#for sure rpg.
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wrenrix · 2 years ago
i need someone to understand how obsessed i have become with pixel circus and, in particular, Salt & Serpent.
because it’s just so good
the characters, the PLAYERS
(Aabria Iyengar, Surena Marie, Saige Ryan and Rowan Hall with Kailey Bray as GM)
they’re all so good
and the outfits are beautiful.
everyone is just so good and it’s all so fun and they’re just a little pirate crew who can do no wrong.
also it’s gay. just as an addendum.
just saying, it’s so good, more people need to talk about it and that’s the piece.
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emilostingender · 6 months ago
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roscolate · 9 months ago
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letthemyeetcake · 10 months ago
@probablybadrpgideas Curse of Strahd but Strahd has been replaced by an over the top undead wrestler with a penchant for masks. A litchador, if you will.
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criticalamityz · 7 months ago
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toskarin · 3 months ago
Did you know that the critically acclaimed domestic best-selling rpg Elin has a free trial that includes the entirety of the feat level 1-10 dungeoncrawling experience AND the townbuilding system up to hearth level 3 with no restrictions on playtime? Sign up, and enjoy Ylva today!
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royalarchivist · 3 months ago
Cellbit: If it's bugged, I'll even like, watch your clip to see what happened with [spoiler] so we can fix it too.
Baghera: Oh yeah, I can send you a clip! I am gonna send you a clip. I just like, kiss [spoiler] for 10 minutes.
Cellbit: Oh. 😐 Yeah. Um, that sounds a little weird. 🫤
Baghera: That's my problem of– when I see a big monster, I don't run, I just go to the monster, you know?
Cellbit: Oh... yeah... Yeah, that's like, kind of a you thing. Like, that's kind of like your psychology problems, right?
Baghera: Yeah. I just like huge monsters that kills me, yep. Yeah, I think you saw it in your RPG, you know?
Cellbit: Whatever floats your boat, I guess. 🫥
[ Full (Uncensored) Transcript ↓ ]
Baghera: [Whispers in an echoing voice] Cellbit? I think I bugged your game! I don't know what to do! I cannot leave! Cellbo!!!
Cellbit: Hi!
Baghera: I think I bugged your game, but I'm good! [Laughs]
Cellbit: Oh. Wait, oh wait– Go ahead, what happened, what happened, what happened?
Baghera: I was like "I'm gonna play for 2 hours, it's gonna be so cool game–" it's like 50 hours game! [Laughs]
Cellbit: Yeah it is. Like, the median- the median time for people to- to finish it has been 18 hours.
Baghera: What the fu– No it's- it's an amazing game. I send you a message, I was so emotive, I was like, "Cellbit, you're so good with the game! Oh, I can't wait."
Cellbit: Oh yeah, I have to reply, I haven't read it yet 'cuz–
Cellbit: It's been so fcking chaotic this- these last couple days–
Baghera: No, I know, I know–
Cellbit: It's nonstop work, 'cuz we're still fixing bugs, there's like feedback, uh...
Baghera: No no, I understand.
Cellbit: If it's bugged, I'll even like, watch your clip to see what happened with Goliath– [Struggling not to laugh] so we can fix it too.
Baghera: Oh yeah, I can send you a clip! I am gonna send you a clip. I just like, kiss Goliath for 10 minutes.
Cellbit: Oh. 😐
Baghera: Yeah.
Cellbit: Yeah. Um, that sounds a little weird. 🫤
Baghera: That's my problem of– when I see a big monster, I don't run, I just go to the monster, you know?
Cellbit: Oh... yeah... Yeah, that's like, kind of a you thing. Like, that's kind of like your psychology problems, right?
Baghera: Yeah. I just like huge monsters that kills me, yep. Yeah, I think you saw it in your RPG, you know?
Cellbit: Whatever floats your boat, I guess. 🫥
Baghera: Yeah, yeah.
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yescking · 1 year ago
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thorough-witness-enjoyer · 4 months ago
(Small, frivolous rant incoming, apologies)
One thing I wish the Destiny fandom did more of was dabble in the utter horror this universe holds, especially when it comes to portraying the vile atrocities committed by many of the cosmic level characters.
Destiny‘s T rating holds it back so much in my opinion (but it still manages to lay down excellent foundations for horror and more mature themes!!) and I really wish there was more fan works that explored the unimaginable tragedies that occur in lore!!
When you really dwell on the scale of many of the disasters that happen in lore, it really dawns on you just how sinister and monstrous many of the larger villains are. Antagonists like Eramis are much more grounded, certainly not saints though, but some of the antagonists we have encounter are truly odious in their behaviors, even if they are deluded into thinking what they are doing is correct (like the Osmium siblings ravaging whole star systems in pursuit of the sword).
For example, it’s no secret that I LOATHE the Witness like no other. This wicked entity has me fighting bile at the mere thought of it and I truly think the way it delivers cruelty with such a sense of compassion and righteousness to be the most stomach wrenching form of being baneful. I could not think of an entitlement more deplorable than the Witness‘ and it’s existence is a travesty that has caused irreparable harm that spans EONS.
Yet, in my experience, I never see much content that taps into the horrors experienced by those touched by the Witness and its pawns, such as the Noesis and humanity during the collapse. There are INCREDIBLE artistic and written works that tap into the psychological horrors of exos and the unethical hell Clovis was putting people through, but not as many on the more cosmic horrors from what I have seen!!
This may just be a me thing and the personal reasons why I want the Witness put under a hydraulic press speaking, but I often see plenty of depictions of the Witness being uncharacteristically soft and having deeper feelings towards its disciples, but works about its vengeful rage, simple mindedness, violation of the autonomy of others, and predatory grooming are quite barren.
I wish to see just how HEINOUS it is displayed in all its turpitude and how it leaves a festering rot on everything and everyone it touches. I love the Witness because it is so evil in it‘s actions and my heart SINGS any time I see people tap into the trauma it causes, especially for characters like Rhulk or Savathûn!!
There is so much room for exploring just how vast the Destiny universe is when you decenter perpetrators in stories and focus on the incomprehensible number of victims.
Destiny genuinely has a character running around with the title „The Final God of Pain“ haunting people and refusing to permanently die, but there is only so much a T rated game can do and I feel like Destiny enjoyers can go beyond what’s in game in such creative ways!! Just thinking of the fall of Torobatl has me going „Wow, I’m actually so sick to my stomach, I need to honor Caiatl and really capture the pain of such an event!“
The latest lore on the Qugu? My chest HURTS.
Some of the hive experimentations? The hive in general? Hell is not hot enough for what the Witness lead them into.
But you know what they say, be the change you want to see in the world! Create the content you want to enjoy and promote the content you do enjoy!! I wish to dabble into the darker areas of lore, and of course, promote Witness hatred any chance I get!! Hopefully I get more time to write about these things and really value the work the Destiny writers have put into portraying such strong feelings of loss time and time again!!
But this is just something I’ve been thinking for some time now. This isn’t condemning anyone in the fandom or saying there is an issue, just a desire I would love to see (and hopefully fulfill if I ever get back into writing for Destiny!) If you guys have any recommendations for Destiny works that are horrific, focus on themes of loss and devastation, or hate on the Witness, feel free to mention them so other people can find them!!
Not enough Witness hate going around for my liking… this looks like a job for me.
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wehavekookies · 5 months ago
Dear Kooks, do you have some tips to play D&D alone or some solo RPG? I want to play it so bad, I have a lot of characters sheets ready because I’m so excited, but none of my friends are interested. If you know and could tell me is there some online platform to discover groups to play?
Thanks always!
(First of all I need to start posting a bit more about solo rpgs and solo gaming in general cos I gathered some really cool materials and games over last months, so thank You for reminding me of that. Just need some more free time but it's coming, oh it's coming)
I don't have experience playing specifically DnD solo, but I know there are tools for it people recommend. The GeekGamers YouTube channel has TONS (and i say it both as an encouragement and as a warning, because it can be a bit overwhelming) of advice materials, also regarding soloing DnD and solo roleplaying in general. She also wrote a book on solo gaming called Solo Game Master's Guide which if I recall correctly has a chapter on DnD specifically as well. I know people are recommending Mythic Game Master Emulator as a good tool, but I haven't personally tried it yet.
What I can recommend tho is... Ironsworn (check the link, the pdf for the first main game is free). I have been playing it solo recently and I find it very fun and satisfying. It's a system based on Powered by the Apocalypse rules framework, so not that close to DnD rules, but if you are looking for a solo rp with some more rules structure I recommend taking a look at this game because it is designed specifically for solo playing (but it can be co-oped and GMed too). You can alter the world of the game freely (and the author encourages you to do that) or use the rules in existing setting, so you can adjust it to your liking (tho i do encourage you to try the setting offered by the book first, together with its world creation process: 1) it's very cool, 2) you will get a grip of the rules in their natural environment)
I found I need a couple of additional oracle tables aside of the ones the book has, but these you can pick up as you go according to your needs, there is plenty online, and a lot of free ones too. Other than that everything you need you have in the free book.
I also recommend taking a look at some actual play of an Ironsworn game (or other games, you can find some examples of actual solo plays on GeekGamers channel too) to get a bit of an idea how people think about running a solo session and how they build a story on their own, and perhaps taking something away from it for yourself. For Ironsworn specifically I super enjoy and highly recommend The Bad Spot podcast. It has several seasons of Ironsworn: Starforge game (Ironsworn's younger brother set in space, but the rules and the idea of how the game runs are basically the same) but also some loose talks about solo gaming in general.
OTHER THAN THAT: I encourage you to look around and see what the solo gaming scene has to offer. There is so many interesting games (some with more rules structure, but also journaling games, choose your own adventure-like games, solo hacks for existing systems, and more etc etc, a whole new world to discover really), it's worth checking regardless of having a group to play with or not. I will try to get back to posting more actively on these topics, cos there is a lot of stuff I would love to share, so fingers crossed I won't get distracted lol.
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disastrousfeline · 19 days ago
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this post was fact checked by real karrakin trade baronies kavalieres: TRUE ✅
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s-lycopersicum · 1 year ago
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satoshi-mochida · 7 months ago
Fate/EXTRA Record launches in 2025 for PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC - Gematsu
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Fate/EXTRA Record will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025, publisher Bandai Namco and developers TYPE-MOON and TYPE-MOON studio BB announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:
The “Moon Holy Grail War” begins anew… The setting is a Spiritron virtual world called “SE.RA.PH.” built on the moon. Masters and Servants team up and fight for survival in pursuit of the “Holy Grail,” an omnipotent wish-granting device, in the Moon Holy Grail War which begins once again… This is a remake of Fate/EXTRA, the first Fate series RPG originally released on July 22, 2010, now revamped for modern hardware with an expanded scenario, refreshed character graphics, and dramatic command battles utilizing a highly strategic deck-building system.
Master and Servant
128 of the world’s top hackers, each capable of transforming their soul into Spiritrons, are selected as Masters to participate in the Holy Grail War. The Servants they form contracts with are the souls of legendary heroes and eminent figures from history, whose true names are concealed. These Servants are materialized as Spiritron life-forms and are assigned to one of seven classes, such as Saber or Archer. Through their shared struggle, where they entrust their souls to one another, their pasts and hidden desires intersect.
Original Story and Scenario: Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON
Original Character Concept: Takashi Takeuchi / TYPE-MOON
Planning and Direction: Kazuya Niino / TYPE-MOON studio BB
Character Design: Arco Wada
Watch a new trailer below.
FGO Fes. 2024 Trailer
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thegodemperorsmycopilot · 10 months ago
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Sister Elysia, Hospitaler
A friend's character from our group's Wrath & Glory campaign.
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drunkenskunk · 2 months ago
Alright, so.
You know how I talked about the players currently in Xeans' IGF campaign before? Well, a while back, I tried to sketch out a little headshot thing of The Strategic Response Team for everyone.
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...but I never finished it. Probably never will, due to a number of factors.
What's kinda funny is that I'm not really sure "The Hunger" works for Pearce anymore. See, I made this back when they were still driving the snake-shaped Balor, "Execute Despite Warnings." But some time has passed, and now they're in a massive Gorgon called "The Council Has Decided Your Fate," a reference to the fact that Pearce collects NHP's like Pokemon cards.
Perhaps a better title for Pearce should be The Meme?
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Yeah, Pearce should probably be The Meme lol
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dreamyluigi · 2 months ago
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i'd like to take a minute to explain in weird, unnecessary detail each of my favorite different iterations of luigi. for no reason in particular. he's always the same, but he's always just a little bit different in each series that he's given a significant role. okay here we go
→ 2023 movie: might just barely be my favorite version of his character - i feel like the movie gave him a little sprinkle of all the traits from all the other media in the franchise and solidified his Entire character. he's a coward, but he's extremely brave and resilient, he's just a lil cocky and a lil awkward, and absolutely stuck like glue to his bro. also he's just erm like uh ridiculously handsome. A Very Balanced Luigi Meal i couldn't ask for anything more (other than giving him an even bigger role in the second movie! please! even though i was extremely happy to see him as the damsel!!!)
→ paper luigi: (hopefully) one of the most universally loved because of his arrogance and lil bit extra sass. luigi often acts proud i think as a bit of a mask, but paper luigi really gives us a show of it. he's also just very funny. still very clumsy/accident prone, still very awkward and weak to manipulation/praise. sometimes acts like he's superior to mario (yet still very, very dependent on him and even angry and a lil sassy/spiteful when he's left behind) and i just also think that's really funny. i like how intelligent systems plays around with him, and i hope they continue to do so in the next paper mario luigi game :)
→ M&L RPGs: when you are soooo stupid that you are a genius, and actually? you have a special power that no one else in the world has and you're going to save us all? because you are the specialest boy in the world? but you are so stupid.. but you're a fucking genius. what a delightful guy. possibly the silliest of the luigis. always lookin head empty but he can imagine anything. so powerful. but also the clingiest - brothership really did a number for his clingy nature. what do you mean you're gonna cry and die if you're more than 20 steps away from your brother. omg. baby. baby boy. the spoiledest luigi as well.
→ luigi's mansion: i just love how wet and trembly and pathetic he can be. we know he's a coward, but they crank the coward meter up to 1000 with him here - and ghosts being the thing that gets him most is very endearing to me. maybe because i'm not afraid of ghosts idk he's very very cute in these games with his silly expressions and constant jumping and screaming. his weird relationship with e gadd is also just so special. remember! bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it.
→ super mario adventures comic: his quips and stupid puns have captivated me. he's honestly not a far cry from his super show cartoon counterpart, but i love him just a little more probably due to the art of the comic and his role overall. i don't have much to say but i just really like him in this very special peak fiction comic okay also he wore a dress TWICE. king shit
→ the great mission: my god what the fuck is that thing. who is this guy. no but for real i enjoy this version of him so much - it's such a far cry from how we know him as a character now, but there are lots of things about "beta wario" that still reflect luigi today. love of money/treasure is definitely still there just not as greedy as his old counterpart, the bit of sass and cheekiness is there, even a bit of his spoiled nature too. this guy is so selfish and a little bit nasty and i find him delightful. him callin mario アニキ in japanese is also crazy.
→ super show (cartoon): this pessimistic little bitch always thinks he is going to die in every scenario no matter how inconsequential and i fucking love him. he's often absolutely useless. i also just love the voice and his stupid goofy lines. not integral much anymore to the current luigi personality but there's a little bit of mama luigi in everything i do. there's a little bit of 'holy ravioli' in us all.
→ odyssey: now. listen. he doesn't do much. i know. but his various reactions to mario's outfits and the environments are really good. it feels really special despite his very small role. entirely non-judgemental of his brother's choices. will support him no matter what weird fashion he's into. will even feel his presence when he's invisible. it's very important to me. and the bowtie is so moe i can't stand it
→ super show (live action): even more rude than previous rude luigis like what's his fucking problem. i don't see much of this guy's personality in current luigi at all other than the wee bit of sass i guess. but that doesn't mean i don't love him and this stupid show that no one takes as canon anyways but all luigis are canon to me sorry
B - not inherently different iterations of luigi, and not technically any "worse" than the ones listed above, but...
→ super mario maker 2: call luigi. he will just fucking do it for you. what an absolute legend, a god, perhaps. everyone say thank you.
→ dr. luigi: i have some headcanons but nothing much to say canon wise, he just looks cute and he deserved it. but they should've put his ass back in the nurse's dress
→ tennis/golf luigi: i just like to see him have a good time. also i like seeing his hair and the outfits are cute. i could include the olypmic games and others since he's just the same with different cute fits. uh these explanations are starting to deteriorate
→ cat luigi: his noises... the nyas... neowow... okayyyy. he also is very cat-coded to me anyway. it just fits. i think he purrs when his head is pat while getting praised. i love catboys
→ gooigi: it's gooigi dude. does he even count? what the hell, sure. he's cute... that's all :3
this was kinda supposed to be me analyzing the different versions of luigi and how they compare to each other but it's kind of just a luigi lovedump post... (what do you expect from me at this point?) any missing from this list i'm either not familiar enough with or he doesn't have a big enough role to warrant like a Character Analysis i guess.
which is your favorite version of luigi? which aspects of his character do you like most? for me, it's everything. he's everything. okay bye
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