#franky wah
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galigatormusic · 13 days ago
Top 3 Viral Music Videos That Redefine Connection Resonating
  Resonating Realities: Top 3 Viral Music Videos That Redefine Connection✨ In today’s digital era, music videos have evolved far beyond being simple accompaniments to songs—they have become immersive experiences that capture the emotional pulse of our time. With millions of views streaming on platforms like YouTube and constant engagement on social media, viral music videos are now celebrated…
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whitelungg · 25 days ago
Really diggin' this one right now.
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djohnhopper · 4 months ago
Franky Wah feat. AETHO - Should Have Seen It Coming
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culturadeclub · 10 months ago
Luciano anuncia una fiesta gratuita en Portside, Ibiza
Luciano acaba de anunciar la segunda edición de la “Portside Party” en el Puerto de Ibiza, en colaboración con Club Chinois. Este evento gratuito se celebrará el domingo 16 de junio de 2024, de 18:00 a 00:00 horas. El cartel de este año está encabezado por el icono suizo-chileno Luciano, junto a Franky Wah, Miss Monique y Nohan. Con vistas al mar de Portside y a Dalt Vila, la fiesta celebra la…
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blueoceansunrises · 1 year ago
I have some hits for you guys, stay tuned 🎶
Great biking/driving/workout music
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mntyfrsh · 2 years ago
Me, listening on streaming: This is a great track! It's too bad it's so short, but I'm sure that I'll be able to buy an extended mix on Beatport to play in DJ sets.
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Ugh, stuff like this is why I can't stand dance music on major labels sometimes.
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elelia · 2 years ago
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42frankee · 2 years ago
Night Owl Radio 406 ft. Cristoph and Franky Wah by INSOMNIAC https://ift.tt/EvVmINq
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warriorprincesstramp · 1 year ago
wow those two episodes were so true and beautiful. season two I've never said a bad word about you
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dovewingkinnie · 5 months ago
if you wanna give me art requests for finding frankie then go ahead im bored and im still deep in the phase wah waaaaah
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alexa-yukiyu · 1 year ago
Could I ask for robin and franky kinda adopting a little girl? Like she sits and cuddles Robin whenever Robin is reading. Just loves how silly Franky can be? Just imagine a little kid running up to then when their scared
Relaxation and entertainment( Robin x f!child!reader x Franky)
A/N okay anon im gonna confess, I ‘ve had this ready for a week… maybe more. I just was so ashamed cause I thought it was really bad so I just kind buried under other works but you deserve something even if it’s not the best.
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha as a placeholder which means reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Robin sat in her usual spot, on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. Sitting at one of the tables and enjoyed one of the rare peaceful moments they were able to have as she read one of her books.
In her lap sat the youngest of the crew, a darling little girl who was taken in by the crew; she had grown particularly fond of two of the members; however, the one she was currently cuddling with and a certain Cola-loving Cyborg
“Here you go, Robin-chan,” Sanji said, dropping down a drink in front of the archeologist, his usual love-sick look adorning his features
“Thank you, Sanji,” Robin replied, smiling at the blond and putting her book down
“Anything for you, Robin-chan,” he exclaimed, heart filling his eyes until he glanced down at the child in her lap
“Here you go, Dokucha,” he said, placing a similar looking drink in front of her
She beams quickly, grabbing the drink
“Thank you, Sanji-nii!”
“You’re welcome,” Sanji replies, ruffling their hair and waving the pair goodbye as he entered the kitchen once again
“It’s yummy, Robin-nee!”
“I’m glad it’s to your liking,” she says, smiling, her face softening as she looks down at the young child
“I love you, Robin-nee!”
Robin laughs and ruffles her hair gently
“Love you too,” she replies hugging her softly
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“Im boreeed”
“Uh oh, sounds like a big job for the SUPERRR Franky!“ he said, turning with them with his usual grin
“So whatcha bored about?”
She giggles at that and shrugs
“Everyone’s busy.”
“Well, if no one is around to entertain you, then it looks like it's up to me! You want to hang out and have some fun?”
“Awesome! I've got a good idea... I know a new cola shop that has the good stuff; we could start there?”
“Wah, really?!”
“Yeah! It just opened, and they have all kinds of cola! They say they have one that's so good it makes your skin feel tingly; wanna try it?”
“SUPERRRR” he exclaimed, throwing the small girl onto his shoulders and making his way out of the ship
“Superrrr,” she parrots, strings of laughs escaping her as she tightened her hold on his neck exited for the bubbly drink.
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My first time trying this Format… what do you think? Nay or yay? I could also just write a transition between the two rather than dividing them, I just din’t have any idea how to join them so I wrote two different scenes, originally I had them separated by a divider/timelapse but I thought ‘Might as well try this’
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I'd Have You Anytime • My Sweet Lord • Wah-Wah • Isn't It A Pity (Version One) • What Is Life • If Not For You • Behind That Locked Door • Let It Down • Run Of The Mill • Beware Of Darkness • Apple Scruffs • Ballad Of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) • Awaiting On You All • All Things Must Pass • I Dig Love • Art Of Dying • Isn't It A Pity (Version Two) • Hear Me Lord • Out Of The Blue • It's Johnny's Birthday • Plug Me In • I Remember Jeep • Thanks For The Pepperoni
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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iocity · 10 months ago
ASL ‘Merica AU where Ace is the only one who can make coffee. Sabo can cook (mediocrely, Ace is much better) and usually does due to Ace being so “free-spirited” (a whore). But Ace is usually back in the morning to make the coffee because if anyone else makes it, it tastes like hot dooky water. One time Luffy tried to make it and they all feared for their credit scores (he almost burned their rented home down). Luffy, despite being very knowledgeable in food, cannot cook for shit. Sure he knows what is healthy and what plants grow where, but applying them in the kitchen?? Danger and destruction to everyone involved. Usually Luffy just ends up backseat cooking (standing next to them, wrapped up in a blanket and telling them how he wants it cooked). Sabo doesn’t mind it much, since he is quite particular with his food too. But Ace?? Oh he is pissed. If there is one thing that will start an argument in the ASL household, it’s questioning his culinary prowess. Sure he’s no Sanji, but he’ll be damned if the only person in the house who can’t cook tells him how to. Usually when Ace is cooking, Luffy is a) keeping his peace and deciding to yap about his day or b) in the time out chair while Ace curses with every movement he makes.
Despite that, cooking and eating together is very important for all of the brothers. When Ace moves away for school, both of the brothers feel that the empty space on the couch is overwhelming. No more arguments, no more specially Ace-made meals on birthdays and holidays, and no more brotherly bonding time (till summer of course). Sure when they can they’ll call during mealtimes, but it isn’t like him being there. It wasn’t the same rushing home to eat because Ace insisted their food be hot. Luffy is affected the most by his absence. Sabo had gotten used to eating alone as a child, so it was a familiar concept that he could (unfortunately) go back to handling; Luffy on the other hand had always had someone to eat with. When it wasn’t Garp or Garp’s “old people” friends, it was Dadan and the boys. He felt childish and immature for feeling so sad when Ace left, especially since he knows Ace would never have left if he could help it.
It’s on one particularly bad day that Luffy feels the gap in their house the most. After a long exhausting day of running from the cops (for vandalism) all he wants to do is be around the people he loves most. So he calls up his friends, wanting to just hang around them, maybe play a video game or go outside and wander. He is instead met with a chorus of no’s to which he complains about GREATLY. Nami has to go out and handle “some business” (whatever that means), Sanji has to cut Zoro’s and Ussop’s hair (Sanji is very particular about noise since he isn’t professionally trained), Chopper and Franky are working on a big project (something about mechanical blah blah blah) and can’t be distracted, Brook has a gig in another state, Robin has classes to teach, and Jimbei is babysittting for a friend. Law didn’t answer which usually meant he was at the hospital, and Luffy hated that place. They wouldn’t be free till later, and Luffy was bored now. So, he came home hoping to see Sabo but was met with a note on the counter about how he had to finish a project and wouldn’t be home till later. Luffy felt exceedingly lonely, and he HATES feeling lonely more than anything else. When he is alone, his boredom makes way for thought, and thought makes way for headaches. So, he calls Ace. It rings once, then twice before…
“What’s up ya lil’ crybaby?” Ace’s voice rings out flatly despite his happiness that his little brother called.
“I’m borrreed. And hungry. I’m hungry and bored and no one is around.” Luffy whines miserably, head on the kitchen table as he kicks his feet.
“WOMP WOMP wah wah wah get over it loser.”
“That’s basically the exact same thing I just said dumbass. Why don’t you just go hang out with one of your delinquent friends?” Ace queries with a chuckle before a crashing sound clangs out loudly and a slew of colorful curses leave his mouth.
“They are all busy…” Luffy mumbles through a pout, his hands drumming a soft beat into the table to distract him from the fact that one of his brothers is halfway across the country, one is a workaholic (he actually has a very average work schedule; Luffy is just dramatic), and none of his friends can hang. Ace is silent for a while, before a video call notification is popping up on Luffy’s phone, a wide smile replacing his pout as he picks up.
“So we meet again foul fiend,” Ace grins, his teeth and nose only visible as he shuffles with his phone, “I’m super fucking busy by the way, you should be glad I’m taking this precious and majestic time to call my dumbass brother.”
Luffy laughs gleefully, ignoring the insult in favor of grabbing his phone and tossing it on the couch, yelling out a quick, “I’ll be back!”
“Don’t throw your dearest brother!” Ace yells from the mic as Luffy cackles his way down the hallway and back, game in hand. He sets the phone up to where he won’t have to touch it but him and Ace are still visible when he returns; he laughs again with a stupid grin as he settles into the couch. Ace has adjusted the phone in his absence, now his face and torso are showing, his hands and eyes focusing on something out of frame as his hat hangs loosely on the back of his neck.
“So you’re just gonna sit here while I’m workin’ and taunt me with freedom?? Didn’t you say you were hungry?? Why aren’t you eating?? You should eat go eat. Matter fact, go learn to cook for once,” Ace blabbers worriedly, his concern thinly veiled by his teasing.
“Keep distracting me and I will. Besides, I want your cooking right now, so I don’t wanna eat anything else.”
Ace’s face contorts in horror at his threat, before softening slightly and sighing, his lips pursing into an almost motherly glare.
“Look Luffy, you know I would be home all the time, but I have to do this. We’ll have enough money to move out and pay for college. It’s somethin’ I gotta do for all of us to live freely. Even if I’m not there, ya gotta eat and take care of yourself,” Ace lectures, his hands still working on something out of frame, his eyes focusing on the task despite the frown he adorned on his face, “And-“
“Don’t lecture me, I know already. I don’t care about any of that. I miss y’all,” Luffy is obstinate about it, crossing his arms and regarding the screen of his phone with deep displeasure, “I don’t wanna miss anyone, ever.”
“We know you don’t care, that’s why we do it instead, ya crybaby,” Ace says simply, cursing again as he leans into whatever he is working on, his head leaving the frame, “Life ain’t perfect.”
Luffy is silent for a moment, his frown deepening as he puts his game to the side. Groaning in displeasure, he gets up, grabs his phone, and walks to the kitchen to eat. He snags a random frozen meal, albeit begrudgingly, and waits for it to cook while looking at the phone boredly, “Let’s all just be pirates.”
“Fix your face; pirates don’t even exist anymore. Besides, who knows who could appear within the next week.” Ace’s mischievous tone soars over Luffy’s head as he lets out a loud, “Huh?”
“Semester is over next week asshat.”
“Yeah. I got finals, so what…” Luffy pauses, racking his brain for insults but coming up short, “welder…”
“That sucked assss bro. I did not raise you like this,” Ace laughs, a thumbs down entering the frame before continuing with its work.
Luffy grins feeling happier and more energetic after some yapping, and he dances as he grabs his meal quickly before sitting down and starting to devour it, pausing only to say, “Oh yeah, that necklace you left?? I stole it, it’s mine now.”
“I’m gonna go steal plants from the big ass garden down the street again! Bye!”
Ace is about to yell as the line clicks, his precious necklace that he accidentally left last visit and dumbass brother only fueling his annoyance. He shakes his head, his hair falling over his face as his eyes refocus on the orange, red, and blue stones he is trying to link into a pendant with gold wire; his hands are tired from the work.
“He better run me my shit back when I give him this, fucking criminal.”
Tags >:D: @porschethemermaid
ASL AU Masterlist!
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year ago
hey this isn't a question, but I wanna say the last few days I've been feeling extra dysphoric, and the fact when I trtied Susan Taxpayer for the first tiem it started with Franky saying "hey GIRL!!! get ready for fun!!!!!!" really took my head and cleaned it out of all the gunk. <3 u super cool TY for being u
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allmightskitten · 3 months ago
WIP Tagging Game 🙏🌟💞🌟
Thank you for the tag @physics-of-one-piece !!!! Wah, this is going to be fun, although this is seriously encouraging me to start new WIPs when I have so many I should be working on currently XD
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have wips. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I'll only include One Piece WIPs on this list because that's the only fandom I use tumblr for!!Some of these are...certainly choices, but you know, I write for myself and anyone that will read it so here goes, from most normal to freakiest /but I won't be explaining the Freak in much detail xx
1. 'Franky Is An Educated Man Who Knows How to Read' - T, Franky/Robin
this is part of my Strawhat-centric series luffy's band of shared braincells! So far the series only includes two Zolu works, but I always intended to expand it to cover a lot of different Strawhat dynamics, some platonic and some shippy. In that vein, this one is set immediately post Enies Lobby in a filler-epiosde style, featuring a newly-ordained-Strawhat Franky sort of finding his place in the crew and getting along with everyone. The 'plot' involves Franky getting off at an island they stopped at with Robin and Chopper who want to check out the famous library there for books on their specific fields. He thinks maybe he could learn something too so he joins them only to find himself getting irrationally jealous of how nice and cosy Robin is with Chopper to the point where she notices he hasn't flipped a single damn page in a long time and asks him if he can't read XD it's pretty much silly fluff like the two Zolu fics in the series, a genre I don't write unless I'm in the very specific mood for it which is why this is still sitting in the WIPs folder....
2. 'the future king of the pirates rides a water cow and other toursit-y scams' - G, Luffy & Zoro & Nami
This one's also set in Water 7 and in the same series! Water 7 is such a fun location, this fic is pure shits and giggles comedy and it centers around the romance dawn trio, because I love them. Like everything in this series it's a filler-style fic where not a whole lot of plot happens because the vibe here is just spending time with the Straw Hats! (still debating if I should sneak in some subtle romance dawn trioshipping...the live action made me ship it even though I didn't before...😭🫣 would be extremely subtle blink and you miss it type stuff, though!)
Ok now let's get a little freakier don't say I didn't warn you
3. 'journalistic integrity' - E, Sabo/Koala
I think I'm a bit obvious in corazon's flower shop diary that I ship these two but they're extremely background (like, 2 short appearances in all of 14 chapters so far??) in that story, I wanted to give them their own little spinoff :3 this fic is totally independent of the main story and pretty much stands alone. It's cliche romance spy thriller trope hell, here's what the summary reads, straight from the ao3 drafts:
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4. 'I am not calling you a good boy doflamingo that Warlord meeting was shit' - E, Doffy/Tsuru
will this actually be the title when I post it? most likely yes unless I come up with an even more absurd one uhhh
Nothing to see here, just a strict Marine Vice Admiral putting a misbehaving annoying Warlord in his place!!! WELL deserved, if you ask me. Doffy is extra pathetic in this one I can't wait to post it 💞💖
freakiness level significantly up in this one
5. Zombie Apocalypse AU - Strawhats, Doffy/Rosi & Law
I honestly don't know if I'll ever pick this WIP up again, but I love zombie apocalypse settings so much I've written one in pretty much every fandom I've been in XD there's already a snippet of one of the dofcora segments in this series on my tumblr if anyone would like to read it!
definitely classifies as freaky because doffy has some weird mental cannibalism ķink and is constantly thinking shit like man I'd let rosi eat me if he turned tho among other questionable ideas
6. 'darling, dearest, heart' - E, Doffy/Rosi
Not revealing much about this one except that it's a little treat for when the reincarnation AU ends ;)
I have a bunch of other WIPs but they're nowhere near being actually written so I left them out of the list, I've got some snippets up under the tag Abandoned WIP Graveyard on my blog for a few, though!
Thank you again for tagging me! I'm gonna tag @sugarpsalms @saraptor-art @heliostears @addict-with-a-unicorn @tavsianus @kookoofufu if they'd like to do this!! (No pressure though, only if you want to – hope you don't mind the tag!)
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thisisyourdriverspeaking · 8 months ago
Summer break and I'm kinda sorta missing F1 so here are the UK number one songs when drivers got their first Grand Prix win. Enjoy 😊
Giuseppe Farina (1950 British GP - 13th May), Juan Manuel Fangio (1950 Monaco GP - 21st May) & Johnnie Parsons (1950 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Billy Eckstine - My Foolish Heart
Lee Wallard (1951 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Les Paul & Mary Ford - Mockin' Bird Hill
Luigi Fagioli (1951 French GP - 1st July) & Jose Froilan Gonzalez (1951 British GP - 14th July) - Nelson Eddy & Jo Stafford - With These Hands
Alberto Ascari (1951 German GP - 29th July) - Hoagy Carmichael - My Resistance Is Low
Piero Taruffi (1952 Swiss GP - 18th May) - Nat 'King' Cole - Unforgettable
Troy Ruttman (1952 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Jo Stafford - Ay-Round The Corner
Bill Vukovich (1953 Indy 500 - 30th May) & Mike Hawthorn (1953 French GP - 5th July) - Frankie Laine - I Believe
Maurice Trintignant (1955 Monaco GP - 22nd May) - Tony Bennett - Stranger In Paradise
Bob Sweikert (1955 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Eddie Calvert - Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White
Stirling Moss (1955 British GP - 16th July) - Alma Cogan - Dreamboat
Luigi Musso (1956 Argentine GP - 22nd January) - Tennessee Ernie Ford - Sixteen Tons
Pat Flaherty (1956 Indy 500 - 30th May) & Peter Collins (1956 Belgian GP - 3rd June) - Ronnie Hilton - No Other Love
Sam Hanks (1957 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Andy Williams - Butterfly
Tony Brooks (1957 British GP - 20th July) - Elvis Presley - All Shook Up
Jimmy Bryan (1958 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Connie Francis - Who's Sorry Now
Jack Brabham (1959 Monaco GP - 10th May) - Buddy Holly - It Doesn't Matter Anymore
Rodger Ward (1959 Indy 500 - 30th May) & Jo Bonnier (1959 Dutch GP - 31st May) - Elvis Presley - A Fool Such As I
Bruce McLaren (1959 US GP - 12th December) - Adam Faith - What Do You Want?
Jim Rathmann (1960 Indy 500 - 30th May) - The Everly Brothers - Cathy's Clown
Phil Hill (1960 Italian GP - 4th September) - The Shadows - Apache
Wolfgang Von Trips (1961 Dutch GP - 22nd May) - Floyd Cramer - On The Rebound
Giancarlo Baghetti (1961 French GP - 2nd July) - Del Shannon - Runaway
Innes Ireland (1961 US GP - 8th October) - The Shadows - Kon-Tiki
Graham Hill (1962 Dutch GP - 20th May) - B Bumble & The Stingers - Nut Rocker
Jim Clark (1962 Belgian GP - 17th June) - Elvis Presley - Good Luck Charm
Dan Gurney (1962 French GP - 8th July) - Mike Sarne & Wendy Richard - Come Outside
John Surtees (1963 German GP - 4th August) - Elvis Presley - Devil In Disguise
Lorenzo Bandini (1964 Austrian GP - 23rd August) - Manfred Man - Do Wah Diddy Diddy
Jackie Stewart (1965 Italian GP - 12th September) - The Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Richie Ginther (1965 Mexican GP - 24th October) - Ken Dodd - Tears
Ludovico Scarfiotti (1966 Italian GP - 4th September) - The Beatles - Yellow Submarine
Pedro Rodriguez (1967 South African GP - 2nd January) - Tom Jones - Green Green Grass Of Home
Denny Hulme (1967 Monaco GP - 7th May) - Sandie Shaw - Puppet On A String
Jacky Ickx (1968 French GP - 7th July) & Jo Siffert (1968 British GP - 20th July) - Equals - Baby Come Back
Jochen Rindt (1969 US GP - 5th October) - Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg - Je T'aime... Mon Non Plus
Clay Regazzoni (1970 Italian GP - 6th September) - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Tears Of A Clown
Emerson Fittipaldi (1970 US GP - 4th October) - Freda Payne - Band Of Gold
Mario Andretti (1971 South African GP - 6th March) - Mungo Jerry - Baby Jump
Peter Gethin (1971 Italian GP - 5th September) - Diana Ross - I'm Still Waiting
Francois Cevert (1971 US GP - 3rd October) - Rod Stewart - Maggie May
Jean-Pierre Beltoise (1972 Monaco GP - 14th May) - T-Rex - Metal Guru
Ronnie Peterson (1973 French GP - 1st July) - Donny Osmond - Young Love
Peter Revson (1973 British GP - 14th July) - Slade - Skweeze Me Pleeze Me
Carlos Reutemann (1974 South African GP - 30th March) - Paper Lace - Billy Don't Be A Hero
Niki Lauda (1974 Spanish GP - 28th April) - Abba - Waterloo
Jody Scheckter (1974 Swedish GP - 9th June) - Ray Stevens - The Streak
Jose Carlos Pace (1975 Brazilian GP - 26th January) - Pilot - January
Jochen Mass - (1975 Spanish GP - 27th April) - Mud - Oh Boy
James Hunt (1975 Dutch GP - 22nd June) - 10CC - I'm Not In Love
Vittorio Brambilla (1975 Austrian GP - 17th August) - The Stylistics - I Can't Give You Anything (But My Love)
John Watson (1976 Austrian GP - 15th August) - Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Gunnar Nilsson (1977 Belgian GP - 5th June) - Rod Stewart - I Don't Want To Talk About It
Jacques Laffite (1977 Swedish GP - 19th June) - The Jacksons - Show You The Way To Go
Alan Jones (1977 Austrian GP - 14th August) - Brotherhood Of Man - Angelo
Patrick Depailler (1978 Monaco GP - 7th May) - Boney M - Rivers Of Babylon
Gilles Villeneuve (1978 Canadian GP - 8th October) - John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John - Summer Nights
Jean-Pierre Jabouille (1979 French GP - 1st July) - Tubeway Army - Are 'Friends' Electric?
Rene Arnoux (1980 Brazilian GP - 27th January) - The Specials - Too Much Too Young
Nelson Piquet (1980 US GP - March 30) - The Jam - Going Underground
Didier Pironi (1980 Belgian GP - 4th May) - Dexy's Midnight Runners - Geno
Alain Prost (1981 French GP - 5th July) - The Specials - Ghost Town
Riccardo Patrese (1982 Monaco GP - 23rd May) - Madness - House Of Fun
Patrick Tambay (1982 German GP - 8th August) & Elio De Angelis (1982 Austrian GP) - Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
Keke Rosberg (1982 Swiss GP - 29th August) & Michele Alboreto (1982 Caesers Palace GP) - Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
Ayrton Senna (1985 Portuguese GP - 21st April) - USA For Africa - We Are The World
Nigel Mansell (1985 European GP - 6th October) - Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love
Gerhard Berger (1986 Mexican GP - 12th October) - Nick Berry - Every Loser Wins
Thierry Boutsen (1989 Canadian GP - 18th June) - Soul II Soul - Back To Life (However Do You Want Me)
Alessandro Nannini (1989 Japanese GP - 22nd October) - Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers - That's What I Like
Michael Schumacher (1992 Belgian GP - 30th August) - Snap! - Rhythm Is A Dancer
Damon Hill (1993 Hungarian GP - 15th August) - Freddie Mercury - Living On My Own
Jean Alesi (1995 Canadian GP - 11th June) - Robson & Jerome - Unchained Melody
Johnny Herbert (1995 British GP - 16th July) - Outhere Brothers - Boom Boom Boom
David Coulthard (1995 Portuguese GP - 24th September) - Simply Red - Fairground
Olivier Panis (1996 Monaco GP - 19th May) - Gina G - Ooh Ahh... Just A Little Bit
Jacques Villeneuve (1996 European GP - 28th April) - George Michael - Fastlove
Heinz-Harald Frentzen (1997 San Marino GP) - Michael Jackson - Blood On The Dance Floor
Mika Hakkinen (1997 European GP - 26th October) - Aqua - Barbie Girl
Eddie Irvine (1999 Australian GP - 7th March) - Boyzone - When The Going Gets Tough
Ruben Barrichello (2000 German GP - 30th July) - Craig David - 7 Days
Ralf Schumacher (2001 San Marino GP - 15th April) - Emma Bunton - What Took You So Long?
Juan Pablo Montoya (2001 Italian GP - 16th September) - DJ Otzi - Hey Baby
Kimi Raikkonen (2003 Malaysian GP - 23rd March) - Gareth Gates ft The Kumars - Spirit In The Sky
Giancarlo Fisichella (2003 Brazilian GP - 6th April) - Room 5 ft Oliver Cheatham - Make Luv
Fernando Alonso (2003 Hungarian GP - 24th August) - Blu Cantrell ft Sean Paul - Breathe
Jarno Trulli (2004 Monaco GP - 23rd May) - Frankee - F.U.R.B (F U Right Back
Jenson Button (2006 Hungarian GP - 6th August) - Shakira ft Wyclef Jean - Hips Don't Lie
Felipe Massa (2006 Turkish GP - 27th August) - Beyonce ft Jay-Z - Deja Vu
Lewis Hamilton (2007 Canadian GP - 10th June) - Rihanna ft Jay-Z - Umbrella
Robert Kubica (2008 Canadian GP - 8th June) - Mint Royale - Singin' In The Rain
Heikki Kovalainen (2008 Hungarian GP - 3rd August) - Dizzee Rascal ft Calvin Harris & Chrome - Dance Wiv Me
Sebastian Vettel (2008 Italian GP - 14th September) - Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire
Mark Webber (2009 German GP - 12th July) - Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor
Nico Rosberg (2012 Chinese GP - 15th April) - Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe
Pastor Maldonado (2012 Spanish GP - 13th May) - Rita Ora ft Tinie Tempah - R.I.P.
Daniel Ricciardo (2014 Canadian GP - 8th June) - Ed Sheeran - Sing
Max Verstappen (2016 Spanish GP - 15th May) - Drake ft Wizkid & Kyla - One Dance
Valtteri Bottas (2017 Russian GP - 30th April) - Clean Bandit ft Zara Larsson - Symphony
Charles Leclerc (2019 Belgian GP - 1st September) - Ed Sheeran ft Stormzy - Take Me Back To London
Pierre Gasly (2020 Italian GP - 6th September) - Cardi B ft Megan Thee Stallion - WAP
Sergio Perez (2020 Sakhir GP - 6th December) - Ariana Grande - Positions
Esteban Ocon (2021 Hungarian GP - 1st August) - Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits
Carlos Sainz Jr (2022 British GP - 3rd July) - Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill
George Russell (2022 Brazilian GP - 13th November) - Taylor Swift - Anti-Hero
Lando Norris (2024 Miami GP - 5th May) & Oscar Piastri (2024 Hungarian GP - 21st July) - Sabrina Carpenter - Espresso
And yes, I've created a Spotify playlist for these tunes 😊😊
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