#forgotten items
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nopizzaaftermidnight · 1 year ago
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hinamie · 3 months ago
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happy gojoday to all who celebrate
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knightedgem · 7 months ago
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Crystal Shards Waddle Dee? You okay?
Maybe being forcibly turned into a Waddle Doo is not a pleasant experience...
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urghblergh · 5 months ago
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Tailoring clothes is an intimate business. ✨
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 1 year ago
Recently extinct species make me sad for all the usual and normal reasons (loss of life, biodiversity and unique life forms that experienced the world wholly uniquely and acted in it like no other, to name three), but a big thing that also makes me so sad is the forgetting that comes right after. Many endangered species are greatly ignored to begin with whilst alive of course, which is awful, but the way that extinction also causes us to forget. A species could’ve been so abundant a hundred years ago, people would’ve used a fish species or a tasty plant for food, or parents would’ve warned their children to not put a poisonous toadstool or insect in their mouth, a diver would exclaim, “Aha!” after emerging from the shallows holding an especially big bivalve, or someone making a species diary would sketch out a local bird or fasten a single flower to the page. But.. then the species goes extinct. It doesn’t exist anymore. None of these events, these actions happen anymore. Not with these species. The people who had these experiences dwindle out and they may not even realise that their experiences were among the last of their kind. And we forget.
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subjectsix · 3 months ago
I think it would be really funny if my Control OC Vivian realized she was slowly disappearing and in a panic asked Research to help her, only for one random researcher to overhear and casually mention oh yeah no I know about that. we’ve been studying it since she got hired. and it snaps Viv out of her transparency/vanishing instantly a la this post:
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hellodahliah · 22 days ago
The ea app has more info on the new pack. It looks like it comes with two new traits: idealist and shady. these traits will somehow play a role in how sims run their business (dreamer snd schemer aspiration) and how ot will affect their lives.
All in all this is clearly just a pottery and tattoo pack with a bit of candy making (why is this not a fledged out skill?) businesses and multipurpose lots. The maxis team clearly don't know the definition of the word hobby. Yeah hobbies can be made into businesses, but in that case they become more like a job than a hobby (in my opinion) hobbies are things you usually do on your FREE-TIME that you enjoy and like.
If they hadn't had the word hobby in the title the outrage would maybe not have been this huge. There would probably still have been ouitrage but maybe for different reasons.
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horsesarecreatures · 3 days ago
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I've had 30 people message me about the set of 3 pans I found on Tuesday, and not a one has come to pick them up.
If you are on FB Marketplace, before inquiring about an item please:
1. Check the location of the item before messaging.
2. Check your schedule before messaging.
3. Get mental health help if you are a ghoster. Seriously you guys are no better than catfishers who message people all the time saying you want to date them without having any intent of actually meeting them.
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thegreatyin · 3 months ago
How did you manage to handle not one, but FOUR separate accounts in fl? I recently made the account for my HD little guy but having to do the tutorial again just seems miserable
there's... weirdly several answers to that question, actually??
a HUGE part of it is due to the way FL is structured. the 10-minute action timer is a core part of the game on a fundamental level, and the fact that i can very easily run out of stuff to do on one character and thus have an excuse to quickly and easily swap to another is just... convenient? satisfying? i'm not entirely sure how to explain it. the fact that i can make progress even while i am fundamentally simultaneously Not Making Progress is like pure dopamine for my freak insane awful little brain. there's just something really pleasing about spending all of my actions pursuing The Goal Of The Day™ on one account before casually swapping to another and doing the same without feeling like i'm wasting time or acting to the first account's explicit detriment. the downtime helps! the recharge time helps! the structure really really works!!
i'm technically only actively playing three, maybe two accounts minimum. the only reason the fourth (the one that'll be my future BaL playthrough) currently exists at all is so i can get his earlygame completely out of the way now and not have to waste time running through it all later, when what i actually want to do is play the ambition i've made myself wait a full year to play. and also getting free goodies as seasonal stuff happens,, something something surprise tools to help us later. the only two accounts i'd say i'm really "actively playing" at the moment are caeru and lark- and of the two, lark takes the most priority, since his ambition is the one i'm currently pursuing in earnest. for a couple months now- despite being My Main FL Character- the scoundrel has actually been pretty inactive on a gameplay front outside of the occasional progression in TLC and discordance content. purely by virtue of having Very little left to do outside of Very long-term grinds and vanities. they're in their "now what?" "now you can start playing the game" era. they've graduated to previous protagonist background cameo in a sequel anime series. they're like the yin FLPC equivalent of red at the top of mount silver. they're Literally just vibing rn. i only keep posting about them regardless because i'm insane and i will never ever ever ever ever let that bat go. but yeah, big TLDR, outside of doing the bare minimum to keep making waves/notability up every week, i'm not actually spending that much time on accounts i'm not currently actively interested in playing. and that accounts for way more gaming spoons than you might think.
i have a virtually lifelong history of playing MMOs, especially and specifically world of warcraft. i was born in the endless grind for useless video game pixel vanities and/or bragging rights. molded by it. you all have merely adapted to doing the same piece of content a pointlessly excessive amount of times for literally no reason besides whimsy and folly. me? i've done my time. i've served my sentence. i've spent weeks doing the original burning crusade netherwing dailies. i've devoted days to running praetorium over and over and over again, back-to-back, nonstop, long before square enix cut it in half and made it NOT take at minimum an hour and a half per run. i've perfected my silverwastes + auric basin goldfarming strategies. i've (almost) crafted dragonwrath tarecgosa's rest. i've killed the sha of anger so many times its dying scream of agony is embedded into the very fabric of my being. ""only"" doing making your name content four times over? that is nothing to me. it means nothing to me. it is so infinitesimal i can do the persuasive seduction quests in my sleep. it's not a matter of handling misery, or having the capacity, or even sighing as i remember the brass embassy raid segment of the watchful questline seriously i don't know why i keep forgetting that exists or what even is my problem with it i just am so consistently mildly inconvenienced by it and its highly specific resource requirements and it is the worst thing ever. maybe i'm just so used to the scoundrel's near-infinite money and troves of disposable items that i've completely forgotten what being poor is like. despite having done that step 3 fucking times now. ahem. anyway. i have transcended the feeble mortal bindings of my resistant-to-grinding flesh and ascended to a higher plane of enlightenment, they may call me insane but they will be the ones left laughing when they see what that "insanity" has wrought, i've usurped them, i've usurped them all-
hacks and coughs and awkwardly clears my throat. i mean. uh. um. Ahem.
the empress' court artistry + tales of the university nerfs helped too.
#and yes#before you ask#i have forgotten which account has which items/has done which content many a time#i think the most painful incident was forgetting to keep up the scoundrel's making waves while i was still playing nemesis with caeru#given that im trying to build it up to 12 and reset their specialization... that was uniquely painful#then again they have like 40 BDR so it wasnt actually that inconveniencing lmao#fallen london#ask#long post#sorry for the infodump + sudden villain monologue.#all jokes and personal accounts aside i totally get the apprehension abt doing that stuff again#it's not for everyone. not by a long shot.#im only doing this because im genuinely invested and in love with this silly little browser game#and way back when i started i made a (only half metaphorical) solemn oath to experience all of its ''main stories''#and truly see everything it has to offer#(bc i like. physically cant do hyperfixations by halves. i need to consume Everything abt the thing or i'll explode)#(and even then i'll probably explode anyway. it's either completely drop it or go All In until it stops taking up so much space in my brain#(and. given the track record. that is not happening with FL for a while yet)#but like. that isnt actually normal behavior. just. just to clarify.#from what ive seen a VAST majority of people do not go out of their way to play literally every ambition#and that is so valid. it is so overwhelming. you have to juggle so much.#you have to play the earlygame So Many Goddamn Times.#(as i said. served my time. did my sentence. i am my scars. etc etc)#the best advice i can give as someone who's so completely desensitized to that repetition it doesnt even phase me anymore?#the same advice i can stress to all FL players. legitimately just take ur time with it. play when you want to.#dont when you dont.#sometimes you have to grit your teeth and bear things. and when it comes to alts you Will have to grit your teeth and bear it all again#but the beauty of this being a game that one plays for fun is that unlike. say. crushing deadlines or annoying coworkers in real life#you are completely within your power to decide when where and if you want to grit and bear it all#..wow this is ADVANCED yin rambling holy shit. i actually reached the tag limit. i think this ask should be put on some kind of list
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epicdogymoment · 6 days ago
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put that guy in my clothes (for @joelletwo)
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rollingtablesiguess · 1 year ago
(Un)Helpful Magic Items Rolling Table
Want to throw an...interesting magic item into your campaign? Well then, look no further!
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knightedgem · 9 months ago
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Happy Waddle Dee Wednesday!
I've had this blog forever but mostly lurked to view art. Now I'm starting this new series on Instagram, but I thought I'd try posting over here too since this is technically my first art site.
Hope you enjoy!
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paladincecil · 2 months ago
I've been watching a streamer play through monster hunter world this week. He's playing completely blind, even has his chat closed so people can't backseat, and is very prone to not reading things and missing out on major game mechanics, so it's been hilarious. Today he saw Deviljho for the first time :)
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jasminesilk · 5 months ago
Just popping in to ask how we're all feeling about this grim reaper rewards thing:
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toytulini · 26 days ago
when customers at work try to be like "oh i cant hear you through that mask you should take it off!" no bitch, you cant hear me cos im fucking mumbling. get it right.
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honourablejester · 8 months ago
5e Homebrew: Sacred Tattoos of Faerûn
Running with the idea of magic tattoos from Tasha’s, but with divine magic tattoos instead of arcane. Sticking with deities from the Forgotten Realms for the moment, have some sacred tattoos inspired by a random smattering of my favourite Faerûnian deites.
Sacred Tattoos
It’s not uncommon, although in some cases risky, for the devout of several faiths to adorn their bodies with the symbols of their god. In most cases, these tattoos are merely that, ink in the skin in honour of one’s faith. But occasionally, these inked marks might have more power. Tattoos created or blessed by priests of a god might carry a boon in them, and on rare occasion even normal tattoos might become divinely blessed should a deity be pleased with the bearer. These blessings do rest on the god’s favour, however, and should the bearer displease that deity, they may see the tattoo darken and become inert, or even vanish altogether. In the cases of the worst betrayals of the god’s principles, what was once boon might now become punishment.
Some of the sacred tattoos that one might stumble across (or be gifted with) in the lands of Faerûn:
Auril’s Vengeance. Blessed with the vengeful breath of winter, tattoos of Auril’s snowflake may allow the bearer to return harm in kind. Once per day as a reaction when you take damage, you can inflict an equal amount of damage, in the form of cold damage, to the creature who caused the damage.
Gift of Deep Sashelas. Often seen on elven sailors, this sacred tattoo takes the form of six thick tattoo lines, three on each side of the neck. While bearing this tattoo, you gain the ability to breathe underwater, as the tattooed lines function as your gills.
Light of Deneir. Scholars blessed by the First Scribe can sometimes be seen with a candle flame tattooed on the back of one hand. When you touch written words with the hand marked by this tattoo, you can read and understand them regardless of the language they’re written in. This works even if the language is lost or forgotten. However, if the writing is encrypted, the tattoo will translate the words but will not break the encryption.
Eldath’s Stillness. Usually taking the form of a serene blue circle tattooed near one’s heart, tattoos blessed by Eldath calm the spirit. Once per day as a bonus action, you can call on the serenity embedded in the tattoo and end one effect that’s causing you to be frightened.
Ilmater’s Stigma. Devotees of Ilmater sometimes bear red tattoos in echo of the god’s divine wounds. While you bear such a tattoo, as a reaction once per day when an ally within 30ft of you takes damage, you can choose to take that damage yourself instead, leaving your ally unharmed. Damage taken this way cannot be reduced by resistances or other means.
Leira’s Blessing. Inked in invisible illusory ink by Leira’s mysterious priests, this obscured symbol cannot be seen or detected save by the Detect Magic spell or similar magic. Once per day, as an action when you focus on the magic of this tattoo on your body, you become difficult to remember for onlookers, your features indistinct and your name confused in their memory. This protection is effective for 1 hour, after which those who look upon you anew will have no trouble remembering you.
Admonishment of Luthic. Taking the form of three tattooed bear claws on the breastbone or at the base of the throat, this sacred tattoo can only be created by orcish priests, and is almost never seen on non-orcs unless they have done a great service for the orcish people. Once per day, you can use a bonus action to draw on the power of the tattoo and let out a guttural shout, restoring 3 hit points to an ally within 30ft of you.
Mask’s Holdout. Inked by devotees of the Lord of Shadows, this discrete grey tattoo in the shape of a blade is usually tattooed somewhere where the bearer can reach it easily. As a bonus action, the bearer can touch the tattoo and cause it to transform into a normal dagger. Should the dagger go further than 30ft from the bearer of the tattoo, it vanishes and reappears in tattoo form on the bearer. The dagger can also be dismissed back to tattoo form, no action required.
Eye of Savras. Tattooed on the back of the hand, the stylised eye of the Lord of Divination allows you to tweak the strands of probability in the cause of protection. Once per day, as a reaction when you or a creature you can see within 30ft suffers a critical hit, you can warp fate to turn that hit into a normal hit.
Star of Selûne. Those blessed by the Moonmaiden can sometimes be seen with a silvery white star tattooed on their brow or the back of their hand. Should you bear such a tattoo on your brow, you can cause the tattoo to shed bright starlight in a 30ft cone in front of you. Should you bear it on your hand, all your unarmed or melee weapon attacks deal an extra 2 radiant damage on a hit.
Tears of Shar. The process of gaining one these tattoos is a painful one, as priests of the Dark Lady painstakingly ink the tattoo onto your eyelids, a secret hidden and only revealed in the blinks of your eyes. While you bear this sacred tattoo, you see normally in dim light and darkness, both magical and non-magical, to a distance of 60ft.
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