Just came here to say Rens a chubby chaser (totally not self projecting)
Anon, you are so, so, so right.
Warnings: Suggestive/NSFW? No smut but Ren is unwillingly perverted bc i said so.
Ren, who has never considered himself perverted. In fact, he has always made fun of those he considers perverts- like? Talk about desperate.
Ren, who thinks you're very pretty, even if he would never admit it. Who tries to avoid you.
Haru, who picks up on this- and being the considerate (meddlesome) guy he is, he begins asking for your help around Jabberwock- often pairing you with Ren who desperately tries to get out of it.
It all comes to a head one day when you two are asked to help with an aquatic creature.
Ren, who was convinced you were trying to kill him.
Because why else would you be in a bikini?
You smiled sheepishly at his dumbfounded expression, "it was all I had- didn't have time to get something more appropriate."
Ren, who couldn't take his eyes from your form as you walked away, approaching the pool that held the anomaly.
You were tasked with pruning some of the plants in the pool- the anomaly was harmless, and the plants were just growing too fast. Haru was concerned they would upset the balance of the small ecosystem.
Ren, who stared at the way your flesh jiggled with each step, the roll of your stomach- the way the bathing suit seemed too small, the flesh of your hips and breasts spilling over.
Ren, who desperately tried to think of anything else to kill his raging erection, but who's thoughts continued to fall back to you, as if drawn by a magnet.
You're focused on your task, humming as you snip stems and leaves, tossing them onto the bank for Ren to place in a bag.
Since your attention is elsewhere, Ren allows himself to stare unabashedly, something he would normally scoff at others for doing.
You, who can feel the eyes burning into the back of your neck- can feel the heated gaze trailing across your body.
You, who flashes Ren a cheeky smile when you catch his gaze focused on the way your bathing suit had bunched on your ass.
Ren, who realized he wanted to sink his teeth into your soft, chubby form to see if you tasted as sweet as you looked.
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literally squealing and kicking my feet at your comment💛 Mams, Beel, and Luci are my bbys but Mammon has a special place in my heart💛 plan on doing something like this for each of the brothers (and maybe Dia)
Let Me Give You My Life
A/N: I'm so proud of this tbh pls love it. Posts may slow down (more lol). I’m studying for the GRE, and how well I do determines if I can get into the masters program I want to do, which then determines getting into medical school. I love the support I’ve been getting- likes, reblogs (seeing yalls tags on the reblogs makes me smile like a fool!) yall are the best!
Warnings: Cursing, Angst? Mams is insecure and possessive af but man does he ADORE you, confessions- Asmo and Lucifer are sick of y'all.
Summary: Diavolo throws a ball to celebrate some event that Mammon honestly couldn’t remember- especially not when he saw you.
This was annoying.
Mammon had had plans tonight- a job. Sure, it was some low-budget modeling shoot for what were some hideous clothes, but still. It was going to pay well (way better than the clothes were worth, but thats because they wanted the Mammon- not some random, low-life demon)
And yet, here he was at this lame-ass ball Diavolo was throwing- commemorating some sort of success that Mammon frankly didn’t care about. Lucifer had made the attendance of the Student Council mandatory- threatening to hog-tie anyone who didn’t attend and leave them for Cerberus to toy with.
Mammon suppressed a shiver at the memory of the last time he had been subjected to that punishment. It had taken four showers and a bath to get all of the damned drool off of him- and he had needed to completely throw out his clothes.
Bastard. He glared at the back of Lucifer’s head, the elder across the room, deep in conversation with Barbatos.
Attendance was mandatory.
So where the hell was Asmo- and more importantly where the hell were you?
An ugly feeling reared its head in his chest as he thought of you sneaking around with his younger brother. Why would you be with Asmo, and not the Great Mammon?
“You know, glaring at him isn’t going to make his head explode,” Satan’s dry voice sounded from next to him, and Mammon shot a glance at the blonde demon.
“Maybe he’ll get the hint that making this mandatory was stupid. Does he not understand that some of us have better things to do?” Mammon griped.
Satan scoffed, “Sure, better to hustle money for debts you have no intention of paying back.”
Mammon’s frown deepened at his brother’s words. It never hurt less to hear how little his brothers thought of him- as if somehow his sin being greed made him lower than them. As if Asmo wouldn’t fuck anything that breathed near him, as if Beel hadn’t wreaked havoc due to his damn stomach, and as if Lucifer hadn’t damn near killed you due to his pride. Yet Mammon was somehow beneath them because he liked money and things? Bullshit.
He opened his mouth to shoot back a scathing retort about how actually he was going to use the money from the shoot to buy you the necklace that he had seen you eyeing at the jewelry store everytime he dragged you past it- but the gasps around the room pulled his attention to the staircase, and his jaw dropped.
Oh, you looked expensive. A shimmering gold dress clung to your form in all the right places (though you didn’t have any wrong places, a fact that Mammon would never say out loud).
Your thick thigh flashed from the dangerously high slit with every step down the staircase. He was faintly aware of Asmo behind you, but he knew that the attention of the room was on you, and not the demon of Lust.
That ugly feeling reared its head again when he saw Lucifer approach you, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand- no doubt with a stupid smirk on his face.
Mammon recognized the feeling, and it was much more in line with Levi’s sin than his own.
You shone more than the piles of Grimm in the bank vaults- and Mammon wanted nothing more than to steal you away and horde you to himself, like a dragon in the fantasy books you would ramble to him about. The dragons were the biggest thing he remembered, too lost in the sound of your voice to really process anything else. Besides, you said that his horns and wings reminded you of the dragons- something you had said with such a sweet voice that it was all he could do to not swoop in and kiss you.
And yet Lucifer was taking you to the dance floor, one hand wrapped around your waist.
Satan said something, but the blood rushing in Mammon’s ears muffled the sound, and when he received no response, Satan rolled his eyes and left.
Mammon wanted to approach you, steal you away from that smug bastard. But he didn’t, unable to summon the courage. Because if he did, then you would question him. If you questioned him, he would say the wrong thing- or worse, confess and face rejection from the one person in all the realms who has never looked at him with disdain.
Instead, he watched from the sidelines, snatching a flute of some sort of champagne off a waiters tray, downing it in a gulp.
After the song ended, you smiled brightly at Lucifer- a smile that should have been directed at Mammon. He watched you leave the ballroom, going out to the balcony.
“You planning on making a move? If not I’ll go see if she needs any company- after all she does look stunning in the dress I picked out,” Mammon’s gaze snapped to Asmo, whom he fixed with a glare.
“You keep your damn paws off of her- she’s my human,” he snarled. Amusement sparkled in Asmo’s eyes, and the younger laughed, “You’re lucky she only has eyes for you.”
Now that made Mammon stutter.
“Whaddya talking about?” he demanded.
Feigning ignorance, Asmo said, “maybe you should just go talk to her and stop being a moron- honestly, I love romance but at this point it is nauseating to see you two dance around each other.” With that, Asmo flounced off to chatter to some lower demon.
Mammon hated to admit it, but Asmo had piqued his interest.
Almost without his knowledge, his legs took him across the room, and he entered the balcony, carefully shutting the door behind him.
And you stole his breath away again, bathed in the faint light spilling through the windows, looking up at the stars.
You looked over your shoulder, flashing him a heart-stopping smile, “Mams! I was wondering when you were gonna come see me. The party isn’t as fun if I’m not with you.”
His cheeks burned at your words.
“We-well, I didn’t want to interrupt your dance with Lucifer,” he all but spat the Avatar of Prides name.
You giggled, “what? Are you jealous?”
Mammon rapidly shook his head, jamming his hands into his pockets as you turned to face him, leaning back on the railing.
His eyes shamelessly flitted over your form, and he imagined himself tearing into your soft flesh, burrowing a home inside your flesh where neither of you would know where one ended and the other began.
You raised an eyebrow, “You sure? I mean, I’d rather have danced with the Great Mammon, but he was too busy glaring daggers at his brother to make a move.”
You pushed off the railing, carefully approaching Mammon, who felt himself freeze in place.
All he could do was watch you, heart hammering in his chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck- and damn your height because this provided Mammon a particularly entrancing view of the pendant nestled in your cleavage- the necklace he had wanted to buy you.
He dragged his eyes back to your face, seeing amusement in your sweet gaze.
“Lucifer said it was from you,” He watched your plump lips move.
He shook his head, mumbling, “Was gonna get it for you with the pay from the gig I had lined up.”
The fact that Lucifer had gotten to it before him caused a pit in his stomach- why would you choose Mammon if you could choose his responsible, reliable older brother?
“You’re so sweet, Mams. Thank you.”
His face burned- him? Sweet?
Your soft gaze was akin to a siren song, and it was all he could do to not fall into you.
Tilting your head, you spoke with a rosy blush on your round cheeks, “Mammon,” he would do anything to hear his name fall from your lips again, “I waited for you to say something, but I don’t want to wait any more. I want to be with you. I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel like you do. I just need to know if you feel the same. If you don’t we can just go back to being friends and I’ll never bring it up again-” you were cut off when he surged forward, lips slamming against yours as his hands settled on the swell of your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh as he pulled you close. He swallowed down the noise of surprise that left you, relishing the feeling of you melting into him.
He didn’t know how to avoid saying the wrong thing- but he could act.
You were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted- and he would fall from Grace a million times over if this is where he ended up. You, pressed against him, hands tangling in his white hair as your lips melded together, his hands digging into your softness, melting together until you were one.
The two of you broke away, and Mammon was sure you were an angel when he took in your flushed cheeks, kiss-swollen lips, and dazed eyes.
He pressed his forehead to yours, chest heaving as he sucked in the air- air he would be happy to never breathe again if it meant he never had to stop kissing you.
“I’m yours- have been since you first showed up.” his words were whispered, hands coming up to cradle your face, falling into your lips again- greedy for more, more kisses, more closeness, more you.
He would trade all the Grimm in the Devildom to keep you close- if he was a dragon from your fairytales then you were the treasure he would horde.
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❤3 and ❤42 with Yuri please, I need something fluffy with him right now
3❤️ a kiss on the forehead
42❤️ a clumsy kiss
Warning: this is not a drabble at all but I can't shut up so here take this fic 🫳 also not very proofread YET so I apologize if it's a bit wonky
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One thing about Mortkranken’s underground: it’s cold. It makes sense, though. There were tons of biological samples being analyzed by students every single day, so it’s not like it could have a warm and comfortable temperature.
Still, you weren’t expecting it to be so cold.
It was kind of ironic, knowing how Yuri hated the other extremely cold dorm of Darkwick. But while Frostheim was freezing because of its natural weather (or as natural as a place created by an anomalous island could be), Mortkranken had all the air conditioners and freezers to create that artificial bubble of icy and dry climate.
Yuri’s personal office wasn’t exempt from the cold. Despite how spacious it was, the air still hung heavy while a split system blasted glacial wind mercilessly.
You trembled slightly as you went through paper after paper, doing inventory of all of Yuri’s books. Despite being a genius, apparently he couldn’t organize all the dozens of bookshelves he kept carelessly stacked with medical tomes, articles and notes.
Sometimes you wondered if he would just carry on, working in a terribly messy office, if you had never come around and offered your help - which he begrudgingly accepted.
However, it’s not like you were doing that entirely out of the good of your heart. You liked spending time with Yuri, despite how snappy he was, yes. You saw how lonely and starved of appreciation he was and it tugged on your heartstrings. Probably no one ever tried to go past that wall of arrogance he had built for himself as a protection, and you were set on trying to give him a little bit of comfort.
Maybe you also thought that the way his hair fell on his face was very pretty, that his sea-green eyes were gorgeous, and that everytime he blushed you wanted to grab his shoulders and pull him into a kiss so you could watch him have a meltdown and turn into putty in your hands. Yes. Maybe. But that’s not why you were there.
You were there because Frostheim was throwing one of their fancy balls that night and you desperately wanted to escape. You were invited, or better yet, subpoenaed by Jin and Tohma and you wanted nothing to do with it. You already had to deal with a tragic curse, thank you very much. Mingling with stuck up rich students was the last thing you wanted to do.
So, mentally apologizing to Kaito and Luca, you lied through your teeth and said you already had a job to do. At that point, you didn’t; but you found yourself in Yuri’s office, annotating his every dusty book just in case they sent someone to grab you by the hair and drag you to the ball. They wouldn’t try to come close to Mortkranken, after all - too much drama between the captains.
And work you did. Being around a cute doctor was just a bonus.
Yuri scrolled through his phone mindlessly for a few minutes, allowing himself to rest his brain after another day of working until his eyes were crossing. He wasn’t much of a social media guy, but he understood quite well the importance of taking breaks every so often in order to have his thoughts reorganize themselves. Even if he went around and then spent three days wide awake just to compensate for a 15 minute break.
It’s not like he was actually relaxing, however. He was very much aware of your presence in his office, just a few steps away from him, as you organized his books. You had offered yourself to catalog his tomes and clean them up out of nowhere and, despite his hesitance, deep down he was grateful for that. After all, an organized workplace works wonders for inspiration and concentration - he was just… very bad at doing the organization thing when it wasn’t directly related to his duties as a doctor.
He also wasn’t quite sure why you had suddenly offered to spend the evening working, but he just decided to chalk it up to you being grateful for his brilliance and infinite generosity. He DID offer to train you in anomalous medicine, didn’t he? Maybe you were just wise and trying to repay his kindness.
He huffed, a smug smile on his face, clearly satisfied with his own answer, but quickly turned his attention back to his phone after noticing you heard him and looked his way.
After scrolling mindlessly through posts about scientific innovations, articles, new hospitals and a bunch of ads for questionable medicines that claim to cure people of everything and anything at all, Yuri stopped at a photo of a familiar place.
It had been posted only 10 minutes before and showed a grand ballroom, filled with young people in fancy garments and expensive flower bouquets placed in tall vases that decorated every corner. Some people appeared to be dancing, while others chatted with a drink in their hand.
It was a familiar place because he had been in this exact same setting before – it was Frostheim and apparently they were throwing a ball at that very moment.
Yuri's lips curled down in disgust at the sight of the dorm.
“These mindless pricks just can't spend a single day without flaunting their wealth, can they?” Yuri grumbled audibly, scowling at his phone.
“Did you say something, Yuri?” you asked, turning to face him while you meticulously noted down another batch of book titles in your handbook.
“These wannabe nobles from Frostheim!” he spat “They can't do a single useful thing for society, but still try to intimidate others by showing off how rich they are! Disgusting!” Yuri slammed his phone on the desk, getting up from his seat, and pranced around the large room, as if he could not contain his anger quietly.
He didn't quite understand the reasoning behind his own anger. All he knew was that he felt enraged, an ironically icy feeling crawling up his chest. And that he needed a Frostheim student in front of him right at that moment so he could punch them. Too bad he was so physically weak.
“Oh, are you talking about the ball they're throwing today?” you asked, nonchalantly.
Yuri stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around towards you, an expression of disgust and betrayal on his face.
How would you even know about this ball? Frostheim prided in excluding everyone else that didn't wear that godawful blue lapel pin from every social event. So how would you, a puny little student with no association to any dorm at all, know about a big event such as that ball?
Yuri chose to blatantly ignore your friendships with Luca and Kaito for the benefit of his own theory.
You swallowed hard, realizing by his behavior that you probably should not have said that at all.
“How do you know about that ball?!” he said, through gritted teeth.
You cleared your throat.
“Um… I heard Luca and Kaito mention it earlier today…”
Yuri slowly walked towards you, as if he was a predator gauging your movements in order to know when to attack.
“Lies. I see how you are blinking fast. You also have flared nostrils and you are unconsciously biting your lips! Body language 101! You cannot fool a doctor like me, I see everything!”
You sighed.
“Okay, okay. Sorry. I was invited.” you mumbled, grabbing a tome and wiping the dust from its cover, avoiding Yuri's accusatory gaze.
His jaw went slack. His theory was correct then, after all! But of course it was. He was Yuri Isami, the captain of Mortkranken and the best doctor on that campus. Of course he was correct.
And so you were indeed a filthy traitor.
“Oh, so you're so connected to that despicable dorm that you were even INVITED to their ball?!” How dare you, he wanted to say, how dare you give them the time of the day when HE– when Mortkranken was the one doing all the important work in that place.
You raised an eyebrow at Yuri's dramatics, side-eyeing him while you still dusted books.
“Darkwick made me the inspector, remember? I have to have proper relationships with every single dorm and it's not like I want that either. It's all because of my curse.”
Yuri scoffed, throwing his arms up in disbelief.
“As if you need anything else besides Mortkranken's assistance! We are the only ones who are qualified to undo your curse once and for all! And yet, you still mingle with those Frostheimers…” he clenched his fists.
“Yuri, I think you're forgetting the fact that I chose not to go to the ball and spend my night here organizing your books.” you wiggled a book on your hand to make your point clearer, fully turning towards him.
That little detail seemed to have finally been processed in Yuri's mind right after you said it.
He went silent, staring at you with narrowed eyes. As if he didn't trust you yet. As if you could stab him in the back as soon as he turned around.
You sighed, putting the book on the shelf and then resting your hands on your hips.
“Why are you so angry at them for throwing a ball? You know they always do that.”
He didn't know why he was angry, actually. It was like Frostheim was a trigger word for him. He heard it and fury just freely ran through his veins like molten iron. It burned and hurt because he didn't know why it felt like that.
He just did.
It wasn't in Yuri's nature to be quiet. To be speechless. And when he didn't answer your question, you knew something deep, deeper than you could reach, had been brewing for too long.
He stood still like a statue, mouth pressed in a thin line as he turned your question around in his mind, like he would an unsolved rubrik cube. Only this time, he wasn't able to finish it in record time like he used to finish all of his real cubes.
You took a deep breath.
“Look.” you snapped him out of his daze “I'm gonna prove to you that balls are boring and that you aren't missing anything.”
You knew he wasn't upset because of FOMO, but seeing him struggle with his thoughts like that made you pity him just a little bit. So you would pretend, for now.
You went to his desk and grabbed your phone, scrolling through something.
“What are you planning to do?” he observed your movements, still as tense as ever.
“What's your favorite song again? It's The Blue Danube Waltz, by Strauss isn't it?”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes… I'm surprised a worm like you knows classical music and– no, what does this have to do with anything?” he asked, baffled at the sudden change of topic.
You walked towards him, gaze locked at your phone.
“You like waltzes then. Okay, then this one will have to do.”
You clicked on something on your phone and placed it carefully on one of the bookrack's shelves. Soon enough, some music started playing on the phone's speakers.
Yuri stared dumbly at the hand you were holding out towards him.
“What is this?”
“It's the Masquerade Waltz, by Aram Khachaturian.” You replied flatly, shoving your hand closer to his face.
“I- I know that!” Yuri sputtered, defensively “I want to know what you're doing!”
You shrugged, smirking at your own silly idea that seemed to have badly thrown him off “I want to prove to you how balls are kinda stupid when you can very well just waltz as much as you want at home. Come on. Dance with me?”
Yuri blinked, still staring at your hand.
“W-why should I?!”
“Well… you'll have the satisfaction of doing something Jin wanted to do but can't because I'm here.”
He immediately grabbed your hand, all hesitation left behind. You laughed and restarted the song.
“You better dance properly, worm!”
“I promise nothing.”
Yuri's hands were hot. He had them stuffed in his black gloves like always, but they seemed even warmer against your skin as you held him firmly.
He knew very well all of the waltz etiquette, of course. He was a cultured, refined man who knew how to be a proper partner when dancing with someone in a ballroom. He knew he was supposed to maintain eye contact with his dance partner.
But goddamn it, was it hard to keep looking into your eyes. Even though you weren't always looking at him – as expected of an impolite worm – whenever your eyes met, he felt his insides stir and he wondered in passing if he had to start taking some type of anxiety medication.
Sometimes he'd relax for a second when you looked down at your feet to count 1, 2 ,3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4. He used that moment to breathe deeply and then grimace at how shaky his exhale sounded.
His heart drummed inside his ribcage, and he hoped you'd keep your little grubby fingers far away from his radial artery, otherwise you'd feel how fast his heart was beating. He couldn't have you thinking he was nervous. He wasn't nervous! The situation was just… unexpected.
And then you started humming along with the song.
Yuri swallowed hard, Adam's apple bobbing up and down, and cleared his throat.
“You… you like this waltz?” he managed to say. He shoved the thought that you sounded cute, humming a song just like he always did, deep, deep inside the corners of his mind.
You widened your eyes for a second.
“Oh! I was humming, wasn't I? Sorry. But yeah, it's my favorite. I guess I can't say I don't understand you when you hum too” you laughed nervously.
The both of you kept on clumsily stepping side to side, front to back, as the song reached its last notes.
Yuri knew the song was ending, and his anxiety peaked. It was like he wanted something to happen – no, like he needed to do something, but he didn't know what it was.
His stomach churned as the song faded out, and your feet came to a halt. Your hand left his own, and so did the one on his shoulder. He could feel the warmth of your body leaving him as he forced himself to step back.
You cleared your throat and gave him an exaggerated curtsy, lifting the hem of an imaginary dress.
“Thank you so much for this dance, Lord Isami” you said with a grin, in a fake posh accent.
And after that, it was like he became possessed by some trickster spirit who had it out for him.
Yuri didn't really know what thought process led him to suddenly grab your shoulders and awkwardly place his lips on your forehead, but when you gasped under him, he finally came back to his senses.
“GAH! I don't know why I did that!” he yelled, taking a few long steps back and away from you.
He stared at his own hands, like they were monsters with a life of their own. Some cruel, awful things that made him act on an impulse he didn't even know he had.
His thoughts ran wild and tumbled one over the other, each and every one yelling some reasoning for his stupid actions and turning his mind into a deafening cacophony that made his head fuzzy and his ears ring.
“Um...” you voiced out, and Yuri finally looked at you again, quickly halting his spiral towards a panic attack. His eyes fluttered, taking in the sight in front of him.
You covered your cheeks with your hands, looking to the side as you pressed your lips in a thin line. Yuri swore he could see the ghost of a smile on the corner of your lips, gone in the blink of an eye.
Yuri was screwed. That immediately became the only thought that blared inside his brain after looking at you, all flustered and embarrassed.
“I'm screwed” he murmured unconsciously and you had the gall to chuckle.
“Sorry?” you asked, a smile warming your voice in a way that made Yuri dizzy.
He shook his head, pressing the heels of his palms against his eyes, and took a deep breath.
“You can go to your quarters now. Continue your work here later.” he announced, secretly celebrating how his voice sounded stable again.
You slowly grabbed your phone, still smiling like you knew something he didn't. Preposterous.
“Okay.” you replied, without much protest.
Yuri watched as you picked up the rest of your belongings and made the way towards his door.
“I hope I convinced you of all that stuff we talked about, by the way. See you tomorrow, Yuri” you said, looking over your shoulder before you left.
Yuri had absolutely no idea of what you were even talking about. All he knew was that his room was hot. He felt incredibly hot and his heart still hammered mercilessly inside his ribs. Was he having a heat stroke? Yeah, maybe it was that. Maybe he was having a heat stroke because you made him dance and sweat when he didn't need to.
He looked at the thermometer under his AC.
It read 5°C/40°F.
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A/N: MDNI 18+. Whoo-eee. I thought of how Jiro may not be able to have standard sex often/at all and this appeared in my mind bc i am totally normal about him (I'm not)
TW: NSFW, fingering, squirting, "sex pollen trope" so dubious consent to an extent.
Summary: You sniffed an anomalous flower and got affected in a way neither you nor Jiro could have predicted.
"Hi Ji!" you chirped, flouncing into the lab room. Your boyfriends back was toward you. He didn't turn, but you noticed his shoulders relax when he regjstered your voice.
"Hey, pretty," his deep voice caused a gentle blush to reach your cheeks.
You tilted your head when you were beside him, looking at the flower that was potted in front of him.
His mask was up, as it normally was when he handled research.
Its petals were deep purple, the center a deep red that flowed through the purple. The appearance was similar to a lily- or was it an orchid? The appearance seemed to shift in front of you, a hypnotizing change of flowers.
Without a second thought, you leaned in, taking a deep whiff of the flower.
"What are you doing?!" The alarm in Jiro's voice ripped you from your trance, and you jerked back, eyes widening.
"Oh shit! I don't know what happened- is this bad!?"
He looked you up and down through narrowed eyes.
Heat pooled in your stomach- an expression you had seen several times now causing you to shift uncomfortably.
"Come on, I'm going to examine you. The anomalous plant has thus far been harmless, but I want to make sure you're okay." He stood, and for a moment you were hyper aware of his stature.
Had he always been so tall?
His hand wrapped around your elbow as he tugged you along, leading you from the lab into Yuri's office. The captain was out- Jiro mentioned something about a medical conferance in Tokyo.
Jiro directed you to the desk, motioning your you to perch on it.
Your brain was entirely too hazy to process how that had led to this moment- an innoceny exam turning into Jiro gently pushing your skirt up to reveal your nearly translucent underwear.
A whine left you when his finger grazed the outline of your drenched pussy, and you watched him regard this with the same professionalism with which he had examined you- an action that caused your cunt to clench around nothing.
"Even wetter than normal." he murmured to himself, sounding almost awed.
You weren't in the right headspace to process his words.
Your skin felt too tight, and every light brush from Jiro made pleasure burn through you.
The ghoul between your legs wasn't faring much better-the smell of your arousal was more prominent than it had ever been before. He was faintly aware that the effects of the flower must be getting secreted via your slick and pheromones- and therefore was affecting him.
He was also well aware that this was a bad idea.
He should be taking blood samples, running tests.
He should not be dragging your underwear down your body, groaning at the sight of your bare cunt.
The sound of which caused your eyes to roll back.
It wasn't often that you got to see Jiro lose his composure. He was sweet, and a great boyfriend, but he was not the most emotional or expressive person. And hearing such a needy sound fall from his lips when you were the one writhing on the desk was a whole new level of hot.
"Jiro," you drew his name out in a high whine, causing red eyes to fly up to your face.
God, you were a sight.
Flushed cheeks, bitten lips, and glazed, half-lidded eyes.
You yelped as he surged back up your body, lips meeting yours right when his thumb pressed against your clit.
Finally having contact after he spent so long just watching you was causing your thoughts to blur- only focused on the slow circles he was now rubbing into your clit while he devoured your moans and whimpers.
He broke away, resting his forehead against yours as both of your chests heaved.
A loud keen left you when one of his sinfully long fingers entered your gummy walls, hips thrashing.
A low huff left Jiro's mouth at your reaction, and your bleary eyes focused on his face- and he looked as wrecked as you felt.
His face was flushed, lips glossy from your shared saliva, and his pupils were blown wide.
"Ji, please more, need more please!" You begged, all but sobbing as your thoughts melted into nothing but his form hunched over yours, touch bringing you to the brink of insanity.
"So needy," his voice was hoarse, and his lips fell to yours again to swallow the broken moan that left you as another finger pressed into your center.
They scissored within you before hooking, searching for the devastating spot inside of you.
A spot he found with ease, calloused fingers curling into it meanly, and you were too far gone to care that your cheeks were drenched with tears.
"I can feel you clenching, you gonna cum for me?" he asked, breaking the kiss to watch your reactions.
You nodded wildly, brows pinched together.
He pushed a third finger into you, heel of his hand grinding into your clit with every brutal thrust. Your thighs desperately tried to close at the onslaught of pleasure, but they were no match for the ghoul between them.
The hand not currently dripping with your slick pressed your leg down, forcing your thighs apart.
"C'mon, wanna see how hard the pollen makes you cum," he all but growled, composure slipping at the heady scent of you and the way you were wantonly spread before him.
"Fuck, Ji!" you shouted his name, back arching and mouth lolling open as you shattered.
Slick sprayed from you, Jiro's wide eyes taking in every response your body had.
You whimpered as he slowed down, ears ringing from the force of your orgasm. Oversensitivity set in, causing a relieved whine to leave your throat as he pulled his fingers out, carelessly wiping them on his jacket.
"Hey, pretty," your eyes opened to meet Jiro's, a soft smile showcasing the dimples in his cheeks.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, and you closed your eyes, slumping back against the desk as you caught your breath.
"Think the flower makes people horny," you wheezed, feeling creeping back into your bones.
The ghoul above you huffed out a laugh, "Both myself and Yuri have smelled it with no effects- probably only works on humans," he hummed for a moment before continuing, "though I do think it strengthened the scent of your pheromones and effected me from that."
You cracked an eye, "so my smell got you horny?"
Jiro hoisted you into his arms, carefully setting you on your feet as you leaned against him, "Yes- though seeing you writhe from my touch always works too."
You giggled at his cheeky smile, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
"I'm going to get things put away, and then I'm taking you back to your dorm for some rest. You can hardly stand," he kissed the top of your head after speaking.
"I wonder whose fault that is," you said, fixing him with a teasing glare.
Seeing Jiro's cheeks flush was always satisfying, and he rolled his eyes as he guided you to a chair back in the lab.
You watched as he quickly cleaned his station, and before long you were on your way to the church, Jiro holding an arm around you protectively.
When Yuri got back, you both got an earful from him about the appropriate places to have sex after he discovered the underwear Jiro had carelessly tossed away, covered in your dried arousal. You were mortified, while from the look on Jiro's face you could tell he didn't regret it at all, and the wink he flashed you the second Yuri turned his back told you he would do it again in a heartbeat.
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Let Me Give You My Life
A/N: I'm so proud of this tbh pls love it. Posts may slow down (more lol). I’m studying for the GRE, and how well I do determines if I can get into the masters program I want to do, which then determines getting into medical school. I love the support I’ve been getting- likes, reblogs (seeing yalls tags on the reblogs makes me smile like a fool!) yall are the best!
Warnings: Cursing, Angst? Mams is insecure and possessive af but man does he ADORE you, confessions- Asmo and Lucifer are sick of y'all.
Summary: Diavolo throws a ball to celebrate some event that Mammon honestly couldn’t remember- especially not when he saw you.
This was annoying.
Mammon had had plans tonight- a job. Sure, it was some low-budget modeling shoot for what were some hideous clothes, but still. It was going to pay well (way better than the clothes were worth, but thats because they wanted the Mammon- not some random, low-life demon)
And yet, here he was at this lame-ass ball Diavolo was throwing- commemorating some sort of success that Mammon frankly didn’t care about. Lucifer had made the attendance of the Student Council mandatory- threatening to hog-tie anyone who didn’t attend and leave them for Cerberus to toy with.
Mammon suppressed a shiver at the memory of the last time he had been subjected to that punishment. It had taken four showers and a bath to get all of the damned drool off of him- and he had needed to completely throw out his clothes.
Bastard. He glared at the back of Lucifer’s head, the elder across the room, deep in conversation with Barbatos.
Attendance was mandatory.
So where the hell was Asmo- and more importantly where the hell were you?
An ugly feeling reared its head in his chest as he thought of you sneaking around with his younger brother. Why would you be with Asmo, and not the Great Mammon?
“You know, glaring at him isn’t going to make his head explode,” Satan’s dry voice sounded from next to him, and Mammon shot a glance at the blonde demon.
“Maybe he’ll get the hint that making this mandatory was stupid. Does he not understand that some of us have better things to do?” Mammon griped.
Satan scoffed, “Sure, better to hustle money for debts you have no intention of paying back.”
Mammon’s frown deepened at his brother’s words. It never hurt less to hear how little his brothers thought of him- as if somehow his sin being greed made him lower than them. As if Asmo wouldn’t fuck anything that breathed near him, as if Beel hadn’t wreaked havoc due to his damn stomach, and as if Lucifer hadn’t damn near killed you due to his pride. Yet Mammon was somehow beneath them because he liked money and things? Bullshit.
He opened his mouth to shoot back a scathing retort about how actually he was going to use the money from the shoot to buy you the necklace that he had seen you eyeing at the jewelry store everytime he dragged you past it- but the gasps around the room pulled his attention to the staircase, and his jaw dropped.
Oh, you looked expensive. A shimmering gold dress clung to your form in all the right places (though you didn’t have any wrong places, a fact that Mammon would never say out loud).
Your thick thigh flashed from the dangerously high slit with every step down the staircase. He was faintly aware of Asmo behind you, but he knew that the attention of the room was on you, and not the demon of Lust.
That ugly feeling reared its head again when he saw Lucifer approach you, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand- no doubt with a stupid smirk on his face.
Mammon recognized the feeling, and it was much more in line with Levi’s sin than his own.
You shone more than the piles of Grimm in the bank vaults- and Mammon wanted nothing more than to steal you away and horde you to himself, like a dragon in the fantasy books you would ramble to him about. The dragons were the biggest thing he remembered, too lost in the sound of your voice to really process anything else. Besides, you said that his horns and wings reminded you of the dragons- something you had said with such a sweet voice that it was all he could do to not swoop in and kiss you.
And yet Lucifer was taking you to the dance floor, one hand wrapped around your waist.
Satan said something, but the blood rushing in Mammon’s ears muffled the sound, and when he received no response, Satan rolled his eyes and left.
Mammon wanted to approach you, steal you away from that smug bastard. But he didn’t, unable to summon the courage. Because if he did, then you would question him. If you questioned him, he would say the wrong thing- or worse, confess and face rejection from the one person in all the realms who has never looked at him with disdain.
Instead, he watched from the sidelines, snatching a flute of some sort of champagne off a waiters tray, downing it in a gulp.
After the song ended, you smiled brightly at Lucifer- a smile that should have been directed at Mammon. He watched you leave the ballroom, going out to the balcony.
“You planning on making a move? If not I’ll go see if she needs any company- after all she does look stunning in the dress I picked out,” Mammon’s gaze snapped to Asmo, whom he fixed with a glare.
“You keep your damn paws off of her- she’s my human,” he snarled. Amusement sparkled in Asmo’s eyes, and the younger laughed, “You’re lucky she only has eyes for you.”
Now that made Mammon stutter.
“Whaddya talking about?” he demanded.
Feigning ignorance, Asmo said, “maybe you should just go talk to her and stop being a moron- honestly, I love romance but at this point it is nauseating to see you two dance around each other.” With that, Asmo flounced off to chatter to some lower demon.
Mammon hated to admit it, but Asmo had piqued his interest.
Almost without his knowledge, his legs took him across the room, and he entered the balcony, carefully shutting the door behind him.
And you stole his breath away again, bathed in the faint light spilling through the windows, looking up at the stars.
You looked over your shoulder, flashing him a heart-stopping smile, “Mams! I was wondering when you were gonna come see me. The party isn’t as fun if I’m not with you.”
His cheeks burned at your words.
“We-well, I didn’t want to interrupt your dance with Lucifer,” he all but spat the Avatar of Prides name.
You giggled, “what? Are you jealous?”
Mammon rapidly shook his head, jamming his hands into his pockets as you turned to face him, leaning back on the railing.
His eyes shamelessly flitted over your form, and he imagined himself tearing into your soft flesh, burrowing a home inside your flesh where neither of you would know where one ended and the other began.
You raised an eyebrow, “You sure? I mean, I’d rather have danced with the Great Mammon, but he was too busy glaring daggers at his brother to make a move.”
You pushed off the railing, carefully approaching Mammon, who felt himself freeze in place.
All he could do was watch you, heart hammering in his chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck- and damn your height because this provided Mammon a particularly entrancing view of the pendant nestled in your cleavage- the necklace he had wanted to buy you.
He dragged his eyes back to your face, seeing amusement in your sweet gaze.
“Lucifer said it was from you,” He watched your plump lips move.
He shook his head, mumbling, “Was gonna get it for you with the pay from the gig I had lined up.”
The fact that Lucifer had gotten to it before him caused a pit in his stomach- why would you choose Mammon if you could choose his responsible, reliable older brother?
“You’re so sweet, Mams. Thank you.”
His face burned- him? Sweet?
Your soft gaze was akin to a siren song, and it was all he could do to not fall into you.
Tilting your head, you spoke with a rosy blush on your round cheeks, “Mammon,” he would do anything to hear his name fall from your lips again, “I waited for you to say something, but I don’t want to wait any more. I want to be with you. I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel like you do. I just need to know if you feel the same. If you don’t we can just go back to being friends and I’ll never bring it up again-” you were cut off when he surged forward, lips slamming against yours as his hands settled on the swell of your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh as he pulled you close. He swallowed down the noise of surprise that left you, relishing the feeling of you melting into him.
He didn’t know how to avoid saying the wrong thing- but he could act.
You were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted- and he would fall from Grace a million times over if this is where he ended up. You, pressed against him, hands tangling in his white hair as your lips melded together, his hands digging into your softness, melting together until you were one.
The two of you broke away, and Mammon was sure you were an angel when he took in your flushed cheeks, kiss-swollen lips, and dazed eyes.
He pressed his forehead to yours, chest heaving as he sucked in the air- air he would be happy to never breathe again if it meant he never had to stop kissing you.
“I’m yours- have been since you first showed up.” his words were whispered, hands coming up to cradle your face, falling into your lips again- greedy for more, more kisses, more closeness, more you.
He would trade all the Grimm in the Devildom to keep you close- if he was a dragon from your fairytales then you were the treasure he would horde.
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I'll Say I Was Overthinking
A/N: Part 2 of the Alan drabble!
Summary: Being involved with anomalies was not conducive to peaceful dates, a fact that Alan laments when you are injured on his watch.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, cursing, body horror, fluff, Alan beating himself up as usual, kiss to shut someone up.
It had taken a couple weeks to get the R&R permit approved- and Alan had insisted that your first date not be on campus.
Maybe he was going overboard, but dinner and a movie off campus (and therefore away from a certain meddlesome vice-captain) was a must.
You weren’t complaining.
He had picked you up from your dorm, and you had nearly tripped over your feet at the sight of him in a nice button up and slacks- two things you were not sure he even owned (he didn’t- Tohma had insisted upon providing clothes once Kurosagi has let the date slip.)
He had complimented you, cheeks pink as he scratched the back of his neck.
Your dress was simple, nothing over the top, but you loved its fit and from his expression you could tell Alan had too.
Dinner had gone well, Alan slowly becoming more comfortable as the night went on- and you’d be lying if you said his smile didn’t make your heart flutter.
That's what crossed your mind when you both had rounded a corner, only to be faced with this.
Mottled flesh, an entirely too human face- too many teeth and a too wide smile.
You froze- heart pounding. You had ended up ahead of Alan as you chattered away about your excitement for the movie he had planned.
Far enough ahead that he was helpless as the anomaly smacked you aside.
“No!” his shout was futile as he watched your body hit the alley wall and crumple.
You lay there wheezing, brain slowly processing the scene.
Alan’s pipe appearing in his hand.
The anomaly making its way toward you.
Alan launching in front of you, blocking your body.
A horrible, mocking laugh.
Your vision swam, and as shock wore off you began to feel the deep pain in your body from where you had hit the wall, and you were faintly aware of the taste of blood and bile in your throat.
Alan was fighting it- but seemed to be doing little damage.
Groaning, you staggered to your feet, leaning over as you emptied the contents of your stomach.
Lurching forward, you gripped Alan's arm.
His eyes shot to you, “what are you doing?”
“Your stigma-” you coughed, wincing as a bolt of pain lanced your head, -”use it”
His eyes glanced over you, frowning in concern at your state.
“You can hardly stand!”
“And if I don’t help you we are both going to die! Stop arguing with me and just hit the fucking thing!” you snapped, gripping his arm harder to stabilize yourself.
The laughing anomaly lurched toward you both, interrupting his chance to argue further.
Alan adjusted his grip on the pipe, fixing the anomaly with a harsh glare.
He raised the pipe, bringing it down as the anomaly lunged, and you watched the creature's head give way beneath the iron.
It fell to the ground, and the resulting tremble caused you to stagger.
Alan caught you, shouting your name as your vision faded.
Quiet voices were the first thing you registered- along with the sterile smell.
Mortkranken’s infirmary.
“Like I said, you need to let someone examine you. She is stable- the last thing she needs right now is you collapsing because you had an injury and didn’t let us treat you. Taking more attention off of her than is necessary would be foolish, Mido.”
“I’m fine, regardless, I’m a ghoul. If something was wrong it’d be pretty damn clear.”
You cracked your eyes, wincing at the glare.
Alan swam into focus, glaring at Jiro, whose face was impassive.
Jiro’s arms were crossed, and the bags under his eyes were more defined than normal.
“Ghouls can still die, Mido.” Jiro left with that scathing retort before his eyes landed on you.
“You’re awake.” Alan’s head snapped around, and he quickly rushed forward.
“You okay?” his eyes were wild with concern.
You cracked a small smile, “I’ve been better.”
“Ah-hem.” You looked past Alan, and met Jiro’s gaze.
“Please let Jiro look you over?” you asked, bringing a hand up to grasp Alan’s for a moment.
His cheeks flushed at the contact.
“Can I do my job?” You giggled at Jiro’s mildly irritated tone.
“Go. I’ll be okay.”
Alan hesitated for a moment before nodding.
Jiro led him out from the curtained off “room” you were in.
You laid there, taking in the sounds of machines and the smell of alcohol.
You shifted, sitting up with a groan as you searched for water, throat scratchy.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Alan sounded panicked when he came back in to see you moving.
“I need some water.” you said, voice hoarse.
“I brought some,” Jiro entered behind Alan, carrying a cup.
He handed it to you, all but rolling his eyes at the Vagastrom captain.
“Your boyfriend is fine, from what the very limited exam he let me do showed.”
You could practically hear the eye roll in his voice.
“Is she going to be fine?” Alan snapped.
You sipped your water, relishing how soothing it was.
Jiro fixed Alan with a tired glare before directing his statement toward you, “You have a broken rib, concussion, and some nasty contusions, and hitting the wall dislocated your shoulder. I got the shoulder back in place, and your chest is wrapped to prevent your rib from moving too much. It will be awhile before you can function at your full capacity- even with the anomalous medicine we have.”
He cracked a small smile, “if you need anything, just call. You can go back to your dorm as long as you have someone who can keep an eye on you. And I will be coming by in the mornings to check on you.”
“Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” Alan said quickly, carefully grasping your hand.
Jiro looked at him for a moment before nodding.
Fifteen minutes later, you were slowly staggering back to your dorm.
Alan’s arm was wrapped around you, and a bag of medical supplies was on his shoulder.
Silence passed between you- and you weren’t too disappointed due to the dull throb with every step and breath. You didn’t think you could manage words very well.
At your door, Alan froze.
You looked up at him, seeing the set of his jaw.
“Alan, what’s wrong?”
You watched a muscle feather.
“I shouldn’t be the one doing this.”
You frowned, turning to fully face him.
“What do you mean? If you don’t want to, that's fine, I can call Jiro and go back to the infirmary.”
Shaking his head, Alan said, “it’s my fault you got hurt. If I had been faster, more aware, then you would be okay. I’ll just make things worse.”
He avoided your eyes.
“This was a bad idea, it would be best for you to go to the infirmary so I don’t get you ki-”
A surprised grunt left him as you yanked him down by the collar and pressed your lips to his.
After a moment, the stiffness left Alan’s body, and his arms wrapped around you, holding you like you were porcelain as he finally reciprocated the kiss.
They broke away, and she was sure the flush on Alan’s face matched her own as he blinked owlishly at her.
“What- what was that for?” he stammered.
You giggled at his shell-shocked expression.
“Alan, I kissed you because I like you,” you cradled his cheek with your good hand, “I would not kiss you if I thought you got me hurt. Now will you please accept that it's not your fault so we can go inside and shower?”
His eyes widened even farther, “Like?”
You tilted your head before realizing what he meant.
“No! Not together- as incredibly attractive as I find you I think sex would kill me right now,” Alan stood straight, face and neck bright red.
Laughing, you said, “I will probably need your help though- if that’s okay?”
Alan cleared his throat, “I said I would take care of you, and I will.”
You blinked at the seriousness in his voice.
Alan was nothing if not committed, and you knew that if he was around you would be taken care of.
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Bedside Manner
A/N: I'm suffering through a cold right now and took the day off of work to die peacefully at home, and thought of this while in the bath attempting to "steam" my nostrils clear lol.
Summary: How Jiro takes care of you when you're sick.
Warnings: Fluffy, reader has a nasty cold, Jiro's sweet and i love him- kind of modeled after how my fiance has been taking care of me since being sick, established relationship but its kind of new?
You were a miserable sight, standing in the doorway before Jiro.
He took in your disheveled state- tangled hair, flushed cheeks but overall pale, glassy eyes, and your red nose.
"I'm here to do your health check- though it appears you are not well." his deep voice was matter of fact as he looked down at you, concern twinkling in his tired, ruby eyes.
"I'm gonna die before the year is up." your dramatic sigh was punctuated by a wracking cough.
Jiro rolled his eyes, gently pushing you inside so he could shut the door behind him.
"No, you're not. Sit." He gestured to a pew, and you lowered your shaky body down.
"Tell me about what you're experiencing," Jiro ordered while he got his tools out.
You sniffed, watching with hazy eyes.
"Yesterday my nose felt itchy but I assumed it was just allergies."
He hummed as he clipped a pulse-oximeter onto your index finger, indicating for you to continue.
"I woke up super early because i felt hot and was coughing. Since then my nose hasn't stopped running and I'm just so tired."
"Here, put this under your tongue." He held up a thermometer. You did as told, while he wrapped the blood pressure cuff around your arm.
After the thermometer beeped, he wrote down your vitals.
Putting on his stethoscope, he slipped it up your shirt, the cold metal causing you to shiver as it touched your feverish skin.
"Christ, Jiro, maybe warn me next time," you hissed, narrowing your eyes at your boyfriend.
"Sorry." he didn't sound sorry at all.
You rolled your eyes, supressing a sneeze as he listened to your heartbeat.
Thankfully, the feeling faded as he slipped the stethoscope to your back.
"Deep breaths." he murmured, eyebrows furrowing as he listened intently.
He sat back on his haunches, hanging the stethoscope around his neck.
"I don't hear anything crackling in your lungs, so I'm fairly confident whats going on is upper respiratory based on your symptoms. Your heart rate was elevated, but I'm assuming that is due to the stethoscope and not illness."
You nodded as he spoke- it made sense because while you were coughing it didn't feel like it was a deep cough.
"So, what do you think it is?" you asked, sniffing again as you felt mucous begin to try and escape.
Jiro tilted his head, watching you closely.
"Probably a common cold and post-nasal drip."
"So, just fluids and rest, right? It's a virus so antibiotics would be useless." you said, settling back on the pew.
"Mostly right, I'm going to ask Yuri ti bring some symptomatic treatment from Mortkranken- pain killers, fever reducer, and a decongestant. I'll bring a cough supressant as well, but thats only if the coughing gets too severe. Overall, its best if you blow your nose because if you keep sniffing you will make the post-nasal drip worse."
Jiro stood, packing is bag and setting it to your side.
He pulled you to your feet, wrapping his arm around you.
"I'm going to get you back to bed, you need rest."
You didn't protest as he helped you up the stairs.
He pulled your blankets around you, tucking you in carefully.
You sank into the soft bedding, watching him with a small smile.
"I'll be downstairs waiting for Yuri if you need anything." Jiro said, finally satisfied with how he had you situated.
You frowned, "don't you have other health checks and things to do?"
Jiro tilted his head, "forgive me if I'm wrong, because I am new to the whole 'relationship' thing- but isn't one supposed to take care of their partner? Especially since I am one of the medical professionals on this campus."
You watched him carefully as he continued.
"Another student can take some of my responsibilities for today, and I do enough for Yuri that he can manage without me for a day," he gently stroked your cheek, "you take priority as my girlfriend, which isn't entirely logical but its the truth."
You smiled, "I guess I can't complain if it means I get you to myself the whole day." You flailed, pulling the blankets down enough to make extra room.
"Since I'm so sick and you said I take priority, I'm cold and I think I'd feel so much better if you were to hold me."
Jiro raised an eyebrow at your antics as you coughed, groaning as it ended.
"See? I'll die if you don't."
He laughed, rolling his eyes as he slipped off his shoes.
"Awfully dramatic for someone with a cold." he remarked, carefully sliding into bed with you.
You nestled into his chest, closing your eyes in satisfaction.
"Yeah, but being dramatic means I get to sleep on you, so I'll keep being dramatic"
You felt his chest rumble as he chuckled at you.
"Just rest. I'll get you up when Yuri is here with the medications."
"Mm" you hummed, feeling yourself doze off, finally feeling warm enough.
Sure, Jiro was still getting accustomed to dating, but he was doing his best and he made you happy- and when you need him, he was there with no reservations.
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Hi! I hope you're having a good day!I came for the tdb requests :D
I have Jin as the default character on the main screen (didn't choose him nor liked him at first , he resembled default cold male lead in Korean transmigration manhwas , he's the first ssr i pulled tho soo) and his lines about him establishing a servant-king dynamic ( a tsundere , constipated feelings )without giving us the option to be slightly annoying about it _us servaning him_ is annoying to me.
I am a person who likes to challenge those around me (I like to play with what given to me since everything is more than it seems)even tho I am a calm person so ppl rarely wait for it,so, I have been wanting to get Jin to go to those 'peasants' locations he mentions in his voice lines (like seeing fireworks is better on a helicopter) for a date to get him to admit the beauty in what you can create (we have all noticed he' s grieving a loss so I kinda want it to take inspo from thod daye in order to challenge his current situation especialy his stigma )
Thank you in advance!
A/N: This is an amazing idea! I actually love Jin- I really enjoy the emotionally constipated characters (Aka why I love Alan, Megumi from JJK, and Dean Winchester sm lol). I hope you enjoy!
T/W: Cursing, Jin is kinda a spoiled ass- but also not?, soft Jin
Summary: Jin doesn’t understand why you insist on making him stargaze with you- he could take you to an observatory. He doesn’t understand the appeal of laying in the grass. He doesn’t understand why you’re so happy, or why your smile makes such a warm feeling spread through his chest.
This truly had to be some kind of joke.
In fact, Jin was sure it was.
In what world was laying in the grass outside of your dorm better than viewing the stars at a world class observatory?
You, however, were extremely pleased that you had convinced him to quote “do peasant shit.”
His haughty attitude irritated you to no end, and you were determined to make him eat his words, which is exactly why you had chosen tonight for this.
He glanced over at you, watching you settle onto your back.
“This better be good. After this I’ll show you what it's like to see the sky through the best observatory in the world,” you rolled your eyes at his words.
“I know you’ll enjoy this, as long as you pull your head out of your ass.” you flashed him a sweet smile as he glared at you for your response.
“Wow, got some bite to ya, huh? Scared to admit this is a waste of my time?”
Your eyes narrowed, “Jin, sometimes I want to smack that smug look off of your face,” your ridiculously handsome face.
It was quite vexing- Jin was exactly your type. His attitude was the only deterrent, which frustrated you.
You knew there was more to him, he just refused to let people in.
He let out a bark of laughter at your response.
“I’d like to see you try- that would be the highlight of my day.”
“Your attitude is exactly why you have two friends.”
“Bold of you to assume I need friends.”
With a sigh, you refocused your eyes on the sky, choosing to ignore that statement.
You wished you could just get through to him- figure out why he was so guarded.
Jin watched you for a moment, uneasy at your lack of response. He was so used to you always having a retort to his remarks. Nothing he had ever said had seemed to genuinely upset you, until this.
Besides, he only had one friend, Tohma.
Until it hit him- you.
Despite how cold he was, you had always been friendly to him, insisting on sticking around even when he relentlessly pushed you away.
With a sigh, he laid beside you in the grass, choosing to follow your lead in hopes of making you happier.
The sky was an endless sheet full of stationary pin pricks of light.
His eyes widened when it started.
Flashes of light across the sky- hundreds of them.
A meteor shower.
His eyes flashed to you, and he couldn’t resist the warmth that spread through his chest at the look of wonder on your face.
You were hyper aware of Jin beside you. You wanted him to enjoy this- not just admit that it was better than a damn observatory.
The night was cool, with a small breeze that rustled past you both on occasion.
Seconds passed into minutes as you both watched the meteor shower, and you couldn’t resist the smile that spread across your face. You loved stargazing- and meteor showers were so rare that you had never seen one.
“Isn’t this amazing?” Your voice was breathless as you spoke, and his gaze went to you and he couldn’t stop himself, “Yeah, guess so.”
Pride filled you and you spoke again, “better than a fancy observatory?”
He felt his lip curl up, unable to tear his gaze away from the happiness on your face.
“It's probably the company.”
Cheeks burning, you sat up, watching him.
Jin couldn’t help the way his heart fluttered, not entirely opposed to the feeling of warmth in his chest.
He carefully avoided your gaze, turning his eyes back to the sky, “afterall, I’ve got two friends, so I should enjoy spending time with the better of the two.”
You smiled, rolling your eyes.
It wasn’t difficult to recognize that this was the best you would get, and you were satisfied seeing the icy exterior he held melt even the slightest.
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for obey me I have a writing idea! What if like- the ppl you!d write for found MC listening to break up music in their room?? Idkkk I’m struggling with writer’s burnout rn
drink water ^^ we love u!
Posted!!! I did Beel, Luci, and Mammon- they were the ones i had ideas for!
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A/N: For Anon! thanks for my first ask💛 i'm sorry it took so long!
TW: Angst, fluff, Breakup (Lucifers part, but not w Lucifer), slut shaming, the demons have feelings for you, the only one who is not fooling himself is Beel (i just feel like he'd be very accepting of it?)
Summary: How Lucifer, Mammon, and Beelzebub would react to finding you listening to breakup music in your room after being dumped by another demon.
Break My Heart- Bella White
Lucifer had sent you a message hours ago, and had received no response. If it were anyone else, he would have called them and ordered them to come to his office, and if they ignored him (like Mammon often did), then they would be punished.
Admittedly, the Avatar of Pride had grown rather fond of you- though he was loathe to admit it. Instead he was pretending that he was going to your room to speak with you as a break from his office- that he would go crazy if he had to stare at the desk any longer.
It wasn't completely false- you often told him he worked too much and you were not entirely wrong.
He paused at the faint sound of music that krept beneath your door- sad, mournful notes of loss and longing.
Frowning, he knocked.
"One second!" your voice stammered from inside, tone nearly lifeless.
He heard the music shut off and shuffling as you padded to the door.
You swung it open to reveal your face- eyes rimmed red and drying tears still on your cheeks.
"What?" you asked, frowning at him.
Confusion crossed Lucifers mind as he tried to figure out what had happened. He had seen you angry, scared, happy- he had even seen you sad.
But he had never seen you like this.
"Can I come in?" He watched you step aside, allowing him to enter the room.
You crossed your arms as you shut the door, glaring at him.
In any other scenario, he would have been miffed at the tone of your voice, but considering the circumstances he was overlooking it.
He swore, if one of his brothers- particularly a certain white-haired one- had upset you to this degree he would flay them alive.
"I was seeing if you got my message, but now I want you to tell me what happened."
He watched your lower lip tremble and you looked away, refusing to meet his gaze. Fresh tears wet your cheeks.
"I just want to be left alone." you sniffed, arms wrapping around yourself.
Lucifer stepped closer, gently pulling you into him. As much as he wasn't accustomed to physical affection, he knew right now you just needed to be held.
As he enjoyed holding you in his arms, he vowed that whomever made you this upset would face his wrath.
After a moment, you spoke, "the demon I had been seeing dumped me. He said it was a red flag that I was living with seven other demons, and that I was so close to them." you sniffled, "he called me a demon whore."
His heart seized in his chest.
Oh, he would have some words with that demon. He had known you were seeing another demon- he didn't approve but knew that interfering would reveal his own feelings for you.
While his hesrt soared knowing you were no longer seeing that no-good, uncivilized, embarrassment of a demon, he knew that all you needed right now was comfort.
He held you close, allowing you to cry into his shirt, gently rubbing your back.
Lucifer would hold you as long as you needed, and then he would hunt down that demon and show him exactly why messing with you was a poor decision.
Stick Season- Noah Kahan
Mammon flounced down the hall, excited to tell you about his new money-making scheme.
In reality, he was well aware the scheme was worthless, but it gave him the chance to spend time with you- and his antics seemed to always make you smile.
And there was nothing he was more greedy for than your smile.
To him, it was worth more than all the Grimm in the Devildom- and since he had just been ripped off again, he needed to see your smile.
He burst through your door like an over excited puppy, causing you to start as you ripped your headphones off.
"Mammon, what the hell happened to knocking?" you glared at him- and he tried to ignore the way your sharp gaze caused his heart to flutter.
As much as he would never admit it out loud, he was completely wrapped around your finger.
"Whatcha listenin' to?" he completely ignored your question, snatching your headphones and flopping beside you.
The music that reached his ears threw him off- it was about a breakup?
He frowned, "Why are you listening to this?"
You pulled the headphones away from him.
"The singer is one of my favorites, I was listening while I drew, but someone doesn't know how to knock and had to come bursting in," you scolded him.
He zoned out, completely focused on your face and voice, not even hearing your words.
"Hello? Mammon?" you waving your hand in front of his face pulled his attention back.
He blinked at you.
"Can I listen with you?" he asked, all thoughts of his earlier scheme leaving his head.
If this was your favorite artist, then he wanted to listen- if no other reason than to make you happy.
You raised an eyebrow. "You want to listen with me?"
Mammon felt his cheeks heat up as he quickly added, "obviously it's not as good as anything here in the Devildom, but maybe there's a market for his music here."
A small smile curled your lips as you watched him flounder.
You unplugged the headphones, allowing the music to fill the room.
Mammon watched closely as you returned to drawing, unable to take his gaze from your face.
He already considered you his- you were his human, and as far as he was concerned, he was your number 1. And he would do anything for you.
Run Away to Mars- TALK
You were laying on the roof when Beel found you, staring up at the stars in the Devildom sky.
He held a plate of cookies in his hands- he had just made them and wanted to share with you. It was a recipe you had shown him, and you had been down the past few days.
He wasn't sure why you were so withdrawn, but knew he should do something to cheer you up.
The music coming from your D.D was something he had not heard before- and it was sad.
"Hey, I made some cookies."
You sat up, turning at the sound of the ravenous demons voice, and he felt his cheeks turn pink at the slight smile you gave him.
"Thanks, Beel. Wanna sit with me?" You shut the music off.
Why were you listening to something so sad? Was it something to do with why you had been so down the past few days?
He sat beside you, and for a bit you both sat in silence, enjoying the cookies. They weren't as good as when you made them, but he noticed how you had perked up.
After a while, he spoke, "You've seemed sad the past few days."
Beel watched you chew your lip as you contemplated your response.
"Just a bit homesick- today was my grandmothers birthday and its the first one I haven't been around to celebrate. She passed a few years ago but I would always bring fresh flowers to her grave." his heart twisted at your words, and he frowned as he watched some tears fall from your eyes.
He understood missing family, he missed Lilith every day.
"Do you want to visit her?" his question was carefully considered- he was sure both Diavolo and Lucifer would grant permission for a trip such as this.
You looked at him, frowning, "do you think we could?"
Beel couldn't diminish the hope in your eyes. He wasn't always the best with his words- he was well aware he was not as eloquent as Satan or Lucifer, and was not nearly as smooth as Asmo was. It was part of why he had not managed to confess his feelings for you.
What he could do was show through actions how he cared.
"I'd have to get permission from Lucifer and Diavolo, but I don't think that is a problem."
The smile that spread across your face was one he wished to never forget, and you quickly jumped forward, wrapping your arms around him.
He hugged you back, feeling his face burn as he took in the sweet scent of your shampoo.
He would raise Hell if they denied his request- anything he could do to make you happy.
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A/N: I'm waiting on a timer for dinner so decided to write a quick thing for Alan, my other bby.
TW: Fluff? Confessions. Leo being a shit. Alan in a tanktop all sweaty which may be a whole warning itself lol.
Summary: You stop by to get Alan to look over some forms, and Leo decides enough is enough.
You silently cursed your uniform.
The sun glared down today, and it had taken approximately three steps outside for you to wish for some lighter clothing.
The only relief from the heat was the refreshing breeze that rustled the trees, bringing with it the faint smell of engine oil as your steps led you toward Vagastrom.
Even the cats seemed irritated by the heat, some lazily sprawled in the grass to soak up the suns rays without overheating.
Of course today was the day that something had been overlooked on the most recent report for Vagastrom, so not only did you have to trek to the staffroom to collect the report from an even more disgruntled than usual Professor Dante, you also had to then trek toward Vagastrom.
The only benefit was the fact that you needed Alan to look over the form personally. You had long since accepted your attraction to the stoic captain, and between Sho and Leo's relentless comments you had gleaned that he may feel something for you as well. Unfortunately, when it came to any sort of relationship, Alan was like a frightened bird, and so you refused to approach him yourself for fear of making him uncomfortable.
Alan had let you know he would be around back, working on one of the cars.
You made your way along the dusty ground, using the folder in your hand to fan yourself.
"Hey Alan, I have those-"
The sight of him stopped you in your tracks.
He was leaned over the open hood of the car, and you couldn't help the flush that rushed to your cheeks at the sight of his back, sweat causing the grey tank top to cling to his muscles.
He quickly turned and lord have mercy.
He was definitely trying to kill you.
His skin glistened, evidence he had been working in the heat for awhile, and a black smudge accented his cheek bone.
"You have the report?" He asked, using an old rag to wipe the grease from his hands.
"Y-yeah, Professor Dante said you had to revise the Darkwick Property Damage clause." You stammered out the words, quickly focusing on the car.
"Is that-?"
"The car that the absolute embarassment if a first year wrecked on the mission? Yeah. Luckily the broker of that anomaly wasn't able to do anything extreme but its still a headache to repair." Alan sighed, reaching into the cooler that was beside the car and pulling out two water bottles.
He handed you one as he took the folder, frowning as he examined the report within.
You perched on an old tire that lay by Alan's tools, enjoying the coldness of the waterbottle and desperately trying to avoid looking at Alan.
It was hard to not look as he looked at the report, leaning against the car.
His skin had gained a slight tan, and you found yourself wishing (not for the first time) that things could be very different between you two.
"I'll fix this report as soon as I'm done with the car, do you want to wait here until I'm done?" Alan looked at you, expression softeningat the sight of you pressing the waterbottle against your heated forehead.
You smiled at him, "yeah, I'll wait. I really don't feel like walking back across campus and then needing to come back here only to go back to the main building and then back to my dorm."
Alan placed the folder through the open window onto the seat of the car.
"Well, you're welcome to wait inside. I know its hot. It shouldn't take me much longer- one of the bolts I need to get off is stuck but I've almost gotten it," he leaned back over the car as he spoke.
You pulled off your blazer, setting it under your head as you laid back on the tire. When you weren't moving the sun actually felt nice, and you were admittedly loathe to leave Alan. It wasn't often you got to be with just him.Since it was unlikely you and he would ever be together, you soaked up as much one on one as you could.
Before you knew it, you were dozing in the warm sun.
"What're you guys up to?"
A voice that you knew all to well jostled you awake, and you sat up.
You watched Alan stifle a groan, supressing a smile yourself at your shared disdain for Leo.
"What do you want?" Alan asked, refusing to look at Leo, focused instead on the car.
Leo shrugged, "Just figuring out why you have the honor student laying on a tire." The words "honor student" were said with a sneer.
"I'm just waiting for him to correct a report so I can take it to Professor Dante." you spoke, eyes narrowed at Leo.
"Ah, I see. And you're waiting in the blazing sun because of what?" you felt a tingle in your spine at the knowing look in his eye.
"I mean, I can only think of one reason why you'd be out here, alone, in the blistering heat with our less than chatty captain."
"Leo." Alan's voice was stern as he growled the warning.
Ignoring him, Leo continued, "now, I've definitely noticed you following the buzzkill around like a lost puppy, and man is it pathetic to watch."
"Leo!" Alan snapped, turning to glare at the silver haired man.
Leo just shrugged, "c'mon, you're equally pathetic, Cap. It'd be a lot less gross for everyone else if you both would just get together already."
Your cheeks burned at his words, and a side glance to Alan showed his ears to be red.
"You and I are training tomorrow. I want to see if your hand to hand has gotten any better." Alan seethed, and from his tone you figured that Leo was still no match for the captain.
Rolling his eyes, Leo turned, "Yeah, whatever Cap."
You pointedly looked at your feet, avoiding looking at the man beside you.
You knew Alan harbored some sort of feelings for you, and you figured he probably knew about yours. However, knowing and having them thrust in your face were two separate matters entirely.
"Sorry 'bout him." Alan's voice pulled your attention back to him.
You shook your head, "you don't have to apologize."
You wondered if you made Alan uncomfortable- afterall, you knew he had reservations when it came to hurting others (at least, when it came to you). Maybe your clear desire to be around him was too much.
"Alan," he looked at you, "I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable. I can't really help how I feel but if me being around so much is causing issues I'll just stay away unless otherwise is necessary."
He frowned, tilting his head.
"That's- You are not the issue." he sighed, "I am."
He came over, sitting beside you on the tire.
"I have feelings for you, I just don't want to hurt you. I'd never forgice myself. Maybe its selfish but I'd rather have you close by never close enough than not see you."
You carefully reached out, taking his hand in yours. You could feel his body stiffen at your touch.
"Alan, you know you won't hurt me, right? I trust you. And if it takes awhile for you to trust yourself then thsts okay, and I won't push anything again. But, I like you a lot, and I'm here whenever you're ready." You watched his gaze fall to your hands and he squeezed gently before meeting your eyes.
You noticed the determination in his dark eyes.
"I want to try this out. For once, Kurosagi is right. Its honestly more pathetic for me to keep being petrified."
You felt your heart hammer in your chest as all your focus fell to Alan.
He smiled, "I'd like to take you out on a date."
The grin that spread across your face was so wide that it hurt, but the joy inside you wouldn't allow it to lessen.
"I'd love to go on a date with you, Alan."
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Hi! Opening Asks!
I will write for the following:
•Tokyo Debunker: Jin, Tohma, Alan, Sho, Jiro (my bby), Taiga, Ren, Towa, Haku, Rui, Edward
•Obey Me!: The brothers, Diavolo, Solomon
•Jujutsu Kaisen: All
I always write with short/curvy fem reader in mind bc thats my body type and its easier to write it for me!
SFW/NSFW (including darker elements) welcome- if its something i do not feel i can do justice or am not comfortable writing then i will let you know.
I will also post things i thought of as well.
I do have a pretty busy schedule but will do my best to check asks at least once a day so I can work on them!
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A/n: there is no love here yet for Jiro and i need to fix that bc mans is my top fav. We love a tall, sciencey man w hot girl tummy problems over here.
Formatted weird bc I am on mobile!
TW: Fluff! Jiro is a bit insecure. He is also head over heels. Ending kinda sucks bc i couldn't think of how to end it lol
Synopsis: Jiro thought he knew a lot about you- average blood pressure, enzyme values, how your lungs sounded beneath the stethoscope- turns out you are also a talented artist.
The floorboards creaked as Jiro stepped inside, thankful Yuri had been awake this morning to give him his medication before he had to come do this health check.
Without his meds, he knew he would have to scurry away quickly, and his condition would prevent him from sharing a small breakfast with you.
He didn't quite understand his feelings for you- sure, he knew how endorphins rushed through his system around you and triggered the increase of his heart rate.
He knew the scientific reasons behind his attraction- he just didn't know how to react to it. The two of you had been in limbo- not quite together but closer than just friends.
He knew you reacted the same to him- could see it in the way your heart rate would be erratic on the EKG when he would do it (Yuri had banned him from being around when your heart rate or blood pressure were monitered, and today Jiro was just to draw blood and ensure you appeared well) , or the way your cheeks would warm up when his fingers brushed your skin.
His eyes scanned the church, taking in the homey feeling you had created since moving in.
Plants littered some of the pews, and you had cushions placed around for the cats.
He could hear the shower running, and assumed you were in there. While he waited, he wandered across the old room to set his bag on the desk.
He began pulling out his supplies, before sighing when he realized he had forgotten his pen.
Surely you had one in one of the drawers?
He slid the top one open, eyes widening at what he saw.
A drawing.
Of him.
He carefully pulled out the sketchbook, unable to take his eyes from the drawing as his heart hammered in his chest.
He looked focused in the drawing, and he imagined you had drawn him from one of the times he had helped you study.
Flipping to another page, he felt as if he couldn't breath.
Him again, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
You had talent, and you used it to draw him, a chronically ill ghoul who struggled to hold conversations even with people he liked.
"Jiro?" the sound of your voice caused him to whirl around, guilty he had been snooping.
His breath caught at the sight of you standing there, in a tanktop and pair of shorts, toweling off your hair.
"I-uh- I was just waiting for you to finish, Yuri sent me to take some blood samples and make sure you are well,"
He winced internally at his stumbling words, feeling his stomach turn at his increased anxiety.
"I don't mind you looking at them, you're just so pretty and I wanted to draw you," a blush coated your cheeks at your admission.
He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, feeling his own cheeks burn.
You thought he was pretty? Half the time his already pale complexion was sickly due to his condition (and lack of sleep), circles that nearly matched his hair rimmed his eyes- not to mention his frequent bouts of nausea.
He jumped when your hand waved infront of his face, so lost in his own thoughts that your closeness had gone unnoticed.
"Ji, you okay? I'm sorry if I weirded you out." your voice was sheepish and oh so sweet, round cheeks burning with embarrassment.
He quickly shook his head, "no, you just surprised me. I've never really had someone be interested in me."
Jiro's voice was matter-of-fact, and clearly he was not searching for sympathy.
He had accepted his differences, and his schedule didn't exactly leave room for romance- nor did Yuri think such frivoloties were necessary. It wasn't until he met you that the consideration that he may be missing out had even entered his thoughts.
Yuri had even noticed, urging Jiro to just ask you out if only to stop distracting him with his 'mournful, pathetic expression and moony-eyed stares.'
Jiro had never really noticed nor cared about the captains absence of bed-side manner, though that comment had made him very aware of it.
"Well, now you do. I know you're very busy, but maybe one of the times you're free you'd like to do something?" you chewed your lip as you asked, n action he had long since learned you did when you were unsure of yourself.
An action that caused all his attention to fall to your lips, wondering what they would feel like.
"I think that would be enjoyable," his words came out softer than he intended, and your bright smile after his words caused his already hammering heart to nearly stop.
He wasn't sure he'd survive a date with you, but he would need to be incapacitated to not accept the offer.
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