#fred has bookmarks
mercurygray · 5 months
The Unquiet Tide
I am happy to report that - after a little bit of work - most of my MOTA OC work is now up and available for your reading, commenting and subscribing pleasure on AO3.
Since Masters of the Air lends itself to a more episodic approach, each of these stories will take place as a series of short format pieces posted more or less in chronological order. Much of the work is being driven by prompts from readers like you! I will still be posting updates here on tumblr, but will probably be linking directly to the full text on AO3.
The three fics are collected in The Unquiet Tide, so if you're on AO3 and would like to subscribe to collection updates for easy notifications, you can now do that!
Pavilioned In The Fields - Cordelia Callaway (John Egan x OFC)
Cordelia Callaway knows planes - she grew up building them and watching them be flown, and there is no one better in the entire Army Air Forces for keeping a level head while one of them comes in for a landing in flames. If the only way she can contribute to the war is making sure all these man land safely, then there's no one else you'd want in your control tower, because she doesn't do things by halves, either. Unfortunately, that also means holding grudges - and if you're the 100th's executive officer, that means you might be in for a very, very long war.
Your Best Girl - Fred Torvaldsen (John Brady x OFC)
Someone said this war would come with donuts, and Freda Torvaldsen is here to make sure they’re right. As a somewhat new replacement for the Red Cross Clubmobile team at Thorpe Abbotts, Freda - or Fred, as she's usually called - is still learning everyone’s name (and everyone is still learning hers!) but she’s confident with time that she’ll fit right in - and a certain clarinet-playing captain is hoping she fits right in with him.
Seek To Hold The Wind - Marion Brennan (Neil Harding x OFC)
It is one thing for the Army Air Forces to send planes out, and quite another to bring them back home. Someone must be there at the end, to gather all the pieces up to make sure what has just happened makes sense. That's Marion Brennan's job, and she's damn good at it - a life spent in the Army will do that to a woman. She's also here to do it without distractions - though a certain former football coach and commanding officer is making that rather difficult.
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mirrorofliterature · 1 year
the secret reason why I kept fred alive in ffdid is about to be revealed -
the oliver vs the twins arc was integral to the story and it wasn’t in oliver’s character to yell at a recently bereaved george.
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diorsluv · 9 months
feather , part 17
“ like whatever, you’re a waste of time ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by _quinnhughes, yourusername, markestapa, and 83,048 others
jackhughes ok guys let’s balance things out 🙏
tagged: yourusername, _quinnhughes
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yourusername EWW u said u weren’t gonna post that blurry pic of me 😰
yourusername um but also the caption?? wym 😭
→ jackhughes don’t worry abt it
→ _quinnhughes it doesn’t mean anything dw
→ trevorzegras jack wants a little peace in his life that’s all
→ colecaufield he’s mr miyagi
_quinnhughes the shopping cart was kind of uncomfortable
→ yourusername awww r u a little butthurt
→ _quinnhughes actually yes my butt does hurt 🤬🤬
trevorzegras isn’t that lake pic like really old
→ jackhughes yes
→ yourusername he has the chance to use it now bc he never posts me 🙄
rutgermcgroarty i’m scared another war’s gonna happen and i’m hiding out in your comments
→ jackhughes ur safe here bro dont worry 🫡🫡
→ markestapa me too
→ luca.fantilli i’ll protect you 😘
→ yourusername oh god should i be scared too
→ rutgermcgroarty you ARE the war yourusername
→ mackie.samo dude you weren’t supposed to tell her that
_alexturcotte i miss the lakehouse days let’s do it again
→ jackhughes well its definitely not gonna be the same as it was before
→ _alexturcotte dammit ur right
→ yourusername what why? am i the only clueless one here
adamfantilli i take it lil drizzy hasn’t seen it yet
→ edwards.73 BRO
→ markestapa DELETE THIS RN
→ yourusername seen what?????
→ dylanduke25 it’s too late now theres no point in deleting 😔
username10 another war is brewing
username6 it’s the end y’all
username59 okay but like why should she care if she’s in a relationship
username70 well it was nice knowing all of you
username35 lord you’re all so dramatic SHE HAS A BF so it shouldn’t matter
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liked by lhughes_06 and 1,001 others
missseraphina we messin around or nah? 💘
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username3 yall this is kind of embarrassing!
username85 LMFAOOOOO
username23 i swear to god this is luke hughes
→ username74 who?
→ username59 i mean he did like the post
username14 oh. my. god. is this why all the guys were panicking on jack’s post???
username32 aw i’m happy you found someone!!
→ missseraphina not official yet haha
username50 so… dryshughes is never happening is it
→ username61 the ship has officially sunken 😔
lhughes_06 maybe
liked by missseraphina
→ username75 NOOOO
username97 this is it yall. i cant live knowing theyre both in separate relationships.
→ username17 uhh who r we talking about lmao
yourusername oh
this comment has been deleted
next chapter notes ) how are we doing yall.. ik ik it’s chaotic and shit BUT YOU’LL GET WHAT YOU CAME HERE FOR SOONNN and yall kept complaining abt bookmark but yall should really b complaining abt misssera whats her name HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONEEE (i originally didn’t plan to post this on jan 1 but it is what it is 🫣), sorry for starting the new year off with even more drama lmfaooo
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 10.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, p in v sex, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Mentions of dominant behaviour. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Love potions? But none are actually used. Not beta-read nor spell checked, we die like Sirius ❤️
Okay this one is admittedly a necessary filler so the reader can work out her feelings, but I promise we’re moving into the good stuff next chapter 🤍
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You tuck your letter away under your placemat as you eat, not wanting to open it up in the middle of lunch, even though the others had done so.
Truthfully, you were dreading whatever news your dad had for you and you would rather read it in private, knowing he rarely wrote to you so it must be some form of news, most likely bad.
George kept flicking his gaze to you at he ate, clearly checking on your well-being but you simply pretended that you were fine even though you could feel the pit on anxiety building up inside.
After lunch, you'd all decided not to go back to the lake but to shower and chill in the house as the sun was at its peak and quite frankly, you couldn't sit in it much longer. Hermione had packed already and had everything ready for her leaving later that afternoon, so you took some time to just spend her last few hours all together.
You were all sat around in the lounge, the coolest room in the house, some of you reading, some playing exploding snap and others just chatting. It was nice just to all spend time together even if you weren't all interacting as you escaped the heat in the coolest room.
"Wanna play a game? Like truth or would you rather or something?" Ginny asks after winning another round of exploding snap. "I'm not doing dares with these two here," she says, nodding towards the twins.
"What's that?" Ron says, confused.
"It was on a muggle movie we watched, they take turns and ask each other questions," she shrugs, not really able to elaborate further. "Sometimes it's like would you rather chose A or B."
"We're in," the twins say in unison, moving to sit closer around the coffee table.
You, Hermione and Harry were sat on the sofa, Ron in the armchair and Ginny and the twins were sat around the table on the floor, padded out with cushions.
"Yeah sounds good to me," you say, placing your bookmark into your book and placing it down next to you on the floor.
Everyone mutually agreed and you all began huddling round, deciding on the rules.
"Okay youngest to oldest," Ginny says, hearing immediate protest from the twins. "You chose first yesterday and today, time for a switch up." You laugh at her bossiness, having to sometimes remind yourself that she was the youngest but the twins, Fred especially, had a soft spot for her and actually didn't protest further.
"Right, Harry, truth or would you rather?"
"Umm, would you rather," he says, touching his glasses nervously.
"Would you rather spend the entire day with Draco or Dudley?" She asks, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He huffs out a little nervous laugh as he thinks before answering Dudley.
"Ron, truth or would you rather?"
"Would you rather," he says confidently.
"Would you rather, er, throw up slugs again or dance with Snape at the yule ball," Harry says with a devious grin. You had to admit the last one was good but it was much tamer than you originally had thought it would be.
"Vomit slugs, easy," Ron says, brushing his hair out of his face. "Hermione?"
"Um, truth?" She says, unsure of herself.
"Oh erm, ughr," Ron mumbles, not knowing what to ask. Immediately the twins begin to mock him and you even inwardly groan, finding the game boring already. "How many books have you read this summer?"
You roll your eyes and openly groan along with the twins, all three of you finding the questions too boring.
"I'll answer that for her, too many," Fred says, jumping in. "Right I'm switching things up." He immediately stands and walks off, coming back a few minutes later bringing an empty bottle with him, necking the last of the drink before he puts it on the coffee table.
"Whoever it lands on has to answer the question, then they get to ask the next question," He says, spinning the bottle until it lands on Ron.
"Ronald, still a virgin?"
You have to hold back a little chuckle at the sudden shift in tone at Fred's brash words and even without looking you know that Ron is beet red.
Ron manages to huff and puff, squirming in his seat as he does indeed turn bright red.
You found yourself dissociating away from the game as others answered, trying to squirm away from the harsher questions the twins were coming out with. You excused yourself and walked to the kitchen, feigning getting a drink as you sat at the table, pulling out your letter, unable to wait any longer.
"Dear y/n,
Your friend has written you a letter but did not know the address of the friend you were staying with; so please find their letter inside. Hope school is going well and you are staying out of trouble. Best wishes, dad.
You almost rolled your eyes at the bluntness of the note, feeling overwhelmingly relieved that it wasn't a true letter from your father. Casting the note to the side, you pulled out the second letter, written on both sides of regular notebook paper that had been folded somewhat neatly, the girly but messy writing already making you smile.
"My dear y/n,
We miss you so much, when are you coming back to see us? You've not really missed much, apart from Johnny has a girlfriend now! Weird right? It's actually kind of disgustingly cute. School is shit, just like normal but only one term left before college. Everyone misses you, the band just isn't the same without our rock chick.Dad's taking me to London after work on Friday, remember that coffee shop we found last time? I've made him promise to take me and he said that he'd eat the banana bread that you loved so it would feel like you were there with me! Hope to hear from you again soon. Love you! Val, Still your best friend x
You reread the letter multiple times, perfectly envisioning her voice as you read it. You missed her terribly, along with all of your friends, but Val had always been you're closest friend back home.
You sensed a presence behind you and turned to see George watching you with concern. You smiled at him and he looked instantly a little relieved, moving forward to stand behind you, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Is everything okay with your dad?" He asks cautiously, knowing that the relationship was rocky and sometimes a sore spot for you. You snorted a laugh and nodded in reply.
"He was just forwarding a letter from my friend," you explained.
The beginnings of an idea were forming in your head as you looked at George, a rising hopefulness gathering in your belly.
"What time are your parents taking Hermione to the train station?" You asked, looking up at him questioningly, before craning your neck to look at the clock near the staircase.
"Um about two I reckon, why?" George asks, moving to sit beside you at the table in Arthur's usual spot.
"Do you think they'd let me go with them?" You asked and George immediately looked bewildered, "not to catch a train, I wanted to nip into London."
"I don't see why not, why do you want to go to London though?" He asked, thoroughly confused.
"My friends going to be there, I was hoping to surprise her and to be honest I could do with some new stationary before we get back to school," you explained, "maybe a new textbook or two."
"I don't like the idea of you going alone angel, can Fred and I join you?" He asks, warming your heart a little more at his concern. You burst into a smile and nod enthusiastically, it would be nice for you to go with the twins.
"I'd like to meet my friend alone though, no offence," you said, treading carefully. He smiled in understanding.
"Of course angel, you can meet me and Fred after, it would make me feel a lot more comfortable that way," he says nervously and you immediately reach over to kiss his cheek at his sweetness.
"Oi! Fred!" George bellows suddenly as you pull away. Fred walks out not a minute later after hearing his twin calling for him.
"Wanna go to London this afternoon? Y/n wants to go," George says, nodding towards you.
"I'm in," he shrugs, sitting down next to you at the table.
And that is exactly how you found yourself in the centre of a bustling and muggy Diagon Alley on a Friday afternoon with most of the Weasleys. Molly had jumped at the chance to go shopping and Arthur had gone along with it for the sake of his family. You knew where Val would be later that afternoon and hoped to be able to catch her but until then you strolled around Diagon Alley with the twins, having dropped Hermione off at the station and then broken away from the others as you weaved in and out of the stores.
Your first stop was Gringotts to exchange a muggle cheque your father had sent at the start of term for your school supplies before heading to Flourish and Botts for some new supplies.
"Wonder if they still sell Lockhart's shit?" You laugh as George opens the door for you.
"Doubt it, though fiction books always sell better," he laughs, following you towards the textbook area with Fred lingering behind.
Seeing a potion book you didn't own, you briefly flicked through it before putting it back on the shelf, realising it was utter trash. You briefly wondered if Professor Snape would let you borrow any of his own books this year, knowing that though they were much more advanced, they were immeasurably more informative.
You picked up a new textbook that you needed for your defence against the dark arts class and began wandering towards the back section when an overly excited Fred ran up to you and George, wielding a book.
"Twelve fail-safe ways to charm witches!" He says excitedly, laughing whilst flicking through the pages to show you a few diagrams and read out a couple of passages.
"And you need that why?" You asked defensively with a frown, not finding the underlying meaning very funny. He immediately senses your displeasure and his eyes bug out as he stumbles over his words as he tries to explain.
"Not for me princess, obviously, merlin, I meant for us to give it to Ron!" George immediately laughs at the plan and you absently nod, feeling a little off from the whole thing. You begin wandering away from them, making your way back to the potions area as they excitedly flick through the book.
"Professor?" You say smiling, spotting a familiar face within the potions section, his characteristic black hair and flowing capes always recognisable.
"Miss y/l/n," he says, turning in surprise at your voice, an almost smile tugging at his lips in recognition as he looks down into your basket. "I would have thought you already owned a copy of the necessary textbook for my class," he says with a hard but familiar tone, as if there's humour buried deep within it.
"I do sir, I was hoping to find something more advanced but they're all utter drivel," you said honestly, gesturing to the green book you'd looked at earlier. He huffs out a little puff of laughter though he tries to hide it before turning away to look up at the shelf. "Yes," he says, drawing out the syllable of the word before reaching up to the top shelf and pulling down a small, leather bound book that was hidden between two much larger books. He checks the spine and briefly flips it over before handing it to you with an almost smile, "this should be of use to you, it is well beyond the ability of a typical sixth or seventh year but you've exceeded all of my previous expectations, what's one more."
"Thank you Professor," you say as you reach for the book, trying desperately not to blush at his praise.
"Angel- oh, Um, Professor Snape," George says as he bounds around the corner, coming to an immediate holt as he spots the Potion master. Fred, clearly not anticipating his brother's sudden stop, barrels into George from behind as they both look up to see you and Snape conversing.
"Anyway," Snape says, his tone and features immediately hardening as he looks at the troublesome twins before looking back at you, "good day."
You follow him with your eyes, looking down at the book he'd given you before looking up again, just in time to see him cast one last glance at you before exiting the store.
"What did old Snapey want?" Fred said, throwing his arm around your shoulders.
"He recommended a book for me, said it would help me with my NEWTS," you shrugged, not directly trying to knock Fred's arm off of you but also not actively trying to keep it around you, still feeling a little uneasy about the misunderstanding with the book from earlier.
You walked and paid for the two books before shoving them into your little crochet shopping bag and walked over to Quality Quidditch supplies with the twins so that they could fawn over the new brooms and array of merchandise.
Checking the time, you briefly wondered when you should set off for the little muggle coffee shop just outside of Diagon alley that you knew Val would be visiting and decided to have another thirty minutes with the twins before going.
You ran into Molly and Arthur who were sat outside one of the tea shops sharing a pot of tea. They waved excitedly at you all and carried on with their little date that mainly consisted of people-watching and laughing.
You nipped to fetch a new quill and some parchment before eyeing up a new school skirt in Madam Malkin's but couldn't justify spending the money when you're old one would do, at least for the rest of this year. Fred, true to form, had quietly muttered some sexual innuendos about never having enough skirts and how much he liked you in them but you ignored him and instead left without the skirt.
"Okay, I'm going to meet my friend, not sure how long I'll be, where will I find you?" You turned, addressing the twins.
"Take all the time you want. We'll probably be in Gambol and Japes, if not we'll meet outside Ollivanders or come to you?" George said, pointing towards the joke shop on the corner. You nodded and reached out to subtly grab his other hand as you said goodbye. You turned to Fred and he subtly leaned in, looking like he was whispering in your ear and kissed the side of your head gently.
George then reached up and grabbed your shopping bag off your shoulder with a smile, "don't want her seeing any of this do you?" He slung it over his own shoulder and you had to bite your lip at seeing the 6 foot 3 Weasley boy lugging around a rose patterned crochet bag, but it didn't even faze him after wearing a lifetime of Molly's knitted creations.
Walking towards the coffee shop, your nerves were all over the place, firstly hoping that you could catch her and secondly that she would respond well to the surprise if you had your timings right.
Walking in, the little bell above the door chimed and you took a moment to look around at the customers, not seeing her signature blond hair anywhere.
"What can I get you love?" The barista asks and you ordered a caramel macchiato, something that you would never be able to find in the wizarding world. You reached for your little coin purse of muggle money and paid with the change, waiting to collect your drink at the end of the bar. When your drink was ready, you walked over to a table near the window and were immediately thankful that you'd bought along your book so that you'd have something to distract you and that the coffee shop had working air conditioning. Each time the bell chimed, you looked up in hope but then went straight back to reading your book, waiting for the next time.
"You have to get the banana bread!" You heard as the bell chimed and it immediately alerted you to the voice. You grinned as you spotted a shirt female with familiar blonde hair stood beside her absurdly tall dad who had dark brown nearly jet black hair.
They ordered their drinks and cakes, paid and then moved to wait by the end of the bar just as you had. Seeking an opportunity, you stood and walked over to them discreetly before putting on a voice, "excuse me?"
They both turned around with polite but confused smiles on their faces and you couldn't help but laugh at the reaction as waves of recognition passed over them.
"Oh my god!" Val squealed as she threw her arms around you, not a single care in the world about her absurd volume. You beamed and laughed as she rocked you in her arms, thankful you were able to see her again. "What are you doing here?! I thought you were in school? Did you get my letter?" She began to say frantically as she pulled away to look at you. You simply laughed and nodded, not even knowing where to start. She pulled you in for another hug and you held her just as tightly; only realising now how much you'd missed her.
You looked over her shoulder to Adam, her dad, seeing him smile widely at you both. When you pulled apart, he held out the plate of banana bread towards you, gesturing for you to take it as he pulled you into a side hug, having been close since you were five years old.
"No I can't, you have it," you said, trying to protest. He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair, "I don't even like it, I was just doing it to shut her up. It's really good to see you, kid."
He walked off with his drink to sit down near the table where your stuff was, happy to give you both space and to flick through his mobile phone for a while, something you hadn't seen in a long time.
You were desperate for a catch-up with your best girl friend and truthfully, you needed some one to talk through your problems with, someone with an unbiased, outsiders perspective; someone who didn't know the twins at all. The whole Amortentia incident was still fresh in your mind, only worsened by smelling the whizzbang smoke the other night and you were more conflicted than ever about your feelings for both of them. Val was the only one who wouldn't judge you for what you were doing, who you knew you could trust to talk openly to, at least without mentioning the magic.
Val grabbed her drink from the counter and moved over to your original table so that you could chat. She went first, immediately telling you about how she was seeing a guy at school and that her dad didn't know so you had to be cool about it. She told you more about what college she had picked and how the rest of your friends were doing and some chatter about new muggle movies and music you needed to experience
"So, what about you?" She asks, picking the last little bits of her cake off the plate. You huffed out a sigh and placed your drink back down on the table. "Oh no, what happened with Fred?"
You'd told her all about your crush on Fred a few years ago but had never mentioned much about his twin, though you'd spoken about him in a friend way. You figured there was no time like the present to offload all of your complicated feelings.
"It's, complicated," you say, picking at the lid of your coffee, "did I tell you that Fred told me he had feelings for me?"
Judging by her almighty gasp, you assumed not. "Problem is, so did his twin brother." Another almost comical gasp.
"Then I realised that I might also have feelings for you George and things are now a little complicated, to say the least." You were quiet now, just a little above a whisper to avoid someone overbearing.
"So what did you do?" She asks attentively, giving you her full attention. You sighed and looked up at her as you replied.
"I'm kind of dating both? For now, please don't judge me."
"I would never!" She says reaching her hand towards yours, "so you have to decide eventually?"
You nod. "That's the problem. Every time I feel like I'm starting to decide, something tips the scale and I'm right back to the beginning."
You rub your hands over your face trying to relieve some of the tension but of course it doesn't work.
"Who do you see a future with?" She asks, keeping her tone even as she takes a sip of her coffee.
"Well that's the thing, I've been staying with them this week and both of them have said the cutest things about the future and it's got me even more confused. We had separate dates earlier this week and I had a night with George first, well kind of the day and night because Fred was sick and we talked about what we were doing after school and how we both wanted one or two kids etc, and it was such a nice thought. Then the other morning I came downstairs and he was in the kitchen reading the newspaper, shirtless and looking hot as fuck and it made me think that it could be my future you know, husband in the kitchen making breakfast blah blah blah." You took a breath and carried on explaining as she listened to you, "but then with Fred, the other night, he was saying about how we'd live together and he's hold me every night and bring me cups of tea in a morning and god the constant marriage references," you took another breath, trying to remember not to overload her and forcing yourself not to mention the Amortentia outright.
"The thing is, I love them both but in different ways. George brings me comfort, he's gentler and more sensitive, real proper husband material. I can see our future completely and I'd be happy but then there's Fred. We'd have a happy, fun filled life, it would never be boring and I'd be happy with him. But now I know what it's like to be loved by both of them and I can't even bare to think of choosing one and losing the other."
Silence lingers around you both as you finish offloading your thoughts. The weight of your words hangs in the air and you have to shoot a look at Val to check that she's still with you, and then around to check no one was listening.
"What about quick fire questions? We write out the answers or tally them and you can see who you favour?" She asks and to be honest, it sounds like a good plan.
"At this point I'd do anything."
She immediately scoots over to sit beside you rather than across from you and leans down to pull a notebook and pen from her bag. She flicks it open to a blank page and draws a little tally chart with their names at the top.
"So I'll ask you a bunch of different questions and scenarios and you have to say the first one that comes to your mind," she explains as you enthusiastically nod along with her. She suddenly leans in to whisper in your ear. "Quick one, have you slept with them both?"
You nod slowly, feeling as if she would judge you but she simply nods with a neutral expression, as if it was just a regular thing to ask someone.
"Okay, who's messier?"
"Who's grumpier?"
"Who's the most romantic?"
"Who's funnier?"
"Who's more sensitive?"
"Who hugs you more?"
"Who kisses you more?
"Who's hornier?"
"Who gives better head?"
"Who has a bigger dick?"
"Fred," you say, quickly adding, "only by a fraction though." She nods, then begins changing tactics.
"Does Fred want kids?"
"Yeah, but he wants more than George."
"Who's more attractive?"
"They're identical twins," you say blankly but she reaches out and flicks you on the arm.
"And you can tell them apart so there must be differences," she reasons and you can't fault her logic.
"Um Fred? George's nose is a little bigger and his features are a little sharper I guess."
"Okay next set of questions," she says, looking up from her notes, "If you did chose one, who would take the rejection worse?"
"George," you reply, your heart doing a little twang of sadness at the very thought.
"Okay, fast forward five years, it's a Saturday morning, no work, no plans, explain what it would look like with George," she says, preparing to make notes again.
The memory of him in the kitchen the other morning, shirtless and reading the newspaper flashes into your mind.
"I wake up and he's not in bed but there's a hot cup of tea on the bedside table. He's in the kitchen, sat shirtless at the little table, reading the newspaper and sipping his tea. He pulls me into his lap, rests his head on my shoulder and reads the sport scores out to me and any news bits he knows I'd like. I make breakfast for us and we sit and eat at the little table laughing and chatting until we inevitably end up back in bed," you say, listing out each part of your little dream.
Val let's out a little 'aww' as she makes her notes before looking back up to you with a smile, "same scenario but with Fred."
"I wake up and he's sleeping next to me, still holding me from the night before. He wakes up and we don't leave the bed for another hour at least. He makes me tea and we make breakfast together and then we sit watching terrible tv, mocking the actors and awful storylines. He pulls me closer to him to cuddle on the couch and we spend the day just like that."
"Okay different tactic again, I want you to give me the pros for dating Fred or listing his best qualities," she says, flipping over the page and starting a new one entirely.
"He's funny and mischievous, kind to me, very protective. Hot obviously, like little stupid things like running his fingers through his hair or rolling up his sleeves. We're best friends so there's no weirdness and most people think we're dating anyway."
"Okay now George."
"Funny, sensitive and sweet, more considerate than Fred and more likely to notice somethings wrong. More likely to think ahead, and to apologise. He's comfort for me."
"And now worst qualities of Fred."
"Doesn't always think things through, can be impulsive and not think of the consequences. He can be a little mean, to his brothers and stuff, just a little more brutal than George is. He can be a little grumpy sometimes, usually about other guys or whatever like he's a little possessive. Not always the most responsible and can be a little unreliable."
"And George?"
"Follows Fred diligently, a little insecure, not as confident in himself, same as Fred that he doesn't always think of consequences."
"Okay last one, what are the pros and cons of being in a relationship with them in general?"
"Pros; wonderful family, great parents in law, I get along really well with their other siblings, share the same friends. I'd be happy."
"Um well I guess there family isn't rich or anything, not that it bothers me, but for some maybe that's a thing? The only con is hurting the other brother."
"Right, your conclusion," she says, adding up the tally before looking back at you.
“You’re screwed.”
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goblinpuppy35 · 1 year
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The Punk and the Wolf
(Previous chapter, Part 7, Next chapter)
Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Summary: Set during OFTP, Y/N is Mad Eye Moody's assistant and while staying at Grimmauld place, him and Remus develop a connection.
Warning: 18+ ONLY - Long chapter but with smut at the end (finally!)
With all the students back from Hogwarts for the winter break Grimmauld place felt full to the brim. It was often hard to find a room or even a moment to yourself. All the distress of what was happening at Hogwarts as well as Arthur's brutal attack, everyone was on edge but by collectively being together all this tension bloomed into a giddy sense of excitement for the festivities to come. No one wanted to spoil the few moments of peace they had.
It had taken Remus several days to fully recover from his recent transformation, he remained in his bed for two days straight with Molly and Sirius bringing him his meals, though he couldn't eat much. On the third day Remus was slowly moving around his room when he heard a knocked on his closed door. Gingerly he opened the door and leaned out into the hallway. It was empty. It wasn't until the tall man eventually looked down that he saw a mug of tea sitting perfectly in the centre of the hallway carpet, placed in the middle of the decorative flower pattern. Steam gently flouting up into the air. Resting against the mug was the battered copy of The Odyssey. Y/N. Remus fondly rubbed his thumb over the books spine as he picked it and the mug of hot tea up. Upon opening the book he found a new note has been scrawled out on his bookmark.
"Get well soon so we can finish this book together :) - Y/N" 
Being the evening Remus knew that Y/N would not be back until early next morning. Resting his fragile frame back onto the bed Remus placed the book to his chest. Closing his eyes he thought back to waking up on top of Y/N after his transformation, once the initial panic had subsided feeling Y/N that close to him felt incredible. Remus started to imagine how it would feel if I'm this moment Y/N was the one on top of him, resting his handsome head of Y/H/C locks against the crook of his neck. Remus felt so comforted by this thought he pushed through his pains and fell asleep. 
Remus was woken up abruptly the next morning by cheers and laughter, he turned and looked at his clock. 11:45am, 25th December. Everyone must be starting to celebrate, he thought promptly getting up and dressed. The source of the loud cries of excitement was coming from the living room, peering through the doorway Remus could see the younger students exchanging and opening presents while Fred and George were casting little clouds of snow above them, gliding around the chandelier. Mad Eye Moody and Y/N were nowhere not present. Remus desperately hoped they hadn't already left for a mission. It was lovely seeing the teens all being allowed be just be teenagers for the time being and forget the foreboding challenges which were to come. A conversation further down the hallway caught Remus' attention and he turned to see Molly and Sirius.
"I've been kicked out of my own kitchen" Molly said raising her hands up on a huff. "Technically it's my kitchen" Sirius jested, "oh, like you spend any time in it anyway!". Approaching the others Remus tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Y/N has taken over all the cooking. Told me I've been working too much anyway and I should rest", this was true, with Arthur to take care of on top of everything else Molly was running herself thin. Placing a reassuring hand onto her shoulder Remus began to slowly open the kitchen door. Rock music bleeded out into the hallway and grew louder as Remus entered the kitchen and closed the door behind him.
"Molly I told you! If you come back and try and help I'm burning the turkey on purpose!" Y/N's back was to Remus as he was stirring a pan full of onions and garlic, the smell flouted towards the werewolves sensitive nose. Smelled fantastic. Y/N was tapping his boots in time to the music and swaying his hips, the charms which were tied into his belt loops jingled as he moved. This charming sight caused  Remus' lips to curl upwards as he observed the small energetic punks dancing. Out of the corner of Y/N's eye he noticed a presence looming over him and swiftly turned around, his hair and dangerly earrings swinging around. "Oh, it's you!" Y/N matches Remus' grin once he realised it was him.
"It's good to see you up again" despite being happy to see Remus, Y/N avoided eye contact, there was a level of bashful awkwardness between the two men. "I hope Molly isn't too upset I took over" Y/N carrier on with a nervous chuckle "everyone's been doing so much for The Order I just felt like it was only far to give them a day off, everyone's so exhausted. And what about you? when was the last time you ate?" he asked looking into Remus' eyes kindly. "When was the last time you ate?" Remus retorted back, he was constantly amazed by Y/N's compassion, "I bet you came back with Moody and began helping in here straight away". Y/N smirked and looked to the floor, this meant a yes in Remus' mind.
At this point the oven timer started to ping and Y/N turned around to pull a tray out. "Believe it or not I'm actually a really good cook, it's just ..." Y/N hovered, tray in hand trying to find a clear kitchen surface to place it on. Every counter top of littered with mixing bowls, baking trays and half cut vegetables. "It's just I'm quiet a messy cook" and saying so Y/N placed the hot tray on top of another on the hob. Remus couldn't help but laugh at this spectical, "Well if your insisting on cooking, can I at least help you clean up as you go?". Y/N looked up from a mixing bowl he had started stirring, somehow he'd already managed to get cake mixture over his cheek "that would be perfect Remus". Hearing this made Remus feel warm inside and he got to work taking the dirty kitchen equipment to the sink and rolling up his cardigan sleeves.
In no time the kitchen was in a much more respectable state and gorgeous smells of roasted vegetables and rich gravy was filling the whole house. Once Remus had finished all the washing up Y/N brought him over and showed him how to make the stuffing and crimp the pastry of the pies, holding the taller man's upper arms in his hands to guide him. Once the table was set and everyone was invited in the room filled with excited gasps. Despite being a large room all the seats were packed closely next to one another. Y/N and Remus shared one end of the table together, their knees brushing up against one another every now and then.
"Everything tastes so wonderful. Thank you for cooking all of this Mrs Weasely" Hermione said. "Well actually I believe it was Remus and Y/N who cooked everything together" Sirius smuggly pointed out with empathise on the word 'together'. This resulted in Remus coughing up his wine he'd been drinking and Y/N stopped mid way through placing his fork full of roast potoes into his mouth and he stares mouth gaping at everyone staring in their direction. "So why don't we rise a toast to them" Sirius encouraged lifting up his own glass. "To Remus and Y/N" everyone cheered and the Weasely twins started to skincker and wiggle their eyebrows in Y/N's direction. With expert aim Y/N flicked his fork and shot his forkfull of potoes just shy of George's left ear. Through his poliet smile Remus stared daggers down the table at Sirius who just beamed back. Christ pads is loving this.
After the meal Remus and Sirius stepped outside for a smoke and to reminisce pasted holidays they had spent with Lily and James. They both raised a cigarette each to their dear friends, wishing they could be here. Everything was quiet in the dinning room once Remus had returned, he could hear chatter coming from the living room so he made his way into the hallway. Though he spotted promptly under the stairs as he heard voices above him. Almost instantly he picked up Y/N voice and soon after George and Fred's voices were clear to him, all three were talking in a hushed tone. "I hope you know I didn't tell either of you not because I didn't trust you, I was just worried you'd have thought I bestrayed The Order. I just didn't want to let anyone else down". "Y/N don't talk a load of rubbish" Fred said "Your our mate and we know you've always got our back as much as we've got yours". "Exactly" George followed with "We understand it must have been hard to tell us so thank you mate, really". Remus stayed very quiet just under them and smiled to himself, Y/N must be telling them about his mark, he was so proud of Y/N. "Speaking of keeping secrets, when are you going to make a move on Professor Lupin?" Fred asked slyly. "Oh shut up" Y/N said flusteredly which made the twins laugh, "so you haven't made a move yet" George teased. Remus learned in closer awaiting Y/N's response. "It's not that simple guys" Y/N finally said "he's amazing, truly incredible. I've never met a man quiet like him. I just .. I don't know if he feels the exact same way". Remus had to fight against his legs to not stride out Infront of the three boys and tell Y/N how much he wanted to hold him close and kiss him. He felt so foolish for not being more clear with his feelings.
At this very moment the living room door which joined into the hallway opened brisky and Moody and Sirius were standing in it. From their perspective they could clearly see Remus hunched just under the other three on the staircase and Remus had a panic look of being caught in the act. "Remus, are you alright?" Sirius asked confused, this caused the banister above the tall man to creak and peering up Remus saw Fred, George and of course Y/N leaning over and realising he had been there the whole time. Like the other Y/N's face was painted with confusion and then pure embarrassment. "Y/N we have to go" Moody said bluntly, ignoring the situation and walking towards the front door, with out question Y/N followed him. Just before Y/N exited the front door he turned back and looked at Remus, clearly wanting to talk but in the end offered a weak smile before disappearing into the night.
Sirius had needed Remus for a task himself. There were a couple of known werewolves in the outskirts of London who had not been hunted down by the dark lord. Sirius asked Remus to meet with them and try and swade them to join The Order, despite his downfall in social skills their clear nocturnal connection made Remus the best person for the task which he agreed to. Finally he got to experience what Y/N and Moody has been doing almost every night, leaving everyone to go off into the night and work while the rest of the city slept. Remus didn't return back to Grimmauld place until two in the morning, it was a productive night but Remus was exhausted, all he wanted right now was his bed.
Remus was taken aback when once he entered though the front door he was meet with a number of concerned faces. Even Fred and George were still up, along with Sirius, Moody, Molly and Arthur all now looking at Remus with a mixture of pain and worry. "What's going on?" Remus inquiried. No one said anything for a moment which put Remus on edge as he stiffened in the doorway. "Everything is fine now, its just" Sirius began slowly "it's just while Moody and Y/N were out on their patrol". At this moment Moody interrupted " We were out on the north side of the city when that bastard of a step brother of the wee lads ambushed us with a bunch of bleeding dementors" it was at this point that Remus noticed that Moody had a few bandages around his hand and across his cheek. "We're fine now its just .. Y/N's broom got hit and he fell" before Moody could finish Remus ran towards the living room door and swung it open.
A fire was lit in the dark room, dancing across the walls and illuminated the sofa were Remus' eye fell upon. Curled up on one side of the sofa was Y/N, motionless and eyes closed, even from this far away Remus could see the nemorous amount of cuts and bruises across Y/Ns body. One large cut over his forehead and cutting into his eyebrow, noticeably causing pain even with his eyes closed. Remus breathing quickened and he could feel the prick of tears building up in his eyes.
'Its rude to stare moones" came a soft voice from the sofa, still with his eyes closed Y/N shifted and groans in pain. Leaving the doorway and the others behind him Remus came towards Y/N lowering himself down onto his knee. Y/N's right eye was dark and bruised and only half opent looking up at Remus "it looks worse then it is" he said through a chuckle which then turned into a low groan of pain "honestly you should have seen what the oth-" but before Y/N could finish his qwip Remus cupped the man's cheeks into his big hands and pulled him to his lips. Y/N's eyebrows raised in shock but he did not resist and instead sunk into the deep kiss with him. Finally they parted lips "I care about you so much Y/N" Remus said breathlessly, keeping his hands on Y/Ns cheeks rubbing his thumb up and down his soft skin. Y/N simple smiled back at Remus lovingly. Soft chuckles as approval could be heard from the hallway along with a union cry of "Finally!" coming from Fred and George.
Eventually the others went to bed, giving the two men some space. Remus stayed by Y/N's side craddeling his head in one hand and gently brushing his hair with his fingers. Talking quietly and intimatly between one another by the fire for sometime both still beaming from the kiss they had spared. After an hour they fell into a silence, looking down they could see their fingers tips were rubbing against one anothers, almost interlocking but not quiet. Remus needed Y/N to be as close to him as possible.
"May I take you up to my room?" Remus finally whispered, their fingers were fully entangled in one another's now "I feel like you deserve a proper bed tonight" Remus' gaze met Y/N's, the reflection of the fire dancing in both their eyes. They both knew what he was asking and in this look between them they both knew they wanted the same thing. Staying fixed in Remus' stare Y/N simply nodded. Their faces were almost touching, Remus' thick moustache brushing against Y/N own stubbled jaw.
Draping Y/N's arm over his hunched shoulders Remus was able to lift him up from the sofa with ease and aid him out of the room and up the stairs. With their height difference Y/Ns feet barely touched the ground and instead he settled to resting on top of Remus' own shoes. Y/N suddenly felt so small in Remus' arms and this made him blush, Y/N was steading himself by wrapping one of his arms around Remus' waist and his fingers pressed into his chest, Y/N could feel the older man's breathing in and out.
They made it to Remus' room, entering the dark room Remus carefully helped Y/N sit down on the bed before walking to the other side and switching on the bedside lamp. A dim orange glow spreads around the bed, keeping them out of shadow and creating a rose tint effect. Remus sat across from Y/N and then briskly moved closer until he was pressed up against Y/N but then he stopped. He had wanted to do this for so long, Remus was scared of making a mistake or rushing, he wanted Y/N to be fully comfortable. However before Remus could make any more calculated thoughts Y/N pulled him into a long deep kiss, causing both their chests to rise up and press against each other. A fluttering feeling builds up on both their stomachs, they feel perfect together. Remus' hands held on tightly to Y/N's shoulders as their mouths opened and their tounges met. Dancing over one another elegantly at first and then more quickened and passionate. When they separated to catch their breath Y/N let out a weak moan and Remus bit down on his own lip hard.
"Y/N" Remus panted trying to keep his composure "I know both our lives have barriers which make us not want to get close to people but when I look at you ... there is no one id rather have by my side and I'd be honoured if I could be by yours as well.. if you want that of course". Taking a moment Y/N looked down at his marked arm, it was so hard for him to let people in, and yet when he looked up into Remus' worn and caring face all those worries slipped away. "Yes" Y/N said with a smile which was met with Remus' own lips again as the taller man pushed his weight over Y/N causing him to fall back onto the bed.
Locking their hands together Remus gently lifted Y/N's arms above his head and Y/N lifted up his boots and wrapped them around Remus' waist. Their groins pushed against each other and both men could feel how hard the other one was getting. Y/N removed Remus' cardigan and swiftly pulled off his own shirt showing off his fluffy chest. Remus was fixated and kissed down Y/N's upper torso and followed his happy trail across his stomach and to his hips, the closer he got to Y/N's waist band the more Y/N moaned. Remus' long fingers unbuckled Y/N's belt and with some shuffling managed to pull his trouser down to his knees. Y/N began to reach out for his boot laces to undo then "No don't" interjected Remus "Keep them on... I like them". Y/N smirked and looked down at his own boxers which hugged his hips and clearly showed off how erect he was for the man above him. Moving his hands away from his laces Y/N reached out for Remus' shirt and began to unbutton it but stopped after one and looked up, waiting for a signal from Remus. Nervously Remus nodded and closed his eyes and Y/N carrier on undoing his shirt. He felt the slight coolness of the air as his shirt fell from him and then he felt Y/N's lips, kissing from his stomach all the way to the crook of his neck and then to his ear, "You are beautiful Remus, every single part of you". These sweet whispered words made him shiver and softly moan out Y/N's name. Next Remus felt a hand press firmly over his trouser and started to massage his concealed cock, resulting in a low primal growl to escape his lips. "I want you" Y/N carried on inti Remus' ear, enjoying the effect it was having on him "I need you inside me".
Y/N's boxers were roughly pulled down to meet his trousers around his carves. Following this movement Remus placed himself between Y/N's boots, lifting them over his shoulders, breathing over Y/N cock to tease him and make him twitch before leaning down and starting to rim Y/N's hole. The younger man arched his back and pushed his head into the pillow, moaning at the hot wet feelings of pleasure he felt. One of Remus' hand snaked up and grasped Y/N now throbbing cock and jerk it lazily which summoned more whimpers from Y/N. Remus adored the noises he could get out of the man in front of him and his mind started to race imagine how Y/N would sound when he made him cum. The stiffness in his own trousers was borderline painful so Remus pulled away from Y/N and quickly removed his trouser and boxers, his own erect cock almost touching his stomach. Looking down he saw Y/Ns eye grow at the sight of it and then looking up again "Moones your going to make me scream". "Good." Remus replied in a gruff tone, holing onto his cock and starting to position himself against Y/N hole. Their eyes were locked as Remus slowly entered Y/N who whined and yelped out, "it's okay" Remus reassured bring his fingers up to Y/N's cheek to sooth him but turning his head Y/N took Remus fingers in his mouth, sucking and licking them as he moaned "keep going". Soon Remus was fully inside Y/N and he knocked his head back from how tight Y/Ns arse felt against his cock and then his hips began to rock, building up a rhythm as he began to fuck Y/N. 
Looking up at Remus with big dilated eyes, trying his best to stay focused and not lose complete control Y/N gripped his own cocked and continued to jerk himself off as Remus pounded his ass. Each trust brought both men to their climax significantly faster than they were expecting. "Remus .. Remus .. I ..I'm gonna" Y/N spluttered trying to control his body's build up. "Hold on pup" Remus growled but this simply pushed Y/N over the edge and with a strong cry he came over his own hand and Remus' stomach. Upon feeling this against his skin it didn't take Remus long himself, with a few more rigorous thrusts and slamming his mouth into Y/Ns he felt his tip harden beyond belief inside Y/N and biting on the younger man's lip Remus came hard, making them both cry out. Remus stayed inside Y/N slowly thrusting until they stopped twitching with pleasure. After he pulled out resting in his side he wrapped Y/N up in his long arms and brought him in close to his chest. The room was filled with their sound of them panting and then laughing. "Might have taken you ages to make the first move but boy do you know what your doing afterwards" Y/N said nibbling on Remus' ear lobe. "There's lots more where that came from if you've got the stamina" Remus teased and they stayed in each others arms until they drifted off to sleep.
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sailtomarina · 3 months
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Slipping a ribbon between the pages to mark her spot, she shut her book with none of her usual reluctance. “You look well rested.”
The way his grin pressed dimples into each cheek should have been a crime with how it sent her gut fluttering in a panic. “I am. You should wash up, too, before everyone else returns.”
He had a point. Once the group walked through the door, they’d descend upon her and Charlie like predators on fresh blood. The two of them would no doubt be subject to story after story about their outdoor escapades, then plopped down at the dinner table and stuffed full to bursting. Then drinks, and then games. The future basically wrote itself.
“I think I will.” She stood to leave, but stopped at Charlie’s cleared throat.
“Do you, um, happen to have any other books on you? I didn’t see any downstairs, and there aren’t any in my bedroom.”
She stared at him for an awkward beat, then looked down at the leather weight in her hands. Dragons.
“I don’t have any but this one, if you can believe it, and had planned on reading it multiple times. You can try it, if you like? It has dragons…” Her voice trailed off, turning instead into a chortle at the way Charlie brightened at the last phrase. “It’s new, so, treat it with care, okay? I marked my spot, and you’re free to use your own bookmark as long as you don’t dogear the pages.”
“I would never,” he said, holding one hand above his heart. “Shall we cast an Unbreakable?”
He barked in laughter at the shove that sent him tumbling back into the cushions. He sat back to solemnly receive the book in both hands, then saluted her in farewell.
I hope he likes it, she thought as she made her way to her own private shower. Some men baulked at female protagonists, but she didn’t think Charlie was like that. He struck her as the sort to believe in equal opportunity, not only because of his role in the war, but also because of how he carried himself in life. She hadn’t had too much opportunity to witness that herself aside from the Burrow and at Hogwarts, but there was no question in her mind of the truth of his character.
Also, dragons.
Written for the There’s Only One... Fest, Reading Dragons is now available to read on AO3!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley Characters: Hermione Granger, Charlie Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Harry Potter Additional Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Adult Hermione Granger, POV Hermione Granger, POV Charlie Weasley, Romantic Fluff, Light Angst, Ginny Weasley is a Little Shit, Comfort, Comfort Reading, Fred Weasley Lives, Facebook: Lauren's Kitchen Summary:
When the Weasleys win a vacation getaway, Hermione is the only unpaired family friend to join. That doesn’t bother her, though–she has a new book to read and a window seat with her name on it. But, after a certain independent wizard makes a late appearance, Hermione starts to wonder if perhaps sharing her comfy nook isn’t so bad…until they realise her book is the only one in the cabin.
Whatever will they do to pass the time?
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eleemosynecdoche · 11 months
Traveling back in time to 1100 CE Japan, throwing a paper copy of Fred Saberhagen's Empire of the East trilogy at Yukari Yakumo. There is a bookmark at the section where the "god" Ardneh is revealed to be the supercomputer ARDNEH, which altered reality and accidentally made magic real in response to a nuclear war. The bookmark has "really big shikigami?? ARPAnet???" scrawled on it in illegible chemist handwriting.
Returning back to my own time only to be hit in the head by the gapped remnants of the paperback, together with a beautifully handwritten note- "nice try digimon fan". I weep bitter tears.
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drarryweasley · 9 months
HP Rec Fest - Part 1 (Days 1-16)
Boy, has it been a moment since I've gone through my fanfic bookmarks. Thankful that @hprecfest has given me a reason to do so and rediscover some old gems!
Anyways making this list made me realize that I'm a connoisseur of explicit content so most of these are smutty and I'll leave that up to you to decide whether that's good or bad
(These are almost exclusively post-war fics where everyone is an adult, unless otherwise stated!)
1. A favorite fic under 5k: If We Lie Like This by everythingokay
(Harry x Charlie Weasley, rated E, 4.1k)
Harry/Charlie is one of my absolute favorite ships of all time, and this is one of the sweetest pwps I've ever read of them, so you know this had to be my first rec.
2. A comfort fic: Lumos by birdsofshore
(Drarry, rated E, 41.5k)
This is one of my oldest bookmarks, and still one of the best. I love, love, love eighth year fics, in no small part because of this one. The summary really says it all:
"Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking."
3. A podfic
I've truly never listened to a podfic in my life, I just prefer reading I'm sorry
4. A fic with art: What Have You Been Hiding Under Those Robes, Professor Malfoy? by Booktopus
(Drarry, Rated E, 15k - art is NSFW!)
Finding art in my fics is such a rare, exciting surprise, especially because I rarely go looking for them. Now, a GIF? And a smutty gif at that? Of tattooed professor Draco? What. A. Find.
5. A non-AO3 fic: The Lust of Gryffindors by Fearful Porpentine
(Harmione + so many pairings/groupings, rated M, 381.5k, aged-up during canon)
Yeah, I'm pretty much exclusively an AO3 girlie, so I don't have many options for this one. Still, this is a standout as one of my favorite smutty extravaganzas.
6. An unreliable narrator fic: Touch by bixgirl1
(Drarry, Rated E, 45k)
I had this fic on my TBR for so long before I actually read it, and when I finally did, I was KICKING myself for waiting so long! I love touch-starved characters finally getting what they need (is it self-fulfilling? perhaps), and I never thought a sleep-deprived Harry could be so funny.
(I'm aware this is an unreliable narrator in the loosest sense of the word but I'm sticking with it because it NEEDS to be recced)
7. A canon-compliant fic: With the Edges Worn Down by MayatheBee
(Harry x Ron x Hermione, rated E, 13k)
By "canon-compliant," we mean "takes place so far in the future that canon can't disprove it," right?
If so, then here's my pick. After Ginny's death, Ron and Hermione decide to finally act on feelings that have been ignored for their entire friendship. It is so, so sweet and so, so hot.
8. A canon-divergence fic: Safe Word is Devil's Snare by ShayaLonnie
(Neville x Hermione, rated E, 97k)
Hot Neville Agenda? Hot Neville Agenda.
Neville is fast becoming one of my favorite characters in fic (both in reading and writing). I'm a sucker for him growing into his self-confidence after the war while still being the same loveable plant guy we know. And a forced marriage with hyper-competent Hermione? Get ready for the spice, y'all.
9. A rare pair fic: 93 Diagon Alley by Schmem_14
(Harry x George, rated M, 30k)
I'm quickly realizing that most of the fic I consume (outside of drarry) is rare pairs, but this is one of the best. Harry and George leaning on each other through their grief, and realizing what they need to get through said grief is, in fact, each other? Sign me up. I usually avoid stories that feature Fred's death as a significant plot point, but this is too well done to ignore.
10. A fest fic: Beware: Naked People Ahead by SonnenFlower
(Lots of pairings, rated M, 6.6k)
I’m recommending this fic not only because of the absolute hilarity of the premise, but because it is a part of one of the best fests I’ve ever come across — the Hermione’s Nook Naked Weasley Fest! This fic had me laughing the whole way through (and crying when I wasn’t.)
11. A dark fic: Whore by orphan_account
(Harry x Fred x George + noncon, etc, rated E, 141.6k, takes place during canon)
Listen, I don't read dark fics very often. They tend to crush my soul and spin me out. This is my "I want to hurt" fic — SO MIND THE TAGS.
12. A WIP you're following: New Blood by artemisgirl
(Pairings still evolving, rated M, currently 1.3 million words, takes place during canon)
As a general rule, I don't read many in-progress fics (this is a personal fault because I get too impatient and invested). But when I started this fic, it had over 1 million words and didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, so I took the plunge. It features a Slytherin, overpowered, badass Hermione, deep fae/wix lore, and a unique twist on all our favorite characters!
13. A fic with over 100k words: Finding Sophrosyne by mlfoyskhione
(Drarry, rated T, 136.5k)
An eighth year fic where everyone in Hogwarts falls into an unwakeable sleep...except Draco and Harry. Absolutely delectable.
14. A favorite series: Harry Potter & Seven Years of Chaos by Severitus812
(Harry x Fred + Severitus, unrated, 1+ million words; takes place during canon)
When I started this fic, the first six parts were published and part of the seventh. I DEVOURED them in a week, and I still haven't gotten around to finishing it because I'm positive it's going to break my heart. Still, an absolute beast of a story that is so, so fun to experience!
15. The most recent fic you bookmarked: The Best Laid Plans by Drarrymadhatter
(Drarry, Draco x George, Harry x Fred, rated E, 6.6k)
Okay, I’ve bookmarked entirely too many fics since the start of this fest, so to avoid repeats, I’m recommending the last fic I bookmarked BEFORE then. Based on my url, it couldn’t be more perfect — Draco, George, Harry, AND Fred? Absolute perfection. Sexy, sexy perfection.
16. A fic that made you laugh: I WANNA SEE SOME ARSE by thefrancakes
(NottPott, rated E, 10.5k)
From the title of this fic through the end of it, I was laughing. And where I wasn’t, I was fanning myself because. Hot. Damn. I’d never shipped Harry and Theo Nott until reading this.
So many excellent fics here...and yet I'm even MORE excited about the next set of prompts! Until then!
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ISO Fremoine Fic
I feel like I’m going crazy because I definitely remember reading this fic at some point and could have sworn I had it either bookmarked or favorited on ao3 or fanfic but it’s not on my lists. The story is set after the plot of the books and Hermione is working in the ministry (it is also explicit/nsfw if I’m remembering correctly).
The story starts with some government ball or gala that Hermione is going to and the guy she thought was going to ask her didn’t, he was priming her as a “backup.” Obviously once Hermione realizes this she is super bummed and mentions it to Fred. Fred suggests that they go together to stick it to that guy and he promises to be the perfect “boyfriend” for the night.
Hermione and him go and have a wonderful night and when he takes her home they sleep together. Hermione mentions that she was just looking to have fun and so Fred shows her a good time but is hurt because he started catching feelings. Because he is hurt that she only wants something causal he leaves the next morning and ignores her for a while. Hermione is upset that Fred is ignoring her because she is also catching feelings.
They end up bumping into each other in diagon alley and Fred accuses her of using Amortentia and seducing him but it is actually just Hermione’s vanilla perfume. Of course they realize they both like each other and are together by the end.
If anyone recognizes this story and has a link or anything I can use to find it myself I would be extremely grateful! Thank you in advance!
*reposted from Reddit*
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lostdrarryfics · 7 months
hey so…
There’s this Drarry fic, I’m sorry but I can’t remember much about it, but this is what I do know: Draco has been sent to Azkaban, Harry was there trying to help Draco since he thinks that Draco didn’t deserve this, but his attempts don’t work, however Narcissa thanks Harry for his support and let’s him stay over at Malfoy Manor for as long as he wants. She makes him pancakes as well, I remember that. Later in the story, Draco gets back from Azkaban and Harry helps him recover. I also remember this part where, Draco asks Harry why he stays over, and Harry tells him that, he stays only for the pancakes because pancakes where Fred’s favorite thing to eat, and now that he died, Molly stopped making them.
I’m sorry that that’s all that I could remember, I know it’s not much to go on but, I didn’t finish reading it, but thanks anyways ❤️
We believe you are looking for To Hurt and Heal by cassisluna (21k, T)
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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posswrites · 2 years
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Rating: G
WC: 616
“Hermione, I’ve got a serious question for you.”
She looked up from her book warily. He always perfected non-important questions like this, especially right before bed, so she wasn’t worried, but she still eyed him from the bed, into the bathroom where he was leaning against the counter. “What’s that?” she asked, gaze fluttering back to the page.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Hermione paused, wondering if she heard correctly. Then, slowly, she slid her bookmark in, closed the book and set it on the bed next to her. “I’m sorry, did you just ask me if I would still love you if you were a worm ?”
“Why on earth would you be a worm?”
“It’s just a hypothetical question, Hermione,” he laughed. “Like, if you woke up tomorrow and there was me, as a worm, in bed next to you, what would you do?”
“Well, how would I know it was you and not just a regular worm?”
Fred sighed, rubbing his forehead with a grin. “All right, fine. I’ll play along. A ginger worm.”
“The worm has hair?”
“Well, that’s slightly more concerning, isn’t it?”
“Is it?”
“A worm with hair is more concerning than your husband turning into one?”
Hermione sat up a bit straighter and turned to face him, suddenly much more invested in this hypothetical conversation. “If I woke up next to a worm with hair, I wouldn’t immediately resort to thinking it was you , Fred. I’d think it was just a worm. And I’d probably try to come find you and try to figure out why the hell you put a worm in our bed.”
“And what if you couldn’t?” Fred finally moved to sit down on the bed next to her, sliding himself under the covers. “What if you went all around the house and couldn’t find me, my shoes were still by the door, everything was exactly as it was right now, but instead of me being here, it was just a worm?”
“What kind of worm?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like an earthworm or a flobberworm?”
A few seconds passed before Fred answered, “Flobberworm.”
Hermione grimaced. “Ugh… well, that’s got to be the worst husband. You’d be cheaper to feed if you were a worm, at least.”
“What? You would. I didn’t say I would enjoy it.”
“So you wouldn’t love me, then.”
“I never said that.”
“I just said I was a flobberworm and you said ugh .”
“Well, because flobberworms aren’t exactly the most attractive creatures on the face of the Earth, now are they?”
“And I am?”
“Of course you are. Why do you think I married you?” she smirked.
“Because you love me.”
“Right, that too.”
“ So , if that were the case, you’d still feel the same way about me as a flobberworm, would you not?”
“Fine!” Hermione laughed. “Yes. Okay? Yes. I would still love you even if I woke up in the morning and you were a flobberworm, but don’t you dare try to pretend you did, Fred. I swear if I wake up in the morning and there’s a worm in this bed-”
“That’s all I wanted to hear,” Fred grinned, leaning over to kiss her before sliding down under the covers and pulling them up to his chin, wandlessly turning the lights out. “Night, love.”
“Well now I’m nervous to fall asleep. Who knows what might be waiting for me in the morning.” Nevertheless, she settled down with him, wrapping an arm around his middle. “There. Now if you move during the night, I’ll know.”
“I wouldn’t get too confident, now. I’ve heard that flobberworms are excellent cuddlers.”
“Go to sleep, Fred.”
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Hi, do you know any good post war Gen fics ? That doesn’t focus on the shipping stuff but the character rebuilding etc?
Hi anon!
Turns out I don't have a lot of gen fics bookmarked, but here's a few that I know of and adore:
Metamorphagi at Midnight by @celestemagnoliathewriter. Celeste does a wonderful job of showing Andromeda's grief while continuing on for Teddy.
Green by @bellmel - Another wonderful look at the grief a parent feels at the loss of a child, only this one is focused on Molly during the first Christmas after the battle.
Rage by @floreatcastellumposts - Flo wrote a wonderful post-battle and next-gen series. There is a focus on shipping for a lot of them, but she also has some excellent gen fics like this one, which is a moment between Ron and Harry before Fred's funeral.
I can't think of any others right now, but if anyone else has recommendations please add them!
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I Have To Say I Do
A fun alternative to The Deathly Hallows.
"Harry has to marry to save two lives that depend on him, twin babies. Who will he pick to be their mother?"
Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Romance & Humor, Harry P., Hermione G., Words: 42k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 609, Published: May 31, 2007 Updated: Jun 16, 2007
Reposted on AO3
Show warnings: Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Winky | Crouch Family House-Elf, Rufus Scrimgeour, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Charlie Weasley, George Weasley, Dolores Umbridge, Ginny Weasley, Minerva McGonagall, Fleur Delacour, Molly Weasley, Dobby (Harry Potter), Nymphadora Tonks, Bill Weasley, Draco Malfoy Quidditch, Marriage, Drama, Pregnancy
Stats: Published:2009-06-14 Completed:2009-06-13 Words:41,671 Chapters:17/17 Comments:1 Kudos:21 Bookmarks:13 Hits:385
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rigginsstreet · 1 year
Fic Stats Meme
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
thanks for the tag @imsodishy
Most Hits: not my type (9,021) T robin & billy, billy/steve
For someone who's allegedly such a ladies' man, Robin sure has a hard time getting a read on what exactly it is Billy looks for in a woman. Until one day she realizes maybe she's been asking the wrong questions.
Second Most Kudos: i'm getting tired and i need somewhere to begin (307) M billy/steve
Steve Harrington had been another new development after returning from the dead. Turned out, that crush Billy had been harboring since his first year in Hawkins hadn’t died with him. What was more shocking was that Steve had even grown to return it.
Third Most Comments: 'Til I Hear It From You (28) T parentdale (multi characters w focus on fredsythe)
The parentdale empire records au nobody asked for
Fourth Most Bookmarks: there’s no point in candles if our fire never burns (23) T billy/steve
They hadn’t even noticed him. The door had only been slightly ajar, leaving Billy with enough of a view to see inside the room but keep himself hidden. He stood there for what felt like hours. Was probably only seconds. Watched Nancy’s small frame press against Steve, her face buried in his chest muffling what Billy assumed were tears as Steve shushed her and stroked her hair and-
Fifth Most Words: if i only could, i'd make a deal with god (and get him to swap our places) (21,984) E fred/fp
FP could almost laugh at his father’s ignorance. He knew who he was, with or without Fred. Senior made up his mind long ago that Fred Andrews was some pariah sent to seduce and corrupt his son, but FP suspects he knows the truth deep down. Just doesn’t want to admit he raised a fag all on his own. Anything he can do to put the blame elsewhere… Which is exactly why FP learned quick enough that he could never let Fred and his dad occupy the same space. Not without witnesses. Even just stepping foot onto the South Side was too risky.
But Fred was never much for following orders. Or correctly estimating the level of danger he was putting himself in. Which is why when he got wind of FP having the trailer to himself for the evening, he decided to make an appearance.
Least Words: something's changing (401) T billy/steve
They’ve been hooking up in the backroom of Family Video for about a month now. Because Steve was having trouble landing dates, and Billy had stopped looking once he moved out of Neil’s, and they both found out there were better ways to get their hands on each other that didn’t result in bloodshed, most of the time.
no pressure tags: @paranoidbean @destroya2005 @fredheads @harrygroves
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goblinpuppy35 · 1 year
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The Punk and the Wolf
(Previous chapter, Part 3, Next chapter)
Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Summary: Set during OFTP, Y/N is Mad Eye Moody's assistant and while staying at Grimmauld place, him and Remus develop a connection.
The next week was grey and cold, frequent rain showers kept the pavement slabs outside damp and reflective. At night the winds blew, rattling the windows and echoing through the halls. To keep the inside of the house from matching the bleak atmosphere outside most of the warm table lamps were kept on throughout the day and at night they looked like paths of yellow tinted orbs guiding you down the hallways. All the students had returned to Hogwarts, a little nervous and reserved to leave.
Remus was helping Sirius as much as he could, rumours were growing that the dark lord was hunting down werewolves, forcing them to join his side, so for the time being the two friends agreed it was safer for Remus to stay in the house and help with meetings and strategy planning. During one of these wet mornings, Remus and Sirius were hunch over the dinning table together reading and replying to letters from members of The Order and associates. The task was draining but there was an unspoken sense of commodity between the two, they had been friends for so long and been through so much together Remus always felt at ease in Sirius' company.
"Forget the war this, THIS is what's actually going to kill me" Sirius groans as he leaned back in his chair rubbing the palm of his hand with his thumb. Remus only laughs and rolls his eyes as he continues to write his letter. "These ones will need to be sent out before midday" Sirius sighs as he scoops a pile of letters into his hands "when Moody comes back tell him". "Moody and Y/N already came back about an hour ago" Remus interrupts not looking up from his parchment. Sirius jolts up and stares at his friend who is still focusing on his writing, "and how do you know that?". "Because .." but Remus trails off and only then dose he look up from his work, not at Sirius though, he keeps looking forward hoping this moment will just pass.
"Because Y/N has felt our book on the side table across the room which means he's sleeping in the other room now" was what Remus has stopped himself from saying. Our book. Over the past week Y/N and he had developed a system with thier shared reading of The Odessy, when either of them were going to sleep they would leave it on the side table for the other to pick up and carry on where they left. Only once was the book disturbed when George pick it up to hit Fred's head when he was annoying him to which Remus took the book and hit George over the side of the head lightly and told him not to hit others with things that didn't belong to him. Afterwards Remus carefully made sure Y/N's bookmark was still in the same place.
Remus had noticed that Y/N had started underlining quotes within each chapter and making little comments in the sides of the pages which Remus would rely back to. 
"Do you think this imagery links back to the first chapter?" -Y/N
"Possibly! the part with the Cyclops has always been my favourite" -Remus 
"I'm enjoying it, tho Moody keeps telling me to stop reading about one when I have a Cyclops right in front of me that I should be listening to :) " -Y/N
Along with communicating through annotations, every morning that week Remus had been greeted with a premade brewing cup of tea in the kitchen and every other day a new type of chocolate based snack Y/N had picked up for him in the muggle world. This charming ritual always made Remus smile but the gesture also reminded him that Y/N was already back and collapsed in the living room with Moody, door closed behind them. Remus was constantly fighting the urge to go in and take Y/Ns hand and thank him for these small moments which were becoming the highlights of his day. However in the few meetings they attended together, another situation were Remus was pained by not having Y/N alone, Y/Ns eyebags were starting to give his a run for their money. He must be exhausted. On the particularly fierce nights Remus would lie awake in bed and worry about Y/N being out somewhere in the rain, all their missions were obviously essensail but at this point Remus had fully submitted to his deepening feelings for Y/N and simply wanted to know he was safe. Not that he was going to admit this to Sirius right now if he could avoid it.
"Well if they are back now then I can go in and ask them" Sirius declared abruptly rising from his chair and briskly walking towards the living room door. "Pads no! Y/N needs to rest" states Remus getting up and swiftly chasing after his friend, Sirius had started to open the large door until Remus places his long fingers in the gap keeping the door in place just a jar. "Oh Remus .. buddy.. you've got it bad haven't you" Sirius statement makes Remus frown and blush simultaneously thought this reaction is broken by his ears honing in on a small noise coming from the living room sofa. Looking over Remus can see Y/N, alone, outstretched and slumped on his side across the sofa, legs lifted up over the arm and boots still on. His gaze travels up to Y/Ns face which is half hidden by his Y/H/C hair sticking to his face and neck damp, he is shivering in his sleep. The poor lad must have been caught in the storm on his way back this morning Remus thinks and leaving Sirius in the doorway he makes him way into the room. Carefully trending his way over to not wake Y/N who's face was scrunched up and twitching slightly. Remus thinks he must be dreaming. Leaning over Y/Ns sleeping body like a stone arch Remus reaches up for the blanket laid over the back of the sofa and slowly draps it over Y/N. Before pulling it all the way up he stops and listens, Y/N is muttering in his sleep.
"I ... I ... no ... we... we cant.... please.." followed by soft whimpering. Remus' eyes are stricken with concern. Then with an ungraceful whack the other door to the room swings open and Moody marches in "Y/N! Up! Those death eaters we've been tracking have been spotted on the other side of London". Before even opening his eyes Y/N promptly lifts up his torso "hhhmm sure Moody just one sec I.." and then he opens his eyes and is staring up and a stunned Remus, still leaning over him and half way through draping a blank over Y/Ns body. The taller man is like a shocked doe, frozen in spot not sure what to do. Only taking a few seconds to process the situation Y/N smiles tirdly up at Remus, placing his hand on Remus' upper arm "Thank you, tho Im going to have to ask for a rain check on the tucking in" and putting more of his weight onto Remus' arm he lift his body fully upright and over the arm of the sofa, beginning to trail on after Moody. Remus was caught breathless by this physical contact and it wasn't until the sound of the back door shutting, signalling they had left did he clear his throat, straighten up and begin to slowly fold up the blanket that was still in his hands.
"I know what your going to say" Remus says in an annoyed tone to the room sensing that Sirius is still standing in the doorway, arms folded and looking at him, "Oh good because I know what your going to say, you cant possibly tell him how you feel because he shouldn't have to be burdened with the likes of you and your condition and you deserve to die alone and brooding, Mooney if you weren't so loveable your level of self deprecation would be suffocating ". With a huff Remus places the blanket back onto the sofa "I say those things for a good reason Sirius, Y/N is already run off his feet I ... I just want him to be looked after" he says looking defeated at his friend. There's a moment of silence. "I will talk to Moody, see if he can give the lad a day off" Sirius says with a understanding nod, then leaves the room.
Two nights later Remus is lying awake listening to the rain, unable to sleep. The full moon was approaching soon and his senses were digging into him like pins from all directions, his ears picked up a clicking sound which he knows is the sound of the back door latch being opened two floors down. Y/N? Making his way down and towards the kitchen the sound of rain grows louder and opening the kitchen door Remus observed the pale blue light of the night filling the kitchen as the backdoor was wide opening, creating a perfectly framed rectangle of rain coming down steadily. A silhouette is standing in the frame, a small orange glow appearing under their face as they take a long drag from their cigarette, Y/N was staring out into the rain and didn't notice Remus until he closed the door behind him and began to walk towards his direction. At first Y/N looked shocked but upon seeing Remus face his own face relaxed "hello stranger" Y/N says with a smirk before dropping his cigarette to the floor and crushing it with his boot.
"Mind if I join you?" Remus was leaning on the opposite side of the door frame to Y/N pointing down at his packet of smokes. Y/N starts to take two fresh cigs out as a gust of wind goes by making him shudder slightly. "I enjoy watching the rain so much I forgot about the cold" he says with a nervous laugh looking down. Shadow falls over Y/N as he realise Remus is towering over him, arms rolling back and then moving forward as the taller man removes his cardigan and gently places is around Y/Ns shoulders. Slipping his arms into the sleeves Y/N doesn't protest and instead silently looks up into Remus piercing blue eyes. Maintaining eye contact he puts one cigarette into his own mouth and guides the second towards Remus's lips, the older man parts his lips slightly letting the cigarette be placed in his mouth. Leaning in closer till the cigarette tips are almost touching Y/N brings up the lighter and lights them both at once. Smoke begins to build up between them but their eyes stay connected.
Remus adored how deep Y/Ns Y/E/C eyes were, their intense stare made his heart flutter. He clears his throat and takes a drag. Within Remus felt like he was burning up. He had to tell Y/N about how he felt and how they couldn't do anything, it just wouldn't be fair on him. "Remus I need to tell you something" Y/N said breaking the intimate silence between them. "Okay" Remus tilted his head and looked down at Y/N as he brought his cigarette to his lips between his fingers. "Over the past week I've developed strong feelings for you.. really strong feelings" Y/Ns eyes are fixed on an unknown point outside as he taps ash onto the wet ground "I doubt you share them but regardless I need to let you know what nothing can happen here. Im not worth the trouble and it wouldn't be fair on you" Y/N looks up at Remus with a smsll sad smile. Remus is dumbfounded. This guy just stole my line he thought.
"Y/N.. how could you say that about yourself! You are extraordinarily considerate and caring. If i had to go a day without seeing your handwriting in our book i don't think id bother getting out of bed", Remus was taken aback by his own honestly, everything was coming out now so why stop. "Remus. Stop. This cant happen. I will cause you nothing but pain." Y/Ns tone is much more stern and has straighten up folding his arms across his chest, his chin just about the height of Remus' shoulder. "The only thing you currently cause me is worry Y/N" Remus blurts out "Your working yourself into the ground , I know everyone's missions are important but .. but I cant help but want to look after you." The rain is getting harder. "Im beyond help" mutters Y/N has he flicks his cigarette away "just stay away from me okay". "Y/N you are being ridicules" Remus says reaching out to touch Y/Ns shoulder but Y/N shoves it away forcefully. "Fuck you Lupin. You. Dont. Know. Me. You cant help me. No one can!" Y/Ns eyes are pricking with tears and with a spin of his heel he storms out into the rain. This time Remus reaches out and successfully grabs Y/Ns cardigan covered shoulder "wait please!". Y/Ns tears are mixed with the rain and he starts to struggle against Remus grip.
Remus's cardigan hung lose over Y/Ns upper body so with his thrashing and Remus tight grip and piece of clothing began to slip off Y/Ns body with ease until it was left in shambles in Remus arms. He stood hunched in the door frame, Y/N stood up straight, breathing heavily in the pouring rain, both staring at Y/Ns outstretched arm from where the cardigan had left. Remus' eyes widen in disbelief. A distinct red mark flowed up Y/Ns arm like a curling spiral with a thin whiter lined mark within the red, almost looked as it it was glowing. It looked as if Y/N had barbed wire under his skin. Remus had read about this many of time but had never seen it in real life but there was no mistaking the permeant mark of the Unbreakable Vow.
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courfee · 5 months
20 Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪᴄ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀꜱ
Thank you for the tag @snarky-magpie <333
1. How many works do you have on A03? 14 published, 1 hidden.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 315,642
3. What fandoms do you write for? harry potter (mostly marauders and back in the day on ff.de also next gen, tho there is a golden era one happening atm), les miserables, and i used to write a handful of doctor who drabbles
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule 2. blindspot 3. All My Theory Complete 4. Borrow My Name 5. If you ask nicely
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually yes, though I am very very bad with responding (in general, not just ao3 this is a all messages kinda problem) and sometimes im off of ao3 for a solid 3 months before i check my inbox again. i am so sorry for all that, i do read all the comments when i get email notifs for them, i just often dont have the spoons to reply then and there.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably On Lies And Spies since it's a canon compliant peter fic, tho i think my prongsfoot fic might also be up there for competiton... (if we go off of ao3 i am currently writing a basically everyone dies fic and have written an angsty fred&george os on my first fic account)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'd say operation wanker, probably
8. Do you get hate on fics? mm yeah.. amtc specifically... idk what it is with that fic but ive had all kinds of things said there... people who hated the ending, people who thought no one should ever forgive james, people who said no one should ever forgive sirius, people being just in general mean (and not even in english??).. especially the comments in the bookmarks suck, ive had several people rate that fic out of 10, have had people write an entire list of what i should have done different etc etc... it sucks cause i still like that fic a lot, the first long fic ive ever finished, but its reached a point where im scared when people tell me theyre going to start reading it :(
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeahh ive written one jegulus smut fic. it was supposed to be a one shot for practicing purpose of seeing if i can do it and got slightly out of hand....
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've started writing one chronicles of syntax hogwarts au before and i did a comic forever ago where the 10th doctor and rose end up in hogwarts meeting the next gen crew
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? someone started translating amtc
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I've had plans, but we haven't yet gotten beyond the planning stage. would love to try it some time tho!!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? whatever the fuck james and sirius have going on, their relationship has been my favourite for all eternity
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My jegulus Krabat AU. I so badly want to have it written because i want to read it, but unfortunately the world is just not something i like writing in all that much
16. What are your writing strengths? Writing (un)healthily codependent friendships (aka james and sirius, (or the triumvirate)) and probably also consistency with little details
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting. I suck at it. i am very much a paper thinker, so if i dont write i cant think
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? depends on the context? it has to work with the story line and characters and id rather use it sparingly
19. First fandom you wrote for? harry potter (my first published fic was next gen, my second marauders all the way back in 2011)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? probably either operation wanker or on lies and spies
no pressure tagging @messymoony @static-radio-ao3 @otrtbs @iceprinceofbelair @alarainai @delicris
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