#francis pilkington
elmartillosinmetre · 2 years
Mi crítica del concierto de La Spagna esta noche en el Espacio Turina.
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noughticalcrossings · 9 months
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The Terror Textposts
Source: https://www.tumblr.com/gallusrostromegalus/183333162103/an-incomplete-list-of-the-animals-my-grandpa
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leadandblood · 3 months
BTS photos 🥰
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ithaca-awaits · 9 months
"#love every time we made dave a question and he went all fanficcy #this one and the post-survival one" hello i have a BURNING need to know..... which post-survival question did he answer?
Hi! Sorry for the month-long delay in answering this! I don’t usually get asks on this account so I kept forgetting and say I’d answer as soon as I got to check Dave’s Q&As again, which I kept not being able to check. Anywho, the question I was referring to here was made by Liv on the Q&A session that took place on the 25th of June. You can find the complete recording and transcripts here (along with other fantastic fan-curated resources if you’re new to the fandom.)
Q: If the expedition had been rescued around, say, episode 8/9, and made it home, how do you think the various relationships that developed on screen would have fared back in ““civilization””? Would the intimacies some of these men formed between them persist? I’m also curious to know if you think any of them would resign from the Navy, be it for whatever reason: ethical, practical, physical, to explore other parts of themselves, etc.
I’m gonna try to be as brief as possible because Dave gave a very long response (find the non-abridged version in the link provided above), but this was the meat of it:
Crozier and Blanky would talk endlessly about quitting the Navy but only Crozier would. This doesn’t mean that Blanky would do this comfortably, as he’d already have survived two naval expeditions that turned out badly, so maybe he’d join a whaling ship, even if that would also have gotten under his skin.
He doesn’t think any of the surviving Lieutenants would have come back anywhere close to the poles, but he does think that most of them would have succumbed to the calling of fame and glory, i.e. wanting to return to the sea now that they had been named Commanders or Captains of their own vessels.
He’s not sure if Fitzjames would have been brave enough to stay aside of the Navy, even if during those three months he learnt a lot more about himself that what keeping the same persona for thirty years had brought him. He thinks Fitzjames would have written a “hell of a memoir” as well as a “hell of a military career, and that he would have stayed friends with Crozier, even if some of the things that happened in the Arctic would never have been mentioned again.
Goodsir would return to visit Silna “as often as possible.” Not for romantic reasons, but because there’d have been “a friendship there”. (also, taking into account he is making up all these scenarios after 8 or 9 the tuunbaq would have lived.)
“I think Bridgens and Peglar [smiles] would have worked like dogs to be able to afford some goddamn privacy where they could be together for the rest of their lives. [laughs]”
Pilkington and Des Voeux would have stayed friends.
“Little and Hodgson would be in one another’s lives.” They’d help each other patch themselves up after what happened because they’d both be in denial about everything that went down, helping create “a more palatable story about themselves”.
Sophia would feel like she’d have to choose between Lady Jane and Crozier and would chose the former, especially after the loss of her uncle.
Jopson would have stayed close to Crozier, they’d stay best friends for the rest of their lives.
Golding would commit suicide at some point, he was not equipped to deal with everything that happened and much less to go on living carrying it with him.
David Young’s ring would have been delivered to his sister. (with one of the crystal diamonds having fallen off during the journey.)
Mr Diggle would have been fine and stayed friend with some of the AB’s and midshipmen, but not with anyone else further up the hierarchy.
Collins would have lived a very quiet life, as most of what troubled him was PTSD.
Hartnell would have had a family and lived a quiet life. He’d have stayed close to Manson and from time to time he might have met with Crozier.
Hickey would have ended up in prison if he managed not to ger executed. If Tozer and him had ended up in the same prison they would have avoided each other for years, until they realized they were the one’s more suited for each other’s rest and protection. It’s tricky for Dave to say if they’d have become lovers because he is unsure about Tozer, but it’s prison so HE’LL LET US DECIDE. [ten seconds later he changed his mind] Tozer would have turned to Hickey for that kind of comfort and ended up murdering him, while Hickey convinced himself that he was the one letting himself be murdered. (This is already a very long ask, if you want more details on Hickey’s Vermont sex-cult, ping me and I’ll expand on it, because it was an answer from a different day and I don’t currently have it at hand.)
Gibson wouldn’t have wanted nothing to do with anyone. He might have found some new expedition or a house where he could work in as a domestic servant, but he wouldn’t have told anyone.
Hope this helped!
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cinematicnomad · 2 months
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THE TERROR ▸ 1.10 we are gone
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 11 months
The Terror's first dates
George Hodgson - invites you to a naked yoga session, followed by a meal in a vegan restaurant. Vaguely mumbles something about traumatic experiences that turned him ‘pan religious’. He wants you to be "yin to his yang" on his next meditation retreat. 
Francis Crozier- a true gentleman, suggests you plan the date; based on his profile you arrange spirits tasting only to find out he is now a teetotaller.
Graham Gore- invites you to a first date at his bootcamp. As you land face first in mud during an obstacle course and struggle to get up as your arms give in, you hear his cheerful motivational shouts from afar. "You will soon get a hang of it, I know you will!".
Edward Little- takes you for an afternoon tea at the Ritz, but spends most of it on his phone replying to work emails. You tell him about wild haggis being an animal living in Scottish Highlands and he believes you.
Solomon Tozer- you expect a pub date, but he surprises you (and seemingly himself) by inviting you to a science museum to talk to you about some experiments he heard of at work; most of his sentences end with “...or something to that tune”.
James Fitzjames - Unprompted, treats you to a talk on "Everything you ever wanted to know about bird guano, but were afraid to ask". You’re not sure if his frequently mentioning size of (his?) cherry should be taken at a face value or whether it is some weird sexual innuendo.
Stephen Stanley - boasted about his BBQ skills, but most of his meats ended up charred beyond recognition.
William Gibson - Cooks for you, but barely notices you're there; spends the whole evening moaning about how much he hates backstabbers at work, his panna cotta leaves a bitter aftertaste.
John Irving - invites you for a walk around Hampstead, arrives late because “the mass overrun”. 
William Pilkington - was supposed to be Netflix and chill, but his mum walks in on you and you end up having tea and watching a Murder, she Wrote marathon in the living room with his whole family.
Cornelius Hickey - may have turned out a foot and a half shorter than his profile stated and looks totally different to his photo, but you totally forget all about it when he takes you to a 3* Michelin restaurant with a nice view of the London canals. He sweeps you off your feet with compliments that make you blush and impresses with knowledge of fine wines he orders, you start thinking he may be THE ONE. He leaves to go to the gents, and 30 minutes later you finally realise he will never come back and end up having to pay the full bill yourself.
Harry Goodsir- An evening of “fun, quizzes and puzzles” turns out to be you helping him put together his Ikea furniture.
Thomas Jopson - takes you on a hike in the mountains, you overpack but seeing you struggle, he offers to carry your heavy rucksack for you. You have a picnic, admiring the sunset from the top of the mountain. Awwww.
Henry le Vesconte - takes you on a hike in the mountains, you overpack, seeing you struggle he shoots off ahead just as it starts dawning on you that the whole time you were also carrying HIS rucksack.
Follow up of the Dating Profiles, for the 'free space' of the Fronk Birthday Bingo.
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hornelius-hickey · 10 months
Trying to prove a point
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Rereading The Terror
Chapter Forty-Four: Goodsir
Christ, this is a heavy-going chapter. I'm just going to go ahead and put it all under the cut just in case.
Yet again, Goodsir proceeds to tear my actual heart out with a single opening sentence: "Tuesday, 6 June - Captain Fitzjames has finally died. It is a Blessing."
Fitzjames is far from the first to die on the awful march south from Terror Camp. Hoare died two days into the trek, then Dundy succumbed about two weeks in along with Pilkington on the very same day. In a gut-wrenching wee paragraph, Goodsir reflects somewhat on identity in death - the ways it's lost and reclaimed. He laments that he either forgot or never fully clocked that he and Le Vesconte shared a first name: "I confess that I hadn't remembered that Lieutenant Le Vesconte's first name had been Harry... It bothers me now that I must have heard the Other Officers call him Harry from time to time - perhaps a hundred times - but I had always been too busy or preoccupied to notice. It was only after Lieutenant Le Vesconte's death that I paid attention to the other Men using his Christian name. Private Pilkington's Christian name was William."
After those two deaths, there is a period of relative calm where the men start to convince themselves that the weak have died off and only the truly strong remain. It doesn't last: "Captain Fitzjames's sudden collapse reminded us that we were all growing Weaker. There were no longer any truly Strong among us."
Fitzjames collapses in his harness a few days prior to his death, the poor sod puking and shitting himself inside out - "The cramps curled him into a fetal position and made this strong and Brave man cry aloud."
He tries to haul again the next day only to collapse again and he worsens rapidly from there. His vision blurs, he has trouble swallowing, soon enough he's no longer able to speak and sooner still, he's too paralysed even to lift his arms and communicate in writing. Goodsir reflects that Fitzjames's inability to speak at least spares the rest of the men the burden of hearing him scream in pain any longer... :(((
Perhaps worst of all is that Fitzjames is fully lucid and alert throughout his long painful decline. :(((((((((((
There's truly nothing that Goodsir can do for him - he administers a Tincture of Lobelia, for instance, that is apparently more or less pure nicotine to try to ease Fitzjames's constricted throat. He has to massage it down with his bare hands just like in the show ("...like feeding a dying Baby Bird.") but it doesn't help. "...a Stimulant that Dr Peddie had sworn by. It would raise Jesus from the dead a day early, Peddie used to blaspheme when in his cups. It did no good whatsoever." Of course, I cannot help but think of "I'm not Christ..." in response to that titbit!
At Fitzjames's funeral, the Marines fire a volley into the air, startling a nearby Ptarmigan into flight. Interestingly, the ptarmigan is the official bird of Nunavut and is important to many cultures as everything from a symbol of courage and resilience to a messenger for death. All the assembled men care about, though, is that it's fresh meat they have no hope of catching or consuming...
With poor James buried, talk turns to what killed him. He had scurvy, of course, just like everyone else but Goodsir suspects a more nefarious culprit - poison. In their initial discussion on the subject, Crozier's suspicions fall on Richard Aylmore - shady steward, mastermind of the Carnivale, frequent confidante of Hickey - who's been serving the Erebus officers in the weeks preceding. But Goodsir stops him, thinking Botulism the more likely culprit (although the limits of the time period prevent him fully understanding it or calling it by that name): "That is the Terror of this Poison that Paralyzes first the voice and then the entire body. It cannot be Seen or Tested For. It is as invisible as Death itself."
Crozier smiles at that ("It was a strangely chilling sight.") and orders that everyone except Aylmore be taken off the tinned food rations, just in case...
Needless to say, Goodsir is more shaken and more desolate than ever to hear that as the chapter draws to a close: "Every time I believe I Know one of these men or Officers, I find that I am wrong. A million years of Man's Medicinal Progress will never reveal the secret Condition and sealed Compartments of the Human Soul."
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charliemack · 2 years
Effin Terror Part The Four
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Bobby is Thee Worst all my homies hate bobby
There are more of these
Ethically sourced shitpost: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
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sconfittoleone · 2 years
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goldenzingy46 · 2 months
terror characters as jellycat animals
i have no idea what the image limit is for one post so if your fave doesn't appear: my bad (the other option is i looked at too many jellycats and gave up)
NOT a serious meta
francis crozier
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this bat looks like it's seen the horrors
sir john franklin
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i'm operating on levels you cannot even conceive
james fitzjames
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she sparkles
edward little
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look at him
george hodgson
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i'm aware this one may be controversial but do you see my vision
john irving
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this is just what he looks like to me
cornelius hickey
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to me this looks like it's five minutes away from killing someone
billy gibson
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justification: literally just the word yummy
thomas jopson
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i can justify this one but i might need 3 weeks and an essay
solomon tozer
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the scene where hickey grabs his face
thomas evans (he made priority because i love him)
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he is just a little guy
harry goodsir
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you agree. no justification needed
thomas blanky
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he's on a fun little expedition! horror story what horror story? also, teeth for his badass moments
dundy le vesconte
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made me laugh to picture dundy in this outfit
henry collins
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john bridgens
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vibes based
david young
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he is... just a little guy
william pilkington
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small & i needed you all to see sweeticle cat
stephen stanley
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graham gore
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the only thing i remember about him is his death and that someone wrote a romance novel about him
charles dex voeux
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i might be being too nice but i feel like they're kindred spirits
john morfin
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again this is entirely vibes based
thomas armitage
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identical to me
james clark ross
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shows up with all those portraits of crew members
sophia cracroft
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she just looks like this to me
lady jane franklin
i'm gonna be real none of them have her vibes BUT i need you to see this one mouse so
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the horrors
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photo deliberately cut on the animation to look spooky
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if i missed anyone/you disagree please correct me. i want to see more jellycats
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squishfacestudio · 11 days
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We're back!
Haven't posted in a long time. Homecooked Comics Festival has gone to bed, but Emerald Hill Comics Festival is our new event, and it's on this weekend.
Since we ended Homecooked, Victoria doesn't have any comics festivals focused on local work (as far as we know)! We're glad to start a new one. It's an experiment to run a festival in our new space at Studio Hall, and we hope it will have legs.
Join us! We have a great lineup of artists and retailers from Melb, Vic and around Australia.
Come and meet: Sticky Institute, Angie Spice, Peter Lane, Daniel Reed, Khale McHurst, Nhu Duong, Bruce Mutard, Mirranda Burton, Jo Asscher, Cockatoo Comics, Amplified Press (Owen Heitmann), James Steeth, Nem, Alien Mandy, Roger Stitson, Neale Blanden, Ira Francis, Steven Christie, Squishface Studio, Eli Abidin, Andrew Pilkington, David Mahler, Andy_drws, Reimena Yee, Ann Li Khaw, Stephanie Luo, Tree Paper Gallery, Gestalt Comics, Sabina Wills, Alex Smith, Stephen Cox, Benji Bajorek, Helen Graham, Ive Sorocuk, Zander von Stiegler, Jess Wilson (Dubblu)
WHEN: 11am - 4pm, Sunday 15th September WHERE: Studio Hall (319-327 Dorcas St, South Melbourne: on the grounds of St. Kilda South Port Uniting Church, next to the Port Phillip Men's Shed)
Entry is free!
More info.
Join our Meetup page for updates on the festival and other Squishface events.
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leadandblood · 3 months
Cast photos from Aaron Jeffcoate's instagram
Everyone say 'thank you, private Pilkington'
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And my personal favourite
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Franklin's lost expedition crew
I was looking at posts about AMC's The Terror and I kept getting confused by the use of first names, so I wanted to see how many of the characters had the same names. Arranging the crew in alphabetical order, I got:
1 x Abraham (Seeley)
4 x Alexander (Berry, McDonald, Paterson, Wilson)
5 x Charles (Best, Coombs, Des Voeux, Johnson, Osmer)
1 x Cornelius (Hickey)
2 x Daniel (Arthur, Bryant)
3 x David (Leys, Macdonald, Young) + Bonus: Bryant in the show but most historical sources I found list him as Daniel
1 x Edmund (Hoar)
3 x Edward (Couch, Genge, Little)
2 x Edwin (Helpman, Lawrence)
3 x Francis (Crozier, Dunn, Pocock)
1 x Frederick (Hornby) + Bonus: Des Voeux, whom I have seen referred to as Frederick rather than Charles on occasion
6 x George (Cann, Chambers, Hodgson, Kinnaird, Thompson, Williams)
1 x Gillies (MacBean)
1 x Graham (Gore)
7 x Henry/Harry (Collins, Goodsir, Le Vesconte, Lloyd, Peglar, Sait, Wilkes)
10 x James (Brown, Daly, Elliot, Fairholme, Fitzjames, Hart, Reid, Ridgen, Thompson, Walker) + Bonus: Ross, who was not part of the expedition but appears in the show
23 x John (Bailey, Bates, Bridgens, Brown, Cowie, Diggle, Downing, Franklin, Gregory, Hammond, Handford, Hartnell, Irving, Kenley, Lane, Morfin, Murray, Peddie, Strickland, Sullivan, Torrington, Weekes, Wilson)
2 x Joseph (Andrews, Healey)
1 x Josephus (Geater)
1 x Luke (Smith)
1 x Magnus (Manson)
1 x Philip (Reddington)
1 x Reuben (Male)
2 x Richard (Aylmore, Wall)
8 x Robert (Carr, Ferrier, Golding, Hopcraft, Johns, Sargent, Sinclair, Thomas)
3 x Samuel (Brown, Crispe, Honey)
1 x Solomon (Tozer)
16 x Thomas (Armitage, Blanky, Burt, Darlington, Evans, Farr, Hartnell, Honey, Johnson, Jopson, McConvey, Plater, Tadman, Terry, Watson, Work)
22 x William (Aitken, Bell, Braine, Clossan, Fowler, Gibson, Goddard, Heather, Hedges, Jerry, Johnson, Mark, Orren, Pilkington, Read, Rhodes, Shanks, Sims, Sinclair, Smith, Strong, Wentzall)
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cinematicnomad · 2 months
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THE TERROR ▸ 1.10 we are gone
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 10 months
The Terror tattoos
Edward Little - a tattoo of a sad puppy
William Heather - a pudding next to a cathedral George Hodgson- two birds flying, symbolising freedom Charles des Voeux - a quote from some series, something about a ‘hole’, 'appropriate' and ‘sensation’. Francis Crozier - An old tattoo of a bottle of whiskey. Had it redone and now it is crossed over Stephen Stanley - the one with the happy and sad theatre masks Tommy Armitage - a gigantic rose and a gun on his buttcheek, sounded like a good idea at the time. William Pilkington - a drunk tattoo of a barcode on the back of his neck, he regrets having it done Solomon Tozer - a Chinese (or Japanese, he’s not sure himself) set of characters he was told meant “Honour” but translate as “Cashew Chicken Noodle” Le Vesconte - an anchor (symbolising he won’t be held down) Cornelius Hickey - “EC” in Comic Sans James Fitzjames - important dates from his own biography. All 69 of them.
After Dating Profiles and First Dates , the end of the trylogy
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