#team fourtrees 2
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Team Fourtrees 2 except Redclan Spoovy doodles... not canon for the AU or anything but life could be a dream...
#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#team fourtrees 2#tf2 heavy#tf2 spy#spoovy#team fortress 2#warriors#warrior cats#// their ship name is so so silly it brings me great joy#// I simply think they would get along#// bottom-right is them both watching RED Scout kibby absolutely fuck up the ambush and get rolled by Blueclan's patrol oopsie#russian roulette#<- OH THATS THEIR SHIP NAME LOL
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Blu Scout and Medic belong to this cutie: @foastersmith
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Vicky Archives #5
FIRESTAR’S QUEST - storyline vs manuscript

Vicky Holmes, the former editor of the Warriors series, has been doing short extract readings on Facebook since the start of the UK lockdown back in March. There’s some really cool anecdotes hidden within some of these videos, so I decided to begin penning them down for posterity and easy reference.
I won’t be transcribing filler, hedging and false starts but I’m including some amount of preamble just to be comprehensive.
#1 Into the Wild | #2 Forest of Secrets | #3 The Darkest Hour | #4 Code of the Clans | #5 Firestars’ Quest | #6 Twilight | #7 Long Shadows | #8 Leafpool’s Wish
Good morning! Welcome back to my kitchen!
Today I’m in a slightly more positive mood and I hope you are too. It’s a very weird time. Today I’m going to talk about the difference between the storyline and the manuscript, because it is still very unclear what actually I do, what contribution I make to the books that I’ve worked on with Kate and Cherith.
Basically, in saying that I come up with the stories and the characters, what I actually do is create a very detailed storyline that Kate or Cherith then turn into the manuscript, and then I work on that manuscript and edit it and change little bits just to make sure that it sounds like Erin. It tells the story I had in mind.
I think the best way to illustrate this is I’m going to read a section of storyline, and then actually the finished book. I’m going to use Firestar’s Quest for this. The reason for that, is there’s a line in Firestar’s Quest which several of you have picked out as one of your favourite lines, and that is when Firestar is told by Bluestar about SkyClan, and the fact that there used to be five Clans in the forest and now there’s only four. Bluestar says ‘oh, look at Fourtrees, there’s only four trees, not five’. And Firestar says ‘are you telling me that SkyClan had to leave because there weren’t enough trees?��
That is one of my favourite lines, and I came up with it in the storyline. I don’t want to detract at all from Cherith’s brilliant writing, but it might be interesting for you to compare the detail I’ve put into the storyline with what actually emerges in the first draft.
I’m going to read the storyline from that scene, and then I will read the final draft you got to read. The scene is Chapter 5 in Firestar’s Quest, when Firestar has been having these strange dreams about another Clan, this idea that they’re pleading to him for help but he doesn’t seem to be receiving any guidance from StarClan. He dreams of Bluestar at this time because Firestar’s Quest is set between series one and two, so Bluestar is dead by now and Firestar is the leader of ThunderClan. He dreams of her and says ‘what’s going on? What do I have to do?’ and Bluestar says ‘well, actually yes there was a fifth Clan, a long time ago, and maybe they’re asking for your help, but there’s nothing in the warrior code that says you have to help them’. She’s kind of evasive.
This is the storyline. I’m reading it from my laptop. It’s all tech all the time here. Now one curiosity of storylines across the whole publishing world is storylines are written in the present tense, and actual novels rarely are in children’s fiction, so I’m going to be reading in the present tense. This is the storyline.
“Why has StarClan asked for my help?” Firestar asks. Bluestar admits she can’t answer that but she has always known Firestar would leave resonant pawprints behind him. Maybe his influence extends beyond ThunderClan, and across many, many generations of cats. But she warns Firestar that his own Clan needs him too, and there is nothing in the warrior code that says he has to go and help these cats.
Firestar knows he’s right, but he is torn. Has StarClan been lying to him all this time? The only way he found the courage to win against BloodClan is because he believed his warrior ancestors when they told him there would always be four Clans in the forest, protected forever by the fifth Clan - StarClan. What does this mean for the warrior code? Is that based on a lie too?
Bluestar can tell Firestar is feeling angry and confused, and she tries to calm him by reminding him that his warrior ancestors have always watched over him. His duty is to his own Clan now. SkyClan left long ago. No living cat remembers them, and life in the forest is balanced perfectly between the four remaining Clans. There is no gap where there used to be, no surplus of prey or territory.
She mentions the theory about the four giant oaks, and Firestar stares at her with contempt. “SkyClan was driven out because there weren’t enough trees?”
Bluestar looks shocked and dismayed, but Firestar whips around and races to the edge of the hollow. He plunges up the slope, feeling brambles tear at his fur, but he doesn’t care. He has been betrayed by his own Clan’s warrior ancestors, and everything he’s fought for seems to have turned to dust.
Panting, he awakes at the Moonstone. His fur is standing on end and his paws are bleeding as if he has run a long way over stony ground. The moon has gone behind a cloud and the cavern is pitch dark. He makes his way blindly to the surface and sits on a rock. Stars shine overhead but Firestar cannot see the kindly eyes of his warrior ancestors in their light now.
Poor, tortured, homeless SkyClan. Where are they now? And why has he started seeing them? Is he meant to help them? But how? They were driven out of the forest so long ago. No cat remembers them.
That was my storyline. And my storyline - to put in context - for Firestar’s Quest was thirty five thousand words long. Firestar’s Quest was about one hundred and sixteen thousand words long, so I’m writing nearly a quarter of the final manuscript.
Now I’m going to read to you what Cherith did with that piece of storyline.
“Firestar, are there bees in your brain?” Bluestar’s tail lashed. “You are ThunderClan’s leader, and your Clan needs you. There’s nothing in the warrior code that says you have to help a Clan that has been missing for so long, no living cat remembers them.”
Firestar narrowed his eyes. Bluestar was right about his responsibility toward ThunderClan, but he couldn’t forget the wailing of the cats on the moor. How could he ignore them, if there was anything he could do to help? It wasn’t Bluestar’s dreams that were filled with the shrieks of terrified, fleeing cats; she didn’t see a pleading, haunted face in every pool of water.
And yet the only reason he had found the courage to lead the forest Clans into battle against BloodClan was because he had believed his warrior ancestors when they told him there had always been four Clans in the forest. The fifth Clan was StarClan, forever protecting the four below. Had StarClan lied?
Bluestar rested her tail tip on his shoulder and spoke more calmly. “Your warrior ancestors are watching over you now, just as they have always done. Nothing has changed. Yourduty is to your own Clan now.”
“But SkyClan—”
“Has gone. There is no gap where they used to be, no prey or territory waiting for them to return. The forest is perfectly divided between the four Clans who remain.”
“Then it’s the will of StarClan that I just ignore these cats?” Firestar challenged her. “Don’t you care that they are suffering?”
Bluestar blinked. “There are cats who would argue that there should never have been a fifth Clan in the forest at all. Why are there four oaks at Fourtrees, if not to stand for the four Clans?”
Firestar gazed up at the massive oak trees, then back at Bluestar. Fury pure as a lightning flash rushed through his body. “Are you mouse-brained?” he snarled. “Are you telling me SkyClan had to leave because there weren’t enough trees?”
A look of shock and dismay filled Bluestar’s eyes. Not waiting for her reply, Firestar whipped around and raced to the edge of the hollow. Brambles tore at his fur as he plunged through the bushes, but the pain meant nothing. Ever since he came to the forest he had trusted his warrior ancestors. But they had been lying to him all along. He felt as if he had taken a step on ground he thought was solid, only to fall into deep and bitter water.
He fought his way through the last of the bushes, but instead of reaching the rim of the hollow, he found himself blinking awake in the cavern of the Moonstone. His breath was coming in harsh rasps. His fur felt torn and rumpled. His paws stung, and when he licked them he tasted the salty tang of blood, as if he had been running a long way over stony ground.
Far above, through the hole in the roof, clouds covered the moon and stars. The cave was utterly dark. Firestar rose to his paws and limped across the cave floor, close to panic until he stumbled into the entrance to the tunnel. When he emerged onto the side of the hill a stiff breeze was shredding the clouds like wet cobweb. Firestar caught only fitful glimpses of the moon, but stars were shining overhead once more.
He crawled onto the flat rock where he had waited earlier and collapsed there, gazing upward. He could not see the kindly eyes of his warrior ancestors in the starlight any longer. The desperate cries of the lost and tortured SkyClan echoed through his mind. How am I meant to help them?
All those cats must be dead by now. They had fled so long ago that no cat remembered them. But where were their descendants, the living SkyClan?
That will give you a little glimpse at what Cherith and Kate bring to my storyline. They bring the location, the details, the metaphor, and flesh out the bones that I’ve created. I just think those two sections give a very clear demonstration of the way I work, and the way we work together as a team, and what I bring.
I just hope that’s been an interesting glimpse into the writing process. Stay strong, my lovelies. We’re getting through this together. Bye!
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Warrior Cats Rewrite AU - The Darkest Hour
Prologue is from Ravenpaw’s point of view. The small cat is hanging around the back of an alley with a bunch of rogue cats. Tigerstar and Boulder arrive, and Ravenpaw instantly recognises him. Ravenpaw jumps up and warns Scourge, but Scourge doesn’t pay attention, offering Tigerstar a deal.
Stonefur, Mistyfoot and Fireheart return Bluestar’s body to camp. Whitestorm went ahead to tell everyone what happened, relieved that she made peace with StarClan. Mistyfoot and Stonefur announce that Bluestar was their mother before heading for home.
Fireheart falls asleep at Bluestar’s vigil.
The elders bury Bluestar, along with Rosetail, as Whitestorm and Yellowfang head to the Moonstone. WindClan encounters them on the way, and they tell the patrol of Bluestar’s death.
Whitestorm reaches the Moonstone, receiving his nine lives and leader name, Whitestar. Bluestar gives him the prophecy “Four will become two, Lion and Tiger will meet in battle, and blood will rule the forest”.
Whitestar wakes up quickly and tells Yellowfang what he heard. On the way back, they stop at Barley’s barn, with Ravenpaw still missing, and sleep there for the night.
Fireheart heads to the twolegplace, unknowingly tailed by Bramblepaw, which impresses him. Once back, they find out Whitestar has arrived back, and made Rosetail his new deputy. Fireheart and Sandstorm make their relationship official.
Darkstripe takes Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw again, but this time Sorrelkit sees and finds them. Darkstripe feeds her deathberries, but upon realising, Tawnypaw and Bramblepaw tackle Darkstripe. A patrol shows up, but Bramblepaw manages to get Sorrelkit to be sick, before Yellowfang gets there. Darkstripe is taken as a prisoner.
Whitestar confronts Darkstripe after Sorrelkit wakes up, and she tells him what he did. Whitestar then exiles Darkstripe, and makes Longtail Fernpaw’s new mentor.
Whitestar holds a warrior ceremony, naming Thornpaw to Thornclaw and renaming Lostface to Brightheart. He also posthumously renames Houndchaser to Swiftstrike. He then holds an apprentice ceremony for Stormkit, apprenticing him to Cinderpelt, with Greystripe on backup to do the things Cinderpelt is not able to do.
Mistyfoot visits ThunderClan, telling Whitestar that Tigerstar has been visiting RiverClan a lot, and that he and Leopardstar have become much closer. Greystripe asks how Featherpaw is doing, and to tell her that Stormpaw is now an apprentice.
Whitestar decides to reveal Tigerstar’s crimes at the next gathering, although it hurts him to do so.
At the next gathering, Tigerstar announces that RiverClan and ShadowClan have combined to form TigerClan. WindClan and ThunderClan both refuse to join, and Whitestar painstakingly reveals Tigerstar’s crimes. He is interrupted by a bolt of lightning.
Fireheart and Bramblepaw train, and meet up with Cloudtail and Brightheart. As they head back, they run into a frightened and starving Ravenpaw. He explains that a twoleg took him and he ran off, but had to stay with a group of rogues before he knew where he was.
The patrol returns, and Ravenpaw tells them that Tigerstar paid a visit to the rogues, wanting to make an alliance, although he didn’t hear the outcome. They let him stay to get better and eat.
Smallear offends Tawnypaw about her heritage and she worries about her heritage. Ravenpaw, Fireheart, Greystripe and Stormpaw head to RiverClan to check on Featherpaw, finding a hill of bones and that RiverClan has taken Stonefur, Mistyfoot and Featherpaw hostage.
Tigerstar commands Mistyfoot to kill her apprentice to prove her loyalty. Mistyfoot refuses, and Leopardstar doesn’t protest, so Tigerstar gets Darkstripe, then Blackfoot, to kill her.
Ravenpaw tricks the guard, Jaggedtooth, in leaving his post, and Stormpaw goes in to get Featherpaw and Stonefur out. They all escape back to ThunderClan, while a ThunderClan patrol helps chase away TigerClan cats.
Once getting back and making sure Featherpaw and Stonefur are safe, they realise Tawnypaw is missing. Whitestar organises a patrol to find her, but after losing her scent, they think she left on purpose. Ravenpaw leaves to head back to Barley’s barn.
A quarter-moon later, Mudclaw arrives, saying TigerClan are attacking WindClan. Whitestar sends a patrol, but arrive too late. Gorsepaw is dead, and the rest of the clan injured. Whitestar and Tallstar decide to meet Tigerstar at Fourtrees.
Sandstorm and Fireheart head out, where Sandstorm checks to make sure that Fireheart is still brave enough to fight Tigerstar, reassuring him that he will be fine.
Whitestar and Tallstar arrive with patrols at Fourtrees. Both refuse to join TigerClan. Tawnypaw reveals herself, saying that she left willingly, feeling like she didn’t fit in with the rest of the Clan. Bramblepaw and Brackenfur beg her to return, but she refuses, despite seeming hesitant.
Tigerstar introduces BloodClan, and Fireheart realises that this was the group of cats Ravenpaw warned them about. He tries to order them to attack, but Scourge refuses. He explains that only he commands BloodClan, and Ravenpaw didn’t teach him to attack unless provoked. Furious, Tigerstar attacks, tearing the small cat apart.
The rogues seem completely surprised, but muttering quickly spreads. It seems that their allegiance turns towards Tigerstar. In fury, Leopardstar finally snaps, saying that she and RiverClan will no longer follow his rule. Tawnypaw seems torn, but feels as if she can’t abandon her father now despite feeling sick at what he has done. ShadowClan and the rogues retreat, but warn Leopardstar not to return to her clan camp. She instead takes her clan to Sunningrocks.
Ravenpaw and Barley arrive, as Barely had recognised the cats that Ravenpaw had stayed with as the cats that he used to live with. Whitestar invites RiverClan to his camp, and begins to help them train. Cloudtail goes to warn Princess.
Leopardstar and Mudfur go to Whitestar, saying that Leopardstar shouldn’t fight. She had fallen in love with Tigerstar, and is now baring his kits, due in a few weeks. Goldenflower is furious with Leopardstar, but understands her pain due to Tigerstar having split up herself and Patchpelt.
Whitestar is visited by Snowfur, who tells him that StarClan don’t rule the entire forest, and Tigerstar has left their realm.
To help train the clans, Whitestar makes Pebblepaw, Smokepaw and Cloverpaw warriors, named Pebbledawn, Smokestep and Cloverpelt.
The night before the battle, Tawnypaw arrives with the majority of ShadowClan, declaring that they want to fight Tigerstar and that she can’t stand by her father, even if she is understood more there.
Whitestar and Tallstar lead the cats, now known as LionClan, to Fourtrees, with Whitestar having order over RiverClan and Tallstar over ShadowClan. They refuse to join Tigerstar and the fight begins.
The Fight - Duration and Aftermath
Darkstripe is killed by Greystripe, Fernpaw and Ashpaw, with help from Ravenpaw - who is furious at Scourge’s fate
Rosetail is killed
Featherpaw, Stormpaw, Bramblepaw, Tawnypaw and Mistlepaw team up to kill Bone
Runningbrook (WindClan) and Shadepelt (RiverClan) are slain, along with other NPC cats (to be decided)
Tallstar loses a life
Ravenpaw takes one of Tigerstar’s lives, and Goldenflower a second, around the time that ShadowClan admits defeat with the rogues running away.
Leopardstar takes control of RiverClan back, but Stonefur doesn’t want to be made deputy. Instead, she goes with popular opinion and Blackclaw becomes deputy.
An argument occurs as to the next leader of ShadowClan. It is decided that Raggedstar and Brokenstar were the last valid heirs, and their line is traced back. Russetfur is Raggedstar’s half-sister and a closer match, but Rowanpaw and Cedarpaw are his nephews, yet Russetfur is half-clan. As the other two are apprentices, Russetfur takes the role as leader, with Flintfang chosen as her deputy for now.
Tawnypaw decides to stay in ShadowClan, feeling like she owes them and wants to make her own path in life.
Whitestar makes Goldenflower the next deputy.
Ravenpaw decides to go back to the barn with Barley, not wanting a life in the clan. Whitestar gives him the ceremonious name Ravenflight before he goes, in appreciation. Ravenflight leaves with Barley, and the rest of BloodClan.
A combination of all four clans travel to the Moonstone, forcing Tigerstar to drink the liquid and give back the lives he was given. He is left with one final life, however Whitestar can’t bring himself to kill his own brother, and Fireheart is hesitant to do so. Instead, it is taken by Russetfur to prove herself to her clan, as Leopardstar also can’t do so.
All four clans head back to their territories
Time Elapsed: 2 moons
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[click for details] The council (poll) has spoken with a clear winner! and here they are! Pyro warrior cat >:D!!
Probably the most difficult one yet, but I had a lot of fun trying to problem solve how to design them in a way that still maintained their anonymity
Image text below cut:
Always have flowers in their pelts!
Covered in thick mud constantly (they like it :] dries a bit near rear.)
"Mask" is a trash bag and plastic bottle with a wet rag inside (made by their respective Engineers.)
"Flamethrower" is an ignited stick covered in pine resin.
In battle, either Pyro will take a mouthful of a mixture made from prey's fatty oils and tree sap and spray it on their breath onto the ignited stick while aiming with their tail (think a fire breather.)
#// fire#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#crack#crossover#warrior cats#catified#team fourtrees 2#tf2 pyro#pyro tf2#// ignore the realism of everything here & the dangerous splash back from spraying flammable liquid like shh shh its pyro :DD#// got a few requests for them separate to this poll so i hope this suffices! <3#// they're full of love btw they just don't realise they're burning everyone in the forest alive <33
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Self defense scarring VS Attempted murder scarring yayyy
Dingospot and Koalasight scar guide/some distinctions between them ig, idk, warrorr cates!
text under cut (going clockwise):
Didn't even register his injuries until Federheart pointed them out lmaooo (Locked in on rocking Mistmask's shit)
Kind of weird about the scars :/
soooo damn arrogant about his abilities (Justified tbh he is fucking GOOD.)
Scruffy, but well-groomed
Angry, rude ol' bastard (tends to just "blow up" sometimes.)
Can open his left eye if he REALLY tries but it's super painful :(
Near-fatal neck wound.
You literally cannot sneak up on him. -> SUPER alert & jumpy 24/7 (Smokeface vc: Bet.)
Fur unkept
Skinnier. Like most of Blueclan.
#// scopophobia#my art#fanart#fandom character#crack#my design#catified#warrior cats#team fortress 2#tf2#tf2 sniper#team fourtrees 2#// what spy cates do to a mf#// red?? blue?? doesn't matter- sniper cates will kick ur ass#// this au the only thing keeping me going artistically guys holy moley
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Another one down, Demo will be lucky last! <3
#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#crack#crossover#warrior cats#catified#team fourtrees 2#heavy tf2#tf2 heavy#// i love u so much heavy tf2#// SO CLOSE GUYS SOOO CLOSEEEE#// have had names planned for demo cates for ages tho thank god
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Low quality compile of all my designs for the Support Classes of my silly TF2/Warrior Cats crossover hehe (i fucked up with RED Sniper because I did him first and didn't think i'd do everyone else so him and BLU Sniper are facing away on the line up lol)
#my art#fanart#fandom character#crack#my design#catified#warrior cats#team fortress 2#tf2#tf2 medic#tf2 sniper#tf2 spy#// my silly billies!!#// spy and medic were my first requests so ironically i just now have all the support dudes#// did Koalasight tonight! thank you so much @alternianpersonaficaition for helping inspire his name :]#team fourtrees 2
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I don’t know if you’ve done warrior cats scout yet but pleeeeaaassse I need to see my boy
Kept neglecting Scout after his victory in the last poll but here he is!! Shout out to Mint for being the snail in my ear helping me come up with the interesting distinctions between them <33
#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#crack#crossover#warrior cats#catified#team fourtrees 2#scout tf2#tf2 scout#// only heavy and demo to go now <33
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Don't think you guys are free from the Team Fourtrees 2 AU btw
#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#team fourtrees 2#tf2 sniper#tf2 medic#tf2 spy#team fortress 2#warriors#warrior cats#// seconds before Dingospot (Sniper) and Federheart (Medic) jump Mistmask (Spy) for no reason other than he's Blueclan scum :/#// really love trying to adapt human features into cartoony cats its wild bro ldskjgk
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TF2 but Warrior Cat.... also just Miss Pauling and Sniper (for now) bc i'm lazy
#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#crack#crossover#warrior cats#catified#tf2 sniper#sniper tf2#miss pauling#// dude they're both awful!! :DDD <333#// they have both tried to kill each other at least once#// anyway yeah sniper's parents are red heelers in this AU#// cat raised by dogs so he has no idea how to socialize with other cats and hates everyone kldsjgklsd#team fourtrees 2
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How about soldier warrior cats? Pls 🥺
Super late but STARCLAN BLESS MURICA'!!!
#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#crack#crossover#warrior cats#catified#team fourtrees 2#tf2 soldier#tf2 solly#// I LOVE THEM!!!#// do not take their respective helmets its the source of all their powers#// also both small-ish but units!!
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can you do a spy warrior cat?
Have two!
Corner drawings bigger under cut
#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#crack#crossover#warrior cats#catified#tf2 spy#spy tf2#team fortress 2#tf2 scout#tf2 medic#tf2 engineer#// bit too much fun doing these fr!!#team fourtrees 2
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#// blood#// scopophobia#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#miss pauling#tf2 sniper#tf2 spy#team fourtrees 2#team fortress 2#tf2#// im so tired ooooooghhhh#// but OITTY
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Hey have you seen the horror cat detective movie felidae? The way you draw the jaws of your sniper cat made me wonder
Hello! I saw it a v long time ago, I can see what you mean! Probably looks similar from me churning him through the anthropomorphism grinder and trying to reinvent his features on a kitty - bro got cartoon beamed?!?!?
#anonymous#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#team fortress 2#tf2 sniper#team fourtrees 2#warrrior cats#catified#// works better when i slap the hat/aviators on him but alas no drip in the forest </3 i have to make do
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can you do an engie warrior cat if you have the time :3 i love your work AHHH
Here you go!! Biggest man from Tekas >:DD
#cheez rambles#my art#fanart#fandom character#my design#crack#crossover#warrior cats#catified#team fourtrees 2#tf2 engineer#tf2 engie#// he's like the main character to me fr dslkjglkds
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