#for the woman of God
soundwavefucker69 · 9 months
bastille has done more for the queer community by just making all of their love songs about "you" instead of specifying a gender than taylor swift has in all of her discography. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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chloeworships · 3 months
Witchcraft and Envy Prayer:
For the ladies…
Dear Heavenly Father,
We come to you today to ask for justice and restoration. Our hearts are as heavy as armour and we are battle hardened and wounded.
We were sympathetic and kind to others yet in their hearts they deceived and envied us unaware of the sacrifices you’ve asked us to make to be where we are and where we are going. And so Heavenly Father since the evil one entered them just as he entered Judas and since they do not want us to prosper yet are unwilling to pay the price we paid to be blessed, may this prayer be our supplication to you to right these wrongs…. May this prayer be their portion. May we always have Victory in your name for we are righteous though imperfect.
Any man that has placed a spell on a woman (us) to keep her bound to him, to keep her stuck, to control, abuse and manipulate her and has not repented to the LORD and found Jesus, as of today going forward, he will be bound to his circumstances forever never to rise again. She will be set free in Jesus name.
Any person trying to put us in a locked caged (spiritual imprisonment) and has not repented to the LORD and found Jesus, as of today going forward, will be locked out of their own destinies and will die in Jesus name.
Any unrepentant enemy who pursues us relentlessly to take our lives, may their life be taken from them from today onwards.
Any witch or warlock that keeps tampering with our destinies, secretly competing with us, wanting to drive us insane, may they go mad in the name of Jesus.
Any people who secretly envies us and enjoys seeing us hurt, may calamity and strife strike them until the end of their days, in the name of Jesus.
Any person trying to make you sick, mocks your illness and physical appearance, and attacks our health in anyway may all the curses and plagues in Deuteronomy 27 and 28 come upon them NOW in Jesus name.
Anyone wishing to see our downfall and to see our finances collapse, or steals from us, may they lose EVERYTHING in Jesus name.
May we be able to move forward with forgiveness in our hearts Jesus, while justice is being served. May this happen soon in Jesus name for our enemies work tirelessly to fight against us and we know you have promised to be our sword and shield.
May we prosper so we can glorify your name.
Amen 🙏🏾
After these prayers, no one will ever stand against you and win ever again. Pray the prayer often and with passion woman of God.
Too many people are hiding their ill-intentions in their hearts yet smiling in your faces. That ends today. It may be a lonely road but it will be peaceful. May the faces of your hidden foes be shown to you. May all those who secretly conspire against you be revealed NOW and may you be spiritually strong enough to withstand the truth that will be revealed to you when the masks fall off.
A victory is coming for a Queen.
This could also be for a future Queen or someone with an initial “Q”. I was shown this.
We didn’t come to play today as the children of God. This is war-fare and our sword is prayer 🗡️ we slay in the name of Jesus.
In other godly news….
Jesus came to me at a bar in a black hood. I had no idea he was watching me until he removed it and I saw his white tunic. He came up to me as I was working and gave me a small scroll 📜 the size of an atm receipt 🧾 It rolled over to me on the table and it opened up to read…
“Jesus loves us”
🥰😍 It was beautiful and I am passing on the message to his servants. He came to me in a bar for a reason because I was working tremendously hard WAITING tables and SERVING. There was no alcohol on the shelves and none on the tables interestingly. His writing was amazing 🥲 I was happy to see him but shocked at the same time. He surprised me which lets me know that it’s true, we will not know the day or the hour he returns for us, but he will. He will free us from the chains of this world and the next 🔥
Still more to share 🔜
PS. Alot of crazy supernatural things are going to happen, ladies. Mountains are moving 🌋and will crush those standing in your way forever.
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You’ll know if this message is for you 👑
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2pen2wildfire · 1 year
Really hate that the queer community's response to the creation of a gender trinary (girl, boy, and nonbinary, which is still not all-encompassing) was to... reinvent the binary. We just started grouping all genders into "masc/male-aligned" and "fem/female-aligned" and it's so fucking stupid. Even with the occasional allowance of "neutral/unaligned" it still maintains the binary as the standard. And then they don't let you use certain labels if you don't have the "right" gender alignment. The fuck.
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originalitysquared · 2 months
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ditzybat · 6 months
dick, who just got black mailed by 12 year old stalker tim: scary, that tim kid has a spot on bat-glare despite not spending anytime with you whatsoever, i mean the resemblance is uncanny
bruce trying to figure out if he ever slept with janet drake: very scary…
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brownbunniesblog · 6 months
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u3pxx · 10 months
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clevercrumbish · 11 months
Terfism is targeted at radicalising older-middle-aged women in order to sever the otherwise naturally-forming bond that makes trans women and older-middle-aged cis women the strongest of comrades via our shared interests and experiences.
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adler-obsessed · 3 months
god. Vivienne really is just. that character. She is taken to the circle so young she does not remember what her parents even looked like and someone had to tell her. She wouldn’t even know if they were telling the truth. She is ruthless, the terror and nightmare of the Orlesian court. She almost weeps when you find the Tranquil skulls in Redcliffe. She hates drop waists. She is harrowed younger than any other mage in living memory. She teaches Bull the steps to the dance of the six candles. He likens her to a Qunari dreadnought that has half the enemies on the ground before he’s even reached the front line. Her accent’s not Orlesian. No Free Marcher can tell where she is from either. Is her original voice another part of herself she cut off? She enchanted a duke within one meeting and they scandalised even Orlesian society. She was good friends with his wife. They possibly fucked too. No can control her. She’s been owned since the moment she was first brought to the Circle. She belongs to no people. There are a dozen leashes around her neck claiming otherwise. She makes fun of an elven god for setting his coattails on fire.  She is on the verge of banishing Cole back to the Fade all the time. She can’t help but grow to care for him at the end despite her best efforts to pretend otherwise. She hates herself for it. She thinks caring makes you weak. During the first conversation you have with her unmasked as a Trevelyan, she begs to know if you also cared about her childhood friend, Lydia. She tries to import illegal fur into Skyhold. Did she kill everything soft within her soul herself or did the Chantry sisters do it for her? She is impossible to prank. Some might say she’s even better than Sera at pranking. She was pulled into the game by the time she was nineteen. She’d faced worse things since she could first remember her dreams. Life has never been fair. One merely needs to be hard enough to survive. The blade at her neck when she lay on the floor of the harrowing chamber was no different from the hunger in her belly as child, a necessary pain that only drove her forward. Maker, was there ever any chance that she did not see cruelty as simply another word for life? Is there any version of her that does not end up surrounded by moral filth? 
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floof-ghostie · 2 months
It really pisses me off that Megan Thee Stallion had Japanese speakers in the room when doing Mamushi, and Otaku Hot Girl. Who corrected her pronunciation so that the end result would be perfect, and that Japanese speakers all over have said that her pronunciation was good, and that she sounded cute, but then (usually white) weeb dudebros on the internet started bashing her for daring to be a nerdy black girl and using Japanese words in her songs. Weeb dudebros who probably have every age of consent law in Japan memorized by heart, but let me not say too much.
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arrimorr · 4 months
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°˖✧ Hayakawa family unit ✧˖°
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onlyzakarismith · 7 months
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Literally one of the most beautiful women ever. NAKITA JOHNSON
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thundergrace · 4 months
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I knew something had happened because I saw her tweet very angrily about something. I wasn't gonna bother looking into it because, sadly, it's always something. I just thought somebody pissed her off in a normal way. NO, IT WAS VERY MUCH NOT NORMAL:
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frownyalfred · 3 months
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Wonder Woman #54 Textless Variant Cover by Jenny Frison
(I didn’t see it anywhere on here which is a crying shame)
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