#frankenstein wip
volfoss · 2 years
Frankenstein wip 3/???
Basically have spent probably 3 hours (Or so?? Maybe idk lost count at this point) on stitch work and touching paint up but!! Torso done!!!
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It is definitely going the way I wanted so I'm THRILLED
Bonus back pics 👍
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It's definitely going to be a BUNCH more work tomorrow or whenever I get the chance to keep working but I'm thrilled with it so far :) def would say she's coming together well! I have the arms, one hand, whatever I'm doing w the ass (no clue at this point tbh) and the feet and legs left so it's def getting closer to being done but NOWHERE near actually done lmao. It's definitely the most ambitious project doll wise I've taken on so lol
Still no name for her but I am definitely getting her character down in the way that I think the doll is like hi. Here's what I'm like as a character.
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gloriousfckingpurpose · 7 months
i know they underutilized the frankenstein aspect in the movie but it really does feel like the creature was perfectly created for lisa regardless. from what we saw, he spent his whole life lonely; dead parents, isolating social life, failed romantic prospects, the whole shebang, but he never gets to do anything about it because he dies, suddenly and unstoppably. until he’s suddenly alive again and the whole world is different but there’s this girl who tended to his grave when nobody else would have given him that respect, who’s experiencing the same things he did who actually has the chance to get back at the people who didn’t care for her, one tiny bit of familiarity to him… of course he’s going to kill for her just to see her happy.
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nex-has-gender-envy · 3 months
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Im putting together a FIT
I like to hc that, yes Eddie uses venom as clothing (or rather Venom wants to show off). But combination of black/ leather texture and venom's teeth always manifesting in design, makes Eddie look really punk-ish. Even tho he's just trying to blend in.
Then he's just somebody cool uncle, ig.
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aliengirlart · 2 months
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Work in progress
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dyke-in-crisis · 6 months
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vseahn · 7 months
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details of creature WIP 👉👈
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thedrawingduke · 1 year
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Update! Feat. a variation on a moth jacket that I designed (and really want for myself, tbh).
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@thedrawingduke on Instagram ♥️
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screenshot redraw YIPPEE 🐁🐁
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We NEEDED to see more of the monkey sidekick having duo 💔 It's okay though, im not angry about this. *my nails dig into my fists*
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parasitic-saint · 4 months
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don't worry, i am normal about reanimated corpses, you can leave me near them, everything will be fine (lying)
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timberwolfpunk · 3 months
Battle Jacket update :D
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sweetest-honeybee · 11 months
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Frankensuma piece I wanted to do for Halloween :) Lil WIP for y’all because I’m pretty proud so far
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volfoss · 1 year
How I'm doing the busted knuckles on my doll!
This tutorial is MOSTLY so i can remember how to do it for future dolls but figured I would post it!
First, I lay down a couple colours of pastel. The first color is a sort of warm purple color and the second is a brighter teal.
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This gets the resin to look irritated! I use a eyeshadow brush that's pretty flat and thin to really pack the color on there. I use a lot more purple and add the blue when I'm closer to the color I want!!
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^ i had accidentally sealed in some green from a different part of the hand I was blushing so the pinky looks kinda gnarly here! The sealant I use wiped off some of the pastel so for the next one I did, I made sure to use a big brush to remove the excess powders before sealing lol. You can kinda see how I have some areas more concentrated than others but I was also considering how certain injuries would look in terms of what I was referencing (ie making the entire side of the hand bruised vs just the injury spot)
Then I use a few watercolor paints to achieve the main shape of the wound. First, a warmish light purple in a very rough circle shape, it does NOT have to be perfect at all. Then a medium shade blue, going over the purple when it's still wet, leaving just a small circle of purple to outline the shape. I let them kind of mix together on the resin as I paint it on! Then i go in with a slightly more blood red, adding that over the blue and covering nearly all of it, mixing the two colors together. When I'm nearly done, I add a basic red color on top and mix just a bit, keeping the fine purple and blue lines there on the outside of the wound.
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^ colors labeled by how I explained them above
I let that dry a bit, then get a bit of Elmer's glue (I use glue-all but you can really just use the normal school glue stuff, this is just what I had on hand) and a toothpick. I use the toothpick to create an edge around the wound, letting it get blending into the resin that isn't part of the wound but keeping the wound itself having a semi harsh circle around it.
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^ you can see the glue here, I also mixed up glue with a small amount of both my usual red pastel I use for blushing (which is about the same color of color #3 of the watercolors) and the purple color I used for the bruises and applied it to the center of the wound. I personally chose to leave a small area of it unglued (or less glued) to give it a fresher wound appearance.
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^ this is with the glue dried after two coats of glue! I do the second coat after the first is fully dry and just go around the outside edges with more of the uncolored glue. It adds more of a raised appearance to it :)
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tricheska · 4 months
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dream-wreck · 2 years
character: loses themself in the pursuit of knowledge and invention, obsessed with the need to heal and restore, desperate to leave a notable mark on the world in this brief life
me: oh my gosh they’re losing themself in the pursuit of knowledge and invention, obsessed with the need—
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ripeteeth · 1 month
wip monday because time is meaningless (a little something from frankensmut)
[cw: suggestive]
It’s a gilded cage and he’s a fine little songbird in it, a spectacle in the finest linens and silks. The Creature likes to buy him clothing, ravenously watching as tailors layer fabrics against Victor’s pale skin, running their tape measures up his inseam and along his back. You belong in rich colors, the brute says, choosing sanguine crimsons for his waistcoat, fingering a silk cravat greener than envy. What say does Victor have? Why would a doll get to choose his ribbons? His dark hair has grown long, nearly halfway down his back. Each morning, the Creature brushes Victor’s hair, thick fingers brushing against Victor’s nape as he ties it back with a silk ribbon. He likes to shave Victor. Each bright morning the nosy sun peers through the window as he’s led to a cushioned bench before a mirror. The Creature behind him, just as ever, body heat radiating through the thick fabric of his fine waistcoat. A hot, mottled blush rises on Victor’s thin cheeks, forced to watch as he is handled like a prize horse. Look at him, white shirt slipping down his shoulders, long dark hair spilling across his back, cheeks as red as a burning bush as the thing drags a sharpened blade across his exposed throat.
“I don’t need the mirror if I’m not doing it myself,” he spits, embarrassment hot on his heels. The Creature pauses on the upstroke, cream and stubble on the blade, thumb against Victor’s carotid. He presses in. The blade is sharp.
“No,” the Creature says, rough-voiced. “I prefer it when you watch.”
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missygoesmeow · 8 months
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this is an old unfinished drawlloween - I think from 2020? - that i would like to redo and finish one day!
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