#fr rp
blue-hamble · 1 year
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Squat Frog Coffee House was a cozy and inviting thing of wood and mud brick. It stood by the side of a seldom-tread path of Singer's Brook, beside a stream of the mountain pass. Its lanterns cut through the persistent caress of the mist, casting a nostalgic air to all who see it. Many a customer found themselves reminiscing over a cuppa. The moon, faint, was still visible in the dawn. Lute sat at the counter with a mug of hot coffee. The spiral savored every sip, eyes still reluctant to open. It was sweet and had a bit of fruitiness typical of Plateau-grown coffee cherries. How he managed to run a coffee shop so early in the morning was a miracle. He took his time with his little rituals, willing himself to wake by going thru the tasks for the day. This morning's cliff lions were already washed and set aside for brewing tea. Still stocked up on fairy ears and cindermint. Still a good supply of tea leaves, and fermented tea cakes. If he had some extra time he could contemplate what kind of coffee beans to trade for. Lute opened his eyes a crack at his partner-in-crime beside him, Squat Frog.
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His grandfather's favorite teapot had accompanied him everywhere. How colorful their adventures were before landing here! It was only fair the shop bore its name. The little green frog's eyes seemed to be as equally sleepy as he was.
"Another day, another cup, my squat friend. Let's see who needs us today."
Thanks for reading! This is the first entry of a lore journal thread inspired by solo RPG journal games Occulteas and Last Tea Shop! I will be posting every shop day encounter on Tumblr and the forums. My stories will be interacting with my own lore dragons but I would love to try interacting with other RP dragons in this format!
Find the thread here! https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/rp/3238950/1#post_3238950
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fassylovergallery · 2 years
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Emma Rose Kenney (born September 14, 1999)
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edgar-the-courier · 1 year
So we're all clear: this is only about the location itself. Not how "good" the flight is. This isn't a popularity or "which flight is the best" poll. I just want to know where people like to vacation
The winners will have a second poll :)
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Had to be done! ((RP))
@the-true-earthshaker and @tidelord
It was a calm day for most dragons. Emphasis on the 'most' for this.
"So you're telling me, that we're gonna be getting help from the all-powerful EARTH DEITY?! OH MY STARS- PRINCESS- HOW?!" Red's confused voice echoed through the cavern they used as a hideout. Princess, being as snobby as usual, replied in her snarky tone.
"Simple: I spoke to a friend and she communicated with Mr. Earthshaker to ask for help rescue the Tidelord! I'm sure we'll make it through!" Princess's sassy reply came. Fractal sighed.
"You two need to stop arguing. He'll be here soon." Fractal grunted angrily. The fathom dragon rolled his eyes as the two dragons continued to argue. Suddenly, a low rumble at the cave entrance caused all 3 members of the Sornieth Wyldguard to jump out of their scales from surprise. They turned towards the entrance, startled by the noise.
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sincerelywhistler · 30 days
Cyril Lauriet
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oh the grumbly man that you are <3
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nashvillethotchicken · 4 months
It's crazy how people talk about loumand like they hate each other and have never once looked at each other with anything resembling lust, like two nuns at a silent covent. Buddy louis has had bed death with his husband, and that husband wasn't armand lemme tell you that!
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hearts4arra · 6 days
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they sure do😩
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kadextra · 8 months
q!Bad is not normal right now.
he is getting super tunnel vision obsessed on killing way more than he would normally- this is Mr. “I have a B plan for my B plan’s B plan” which he always did on the island. always the most overprepared. now in purgatory he’s been rushing in with barely a plan?? strange.
he is making purposeful choices to get more kills in situations where doing so wouldn’t be a good idea, and making himself out to be the prime enemy, to the detriment of himself and even to the detriment of his team. this has been causing ghosties to freak out.
q!bad insisting to q!pac today that he is going to continue going absolutely cutthroat merciless on everyone, even his closest friends. because the eggs will die if he doesn’t…
It’s been 5 days of me watching this happening, and it’s become sooo obvious that this is not normal behavior for the character. something is very wrong with him and it’s getting worse. cc!bad is doing a great job roleplaying a character who is actively losing their mind and becoming a murderous monster on a rampage.
^ this was only my strong speculation- and then cc!bad liked this tweet:
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yeah that’s a confirmation :)
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biilodyfangs · 8 hours
they definitely know the power they have on this fandom
it's either they're using "method acting" as an excuse or they're just freaky and obsessed with each other like that
whatever it is, i know they can't wait to film devil's minion scenes
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blue-hamble · 1 year
LF Clans to namedrop! (RP)
Lol not a deep thing but does anyone with a flight RP clan ok with a namedrop in my lore thread? I am writing an entry where a merchant, Gunita, traveled to the Trading Post in the Viridian Labyrinth to do business before Greenskeeper Gathering! preferably Nature clan but any is open to join in too!
it’s really a minor thing and it’s easy to invent but i’d like to open up an opportunity for a bit of lore exchange! (or possibly RP!) maybe a letter or two with a trinket is in it for you ;)
here’s what i’d like to know: - your clan’s name/title - your clan’s location - main trades and products - is the clan open to outsider trade/business?
lore thread here for the curious! https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/rp/3238950/1#post_3238950
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catthew-patel · 3 months
You felt someone sneak up on you and hug you, none other than Gloria
Heyyy Kitty~ whatchu doing?
She gently kissed your cheek
I bought some gummy worms! Impulse buy, sure. But how could I ever pass them up? Want some? They’re as sweet as you~
-Gloria Patel Graves
*He was trapped into his own mind for a few minutes but the sudden contact made him jump a little. He sits there for like a solid half minute recovery.*
Huh- oh- I was- I'm doing nothing...
*He says only finally processing what she say then sees the gummy worms quickly distracting him*
Oh don't mind if I do.
*He quickly grabs the bag and opens it grabbing one of the red ones then giving the bag back to her*
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ask-themilkman · 3 months
do you think it's possible for you and Steven to date?
"mm.. well I wouldn't say impossible. Steven is a pleasant guy to be around but, I highly doubt he would ever view me that way. And me, I just see him as a buddy. But, maybe it could happen.. who knows.."
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@steven-rudboys @c0mmander-rudboys
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rayof-damnsunshine · 2 months
My brain is like a google window
there's 17 tabs open, 4 of them are frozen and you can't find where the music is coming from
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reytheluckyrabbit · 11 days
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grim teh inly real ine at nrc ☹️💔💔
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xanthus-my-boo · 21 days
Top girl boss in sakuverse
1. Isis(Xanthus) this women is just 😭💗 cause before her i thought xanthus i just so intellectual and knows it all but she humbled everyone 🤭
2. Terra(Elias's mom) absolute girlboss like running a mafia on your own. IDC if she turns out evil she's just that cool on my knees🛐 i think listener and she would be just a duo
3. Fran at first i didn't like her cause yk she tryna stab us💀 but really she got something in her also in ep9 the way her character was presented chef's kiss
I feel like we need more badass women representation. These characters are really underrated fr saku did a really good job on them
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9h05t-f4c3 · 27 days
when the aphmau phase comes back and now you’re binge watching minecraft diaries for the fourth time
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