#forensic reconstructionist
cathygeha · 8 months
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Fade into the Night by Becky Flade
Philly Heat Series #5
Loved this book ~ Perfect addition to the series ~ Couldn’t put it down!
What I liked:
* Sadie Potter: forensic facial reconstructionist, professor, artist, free spirit, sister, unconventional childhood, bright, open, empathetic, good friend, protective, has a lot to deal with in this story
* Noah Danes: FBI supervisory special agent, profiler, interfaced with satellite FBI unit in Philadelphia, had a rough childhood, protective, intelligent, reserved, really liked him
* The way Sadie was able to put herself forward, state what she wanted, and communicate with others – including Noah
* The care Noah took with Sadie and how he was there for her no matter what
* The way Sadie chose to work through what happened to her and the strength she found to move forward
* The police procedural aspects of the story
* Getting to see more than one character from previous books in the series
* The setting, plot, pacing, character development, and writing
* Being able to relate to and care about the characters
* Feeling that Noah and Sadie were perfect for and with one another
* That all the threads of the story were tied up neatly at the end of the book
What I didn’t like: * Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about nature, nurture, and the cause of evil
* Thinking about the pain suffered by more than one person in this book
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series/by this author? Definitely
Thank you to the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.
5 Stars
A man dedicated to unmasking monsters. The woman who gives faces to the lost. Neither can see the evil hiding in plain sight. FBI Special Agent Noah Danes’ investigation into The Beltway Romeo brings him to Philadelphia and leads to a chance encounter with an old friend. Forensic facial reconstructionist Sadie Potter. She hasn’t seen Noah since the sentencing of her mother's murderer four years earlier. Seeing one another in a new light, they both dare to hope for more. But before they can explore their newfound feelings, Sadie’s attacked by The Beltway Romeo. But his fellow profilers turn their focus on Noah, threatening to reveal his deepest secrets to the world. Scarred, depressed, and afraid of losing herself along with her art, Sadie lashes out at the people she loves most…until Romeo makes it clear he hasn’t forgotten the victim who got away.
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gogoanimestva · 8 months
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There seems to be many preconceived notions about forensic animations and their overall use in litigation. Many times, lawyers or accident reconstructionists will say that "An animation can show whatever the animator wants" or "Animations are difficult to admit in a court of law". However, to a forensic animator, this is also like saying, that your accountant can "fix your books". In reality, it is far from the truth.
Misconception #1 - "An animation can show whatever the animator wants" Perhaps it is the fact that so much of what we see on television and in films is altered with lifelike special effects that we tend to associate anything with 3D visualization with more than a hint of skepticism. Ironically, much of the same software used to animate films such as "Spiderman" or "Lord of the rings" is also less known to be used in scientific visualization, research and forensic animations. People may associate the fact that an experienced special effects animator is capable of creating surreal, yet realistic looking effects. Therefore, it must not be accurate.
The greatest difference between a forensic animation and just any other type of animation is the "forensic" part. This implies that there is a large effort in understanding the details of what is being animated and that there is a large emphasis ensuring a high level of accuracy. An animator can spend more than 70% of his time on activities related to the verification of data and ensuring accuracy in the animation.
An experienced and qualified forensic animator would tell you that a large effort goes into building and checking each step of the animation process to the correct and accurate dimensions. In fact, very little is left to the imagination since most recreations are based on accurate data typically provided by the expert witness. A simple example is the terrain data of a particular scene. This can be obtained by means of a total station along with the positions of important features such as signs, traffic lights, debris or tire marks on the roadway.
Even the animation and motion of objects in a 3D recreation is typically based on information or data provided by the expert witness. This data is often obtained through careful calculations or through the use of simulation software. In the case of simulation software, the data can be directly converted or imported directly into the 3D animation software, leaving little room for error. There may be cases where the forensic animator is provided with less than ideal information, however, even in these rare instances, an experienced forensic animator will have enough knowledge to ensure that the basic rules of geometry and physics (i.e. motion) are applied and adhered to.
Misconception #2 - "Animations are difficult to admit in a court of law" Somewhere along the way, there have been animations which were so poorly constructed or erroneous they simply could not have been allowed in court. It would seem that these cases tend to stick in the minds of litigators and cause reluctance for future use of what is a perfectly acceptable and effective use of technology.
Normally, it is an inexperienced animator or lawyer which does not follow some of the basic rules of demonstrative evidence. Some key points to consider when considering a forensic animation are:
1. The animation needs to support the testimony of the expert witness and should be considered an extension of the witness' report. The expert witness should be directly involved in authenticating and reviewing the animation.
2. Disclose the animation well in advance of the trial date. Evidence needs to be disclosed in a timely manner and the opponent requires time to cross examine the evidence.
3. The animation fairly and accurately conveys the data or matter that it purports to convey or depict. The animation should not be prejudicial in that it outweighs the probative value.
4. The animation should be relevant.
5. The forensic animator should be prepared to testify that the works created are based on sound technology, process and algorithms such that the final works are a reflection of the expert witness' opinion.
There are, of course, many other factors to consider which may be case dependent. Further materials and references are available for review including a paper entitled "The Admissibility of Demonstrative Evidence in Jury Trials:" Written by Barbara Legate of Legate and Associates and available at the AI2 forums (www.ai2-3d.com/Forums).
Today, most forensic animations are admitted into court since there are greater considerations and groundwork taken into account to ensure the accuracy, validity and quality of the animations. By choosing an experienced forensic animator and by adhering to the rules of demonstrative evidence, the risks associated with inadmissibility are greatly reduced.
Misconception #3 - "Animation and Simulation are the same thing" There are two distinct ways to develop an animation and although the end result may try to achieve the same thing, they are fundamentally different in the means by which they are created.
A simulation is typically the output of a program which is operated by a qualified accident reconstructionist. The program has a set of key behaviours (i.e. mathematical equations) which define the movement of objects when given a set of known parameters. It is up to the accident reconstructionist to define all the input variables and ensure they are accurate. Once this is complete, the program is initiated to calculate all the positions of objects through some specific time.
The simulation software may also output the motion of objects in the form of exportable tabularized data and/or animation. However, most manufacturers of simulation based software programs have not been able to achieve the same level of realism as most animators are able to do with 3D visualization software. There may be a number of reasons to this which deal with further complicating already complex software or that perhaps the time spent on development is in the mathematics behind the simulation software and not primarily in the visualization or presentation of the data.
Another important issue which is common with simulation software is the validity of the data available. The old saying "garbage in, garbage out" is applicable. Since a simulation would typically be used as substantive evidence, it can get difficult to prove something is accurate without having solid data to back the animation up.
Animation Demonstrative Evidence - illustrates how something works or how something happened based on the testimony of the expert or eye witness. The animator, not the software is responsible for accurately moving and positioning objects over time. Does not try to prove anything, but just facilitates the account or testimony of a witness.
Simulation Substantive Evidence - Takes actual dynamics and physics into account. The objects are not animated by "hand", but by software based on calculated inputs or data. Tries to prove that something may have occurred a certain way. Visually, an animation is more eye catching and realistic. Simulations are improving in their presentation, but are still lacking realism.
On the other hand, an animation may be based on an eye witness testimony, calculations of the accident reconstructionist or from data output by a simulation package. All the events of an animation in a typical 3D visualization package are calculated and setup by the animator. Animations are almost always disclosed as demonstrative evidence and they do not try to "prove" anything. They are merely another form of expressing the opinion of the expert witness and are always presented as demonstrative evidence.
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irisblobel · 8 months
#BookTour "Fade into the Night" by @BeckyFlade @SDBookTours
Fade Into the Night Philly Heat Series Book 5 by Becky Flade Genre: Romantic Suspense A man dedicated to unmasking monsters. The woman who gives faces to the lost. Neither can see the evil hiding in plain sight. FBI Special Agent Noah Danes’ investigation into The Beltway Romeo brings him to Philadelphia and leads to a chance encounter with an old friend. Forensic facial reconstructionist Sadie…
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What Advancements in Technology Have Influenced Forensic Collision Reconstruction?
When it comes to solving a motor vehicle accident, forensic collision reconstruction has long relied on a combination of scientific principles, physical evidence, and expert failure analysis. However, in recent years, the field has undergone a technological revolution that has significantly enhanced its accuracy and capabilities. In this blog post, we will explore the pivotal role that technology, including 3D scanning, simulation software, and data analysis tools, plays in modern forensic collision reconstruction.
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3D Scanning:
One of the most transformative advancements in forensic collision reconstruction is the integration of 3D scanning technology. This cutting-edge tool allows investigators to create highly detailed, three-dimensional representations of accident scenes. Here's how it works:
Laser Scanners: High-precision laser scanners emit laser beams that bounce off objects and return to the scanner. By measuring the time it takes for the laser to return, the scanner can calculate precise distances to objects, creating a point cloud of data.
Photogrammetry: In addition to laser scanning, photogrammetry involves capturing multiple high-resolution images of the scene from various angles. Specialised software then uses these images to create 3D models.
2. Simulation Software
Simulation software has become a cornerstone of modern forensic collision reconstruction. These powerful programs allow investigators to recreate accident scenarios in a virtual environment, exploring various factors and hypotheses. Here's how simulation software is used:
Physics-Based Models: Simulation software relies on physics-based models to simulate the movements and interactions of vehicles involved in an accident. These models consider factors such as speed, impact angles, and vehicle dynamics.
Iterative Analysis: Investigators can run multiple simulations with different parameters to test various scenarios, helping to determine the most likely sequence of events.
Visualisations: Simulation software generates visual representations of accident reconstructions, making it easier to convey complex findings to judges, juries, or other stakeholders.
Simulation software empowers forensic collision reconstructionists to gain insights that were previously difficult or impossible to obtain through traditional methods. It allows for a more thorough exploration of accident causation and mechanics.
3. Data Analysis Tools
In today's data-driven world, the analysis of vast datasets has become essential in forensic collision reconstruction. Data analysis tools and software are instrumental in processing and interpreting data from a variety of sources:
Black Box Data: Modern vehicles are equipped with event data recorders (EDRs) or "black boxes" that capture crucial information about a vehicle's behavior in the moments leading up to an accident, including speed, braking, and steering inputs.
GPS Data: GPS data from vehicles or mobile devices can provide valuable information about the location, speed, and trajectory of vehicles involved in an accident.
Cellular Data: Mobile phone records and cellular tower data can help establish the precise timing and location of calls or text messages related to the accident.
Telemetry Data: Some advanced vehicles are equipped with telemetry systems that record real-time performance data, which can be invaluable for reconstructing accidents.
By harnessing the power of data analysis tools, reconstructionists can corroborate their findings, validate simulations, and provide more accurate and reliable reconstructions of accidents.
As technology continues to advance, forensic collision reconstruction evolves along with it. The integration of 3D scanning, simulation software, and data analysis tools has revolutionized the field, enabling investigators to unlock new levels of accuracy, detail, and insight in accident reconstructions. These advancements not only benefit the field of forensics but also contribute to safer roads, more informed legal proceedings, and a deeper understanding of the dynamics of motor vehicle accidents. In an age where technology is reshaping our world, it's fascinating to see how it's also reshaping our ability to unravel the mysteries of the past.
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danielleurbansblog · 1 year
Review: Some Choose Darkness
Synopsis: A modern master of suspense, critically acclaimed author Charlie Donlea delivers a taut, gripping novel about the deadly secrets hiding in plain sight . . . Forensic reconstructionist Rory Moore sheds light on cold-case homicides by piecing together crime scene details others fail to see. Cleaning out her late father’s law office after his burial, she receives a call that plunges her…
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gogoanime78 · 1 year
Common Misconceptions About Forensic Animations
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There seems to be many preconceived notions about forensic animations and their overall use in litigation. Many times, lawyers or accident reconstructionists will say that "An animation can show whatever the animator wants" or "Animations are difficult to admit in a court of law". However, to a forensic animator, this is also like saying, that your accountant can "fix your books". In reality, it is far from the truth.
Misconception #1 - "An animation can show whatever the animator wants" Perhaps it is the fact that so much of what we see on television and in films is altered with lifelike special effects that we tend to associate anything with 3D visualization with more than a hint of skepticism. Ironically, much of the same software used to animate films such as "Spiderman" or "Lord of the rings" is also less known to be used in scientific visualization, research and forensic animations. People may associate the fact that an experienced special effects animator is capable of creating surreal, yet realistic looking effects. Therefore, it must not be accurate.
The greatest difference between a forensic animation and just any other type of animation is the "forensic" part. This implies that there is a large effort in understanding the details of what is being animated and that there is a large emphasis ensuring a high level of accuracy. An animator can spend more than 70% of his time on activities related to the verification of data and ensuring accuracy in the animation.
An experienced and qualified forensic animator would tell you that a large effort goes into building and checking each step of the animation process to the correct and accurate dimensions. In fact, very little is left to the imagination since most recreations are based on accurate data typically provided by the expert witness. A simple example is the terrain data of a particular scene. This can be obtained by means of a total station along with the positions of important features such as signs, traffic lights, debris or tire marks on the roadway.
Even the animation and motion of objects in a 3D recreation is typically based on information or data provided by the expert witness. This data is often obtained through careful calculations or through the use of simulation software. In the case of simulation software, the data can be directly converted or imported directly into the 3D animation software, leaving little room for error. There may be cases where the forensic animator is provided with less than ideal information, however, even in these rare instances, an experienced forensic animator will have enough knowledge to ensure that the basic rules of geometry and physics (i.e. motion) are applied and adhered to.
Misconception #2 - "Animations are difficult to admit in a court of law" Somewhere along the way, there have been animations which were so poorly constructed or erroneous they simply could not have been allowed in court. It would seem that these cases tend to stick in the minds of litigators and cause reluctance for future use of what is a perfectly acceptable and effective use of technology.
Normally, it is an inexperienced animator or lawyer which does not follow some of the basic rules of demonstrative evidence. Some key points to consider when considering a forensic animation are:
1. The animation needs to support the testimony of the expert witness and should be considered an extension of the witness' report. The expert witness should be directly involved in authenticating and reviewing the animation.
2. Disclose the animation well in advance of the trial date. Evidence needs to be disclosed in a timely manner and the opponent requires time to cross examine the evidence.
3. The animation fairly and accurately conveys the data or matter that it purports to convey or depict. The animation should not be prejudicial in that it outweighs the probative value.
4. The animation should be relevant.
5. The forensic animator should be prepared to testify that the works created are based on sound technology, process and algorithms such that the final works are a reflection of the expert witness' opinion.
There are, of course, many other factors to consider which may be case dependent. Further materials and references are available for review including a paper entitled "The Admissibility of Demonstrative Evidence in Jury Trials:" Written by Barbara Legate of Legate and Associates and available at the AI2 forums (www.ai2-3d.com/Forums).
Today, most forensic animations are admitted into court since there are greater considerations and groundwork taken into account to ensure the accuracy, validity and quality of the animations. By choosing an experienced forensic animator and by adhering to the rules of demonstrative evidence, the risks associated with inadmissibility are greatly reduced.
Misconception #3 - "Animation and Simulation are the same thing" There are two distinct ways to develop an animation and although the end result may try to achieve the same thing, they are fundamentally different in the means by which they are created.
A simulation is typically the output of a program which is operated by a qualified accident reconstructionist. The program has a set of key behaviours (i.e. mathematical equations) which define the movement of objects when given a set of known parameters. It is up to the accident reconstructionist to define all the input variables and ensure they are accurate. Once this is complete, the program is initiated to calculate all the positions of objects through some specific time.
The simulation software may also output the motion of objects in the form of exportable tabularized data and/or animation. However, most manufacturers of simulation based software programs have not been able to achieve the same level of realism as most animators are able to do with 3D visualization software. There may be a number of reasons to this which deal with further complicating already complex software or that perhaps the time spent on development is in the mathematics behind the simulation software and not primarily in the visualization or presentation of the data.
Another important issue which is common with simulation software is the validity of the data available. The old saying "garbage in, garbage out" is applicable. Since a simulation would typically be used as substantive evidence, it can get difficult to prove something is accurate without having solid data to back the animation up.
Animation Demonstrative Evidence - illustrates how something works or how something happened based on the testimony of the expert or eye witness. The animator, not the software is responsible for accurately moving and positioning objects over time. Does not try to prove anything, but just facilitates the account or testimony of a witness.
Simulation Substantive Evidence - Takes actual dynamics and physics into account. The objects are not animated by "hand", but by software based on calculated inputs or data. Tries to prove that something may have occurred a certain way. Visually, an animation is more eye catching and realistic. Simulations are improving in their presentation, but are still lacking realism.
On the other hand, an animation may be based on an eye witness testimony, calculations of the accident reconstructionist or from data output by a simulation package. All the events of an animation in a typical 3D visualization package are calculated and setup by the animator. Animations are almost always disclosed as demonstrative evidence and they do not try to "prove" anything. They are merely another form of expressing the opinion of the expert witness and are always presented as demonstrative evidence.
Misconception #4 - "We need it yesterday". There have been many advances in the technology that forensic animators use which has improved the speed and efficiency of their work. Computer processing speeds have grown exponentially and the advances in software have allowed animators to do things which were simply not possible several years ago. There are even tools provided to animators which allow them to write custom scripts for repetitive tasks and specialized functions. These advances in speed and ability would make one think that the time to complete an animation should also have been greatly reduced; however, this is not the case.
Part of this reason is simply the nature of the animation process. Much work needs to go into the understanding of the case, reading reports, taking measurements and verifying accuracy. This part alone can take a large part of the man-hours to create the animation gogoanime. Also, creating the 3D models ("scene assets") necessary to populate the animation is still a time consuming process. There are some advantages when a "library" of standard models is used (i.e. stop signs, light poles, traffic signs), however since each case is different and the specific details need to be reflected in the animation (such as the scene topography or specific damage to the vehicle), time must be spent to customize or create models from scratch.
Technology has effectively brought many more options to the realm of visualization which means that more work is being done in a similar amount of time. If one were to compare the time to produce an animation which was done 15 years ago to the same animation done today, there would be a noticeable decrease in the time to complete. However, the overall quality of presentation would certainly not be as appealing to the eye. Due to media such as television and film and video games, people have become accustomed to a higher level of realism. The same animation which was used 15 years ago in a court of law, may not be as appealing or credible to an audience today.
It is important to leave as much time as possible to get a high quality animation and to allow time for the opponents to cross examine the animation. On average, a typical animation from a reputable forensic animator requires anywhere from a few weeks to months to complete depending on the availability of information, number of scenarios/views requested, level of realism and complexity of the animation. Unfortunately, there are still no "magic buttons" to do the manual work of a forensic animator.
Misconception #5 - "It's much too expensive" Perhaps the most important piece of advice is to use a reputable and experienced forensic animator. There are some animation houses which specialize in advertizing or graphics which like to take on forensic work, but without a qualified and experienced forensic animator, there is a higher risk that the entire animation may be inadmissible. A qualified forensic animator will bring to light all the options available, provide sound advice and set clear objectives up front. Setting clear objectives is possibly one of the most overlooked points. Without knowing the expectations, the goals of the animation are often missed or not well communicated resulting in last minute changes and edits which further increase the cost.
It is important the lawyers and accident reconstructionists understand the animation process and where the amount of man-hours are typically invested. Most forensic animators estimate or charge based on an hourly rate; however there are some which still prefer to quote by the case/project.
The general rule of thumb is that as the level of realism, complexity, number of scenarios and camera views increases, then so does the cost. This is why it is important to understand what is being requested of an animator. For example, changing a camera view slightly has a smaller impact on cost than does adding different animation scenarios with objects in different locations.
By taking a second look at forensic animations and their misconceptions, it is clear that there needs to be some understanding of the animating process by the client. Having an up front and open discussion about the objectives of the animation are imperative to having a positive impact on the case.
Drawing on the experience of a professional forensic animator who can explain the options available to a client and can discuss their associated costs removes the risk of falling short of the goals and ensures animations will be admissible in court.
Eugene Liscio is the owner of AI2- 3D Animations which specializes in forensic animations for litigation support. AI2 actively promotes the use of Forensic Animations, 3D Virtual Models, photogrammetry and other visual strategies for the courtroom. Eugene is a registered engineer in the province of Ontario, Canada.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Nova Scotia man dies in head-on crash on Manitoba highway: RCMP
A Nova Scotia man driving a semi-truck in Manitoba was killed in a head-on collision Wednesday.
RCMP in The Pas, Man., were called to a two-vehicle collision on Highway 10, south of the town, just after midnight.
The force says a semi travelling south crossed the centre line in crashed into a semi travelling north.
The man in the first truck, a 59-year-old from Truro, N.S., died at the scene. The other driver, a 22-year-old man from Saskatchewan, was taken to hospital with serious but not life-threatening injuries.
The RCMP and a forensic collision reconstructionist are investigating.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/SaCKozb
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tittalogin · 2 years
Unf electrical engineering calculator
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Speaker on Event Data Recorders at 2004 SAE/NTSB technical meeting on EDR's.ġ997-2000 Manager of Design Analysis Interior, managed 8 engineering supervisor levelĮmployees, similar to the above but subject areas limited to restraints and seating.ġ995-1996 Project Manager of Mark VIII and Thunderbird vehicle programs.ġ992-1994 Business Planner in Project Alpha, brought new technology to market faster.ġ984-1992 Product Planner in small car and powertrain planning, responsible for Escort.ġ973-1984 Product Engineer, in a wide variety of transmission & chassis, and Led release of Ford EDR to Vetronix Corp (now Bosch) that makes Crash Data Retrieval (CDR).įord member of SAE "Vehicle Event Data Interface" Committee authoring standard J1698 Member of Ford Event Data Recorder (EDR) Policy Committee contributed to Ford andĪuto Alliance responses to EDR NPRM and Part 563 EDR final rule requirements. Gave 30B6 corporate and expert depositions, and trial testimony as needed. Personally conducted field investigations of restraint system performance in crashes including Event Data Recorder readouts including inquires by NHTSA, NTSB, police, and NICB. Rollover accidents, roof structure, glass, doors, and seating. Safety Office and Office of the General Counsel relating to restraints, handling and stability in Supervisor level employees performing field investigations and technical support for Ford’s Read and interpret in-vehicle navigation and infotainment (phone/text) information using Berla iVe hardware and software.įord Motor Company, Dearborn, MI 1973-2006Ģ001-2006 Manager of Design Analysis Vehicle Dynamics and Interior, managed 15 engineering Read and interpret HVEDR data using the Synercon Forensic Link Adapter with Synercon and truck engine manufacturer software. Assist automobile manufacturers in improving new releases to Bosch CDR.Ĭonsult on accident reconstruction and analysis including human factors, restraint systems performance in crashes, and occupant kinematics. Perform beta testing for the Bosch Crash Data Retrieval system. Speak at national and regional accident reconstruction conferences on new developments in EDR’s. Instruct police officers and accident reconstructionists in reading and interpreting EDR’s as contractor to UNF-IPTM, SAE, and custom instruction through Ruth Consulting.Ĭonduct EDR accuracy research and publish findings in peer reviewed professional journals to pave the way for improved data admissibility. Assist crash reconstructionists and attorneys in getting EDR data from manufacturers not covered by any publicly available tool. Assist prosecutors and other attorneys in EDR data admissibility hearings.
Assist engineers and lawyers in understanding how to make the best use of EDR data in their cases.
Apply the data to Traffic Crash Reconstruction to determine vehicle speeds and driver behavior prior to impact.
Also read vehicles not covered by Bosch CDR using the specialty GIT Hyundai & Kia EDR kits, the Subaru SSM3/SSM4 software w/Denso interface, the Mitsubishi EDR tool and the Tesla tool. Read automotive Event Data Recorders (EDR’s) using the Bosch Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) system. of Michigan - Ann ArborĪnalyze performance of automotive restraint systems in crashes. Electrical Engineering (with Honors) Michigan Technological UniversityĠ9/73 - 04/78 M.B.A.
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Why It's Important to Hire an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer
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Getting the right personal injury lawyer is essential to ensuring that you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries. Insurance companies are very good at denying claims and minimizing compensation amounts. While it is tempting to think that they have your best interests at heart, the fact is that they see your injuries as a hit to their bottom line. Thus, they don't want to admit fault or pay out. If you've been injured, it's important to work with an attorney who is familiar with your situation and who has a proven track record of success.
A personal injury lawyer can use investigative techniques to find out who was at fault for the accident. These investigators will also speak with eyewitnesses and collect evidence to prove the extent of your injuries. Medical records and other records of treatment are crucial in proving the extent of your injuries. In some cases, an injury lawyer may also hire an expert to give testimony on the extent of your injuries.
Many accident claims require the services of forensic scientists, accident reconstructionist, and medical experts. A Bronx personal injury lawyer will know how to get in touch with leading experts in these fields. Insurance companies often try to minimize their costs by undervaluing claims or denying responsibility, but an experienced personal injury lawyer won't let them get away with it. You can click this link https://wrightgray.com/ for more great tips!
A personal injury lawyer will know exactly how to assess the value of your injuries and estimate the damages. If your injuries are permanent, you may have to seek ongoing medical treatment for years or even your entire life. In such a case, you deserve the maximum compensation possible. With the expertise of The Levin Firm, you can rest assured that you will receive the full compensation you deserve.
In addition to evaluating damages, a personal injury lawyer will investigate every aspect of your case to determine how much compensation you should receive. By understanding all the details of your injury and the circumstances surrounding the accident, your lawyer will be able to make more accurate judgments and present stronger arguments in court. It will also give you peace of mind. For more useful info, learn here!
If you've been injured due to another person's negligence, a personal injury lawyer can help you file a civil lawsuit against them. A civil lawsuit can be heard in civil court by juries or judges who will decide on the amount of compensation you are entitled to. Your lawyer will explain the legal issues and how to proceed.
Personal injury lawyers are skilled negotiators and know how to maximize the value of your claim. They will draft a detailed settlement demand package that includes legal arguments, facts, and documentation to support your claims of fault. They can also negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to obtain a fair settlement.
For more valuable information, click here - https://www.britannica.com/topic/damages-law
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The Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer
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The role of a personal injury attorney is crucial in pursuing a personal injury claim. They use specialized investigative techniques to collect evidence and interview eyewitnesses. They also retain camera footage and property damage reports. This evidence is necessary to prove the extent of the injuries suffered and the fault of the person or company responsible. Medical reports, bills, and employment documents can also help bolster a personal injury claim. Learn more about lawyer, learn here.
A personal injury attorney can also help you determine the value of your claim. The attorney will calculate your damages by considering not only your medical expenses, but also future medical costs and pain and suffering. While many people overestimate their damages and end up receiving a low settlement, a skilled personal injury attorney will know exactly what the value of your injuries is and how much you can receive for them. You can find more information here.
A personal injury lawyer is familiar with the court system and is an advocate for their clients. They can ensure the proper steps are taken in the case and can level the playing field with the other side. They can also call on other resources such as expert witnesses and private investigators to help with the case. A personal injury lawyer will take the time to investigate each aspect of your case. This helps your attorney make better judgments and stronger arguments in negotiations.
A personal injury lawyer will know which experts to consult in your case. Accident reconstructionists, forensic scientists, and medical experts are just some of the types of experts that can help with a personal injury claim. A good personal injury lawyer knows which experts to consult and which ones to avoid. Many insurance companies try to maximize profits by denying or undervaluing a claim. A skilled Bronx personal injury lawyer won't let the insurance company get away with this tactic. Take a look at this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_injury_lawyer for more information.
Having a personal injury lawyer in your corner can help you obtain the compensation you deserve. Your personal injury lawyer will also advise you about settlement negotiations and litigation, if necessary. You need to make sure you tell your version of the accident to your lawyer so that he or she can create a strategy that works best for you. The personal injury attorney will listen to the details of your accident and listen for details that need clarification or follow-up. A personal injury lawyer will also ask relevant questions regarding the accident, your injuries, and your recovery.
After a serious accident, it is important to hire a personal injury lawyer to pursue a claim. You need to make sure that your rights are protected, your injuries are treated, and the evidence is documented. A personal injury lawyer from the Levin Firm will gather all of the necessary evidence and put you in the best possible position for litigation.
A personal injury lawyer will help you bring a civil lawsuit if you've been injured by someone's negligence. Depending on your state's laws, you may be entitled to a settlement that will compensate you for your suffering.
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Justice for Matthew Rushin - Black Autistic Lives Matter! #BLM #Justice4MatthewRushin
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Hello there I have not seen any mention of what happened to Matthew Rushin on Tumblr yet so, I’m making this post hoping it gains traction. PLEASE signal boost, take your time to read and donate if you can or share, because this is a MASSIVE injustice and it needs to be spread around more. I don’t have many (active) followers so I don’t know how far this will go, but I’m hoping more people see this so please if you do see this, share and follow their social medias we need justice for Matthew ASAP.  He is experiencing vision loss and other symptoms related to a cyst in his brain that required medical care when he was and still is in his cell. I am going to keep my words brief, to give more voice to the family as they speak and explain best about what has been going on. There is an email template in this post that you can use to send to Virginia representatives (also listed), a GoFundMe link.  This is all taken from the family’s Facebook post and photos.
Also please feel free to add more hashtags, I added what I came up with.
I’m not only fighting for my son Matthew Rushin but for all those who have been wrongfully convicted. Laws must change to protect those with disabilities and our legislators must be held accountable to make these changes. We have to protect those with disabilities and not let the police (Virginia Beach Detective Jessica Hosang)/prosecutors (Colin Stolle, & Michael DeFricke)take advantage of them! They have stolen the music from my life!
Entire Washington Post link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/local/how-a-black-autistic-man-is-serving-10-years-in-prison-for-a-car-crash/2020/09/10/7f86aed2-5a58-475d-a806-3957ee3bdb2c_video.html?fbclid=IwAR2UcNCjCELk1F-3YuwQodKTyhoKSnEA0ASnuvNqfoAgDUwtEE1U3_B0Cpc
MEET MY SON MATTHEW RUSHIN: Matthew is a black, autistic twenty-two year old male who was & is still a model citizen even in prison. He beat all kinds of odds against him: black, autistic, ADHD, anxiety, a traumatic brain injury(TBI) in 2017 that left him comatose for several days, & which required rehabilitation in order for him to re-learn life functions, including walking & talking. A pituitary cyst was discovered during evaluation & treatment for the TBI. The single car accident which resulted in the TBI has left him with PTSD.  Despite all of these challenges, Matthew graduated with honors from high school, was employed & was an engineering student at ODU.  He participated in numerous volunteer activities.  He is a gifted pianist, plays the viola beautifully, & he composes music and writes poems. Matthew was sentenced to 50 years (to serve 10) for a nonfatal, unintentional car accident involving no drugs or alcohol. If you are thinking there must be more to the story, there is. One of Matthew’s autistic processes is called Echolalia, which causes him to repeat words that he hears. After the car accident, Matthew stepped out of his car & was met by an angry driver who cursed at him and repeatedly yelled at him “are you f***ing trying to kill yourself?” In his distressed state, Matthew repeated these man’s words about suicide: words that were used to turn a car accident into a crime. Matthew was charged with 2nd degree murder with a claim that the accident was an intentional attempt to kill himself by deliberately driving head-on into another car. Officers did not exhibit any understanding of autism in their interpretations of Matthew’s comments and actions. Instead, they took advantage of his vulnerability as they handcuffed him, questioned him for nearly 4 hours at the scene, lied to him about evidence, isolated him from his family. A forensic engineer and traffic collision reconstructionist with 33 years’ experience has written a report detailing the ways the Commonwealth’s suicide determination as a cause for the accident is NOT a plausible explanation. Facing the terrifying prospect of a jury trial, Matthew was pressured to plead guilty to crimes he didn’t commit, led to believe it would allow him to go home. He was never properly treated or evaluated, and his health and disability were never properly considered. Today, Matthew sits in prison without an understanding of why he is there. Matthew and his family have immense compassion for the individuals wounded in the January 2019 car crash, especially the man with the most severe and sustaining injuries. Their thoughts are with these individuals daily. But Matthew is not a danger to society. He is highly vulnerable in the brutal prison environment as a man with a disability. And he faces the possibility of permanent blindness or even death due to an untreated brain cyst. Help Matthew's family bring him home. Ask Governor Northam to grant Matthew an Absolute Pardon and do whatever it takes to free him today!
************************* SAMPLE EMAIL************************** I am writing to you because I feel passionately that Matthew Rushin, a gentle young man with neurological processing differences that accompany autism spectrum disorder, should NOT be behind bars.   Please review his case. A nonfatal car accident that involved NO drugs or alcohol, a young man with autism who has never before been in trouble with the law.  This is someone who should NOT have been sentenced to 50 years and now spending a decade of his life in jail with violent offenders all because of a driving mistake.  Furthermore, it is highly likely that the accident even occurred because of his losing consciousness due to a seizure. A forensic engineer and traffic collision reconstructionist with 33 years experience has written a report detailing the ways the commonwealth’s suicide determination as a cause for the accident is NOT a plausible explanation: https://neuroclastic.com/.../2020/06/rushin-engineer.pdf...  This is also what Matthew repeatedly told officers during his interrogation, when he should have been receiving medical care. At the scene of the accident, Matthew repeated words that were screamed at him. Echolalia is a method many with autism use for processing situations.  This involves them repeating what someone has said to them. Matthew did this, and he was convicted because of it, rather than for the actual facts of the case that illustrated it was indeed an unintentional car accident. Please review his case.  He needs medical attention for the cyst on his brain. He is experiencing headaches and transient blindness, and his medical care for this is long overdue. Please do not let him die in jail. This young man has been criminalized and had his life destroyed. He has a history of being a model citizen prior to this accident - honors in high school, an engineering college student, a volunteer. He needs medical care for the cyst on his brain and is experiencing transient blindness and short term memory loss, further exacerbated by his recent assault in jail by another inmate. Please do what you can to help. Prison offers the VA community nothing in terms of betterment by keeping him locked up and potentially killing him because of lack of medical care and his vulnerability as a young man with disabilities in a brutal environment. Help his family bring him home. The injuries incurred to the victims involved, particularly the man with the most severe and sustaining injuries, are horrible. But the punishment is above and beyond inhumane and unproductive for Matthew Rushin to be sentenced to 50 years and serving 10 for a nonfatal car accident involving no drugs or alcohol.  
******************************************************************************************* These are critical points: 1. Matthew was not taken for medical (and mental health evaluation) the evening of the crash.  He has lost consciousness, had a prior serious brain injury, was banged up around the face and bleeding, was not making sense - yet, instead of taking him for evaluation and care, the police handcuffed and interrogated him for nearly 4 hours at the scene, then more at the police station (with lies and manipulation).  He still has not had the physical evaluation he should have had that day - despite the fact that he has a cyst on his pituitary gland that was due evaluation the month he was jailed (19 months ago), AND he is having severe headaches, dizziness and temporary blindness.                                                                     2. Virginia Beach Police Department has a CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) program that is supposed to divert people with mental illness or in mental health crises to treatment rather than the criminal system.  Not only did they not activate that team despite his history of PTSD, anxiety and his symptoms at the scene AND the fact that they were going to charge him with attempted 2nd degree murder on the basis of a suicide attempt (unfounded!), the woman how did much of the interrogation - which included lies about the evidence they had, and pretending that she was his friend - is a trainer for their CIT program.  Further, suicidology must be determined by psychologist or psychiatrist.  It was not - and wouldn't have been.  They were able to maintain that charge, because after 7 months of jail, when Matthew was told that if he signed the plea deal, he could go home - that was his understanding - he signed it.  From that point forward, the prosecutor, judge and press referred to the "fact" that he admitted he deliberately ran into the other car because he was trying to kill himself.                                                                       Officer Hosang only has 12 hours of Autism training, it takes psychologists years undergraduate education, graduate education and a whole lot of certification to even be able to practice. Officer Hosang told Matthew as heard in the interrogation, she hopes to arrest and charge him. What CIT does that? Is that descalating the issue? Um.. no way! 3. Mental health services have not been provided.  Medication for anxiety was provided after months, but not counseling/treatment.  Matthew has not had the required neurology follow up for his conditions identified prior to his incarceration.                                                                                                                     4. Matthew and his family have not been able to talk face to face for 19 months, let alone hug.  This 20 year old autistic man who had just been in a very serious car accident and who was clearly physically impacted was not allowed the comfort of his family.  His dad was at the scene for hours waiting to be allowed to see his son.  He wasn't even told when they took Matthew away from the scene.  Mr. Rushin found out 45 minutes later.     5. Matthew was ripped from his life on the basis of an unsubstantiated claim, denied his rights, taken advantage of and taken straight to prison for a charge that never should have been made.  Yet when there is overwhelming evidence of all of the wrongdoing, he remains in prison.  That is totally unbalanced.  He was judged guilty on sight.  But it is taking months to free him.  This is so wrong. ________________________________________________________________________________ (1) GOVERNOR RALPH NORTHAM EMAIL: [email protected] CALL: (804) 786-2211 (2) COUNSEL TO GOVERNOR NORTHAM Legal Counsel Rita Davis [email protected] (3) Kelly Thomasson: Secretary of the Commonwealth EMAIL: [email protected] CALL: (804) 786-2441 Fax: 804-786-7441 (4) Tonya D. Chapman: Chair of the Virginia Parole Board EMAIL:  [email protected] CALL:    804-674-3081 (5) PAROLE BOARD [email protected] (6) Brian Moran: Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Secretary CALL:   Office: 804-786-5351 EMAIL: [email protected] (6) Mark R. Herring: Virginia Attorney General EMAIL: [email protected] CALL: (804)786-2071 ****************************************************************** (1) PETITION LINK: (DO NOT DONATE TO THE PETITION, ONLY SHARE) http://chng.it/gvNy5rJ77H
(2) GOFUNDME FOR LEGAL AND EXPERT FEES (ZERO THE TIP FEE: DO NOT ADD A TIP): we still need financial assistance! We appreciate everyone ❤️ https://gf.me/u/yjwwty
(3 PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Dance4Matthew
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scarletravenswood · 6 years
In my new video below I discuss the differences between these two pagan paths. 
Neo-Paganism means “new Paganism” & includes various forms of New Age beliefs, such as Wicca or Druidism.
Prior to 1960, these beliefs were more underground and viewed as countercultural.  However as various New Age ideas and beliefs began to spread, Neo-Paganism also slowly began to expand. 
Neo-paganism takes inspiration from ancient history, though it does not try to exactly replicate traditions and ceremonies from pre-christian societies.  
Many Neo-Pagans center their belief in a God & Goddess. These two deities may also be viewed through the lens of multiple gods and goddess.  Many Neo-Pagans look towards one or many different pantheons. 
It’s overwhelmingly relativistic -  truth is subject to each person’s individual reality. This allows for a personally customized approach to spiritual and moral matters.
Neo-pagans as a whole have many diverse views and are often very inclusive.  
Pagan Reconstructionism or Polytheistic Reconstructionism emerged in the late 1960s through it didn’t start really gaining momentum till the 1990s.
It attempts to re-establish historical polytheistic religions in the modern world.  This is in contrast with Neo-Pagan movements like Wicca.
In Neo-Paganism, one might combine pre-christian traditions & beliefs from many cultures creating almost a Pan-European Paganism.  This does not occur in Pagan Reconstructionism.  Often Pagan Reconstructionists focus only on one culture, such as Norse Paganism.
The traditions and customs come from various fields such as as - historical literary research, anthropology, religious history, political history, archaeology, forensic anthropology, etc. 
The use of the term "Pagan" to apply to polytheistic reconstructionists is controversial.  Some reconstructionists, take great issue with being referred to as "Pagan," viewing "Pagan" as a pejorative term used in the past by institutions attempting to destroy their cultures and religions.
If you are also Pagan or interested in Paganism, I'd love to hear if you consider yourself a Neo-Pagan, a Pagan Reconstructionist, or something different. Also, I'd love to hear why you felt drawn towards that particular path. ✨
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minnesotadruids · 5 years
There is literature saying druids may have or did sacrifice animals. Overall if the animal is honored and consumed why is it so controversial? Every day animals are processed to be sold in grocery stores yet thats fine but if a chicken persay is used for spiritual reasons people flip out. You see the hypocrisy here? Whats your view?
The only literature we have to go by is about ten pages regarding all known practices of the ancient druids, as written by the Greeks, Romans, and early Christian monks [in Ireland]. The Romans in particular enjoyed describing the druids as masters of bloodshed. The Romans likely exaggerated, but it’s fair to assume the ancient druids did practice human and animal sacrifice.
In some cases, it wasn’t even a druid making the sacrifice, but a vate, today referred to as an ovate meaning a seer. The Greek historian Diodorus Siculus noted that:
These seers, having great authority, use auguries and sacrifices to foresee the future. When seeking knowledge of great importance, they use a strange and unbelievable method: they choose a person for death and stab him or her in the chest above the diaphragm. By the convulsion of the victim's limbs and spurting of blood, they foretell the future, trusting in this ancient method. They do not sacrifice or ask favors from the gods without a Druid present.
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Regarding the known writings, I recommend the book Druids: A Very Short Introduction by Barry Cunliffe. It’s rather dry but a quick read and in my opinion a very comprehensive scholarly interpretation of the Roman and Greek writings. 
Then there’s Lindow Man — a body preserved in an English peat bog, which is possible evidence of ritual human sacrifice dated to the first century. The victim received a “triple death” of having his throat slit while being strangled, and clubbed over the back of the head, likely just before the moment of death. Forensic analysis indicated none of his well-preserved wounds had time to heal. The presence of mistletoe in his stomach also indicates he may have been given a magical concoction to drink before his death. Mistletoe is one of the most sacred plants to the druids, hence the suspicion that they were directly involved in Lindow Man’s sacrifice.
Religions are either patently dangerous or viewed as such by people not of that religion. For fringe spirituality such as druidry it’s probably better for the continuation of the group to escape the ire and scrutiny of others by eschewing animal sacrifice or other controversial practices. I’ve been witness to a Celtic Reconstructionist’s (CR) animal sacrifice (a hare). Their interpretation of druidry is much different from that of Neo-Druidry, wherein the CRs believe it is the only way to get the attention of the gods and gain their favor.In a Reformed Druid ritual (and in ADF), the sacrifice is in exchange for the blessing of the contents of the chalice. Personally, I don’t think that’s worth a person’s life, let alone an animal.
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Why You Ought To Employ a Personal Injury Lawyer
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Hiring an accident attorney is an excellent way to shield your passions as well as recuperate maximum settlement for an accident. It is very important to preserve call with your lawyer throughout the case, specifically when it comes to medical therapy. Your attorney will certainly also have the ability to advise you on how to handle financial institutions and also give financial support. Accident legal representatives have comprehensive experience and also understanding of the law as well as exactly how it puts on your circumstance. See page to learn about these professionals.
They can conduct detailed obligation evaluation of your crash, which frequently needs extensive research. They will likewise assess pertinent legal criteria and suitable laws to establish a strong instance for payment from the responsible celebrations. The amount of time invested in this procedure will depend upon the sort of instance and the complexity of the case. Many injury instances need the services of experts, consisting of accident reconstructionists, economists, forensic researchers, toxicologists, and also medical experts.
The personal injury lawyer Waco TX knows just how to work with these leading experts as well as get the best feasible payment. Insurer frequently try to stay clear of paying settlement by refuting duty as well as underestimating cases. Yet a Bronx personal injury lawyer will not let them escape this tactic. Injury legal representatives examine every element of your situation, from the conditions bordering the accident to the extent of injuries suffered. This know-how enables them to make more accurate judgments as well as make more powerful disagreements when it pertains to settlement negotiations.
While they can't confirm every claim, a personal injury attorney can help you get the payment you are entitled to. If you have actually suffered an injury due to the negligence of an additional person, it is very important to get in touch with an accident lawyer as soon as possible. The statute of restrictions is three years in New York for injury insurance claims and thirty months for clinical malpractice. However, you can still sue, as specific types of cases might qualify for extensive deadlines.
Some state bar associations and also attorney companies supply specialized qualifications in accident legislation. Although not required for method, an accreditation can aid accident attorneys to demonstrate their experience to prospective customers. Regrettably, not all states in the united state deal certifications in personal injury law, but in New Jacket, legal representatives can end up being Certified Trial Attorneys (CTAs), which is helpful for complainant and defense lawyer alike.
In addition to economic damages, the law also provides you the right to insurance claim settlement for pain and also suffering. The quantity of discomfort and also suffering that you get depends upon the degree of your injury, the length of time it has lasted, and also your lost earnings. Ultimately, the worth of your case is identified by a jury. Find out more about this topic on this extra resource: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/lawyer.
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theaccidentlawyer · 2 years
What Does an Injury Lawyer Do?
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An accident attorney is a sort of lawyer who gives legal services to targets of injuries. This kind of attorney focuses on tort law as well as focuses on representing the hurt. If you have actually been harmed in a mishap, speak to an injury attorney today for a totally free consultation. They can assist you determine the most effective course of action for your circumstance. Discover more concerning this kind of legal representative by reviewing the following section. It is very important to understand the distinction in between an accident attorney and also a criminal legal representative. First, the personal injury lawyer will certainly gather proof to sustain your claim. She or he may get an authorities record, locate witnesses as well as take their statements. Additionally, they might preserve camera video footage and also property damage records to provide proof. This proof will be used to develop obligation and problems. In addition to witness statements, the injury attorney will also ask for documents such as clinical records, bills, employment files and also building damage reports. They'll want to see anything that might have added to the autumn. Most personal injury cases settle out of court. Read on and learn more here.
Nevertheless, in some instances, insurance companies do not wish to resolve. They want control over the info that mosts likely to them. A legal representative can regulate the details circulation to them to make sure that your instance progresses as quickly as feasible. The economic problems that you might be entitled to are referred to as "problems," and include the clinical bills, future revenues potential, and also personal treatment costs. This is a complex process, specifically for non-economic damages, which do not have a standard formula. An accident legal representative's services include gathering evidence of mistake and building an engaging case for compensation. They can additionally hire specialists and doctor if required. They can likewise help you get the treatment you require for your injuries. They can also recommend you on the very best strategy if you can not pay for to pay for your healthcare. If you can't pay for to spend for it expense, an accident attorney can assist you find various other choices for financial backing. Lots of injury cases require the use of experts. As an example, accident reconstructionists, economic experts, forensic scientists, and medical specialists may be required to show your instance. A good lawyer understands how to work with leading experts in any area in order to maximize your compensation. Insurance companies will certainly usually attempt to lessen their losses by underestimating insurance claims and also refuting duty, but a skilled Bronx injury lawyer will not allow them get away with it. 
An injury lawyer is a civil litigator that represents injured complainants. They specialize in tort regulation, which covers a wide variety of exclusive and also civil wrongs. They seek settlement for a client's losses as well as suffering, as well as they also attempt to hinder others from dedicating the same infraction. These attorneys also deal with lawful expenses and emotional distress, which is very important to the recovery process. Injury lawyers are an essential component of several successful cases in the United States, so it is worth locating a great one. Visit also this company to know more about their services.
Kindly visit this link for useful reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_firm
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