem. And we have Le Knight Club as a major artist of Cryda. Also, if you put Cryda's logo upside down, it becames a heart.
B U T !
Love shout also reminds me of the vocalization the people made while are m a k i n g l o v e (my loooooove ♫) Well, that's not impossible, because it came from french people, since they are known have a very romantic stereotype lol. Also some LKC remix sounds kind sexy, like Aloud - Undersea (Le Knight Club Edit) and Zoot Woman - Taken It All (Le Knight Club Remix).
Another point is the correct french word to love word is "amour", not amoure. (as far as I know). Maybe it's a way to people doesn't think about this sex-thing releated. And this thing about amoure/amour remember of Guy Man and his name. He presents himself like this, but that isn't his real name. It's just a shortening, which just joke with the meaning of "man" word (I know before you find out it's said "Gee", you said "guy" instead lol.) And, of course, let's dont forget about he is our beloved golden bot with a heart; a heart which produces beats. So he's a beatmaker; THE beatmaker of Daft Punk <3.
The demage is done. Have a good day! :D Fun fact: Cryda'a logo fits perfectly on Stella's chest (from The Crescendolls).
Ps.: I'm not english native speaker, so i'm sorry if i said/write something out of context. And i'm not french person.
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Classic moralist idiot that thinks prision fixes anything (and the victorian french prision, a lovely place to put mentally ill people under unhuman treatment)
Great! Put Erik under more abuse and isolation, that will turn him into a good person! 😍❤️ oh wait– you're just a sadistic bitch that wants to see an already traumatized man getting "punished" by circunstamces that weren't his fault! More psychopath and sick than Erik could ever be.
I'm sorry but...are you ok? This is actually insane.
1) You do know Erik is actually not a real person and he never was? Do you really think it's ok to harrass and attempt to bully someone over a fictional character? I say attempt bc this more hilarious than anything else but I can see the effort.
2) How much cowardice does it take to lash out at someone you don't know and then not even stand by your own words, anonymous?
3) You should use that energy to learn to draw and write for yourself so you dont have to harrass and bully creators on tumblr to get them to make what you want instead of asking for a commission like a normal, sane person would. Also I'm not open for commissions.
Seriously though....imagine getting this mad about a fictional character? That just sounds exhausting for you ....but very entertaining for me!
PS you've spelled "circumstances" incorrectly the exact same way in all three of your harassing and bullying comments. I'm turning off anonymous asks bc if you want to talk to me like that, that's fine, but you have to put your name on it and take responsibility, like a person who believes in what they say would.
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tankmanaj · 6 months
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i think i made a bn oc a bit detailed but behold!
Calyspo Angéle (totally didnt pick Rosalie just for marcus to make fun of if he ever finds out his real last name. cackling evilly)
anywaysss calypso moved from greenville illinois to rackleff, maine eve. when he went to PS38 school he was first a bit nervous because well, hes got two rare conditions, albinism and vitiligo (though i doubt that a person can have two conditions combined but it wont hurt to make it slightly possible in a fictional world!)
once he stepped into the school, he had eyes all over him, which made him worry that theyll see him differently because of his combined condition. turns out, to his surprise, that the kids found him as 'cool looking', along with the jacket he wore on the first day of school. he became all happy yet a little shy by so many kids complimenting him, some kids (such as randy, marcus, and other kids i might not know) dont like him at all. but the only kid who hates him is no one but the one who used to be the popular kid in school, marcus goode. when he found out about calypso being the new popular kid in school, this made him infuriated and he realized with the major feeling of jealousy and hatred for calypso, its confirmed that he has found his actual rival instead of nate becoming a trendsetter aswell before the new kid stepped in.
personality: though he is outgoing, trustworthy, patient, pure-hearted, optimistic, friendly, and basically that guy you would like to hang out with, he does have a bit of a fierce side if someone ticks him off. he's sort of tough-talking, very independent (but its possible for him to change his appearance if someone insulted him pretty badly), self-reliant and a bit sassy, incredibly honest to the fact that hell possibly hurt someones feelings, that's because he sometimes doesnt think before doing it. but he has a softer and more understanding side shown when someone who was rude to him actually turned out to be just hurt. he comforts them and help them become a better person. he is strong but not strong as some bullies in school... chester would pretty much let him know what a deathbed would feel like/j
grade/age: 12 y/o 7th grader
nationality n race: a french mix african american born in a town in illinois. so he does speak english but french also
gender: male, he/him
likes: helping, learning new things, making friends, cooking/baking, the midnight sky, such as the stars and the moon, parks, 1930s french or american movies, sports, photography, anything that was in the vintage days, bunnies and other animals that are considered adorable, painting, singing, space, mar- ermm marvin the martian ! yea !! hes such a cool alien character because he likes spacee, listening to podcasts/people talking, putting on clothes that fits his appearance, decorating, sweet treats and drinks, hanging out with people (hes an extrovert!), playing video games, winter
dislikes: anything that involves danger, being disrespectful or even controlling to his posse, disrespectful people such as bullies, people making fun of him for looking like a girl or having a last name that sounds like its a feminine name, gossiping, heights, being followed by people who admire him (he does appreciate the good side of popularity but he does not like being followed, fighting or anything that involves violence, sixth graders being seen as pathetic
favorite music genre: french pop, orchestral, folk, indie, r&b, hip hop
hobbies: arts n crafts, photography, writing, culinary, singing, pottery, designing, knitting
and i think thats all
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coloradook · 3 months
hey.. i want minions.. loads of them.. i want them. on a mission.. with cruella de vil.. please… i want them to betray her and save the puppy.. thanks🔥.. also this is descendants… i want evie and mal to kiss at the end … thanks.. this is anonymous…
ok so ots a dunny Day in collrado because we live there too btw cuz.
and then you see them
*the douche of minions greets you shyly*
minion one: bello
dullard two: bello
minion 3:
minion quatru: hi
hello cruella the minion spokes to you in perfect english
with paranoia, but the kinions have perfect pronoia
you say come on lads we have to go on a misioon to save the lamd of the evil cause we supervilan i think
bello banana we cant go witj you yore a lesbiam minx ew wtf
no stop rustling me bad boys im lebanse and also an otherkin btw thats why i like dogs.
wait do you knot witj yore dog?
yeah evrey night i like it bcs iof the florid inflatableness.
the minions are scared if cruells because shes technically a zoophile so they obey like dogs
come on minions mission time...
*evil laugh*
as they areive in descendants land or islamd of evil they see a giant phallus-lookingshape raising above the skyline
but i wasnt just phallus-lookimg...
a giant throbbing penis statue
minion- what is it mother cruella bello
cruella: itsbthe shaft
(do u get it)
they wvwnture onto the island
the minions hide under cruellas skirt so to hide and not be seen
but the minion sliked it a bit to much.
cruella: "let go".
the minions are
"noi avoir to 背叛 cruella omdat αυτή είναι a gemuk vagina"
("we have to betray cruella because she's a fat cunt")
minions oull the knot puppy out of her dunn and everybody clapped even the dog
"thank zu for sevzing meh"
(the dog is french i tried to wrote the accent)
*the sir dog pulls out a lighter and starts gardening and doing concrete so they eraducate themself from the sich*
they hear the kinky makout sounds
mal and evie are scissor ing and motorboting, a beautiful stimualted and endearing sight of fornication , amd monogamy. i smile, tears cumming to my eyes.
evie and mals boyfriends are also soliciting. but instead of normal activities, they like to diivulge in sounding... dont know ehat it is. you don't wnat to know, it haunts my rreams and my every thoughts.
"cause you can find me in the space between... your legs eleven"
legs eleven
the minions now rule land of bad tormenting the good people. they live in the phallus shaft, residing right at the tip of the bulbous helmet. lesbians are banned but mal amd evie are allowed because they're bi like they say everydsy *rolls eyes* so there kinda allowef and can continue their legacy, prophecy and dynasty... much to my dismay as they practice asphyxiation and drop annoying innuendos on tha dailey, klingons visible.
but wait... where did cruella go
cruella was never real
she lives indside us
cruella is the friends we made schlong the way
or maybe anon is cruella
a sad excuse for real ig
a name beginning with.... e, perhaps?
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brennustheskeleton · 10 months
I just want to say that I really like your name. Brennus is a really cool name.
Thank you!! <3
I’m actually gonna go into what it means! From a couple sites Brennus is supposedly a Latinized word for “Prince”, “King”, “Raven” or “Crow”.
I'm a massive fan of Corvids because they are such a cool group of birds. (Magpie Spamton is in my pfp for a reason!) So I felt it was fitting to have an alias to mean something similar to “Prince of Crows”. It's a silly type of “edgy” that is cleanly hidden behind a nice sounding name!
Now, I didn't know this until I have been using the name for a full year. But Brennus was also a real person(s). Please dont associate them with me, I didn't know they existed until recently.
According to Britannica, Brennus was a Celtic chieftain that attempted to lead an army into Greece at around 279BC.
There was also a second(?) Brennus that was a chieftain of the Senones (Eastern France) and captured a section of Rome for several months in 390 BC.
The only commonality is that one of the Brennus was French like me lmao.
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princerevelucide · 1 year
futzing about with the '''dollector''' character from my dream (i still dont know what dollector even means) so dollie ver. 0.2
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im gonna name them The Director instead with their real name being Tache (like 'tache solaire', french for 'sunspot') (collector's name is Éclis). given that the name i harvested from the dream sounded like Doll i'm imagining them as a friend that collector makes out of a brand new doll they put together post-WaD and brings to life. tache/director isn't the happiest guy but there's not much else out there for them
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transboysokka · 11 months
chris watches twilight for the first time
omg this blueish filter is wild is this like a Pacific Northwest thing
that girl is not tan enough to be from arizona
also I’m getting big gay energy from her so idk how this movie is gonna be like. plausible.
if the dad wasn’t a cop I’d definitely smash
do u guys remember though when they used to cast ACTUAL teenagers for teen roles? refreshing
wow this guy in the cowboy hat has MAJOR swag
oh nooo Taylor Lautner I grew up with him and he sucked (real)
idk why ppl always shat on kstew being like inexpressive in this??? seems fine??
all these vampire siblings date each other?? lolololol
so far this seems like a fun little teen drama idk. it’s so blue though
Edwards stare is so intense I KNOW rpat had a great time with this lolol
Lolllll imagine seeing someone try to switch classes to avoid u but u don’t even know them??
the daughter-distant father awkwardness is v nice, v realistic
ugh this dad is so hot
Does Edward have RED eyes girl that sounds like a red flag get away
Ok this soundtrack sucks
Wait so his eyes change? Why?
wow he stopped a bread van for her w his muscles how romanticccc
also how small is this school like how does everyone know her?
vampire doctor creeps me out
lol his name is carlisle what a square
taking bets at how soon he tells her he’s a vampire it’s probably pretty soon I’m gonna say like around the one hour mark
girl is she having sex dreams about him
God Edward really is so creepy eh
Lautner’s Michigan accent is sooo bad in this omggg I can’t
are these new vampires?? the whole eating people thing really disrupts the tone of the story
So gay of bella not to care about the dress shopping. And also just skipping prom lol
Edward just following her everywhere RUN GIRL
“I should make sure Bella gets something to eat” most awkward and obvious way to ask for a date
So she’s def a vegetarian and he def doesn’t eat people food
We’re like 40 minutes in and he’s already telling her lol
Anyway why can’t he read her mind is this like a soulmate thing
This is soooo fanfictiony lmao
So she finds out he can read minds and just lets it go lol
Edward is such a dumbass though she figured him out so easy lolllll
And now she’s having vampire sex dreams lmaoooo this movie is great
Oh here it comes the “I know what you are” “say it” lol I only know this scene bc it’s from a meme or something
lmao this speed animation
is he about to sparkle
god they’re both crazy girl why are you so into him and Edward why are you so obsessed w her
ok yeah some of these lines suck
First of all these kids are missing class and for what
Second of all I cannot IMAGINE being a teenage straight girl seeing this for the first time when it comes out and basing my ENTIRE personality on this shitty ass self-insert fanfic ass plot
Girl how the hell can you be in love with him already
That’s so high school, they’re only walking together and people somehow know they’re together?
oh wow so the doctor turns these kids to stop them from dying that’s neat
I used to live only off tofu and I was very satisfied thank u very much
Wow he’s special about reading minds that’s convenient
He’s such a kid w her that’s not what I was expecting but I like it
They’re making Italian food for her bc her name is Bella lmfao
WOW anger issues much
He doesn’t sleep, he doesn’t stop going to school, he doesn’t eat, terrible existence
Was that the author in the diner
there are so many problems here lol
Dad just messing w his gun at the kitchen table, so cop coded
So American coded actually lol
Wait Edward is gonna meet him w the gun there lmao
Vampire baseball lolllll
This is just one big incest nerd family
They could have tried a little harder w the cgi for such a big budget?? This looks like the CW. Feels like it too actually
FRENCH bad guy vampires??
These stakes seem suddenly way too high??
Don’t break the hot dads heart nooooo
This really does feel like the CW though
Yeah no Rosalie is right why does that family care about Bella so much like she’s a high school girlfriend not a wife lmao
I think I’m dumb but I don’t entirely understand what’s happening here like did Bella go back to Arizona?? Why did she have to go so far to get away from this guy
FUCK is he gonna run all the way to Arizona now lol
I just don’t know how things got so suddenly so dramatic like can’t this James guy just let it go why is he going to so much effort this just all seems so silly
Wow Black Swan
yeah again idk why everyone was hating on kstew’s performance in this, it’s good
How did Edward get there so fast is there like some portal between Arizona and Washington isn’t that like a 1-2 day drive?
This is a fancy ass ballet studio btw
Yeah this fight scene sucks
So Mufasa coded “Remember who you are”
What is happening to Bella now she doesn’t turn until the last book right? (I’ve never read it idk)
Why did that guy have venom?????
Wow finally creepy Edward gets what he wanted and can drink her up…… he ain’t gonna stop
Oh I get it he stops w the power of love. Okay. Whatever.
This SONG sucks
“You lost a lot of blood” yeah THANKS Edward
Oh god the old ass cellphones. Throwback.
Not sure why she’d need oxygen w the injuries she had tbh am I missing something or is it for drama
“You’re in here bc of me” damn straight
Go to Jacksonville Bella (I know she won’t)
Don’t be a baby about it Bella????
Oh fuck is she going to prom? THATS not gonna create School Drama at all…
“Alice lent me the dress” yeah you’re too gay to own any
I know it’s bc of my issues w lautner as a person but I hate Jacob and I ALSO hate that lautner claims to have “distant” indigenous heritage bc that is another thing that he didn’t have when we were kids so why is he playing this guy
“Should we dance?” “You’re serious?” Bro you came to prom together wtf did u think u we’re gonna do
All the music in this movie sucks ass
I don’t usually advocate for this with vampire stuff but I’d have less of a problem with the creepiness of this relationship if he DID turn her
If MY bf was a vampire I wouldn’t want to be human either wtf
Okay yeah I mean that movie was whatever. Glad I understand the pop culture references now I guess
Oh no oh wait oh god I gotta watch the rest of these movies now don’t I…. Please tell me they get better
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hawaiianpizzaenjoyer · 8 months
Duuuuuuude please make a Peggy gcse headcanon list that sounds so fun!! If you decide to do it too I'd love to be tagged in it!
so, without further ado...
!! also i know that different schools have different systems for GCSEs, but im just gonna go with what mine did :) !!
We all know Peggy had to do Maths, both of the Englishes and triple Science, but i feel like she wouldve LOVED English Lit the most. She would've definitely been one of those kids who were like best mates with their English teacher fruity behaviour?. She was also definitely one of the student librarians for her school's library.
For language, I am a firm believer that Peggy did German and Latin. She probably would've picked German because Michael did (the classic familial language gcse sitch), but i also feel like she would've really liked classics in year 7 and 8 (grades 6 and 7 i think) and decided to stick with it for GCSE. I also think she didn't like French at ALL.
"Why in gods name do I have to memorise the gender of a chair?? Who decided that bloody rubbish??"
(shes so real though ngl, genders are the bane of my existence)
Like language, Peggy was probably a double humanities student. She probably did History and Geography, and her favourite topics in each would've been the Tudors for history (she would avidly defend Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard in lessons) and the human side for Geography!! She probably looked at NY as a case study for overpopulation and rapid-rate industrialisation and rolled her eyes, muttering about what sort of madman would willingly stay in a city like that.
Lastly, her practical subject. This was a tie for me between PE and Product Design, but I realised I know nothing about GCSE PE (core pe girlies unite), so I'll go with PD for now.
Peggy definitely put her heart and soul into her NEA (non-examination assessment, basically coursework) for Product Design. By the first week, she probably had like a billion sketches done up and had started looking at materials. I feel like her mother didn't like Peggy doing a "man's subject", until Peggy built her a birdhouse that looks like their house and all was forgiven. She definitely met all her NEA deadlines on time, too. Like, she was an academic WEAPON. Even her teacher was scared of her when she was using the saws and that.
In terms of overall results, she was definitely one of those people who got all 9's (grade A**), and would probably've cried if she got an 8 (I would be too scared to tell her my results ong 😔)
In terms of A-Levels, I'd have to think about that one ngl, so if this post does well, I might do an pt2!!
@captainsophiestark thank you sm for the ask and giving me motivation to actually write this out and post it 😭🙏
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
I don't know if you would like to play with this idea. But I was watching earlier a French streamer Étoile, and he is really one that loves doing visit in museums and all. And his last visit was into the Opéra Garnier in Paris. And that got me thinking. What do you think about a ballet AU for our drivers? It can be Rule 63 too if you'd like. I'm just fascinated by the ballet and I think that would be a world where some of them could thrive. Or it could be really devastating for them.
Like if you take the opera Garnier now, dancers are really well treated and admired. If you set it back in the 19 century then it's another story. Speaking of the Opera Garnier is the one that inspired The Fantom of the Opera, there's even a loge for him there. The number 5.
So back to the idea. If we set it in curent times, I think that Lewis would be a danceur étoile. And that would be just like in the real world where very recently the opera named it's first black danceur étoile. (Btw when you get this title it's for life). And the title of Danceur or dance use étoile is really really prestigious and rare. There's only 16 of them currently and evenly split between men and women. I think that Lewis is already an amazing danceur étoile And he is challenged by either Nico because I do love some brocedes drama. Or the raise of a young start Max. (I still don't know if I want Max or Maxy here).
If we take the 19 century era, then oh boy oh boy. Get ready for sponsor Christian and Toto. Because at that time the ballerina where extremely young, and it was a know fact that they had to use prostitution to be able to pay their dancing lessons or even just to live. So some of them seduced wealthy men.
I can see girl Estie here trying to seduce Toto and for a while it worked until Maxy arrive, and him and Christian are fighting to have her as their mistress.
I hope it's not a bad idea. Otherwise just ignore me.
Ohhh intriguing! I dont know much about ballet but thst sounds so interesting!! Étoile Lewis who is so talented and worked so hard to get this title and it's a huge honor! He is so good and devoted to the craft and definitely he battled with Nico a lot because both wanted the title, but Nico got an injury and had to stop...
I kinda like girl maxy for this, maybe just too muscled and just too tall but still determined to make it and as much as she doesn't look like much off stage, she is so elegant when dancing and is set to be the youngest étoile.
The intrigue of the 10th century version!! Estie seducing Toto so he will pay for her career abd it works until Max starts, who us just a little prettier and just a little better in bed and not only has Toto want her but Christian too..
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