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niftysenpai · 1 month ago
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Fourtrees, circa Dawn of the Clans Populated this based off the first official Full Moon Gathering in Path of Stars. I was able to add most everyone, though Star Flower and Slate aren't able to attend due to nursing their kits.
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burntpaws · 25 days ago
some warrior cats territories rework concepts i did while on vacation (other image concepts under cut)
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warriors-official-art · 2 years ago
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Title: The First Battle
Arc: Dawn of the Clans
Country: Poland
Type: full cover art
Characters: Turtle Tail, Rainswept Flower
Artist:  @johisart on Twitter
Source: https://twitter.com/johisart/status/1655957338321485832
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elijahthemouse · 1 month ago
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Some pre-production backgrounds that I lined and painted for the warrior cats map, "Tall White Wine," which currently has applications open!
I was asked to do lines for six different locations, referencing the storyboard, and then once the color keys were done I was tasked with painting three of them. Here, we have Fourtrees, the ThunderClan forest, and the hills overlooking WindClan.
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sophswritingthings · 2 years ago
Longstar AU — Chapter Fourteen
   Longtail was settled into his next, a gentle breeze filtering in through his thinner fur. He was sound asleep, comfortable and quiet. Though, his ears twitched at a rustle at the entrance.
   He rasied his head to see a fluffy brown tail wading out of the den. His green eyes narrowed, his eyesight much fuzzier than it was when he would usually wake up—but he could see enough. He blinked a few times, clearing it so he could see better.
   Longtail slowly got to his paws, padding out of the den with gentle paws. Though as he slipped out, so did this other cat. He lent over, picking up the scent trail of ThunderClan warrior Brambleclaw.
   He swiftly trotted out of the camp, Brambleclaw’s scent fading a bit, but strong enough where he could follow it. And soon enough, he realized where it was leading.
   “Tawnyfang!” Brambleclaw mewed, nuzzling his sister. Sure, the warrior had a harsh temper with an apprentice, but he was a well shaped warrior and loved his family. And, he was much better than his father, Longtail could give him that. “So, do you think the others will come?”
   “I’m not sure.” Tawnyfang flicked her tail, “Lets hope they do, though.”
   “.. Brambleclaw! Tawnyfang!” A sweet, soft voice filled his ears. “It’s good to see you! I’m happy It’s cats we know.” Feathertail flicked her bushy tail, her brother, Stormfur, padding in behind her.
   “Was he chosen, too? They said one cat per clan.” Brambleclaw mewed, flattening his ears. Chosen? Chosen for what? Longtail thought with narrowed eyes. And whose gathering them here? StarClan..?
   “No, he wasn’t. But he insisted on coming when I told him about my dream,” Feathertail smiled. “He didn’t want me meeting with random cats. But its only you two!”
   “And me,” A raspy voice came from behind them, a small black cat with large ears and river blue eyes. “Crowpaw. WindClan.”
   Thats Deadfoot’s kit, Longtail thought.
   “Than thats all of us?” Tawnyfang prompted.
   “Nope!” A more high-pitched voice came from behind Brambleclaw, a small red and white she-cat appearing out of the bushes. “Squirrelpaw!”
   Squirrelpaw! Longtail let out a hiss. Sneaking out of camp! What was she thinking?! He leapt out of the bushes, hissing at the small she-cat.
   “L-longtail!” Squirrelpaw recoiled, flattening her ears tight to her skull. “What.. what are you..”
   “I saw a warrior sneaking out of camp in the middle of the night,” He shot daggers at Brambleclaw, who recoiled as well, “I didn’t think one of my warriors would do this, without talking his leader. But my apprentice?” Longtail growled, “You’re all going to explain this. Now.”
   “You’re not my deputy, or leader,” Crowpaw growled. “I dont have to listen to you.”
   “I’m a deputy nonetheless,” Longtail hissed, glaring at the young apprentice. “And I happen to know your father quite well, Crowpaw. He wouldn’t be so happy if he heard about any of this.”
   “Give him a little respect, Crowpaw.” Tawnyfang mewed, gazing at Longtail. “It’s nice to see you healed and still the same cat I knew while in ThunderClan.”
   “.. Same to you, Tawnyfang. And a warrior, too.” Longtail mewed, curling his long tail around his paws. “So, explain.”
   “We’ve.. each been getting these dreams, well, beside Stormfur.” The gray striped tom flicked his tail with a nervous smile. Brambleclaw mewed, “From StarClan. Telling us we had to meet here on the full moon, at midnight. That there would be others, and we’d be told what we have to do, or why we were getting these dreams in the first place.”
   “You should have spoken to Firestar, or me, at the least.” Longtail sighed, “I have to tell him, you understand that.”
   “I know,” Brambleclaw murmured. “But.. I thought that you wouldn’t understand it. That he wouldn’t let us go.”
   “Of course he would understand!” Longtail hissed, “Firestar had dreams of StarClan when he was a warrior. And now he’s a leader guided by StarClan themselves. There’s no one who would understand more.”
   “.. I-I suppose that’s right,” Brambleclaw mumbled, flattening his ears.
   “Let’s go,” Longtail took a sharp breath, “And this isn’t the end of this for you, Squirrelpaw. You weren’t even chosen.. for whatever this is. I suggest the rest of you go back to your camps and talk to your leaders.” He narrowed his eyes, turning back toward camp with his clanmates in toe.
   “.. Longtail?” Squirrelpaw mewed softly, her ears flattened, her tail tucked between her legs. “I-I’m sorry. I thought.. well, I-I don’t know what I thought. But—I’m sorry.”
   Longtail sighed. “Maybe you had good intentions. Maybe you weren’t thinking.” He replied, glancing at her. “Either way, you shouldn’t have snuck out of camp. It’s dangerous out there at night for a barley trained apprentice, okay? I'll have to tell Firestar, and you'll receive punishment.”
   “.. I.. understand.” She murmured, making a beeline for the apprentice den as they entered camp.
   “.. What about me?” Brambleclaw murmured.
   “I have to talk to Firestar about that.” Longtail replied, “I saw your intention, Brambleclaw. You were only following the will of StarClan; but there are people here who can help and rationalize these situations. Get some rest and we'll talk in the morning.”
   Brambleclaw dipped his head, padding over to the warriors den. He slipped inside, beyond the bushes, a few warriors hissing and grumbling as he did so. 
   “Longtail?” A gruff, sleepy voice came from the entrance. He turned around, claws unsheathed, only to see Darkears standing there. “Relax. It’s me. What are you doing up?”
   “I could say the same for you,” He replied, settling down in the soft sand beneath his paws.
   “I went to the dirt place.” Darkears padded farther into camp. “And what about you, what’s your excuse?”
   I can’t say anything til I talk to Firestar, Longtail thought, “I couldn’t sleep. I went for a stroll is all.”
   “And why’s that?” Darkears raised an eyebrow.
   “I don’t know,” Longtail mumbled. It wasn’t exactly a lie; the reason he'd woken up in the first place was because he was sleeping rather light. He was having trouble getting good sleep, ever since the rabbit attack and loosing his eyesight. Not being able to see as well put him.. on edge, half the time. “Ever since loosing my good eyesight I’ve been on edge.”
   “You have no need to be, Longtail.” Darkears flicked his ear with his tail, “You have a clan behind you that would protect you if you came into trouble. If your eyesight was holding you back.” Darkears mewed softly, “But I think you're still that strong apprentice I trained all those moons ago.”
   “I’m.. I-I’m not so sure,” Longtail flattened his ears. “I feel like I’m less of a warrior because of my eyesight. I don’t want others to have to protect me, I’m their deputy, I should protect them.”
   “Don’t think like that.” Darkears gently lifted the tom's chin with his paw. “You're no less of a warrior. You're no less of a deputy, Longtail. Just because you need protecting sometimes doesn’t make you weak.” He smiled softly, “Now get some sleep, mouse-brain.” He gently nudged his shoulder, padding into the warriors den. Longtail let out a scoff, following the dark tabby tom into the den.
   He watched as Darkears curled up beside Blacksight, the two toms snuggled up and comfortable in a nest. Darkears had reintegrated into the clan; he'd healed from Tigerclaw, he'd made his amends. He'd gotten a new mate, a happy, loving life once more. He was happy for him; he was apart of the clan again. And so was Longtail, deputy, a mate—expecting kits—it seemed like everything was so perfect.
   But he knew it wasn’t.
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cheebuss · 1 year ago
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Team Fourtrees 2 except Redclan Spoovy doodles... not canon for the AU or anything but life could be a dream...
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bredshitposting · 1 year ago
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Blu Scout and Medic belong to this cutie: @foastersmith
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joonebugg · 6 months ago
also like. you can friend me on roblox if u wanted... my username was in the screenshots... and one screenshot I took after I sent them has it too (it's my banner)
I will friend you!!!! I am free all weekend to play
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loonarmuunar · 1 year ago
Y’know I always imagined the highrock as a gigantic rock jutting from the rock wall, casting long, looming shadows over the entire camp. Very disappointed to learn it was like. A moderately sized rock.
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niftysenpai · 1 month ago
Shop's been updated again! Everything is back in stock!
New stuff includes: Charms: Gray Wing, Clear Sky, and Jaykit charms! Sticker sheets: Kittens and TPB Headshot sticker sheets! Prints: Fourtrees, and Arcs 5-7 have been added!
You can still get 20% print orders of three or more with the code NIFTYPRINTS at checkout!
Thanks for checking it out!
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bonefall · 1 year ago
Okok so i rlly did assume that the whole brokenstar is the broken tree thing was 100% custom to the AU but theres apparently actually in story dialogue for that?? Someone apparently says Shadowclan is gonna get punished for Skyclan in the book and brokenstar is implied to be that punishment
Question for you to feed ur family with: Are Hope and Wishkit still named if they were fading kits, if they even still exist in the AU?
You'd be surprised HOW MANY people actually totally forget or miss that Brokenstar being a "manifested curse" is actually not my original idea. That's actually something that comes from Yellowfang's Secret. I did make the idea that he was once the 5th tree at Fourtrees, but "Brokenstar is a reckoning for the exile of SkyClan" is implied by an ancient spirit of StarClan in one of Yellow's dreams.
Hope and Wish wouldn't have been named if they were fading kits; BUT I honestly love their names so much, and ShadowClan is SO ridiculously small, that I'm thinking of just........ nabbing 'em. Putting them somewhere else in the timeline.
I joked around about using the Hammerclaw name for a cat in ShadowClan and I might just do it. This guy who is this TOTALLY uncanny tigerclone, looks JUST like Tigerstar for no reason. Give him Hopekit and Wishkit and bam I've got a free, clean line.
Funfact: BB's cultural expansions would let me use "hammer" as a suffix freely, BUT I'd actually name him after the Yellowhammer. A cute little songbird.
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As for Hope and Wish, they could also get full warrior names, which would be fun. Blackstar would be super mean with their titles lmao, "what kind of names are hope and wish. baffling. im naming your children hopenose and wishbone."
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warriors-official-art · 2 years ago
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Title: The First Battle
Arc: Dawn of the Clans
Country: Poland
Type: cover
Characters: Turtle Tail, Rainswept Flower
Artist:  @johisart on Twitter
Source: https://twitter.com/johisart/status/1655957338321485832
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warriorsproject · 3 months ago
Working on the fourtrees poster!
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redux-iterum · 5 months ago
You might've answered this before, but if Tigerclaw escaped and became leader of ShadowClan (I know you've already said how he'd treat them, etc...), would the other leaders have immediately just vetoed him and kicked him out after finding out what he did, or would they not have had the authority?
We haven't been asked this specific question before! Mostly because it's pretty much impossible.
Assuming that ShadowClan somehow drops all of their IQ points and doesn't question the sudden entrance of a nameless deputy, allows him in and makes him leader in a short period of time without having talked to ThunderClan at all about this situation, and assuming that Tigerclaw is willing to cohort with other Clans all of a sudden, keeps his name, and thinks that ascending to the most conspicuous rank in Clan society will go well for a wanted criminal...
The second he shows up at Fourtrees, he's going to be outed, and every single cat at the Gathering is going to want him eliminated from the role and from life. He'd have no chance to make his case before he's in massive trouble. Brokenstar was forced out of his role and sentenced to death, but his name was not taken from him because the other leaders didn't have that much power over hm. This wouldn't be an issue in this case, because Tigerclaw already had his name erased, so he's making his case even worse for himself by using the name still. Suffice to say, he'd be chased away at best, killed at worst, or be imprisoned since it's a night of peace and then killed the next day in the middle.
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cheebuss · 1 year ago
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[click for details] The council (poll) has spoken with a clear winner! and here they are! Pyro warrior cat >:D!!
Probably the most difficult one yet, but I had a lot of fun trying to problem solve how to design them in a way that still maintained their anonymity
Image text below cut:
Always have flowers in their pelts!
Covered in thick mud constantly (they like it :] dries a bit near rear.)
"Mask" is a trash bag and plastic bottle with a wet rag inside (made by their respective Engineers.)
"Flamethrower" is an ignited stick covered in pine resin.
In battle, either Pyro will take a mouthful of a mixture made from prey's fatty oils and tree sap and spray it on their breath onto the ignited stick while aiming with their tail (think a fire breather.)
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the-owl-tree · 1 year ago
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Fallen Stars - Act Two Rough Concepts
Artwork from Act Two of my Fallen Stars AU which you can read here. These were based on rough sticky notes sketches I'd do when I was away from my tablet. For Gorsepaw's attack, I wanted to emphasize just how small he (and everyone else) was in comparison to the ancient Fourtrees.
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