#for the ssr challenge :^)
usamingif · 1 year
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"ニャンと☆スペクタクル" + "ギュっとMilky Way" prescription for smiles, kiyora yanagi
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satoruin · 10 months
i’m usually not a sebek girlie but awooga
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Chapter 3: Unexpected Challenge
Narrated by Vermillion.
~Content Warning: mild workplace abuse~
Narrator: It's three days to the New Year, and the preparation for every event is underway.
Narrator: After the press release, Helz plans to make acquaintances with some individual designers. As a good assistant, it naturally falls on me to scout ahead.
Narrator: I'm rounding the stairs, and what do I hear but that familiar, taunting voice.
Caroline: What's this supposed to be? Is it from your grandma's department store? The only place this color palette is going to is Cloud in a new year!
Narrator: Feeling the storm of Caroline's displeasure at her assistant's design from around the corner, I decide to hang back and wait for it to pass by.
Narrator: Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a young girl assistant hanging her head and slowly collecting sheets of paper scattered on the floor.
Caroline: All this time, and your taste hasn't improved one bit. The mix of red and white is a total nightmare.
Narrator: She has no right to say that about red and white!
Narrator: I dare not even breathe as I clutch the folder in my hands.
Assistant Girl: ...Actually, the inspiration for this color combo is from my...
Narrator: The girl tries to explain, but Caroline doesn't give her the chance.
Caroline: Fashion is to show one's identity and status, so it must be avant-garde enough to distance itself from others.
Caroline: If you turn something like this in again tomorrow, you're done.
Assistant Girl: ...I understand.
Narrator: Caroline walks off, leaving the girl behind. I hear her sobbing quietly.
Narrator: I approach, pick up a sheet from the ground that she dropped and hand it to her.
Vermillion Snow: Did you design this? It's pretty good. I like the red and white combo, too.
Vermillion Snow: I heard what she said to you. I'm a design student as well, and I liked your idea. Maybe we can talk sometime?
Vermillion Snow: As for what Caroline said, don't let it get to you. I don't agree with her, at least.
Vermillion Snow: The idea of using fashion only as a status symbol is just too utilitarian and impersonal for me.
Narrator: For a second, the assistant's grateful eyes meet mine, only to twist into shock as she stares past me.
Narrator: I turn around to find none other than Caroline standing behind me, imperiously impatient.
Caroline: What are you still doing here? Don't you know the next press conference has been moved up?
Narrator: The girl shudders from head to toe and sprints off with sketches in hand.
Narrator: After dismissing the girl, Caroline's focus shifts to me.
Caroline: Do not get in the way of my assistant's duties.
Vermillion Snow: ...I didn't get in her way.
Caroline: Did you take it upon yourself to teach her how to do her job, then?
Vermillion Snow: I...
Narrator: She notices my badge and smirks.
Caroline: Listen, little girl, you probably don't have the ear for advice from your betters, but here are the rules of this business.
Caroline: You do not have the right to point fingers at me, or my assistant.
Narrator: The acrimonious words echoed in my head, bouncing off the walls, infuriating me even more.
Choose "She's so condescending!"
You: She's so condescending! I would've lost it.
Narrator: I know, but I couldn't afford to get into an argument with her there.
Narrator: I had a job to do. What's more, I was a mere assistant, and she was a legend in the business.
Narrator: So I bite my tongue, and with all the politeness I could squeeze out of myself, I give her a nod.
Vermillion Snow: She's a designer, and so am I!
Vermillion Snow: One day, I'll beat her. I'll show her with my own work that only designs with heart and soul can truly move people!
Narrator: I tell Helz what happened. At first, he only shakes his head, but then his eyes light up.
Helz: How about you show her that at the cocktail?
Helz: If you get three letters of recommendation, you can go to the party as an indie designer, wear your own design, and show her what's what.
Narrator: I never imagined I would be able to attend the cocktail. After the surprise wears off, it's replaced by endless excitement.
Narrator: Three letters of recommendation... Helz starts me off with one. Then Sonya gladly provides another after learning about the incident. Just need one more.
Narrator: But what named designer would recommend me, an assistant?
Narrator: I stand in front of the hotel's floor-to-ceiling window and muse as the guests come and go.
Narrator: Lodden lies just beyond glass. It's bright, shining, and untouchable, just like cold fashion business in Caroline's world.
Narrator: Then, a waiter in a tuxedo delivers an unknown letter.
Letter of Recommendation: Heard you want to take Caroline on. I look forward to that.
Narrator: The letter isn't signed, though there's a Mercury Group seal in the bottom right.
Choose "The Mercury Group?"
You: Why would Mercury Group...?
Narrator: I don't know either, but there are many designers under the Mercury banner.
Narrator: Someone who didn't see eye to eye with Caroline probably got wind of it and decided to lend a hand.
Narrator: I felt the fire of hope light up in me once again.
Narrator: Just you wait, Caroline... I will prove to you that there's more than one way to good design.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
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elixirfromthestars · 17 days
Boulevard Confessions
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Pairing: 1940s!Bucky Barnes x Nurse!Reader 
Summary: Being a third wheel to Peggy and Steve wasn't your ideal Thursday night fun. However, when they tell you Bucky is tagging along you eagerly decide to join them. That is until a third party makes its presence known.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warning(s): drinking / fluff / jealousy / divergent from canon timeline / suggestive language / tipsy symptoms / mentions of war + the hardships that came with it
a/n:  Here’s a little piece that’s been sitting unfinished in my drafts for ages. For context, this timeline is one where Steve and Bucky both made it back from the war safe and sound and are enjoying their lives now that the war is over. Thank you for reading! ₊˚⊹♡ As a little psa my writing challenge is still ongoing!! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!! ♡
for ambiance 🎶
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“ I am about to spew my dinner all over this table,” you grimace, downing the rest of your martini. The bitterness of the spirits was lost on you as your consumption grew in time with your sour mood.
Peggy eyed you from across the table, holding back her amusement, “ If you keep stuffing your face with martinis you will.” You reach out to grab another unclaimed drink, but before you could, Peggy slid the rest of them away from you. You crossed your arms, blowing out a resigned sigh. Even in your inhibited state, you knew better than to argue with an SSR agent. 
Peggy shook her head at you, “ As your best friend I have an obligation to put a stop to this. Don’t you have a shift tomorrow at the clinic?” Your eyes went wide at the reminder. 
You slump in the booth, dreading the bad hangover awaiting you in the morning. “ I do, but thankfully it's in the afternoon. I won’t feel it by then. . .” You trailed off, failing to convince Peggy, or yourself, you wouldn’t be miserable at work tomorrow. Peggy turned to look at the dance floor before returning her attention to you, “ You know, maybe you should dance the dizzy away. It might help you sober up.” Your lips purse at her suggestion, noticing a certain blonde-haired blue-eyed super soldier returning from the bathroom.
 “ It's easy for you to say. You have a dance partner,” you motioned over to Steve. 
“ You would too if you would only go up and ask him,” she pointed out. 
You glanced at the dancing couples, “ No way. With the way that leech is clinging on to him—I’d never get one word in.”
She shrugged, “ You’ll never know until you try.” These were her parting words before Steve arrived at the table and escorted her onto the dance floor. You watched them, your head bopping along tiredly to the swing music. 
Maybe you should have stayed home. 
You almost didn’t come to the outing—being the third wheel to Peggy and Steve wasn’t exactly your ideal Thursday night fun. However, Peggy had mentioned Bucky would come along, and seeing as you hadn’t seen him in a few weeks due to conflicting schedules, you thought this would be the perfect opportunity to catch up. 
That was until the leech—a woman named Darla—decided to hog Bucky all night. Darla had been trying to get with Bucky for over a month now. You found this out tonight when Steve made a comment about it. Bucky hadn’t paid it much importance, so you thought it must have not been anything serious. However, right about the time you and Bucky were starting to catch up, Darla came over and dragged him away. 
Since then you’ve been inhaling martinis like your lungs preferred them over air. 
You couldn’t help the way your eyes drifted over to Bucky’s figure. Handsome as ever in his navy suit—your favorite color on him—and hair neatly combed. Watching as Darla threw herself at him with the courage that you lacked. Pulling him every which way on the dance floor, holding his hands to her hips in a tight grip. 
Your stomach contents were threatening to come up again. 
When did things get so complicated? You scratched at your brain for an answer. Spending time with Bucky had been so easy back at the military base where you met. You were stationed there in the medical unit caring for wounded and ill soldiers. During that time, you became great friends with Peggy and everyone on the Howling Commandos team. Bucky would frequently visit the medical unit even when he wasn’t sick or wounded. Sometimes you swore he would fake injuries or aches just to come and see you. Anytime he came in with something new he would refuse to see any other nurse but you.
It made you feel special. While other women were smitten with his charms and stumbled over seizing his attention—you had it without effort. You had so much more than just his attention without even trying. On hopeless nights he shared his fears, on days where the war seemed endless you eased his worries, and when he felt like the world was crashing down on him his heart spilled all vulnerabilities to you. 
You found refuge from the horrors of war in each other—a balm to each other’s wounds that went beyond the physical. In no time, something deeper for him bloomed within your heart. 
Ever since the war was over, however, things have been different. It’s been a couple of years and Steve and Bucky work alongside Peggy for the Strategic Scientific Reserve. Going on missions has become their norm, so seeing your friends is a rarity nowadays. 
You on the other hand were given a job at a children’s clinic in Brooklyn. You were grateful for this small piece of normality coming back to you. Treating smaller wounds on smaller bodies instead of lethal wounds during a relentless battle. Your senses are permanently burned with sights, sounds, and smells horrific enough to induce nightmares—and they do—managing to steal precious hours of sleep from you almost every night.
It was something you and Bucky especially bonded over.
“ May I have the honor of a dance, gorgeous?” A voice interrupted your thoughts. You looked up to meet a pair of unrecognizable hazel eyes. A handsome stranger stood in front of you, his hand outstretched for you to take. If you had but only one percentage less of alcohol in your system you would have declined his offer. This of course wasn’t the case, and not wanting to reminisce on more melancholy thoughts, you decided to listen to Peggy’s advice and dance the dizzy away.
Even if it wasn’t with the man you wanted to dance with.
“ You may,” you smiled at him, taking hold of his hand. Swiftly you were swept into the sea of couples on the dance floor. The handsome stranger—who you soon learn was named Thomas—was an impeccable dancer. With one hand holding yours, and the other holding you gently at your lower back, he spun you around the dance floor in rhythmic kicks and slides. Thomas’ energy was infectious and you couldn’t help but match his enthusiasm. 
After two dances your footwork and Thomas’ were practically synchronized. Thomas twirled you, causing a giggle to escape your lips. It seemed the alcohol was stubborn about staying in your system as the twirl caused the dizziness to come back—for a split second—making you trip over your own foot. Thomas caught you and steadied you, both of you laughing at your clumsiness. The carefreeness of it all lulled the ache in your heart.
Behind Thomas, you caught a glimpse of Peggy who was dancing as joyfully with Steve. Her eyes met yours and she sent you an encouraging smile. Soon after, her eyes drifted to something behind you, turning her smile into a smirk. You went back to dancing with Thomas, but manoeuvered around to get a look at what caused Peggy to smirk. Your heart did a little jump when you discovered she had been looking at Bucky and Darla, dancing a few feet from where you were. 
Correction. She had been staring at a Bucky you barely recognized. His jaw clenched and body rigid as he glared daggers at the back of Thomas’ head. Darla beside him looked snubbed, tugging on Bucky’s arm to get his attention. His tense demeanor didn’t move an inch no matter how much she protested. The pair were no longer dancing, merely standing in the sea of all the couples. This piqued your curiosity. 
Why had he stopped dancing? And to glare at Thomas of all things?
You didn’t have much time to think about it as Darla, clearly fed up by Bucky’s lack of attention, grabbed him by his arm and pulled him away from the dance floor. You swayed to and fro with Thomas, controlling the direction you were swinging in to try and not lose Bucky from your line of sight. 
Where was Darla taking him?
Your heart stopped when you realized where they were going. Darla was making a beeline for the back of the bar where the honey hallway was. The spot where all the couples went to have a little more privacy and fool around without having to leave the bar. If he was going there with Darla, then maybe things were more serious between them than you previously believed.
Your heart dropped to your stomach when reality sank in. 
You excused yourself from Thomas, scurrying away in need of some fresh air. He offered to follow along, but you declined wanting to be alone. You threw the entrance door open into the Brooklyn night as a sickly feeling spread throughout your body. 
You stepped into the street, the swing music fading into the background as the door closed behind you. You took in a deep breath, once again regretting the amount of alcohol you had consumed.
If you weren’t drunk seeing Bucky with someone else wouldn’t have hurt so much. It wouldn’t have knocked the air out of your lungs like it's doing now.
You know that’s a lie. That’s a damn lie you’re telling yourself to get you through the night. To give you the strength to focus on your surroundings and trudge home. 
You’d eventually do that. First, however, your body seemed to want to cling to a street lamp to bring the world back to you. The cold metal underneath your palms grounding you for a moment. The breeze blowing past you threading through your hair as if to comfort you.
“ Doll, everything alright?” Your heart stuttered when you heard his voice, the thud of the bar door closing following it. You shut your eyes and bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from saying or doing anything the liquid courage in your system was trying to wrestle out of you. 
You knew you needed to make a quick getaway. 
“ I’m fine. Just heading home,” you were straight to the point before turning to walk away. Not looking at him as you put one foot in front of the other—and then stumbled. 
Bucky caught you, his arms offering a strong support,“ Woah, Y/n, how much did you drink?” There was a slight annoyance in his tone. As if the mere thought of you having fun was preposterous. 
Or at least that’s how your tipsy state interpreted it.
“ Doesn’t matter. I can have a drink or two if I want to. I get to have fun too,” you retort, trying to push his arms away from your body. Your arms are no match for his, as he doesn’t budge an inch—on the contrary, his hold gets more firm. The world started to spin more, but at this point, whether it was because of the martinis or his proximity—you wouldn’t know. 
Bucky huffed and rolled his eyes,“ This isn’t having fun. This is going overboard,” he counters. His constant need to hold you steady and scold you for drinking irked the part of you that was already upset with him—fueling it more. Especially when you had the image of him heading to the honey hallway with Darla ingrained in your brain. And his arms, the ones around you now, swinging her around on the dancefloor. 
There was something dark bubbling an envious brew within you. 
“ Why do you give a damn?” you snap out harshly. He stills at your tone and it's enough to shake his hold off of you. You force yourself to look at him. Intending to shoot him an annoyed glare. Something to convey what your heart felt when your words failed to—but when your eyes met his you froze. 
They were dark—virtually stormy—and yet, there was a hint of pain in them. Almost as if you had kicked him, but he was toughing it out.
“ What was that about?” He finally spoke after what seemed like too long. 
“ What was what about?” You feigned innocence. 
His eyes got darker, a disapproving half smile on his face,“ Don’t play coy. I come out here to check on you. You’re stumbling like a drunk fool. I try to help and you snap at me?” 
“ I didn’t ask you to,” you’re quick with your dismissal.
“ You…unbelievable…” Bucky lets out a scoff, not knowing how to respond. He doesn’t know what’s gotten into you. In his mind, you’re simply too drunk to regulate yourself. He doesn’t know the vile jealousy that bubbles in the pit of your stomach and gnaws at your heart. He doesn’t know the intense battle your emotions are having with your brain—right in front of him—to stay silent before you truly say something you cannot take back. 
“ Go back inside. I’m heading home,” you say simply, not wanting to dwell on this conversation any longer. You feared what might come of it if you didn’t.
“ No. I'm walking you home,” he shakes his head firmly, his tone matching in conviction. 
“ No, you're not,” you reply, turning to make your way down the boulevard. Bucky pinches the bridge of his nose, “ Like hell I'm not, doll. I'm not letting you walk home alone.” 
“I'm not letting you walk me home. I don't want you to,” you say adamantly as your feet start moving. Bucky is right beside you as they do, not letting you get away,“ I don't care what you want or don't want. I'm walking you home and that's final.” His voice leaves no room for argument. 
The martinis in your system don’t particularly give a damn, but it is enough to quiet you for the time being. Your speed increases slightly, but Bucky can match it easily. For a moment you consider running—as ridiculous as an idea that may be. 
The sharp patter of your footsteps against the pavement synchronizes with the thudding of his as they mingle down the boulevard. The city sounds around you are an otherwise low hum of the occasional car and distant conversation. The city still whispering its signs of life at this time of night.
The walk to your place isn’t too far. And you know if you don’t shake him off soon there would be an unpleasant conversation awaiting you when you arrive.  
“ Don’t you have someone waiting on you at the bar?” You remind him with a little sting to your heart. Secretly hoping this wasn’t the reason he’d walk away from you.
Bucky frowns, thinking for a moment before speaking,“ What? You mean Darla?” The sound of her name on his lips bristles you. 
“ Yeah, her,” the word her spills from your lips as if it was venomous. Bucky catches that and is taken aback for a second. His footsteps coming to a stop. You push yourself to keep walking. Taking this as a sign to ignore the tiny part of your brain that begs you to stop moving.
Not a minute later Bucky strides to your side,“ Doll…are you jealous?” He asks with the tiniest bit of doubt, his small smile overshadowing it. 
“ Me? Ha! No,” your denial is quick—too quick. His small smile turns into a wide grin. You’ve just confirmed his conjecture,“ Yes, you are.” 
“ No. Go ahead and marry her for all I care. I won’t be at the wedding anyway,” you don’t mean what you say and yet you said it anyway. Playing up the indifference act you’ve dawned. 
“ You won’t be at my wedding?” He’s not upset when he responds, he's amused. He has to hold back his laughter at your train of thought. This gets under your skin and you grumble a snippy no before picking up your pace. You’re now imagining Darla in a wedding dress next to Bucky in his suit and it does devastating things to you. 
“ That’s impossible.”
“ How so? I just won’t go.”
His tone takes a more serious turn when he replies, “ It’ll be hard to have a wedding without the bride there.” You come to a halt, your head whipping so fast to look at him you almost gave yourself whiplash.
“ What?” You manage to find your voice. His gaze softens,“ You heard me, doll.” He’s being completely sincere—you know this deep down. However, there’s still a part of you that doesn’t believe this is happening. That believes this to be a dream.
“ You don’t mean that.”
“ I do. If you were to ask me where I see forever—I see it with you.”
His confession takes your breath away. The mere admission of him thinking of you as his eternity—as the one he wants beside him for life—your heart could burst at how delightfully overwhelmed it feels. 
“ But you—” you start and his pointer finger gently presses against your lips to shush you. He already knows what you’re about to bring up and he needs to nip it before your drunken mind jumps to wilder conclusions.
“ She’s just a friend. She’s a secretary at the SSR—nothing more. I was dancing with her to be nice. Honestly, I was trying to find a polite way to leave her and get back to you until I saw you dancing with that guy,” he removes his finger from your lips once he’s done explaining. At the mention of Thomas, his jaw clenches briefly and annoyance flashes in his eyes. 
It dawns on you why he was glaring at Thomas earlier. The realization of Bucky having felt as jealous as you did sends your heart ablaze. Your heart had gone through so much tonight, you were surprised it hadn’t gone into cardiac arrest already. 
“ Who’s the jealous one now?” you tease, an almost giddy smile on your face. 
Bucky rolls his eyes playfully,“ Yeah, doll. Unlike you, I’ll admit it. I was jealous. I don’t like seeing you with another man. Laughing and dancing—should've been me, not him,” he says stepping closer to you. His eyes reflected pure adoration.
“ Why didn’t you ask me?” your question comes out quieter than you’d like. Enamored with the way he’s looking at you. You can barely focus on anything else. 
“ Because when it comes to you I get all nervous and worked up. It's like I’m a punk again—a dumb kid with a crush. I don’t want to mess it up with you, Y/n. I would never want to do anything to lose you. Guess I got too caught up in doing things right I didn’t do anything at all,” Bucky opens up to you, his answer shedding away any last bit of hesitance in your body.
“ Bucky…I wish it would’ve been you instead too,” you say softly, stepping closer until you’re only a few inches away from him. His features match yours in fondness as he gently reaches out to grab hold of your waist, pulling you even closer, and closing the final bit of distance between you.
Your hands rest delicately at his chest. You can feel the way his heart races under your fingertips, drawing out a small gasp from you. Knowing you had this effect on him delighted you. It made you wonder how long you had been making him feel this way—and how long you had missed the signs.
“ Told you. I’m a dumb kid with a crush,” he reiterates with a soft chuckle. You giggle at his words, beaming dreamily at the way that all of this is real. That Bucky has feelings for you, and you two can only grow closer from here on out.
For a split second his eyes dart to your mouth. Having you so close like this tempts Bucky to no end. Everything he’s ever wanted to do with you crosses his mind and it drives him crazy. He has no idea where to start or if he’ll even let himself start anywhere. 
Your body thrums with anticipation as it waits for him to make a move.  
Bucky ends up tenderly kissing your forehead, “ Come on, doll. Let’s get you home.” Your lips form a light pout, disappointed his lips didn’t touch yours. He sees your reaction and he laughs, giving your hips a light squeeze, “ Doll, our first kiss will happen after you get that alcohol out of your system,” he says, one hand reaching up to lightly swipe at your nose—finding you endearing. 
“ We’ve already had our first kiss.” 
“ Doll we—oh, we have…” 
The memory of you two drunkenly kissing in the medical tent on one particularly lonely night during the war flashes through your minds. The already tension between you rising to a palpable form. 
There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes,“ Still. If I’m being honest, I’m not stopping at just one kiss. So let’s wait until you’re sober, alright?”
“ Not stopping?” Your tone is playful as you pry for further explanation. 
“ Oh no, doll. I'll be doing so much more than kissing you,” he smirks, his words laced with suggestion. His hand goes out to cup your face, caressing your cheek. It warms under his fingertips at his implication. The air around you buzzes with electricity. 
He can tell where your mind went and he’s enjoying every second of it,“ Yeah, doll. Like taking you out on a proper date,” he winks at you. A genuine laugh erupts from you at the way he side steps what he really meant. He joins you in the laughter, his eyes telling you the truth of what he really desires.
You. Every bit of you.
You interlace your fingers with his, knowing deep down he has a point. When you kiss Bucky you want to be all there. You want all your senses to be fully awake to drink in every bit of him. 
Especially if it goes farther than a kiss.
Bucky moves you over so he’s walking on the outermost part of the sidewalk, holding your interlaced hands to his waist so you’re pressed right up against his side as you walk. You tease and playfully banter all the way to your apartment. The unspoken promises and unmistakable yearning for one another dancing around you two. Assuring you there was so much more to come. 
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theolivetree123 · 2 months
Rev up your engines, it’s time to…
🏁 Race for the Cookie Cup! 🏁
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(More below the cut)
🫐Event Summary🍒
You, Grim, Ace, and Deuce decide to visit a new arcade that recently opened up in the town not far from NRC. There, you meet up with Ruggie, Epel, Silver, and Idia, who have all taken interest in a specific game in the corner of the arcade. The game is called Sugar Rush! Since there's two arcade machines, Ace challenges Deuce to one round of the game, and whoever loses must pay for the other's lunch. Deuce unsurprisingly accepts, and they begin their match. Midway through their match, however, the game suddenly glitches! You and the gang all think the game is broken until a flash of light comes from the arcade machines. Next thing you know, all 8 of you are somehow inside of the racing game, Sugar Rush!
To escape this sweet nightmare, you must win the next grand prix and obtain the Cookie Cup! But, uh oh. Ace and Deuce are having a bit of a squabble. It seems like you guys are going to have to split into two separate teams!
For this grand prix, Deuce will be accompanied by Silver and Idia as...
Team Bluepuff!
And Ace will be accompanied by Ruggie and Epel as...
Team Redpop!
Which team will you choose?
Everyone is allowed to race! Whether it's your OCs, yuusonas, or, heck, even rope your favorite canon NRC/RSA student into this mess! Everyone is welcome to participate in the mess that Ace and Deuce started.
You can participate in this event by making custom cards, general fanart, fanfics, whatever! Just no NSFW, please. This is a PG racing game!
If you decide to make anything for this event, please tag me and use #🍪rftcc. I'd love to see what you make!
And finally, this event has no deadline, so feel free to participate whenever!
🏁Outfits and Carts🏁
Since you will be racing, make sure your outfit is fit for the job! Make sure your character has a jersey, gloves, and a sweet theme!
For your character's theme, make sure it is based off of some sort of candy or sweet treat! The character must also have a matching cart, as well (if you're drawing them with one, that is). Try to stay away from actual candy brands, though! We wouldn't want a lawsuit on our hands!
The characters listed in the summary have their own cards and outfits! I listed them below so you don't accidentally copy their theme.
SSR Deuce (Blueberry Pie)
SSR Ace (Cherry Pie)
SR Ruggie and Epel (Donuts and bubblegum)
SR/R Idia and Silver (Slushies and marshmallows)
Also! If you're making a card, you may use the blank cards below!
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Team Bluepuff
🍋Yuya Florence by @cheerleaderman
🍪Dias Feathenfool by @beezonia
🍓Robyn Starling by @pinkskytwst
💝Reese Kingbit by @kickasscentral
Team Redpop
💍Ryuuni by @rini-rambles
🎂Narcissa Viperoné by @beezonia
🍍Saya Starling (ART) by @pinkskytwst made by @dilatory-replies
🧸Cerise Fanfare by @0kiwisalad0
🎄Humm by @xxoomiii
⚫️ Leon Lynch by @readsrandomstuff67
A little comic from @mello-bee
Art of the crew by @spade-12
Ruggie doing donuts by @mirioho
Ruggie fanart by @cheshanoneko-draws
Bet on the Teleportation by @spadecentral
🏁I look forward to seeing what you create!🏁
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lancermylove · 7 months
Not Good Enough (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon brothers x gn!Reader
Warning: Reader with low self-esteem.
Prompt: You don't think you are good enough for him.
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Lucifer found you alone in your bedroom. One look, and he could tell something was very wrong. "Why so pensive, my dear? You seem troubled. You know you can confide in me. What's on your mind?"
You hesitated to tell him the truth, not knowing how he would react to your words. "It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for you. You're so accomplished and strong, and I'm just..."
"You are just what?" He asked, crossing his arms. But when you didn't reply, he continued in a stern voice; however, his expression was soft. "Let me tell you, it's your humanity, your kindness, and your unwavering spirit that I find truly captivating. You challenge, inspire, and bring light into my life in ways you can't imagine. You are more than enough, and it's high time you see yourself through my eyes."
Lucifer sat down beside you and took your hands. He met your gaze and spoke in a warm voice. "I vow to you, on my honor, that I will spend an eternity proving just how extraordinary you are to me. You are not just 'good enough'; you are everything I could ever desire."
The Avatar of Pride pressed his lips to the back of your hand before whispering, "Never doubt my feelings for you, my dear. You are my chosen one, now and forever."
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Mammon walked into your room unannounced and saw you sitting on the bed, staring down at your lap. "Oi, what's with the long face? You didn't lose any Grimm, did ya?"
It's nothing, Mammon... Just some personal stuff."
"I'm your boyfriend, y'know, so your personal stuff is my personal stuff. Come on, spill it. 'Sides, I'm the Great Mammon. I can handle it!"
You weren't sure if he would be upset with you for thinking you were not good enough, but you decided to come clean. "I just... sometimes feel like I'm not special enough for you. I'm just... too ordinary."
"What?! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! Listen here, ya got it all backward. I'm Mammon the Great. I wouldn't hang around someone who ain't worth my time, got it?"
His words drew a smile to your lips. "So, you think I'm... worth your time?"
"Yeah, but that ain't a big deal or anything. Look, I feel like a total loser sometimes. But you...you make those times less crappy. You're important to me, y'know? And if anyone makes ya feel less, I'll make 'em pay for it."
Mammon plopped on the empty spot beside you and wrapped his right arm around your shoulders. "You're amazin', so don't ya forget it."
As you leaned against his shoulder, Mammon nuzzled the top of your head.
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Levi saw you sitting in the corner of your room and froze in his tracks. He knew well what was going on in your mind but decided to make handle the matter with a touch of lightheartedness. "(Y/n), did someone spoil the latest episode of your favorite anime for you?"
Without looking at him, you quietly asked. "Levi, do you ever feel like... like you're not good enough for someone? That's how I feel about being with you."
Levi didn't expect to hear that, and for a moment, he didn't know how to react. "I mean, I'm just a shut-in otaku. If anyone's not worthy, it's me, not you. You're like the special event SSR card, and I'm just a common R card."
His references made you chuckle slightly, but you also disagreed with him. "You're not a common R card."
"(Y/n), how do I," Levi started to say but struggled to get his words out. He couldn't figure out how to put his feelings into genuine words. "(Y/n), in my eyes, you're the ultimate co-op partner. I wouldn't want to face any boss battles with you...s-something like that..."
His cheeks turned red, and Levi struggled to make eye contact with you as he continued in a shy voice. "So, um, I promise to be your player two, always supporting you. And... maybe we can help each other level up in confidence and stuff, 'kay? So, don't look so sad..."
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Satan saw you in the library room of the House of Lamentation, and while your eyes were on the pages of the book in your hand, it was evident you were not reading. "You seemed trouble, (y/n). Would you accept my offer if I say I will lend you an ear?"
"Satan, how are you so smart...handsome..and amazing?" You asked without moving your eyes from the book.
Initially, the Avatar of Wrath thought you were complimenting him and blushed. But it didn't take him long to realize there was something more to your statement, so he remained silent, hoping you would share your true feelings with him.
"It makes me wonder if I'm good enough to be with you."
And there it was—something Satan hoped you wouldn't say as a follow-up statement: "Your worth isn't defined by how much you know or how you handle your emotions. It's your curiosity, love, and the way you view the world that I find invaluable. You are someone irreplaceable in my life."
When you moved your gaze to him, Satan's expression softened. He walked close to the sofa chair you sat in and leaned down to place a kiss atop your head. "I'm here to remind you of your significance. Not as a scholar to a student but as one soul to another. If I lose you, I will lose myself."
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Asmo saw you sitting on your bed with slumped shoulders and figured you needed a pep talk. "Why does my precious diamond look so down? Did something say something mean?"
Shifting your eyes to him, you studied his flawless face, silky hair, perfect body, and radiating beauty. You lowered your head again, feeling worse than before. "I...can't even match up to you."
"Match up to me? What are you talking about?"
"You are just so dazzling, charming, beautiful...and perfect. I am nothing..."
Asmo was stunned at the way you perceived yourself and felt like shaking your by your shoulders. Taking a deep breath, he sighed. "Oh, sweetie, why do you think such things? They are absolutely not true!"
The Avatar of Lust walked up to you, held your hands, and helped you up. He cupped your cheeks and smiled sweetly. "You must see yourself as I see you: utterly irresistible and enchanting. There's no need to match up to anyone because you shine so brightly on your own."
He gently pressed his lips to your forehead and whispered. "Let's have a little pampering session, shall we? I'll show you just how breathtaking you truly are."
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When Beel saw you pushing around your food with your fork, he knew something was wrong. Putting his fork down, he looked at you, concerned. "(Y/n), you're not eating much. Is something wrong?"
"Beel, you are so strong, caring, loveable, and...deserve better. You deserve someone better than me."
Your words nearly made his heart stop as just the thought of losing you sent a shock through his heart. "(Y/n), don't say that. I like sharing meals with you...hearing you laugh...and hugging you. When I'm with you, I don't feel hungry for food. I feel hungry for your love. You fill up a part of me that I didn't even know was empty."
His words made you blush, and before you could argue or make another statement to hurt his heart, Beel stood up and walked to your side of the table. Scooping you up in his arms, he held you close to him and nuzzled the side of your face.
"You make me happy just by being you. I don't want you to change because you're perfect to me. I'll always be here for you - to protect and support you, just like I know you're here for me."
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Belphie saw you lying on your stomach on the bed with your face turned to the side. He studied you for a moment before walking close to your bed. "You look more tired than me for once. What's bothering you?"
"Belphie, do you ever think I am not interesting or special?" You mumbled after a moment of silence.
"Hmm, that's a strange thing to worry about. Why do you ask?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. When you didn't reply, he sighed and sat down on your mattress. "You know, I don't spend my time with just anyone. If I'm with you, it's because there's something about you that's different, something peaceful."
Opening your eyes, you looked at him with tears in your eyes. His gaze softened, and Belphie rested his hand on your head. "You shine brighter than any star I know. You are interesting and special. If you need me to say this nonstop, I will say it...and mean it every time."
Belphie lay down next to you and wrapped his arm around you, giving you a soft smile. "With you, I always feel like I'm exactly where I need to be. You're enough, more than enough for me. Remember that."
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➣  Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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mysteryshoptls · 9 days
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Dorm Uniform Voice Lines
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When Summoned: You got guts, calling for me.
Summon Line: Normally I wouldn't ever let prey escape from me... But I'm in a good mood right now. I suppose I'll not eat you, just this once.
Groooovy!!: I'll show you what it means to be the leader of a pack.
Home: I better not be seeing any Savanaclaw students actin' lame.
Home Idle 1: Ramshackle's not too shabby. It's empty and abandoned, so it's the perfect place to take a nap.
Home Idle 2: My dorm's got a simple enough rule. It's all about survival of the fittest. Do try not to get gobbled up.
Home Idle 3: If you need anything, just talk to Ruggie first. If he thinks it's important enough, he'll bring it to me.
Home Idle - Login: What, you interested in Savanaclaw? Yeah, sure, I'll teach you just how we deal with things around here.
Home Idle - Groovy: Why would a herbivore like you try to get closer to me, ain'tcha scared? ...Heh, guess you got nerves of steel.
Home Tap 1: The feathers on my staff are annoying when they flap, but... They say the King of Beasts' advisor was a bird, so I'd probably get scolded if I removed 'em.
Home Tap 2: Back home, scars are seen as a mark of bravery. Apparently, the King of Beasts also had a huge scar across his left eye.
Home Tap 3: My Vice Housewarden? I tried out a few in the past, but they all ended up challenging me for my seat, lost, then quit. So I don't have one right now.
Home Tap 4: Why'd I become Housewarden? Obviously, it's because I was the best man for the job.
Home Tap 5: Hey, stop bein' so clingy. I hate that stuffy feeling. 'Sides, you ain't a kid.
Home Tap - Groovy: You're severely lacking a chill factor. Sleepin' the whole afternoon away is the best way to go.
Duo: [LEONA]: Hey, Vil. Follow me. [VIL]: Don’t order me around, Leona.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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tsumsted wonderland part iii card previews
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The cards that will be features in Tsumsted Wonderland part 3 are being shown as Japanese train station ads! You can view them all here.
The SSRs (limited time banners): Vil, Idia, and Malleus
The SRs (limited time banners): Trey, Ruggie, and Silver
The (free) Rs: Ace and Jami
Some cute details I noticed:
bcjsbsjisneje Something about the way Jamil and Ace are holding their Tsums makes it feel like they’re handling basketballs (moreso Ace than Jamil); not sure if that was intentional or not since they’re both in that club.
… Jamil’s also kinda handling his Tsum like it’s a ripe tomato he’s about to cook up…
Look closely—Trey’s Tsum is doing that silly smirk 😂 You know the one, the smirk that actually makes Trey look a little mean and sinister.
Tsum!Rook is sitting atop the box in which the Huntsman was meant to deliver Snow White’s heart. Tsum!Epel’s got an apple—maybe the one that ends up poisoned? And, of course, Vil’s Tsum somehow has the arm strength to hold up a vial and help with concocting a poison.
Idia seems to be on a raft. Perhaps a reference to Hades upon the river Styx? It’s rare to see him posed so cockily; it’s nice to see him confident for once. His bravado and pose (+ Tsum!Ortho and Idia on his arms) makes me think of a Pokèmon trainer challenging you to a battle www
Awww, Silver swaddling his Tsum like it’s a baby…
HELP????? 😭 Malleus’s pose gives the impression that he’s juggling the Tsums for lols but he’s probably just levitating them with magic or something. I like that Tsum!Lilia is upside down whereas Tsum!Sebek is being viewed from a bottom-up perspective (it feels like it’s trying to intimidate us, lol). Malleus is holding his Tsum self like it’s a glass of wine that some Big Bad final boss swirls around while monologuing about his plans for world domination. (Well… that’s not too far off, I guess 🤡)
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Hi! I hope you're having a good day!I came for the tdb requests :D
I have Jin as the default character on the main screen (didn't choose him nor liked him at first , he resembled default cold male lead in Korean transmigration manhwas , he's the first ssr i pulled tho soo) and his lines about him establishing a servant-king dynamic ( a tsundere , constipated feelings )without giving us the option to be slightly annoying about it _us servaning him_ is annoying to me.
I am a person who likes to challenge those around me (I like to play with what given to me since everything is more than it seems)even tho I am a calm person so ppl rarely wait for it,so, I have been wanting to get Jin to go to those 'peasants' locations he mentions in his voice lines (like seeing fireworks is better on a helicopter) for a date to get him to admit the beauty in what you can create (we have all noticed he' s grieving a loss so I kinda want it to take inspo from thod daye in order to challenge his current situation especialy his stigma )
Thank you in advance!
A/N: This is an amazing idea! I actually love Jin- I really enjoy the emotionally constipated characters (Aka why I love Alan, Megumi from JJK, and Dean Winchester sm lol). I hope you enjoy!
T/W: Cursing, Jin is kinda a spoiled ass- but also not?, soft Jin
Summary: Jin doesn’t understand why you insist on making him stargaze with you- he could take you to an observatory. He doesn’t understand the appeal of laying in the grass. He doesn’t understand why you’re so happy, or why your smile makes such a warm feeling spread through his chest.
This truly had to be some kind of joke.
In fact, Jin was sure it was.
In what world was laying in the grass outside of your dorm better than viewing the stars at a world class observatory?
You, however, were extremely pleased that you had convinced him to quote “do peasant shit.”
His haughty attitude irritated you to no end, and you were determined to make him eat his words, which is exactly why you had chosen tonight for this.
He glanced over at you, watching you settle onto your back.
“This better be good. After this I’ll show you what it's like to see the sky through the best observatory in the world,” you rolled your eyes at his words.
“I know you’ll enjoy this, as long as you pull your head out of your ass.” you flashed him a sweet smile as he glared at you for your response.
“Wow, got some bite to ya, huh? Scared to admit this is a waste of my time?”
Your eyes narrowed, “Jin, sometimes I want to smack that smug look off of your face,” your ridiculously handsome face.
It was quite vexing- Jin was exactly your type. His attitude was the only deterrent, which frustrated you.
You knew there was more to him, he just refused to let people in.
He let out a bark of laughter at your response.
“I’d like to see you try- that would be the highlight of my day.”
“Your attitude is exactly why you have two friends.”
“Bold of you to assume I need friends.”
With a sigh, you refocused your eyes on the sky, choosing to ignore that statement.
You wished you could just get through to him- figure out why he was so guarded.
Jin watched you for a moment, uneasy at your lack of response. He was so used to you always having a retort to his remarks. Nothing he had ever said had seemed to genuinely upset you, until this.
Besides, he only had one friend, Tohma.
Until it hit him- you.
Despite how cold he was, you had always been friendly to him, insisting on sticking around even when he relentlessly pushed you away.
With a sigh, he laid beside you in the grass, choosing to follow your lead in hopes of making you happier.
The sky was an endless sheet full of stationary pin pricks of light.
His eyes widened when it started.
Flashes of light across the sky- hundreds of them.
A meteor shower.
His eyes flashed to you, and he couldn’t resist the warmth that spread through his chest at the look of wonder on your face.
You were hyper aware of Jin beside you. You wanted him to enjoy this- not just admit that it was better than a damn observatory.
The night was cool, with a small breeze that rustled past you both on occasion.
Seconds passed into minutes as you both watched the meteor shower, and you couldn’t resist the smile that spread across your face. You loved stargazing- and meteor showers were so rare that you had never seen one.
“Isn’t this amazing?” Your voice was breathless as you spoke, and his gaze went to you and he couldn’t stop himself, “Yeah, guess so.”
Pride filled you and you spoke again, “better than a fancy observatory?”
He felt his lip curl up, unable to tear his gaze away from the happiness on your face.
“It's probably the company.”
Cheeks burning, you sat up, watching him.
Jin couldn’t help the way his heart fluttered, not entirely opposed to the feeling of warmth in his chest.
He carefully avoided your gaze, turning his eyes back to the sky, “afterall, I’ve got two friends, so I should enjoy spending time with the better of the two.”
You smiled, rolling your eyes.
It wasn’t difficult to recognize that this was the best you would get, and you were satisfied seeing the icy exterior he held melt even the slightest.
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darkesttiimelines · 1 year
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Throughout history, women have left an undeniable impact on society with their hard work, creativity, and dedication to progress. Unfortunately, their accomplishments have often gone unnoticed, been undervalued, or even stolen. Despite these challenges, brave women of today continue to push boundaries, break barriers, and pave the way for a more fair and equal world. It's our duty to keep going, so that future generations of women can inherit a kinder, more just, and supportive world. By following in the footsteps of the incredible women who came before us, we can create a world where every woman can flourish and succeed, and where their contributions are recognized and celebrated.
Joan of Arc is a patron saint of France, honored as a defender of the French nation for her role in the siege of Orléans and her insistence on the coronation of Charles VII of France during the Hundred Years' War. Claiming to be acting under divine guidance, she became a military leader who transcended gender roles and gained recognition as a savior of France. She was put on trial by Bishop Pierre Cauchon on accusations of heresy, which included blaspheming by wearing men's clothes, acting upon visions that were demonic, and refusing to submit her words and deeds to the judgment of the church. She was declared guilty and burned at the stake on 30 May 1431, aged about nineteen.
Rani Lakshmibai was the Maharani consort of the princely state of Jhansi from 1843 to 1853. She was one of the leading figures in the Indian Rebellion of 1857 became a symbol of resistance to the British rule in India for Indian nationalists. When the Maharaja died in 1853, the British East India Company under Governor-General Lord Dalhousie refused to recognize the claim of his adpoted heir and annexed Jhansi under the Doctrine of Lapse. She rode into battle with her infant son strapped to her back, and died in June 1858 after being mortally wounded during the British counterattack at Gwalior.
Rosalind Franklin was a British chemist and X-ray crystallographer whose work was instrumental in the discovery of the structure of DNA. Her contributions were largely overlooked by her male colleagues, James Watson and Francis Crick, who used her data without her permission or acknowledgement. This theft of her intellectual property and erasure of her contributions is a prime example of the systemic sexism that has historically plagued the scientific community.
Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian-American actress and inventor who co-invented a frequency-hopping spread spectrum technology during World War II that was used to guide torpedoes. However, her contributions were largely ignored and dismissed by male engineers and the military at the time. It was only later in life that she received recognition for her scientific achievements.
Emma Weyant is an American competitive swimmer. She was the US national champion at the individual medley. She qualified for the 2020 Olympic Games in the 400m individual medley and won the silver medal in this event. Weyant finished second in the 500-yard freestyle at the 2022 NCAA Division I Women's Swimming and Diving Championships. She was beaten by William (Lia) Thomas, a fetishist, who when competing as a member of the Penn men's team, which was 2018-19, ranked 554th in the 200 freestyle, 65th in the 500 freestyle and 32nd in the 1650 freestyle. Weyant is the fastest swimmer in the 500-yard freestyle and had her position stolen by a man.
Maryna Viazovska is a Ukrainian mathematician who made a breakthrough in sphere packing, solving the centuries-old mathematical problem known as the densest packing of spheres in dimensions 8 and 24. She was awarded the Fields Medal in July 2022, making her the second woman (after Maryam Mirzakhani), the second person born in the Ukrainian SSR and the first with a degree from a Ukrainian university to ever receive it.
Hannie Schaft was a Dutch resistance fighter during World War II who played a crucial role in the resistance movement against Nazi occupation. Schaft was a former university student who dropped out because she refused to sign a pledge of loyalty to Germany. Nazis arrested and killed her in 1945, just three weeks before the war ended in Europe. According to lore, Schaft’s last words were, “I’m a better shot,” after initially only being wounded by her executioner.
Shakuntala Devi was an Indian mathematician and mental calculator who was known as the "Human Computer" for her exceptional ability to perform complex mathematical calculations in her head. Her extraordinary abilities earned her a place in the 1982 Guinness Book of Records. Her lesser known achievement is that in 1977 she wrote what is considered to be the first book in India on homosexuality titled “The World of Homosexuals.”  
J. K. Rowling is a British author and philanthropist. She wrote Harry Potter, a seven-volume children's fantasy series published from 1997 to 2007. Known for her philanthropy, she was doxxed and harassed after coming out with support for women's and gay rights in 2020. Rowling secretly donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to save 100 female lawyers and their families facing murder in Afghanistan. In 2022, she funded a women's only rape shelter in Edinburgh.
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pathidoszune · 1 year
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Redraw of Beel's SSR Nightbringer Card "A Stranger in the Mirror" from the Hexed Horror Movies Event
I had so much fun drawing this. I'm not used to backgrounds so this was a fun challenge. I remember when I did a redraw of Lucifer's card 3 years ago and I am happy to say I have improved a lot
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captainsophiestark · 3 months
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Jack's ex-fiance left New York and moved to LA to start fresh after she realized he would never see her as an equal. Now, however, their paths might be crossing again, and Jack Thompson's managed to have a lot of growth since the last time they saw each other.
Word Count: 5,152
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I hummed to myself as I steeped my tea, soft music floating through the kitchen. I'd finished eating my favorite dinner before now preparing to settle in for my favorite radio program. A calm, perfect evening after a long day. All torn to shreds by the ringing of a phone in my living room.
I closed my eyes and sighed, but left my tea on its own and moved to answer the phone. Hopefully, whatever this was could be dealt with quickly, and I wouldn't miss any of my radio program.
"Hello?" I asked, resting the phone in the crook between my shoulder and neck and reaching for a pad and pencil, just in case. I froze mid-reach when I heard the voice on the other end of the line.
"Hey, uh, this is Agent Daniel Sousa. With the SSR. I don't know if you remember me-"
"Of course I remember you, Daniel," I broke in. "What do you want?"
He hesitated, and I couldn't help feeling just a little bad. My tone had turned from friendly to harsh in a split second, and Daniel and I had always been friendly. But if he was calling, it must've had something to do with my ex, and I certainly didn't want anything to do with that.
I'd met Daniel through the course of dating Jack Thomspon, who I later learned was actually Agent Jack Thompson. I'd met him when I was young and in love with the idea of being swept off my feet by a tall, handsome man, and Jack had more than fit the bill. It wasn't until much later, after he'd proposed and come home from the war, that I'd realized I wanted so much more.
I wanted a partner. Someone to have my back and build me up, to support me through life the same way I supported them. Jack wanted a maid that he could also sleep with, a picture perfect housewife with no external life or ambitions of her own. So I'd left him.
Before that, though, we'd gotten far enough that I'd found out about the SSR, and met Daniel in the process. We were friendly, and had even been on our way to being friends before everything between Jack and I had fallen apart. Since then, however, we hadn't spoken.
"...I'm sorry to do this to you, but I need your help."
Daniel's voice brought me back to the present. I sighed, sparing a longing glance for the tea in my kitchen before plopping down in the seat next to the phone.
"I assume this is about Jack? Is he... alright?" I almost choked on the word, surprised to find I actually still cared about the answer. I gripped the phone a little tighter as Daniel responded.
"Yeah, he's fine. Look, it's a long story, but we don't have a lot of time. There are some very bad people putting the fate of the world at risk, and I'm working with another agent to try to stop them. We have a plan we're in the process of enacting, but... we need your help to make sure it goes off without a hitch."
"Who's the other agent, Daniel?"
"Agent Peggy Carter. She's one of the best we have."
I paused. I'd been fairly confident he was about to say Jack, and to have him say a female agent's name instead was a nice surprise.
"Okay... but aren't you in New York? I don't know if you remember, but I moved pretty far away after things ended between Jack and I."
"And landed in LA, right?"
"...Yes... How did you-?"
"It's not important right now, just... how quickly can you get downtown? To the parking lot behind the hotel hosting Calvin Chadwick's campaign event?"
"Daniel, I haven't even said yes yet! I haven't talked to you in years, and I honestly don't think I want to get involved in this."
"I wouldn't be calling you if it weren't important. Meaning end of the world important. Please."
I paused, letting out a long, heavy sigh. I could practically hear Daniel waiting impatiently on the other end of the line, but I ignored the pressure. Unfortunatley for me, I believed that he really wouldn't be calling me if it weren't an emergency. And I didn't want to leave the world out to dry just because I didn't want to see Jack.
Which, also unfortunately for me, I knew this would involve. Daniel had very carefully danced around the subject of my ex-fiance, and I knew that dodginess was intentional. One way or another, Jack would be involved. But damn it all, I wasn't willing to blow off Daniel's cry for help on behalf of the world just to avoid Jack.
"...Fine. Dammit, fine. I can be there in fifteen minutes. I'm on my way."
"Thank you, serio-"
I hung up on him, giving myself one moment to relax back in the chair with a heavy sigh before launching into motion. I'd just have to make myself a new cup of tea when I got home, and ask someone at work tomorrow what I missed on my radio program.
Just under fifteen minutes later, I pulled into the back parking lot of the hotel hosting the campaign event. Carefully, I stepped out of my car, on high alert for a certain blond SSR agent. I whirled around at the sound of a door flying open only to find Daniel Sousa climbing out of an undercover van. He looked basically the same as the last time I'd seen him, although he'd apparently traded in his sweater vests for a Hawaiian shirt and a blazer.
"Thanks for coming," he said, crossing the parking lot to meet me. I nodded, my gaze going to the woman behind him. Daniel noticed my attention shift, and nodded to her. "This is Agent Peggy Carter."
"Pleasure, I'm sure."
I nodded and took Peggy's offered hand for a shake, but didn't say anything else as I quickly brought my attention back to Daniel.
"Alright, Daniel, why am I here? Specifically, not just 'to help'. And where's Jack? Don't try to tell me he's not here, you wouldn't have been so dodgy and nervous on the phone if he weren't."
"Dodgy and nervous?" Daniel asked, sounding more than a little offended. I just raised an eyebrow at him, so he sighed. "Fine. Here's the thing... we actually need you to go in there and distract Jack."
I didn't respond right away. I just stared at Daniel, waiting for him to say 'suprise' or 'gotchya' or some variation of the same thing. He just stared back, grimacing slightly. I finally came to the conclusion that he was being serious.
"I'll... pop back into the van and make sure Dottie and Mr. Jarvis are alright," Peggy said much too casually as she backed away from us. I never took my eyes off Daniel, my stare cooling considerably from when I'd first arrived.
"Daniel. Do you want to explain to me what's happening here, please? And why you need to distract a fellow agent, and especially why you think this is something you ought to be involving me in?"
Daniel sighed and ran a hand through his hair, then shifted slightly closer to me. He lowered his voice, then spoke again.
"Look, here's the thing. You should know Jack's had some growth since you left. He's changed enough that I can actually stand to work with him, and I might still say I want to kill him, but I probably wouldn't follow through if I got the chance anymore. But recently, he's got his head up his ass again."
I snorted. "I really hope this is not going to involve you asking me to talk to him or get him to come around or whatever."
"Not quite. Recently, he's decided to take the side of some pretty bad people, although I don't think he realizes just how bad. A few of those people are in that event tonight, and we have operatives inside who need to get something from one of them. But Jack's in there, too. And he'll recognize our operatives if he's aware enough to see them, and since he doesn't seem to know better, he'll stop them. We can't let that happen. Which is where you come in."
I stared at Daniel again, then after a moment, started shaking my head. I was frankly a little speechless, which gave Daniel an opportunity to keep talking before I could get a cohearant thought together.
"Look, I know this won't be easy for you. I know it's unfair of me to ask, to call you out of nowhere. And I know the only reason you showed up at all is because we used to be friends. But please, please do this. I promise it's important, and if it weren't this important, I never would've asked. I... I've been out in LA for a while now, and I thought about touching base, but I figured you'd want your space, since I'm probably tied up with Jack in memories for you. But we need your help with this one."
I shook my head, holding up a hand to stop Daniel's pitch.
"Alright. I came all the way down here, and because it's you asking and I know that means this thing you're involved in is actually, seriously important... I'll still help. But then you are not going to speak to me for at least a month, after dragging me into this mess to manipulate my ex-fiance, and then we're going to go to lunch. And you're paying, because it's ridiculous that you've been out here this long and haven't talked to me, noble intentions or not."
Daniel huffed a laugh, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile. "It's a deal. Promise."
"Great. So... where exactly am I going to do your dirty work?"
"Just in there," said Daniel, gesturing for a set of doors at the back of the hotel. I nodded and turned to face the doors in question, intending to head in. But for some reason, I couldn't make myself start moving. "Uh... you alright?"
I cleared my throat and nodded, although I knew I wasn't convincing either of us.
"Yes, yeah, I'm... I'm fine. Just gonna... go in there. And see Jack. For the first time in a few years."
"Hey." Daniel shifted closer to me, resting one hand on my shoulder and lowering his voice. I huffed and closed my eyes, but didn't pull away. "Look, I'm sorry to put you in this position... if you really don't think you can do it-"
"No. We're not going down that path. I know you wouldn't have asked me if it weren't a legitimate emergency, so I can't afford to think about an out. Just... maybe you could give me a push?"
I didn't turn to face Daniel, but even out of the corner of my eye I perfectly caught the judgey, raised-eyebrow look he gave me.
"Are you serious?"
"Daniel, I am about to go in there and distract my ex-fiance. I am dead serious."
"...Alright. You ready then?"
"No, I'm not! That's the whole point of requiring a push!"
"Okay, okay! Geeze."
A moment later, I felt Daniel's hand on my shoulder, gently moving me in the direction of the ballroom. It had nowhere near the amount of force I'd been hoping for, but the thought at least was enough to get me moving.
I crossed the parking lot at a steady pace, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. I pushed open the door to the ballroom without letting myself hesitate, striding through without looking back. I tried to ignore the sound of it slamming shut behind me as I strode confidently into the room, head held high despite the warring storm of emotions swirling in my gut. It took every ounce of strength I had to walk into that ballroom, but somehow I managed it.
And then I saw him.
I wasn't sure what I'd been expecting, but the moment I saw Jack, my heart stopped in my chest and my knees threatened to give out. So much history stood between us, and even though we'd ended on fairly bad terms and I knew I'd made the right decision, my heart still couldn't completely ignore everything we'd been through. Everything he'd meant to me.
I took a deep, shaky breath. Apparently, a lot of the world was counting on me keeping Jack from interfering in whatever Daniel had going on tonight. I'd agreed to come in here, and now I couldn't afford to fall apart.
I squared my shoulders, then strode across the ballroom, past dancing couples and schmoozing politicians. Everything faded away the closer I got to Jack, until I was standing next to him, just out of his peripheral vision, and we were the only two people in the world.
I reached out a hand to tap Jack on the shoulder, and time nearly stood still. He turned towards me in slow motion, and I watched his face go from one slightly raised eyebrow to wide-eyed, gut-punched shock. The moment our eyes met seemed to stretch for years, until Jack finally broke it, saying my name in a breathy voice that shouldn't have been audible over the sounds in the rest of the ballroom. Surprisingly, I didn't have to fake the slight smile pulling at the corner of my mouth.
"Hey, Jack," I breathed. He blinked at me a few times, maybe expecting me to disappear like some hallucination. When I didn't, he managed to find his voice again.
"Wh... what are you doing here?"
"I feel like I could ask you the same question," I said, voice soft. Speaking anywhere near normal force or volume felt like it would shatter something about the peace of the moment, or bring our problems back to the forefront of our minds. "I thought you were still in New York."
"I was. Am. Still in New York, that is. I, uh... they made me Chief."
My eyebrows shot up. Daniel hadn't bothered to mention that.
"Wow. Well... congratulations. When did that happen?"
"A little over a year ago," he said, shrugging his shoulders and glancing away like it was nothing. I knew him much too well for it to fool, me, though. He was beyond proud, and he wanted me to be impressed.
"That's great, Jack," I said, not entirely sure whether I meant it. "So is that what brings you out here?"
"Something like that," he huffed. He shook his head, staring off at the wall of the bar, apparently snapping out of the moment we'd found ourselves in with something else hovering over his head. It didn't bother me to be a part of that something, although maybe it should have.
"I take it this is more of that highly-classified, highly 'over my head' stuff you always refused to talk to me about?"
Jack's eyes slid back to mine, looking genuinely sad in a way I hadn't expected. Honestly, I'd been expecting to spark some anger. Instead, he looked like I'd just punched him in the stomach.
"I... wasn't great at communicating with you back then, was I?"
I snorted. "That's an understatement."
Jack sighed and took a sip of his drink, nodding slowly.
"Yeah. Yeah, it probably is. Look, I don't know why you're here right now, but..." He cut himself off abruptly, glancing away from me again with a shake of his head. I raised an eyebrow, just waiting for him to work up the courage to say what he wanted to say. The longer he took, the easier it was for me to help Daniel with whatever this was, anyway. Jack took a deep breath, shot the rest of his drink, and set the glass down on the bar before looking at me again. "I was gonna look you up, while I was out here. I've been putting it off, because, well, I wasn't sure you'd want to see me. But... since you're here now...?"
I started shaking my head. I couldn't help it. Jack, apparently undeterred, stepped forward and took my hands in his. I wished I could say helping Daniel was the only reason I let him.
"You hate me. I get it, alright? But I'm not the same man I was the last time I saw you."
"Oh really, Jack? Then what kind of man are you now?" I asked, unable to stop myself. "What are you doing here, schmoozing at some party with a bunch of shady guys in suits? How different is that to the last time I saw you?"
"Very different! Listen, I get it now. I understand what you wanted from me, and I understand why you left. You wanted respect, and I... I wasn't willing to give that to you."
I frowned, scanning Jack's face for any hint of inscenserity or rehearsed speech. All I found was an honest, open expression staring back at me, my ex-fiance looking more open and interested in talking about the hard stuff than he'd been once in the time we were together.
"But sweetheart," he continued, after a brief pause to let his words sink in. I met his gorgeous blue eyes that I'd fallen in love with so long ago, and a hand clenched around my heart. "I get it now. And... I want a shot at giving you that respect, knowing what I know now. Being who I am now."
I huffed a disbelieving laugh, shaking my head as I broke Jack's intense stare.
"Jack... are you kidding me right now?"
"Not even a little bit." He squeezed my hands lightly, stepping even closer to me. The hand around my heart dug its claws in. "I... I love you. I never stopped loving you. If you give me a second chance... I promise, I won't screw this one up."
A choked sob forced its way out of my mouth as the room started spinning under me. I pulled my hands away from Jack, shaking my head fervently as I did.
"I... You can't... I can't think about this right now. After everything you can't just..." I huffed, shaking my head again and moving out of the way as Jack reached for my hands again.
I turned on my heel and ran before he got another word out. Hopefully, that was good enough for Daniel and his friends. One way or another it would have to be. I couldn't stay there for another second, and it was starting to feel like it'd been a mistake to come in the first place.
I'd been expecting some slightly charged conversation, maybe even some arguing. Breaking off an engagement wasn't usually amiable, and our situation had been no exception. I hadn't been expecting to see real pain on his face, or real regret, or real love still lingering there. And I definitely hadn't expected to feel the faintest hint of the same emotions in my own chest.
Whatever the hell that meant, I couldn't face it right now. Not when I was standing in that ballroom in the first place to trick and lie to the man giving me the apology I'd wanted for years before finally excepting I'd never get it. The guilt started creeping in like a knife to the heart, another thing I hadn't been expecting.
I didn't check to see if Jack was following me as I headed straight for the parking lot, back out the door I'd come in. A thousand different emotions and thoughts screamed through my head, and the only thing that seemed clear was that I needed to get as far away as possible from here, now.
I don't know why I hadn't been expecting to run into Daniel, but I'd barely gotten a breath of the cool night air in before he called out to me, moving quickly from the back of their undercover van to where I'd parked my car.
"Hey! Are you okay? We didn't mic you up, but one of our agents inside said they saw you running out-"
"This was a bad idea, Daniel," I said, shaking my head and pausing to talk only because Daniel was in the way of the driver's door of my car. "I shouldn't have agreed to this. I didn't... I don't know what I expected. The same asshole I broke up with, I guess. An argument. Not... not what I got."
I moved to push past him, but he put a hand on my shoulder to stop me in my tracks. His eyebrows knit together as he scanned me up and down, concern radiating from him in waves.
"What happened in there? Are you okay?"
I shook my head. "It was a mistake to get in the middle of this, with you and him. He said some stuff... I don't know. I don't know, okay? This was stupid, I should've just stayed home. I need to go home, Daniel. So please, get out of my way."
Daniel hesitated again, looking me over, this time with a more critical eye. I huffed.
"I promise I'm not hurt, and that I'm fine to drive, alright? I just... I need to get out of here."
After another second, Daniel finally nodded and stepped out of my way. I didn't bother sparing him another glance as I got into my car and pulled away, putting as much distance as possible between me and Jack and everything to do with that ballroom.
When I got home, I replayed the conversation I'd had with Jack over and over again in my head, on an endless loop. I didn't hear another word from Daniel, or from Jack, which I tried to convince myself was for the best. When the radio silence stretched on for days, however, my arguments to myself became less and less convincing, and every additional day of silence was another day to overthink myself into a frenzy. Had something gone wrong with whatever world-ending threat they were dealing with? Did something bad happen to one or both of the SSR boys? Or was there some other reason the SSR agents continued to give me space?
By the end of the week, I'd just about decided to go track down Jack or Daniel or maybe Peggy, although I'd only met her in passing, myself. Finding a secret agency probably wouldn't be easy, but I'd been reeling and replaying everything in my mind for days, and I couldn't go back to pretending none of them had ever been part of my life again. I'd just started flipping through a phone book over my morning coffee, looking for any businesses that looked like feasible fronts for the SSR, when someone rang my doorbell.
I sighed, marking my spot in the phone book before standing and moving to the door, my cup of coffee in-hand. I almost dropped my favorite mug when I opened the door to find Jack standing on my doorstep in a nice suit, holding a bouquet of roses.
"Before you say anything, Sousa's the one who gave me your address. So if you didn't want to see me... blame him."
I couldn't hold back a laugh, at least half the weight on my chest lifting off with the knowledge that Jack and Daniel were both okay. I bit my lip, trying to keep control of myself, as I looked Jack over.
"I... I'm really glad you're okay," I finally sighed. "When I didn't hear from you for a while, I got a little worried..."
"We had... some stuff to deal with. But it's dealt with now. I'd love to come in and tell you about it... if you'd be willing to have some company for breakfast."
My eyes shot up to Jack's. He tried to look calm and collected, but I could see the way his hands fidgeted around the stems of the flowers, and the way his eyes searched my face for any sign of an answer in either direction. I sighed.
"Listen, Jack... I don't know..."
"Alright, look. I'm technically supposed to be leaving for the airport to catch a plane back to New York in about half an hour. But I also got Sousa to agree to let me stay with him for a while, if... if I need to stay in LA for a bit longer, for whatever reason. But if you don't want me here, if it's too little too late for you..." He clenched his jaw, swallowing hard and steeling himself before continuing. "Then I'll head to the airport and get out of your hair. And I won't bother you again."
I pinched the bridge of my nose, looking down and shaking my head to try to clear it. I'd sworn to myself when I moved out here that I wouldn't let Jack Thompson back into my life. I'd been confident it was for the best. But he really did seem different than he had the last time I'd seen him. And I couldn't ignore the way my heart still skipped a beat when I looked at him, or how badly I wanted to believe what he'd told me in the ballroom.
Finally, I looked back up at Jack. I met his ice blue eyes, the same ones I'd been staring into since we were basically kids, before he'd served in Japan and a thousand other things in our lives had changed. And I knew I couldn't send him away without at least hearing him out. I knew it might mean I got hurt again, badly, but I also knew the regret of never knowing for sure would eat me alive for the rest of my life.
"Jack... there's something you should know first."
"And that is?"
"It wasn't fate that brought me to the ballroom, or whatever else you thought it was. I... was actually there because Daniel called me to ask for my help."
Jack sighed. "I know. He and Carter told me. They seemed to have a guilty conscience about it. But I'll tell you what I told them: I don't care. It brought you back into my life, so... I'll take it."
The corner of my mouth tugged up again, and I tried not to let the excitement take over too much as Jack leaned a little forward.
"So... does that mean I can come in?"
I bit my lip again in a failed half-attempt to stop the smile rapidly spreading across my face. Finally, I let it win, and gave Jack a nod.
"Oh, thank god," he sighed, sagging and flopping over the doorframe, the flowers falling to his side for a moment until he looked back up at me. "You really had me thinking I was gonna have to race to make my plane for a minute there, sweetheart."
I laughed and shook my head, taking the flowers from Jack as I motioned for him to come inside. I shut the door behind him, then turned to lead him from the entryway into the kitchen.
"So... do you want some coffee?" I asked, moving to the pot before Jack answered. I knew he did.
"That'd be great." He paused, and I heard him sit at the table himself me as I added sugar and milk the way I knew he liked (although he'd never ask anybody else to add it in). "This place looks great."
"Thanks. It's been a labor of love, for sure. I learned how to fix just about everything in here that could break, since it started out that way."
I shot Jack a little smile as I sat down at the table across from him, sliding his coffee over. The statement was a test, and whether or not he knew it, he smiled back.
"If only you'd known all that stuff when we were in our old place. Maybe you could've saved me from breaking the sink beyond repair."
"If I remember right, I did try to help with that. And you told me to let you handle it while I made something nice for dinner."
Jack grimaced, taking a sip of his coffee. "Yeah. I do remember that. And... I'm sorry. I was an idiot back then. I wish I'd known then what I do now."
I nodded thoughtfully. He seemed sincere, which truly might've been a miracle-level personal shift. I still tried to keep my hopes from running wild, but it was getting harder by the minute.
"Thanks for the coffee, by the way," he continued. "I haven't had anything this good since... well, in a long time."
I gave him a rueful smile as he bailed out of "since you left". I sighed, taking a sip of my own coffee before looking at Jack again.
"So... why don't you tell me about all this stuff that kept you from visiting earlier? When I talked to Daniel, he said it was end of the world-level."
Jack nodded, running his hand through his hair. "I mean, it sure wasn't good. Might've been one of the worse things we've had to deal with. You're gonna like this though, since we saved the day. One of my best agents who helped solve all this stuff is a woman. Peggy Carter, she said she met you?"
"Only briefly," I said, smiling into my coffee. "She seemed pretty cool."
"She's damn good at her job. And so were you, by the way. You covered for her and Sousa perfectly when you showed up at that fundraiser. It took one of the people you were covering for walking straight into my path for me to realize something was up, and even then I didn't suspect you. Masterclass."
I huffed a laugh, but my smile grew so big I couldn't hide it behind my coffee mug anymore. Jack smiled back.
"Alright, so, this is kind of a long story. Especially if I start from the beginning."
"I want to hear all of it," I decided. "If you're up for it... including the stuff that came before this mission. I want to know about what you've been up to since... since I left."
Jack nodded, a hopeful smile pulling its way onto his own face. I could see him wrestling with himself to keep his cool, and I was happy to see him losing.
"Deal. As long as you promise to tell me everything you've been up to once I'm done."
"Sounds like we have a wonderful plan for the morning," I replied. Jack absolutely beamed back at me.
"I've never been happier to miss a flight in my life."
I laughed, and for a moment, I got a glimmer of the parts of my life with Jack that had made me stay for so long. His humor, and all the good in him that he worked to hide, but now, without the layer of separation that came from him not seeing me as an equal.
It had barely been ten minutes total of time spent with this slightly older, slightly different Jack Thompson. By far too early to say anything difinitively. But that little seed of hope in my chest had bloomed into a full bouquet since I'd opened my door this morning, and I couldn't help feeling that this time, things actually were different. Jack was different. And this time, maybe things would work.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmells @gaychaosgremlin
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trixie-in-wonderland · 3 months
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To celebrate the release of my Mysterious Joker × Twisted Wonderland fan fiction story, Miracle Maker In Twisted Wonderland, I decided to make this tag/drawing challenge where artists draw their TWST OCs or Yuu/MC character(s) as Phantom Thieves!
These drawings will be in the form of character cards. Here are the background pictures for the R and SR cards (if you want to draw your character as an SSR card, then you can draw your own background for it)
R: SR:
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Challenge Rules 👇
There is no need to have any knowledge of the Mysterious Joker fandom to do this challenge.
Please reblog this post if you are doing the challenge (you don't have to tag anyone)
When you post your drawing, please add a link to this post and add the tag "Gathering Of TWST Phantom Thieves Challenge"
Your characters' outfits must be based on other phantom thieves (or regular thieves) outfits. But the character you based your outfit on don't have to be from Mysterious Joker (for example: Kaito Kid from Magic Kaitou 1412, or Sampo Koski from Honkai Star Rail)
Here are some phantom thief outfit examples from Mysterious Joker:
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The outfits color scheme must be the same as your OC's dorm color scheme. But if you're doing a Yuu/MC character, then you can do whatever color scheme you want.
You may give your character a mask or monocle to wear on their face.
You can draw more than one character for this challenge. But please post them separately.
If your Yuu/MC character(s) are from different fandoms, you are still allowed to do a drawing of them.
You are allowed to make a drawing of canon TWST characters for this challenge.
You are allowed to draw groovy versions of your cards.
Do not draw someone else's OC or Yuu/MC character(s)! Not unless you get permission or they commission you. If you are commissioned or given permission, please tag the owner of the OC or Yuu/MC character(s).
Do not add gore, blood, or nudity to your drawings.
Artists who are tagged don't have to do this challenge.
Do not tag an artist who has already been tagged.
Tagging: @oya-oya-okay , @bunnwich , @tickledpink31 , @cheekinpermission , @cozymochi , @ashipiko , & @cheerleaderman
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Vermillion Snow: New Year’s Hour
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Designer’s Reflection: New Year’s Hour
Obtained: Welfare for CNY 2022
Rarity: SSR
Attribute: Purple/Sexy
Awakened Suit: The Merry Year
Story - transcripts from Designer’s Reflection
Chapter 1 - New Year Wishes
Chapter 2 - Firework Challenge
Chapter 3 - New Year Eve
Chapter 4 - Happy New Year
Story - summarized
As students get ready to leave for the winter break, Vermillion posts her New Year’s wish in the dorm bulletin board: that she can see the fireworks show with her family.
However, an avalanche blocks the train tracks from her parents’ home in Apple to Cloud. And her parents won’t make it until after the fireworks show.
Vermillion is upset, and she and her best friend and roommate, Xiaoyu, commiserate over their shared ill luck for the holidays. But not long after, Xiaoyu learns about a New Year’s Challenge: whoever can complete the themed tasks first will get to light the fireworks for the show.
The girls are excited as they rush around, making sure to check off the boxes as they complete each challenge: light a lantern, make decorations, wish someone a Happy New Year... And then there are two tasks left: visit the plum blossoms on the mountain, and make a wish on a star. They make it to the mountain and see the blossoms... but the clouds block the sky. They can’t take any pictures of the stars, so they can’t complete the task in time.
Xiaoyu asks Vermillion why the fireworks are so important to her. She explains that before her sister died, she had wished for the whole family to see the New Year fireworks show in Cloud every year. This will be the first time in years that Vermillion is alone.
Xiaoyu says that since they are such good friends, they are like sisters for each other. They enjoy being each other’s family as they find the best spot for watching the fireworks.
-Vermillion is originally from Apple Federation. She recounts this memory in her Reflection for Flowery Silhouette, and when she goes off to university, she surprises her parents with train tickets back to Apple.
-Vermillion says that Xitong used to tutor Xiaoyu in high school. You find out in Xiaoyu’s Reflection for Early Summer Shower exactly what happened to make the two hate each other.
Fun Facts
-The spring couplets from Chapter 2 are a long-standing tradition in China. It’s two lines of poetry framing either side of a door and one line above, and you can learn more here.
-While the word “mandala” is Sanskrit in origin, the design type can be found all over the world, including in Buddhist art. Buddhism is one of the biggest religions in China.
-Winter holidays are known to be particularly sad for some people, either from loneliness, seasonal depression, or the death or memory of a loved one. Vermillion experiences each of these reasons to varying degrees in this Reflection.
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cheerleaderman · 6 days
“What is with the Ghosts and kidnapping people for marriage?”
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[SSR] Yuya Florence- Ghost Groom
Event by @gl00myb3arz
voice lines and doodles under cut (you guys don’t understand I’m obsessed with this card)
Groovy: [Locked]
Home: Who knew that there was grave yard in the woods…
Home idle 1 : Ezekiel mistook me as another ghost prince trying to steal his bride being mistaken for a ghost doesn’t have its advantages this time around
Home idle 2: My sword? Apparently it’s some kind of ghost sword idk I just found it.
Home idle 3 : Sophie has become this time’s unfortunate victim, This forced marriage stuff is getting ridiculous anyways we all are teaming up to save her
Home idle- login : I guess I do look kind a princely
Home idle-groovy : [Locked]
Home tap 1 : Yes I slapped Ezekiel he challenged me to a “fight for the bride”and attacked me, I wasn’t going to just sit there
Home tap 2 : I wasn’t even there when everyone got kicked out, It was my turn for a grocery run then I come back to Ramshackle becoming a wedding venue
Home tap 3 : Is just straight to marriage a common thing with ghosts or just those cousins….
Home tap 4 : The funny thing is I got a letter from Eliza the other day saying that her marriage is going well and a bit about her honeymoon
Home tap 5: Who would just leave some random person well cat to guard a grave they know nothing about *sighs*
Home tap-groovy: [Locked]
I just gave Yuya and Ezekiel one sided beef just to be messy like the sims player I am also just thought it would be funny of them sassing each other
another Ghost Prince crashing his wedding and trying to steal his bride? Absolutely not🖕
Enemies to lovers/j /j
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[CN] Li Zeyan’s new solo SSR!
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“Instead of pleading for mercy, you might as well display your sincerity with your life.”
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“I’m always willing to take on your challenges.”
⌚ translation notes: ♡
⌚ event description: ♡
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