#freedom charter
gnlives · 5 months
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30 years of demonstrating dispensation in South Africa. 🇿🇦
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Plan Your Own Epitaph Day
There comes a day in every person’s life when they have to face the inevitable, one day, they will be little more than food for worms. But this need not be a time for sorrow and somber reflection, but rather an opportunity to plan your last words to the world. This day, Plan Your Own Epitaph Day, is the perfect day to set aside some time to figure out what you’re going to have to say about yourself before you’re gone.
Your Epitaph is going to be that one thing that is remembered forever about you, even by those who never knew you.  There have been some great epitaphs written, forever engraved on the stones that stand in graveyards, ancient and recent alike. Some of them are tongue in cheek, like the last words of one Johnny Yeast. “Here lies Johnny Yeast, pardon me for not rising”, while others are representative of the achievements of those who now lie resting. One Ludolph van Ceulen had the first 35 digits of Pi inscribed on his tombstone, as he was the first to calculate this delicious sounding number out to that many decimals.
The nature of one’s Epitaph, and its content, bears careful consideration. It will stay with you for as much of eternity as your headstone survives, and can serve as a warning to those coming down the path to deaths door behind you. Consider such epitaphs as “Consider, friend, as you pass by: As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, you too shall be. Prepare, therefore, to follow me.” Which is found on an old Scottish tombstone.
Some of the activities you can do to celebrate this day, is go to graveyards and look for inspiration in the stones of those who have already passed. Grave rubbings are a pasttime that has been enjoyed for a long time, and this is one more way to collect Epitaphs that have already been written to help inspire you to write yours! One particularly nifty part of this is that grave-rubbings can reveal epitaphs that are otherwise nearly illegible. To participate, you need nothing more than a piece of paper and a piece of charcoal. You place the paper against the surface of the gravestone, and rub the charcoal over it. It will produce a copy of whatever is engraved on the stone that you can take away!
Another thing you can do to celebrate this pasttime is to have picnics in the graveyard with likeminded friends. Together you can sit and brainstorm on what you’d like your final words to the world to be. If you’re one of the lucky ones who lives in the vicinity of a graveyard where the world’s great poets and authors were laid to rest, you could seek inspiration in their final verse.
Plan your own Epitaph day is a day for reflection on our own mortality, and thinking forward to what kind of legacy we want to leave behind for those who come after us. While we will live on in the minds of our family and friends, the story of who we are will only be told to strangers in our final message to the world, left engraved in the marble tablet of our headstone.  So take some time  to think about where you’ve been, what you’ve done, and what you’d like to say to those who come after, and start taking strides to make sure your Epitaph is worth reading!
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
okay went to a link with canadian queer archives and im in love with this set that comes in both official languages
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serene-elysium · 2 years
Reading about the CUPE strikes and
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How about you trying paying them a wage that matches inflation?? Is that one of the tools you're talking about? Or are you talking about acts of aggression, such as fining them $4000 for every day they strike? Hm? Are you perhaps going to start sending the police after them next?
Why does it seem that not one of your tools the act of compromise and cooperation, mister Ontario Education Minister?
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shieldwife · 2 years
ik tumblr is very us-centric, but it’s still genuinely insane that i haven’t seen anyone talking about the ford govt invoking the notwithstanding clause to literally trample worker’s rights
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skankhunt44 · 1 year
Note to any of my followers who are Jewish or Islamic, or just not xtian. In Canada, you can always request a crucifix in a public place taken down, such as a hospital room. I was told that it is sacrilegious for someone to bolt it to a wall. Therefore, it can be removed.
All you have to do is ask.
Don't forget to read your charter of rights and freedoms...
Saying this as someone who went to law school.
If a place is paid for with government funds, the charter clearly states that in section 2. (a) The purpose is to prevent interference with profoundly held personal beliefs that govern one’s perception of oneself, humankind, nature, and, in some cases, a higher or different order of being.
(A fancy way of saying that if this religious object clashes (interferes) with your beliefs, you can have the object removed. This works all ways.)
Don't believe me? Here
That's the entire part of the charter.
Know your rights!
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blackmoldmp3 · 2 years
my moms gone full solidarity forever today hello everyone
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zeta-male · 2 years
i love you ndp mpps who are getting escorted out of queens park for shouting and banging on the tables etc
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in-sightpublishing · 14 days
Rossland rejects Catholic Church tax exemption
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: https://www.bchumanist.ca/rossland_rejects_catholic_church_tax_exemption Publication Date: September 10, 2024 Organization: British Columbia Humanist Association Organization Description: The…
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To all Canadians in or who have recently finished high school
Just realised that I've been assuming this is still a thing, when my school curriculum was set by the NDP, and not the Danielle Smith party.
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agentfascinateur · 3 months
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chriswhodrawsstuff · 5 months
Freedom from fear.
I was listening to tax expert Professor in Accountancy Richard J Murphy speak this morning (I am that rock and roll) and he was talking about the notion of ‘freedom from fear’ and how this applies to the United Kingdom’s poor and vulnerable today. It was a concept introduced by President Roosevelt in his ‘four freedoms’ speech in 1941 along with freedom from want, freedom of speech and expression…
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notaplaceofhonour · 1 year
As a leftist Jew who believes strongly in the cause of dignity and freedom for the Palestinian people, and that Israel has abused them, I am begging fellow leftists to understand that real life is not a comic book. A government being “the bad guy” in a situation does not automatically make anyone who opposes it “the good guy”.
Hamas denies the Holocaust. Hamas disseminates the Protocols of the Elders of Zion—the conspiracy theory it paints is what they mean by “Zionist”. Hamas forbids foreign aid educators from teaching human rights to Palestinians, and claims that even teaching that the Holocaust happened is a war crime. Hamas has written the aim of annihilating Israel (the country and its people) into its charter—the mass slaughter and violent expulsion of 7 million Jews from the land is written into its laws.
There is no crime any state could ever do that would justify any of that; there is no act of state repression that could ever make it acceptable to side with the organization spreading Nazi pamphlets and Holocaust denial.
Oppose Bibi Netanyahu. Oppose Israel’s far-right, authoritarian government. Oppose Likud’s policies. Oppose its violence against Palestinian civilians. That isn’t antisemitic. But Hamas is—verifiably, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to its core—antisemitic. Its portrayal of Israeli Jews as blood-thirsty, child-killing master manipulators that control international media and finance is antisemitic. Its insistence that Palestinian freedom necessitates the death & expulsion of Jews from the land is antisemitic. Its redefinition of “Zionism” as a pejorative to mean genocidal Jewish/Israeli Supremacy is antisemitic.
Supporting the Palestinian people in their plight is a noble and loving goal; please never stop that. But do not let Hamas co-opt that into excusing or denying their rampant antisemitism and war crimes.
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netbuzzafrica · 6 months
ACHPR Resolution 580 on Internet Shutdowns and Elections in Africa
In accordance with its duty to uphold and defend human and peoples’ rights in Africa as outlined in Article 45 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Charter), African States have been urged to abstain from implementing Internet shutdowns during electoral periods. Resolution 580 was endorsed during the 78th Private Ordinary Session conducted virtually from February 23 to…
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fairclaim · 9 months
Freedom of Expression
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms sets out those rights and freedoms that Canadians believe are necessary in a free and democratic society.
Under section 2 of the Charter, Canadians are free to follow the religion of their choice. In addition, they are guaranteed freedom of thought, belief and expression. Since the media are an important means for communicating thoughts and ideas, the Charter protects the right of the press and other media to speak out. Our right to gather and act in peaceful groups is also protected, as is our right to belong to an association like a trade union.
These freedoms are set out in the Charter to ensure that Canadians are free to create and express their ideas, gather to discuss them and communicate them widely to other people. These activities are basic forms of individual liberty. They are also important to the success of a democratic society like Canada. In a democracy, people must be free to discuss matters of public policy, criticize governments and offer their own solutions to social problems.
Even though these freedoms are very important, governments can sometimes limit them. For example, freedom of expression may be limited by laws against hate propaganda or child pornography because they prevent harm to individuals and groups.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Rehearse For Victory Parade By Buying Bonds Today," Toronto Star. April 26, 1943. Page 17. ---- FOUR ALLIED LEADERS TELL TORONTO CITIZENS WHY LOAN IS NEEDED ---- FROM THE CITY HALL THE ALLIED LEADERS LOOK FOR TORONTO'S GREATEST EFFORT ---- Churchill, Roosevelt. Kai-shek, Stalin Speak From City Hall Steps --- ON FOUR FREEDOMS --- THE BUGLES SOUND THE CLARION CALL TO BUY VICTORY BONDS --- The voices of the four great United Nations leaders re-echoed through Toronto's downtown streets today. Recorded from recent addresses they have made, and played over a loud speaker system in from of City Hall, were speeches made by Winston Churchill, Chiang-Kai-Shek and Joseph Stalin describing the "Four Freedoms" in connection with the Fourth Victory Loan. Chiang Kai-Shek and Stalin speak in their native tonques, and English translations follow each of them.
Here are their messages: WINSTON CHURCHILL: "If we had kept together after the last war, if we had taken common measures for our safety, this renewal of the curse of war need never have fallen upon us. Do we not owe it to ourselves, to our children, to tormented mankind to make sure that these catastrophes do not engulf us for the third time? It has been proved that pestilences may break out in the Old World,which carry their destructive ravages into the New World, from which once they are afoot, the New World cannot escape. Duty and prudence alike command, first, that the germ centres of hatred and revenge should be constantly and vigilantly served. and treated in good time and that an adequate organization should be set up to make sure that the pestilence can be controlled at its earliest beginning before it spreads and rages throughout the entire earth."
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT: "The four freedoms of common humanity are as much elements of man's needs as air and sunlight, bread and salt. Deprive him of all these freedoms and he dies. Deprive him of a part of them and a part of him withers. Give them to him in full and abundant measure and he will cross the threshold of a new age - the greatest age of man. These freedoms are the rights of all men of every creed and every race, wherever they live. This is their heritage long withheld. We of the United Nations have the power and the men and the will at last to assure man's heritage."
GENERALISSIMO CHIANG KAI-SHEK: "Our Chinese people are convinced that the principles enunciated in the Atlantic Charter are not vague assurances and empty diplomatic phraseology, but that they are the underlying convictions to which the peace-loving people of America are dedicated. To my mind. these principles apply not only to America and Europe, but also to all peoples and races so that freedom, justice and equality may reign the world over."
PREMIER STALIN: "We are waging a great war of liberation. We are not waging it alone, but in conjunction with our Allies. It will end in our victory over the vile foes of mankind, over the German Fascist imperialists. On our standard is inscribed "Hail the Victory of the Anglo-Soviet-American Fighting Alliance." Hail the liberation of the nations of Europe from Hitler's tyranny."
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