#fraud artists
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Describes Weird Trips: OCCULT LEADER FOUND GUILTY," The Province (Vancouver). October 7, 1943. Page 15. --- Frederick Hathaway, 42, leader of the Aryan Astrological Occult Church of Christ at 2763 Oak, was found guilty in Assize Court on Wednesday evening of an in- decent assault on a woman adherent of the cult.
Mrs. Easter Lillian Purvis, 2446 West Fourth, complained that the accused made advances to her in the prayer room of the church.
Chief Justice Farris remanded Hathaway to the end of the assizes for sentence.
Flights to Venus, Mars and other planets were described by Hathaway.
TALL TREES. Trees on Venus were a thousand feet high and were as thick as Granville street, with no bark, Hathaway told Dugald Donaghy, K.C., crown prosecutor. The people on Venus were two feet high.
The trees on Mars were small, he stated, no more than 25 feet tall. The planet was peopled by red men and green men, who were four feet high. He found the inhabitants of Mars hostile; but the people of Venus were very friendly, although he did not know their language.
The accused added that he had also visited Saturn and Neptune.
"OCCULT CHORD." "Very interesting," commented Mr. Donaghy.
Hathaway explained that any one could accompany him to another plane by development of the occult chord, which he said is a nerve of the brain, and this was strengthened by meditation and prayer.
The accused stated that he issued pamphlets under authority of the Masters of the Great White Lodge, whom he defined as spiritual beings, angels, or guides. He signed the pamphlets as Jair the Third, a spiritual name given him by the masters, he said.
He thought he was a reincarnation of another human being, whom Mr. Donaghy suggested must have been Jair the First. "The whole thing is mythical," declared Mr. Donaghy.
MET 20 MASTERS Hathaway insisted that he had communicated with and seen 20 masters of the Great White Lodge.
it was a form of spiritual communication, like that professed by spiritualists, he explained. He did not claim to transplant his body to the planetary spheres.
The accused said he holds the degree of doctor of philosophy and cosmic science from Lahore University, India. He has never been there and he did not pay for the degree, he said.
He lectured on philosophy, cosmic science and astrology in the church hall at 2763 Oak, which used to be two stores, incense was burned regularly at the meetings, he explained. The teachings were similar to the Theosophists and Rosicrucians, he declared.
DENIES CHARGE. Hathaway denied making any advances to Mrs. Purvis and said that he thought at first she was a sincere seeker for truth but later suspected that she was an investigator, who had been sent to spy on him, because he had many enemies.
"There was nothing between you at all, just a discussion of the cosmetic," commented Chief Justice Farris.
G. V. Pelton, Hathaway's counsel, objected. The discussion was not about cosmetic, but about the cosmic, he said.
James A. Acheson, private investigator, testified that he accompanied Mrs. Purvis to Inspector A. S. Rae of the city police on the day prior to that on which she claimed to have been attacked, and that Mrs.
Purvis told him she was investigating Hathaway. Four adherents of Hathaway's church gave him an excellent character.
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shootyrefutey · 8 months
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Dante and Vergil in hell
(inspired by the Bouguereau painting of a similar name)
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sneez · 5 months
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linocut study of the poster for the 1924 film orlacs hände :-)
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dusty-siltstrider · 27 days
Surely this is a safe place to say this
Random thought while struggling to find references for this fucking outfit THIS ACT 2/3 ACADEMY(?) UNIFORM IS FUGLY I'M GONNA SAY IT
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The fuck is this mess. What is it. Why does it have like 5 layers. wtf is his tie tucked into. The color scheme. Vertical stripes. Tf are those weird strappy buckles for. What are the reflective bits. Is it a reflective vest. For all the forklifts driving around ofc. The only saving grace of this outfit is that it exists on Viktor's body and that elevates it from a 1/10 to a 2/10.
Is this specifically Viktor's wardrobe or is it an Academy uniform cuz it's a lot different from what he and Jayce wear in Act 1 (and they're not really involved with the academy in later acts iirc I guess but I'm in no logical state here)
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Look at that. Comfy. Practical. Scholarly. A dress shirt and a thin vest. The kinda shit you can wear while hunched over at a desk for 15 hours straight. Easy to cosplay. Shit I wear this on the regular already.
Why'd they give him a goddamn sleeveless silver surfer ass parka later on. I hate the vest. Why it look like that. Is so fucking bulky. That shit looks heavy. My boy gonna melt in any decent summer. I worked up a sweat and a sore neck just looking at it. Spent 20 minutes trying to figure out the fucking act 2/3 fit for cosplay and drawing purposes and I'm like 90% sure he's wearing three separate tops not including the vest. Viktor if this is your own style and not like obligatory businesswear then this ain't it (you're still stunning ofc)
(im very sorry im rather drunk and have been spending too much time thinking about this)
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lil-mr-slipstream · 3 months
A set of portraits conceptualizing 9 deadly sins as Disco Elysium Skills! (Use as thou wilt with these?) FRODE (fraud)
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Lies and deceit, misdirection against the very logic of reality itself. TRASCURARE (Neglect)
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Ignore reality. forget the strain.
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The world is your oyster. Gain all there is to be gained. DECADENZA (Decadence)
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Revel without shame. Live all you can while you still can. SUPERBIAE (Egocentrism)
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Hold oneself in high regard. You deserve only the best. IDIOZIA (Idiocy)
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Act without thought. Live within ignorance. IRA (Wrath)
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Spurn the earth, claw all to shreds.
LUSSURIA (Lechery)
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Hone your libido. Lust for physical pleasure. CRUDELTÀ (Cruelty)
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Relish in suffering. Be cold blooded.
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The furies are loose, they are loose at last.
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garou-art · 26 days
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⭐🇫🇷 make some noise!!! tintamarre!!!!
entirely inspired by brazillian miku and the multitudes of cultural miku fanart. i present to you, acadian miku!
non-confetti version under the cut:
a semi-historical acadian outfit designed with acadian flag colours and embellishments;
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beybuniki · 4 months
the todoroki piece will be up for tonight probably but i'll close my inprnt shop skdjns
long story short, I neither have the desire nor time to turn my art into a business/officially become a freelancer (yes it is that strict and i'm scared sorry sdjbcd,j) however small it might be. for some reason my platform has grown a lot and the more i try to offer to u guys, the more difficult it gets to separate personal/private and online and that is my nightmare, i want to keep my anonymity lmao, like this is just a silly hobby to me and i've been spending way too much time on my fanart endeavors when i have so many other things to do this year. I could go on and on but yeah, I'd like to go back to just posting art for free & do art trades/occasional kofi stuff SORRY
tysm for being so willing to financially support me, it genuinely makes me so happy to see so many people happily support artists <3
if you want my art on your walls you can print it yourself i don't think i'd mind that lol...
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aneymz · 2 months
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meatstronaut · 7 months
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ponifies ur one piece
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ro-jiin · 1 year
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halloween where jason dresses up as dick and just. wreaks absolute havoc (i might do a redraw of this later) and slutty bruce wayne. more drawings to follow, probably.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"Alfred Hall Gets 5 Years And 5 Lashes," Vancouver Sun. October 16, 1943. Page 1 & 8. --- For the first time in a decade or more lashes were added to a penitentiary sentence when punishment was meted out in Assize Court today by Chief Justice Wendell Farris to seven prisoners.
Accompanied by a scathing denunciation of the "detestable crimes" of which he had been found guilty - two charges of gross indecency - Alfred G. Hall, 53-year-old self-styled psychologist and nutritionist, was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary and five lashes.
At the same time, Frederick Hathaway, 43, leader of the Aryan Astrological Occult Church of Christ, was given the maximum term for indecent assault, two years in the penitentiary.
Charles Willard Davis, 41, former New Westminster druggist who pleaded guilty to possession of drugs while he was staff sergeant in the RCAMC, was sent to the penitentiary for six years, with a fine of $1000, or an additional six months.
Other sentences given today, were:
Pte. George Donald Bowie, 27, two years from his arrest on May 29 for a statutory offense.
Ralph Prentice, 28, salesman, and Robert Morgan, 27, laborer, three years for burglary.
Robert Findlay, 21, fisherman, one year for burglary.
HAD FAIR TRIAL When court convenes at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Mr. Justice Stiney Smith will preside for the re-trial of two cases in which there were disagreements earlier in the assizes. They are Herbert Gordon Penny, false pretenses, and Robert Walter Millman, theft.
Hall, who is general director of the World Fellowship of Faith and Service and operator of its adjunct, the Human Adjustment institute, claimed he was greatly handicapped at his trials by lack of counsel. He told the chief justice also that there was a public movement to prevent the career which he had chosen as his life work in Vancouver.
"You had extremely fair trials and your ability in conducting your defense was such that I am satisfied it would not have been excelled by many lawyers," Chief Justice Farris told the prisoner.
LONG PERIOD "I think you have a contempt for the law and the decent things of life," he added, and then recited Hall's criminal record which began in Vancouver 20 years ago and extended to Toronto, Chicago, Seattle and back to Vancouver to pile up six convictions for false pretenses, theft, fraud, con-games, violation of immigration laws and non-support.
The chief justice said Hall's conduct in court indicated more than ordinary ability and a remarkable brain. It is too bad, he remarked, that science has not advanced sufficiently to correct the quirk which prevents his ability being of service to the community rather than a disgrace to himself. His Lordship said he could see nothing in the case which war ranted sympathy or leniency.
"Absolutely brazenly you defended yourself on this detestable charge, and I sentence you to five years with five lashes, as I believe that it is only by such means you may be brought to a realization of your position. Though the thought of the lash is to me abhorrent, in a case such as yours I see nothing else that will serve."
In making the sentences on the two counts concurrent, the chief justice stipulated that if the lashes are not given in the first case they shall be given in the second, within four weeks of Hall's admission to the penitentiary.
"COSMETIC SCIENCE" "In the second case you went into the box and your admissions were such as to my mind shows a completely perverted mind and a system of carrying on these perversions with your so-called institute to further what I might term your beastly desires," declared the judge.
Objections taken by G. V. Pelton in behalf of Hathaway of alleged prejudice at his trial by reference to cosmetic science instead of cosmic and the use of the name Hall instead of Hathaway, might be grounds of appeal; also his trial by jury on a lesser charge than the one on which he was committed.
"In these days, when people are seeking faith and religious outlet, those who profess religion and in the name of that religion, commit a crime, it becomes a very serious matter," Chief Justice Farris told the cosmic science lecturer who claimed at his trial to have visited Mars, Venus and other planets.
He was not unmindful of the suffering of drug addicts, the chief justice said after hearing a second impassioned plea by T. F. Hurley for leniency for Davis, the staff sergeant who admitted stealing morphine and cocaine from army supplies and substituting other medicines for a year.
But Davis' case was different to the ordinary drug case because he knew thed anger of going near narcotics; still he took a position of responsibility know- ing there might be serious consequences.
'KNEW WAY AROUND' His Lordship thought it remarkable that Canada has no institutions for the treatment of drug addicts.
He said he took into consideration the sorrow of his parents, wife, a son overseas and a brother invalided home; also the co-operation Davis gave in preventing the serious consequences there might have been. However, the judge said the Crown might have charged him under a section with a maximum penalty of 11 years instead of seven.
A strong recommendation by the jury for mercy was taken into consideration by the chief justice, he said, when he gave Bowie two years from the date of his arrest for an offense against a young girl. He said he also recalled that the complainant was "one who knew her way about" and that the soldier had been drinking.
Criminal records for 10 years and 13 years were confirmed by Prentice and Morgan respectively, when they appeared for sentence for a dairy safe-blowing.
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ofmiceandpeace · 10 months
ASP summer conflict in a nutshell
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ozcarr · 6 months
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Thinking about lancer and idk man
I wanted to make a big isopod, but I dunno about this one, I’m just not happy with it
Edit: I did an alt based on a different shelled creature and I don’t get lazy with it this time, go look at that one instead
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lucasbarelysleeps · 5 months
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Poob, infected and gnarpy came across the mirror in identity fraud and did a lil pose
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superxstarzz · 4 months
hi can you do heir of time and thief of heart? me and my friends classpects!
here u go!!! :D
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someone tell me how there was this much of an abundance of lucy dacus music i was just unaware existed?? i am a fake fan this hurts me
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