#for those people in the tags for these respective characters looking at me in disgust about to report for tag-spam. hold on friend.
mayullla · 8 months
Hiya, hope your doing well. I’m respecting Yandere Thoma 🦋 🌺 for the event please and thank you.
Title: Chocolate favors
Character(s): Thoma (Genshin Impact) Summary: Ayato asked a little favor from you to make chocolate cookies with Thoma. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, fem!reader, power dynamics, 1.5k words
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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"Ayaka complimented the cookies you made a while ago. I was wondering if you could do me a favor and make those cookies again," the sharp-eyed man who was your boss asked. "Valentine's Day is coming soon, and I was hoping to give the workers something special. You will be paid extra for your troubles, and I will prepare all the equipment and ingredients necessary."
Lies your mind told you as you looked at the head of the Kamisato clan. The sly smile on his lips and the sharpness in his eyes told you that this was not what he truly wanted.
It was obvious what he wanted, what he wanted to happen with this.
"Of course, making something for so many people would be difficult to do alone. I will also send Thoma to help you."
You stifled all your feelings as you bit the inside of your mouth when you heard that name come from his lips. The name of the person you wanted in your heart to avoid at all costs. You didn't show your boss your feelings; his eyes were cold, unlike his smile, as if telling you to try. You gulped all your feelings down and nodded. "Yes, sir, I will do as you ask."
Was it a sort of amusement to the Kamisato clan? You were never sure. For the longest time, you always tried to avoid him, using every excuse and idea you had to keep him far away. Ever since you took care of him of his injuries when Ayato brought him to the house, stating that he would be working here. The man was weak, with injuries and a heavy fever. You were the one who took care of him, getting him back to health.
Maybe it started around then? You remembered the awkward man who stumbled with his words when he looked at you. A small little crush he had. It was cute back then, his flustered self as he could not handle even you touching his arm when you were patching him up.
When did he become so twisted? How did he fall to become so obsessed with you like this? You didn't want this at all; if anything, you were disgusted, yet at the same time terrified.
Not when you knew that the boss and his sister supported this behavior. A long time ago, you tried to tell them, tried to tell them that his little obsession at that time could be controlled and stopped, yet they pushed all your worries aside, telling you that you were worrying too much. They treasured him, they treasured him a lot, to the point that they would be willing to give him what he wanted.
The smile on his face as he looked at you hopefully when you arrived in the kitchen the next day. The cheerful greeting felt almost fake, genuine yet at the same time, you were sure of the darkness that was swirling inside him. "You are here. I am glad... The young master had told me that I would be helping you today to make cookies for Valentine's Day to give to the servants and workers."
His words were innocent, yet almost hoping. You nodded at his words as his smile became wider; he looked very happy, even more so when your eyes continued to look at him. "Please take care of me. I will try my best to follow you," Thoma laughed.
You didn't really have to do much when it comes to instructing him what to do; he was too talented in many things, and that included the kitchen but also baking. "Got it," Thoma replied as you told him to stir the batter. As you continued to prepare the other ingredients, you could feel his stare behind your back. You acted busy, concentrating on your work to make it more difficult to open a conversation.
You learned how to handle Thoma a bit, in a way that would go unnoticed. You realized early on that it wasn't only Thoma who would be saddened if you just outright ignored him, but also your boss and his sister would be rather unhappy with your actions. You learned a long while ago how to ignore his stares, and even if it took a while, you learned how to ignore him when he appeared a little too often around your vision, yet at the same time act like it was the first time you saw him that day when he approached you.
It was only recently that you figured out that Thoma actually knew all that. At first, you panicked, but then you realized that Thoma wouldn't do anything. His stalking, his obsession, his love, his lust that was so obvious would not tell a word to the siblings of your actions. It had become a game between the two of you, and for him, he could not be any happier that he even had a special connection with you, no matter how twisted it got.
"Hey.... Hey, are you okay?" You were pulled out of your thoughts when a hand touched your shoulder. Startled, you turned your head only for your cheek and lips to be smeared with melted chocolate, startling both you and Thoma.
"!?" "!!"
"Sorry! Sorry!" Thoma placed the bowl on the table as he grabbed a towel, while on his other hand, the one that tapped you, had the wooden spoon he was using to mix the chocolate in the bowl that had gotten smeared on your face. "You weren't answering my calls, and I got worried."
You watched him use the towel to clean your face, rubbing firmly yet not enough to hurt you or cause too much discomfort. He was careful while removing the chocolate from your face. "No, it was my fault," you told him after some time, quietly while he was cleaning your face. His face was red as you continued to stare at his face while he was doing so, watching him, yet you could see the excitement in his eyes, unable to be hidden from his shyness. "Sorry for worrying you. I was thinking for a moment there."
Thoma blinked and then smiled at you, nodding at your words, immediately believing them. Well, it wasn't like you were lying. "You must have been thinking really hard about it." Thoma peeked at your eyes as he removed the last remaining chocolate on your face. You thought for a moment what you should say here before answering, "I was thinking about the past, I guess."
"Oh?" Thoma tilted his head at your words as he pulled away from your face. You thought a bit more, choosing your words. "I was thinking about that time when you first arrived at the Kamisato estate. I remember you were hurt and sick back then, and I had to take care of you."
You watched as his face became redder. If it was long ago, you would have teased him that he looked like a tomato right now. "Ah- haha," he laughed awkwardly, reminded of the awkward past, yet there was also a hint of affection towards it. You knew that he treated that memory like a treasure. "What is the matter? Your face is red like a tomato right now," you teased him like you did in the past.
"Please don't tease me like that," Thoma tried to hide his face with his hand, and the towel that he used now forgotten on the kitchen counter. You laughed at his face, how easily he becomes affected by your words. "If you react like that, it would be difficult not to."
Thoma called out your name in a whine, as his face became even more red. He was trying to hide his face, but you could see how red his ears were. You smiled at him and then looked at the cookie mix and melted chocolate. "Well, that is enough playing," you told him in a light voice, a smile on your lips. Thoma seemed to want to stay in this atmosphere a little more and tried to look for an excuse, but you ignored him.
This much was enough.
This was enough for now. You had given him enough to keep him satisfied, as well as the two siblings. It would be a cycle for how long you could push it. The next moment, it would return to the obsession that you could feel burning in your body. He would watch your every movement and follow you, while you would give him small moments that would keep him somewhat satisfied.
"Oh dear, sorry, I think I missed a little bit again." You felt two hands touch your cheeks, pulling you to look away from the cookie batter. Your eyes met green ones, ones that were desperate, insane, lustful, yet at the same time delighted. A thumb touched your lips, rubbing them a little before releasing you. Looking at his thumb, you saw a smudge of chocolate on it. "There you go." His voice was loud in the quiet house as his hand moved from your cheeks to your arm, wrist, then your hand. He lingered a little while there before intertwining his fingers with yours.
You looked at his hand, surprised at his action, as it was too sudden, and looked up at him. You saw his smile, so full of love for you, so much that you could drown in it.
You could only push it for so long.
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newtthetranswriter · 8 months
This is a call out post
To the people who judge and criticize those of us who read or write fan fiction: If you don't like it don't read it. simple as that. I'm tired of scrolling through a tag looking for something to read and seeing a post telling me I'm gross or disgusting for reading about a fictional character, simply because the character is 17. I have a few points I'd like to make.
They are a fictional, ie. they do not actually exist
if you want to get real technical about stuff, if you look at canon birthdays a lot of these characters you have a problem, if they were real would be over the age of 20
What people say and do online is not a direct reflection of real life, just because I write a story about stabbing some one doesn't mean i'm going to do it, same for if I write a story about going on a date with a fictional character who is 16. These are fictional characters they are meant to be perfect versions of real things, if you have ever spoken to a real 16 year old you would know they are typically trash
Most of the characters I like who are under 18, I liked long before i turned 18. I was watching MHA and Haikyuu in high school, I was the same age as characters. And I will admit I'm not as interested in the younger characters any more, but sometimes that's all there is
If people are being respect full why worry. If someone is writing a fluff piece about cuddling after a hard day at school leave them alone, or if they state that it takes place in the future leave them alone. Stop policing peoples work
Yes there are weirdos out there who make it weird or who actually have bad intentions, but if it's not actively causing someone else harm leave people alone. People just want to enjoy their interests and connect with the community, stop shitting on people for their interests. Any way thanks for coming to my ted talk, Remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
p.s i also know i will likely get some colorfull messages over this but i don't care, i'm tired of feeling like trash for reading about a comfort character.
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catreginae · 4 months
Speak it louder for the ones in the back, cause the Fandom brushed over that way to quickly in my book. 3 whole updates of just body shaming Wars and everybody acted like it was nothing, and I thought I was going crazy for being grossed out by it! What's worse is that that's a normal body type for a lot of people, including myself. I can't imagine other fans who say all those comments and felt bad about themselves because the character that looked like them was a laughing stock. And don't get me started on people not treating Wars's trauma seriously. My man would not be a womanizer, and he'd be terrified of women he didn't know or trust. It's disgusting how we don't respect male victims in Fandom spaces too. If he was a chick this wouldn't be a thing and that says something. I'm happy that this is something the fans are leaving behind and stopping, but man that was a weird time to be a LU fan.
-❄ anon
Awful time to be a Warriors fan too. The fandom is starting to treat him better too but it's a few us spamming the tags to get him the respect he deserves. Actually, it's mostly one person because I work a lot and I'm tired but I like to think I help.
And those three updates was about helping Time out so that he could be there for Twilight. People didn't touch a lot on the seriousness of those updates because people were too busy editing Warriors to accentuate everything "he lacked".
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fairytail-whathesays · 11 months
Could I ask you to please feed me some Laxus x Cobra headcanons? Both sfw and nsfw ofc
Do u want to get married real quick --
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Anyway, yes, of course. Anything for my one true pairing.
I elaborated here that Cobra and Laxus fit together well because they can understand each other without the need for words, something especially beneficial to guys that aren't good at communication.
They're both involved, but a little on the outside too, not able to match the energy of the main roster of characters. They get each other because they're of the same inbetween space that's trying to be a decent dude and not always sure of how to go about it.
I've also said that Cobra is very possessive and jealous, and this is where that comes in. Cobra is intensely aware that despite not always being easy to get along with, Laxus is well-liked and respected, and could basically have anyone he wanted. It's not nearly as cute as with other relationships, since Cobra can be pretty bitchy and temperamental given his insecurities. But they work through it.
Cobra and Laxus have a tense early relationship, because Laxus' instinct with a guy he's dating is to have an arm around them at all times, whereas Cobra disdains and deters being touched. There are silent arguments that arise from Cobra feeling like Laxus is trying to make some pretty little girlfriend out of him and Laxus feeling like Cobra is disgusted by or angry at him.
Among those insecurities I mentioned is Cobra's body. Cobra was raised an underfed and abused child slave, then raised by Brain in a guild with him and two other skinny guys, and then underfed in prison for seven years. Despite Laxus genuinely thinking he's sexy, he's often uncomfortable thinking about how Instagram-ready Laxus is, and how much bigger and well-built Laxus is than him. That, on top of the slashed-out eye, leads Cobra to believe he's going to lose Laxus to someone else because he isn't attractive. He's wrong, of course.
Despite everything I've said, these two are attracted to each other and fond of each other, and when they're getting along, they're really getting along. Laxus will think of some smart remark he's barely holding back and Cobra will laugh, or Cobra will bluntly call a spade a spade and Laxus will smile. They'll be having an argument and Cobra will make some remark about Laxus being such a bitch because he's into him, and Laxus will silently respond, and Cobra will blush--actually, genuinely--and then punch him in the side.
I cannot stress this enough, Laxus thinks Cobra's giant snake, dragon scaled arms, and eye scar are legitimately badass and sexy. Like, he's so into Cobra's aesthetic. Cobra obviously wants to come off cool but, after the dissolution of the Oracion Seis, isn't sure how to feel about someone thinking he's cool for him.
At first Cobra thinks Laxus is just one more Fairy Tail wizard, and then Laxus just starts casually talking about that time he punched Master Hades in the face, and Cobra stops short with the most stunned look on his face.
Laxus is the perfect lover for Cobra because he understands what it's like to be angry, and prideful, and wrathful, and not understood well by a lot of people. Loving Cobra is like loving a wounded, scarred animal that will lash out if you move too quickly, and he wouldn't rather love anyone else. He is so real with Cobra when he needs it, and so tender with Erik when he needs it.
I also said here (in the tags) that Cobra is the one guy who could make Laxus consistently bottom, and I stand by that. There are plenty of tops Laxus could date and conceivably coax into adjusting, but Cobra is not one of them. And as with Gray preferring a more intimate sex life, Laxus is just as amenable to Cobra being strictly on top.
Cobra is very dominant and domineering. He needs absolute control in the bedroom because he is that against feeling any kind of vulnerability or intimacy. Laxus takes it well, even though Cobra is very rough sometimes. Even though Cobra is scared of vulnerability, he's also very against doing anything he thinks Laxus might not like, so he keeps very careful track of Laxus' thoughts and bodily reactions to make sure he's fucking Laxus in a way he likes.
Laxus might be a top in the average day-to-day, but Cobra very quickly works out the right ways to get him moaning and gasping. Not even the mighty Thunder God is immune to a good dicking that makes him see stars.
There is, as with most dragonslayer ships, a lot of biting. It's different with Cobra, though, because his fangs are longer and sharper than average, and kissing him can be a dangerous game if he doesn't keep control of his powers. Laxus loves that risk and loves taking it, and savors every kiss Cobra gives him and every bite mark left on him.
Cobra accidentally lost control and went dragon force mid-fuck once. Laxus was thrilled and thought it was the hottest thing ever.
There are, very rarely, occasions where Cobra bottoms. He still needs absolute control, and he's very slow and cautious when he goes cowboy. But Laxus loves it because he gets to actually see Cobra, feel him, and Cobra loves it because he can hear all the lustful ways Laxus is thinking of him, seeing his body and genuinely finding it sexy.
Cobra'd probably be more amenable to bottoming if Laxus' dick weren't so damn big
Laxus treats Cobra's body like a work of art, got it? Whenever he gets the opportunity, his hands are everywhere, his lips and tongue everywhere, every scar gets kissed. Cobra is treated to blowjobs so good they send him to the shadow realm for a few minutes.
After they get done, so out of breath and fucked clean of any bad feelings, they just lay there, and they both sleep away all their exhaustion and wake up with the strangest, yet most secure contentment ever.
Laxus has no ability to read thoughts. But after he gets bent over, face pressed into the pillow, and fucked vengefully while hearing "Don't - you - ever - leave - me - got - it?!" he figures out what's really up and calls Cobra out on trying to avoid saying "I love you". It's the one compromise he won't make for Cobra's sake--he makes him say it, right then and there, and when he does, he tells him he loves him back and kisses him.
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To those screeching about writers aging up characters, saying that those writers and readers need to be on a list or are predators or it’s ironic they got minors DNI on their bio, none of y’all would make it past the JJK anime or manga because Sukuna says that the minute he gains control of Yuji’s body completely, he was going to fuck Nobara, who is the same age as Yuji (15). And Yuji was shown naked after Sukuna ripped his heart out. Just sayin’. Also, just block the people who do write things like that.
I IMMEDIATELY click off posts or scroll past posts that involves say, Yuji or Megumi being sexualized (even if they are aged up) because for me, it’s weird, you got Toji, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna, Yaga (although it is very rare to see him), Takuma, and a few other adult characters in the series but yet you go with Yuji or Megumi. Same energy as the people that make smut about Damien Wayne from Batman when the three other Robins are right there.
However, I do not go out of my way to insinuate anything or encourage people to go after real life minors. It’s “minors DNI” for a reason. Saying that they should might as well get rid of it since they definitely want to go after real minors because they write aged up characters is freaking disgusting. And again, I find it VERY weird that writers on here and on A03 would even go after characters like Yuji or Megumi because why not go with the canonically adult characters?
JJK is a fictional work. Yuji and Megumi are not real boys. Sukuna and Toji are not real men.
Jujutsu Kaisen is a show about underage characters risking their own lives taking out curses, not to mention that the vast majority of the first years are all dead.
Some of y’all watch shows, movies or play games that have murder in it. JJK has a lot of murder with Sukuna having a high body count. So does that mean that every time someone writes/reads about Sukuna or Toji, they condone murder and violence? No? Then why is it any different from anything else related to fiction?
If someone gets offended seeing all of this, sends a death threat to me, or goes, “I ain’t reading alladat,” then you’re further proving my point. I already had to deal with this BS in the Resident Evil fandom. Enough.
All of this started by someone once again, invading one of the character tags. Specifically the Toji and Gojo tags. Even though Toji and Gojo are adult characters. This is going to be the one and only time I ever speak about this ever again. Even though this is very JJK centered, I’m gonna be respectful for the other JJK fans in those tags and just not tag the JJK tags at all for this.
TL:DR, separate fiction from reality. Don’t like? Don’t look. Never insinuate someone is a predator because of the work of fiction they create or consume.
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pwnyta · 1 year
Can someone explain to me what is the fucking problem with the westerners and their disgust with properly tagging ships (like not wanting to tag A/B as such and preferring to tag it as B/A or “whatever sounds better”)? 💀 I swear to god, the amount of times I’ve seen specifically westerners being strange about proper tagging and behaving like it’s the most atrocious, the most backwards thing in the world is just mind boggling.
Like, yes, certain people prefer specific dynamics in their favorite couples. But why are you trying to behave like this is the most homophobic thing in the world? Why do you behave like proper tagging is the most horrid thing in the world? It’s also super easy to do it, so like, what’s the problem? And when these people behave like you are somehow the crazy/gross/terminally online one is just so disingenuous considering that they are the ones who do not respect other people’s boundaries?
Oh I have NO idea.
((Tho TBH I sometimes fall into the 'this one sounds better so I just use that' for some ships like Hannigram & Sheith tho technically I only like Will/Hannibal & Keith/Shiro but since those are primarily western shows & those fandoms typically dont care its less of a problem (and if anyone asks me personally to do so Id correct it for the sake of organization))
I know people talk about it not being 'realistic' that characters wont 'switch' but its like 'YEAH, Beverly, thats what im looking for REALISM in my fictional story of these two cartoons fucking where one character has tentacles and the other turns into a fucking dragon' Fuck off. Does the story/art mention STDs or douching or other less desirable/gross parts of realistic sex? No? Then shut up you uppity bitch.
Its especially annoying when the fandom largely designates one character (usually the smaller, younger, more cheerful and/or feminine looking character) as the bottom and you(me) want to see a big and/or old man get railed for once... As a chronic big/old man bottom enjoyer its a problem.
I for one appreciate the organization of eastern shipping. People tag order, they largely only tag the characters/kinks that are important to the work, and they mind their own goddamn business. Terrific.
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mrswinnie04 · 9 months
I agree with your take about posting about j2 under the actor /spn tags. I’ll be sure to do the same for cockles and destiel. Also if there’s any Jared padalecki hate, that shouldn’t be under the anti tag. As it’s about Jared, whether good or bad, it should be under the normal tag. Cheers. :)
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(I’m answering both of these at the same time because I sort of want to put this discussion to rest)
Anons, I completely respect your right to your opinions and beliefs. I’m not here to convince you or change your minds. I’m not here to force you to align with me. I’m not here to fight you either. That’s the last thing I want to do.
I want to put this to rest, on my blog at least, because my stance has not changed.
Supernatural is made up of so many ship-fandoms. There are so many smaller communities within the SPN fandom that are about shipping characters/actors. It is my strong belief that all of these ship-communities have a right to tags.
Part of what makes “being apart of a fandom” so fun is that all of us get to be apart of smaller communities where interests and passion align. For me, that is the tinhatter community.
It seems to clear to me that what a lot of anons are conveying to me through these statements are that they don’t agree with J2 tinhatter content. That’s totally fine. It is not my job to convince you or force you to believe in the things I do. I respect everyone’s right to ship whoever they want and to be able to tag those posts there without hate.
There are some ships in the SPN fandom that aren’t my cup of tea. However, I will NEVER tell them that they can’t post under actor tags. I will never police them or tell them they are wrong. I have no right to do so, and I respect those communities. I respect their right to enjoy those ships together.
You don’t have to agree with my content. Nor do you have to believe in whatever I’m saying. It’s not my job to mother you. However, tinhatters r just as much apart of the SPN fandom as any other ship. We should be able to enjoy the tags as any other ship or theory blogger.
If you look under Jensen and Jared’s tags, anyone and everyone posts their theories and takes there. Everyone posts ship posts, etc… that is their right.
During this time, I wanted to also address the anon that got a little aggressive with the “it’s okay for me to post anti-Jared since it’s about the actor”.
It is my hope that everyone on here knows what human decency is. It is my hope that there aren’t people going online to rip apart an actor. I mean, i really do hope there aren’t people out there who actually “anonymously” write horrible things about actors because they suddenly have courage sitting behind their computer screens.
But again, i am not your mother and I will not mother you on why it is disgusting to cyber bully other human beings.
My point is, what makes SPN community beautiful is that all of us like the wonderful show and have found communities/content that we are also passionate about.
My blog on tinhatter content has never posted anything to harm J2. I DO NOT Believe in posting hate or harm on my blog. If anything, I came to be a blogger because I love and respect the actors so much. As I have stated in my posts before, all of the things I post are OPINION-BASED! Which means you don’t have to agree or like it if you don’t want too.
Me, a tinhatter, posting my take on an interaction or event between J2 under their tags doesn’t harm anyone. In fact, I blend right in since there are so many others with different theories about J2 or the individual actors.
I understand that not everyone will agree with what I have to say. I respect that, but my blog will continue to post J2 content. I’m not forcing you to believe. All you have to do is scroll past my posts, but tinhatters should be just as welcome to any of the tags as any other ship or theory blogger.
We are a community with different ideas and different minds. That is what makes us unique and beautiful. Please respect other people, their ships, and their beliefs.
Kindness is always contagious.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I’m not going to excuse people getting threatening messages because that’s just fucking wrong, no matter what. But you very much shared an ask response on the main Bridgerton tag about Colin being confused and fucking Penelope’s belly button. Like okay, maybe it seems like a funny joke of him being a clueless virgin? But I have heard the fat joke countless times growing up, about a woman being so fat that a man might make that mistake. And hey, maybe you never experienced that but it’s really hurtful. It just comes off as incredibly fatphobic, so if you’re not actively trying to hurt people, please try harder?
Anon is talking about this post
[Shoutout to my friends for looking this over before I posted @sweetestviscount @sophiamariabeckett and @hptriviachamp & @jeanvanjer for the HR insight]
Hey there, thank you for sending this ask and letting me know in a civil manner! While they were not death threats aimed at me - I’m hoping I never get those - THIS is the way to broach things that are hurtful not call people disgusting names and hope they die. Under no circumstances should we ever try to justify death threats under the guise of moralising. That being said, I genuinely thank you for the way you wrote this, anon. 
I definitely hear you and understand your frustration on hearing countless fat jokes growing up. That must have been really shitty and I'm genuinely sorry about that. I promise you this blog is a safe space for those who wish to make it as such and, while I condemn Show!Penelope for her actions, I am actively anti-fatphobic and DO NOT tolerate it on here at all!
However, I would like to clarify the joke in the ask and the anon who sent it very much confirmed it too. You were somewhat right in your first guess:
Like okay, maybe it seems like a funny joke of him being a clueless virgin?
You may also have missed a related ask here where I explicitly stated this:
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To a certain extent, it is about his cluelessness as a virgin but mainly about the lack of his sexual prowess and so I assure you, the joke is 100% on Show!Colin and the way he is currently being written and nothing against Pen or her weight at all.
Like I said in the screenshot above, literally nothing wrong with being a virgin! It can be great and you aren't always clueless. Again, this is HR (Historical Romance) show and that comes with a certain standard. If they want to keep him a virgin, that's great - more rep for people like us! But he needs to be a Hot Virgin™ and if he was clueless, let Pen teach him or something! That's a solid trope.
While we are on the topic, I do want to defend Pen against the show and the way the showrunners clearly view her. Aside from the horrible things she's done to innocent people in the Ton, hate-criming the POCs and backstabbing those closest to her, it's very telling that Daphne and Kate got Regé Jean Page as Simon and Jonathan Bailey as Anthony respectively who do have a large number of people who find them hot (if they aren't your type, fine but you can't deny they are on the higher end of an objective attractiveness scale). They fit the standard of a typical Hot HR Hero and that's what their wives deserve!!
Why doesn't Pen get the same type of hero? Why isn't she written like Daph and Kate who also hit the standard of HR heroines? Yes, Penelope is framed sympathetically by the narrative after everything she's done but when you put together all the actions I listed above, she is also written as a villain that gets away with everything (so far - we don't know if she'll even apologise in S3). If this was any other show where she wasn't guaranteed Colin as her endgame, she would be a villain.
It's just really annoying to see the (1) one fat main character on the show not given the HR heroine treatment and given a boy next door looking man who is very close to doing brownface if that tan from Greece keeps up. Book Pen (pre-TVWLM weight loss) and Nicola deserved the HR treatment!! 
[I have said this a couple of times on my blog but Newts is cute; especially his S1 looks but it not exactly HR Hot but if he gets you going, that’s great! He’s just not it for the majority of us and that’s okay too.]
To close this off, again I do apologise that the original ask hurt you and may have brought up painful memories. That was neither Jett Anon's intention nor mine, I hope the clarification helped and my DMs are open if you do want to vent about this more.
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sheriffslop · 1 year
Lop’s Shipping Discourse Statement !! ✨ ( TW ; Uncensored Mentions of Gr**ming / P*dophilia )
Just releasing this now, so there is less misconceptions about what I have said due to discourse lately. I’m in no way, calling anyone a predator for their ships, however, we have to understand that sometimes media imported from Japan is problematic in a sense, and I know, I know, I know that sometimes there are characters from various mangas, shows, games, etc. where the characters look young but they are legal adults.
I am a baby faced adult, however, I can fully say with confidence that while you personally aren’t a weird, disgusting creep, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any out there that do get drawn to media, using the reason that the character is legal to be creepy about certain aspects. I personally have been fetishized for looking young, even when I was a minor, and y’all have no idea how frequently I have heard statements such as “ I can’t wait until you’re legal “ - I literally had one of the men that groomed / assaulted me reach out not even two weeks after I turned eighteen, trying to get me to visit him states away without my family, that’s when I realized that it was over all an extremely wrong concept, especially since he still mentioned that I was pretty, asked if I still had braces ( something commonly worn on teenagers ). I don’t know what he was planning, but I know it wasn’t good. He wasn’t the only one to act this way towards myself as well. I’ve even had strange men approach me in public and immediately go with pickup lines talking about how “ young “ and “ innocent “ I look, and I know this sounds extreme and maybe even false, but I just want to explain why I have a stance that I do on this issue.
What I am saying is that when the age isn’t confirmed, and a lot of media from Japan has banked off of this concept, it’s a very dicey territory. You guys out there saying Yuma is a legal adult is whatever, it’s fine, for the most part, I’ve been joking, however, I can under that might not have seemed clear due to not using tone tags or being more explicit in the way I was speaking, and tone is always extremely hard to get across using text. For this, I apologize and I never wanted to make anyone feel uncomfortable in the fandom or make anyone feel as if I was directly calling them a predator. That was aggressive and uncalled for on my behalf, and I promise, I’m genuinely not a very hateful person, and those actions absolutely contradict with who I am. I want everyone to have fun here, enjoy being a part of the fandom on the internet, however, I also have my own boundaries concerning this sort of stuff, and I would like for us to reach a mutual understanding.
Just for my personal boundaries, I ask that nobody sends any ships involving Yuma and a confirmed adult in my inbox because it makes me uncomfortable personally, considering that I view him as a minor, and the game already puts him in situations and has him having discussions I find to be a bit icky already. This is more so because I have trauma relating to this sort of stuff and I would like my boundaries respected. I apologize again if I have violated or bullied anybody else over their views.
I’m definitely not saying to stop creating content, I still find the memes to be hilarious and everyone!s artwork thus far has been pretty good, and I’m glad to see people creating or consuming content that they enjoy, because that’s what being a fan is all about !! If your interpretation of Yuma is different than my own, then please, see it that way.
My issue isn’t with you, it’s with Kodaka, it’s with loli / shota bait, it’s with the passive sexualization of characterization belonging to minors, because I believe that it passively promotes the idea to objectify a minor in a light they don’t need to be objectified in. I hope you understand, just as I’m trying to be a bit more understanding with you all.
Regardless !! I appreciate the support and the feedback, I’ve had a ton of fun discussions and seen a lot of enjoyable content thus far. I don’t want anyone to give up, because this is basically the birthing stage of a fandom. Enjoy yourself, have fun, create and enjoy to your heart’s content. 💕✨🥂
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normallyxstranger · 2 years
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Fictober22 (@fictober-event) Day 19 — "Do we have a deal?"
featuring Carla Carlyle & Sara Minder — characters from The New Ashton Chronicles, written & role-played by F.R. Southerland (@normallyxstranger | @frsoutherlandauthor | www.frsoutherland.com) © October 2022
original fiction
general warnings: strong language, violence mention
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     Of all the people that could’ve walked into The Other Realm Comics shop, Sara was the last one she expected—and the one she most loathed.
     No, not people. Not a person. Demon. Carla had to remember to correct herself on that because Sara was… very different. Carla knew demons—she worked for one, after all—but Dylan was a different sort. He was able to act remotely human, showing some sort of capacity for emotion and even seemingly enjoying the time he spent among humans in their world. Sara, on the other hand…
     She could see the hate the second she entered the shop via the backroom. Her nose went up in the air and her dark eyes stared down at everything, but especially at Carla. 
     “Oh. You’re here,” she said with clear disdain, exhaling an exaggerated sigh.
     If it was anyone else, Carla would not have hesitated to answer with her usual snark. Knowing Sara would kill her in two seconds flat, with just a swipe of those sharp—but finely manicured—nails, she thought it best to have some respect along with her fear. Sara certainly wasn’t Dylan and wouldn’t react at all in the same jovial way.
     “Yes. I am,” she stated, working to keep her voice completely flat, even. “I work here.” As if that wasn’t clear from her position behind the register, the stupid name-tag. 
     The demon’s eyes swept the room. “Hmm.”
     Carla took in a deep breath, biting her tongue to hold back a nasty comment. “Is there something I can help you with?” She put on her best customer service smile, the tightness of the feigned friendliness straining her cheeks. 
     “You? Help me?” She gave a sharp laugh and strode forward, past Carla and the counter and toward the shelves of comics and graphic novels. “I doubt it. I don’t need the help of a human.” She spat the word out, as if Carla were a roach or a bug or some disgusting thing that shouldn’t exist.
     That just about did it. She very nearly threw back her own harsh words, but managed to hold back. She searched her mind for something to say, some counter that wouldn’t further incur her wrath or ire or piss her off any more. The only thing she could think of was another question. “What are you doing here?”
     For a few moments, Sara’s gaze continued to look over the bright covers of the comics on display, before she turned to her. “Obviously, I’ve come for him. Dylan. He was not upstairs, I thought he might be here, but I was clearly wrong.” Her upper lip drew back in a sneer. She stood a little taller, her lithe form having all the grace of a black cat ready to pounce. “I’ve decided to wait for him. Leave.”
      There was no question in that. No request. It was a demand. Ugh. Demons.
      Unable to hold back any more, Carla scoffed. “Uh, no. I’m not leaving. I’m working my shift and I have a right to be here—”
      “Go or I’ll slice that thick neck of yours.” Her lips pulled into a tight, humorless smile. “I don’t offer a choice often but because he likes you, for some reason, I’m willing to play… nice.” A pause. “Do we have a deal?”
     Well, Carla wasn’t gonna argue with that. She could just think of this as… paid time off. A much needed day to herself. She didn’t even need to think about it. It was leave or die and she was not fucking dying today in this damned comic shop.
     “Just let me grab my purse.”
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iwamines · 2 years
while i’m getting a carrd set up which may take a few days, here’s some rules.
—» icon psd by @/fnsies. —» icon borders made by me, do not use without permission.
—»Hiya! My name’s Dev, I’m 21+ and a trans man (he/him).
—» This blog is also partially run by our headmates called Viola and Luci (as we are part of a system)! Please be kind to them both (Viola goes by they/them and Luci goes by he/him)!
—» Secondly, some things that Shuu’s done in canon DOES make me uncomfortable (and in some cases, legitimately triggered), so this blog will be canon-divergent.
—» Don’t follow this blog if you’re a minor.
—»I tag every possible trigger I can think of, just at the off-chance I can make someone uncomfortable. However, if I don’t tag something that triggers you, feel free to tell me and I’ll immediately change that. My tagging format is “#trigger /”
—»I’m happy to be followed by, follow, and rp with duplicates!
—»I’m mentally ill, neurodivergent and disabled. I can’t promise that I’ll always be in a good headspace for writing, I’ll always try to notify people if I’ll be offline due to complications.
—»There are some fandoms I am deeply uncomfortable with, and I will not follow/rp with you if you rp characters from them. These fandoms are: undertale, killing stalking, snk, bnha and hazbin hotel. I’ll add to this as if i am followed by any other fandoms that make me discomforted.
—» It's very unfortunate that I have to put this here, but for the sake of new followers, I need you to be aware that I am currently in the process of being stalked by seemingly multiple people. If you wish to follow me, you need to be prepared that you will receive asks or messages about me, and if this will make your mental state worse, I understand if you don't want to follow. I really do.
—»This blog is private. If I do not follow you, I do not wish to rp. Don’t send me IC asks if you’re not a mutual.
—»Tag your alcohol mentions, drug mentions, age gap, incest, and abusive themes/references of any sort. Failure to tag on multiple occasions will get you unfollowed and possibly blocked. If you don’t know if something should be tagged, you are free to ask me or simply tag the post as “dev don’t look”.
—»If we follow each other, I’d like to interact! Mutuals that I don’t interact with at all will eventually be unfollowed, so if you want to interact with me, please don’t hesitate to do so.
—»Please do not follow me if you engage in minor/adult ships (including aged up minors). If you follow me and roleplay this, you will be blocked.
—»Don’t follow me if you rp smut/suggestive situations with minor characters. This includes when they’re aged up.
—»My interpretation of Shuu is genderqueer and questioning. Respect that.
—» I need to emphasize that I am not, nor will I ever be gentle towards those who I have discovered to be racist, transphobic, antisemitic, or anything of the like. If you have come here expecting me to be tolerant of people within the rp community who display these behaviours, you have come to the wrong blog.
—» Shuu has no interest in Hiyoko outside of wanting to use her for plot progression. His seemingly romantic interest in her in the first game is being entirely scrapped on this blog. I don't feel like I have to explain why it's bad.
—» I'm open to rping Shuu's partridge form upon request but this will be, by default, a human!au blog.
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rainbowdanganronpaa · 2 years
rainbowdanganronpa is over/inactive; please stop using any of my designs & artwork
to get it out of the way:
PLEASE do not make FANART of my designs, DO NOT WRITE FANFIC, and please DO NOT EVER COSPLAY MY DESIGNS. i dont know why you’d want to cosplay them anyway they look weird as hell.
TL;DR dont use my designs/art for anything and do not reupload it anywhere.
no fanart. no cosplay. no pfps or edits. no fanfic, especially. stop stealing my art work and designs, especially when you sell them on horrible quality merch. NO ONE has the rights to use any of my artwork/edits/designs/etc.
seriously i didnt think people would wanna steal damn scenekids edits so bad.
 this might seem like im overreacting but ive genuinely had this happen dozens of times and almost took legal action several times against people illegally using my artwork and designs.
ALSO ESPECIALLY STOP SEXUALIZING MY KAZUICHI, GOD DAMN. YALL ARE WEIRD. IN MY AU HE IS ASEXUAL AROMANTIC. STOP CALLING HIM HOT AND SAYING YOU’RE GONNA BEAT OFF TO HIM. like seriously why would you post that ANYWHERE on the internet, let alone an scenekid aroace edit of kazuichi souda made by a teenager at the time? thats just weird like get a life dude
i wanted to leave this AU on a positive note but anyone who saw my other update post knows already. this is a very passionate response because i and other scene danganronpa fans have been dealing with this for over 3 years, along with general homophob!c harassment. very ironic considering this is danganronpa we’re talking about. for context, i will not be looking up anything under my au tags or anything relating to scene danganronpa again, so i will not see any of your messages or responses.
i am sick and tired of the continuous disrespect of the scene danganronpa community to my and other artists boundaries. you constantly reupload our artwork without permission, steal our designs, and illegal sell our artwork/designs, then spew some of the most vile insults when we point it out. this is an issue MULTIPLE scene DR fans have dealt with. i have absolutely no motivation or want to return to the community if you all continue to disrespect artists.
 seriously, this is the scenekid danganronpa community, why is it so awful??? i just wanted to make funny scenekid edits for fun, now im sad i ever posted my art online, and have seen other artists wish the same. i also dont even like to consider myself a scenekid anymore considering their history of platforming horrible people and just generally being pretty disgusting, but thats a whole can of worms.
thank you to all the people who were respectful. when i was still active in our little community + the scenekid DR community as a whole, it was really cool. i was super into scene fashion at the time and it was fun meeting other scenekids who liked danganronpa, and had similar HCs to mine. it was really awesome whenever i posted a new edit and someone said “hey! ive been waiting for you to do this character :)” and actually made me tear up a few times. realistically its not that big of a deal, it was just cool seeing so many people genuinely appreciate my artwork, even if it was just badly done scenekid edits of danganronpa characters. i really loved seeing people make content /inspired/ by my edits and even say they wanted to cosplay them. while i dont have those feelings anymore, it was fun while it lasted. sorry if this seems really sappy and overly serious, im not sure how to write things casually, HaHa.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
block the grabber tag and don't use it so we dont have to read each others shit it's that simple. If you're not into it, that's totally fine but it's literally not our problem if you like it or not. Still gonna read it, still gonna enjoy it. Nobody gets off on the idea that he killed/molested children. The writers don't write him canon so in these fics he's not a pedo. It's really not that hard to mind your business. There are plenty of stuff I don't like and instead of getting on these people's nerves, I just block them. Cause I know that they don't give a fuck 🤷🏻‍♀️
did you ignore the entire second half of my post?
I have tried, I've done everything I can't to avoid it, and I still see it. (99% of the posts in this fandom use the grabber tag, I will do a lot to avoid grabber simps but I'm not going to abandon the whole fandom just because some creeps want to make gross shit, not gonna happen, I'm not getting shoved in a corner)
also I have every right to call out people who simp for a child molester, since half of the fics (that I never even looked for to begin with) I've seen heavily involve what he did to those kids in one way or another. it's the internet, I have every right to post what I want, just as much as you have every choice to post what you want; but that doesn't mean I'm not going to shame gross behavior, and make it oh so fucking clear I hate any and every grabber/ghost crew simp, and that I find it disgusting. simple as that.
I don't care what they do or don't think, what they do or don't care about, half of me making that post was to rant because I'm fucking aggravated, it grinds my gears as a fucking victim, so I did what everyone does now a days and I made a post about. another good chunk of reason I made that post is so other victims in my position don't have to feel alone in their anger, not even just other victims, other empathetic human beings who see how this is wrong. honestly, outside of warning grabber simps off my page, I didn't post that to try and shift anyone's minds, because if your fucked up enough to simp for him I have little faith in you as a person. I knew I wasn't gonna change any minds, but I still posted because even one person was forced to reflect because of it, then that's better than nothing.
personally, if after I have done my duty to avoid grabber simps and I still manage to see one, I'm gonna call them out. because I have zero respect or empathy for people who can do that. and it's not just his character, I have a whole list, he's just the one that's relevant right now.
I'm just really fed up with being told to just shut up when I call out pedo simps, like it really fucking sucks. like why should you get away with that, while victims are forced into corners, they're the ones who are supposed to out in the work to avoid this shit. like sit in our corner for a second, think about how we see all this shit.
(this isn't solely directed at you btw, it's for anyone else who wants to say something like this, you included, but not only you if you catch my drift)
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
Rescheduled Lesson
Fandom: Enola Holmes
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x female reader
Word count: 3K
anon said: Can I request a Sherlock x reader where she visited Enola often when Sherlock left on long cases, so they became good friends? And when Enola runs away to find her mom, she goes to stay with the reader, which Sherlock deduces and tries to get her to let him find Enola and talk to her? -&
A/N: this request was amazing and I loved every bit of it!!! I put all my inspiration in this, tried to make the personality of the character good, so I hope you like this piece, love, I did my best!! (also I’m thinking about a part 2? if you guys like it let me know, I would be delighted to write it) (had to repost guys, I'm sorry!!)
also, the tag list for this fandom is open!!!
gif credit: @henrycavilledits
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❧ You knew the Holmes family was nothing like the other families that lived in the countryside. The father had died many years before. The two oldest sons had already left home, to live their lives and follow the careers they desired. On that incredibly big house, where once lived a family, there was only a mother and her youngest child left. Perhaps the fact that you yourself was considered a little off by other people, was the fact that made you become friends with them.
You lived completely alone, surrounded by books in a small house. Your life was made of studying, researching and writing texts about science. You loved it, great authors of the matter being your inspiration. You tried to learn their teachings and with luck, wanted others to learn as well. You almost couldn’t believe when one day in the middle of a sunny afternoon, Eudoria Holmes had showed up at your door and invited you to her house, where she asked you to be Enola’s science teacher. She educated her daughter not for society, but for herself, so that she could find her own path when she came to grow up. That instantly made you respect that woman and accept her offer.
Twice a week you would go to the Holmes’s house and spend hours and more hours teaching the girl. Darwin, Copernicus, Newton, Galilei. She was eager to know and you were eager to teach her. She was the first student you had that actually wanted to learn and that was amazing. Made you proud and happy, more than you could say. At the evening, Eudoria would ask you to stay for dinner. You would put lessons aside and talk and laugh together. They were like your family, the one you didn’t had.
You were always excited for the days of teaching Enola to come soon. They were your absolute favorites of the week. In the beginning of the afternoon of one of those days, you had been incredibly surprised by a knock on your front door while you gathered the books you would make the girl read and study. Frowning, because you never had visitors or received letters, you went to attend the door.
And when you opened it, you saw that your visitor was Enola herself.
“Hi, Miss (Y/L/N)” the girl smiled at you, a little forced smile that instantly made your frown grow deeper. She was wearing boy’s clothes, even a hat, and her long brown hair had been hidden inside of it. “I’m afraid today’s lesson will have to be rescheduled”
“Enola, what…” you began, confused. You had seen her dressed in boy’s clothes before around her house, that wasn’t a big deal. She did find them more comfortable, she had told you before. But the fact that she concealed her hair as if she wanted to hide it and the expression on her face, something that you couldn’t quite identify but resembled urgency, was enough for you to get anxious.
“Please, Miss (Y/L/N), can I come in? I promise I’ll explain everything you want to know” she pleaded, eyes locked on yours as she did so. The tone on her voice made you nod and take a step to the side, locking the door once she was already inside. “I had never been here. Your house is really amazing” the girl seemed overwhelmed by all the books and unfinished texts you had around, laying on tables and shelves.
“Thank you” you said, mind still running fast as you tried to understand what was happening. You walked after the girl, that had advanced until she reached the next room of your house, one who only had two couches and a table. “Enola, what is going on?” her face instantly lost the admiration she was having for your belongings. Her eyes went to the floor, and she went silent. That made you sight. “Enola, you promise you would explain. And you know you can trust me”
That seemed to make her come around, because she sighted as you had just did and sat at one of your couches. Or better, she laid down on it, placing her head over a pillow and focusing her eyes on the roof. Her hands were joined over her chest. “I came here because I wanted to hide, Miss (Y/L/N). I’m running away”
Your eyes went wide at that declaration and you sat on the other couch, realizing that would probably be a long conversation. “Enola! Think about your mother! She loves you. Your disappearance will hurt her deeply”
“No, no, I’m not running away from my mother. I’m running away to find her” the girl sat straight on the couch, eyes meeting yours again like they had before at the door. She could see the confusion in your eyes grow by each word she spoke. “My mother went missing a few days ago, Miss (Y/L/N). She didn’t say goodbye or said where she was going. She only left me clues, here and there that I’ll have to use to find her”
Worry got a hold of you, the same worry you had recognized on Enola’s eyes. Eudoria. Where would she have gone? Was she fine? Not knowing you realized, was terrible. As you thought about what Enola had just said, another question got to your mind. “If your mother is missing, who are you running away from, Enola?”
“My brothers. Sherlock and Mycroft. Well, especially Mycroft, because he wants to send me to a finishing school, that prepares young women for society” the clear disgust in her voice would have made you laugh if you weren’t so worried.
“Where will you go to find your mother, Enola? What plans do you have? Do you want me to go with you?” all questions left your mouth in such a rush, that it seemed like you had just spit out the words one after the other.
The young girl smiled kindly and got up, going to sit right next to you on the couch you were on. She grabbed your hands in hers gently and squeezed them tightly. “Thank you for offering to go with me, to support me, Miss (Y/L/N). Is more than my own brothers have done. But this is something I have to do alone, I have to be the one to find her and know why she left. And I think that the less you know, the better it will be”
Oh, that girl. You smiled while you looked at her. Eudoria had raised her to be a force of nature and had achieved that goal, brilliantly. You squeezed her hands back in affection. “When will you leave?”
“At sundown today” she said, so quickly that you realized she had already thought about everything. At least, on that phase of that 'plan' to find her dear mother. “Will walk to the train station, not the closest one but the next, and get on the first train in the morning tomorrow. In this way, I’m quite sure my brothers won’t be able to understand my intentions soon enough as to catch me”
“Very well” you passed your arms around her and hugged her tight, sighting. “Let’s get you some food for your journey, then. If you find Eudoria and she finds out I let you almost starve I’ll get in trouble”
Enola laughed as she hugged you back.
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Enola had left at sundown of the previous day, just like she had said she would. Carrying nothing more than money her mother had left her, a bag of food you had given her and her favorite book of yours, Origin of Species, you had watched her walk away into the night alone, as her name backwards spelled.
You had spent the whole night incapable of sleeping, wondering if she was fine and if she hadn’t encountered any dangers as she travelled on foot. You worried so much but all you could do, was hope that she would stay safe and find her mother. Soon.
On the next day, you had spent the morning and the beginning of the afternoon distracted. Tried to complete some of your works, but couldn’t. Your mind would always go back to the gone girl and her well being.
You had frustratedly been trying to read the same page of one of your books for fifteen minutes, without being capable of keeping any attention on it, when for the second time in a long time, you heard knocks at the front door.
You got up instantly, leaving the book forgotten upon the closest table as you rushed to the door, already smiling at the thought at Enola had came around on her idea of going alone and was back to ask you to go with her.
When you opened the door though, you realized that it wasn’t Enola who had knocked. It had been a man. A man you had never seen before.
He was tall, it was the first thing you noticed. The fact that he had no beard, was the second. And then, details of him came rushing into your mind through your eyes. He had short, curly hair, bright eyes and memorable features. He wore a white shirt, a brown vest with small white details in it and a brown suit as well as trousers of the same color. No tie which was insula for men that well dressed.
“May I help you?” you frowned at him, holding the wooden door firmly with one of your hands. To receive the visit of men, had always made you nervous. You lived alone, after all, and the world was becoming a more violent place day by day.
“I hope so” he said, which such confidence on his voice that it actually made you raise your eyebrows at him. His eyes were fixed in you, analyzing your face with much intensity. Far more than you thought it would be appropriate. “I’m Sherlock Holmes. And I suppose you are Miss (Y/L/N), my sister’s science teacher”
You took a moment to watch him again, trying to put into your mind that the man in front of you was the Sherlock Holmes, the detective who was making a name on England, solving the most incredible and difficult cases on his own. After long seconds of silence where you only stared at each other, you cleaned your throat. “I am in fact Enola’s teacher, Mr. Holmes. How did you know?”
“I found her works, studies on great science authors. They all had writings on the borders where she constantly mentioned a desire to please and make a 'Miss (Y/L/N)' proud. It only took me a visit to one of the closest houses to ask who it was and get pointed in your house’s direction” he explained, in an impersonal tone quite fitting to a detective. He saw the incisive tone look you were giving him, filled with suspicion, and smiled slightly as he looked at his feet, before focusing his eyes back on yours. “I came here because Enola ran away from home, Miss (Y/L/N). And I think she would come here to see you if she needed help”
You sighted, looking into his eyes. You remembered Enola’s words, where she had told you Mycroft was the one who wanted to send her to a finishing school, the one who had made her run away. If that had been Mycroft Holmes at your door, you would have denied being her teacher or even knowing the girl, wanting to cut the conversation short. But that was Sherlock Holmes. Enola hadn’t expressed much anger towards him and honestly, he would for sure find out the truth on his own. He was the best detective there was in the nowadays. You tell him, would just spin faster the process and you would be able to send him away sooner.
“Come in, Mr. Holmes” you took a step aside, motioning for him to come in. He did, in slow calculated steps and once he was inside you closed the door, sighting. You expected him to say something, but he didn’t. Not at first. Instead he walked around just like Enola had done, eyes floating through the uncountable books you had, all in a complete mess over the tables, piles and more piles of them . “She was indeed here, your sister”
He turned his head to look at you, a genuine smile on his lips. “I was already certain of that” then he walked towards one of the tables, fingers running through one of works. The paper was a bit kneaded, but he didn’t seem to care. “The works you did with Enola, the amount of things she learned… they were quite impressive”
You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to contain your surprise to know you had impressed the most impressive man of all, Sherlock Holmes. You waited for him to speak again, but he didn’t, just kept on walking through the room and inspecting your things with his perceptive eyes. “I don’t know where she is, Mr. Holmes. She left many hours ago”
He placed his hands on the pockets of his trousers, turning completely to you the resemblance of his previous smile on his lips. “And I believe she didn’t tell you what were her plans?”
“No and if she had, I wouldn’t tell you” you said and went to sit on a chair, at the table he had been studying with his eyes previously.
“Mind if I take off my suit?” he asked simply. You just nodded for him to go on, not giving it much thought. He took off his brown suit in gracious movements, then placed it in one of the other empty chairs close by. “May I ask why you wouldn’t tell me my sister’s plans, Miss (Y/L/N), if you knew them?”
“Enola said your brother wants to send her to a finishing school” you replied, watching as one after the other, he folded the sleeves of his white shirt until they got close to his elbow. Unconsciously, you noticed how his muscles could be seen from under his shirt. “To try to turn such a brilliant, incredibly smart young girl into a 'lady society' would be a terrible mistake. She shouldn’t be forced to do it” at the end of that sentence, Sherlock Holmes had grabbed two books in his hands and after reading the tiles, he went to the shelves and started placing them there. “Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing?”
“I am organizing your books, Miss (Y/L/N). In alphabetical order, of course. Like I’ve noticed you do after a quick inspection” he smiled at you again, placing those two in place. Then, he went to the table and grabbed a few more. “I personally agree with you. I don’t think Enola should be sent to such a place, but she is my brother’s ward. It is out of my hands” he read the titles, then turned around to return to the shelves. “I suppose you weren’t raised as a lady of society also, for you live by yourself apparently and your academic interests”
“You’re wrong” you said with a little smile taking a hold of your lips, and that made him stop organizing the books and look at you with a frown. She shouldn’t be wrong often. “I was raised to be a lady, until the point where my parents died. After that, I started to live on my own, for I had no more relatives. It gave me a chance to become who I wanted to be, instead of whom I was being carved into”
“You chose your own path” he said with a bigger smile this time and when you nodded in agreement, he returned his look at the shelves. “How did your parents die?”
“They were murdered” you tried to swallow the knot on your throat. Even though they had been controlling parents to the most when regarding your future, they were still your parents, and you loved and missed them. “The police never found out by whom”
“The police can be quite… inefficient” he turned back around with his hands already empty. “I’m really sorry”
“Thank you” you said, squeezing your lips in a thin line as old memories came to surface. Things you hadn’t you thought about in a long, long time. “If there isn’t anything else, may I escort you to the door?”
Your polite way of sending him away made him smile.
He placed the books he had just gathered back on the table, grabbed his suit and accompanied you towards the door, not bothering to dress the piece again. You opened the door and he stepped out, turning to look at you once more. His eyes were curious, interesting. Full of something you couldn’t quite identify, so mysterious as his sister’s.
“If you find Enola, don’t stop her from trying to find your mother” you told him, trying to repress the emotion in your voice. “Not knowing what happened… can be quite disturbing”
“I promise, stop her, is not my intention” he looked down at his feet once again, as if he was thinking for a brief moment, before his eyes went back to yours. “I could try to find out what happened to your parents. Who was their murderer”
“I don’t have much money, Mr. Holmes” you told him, your turn now to look down at your feet.
“I never said you would have to pay” he replied and with that your gaze snapped back up to meet his, and that made him chuckle. You couldn’t deny he looked quite beautiful when doing that. “You were there for my sister through much time and when she needed help, when I wasn’t. That is enough paying for me. Think about it, Miss (Y/L/N). After I find my sister and discover where is my mother, I am willing to take over your case. If you want me to” he nodded his head in your direction in a silent appreciation for your reception in your house and began to turn to walk away, but stopped himself in the middle of such movement. “May I know your first name?”
You smiled softly at that. “It’s (Y/N), Mr. Holmes”
“Please, call me Sherlock”
And after that, he walked away.
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waywardsummoner46 · 3 years
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A/N: Second one shot, yay! Definitely toying with expanding this as well as my Lucifer!Sam and Michael!Dean fic. I’m open to requests and let me know if you want to be added to my tag list (never had one before, oo this is exciting). As ever enjoy the fic and let me know what you think!
Word count ~ 1620
Alright so, not to sugar coat anything but this was an absolute nightmare.
  You, Sam and Castiel had gotten word of a hunt - well more Sam but that’s besides the point - and had left yesterday. You’d paused at a gas station outside of a place called Charming Acres but the dude at the counter said something was off about the place… so naturally (or supernaturally) you all went to check it out. And a dude’s head just completely blew up out of the blue after he came in for his phone?
  Pulling into the town itself, now that was something. You felt as though you’d walked into a 1950s sitcom about some cheesy, lovesick marriage story. Something that you’d like to stay well away from. Consequently, you met a cheesy, lovesick couple called Justin and Cindy Smith who said they’d heard absolute zilch about any deaths and “this is a very close-knit community, nothing goes on here without everyone knowing” blah blah blah.
  Anyway, the strangest thing for you wasn’t the clothes, nor was it the 1950s behaviour, no, it was the fact Justin didn’t seem to recognise what a phone was. You silently ogled at him but he paid no attention to you. So now you definitely thought something was off about this place. 
  After that fateful encounter, you all stumbled upon the local diner “Harrington’s” who was run by the Mayor Chip Harrington and his daughter Sunny. You thought Sunny was a very sweet young woman who honestly looked like someone you’d get along with, however you noticed her head perked up once conversation about Conrad (watermelon head guy) started. Castiel so delicately stated, “Oh no! His head exploded” rendering everyone in the diner speechless.
  The Mayor stuttered for a moment then questioned “Excuse me?”
  “Like a ripe melon in the sun.”
  Whilst this confrontation was happening, Sunny gave you and Sam milkshakes, as Cas had refused earlier, so you were busy trying not to spit it out as you found that conversation hilarious. Chippy boy gave you the information where Conrad was last seen and then you all took off but not before Sam abruptly said “Alright, you know what? We’re leaving, bye.” And that was that.
  When you’d all arrived at the boarding house, a too cheerful Ms. Dowling greeted you at the door, and creepily said she knew you were coming because it’s a small town and things travel fast. Honestly, what is it with these people? From there, and after a brief explanation on why you all were there, she showed you to Conrad’s room and said he moved in a few weeks ago.
  Being your observant self, you came to the conclusion that the bed had been barely used but there were passionate and just plain disgusting letters under the mattress addressed from Sunny (so maybe she wasn’t so innocent, neither were you).
   At the same time Sam suggested you all stay overnight and divulge and investigate more thoroughly in the morning and yet his almost desperate tone of voice put you on edge. Obviously, you were all tired and weary but Sam was just on a whole new level of “oh this is amazing, we should stay here because it’s so cool”. So reluctantly, you and Cas agreed but not before exchanging an uncertain glance with each other, the intuition of a teenager and an angel right?
  Sam and you were sharing a room since Cas had insisted on his own, and instantly something changed with how he addressed you. “(Y/N), please take your shoes off, you’ll ruin this lovely carpet,” and “(Y/N), sweetheart, don’t you think wearing something a little more lady-like would be more appropriate, hm?” 
 All you could do what was sit and stare because not once had Sam ever been this pedantic or pathetic and he certainly had never called you “sweetheart”, so too baffled to engage in intelligent conversation, you went to bed just after Sam as you were too busy burning incredulous holes into the back if his hairy head. Struggling to grasp sleep, you softly whispered a “What the fuck?” and thank god Sam didn’t hear you because you would’ve absolutely hated the outcome.
  The next morning you were woken up quite rudely by an angel banging on your door. Blearily you struggled out of bed and opened the door, rubbing your eyes. “What time is it?” You said.
 “Time to get up, get dressed and Sam-Sam?”
 Noting Castiel’s confusion, you turned quickly in what was once Sam’s direction only to find your lovable older brother had disappeared to Chuck knows where. Great, man hunt at ridiculous o’clock in the morning. Cas immediately raced down to the stairs to seemingly find Ms. Dowling leaving you rushing to change into something more appropriate that pyjamas.
 Descending the stairs you notice the front door open and a frantic looking Castiel waiting in the Impala, waving for you to get in. Shouting a quick “thank you!” to Ms. Dowling, you sprant for the car and sat in Sam’s seat.
 Castiel started the car and you asked “So? We know where he went?” 
  “I’ve been told he left this morning saying he was going on a walk to the diner and wanted a milkshake, but only after screaming at Ms. Dowling who had her eardrums blocked with ear plugs,” he said. You nodded, absorbing the information and pondered why Sam would just up and leave for a milkshake.
  “Cas, you don’t think that there’s something wrong with the milkshake? Or like, this town in general? Because I do and Sam was being a real overbearing douchebag after you left yesterday and acting completely out of character.”
 He didn’t hesitate to nod his head, “I must admit, the strange customs have piqued my interest and Sam did drink quite a lot of that milkshake yesterday so it might be a possibility that there is a supernatural force going on here.”
  He looked like he wanted to say more, but you’d turned a corner and arrived just before the diner. Castiel left the car and went to inspect whilst you decided a smart move would be to ring Sam’s phone… only to find it ringing in the back of the car. Typical frustrating Winchester. 
  Placing your hands on your head, you massaged your temples and tried to think of any reasonable explanation as to what on earth was going on. 
 You heard the driver’s door being opened and looked over to see Castiel already turning the keys in the ignition. “He’s gone to Mr and Mrs. Smith's house,” was the only explanation you received.
  Suddenly determined, you nodded and said, “Alright, we’re getting somewhere, onward!” So, the car started and picked up speed, as you made your way to the Smith’s house you took a chance to observe the area a bit more.
  It was definitely something outdated and old-fashioned but the people did look happy, even if the shops were called something despicable like “The Rainbow Restaurant". It was very bright and colourful and you didn’t doubt that even if a thunderstorm hit, these people would still be acting on top of the world.
  Upon finally reaching your destination, you took notice of the white-picket fence and the massive garden. The house was huge and definitely unnecessary for only two people. Regardless, you and Cas sauntered up to the door and knocked three times respectively. On the third Cindy opened the door with a clear smile on her face and a very pleasant scent of lavender perfume. “Hello, can I help you?”
 You and Cas glanced at each other before he answered, “First of all, I’d like to offer my condolences for your husband's death but we really need to know-”
  He was cut off by a very confused Cindy Smith who said, “My husband? Honey, I think you might be mistaken. My darling husband is in the kitchen, fetching his newspaper. Justin, dear, come say hello!” 
 Again, Cas looked like he wanted to continue but a very familiar, moose-like voice interrupted “Coming darling! Won’t take two slices  of a carrot cake!” It was, unmistakably, Sam.  You gaped and stared questioningly at Cas in silent question. He merely returned your look.
  Moments later, Sam appeared in the doorway. Wearing a pair of glasses. A ponytail. And a fucking cardigan. A cardigan, because why the hell not? He wrapped his hands around Cindy’s waist and looked at us in confusion. Or sorry, at Cas in confusion, but when his gaze landed on you his face went more stern. 
 “Young lady, do you not remember what I said about un lady-like clothing? Because those denim jeans and that ridiculous jumper are hardly suitable for my daughter, little miss. I suggest you get in this house right now and put on that lovely dress your mother bought you,” he basically seethed.
  Now you were definitely the equivalent of a fish, with your wide mouth and wide eyes. You managed to compose yourself a bit before stuttering “Sam?”
 His eye twitched and there was no warning before he grabbed your arm and pulled you in the house then promptly dragged you into the sitting area. He guided you to the sofa on the left of the fireplace and very softly explained, “My sweet honey, I know that this is hard for you, but your mother and I want what’s best for you. Now, be a good girl and wait here until your mother and I have finished our pleasant conversation with our new neighbour, hm?” Then he planted a kiss on your forehead and returned to Cindy’s side to continue conversing with Cas.
  All you could think was: what the fuck?
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cuddlesslut · 4 years
Part Seven: Regrets
Atsumu x fem reader, Suna x rem reader, Hinata x fem reader
A/N: guess who’s fridge went out and won’t be able to get a new one till the 15th 🙋🏻‍♀️😩. Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual it’s kind of a filler But next chapter should be pretty long. I know a couple of people were wonder what happened with him so here we are with the return of a character. I might set up a poll for who should YN end up with so look out for that. I’m going to start writing my next story soon it’s going to be another angst!
Warning: Angst that’s about it. Maybe a lil lewd language.
Part Six: Promises
Part Eight: Hope
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He laid in his empty bed staring up at his ceiling the only sound filtering through the room was the echo of the tv in the livingroom. He didn’t have the energy to go shut it off, plus he found comfort the noise it brought he found the silence unbearable. He sighed as he looked at the open space next to him. He never took much stock in how empty it felt without you next to him. The smell of your shampoo had long since vanished from the pillows. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine you were here next to him your head resting on his chest your hands interwoven talking about your plans for the day but while the memory played in his head clear as day his body had forgotten your warmth. It wasn’t too hard to picture , you had spent several morning just like that wrapped in each other’s embrace. He thinks to the mornings he’d walk out of his early showers to find you leaning against the kitchen counter drinking your morning coffee. He can still remember how you enjoyed your first cup of coffee to start your day. You liked your coffee sweet , but to were you could still taste the rich coffee flavor, always pairing it with an array of creamers. He remembers when you first started staying over at his place and he realized your affinity for flavored coffee he went out to the store and stocked up on as many flavors he could find in hopes you’d stay for more coffee before heading off to school. He loved that sight in the morning walking out and seeing you clad in just his shirt your hair a mess from last nights activities. But you weren’t here to have coffee in the morning, all of the creamers starting to expire, and he had no one to blame but himself.
Atsumu has spent the last seven month alone. There were a few nights he’d tried to pick up girls just to try and fill the gigantic hole left in his life by your absence but those all ended in disaster. One night he tried to have a careless hook up it didn’t get past the front door when he accidentally moaned your name when the random girl had cupped his manhood. She wasn’t very happy about that. He received a knee to the groin as she fleed the house. Another time he tried he was able to keep his mouth shut from making any mistakes after choosing a girl who was nothing like you but then he had another problem. He couldn’t get it up. You plagued his thoughts. You were the only woman his body wanted. It was quite embarrassing.
After Suna rocked his shit he finally started to snap out of his self pity. Why the hell was he crying? Because he was lonely? He can only imagine how lonely you felt every night he didn’t come home. He sighs running his hands down his face he really was a piece of shit he thinks. He didn’t treat you the way you deserved and he knows that. He knows he was selfish and inconsiderate. He knows he’s way to late but he regrets everything he did. Every single mistake eats away at him. None of it was worth it. Every flirt, every compliment that boosted his ego, the rush of excitement of being with someone else it was all worthless compared to being with you. He thinks back to everynight he stayed out late or he canceled dates, about the pain that hid behind your eyes. Now that his head wasn’t stuck up his ass he could finally see all of the misery he put you through. And he hated himself for it.
The setter wanted nothing more that to fix all of his mistakes, but he knew he was too late. Atsumu didn’t expect you to ever in a thousand years forgive him or even in a million years want him back, but he knows he can’t just do nothing. He’d spend the rest of his days trying to make amends. After Suna had pointed out how horrible he was for not looking for you he did everything to find you. He started by calling the University to see if you had been attending class but even with the title of fiancé , which he understood was false by not adding former to the title, they refused him any information to protect your privacy. He had long noticed the empty bank account but he wasn’t worried about that the money it was the least you deserved. Plus the fantasy of making you his wife and calling you YN Miya was nothing but a pipe dream now. So he’s sure the money would do you better. He tried to follow any money trail you left. He found the hotel that you must have run to that night. But even that was a bust leading to a dead end. He only knew one more course of action. He called your parents. They refused to answer his calls. Eventually he drove down to Hyogo by himself. The setter stood there on the front steps he’d stand on every morning when he’d walk you to school. It felt so familiar to knock on the cedar door, but everything felt so distant from his memories. Still he wasn’t quite sure what he expected, maybe for you to answer the door with a bright smile like you had all those years ago yet what he received was your mother standing there with a look of disgust present. He didn’t get a word in before she slammed the door in his face. He begged for her come back to please talk to him he just needed answers but he only received silence. He stayed there for close to an hour trying to get just a morsel of information. It was useless they refused to speak to him. That was his last idea he could come up with for finding you. Full of dread he made his way to his car ready to make the long drive home. The next day he received a phone call from his brother.
“Hey Samu what’s u-” the blonde started before his grey haired twin interrupted his greeting going straight to the point.
“She’s alive and fine,” Atsumus heart stuttered before he breathed a sigh of relief. He opened his mouth to ask his next question but Osamu cut him off yet again already knowing what his twin was going to ask.
“No we don’t know where she is. Kita-Senpai went to her parents and all they’d state was she was alive and out of harm, not that I’d tell you where she is if I knew,” Osamu’s tone was sharp. Atsumu knew he deserved that. His brother had made him well aware of his dissatisfaction in the blondes actions. He had to thank the his brother though, as upset he was with him he still looked out for him. Always checking up on him making sure he was eating and keeping up with his hygiene, throwing away all the liquor he could find because as disappointed he was with Atsumu he couldn’t let him tear himself apart.
“I know Samu, thank you for telling me.” He spoke softly before clicking the end call button.
He accepted that it was best he stayed out of your life. He wanted to make everything up to you and if staying out of your life was wanted then he’d respect your wishes. He spent the next months bettering himself. He cut all alcohol out of his life. Only going out when it was with his teammates although that was a rare occurrence they were also quite disappointed with how he had treated you, especially his wing spiker Sakusa. Omi-Omi had always had a soft spot for you. But still they didn’t let it affect their game play. He focused all of his energy on volleyball. He even started going to a few therapy sessions for his self distructive behaviors and impulses. He really wanted to do and be better if not for you then for himself. Although he still had trouble being home alone without you, never feeling quite whole. With out you this house would never truly be his home again. He was starting to get better and not drown in agony every morning he woke up alone although he knew he deserved it. One step that had made the process easier was boxing up the remainder of your belongings that you had left. For so long he had kept everything just as you left it hopeful for your return thinking maybe everything could go back to normal and life could be picked up where it was left off although this time he’d swear to never hurt you again. It was unrealistic to think that though. His therapist had told his several times it was a step he needed to take and while it took several months he was finally able to remove any trace from the house. That night he cried him self to sleep from the finality that came from not seeing a piece of you around as though you had never been there in the first place.
He regretted not cherishing you for the amazing woman you are. He’ll never forgive himself for losing the best thing to everything to happen to him. At Seven months since that night he was finally able to breath when he went home, not suffocating from regret every moment present in those walls. The Jackals were on a winning streak and even more exciting they had just got a new member. And after all these years he was able to hold up at least one promise he had made after breaking so many at least he could fulfill one promise by finally getting to set for Shoyo Hinata.
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