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spatial-jump ¡ 7 months ago
Spoilers for all episodes of the Umbrella Academy Season 4 and profanity below.
What the actual fuck was that finale?? Was I watching the same thing directors looked at and went, “Yeah, this is cool!”
Those last two episodes were a total shit show. An absolutely horrendous finale to a wonderful TV show.
The first thing I am so fucking pissed about is how they’ve written Five in this season. They ruined him. They tore apart the aloof apocalypse-obsessed arsehole who loves his family, destroyed it, spat on it, and then danced on the grave before crushing it under an anvil.
In no fucking timeline whatsoever would Five and Lila be a thing. I understand where some people would come from to defend it — that yes, they were both isolated for seven years and could only find company in each other, distorting their relationship as they sought comfort which mistakenly and incorrectly transpired into ‘love’. No, it’s messed up. It’s so fucking messed up and creates unnecessary drama that the writers probably wanted since they were undeniably lacking in the finale. When I first saw the camera angles and shots they were getting prior to Year Five in the subway, I was naïvely thinking, “Surely not. Please don’t tell me this is where I think it’s going.” And lo and behold, I was right. And I’ve never hated to be right so much in my entire life.
Lila (WHO HAS THREE ADORABLE CHILDREN WITH DIEGO, BY THE WAY) has known Five for absolutely ages — since he was in the body of a thirteen-year-old child. Mentally, he’s however many decades older. Regarding the actors, Aidan and Ritu, themselves, there is a fifteen-year gap between them. But my point is, Five is not a home-wrecker. Five is the type of character who would not deliberately fuck around with his brother’s wife because he absolutely adores his family. It’s not in the nature that has been presented to us, and goes completely against his values — and for what? To serve exclusively as a shitty love triangle so that Diego and Five would fight in the finale and break up the family even more at the most crucial point for them?
Five is your textbook example of a pragmatist. He knows how to prioritise, and would certainly not decide that the time to fight Diego was when two of their siblings were badly injured and another had merged to bring about the Cleanse — a.k.a. end of the world, again.
I am so, so disappointed with this, especially as Five is the character I’ve had the strongest attachment to, ever. I think I’ve managed to disconnect S4 him from the first three (that fucking greasy rat’s nest hair of his has finally been given a beneficial purpose), but I’m still sick to my stomach.
Anyway, next thing: the episodes. I know we were told in advance about how there were only going to be six episodes, and we knew they had a lot to fit in to make it work.
It didn’t. It was executed very poorly. I understand some fans didn’t like the unnecessary subplots and fillers from the previous seasons, but S4 was a bit too rushed? I mean, they found and drank the marigold within the first episode. And floundered around at the end, not even bothering to stop the Cleanse until it had been aired on TV. I get they might’ve wanted to make the show more fast-paced, but it could’ve been handled differently. They didn’t have to do a ‘Stranger ThingsTM’ and make four goddamn films for a Part One. They just needed to properly iron out everything, and that didn’t happen, which is a massive shame.
The finale itself (not the erasing their identities, but from the moment Ben is shot) deserves some YouTuber to pick it apart with a four hour video until it’s dust. It was badly structured. Normally, you see a rather pleasant — not exactly linear, but in the concept we’re progressing positively — pattern as the episodes and plots build up to the finale. We see the family find out about an apocalypse, they fight and break off individually, then they slowly pair up, eventually coming together to save the world. This was not like that.
Instead, you had one sibling fucking around in a subway with his physically much older and mentally much younger sister-in-law, another that was hopelessly obsessed with a girl he just met (but no hate for him — no one exactly told him that being closer to Jennifer was just harming them both and the world), one germaphobe who, despite not taking drugs or drinking, is off looting money wherever he can find it and deciding that was the moment to pay off his debts??, three others doing fuck knows, and then the last one who actually gives a shit, teamed up with his hideous father, and tried to prevent him from killing Ben as long as possible because he knows what it’s like to end the world, and is therefore the only one who did anything useful. God, that was a long sentence, so I’m sorry for those of you who struggle with it.
The finale was not your Umbrella Academy finale. Once everyone had (I say this in the lightest way) been ‘brought together’, they had no bloody idea what to do. In the meantime, they’d disbanded about three times within the thirty minutes of screening because of petty fights and the drama I’ve already discussed. Five leaving them at the most essential moment (due to Lila and Diego, blah, blah, blah) was an error in his character. This old man has survived through apocalypses, the one who tries to round everyone up despite everything he has seen. Even with his doubts in the S3 finale, he was still there — and his doubts were shared enough that they created a majority. In this S4 finale, there was no majority. It was just Five, and Five alone. There were gaping holes and shredded pieces of the beautifully developed characters the show had done so well in portraying. They did this with Allison during that scene in S3, where they took her villain arc too far. There are so many flaws in this, and there is definitely many people out there who can communicate it better and more concisely, but here is my two pennies anyway.
I have a lot more thoughts, but I’m currently bone-tired. I might post another rant if I remember anything else — but don’t be too surprised if it’s Five x Lila related.
I am thankful and appreciative that the Umbrella Academy was one of the lucky shows that saw its way to the very end, but I think all of us are entitled to a little disappointment at its quality and execution as it was brought to a close.
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kimberlyshaws ¡ 2 years ago
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fivesillydandelions ¡ 7 months ago
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I'm going to miss them 😭
Via x
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glitchxs ¡ 6 months ago
So, now that it's over, and I've given everybody enough time to watch all the seasons:
I'm breaking my silence on the numbering system.
If you haven't memorized them,
Number One: Luther Hargreeves
Number Two: Diego Hargreeves
Number Three: Allison Hargreeves
Number Four: Klaus Hargreeves
Number Five
Number Six: Ben Hargreeves
Number Seven: Viktor Hargreeves
Now, since we figured out these numbers, the fandom has been all,
"Oh it's in order of powers! Luther has (or had, as a kid) the best powers! And Viktor is seven because he 'had none'."
"Oh but that doesn't make sense! Ben's power is so much cooler and more lethal than Luther's!"
Bullshit. I'm breaking my silence.
Yes, fandom, you were on the right track.. ish.
These numbers were assigned based on how easy to manipulate each sibling was. These numbers were based on how terrifying, or hilarious, Reginald Hargreeves found each sibling.
Luther was stupid, he was easily toyed with and he would listen to everything his dad said. He was number one because Reginald could do whatever he wanted with him and wasn't at risk of getting attacked or even questioned. Reginald could poke, pry, test, train, whatever he wanted with Luther easily. That's what made him number one.
Viktor, on the other hand, was disobedient. He didn't listen, he wasn't easily manipulated, he killed all the nanny's, he terrified Reginald. Hence, the last thing he could possibly think to do-- because he is a maniac control freak-- was to put a stop to it. He couldn't lose! He has to make Viktor think he's nothing.
You can figure the rest out.
(Edit: Allison being told to betray her sister and DOING SO!! Five jumping despite Reginald's permission!! Ben not wanting to go on missions!! Come on.)
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darkphoenix180 ¡ 7 months ago
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geekgirl750 ¡ 7 months ago
I know the running fan theory now is that Five's "real" name is Max, but my personal headcanon will always be that Five's name was Quinn/Quincy which means fifth son.
Cause like get it: Five's name would LITERALLY mean five!
Idk that just seems like something he would do if he had to pick a "normal" name.
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danandfuckingjonlmao ¡ 7 months ago
ok some things i LIKED about tua 4 since we all have talked exclusively about what we hated (SPOILERS AHEAD):
idc what anyone says the baby shark bit was iconic every time it came on i jammed
klaus had a comic book storyline from hotel oblivion!! let’s go source material!!
diego and luther being himbos
allison and klaus friendship
the entire birthday party scene was hilarious and fun and so THEM ok
the road trip scene that was in the trailer such iconic sibling goofy clownery they’re fucking idiots
klaus. he was in it. any time i get to see my little freak is time well spent.
incredibly unpopular opinion but i liked the ending i think they need an end from the cycle of apocalypses and suffering like they deserve a rest they’ve earned it and it was sweet that they all went together and the “i love you guys………but you’re all such fucking assholes” and then “fuck you” and everyone laughing and crying and THEN AND THEN ALL THE CHARACTERS FROM THE VARIOUS SEASONS BEING AT THE END i was SOBBING
klaus having a podcast of himself giving himself affirmations like that’s so funny
they actually gave somewhat of a shit about each other like diego was so DAD my babies have grown up but not too much they’re still fucking toddlers
lila is so pretty and funny and hot and unhinged she means so much to me
lila and klaus friendship!! lila and allison!! bonding!!
gene and jean were SUCH classic umbrella academy characters. loved them.
viktor gets all the pussy
i cannot stress how much all of the group scenes were so fucking sibling i love them ok
klaus and claire oh my god i love uncle klaus so much and he loves her so much
seeing sober klaus and how hard he tried and then the heartbreak when that went away because he’s KLAUS he’s gerard way’s trauma self insert. as much as i want klaus to be safe and content and free from all this bullshit it was just so consistent and i can appreciate that. and i cried like a little bitch it was truly devastating but it was just sooooo klaus. also getting to see him make it incredibly clear that he didn’t want his powers back—him being the ONLY ONE who didn’t want his powers back—was important to me idk. and he was LOVED like he has a family!! he is cared for!! ahhHHHHHH!! love it
claire was great and getting to see her and allison and their tumultuous relationship and their love for each other after all of these seasons of allison looking for her and just wanting to be with her daughter
klaus got dave’s dog tags <3
more flashbacks to brellie kids!!
getting answers to some series-long mysteries
the underground subway system between timelines was so fucking cool and mindfucky 100/10
klaus’s look being reminiscent of s1 sorry that was my favourite klaus look ok
their sort of evolved powers when they got them back
so many good one liners and comedic scenes
ben being a crypto bro is SO FUNNY
will add stuff as i think of it. this is incredibly out of character for me i am an eternal pessimist but i did enjoy s4 (mostly because, as an eternal pessimist, my expectations are always low) so here we are.
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As much as I hated the Lila/five pairing just on character stand points and the fact five and Lila would honestly never do that to Diego, like come on, but like if Ritu Arya was looking at me and laughing like she did in the like montage of them moving through the timelines and was trying to make the best of it by being excited about gumballs, I would end up falling in love with her just as fast as five did. Like we would all fold and fall in love with her in like .2 seconds. And don’t you even try to deny it, look at this beautiful woman and tell me you wouldn’t be heart eyes at her
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Now my opinions on how they could have done their whole thing below:
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Do I wish they had made it a ‘brother-sister companionship, as two people who truly get what the other has been through and are each others wobbly support system’ yes that would have been amazing, maybe give five a long term girlfriend in the 6 years, one who he’s having trouble connecting with because he’s been through 3 end of the worlds and 45 years alone and then the commission stuff. And in the 7 years Lila and five are trying to get home, they both connect with the other on how they feel about it all and five helps Lila understand Diego more by explaining why he is the way he is, and Lila helps five understand how to open up to his partner, and sure if you want them to kiss for whatever reason, make it like a
“Yeah that was weird right? I thought it was like a thing we had but yeah let’s never speak of this, and we do not tell Diego, I don’t need him trying to stab you” and then have a lil laugh session. And maybe five hides the notebook cause he kind of likes the life in the greenhouse but the fight is more
“I have children who need me! You have a girlfriend who loves you! We have to try.” And five being so tired of the running to save the world gets on the train, goes home but as they blink to the house five wants to go back to that peaceful world, of no running of safety in a bubble. The whole explanation of they were lost for 7 years happens, five maybe is still a bit of a dick because like emotions and things. We learn what’s happening with Ben and Jennifer.
The whole store fight happens
Maybe he takes his partner maybe he doesn’t but he ends up blinking back to the subway platform again and then we get the meeting with the other fives, we understand that the end has to be a full sacrifice of the siblings.
Five returns to the hotel, and everything continues, Lila and fives partner go to the subway, but both of them get off at the last minute. And five finds them and his partner who has been with the siblings this whole time or most of the time just shrugs cause five is what she wants and she doesn’t wanna be in a timeline unable to remember him, idk you can make something up but they all go back to the hotel, and the ending happens, but five holds his partners hand and she just smiles at him as they are erased from everything, and yeah would it be a little odd? Sure.
But it would be better then what they ended up doing which was five hurts his brother and dies feeling alone and used.
They could have had five and Lila end up romantic but turned it into something different. And they realize it’s not a thing they ever wanted really it’s more they were stuck together for so long emotions got a little hazy.
Give five someone, but don’t give him someone who is already someone else’s entire heart.
Diego and Lila have 3 kids together *4 if you count Stanley as a figurative son*
Five deserved his own person, like Luther deserved to have sloane, and Allison deserved to have Ray, Viktor deserved more time with sissy, and Klaus with Dave. You don’t have to pass one around to the others just because she’s still there. You can give us a new person for five. It’s not even the weirdest thing this show has ever done -Klaus having a cult cough cough-
They had a way to do this, and they just picked the worst timeline train to stop on.
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everlongmoxie ¡ 5 days ago
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Brellie siblings as tweets/posts I have saved to my phone pt. 2
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atriza ¡ 6 months ago
Fixed Point pt. 1
Yandere Five Hargreeves x Reader
Part 2
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Summary: Five Hargreeves becomes dangerously obsessed with Y/N, the one person who brings order to his chaotic existence. What begins as a desire to protect her quickly spirals into a twisted need to control her every move. Y/N awakens in an unfamiliar room, only to discover that Five has taken drastic measures to ensure she remains by his side forever. As Five reveals the depths of his obsession, Y/N is forced to confront the terrifying reality that she is now his fixed point in a world where nothing else matters.
Word Count: 1,200 words
Genre:Dark Romance, Psychological Thriller
Content Warning:
This story contains dark and potentially distressing themes, including obsessive behavior, violence, manipulation, and psychological distress. It portrays a relationship that is unhealthy and toxic, where one character exhibits controlling and possessive tendencies that lead to extreme actions.
If you are sensitive to these themes or find them triggering, please consider skipping this story.
Have Fun Reading!
The clock on the wall ticked steadily, a soft metronome marking the passage of time in the small, dimly lit room. Five sat in an old armchair, his eyes fixed on the woman across from him. Y/N was asleep, her breathing even, her expression peaceful—completely unaware of the storm brewing just a few feet away.
Five’s gaze traced the curve of her face, the way her hair fanned out across the pillow, the gentle rise and fall of her chest. She looked so calm, so serene, it was almost easy to forget everything that had led to this moment. Almost.
But Five couldn’t forget. He wouldn’t forget. He’d been through too much, seen too much. His life had been a series of chaotic, tangled timelines, each one more fragile than the last. But when he found Y/N, everything changed. She was the one fixed point in his otherwise turbulent existence, the one thing that made sense in a universe where nothing else did.
It had started innocently enough, or at least that’s what Five told himself. He had saved her from a mugger in a dark alley, a simple act of heroism—nothing more. But there had been something in her eyes, something that had struck a chord deep within him, something that had awakened a part of him he hadn’t even known existed.
At first, he had convinced himself that he was just keeping an eye on her, making sure she stayed safe. After all, the world was dangerous, and he was the only one who truly understood how fragile the fabric of time could be. He told himself it was his duty to protect her, to make sure she didn’t become another casualty of the chaos.
But it hadn’t taken long for his watchful eye to turn into something darker, something more obsessive. He started following her, keeping tabs on her every movement. He knew where she went, who she talked to, what she ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He knew her favorite books, her favorite songs, the way she liked her tea—everything. And the more he learned about her, the more he became convinced that she was meant to be his.
Of course, Y/N didn’t know any of this. She didn’t know that Five was watching her, guiding her life from the shadows, pulling the strings of fate to keep her close. She didn’t know about the people he had removed from her life—the friends who had suddenly moved away, the men who had inexplicably lost interest in her, the coworkers who had mysteriously been transferred.
But it was all for her, Five assured himself. It was for her safety, her happiness. If they were together, he could keep her safe. He could protect her from the dangers that lurked in every corner of the timeline.
And tonight, he would make sure she finally understood that.
Y/N stirred in her sleep, a soft sigh escaping her lips. Five’s eyes sharpened, his grip tightening on the armrests of the chair. The anticipation that had been simmering inside him for so long was finally boiling over. He rose silently from the chair, his movements as fluid and precise as ever, and crossed the small room to where she lay.
“Y/N,” he whispered, his voice soft, almost tender. He reached out, his fingers brushing against her cheek.
Her eyes fluttered open, disoriented at first, but then they focused on him, and confusion filled her gaze. “Five?” she murmured, her voice thick with sleep. “What are you…?”
“I need you to listen to me,” he said, cutting her off, his tone firm but not unkind. “I need you to understand.”
Y/N blinked, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep, but the fog in her mind was quickly replaced by a creeping sense of unease. She pushed herself up on her elbows, glancing around the unfamiliar room. “Where are we? What’s going on?”
Five didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he sat down on the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving her face. “I’ve kept you safe, Y/N. All this time, I’ve been watching over you, protecting you from the dangers of the world, from the chaos that surrounds us.”
Her confusion deepened, and she pulled the blanket tighter around herself. “What are you talking about? How did I get here?”
“You don’t need to worry about that,” he replied smoothly. “You’re safe now, with me. That’s all that matters.”
The unease in her chest turned to fear as the reality of the situation began to sink in. “Five, I…I don’t understand. Why are you doing this?”
“Because you’re important, Y/N,” he said, his voice laced with an intensity that sent chills down her spine. “You’re the only thing that matters in this entire damned timeline. Everything else is just noise, just chaos. But you…you’re my constant. My fixed point.”
Y/N’s heart raced, her mind scrambling to make sense of his words. She had known Five was different, that there was something dark and dangerous lurking beneath his cool exterior, but she had never imagined this. “This isn’t right,” she said, her voice trembling. “You can’t just…take me like this.”
“I’m not taking you,” Five corrected, his tone almost patient, as if he were explaining something to a child. “I’m saving you. This world is falling apart, Y/N. You’ve seen it. The people, the violence, the chaos. It’s all spiraling out of control. But I can fix it. We can fix it, together. You just need to trust me.”
She shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. “This isn’t fixing anything, Five. This is madness.”
For a moment, a flicker of something—pain? regret?—crossed Five’s face. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by the cold determination that had driven him for so long. “You don’t see it now, but you will,” he said softly. “In time, you’ll understand. And when you do, you’ll thank me.”
Before she could protest, before she could do anything, Five leaned in, his lips brushing against her forehead in a gesture that was almost tender. “Sleep now, Y/N,” he murmured. “I’ll take care of everything.”
With a subtle flick of his hand, a small, almost invisible device he had implanted in the mattress activated, releasing a gentle stream of sedative gas. Y/N’s eyes widened in realization, but it was too late. The room began to spin, and she felt herself sinking back into the bed, her limbs growing heavy.
“Five…please…” she whispered, her voice barely audible as the darkness closed in.
“I’m doing this for you,” Five whispered back, his voice the last thing she heard before she slipped into unconsciousness.
He stayed by her side, watching as her breathing slowed, as her body relaxed into a deep, dreamless sleep. When he was sure she wouldn’t wake, he stood and began to make the final adjustments. The room they were in—a carefully chosen, isolated location far from prying eyes—was equipped with everything they would need. Everything *she* would need.
Five had thought of everything, prepared for every possibility. He had spent countless hours mapping out their future together, ensuring that nothing could tear them apart. No one would come looking for her. No one would miss her. She was his, now and forever.
As he finished his preparations, Five allowed himself a small, satisfied smile. Finally, after all the chaos, after all the pain and suffering, he had found his peace. He had found his Y/N. And nothing would ever take her away from him.
With one last glance at her sleeping form, Five turned off the light and left the room, closing the door behind him with a soft click.
He would keep her safe. He would protect her from the world, from the chaos, from everything that sought to tear them apart.
Even if it meant protecting her from herself.
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randomness-is-my-order ¡ 6 months ago
it’s been over a month since tua finale and i’m still not over how colosally they fucked it all up. like imagine having gold in your hands and deciding to trade it with trash.
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air--so--sweet ¡ 7 months ago
TUA Season 4 Spoilers
I was so sure we would and then so disappointed that we didn't get, two Ben's in the one body/Sparrow Ben getting Umbrella Ben's memories. And it just occurred to me, the timelines bleeding together, the Keepers having memories of their alternate timeline lives - the plot literary was set up in a way that meant he was primed for it and we still didn't get it. Even if you want to do the nonsensical Jennifer and him become the blob plot you could still have it happen. Have him say something to Viktor in passing that only their Ben could know and that's part of why Viktor is so hell bent on helping him, because he realises some part of Sparrow Ben is also their Ben, even if it's just his memories. Or have Ben remember his sacrifice for Viktor and therefore he feels a connection to him and so will listen to him and accept his attempts to help and it adds further motivation for him to sacrifice himself for Viktor again (even though I hate that he did that, especially when Viktor dies literally what, like a half hour later?).
Have him start to have memories that make him desperate for familial connection to the Umbrellas but they don't see him as that Ben and he's been telling them he's not their brother for years now so he feels unable to forge a connection now. Have him be rebuffed by Klaus of all people, the closest one to Umbrella Ben and the only one who gave Sparrow Ben a chance, and have that loneliness, that desire for love, push him towards Jennifer. Especially as Sparrow Ben has always been a traumatised lonely kid deep down who cant express that because he's been taught it's a weakness. I mean, Klaus practically said as much to him last season and I honestly thought that was where the story was going, that that was why Ben didnt realise something abnormal was happening and that he was being manipulated. But no, the particles were attracting them and made them think and act similarly was the reasoning, and they had no agency at all.
Also making them both say 'I always loved this movie' in reference to The Blob wasn't clever, it was just cheap. Like, considering the tone of the scene it takes place in, it didn't feel like a joke, but if it was meant as serious foreshadowing that's actually worse.
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kimberlyshaws ¡ 2 years ago
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fivesillydandelions ¡ 7 months ago
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I'm just glad we're together in the end
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freetobeafcknriot ¡ 7 months ago
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because i can count the things i liked about season four on one hand and one of them is definitely viktor hanging out in (og) ben's room and trying on his domino mask as ben does his own thing and lets him, the two of them sharing comfortable quiet.
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