#because his own maker could not bother to care about him
pacipinka · 10 hours
*taps mic* is this thing on? Yeah okay so every vampire in the vampire chronicles is turned at critical a moment in their lives and beyond just the body they are in when they are turned, their mentality stays at that standstill for their entire immortality, Lestat was turned against his will, he was clinging onto Magnus begging him to be freed, so he’s constantly seeking freedom and only finding loneliness and thus turning back to people again and again, however he can’t STAND being told what to do, since he desires agency in his life so desperately, Armand was turned after years and years of abuse and lack of control but such a desire for genuine love, by a man he ‘loved’ so wholly who he felt was barring his love from him, he needs control in his life, he needs a ‘master’ but he does not desire it, it does not fulfill him, he is trapped in a room but the door is unlocked! Louis was mourning his brother, he felt like an utter failure and so he’s always seeking family, seeking people he can care for, he can coddle, he can prove he is good too, but he loves people who either cannot stand coddeling and need a sense of looseness to live (Lestat) or people who grow out of coddling who prove to Louis he will always fail the people he loves (Claudia), Claudias turning, in many MANY ways mirrors lestats in that it was against her will, she was stolen from her home, and in her immortality she desires freedom but unlike Lestat does not have the agency/ form to get it, she will always be small, she will always be looked down on, even by Lestat who cannot deny how much she is just like him *taps mic* ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!! NONE OF THEM CAN BREAK THE CYCLE!!! TO BREAK IT WOULD BE TO UNDO THE VERY FIBER OF THEIR IMMORTAL SELVES!! THE CYCLE IS THE BLOOD THEY DRINK IT IS THE HEART IN THEIR CHEST AND IT ROLLS AND ROLLS DOWN THE MOUNTAINS AND VALLEYS OF THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND IT CAN NEVER BE STOPPED BECAUSE THEY WILL NEVER STOP LOVING EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
DCxDP fanfic idea: In 30 minutes or less!
Danny is a delivery man.
He got the job after realizing his resume was severely lacking in terms of working experience.
Also when he needed more money for his own purchases. There is a big difference between begging his parents for an allowance and earning his own spending funds.
The thing is, no matter where Danny applied, he was not getting a call back. Jazz warned him that a majority of Amity Park didn't hire them - as she also attempted to get a part-time job when she was his age - because of the Fenton last name.
She swore and hissed, but she couldn't prove that it was the reason they weren't hired. She just heard the talk around the town. They all said they wouldn't want to hire from the lunatic family.
That whenever a Fenton went , something bad quickly followed.
It stung, that not even Nasty Burger wanted him. That placed hired people under sixteen for Pete's sake. But Danny was resourceful. If Amity Park hadn't hired him, then he would just try the other place he had civilianship in.
The Infinite Realms.
Danny figured that if societies existed with the Realms, then they had to have a form of currency. He just needed to find one that used the same one as his world did.
FrostBite was more than happy to point him in the right direction. Since his people were the ones to spend generations attempting to map out the Realms, he had found a part of the ghost zone that Danny could blend into easily.
It was only a thirty minute commute from Danny's family portal. He could easily make that after school.
Thus, Danny flew to the portal location FrostBite told him about and ended up in a place called Central City. He found employment very quickly at Joel's Pizza, and for sixteen dollars a hour he was racing across the city to give some sizzling pizza pies.
. He was given a company scooter, but Danny preferred to fly. No one saw him as he never turned off his invisibly until he arrived at the destination. He got great tips for his speed, and his boss was fun to work for.
His parents are proud that he has a job and is not causing trouble. His friends also have their own jobs so Sam and Tucker have to plan their meet ups now- buts that's just a part of growing up.
The only thing that made his part-time difficult was the ghosts. Not all of them bothered him now a days but a few still did.
Like Young Blood. The brat didn't seem to care that Danny was going to be late to a shift since he had no concept of the importance of adult responsibilities. He was able to text his boss an apology using school as an excuse, but he was still thirty minutes late and sporting a black eye.
Joel stared at him for a long moment, muttered something in Spanish, before handing him five pizza boxes, and told him to take it to the central city police department. Danny was supirse he didn't even lecture him.
When he got to the station, the person in front told him to wait a moment since it was the forensic department that ordered food. He waited a few minutes until a blond man came down the hall, with a cheerful smile.
That smile fell when Danny turned to look at him. There was a brief flash of something dark that crossed his expression before the smile was back ten fold
"Hello," Danny said, standing up. "Order for Barry?
"That's me!" The man grins, holding out a wad of cash "Keep the change."
Wow. A fifty dollar tip!
"Sure thanks!"
"Welcome kid!"
Danny practically skipped away, Barry Watching him climb onto his scooter and slowly blending back into the traffic.
He turned to look at Officer Dawn "Is it just me or was that kid covered in bruises?"
Officer Dawn's mustache twitches with displeasure. "He definitely was. Looked fresh, too. Not only that but he works for Joel Pizza"
"This Joel a trouble maker?"
"The opposite, he was a foster kid. Once he aged out and got his own business, he started hiring teenagers in similar situations. Usually, his staff are all kids who are having a rough time. If things are too bad, he makes reports, but we try to avoid it. Don't want to lose one of the few trustworthy safe spaces for those kids." Officer Dawn's hesitates for a second before he carefully asks."A cop poking around may spook them, but a forensic chemist won't. Do you mind finding out what the delivery kid's deal is for me?"
"I look into it." Barry promises already knowing the Flash is also going to be following the boy just to make sure he safe.
He hates it when kids get hurt. Remind him too much of Wally.
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twstfanblog · 1 year
*~Period Drama~*
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A/N: This was a funny idea I had and Now I'm gonna do another series with my Yuu OC. Note that I write most of the cast in a platonic sense with my OC because that's how their story formed. I'm fully open to doing requests with characters in a romantic sense. Word Count: 4.7K Warnings: Period mentions, allusions to sexual assault (They are assumed, nothing actually happens), She/They OC Pronouns Pairings: Azul/Reader (Poly), Jamil/Reader (Poly) Enjoy! Start (Here), Part 2 (Octavinelle), Part 3 (Heartslabyul), Part 4 (Savanaclaw), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt.1), Part 5 (Diasomnia pt2), Part 6 (Pomefiore)
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Yuu was forgetting something, she knew she was. But sitting in her pjs on a Saturday morning, an over-filled bowl of sugary cereal in hand, she couldn't be bothered to really care.
It was shaping up to be a good day too. None of the staff needed her help with anything, her friends all had their club meetings, and the kitchen was stocked with easy-to-grab snacks for Grim. the cat monster himself had even started his homework on Friday night with minimal fighting. Literally, nothing could be wrong, but she still felt uneasy. They woke up feeling weary and oddly bloated.
With an inquisitive expression, she taps her spoon against her bowl. They really hoped they weren't going to spend all day in a strange sense of deja vu…
Then she sneezed and everything made sense. Yuu blinks, moving back to pull the seam of their pj pants, looking down as they groan, "Ah, shit…"
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Azul loved Saturdays, they were his biggest money-maker days. Students came to the Mostro Lounge either to get a head start on homework, grab a drink after practice or clubs, or merely have a freshly cooked meal. It also was the day he had most of his workforce available so he could spare the time to walk around campus or catch up on his own paperwork.
But, what he's trying to do was gather his courage and think up a plausible enough reason for him to go visit his date-mate. Not that he usually needed one, they were very vocal about how he was always a welcomed presence in their company.
But, Yuu had been…easily irked? Prickly? Upset. Yuu had been upset for most of the week but anyone who questioned their mood was quickly shot down. The prefect would then tensely state they weren’t mad and then questioned why people thought they were mad. Sure they had a very intense resting bitch face but who didn't at Night Raven? (He's fairly certain you needed to either be handsome or have the most terrifying resting bitch face to be admitted to this school).
So he wasn't too pressed about his date-mate's mood until Floyd said something. He had come into the back office pouting of all things, saying 'Shrimpy smelled off'. They had also punched him when the eel merman attempted to pick them up, which wasn't normal.
Jade handled his twin, trying to cull Floyd’s decreasing mood, while Azul opened a few text chats to ask if anyone had caused Yuu reason to want to kill someone. The genuine confusion and concern that answered back only made him more uneasy.
Now, on a sunny Saturday, Azul made the long journey toward Ramshackle. With an obscure board game tucked under his arm and a bag of exclusive gummy candy in hand, he was on a mission to improve his dear pearl’s mood.
Or he was until he was suddenly being dragged down the dirt road in a different direction. He yelped and shouted, trying to angle himself to see what was pulling him through the mud and sticks. The answer was Sam’s shadows, the black willowy wisps quickly yanking him into the shop and setting him on his feet. Azul looks down at his outfit, scowling at seeing the dirt and grass stains. Sevens, did he rip his slacks?
“Lil fish.”
Azul jolts, eyes wide and semi-fearful at Sam’s echoing tone. The man stood behind the counter, a number of medical supplies laying across the surface as his nails gripped at the wood. Sam’s eyes were wide, pupils pinprick as his amethyst orbs almost glowed under all the shadows. Speaking of shadows…Azul looks around the shop, feeling actual fear stir in him. The shadows were everywhere, zipping through the aisles, slithering in and out of the back room, and some were even racing out of the shop, “Uh…Yes, Sam? H-how can I be of assistance?” He didn’t stutter, he refuses to admit he stuttered.
“Do you know what a pad is?”
“Like…Like a notepad or-”
“NO!” Sam slams his fist onto the counter, the lights of the near-endless shop flickering wildly at the force of it. He rests his face in his hands, paying no mind to his makeup and hat that fell to the counter. Looking up, his intense stare was replaced with one of desperation, “You’re killing me here, kid. Look, if you know what a damn pad is, just tell me where to get one! I know you and the lil pup talk!”
“I swear, I have no clue what you’re talking about, sir.” Sevens, had Azul ever felt scared of Sam? He didn’t like this, why was his fellow businessman so frazzled? What kind of pad was he talking about? Why couldn’t he find it and assumed Azul would know where and what the damn thing was?
Sam groans, hands running furiously through purple-tinted lock braids. With a snap of his fingers, the wisps all stop. Either quickly entering the shop or bleeding into the shadows to hide once more, “Look just…Go see the prefect. They called me asking for sanitation pads? That’s the business name they told me anyway…That and just…a lot of pain potions.”
Azul clicked out of his confusion, growing nervous at the potions request, “I…wait are they hurt? Shouldn’t they be in the infirmary?”
“I suggested that, but they insisted they didn’t need to go, just the potions. I’m sending them over soon, Crewel is due to deliver my order in an hour or two. I’ll send him over after ya once he gets here.” Sam grumbles under his breath as Azul rushes out of the store. ‘Primadonna dog hates when I call him while he’s brewing…’
Azul pulls his phone from his pocket, sending a text to both Jade and Floyd. Yuu was in pain, they had requested something called a ‘sanitation pad’? Whatever those were. By the name he could only guess they were used for cleaning of some kind. He sent the twins a message to meet him at Ramshackle ASAP, potentially 119 status. Yuu had always joked about the Octavinelle trio being the first ones they’d call if they needed to hide a body. But, it seemed when it came time for them to actually make the call, the poor thing must have been overwhelmed. He could only think they had done it in self-defense, but the cause didn’t matter. There wasn’t going to be a body in a few hours.
Halfway through the woods to Ramshackle, he hears other footsteps hurrying to catch him. Looking over his shoulder, he raises an eyebrow at the extra amount of people, “Why are they here?”
Ace, Deuce, and Jamil all kept a quick jog behind Floyd and Jade’s long-legged walk. Floyd rolled his eyes, pointing behind him with his thumb, “I was at practice. Crabby and Sea Snake saw the text and wanna help lil Shrimpy too…”
Deuce raises a hand, "I saw them leaving the gym on my way to track practice. Yuu's my classmate and friend, it's only right I help them."
Jamil hisses under his breath, side-eyeing Azul as he sped up to walk beside him, “Plus, they’re my date-mate too, asshole…”
Rolling his eyes, Azul sighed, waving Jamil’s attitude off, “Yes, yes. We can meet with Draconia later about our timeshare lover's crimes. But for now, we need to go and assist them with the dead body I’m sure is on their property.”
Ace sighs, relaxing more as he leans back, arms folding behind his head, “Yuu finally did it, huh?”
“I mean…They can only threaten to murder someone so many times before they’d snap…” Deuce pipes up, rubbing the back of his head, almost dreading getting blood on his uniform again.
Floyd giggled, “I can’t wait to see who Shrimpy squeezed~. I bet they made it real messy!”
“Hmm…I wouldn’t put it past Yuu to kill someone via strangulation. But their MO seems to lean more toward bludgeoning.” Jade smiles to the group, eyes closing in barely hidden glee, “If anything clean up will at least be interesting if we’re just dealing with some blood splatter and a puddle!”
 Ace and Deuce wince, watching Floyd, Azul, and Jamil simply nod at Jade’s examination.
The mood was instantly broken once they came into view of Ramshakle. Floyd and Jade tensed, their smiles dropping off their faces before racing toward the dorm as two teal-colored blurs. Azul shouted, only to choke on his tongue at the smell. Blood. His nose wasn’t anywhere as sensitive as Floyd's or Jade’s but even at this distance, he could smell the sharp iron smell. He jogged to catch up with his dormmates, his expression of panic causing the other three to speed up as well.
All he could smell was Yuu’s blood. Sharp and salty, but spiced and sweet because of their diet. A hint of some type of alien fragrance that no one could place and Yuu couldn’t name mixing it all together perfectly. And that was all he was smelling, not even a hint of another person’s blood.
When the rest of the group had made it to the front porch, Floyd was pounding on the door, eyebrows creased while Jade searched the bushes for the hidden key, “Shrimpy! Open up! Shrimpy!”
Jade’s fingers had just grazed the false rock when the door’s locks clicked open. Floyd swung the door so hard it nearly sent Grim into the hallway wall. The feline monster kept to the ground, eyes wide and teary with fear, “Yuu’s bleeding all over everything and they won’t tell me why!”
Deuce was the only one who had the mindset to scoop Grim into his arms, the rest of them instantly rushing up the stairs toward Yuu’s bedroom. The sound of their footsteps pounding on the floor echoing in the house, each of them calling out in panicked voices. Azul could only grow increasingly worried, the scent of blood growing stronger and stronger.
Jade slams the door open, Ace instantly diving into the bed and startling Yuu awake.
“The-The fuck- hello?”
Ace cupped their face, using what medical lessons Riddle had drilled into his head to see if they had a visible injury, “Yuu! Can you hear me? We were calling you all the way downstairs- Ay!” He tumbles off the bed when Yuu shoves him aside, dark eyes glaring down at the redhead.
“Yeah, I was sleeping. Why are all of you in my house?”
“We smelled blood shrimpy!” Floyd kneeled onto the bed, sniffing around trying to find the main source of blood. Ignoring or nipping at Yuu’s hands trying to shove his face away from her body.
Azul stepped forward, eyes roaming in barely concealed haste, “Sam sent me over. He was worried by a request you had called him about? It’s sent him positively spiraling.”
Yuu raises an eyebrow, having given up on getting Floyd off their bed and wrapping an arm around him instead, “Yeah I was about to ask. Octobaby, what truck did you get dragged behind and did you at least get the license plate?”
Whatever positive flow of atmosphere that was building ended, Floyd grasping the duvet covering them and pulling, “Shrimpy, where are you bleeding-”
A single tug was all it took for Yuu’s bottom half to be flashed. They all look in stunned silence. Fresh red blood on a series of towels under them, a smear on the inside of their bare legs. Yuu shouts but none of them respond, minds spiraling at what could have possibly happened.
“Floyd! By the Seven, I’m not wearing any pants!” Yuu snatches the blanket back, draping it over their legs with a huff. They turn to Floyd only to have their face gripped harshly. Floyd stared at them with a dead expression, his single golden eye almost glowing with the force of his anger, “Floyd?”
“Floyd.” Jade’s hands come into view, pulling Floyd’s grip off of their face and his brother off the bed. Jade was no better, a pleasant smile on his face but eyes wide and void of any emotion, “It’ll do no good to pressure them into telling us. Let us let our two professionals deal with this. The two of us can brainstorm methods of...disposing of the unsavory culprit once we have a name or description.”
Yuu watched them slowly leave the room. Floyd just barely letting Jade pull him along as his expression started to finally morph into a look of anger. His fists clenched as he gritted his teeth, body so tense his movements were more shaky than his normal loose glide.
Looking beside them, Yuu catches eyes with Ace and Deuce. Ace quickly turned away, a hand covering his mouth as a single tear slid down his cheek and his shoulders shook. Deuce was no better, gripping Grim in his arms as he hiccuped softly with just barely contained sobs. He looked like he was fighting back the urge to go into 'delinquent mode'.
Jamil finally moves, a hand on each of Ace's and Deuce's shoulders, guiding them to the door. Softly pushing them out too once Jade had managed to pull Floyd out of the room, “Let us talk to them…We’ll…we’re gonna figure this out…”
Yuu watches stunned as Azul walks toward them as though he was approaching a wounded animal; softly, with just a hint of fear and pity, “Azul…What’s-?”
“It’s ok.” Jamil closed the door, still facing it so Yuu wasn’t sure if he was saying it to them or mumbling to himself, “It's…It’s ok, you’re gonna be fine…”
Azul had finally reached them and they could clearly see the unshed tears in his eyes, “It’s not your fault. This is not your fault, do you hear me?” He ran his fingers through their hair, his other hand gently cupping against her cheek as his thumb shakingly caressed their skin. He opens his mouth, closing his eyes while he sighs a shuddering sob. Gathering his wits again he opens his eyes, a fiery determination glowing in them, “We’re here for you, my pearl.”
“Wha…?” Yuu could only wrap their arms around Azul, the merman diving to embrace her in what had to be the most protective hold he could do with just his two arms. It felt safe and sturdy, like a cool blanket was wrapped around their body. While it was welcomed, Yuu only grew more confused feeling a wet spot start to form on their shoulder where Azul’s face had snuggled into, “I’m…very confused…”
If Azul wasn’t holding them, they would have jumped off the bed. Jamil stood right next to them with a blank expression. His face pulled into a mask of neutrality, but his eyes were steely, an ice-cold fire in them waiting to find a victim.
“Who. You can tell me, you can trust me. We’ll handle everything, you won't even have to look at the bastard unless you want to beat him to death yourself.” He kneels on the bed, his hand moving to touch her covered thigh before retreating, a pinched expression breaking his mask before it was back in place, “You have to tell us who did this to you, hayati.”
Did what to them?
Yuu stared at Jamil, blinking when he finally had to look away to bite his lip. He looked to be holding back tears, fully turning around to put his face in his hands to mutter under his breath. ‘How could he let this happen? Why couldn’t he have just one thing with nothing to ruin it?’ a teary sob of ‘Do they not trust him?’
“My pearl?” Azul pulls his face away from their shoulder, sniffling before he removes his glasses briefly to wipe his tears, “Do you…Would you like me to draw you a bath? This can’t be comfortable-”
“Azul!” Jamil whipped around, glaring at the merman, sparing them a worried glance before turning back to Azul and whispering heatedly, “They can’t take a bath until they get checked, you moron!”
“What’s there to check Jamil!? We can all clearly see what happened! Why put them through the extra…extra poking and defilement when we know what happened!?”
“Because we need evidence!”
“What we need is a name! Or a description! I’m not even going to entertain the idea of bringing this to a court. We have plenty of manpower on campus to bury whoever did this 12 times over.”
“Excuse me, what the fuck are you guys talking about?” Yuu spoke up, eyes glancing between the two of them, “Because if you mean the bleeding, that’s pretty standard at this point.” Maybe they just…forgot they had a vagina? Boys normally didn’t react well to period talk in the first place, but this was an all-boy school and Yuu was more non-gendered than female-gendered. Maybe they just honestly forgot.
But, what they said had only made things worse, both Azul and Jamil looking at them in absolute horror. Standard. This was normal. This had happened multiple times already.
Azul starts to openly sob, wrapping himself around them in a way to keep everything else away, nuzzling his head into her neck and whimpering out apologies. Jamil covered his mouth, a look that Yuu could only call devastation on his face before he stood from the bed to pace the room. Mutters grew in volume and speed before Yuu finally realized what they thought had happened.
“Oh. OH!” They quickly pull Azul from their neck, hands pressed to both his cheeks to keep him looking into their eyes, “Sevens! Guys no! That isn’t what this is, I promise! No one hurt me like that!”
“You expect us to believe that!?” Jamil turns on them, eyes wild and red with held-back tears. He gestures to the bed, alluding to the mess of blood under the covers, “What else could this possibly be!? Why are you trying to defend them!?”
“Jamil, I’m on my period!” Yuu looked back at Azul once her words seemed to hit Jamil, “It’s just my period. No one hurt me. I’m…well, not fine. Periods are a bitch. But not that…I swear it wasn’t that.”
No one made a sound past Azul’s labored breathing, the merman’s expression slowly morphing from one of despair into confusion. Once his breathing was finally under control, he pulled Yuu’s hands from his face, a single brow raised, “Your…your period?”
“Yeah…It’s just my period.”
Jamil pulls a face, eyes looking down as his brain worked to understand what Yuu was saying, “...Like the punctuation?”
Yuu frowned, turning to Jamil, “Don’t you act fucking dumb with me.” They press a kiss to Azul’s forehead, letting him slump against their chest, not seeing the gears turning in his head, “You and your sister are basically the same petty soul shared between two bodies. You know what a period is Jamil.”
The two mages catch eyes across the room, both…so painfully confused. Azul takes his time to finally untangle from Yuu, giving a small smile and patting hesitantly at the blanket, “O-okay…A period…right?”
At Yuu’s annoyed nod, Jamil sniffs, checking that he hadn’t cried before looking over to the door, “And…Najma will know. You’re sure she will?”
“I mean basically every girl gets a period so I would think so Jamil…”
The two boys share another look, communicating in a way Yuu hadn’t learned to do with them yet before they turn back to them with those soft, weak smiles. Azul caresses their face again, saying they should go back to sleep and that someone will bring up something to eat later on. It was slow, they clearly didn’t want to leave, but they both closed the door behind them. They share another look in the hallway, nodding before moving to regroup with the others.
The contained chaos they walk in on was almost comical if the reason wasn’t so mortifying. Jade had a hand gripped on each of Floyd’s shoulders while they took up the loveseat, whispering to the taller eel as he held him back. The whispers growing in intensity as his eyes widened in manic glee every time Floyd growled and moved to pull out of his brother’s hold. Ace was leaning against the wall, anger clear on his face as his nails bit into his forearms. He was the only one who looked up when they walked into the room. Deuce sat on the couch, curled around who they could only think was Grim, his shoulders shaking with barely contained cries.
Ace speaks up first, calling everyone else’s attention to their entry, “Well? Who’s the bastard we’re hunting down?”
Jamil and Azul pause, Jamil looking to the side and sighing, “They say nothing happened-”
“They’re lying!” Grim cries from Deuce’s arms. 
The spade Heartslabyul soldier sniffles, raising his head to look from over the couch, “Grim said they’ve been bleeding since this morning. From before he woke up…”
Jamil pulled out his phone, already dialing his sister, “They said Najma would know what’s going on…They were…so sure nothing…happened…”
Ace opened his mouth to yell only to be cut off at the sound of Najma picking up the line on speakerphone.
“Jamil? What’s wrong, you never call me?”
“...” Jamil gulped, gripping his phone before speaking, “Najma, I need you to be completely honest with me. Swear on your life levels of seriousness. Do you know what a period is?”
“...Like the punctuation?”
Azul bit his lip, a hand moving to cover his mouth and start to pace around the room. He walks closer to Jade and Floyd to explain, the two eels listening to his quick words in clear confusion.
“I…Najma, something happened. Is it…normal to…” He let out another sigh, almost wishing it would take his soul with it, “Is it normal to bleed…out of your vagina?”
The beat of silence almost gave Jamil hope. Maybe it was some super secret girl thing that no male was allowed to ever know about. Maybe everyone in the room would have to be killed once Najma confirmed its existence. He knows he would at least prefer that over the alternative.
“Jamil, what the fuck? No!? No, that's not normal!? Jamil who do you know that’s bleeding out of their-”
“Don’t have time, I’ll call you back once this is all settled.” He’s never hung a phone up so fast. It quickly rings again, but he just declines Najma’s call and silences his phone. Now looking around, everyone else in the room is just as confused if not more so than he and Azul were.
“...What?” Jade tilts his head to the same degree his brother does while they both study Jamil, each trying to find…something in the conversation they just heard.
Azul spoke up, leaning his elbow against the fireplace, a hand coming up to rub at his temple, “They said they were simply on their period and that this was normal. They were also very certain Najma would confirm this sentiment, claiming it was a natural thing girls did.”
Deuce sat in thought, his brain working overtime to try and piece together the information they had, “Maybe…Uh…Wait, I can ask my mom!”
“What is your mom gonna know, Deuce!?” Ace hissed, more frustrated than actually angry.
“I don’t know, she’s like...an older girl? Maybe she knows more about it than Najma would?”
“...” Jade looks toward Azul with a shrug, “It’s another source of information. We’re literally going in blind with this.” He looks down in worry, feeling Floyd relax in his arms. His brother wasn’t calm by any means, more so his mood had finally reached so low that his homicidal urges couldn’t properly latch onto it. He just kept Floyd in his arms, holding his taller brother under his arms as though he was a cat.
Deuce pulls out his phone with one hand, the other keeping a grip on Grim as the monster whines. It only took a very rings before the phone was answered again.
“Hi, Deuce! I was just about to send you a text. I found this new cafe and they make the cutest parfaits-”
“Mom, that’s cool. Send me a picture later but. Um…I got a really weird and private question to ask you-”
“Deuce, we talked about this sweetie. There’s nothing wrong with liking certain things-”
“NOT THAT, NOT THAT!” He blushes, quickly cupping his phone away from view of the others. He whispers his question into the receiver, waiting with bated breath when the other line was quiet.
“Sweetie. Am I on speaker?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“That isn’t…that isn’t something that should be happening. Is this…Deuce, is this about your friend Yuu?” At the affirmative, she continued, “I know you said they weren’t from around…anywhere really. But you boys need to tell your teachers about this. Whoever told them this was normal lied to them.”
The nervousness returns, everyone sharing a look, Deuce thanking his mom before hanging up the phone. Pass the stray sigh or muffled rambles no one spoke, each one of them was scared to voice their theories. Everything easily pointed toward…assault. But Yuu was such a level of certain that it was hard to deny the doubt that grew at the idea. There were magical ways of getting the truth out of people, they had Jade and Jamil, so it wouldn't be hard. But none of them wanted to break the trust Yuu had given to them. Not to mention the small chance that something did happen, and forcing Yuu to recount the horrible situation was cruel even by Night Raven standards if they were trying to actively suppress it. 
It seemed like they sat in silence for hours before they all heard the front door slam open, footsteps quickly stepping through the hall before a signature black and white coat filled the doorway. Crewel stood with one hand on his hip, the other impatiently tapping his crop against his leg.
“Ok, what’s going on? I’ve had students running around terrified from Sam’s shadows. I go to see Sam to ask about it and he informs me that he sent you runts to check on my puppy.” Crewel looks around the room, his frown turning into a scowl before he schools his expression again, “And there's no sign of my puppy in this pack of dogs, so what’s happened?”
After a prolonged silence, Ace groaned, deciding to bite the bullet since no one else wanted to, “Yuu’s bleeding from…from their vag and won't tell us why.”
“...” Crewel stepped to the side, light gray eyes seeming to look past all of them while he used his crop to point down the hall, “Get out.”
“Get. Out.”
The scramble they did out of the room was like a pack of dogs released into the wild, each of them refusing to meet the glacier-level stare of their teacher as they ran past. They didn’t leave Ramshackle property, choosing to instead stand outside and wait to be fully dismissed.
Crewel took the stairs two at a time, flinging Yuu’s bedroom door open. The sound of it slamming into the wall made Yuu groan in protest. He walks to the bed and sits, a hand instantly brushing their bangs back to alert them to his presence. He couldn't tell through his gloves, but they had seemed flushed, “Puppy? Puppy, talk to me. What's happening? I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
Yuu hums, just barely getting back to sleep before Crewel woke them up again. A hand pressed to their lower stomach and grumbled, “Hmmmm….Period…” “...Pup. What’s a period, explain it to me.” He keeps his hand in their hair, petting in a way to soothe both of them if needed. Period, Yuu clearly wasn’t talking about punctuation. All his mind could reach then was that period was speaking of a state of time. Meaning this was something that happened on some type of schedule.
Groaning, Yuu sits up, letting her head rest against Crewel’s shoulder, “Period, monthly bleed and all that. It’s girl stuff, you know biology, Crewel…”
Taking her in his arms, Crewel rubs at their back. Monthly…It’s at times Crewel is made painfully aware of how lacking he and the rest of Night Raven College were in knowledge about Yuu’s biology. “Yuu…That’s not a thing in Twisted Wonderland.” He can feel the moment they tense up, letting them pull back to look at him.
Yuu stares at their pseudo-father, eyes searching for some sign of the past hour being nothing but a really bad joke. Seeing none, they feel a cold realization hit, “Oh…Well, this is gonna be a real interesting time…”
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akutasoda · 4 months
hi, platonic gallagher with a teen!reader who is a trouble maker and also acts very grown up
typical troubled teen reader who desperately tries to act like an adult
don't wish to grow up
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synopsis - gallagher can't help but look out for you when you get in trouble, despite your insistence that you don't need help
includes - gallagher - platonic!
warnings - gn!teenish!reader, fluff, slight crack, angst toward the end, slight spoilers for 2.2 story quest, wc - 1.2k
a/n: man i miss gallagher...
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penacony was bustling as always, the atmosphere would've been practically suffocating of he hadn't gotten so used to it. most people were either way to excited or drunk on soulglad to actually care about what was happening outside of their own dream. the bloodhounds were mainly put in place mainly to seem as though thr land of dreams was one of the safest places to be when in reality all they really were was crowd control and occasional maps for those unfamiliar with the area. gallagher could easily ghost past everyone due to these factors, however, unlike most, he wouldn't mind his own business this time - especially when he heard a very familiar voice ring out from nearby.
'it wasn't me! you dogs have the wrong person' gallagher paused in his tracks and let out a long sigh as he rerouted toward the source of the commotion.
two bloodhounds stood infront of you and blocked you from continuing on. it was obvious that one was still new as they kept glancing toward the other with uncertainty and so you decided to add another jab 'do they teach you dogs to stop every passerby? is it to get a bonus by tormenting others?'
luckily, before the more experienced bloodhound could retort, you're saviour arrived. 'move on with you're patrols, i'll take care of this one', the two bloodhounds turned to face gallagher with a look of confusion but whatever issue they had was forgotten and they did as told. gallagher watched as the figures retreated back into the crowd before turning to you with a unimpressed state, you could only offer your best smile in return.
'what did you do this time?' he sighed, wanting to know whatever problem you had planned this time.
'me? i didn't do anything this time! they just stopped me for no reason' you would try and describe the situation to him but you knew he wouldn't care at the end of the day because you'd gotten out of it again - with his help.
sometimes gallagher truly didn't know whether knowing you was a blessing or a curse, especially when he spends alot of time talking you out of trouble with the other bloodhounds. he'd be lying however if he didn't admit that you did have a smart head on your shoulders - mainly due to the fact that you seemed to act beyond your years despite falling into childish, troubling behaviours from time to time.
your first encounter had been not very different from the common occurrence with you, he'd caught you causing issues in the dreamscape and yet someone found himself being lenient on you and letting you go with no consequences - perhaps he may be at fault for encouraging your behaviour in this way. however, in honesty, he could never fault you for your behaviour - no matter how mature you may seem, you were still young deep down and you deserved to act that way.
'fine then, i'll take your word. just tell me what you plan on doing now.' a small part of him knew that he had subconsciously took on the role of looking out for you, but he didn't want to admit that.
'don't quite know yet' you stared at him and he sighed before walking away and signalling for you to follow, to which you did so. after a beat of silence you added 'i don't need you to always be looking out for me you know?'
'is that so?' he hummed, not bothering to properly look at you. you quickly retorted 'yes that is so, im not some kid that can't be left unsupervised for five seconds okay?' and he merely hummed a half hearted agreeance again.
most of the bloodhounds knew who you were, how could they not when you practically had a fun in with some every day? so yes, gallagher would say you needed supervision to make sure you didn't get yourself into some stupid situation but again, you were a kid - maybe not a kid kid but a kid nonetheless. the walk was mostly silent afterwards, you knew nothing you could say could convince him otherwise.
gallagher sometimes questioned if you got more daring and into trouble more frequently because you knew that he'd be able to weasel you out of the worst consequences. obviously that would mean he is technically encouraging you, something that he didn't exactly want to happen as if the time comes that he isn't around, nobody else would be as willing to bail you out. he's seen plenty to know that he wouldn't want you actually going down that path.
he had also seen your much more mature side, very rarely however, he had to admit that you could act beyond your years. and he didn't know what was worse, you getting into trouble or acting beyond your years - there didn't seem to be a middle ground where you could be yourself. he wasn't exactly an expert on emotions but it wouldn't take much to figure out that you were quite troubled.
ever since you met gallagher, you'd notice an acute awareness had developed toward these hound statues that you swore had never been around before - what was weirder was the fact that they'd disappear if you got too close, you cant be imagining things right?
contrary to most people's suspicions, you found gallagher rather entertaining to be around - alot of the time he opted to just listening to you ramble on and on with occasional comments or queries. from very early on gallagher had always made a point to ask about your day when he saw you, or just ask how you were in general and always listened to whatever you wanted to talk to him about regardless of whether he actually understood or not.
but you had also noticed how he was also one for talking to you about your behaviour, which was to be expected. whenever he saved you from another bloodhound's interrogation, he would always tell you about not getting into so much trouble. he didn't really care what you had done but he needed you to know that you can't always get into trouble, especially when you have your whole life ahead of you and he won't always be there to bail you out.
he also made it very clear to you, in subtle ways, that you didn't always have to act so grown up, especially around him. you were allowed to act your age and acting so mature all the time wasn't exactly a good thing - you needed to act your age otherwise you'd only miss out on it. although, atleast he could have some comfort in knowing that when he does cease to exist that you would be mature enough to see it through. he also knows that those hound statues will continue to see over your safety because even if it’s imaginary, it has unshakable loyalty.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
— scenario: how twst characters show you how much they love you
— characters involved: riddle roseheart, leona kingscholar, malleus draconia x gn reader
— cw: fluff! reader is implied to be shorter than the character in leona and malleus's part
— a/n: happy international women's day! just wanted to write some fluffy troupes for you guys (after a really painfully long mia and my laziness)
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were you late for the unbirthday party that riddle invited you to? don't worry, this cute boy won't scold you about punctuality
instead, he would ask for the reason that made you late
did crowley give you too much work again? did the trouble makers in his dorm drag you into some mess again? let this red haired dorm leader settle the burdens for you
riddle can be quite naggy sometimes, especially towards the dorm members when he spots them not following any queen of heart's rules
however in your case, he is naggy towards your own well being. did you take your lunch today? are you sleeping enough? did anyone bully you in school?
would occasionally invite you over to his dorm just to try out new pastries that trey made (the both of you are taste testers for trey's pastries and no trey totally did not try experimenting new stuff just to give you guys extra lovey dovey time)
i believe he never really read any romance books before, but starts picking them up once the both of you started dating, so that he could get a gist of what a boyfriend should do and how dating should be like
a little awkward sometimes but he tries his very best to make you happy
overall he's just a small little chipmunk that looks out for you in every way and tries to improve himself for you and a little clingy
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he's like the.... most unbothered person in the whole campus
doesn't care what's going on as long as it doesn't bother him
has zero tolerance for pests
...... you do know that he doesn't see you as a pest, right?
his ears perched up whenever he hears someone mentioning about him
definitely had his sleeves rolled up tight in case he needs to fight whoever that was bad mouthing you
leona hates loud people, but he doesn't mind you talking his ear off and telling him about your day
he may look disinterested, but trust me, he remembers everything that you say. why? because he cares
you often find yourself surprised when he remembers something that you told him the last time while he was "asleep"
another thing that he does to show his love towards you is that he shares his food to you
he's a big sucker for meat, and a big man like him definitely eats a lot. he doesn't like to share his stuff too, so be glad that this grumpy lion is sharing you his portion of food
frequent head rubs!! he likes to rub his cheek on your head while holding you tight against his body, the warmth of your body lulling him to sleep in an instant
btw lions show affections by doing head rubs :D
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congratulations, you are now the most spoilt person in twisted wonderland
for every second you breathe, gold coins starts pilling up in your room
for every second you blink, treasures starts littering itself everywhere in your dorm
for every second your heart beats, you find a clingy dragon fae snuggling into your chest, a tight grip on your waist as he holds you close to him
malleus is a big man, and everyone would assume that he would love being the big spoon
the truth is, malleus enjoys being pampered by his lover
no, he doesn't need money, treasures, or some weird magical artifacts
he just needs his lover to pay attention to him, THATS ALL
in return, he would do anything for you, anything
do you wanna play in the snow in the middle of june? night raven college should be making preparations for early winter
are you eyeing on that tiara that vil happens to wear on his set for a movie? well, it's yours to wear now
are you having some intensive late night cravings? sounds like a good timing to go on a date right? let him just teleport the both of you to the other side of the world, where the sun is still high while the both of you can enjoy a hearty meal and explore the place
he's the type of lover that would burn the whole world just for you
nothing can ever exceed or surpass the amount of love he have for you
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castingmysilver · 1 year
I have Thoughts about Guardians 3, and Rocket's arc.
Spoilers of course if anybody watching me here still cares.
A name isn't just a callsign, especially if it's one you chose. A name is part of how you see yourself.
Rocket chose his first name as an act of *hope*, which was then absolutely pulverized. And in that pulverization, he lost every meaningful root he had, and every social link to anyone who could truly understand what he had been through.
Rocket refuses to be a Raccoon.
I don't mean that he just objects to being *called* one. I mean that he feels he *has no common species* at the beginning of the film. Even if he *was* a Raccoon-based prototype, which he doesn't know or believe for certain, he was deeply, fundamentally Changed. When he was modified, uplifted, and *tortured* "for his own good," he became something different than everyone else cowering in his cage. His species and his family was his experimental Batch now. And he is the only survivor.
He had believed that meant they were going to be a part of something beautiful and good and better than himself, and he was willing to serve that goal right up until he learned first that he was worthless to his maker's ideal of that beauty, and then that his family was going to be deleted like a typo out of the grand plan.
His whole life, right up until his near-death vision, he feared that all he was was somebody else's fuckup, wearing the name of a lost dream.
And then that changed.
He began to have hope. Then he made a choice of his own that he couldn't hide from his past anymore: whatever happened, he was going to stand or fall on his own power, and have a shot at making a difference along the way. And then...
He chose to be a Raccoon. To my mind he didn't just discover the name applied, he applied it himself; his kinship was with everything he wanted to save, all the potential experiments, not with his prototype path.
And that is also why it bothered me *much less* than it usually does when they mowed through minions and spared the final boss. Because they made it *Rocket*'s choice, and he chose in confronting his abusive father and disavowed God that *he would be Named by his choice to protect when possible, not just by his rebellion against the pattern set for him.* He was neither an heir of the Father's plan, nor a violent aberration who only existed to fuck it up.
He is Rocket Raccoon, and he's a Guardian of the Galaxy.
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baratiddyappreciator · 10 months
Hii! I heard you take requests? How about some childhood headcanons? Like what were these guys like when they were small… :0
Oh I am so glad someone asked this one because I've been having ideas bouncing around but haven't actually thought of making a post of my own. (Throwing in a bonus Natsue and Tokugawa because why not?)
He was a trouble-maker through and through. He didn't pay attention whenever he did attend school, and he'd always pick fights with any kids bigger or stronger than him so he could improve and get stronger, like his father.
Emi probably got a lot of phone calls from the schools to come get her rowdy ass child because he was being a menace. He wouldn't bully kids, but he would bully the bullies, and while a lot of the younger kids admired him because he'd get the bullies off their backs, they also feared him.
Baki has chilled out a lot since he first fought his father and joined the underground arena, bro used to be a fireball.
She was an angel, a quiet child, but an angel. She was sweet and helping her teachers with any tasks that they were doing. This girl cleaned the chalkboards, helped tidy up the class, and would even collect test papers and set them on the teachers desk, all without even being asked to.
Sweet to even the other kids, she wouldn't get picked on because most of the older kids thought she was just too adorable, and any attempts from younger students to pick on Kozue were very quickly thwarted by older kids, and once even Baki, though that was completely unintentional.
Despite her hard-working personality, sometimes Kozue would finish up early enough to just sit and doodle on her work instead of doing other things. The margins of her notebooks would be full of little flowers, butterflies and cats.
Quiet. Very quiet. He didn't really have a lot of friends as a kid, he was just big and quiet and other kids were too scared of him to really bother him. He spent a lot of time with his mom instead of his dad, though considering his dad passed pretty early on in his life, that wasn't really something he did willingly.
He didn't talk to a lot of kids, instead, he found himself mostly hanging around adults, so he's got a very old man way of speaking compared to other people his age, but sometimes he slips into a more expected tone.
It wasn't until he was about thirteen that he really started getting a cocky attitude, and by that point it was just puberty, which, obviously, hit him like a fuckin bus.
Before he was adopted by Doppo and Natsue, he was a pretty careless kid, but seeing his own biological father get mauled by a lion did a number on him. He used to have nightmares about it, but after a few years of therapy and care from Doppo and Natsue, he came to terms with it.
Given the chance, with the proper financial support and some of the best out there, Katsumi absolutely flourished. Doppo was teaching him Karate, sure, but he also had tutors to help him get some of the best grades in class.
He started slacking off when he was about sixteen, but he still did fairly good. He was a major spoiled brat when he was in his mid teens, though he did still at least treat his mother well.
He was always a really quiet kid, even before he was put back into his mom's custody, and he just kept getting quieter as he got older. Part of that is due to Diane's poor parenting, but another part of that is just his own personality.
Man was an absolute menace, he would crack back at anyone if they annoyed him enough, teachers, other students, anyone. He's quick with his words, though he doesn't always use them.
He's really good with younger kids, purely because he'd be running around just as much as them when he was younger in an attempt to get his stamina and strength up. He quickly became that cool older kid that would lay the younger kids climb all over him.
He was very similar to Kozue as a child, surprisingly enough, very quiet, but super sweet towards his teachers. Unlike Kozue though, the only thing protecting him from bullies was Kureha, and if Kureha wasn't there, he was free game.
By the time Kureha was going into high school, Kosho was left alone by bullies, because good lord he had this feral look in his eyes and nobody was about to mess with that.
He'd lose his homework a lot, not when it was time to turn it in, but right when it was handed to him. It would go into his bag, and then it would just vanish. He'd always find it in time to fill it out and hand it in, but it was just an odd occurrence he never knew how to explain.
He was a well behaved child, but ask any of his old teachers and they would tell you that they just got this feeling that this kid was weird, but he never really did anything worthy of getting into trouble.
He was sly, and he was really good at being sly. If he wanted someone to do something, he'd find a way to get them to do it without him even having to ask them to do it.
Definitely had a reputation as a boy scout to literally everyone but the kids that would pick on his younger brother. Because once there were no eyes on them, this man was a straight menace.
An ANGEL, just an absolute sweetheart. He looked up to his teachers and mentors. Really, before he accidentally, you know, killed a man, he was a perfectly sweet person.
He absolutely was the kind of kid that got jealous that he didn't have a full beard. Look at some of the people he grew up around, he was absolutely fuming that he didn't have a full beard. Until he tried to grow one, then he realised that they weren't for him and has been clean shaven since.
Someone had to show him how to braid hair at some point, and he was just flabbergasted by the idea. He tried to braid literally everything that he could just do that.
An absolute charmer. We all know that super charismatic kid, and that was definitely Doppo. Just look at that smile! You can't tell me that he didn't learn that a grin like that could get people to do what he wanted.
He was a smug bastard too, definitely one kid that would annoy the hell out of any adult, but one that would absolutely be popular with other students because "oh look he's talking back to the teacher"
He was a class clown in high school, all charming and funny, but he would start stuttering whenever Natsue walked into the room. Man was head over heels for her, even back then.
Natsue has always been somewhat of an old soul, even when she was little, but she was absolutely a girlie girl for a long time. Everything had to be pink or purple, pastels were her favourites.
She loved going to different field trips to important landmarks, she's always liked them and finds them relaxing to go to.
On her first date with Doppo, he took her to a festival, got all dressed up and everything, only for him to get a "random" and violent nosebleed (he got punched in the face before he went and it was a delayed reaction) and they wound up just ditching the festival to go sit up by the river and watch the fireworks.
T R O U B L E. Just trouble. He was a brat and a little shit. Stinky man. Problem causer. He would constantly pull pranks and cause problems in his classes and at home.
If this man had siblings then I guarantee you he was simultaneously the favourite and least favourite. Because he absolutely would do something stupid and blame it on his siblings, then make it up to them later... Only to do the same thing and get them in trouble.
He was absolutely the fun older kid that showed the younger ones cool tricks and funny jokes, if only to spread some mischief.
He wasn't too different, admittedly. Just take him, remove the wrinkles, give him hair and shrink him a little bit, and boom, you have child Tokugawa, relatively care-free and happy-go-lucky.
Really, the only thing that made him stand out was his knack for finding talented fighters. He would just get really quiet, and then, in a sweet little child voice, he'd point at someone and go "you've killed someone before"
He and Sabuko used to be really close, but when he inherited the dome they started to grow apart, especially since she had her own life to handle.
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xstarkillerx · 1 year
you told me that you often want to be in my inbox with “real shit to say” bcos you’d just go to our discord chat instead. and i didn’t realize that i actually identity with it as well. i’m here with “real shit to say”
sex and love and drama addicted anakin skywalker would be turned on by the process of artificial insemination.
it shocks you. not because you’re a stranger to such a standard medical procedure, but because of how starkly contrasted it compares to his usual desires. it’s impersonal. would he not prefer making a baby the way he knows how? fucking it into you?
he moistens his lips and tells you the darker facets of why it agrees with him. how you don’t know what you’re getting when you subject yourself to the procedure. a complete stranger’s sperm being used on your perfect and untainted body in order to create life. who knows if they even gave you the semen of the donor you picked? what if a cruel doctor saw it fit to choose for you? that’s what he would do- in the shoes of a doctor. he’d decide none of these options were good enough for you and cum into a vial himself. fertilize you, completely without your knowing.
BUGGYYYYY!!!!!!! HIHIHIHI hello, hi hellooooo. You said Real shit and by fucking god you meant real shit.
First of all, I love how much this breaks out of what we tyically establish for anakin, because you're right it's impersonal, it's clinical, it's clean, it's everything the he considers completely un-erotic. But, you know our motto, "the question is never 'would anakin do this?' the question is 'how would he do this?'" So, let's talk about it!
cw ahead for: medkink, dubcon fantasy, noncon fantasy, impregnation kink
Honest to god, I feel this this would stem from his own personal mistrust of human medical professionals. Anakin does not like to be vulnerable, so if he's injured and in someone's care he just always prefers medical droids, he trusts them so much more because (for the most part, sans Artoo) they have no will to impose on other people's vulnerable, injured bodies. But then that gets him thinking about... vulnerability, and how much he likes seeing you be vulnerable. I like to think he tried imagining about some faceless doctor doing it and it left a bad taste in his mouth. He hates the idea of them feeling entitlement over your body like that, but him?
It's a rare thing for anakin to step out of his own shoes in fantasy, never really a stickler for day dreaming in that way, not since he was a kid, but he imagines himself as a doctor. He's masked, gloved, standing at the foot of your medical table, half hard at the sight of you in stirrups alone. He thinks about teasing his gloved fingers along your opening, probably cool and dry from being exposed like this. The way you'd jump if you werent expecting it, how you'd squeak the way you do when you're caught off guard.
"It's standard proceedure to elicit lubrication before inserting the apparatus, page 3 of the package you signed," he says. It isn't on page 3 at all, there's a tube of lube meant to go directly on the insemination device on the counter, just out of your eyeshot.
"Right, right sorry. I'm just a bit nervous," you settle back into your position.
He does decently to hide the way his breath is thin and high in his chest with arousal. when he speaks. "That's quite alright, no need to apologize." Stupid, he thinks. Stupid, girl, did you even bother to read the forms? it says nothing of the sort, you're so lucky it's him in this room with you and not some stranger who could be a lot meaner about this than he is.
He eases his finger in, god you're tight. The gloves must feel strange inside you, he doesn't miss the way you try not to squirm. You get wet easily enough, he has half a mind not to call you a slut and roughen up his pace for it. Sticking the apparatus inside you is... maker, he never thought he could get so hard. I can't tell you what it looks like in the SW universe, chrome, sleek smooth, in-fucking-human; watching it slide in goes straight to his dick. When it's deep enough there's gentle whir from the aparatus as it empties his cum inside you. He wishes it were messier, wishes you were gushing with it, who gives a fuck about efficiency if enough of his cum is being stuffed inside you to leak out of your hole. But those are impatient thoughts, the technology will do it's job, he trusts that. Soon enough, he'll get to watch you ache and swell.
This was so much fun, I've never writen med kink before! I'm gonna be so honest, appologies if there are any discrepansies with my literary usage of.. uh.. tenses. I wanted to get this idea down before I lost it. But yeah, thanks buggy!
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mushangaa · 9 months
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2024/01 (full view)
It started as a bit of practice for light. And then it dealt me emotions. Donatello "it is 3am and if you disturb my twin or come any closer I will remove every bone from your body." Hamato Also wrote a lil something while I was at it, mind, English is not my native tongue.
Leo had finally settled down, thank spirits for small mercies. He contemplated turning down the brightness of his phone screen, but then thought better of it. Leo had fallen asleep in spite of it, and this fragile peace was a hard won battle. Changing any variable of this moment might disturb him, so Donnie settled in for his eyes hurting in the morning and his back aching fiercely.
But he already had committed to a rough night if it only allowed his twin some respite from everything, might as well own it. The main issue was, there was no escaping anything else looming at the edge of his mind and everything beyond their door. Should’ve grabbed his headphones beforehand.
The house was too quiet. That in itself was the biggest giveaway how messed up things were, honestly. The silence was pressing on his ears like he owed it money and he did not care for its insistency to make itself known.
Their house was never quiet. Seven people under a roof- eight, he amended – it should not be like this. But ever since the accident the floor was made of eggshells, the walls padded in cotton.
No giggles that heralded a badly, albeit successful, late night cookie heist. No familiar snoring two doors down. Not even faint noises of a punching bag down below about to meet its maker under the relentless pounding of fists – honestly, that would’ve been a comfort if he at least heard that.
The TV was silent too and wasn’t that telling? That his father did not even dare to escape the tension in the droning of some nonsensical TV drama? Daylight wasn’t better, feet that normally raced down the halls, now tiptoed lightly, as if one misstep could bring the whole house down – maybe it would. And then there was the stranger in the room across from theirs. He wore his twins face, but he looked so worn and tired and had a hard time meeting their eyes.
That was what bothered Donnie the most, honestly. Because he was proof that things would go from bad to worse if coming back to this moment in time became a necessity to change course of whatever path he had to go down to get to this point. Donnie was already, even if he hated admitting it, woefully out of his depth. He could fix and repair a lot of things. There was nothing in his arsenal equipped to fix any of this. Not that would stop him from trying, mind, but given that there was a stranger just across the hall, that had his brothers face, meant he had failed the first time around.
But he would not do so a second time. Learn from the mistakes of the past, why not apply it to mistakes of the future too, now that they stared him so blatantly in the face across the breakfast table each morning?
He just had to do better than whatever other version of him had done. No problem. He can improvise, he can adapt.
And if that means to go beyond his usual modus operandi and gather up his twin, glue himself to his side and hold him all through the night and beyond that, despite his own misgivings of prolonged physical contact, just so he could get finally some sleep, then this is what it will be. There was no way to get back the pieces of Leo already lost to the accident; he would come out the other side of this mess changed. But he would come out of it. Donnie would see to it. And Donnie would not allow his twin to stray further and become a stranger in turn. Over his dead body.
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elliebyrrdwrites · 2 months
Blurb 17.3
Harry had arrived early to work today. Earlier than usual, due to the mandatory even later that evening. He wanted to get a good start on the day and assess all of the evidence and the facts and create a timeline or a chart or something that would help him piece together all of the victims and see how they connected to Fiadh. He wanted to go back through the files available to him on Tom Riddle and his family lineage.
He wanted to get to the bottom of this fucking disaster.
Therefore, he was surprised to walk into the office to find that Malfoy was already hunched over his desk, in the same clothes he had on yesterday. His hair was a mess and the circles under his eyes were darker than ever. “Have you been here all night?” Harry asked as he walked over to the coffee maker, half of a pot already sitting on the burner.
Draco looked up from the files splayed out over his desk and yawned in response.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Harry frowned as he took a sip from his mug. The coffee was luke warm and bitter.
Settling down into the chair behind his desk, Harry stared at Draco, assessing him. “You look terrible mate.”
Draco snorted, but his eyes were dead, his mouth flat with little emotions visible on his sharp features.
“Did you come across anything?” He didn’t imagine there could be something more alarming or troublesome that Draco had found because, Harry was certain that he would have told him upon entering the office.
No, this looked much more serious.
“Did something happen between you and Hermione?”
Draco sighed and ran a tired hand over his face. He was quiet. He was quiet for so long that Harry thought he wouldn’t respond. But then he sniffed and looped a finger into the handle fo his own mug. He stared at the contents of his mug and Harry was positive that it was cold from sitting for hours.
“I fucked up.”
Harry was surprised at his honesty. “Okay...” He leaned back in his chair. “How?”
“In the worst way?” He lifted his mug to his mouth and took a sip but grimaced when he tasted the coffee. “I ignored her yesterday. All day.”
Malfoy was incredibly focused on the case, and had spent most of the day combing through evidence and trying to track down new leads for the case of the muggle found dead on Primrose Hill. Harry had assumed that was what was behind the tension in his shoulders, the consistent purse to his lips.
“We slept together the other night.”
Oh. While it was mildly uncomfortable to hear about Malfoy sleeping with his best friend, he had assumed they would be good together. Malfoy seemed so determined to take good care of her, that it didn’t bother him nearly as much as he thought it would.
“And then you...”
“Left before she woke up and ignored her even though she was right in front of my face? Yes.”
Harry blinked at his partner. “Why? Do you regret sleeping with her?”
“No,” Draco practically growled. “I mean, yes? Because now what? She’s in danger. I’m supposed to be protecting her.” But there was something in his eyes that told Harry he didn’t regret it. He just feared what it meant.
But Harry didn’t tell him that. Everyone knew that Malfoy was shit at feelings. Not that he didn’t have any. Apparently, he had many and they were intense. More intense than Harry had ever imagined. He was impassioned, just like Hermione was, and the thing he was really shit at (much like Hermione) was that he had a terrible time expressing them. So much so that he often contradicted his feelings and sought out fights in order to mask any vulnerability he may feel.
“She’s going to the gala tomorrow.” Draco looked up from his cold cup of coffee.
“But not with you.” Harry surmised.
“She’s going with McLaggen.” The name was like poison dripping from his lips. His eyes were hard but there was something brittle in them. Like all of his masks and cold features were at risk of slipping and breaking into a million pieces onto the floor.
Harry watched Draco’s eyes close as he clenched his jaw shut tight.
He couldn’t help but feel bad for the wizard. Because the witch he desired was now going to be at a glamorous event with McLaggen instead of him. What was worse is that Harry had found out last night that Ron was attending.
If someone had told him a year ago, that he was going to be sympathizing and rooting for Draco Malfoy to win over the heart of Hermione Granger, well…Harry would have laughed until he cried. It Draco wasn’t who everyone thought he was. Sure, he was rough around his sharp edges, but he was alarmingly kind. Not only was he going to incredible lengths to keep Hermione safe, he had opened up to Harry in a way that left him perplexed and then he had practically gifted him an entire wedding.
Ginny was beside herself with gratitude and excitement. Harry wouldn’t be surprised if she ambushed Malfoy tonight at the gala.
Which reminded him. “Ron will be there. He’s going with Alicia Spinnet.”
With a long inhale and exhale, Draco opened his eyes. “She’s punishing me.”
“Yes, I think so.” Harry picked up his mug and took another, longer drink from his cup. “But not with Ron. I think she’s completely forgotten about Ron.”
Someone knocked at the door before it cracked open. Dawlish stepped in and nodded to Harry before looking over at Draco.
“We’ve got eyes on the group of Gypsies you put an APB out on.”
“Wait, what?” Harry blinked over at his partner.
“We need to question them about the body we found at their abandoned campsite.” Draco said before turning to Dawlish. “Do we still have eyes on them?”
“We do. Beckett is watching them in Wales, near Eryri National Park.”
Dawlish held out a piece of scratch paper out to Harry while Draco grabbed their coats. “Coordinates for an apparation point outside of their wards.”
Dawlish left their office and Draco squinted over at all of the case files on his desk. “Don’t you think it’s weird that it wasn’t Fiadh who reported Belinda missing?”
It was odd, because Belinda was her daughter. Instead, it had been a male. A male with sandy brown hair and tan skin. Harry couldn’t remember much else about him and honestly, that could have been a disguise or someone under the guise of a polyjuice potion.
“Yeah...there’s definitely something fishy going on with the gypsies. What are you thinking?” He asked as they stepped out into the hallway.
“I think that our victim was close to the murderer. I also think he was close to Belinda.” He sighed and stepped into the Floo with a handful of powder. “I think our suspect sticks close to these gypsies for a reason.”
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souliebird · 1 year
sugar skulls & altars
Frank Castle x OFC || 4,233 words
She makes him feel like Frank Castle
A love letter to my Punisher oc bc I'm a big fucking Sap.
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Frank wants nothing more than to take off his fucking boots. 
They are sopping wet and the left one is torn to shreds. It's barely holding together. Which only furthers his anger because he Liked these boots. He actually shelled out the money to Red's suit maker to get them custom made. Now he'll have to track the guy down again.
After he tracks down the rest of this fucking gang he's after.
But that's for another night. He's done tonight. He needs to restock and think and cool down. Going in angry won't do him any favors. These fuckers are clever, way more than he gave them credit for.
And maybe a beer or two won't hurt. Take Max out. 
Check on his girl across the hall. He hasn't seen his little angel in a few days - hell, he hasn't been to his apartment in a few days. He feels like a fucking asshole over it, relying on her to take care of Max. He knows she doesn't mind it, Max practically belongs to her now, the little traitor, but Frank doesn't want to give her more to worry about. 
She's got the weight of the world on her shoulders, his Sadie. If he could admit it to himself, he'd say he loves her for it. Her absolute genuine concern for everyone else. 
"Whatever I can do to help," she always tells him with the brightest smile. 
Yeah, if she's up, he'll knock on her door. 
Frank slumps his way from where he's parked his van to the building that holds his apartment. No one else is on the street, but he knows better than to let his guard down. His dwindling anger keeps him vigilant and he keeps his hand on his gun until he's through the front door and in the lobby. He doesn't bother with the elevator, heading right to the stairs for the short trek up three flights. The building's quiet for the most part. The walls are pretty thin, so there's always some noise, but the people here are just trying to get by. He doesn't need to worry much about finding a junkie in the stairs or kicking down a door to stop some asshole from beating on his wife. 
It's one of the better shitholes he's lived in.
The bulb in the hallway is burnt out, but it only serves to help him see the little sliver of light shining out from under Sadie's door. He pretends to not notice the pleased feeling that settles in his chest and forces himself to go to his own door instead of straight to knocking on hers.
Max is waiting for him when he opens the door. His tail is wagging and he's doing his little tip-tap dance as Frank pulls what's left of his boots off. The second he tosses them aside, Max is on him, pushing his big square head into Frank's hands. 
Frank instantly starts scratching at his jowls, "I missed you, too, bud. You bein' a good guard?"
His answer is more tip-taps and some face licks.  He indulges in another minute of pets before pulling away. His gear joins his boots on the floor then he makes his way to the bathroom.
The second he turns on the light, he's grimacing at his reflection. He looks like fucking shit. Bruising and cuts cover his face. Drying blood is caked all over him. He's lucky the worst he got tonight was a deep swipe in his side with a knife. He already wrapped that in the van, keeping himself from bleeding over everything. 
He can't go see his girl looking like this, so he starts the shower and peels out of his clothes. He's just as covered in blood and grime naked. He buzzed his hair earlier that week, so at least he's not going to need to scrub his scalp to death to get clean.
But he still spends a good twenty minutes in the shower, making sure there isn't a speck of dirt on him. 
Max is sitting in the doorway when he steps out of the shower and gives Frank an excited wiggle when he's looked at, coupled with some grumbly whines. His 'pitbull talk' as Sadie calls it. He's been doing it more and more and she encourages it, pretending to have conversations with the dog. Frank may or may not have picked up on the habit. 
He raises his brow at Max, "You givin' me attitude now?" 
He can't help but snort when he just gets a big dog smile in return. 
"That's what I thought."
He gives Max another scratch as he passes from the bathroom back into the main room, going to grab some sweats and a shirt to throw on. He thinks for a to moment, then digs his sneakers out from under the bed. He's so used to wearing his boots to do everything, he can't even remember the last time he wore them. He doesn't even go jogging or shit like that. He's got some older boots, but he's not going to break those out just to take Max out. 
And that's not just because he's got no idea if they are in his apartment or one of his safe houses. 
He's gonna fucking bulk order from Red's suit guy. 
Max seems to know the plan. Frank's not even fully dressed before the leash is being pushed against his hand. He takes it with a huff and a smile, and clips it to Max's collar. He can't even be annoyed about the dog being pushy - he's been a crap owner. He'd be eager too, if he'd been locked up in the apartment.
He finishes putting his shoes on then lets Max lead him out. The air is a lot crisper now that his adrenaline is down. Halloween is right around the corner - he's been roped into joining Red's little group to make sure no one tries to burn the fucking city down. 
He starts to think up a plan for the rest of the night as he walks Max around the block. He knows Sadie will want to clean him up a bit and feed him and he'll let her. He's become spoiled on her cooking - he's bulked up a bit since she came into his life and he won't complain one bit. And she gets the good beer. 
Maybe he can talk her into watching some horror movie. She doesn't like the R-rated shit, she's too sweet for that, but he's sure they can find something tame enough. Something they can enjoy and he can just take a moment to fucking Relax. 
It's something he's forgotten how to do. He's always head down in his work, going after some shit bag or another. Grinding down anything left of Frank Castle and encompassing The Punisher has been his balance for the past year or so. Not losing himself like Red did, he's not letting a building collapse on him, it just didn't feel like the world needed Frank Castle anymore.
'Til he stumbled upon her, literally, and she took one look at the Punisher and only saw Frank Castle.
Maybe he'll pamper her instead, coax her into a bath and massage. Taking care of her gives him a sense of calm he hasn't had since Lisa was in diapers. Nothing else matters except what's in his hands. 
He licks his bottom lip at the thought of digging his thumbs into her shoulders, making his angel sigh in delight. Having her completely melt under him, trusting him so completely to take care of her. Soft conversation about whatever project she's wrapped up in, feeling like an actual person instead of a ghost of a man. 
So yeah, he'll do that, make up being away with doting on her. Solid plan, room for improvising. 
He tugs on Max's leash, dragging the dog's attention away from whatever he was sniffing, and starts heading back to the apartment building. It only takes a few minutes, Max trotting by him, throwing up those happy dog smiles to him. He lets himself smile too. 
The building is still just as quiet when he returns, the only sound as he starts up the stairs being the jingle of Max's tags. He stops in front of Sadie's door and tells Max to sit before knocking.
Frank knows she knows it's him, but he can't help but smile as he hears her push against the door so she can look through the peep hole. She's soft, but far from stupid.
His world brightens as the door swings open and he's met with a blinding smile.
"Frank! I wasn't expecting to see you tonight," she says, stepping back so he can come in. After Max, who pushes his way in to his favorite human. Sadie bends to scratch his ears, eyes never leaving Frank. 
She looks so sweet, he has to tell himself he can just throw her over his shoulder and take her to bed. Her mane of curls are thrown up in a bun and even though it's the end of October, she's wearing a tank top and little sleeping shorts. It doesn't leave much to the imagination.
"Saw you were still up, wanted to check in," is his reply to her. "How you doin', sweetheart?"
Sadie unclips Max's leash and he barrels his way to the couch, probably going to right where she had just been sitting. She doesn't seem to mind, turning her attention to Frank, putting her hands on his chest and leaning up on her tip toes to press a feather light kiss to his lips. He instantly reaches around to run his hands over her ass before squeezing her cheeks, pulling her closer to him. She gives a pleased hum against his lips.
"Better with you here." She pulls back and taps her fingers against him, lips turning into the slightest frown, "There's glass in your arm."
He gives her another squeeze before letting her go, and looking at the back of his forearm. It's like his boot, shredded to fuck. He went through a window at some point, so he's not surprised glass got in there. Everything kinda hurts, so he didn't even realize.
Sadie traces her finger up to his neck, dancing over his skin before cupping his jaw. Frank leans into it eagerly, "Let me grab my tweezers."
He's reluctant to let her go now he has his hands on her, but he behaves. He kicks off his shoes and follows her into the main room.
Max has made his home on the couch and the table in the front of him is covered in what looks like disassembled picture frames. His sweet girl is always working on some type of project and he can't wait to hear about whatever she's doing now.
After she patches him up.
He plops himself down at the kitchen table and rests his arm there, turning it so Sadie can easily get to the cuts and waits. A moment later, she's coming out of the bathroom with bright pink tweezers. He smiles at the sight - he bought her a whole grooming kit in obnoxious colors and it pleases him she uses it.
She playfully snaps them at him as she sits, "I only felt a few, so it will just take a minute."
Frank hums, "Baby girl, you know there's no rush."
She just smiles at him then turns her attention to his wounds. 
He doesn't take his eyes off her. 
With such gentleness and care Frank has never deserved in his life, Sadie picks up his arm and the slightest tingle goes down his spine as all the pain in his body is dulled into nothingness. In the blink of an eye, the scrapes on his knuckles are gone, like they were never there to begin with. Every wound, every injury he's gotten over the last week or so disappear, save the cuts on his arm she is pulling glass out of. He can't even feel it - she's numbed the area around it. 
He swears she just really be an angel. She can heal anything with just a touch. She's saved his ass too many times to count at this point, Red and Finn's too, and that doesn't compare to the weird underground clinic she works with. She does it all without asking for anything in return and hardly ever questions where injuries came from. And she does it all anonymously - only a handful of people know what she can do. She covers her face and hair when she works. 
Frank knows a great deal of it has to do with her fears of being taken to some lab - not that he'd ever let that happen - but he knows she wouldn't want the power that would come with being public. If she wanted it, she could be the richest person in the world. He's seen her cure fucking stage three cancer in a five minute session and save a man who had been stabbed in the heart. People would literally pay billions for a handshake from Sadie Harper. 
She barely makes rent.
She thrifts all her clothes and buys her furniture from the flea market.
She lives in this shit hole apartment in Hell's Kitchen and the first time she's ever been outside New York or Jersey, it was him taking her to Connecticut for the Elephant's Trunk Flea Market. 
She doesn't have health insurance or the ability to heal herself because Fate truly is a bitch.
She spends all her time cleaning guns with him, talking about her dreams of buying a run down apartment and remodeling it all herself. She's the unofficial doctor for a group of New York vigilantes because she can't afford to go to college. Her hobbies include acting like a nutritionist to all her friends because she can tell all of their blood work with a touch and she is extremely passionate about food and being the neighborhood safe person. Everyone knows Sadie knows the Punisher. He's made sure of that.
And that means kids come to her when someones hurting them. Sometimes it's a bully, and Sadie gives them advice. Sometimes it's a kid who can't go to the ER and knows the Woman at the Clinic won't ask questions. And sometimes those kids keep coming back and back and neither of them say a word over and over and over again until the kids just says a name. Then Sadie never sees that kid again. 
And that's who she is and Frank…cares very deeply about her for it. 
She makes him feel like Frank Castle again. 
"That's the last one."
She drops his hand and bounces up to go clean the tweezers. His eyes go right to her ass. Like a true New Yorker she walks every where and it shows. Frank's a simple man.
"I went to the butcher's today and got more ham for stock. I haven't used it yet, I'll make you a sandwich. Would you like beer or coffee?"
"Beer, please," Frank replies. He finally looks away from her and over to the TV. There's a couple touring some run down looking house. "Where they at?"
"They're always in California." 
"They're based in California, so they didn't spend the money to travel for the first few seasons," she says, starting to flutter around the kitchen, gathering things to cook with. 
"Huh," he grunts, and turns on his chair to face the TV. His eyes drop to the frames on the coffee table. "What'cha working on?"
She doesn't respond right away. Frank waits a few moments, thinking she's busy with something or thinking over her answer, before he looks over. 
Her back is turned to him and her shoulders hunched up. That makes him knit his brow. He waits. She'll tell him when she's ready, but he doesn't like it's something she's nervous about. She's got some of the worst anxiety he's ever seen, but she's gotten better at knowing he won't get angry at her. 
It's not like she's doing anything dangerous - her projects are all crafts in one way or another. 
It takes her a full minute before she turns around and comes back to him. He holds out his hands and she takes it, giving the smallest of tugs. He gets up and follows her easily, heading over towards the couch. Max looks up at them, tail starting to thunk hard against the seat. She leads him to the other end and he sits, raising the urge to pull her into his lap. He lets her sit between him and her dog.
Frank finally notices a yellow envelope on the table and he instantly knows it has photos in it. Real printed out photos. He lets go of her hand to reach for it. 
Sadie is still as a statue beside him. 
There's a fair amount of photos in the envelope and he slides the stack out into his hand.
And nearly fucking drops them.
Lisa and Maria are beaming back up at him, wearing swimsuits at the beach. He's never seen this picture before in his life.
He flips to the next photo. 
It's Frank Jr's school photo.
The next is Lisa and her friends at a bowling alley. She's posing with a ball. 
The next is he and Maria's wedding photo.
"Facebook," Sadie says so softly it almost spooks him. "And Instagram. A lot of their friends don't have private accounts. I…ummm.. Made enough to make into an album for you, too."
That pulls his eyes away from Maria's smile and he frowns up at Sadie. 
She's looking down at her lap, wringing her hands. Her voice is still quiet when she speaks, "Dia de Los Muertos is coming up and I thought they would want to know how you were doing. I've never made one before, but my abuelita would make an altar for my abuelito every year to give him all the gossip, so I kind of have an idea."
Frank looks back to Maria. His chest is getting tight. There's something growing in his throat. "You made 'em an altar?"
She squirms beside him, "I'm still making it…" She sounds ashamed over the fact. 
He doesn't know how to feel. There's so much going through him and God, seeing Maria's smile is destroying him but he wants to sear it into his memory. His hands shake as he flips to the next photo.
It's him and Lisa. He remembers taking it - they went to Coney Island without checking the weather and it rained on them. About ten minutes after Lisa demanded they take a selfie. 
God, she'd laugh her ass off if she knew how many dumb selfies he's been in. The thought makes him tear up and he starts tracing over her smile. His baby girl. He misses her so much. 
He misses them all so much. 
He forces his eyes away from the photos and back to Sadie.
She's still not looking at him and he can feel the nerves rolling off her in waves. She's scared how he's gonna react and it makes his heart hurt. He knows whatever she is doing is with pure intentions - she's not snooping around or anything. He's not sure what she's doing, if he's being honest, but he's got a rough idea. He's seen the sugar skulls and knows what an altar is. 
Frank swallows the lump in his throat and locks his lips. "Can I help?" He asks and his voice is cracked to shit.
Her head turns to him slowly, her lips turning up into that beautiful bright smile. She starts to nod eagerly, and Frank's heart is pounding in his chest for so many reasons. 
"We need to find photos. I was looking for really happy things. Good memories for them to come back to? And…um…" She leans down and Frank watches her pull out a shopping bag out from under the table and up onto her lap. Max pushes his head into her lap, sniffing loudly. She opens the bag towards him and he sticks his head right in. Finding nothing for him, he pulls back and flops back down with a huff. 
Sadie then shows him what's in the bag - two little Lego sets, both dinosaur themed. The lump in his throat comes back full force and his hand is shaking again as he pulls out one of the boxes. 
They'd go feral for these - Lisa and Frankie. These are the toys aimed at older kids. Hell, he used to always get a kick out of putting them together, no matter his age. It's always been fun to see what little blocks can build. He can hear them in his head, screeching and laughing about stealing each other's blocks.  He can picture being roped into building some big thing so they can have their dinosaurs tear it down just in time for dinner. 
"I didn't know," Sadie starts, her voice back to being so soft, "if I should build them or not. My abuelito only ever got tequila, cigarettes, and the paper. But they are meant to be played with, so leaving them in the box seems…sad?" She looks from the box in his hands up to Frank's face, "What do you think?"
He licks his lips before putting the box and stack of photographs down on the coffee table. He turns back to Sadie, takes in her large, love filled brown eyes, and part of him just melts. 
How can she be so good? So good to him?
There ain't no way in hell he deserves her goodness. And not at this level. 
Finding pictures of his family, getting toys for his kids, doing all this because she knows how important they are to him. How important they will always be. 
He is supposed to be pampering her and here she is, making him cry. 
Frank takes her face in his hands and kisses her, soft but firm, running his thumb over her cheek as he does. She sighs into him, turning towards him so she can rest her palms on his chest. He doesn't miss a beat, dropping his hands to her hips and tugging her into his lap so she's straddling him. She moves so easily for him, making soft little pleased noises the whole time, settling against him. 
He slides one hand up her back, pushing up her tank top until he reaches her shoulders, then let's the fabric drop back down, before going up her neck and burying his hand into her hair. He bites her bottom lip lightly before pulling back just enough to talk. She tries to follow him and he ends up mumbling into her mouth between more kisses.
"I think buildin' 'em would be perfect. Think you're perfect, sweetheart, for doin' this. Thinking of them. You got no idea," he gets out as he starts kissing down her jaw to her neck, "Thank you." He might start actually crying if he keeps going, so he buries his face into the crook of her neck. She wraps her arms around his shoulders and holds him close, cradling his head against her and lightly scratching the nape of his neck with her nails. Comforting him so he doesn't turn into a mess.
She kisses his temple and she gives a little hum against him before she starts talking, "You said you don't get to visit them as much as you'd like, so I thought they'd like to know how you're doing. And…" She nuzzles against where she kissed, like she's shy about what she's got to say, "I wanted to meet them…let them know you.. Aren't alone."
And God, that just fucking gets him. Frank hugs her tighter to him, trying to absorb her into him because part of him never wants to let her go. 
He takes a shaky breath and looks up at her, and he can't help but smile because she's smiling down at him. She really is his angel. 
"Nah…not alone. I got you to take care of me." He gives her another sweet kiss, "Don't know how I got so lucky." 
"Fate," she replies with a hint of mischief. It's her go to answer for everything and it's not something he believes in, but he's not going to argue with her. 
She slides off his lap, turning to grab the stack of photos on the table as she does, then curls against his side, tucking her feet up under her. Frank wraps his arm around her to hold her close and looks down at the image of Lisa clasped in Sadie's hands.  Lisa would have loved Sadie. Maria and Frankie, too. 
"Will you tell me about this one?" Sadie asks, flipping the photo of him and Lisa to the back to reveal one of Maria dressed up like a pirate for Halloween. Lisa, still a baby, is wearing a parrot onesie and has clearly just poured her bottle all over Maria's top. 
Frank can't help the bark of laughter that escapes him, "Oh Lordy, I remember this. Lisa had just started really eaten solid food…"
And just like that, another part of Frank Castle blooms back to life from the ashes of the Punisher's past. 
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How about “Hey! I may be a dumbass but I’m your dumbass!” for Alistair/Shaesa?
omg omg omg I was so happy when I got this prompt and I knew IMMEDIATELY what I wanted to do. So this is a lil scene after Alistair finds out that Shaesa had been previously engaged, and he gets a bit insecure about it cause Shaesa was his first love and finding out she had someone before him that she felt THAT SERIOUSLY about (jokes on him, it was arranged, but he didn't know that lol) sorta freaked him out. He started distancing himself from Shae but she noticed and called him out on it and so this is what happens after that :3 hope you enjoy! for @dadrunkwriting Rated G: Fluffy goodness, ~800 words
Try Again | By Exalted_Dawn
Shaesa stifled a snort into her palm, her smile curling against sword-formed calluses in a cheeky sort of way. Even so, the feeble attempt did little to hide the blossoming up-turn to her lips, or the way her eyes crinkled with joy, so the elf didn’t bother to pretend that she didn’t find this whole situation funny. “Maker, you’re such an idiot,” she chuckled, the words almost breathy as she spoke them, clouding on the brisk morning wind.
From the corner of her eye, she watched as Alistair’s face turned an even deeper shade of red (something she hadnt previously thought possible), scrunching in an adorably flustered scowl. “What? And you’ve never made a wrong assumption, hm?” he muttered, scrubbing at the back of his head. “It’s not as if you particularly liked to talk about it in the beginning, and when your father brought it up, I thought-”
Shaesa broke off with a laugh, curling in on herself. She rocked back against the Vhenadahl, using its sturdy trunk to balance against as she finally and truly succumbed to her amusement. She shook her head briskly, wiping a stray tear from her eye as she did. “What? That I’d lost the love of my life? That I’d never want to be engaged again?” She peaked up at the man standing beside her, all wrapped up in scarves and a thick-knit traveling cloak from head to toe. He really was too cute for his own good. It was hardly fair. She sighed deeply, sucking down a centering breath in an attempt to reign in at least some of her laughter, and reached over to grab his hand in hers. “Alistair. Just because I was once, doesn’t mean that I’m still spoken for. Sorta hard to be betrothed to a ghost… y’know?” 
He stared idly at their interlocked hands, fingers woven together tight, and Shaesa watched as something in him settled. His gaze grew distant, more contemplative and sullen. His head dipped in a tentative nod. So he wasn’t entirely convinced, then. 
Huffing, she turned and yanked him to face her, picking up his other hand so she held both aloft between them. She squeezed roughly, her conviction demanding. “Marry me.”
Alistair blinked. “I’m sorry- what?”
“Marry me, you dumbass,” she repeated, stern. 
Shaesa frowned up at him expectantly, glaring down his baffled confusion. 
“Wait, are you serious?” Alistair asked.
“Of course I am.”
“What do you mean ‘of course you are’????” he quacked, balking. “You just ask like that? Out of the blue? With absolutely no warning or preparation?” 
Shaesa’s frown deepened a fraction. “Well I wouldn’t exactly say it was without planning, or entirely out of the blue. We were talking about it, and it’s been on my mind for some time now. I thought, if you really cared about me being engaged, then-”
Alistairs lips closed over hers, pressing and insistent. Warm, against the Denerim chill. Shaesa signed into the kiss, leaning up into him as he stooped to cup her face, drawing her closer. His thumbs brushed across her freckled cheeks in tender refrain, teasing a flush to them to match his own. 
They parted slowly, breath catching in the air between them. Shaesa could not help the silly, lopsided grin on her lips. “So I take it that’s a ‘yes’, then?”
“Absolutely not,” Alistair puffed indignantly, thunking his forehead against her own. “You don’t even have a ring- let alone flowers or proper mood lighting. I’m not some cheap date, you know. If you were going to propose, I would have liked to see some actual effort.”
“But if I did have all that stuff…?” She tried not to sound too hopeful, in case he was simply deflecting through humor. But her worries were swept away as Alistair grinned something goofy and pecked her nose with another kiss. 
“I suppooooose you’ll just have to ask me again and find out, won’t you?” He grabbed her hand again and tugged her along, back towards the direction of Shaesa’s family home. His ears were pink to their very tip, but his grip was firm and sure.
The nerves in her softened, as did her smile. She squeezed his hand back, stumbling to catch up with him. “You really are a dumbass,” she murmured, love swelling in her chest. How could he have doubted her for a second? As if she ever stood a chance against him.
“Yeah, well,” he started, not even bothering to look back at her. “I’m your dumbass now, so I guess you’re stuck with me. Afraid it's a bit too late for regrets.”
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giminal · 1 month
almost forgot to basil post (wipes sweat off my forehead cartoonishly)
basil headcanons!!
under the cut bc fairly long
alot of bottled up anger, probably takes it out mostly by furiously playing the violin or writing dramatic poetry (god me too)
terrible at remembering to do things like eat and drink water, mrs judson reminds him, bless her soul
since basil and his mom havent seen eachother since basil was pretty young, mrs judson is like a mother to him, and basil is like a son to her (why she tolerates him)
AND SPEAKING OF HIS MOM!! basil ran away from home as a teenager because he came out to his mom as trans, who did not accept him. and USUALLY he is absolutely the type to throw punches over transphobia (and he'd win, see: pent up anger) but he had a soft spot for his mom so instead of fighting he just ran away
alternatively, if ur not about trans basil, he ran away because he felt suffocated at home. his mom was nice enough, he just needed the independence. mostly because hes, of course, a trouble maker and she didn't like that (could be both reasons though!)
sleep schedule is sooo fucked
writes poetry and occasionally some fiction
when he remembers/is reminded to eat he eats ALOT. hes a pretty big dessert/pastry guy as well
makes friends by being like "okay ur coming with me now" (he doesnt know how else to make friends)
APPARENTLY mrs judson is basils maid but i prefer to think shes just this poor old lady who hired basil to clean or something and he ended up living with her. he absolutely can afford his own place but just doesnt bother. they fight frequently but deep down care for eachother lots. not sure how i missed the maid thing upon first viewing
met ratigan many years before the movie takes place. after he ran away from home he made his way across london while homeless and eventually ran into ratigan. at the time ratigan was making an effort to hide his crimes, so basil fell for him
and PLEASE feel free to add ur own in the comments and also please feel free to steal these of course!! x)))
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crowtwink · 2 years
today my brain has decided that the only thing I'm allowed to think about is "Red Hood/Ghost-Maker Team-up comic" and I'm about to make that everyone else's problem.
So it all starts when Khoa decides he wants to get to know the only Bat whose stance on murder he respects
Bruce, internally: Oh this is gonna be so good
Bruce, externally: Sure I'll set up a play-date for you
The play-date is smugglers (or idk something Bruce can trust these two loose cannons to play nice around)
Jason fucking hates Khoa for being someone who Bruce likes better than him (objectively this is not true but Jason has RSD so try convincing him of that) so this is already going badly on his side
it takes Khoa approximately two minutes to realize he was so so wrong about Jason
because surprise Jason is actually not a calm sensible person who realized that Bruce's strategy was incomplete
instead he is twenty billion emotions right out in the open at all times and it is giving Khoa a headache
literally any Bat could have told Khoa this but he didn't want to talk to the Bats he wanted to find out for himself
dammit he was trying to play nice instead of just going out and randomly attacking Bruce's family as a way to get to know them
and now Bruce is probably laughing at him somewhere in his stupid cave
(cut to Bruce definitely laughing)
plot happens idk they accidentally stumble into a much bigger web of crime than planned etc
Jason does something stupid and reckless and gets kidnapped for his trouble
Khoa: oh shit Bruce is gonna kill me
Khoa: oh shit I might actually care about this little twerp on his own terms too
Khoa: I mean obviously not but either way rescue time
Khoa Does Some Murder To Rescue Jason
They Are Not In Gotham So It's Fine
Jason: *surprised pikachu*
Khoa: dude are you good?
Jason starts looking to Khoa for approval on the rest of the mission
and he gets it!
not a lot, but Khoa is the sort to be brutally honest which means that when he does show approval it matters
and bonus he doesn't seem bothered by Jason's "I am an angsty murderous dead boy" routine
or at least not any more bothered than he is by Jason showing any other emotion
Jason: so this mob boss needs to die
Khoa: you're absolutely right do you want an exploding bullet to make him extra dead?
Jason, crying: yes please
they're halfway home when Khoa realizes what happened
goddammit Bruce tricked him into adopting *another* angry kid with clown trauma
Khoa: Bruce? Bruce?!
Khoa: what the fuck have you done to me??
Bruce is laughing so hard
Khoa: have you somehow transferred your child collecting curse???
Khoa: are you outsourcing the murderous ones to me?????
And then Jason and Bao join forces and Khoa never knows peace again
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deadbydangit · 1 year
I'm feeling awful with this cold! So here's taking care of some characters while they're sick.
Taking care of them when they're sick.
Dwight, Claudette, Steve
Dwight Fairfield
It isn't too obvious when he's getting sick.
Dwight might be a little more tired, but that's about it.
The sickness hits him all at once.
You'll wake up one morning to the poor guy sniffling and coughing.
He'll still greet you with a smile.
Maybe even try a kiss.
But be firm.
He's sick. Tell him that.
He'll be a bit disappointed, but he'll understand.
Dwight will try to play it off as nothing.
But he's barely standing.
Time for bed.
He isn't the type who is needy when he's sick.
He'll always think of himself as a bother.
You're going to have to pry what he needs out of him.
Or just get it yourself without him asking.
He'll sing you praise and appreciation for any little act.
The worst part about him getting sick is his nose.
The poor boy's nose runs like a faucet.
If you end up by his bedside, you'll see a mountain of crumpled up tissues.
The sinus pressure is so bad that he has to take off his glasses.
The slightest pressure on his nose causes him pain.
After a few days, he'll be up and ready to go.
Just keep him in check since he's still recovering.
If you catch what he had, expect him to be at your bedside the entire time.
He'll have whatever you need in his hand before you even need it.
You did so much for him, it's the least he could do for you.
Claudette Morel
Her sickness slowly creeps up on her, little by little.
It will start with a few sneezes.
"Oh, probably just some dust."
Then coughing.
Followed by everything else.
And, despite all that, she still wants to get up and do things.
You might have to physically restrain her in order to keep her in bed.
If you really want her to rest, hand her a book on plants and get her some tea.
That should keep her still for a little while.
Years of playing in the dirt as a child has built up her immune system.
So she's rarely sick.
And even when she was, she'd keep going.
While her colds aren't as debilitating as Dwight's are, Claudette's last longer.
Which wouldn't be a problem if she didn't sneeze in the middle of a trial.
You two could be hiding and she'll suddenly sneeze.
You better run.
Claudette is very good about covering her mouth when she coughs or sneezes, and she always washes her hands after.
She doesn't want you getting what she had.
But, if you do, she'll be right there with you.
Teas with medicinal herbs might not be the best tasting, but it does do the trick.
You'll be better in no time.
Steve Harrington
Out of all the survivors, Steve probably gets it the worst.
Any sickness hits him hard.
Your usually energetic boyfriend is now a snotty, coughing, sick mess.
Anything that can happen to someone who gets sick, happens to Steve.
Chills, aches, running nose, cough, fever, etc.
The worst part is that he's so sick, he's delirious.
"Hey baby. Did you move the coffee maker?"
You don't, and never have, own a coffee maker.
And he's super cuddly when he's sick.
He just wants to hug you and never let go.
Nevermind the fact that he's dripping snot.
"I love you. Gimme a hug."
Do not let him hug you.
Because he won't let go.
He might even just fall asleep on top of you.
The hardest part is getting him off the cough drops.
"They taste like candy. I'll quit them tomorrow."
Just take them away.
He doesn't mean to, but he's not great at covering his mouth when he coughs or sneezes.
You're getting sick.
He's not the best at taking care of you.
He'll always measure the medicine wrong.
Or he'll burn soup.
But he's really trying his best.
And he wouldn't do that for anyone but you.
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careful-please · 6 months
Realm four: Midgard
Bitter and still in mourning, I began the trek to the lake. Only to find i wasn't here to save anyone. So then how to change the story? With the bifrost broken there was no way for me to track down any familiar faces. And I didn't really need to, because one such face was already at the temple, working at his forge.
But I couldn't sigh in relief at the sight of Sindri. It was clear he was still struggling with Brok's death. My heart ached dully, as I was struggling with my own grief. I could see myself in the stiff edge of defeat in his shoulders. The grim anger that pinched his brow. But I needed his help to press forward. My heart couldn't bear any more attachments in the moment. I asked for a way to Alfheim.
He looked me over for a moment and shook his head. "It won't work, so don't even bother. "
"I know. I need something else."
He reluctantly handed over the seed and I promised to return with any coin I found in my search. Obviously he didn't believe that I had no interest in the Well of Souls, but I couldn't fault him for it. Instead I turned my attention to the desert library. A small jar of healing salve and a simple question earned me admittance from the keeper. I studied the map found on a high shelf and memorized the route.
I still can't tell you what drove Sindri to join me but I'm glad he was there. I might have lost my sanity to the silence otherwise. When we arrived at the ruins I didn't hesitate. The crumbling walls and missing bridges would not stop me. I didn't care about getting hurt or being poisoned by traps. By the time we arrived in the ritual chamber Sindri was trying to argue that I wasn't ready for whatever waited inside. But that was beside the point.
We studied the carvings that depicted exactly what I was looking for. The "Maker" became noisy at this point. The only way to pull a soul out of the Ether was to go in yourself. Mine was a mortal soul. Not even the curse of immorality could fully protect me. The "Maker " could not guarantee my life in there. But that was the point. Amidst sobbing pleas and shouts to turn back I pushed Sindri to the side and walked right in.
Pain like nothing anyone has ever imagined overwhelmed me. Burning through my body and soul, ringing in my ears. And through the chaos of the white void I fought to find those I came for. It almost didn't work. The next time I could hear, there was a steady thump pressed to my ear. When I could move I felt rough skin beneath my hands. When I finally opened my eyes, it was to sight of a very annoyed looking Baldur.
"Go back to sleep. You are no where near ready to be moving just yet." He groosed in a shockingly soft voice. I distinctly recall his shrill screams in the Ether. I shook my head carefully and slowly moved to sit up, much to his aggravation. He reprimanded me, nagging even as he gently steadied me so I could drink water and sip on a bowl of soup. Days bled into one another as I slowly recovered from the most painful decision of my existence. Yet I could not regret it.
I took immense satisfaction from the inconsolable state of the "Maker". He could not comprehend why i would do something so foolish just to spite him. It was just further proof of his lies. A true Creator would understand the pain of losing your child, your world, your reality. By comparison the burns from the Ether were nothing. But those scars would stay with me forever.
Days turned into weeks, and in that time I discovered that everyone had pledged to return the favor to me. I simply refused to give them the opportunity. I felt hollow, numb, and bitter. I imagined it wasn't too dissimilar to how Baldur felt with his "blessing ". I had a newfound distaste for Freya then. Still when I could move freely again and my scars looked more like an optical illusion i demanded the Coward take me to a new realm. I had done all I could here and I didn't want to linger. But Baldur would not let me go so easily.
That is how we both ended up at the foot of the Blue mountains, listening to an energetic bard bother the locals of the quiet town.
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