#for all the shit total drama gets… there’s probably a character who looks like you
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real-total-drama-takes · 2 months ago
It’s a little sad that total drama of all things is my standard of designing a plus size character (particularly plus size girls). Sadie, Millie, sugar, Leshawna, even Staci are all visually strong characters. They’re all distinct from each other, and they’re all very unashamedly plus size. Total drama is really able to represent that there isn’t just one way to be plus size, nor is there just one way to dress when you’re plus size. It’s actually kind of a bummer that total drama is an outlier even among other FreshTV shows. That really should be the bare minimum
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epickiya722 · 1 month ago
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When I tell you I'm so sick of this.
Yes, yes, Bakugou used to be his bully and all that yadda yadda. Oh my gosh, wow, a bully in the story! How dare such a thing exists!
Okay, stop clutching your pearls. Even Bakugou knew he was a total ass and it's not something he ever got away with like that, let alone he does grow up, so chill.
But if you're gonna go that route, throwing Todoroki in there to be like "it makes sense to pair them instead" is kind of strange because even though Todoroki didn't bully Midoriya, they did still immediately start on the wrong foot. I mean, Todoroki could have killed Midoriya in their match but I don't see people going "I don't understand how people can ship them, it doesn't make sense to me when Todoroki could have seriously killed Midoriya that one time".
I have seen people ship Midoriya with characters worse than Bakugou, but OMG, it's their ship that gets tackled on the most and at this point, I see it as a trend.
I see it as someone has to do because they're a follower.
Honestly, it's just getting ridiculous.
If the ship doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't make sense to you, who cares? But posting about it like this and then tagging it, doesn't do anything good.
No one who has caught up with the anime and manga would post about the ship in a rather negative way would be "it doesn't make sense to ship them".
"What if they aren't caught up?"
Even so, does it need to make sense? Is it an actual necessity for someone to have a ship to make sense if at the end of the day they're just entertained by the mere thought of it and not bothering you about it?
Take it from someone who ships Miruko and Burnin and is her favorite MHA ship at this time. We ain't see them have no onscreen interaction. That didn't stop me though and going "Hey, I think you two would look cute together".
There are ships in this fandom that have a way worse relationship in canon and still people ship them.
"I see art that depicts them being cute together." Okay, so and? Are you losing HP from it like some video game character that has yet to move out the lava? Do you grow a horn every time you see cute ship art of it? It's not the only ship drawn out there being cute together. It's not like there aren't cute moments in canon for them. Then stop looking at the art. Why are you looking at the art? If you keep seeing BakuDeku art, clearly... you're in the area. Probably on purpose.
I know if I keep seeing art of a ship I don't like it's a me problem because I have the choices to not follow certain people, block the tag, etc.
Maybe you shouldn't be in the MHA fandom at all given the amount of art for them anyways that's official.
Look, I'm not bothered by someone not liking Bakudeku. Could really give zero crap about it, honestly. I have ships I don't like either.
But what bothers me is posting about it, attacking the ship and tagging it.
We all have our opinions and I believe, good or bad, post about them.
However, people do shit like this and then mask it as "having an opinion" when really they probably want to start drama.
"But, Kiya, what if they're not trying to start drama? What if they don't know the proper way to tag?"
I call bullshit and I don't care. Oh, yes, I sound like a bitch, but let's be real here.
Stuff like this happens no matter where. It doesn't just happen on Tumblr. People have done this over and over and over to the point that it is hard to believe that person isn't trying to start anything.
New or not, people by now should know that if they're going to say something negative about a ship, don't draw in the shippers.
If this person didn't want to start drama then why bring TodoDeku into this? "Make it make sense." That right there is a sign of "I'm starting drama". Uh, people do happen to ship TodoDeku. I even ship it. It's not like people don't at all in the fandom ship them and only ship BakuDeku, so stop.
It's not like this person or anybody who does this is genuinely asking and do what to know because maybe they are genuinely curious and/or considering the ship but first wants to know more about it.
No, they're just being hostile. This is not an opinion. It's an attack disguised as one.
If you don't like the ship, okay. But if you're going to post about it, don't tag it.
This isn't even about BakuDeku only anymore. I see this with ships that don't even have anything wrong with them and in different fandoms. It's tiring, it's annoying and just takes the fun out of shipping.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 3 months ago
Here's a funny kinda nostalgic post for commenting on.
In Husbandry Warhammer what media normally designed more for kids do Space Marines enjoy? (Aka what media are they latching onto because it is healing their traumatized inner child?)
I'm gonna go through some of my totally unbiased opinions. And if you're favorite legion isn't on here...
Comment it with your thoughts!
Thousand Sons - Take your damn pick there's so much magic based media but of course the Owl House is up there for recent examples.
...some of the Loyalist Thousands Sons do get a bit...existential when the plot line of the tyrannical Emperor Belos gets expanded upon.
Ironically despite its fictional nature Thousand Son or other psycher space marines use certain scenes in it almost like training videos for their offspring.
Ultramarines - You can't Tell me these guys wouldn't like Bob the Builder, and Thomas the Tank Engine. The main characters are Blue and so much of trains and building is logistics! And Cyberspace! Logistics is mostly math so Cyberspace is in there too.
Death Gaurd - Zoboomafo, the focus on flora and fauna is quite enjoyable for marines literally in tune with the cycle of life. Children's shows in general often use simpler language which is easier to understand or translate for Marines still coming to grasp with ancient terran languages. The similarly enjoy The Wild Thornberries
Nightlords - Goosebumps. They LOVE Goosebumps and 'Are you afraid of the Dark?' No I will not explain it.
Blood Angels - Art Attack! Never watched the show myself but Damn it looks fun! And perfect for craft inclined Blood Angels.
Alpha Legion - The animated Carmen Sandiego cartoon! Deception, mystery and most importantly disguises! What more could a hydra want? And Blue Clues...because.
Salamanders - Dragon Tails. Love watching it with their family or kids. The show has a big focus on family itself and giant lizards it's practically made for them! Would probably also like Dinosaur Train.
Emerperors Children - Steven Universe. The art, the music, the messy drama of the characters that makes them weep and the existential dread of being similarly tied to a parent or family that is...complicated.
They find a lot of comfort and catharsis in it.
Black Templars - Veggie Tales. Okay JK kinda they would like that just swap out God for God Emperor. Also...Winnie the Pooh.
Is it just because Pooh is Yellow like their gene father? That's not entirely it but they approve of the little yellow bear who isn't the brightest but he does his Best Okay!
I could also see them using it as another weird allegory for the God Emperor loving and protecting because in quite a few episodes of "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh," Christopher Robin shows up to help Pooh and Friends out of their predicaments.
Iron Warriors - Reboot! My sister loved this show as a kid, and given its focus on computers/a digital world I could see them enjoying it! Also they like Cyber Space because Math. And...Chip and Dale rescue rangers But! They like it specifically for the scenes with Gadget because she makes cool things and they also want to make cool things/find a way to make them work.
See a video on AstartikTok about an Iron Warrior making a remote controlled roller skate and putting the families pet rat on it.
The rat is unharmed and even seems to enjoy the ride.
Dark Angels - Redwall. God that series gave me Nightmares but it Was still technically a kids show....technically. Also Jane and the Dragon, they like the medical aesthetic.
Space Wolves - No I'm not saying paw patrol. Blue Clues and Bluey! But All the legions have Marines who like Bluey! There's hardly a demographic on this planet that doesn't have a legion of Bluey Fans!
Also the old Tarzan Disney animated series because it was actually pretty damn hot shit! And full of cool action scenes fighting giant frightening animals.
White Scars - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Yes because horses, and yes because it espouses the values of community and collaboration and it has a kicking soundtrack. And White Scars are one of the few legions who both accept psychers but also acknowledge their inherent danger. They have a big focus on meditation and not becoming lost to the power you wield and finding support in those around you. They appreciate the similar messaging in the show.
War Hounds and World Eaters - Lazy Town. Because all of them want to become as strong as Sportacus and be able to lift a fuckin pyramid with a grappling hook from an airship!
Please stop them, the Pyramids of Giza need to stay where they are. Don't let them cause an international incident.
Ravengaurd - Ruby Gloom. They enjoy the macabre atmosphere merged with the cheerful main character. Plus the music isn't half bad.
Some tags for ya'll if you wanna jump in! And don't hesitate to comment about legions already mentioned if you've got more ideas about shows they'd like.
@egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @bleedingichorhearts @barn-anon
@kit-williams @bispecsual @angronsjewelbeetle @virozero @sleepyfan-blog @passionofthesith
@beckyninja @felinisnoctis
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spatial-jump · 7 months ago
Spoilers for all episodes of the Umbrella Academy Season 4 and profanity below.
What the actual fuck was that finale?? Was I watching the same thing directors looked at and went, “Yeah, this is cool!”
Those last two episodes were a total shit show. An absolutely horrendous finale to a wonderful TV show.
The first thing I am so fucking pissed about is how they’ve written Five in this season. They ruined him. They tore apart the aloof apocalypse-obsessed arsehole who loves his family, destroyed it, spat on it, and then danced on the grave before crushing it under an anvil.
In no fucking timeline whatsoever would Five and Lila be a thing. I understand where some people would come from to defend it — that yes, they were both isolated for seven years and could only find company in each other, distorting their relationship as they sought comfort which mistakenly and incorrectly transpired into ‘love’. No, it’s messed up. It’s so fucking messed up and creates unnecessary drama that the writers probably wanted since they were undeniably lacking in the finale. When I first saw the camera angles and shots they were getting prior to Year Five in the subway, I was naïvely thinking, “Surely not. Please don’t tell me this is where I think it’s going.” And lo and behold, I was right. And I’ve never hated to be right so much in my entire life.
Lila (WHO HAS THREE ADORABLE CHILDREN WITH DIEGO, BY THE WAY) has known Five for absolutely ages — since he was in the body of a thirteen-year-old child. Mentally, he’s however many decades older. Regarding the actors, Aidan and Ritu, themselves, there is a fifteen-year gap between them. But my point is, Five is not a home-wrecker. Five is the type of character who would not deliberately fuck around with his brother’s wife because he absolutely adores his family. It’s not in the nature that has been presented to us, and goes completely against his values — and for what? To serve exclusively as a shitty love triangle so that Diego and Five would fight in the finale and break up the family even more at the most crucial point for them?
Five is your textbook example of a pragmatist. He knows how to prioritise, and would certainly not decide that the time to fight Diego was when two of their siblings were badly injured and another had merged to bring about the Cleanse — a.k.a. end of the world, again.
I am so, so disappointed with this, especially as Five is the character I’ve had the strongest attachment to, ever. I think I’ve managed to disconnect S4 him from the first three (that fucking greasy rat’s nest hair of his has finally been given a beneficial purpose), but I’m still sick to my stomach.
Anyway, next thing: the episodes. I know we were told in advance about how there were only going to be six episodes, and we knew they had a lot to fit in to make it work.
It didn’t. It was executed very poorly. I understand some fans didn’t like the unnecessary subplots and fillers from the previous seasons, but S4 was a bit too rushed? I mean, they found and drank the marigold within the first episode. And floundered around at the end, not even bothering to stop the Cleanse until it had been aired on TV. I get they might’ve wanted to make the show more fast-paced, but it could’ve been handled differently. They didn’t have to do a ‘Stranger ThingsTM’ and make four goddamn films for a Part One. They just needed to properly iron out everything, and that didn’t happen, which is a massive shame.
The finale itself (not the erasing their identities, but from the moment Ben is shot) deserves some YouTuber to pick it apart with a four hour video until it’s dust. It was badly structured. Normally, you see a rather pleasant — not exactly linear, but in the concept we’re progressing positively — pattern as the episodes and plots build up to the finale. We see the family find out about an apocalypse, they fight and break off individually, then they slowly pair up, eventually coming together to save the world. This was not like that.
Instead, you had one sibling fucking around in a subway with his physically much older and mentally much younger sister-in-law, another that was hopelessly obsessed with a girl he just met (but no hate for him — no one exactly told him that being closer to Jennifer was just harming them both and the world), one germaphobe who, despite not taking drugs or drinking, is off looting money wherever he can find it and deciding that was the moment to pay off his debts??, three others doing fuck knows, and then the last one who actually gives a shit, teamed up with his hideous father, and tried to prevent him from killing Ben as long as possible because he knows what it’s like to end the world, and is therefore the only one who did anything useful. God, that was a long sentence, so I’m sorry for those of you who struggle with it.
The finale was not your Umbrella Academy finale. Once everyone had (I say this in the lightest way) been ‘brought together’, they had no bloody idea what to do. In the meantime, they’d disbanded about three times within the thirty minutes of screening because of petty fights and the drama I’ve already discussed. Five leaving them at the most essential moment (due to Lila and Diego, blah, blah, blah) was an error in his character. This old man has survived through apocalypses, the one who tries to round everyone up despite everything he has seen. Even with his doubts in the S3 finale, he was still there — and his doubts were shared enough that they created a majority. In this S4 finale, there was no majority. It was just Five, and Five alone. There were gaping holes and shredded pieces of the beautifully developed characters the show had done so well in portraying. They did this with Allison during that scene in S3, where they took her villain arc too far. There are so many flaws in this, and there is definitely many people out there who can communicate it better and more concisely, but here is my two pennies anyway.
I have a lot more thoughts, but I’m currently bone-tired. I might post another rant if I remember anything else — but don’t be too surprised if it’s Five x Lila related.
I am thankful and appreciative that the Umbrella Academy was one of the lucky shows that saw its way to the very end, but I think all of us are entitled to a little disappointment at its quality and execution as it was brought to a close.
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nocofamilyau · 1 year ago
Out of curiosity, Do you think Cody would still keep in contact with Gwen? And is Ezekiel doing better now atleast?
(me shamelessly asking a random question before asking abt my favorite character to not look suspicious /j)
like in canon (or, at least taking Christine Thompson's word for it..), Cody's attraction to Gwen fizzled out after World tour ended. sure, they kept in contact for a little while after but eventually that came to an end as they naturally moved on with their lives
this was from another ask that's now invisible in my inbox (probably due to the account that asked being deactivated - its pretty much on me for not answering what's in my inbox sooner/being put off trying to put each ask into a coherent order, deepest apologies for that), but it's mainly Cody that constantly wonders how the other TDI contestants (except the ones that he already still sees personally) are going, I guess more as like a passing thought.
(also, yet another retcon, hopefully the last one for a while - I mentioned in an earlier post that Cody was close friends with Sierra, who co-writes for his celeb gossip blog.. well the blog is still a thing, but has long since been abandoned. it was more of a side project Cody did during his 20's, with Sierra occasionally writing some stuff for it here and there. one day however, something clicked in Cody's mind - something that should have clicked long ago, and he stopped spending as much time with Sierra. hell, he probably hasn't seen her in years at this point, probably for the better..)
as for the Ezekiel question... oh man, I was sort of dreading when I would bring this up, since this idea has been stewing in my mind for a good while now, and admittedly, from one Zeke enjoyer to another, this will not a pleasant thing to reveal, but there needed to be a reason for Total Drama to be cancelled in this au, other than to needlessly justify why all newer generations of TD cast members are much younger than they are in canon
Ezekiel's dead. when he fell into that volcano in the World Tour finale, he didn't end up making it out (I mean, dude was submerged in BOILING LAVA - I get its a cartoon but its far from believable that someone could survive that). some say he was put out of his misery, others think it was a perfect example of how greed could ruin a person, but all in all, it was fucked. it was not a pretty death, and the fact that Chris and the TD production crew still had the AUDACITY to keep footage of and broadcast someone's death on international TV was enough to get the show cancelled immediately and get the shit sued out of Chris. at least now he can't terrorise anymore teens, sucks to be him...
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ronanlynchdefender · 3 months ago
The Raven Cycle Arcane AU
Combining the two things I love and imagining what would happen if the trc characters existed in Piltover/Zaun.
1. Ronan and Jinx would be best friends. She’d tell him about how she murdered her whole family, he’d say something like “damn, that’s hardcore.” Then him, Jinx, and Ekko would all blow up the hexgates together to save the tree or something. Also, Ronan probably dreamt Ekko’s tree.
2. Adam would be a Zaunite living in Piltover just like Viktor, but they would be rivals. Cue the “there can only be one of us at the top” societal commentary.
3. Blue Sargent would be demanding the council to do shit to help the impoverished and sick populations of Zaun. All the topsiders would be side eyeing all her wacky outfits but she don’t give a fuck.
4. Blue would 100% be helping Ekko run his refugee community.
5. Gansey would be a councilor although he’d hate his job. Gansey brings Adam in initially as an assistant, similar in how Mel has Elora, but then he would have heard how Jayce calls Viktor his partner and insists on calling Adam his partner. Adam is so fed up with Gansey because dude is like um you know all the other councilors are manipulating you, right? And Gansey would say something like oh? Are they? How unfortunate.
6. Declan Lynch would absolutely FOLD for Mel Medarda. A beautiful, powerful black woman who can paint? Yeah he’s a goner. Also Declan/Mel/Jayce/Viktor polycule.
7. Jayce and Gansey would stare at each other awkwardly and with confusion. Sorta like looking in a funhouse mirror. Wait. Am I the golden boy or are you the golden boy?
8. Jayce, Gansey, and Henry Cheng make up the most ridiculous friend group you’ve ever seen. The Academy Boys or some shit. Henry finally gets to live out his dream of being close to Gansey. Adam and Viktor are additions to the friend group later, and Henry happily enjoys the drama that ensues.
9. Ronan would absolutely be getting drunk and crashing out along with Vi and going through a pit fighter era because Adam went to live in Piltover to work in politics.
10. Vi is the big sister Ronan never had. Declan is jealous of their dynamic.
11. Ronan and Opal would be the cutest editions to the Sevika, Jinx, Isha found family. ISHA AND OPAL SISTERS. ISHA AND OPAL SISTERS.
12. How Ronan and Jinx meet probably:
Ronan: Get that pistol away from my bird.
Jinx: What do you care? It’s just a stupid crow.
Ronan: It’s a raven, fuckface. Her name is Chainsaw.
13. Sevika, at some point: It’s not enough I got deal with Jinx by herself. Now I gotta deal with the fucking chaos twins and their pipsqueaks.
14. Gansey would probably develop an interest in Zaun, but soon discover the horrors that exist down there and meet Blue. Similar to how Heimerdinger does and meets Ekko.
15. Gansey: So you fell in love with a mage?
Jayce: Yeah. And you fell in love with a witch?
Gansey: Apparently. She acts as a magical mirror.
Jayce: Huh, that’s weird. My girlfriend is a magical mirror too.
Gansey: Really?
Jayce: Yeah.
*more confused funhouse mirror staring*
Jayce: Well… my girlfriend used her powers to save my life in an explosion.
Gansey: Oh okay. Mine is destined to kill me with a kiss.
Jayce: Oh, well that’s totally different.
16. In the end, Gansey would give up his seat on the council to Henry Cheng. Henry and Sevika are the only people on the council getting shit done.
17. When Viktor is taking over the world with his glorious evolution, he takes Adam and Jayce’s souls. Ekko and Ronan work together so Ronan can save Adam. When Viktor touches Ronan to evolve his soul, he appears as a giant eldritch horror in the astral plane. Him and Viktor have big boss god battle in the cosmos. The jayvik and pynch soul merging scenes happen separately in the astral plane.
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dangermousie · 6 months ago
I was talking to @aysekira and the thing that keeps haunting me is that I genuinely cannot imagine a happy ending for Black Out. I cannot see how one would even look like.
I can 100% see how ML would be proven innocent and how the truth would come out. I have no problem imagining it.
But I cannot see how on earth that would result in any kind of justice or happy ending. It’s not just the decade of life he lost that he’d never get back or the abuse he suffered that can’t be undone or the fact that his father died probably from the stress of it all while he was in jail, or mental trauma of believing he was a killer.
It’s all about not having a future in a practical or emotional sense. Before he got railroaded he got accepted to med school. He’d have had a great conventionally successful future. What is he gonna have now? Even if his conviction gets vacated, he has no college education - is he even capable emotionally or mentally to go to college (and can he even at his age?) - what is he gonna do for a living? Some sort of minimum wage job, I guess. His whole future is gone permanently.
And then (I put it behind read more because it’s spoilery for stuff that is not made clear in the drama yet but from books it’s based on, plus dramas Bad Guys and Flower of Evil.)
Even worse - it wasn’t cops wanting an easy close out of a case or a bona fide mistake.
How can you process and live with the fact that your friends are the one who committed the crimes you were convicted for, that they and their parents (included your so-called uncle, chief of police) framed you as a scape goat.
That your “friends” raped and killed your female friend and carried on, happily acting like you are the criminal and they are upstanding citizens. That a whole bunch of of the people in town are in on it. That his so called friend the actress is actually also in on it because she could have proven his innocent but wanted him punished for not fancying her so off to jail he went.
Like how could you ever eat and sleep and breathe for the rage.
As I was telling @aysekira - what is insane is that Geun Oh a saint compared to the rest because he raped someone and killed someone and acquiesced in framing ML but at least he feels like shit. The bar is so low it’s in hell but the bulk of them still fail it.
I thought Park Hae Jin’s character in Bad Guys was fucked by the end but even he is better off - his memories were fucked with and he could never trust a therapist again (and he needs therapy badly) and he went to jail for crimes he did not commit but he didn’t serve a decade and he’s at least got his education and his PhD and he’s made two good friends even if they are both murderers and it wasn’t everyone literally in on it (probably because he was a loner but still…)
JW from Black Out can get his name cleared sure but he could never get justice because that would involve a Time Machine and a mind wipe.
I always found Flower of Evil had such a kind, gentle ending - ML was put through seventeen kinds of hell for no fault of his own - but you totally buy him being loved and happy and living a life he’d like at the end. (And even there, I actually think it might be better for him to never fully recover all his memories.) Here I don’t see it at all.
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wawamouse · 6 months ago
Oz Halloween attraction AU
(Idk, Is that anything??)
It’s basically a haunted house attraction operating out of the old Oswald State Penitentiary, now retrofitted for scares 👻
A tour through the place would involve partially following a story of a new inmate and as you move through all the different rooms there’s various re-enactments of supposed prisoner deaths over the years (extremely tasteless stuff, as you do); hanging bodies, guy getting staked through the heart, dude eating glass and spraying blood, bloody guy in spooky laundry room etc.
The group gets herded through the narrow halls of Solitary and then chased back up the hall toward the next section by an insane guy—various tricks like that
A big scare at the end is the ‘riot’ where the tour is seemingly over after surviving the spooky sights on death row through to the execution chamber only for scarers to rush the larger floor at the end and force the haunted house guests to make a run for the actual exit, through a door under a big barricade looking stage piece :P
The Oz characters work at the haunted house as scarers (I’m addicted to Oz AUs that are essentially work place dramas, sue me)
Of course, like in the community pool AU, this is seasonal work, so after they have all their fun pursuing their passions for scaring the shit out of thousands of visitors during the season, they go back/on to other businesses/work/fucking around until the next year with McManus is calling around to see who is available to start rehearsing for the new scare season. He's got some people he's more eager to call for a return than others—some returning scarers are better than others
That guy Beecher who played a scared prisoner screaming his head off one year came back the next season to act totally insane and creepy; all the coworkers were really impressed (he would go on to star in the community theater production of Macbeth...)
Chris Keller and Ryan probably always pop out of nowhere under flickering lights to creep on guests
Shirley and Groves's executions in the Death Row area get a lot of screams
Miguel ends up covered in blood every year, whether his role is cutting up his own face, hanging himself, stabbing out a CO's eyes, etc, somehow he's always covered in fake blood
I think there would also be like a 'hall of memories' type corridor near the 'psych ward' that would essentially be a nightmarish run through various crime flashbacks from Oz, such as Mondo Brown's (McManus: here's how we get a meat freezer scene into our prison-themed haunted house)
I just think Oz characters working at a haunted house acting all scary and then clocking out is funny
(miguel/chico agenda: chico chasing miguel with a shank (also chasing guests) and then waiting for him at the back door after work :P) (he has to wait due to the amount of fake blood miguel is covered in that needs washing off)
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miimo96 · 3 months ago
Thoughts on Re:Zero S3 episode 5
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C.R.E.E.P.Y ✨CREEPY!✨ This dude is so effing creepy I swear everytime this dude's on screen, I just get the strong urge to wanna punch him as Hard as possible because of how deeply I HATE him, and the fact that this man has not only 184 wives, but probably MORE, makes him even more Hate-able (Greedy bastard)
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Ouuuu I have so many mixed feelings about this but Julius is right, you can handle your own selfish desires AFTER you rescue the city, in other words: we'll get em next time 😖
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My boi Subaru doing WORK with that whip, he could give Indiana Jones a run for his money ^^
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Oh, well that's Not creepy at all 😅
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Yep nope Don't get me wrong I Love Subaru, but HOW THE F*CK is he supposed to beat someone who can do shit like THIS!? Like bruh at this point, I would've just Reset by now because there's No way I can beat someone like this without prep time
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Ngl, this scene was ABSOLUTELY Incredible, I legit felt nothing but Chills watching this, like WOW, the animators effing COOKED ^^
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Wait so you're telling me, all the flies including that Dragon over there are the People she Held HOSTAGE!?🤯 Omg she legit basically killed them, yeah at this point it's Time for a Reset Subaru, like there's No way this could get any worse right?
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Ya know at this point, I'm entirely convinced that the entire Witches cult specifically consists of Crashouts, because WTF IS SHE TALKING ABOUT!? 😟
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Nah she Was DIRTY for this ^^;
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Oh well now he HAS to Die, because there's No way he can move around let alone Fight with a Missing effing leg. ya know I just find it crazy that most of these fights would've been over by now if Reinhard was here but because his bitch ass of father is Gatekeeping him, we have to be left with this Suffering (btw that's TWICE now Subaru has lost his leg, my dude is completely unlucky)
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You gotta be effing kidding me, annd just when I THOUGHT things couldn't get any worse
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The homie OTTO!! Omg I'm so happy he's alright, ok 1st 2 things: 1, How the hell did he escape Gluttony and 2, once again the homie comes in clutch because Now we got Reinhard back! >_<
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Oh well that answers my question Lol 😅
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God I love their relationship ^w^ I was very hesitant about Reinhard and felt but after the 1st episode of this season, they won me over, now I just WANT to see them together ^^ I wonder how Subaru and the gang are doing
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My boi Subaru still doing shit with a missing leg!? Nah this man has NO LIMITS, This Dude is Literally the Ethan winters of anime
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Man what a STELLAR episode, Ngl, this show is probably one of my favorite Drama isekais, I just love how much Subaru has actually grown as a character, and capella is such a SICK BITCH Omg I was not expecting that, also the fact they actually flooded the city is Insane,like the witches cult are not playing this season huh, I just hope it doesn't end empire strikes back style with them actually winning and Subaru failing to rescue Emilia no matter how many times he resets, that would be absolutely terrible, anyway yeah totally can't wait for the next one
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Oh look, Carnage😅 ok in all seriousnes tho I actually have a Question regarding this scene, capella asks for the city to give her something on her list of demands aside from typhons remains, that being the so called "artificial spirit that has been chillin in this city" could she be talking about Beatrice? Because remember Beatrice is technically not a human, she's a spirit that is basically echidna's daughter, why would she want Beatrice, is it because Beatrice is too powerful even for her therefore she wants to take her off the playing field, or is it for something else entirely? Hmmmm🤔
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hanbindans · 2 years ago
zerobaseone as IB students (headcanons)
some fun headcanons for my fellow students. please take these with a grain of salt, obviously I don't know them personally and these are just meant to be fun :) word count: 1.1 k (ca 140 for each) a/n: this is for a very niche target audience but it makes sense in MY head. also I have exams in less than 2 weeks so this is kind of representative of where my mind is at rn. and PSA if you're also an IB student please don't actually skip TOK <3
what's that?? "he's a 24 year old man, it's been years since he completed high school??" sorry I can't hear you too well I'll just go ahead and write this headcanon anyway <3
he's such a drama kid and he would take it even in IB, so theatre and korean lit would be his HLs
I feel like he would take bio and psych sl purely out of curiosity and then immediately regret it when he realizes how much content there is (but would be really good at psych)
aa sl!!! no particular reason tbh I just think he's kind of smart
doesn't understand tok. like...... at ALL. is saved by the fact that his psychology EE is pretty good because he pretty much flunks tok miserably
CAS defender because "guys it builds character I think it's great that we all do volunteer work :))" bless his heart
7 subjects :)
is good at tok probably
genuinely puts SO much time and effort into his cas and regrets it in the end but it looks cool on his resumé
psychology and korean lit HL, probably takes VA too but maybe as sl. he gives such lit vibes I feel like he would totally be a literature kid
chinese ab!!!! and maybe ESS because he can and doesn't like science <3
AI SL just because he's so social science but he gets 6s and 7s because it's too easy for him <3
basically he's all the social science subjects but because they're FUN not because they're easy :)
shares notes and study resources in the class group chat because he's cool like that
zhang hao
science kid
HL math AA, geography, and maybe chem or bio. maybe takes physics SL too.
definitely chinese lang/lit and korean ab (he could definitely do korean B but he can't be bothered)
you won't catch him anywhere without a comically large energy drink
completely numbed on the inside but also puts more effort in than everyone else and gets straight 7's
skips tok though because he can't be asked
does his EE on a very niche obsession of his and it gets a really good grade but he puts way too much effort into it
everyone wants to learn his ways but he doesn't do study groups because he gets too annoyed lmao. WILL tell juniors chatting in the library to stfu
he will complain about anything and everything any chance he gets but also catch him getting that 45 at the end of the day.
also science kid but a lot less intense
HL bio, chem, music, SL AA, korean lang/lit and japanese ab
he would complain SO MUCH about group 2 btw he's one of those science kids who really doesn't want to do 2 languages lol
really only cares about music to be honest but does the sciencey subjects because he thinks they're cool and gets pretty good grades
the type to do a hyper specific science IA and spend way too much time on it just for shits and giggles because he likes pouring things into beakers and swirling them
unintentionally does the most for his CAS, like "oh a service??? yeah I've been tutoring guitar for like 6 months does that count" and genuinely fails to see how other people struggle with it
also excells at tok, like genuinely writes an amazing philosophical TOK essay and gets full marks
ironically cares so little about IB but somehow does so well because he genuinely likes his subjects (and has an iq of like 150)
7 subjects :)
wants to do more languages than he's allowed because he's just built like that, he likes flexing his multilingualism
HL english lang/lit, french B, history. SL AA, bio, chem, psych
is annoyingly good at all his subjects like HOW are you doing all that and remembering everything?? secretly kind of a genius
does the mostest for his IAs for absolutely no reason other than he's just interested in his subjects and wants to do fun projects :)
also genuinely likes CAS for the same reason (play sports feed stray cats, what's not to like?)
super ambitious classmate who is somehow the only one still sane and always happy
encourages everyone before tests and exams like "come on guys we can do it!! :)"
this is more likely than you think like do you know how many rich international kids do IB??? in an alternate reality he's M23
visual art HL <33
probably business management HL too, but I could see him doing psych as well!! I think he'd enjoy the human relationships option
chinese lang/lit and english B because why do a bilingual diploma and struggle when you could just breeze through english B?????
AI and ESS sl because he cba, he just wants to pass fr.
to be honest he only really cares about visual art (does his EE in it and regrets it every day) and his social science a liiittle bit, other than that he's just doing exactly as much as he needs to pass
super chill classmate though like all IB kids need a Ricky in their class to humble our god complexes
IB but because he's an exchange student :') like he didn't even know what IB was when he started it
cramming the night before tests because he can't be asked to dedicate his whole life to studying
actually the nicest classmate though
eng b HL and breezes through it
ESS and AI sl together with ricky (they sit in the back of the class and snack together <3)
also like business management/psychology or something equivalent but he's REALLY good at it and gets easy 7's?? like he will be that 1 kid who has that 1 subject that he's an absolute god at
cries every tok lesson but it's alright
favourite part is ironically CAS because he has an excuse to volunteer at dog shelters and play basketball with his friends :)
peak IB child I bet he would take this programme for real
4 hls (economics, psychology, korean lang lit, chemistry)
I have no justification for these subjects btw I just spat out 4 that I think he would take. he definitely would do 4 HLs though because that's how he rolls
ALSO takes cas very seriously for absolutely no reason
also takes tok SUPER seriously- he will lead class discussions and get into heated debates about stupid shit like if newspeak would work in real life
AA sl and japanese ab because that's just his vibes
kind of overworked but is always helpful and shares notes with his classmates :)
does his EE in economics and ends up getting way too invested in it and becomes obsessed with economic development policies or something niche like that (nerd but affectionately <3)
very stressed and overworked but he WILL get those grades at the end of the day <33
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takealookatmycrabclaw · 3 months ago
♧Thomas, Joan and Quil appreciate/critique
I would literally sell a couple of my limbs for Joan to come back and continue to write for sanders sides. Not that them coming back would do much good, the characters and story have been nerfed- which is so silly considering we haven't had an actual sides episode in literal years. Crazy how characters and story can be completely turned upside down and inside out without an official episode coming out. But I digress. If Joan is much happier where they are now, then it should stay this way, but I do miss the series and the direction it was going.
Now that they're gone, it's really easy to see how much they actually contributed to the series, to the point where I would say that Joan is the one who made sanders sides what it was, not Thomas. Not all Thomas at least. As much as I criticize Thomas, I don't think the characters would be who they are without him. The characters are literally based off of his personality- but Joan was the one who made them into story characters instead of skit characters- which Thomas is used to. Thomas is a great actor and I think a fairly decent writer when it comes to skits, but the humor and storyline in general requires more skill than just skit writting.
All this isn't to say that the people on the team now, like Quil, aren't talented or doing a good job. I think Quil, specially, is doing a pretty damn good job considering the drama, helping run the patreon, helping out with writting, helping out with makeup, and probably more plus performing in a band on the sidelines. He's a pretty crucial part to sanders sides now and I don't want what happened to Joan to happen to Quil, let's not overlook all the work they're putting in to make the series decent. Don't get me wrong, I'm critical of Quil as much as I am Thomas or Joan but I do think a lot of us (myself included) need to take a step back and realize these are real people.
That being said, Thomas still pisses me off but I think all the things he's doing to piss me off definitely come from being overworked and stressed. I know it's creepy and parasocial to look too deeply into someone's mental health but hes posted about working out until he's on the brink of, or has, passed out. Going to bed extremely late because he's scrambling to work and shit. Plus he's losing followers, views and money and having to lay off some of his team members. Clearly, he's struggling quite a bit. That doesn't excuse underpaying your employees or using AI to generate images and write captions for your skits, but it checks out. But he doesnt seem tk see that the problems are his fault. You are a youtuber, you are continuing sanders sides, you are the onenot taking a break and stepping back. Its not like he doesng have any other options, he went to school for chemical engineeering ffs. Also The main person who was there to help out with all the shit that he struggled to do (Joan) is gone and Thomas is figuring out how to continue without them, (which is hard considering they prob did everything).
I don't know how to transition when writing text but here's a critique of Joan because I'm kind of a dickrider when it comes to them. They definitely could/should have addressed more when it came to issues brought up to them, like the madlibs situation ig. But (here comes the dickriding) I don't think they were a part of that project. There aren't any links in the description for Hoan under that video and I heard through the grape vine that it was a Thomas and Quil project. So like idk what yall expected from them, to pay the animators with the money? The money they don't have to pay them? Because they weren't working on the project? I personally think they should've gone to Thomas and been like "yo wtf? Why are you underpaying your employees who are also YOUR FANS????" But that totally could've happened and nothing came out of it. Or, the most likely case, They didnt say anything in fear of losing their friendship with Thomas. Which would also lead to them losing their job. Bit of a power imbalance tbh. Not saying Joan is perfect and didn't no wrong but the examples of controversy I can think of involving them are either non-issues or them bring thrown under the bus.
Erm anyways 🤓 to summarize this; Joan, Quil and Thomas are people, people aren't perfect. BUT being flawed doesn't excuse mistreating your employees. And we should reconize that although Thomas is an ass for what he did to Brei and other animators, he and the rest of the team are people and blah blah blah. Whatever. You know already. Just don't be assholes like there's no reason to comment on Thomas' body because you don't like him. That's weird asf.
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destinygoldenstar · 6 months ago
Okay so I said I was gonna rant about this scene, so...
So, if you've seen my Episode 11 reaction of Season 1 of Disventure Camp, you know how... PISSED I was at a certain scene to say the least. To the point where I couldn't even talk coherently about it.
I wanted to explain myself and what MY POV of the scene was.
DISCLAIMER: this post is being made by somebody who, at the time of this post, has NOT watched past this episode. So any and all information regarding context for this scene revealed AFTER this episode (This season or another season) is IRRELEVANT to what I am talking about. I am ONLY going off of information revealed in Season 1 prior to this episode, and that's it.
Bottom line is, now that I am calmer and able to think coherently about it, I can safely say that my hatred for this scene was... SUBJECTIVE.
I hated it because it personally brought back a lot of moments in my own life, and as a result, when I watched the scene over and over again for the sake of this post, no matter what, my blood boils.
And I'm not even saying objectively this is a terrible scene writing-wise. After all, Total Drama, the show THIS show was inspired by, has quite a lot of characters doing... morally questionable things for the sake of the grand prize. So I am perfectly used to, and expected, seeing characters with less than perfect personalities, motivations, and actions.
So with that in mind, just because something like this happens in these kinds of shows, DOESN'T mean the show is saying you the audience should apply these actions to real life. They are merely telling a story and showing what a downfall looks like.
Yes I know what media literacy is.
As much as some people probably want to play the blame game just because it's easier to justify certain opinions, at the end of the day, THIS IS NOT A BLACK AND WHITE ISSUE. IT'S FAR MORE COMPLICATED THAN THAT.
So with that in mind, I should make it clear that my harshness on the scene does NOT have to do with the character that gets hurt in the scene.
I feel like even the most hardcore vile Jake hater that wants him dead on sight, would have to admit even for a second that MAYBE Ellie is kinda not perfect with her logic here.
(Why'd you all want to kill this guy so much? Holy shit...)
So for context of the scene alone, Jake and Ellie are at the end of the challenge and need to decide which one of them claims immunity, both needing it. Jake offers a forgiveness of the shit that happened prior between them, but only if she gives him the immunity.
And Ellie decides not only "NO" but she also takes the opportunity to READ JAKE FOR FILTH.
So, to quote her words:
"You know what? You can eat shit and die."
"And 'Boo Hoo, Aww, I Got Cheated On'. Grow the hell up, Jake."
"You say you're a victim, but you're really just a sponge for drama."
"You feed off the smallest setbacks, acting as if the world's against you."
"Tom probably saw it too. You have no right to shame me."
"After you voted out Gabby, I never pulled this on you, cause I have some sense to not be a dick."
"Maybe if you weren't so annoying, your boyfriend wouldn't have cheated on you."
OUT OF CONTEXT, what does all of that read for you?
Probably something on the lines of, "Oh yay, this girl is roasting this man and calling him out on his bullshit and asshole behavior."
BUT THEN YOU LEARN THE CONTEXT, and you learn that this girl personally went after the dude's trauma to destroy his relationship with someone else, and is saying this to JUSTIFY her actions by saying "Well no, you deserved it, and you can't go after me cause I did nothing wrong. It was all you."
So when I said this wasn't a black and white issue, I wasn't kidding.
For more context on these characters, both of them are participating in a reality show where the prize is $1,000,000.
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Ellie is a young adult with a dream to study fashion design, but she can't afford the funds for the college she's in. She's desperately in debt, being forced to work two jobs every day from dawn to dusk and having next to no spare time on her own to do the things she loves. Not for anything. Not for friendships or relationships either.
So she read to me at the start of the show as a bit of a gloomy introvert who finds it hard to let people in or see the bright side of things. And in the first half of the show, I'd say two people changed that for her: Gabby and Jake.
Gabby more so, because love interest. She's the one who gave Ellie a sense of hope in things, and went out of her way to save Ellie's spot in the game (at the cost of her own, tragically), because Ellie was a good and caring friend towards her and did not judge people before knowing them fully.
When Ellie gets betrayed by Alec, she's kicked off of her team and joins the other team, AKA, the team Jake is on. She quickly gets acquainted in him and the get along nicely. The only problem was that Jake, at the moment, was pretty salty regarding his own love interest, Tom, because Tom lied to him about his career.
Rather than write him off as a 'moody brat', Ellie sits down and tries to talk reason to Jake, and even offers to hear his side of the story to get an understanding as to why he acts the way he does.
The scene with them cuts away just as Jake is about to trauma dump to her, BUT we the audience already knew of Jake's trauma, so we can easily infer that this was where Ellie got information on Jake's personal trauma.
And even if she didn't, right before the scene on topic, Jake was ranting to her that she didn't know what it was like for him to go through that.
So yes, regardless of when she knew, Ellie DOES know what happened to Jake. The claim that 'Ellie was ignorant', as a result, is FALSE.
Ellie also offers Jake advice on how to approach Tom, giving him valuable lesson on not jumping to conclusions and talking things out to people.
Their friendship remains on good terms with mutual respect for a bit. When the team loses and they have to vote someone off, everyone BUT Jake and Gabby voted out Ellie because she was the new girl. Gabby would NEVER vote Ellie, let's be real, so that's not surprising at all. Plus it was thanks to Gabby's idol that Ellie survived that Tribal Council.
Jake was a shocker in this regard though. Despite his connections with Miriam and Tom, he refused to join the popular crowd on the team and instead chose to throw his vote on Gabby. Looking back at that choice, it's such a subtle sign of respect that Jake has gained for Ellie and how she helped him.
The next episode, Jake DOES decide to join Tom and Miriam in voting off Gabby, Ellie's closest companion in the game. That SOUNDS like a stab in the back, but there's a scene where Jake talks to Ellie about this and comes clean to her about what he's doing.
And Ellie... takes this well.
She completely respects his decision, and agrees that she would not take this vote as a personal attack, because... it's not. It's just a vote.
He's not trying to destroy Ellie's relationship with Gabby, or trying to spite Ellie by voting Gabby, he's merely casting a vote as the game wants.
Could they have voted for anyone else? OH YEAH.
BUT TO BE FAIR, Grett had immunity, and Jake, at that point, had no connection with Fiore and Alec, and Fiore in particular tried to get on Jake, Tom, and Miriam's good side earlier in the episode. So I MOSTLY blame Gabby's elimination on the Fiore Alec and Grett alliance, because unlike Jake, they DIDN'T tell Ellie jack shit and went behind her back.
There is no evidence in the next couple of episodes that Ellie has any beef towards Jake regarding voting off Gabby. At least, not until the scene on topic. She mostly directs her beef towards Alec for betraying her trust for the second time.
And then he would do it again a third time-god you need to get better allies Ellie.
But then by Episode 10, Ellie is reminded of her outcast situation among the cast. She's on good terms with Jake, thus she's in the Jake Tom and Miriam alliance, the majority at that point. Even Miriam came around and apologized to Ellie for misjudging her. Unless Fiore and/or Alec got immunity, those two were for sure gone.
But after they were gone, or voting them out wasn't an option, would that lead to Ellie's elimination? For no other reason other than she's the one with the weakest bonds with the others? Jake and Tom are lovers, and Miriam is their surrogate grandmother. They are a found family. And Ellie is just... the friend tagging along.
She was so outcasted that she died on the first day in the zombie simulation and they just forgot about her.
Oh, AND Tom cut her arm off. That's not cool.
And Ellie CANNOT afford to lose this game. Her whole lifestyle is on the line. More so than any of the others. She HAS to win this, otherwise she might never get another chance to financially achieve her dreams. (CURSE YOU GOVERNMENT)
So, in other words, she has to screw her relationships and strategize.
It's a completely understandable and empathetic motive, probably one even more empathetic than any of the Total Drama character's motives.
In that circumstance, as the numbers go down, does it all come down to popularity or strategy? When you're unpopular among your peers and that could be an elimination sentence, do you let that happen or do you take matters into your own hands?
So Ellie, reluctantly, goes to Fiore and Alec again to side with them on the votes. But that would just be a 3-3 tie and there was no guarantee they would survive the tiebreaker.
So their plan to solve this issue was...
Trigger Jake's insecurities and manipulate him into destroying his relationship with Tom.
Ellie was hesitant, but she was convinced it was the only option she had to save herself.
She could've instead just stolen that godforsaken immunity idol that Tom found since she knew he had it BUT I DIGRESS.
The plan works perfectly, and Jake and Tom's relationship is destroyed, resulting in an ugly break up.
But Fiore outs Ellie for her scheme, (betraying her YET AGAIN), resulting in Ellie becoming he true outcast of the group, as not only are the villains dumping her, but Jake is OUT FOR BLOOD.
Ellie apologizes to Jake for what happened, expressing her remorse for what she had done. She proved herself before as a good friend who had the best intentions and wanted to help Jake, despite not having reason to put up with him. And she betrayed that.
And I do believe that she does feel guilty over what she had done.
She doesn't get sick pleasure from hurting others like Fiore does. She simply did the deed because she felt like she had to.
But Jake not only doesn't forgive her, but he also refuses to hear out her side of the story or her reasonings, and continues to rant about how pissed he was at her THE ENTIRE EPISODE.
Even when she saves his life from a scorpion, he STILL gives her shit.
And you can TELL from her facial expressions that she was just DONE with everyone telling her she was the one that was full of shit.
And it wasn't just Jake. Earlier in the episode, Miriam called Ellie out and told her off, saying that her personally attacking Jake and Tom that was was WRONG.
And Ellie continues to DEFEND her actions instead of hearing them out, saying it was 'gameplay' and 'she needed to win' and 'friendships would've ruined her life'.
(Hypocrisy is not bad characterization. It's very human and it's very real. I'm just saying it angrily cause it's an annoying trait in real life too)
And that leads to the scene on topic, where Ellie decides NOT to repair her friendship with Jake. She decides to ditch it, vouch for herself, and defend herself to the very end, even at the cost of Jake's psyche.
She's too caught up in justifying herself that her judgement and remorse earlier is completely clouded, and her empathy is secondary to her ambition and greed.
It's a tragic "She's too far gone" moment.
Now in her defense, (Yeah, I know), nobody was even trying to listen to her or understand her. They all merely only cared about their own personal feelings, and what they wanted from her. JAKE MOST OF ALL.
So due to her interactions with Jake before to understand who he was, she knew very well what his setbacks were and used them to her advantage to hit him where it hurt.
So no, I do not believe Ellie is making assumptions about Jake when she makes her rant in this moment. She KNOWS what she's talking about, and I think she genuinely believes, in her mind, that she is telling Jake what he needs to hear...
But uh... OH BOY NO.
I'm sorry girl, but NO.
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On the other side of this, we have Jake.
Idk if Jake is a young adult or a late teenager, somebody's gonna have to clarify that for me. He joined the show while his beloved grandmother, who he claims was the only person in his life who truly understood him, was bedridden. At the start of the show, he joined with the intent of attempting to win the show and help her out...
Unfortunately, in the middle of the season, she passed away. So...
Yeah, that's heartbreaking, I have to imagine.
At the start of the show, he's basically the 'shy but sweet and kind cinnamon roll with a bite'. He was working with Tom, his crush, as the ones doing the heavy lifting in getting survival supplies for the group, and was the only one on that team who attempted friendly socialization with his teammates.
And yes, I mean that. Tom was more hostile due to his job, Miriam was the cranky old lady who pushed away everyone, Dan only cared about alliances, Grett was a bad bitch, Gabby was an outcast, and Drew... couldn't even talk.
It was JAKE who was trying to form genuine bonds with some of the people around him, seeing the best in them. He saw through Tom's mask right from the start and supported his leadership of the team, and he was the only one who showed kindness to Miriam even when she pushed him away.
And while I would NOT consider Jake a good strategic player of the game, that's also because he had no intention to 'use' anybody. He just wanted to form bonds with them.
He read to me as someone who craves bonds. Love. In all forms.
He says that his grandmother was the only one who truly understood him. Which implied that the rest of family... might not be the most loving people. Do I think it's an abusive household? No. But rather one that sounds... cold. Distant.
Or maybe they're homophobic. Idk.
I mean, he calls this 'Shawn' guy over his own parents. Even Grett called her parents, and her parents are shit. (Idk who Shawn is, whether that's a friend or a sibling. Someone needs to clarify that for me.)
There's also Jake's anxieties around cemeteries. His grandfather passed away when he was a kid, and he would always go with his family to send flowers. Which surrounded him with death and loss... how god knows how many years. Idk, if forcing a child to be around a place that gives them anxiety all the time doesn't scream a cold and misunderstanding parent, idk what does.
I feel like it was that episode where the signs started to show, that "OH. This boy is NOT a cinnamon roll. He's got issues."
And then as the season went on, he shows a lot more... uh... FLAWS.
Yeah, I know, a flawed character? That's like having the plague.
He has a lot of anxieties about certain things, such as his own fears of death and loss (probably why he decided "It's a perfect time to join a reality show!"), and with people possibly using him.
It's implied that the time between this and the show is narrow. Jake was previously in a toxic relationship that fell apart when his ex, (not named), cheated on him. He couldn't get over it, and they split.
This may also be my angsty brain talking and I'm reading too much into it, but he also says when talking about the subject he "got hurt". And during the Episode 10 'believing the lie' segment, he expresses concern about how EVERYONE sees him as an idiot they can use. They can CONTROL him. They ALL take advantage of him and deceive him for their own gain.
No, it's not S/A, there's no hints of that sort of thing, but that still heavily implies that this previous relationship caused... quite a bit of PTSD from what happened in such.
So... yeah, it drives my point further that Jake is an anxious paranoid bean who just wants to be loved by people. Above all else.
He succeeds at forming a bond with Miriam and getting her to open up to everyone, and she even calls him 'the grandchild she never had'. He also forms a bond with Tom, gets a crush on him, and gets him to open up about his intentions, and scars, and not be ashamed of them. They even kiss. How wholesome.
And then it's revealed to Jake that Tom is a spy, and has been lying to Jake this whole time about such...
And he BLOWS UP at Tom's face about it.
Yeah, so Jake may or may not be very impulsive and emotional.
This man DOES NOT think before he speaks. He holds a lot of grudges. He has no problem speaking his mind. And he loves to talk about his own past experiences with others, regardless if they ask, to 'bond' with them to get them to understand him better.
(He just like me fr)
While Tom is part of the blame too, because... he lied. Jake soured their relationship by not hearing him out and continued to lash out.
And then Ellie joined the team after a swap with her and Grett, and she quickly becomes acquainted with Jake. She notices Jake's conflict with Tom, and she offers to understand his side of the story. He tries to brush her off, not wanting to do yet another trauma dump, but she insists, and assures him that she's very respectful and understanding.
And so she's the one to give Jake the advice to hear out Tom's side of the story, apologize, and try to mend their bond. Advice he actually takes, as he apologizes to Tom, several times, and fully confesses to his selfishness in the situation.
Tom shuts him down several times because... it's Tom. But at least on Jake's end, he's the one to take the first step in admitting his wrongs and making up for it.
It was thanks to Ellie, a newfound friend, that was able to get through to him and get him to cool off. And I feel like it's because of her doing that, that he stuck up for her and refused to vote her.
Going back to Jake seeing good in people, Jake was the only one besides Gabby who didn't join the popular crowd in voting Ellie. He saw that she was not a bad person and willingly gave her a chance when no one else did.
Again, besides Gabby, but Gabby already knew Ellie before Ellie joined the team. So it's even more impressive for Jake, who just met her.
As impulsive, paranoid, and messy Jake is, it NEVER came across to me as he WANTS to be that way. These are all coping mechanisms to people constantly using him and deceiving him throughout his life that are on autopilot. He thinks emotionally. And said emotions cloud is better judgement.
Oh gee, it's almost like he's a human being.
So... imagine how Jake feels when the friend that helped him comes up to him and says that his crush is a scumbag who is using him.
Just like his ex did...
Yeah, that's gonna trigger some PTSD and cause Jake to act irrationally.
In Jake's defense (again), he DID consider that maybe something wasn't right, that it was a lie, and that Tom wouldn't do this to him. But it was Ellie who kept on gaslighting him with his own trauma to prevent him from pursuing a conversation with Tom.
So... yeah. I really can't blame Jake for not talking to Tom about it, cause, uh... he NEVER had the chance. Ellie wouldn't let him have the chance. What was he supposed to do?
But Jake DID ultimately fall for the trap and believed the lie, which was the driving force of giving the villains the opening they needed to vote off Tom...
...with the deciding factor being Jake's own vote on Tom. That he likely did as a throwaway vote.
Yeah, and then Ellie gets outed by Fiore as the one who lied, deceived, and used him, personally using his trauma to destroy the relationship he formed. And once it's outed it's already too late, as Jake is only left to BEG for forgiveness that he does not get, as Tom denounces their relationship entirely.
Ellie used him. Ellie took advantage of him. Ellie ruined what he had. Ellie caused this.
So is it any wonder that Jake is pissed at her? I know I would be.
This was very personal shit for him. His relationship with Tom was something special for him. It was a rekindling of love, and validating for Jake that he could help someone for the better and bond with them. And in a day, it's all gone, with only Jake being the one blamed.
All because a so called 'friend' wanted money.
So of course Jake is not going to hear Ellie out at all, or forgive her. To him, this is just Ellie showing her true colors. That she's just like everyone else who hurt him and used him and controlled him.
Jake does NOT have to forgive Ellie for that. That's his choice. Especially if he's upset with her.
What really surprised me was Jake's offer forgive Ellie by giving him immunity.
This could mean two things: One, he genuinely wants to cool off and give her another chance. Or Two, he's testing her and seeing if she'd choose friendship over the money.
I think it could be both.
Either way, she declines his offer, and then begins to SHAME him for everything he's been feeling the entire episode.
"You can't shame Ellie. Ellie's not the one at fault for you losing Tom. It was YOU."
"It's YOUR fault, Jake."
"You deserved it, Jake."
"You're an annoying piece of shit, and no one will ever love you."
And... well, I think his face at the end said it all. That HURT him.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jake has gained even MORE PTSD from his experience on the show, and this in particular.
And I wouldn't be surprised if Jake is ten times worse in another season because of these experiences. Hostile, whining, difficult to work with, and not trusting anyone ever again. And also self loathing cause he'd think no one would want him or love him anyway.
But that was 'calling out'. Wouldn't that make Jake want to be better instead of regress as worse than he was before?
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Well, here's my beef, if this was supposed to be 'Ellie calling Jake out' it did NOT work as that. That instead came across as shaming.
The reason I analyzed both characters was so you could understand that I am not trying to glorify one or the other. Especially when I say this.
‘Girlboss moment’ this is definitely not.
Ellie ditching Alec? That was a great girlboss moment. Dude deserved it. And she didn’t have to shame him for how shit he treats his family to do it.
But THIS?!
I’m sorry, but everything she said in that speech was quite bullshit and not well thought out.
Now, I am all for Jake getting called out. Like I said, there ARE things worth calling out. Jake DOES deserve to get called out for certain traits.
But this is not how you do it.
So let me debunk all these lines:
"You know what? You can eat shit and die."
That’s a death threat.
Plain and simple.
“Eat shit and die” IS a death threat.
This woman gave him a death threat.
"And 'Boo Hoo, Aww, I Got Cheated On'. Grow the hell up, Jake."
Okay, 50/50
On the one hand, Jake does whine about his personal life. A lot.
On the other hand, this is also downplaying Jake’s trauma with that issue. Regardless on how you feel about it, it clearly has an effect on them and shouldn’t be brushed off as ‘oh they’re just being whiny’.
How would you like it if I downplayed YOUR issues, Ellie?
“Boo hoo, I’m in debt and I can’t follow my dreams and I’m an outcast” Grow up Ellie.
"You say you're a victim, but you're really just a sponge for drama."
Um… except he IS a victim?
I’m sorry, but think about it.
Idk the full details of Jakes previous relationship, but I think getting cheated on definitely counts as being a victim of that circumstance.
Don’t act like that’s not him being a victim when you’re the orchestrator.
Also “You’re really just a sponge for drama”. And you aren’t? And Fiore isn’t? And Grett isn’t? And Tom isn’t?
I guess Ellie didn’t witness the majority of her team getting eliminated because of a child being a sponge for drama.
"You feed off the smallest setbacks, acting as if the world's against you."
For that to be true, Jake would actively be doubling down on every time he’s ever yelled at someone for something. Except that’s not the case.
For that to be true, he would never recognize he’s at fault and apologize over and over. Except that’s not the case.
For that to be true, he wouldn’t care for Miriam in the beginning. Of Tom. Or you.
"Tom probably saw it too. You have no right to shame me."
He DOES have a right to shame you.
This is STRAIGHT UP Ellie saying “It’s not my fault, it’s yours, because I said so. You can’t blame me.”
"After you voted out Gabby, I never pulled this on you, cause I have some sense to not be a dick."
Again, Jake came clean to you about voting Gabby. And you were cool with it. You said it yourself. This is the only time you’ve ever shown beef about that.
AND Fiore Alec and Grett betrayed your trust cause you didn’t know they were gonna vote Gabby. So you’re gonna blame JAKE? Okay??
Also, what analogy is that supposed to be?
Supposedly she’s comparing this to Tom’s elimination. But those eliminations are not comparable.
Did Jake toy with your personal feelings and relationship with Gabby to vote her off? No?
"Maybe if you weren't so annoying, your boyfriend wouldn't have cheated on you."
This is something SO VILE, that I actually physically cannot understand it if you tell me that’s a ‘good roast’.
That is not what this is. Again, this is SHAMING.
This whole thing is her shaming Jake for his trauma and digging it in his head that he deserved all of it. Because ‘he’s annoying’.
Ellie doesn’t know WHY the ex cheated on Jake (unless Jake told her off screen). Maybe it was because the ex found Jake annoying, idk. BUT THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE.
That triggers so much more of the trauma in that moment as ‘he left you because you were annoying’, and definitely brought back some shit.
Imagine someone who knows that you were abused by someone tells you that because they don’t like a certain trait of yours, you deserved the abuse. NO. NO ONE DESERVES TO HAVE THIS STUFF HAPPEN TO THEM, REGARDLESS IF YOU HATE THEIR CHARACTER.
That doesn’t mean abused people can’t be bad people. Nor does past abuse excuse bad actions. But it’s something that at least shouldn’t be shamed because, in what world, is abuse the victims fault?
Saying this stuff to someone makes the person’s psyche so much worse. They not only feel attacked, but it’s a kick starter to a lot of dangerous self loathing and anxiety, which could lead to them acting worse.
How do I know this? Because I’ve been there personally.
Yeah that’s another reason why I was so hurt by this scene. It just did a lot of personal flashes in my head. I’m in a better place now, but in terms of my past in school as a teen, I was Jake. I was whiny, impulsive, beefed with all my bullies, and loved to rant to strangers. The reason being that the school environment was giving me so much anxiety and problems, and no one wanted to help me. I was a pain in the ass and everyone hated me. Some would even say it aloud knowing I was in hearing range “I can’t stand *my real name*” “I know, right? She’s so annoying!” Most of them would bully and harass me KNOWING I would react emotionally and just wanted a kick out of it.
I wasn’t cheated on. That never happened to me. But I did have a toxic friendship that lasted for years. I got hurt very badly. I was used, manipulated for my attempted kindness, shamed whenever anything good happened-it was not good. Then they got into drugs and I left before I could fall victim too. Idk where they are now and I don’t care.
And then the teachers, AKA, the adults, sided with them and not me and joined in on shaming me. Even stopping the whole activity just to talk down to me and discredit me.
So… you can imagine the flashbacks I got from watching this scene.
Bottom line is, I got help, I moved out, and I like to think I’m a much better and more mature person now. Still struggle with anxiety though.
But hey, I guess there was no other way Ellie could’ve approached that.
Oh wait no. Because there’s ANOTHER ‘calling out’ scene in the SAME episode.
The one where Miriam calls out Ellie for her personal attacks.
Miriam didn’t go after Ellie’s personal stuff at all in that. She was calm, she listened to Ellie’s defenses, and she countered them accordingly. It was clear she was saying that with good intentions to help Ellie recognize her mistakes. Ellie didn’t listen, but that’s not Miriam’s fault.
THAT is how you call out a loved one for their wrong actions. You have to consider their feelings, tell when what they did wrong, and be there to help them improve in themselves.
You don’t shame personal stuff like this.
Now, I’m not saying that the scene is bad writing. Maybe Ellie going at this the wrong way IS the intention of the scene and we’re supposed to not side with her. But if that was the case wouldn’t everyone be saying she crossed a line here? Regardless if you’re an Ellie Stan or not.
For Jake especially, Miriam would be the harsh judge I imagine to call him out on his actions and behavior, to have him recognize that he was part of the blame for Tom leaving him. That he was stupid, impulsive, and there was a reason he’s so easy to be taken advantage of.
I got a talking down like that from my own parents, and it really opened my eyes to how shitty I was.
So I feel like this scene is gonna have significant consequences to Jake’s psyche. As much as I would love to see Jake realize his faults and redeem into a better person, I have a gut feeling that’s not where this direction is going and he’s just gonna get worse until everyone hates him.
It just won’t be in Season 1 because it’s close to the end and Jake is… you know…
Ellie has far more routable motivations than Jake does. But she went at this the absolute wrong way.
Should’ve just stole the idol.
And you know what’s worse than not stealing the idol? SHE DIDNT EVEN NEED TO DO THIS.
It was BECAUSE of this scene that she lost the challenge! If she actually WAS all about gameplay, she would have just said ‘no’ to Jakes offer, shoved him, and left. And she would’ve won. BUT NO.
If you ask me, writing wise, Ellie should’ve just gotten the immunity. I think that would’ve made a lot more sense than Alec snagging it last minute. Jake and Ellie were never voting together anyway.
They could’ve. But it’s because of their own issues that they refused, didn’t see the light, and caused this whole thing.
Huh. I guess that’s why the scene is called ‘Lights Out’.
Anyway, there’s my rant. Fuck this scene.
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kwaggysshardmindemporium · 2 months ago
Okay so all my fellow Arcane fans Riot uploaded a cinematic that seems to simultaneously be a preview for the next show and for League's next ranked season. (To be clear, this is not any kind of announcement for the next show's release date.) Even without any concrete news it's still pretty hype.
For some reason I've decided to do a breakdown of the characters in here for people with less familiarity with this nonsense than me below the break:
First and foremost I really like most of the redesigns. Most. Not gonna lie I hate what they did to Vlad but also Vlad sucks so who cares. Everything else, aces I love it.
Bit of a primer on Noxus as a setting: think ancient Rome if they had the aesthetics of the barbarians who *sacked* ancient Rome. They bill themselves as a true meritocracy where you get by on your own strength and wit or you fucking die. This has exactly all the problems you immediately just thought of with that philosophy. Riot keeps trying to make them a nuanced counterbalance to their in-setting rival nation Demacia, but can't seem to escape the pull of how bad guy coded everything about them was when the game first came out.
First character to appear is Mel. I'm not recapping Mel. If you're reading this, it's probably because you like Arcane and know who the fuck Mel is. She rules, moving on.
Couple of characters who appear in more detail further in. We'll get to them.
That dude with the huge fuckoff axe is Darius. Higher-up in the Noxian military. Boring as shit. This trailer is literally the coolest he's ever been in anything they've done with him and he's only kinda interesting here. He has a brother who is roughly eight gazillion times more fun to talk about but does not appear in this trailer. He's (Darius) basically the stereotypical square-jawed slab of meat hero, if such a guy was from a place run by shitbags incentivizing shitbaggery.
The dude he's fighting? That's Trundle. Not from Noxus, but the neighboring country of Freljord. He's king of the trolls, and also a servant/thrall/pawn of one of the ladies vying for power over that region. He's a brute and a villain and words cannot describe my seething contempt for the retcons that occurred to *make* him a brute and a villain but that's its own post.
That lady dancing in a mask then busting out some knives? That's Katarina. She's the daughter of a major Noxian noble who was assassinated, and she's on a vengeance quest to find his killer and return the favor. She has an on-again off-again thing with a character not in this trailer who acts as Darius's foil, a bodyguard/minion also not appearing named Talon, and a sister who's half snake. I literally do not know what the present lore reason for the sister being a snake is these days because I know it's been retconned and I haven't checked.
The spider lady she's fighting? That's Elise. I *think* she's a member of the Black Rose (mentioned in Arcane S2 but not fleshed out much) but don't quote me. Her whole thing is luring nobles who want a piece of that action off to their deaths when she does all sorts of evil sacrifices with them.
And lastly, we have Vladimir and LeBlanc. Vlad looks like a vampire but very explicitly isn't. He's a blood mage. Which is a totally different thing. Totally different. 100% not the same thing. He just looks talks dresses and acts like Count Dracula for fun and because it's kind of on vibe with the whole blood magic thing. (I'm making fun of them not making him a vampire in setting, but not exaggerating.) He works for LeBlanc.
And LeBlanc. She's a master manipulator and illusionist, head of the Black Rose. Honestly, she doesn't have a ton a of development beyond "she effectively rules Noxus from the shadows with an army of altar egos she can illusion herself into." So I cannot fucking wait to see what they do with her. Like, right before Arcane S2 dropped a buddy of mine asked me what I'd want them to do next and my number one answer WAS "a Game of Thrones-y drama in Noxus with LeBlanc as either a main protagonist or a main antagonist." This is exactly what I wanted. My personal hype is through the fucking roof.
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bioethicists · 1 year ago
Your post about unfollowing people who’re really combative online made me think about someone in particular. Apologies if this is out of nowhere so feel free to ignore.
If somebody (with thousands of followers) who isn’t a part of a specific marginalised group habitually seeks out bad takes regarding them to dunk on, isn’t that a little weird? I’m not talking about defending your friends when they’re facing discrimination or dunking on the main bigot character of the day, but regularly seeking out bad takes from small accounts that’d otherwise never seen the light of day.
It’s nobody on here I’m referencing. I feel a little crazy because this person gets heralded as a huge ally and has a lot of people in this marginalised group who’re really devoted to and defensive of them but it just really rubs me the wrong way because they seem really discourse-brained more than anything else.
yeah haha ironically i think some of the ppl on that post are seriously missing the point (which i probably could have made clearer) in terms of some of them are like. people who clearly think being told they're racist is the same as the type of behavior i'm talking about.
but also yes! this is more what i meant- people who are seeking out fights with those who would otherwise never get any attention! especially when it's takes that are NOT popular or the response is just totally disproportionate. or just building a social media brand off of over-exaggerated hatred/meanness towards people who "deserve it". it reminds me of all the cis people on here who constantly reblog shit about like... putting terfs in meat grinders but then never even lift a finger (or, more likely, are part of the mob) when trans women are sexually harassed or viciously bullied.
i don't think joking about harming bigots is some grand moral wrong, but it's often just gratuitous in a way where... are you actually expressing outrage or are you using the performance of outrage to get followers? what if that outrage is directly putting people in danger (e.g, if you find a terf with 45 followers + start sending her death threats, is that helping anyone or is it potentially provoking more violence, which you know full well you will NOT be the primary target of). i can see how this behavior can result in members of certain groups defending you, because if nobody has shown their willingness to defend you, isn't it refreshing to see someone who will? it's not so simple, either, cuz i do think ppl who do this do CARE, but i'm not sure the way that they care is sustainable or would hold up to a real, complex situation where allyship is needed.
it's so contextual + i'm not arrogant enough to pretend like i'm the one who can see the context right 100% of the time. this is a little sappy but i feel like the difference is whether the root of the anger is love/hope or if its fulfilling your own desire to lash out/release tension/look good. like "i'm pissed because i care about my trans siblings + it hurts me to see them treated this way + nobody else is saying shit for them so i'm stepping up" vs "raging online meets a need in me that i'm not willing to acknowledge + here's the perfect target". not exactly that simple but sometimes u can tell someone would be a kiwifarms bro if they didn't need social capital from a different crowd, ykwim (which btw we regularly learn that certain leftists will comb through + disseminate kiwifarms shit if it fits their vibe, which is an automatic red flag to me that you only care about drama, not morals)
it reminds me of how some "callouts" are clearly written with the intention of preventing harmful people from maintaining the power to do more harm (e.g x popular artist sexts underage fans) while many others are clearly written with glee about someone turning out to be Bad (e.g x popular artist has a private twitter that i, op, SCROUNGED to find, where they say horny things about genshin impact characters)
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sparkanonymous · 1 year ago
I didn't see! But episodes 7 and 8 got uploaded! YES!! Time for some more notes!
⚠️ Total Drama Reboot Season 2 Spoilers Below ⚠️
Episode 7
Damn, Priya has some muscle to catch Caleb.
Why did Zee sound different? Am I going crazy? Also, why was he watching them?
I'm... I'm sorry? JULIA, MK, your gay. Is. Showing! Holy fuck.
Damien teaching a squirrel how to finger gun.
Chris did not hesitate to traumatize the campers. Fake killing his husband? No.
Why did they bring back the "is it real or is it cake" thing? I thought that trend ended years ago.
Look, I understand we need more interactions from the campers, but I always hated when the teacher would pick who we would work with.
Julia and MK just... they won't stop flirting.
Ah, so we have Zeemien and Priyaleb as a team. Perfect! (This is not sarcasm. I actually quite like it.)
So, for Chris to choose the teams, that just means that he's picking all the characters that have already interacted? That's pretty fucking lame. We needed some new interactions. I'm assuming that they did this just because there would've been practically nothing to work off of, though.
Wait, so when did Wayne and Raj figure out that Julia was behind Bowie's elimination? Did I miss something?
I like how Raj and Wayne just immediately accepted that Julia was just a part of their team and then immediately started torturing her by ping pong-ing her between their chests. Their dynamic is everything.
I'm so glad to see him, but he really should've gotten a different design. Also, I thought that these were two separate realities?
Oh, who fucking cares? IT'S OWEN!
I'm so happy to see Priya's knowledge on the show get used again, but why would she have studied Owen's moves in particular? Maybe she means his personality? Like, they're both pretty friendly. He was kind of a dumbass, though, as evident by the next scene.
Dawg, it's obviously cake. You of all characters would be the first to figure that out.
Owen's voice sounds kind of different. Like... it sounds younger. Did he change VAs? I'm going crazy, aren't I?
Ripper doggy paddling.
Both Wayne and Raj do not hesitate to beat up other contestants. Wayne might not understand what a battle cry is, but he charged at Priya and smacked her pretty good. Raj's kick could have probably broken MK's jaw if he had kicked just a tiny bit harder.
Holy shit, Damien could've killed Wayne had he not aimed correctly. He didn't even seem hesitant, either. That was a trident, dude!
Oh my god... a "This is Sparta" reference in 2023?
Julia kicking Raj and Wayne off the boat because of their dumbassery.
Damn, raw ingredients?
Raj and Wayne
Poor Chef.
"Very good, Owen; that IS the sound a doggy makes!" LMAO
Raj and Wayne... is it gonna be another double elimination with these two? They're basically asking to get voted off at this point, my god.
Yeah. I like Wayne and Raj. But yell at them, Julia!
Owen listening to the confessionals.
Chef showing his cooking knowledge. Look, he might make disgusting food, but he still knows something about cooking.
I like how MK and Julia are both suffering on separate teams, especially after that fruity ass scene at the beginning of the episode.
Wayne apparently knowing something about chickens. Interesting!
More bird trauma for the hockey bros.
The sad way Julia said MK when she sicked Owen on her.
Poor Raj and Wayne.
Axel, Ripper, wtf
Chef was so excited to help MK, and then he doesn't even help.
Actually, I hope Axel and Ripper are the double elimination. This is disturbing.
I'm sorry, MK did WHAT to fix her brother's posture? That was a fucking STICK in a CAKE.
Julia is such a kiss ass.
Caleb being smart.
"I don't know which Chris to eat!"
Damn, Damien is good at cake sculpting. He's still a kiss ass, but considering he's probably never sculpted a cake before...
MK foreshadowing killing Chris.
Owen taking cake Chef home with him... it's just canon.
"I biffed it good today." "Well, as long as you know."
Wait, Axel got eliminated? Not Ripper? After the whole sweat thing.
No, Axel and Ripper break up? Ripper sounded so fucking genuinely upset.
Episode 8
Poor Damien. So desparate to keep the idol.
Caleb... running his fingers through her.
MK, why were you looking for Julia all morning? And why do you look so sad to think that Julia might be avoiding you?
What the hell, Zee? I want the girlfriends to talk, and you're back there eating your pants. :(
Zee, you really did say too much. MK and Julia are going to destroy you, and then the rest of the camp.
What the hell? Julia and MK trying to scare the secret out of him.
"Zee, I need to tell you something." "Please don't." "It's about Caleb!" "No, I don't wanna know-" The delivery from Zee, LMAO
Priya is so cute. But Zee is clearly struggling, girl. Poor Zee.
Zee, at least grab another pair of pants to put on your ass.
Julia able to carry the giant coin, but MK not being able to. MK is so unathletic. I'm actually kinda glad to see that diversity.
Priya obsessively brushing her teeth just to prepare for a possible kiss from Caleb...
Wayne and Raj unintentionally making the game so much more difficult.
Caleb catching the rock to save Priya. The timing to move for the kiss was a little too quick, though. And then she gets crushed by rocks. If they treated this like Raj and Wayne's injuries from last season, she'd be going home with a concussion and casts, but I know they won't.
Zee, don't fall for Julia's fake concern!
The fucking glare he sent Julia after stuffing a squirrel in his mouth. He knew what she was trying to get out of him.
Raj, you would've heard him falling.
"Why does it feel like something terrible is about to happen?" "Yeah, Chris's face gives everyone that feeling." LMAO Caleb serving something here.
"That looks... not safe." Caleb, nothing in Total Drama is safe.
"Relax, rabbits are supposed to jump." "... not that high."
Raj, just put your coin in the slot. "If you want me to go ahead without you, say nothing!" Well... at least that was resolved lol
Wayne, where are you going? Also, surfer Wayne. Canon.
Caleb calling Priya his girl. Possessive? Yes. Is it still cute? Also yes.
Zee using a fucking tire to block his mouth.
Julia's fucking evil face when Zee ran past.
Raj landing on the table in front of Chef and Chris.
"Did I win?" "No! And where is Wayne?!" He sounded so genuinely concerned.
I really don't like the music that keeps getting played when Caleb and Priya are about to kiss. What happened to the original romance que from Total Drama Island? That was WAY better.
Duncan and Courtney posters? They're REALLY trying to bring the nostalgia back. "The OG power couple." Yeah, maybe in the first season. After that, they were the absolute worst. (I'm kind of a Duncney hater.)
Poor Damien. They're playing on his trauma with Scary Girl :(
"Would that be good or bad?" "It can be both! That's what makes this show so magical!" He knows.
Also, why would Chef allow Chris to add the jackhammer bit? That is obviously dangerous, and he wouldn't have allowed these campers to go through that last season...
"Thanks for the ride!" "Reeeeal fresh this week." I'm loving this episode.
MK's a gamer girl? Does that mean she'll be Julia's gamer girlfriend?
MK lunging forward to bit Caleb's calf... I'm sorry, who did you say was an animal, MK?
Poor Wayne.
The overdramatic kissing scene... ugh, I hate it.
Damien celebrating Priya and Caleb finally kissing. He wasn't paying attention that much throughout the season, nor has he really interacted with either of them, but he's still such a sweetheart.
Asexual MK?
Zeemien break up.
ZEE SHUT THE FUCK UP. Okay, he's getting eliminated.
Wait, why is Raj a hockey bag sniffer? ... We just gonna skip by that? ... Okay...
Damien, you're the neat freak. What the hell.
Why did anyone tell Zee their secrets? Most of them don't even hang out, nor would have told a soul those things. What?
All of them glaring at Caleb. That's awesome.
Caleb, you ran after Priya. You had plenty of time to explain yourself, especially since it was still day, and the campfire doesn't happen until night.
Julia, you're no better.
They put more marshmallows on the platter just to throw more at Priya.
Okay, at least Caleb is still here. At least for another episode. More drama.
Aight, that's it. I really hope the next episodes have fewer problems coming out next week.
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krysmcscience · 1 year ago
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Brown, Red, and Green raised a kid together? Probably, because there's no fuckin' way that kid would end up normal by any stretch of the word, and it would be absolutely hilarious to watch the assured family drama unfold.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if the kid they raised came from an entirely different canon universe altogether? Probably not, but that's what's about to happen in this fukken post, because in an alternate timeline, the kid these three adopted turned out to be Shio. (Yes, that Shio - the one whose canonical appearance typically requires a Body Horror warning. If you want additional context about who tf Shio is, there’s a simple summary of them in this post (some of the deets for other characters is, kinda outdated or wildly inaccurate now, ahaha, C A M), or you can read the WIP for the novel they’re from here. Although, there’s some good or bad news if you take the latter route, depending: Shio doesn’t show up until the end of chapter three, and you already have hella spoilers going in, LOL.)
That being said, get ready for some family photos of our favorite trio of gay space pirates, who have managed to accidentally adopt an impostor baby from a whole other universe, which is a totally normal and average thing to happen to anyone ever, no big deal. Pay no attention to the fact that their brand new impostor baby used to be a literal war criminal, one who attempted to rage-quit life so hard over being dumped that the creation deity of their universe took one long look at them and decided, 'Ya know what would be funny? Resetting this piece of shit back to Babby Status without any memories whatsoever of who they used to be, and then tossing them out into space for a trio of some of the biggest chaosmongers in this other reality’s existence to stumble across and adopt because they think they've just found some weird cute animal, rather than a fully sapient being that is going to molt into what looks like a human baby in a little less than two years. That would be So Fucking Funny and it needs to happen Right Now.'
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'Look at how tiny and cute and huggable this lil guy is, surely they will stay this way forever~' Oh, Brown, you poor sweet naive little man. Shio's only three here, they've got plenty of time to grow. >:3c
Plenty of time to grow and decide that they're more of a 'he' than a 'they' this time around, even.
Sweet/sad fact about Brown - he refuses to allow a child of his to go without love and support because of the way he lacked those things growing up (and in general). Hilarious fact about Brown to follow that up with, though - that does not mean he will be responsible and NOT put his all into teaching his child to become a notorious space pirate just like him (with - of course - the Full Backing of Green and Red). So, Shio might not become a war criminal, per se, but, uh. He is Definitely still gonna wind up becoming a criminal. <:]
Yes, Red's shirt says 'Puppy Cannon', and it is indeed a reference to 'Party Cannon', why do you ask? Shio's shirt, meanwhile, says 'Squish Bab', whereas Brown's says 'I woke up like this (48 hours ago)', and Green's gauges have 'BlaXk HUle' on them. (Crinkle assures me it's pronounced the same as 'black hole', and while my brain understands this logically, my eyeballs still have doubts.)
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'Well, Shio has gotten bigger and taller than me despite him only being 13, but surely he won't get any bigger than this, right???' Keep dreaming, Brown, this isn't even Shio's final form size.
Has Shio already accompanied his parents on several heists and raids on MIRA property while in some manner of disguise by now? Not according to any of Devon's paperwork. Which Shio helps with on a consistent basis to give his parents some alone time. And who wouldn't trust the beloved Admiral's part-time assistant~? He's such a calm, quiet, and responsible young man~ ;) Pay no mind to the fact that, against Red's wishes and to Green's not-so-secret delight, Shio and Brown have recently and very intentionally caused a full-blown society-wide panic back in Shio's old universe, thanks in part to them learning about his past life and making a series of videos on social media entitled 'Shio Survived So Get Ready For ~Kill All Humanity PART TWO~ LOL'.
In case it's not fully legible, Brown's shirt reads 'I went to another universe and all I stole was my *awesome kid* (and 50 thousand dollars) ... (and a car)'. Meanwhile, Green's 'Slutstomper' gauges are in reference to an absolutely raunchy electropop band from Shio's ex-universe. Red's shirt will be revealed in the next photo, and I can assure you, he does not understand what it means the way Green and Brown do, and it was all Green's idea because he just has, you know. So much class.
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'I can't believe my son can lift and carry all three of his parents like it's nothing now. I'm so mad, yet I couldn't be prouder.' People who knew Shio before they got reset tried to warn you that they were an Absolute Unit, Brown, but you didn't listen. This is what happens when you don't listen. 23 years later, you wind up with an adoptive son who can easily pick up not just you, but both of your boyfriends along with you.
Has Shio gone back for another visit to their old universe with Brown by now to fake going on a Kill All Humans crusade for the sake of causing more mass panic? ...Maybe. Did they trick Devon into letting them borrow one of his ships for this endeavor? ...Possibly. Did Red end up so furious that he made both of them do three months of community service to make up for it afterward, and banned them from letting Green go along to help them properly socialize? Well, yes - absolutely yes, in fact - but to be fair, they both knew Green would have spent most of his time there being a slutty menace and flirting with everyone, anyway, and neither of them wanted to have to deal with that. They were already being punished as it was (by having to help a bunch of needy people with a smile), so, no need to make it worse for themselves.
Brown's 'Stabby Babby' shirt definitely features an angry baby holding a knife on it, but Shio's arms are in the way because he's Just That Massive. Also, I apologize for Green and Brown (but mostly myself) for allowing that Pupknot shirt to exist on poor innocent Red. In Shio's defense, he has crafted a very solid mental block around what the joke is and thus Also does not understand what it means. And in my own defense, after coming up with two other puppyfied metal band names, how could I resist the horrible joke that would come out of doing the same to Slipknot? (Okay, that's less of a defense and more of an outright admission of guilt.) As for Green's decals and patches, if anyone wants to see the full-size versions of them for whatever reason, let me know, because I put an absurd amount of work into them, and I want a reason beyond my own fragile artist ego to compile them all into a single cohesive image. Also, in regards to the 'VB' on Green's gauges and one of his patches, it stands for 'Video Bois', which is sort of an AU-canon term for their polycule (video cables = RGB = Red, Green, Brown).
Oh, wait, what's that eldritch creature way off in the background, you ask?
Don't worry about it. :)
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