#for more info about any of these aus
zarvasace · 1 month
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These are NOT good doodles but they were fun! The 1931 au design is new, as is the modern Shatterproof one, and it’s been for-freaking-ever since I drew the Half Fours. I love them.
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bambiraptorx · 9 months
okay, art/lore dump for my fic Body Horror Baby. This kid's backstory is basically that Donnie accidentally scienced himself into being a teen dad. Like most Donne kids actually lol.
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She was formed from a piece of Krang tissue removed from Donnie's back after the Technodrome that he kept for experimentation (this one was of particular interest because it retained some of his own genetic material). They slowly transformed over time from a shapeless blob into something resembling a tiny turtle, although Donnie didn't connect the dots until about a year post invasion. He immediately told his family upon figuring it out, although reactions varied.
After about 6 months to a year longer of living in the observation chamber Donnie built, the baby was removed and given the name Beatrice Helena (after two separate Shakespeare characters because Donnie is a theater nerd).
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(she's named after this quote in particular lol. It's from Midsummer Night's Dream about the character Helena, and also it happens to be making fun of her for being short.)
Beatrice Helena stays very small for the most part, and (with a few exceptions) grows at a very slow rate. In some ways, this makes them easier to take care of because it's so easy to contain them.
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She also has some ability to shapeshift (it's beyond the normal Krang ability because she was a part of the Technodrome and seriously, that thing molded itself into donnie's face in two seconds flat). This makes for some interesting tantrums. In their baby/toddler years, this is mostly limited to growing eyes or occasionally losing her turtle form, but it gets more precise/intentional as she gets older.
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And just for funsies, here's some lineless art of her when she's a bit older. That's about all the art I have, I think, but if anyone has questions feel free to ask!
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moopermoment · 5 months
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you know what, fuck it. time to post stuff for my in stars and time club penguin crossover because i'm cringe and free
Agent/Ace as Siffrin Rookie as Mirabelle Dot as Isabeau Sensei as Odile Klutzy as Bonnie
there's more characters i have as penguins but those are the main party!
agent is created by @tofudemaru
also ISAT spoilers below:
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ace getting a little quirky and mal du pays ace
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heich0e · 4 months
livington i have so many questions about yakuza osamu, like why am i scared for reader and why do i want to kiss yakuza samu (its cause u wrote him so cute in that one snippet where he put orange juice over his eyes)
here’s a snippet from the yakuza!samu fic just for u 🫰
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cherry-blossom-qf · 7 months
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"Mortal, blinded by darkness, with a will strong as steel... Let me be your guiding light from here on..."
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venbetta · 3 months
I'm just gonna explain the oc cameos in the recent episode cuz I rarely talk about them anymore
and I miss them, I don't draw them a lot
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First off we got Henry (16), he's the only dude there. He showed up before in Ch 2 ep 9 as a cameo. I've made a few post about him in the past, but he's one of my favorite ocs (..I also gave him a lot of trauma in his backstory for my original stories and stuff)
In fnaf equivalent aus tho, he's pretty much an enthusiast. Bonnie (most iterations) is his favorite animatronic. He can be a jerk sometimes intentionally or not. Him gushing about it in the episode was my favorite bit. I love Henry, sorry for the trauma tho, buddy.
Then we got Hazel (15), she's technically the youngest there. She's another oc I kinda beat up with lore and trauma a little bit in my original stories, but here, she's sweet as usual. She's also an enthusiast alongside Henry. Freddy's her favorite character.
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Also, I've always paired her and Henry together because I ship them. They're the couple in my original works. I gushed about them all the time back before fnaf sucked me back in.
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Next, we got Helen (15), second youngest, few months older than Hazel. They're half siblings.
Helen doesn't know jack about the fazbear brand in this au, and is just chilling with the group. In my original works, she's laid back and is often pretty blunt/impulsive (...most of them are neurodivergent-coded, i unconsciously made them this way). She teases Hazel maliciously.
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Lastly, we got Ema (18), and she's the oldest of everyone there. In the original series, she's friends with Henry, and Helen's role model. She's pretty high up academically, and obviously a bit more mature. She also has some complicated lore that I won't touch on but yeah.
They don't talk much, and when they do, it's at Henry's expense (they love to make fun of him). I don't know why, but I like the idea of Ema liking Sun, especially since he's all bright and whimsical. I like it when aesthetics clash. She's probably not much of an enthusiast like Henry, but she'll let him talk her ear off.
Those are my oc cameos, they're my silly little blorbos. I've neglected them for a bit... and I feel bad. Oh well, back to the storage they go.
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
THE SEQUENCE OF ALL THE CHARACTERS SHARING INFORMATION IS SO FUN!!!!!!! esp the spotlight on hinako I love her a lot I’m glad she’s getting attention 🫶🫶 i feel like hinako didn’t want kids but would still fight to death to keep them safe ESP SINCE SHE’S A COP/INVESTIGATOR TOO i hope we learn more about her in t3…..
OUGH Hinako deserves so much attention!! I makes me crazy that we simultaneously know nothing important about her, and also she's the minor character/victim we know the most about: she has a full appearance, several outfits, we see her doing domestic tasks, we know her career and see her working, and we know her full name. (I also find it really juicy to have these two cop/investigator character in a murder "mystery" series that are completely detached from their usual role; it was fun to give that back to them in the au.) It's so interesting because originally I thought she was the one to want kids and Kazui held her back, but with recent info it definitely seems like he wanted a family more than her... And you're right -- that doesn't stop her from kicking anyone's ass who stands between her and protecting these kids 😤😤😤
And ah thanks!!! It was so fun trying to map out potential investigation methods >:3 The group is very limited because they're basically in prison (even if they're going free at the end). But at the same time, there's ten sets of skills and connections and knowledge which definitely helps. Plus, ten bodies in general is helpful -- you can have a lot of distractions and actions going on at once with so many people... I was so focused on thinking who could go in and out of the facility, but I wanted to add that Muu's parents help a lot too! They can't do much information-wise, but with their money they can pull some strings on the outside.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Whumptober day 6- alternate prompt, reluctant whumper.
Had to do an alternate prompt. Ok so this isn’t an au that y’all are familiar with. I’ve talked about it a couple of times but I doubt anyone remembers it. This fic about my other Link oc who I called Real. Basically the main premise of his story is that the royal family found the hero of Hyrule and raised him in the castle, however the royal family is stupid and the “hero” they found is not the hero at all. They raised him to be a strong hero, they made him believe that he had the hero’s spirit, and so they created a monster. We’ll call him Fake. Real is the real hero lol. But he doesn’t really know. And Fake was so angry about this that he took Real to try to steal the Triforce of wisdom and the master sword. Real escapes and has Linebeck the 67th, who goes by Beck, to take him home. It’s this whole thing and I really wanted to write a fic for this au so I hope you enjoy even tho you don’t know the full story
Warnings for a bloody injury
The young hero dragged himself across the island, making his way towards the docks where Beck waited. He sucked in a breath and clutched his arm. He could hide this, easily. He forced a smile when Beck saw him, and he quickly moved onto the boat, ignoring Beck’s gaze.
“Uh, good to see you too?” Beck said, and Link nodded before turning to the lower decks.
“Good to see you too Beck,” he said quickly, speed walking across the deck.
“Is something wrong?” Beck asked.
“No, no nothing is wrong,” Link said quickly.
“Then why are you acting so… weird?” Beck moved in front of Link, blocking him off from the decks.
“I-I’m not,” Link stammered, “I’m just…. Dirty… is all.”
Beck stared at him while Link moved around him, jogging to the lower decks. He almost made it to the door when Beck suddenly grabbed his arm, causing Link to hiss in pain.
“Oooooh I see,” Beck deadpanned, seeing the blood soaked sleeve, “You’re trying to hide an injury from me.”
Link ripped away from his grip, not looking at him. “I’m fine,” he grumbled.
“Good goddesses Link, what is wrong with you?” Beck snapped, blocking Link’s way. “Trying to hide an injury like that will only make things worse!”
“I don’t need your help!”
Beck rolled his eyes. “So what? You’re going to let that bleed out until you die? Is that your plan? Or are you going to let it get infected? Or are you going to let blood get all over my ship?”
“Just shut up and get out of my way!” Link yelled, trying to move past Beck, who didn’t budge.
“Link– you— ugh,” Beck’s expression softened slightly, and he gripped both of Link’s shoulders, looking him straight in the eyes. “Kid, I don’t know why you try to put on this– tough guy act– but it’s not gonna work on me. Just let me help you for once.”
“I don’t need your help!” Link yelled again, breaking free from Beck’s grip. Beck let him go this time, but he slowly followed him into the deck below. Link marched over to his bed and plopped down, cradling his injured arm. He got hurt, again, because he did something stupid, again. How was he supposed to be some big and important hero if he couldn’t even keep himself from getting hurt. He was always a careless kid, and everytime he’d come home with a new bump or bruise, he’d get nothing but a scolding from his mother. He’d gotten quite good at hiding some small injuries from his mother, but he felt like he could hide nothing from Beck. He could even feel Beck’s gaze piercing his neck, and he desperately tried to ignore it as small drops of blood landed in his lap. Finally, the silence was too much for him, and he spoke up. “What do you want?”
“I’m making sure that you take care of yourself.”
“You said you didn’t need my help, so prove to me that you don’t need my help.”
Link glared at him while grabbing his blanket and throwing it over the wound. Beck groaned.
“Well that’s better than nothing.”
“Will you leave me alone?”
“Why are you so mad at me trying to help you?”
Link squeezed his arm and curled up on the bed, not saying anything.
“Link, look, if you want to stay on my boat I need some level of respect, ok?”
Link growled and curled up even tighter.
“Link, hey, talk to me.”
Link shot up and stared down Beck. “Why do you care so much?”
“Excuse me?”
“Why do you care whenever I get hurt?”
“Uh, because I don’t want you to die? Or to be in pain? Is that so bad?”
Link didn’t say anything again and curled up. Beck sighed and walked over to him.
“Link, putting a blanket over your open wound isn’t gonna do anything. Please, let me just… bandage it up.”
“Fine, let me get you bandages so you can do it yourself!”
“For the goddess’s sake,” Link heard Beck grumble as he got up and left the deck, leaving Link alone. Link curled up tighter and clutched his aching arm, shame making his face go hot. He blinked a few tears away from his one good eye and buried his face in his knees. He heard Beck return and bandages were thrown at him gently. He looked up at Beck who was staring at him with a softer expression. Link pursed his lips and sat up, grabbing the bandages with his good arm and taking off the bloodied blanket, looking at the mess before him. He looked up at Beck with an unsure look, and Beck tilted his head.
“Need help?”
Link sighed, too tired to argue and nodded. Beck smiled slightly and grabbed a rag with a bowl of water and sat down on the floor, looking at the injury. Link sucked in a sharp breath as the rag began cleaning the wound. After what felt like forever, Beck began wrapping up the wound with the bandages, and Link watched silently, guilt bubbling up in his chest.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
Beck looked up at him and smiled. “It’s alright, I’m sorry too, for raising my voice.”
Link hunched his shoulder and felt the tears beginning to sting his eye again. Beck finished wrapping his arm and gave it a gentle pat, before standing up to leave.
“W-wait, Beck?” Link called out, and he stopped, giving Link his full attention. “Are you…. Mad?”
“Well, not anymore, I guess I did lose my temper back there thou–”
“No, like… mad that I got myself hurt.”
Beck frowned. “No. I’m mostly upset that you don’t want to take care of yourself when you are hurt. So much so that you actually hide it from me.”
Link looked down. “Whenever I get hurt, my momma gets mad at me. It’s just easier not to tell her.”
Beck stared at him with a blank expression, and Link looked away.
“I’m not mad. We all get hurt, Link. Sometimes we can’t control it,” Beck finally said.
Link sighed and looked down at his bandaged arm. “I wish I was stronger… I wish I was a better hero…”
“Well, I don’t want to underestimate you, but you are twelve. Asking you to be a perfect and strong hero now would be like asking a baby to run around castle town in a minute. It’ll take time, kid.”
Link sighed. “Yeah…”
Beck leaned against a wall and pursed his lips. “You don’t have to hide any injuries from me, ok? In fact, I don’t want you to hide injuries from me. I won’t get mad at you if you’re hurt, ok?”
Link looked up and smiled at Beck, who smiled back before turning to the stairs.
“Now get some rest, kid,” he said, “I’ll be here if you need me.”
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Infernl Friends AU:
Imagine the scene, little Ik was currently doing her homework when she come across something she doesnt understand. Her dad isnt home right now so she cant ask him and Aunt Lisa is busy so that’s a no as well. But then she remembered something, why not ask Lucifer/Satan! (you can pick which one you want to be called). The others keep saying he’s very smart so why not ask them. So Ik call Lucifer/Satan, he appeared and Ik instantly ask him to help her. He thought it would be easy, he thought it would be easy. How could it not be? It was just a measly 2nd grader homework until he saw what it is about. Photosynthesis
How would Satan and Lucifer respectively deal with this problem? What do they do when they realize this was something they dont know about but doesnt want to disappoint the expectant Ik? (Although maybe Satan already know about this but what if he doesnt just for this scenario)
- 🐧 Anon
i'd say lucifer's more likely to just concede that he doesn't know, since he doesn't want to face the embarrassment of giving an answer and having it be wrong - also, prime opportunity to teach ik how to seek out answers for herself!
unfortunately he doesn't know where to start looking, so they spend like an hour going through an encyclopaedia before he finally figures out that it's a plant thing - then once they finally get an explanation in kid terms, ik gets it immediately while lucifer remains completely perplexed for much longer than he'd ever admit
meanwhile satan tries to logic his way to an answer, unwilling to tarnish the "capable and knowledgeable big brother" thing he's got going on - unfortunately, the best he can get is that 'photo' means light, so uhh... light magic, maybe? wait, that's not a thing up here
eventually he does also admit he doesn't know, and he actually takes a much shorter time to look up the definition in a book somewhere, given his experience with this kind of thing - ironically, he would've beaten lucifer for time if he hadn't spent so much time trying to sound like he did know
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umm I think something up with Scripter, kinda worried about her :(
"Huh ? What do you mean ? Hm, I haven't seen Scripter in a while..."
*Keeper raises her head, looking at the sky for a moment, as if she was trying to observe something afar. She stays silent afterward*
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galaxyhanart · 1 year
Where can I read this AU?
I've been DYING to read it, I love it so much!! It's amazing what you're doing!
WAHHH thank you so much!! I'm working on the fic for the AU right now actually, so it isn't up yet but I'm working on the prologue/first chapter! once i have that finished and some progress on other chapters i'll be posting it, probably on Ao3, and I'll definitely be announcing it here with links and everything
for the time being though the masterpost for the AU can be found here and the comics that started it all here and here!
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eryanlainfa · 1 year
I can't sleep cuz of pain, so here's the long awaited explanation post about the Youngjustice!Au for Vat7k (and tts/rta)
Donella is Batwoman and Ulla was Superwoman before she disappeared. Years passed and a new Super is in town : Superboy, aka Varian. So Donella sends her current Robin, aka Hugo, to keep an eye on the boy because she knows how dangerous kryptonians can be.
Hugo is transferred to Var's highschool. And they do not get along. At first. They Also meet as Robin and Superboy and despite not really liking each others they end up being friends.
Quirin catch up on it and confront Donella who doesn't deny anything. He is not a fan of her way of doing but approves the idea of his son not doing patrol alone. So he explains what is going on to Varian.
Robin and Superboy are forever stuck together at this point.
In the middle they encounter Impulse (kid flash if you prefer) and immediately learns his civil identity because the boy isn't veryyy subtle. It's Yong. And a bit after that Wondergirl finds them and introduces herself : Nuru. She's the one who wants to form a team of young heroes with them (to follow in her big sister' steps, who's Wonderwoman) and so the four of them become the Young Justice League.
And yes they're all in the same school. And their parents know (they mentor the team more or less)
Also the TTS characters are there. Rapunzel and co are known as the Titans. Raps is Starfire, Eugene is Nightwing (previously known as Robin), Cassandra is Raven, Lance is Cyborg and Pascal is Beast Boy (I guess). So far they're not very important story wise but they kind of babysit the Young Justice League whenever they're nearby.
The Brotherhood would be like the Shazam family because I still wanted them to be a group. Tho Quirin 'retired' from hero stuff after Ulla's death.
Storywise it roughly follows the original Vat7k, with the kids trying to find their place as supers, Hugo not taking Varian seriously because with his powers he obviously has it easy (it's false) and he's obviously too gullible (also false), and Varian discovering more about his mom and being a kryptonian etc.. There's even the 'Ulla trying to possess Varian' with Ulla's memories being saved within this one kryptonian ship hidden in the arctic (like her consciousness has been transferred to the ship or something). And obviously Hugo and Varian ends up together.
So yeah those are the basics ! So far. Changes might happen someday, I'm still debating on some stuff. I do have more details here and there I'm planning to doodle but nothing too crazy
Sooo yep, here you go
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waywardsalt · 1 year
Linebeck is the Maui to Link's Moana. Or more accurately the Peter B Parker to Link's Miles Morales. He could have the most interesting and heroic past, but he has the vibes of Just Some Guy. I'd kill for a game set after Phantom Hourglass (but before Spirit Tracks) where we learn more about Linebeck's history, and how it plays into his newfound parental relationship with Link
Linebeck being more or less Just Some Guy compared to Link being this weirdly competent pre-teen is a fun part of their dynamic a lot of the time. There is a lot of time between PH and ST and that obviously is an opportunity for more storytelling between those characters, plus considering that we have very limited information on Linebeck's history or... anything, exploring him further is always a lot of fun, and could make for an interesting subject for anything before or after PH (or during), and further going into his relationship and dynamic with Link has a lot of potential for... a lot of different stuff!
#asks#anon#aaaa idk what to say here but yeah linebeck is such an enigma since he doesnt really have a backstory or any supplemental info#as the local ph fandom blasphemer however i dont actually like father/son linebeck and link any more so i got nothing on that#i lean into like. weird brothers or something akin to that?#not to be a jojo fan here but ive compared it a little more to the deal between kishibe rohan and koichi hirose in diu#but ive been making it more of its own complicated thing. leaning into weird brothers or something with similar vibes#and since i like to play with au stuff ive found out that they are really fun to put in different roles and dynamics#they have great base chemistry and it really allows for some cool stuff to be done with them#part of me does want to see like. a post ph pre st game but i also kind of like having that time being blank#so we can decide for ourselves what can happen in that time#ive got my own ideas for a post ph concept/story and i do have more or less a full backstory for my interpretation of linebeck#but uh yea. i can't really say much about linebeck being parental w/ link bc i dont. actually view it that way#to me its like. linebeck is dependent on link for mental illness reasons and link made the executive decision that theyre brothers#its messy but the bottom line is that they rely on each other and do make a good team#so yeah sorry i cant say a whole lot on the topic of them having a father/son relationship thing#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#linebeck#link#also very little on the character comparisons you made sorry abt that. you're right tho#salty talks
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fancymeatcomputers · 2 years
I know so many tarantula fun facts you have no idea
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monstrsball · 2 years
the elite four + champion are the top five aces. ushijima is the champion and he specializes in dragon-types (i thought about changing this to give him more variety but i think it also makes sense for him to stick with one type? maybe thats just me though! interested to hear people's thoughts on that). sakusa specializes in poison-types, kiryuu fire-types, bokuto fairy-types, and i'm still undecided on aran.
as for gym leaders, they're mostly some of the older siblings? bc i liked the idea of saeko being a fighting-type gym leader and naturally i had to then include alisa (fairy-type) and miwa (dark-type) as well. i want to make akiteru one too but idk what typing to give him.
also tenma who is a flying-type gym leader & washijou who is a dragon-type. washijou runs the gym in the town ushijima is from. i think i might use other coaches for the rest of the gym leaders but i'm not sure.
if i were to write anything for this au, it would be centered around kageyama and his growth as a trainer. and to some extent suga because he's one of kageyama's traveling companions (and a bit of a mentor too because i like to insert suga and kageyama's canon dynamic into aus when i can). both of their teams are partially based off of vibes but i also went looking for pokemon who evolve with high friendship specifically.
hinata's team is very very up in the air rn but he's kageyama's rival! i'm thinking he comes from a town without a big gym. he's not the most skilled trainer and doesn't have many pokemon but he has a great friendship with the few pokemon he does have. he is vastly improving though.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
am I mistaking you for someone else or are you the one who made Giran Kotaro's dad once?
Haha no yeah that was me, that's a fun au born of a typo but committing to the bit was worth it as it ends up meaning Giran raises his grandchildren and leads to the Todobeards plotline
#step one: mistype 'giran' when you meant 'gran'#step two: realize this is a more fun version of 'Nana realizes her husband is a villain and fakes his death and hides their son' than the#version of other aus I've seen using afo#step three: ok so then it's a battle as giran is trying to hunt down the kid because you know what‚ Nana faking his death was fair‚ but she#didn't have to get the kid involved as Nana then later Gran and other ocs borrowed from apprenticeverse try to keep him hidden#until at last kotaro (idiot) is an adult and rechanges his name to Shimura leading Giran realizing he needs to hide him now from AfO#step four: ???#step five: Hana and Tenko raised as brokers#step six: Hana falls for Fuyumi but they can't risk openly dating so Tenko is volunteered as Fuyumi's beard#and of course Fuyumi's boyfriend can't stay in her room overnight but the boyfriend's sister can sure why not#the boyfriend can stay with touya or natsuo if he doesn't want a guest bedroom whatever Enji barely even looks at those sons#also as Hana learns more about the todo family drama she gets worried about Fuyumi realizing what she is because she doesn't want to betray#her and doesn't intend to sell any of that info#but then she keeps learning more and can't help but wonder if passing on that info to someone else would be the right thing to do?? but who#Tenko is no help because if Hana asks him what he'd do he just shrugs and says if he needs an alibi for murdering‚ say‚ a top ten hero#he'll let her know#and yes Giran IS smoking even more now from the stress of the grandkids shenanigans#'they're the reason i went so grey so early '#anon#pocket talks to people
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