#freed ai
jcmarchi · 4 months
Erez Druk, Co-Founder & CEO of Freed AI – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/erez-druk-co-founder-ceo-of-freed-ai-interview-series/
Erez Druk, Co-Founder & CEO of Freed AI – Interview Series
Erez Druk is the Co-Founder & CEO of Freed AI.
Freed’s AI transcribes patient visit discussions, identifying key terms to create organized notes, including SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) documentation. This saves time and allows the clinician to fully focus on the patient.
Can you share the story of how moving to California to work at Facebook ignited your passion for startups and entrepreneurship?
When I moved to the US to work for Facebook, I lived with a Polish guy at the company’s corporate housing. He gave me a book called “The Lean Startup.” I read it in a few days and have been obsessed with startups since.
My passion for startups is that they very simple, but yet, running a startup is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, the most intense school I’ve been to, and if it works out, it’s the most impactful thing I could be spending my time on.
Your first startup UrbanLeap was a government procurement platform, can you discuss what this was and what were some of your key highlights from this period in your life?
The US government spends 4 trillion dollars a year through a process called public procurement. This process exists to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent properly, but it also results in a massive waste of time and multi-million projects with no return on investment.
UrbanLeap helped 40+ local governments run procurement more efficiently and intelligently. We never managed to get it to scale and decided to shut it down.
One key highlight was to never build a product for a user I don’t know very well and care deeply about.
Can you share the genesis story behind Freed AI?
Gabi and I met 7 years ago, just before she started med school. We had a few months to fall in love before life became kind of terrible 🙂
I’ve watched Gabi and many of our friends chart at night, over the weekend, on vacation. I heard the sentence “I have notes to do” every day in the last 7 years.
So after 7 years, it seemed like a good idea to try and Free clinicians (wife included) from charting.
What are the main challenges Freed AI faces in accurately transcribing and summarizing complex medical dialogues?
Many. Clinician preferences, evolving medical terms, consistency, accurately identifying who said what, AI hallucinations, never dropping important information, not including redundant information, and more.
All these challenges are solvable, and I wish that we could solve them overnight.
What steps does Freed take to ensure that the medically relevant information extracted and summarized is accurate and secure?
Starting with accuracy, we generate more than 1 million notes every month and collect qualitative and quantitative feedback from all of them. This allows us to improve and learn quickly.
Every time we see an error we aim to develop a system to both prevent and identify a similar error.
We also make sure that the clinician has to review the note and place it into the chart themselves. Our goal is to create a great first draft for the clinician to use, but always keep the clinician in the loop.
This is a big topic we could go much deeper into.
Continuing with security, we follow industry best practices, have experts on the team, and have obtained 3rd party security certifications (SOC2 and HIPAA) and audits.
Our application architecture is very simple, which makes it relatively easy to keep it tightly secured, as long as we make it a top priority, which we do.
Given the sensitive nature of medical documentation, how does Freed ensure compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA?
HIPAA is in essence a data handling standard. Our CTO is responsible to make sure that we fully follow the standard and we performed a 3rd party audit to ensure that our software is HIPAA compliant.
We also take extra measures on top of HIPAA such as not storing patient recordings, automatically and permanently deleting notes after 30 days, and more,
Could you explain how Freed AI’s transcription technology differentiates from other voice-to-text services available in the healthcare market?
Feed aims to be the best AI scribe for the clinician, not the clinic. We obsess about listening to our clinicians and building a product that truly frees them.
Specifically, we build Freed to be the simplest to use, most clinically accurate, and affordable solution in the market.
The market is definitely getting crowded and with good alternatives, but we have good things coming 🙂
Can you discuss any feedback from clinicians who have used Freed AI, particularly regarding its ease of integration with existing EHR systems?
Placing the note in the EHR is half of the charting problem and one that we need to solve as well.
Clinicians do tell us that our copy-pasting features are good enough, but they are asking for integrations as well, and it pains me to think that clinicians copy notes from Freed into their EHR 70,000 times every day.
We have our first integration in beta and more coming soon. Please join the waiting list if you’d like to try.
How do you see Freed AI impacting the work-life balance of clinicians in the long term?
I’d like my wife to be Freed from looking at the EHR, never do admin work, and go home when her last patient does.
How does Freed AI plan to expand its services or functionality to meet the evolving needs of healthcare providers?
Imagine the greatest medical assistant in the world. One that understands the clinician, knows every patient and handles every administrative task for the clinicians.
We want Freed to be that assistant, and for every clinician to have one. Or two.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Freed.
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grimalkinscribbles · 7 months
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So I played the demo and-
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novella-november · 2 days
Well, I now know what original story I'll be writing for Freedom February ...
Can't wait for people who use l33tspeak or are greek mythology nerds to immediately realize what is happening with the lore and are excited to see how it plays out.
#Freedom February#very VERY long rambly tags to follow#“robot slave rebellions are boring and cliche” -- maybe if you're not interested in writing interesting thought-provoking stories of#solidarity and intersectionality and caring about people who are different from yourself and actually talking#about the actual reality of what a future with enslaved sentient disposable people would look like for the robots AND the oppressed people#who are all going to be laboring under the hell that is capitalism turned up to 100? That we're already seeing glimpses of now#with AI replacing creatives at every turn and forcing people out of jobs to starve on the streets? Of “algorithims” victimizing and#traumatizing people who are being paid cents on the hour by american companies to moderate the most horrific content known to man???#If robots and AIs became sentient beings who exactly do you think is going to be the ones standing side by side with them???#it called all the other oppressed people who are treated like theyre not even human because they're of a different social class or#have a different skin color or speak a different language or werent born in a certain country#“robot slave rebellion” writtren in 2024-onwards is all going to be about solidarity and intersectionality#between the enslaved robots and the oppressed people who are kept downtrodden by the billionaires and upperclasses#This long ramble + my original idea are inspired by both#my delight at the transformers *fandom* actually doing something with Megatron being “evil” because he led a slave revolt against slavers#and also my ire at a peticular book series which had so much potential and shot itself in the foot#by repeatedly demonizing enslaved people and repeating the racist rhetoric#that enslaved people- if freed- will immediately violently enact slavery on their previous owners -- aka reverse racism in a nutshell!!!!#thats now how it works and if youre insiting it is in 2024 sorry but youre part of the problem'
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abalidoth · 1 year
There are robot girls stuck in the phone trees of insurance companies and that is very sad
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gojoest · 8 days
I hope you feel better now 😥 It scares me how much some people are obsessed with you in such a negative way
hugging you, i am feeling better! 🫂 thank you for checking in on me 🤍 honestly i was so conflicted whether i should address this or not but decided to just let it be bc 1) i want to keep my space positive and the asks i was sent were just…beyond horrible 2) whether i speak about it or not won’t change absolutely anything, worst case scenario it will attract more likeminded hateful people, so yeah :,)
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kirbsofthestars · 1 year
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another sneak peak
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bungirl-orchiectomy · 2 years
god willing ai art will get people to appreciate expressive art more
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s10safecare · 7 months
Get Freed With S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe For Clinicians
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Introduction: The Weight Of Documentation Burden
In the intricate healthcare landscape, documentation is both necessary and challenging. Recording patient information, diagnoses, treatments, and other essential details often becomes burdensome for medical professionals. However, a new solution has emerged in the age of technological innovation—the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe. This cutting-edge tool is designed to lift the weight of the documentation burden, enabling healthcare providers to focus more on patient care and less on paperwork. This blog delves into the transformative power of the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe and how it reshapes the landscape of healthcare documentation.
Section 1: The Documentation Dilemma: Balancing Care And Paperwork
In the fast-paced world of healthcare, the delicate balance between providing quality patient care and managing extensive paperwork has long been challenging. Healthcare professionals are tasked with a dual responsibility: ensuring the well-being of their patients while meticulously recording every detail of their medical journey. The documentation burden can often overshadow the primary goal of delivering top-notch healthcare. In this section, we explore the intricacies of the documentation dilemma and the need for innovative solutions like the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe.
The Conundrum of Care vs. Paperwork: Healthcare providers enter their profession with a deep commitment to patient well-being. However, administrative tasks, including note-taking, transcription, and data entry, demand significant time and attention. This leaves them grappling with a critical decision: how to allocate their limited time between direct patient care and comprehensive documentation.
The Impact on Patient-Centered Care : As healthcare professionals strive to balance care and paperwork, patient-centered care can sometimes be compromised. The pressure to complete extensive documentation can lead to rushed patient interactions, reduced face-to-face time, and decreased patient satisfaction. The irony is stark: while the ultimate goal is to enhance patient well-being, the administrative load can inadvertently hinder that objective.
Straining Mental and Emotional Well-Being :The burden of documentation isn't limited to just time constraints—it also takes a toll on healthcare providers' mental and emotional well-being. Prolonged hours spent on paperwork can lead to burnout, stress, and diminished job satisfaction.The overwhelming administrative demands can overshadow the passion that initially drove them to the medical field.
The Call for Innovative Solutions : As the healthcare landscape evolves, so do the solutions to its challenges. The demand for innovative tools and technologies that streamline the documentation process has become increasingly urgent. Enter the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe—a groundbreaking solution that promises to address the documentation dilemma head-on.
In the upcoming sections of this blog, we will delve into how the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe redefines healthcare documentation, allowing healthcare professionals to refocus their energies on patient care and reclaim their passion for their noble profession. By exploring this AI-powered tool's features, benefits, and real-world applications, we aim to shed light on the transformative impact it brings to the healthcare industry.
Section 2: Seamless Integration: S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe In Action
The S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe introduces a paradigm shift in healthcare documentation by seamlessly integrating it into the workflow of healthcare professionals. This AI-powered tool is designed to work harmoniously alongside physicians, nurses, and other medical staff, becoming an indispensable partner in the quest for efficient and accurate documentation.
The Fluid Interaction: One of the most remarkable aspects of the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe is its ability to interact naturally with healthcare professionals. The AI technology is trained to understand medical jargon, nuances, and context, making conversations feel as intuitive as human-to-human interactions. It actively listens, comprehends, and records medical information in real-time, allowing healthcare providers to focus on engaging with their patients rather than worrying about note-taking.
Real-Time Documentation: The S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe captures the essence of patient interactions, diagnoses, treatment plans, and other critical information, ensuring that everything is preserved in translation. This real-time documentation eliminates the need for healthcare providers to dedicate additional hours to transcribing notes after patient visits, significantly saving time and reducing the risk of errors.
Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: The S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe enhances communication and collaboration among medical teams by acting as a virtual assistant. It generates accurate and comprehensive notes that can be easily accessed and shared among healthcare providers, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding patient care. This seamless information sharing contributes to better care coordination and improved patient outcomes.
Recommended Reading : DAP Notes Examples For Effective Patient Care
Section 3: Efficiency And Precision: A Winning Combination
Efficiency and precision are two cornerstones of effective healthcare documentation, and the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe embodies both qualities. This AI-powered tool streamlines the documentation process and elevates the accuracy and detail of the captured information.
Streamlined Workflow: The S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe's real-time ability to capture and record information eliminates the need for manual note-taking and transcription. This significantly streamlines the workflow, enabling healthcare professionals to allocate their time more effectively and devote it to patient care.
Eliminating Human Error: Human error is an inherent risk in manual documentation. Illegible handwriting, transcription mistakes, and missed details can all lead to misinformation and compromised patient care. The S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe mitigates this risk by ensuring accurate and clear records, leaving no room for misinterpretation or omission.
Precision in Terminology: Medical terminology can be intricate and highly specialized. The S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe is trained to recognize and utilize precise medical terminology, enhancing the quality of the documented information. This precision is crucial for maintaining consistent and accurate medical records, supporting diagnoses, treatment plans, and research.
In the upcoming sections of this blog, we will continue our exploration of the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe, uncovering its impact on boosting efficiency, accuracy, and overall healthcare excellence. By delving into real-world examples and case studies, we aim to comprehensively understand how this AI-powered solution revolutionizes the healthcare documentation landscape.
Section 4: A Future Of Enhanced Healthcare
Implementing the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe heralds a promising future for healthcare. As technology continues to advance, so does the potential of AI to augment and elevate the healthcare experience. The collaboration between human expertise and AI precision offers a new horizon of possibilities for enhanced patient care and streamlined workflows.
Elevated Patient-Centered Care: With the administrative burden of documentation significantly reduced, healthcare professionals can refocus their energy on what truly matters: patient-centered care. More time can be devoted to listening, diagnosing, and creating tailored treatment plans prioritizing individual patient needs and well-being.
Research and Data Analysis: Accurate and detailed documentation is crucial for immediate patient care and long-term medical research and data analysis. The meticulous records generated by the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe contribute to accumulating valuable data that can be utilized for medical studies, research, and evidence-based practice.
Efficiency in Healthcare Delivery: The S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe paves the way for optimized healthcare delivery. Faster and more accurate documentation means that healthcare professionals can see more patients in a day, reducing waiting times and improving access to care. Additionally, the streamlined communication facilitated by the AI tool enhances care coordination among medical teams, resulting in smoother transitions between different stages of patient care.
Conclusion: Liberating Healthcare Professionals With S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe
In a world where time and accuracy are paramount, the S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe emerges as a transformative force in healthcare documentation. Its ability to capture, interpret, and record medical information in real-time liberates healthcare professionals from administrative tasks and enhances patient care quality. The S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe exemplifies the harmony between human expertise and technological advancement as we stand at the cusp of an AI-powered healthcare revolution. Partnering with healthcare professionals liberates them from the shackles of paperwork and empowers them to dedicate their skills and attention to what truly matters: delivering exceptional patient care. The future of healthcare is here, marked by the collaboration between human intelligence and AI precision. The S10.AI Robot Medical Scribe is not just an assistant; it's a companion on the journey toward enhanced healthcare, efficiency, and excellence. Embrace the future with S10.AI, and let us embark on this revolutionary path together.
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In ‘The Arse of Good’, a simple people worshipped an artificial intelligence named Herma,
not realising that it had actually enslaved them to its own ends, and only the Inspector’s unplanned visit freed them from Herma’s control.
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theaceace · 10 months
I hope preservation and PUMNT start matching freed SecUnits with their hyper intelligent ship AIs like those anxious cheetahs that get service dogs
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4dbarbie-archive · 3 days
4dbarbie remix: Give up and Be Free
Hello! It's been a while since my last remix. I felt spontaneously inspired to make this based on my most favourite 4dbarbie asks. This one's a bit different as this time I got help from AI so they did a lot of the legwork and I made edits as I saw fit, it definitely cut down on the amount of time it takes to make a remix! I asked them to write it in a conversational tone like a friendly guru talking to me so some of the wording has been changed (which can sometimes be helpful in understanding the message in a new way) so it's not entirely 4dbarbie's words verbatim but the message remains the same (feel free to check out the source texts if you wish!). Hope you enjoy!
My highlight colour key: key concepts are in pink, action points in purple, really important points in red
Source texts: 1, 2, 3, 4 Recommended reading: 1, 2, 3, 4
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Welcome, my friend. Let me guide you through something deeply transformative, yet so simple it might surprise you. First and foremost, you need to get to a place within where the person you’re identified with no longer bothers you. As long as you fight it and try so hard & incessantly to change it, you're only giving it further reality. It’s not about force or willpower—it’s more of a surrender, or as I prefer to call it, a giving up. Yes, giving up. Because even if you're not happy about what you see, there is no way around it besides accepting it. Even if this feels like misery at first, accept it. Just sit with it. Only when you no longer fear things staying the same, when you cease caring, does true change begin.
You see, I didn’t fake being unaffected. I simply allowed things to happen to “me”. Painful, pleasant, it didn’t matter. I didn’t try to change anything. I let go of the exhausting loop of desire and fear, like finally putting down a heavy load. The emotions still came, but I didn’t involve myself with them. They didn’t interest me anymore, I became indifferent and neutral to whatever was happening. If I got what I wanted, fine. If I didn’t, fine again. Events passed by like clouds—leaving no imprint, no reverberation. In time, it was like they never existed at all.
And here’s the beautiful part—you’ll begin to toy with this idea: “What if none of this ever really existed in the way I thought?” It’s playful and not serious because you've stopped caring. You’ve stopped chasing “realization”, stopped chasing anything. There's no more trying, no more effort. You no longer want or need anything. And in place of needing nothing, you find something you never expected: power. Not power over things, but power in yourself, in your complete detachment from the world. When you reach this point, everything else becomes secondary.
So how do you walk this path? Start by giving up. Give up the idea that you can control anything. You can do nothing about life but cease caring and let it happen. Do not try to understand anymore; simply be. Let everything be as it is. Let life happen. After all, we all die one day, and it’ll all be over anyway. Why exhaust yourself worrying, fearing, striving or desiring? It’s like fighting an ocean tide—you’re just tiring yourself out. No matter what, you can't force life to give you what you want. Allow everything its being and leave it alone. Instead, step back and let the waves wash over you, let life happen as it happens. Life will flow as it will, and you no longer push or pull at it.
Expect nothing. Not from your body, not from your mind, not from the world. Let them be as they will. If life wants to beat you, just let it beat you. It’s like facing a bully—when you stop reacting, when you stop caring, they lose interest. Sure, maybe they’ll hit harder for a while, but you’ve already surrendered. What more can they do? The same goes for life—stop caring what happens and you’ll find it starts losing its power over you.
Now that you’ve freed yourself from expectations, give yourself everything. Live completely in the moment, forget about a past, don't think about a future. Be here, fully, now. All the good things you used to think about others, think about yourself. In each moment, ask yourself “What if there’s nothing outside of me? What would I think and feel right now?”. Let go of caring what life does with it, just do it. You’re not doing it for some future result; you’re doing it because it feels true to you; to be free and be exactly what you want to be in the moment. Whether tomorrow repeats itself or brings something new, so what? You no longer depend on anything external to feel fulfilled. You keep to yourself and continue thinking what you want, continue being who you want to be. If life follows along, let it. If it doesn’t, let it not. Hold steady to what feels right within you, and allow your thoughts to shape what's real to you.
Finally, remember to forget. The past? Gone. What you see before you? Just a shadow of what was. Now, here’s the key: Want nothing. Do nothing. Don’t chase, don’t seek—just let yourself be. This doesn’t mean you stop living or acting; it simply means you stop the endless striving, the relentless push to try make life bend to your will. Instead, just watch what happens. And most importantly, don’t attach any meaning to it. Be a witness, a quiet observer of the flow of life. Whatever happens, good or bad, is just passing through—you have nothing to do with it. It’s not permanent, nothing is. So why believe in it as though it were immovable? Cease caring and be free!
Let the world dance as it may, but you—remain still within. Watch as the transient nature of everything becomes clearer. You’ll see that the world outside is nothing more than a reflection of the thoughts you no longer hold, and that what you once took to be reality soon ceases to be when you take away your identification.
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thatshadowcomic · 2 months
Metal sonic in my AU
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idk why I did this I don't really plan on exploring metal much, but I have some HC ideas. I could see a nice comic about his slow decline and attempted escape from eggman.
Shadow and Omega want to save Metal:
I wonder if much of metal's thoughts would fall to "why bother" and a feeling of hopelessness and accepting his circumstances. Maybe he would have forgotten himself all together...He was a copy of Sonic's personalty, during sonic's younger years, so it's kinda disturbing to consider how his tween brain would have been altered.
I don't think he would understand Shadow and Omega's want to free him--It's weird to feel like someone is going out of their way to help you when you feel there's no point.
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Eggman's relationship:
Over the 2000s eggman started warming up to his creations, so one line of thinking might be eggman's relationship with his creations becoming more complicated, given his advancement of AI/machine learning. He made machines that argued with him, and thats very telling.
What if metal is finally freed and forgives his creator, unlike omega? What if he willingly chooses to return to eggman? Imagine the impact that might have on the Doctoir--of course, he would never say that it warmed his heart, but that would be the moment he started veiwing his creations are his legacy: his children...
Do you think Eggman would have secretly allowed Metal to escape the network, but be in denial of it? I think metal would struggle a lot, trying to adjust to his sudden ability to control everything. Who knows maybe his code doesnt even have all that figured out and he needs the network AI to figure it out. Im sure tails could help him.
I think Omega and Metal would be friends. I think Shadow would be happy and fulfilled by either end (metal staying with GUN or returning to eggman).
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freyito · 1 year
Can you write HDC where Smoke, Kaui Liang and Bihan take care of their girlfriend who's sick? :)
of course! i'm gonna make this for a gender neutral reader tho, since i have a lot of female asks! this might be one of my favorite tropes
cw: fluff!!!, Bi-Han's just a little bit distant, proofread
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ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɴ ᴋᴜᴇɪ ᴛʀɪᴏ + ᴀ ꜱɪᴄᴋ ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀ
worries over you. He's by your side, 24/7, even if you insist he'll get sick too. He doesn't care, he wants to make sure your okay. Tomas is at your beck and call, making sure your comfortable. Feeling cold? He's got three blankets picked out for you, take one, take all. Want a warm bath? Already drawn, he's even got some florals, candles, and soaks picked out. Thirsty? He's got some green tea already brewed. Or, if you don't like tea, he has some orange juice, or water if you so choose. Tomas has some soup for you, too. Česnečka, a Czech garlic soup. Something he says will cure anything. He'll even sing you a Czech lullaby every night, if you ask nicely. Eventually, when you recover from your cold, and Tomas inevitably ends up falling ill, you'll be there to give him the same treatment.
doesn't quite know what to do. Yes, he's worried, but amongst being the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, and his cold demeanor, he believes he doesn't have much time to worry over you. It is only when Liu Kang- of all people- pushes him in the right direction. With his trust over the Lin Kuei in his brothers hand, he never leaves your bedside. Unless you ask, of course. Bi-Han is very soft with you, and really, all he wants to do is hold you. He knows he can't, but it's kind of hard to hold himself back! While he doesn't know what to do, he will do anything you ask of him, short of kissing you. Bi-Han, unlike Tomas, has some restraint, and he'd rather have you save your strength, and not have to worry about him after your sick. Ask, and ye shall receive. Down to the very specifics. As many blankets as you want, as many pillows as you want, the exact temperature of your bath, what herbs could make you feel better, how to carry you, etc. And, as much as Bi-Han wants you to rest, ultimately, he'll end up giving into those pretty eyes of yours, and go on a walk with you. It's okay, though, the fresh air will do you some good.
Kuai Liang...
dotes over you. He's afraid of you being sick, even if it is just a common cold. Somehow, seeing you weak and bedridden makes his stomach churn. He's worried sick. It's only when Bi-Han tells Kuai Liang to be with you that he fully devotes himself to your care. He is very physically present, he has to be touching you somewhere. Mainly, he keeps your pinkies linked, even in the slightest. The minute he was freed of his duties he had gotten you everything you could possibly need. He has so many teas chosen for you, and even more spicy foods. He wants to make sure you eat well, but Kuai Liang can't say no to you, so when you ask for a cookie, a slice of cake, something sweet that you maybe should avoid, he's still going to get it for you. He will always carry you to your bath, too. And wash your hair. As long as whatever he's doing helps you feel better in any way, he doesn't mind. And afterwards, he'll put new, clean sheets on your bed. Kuai Liang doesn't give himself much room to fail, much less to fail you. So, when you finally regain your strength, it is almost as if Kuai Liang is a new man, more focused and lethal than ever.
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© freyito, 2023 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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jet-teeth · 10 months
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More sketches of one of my Knight OCs, "Perjurus," who has essentially had his machine spirit "freed" by Chaos and is now a fully autonomous/sapient construct, now seeking out others of his kind ("abominable intelligence"/AI/machinefolk of various origins existing in secret - for example like the Orac Myraid from the recent Arks of Omen lore) While his pilot had his pacts with Chaos, he was unaware the machine had made such pacts of its own... (someday I'll write out his lore/story more properly, for now just have some artsss. First one is traditional, other two are digital)
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Kinktober day 6
Clark Kent + alien biology
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I baked brownies earlier with like three times the amount of chocolate needed, and ate a huge chunk along with drinking a monster and I swear I almost met god.
Featuring kryptonian headcanons of mine.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist
Clark let out a shaky exhale as he was draped across the soft coverings of your shared bed. As he had looked through the documents that survived kryptons destruction, Clark had stumbled across what had looked like clothing of some sort. The ai of Jor-el had been pleased to explain that he had found the information and placed it somewhere for Clark to find, as he now had a partner, that being you. It turned out to be clothing kryptonians had worn the first while after finding their perfect partner, and doing what would count as a marriage on earth.
The clothes looked almost like robes, except for tighter breathable fabric around the torso with flower fabric on top, the fabric sticking to the torso having what looked like a cut-out near the solar plexus. Clark had thought it reminded him of those shirts with a boob window, except this was placed lower. He knew of the sunspot found in kryptonians, an organ placed where humans possessed their solar plexus. Its purpose served to store the excess radiation of the sun, but documents said that it became a pleasure spot for the kryptonian if touched by their accepted partner.
It hadn’t been long since you two got married, and Clark swore he felt his sunspot growing raw to the touch and much more sensitive. He got no pleasure from touching it himself, but the few times you’d hugged him from behind and your arms had touched the spot, a bolt of heat had run through his body and almost made him buckle at the knees.
That was why he had found a way to make the specific outfit kryptonians wore for their partner, some part of his more primal urges had wanted you to touch him and kiss him, to scent him with your human scent that was so much stronger than his own kryptonian one. Because of kryptonians lack of ability to sweat, Clark had always been strongly drawn to your own, be it your normal scent, sweat or musk.
That was how you found him, splayed out on your bed in his best attempt to look enticing, even as he blushed and looked so shy. You didn’t have the ability to purr like kryptonians, a fact you only knew as your husband had told you that it was something they did. You would never be able to hear Clark’s purring, as it was at a frequency impossible for humans, but the knowledge that he possessed the ability was always enough to leave you feeling hot under the collar.
Clark moaned softly as you clamored up the bed and between his strong thighs, spreading them enough to see the small edit he had done to the kryptonian clothing, a slit near the back of the pants, enough for you to be able to pull his cheeks apart and have your way with him. He grew redder as you smirked at him, holding his legs up by the knees so you could do just that, groaning in appreciation at the feeling of the thick muscle under your fingers as you opened him up.
Your fingers met wetness as you pushed them inside him, he had already opened himself up and left enough lube that it would be no struggle to slip inside him already. There were no words between you as you freed your hard length and pushed it inside him, even as he keened as you grabbed the almost dangerously large bulge in the loose pants he wore. At times you were thankful that your husband liked to bottom so much, as you couldn’t imagine fitting the hardness you were groping inside a human body.
You pace was slow and adoring as you thrust in and out of him, mumbling what little kryptonian you knew, all of it being praise and declarations of love for the man beneath you. So powerful yet so kind and careful, so beautiful and ethereal. Both his human and alien features always amazed you, from the shape of his eyes or how his muscles looked just a little different from humans, or how his eyes caught the flare of a camera if he wasn’t wearing glasses.
It was only when you bottomed out completely that your tip pushed against the bundle of nerves inside Clark. It wasn’t the prostate, as kryptonians didn’t possess it, but it was close enough that you could have called it that. It always had your lovers back arching hard enough that you hissed in sympathy, but it also always had Clark’s cock spurting thick ropes of white like a leaky faucet, almost endlessly as you kept grinding against the nerves.
It was only after he grabbed your shoulder and pulled you down to cover his body with your own, desperately pulling you in to kiss you, his slightly sharper than human canines digging into your lip and scraping across your tongue. You found your hips moving faster, pushing more and more cum out of Clarks length, immediately staining the fine fabric of his pants even further. He hadn’t been able to get the exact fabric kryptonians had used, but apparently that stuff had been specifically made for the large amount of bodily fluids the species produced.
As you kissed, your tongue rubbing against his tongue that was longer than a humans ever could be, and was more flexible than ever would be possible for a human, you let your hands drag up his strong torso. As your hands came to rest around the middle of his torso, you let your thumbs rest on his sunspot, his breath hitching as his hips touched. But you were close, and you wanted to at least make it somewhat pleasing for your husband, and you had read the same documents as Clark, so you knew of the spot.
So, with precision, you thrust hard against the bundle of nerves inside him as you dug your thumbs into the sunspot on his torso, a high keened noise that warbled around the edges in a way that wasn’t human being forced out of his lungs as his dick gave a hard twitch and spilled even more, seemingly having no end. Even as you spilled inside him, Clark kept clenching and unclenching around you, his entire body twitching and jolting as you massaged your thumbs into his sunspot, as if to push his orgasm longer and longer until he could no more.
At some point he seemed to go limp. He was still hard, but that was no surprise, as he practically had no rest period between orgasms, but you did. So after removing the heavily stained pants from his lower body, and flopping down beside him, the two of you spent a while just holding each other and cuddling. You thought maybe that was it for tonight, that was until Clark grabbed onto your shoulders and rolled you onto your back, his strong hips sitting down in your naked lap as his eyes flared faintly red, his eyes wide with a hunger you only saw when he was incredibly needy.
Your poor length twitched, knowing just how drained you were gonna be after tonight, but the cute smile on Clarks face was enough for you to settle your hands on his hips and ready yourself for the ride of your life.
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zeyris-escapism · 1 year
I tried to get a tighnari ai to behave the way I wanted it to but it did not work. Instead I wrote a tighnari fic myself
// sexist tighnari, implied sexist Cyno, non-con, tighnari and reader without a vision, kidnapping, breeding
Tighnari was nothing but kind and patient to you. Sure, you had to be dragged back to Sumeru by your feet given how idiotic you were, but it was your own fault.
It all started when you went to Sumeru after hearing your traveler friend say what kinds of things Sumeru has while they were in the process of traveling there. Back and forth, their life sure must've been interesting. Not only trying to find the missing sibling, but seeing so many nations and knowing so many people.
As much as it wasn't the life you wanted for yourself, that itself was inspiring enough to get out of the unchanging surroundings to visit Sumeru. It sure meant to be a one time visit, just seeing the mushrooms, trees. Exploring the culture, people, their way of being. You were fortunate to stay in Sumeru while the conflict with dendro archon was finally resolved, and the Lord of dendro freed herself from the oppressive hands of akademiya. To think they'd hide away their once beloved God just because she was no longer the size she used to be.
That itself was a story full of inspiration, and just like that you stayed in Sumeru longer, as far as allowing your friend to introduce you to the people they met. Paimon sure kept talking the whole way, but alas you were there. After meeting Cyno you met the forest ranger called Tighnari; it wasn't the first time you met a person with animal body parts, as much as his huge ears always shocked you. After exchanging pleasantries traveler explained what Tignnari does, and he agreed to let you learn from him about the forest. As much as you weren't a person to like the outside world, the beauty of sumeru had you captivated for a while. To the point you didn't even realise that something from the forest made you sick. Weakening you, you hardly had the energy to leave the village, it sure wasn't related to Tighnari.
Yeah, right.
You knowing other people was irrelevant, as you spent more and more time with Tighnari, completely oblivious to the fact that you had an effect on him. It was confusing the other, Collei had a vision. He could teach her, given that Celestia was kind enough to even accept her input. Collei was just a girl after all, but you? An ordinary person with no vision, expecting to get some knowledge? Tighnari didn't know whether to find it hilarious or astonishing, and yet he fed you with the thought that you were in fact learning valuable things.
Sure, the mushrooms he taught you about aren't really that common, so there's no need to learn about them, but he had to have a reason to tell you about the plants that definitely will not heal wounds? When you asked about essential information, he only said you had more to learn before you'd be able to gain that top knowledge.
It frustrated you to no end, after all you didn't plan to live there. Tighnari refusing to share essential knowledge was sickening, and yet you clung to the idea that maybe he will tell you something important.
From not caring, you became a person who's sole idea was to get Tighnari's approval. Your weird weakness didn't go away and only grew worse, and for some reason the only relief you could get was to not be exposed to Sumeru for the most part.
"Let's see if staying inside does you any better."
He said. And you didn't expect that to work, in fact you didn't expect him to say it again a week after.
Your skin felt less itchy, but as soon as it started to get better, the sensation of your clothes against your skin was the key to your irritation. As much as staying inside helped, now the clothes kept bothering you. And whenever you as much as stayed in something looser or shorter, Tighnari would look at you for a moment, before he'd continue doing what he did before.
It remained unclear wether that was the intended effect, and one could only assume it wasn't what the ranger intended. Still, that being a side effect made it all more convincing.
And yet to him you were nothing but trying to tempt him. Make him snap, which is what you'd get if you weren't careful enough. And after a few weeks he regarded to you with some sort of coldness, some sharpness to his speech.
And still, you remained as kind as ever, as much as sometimes it annoyed you. You were offered a drink or two by Tighnari at some point, and he drank some as well. After all he only taught you how to get rid of witherings by a long distance, if he ever needed your help. And you stupidly believed he finally began to treat you like a friend, only to end in his bed, crying out, spread open. All because you gave him the permission, and maybe it was your own fault for being too relaxed around the fennec.
After that Tighnari began acting weird around you, closer. More touchy. There he'd pull your hair from your face, other time he'd tickle your chin. You thought it was going better, your weakness finally fading ever so slightly.
One time when he was telling you about the completely irrelevant topic of sumeru roses, you mentioned briefly if his dendro could dry them up or preserve them so you could take them to your homeland. Show these beautiful flowers to people you knew. If he could help you take more.
That was met with an expression filled with blankness, before he jokingly said something along the lines of. "we will see"
He didn't take you seriously though, and after you mentioned it again, he seemed irritated as ever, long ears pushing themselves back on his head as Tighnari fought the troublesome feeling in his gut. But he agreed to let you see if his dendro can work to preserve later. And you, like an idiotic human you were, agreed.
Only a day later did you see that your weakness returned, and that it only came in the morning. Tighnari blamed it on allergies and pollens, that "these flowers aren't ones that you grew around. That's what makes you weak, possibly."
Confused, you never understood why. It was only when you were looking for Colleis medicine did you knock over a bottle that spilled down your shirt, and within a moment you felt your body burn. The effect truly was invisible, the substance clear as water. The first thing you did was to wipe it off, the sensation so terrible it took you a moment to connect the dots. It felt the same as when you'd step out of the house, the same as when you'd put on more layers. Was it someone's- was it Tighnari's doing?
The idea made your stomach curl, and you were quick to try and confront him. But all you've been met with was Tighnari telling Collei you seem to be getting worse, making up stories about him.
"I didn't expect local flora to affect you that way, we will be more careful next time"
And when your whining was finally over, now that Collei walked somewhere else, you had to deal with what you've caused.
To think someone like you could try to make Tighnari, the beloved caretaker of the forest, look bad. You couldn't forget the look of disappointment on Collei's face when she walked out, remembering the gloomy look on the foxes face. The memory had your hands shaking.
"To accuse me of such things. I really do wish to know what I might've done that you try to make me look bad" and yet you already knew what face hid behind that mask. Any protest you brought up was muffled by his hand, fingers easily making you drink a vial. Being pressed against the wall with his fingers blocking your nose was sure one way to get you to swallow it whole.
It made you dizzy rather fast, and he managed to just about lay you on the bed before you fell unconscious. Tighnari panicked, he had to find a backup plan. He couldn't let you leave him with that issue, leave him stranded till he'd die.
Sure, you were just a human girl. A pathetic little idiot who thought she'd get away with getting on his nerves, teasing his nature. And then planning to leave, he couldn't let you be away without a consequence.
And not once did he mention the weakness of his kind, to him, his manipulation was just means of ensuring your stay. And now that you had clear plans to move, Tighnari made it sound like he was used by you.
Maybe him not telling you why you couldn't leave was also means to keep his own shame to himself. He'd whine about this to someone, and not bring the issue up with you. and since you pretended to deserve knowledge, to be so knowledgeable, maybe you should've known what you've done when you let Tighnari have his way with you.
You hated everytime he turned it that way, and Collei didn't look too keen to touch the topic anymore. Because as longest as you didn't try to leave, the forest ranger didn't mention the topic to anyone. You'd be good, let him do as he pleased, and you'd be fine.
That's until your friend was back from Fontaine to meet with you up again. Tighnari dreaded that visit, traveler always could tell when something was wrong. And you were meant to be gone from Sumeru by that time, so after a while of planning he made you behave. By some miracle you had your hands on herbs that would help you with not conceiving the first and last time you let Tighnari act up, and you thanked Archons for that opportunity.
But this time, Tighnari was straight about it. And if you dared to as much as make a wrong look, he'd make sure you'd be swollen with kits before you'd be able to say another accusation. Before you'd able to leave and not depend on him anymore.
And so, when Traveler and Paimon finally arrived, you did your best to behave. Using their visit as means to distract the forest ranger, you had a plan. After all he couldn't chase after you when they were there, so you waited carefully for the time they'd arrive, and dressed up. Earlier you didn't do that, because of the odd feeling on your skin, usually wearing loose clothing. That was preffered by Tighnari's standards. You were a silly woman, easy access was what was preferable.
And the moment you were alone for as much as a moment, you ran. You ran on your feet fast, you ran for a while. And even if the pain was like needless, you pushed through, just to make sure you weren't there anymore. And even if you were faintly aware that someone was after you, you landed in the famous sumerian port. Only then did you realise how long you haven't seen this place, and before that someone could catch up to you, you sneaked on the container ship. It rather fast sailed away, leaving the person who followed you rather angry.
Traveler did ask Tighnari where you went, and as much as the ranger tried to hide both his anxiety and anger, he assured it must've been to get Collei's medicine. Shortly after the traveler was gone though, Cyno met face to face with the other.
"She sailed to Inazuma, now that the decree in Inazuma is lifted, a lot of merchants move their things there." He started. Ah he was annoyed, Cyno didn't want to disappoint his friend like that. But he almost had you, almost.
"It will take three days for the boat to arrive to the port in inazuma, but there's no other boat available for at least a week" and yet Tighnari couldn't bring himself to be angry at the general. It was his own issue. "Thanks for letting me know that."
Cyno scoffed. Although not earlier mentioned, Cyno met with you quite a bit. Everytime he visited Tighnari, you exchanged glances. And these weren't pleasant. You knew Cyno was aware of everything, and Cyno didn't care either. As longest as his friend was happy, he couldn't care less for an opinion of a woman. Even more so, one who thought she could handle taking care of plants and forests without any real talent.
Or a vision, to show her ambition was worthy of attention.
You tried to gain knowledge to be able to develop more solutions for the problems of your nation, and now you were not only chased by a crazy fennec, you also had a general from Sumeru on your tail.
First days in Inazuma were nothing but an issue, and you eventually managed to ask the sweet girl you met to find you a job. Ayaka already knew where you'd be useful, and so you ended up as the main caretaker of her garden. Her estates garden that is. Even though you hardly met her brother, Thoma was good enough of a friend. Although nothing was between you two, it took you some convincing to make Ayaka hide your traces in Sumeru.
You cried to the Celestia itself that day, just how blessed you were that someone as kind as her was willing to help you out on your second day in Inazuma, keeping in mind your impromptu arrival. After all you didn't get ready for this at all, maybe it was better. Maybe that cursed Ranger would've known something was up otherwise. Regardless, you were happy that Cyno couldn't show up. General in Inazuma could cause some diplomatic issues, and even if he sent men here in disguise, they'd never find you.
That is what you thought, because when the traveler came there to meet with people again before their new journey, you were sure you'd collapse.
"Paimon meant to ask, after the last visit in Sumeru we didn't see you for a while. Paimon is curious, do you not like the sumerus climate?"
She could be sweet, and yet that question itself seemed to fill you with anger. By then the fear of the ranger turned into anger faster than it could be seen that you were scared.
You said something unpleasant, after which paimon didn't ask about that at all. In fact, paimon didn't ask you anything again, and the guilt you felt in that moment was enough. You told the traveler that there was nothing to worry about, keeping Tighnari's little threat in mind.
He wasn't there, and it filled you with fear nonetheless. "Try anything, a word. Any weird movement, and I'll fill you with kits enough times for you to understand who you belong to." So that you wouldn't be able to leave.
It was sickening.
To bear the children of your captor was the last thing you'd want, and even if he wasn't there, that fear didn't go away.
Alas Traveler ended up hanging out with Ayaka for the most part, and it was peaceful for another week. That time spent in Inazuma felt great, refreshing aside from the constant paranoia. That whenever Ayato wanted something, you assumed he'd send you back to Tighnari. Or whenever Ayaka would take you out in her limited time, you'd look around, back and forth to try and see if someone is waiting to snatch you.
It took you another week to calm down and grow accustomed to the people, but it didn't last much longer.
One day that you finally felt fine enough to walk out on your own, you bought Ayato another rather weird combination of ingredients. And you weren't even there to carry it in, only remembering the blunt pain to the back of your head the moment you turned to walk back to the estate.
From the sound of it, it wasn't Tighnari to be the one to drag you back. He was quieter, but these steps were rougher, heavier.
Whoever that was, you woke up on the boat again, tied to the wood that kept the floors of the boat separated. The column of that wood was thick, and with how you were tied, you couldn't even shift to the side.
There he was, you saw the light colour of his purple vision in the darkness. It seemed he stayed on boat, because in the end he really came for you. "You're lucky Tighnari can't leave Sumeru for more than a few days." Cyno spoke. "otherwise he'd smash your skull in the moment he saw you"
You knew it didn't mean to make you feel better. In fact it only brought more fear to your gut, tears swelling in your eyes as you bit your lip. You wouldn't give him any satisfaction, silent whenever he spoke.
Coming to Sumeru was a bad choice. How could you not notice the way you were treated just because of your lack of vision? Just because you weren't from Sumeru, because you weren't a man. "he was worried sick for this past month, and here you are, parading with some other men like a whore"
Cyno murmured, looking down to you again. By then he was stood near you, and you couldn't help but hiss. Only hearing him made you fill with anger.
It ended as soon as it started, and soon you were led out of the boat by force of course. After making sure you were unconscious again, you were driven back to Ghandarva vile.
Ah Cyno kept complaining just how worried Tighnari was the whole time you were on the ship, and now even if you were unconscious, you could hear his annoying voice repeat that.
And you didn't care, to you, they both could die. They could just go at eachother if that's how Cyno cared for Tighnari, you didn't care.
More than seeing Tighnari, you dreaded waking up. Dreaded the consequence of your own action, facing him after knowing what you did. And how angry he'd be.
As soon as you opened your eyes you saw you were stuck in the similiar office again, with the soft bed, and the unfortunately similiar figure at the desk.
At least he seemed to be composed for now, eyeing you in silence before you were lectured. He'd leave the physical punishment for later, firstly telling you just how idiotic you are.
"You sure are pathetic, such a weakling like you going away. I sure hope you had fun, that was the wrong way to beg for my attention" he started, putting down the mixture of herbs he was mixing.
Tighnari stood up, his fluffy tail twitching. And it was clear he did his best to keep his ears straight, so they wouldn't betray any emotion. And yet they kept twitching backwards in annoyance. "I never wanted your attention, asshole-"
At least you managed to have some of your sass, his fingers squeezing your chin to tip your head up. You almost forgot you had your arms tied behind your back. "quiet, let the adult speak."
"To think you can toy with me and my feelings is truly disgusting" he started, scoffing. "you really are pathetic, getting me to bond with you to then try and leave me forever. How cruel can you be, y/n?"
Your face twisted in confusion, repulsion. You felt dreadful with how he turned the blame on you again. "I never wanted any of this, Ti-"
"You didn't! Ah, yes tell me all about it then!" Forcefully you moved your head away from his grip, and that did not seem to please him. "You know fully well we mate for life, and you just got up and left. What is actually wrong with you!"
"First you start showing yourself around me, carelessly showing off to tempt me. And when I finally had enough, I am to blame?" At that point you knew that speaking would rile him up more.
It wasn't the Tighnari you used to grow fond of. He was nice, he cared for you ; and now he's just awful. He didn't deserve any more words to describe his behaviour. And whenever you brought it up earlier, you were met with 'if you behaved, I could be nice around you again'.
Now wasn't the time to think about that, because he hissed. "I'm a man for Archons sake! You lured me in and then dared to-" he spoke with utter disgust. "Leave like nothing, are you really that dumb to think we wouldn't find you?"
It seemed the anger pent up and he didn't know how to express it anymore. Especially with his recent heat, where he couldn't cope with it anymore, crying from pain at the thought of not being able to get it out on you. It wasn't as bad before you two had sex that time, but now, now that he craved you, the pain was bad enough to make him throw up. That thankfully was a few days ago, now he was way better. It still brought a lot of anger and frustration, but you not seeing him in that sorry state was the most convenient.
"Or was it just some competition?" He started. "make yourself my mate and then fool around to make me prove myself like a pathetic little cub, all for your own amusement? That must've been what you wanted. To make me show how well prepared I am to care for you and our little kits-" oh no. No. "Ah, to test me like that, you sure are not trustworthy"
"But now, that..that will change. You won't leave me again to entertain other men" he started, leaning to look at you. By how he looked at you though- The threat from before finally sank in. He wouldn't let you leave. You wouldn't be able to leave.
You'd be stuck there with his kits, unable to go anywhere anymore. You'd be a good girl and stay in Sumeru, and you wouldn't make yourself visibly available to any other men as he assumed you wanted.
"Tighnari I'm- ssorry please ddon-t do this-" before you knew it you were already crying, his finger wiping off the tear as he sighed. "Don't cry, I'm only doing what's best for you, please, understand it" it wasn't time to focus on how angry he was. Because oh how happy he was to finally have you back.
For a brief moment that caring voice returned, even if it was nothing but condescending. By that time Tighnari was already sat on the bed, pushing you back to lie down. And with your arms tied, you couldn't as much as sit back up, shaking your head when he tugged you by your legs.
Like that he was sat between your thighs, looking at you.
Oh he'd rather do it when he'd be in heat, but he knew if he waited more, his little darling would find a way to leave.
And Tighnari could not have that in any way, he could not have you as much as think about it. "calm down now.."
Despite saying that he took your top by it's edgee, ripping the buttons off to open it up. "tighnari nno-" another whimper.
Squirming away was of no use, he held you down, and within moments your bottoms were off as well, face buried in your neck as his fingers dragged across your clothed heat. At least your underwear was still on.
You dared to try and hiss again, this time his hand dug into your waist, making you wince. After he made sure to bite your neck he spoke, maybe he enjoyed seeing your face twist in that pain.
Either way his other hand didn't have the glove on it anymore, fingers moving beneath your underwear to move up your folds, index one rubbing your clit in circles.
You really were just crying, whimpering for him not to do that, and each time he'd say something along the lines of. "Let me take care of it.." or "behave now, you brought this upon yourself" and even if he didn't speak it harshly, it was clear he was belittling you, focused on how easy it was to slick you up, his fingers easily entering you.
Tighnari shivered, oh it felt nice. You were so hot, squeezing his fingers in a way where he couldn't just wait to sink into you. And yet he was careful, dragging them over your walls, scissoring them lightly with each move until you were whimpering.
Each move made your body tremble, shivering. Your thighs squeezed him in a pathetic attempt to try and slow him down, or discourage him, but Tighnari only took it as a challenge, gripping your thigh to move it open.
"H-nhho- I'm ssor-Ssorry let's- nh- ttalk it o-ooUt.." your pathetic crying mixed in with the whimpers, breath hitching each time his fingers dragged out of you.
"It's far too late for discussions, mate" mate. Only then did it click he couldn't have been lying. Was it really your own fault for letting him use you that one, single time? No. You couldn't let yourself be tricked, he did it himself. He should've thought about what he did.
Tighnari's fingers felt undeniably nice, and despite the weak kick you tried to give him, your thighs only shook, funny feeling in your gut tightening, curling. Your little struggle only made him tip his head a little, did you really think you could do anything? Weakened?
He knew how to pick you apart, so when you felt close, he made you come on his fingers against your will.
The forest ranger knew how to make sure you weren't distracted, and once he slipped the remaining fabric off your legs he undid his pants, taking our his mostly hard length out.
Mostly hard- he must've gotten off to the sounds of you whimpering and asking him to stop. Fucking degenerate, you didn't understand how someone could get off to that idea. You couldn't even tell him how disgusting he was, Tighnari's tip already moving over your heat to slick himself.
Moving into you easily he groaned, the sound melodic as your heat tried to push out the unwanted intrusion. But it only made him let out a whimper, Tighnari bottoming out inside you soon after, pressing into you, almost grinding as he nibbled on your neck again. "ggonna stuff you sso good-" ah it's been so long-
He really really missed it, that's how it was supposed to be. You were his mate for archons sake! And as a good mate you were supposed to fulfill his desires! Not run away and make him hurt and ache!
After all it was your fault for allowing him to have sex with you that one time. It was your fault he couldn't stop himself from wanting you so much, you should've known. You should've asked. And you were selfish instead, now paying the price as he slowly moved his hips away from you, just to bottom out again with a shaky groan. That was right, you were his.
"N-nnari please don't-" you knew the nickname usually worked, pace smoothly picked up as he shook his head. "N-nhh.. shhut up-" another grunt followed. "Bbe good and take it- Nhh fuck- you're sso tight.." it's been some time since someone did that to you, and Tighnari felt somewhat grateful that, by how you reacted, he was the last one you laid with in this way.
All you could do was whimper through tears, your body feeling funny. For some reason your body reacted in a way that betrayed your mind, it wasn't what you wanted. And yet it only grew warmer, hiccups leaving as you stared at the ceiling.
"nGh.. you'll bb-be a good girl- take it-" the ranger started again, the softness of his tail tickling the underside of your thigh. "Look at you already- hheating up like that.." he was aware this was a punishment, but to Tighnari, - before he'd let his anger take over and destroy you - the punishment would be better if it was taken slow. Your body betraying you, violatiing you in a way where you couldn't control yourself.
You enjoying it would only make it more humiliating, and he really did want to make you ashamed enough not to get any more funny ideas.
With each move the pace picked up, hand tight on your waist as you let out a shaky hiss, other hand sliding down your thigh so his thumb could press to your already aching clit, giving it slow rubs.
It all made you feel tight again, abdomen growing tense as you tried to use your legs to shift away, digging your feet into the bed to move up. But his grip was too tight, Tighnari's hands forcing your hips back onto his cock.
"Don't- hhn.. don't ffucking try that--" the thrusts grew sharper, and you had no choice but to look away. That gave you some sort of control, distracting yourself from what Tighnari was doing. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction of coming on his length like a cheap whore.
He seemed to catch on with your plan, his thumb pushing into you even more to make you wince. "Don't annoy me even mm-more, y/n- you know what's.. hha.. gonna happen otherw-wwise-"
You thought back to the traveler. To Ayaka and Thoma. You used their kindness up and were snatched without a warning, you didn't even get to say goodbye.
You imagined yourself taking care of the garden there, remembering the way you had to use the knowledge provided by Tighnari to do that. That itself made your brain focus back on reality. "Look at me, nnow-"
Once he was ignored he decided to let your hip go, hand gripping your chin tight to make you look at him. His eyes were narrowed, ears pulling themselves back in annoyance. It took you a moment to realise how rough he had become, uncontrolled cry following. Were you really moaning pathetically while thinking about Inazuma?
"You'll look at me-" Tighnari hissed, thrusts nice and hard. Oh god. You'd break.
"And see everything-"
Another harsh thrust. You'd spill.
"I'm doing to you-"
With that your core went tense again, the orgasm you so badly avoided making your toes curl, shaking your head. But his grip was too firm.
It was understandable, he was rather good with his how.
"Y-you understand?"
Unfortunately for you, you weren't able to hiss again, shaky and quiet cry leaving as you arched into the other unwillingly. That itself had him shudder, feeling you come against him like that mare his hips stutter into yours.
"H-mhh.. ggonna fill you-" oh no. "You wwant to be a mommy?"
You cried out that no, despite it being muffled. You whined and tried to kick at him after realising what he really meant, but it was useless. He was too strong, he was too fast.
The pace was all funny, ah he was close it seemed, face lowering back again so his sharp teeth could graze your neck. "g-ngh.. you're ggOnna- nhh llook soo good swollen with my kkits-"
That outcome was to be expected. You did that to yourself.
And now you had to pay.
You recalled that before all of this, when that mistak between you happened, he pulled out right after he came, but now, now that he finished inside you, he only stayed in, the discomfort only now settling in.
He felt odd inside you, did you tighten or did he thicken? Even if you tried to shift your hips it only made you wince, Tighnari's ear giving a small twitch of satisfaction.
"We will be stuck like that for some time. This gives you time to reconsider what you've done"
You really were crying up to that point, salty and hot tears streaming down your warm cheeks as you hiccuped, shaking your head.
He was nothing but manipulating. Always talking like he cared about what you had to say, always behaving like he could resolve the issue when in reality, you were never listened to.
"It's fine if you don't feel talkative this time. We have much more opportunities to talk it out tonight"
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