#jackal squad sonic
fuck it i dont have any other ways to share my jackal squad headcanons without Making A Whole Thing so im just gonna infodump about them here
general headcanons
the jackal squad are all siblings, with infinite being the eldest and quatre the youngest
the shadowy ones in the background in the one panel they appear in are not consired. no design no character. trois does get the katana used by one of them though
their names are the same as their semi-official ones: uno for the kunai thrower, deux for the one with the beret, trois for the girl, and quatrre for the one with the green bandana
the number names are codenames. infinite's codename is cero. zero, while cool-sounding, is just a bit too generic for me, so i have him share uno's quirk of being named in spanish rather than french. the other ones presumably have real names but they never come up and they always call each other by their codenames
they were initially collectively called the ultimate mercenaries until around the time that they were emoloyed by eggman, when infinite started trying to distance himself from his siblings. that's also why eggman calls him by his real name and why he acts so selectively dismissive about the apparent demise of his family in the flashback
the jackal squad survive getting fridged shortly before the episode shadow flashback, but infinite doesn't know this. i am Not coping they are Not dead they are So much more plausibly alive than the guy who killed them was at the end of his debut game!! coping? me... he's calling me coping? no...! i am not coping. i'm... i'm not. i'm not coping! i! am NOT! COPING! GRAAAAGH !!!
cero: the leader of the whole operation. a bit more domineering than some of them would like. a bit self-centered, but ultimately means well for his siblings. always insists he has a plan even though he usually doesn't. he always finds a way to improvise out of every sticky situation he gets them into, though. well i mean other than that one situation that he very notably did not get them out of
uno: plays up the cool and distant act but actually cares a lot about his siblings. he might get snippy with cero from time to time but ultimately he trusts his older brother. he's a good tactician and as such ends up acting as second in command a lot of the time. when cero leaves the squad, uno readily fills the position of leader.
deux: techie. if he's not physically there for a given run, he's usually running mission control. the jackal squad hq has a giant computer specifically for him. when he is there, he's a very calculating and relatively independent fighter. has a dry but nonetheless present sense of humor.
trois: a bit hotheaded and standoffish. the primary one to question cero's choices. cares openly and passionately about her brothers. has a habit of overthinking.
quatre: optimistic, always tries to see the good in a situation and encourages his siblings to do the same. often makes quips to try and lighten the mood. sometimes makes it easy to forget that he does, in fact, kill people for money, alongside the rest of the squad.
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theangrycomet · 9 months
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I wish SEGA wasn't a coward and would let IDW use Infinite in their stories because I KNOW these two would have so much beef and could have such interesting interactions, being two sides of the same coin.
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mementhis · 2 years
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You traitor. You will doom us all.
How I wish he appeared more in the comics.
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fantasiac · 4 days
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Cyberspace + Cyber Corrupted Chaos Emerald = Null Space
colorless version under the keepreading
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autisminfinite · 10 months
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sonic forces: rise of infinite
og here
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nb-hedgewolf · 27 days
Silver: [moves a chair]
The timeline:
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Slinger as Infinite... Quatre as Whisper
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rubyprototype · 2 months
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Finally finished up Jackal Squad for my Forces AU !!! There's tons I'd love to talk about here if anyone is interested
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Please don't use / reupload (these are personalized designs, I ask that you don't use them for your own stories) NSFW/proship/vivzie DNI ! (If u have a nsfw alt that's fine just don't use that to interact pls)
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BumbleThumble for September 4th, 2024
Lineart, @kiimeranova
Coloring, @nintendoni-art
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mashirodayo · 20 days
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sonicspotlight · 2 months
Cafe AU doodles from last year. Some of these designs are a bit outdated (also sorry for the quality of the images)
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umtrem · 2 months
[jackal squad] they are the older ones taking care of the younger ones
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mikumydearest · 3 months
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Here me out
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jackalproject · 1 month
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You know what time it is.
Howdy! Welcome back to the monthly update posts! This month brings something special; an offer to you to join our team!
When I first started this project, I hoped I would be able to pull it off alone, but it becomes clearer and clearer to me each day that I cannot do it alone. So, I’m going to open up applications to be apart of the project!
Currently, I am looking for a colorist, a lineartist, and possibly a cowriter! Here is a link to the google form that you can send in your submissions to, where you’ll be asked for your portfolio/link to your works and your socials. Thank you to everyone who applies! If you are accepted, I’ll reach out in a week, on the 8th of September. Once we’ve worked everything out, I will send you an invite to the discord, and we can get started!
Of course, obligatory warning. This is a large project, and I don’t want anyone to get caught off guard by it. Team members will be given the full rundown of the plot, and are able to back out if they believe it is too much or need a break! I am very flexible, and we will make things work. I look forward to working with you all <3
Now to the real update:
PART ONE: Final script done, first issue in progress
PART TWO: Script in progress
PART THREE: Final concept in progress
Expected Releases: None this month…?
Oh look! A funny Finn expression from the storyboard! Just for you.
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Thank you to everyone who’s been patient with me, I really appreciate it. See you all soon!
(another link to the form, in case you missed it. You can also send in your portfolio and submissions on discord. Mine is Nikojpeg!)
Niko out!
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask.
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pompompipis · 1 year
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my headcanons for some of the jackal squad members! yes they are all siblings in my head (SEGA WHY DIDNT YOU GIVE THEM ANY LORE OTL)
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fantasiac · 3 days
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more Ivory bc my hyperfixation is back
(mostly) colorless version under the keep reading
you can see the designs alot better in this version
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theangrycomet-art · 9 months
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Sonic Underground Reprise: Jackal Squad
Sonic Underground🤝 Sonic Forces; cool premise with potential, bad execution
Order from Left to Right: Quatre, Trois, Duex, Uno, and Vee/Zero/Infinite
nomadic, with several bases across the region
their numbers are code names, though they all prefer these to their real names
the five grew up in Madame Fairweather's Sanctuary for Troubled Boys until they ran away together (roughly 10 years ago)
they would throw eachother off a cliff but if anyone else messses with them they are roadkill
100% success rate for their missions
Not Pro-Robotnik, not Anti-Robonik, but a secret 3rd thing (Pro-Getting-Paid)
Occasionally hired by the Azcan tribe for assistance
22, he/him
weapon of choice: shuriken
Frontman, new clients believe Uno is the leader
Vee/Zero's right hand man, the one he goes to for advice
the most levelheaded of the group
charismatic, could talk you out of your shoes
the mom friend (to his sqaud only)
21, they/he
the explosives specialist
weapon of choice: explosive, hatchet
lost their right ear as a child as "punishment" for accidentally breaking a stain glass window
blew themself on their last mission, hence the bandages (their fine)
he's like Vinny from Atlantis
18, she/her (trans)
tech expert, locksmith
weapon of choice: custom blaster
low tolerance for active stupidity/liars
tends to fiddle with what ever her latest project is when idle
gets very excited to show her skills/projects
easily frustrated when her devices/plan don't work, but unbearably smug when they do
break her stuff and she will break you
14, he/him
the wild card
weapon of choice: twin energy(?) daggers
no filter/calls it like he sees it
a bit of a klepto, the others don't care as long as he's not stealing from them and doesn't screw up the mission
excitable and reckless, often has to be pulled out scrapes, usually Vee
Do NOT call him the baby, he will steal your kneecaps
daggers were a gift from Vee after his first successful solo mission
19, he/him
"the Boss", tank
weapon of choice: scarlet scimitar
Vee was Zero's original codename, but he changes it to Zero when his squad's killed
best cook of the group
selfish bastard, always has to be the one to finish off the fight
possessive, very protective of what's his (or what he views to be his)
this includes his squad
heterochromia, though his right eye was damaged as a child during an attempted kidnapping
red onyx necklace was a gift from his boyfriend (part of a matching set)
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