#for a time climbing was very special to me...
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lexiputellas · 24 hours ago
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Pillow Talk
It’s your first day back at work.
You stretched your maternity leave as far as humanly possible, used every single vacation day, and worked from home until you ran out of excuses—but today, there was no escaping it. You had to go back. At least your office has a daycare. If it didn’t, you’re pretty sure you would’ve quit on the spot.
Now, finally home, you don’t think you’ve ever been happier to see Alexia. Not only did she get back before you, but she also brought dinner. You could’ve kissed her right then and there—actually, you did. You love her, truly, but if she had waited for you to cook—or, God forbid, asked you to help—you might have had a breakdown.
Dinner was great, dishes were ignored, Alice fell asleep peacefully, and now you’re both getting ready for bed. It’s your favorite part of the night—when everything slows down, and you can just be. Alexia already talked about her day, and now it’s your turn. Normally, this would be when you two discuss important things, but Nicole unloaded so much gossip at work today that you have to let it out before your brain explodes.
You’re fluffing the pillows as you talk, and Alexia, already lying on her side under the covers, is nodding along like a very patient woman.
“Nicole told me Amanda from Compliance is literally faking a relationship online.”
Alexia blinks, lifting her head slightly. “How?”
“I don’t know yet! I’m getting more details tomorrow,” you say, putting in your bruxism mouth guard. “I don’t even get why she’d lie, she doesn’t need to.”
Alexia hums, settling back in.
That’s encouragement. You keep going.
"And you won’t believe this—the sitter at daycare said Alice was the easiest baby to deal with. She barely even cried! Which, like, I knew our baby was perfect, but now it’s confirmed by an expert."
Alexia hums again. This time, it sounds more like sleepy agreement than actual interest, but you’re on a roll now.
“And remember that guy from the party last year? The one who told you he was a Real Madrid fan?”
Alexia makes a vague noise of acknowledgment.
“Not that he was special or anything,” you continue, “but he invited Nicole out.”
That gets a reaction. Alexia forces one eye open. “That guy?”
“That guy.”
“She said yes?”
“She said yes. And if she’d asked me first, I would’ve told her absolutely not.”
Alexia exhales, long and slow, adjusting the blanket. “Baby, I love you so much, and I want to hear all of this… tomorrow. We have to wake up early.”
Which you think is fair. She was the one running around after a ball, going to the gym, lifting weights—you mostly just fought with spreadsheets, tried not to cry when Alice waved goodbye way too enthusiastically at daycare, and dodged an email from HR that felt suspiciously passive-aggressive.
“I know,” you say, climbing under the covers. “I love you too. But can I just finish really quick? I swear, I’m almost done.”
She hums again. That’s permission.
“So, turns out the guy? He was dating someone else the whole time. Poor Nicole, bless her heart, but maybe a little stalking would’ve helped her.”
You glance over. Alexia’s eyes are closed, her face relaxed, her breathing slow and even.
“Oh,” you whisper. “You’re already asleep.”
You sigh, amused, and watch her for a moment. The way her eyelashes rest against her cheeks, the way her hair falls across the pillow, the faintest hint of a smile still lingering on her lips—it makes your chest ache in the best way.
She looks warm, soft, safe. Like home.
Carefully, you scoot closer, pressing a gentle kiss to her shoulder.
“Good night, baby,” you murmur, even though she’s already lost in dreams.
Then, finally, you close your eyes.
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suddencolds · 5 months ago
. not snz
on healing and on fear (tags)
#(typed this up at 3am and scheduling for later) no one needs to read this 🙏#today i went back to the site where i got injured back in may to partake in a sport which i haven't touched at all since the injury#and i think what struck me was the realization that#i don't know if i'll ever be able to stop being scared again :')#for a time climbing was very special to me...#it was one of the only ways i could feel myself improving so tangibly when improvement is usually so difficult to track#i liked seeing myself get better at something 😭 i liked going with friends and puzzling over the same problems... i liked having something#to look forward to after work. and perhaps having something to look forward to sounds simple... but for me it meant so much :')#for the first couple months after the injury i couldn't wait to get back into it#and then one day i woke up and i was just afraid#the fear feels so much more tangible now that i know i am not overreacting... it's awful knowing that in a way i was right to be afraid#i always knew there were risks associated; i have always been cautious#but i had just been starting to learn to be braver 😭#and fuck... today i stood there and looked at the wall and thought. how can i ever not be afraid again?#how can i go back to how things were before? when i loved this? when i could tell myself that - despite the fear - it was meaningful to try#i wanted to come away with the takeaway that i could take things slowly and get back into climbing - maybe precisely because#i remember so keenly how i loved it - but how could it ever be the same?#😭 i know this is just part of growing up but#in some ways i am tired of growing up... :') in some ways i just want that joy as it was then#delete later probably#i suppose i haven't lost anything but typing this made me sob for something i couldn't quite name
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thedreadpoetroberts · 10 months ago
You can be really smart and still have a learning disability.
You can be really smart and still have a learning disability.
You can be really smart and still have a learning disability.
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louderfade · 1 year ago
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The Cucumber Tree Magnolia (Magnolia accuminata) in Colonial Heights, Virginia sits in front of the Violet Bank Museum overlooking the Appomattox River and Old Town Petersburg. When viewing the tree for the first time, it looks almost comical in size and stature next to the relatively small museum building with its white peeling paint. This particular Cucumber Tree Magnolia is also estimated to be the second largest of its species in the world, with a nearly 23-foot circumference, making it that much more spectacular.
The idea of a record-holding tree usually conjures images of extremely tall trees with enormous towering crowns, but that is not this tree. Instead it’s almost the inverse with a relatively stout height but an extreme girth and outstretched, over-extended limbs that are trees in their own right. The first main scaffold limbs on the tree are at least 24 inches in diameter. They gracefully extend until their massive weight pulls them to rest on the ground.
Viewed up close, a variety of failed arboricultural practices can be seen almost as a museum in itself. Large pilings have been placed in the ground to hold up several of the low limbs, which can be argued do as much if not more damage than the tree supporting itself on the ground.  Scattered throughout the canopy are decades worth of steel cables and supports that long-ago arborists installed to maintain the tree and with time many of them have broken or gone slack. It’s most interesting to see such failed support systems hanging from limbs that have once again provided their own support on the soil.
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murasaki-cha · 1 month ago
After the Ithaca Saga, I believe that Odysseus thought he and Athena were officially done forever and would only occasionally see each other because she was mentoring Telemachus now. He really thinks there's no way they can reconnect anymore and attempt at a friendship this time, but he's fine with it, he can accept it.
That is until Telemachus goes up to him one day like:
"Hey father, can I ask you something?"
"Yes son, of course."
"You mentored under Athena before right? Do you happen to know a friend of hers?"
"Oh I... I wasn't aware Athena had friends before. She was very adamant about that "No Friends" rule back then... kind of stings."
"Oh really? She talks about him a lot."
"Does she now? *mumbling* must be so special about this fRieNd of Athena..."
"Yeah she told me about this one time he wanted to impress someone, so he climbed on all the way to the tree branch next to the balcony of their room and leaned against the trunk to look cool, but he kept talking to Athena in her owl appearance so he didn't notice the other person going to the balcony and he got so spooked when they called out to him, he turned too fast and lost balance, slipped, smacked his ass on the tree branch and broke his arm when he fell, so he had to wear a sling for 3 months and couldn't sit down for 2 weeks."
"....call Athena right now."
The second Athena appeared, Odysseus threw himself at her, on one hand going "YOU CONSIDER ME YOUR FRIEND WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO!?!?!?!" and on the other going "WHY ARE YOU TELLING MY SON ALL MY EMBARRASSING STORIES!?!?! THAT WAS BETWEEN ME, PENELOPE AND YOU!!"
He was actually crying. Athena has absolutely no idea what is happening or what she should do. Telemachus just discovered a whole new side of his dad and might know where he gets it from now....
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chaoticwriting · 2 months ago
Part 2
-An hour before-
Danny is hatching a new plan today. Usually, he goes after the rogues who decide to make a spectacle or show for the public. But today, he will be the one to make it.
As all the devices are put together, Danny readies himself to turn on the screen. Lightly slapping his cheeks a few times Danny brace himself for his first solo stream.
*Live On*
Trickster: Well hello everyone! Isn't today unusually too peaceful. With all the rogues in Arkham and no one for me to bother, I decided to do the most out of my time.
Danny walks to a big hulking machine under wraps by a big piece of cloth. Danny pulls the cloth revealing a big machinery that has a giant clock in the middle.
Trickster: Over here I have my latest invention. I realized that people in this city really love coffee so what I do is make a machine that will spread gasses of caffeine into the air for people to consume via breathing. I even make sure that the special caffeine concoction wouldn't affect children because if I know one thing, it is that children with caffeine are scarier than any rogue.
Danny walks to the panel with a comically large red button with the word 'start' on it right under the clock.
Trickster: Now, when I click this button, it will turn on the timer, which is 30 minutes by the way, and when it runs out, the machine will release the caffeine into the air making everyone unable to sleep for one whole day. What is the effect on the city you may ask? I honestly don't know. But it will be funny if tomorrow everyone just drops dead asleep on the ground at work tomorrow.
Danny suddenly stops talking and slams the button heavily.
Trickster: Anyway, the timer starts now. Come find me if you wanna stop it.
Danny then leaves the screen and lets the camera focus on the clock as it ticks down. Danny sits on a nearby table and continues tinkering with his new special glitter bomb.
It's been 30 minutes when suddenly a window is broken and comes in Batman in all his glory. Except what Batman sees isn't the machine or even Trickster. It is a maze full of what he deems as traps laying around. Batman carefully trudges through the maze as he skillfully disarms the traps that are laid on the ground.
It takes Batman a whole 25 minutes to finally pass the maze before he finally sees the machine without Trickster anywhere in sight. He slowly and vigilantly approaches the machine and sees a small blue button with the word 'stop' right beside the red button.
If Batman had more time, he wouldn't have done anything rash but right now he doesn't have the time nor the ability to safely disarm the machine without making any mistake.
He pushes the button and the clock stops right then and there. He stares at his surrounding vigilantly expecting an ambush. And he is not wrong. There is indeed an ambush. Just not a normal ambush.
The machine that has stopped moving suddenly begins to shake heavily and Batman immediately jumps back to distance himself from whatever the machine is about to do.
Except when he lands, an ice forms under his legs trapping him and he tries to break the ice but the ice is very hard and impossible for him to break immediately at least. He is going to request for backups when the machine turns into tiny robots that start to surround him. He tries to smash all of them but not only are they strong and durable, EMP bombs also don't work on them.
After struggling for a while, some of the robots finally climb their way onto his head. One of them hangs from his mask and releases a gas from its mouth. Batman starts to lose consciousness and just as he is about to pass out Trickster appears in front of him.
Danny looks at Batman and orders his robots to tie him upside down, while rummages through his belt. Danny pulls out a lot of things from smoke bomb that accidentally explodes when Danny throws them to a bat shark repellent? What the hell? Anyway, after going through his belt for a while he finally found his target.
The Batwallet.
Danny turns to the hidden camera and starts to monologue.
Trickster: Hello hello everyone. Today, we have a very special guest. Presenting to you an unconscious Batman! And right here I have the strongest weapon in the world. The Batwallet! Hahahahaha.
Trickster: Now, you might be thinking. What is so strong about the wallet? And that my dear friend is the reason I am here today. Let's take a look at what's inside shall we.
Danny pulls out a black card with a bat symbol in the middle of it. Showing it to the camera, Danny gives out the biggest smile he can (somehow).
Trickster: This is the Bat credit card. I know. Sounds stupid. But you know what isn't stupid. The limit on this card. There is no limit. That means I can buy whatever I want with this.
Danny then pulls out a few polaroid pictures from the wallet that catches his attention.
Trickster: What's this? The bats secret identity? Boring. Why would I need to know who they are? Wait. This one is funny. Is this little Nightwing? Hahahaha. He's so little. *Gasp* Little Red Hood. Aww schmuck. I wanna share this with someone. I'm keeping this. I'm sure Batman has backup of these pictures.
Danny then phases the card and the photos into his body and picks up the camera.
Trickster: All right. That's it for today's stream. Oh yeah. We are in the warehouse south of the Bowery. I will shoot a flare after this for you to come get Batman. Well, you better come fast or other people will come for him.
After that the stream is cut off and a flare is shot from one of the warehouses in the Bowery. When the Bats arrived, all that was left was an unconscious Batman, tied up from the ceiling with his belt on the ground.
While the bats are busy extracting Batman back to the cave, Danny is having a feast at the Batburger. On his table, there are 50 sets of burgers, fries and cokes (the soda). Along with his food, he has pretty much paid all the food for everyone inside the Batburger. People were pretty on the fence when he first entered, but Gothamite being Gothamite, they readily accepted him when he paid for their food.
While Danny is busy eating, a big buff guy in a suit approaches him with his own food.
???: Good evening, Mr. Trickster. May I eat with you?
Part 4
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smutoperator · 2 months ago
Double Date
Ning Yizhuo (Ningning), Anatchaya Suputhipong (Natty) x Male Reader
Tags: ass-eating, best friends, big tits worship, (lots of) blowjob, clit-rubbing, cum on tits, date, dirty talk, facesitting, foreplay, full nelson, girlfriend, leg-shaking orgasms, pussy-to-pussy, riding, spanking, stacking, threesome, titfucking, unexpected cumshot
Word count: 6234
You had arranged a date at a restaurant with your girlfriend, Ningning. As you arrived, she surprised you by bringing her best friend along, much to your delight.
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"Hi," Natty introduced herself as she sat at the table. What an incredible woman she is. The Thai bombshell stole your heart the moment you saw her, especially when she bent her body on the table and rested her huge tits on top of it.
Ningning had to bring you back to earth with a little pinch, as you had focused so hard on Natty you even forgot about your girlfriend. "She's so pretty, isn't she?" you asked Ningning, who ignored you as you gave Natty a greeting kiss on her cheek. You three ate and drank a lot in that restaurant, you enjoyed a double date with two of the most beautiful idols, both of them very sexy in different ways, Ningning as the porcelain Chinese cold beauty from the harsh Harbin winters, Natty as the beautiful Thai hottie like the weather of her home country.
You brought both of them to your apartment. While Natty sat in the living room, taking a little break, Ningning followed you to the same bed you had sex with her yesterday. You two kissed each other and talked a bit. "You made me feel a little jealous the way you looked at my friend," Ningning said, referring to your flirtations.
But Ningning was well aware of her best friend's hotness and was ready to take advantage of it. As the Chinese girl massaged your still-clothed cock with one hand, she picked up her phone with the other one, sending her best friend the signal the two had discussed with each other before you three arrived at the apartment.
Ningning kept kissing you and massaging your crotch while you run your hands over her face and ass, as you could feel another special night was about to come. But little did you know things were about to take an even spicier turn in a matter of seconds.
"That's so hot," Natty said, arriving at the room spotting both you and Ningning making out. The Thai hottie went straight to the point, unzipping her shirt and unveiling her massive tits in the process. "I saw you staring at them all night at the bar," she said.
"Are you ready for a special date, baby?" Ningning asks you as Natty climbs on top of your bed already completely naked. You're mesmerized by the Thai hottie, her wonderful body from top to bottom, from her thick legs to her big tits, as Ningning rubs them while she gives Natty some kisses.
"We're gonna have a good time tonight," Natty says as she looks at you with very naughty eyes. But Ningning isn't far behind. "We knew we had to fuck you together the moment I invited her for our date," Ningning tells you. "Tonight, you're going to give that big cock to us real fucking good," she continues. "Sure, you can count on it," you reply.
Ningning takes your shirt off while Natty touches your clothed cock for the first time. "Oh my God, look at this big fucking cock, it's been this hard for a long time I bet, ever since I arrived in that bar," she says.
"Holy shit, I can feel it throbbing for both of us," Ningning says as she touches it as well and takes your belt off next. "I want it so fucking bad," Natty follows suit as Ningning takes her clothes off to match her best friend's nudity.
You and Natty share kisses as Ningning spits on your pants and licks your clothed cock. "I can't wait to feel it in my pussy," she says. "Me too," Natty agrees. You quickly take a step further, reaching to massage her pussy while sucking her big tits already. "Oh fuck, that's so good," Natty moans as your tongue massages her nipple and sends her to the heavens.
"Yes, baby, bite that nipple, suck those big tits," Natty commands as you dive deeper and deeper against her massive milkers. Ningning watches you two have fun and wants a slice for herself, teaming up as both of you suck Natty's right both. "Oh yeah, share those tiddies," an excited Natty says, pushing both your head and Ningning's against it.
"Look at that body, Ningning is so lucky to have you," Natty says as she pays attention to your muscular frame. "She's just as lucky to have you as a best friend, your body is amazing too," you reply to her as you and Natty share more kisses while Ningning keeps her mouth glued to her friend's tits. "Baby, look at those fucking tits, they are so big," Ningning says as each of you has one of Natty's boobs in your mouths now.
"OHHHHHHHH FUCK" Natty moans as both you and Ningning worship her huge tits. She loves the feeling of your tongues running all over them and sucking them like two hungry babies as you and Ningning get more and more aggressive with the tonguing and then trade kisses with Natty.
"I want your tiddies in my face too," Natty tells Ningning. These two girls have worshipped each other's boobs countless times since becoming best friends and tonight it won't be different, as Natty quickly grabs Ningning's soft pair of boobs and puts it in her mouth. "This is how best friends do things, you worship my Nattys I worship your Ningnings" Natty says, calling their boobs by their names.
Natty is so hungry she sweeps across both of Ningning's boobs like a maniac, giving her best friend a little tap on her cute butt while you kiss your girlfriend. You reach from behind and touch Natty's pussy again. "OH FUCK, YOU'RE GONNA MAKE MY FUCKING CLIT THROB ALREADY," she suddenly screams right against Ningning's tits.
"Let me taste it," Ningning commands as you put your hand in her mouth and feed Natty's pussy juices to her. Natty ducks down and licks Ningning's midriff, before going back to suffocate herself on her tits. Both girls then take a quick turnaround and turn their attention to you.
"Take those pants off, we want to see that big cock," Natty and Ningning say almost at the same time. You follow their instructions as Natty quickly gets impressed. "Holy shit, it's even bigger without pants covering it," she says, a big smile coming out of her face.
Natty touches and admires your hard, throbbing shaft, but it's Ningning who makes the first move, ready to suck her boyfriend's big cock like always. "I can't wait for you to stretch our tight little pussies with it," she says as she licks your tip while Natty moves up and down your shaft.
"Oh my God, you suck it so good," you say to Ningning, always surprised by your girlfriend's amazing blowjob skills. Natty looks at you with her typical naughty eyes, ready to take her turn next as Ningning bobs her head on your cock without using her hands.
"You wanna taste it?" Ningning asks Natty as she lets her best friend suck her boyfriend's cock next. As soon as Natty dives her head on it, Ningning grabs it and pushes it aggressively against your crotch. "Choke on my boyfriend's dick, you big tit slut, take it, take it" she commands.
"How does her fucking throat feel?" Ningning asks you. "It feels amazing," you reply. "Hmmm, look how much good this big tit bitch is choking on this fucking cock," she replies, loving how sloppy Natty gets and how hard she gags every time she deepthroats your throbbing shaft.
"Spit on it," Ningning says to Natty, who follows. "Yes, let's make a big mess on that cock," Natty replies as Ningning takes her turn for another round of sucking it, going much faster than the first time. "Look how hot she is worshipping that big cock, the perfect slutty girlfriend," Natty says. "Oh yeah, I love stroking it hard with my hands and then shoving it down my throat," Ningning says.
Both girls keep taking turns sucking your cock for a few minutes as you love watching them bob their heads all over your shaft. "Yes, share that cock," you tell them. "Let's stroke it together, nice and slow," Ningning commands as both of you now grip their hands on your shaft.
"Don't you dare cum, don't you dare cum until I tell you to," Ningning commands as she strokes your cock even harder and can feel it throbbing further. Natty smiles as both girls spit on your cock, Natty then dives deep for your balls while Ningning deepthroats you. "I can feel there is a lot of milk for us on that big cock," Ningning says once she's done.
"Those balls fit so well in my mouth," Natty says as she engulfs them to the fullest. Both girls then lick your shaft from the side in perfect sync like the good whores they are, then kiss each other with their cock-tasting mouths. "Oh yeah, look at him fucking shake," Natty notices as their strokes get you closer and closer to cum.
"Let's make him beg for our pussies," Natty says as both girls keep stroking your cock. At this point, you can no longer contain yourself and blast a fountain of cum that hits Natty and Ningning's faces.
"Hmmm, bad boy, I told you not to cum early, how should we punish him, Natty? How about putting those big tits between that fucking cock?" Ningning asks. "Oh, good idea," Natty answers. "Let's punish that bad boy," Ningning says.
Natty opens your legs and lifts your body right at her big boobs. Ningning helps her, spitting right between her big tits, then grabbing both from the side and watching your cock go instantly hard as she squeezes Natty's milky melons between them. "Let's start nice and slow," Ningning says, moving her best friend's tits up and down your shaft.
"I love your boyfriend's big cock rubbing on my big tits, keep going," Natty tells Ningning as the Aespa girl gropes her bouncy boobs. "Look at those perfect tits bouncing up and down," Ningning says before grabbing your shaft and slapping it against Natty's boobs, which she loves.
"Yes, baby, let's fuck that monster cock with those big tits," Natty says as she takes the initiative, squeezing her boobs much harder than Ningning. You reach to grab some lube, handing it to Ningning as she helps Natty slide her tits between your cock easier. "Look at me going all the way down your boyfriend's cock with my big tits," Natty says to her.
Natty rubs your cock in her nipple while Ningning chimes in and licks your shaft and Natty's tits at the same time. "Spit all over it, nice and wet," Natty commands. "Put it between your tits again so I can lick it," Ningning says. as Natty follows, bouncing her tits up and down your shaft while Ningning sticks her tongue out and seizes every opportunity to lick the tip of it.
"I can feel it fucking throb," Ningning says as she takes your cock from Natty's tits and put it in her mouth. "Does it feel good?" Natty asks. "It feels amazing," you answer. More titfucking follows as Natty picks up the pace. "Fuck those tits, fuck those tits," Ningning tells you before Natty lets her deepthroat you while your cock is still between her tits.
"We are so thirsty to put that big fat cock in our pussies," Natty says. "So, who wants to go first?" Ningning asks. "I do, I'm going fucking first," Natty says, ready to take that big dick inside her for the first time. "Let me sit on that big cock," Natty commands as Ningning strokes it and slowly puts it in her best friend's pussy for a reverse cowgirl ride.
"Such a big dick, I envy you so much, Ningning," Natty tells her friend. "Let me jerk that cock while it slides in that needy cunt," Ningning says as she keeps gripping her hands on your shaft while that anaconda slowly disappears under Natty's pussy. "Oh yeah," the Thai girl moans as she gets fuller and fuller of your cock.
"He fucking loves your pussy, already pushing up," Ningning says as you thrust against Natty's fuckhole. "OH FUCKKK," the Thai girl moans. "Keep going, thrust that fucking cock deep inside her pussy," Ningning commands. "YES, JERK THAT FUCKING COCK DEEP IN ME," Natty screams alongside her.
Ningning looks deep into Natty's eyes, both of them sharing sexy stares as the Chinese girl fingers the clit of her best friend while Natty takes a huge pounding that makes her big boobs bounce nonstop. "I love watching your tits move like that while my boyfriend's cock fucks you," she tells Natty.
"Oh wow, it's so fucking deep," Natty says as she slowly creams herself all over that big dick, your balls smashing her clit while you stretch your arms to grope her big tits. "Take it, take it, take it," Ningning demands of her best friend.
"That's perfect, that's fucking perfect, DON'T FUCKING STOP, POUND MY FUCKING PUSSY," Natty begs as the clapping sounds of your hips clashing only grow louder. Ningning just watches as Natty gets turned into nothing but a cocksleeve and her friend's tits turn into pinballs. "MAKE ME FUCKING TAKE IT, MAKE ME FUCKING TAKE IT," Natty begs.
"Take every inch of it," Ningning demands as she grabs Natty's waist and pushes her further down your body. "OHHHHHH," Natty screams as her cunt gets drilled at a frantic speed and she starts bouncing like crazy on your dick until she finally cums. "OH GOD," she screams as she squirts all over your dick.
"I wanna taste it, I wanna taste it," a needy Ningning quickly comes and grabs your cock, diving to lick the juices of Natty's pussy, before rubbing your shaft all over Natty's entrance and shoving it back inside. "She wants more, baby, give it to her," Ningning says.
"Destroy that pussy, destroy that slutty pussy," Ningning says. You follow your girlfriend's commands, pounding Natty even harder while Ningning sucks her friend's bouncy tits and enjoys them hitting her porcelain face at full speed. "I NEED THAT COCK, I NEED IT, FUCK ME HARDER," Natty begs as she gets drilled. "USE MY PUSSY, TAKE IT DEEP, PUT IT RIGHT WHERE IT FUCKING BELONGS," she keeps screaming.
You grab Natty's long legs and place her under a full Nelson. "Oh my God," Natty says. Life can't be more perfect for you than now, as Ningning sits on your face and makes you worship her pussy while you plow her best friend's hole.
"Eat that fucking pussy," Ningning commands as she watches Natty get destroyed from a privileged spot. "Oh fuck, that's right in my G-spot," Natty says as Ningning now spreads her legs. "Look at this slut, shaking all over that big fat cock," Ningning notices as Natty's legs start trembling and you can't stop fucking her pussy.
"IT'S PERFECT, IT'S SO PERFECT, I LOVE THAT COCK SO MUCH" Natty announces as Ningning massages her big tits, then climbs up to spit on Natty's cunt and fingers her clit. Despite you locking her legs and using her like a fucktoy, Natty still manages to cling to Ningning's boobs and suck them, Ningning then kisses her and massages her tits further. "Oh yes, I agree, my boyfriend's big cock is perfect, even more, when it fucks that slutty Thai pussy" Ningning says.
"Rub my clit, I wanna cum," Natty tells Ningning. "Hmmm I know you love it, look how wet that pussy is, truly enjoying getting stretched out by my boyfriend's big fat cock" Ningning answers. "Look at those big tits bouncing, so beautiful," she continues, enjoying Natty getting pounded nonstop.
"Make her cum, make her cum," Ningning tells you. "I'm so close, I'm so close," Natty answers, her legs shaking more than ever. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK," she screams as she's on the verge of cumming, just needs a couple of drillings and some clit massaging from Ningning to finally unleash it.
"Are you cumming?" Ningning asks Natty. "OHHHHH FUCKKKK," Natty says, it's all Ningning needs to know, as Natty cums all over your cock. "Rub that pussy with me," Ninging tells you as both of you finger Natty's clit until she's nothing but a trembling mess. "AHHHHHH," Natty screams as she gets drilled one last time, her cheeks getting clapped while her tits jiggle like crazy. "You look so hot getting fucked," Ningning says to her.
"Now it's my turn to ride that cock," Ningning says as she tastes Natty's pussy from your cock, before letting her best friend have it as Natty deepthroats your cock. Both girls spend a couple of minutes licking your shaft, making sure they get every single fluid in her mouth, before Ningning prepares to sit on your lap, but not before some teasing.
"Let's tease this tight little pussy," Natty says as both she and Ningning grab your shaft together and rub it against the chine girl's entrance. "Get it wet for me," Ningning tells Natty, who deepthroats you again to get it ready for Ningning's tight little pussy. "Now it can stretch me out," Ningning says.
Ningning slowly slides down your shaft. No matter how many times she takes it in her pussy, she always gets shocked at the sheer size of it. But she always takes it like a champion. "Look at me bouncing that tight pussy on that big dick," she tells Natty.
"How tight is she?" Natty asks you. "Incredibly tight," you answer as Ningning's walls squeeze your cock to the fullest, leaving no room for it to breathe, her pussy queefing at each bounce. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh," Ningning softly moans.
"I love this big fucking cock stretching me, OHHHHH FUCKKK," Ningning suddenly screams as you surprise her with thrusts up her pussy, your balls reaching as high as her winking asshole. "Just use that pussy," Natty tells you as she enjoys Ningning's cheeks getting clapped while sitting on your face for you to taste yourself in her pussy.
"YOU LIKE WATCHING ME TAKE THIS COCK?" Ningning asks Natty. "Yes, you look so good taking all that dick," the Thai girl answers. "Watch it, whore, watch my tight pussy grip it," Ningning says as Natty is now the one enjoying watching her friend getting pounded. Ningning suddenly fights your thrusts, bouncing on your cock perfectly as Natty enjoys you and your girlfriend's duel, all that while moaning softly as your tongue sweeps her pussy.
Natty bends just enough to make her tits bounce from the moves Ningning is making, landing them right on Ningning's back, before coming from behind and massaging Ningning's asshole. "This cock is too big for my tiny little pussy," Ningning claims. "But you're gonna take it like the good whore you are," Natty answers, spanking her friend's ass.
"Stretch me, stretch me," Ningning begs as you keep pounding her pussy, Natty takes your cock from Ningning's pussy to get it wet for another ride. "Put it back, put it back," Ningning begs as she can't go 10 seconds without your cock inside her. "You heard it, stretch her," Natty says, grabbing your shaft and stroking it while you fuck Ningning.
"Oh I love the way he fucks me," Ningning says. Natty gives her another naughty stare. "Tell me what you are, Ningning," Natty says. "I'm a dirty fucking slut who loves taking big fat cock in my pussy," the Aespa girl answers. "Take that whole fucking dick," Natty says to her. "YES, I'LL TAKE EVERY INCH OF IT," Ningning answers, screaming.
"You can't help but sit on this fucking cock all day, I know you already go to practice every day with that pussy filled with cum," Natty says to Ningning. "YES," Ningning says, who knows if answering her best friend or just screaming with your cock hitting her cervix.
"I love when you talk dirty like that, Natty, it's so fucking hot," Ningning says. "So you love being a whore?" Natty asks. "YES, YES, YES," Ningning enthusiastically answers, leaving no doubts this time.
"Fuck that whore," Natty tells you as she spanks Ningning's butt one more time and spits in her asshole. "That was hot, do it again," Ninging says and Natty follows, turning Ningning's butthole into a pond of spit while massaging your balls as you fuck Ningning.
"That dick is so perfect in your pussy," Natty tells Ningning as the Chinese girl bounces on it while you take a little break. "You're so good at riding cock," Natty says. "YES, BECAUSE I WANT TO CUM RIGHT NOW," Ningning screams, increasing her speed and tilting her body down as she smashes herself all over that cock.
"Cum all over that big fat cock, work on it," Natty says as Ningning gets closer. "I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING," Ningning announces, and as soon as she does you go back to pound her. "FUCKING DESTROY THIS PUSSY, IT'S ALL YOURS, BABY, JUST FUCKING TAKE IT. HARDER. HARDER. HARDER, AHHHHHHH, KEEP GOING, RIGHT THERE" she begs as she cums all over your cock, while nasty Natty adds some extra stimulation by licking her butthole.
Just like Natty's, Ningning's short legs tremble as she reaches orgasm. "DON'T STOP, BABY," she moans as you keep drilling her pussy, Natty salivating as Ningning's juices slowly pour over your shaft and balls. "There you go," Natty says. "KEEP TALKING DIRTY LIKE THAT," Ningning tells Natty as she enjoys her friend getting plowed. "That's a good bitch, so needy for that big cock." you tell your girlfriend.
Ninging pulls out of your cock as Natty quickly jumps to taste her friend's juices. "That cock stretched that tight little pussy so good," she says as she bobs your head on your cock while you massage her big tits. "Choke on it, bitch," you tell her. Ningning soon joins as Natty dives into your balls that she loves so much. "Fuck, that's it, keep going" is all you can say as their mouths worship your cock.
"How do our pussies feel?" Ningning asks you. "Fucking amazing," you answer your girlfriend. Natty is ready for another ride, this time in cowgirl, as you grab her waist and tits while she sits on your dick, tilting sideways and spinning all over it. "Faster, bitch," you tell her, spanking her sexy ass. "YEAH, FUCK," she answers as Ningning just watches her best friend impale herself full of her boyfriend's cock.
"You like this shit?" you ask Natty. "YES, I LOVE IT," she answers. "Then bounce harder," you answer with another spank. "Smash that cock," Ningning says as she joins you in the ass-spanking, hitting Natty's wonderful, bouncy cheeks every time she reaches the bottom of your shaft.
"Such a dirty little slut taking this fucking cock," Ningning says. "Yes, I'm a dirty fucking whore," Natty agrees as Ningning grabs her big butt and makes it bounce on your dick. "Keep going baby, make her take every inch," you tell your girlfriend. "AHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH," Natty moans. "I love watching that pussy being used, taking my boyfriend's big fucking cock like that, you want it harder?" Ningning then asks Natty.
"YES, I WANT IT HARDER," Natty begs as you push your cock up her pussy while Ningning spreads her ass. "Ohhh, baby, you heard it, she wants it fucking harder," Ningning says as you pump Natty like crazy, using her pussy like crazy while Ningning rubs her friend's asshole. "Yes, tease me," Natty begs as Ningning's long nails dig into her anus.
"You love the way we just play with you like that? Our sexy Thai fucktoy for me and my boyfriend to have fun with?" Ningning asks. "Yes, I love it," Natty answers, grinning her teeth as your cock reaches deep into her cervix. "YES, HIT IT, BABY, RIGHT WHERE IT BELONGS," Natty says as she feels it, while Ningning keeps entertaining herself with her friend's backside, now licking her asshole too.
"Use it, use it, use it, harder, harder, harder, take it, take it, take it, fuck her tight little pussy," Ningning continues to cheer on you as Natty rides your cock. "I'm gonna cum again," the Thai girl announces just as you spank her ass again. "Wanna fucking cum on it? Then show what a good whore you are and twerk on my boyfriend's dick," Ningning says.
"Let me fucking cum in that dick, please," Natty begs. "Not yet," Ningning says. "OHHHHH FUCKKK," Natty screams as the walls of her pussy start clenching. "I can feel that pussy smashing that big fat throbbing cock," Ningning says as she grabs your shaft, while you wrap your arms around Natty. "AHHHHH I'M GONNA FUCKING CUM," Natty screams as she squirts all over your muscular body.
Ningning is right there to clean your cock. You take advantage of her and start fucking her throat. "Yes baby, pound that pretty throat," Natty says as she turns around and watches her friend's face getting stuffed full of your cock until Ningning gags. She spits on it and puts it back in Natty's pussy, letting the Thai slut ride it one more time. "Damn, it looks so fucking good deep inside you, I have to admit," Ningning says.
"FUCK THIS BITCH, SHE DESERVES, SHE'S SUCH A NASTY SLUT," Ningning screams as she grabs Natty's ass, pushing you to pump harder and harder into her friend's cunt. Natty can only agree. "I'M A DIRTY FUCKING WHORE, I WANT MY PUSSY FUCKING USED, TAKE IT ALL, I'M NOTHING BUT YOUR COCKSLEEVE, AHHHHH" she screams.
Natty cums all over your cock and tastes yourself shortly after, rolling her eyes as Ningning watches. "That's the taste of a dirty fucking whore," Ningning says to her, before taking it herself too. Both girls get on their knees and choke on your cock, but Natty is by far the neediest. "How does her throat feel?" Ningning asks as Natty bobs her head on your dick. "Incredible," you answer your girlfriend.
Ningning takes advantage of Natty being so thirsty for your cock and shoves her head against your crotch. "Fuck this bitch, yeah!" she says as your cock stuff Natty's throat. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah," you can hear Natty say as your cock muffles her mouth.
"Look at this pretty tongue, so horny for cock" Ningning says as you now push your cock in and out of Natty's mouth while her tongue is fully popped out. Soon, Ningning sticks her tongue out and gets your cock stuffed in her mouth as well.
"You wanna go back and forth? Use those fucking slutty throats?" Ningning asks you as you fuck her face too. But she has tasted that cock countless times already and decides to be a bit unselfish and let Natty get it wet. "Get it ready for me," Ningning says.
Ningning gets herself on all fours as you stick your cock back in her pussy. "Look at that big fat cock stretching that tight little pussy," Natty says as she kisses you and stays right there, spreading her friend's ass. "Ahhhh, just like that" Ningning moans as you hit deep in her pussy under Natty's eyes.
"Use my fucking pussy, please, baby," Ningning begs as Natty whispers dirty words in your ear. "Destroy that fucking whore, make her little cunt sore, make sure she can't walk tomorrow for practice," Natty says to you while massaging and hitting Ningning's ass. "OH YEAH, JUST LIKE THAT," the little Chinese girl screams.
"Such a good bitch," you say to Ningning, hitting her ass. "Yes, I love it when you call me a good bitch while I take this big fat cock" she replies. Natty rubs her asshole while you drill Ningning's pussy. "Are you feeling it getting tighter for your baby? It's begging to get used like a fleshlight," Ningning says as you increase the pace of pounding her pussy.
Natty wraps her arms around your sweaty body, enjoying kissing you while Ningning gets drilled like a fucktoy, your midriff hitting Natty's tits as you thrust up and down Ningning's pussy. "Natty, spank my ass, please," she begs, and Natty obliges.
"HOLY SHIT, YEAH," Ningning moans as Natty now places her naughty tongue in her asshole. "That's the spot, right there, right there," Ningning moans. "Cum for us bitch," you tell her. "Yes, I will if you keep talking like that," Ningning answers. "Beg for it, bitch," you reply. "Please, baby, let me cum, ah," Ningning says in a very soft voice before Natty's tongue in her anus interrupts it and makes her moan.
"Be a good bitch and cum," you tell her. "AHHHHHHH," Ningning's legs start to tremble shortly after you hit her ass. "Yes, baby, cum," Natty says to her, looking at you with sexy eyes as Ningning's legs shake. "Oh my God I can take this cock all night long, I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow," Ningning says.
"We are all going to," Natty says as she spits on Ningning's ass and rubs my clit. "OH MY GOD, MY PUSSY IS SO FUCKING WET, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, I'M GONNA CUM," Ningning screams as the stimulation of your cock and Natty's hands is too much for her to handle. "Fuck me harder, I'm so fucking wet, please, can I cum?" she asks. "Yes, be a good bitch and cum right now," you say.
"AHHHHHH," Ningning screams as she covers the bedsheets with her juice. "Oh look at that creamy pussy," Natty says. "You better clean it tomorrow," you tell her as Ningning collapses and Natty instantly chokes on your dick.
Ningning masturbates watching you fuck Natty's face once again. "Look at this pussy so wet after that big fat cock stretched it out," she says. Now is Natty's turn to put herself on all fours and get stretched out. "Oh yeah," she says as your anaconda finds the depths of her cunt for the 100th time that night.
You give Natty a very fast-paced pounding, grabbing Natty's waist hard as Ningning spreads her legs to get her pussy eaten out by her best friend, her tits bouncing harder as you use Natty like crazy. "Make her cum," you tell Natty. "You like licking my pussy?" Ningning asks her. "YES, OH FUCK, IT'S SO DEEP, SO DEEP," Natty answers before you overwhelm her with your cock putting up the heat in her Thai pussy.
You feed your cock for Ningning to taste and put it back in Natty. "I'm gonna jerk that big fat cock into that tight little cunt," Ningning says as she lines up to the side of both of you. "OHHHH FUCK," Natty screams as your thrusts and Ningning make your cock throb and drive her to the edge. "Harder, harder, give her harder, show her how good of a slut she is" Nearly an hour into the sex session, Ningning continues to push your limits.
"I'm so close again," Natty says. "Oh my God she needs to cum all over that dick again, such a nasty bitch," Ningning says. "OHHHH I'M CUMMING," Natty announces as her legs shake again. "FUCK, DON'T STOP, DON'T STOP, PLEASE," she begs as you continue to move your cock up and down her cunt. You grab Natty's waist and pound her like a madman, making her tits jiggle like jelly. "USE THAT FUCKING HOLE, I'M YOUR COCKSLEEVE WHORE," Natty screams as she cums.
Ningning shoves her ass in your face as a reward. "Good boy, fucked the slut just like I told you to," she says. Natty keeps moving her pussy up and down your cock despite your mad thrusts ceasing. "Let me jerk that cock in my pussy," she says as Ningning enjoys getting her ass eaten while Natty comes from below and sucks her tits.
Ningning then stacks herself on top of Natty, fingering herself as she enjoys her best friend going back to being treated like a fleshlight. "Tell me baby how much you enjoy those fuckholes right in front of you," Ningning says.
"Holy fuck, that cock is ripping my pussy apart," Natty says as you switch your cock to Ningning. "Yes, baby, switch between those fucking pussies," Natty says as she lets Ningning fully stacks on top of her. "Give her that fucking cock," Natty says. "Oh yeah, baby, make my pussy juice fall all over her fat ass, cover that dirty little slut" Ningning answers.
The back and forth between Natty and Ningning's pussies go on for a few more minutes, with you even going a little acrobatic and grabbing your girlfriend's body to eat her pussy while you fuck Natty's for a bit. "Oh yeah," Natty cheers as she watches you fuck her and tongue Ningning at the same time. "Fucking use those pussies," she says.
Ningning opens her legs for a round of missionary fucking. Natty warms your cock and leads it back into your girlfriend's pussy, enjoying your massive cock bulge under her best friend while she lubes your shaft. "This slut is so tiny yet she takes your big fat cock like a champion," Natty says.
"I want to feel it against every single wall in my tight little pussy," Ningning begs as Natty spreads her cunt wide open for your cock. "Go nice and slow, I wanna feel every inch," Ningning begs. "I love how you fuck her pussy, it's so beautiful," Natty says.
"You like how my pussy just swallows this dick down?" Ningning asks you as Natty plays with her pussy lips. Your answer comes with a thrust that almost splits her in half. "AHHHHHH, SQUEEZE THAT FUCKING COCK IN MY PUSSY" your girlfriend screams as Natty spits on her pussy. "Such a tight whore," Natty says.
"You're fucking the shit out of me, AHHHHH," Ningning says as Natty fingers her clit. "Take this dick in your tight pink pussy," you tell her. "Yes, tell me to take it, call me a dirty little slut," Ningning commands. "Take this dick, dirty little slut," you soon say. "Look how wet she is, she loves it when you talk dirty to her," Natty says. "Yes, I love it when you talk dirty to me like that, it makes me fucking cum so hard," Ningning answers.
"Use my tight little pussy baby until you fucking explode, get those balls ready to cum all over us," Ningning says to you as her walls squeeze your cock further. "TAKE MY FUCKING PUSSY, HARDER, DEEPER," she begs as Natty kisses her.
"AHHHHHH," Ningning screams as she cums, shaking her legs for one final time as you get on top of me. "There it goes, Natty says as she rubs her best friend's pussy and kisses her tits and then her face. "Natty, kiss me, kiss me," Ningning begs. But today, you won't cum inside your girlfriend's perfect pink pussy, you have already done it multiple times. You already have a different target. But so does Ningning
"Should we let him cum now?" Ningning asks. "Sure, I think he has worked hard enough," Natty says. She opens her legs to take her turn, smashing them against her big tits as you pound her pussy and make them bounce.
"Oh my God yeah you're gonna stroke that cock inside of me," Natty commands as she grabs her big tits and you push harder." That's perfect, that's perfect," she says as you look right in her eyes, and then spit on her mouth while Ningning savors her big tits. "Such a good slut," Ningning says.
"Fuck, you treat my pussy so well," Natty says as you drill her nonstop. "OH FUCKKKK, THAT'S YOUR PUSSY, THAT'S YOUR PUSSY" she says as Ningning rubs her clit. "Yes, you're damn right, I own that Thai pussy," you say.
"HARDER, HARDER, MAKE THOSE BIG TITS BOUNCE," Natty begs as your balls clap against her skin louder and louder. Ningning just watches still fingering her friend's pussy, before Natty finally says the magic words.
"You wanna cum in my fucking tits?" Natty asks. You are never going to say no to that, pulling out of Natty's pussy and fucking her tits super hard, ready to cum at any second.
You fill Natty's huge tits full of your milk. "Oh my God, look at this big fucking load," she says, in disbelief as she grabs her tits to lick your cum out of her left side boos. Ningning clears your cock and sucks the other boob of Natty, before cleaning it all and swapping your cum with her best friend. "Taste it, dirty whore," she says.
"Damn, that was intense, I think we need a shower," Natty says. You stay in bed and fall asleep while they wash the sex fluids from their bodies and talk to each other about your big fat cock. But soon, you wake up with your shaft crushed between a pair of tits and a naughty tongue on your tip.
"Don't fall asleep, baby, we can do this all night," Ningning says. "So, Natty, what do you want to do next?" she asks
"First he should fill our pussies, and if he's a good boy, we let them fuck our asses," she answers.
"Perfect, let's begin," Ningning says.
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sceletaflores · 3 months ago
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come on into my bed with me (i know you want to)
pair: old man!logan howlett x fem!reader
wc: 4.1k
contains: 18+ SMUT MDNI, swearing, some sad vibes because i can't function without them, large age gap (but isn't that obvious by now? mid 20s/old as fuck), established relationship but only kind of, falls in the logan 2017 timeline but very loosely, LONGINGGGG, gratuitous nickname use (kid, baby, honey, ect), nasty dirty talk cause he's old and gross, not so dry humping, JUST THE TIP RAHHHH, porn w/o plot, no use of y/n.
nat’s note: this was heavily inspired by imogen heap's 'i am in love with you' because that song fucks so hard and it really gave me lots of old man logan vibes. i was just so overcome with nasty thoughts that the beat possessed me and i blacked out and listened to it on a constant repeat while i wrote this instead of doing my a&p work. kisses!
dividers by angel @saradika-graphics!
you can't sleep, logan left his door open...
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Rain pelts at the smudged glass of your window, drops trailing down the span of the panes that you follow with your eyes.
It's been raining nearly all week, a rare thing in Mexico, especially somewhere as dry as Sonora.
You used to love the rain. You felt a special kind of comfort anytime night would come and there'd be a certain chill swirling through the air, that familiar scent of damp soil and wet stone rising as the first drops hit the ground.
In Sonora, rain is supposed to be a gift—a reprieve from the unrelenting heat, a chance for the dry earth to drink.
It should feel cleansing, like a reset of sorts, and maybe it would have a few months ago.
Now it just feels heavy, oppressive. Each raindrop splattering against the glass feels like a reminder of everything that's stuck, unmoving.
The soft noise of it was almost enough to lull you to sleep, but it was still no match for your wandering mind.
You’ve been finding yourself here a lot recently, shrouded in the scratchy sheets of your bed in the quiet dark encompassing your room, mind racing.
It was raining the first night he touched you.
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You've been with Logan and Charles for nine months.
A runaway hitchhiker turned caretaker after you fled from the meaningless scraps of your life back in Texas.
Logan found you on the side of the highway coming back from a shift in El Paso. One stop with the hazards on and a hasty conversation through a rolled down window later, you were throwing your bags in the back of his limo and climbing into the front seat.
You didn't realize until much later that he never truly asked you to stay, or to care for Charles alongside him.
It was only supposed to be a temporary arrangement, a roof over your head in exchange for your help. Watch over his ailing father for a few days while he went out to get him more medicine, that's what you settled on.
Yet somehow, here you are, nine months later.
You cook meals in a dusty kitchen that always smells faintly of motor oil, listen to Charles’ stories about a world you’ll never fully grasp, and watch Logan patch himself up in grim silence after he’s returned from whatever trouble found him this time. 
It's strange how the days seemed to stretch endlessly, but the weeks have slipped past like a blink. You carved out a routine in this crumbling house in Sonora, built something that resembles a life even if it feels borrowed, like a second-hand coat that never quite fits right.
At first, you weren’t sure what kept you here. Maybe Charles. 
You warmed to him almost immediately, drawn in by his gentle demeanor and the way he seemed to see right through you without a hint of judgment. 
Even when his mind faltered, slipping into tangled memories or distant fragments of a life long past, he treated you with a kindness you hadn’t felt in years.
You’d come to think of him as a king, regal and noble. A king stripped of his castle, yet still wearing a crown, if ever so skewed—a king nonetheless.
You still aren’t sure, but you can’t shake the sense that leaving now would be like tearing off a scab—painful and unnecessary.
And then, one night, the rain came.
You remember it vividly, a torrent so sudden and unrelenting. The downpour soaking the dry dirt surrounding the plant. 
You couldn’t help yourself from wandering out, stood barefoot on the porch as the cool air nipped at the skin of your arms and legs.
“You’re gonna catch a cold standin’ out here.” Logan said from somewhere behind you, his voice rough and low after the silence of a long shift.
You hadn’t moved, hadn’t even glanced his way. “I like the rain.”
There was a beat of silence before he stepped closer, the warmth of his body radiating against your back. His hand had been hesitant at first, a brush of calloused fingers against your arm. 
You didn’t pull away.
The heat of his palm felt scalding, causing goosebumps to pebble along your damp skin. His thumb swiped across the circular scar just above your elbow, a cigarette burn, one of many.
He didn’t say anything as he turned and walked back into the house. You learned quickly that Logan’s not the type to fill silences with empty words, but you both knew something shifted.
He came into your room later that night. The squeaky mattress of your bed dipping under his weight as he slid his hand down your stomach, pausing just above the waistband of your shorts, a silent question.
He didn’t kiss you, but the rain pattering against the tin roof was enough to swallow your soft moans and gasps.
You settled into something undefined—a constant push and pull of need and silence. Logan touched you when he needed to, and you let him because you wanted to.
It wasn’t love, not then. It wasn’t even comfort. But it was connection. A tenuous thread in the quiet storm of your lives.
You figured that was enough.
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The rain hasn't slowed. If anything, the howl of the wind is stronger than before.
The soothing rhythm of droplets hitting your window turned aggressively sharp, like darts thrown against a worn cork board.
The boom of thunder is nearly in sync with the pulse of your core, aching and insistent in its need.
It’s been weeks since Logan touched you last, his endless cycle of guilt stronger than it's been before. He’s never outright said it, but you know it’s there.
The silence between you both has stretched longer than you'd like to admit, a quiet that isn't comfortable anymore.
You know he’s got it in his head that he’s somehow taken advantage of you. A perverted old man falling weak to the pretty, young thing taking up space in the bed two doors over from him.
The thought stirs something deep within you, a mix of frustration and confusion. He’s not wrong, not exactly—but he’s not right either. You aren’t a child, and you aren’t helpless. You knew what you wanted, what you needed.
And that hasn’t dared to change.
You shift in bed, the sheets tangling around your legs as your body hums with a restlessness you can’t shake. The air in your room feels thick, charged, and suffocating, a mirror of the space between you and Logan.
He doesn’t understand that you want him too, that you weren’t some helpless thing to be protected or shielded from his darkness. It eats at you until your skin is practically buzzing with it, buzzing with the need to show him.
There’s only so much silence you can take before it becomes too loud to ignore. 
You swing your legs over the edge of the bed, the hardwood cool against your bare feet. You know it’s late, but you don’t care.
You walk through the dimly lit hallway, the creak of the floorboards quiet under you as you make your way to Logan’s door. It’s cracked open, a yellow glow spilling through to guide you like a lighthouse guides its ships to shore.
When you reach the beat up wood you don’t hesitate, you push it open the slightest bit, peering through the widened gap. 
He’s there, sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to you. He doesn’t turn, doesn’t acknowledge you, but you know he knows you’re there.
You cross the threshold, your heartbeat loud in your ears as you pull the door shut behind you, leaning your back against it.
“Logan,” you say softly, your voice rougher than you intended.
He doesn’t respond right away. Instead, he runs his hand through his hair, pushing it away from his face. The lamplight catches the sharp planes of his face, a familiar weariness etched into his features.
His fingers flex at his sides, and for a moment, you think he’s going to tell you to leave—to go back to your room where it’s safe, where you won’t make things more complicated than they already are. You almost brace for it.
But then he speaks.
“What’s wrong, kid.” His voice is nothing but a deep rumble, like gravel crunching underfoot.
You shrug noncommittally, hands messing with a stray thread hanging from the edge of your shorts. “Can’t sleep.”
Logan sighs long and slow through his nose, hands pressing into his thighs. “Thought you liked the rain.”
You smile faintly at the irony, chest swelling with something dangerous. 
You take a step further into the room, pushing yourself off the closed door. The familiar scent of him invades your senses. It’s a mixture of leather, earth, and something raw—something undeniably him. 
You stand there for a moment, letting the silence stretch thin and taut before you finally speak.
“Can I stay?” The words come out barely above a whisper, but they land like a crack of lightning.
You feel your heart thud painfully in your chest, not from fear, but from the sudden vulnerability that makes your skin burn.
The room feels smaller now, the walls pressing in as you step forward, each movement slow and deliberate. You stop at the edge of his bed, the sheets pressing against the bare skin of your thighs.
Logan’s gaze flickers over his shoulder, meeting yours briefly before he looks away again, like he’s trying to convince himself that the ache in his chest isn’t real.
“You should go back to bed,” he says, voice gruff. “It’s late.”
“I don’t want to go back.” You shake your head even though he isn’t turned around to see it.
Without thinking, you crawl onto the bed, the comforter making soft shushing sounds under your hands and knees. You reach out, fingers brushing the back of his neck, the muscles there tight with strain.
Logan flinches slightly, but he doesn’t pull away, and that’s all the permission you need.
You shift closer, pressing your chest against his back, and letting your hands settle on his shoulders. The heat between you is electric, charged with something unsaid, something raw and undeniable.
“Please,” you whisper, your lips brushing against the back of his ear, your voice a mixture of defiance and desire.
Logan stiffens, but this time, you feel the shudder that runs through him, the way his body responds despite the walls he’s built around himself.
You know he’s torn, that he wants to fight this. You feel it in the tension that radiates from him, in the way his body seems to be fighting against the instinct to turn toward you.
But you don’t care anymore. You’re done with silence.
Your fingers slide down his back, feeling the rough fabric of his shirt against your skin as you press yourself closer. Your breath is hot against his neck now, and you can feel the rapid pulse in his veins beneath your lips as you hover just above his skin, waiting.
“Logan…” Your voice is softer now, almost pleading. You don’t know what you’re asking for, but you don’t have to.
His hand comes up, brushing against your wrist as if testing, as if he’s afraid you’ll pull away. But you don’t.
Instead, you lean into him further, your lips brushing the curve of his neck, whispering into the tension that still hangs heavy between you. “Please.”
The last shreds of Logan’s resistance snap under the cloying weight of your touch.
He’s moving before you can even register what’s happening, rearing up with heavy hands that land on your shoulders to push you backwards.
You fall back onto the bed with a soft gasp, bouncing on the mattress once, twice, before Logan follows. His body settles over yours like a warm blanket, thick forearms braced on either side of your head to support his weight.
"Why couldn't you sleep, honey?" he asks, dark eyes boring into yours intense enough to get your stomach churning. The green of them is deeper than normal, like fresh moss growing over stone.
“I was thinking,” you whisper, breathless. Your pulse races beneath your skin, you wonder distantly if he can hear it too.
“Thinkin’ about what?” he presses, breath fanning over your lips temptingly. 
Your brows furrow, a soft noise escaping you. You can't help but tell the truth. “About you.”
Logan hums, eyes trailing along your face slowly. He slots a knee between your thighs, groaning softly at the wet heat that seeps through to his jeans.
You gasp, hips bucking down instinctively. Your pussy aches desperately, leaking arousal into the cotton gusset of your panties.
His jaw clenches at the sound, muscle ticking just beneath the grey of his beard. “Is that right? You been layin' in that bed, thinkin' about me, gettin’ all worked up?"
Your face burns under his scrutiny, but you don’t shy away. You arch your back, pressing yourself as close to him as possible, letting the heat of your body speak for you.
“Yeah,” you breathe, the confession trembling on your lips. “I need you, it hurts.”
Logan exhales sharply, like the words knocked the air out of him. His hands slide from your shoulders, rough palms gliding down the skin of your arms before settling right under the swell of your breasts.
“Where’s it achin’, baby?” he asks softly, words almost getting lost in the dark of the room. “Show me.”
You let out a soft breath, reaching down to take his hand in yours.
Without breaking eye contact, you guide his hand down your trembling body until his palm rests over the apex of your thighs, where the damp fabric of your shorts clings to your swollen folds.
“Here,” you whisper, voice barely audible above the rain pounding against his window.
A low growl rumbles from deep in his chest, and his fingers press more firmly against you, feeling the slick heat that’s soaked through the thin cotton. His eyes darken further, the green almost swallowed by the black of his pupils.
Logan’s thumb drags over your clit, slow and deliberate, coaxing a needy whimper from your lips.
“Jesus,” he mutters, his voice thick. “You’re drippin’ for me, aren’t you? Didn’t even need to touch you, and you’re already so fuckin’ wet.” 
You whimper softly, bucking your hips against his hand, desperate for more.
"I've been like this all night," you admit, your voice going high and needy. "Thinking about how good you make me feel. How much I want you."
Logan’s eyes lock onto yours, and there’s something new swirling through them, something you’ve never seen before.
A beat passes—too long—almost agonizing. His free hand lifts from your hip, gently cupping your cheek, fingers brushing against your skin, like he isn’t sure if he has the right to touch you like this. 
His thumb brushes your lip, his gaze flicking to your mouth before returning to your eyes, asking for permission, even though neither of you had ever really needed it before.
"Logan," you say, the sound a little breathless, unsure of how to navigate this sudden shift, but he doesn’t keep you waiting.
He closes the distance in a heartbeat, lips crashing into yours with a ferocity you didn’t expect.
It’s like the world around you falls away, leaving only the warmth of his lips, the taste of him, and the pressure of his body against yours. The raging storm outside dulling until it’s nothing but fuzzy background noise.
His kiss is rough, deep, urgent, but there’s something more in it, a slow unraveling. Like he’s trying to carve himself into you, a permanent mark, a reminder that he was here, even if he never says it out loud.
Logan tastes like rich smoke and whiskey, the sharp edge of him mixing with the sweet burn of need. It sends your head reeling, arms coming up to circle around his neck.
You can’t find the words to describe it, not with the way his fingers slide through the wetness gathering at your entrance, sending jolts of pleasure straight to your core.
Your hips thrust upward, begging for more, your body hungry for the release he’s just out of reach of giving.
“Want you inside me, Logan,” you moan desperately, slick lips brushing his with every word. “Please.”
Logan's body stiffens against yours at the sound of your pleading, his grip tightening on your cheek like he's trying to anchor himself in the reality of what you're asking.
“Shit,” he growls under his breath, his forehead pressing to yours as he closes his eyes. His chest heaves, the tension in his body palpable. "I—" he pauses, struggling to form the words, but you can see it in his eyes. He's conflicted, desperate, yet still hesitant.
You move against him, your body restless, your need undeniable, feeling the rigid outline of his hard cock pressed firmly against your thigh. A thick plane of heat that has your pussy clenching around the tips of his fingers.
You don’t want to push him, not anymore. But you’re past the point of waiting for permission.
Your lips meet his again, softer this time, coaxing, until he finally gives in, groaning against your mouth as he kisses you back with an intensity that steals your breath.
“I want to feel you,” you whisper, your hands trailing down to the hem of his shirt, pushing it over the swell of his pecs. 
His skin is hot under your fingertips, rough and familiar. Your fingers trail lightly across his chest, nails scratching through the salt and pepper hair dusted across his skin as you urge him closer.
“Just the tip,” Logan mutters under his breath, barely above a whisper. His voice hoarse, like he’s bargaining with himself. “Just to make you feel good, but that’s it, understand?”
You bite your lip, the edge of frustration gnawing at you. It’s not everything you need, not everything you want, but it's something. And right now, it’s enough.
You nod your head, hands already moving to the front of his jeans. You undo the button with shaking fingers, tugging the zipper down and pushing the worn denim away. 
His cock springs free, already hard, leaking with the same desperation you feel. You run your fingers along his length, feeling the heat of him, the steady throb of his pulse.
Logan peels down the thin layer of your shorts, cursing under his breath when he finds you completely bare underneath, your slick pussy shining under the dim light.
You watch him, chest heaving, as he stares down at you—his eyes dark and full of something primal, something raw.
“Fuck,” he breathes, his fingers tracing the outline of your wetness. He groans low in his throat, his thumb circling your clit once before moving down, dipping inside you just barely. “You’re perfect, baby.”
“Logan,” you whine, thighs spreading in a clear invitation. You patience is running exceedingly thin, your whole body alight with the feeling of a raging forest fire
“I know,” he mutters, placating. He takes the throbbing length of his cock in his hand, swiftly settling between your legs. “I know.”
The thick head drags through your folds, smearing pre-come along your skin and adding even more to the mess between your legs.
A quiet moan passes through your swollen lips, your muscles tightening as he slides himself along your clit. A slow back and forth movement that sends sparks shooting up your spine.
Logan grits his teeth, his breath shallow, as he finally aligns himself with your clenching hole. 
The air around you feels charged, a taut thread stretched between anticipation and restraint. You shift your hips slightly, just enough to encourage him, your eyes locked on his as you beg him silently with your gaze.
Then, with a low growl that vibrates through you, he pushes forward, just enough to make you gasp in relief, the head of his cock sliding home in your entrance.
And though it’s only the tip, the sensation of him inside you is enough to set your world alight. 
You can feel it, deep in your bones—the simmering, searing heat that makes everything else fade into the background.
Logan presses his lips to your forehead, his breath hot against your skin as he keeps his movements slow, deliberate, his hands holding your hips steady. "This is what you wanted, huh? Got you begging for it, honey," he growls softly. "Even if I’m only givin’ you a taste."
His hips roll languidly, staying true to his word and never sinking deeper than the thick head of his cock. His hand grips the base tightly, his fist fucking slow strokes over the length of himself to where he’s spreading your pussy open.
His scarred knuckles bump against your clit with every stroke, fanning the fire building in your lower stomach.
“Feel so fuckin’ good, honey,” he groans into the skin of your neck, the pace of his hips speeding up ever so slightly. “Feels like heaven.”
You claw at the skin of his back, touch wild and desperate. It takes everything in you not to shift your hips down, to sheath the rest of his cock deep inside your and lock your ankles around his back so he can never leave again.
Logan’s lips find your neck, teeth grazing your skin as he shifts against you. “Tell me you want this,” he says, his voice low, almost a command, yet laced with something tender. “Tell me you want me.”
You meet his gaze without hesitation, your voice steady despite the tremble in your chest. “I want you. I’ve always wanted you.” 
The words come out without thought, raw and honest, and you see something in his eyes shift—a flicker of relief, of something deeper than lust.
Logan groans like he got shot, his body shuddering above you as a low growl tears its way from his chest. He fucks into you faster, short, quick thrusts that steal all the breath from your lungs.
Sparks go off behind your closed eyes, bright white and glittering. You can feel yourself getting closer, your body trembling as you grind up against him, meeting him halfway, needing more, needing release.
“Logan,” you gasp, your hands gripping his shoulders harder, nails digging in. “I’m so close. Please—”
“Let go,” he growls, his pace increasing, his body pressing harder against yours. “Come for me, sweetheart.”
With his command, you unravel, the world spinning around you as the pleasure crashes over you, leaving you breathless, gasping for air, your body quivering beneath him as he holds you through it.
Logan follows, tearing himself from the tight grip of your pussy with a sharp jerk of his hips, your name falling from his lips like a prayer as he shoots thick ropes of come over your slick folds.
Your body shakes at the feeling, a breathless whimper pulled from your slack lips at the sticky warmth of his release.
He collapses onto the mattress next to you, his body shuddering enough to match your own. The room falls into a deep silence, the only sounds your mingling breaths and the distant sound of thunder.
A sick sort of dread bursts through the sweet afterglow of your hazy mind, settling in your stomach like a lead weight. You think that this is the moment where Logan will realize what you’ve done, that he’ll retreat back into himself and send you away.
Send you back to your own room and leave you to lay in the cold aftermath of your own recklessness.
You brace for it, the instinct to pull away, to protect yourself from his withdrawal, but it never comes. 
Instead, you feel his strong arm slide over your waist, pulling you closer, his body heat a stark contrast to the chill creeping in from the window.
His breath is warm against your neck as he shifts, his fingers tracing absent circles on your skin in a move that’s so endearingly human it has your chest aching.
"Stay here tonight?" he asks, his voice rough, almost a whisper.
Your heart clenches, tears burning at your waterline at the vulnerability of his tone. It breaks the dam inside you, relief and something dangerously close to love flooding your body in a bursting rush of water.
“Of course,” you murmur, your voice shaky.
Logan’s hand tightens around you, his thumb brushing over your ribs. He presses a soft kiss to the bare skin of your shoulder, settling onto the mattress with a slow breath.
You drift to sleep more relaxed than you’ve felt in years, even with the knowledge of the slow journey that lies ahead of you. It won’t be easy, it never is with Logan. You can’t find it in yourself to care.
Because even though the rain falls, the desert doesn’t bloom overnight. 
And neither do you.
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aly4khq · 3 months ago
A DRAGON'S LAIR! ☾ ⋆*・゚⋆*
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— sum: You were exploring Tarus city as a self mission, trying to find the dragon who was told to have lived in the city for many years to come. You thought that you would encounter barely anything, but you were ever so wrong.
— characters: dragon!sylus
— warnings: pining, he tops ur clothes, double penetrartion (he had too dicks), improper use of his tail, manhandling, biting, fuckin from behind. (if i have missed any, please inform me!)
— wc: 1,746
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You've never been one to lerk into unknown territory or to find refuge in a random city that you learnt about in a history book — it's never been in your nature at all. But once you saw the posters, you knew that it was a place of worship and surprise.
Tarus city, a city where it's been claimed to have a dragon that laid in the depths of a special cave. The cave was highly risky for any normal human being, I mean, the image that laid on the posters was frightening enough to keep away tourists. The unusually greyish-red that scattered around the cave's entrance, moving around like a line circling a branch, a black thick coating around it which looked like claws when compared to each other, the singular hand on the top leading to the cave like it was inviting you.
You loved mythical creatures so this was a field day for you, you needed to go.
There was also a garden which yearly grew beautiful flowers there, crimson in colour and rose in shape. They scattered everywhere, and they seemed to have been planted by a very skilled gardener — if there even was one back in the early years of life. Oh how you'd love to distress by rolling in there after a long day, what a dream.
But you weren't just there for the cool looking dragon, you were there for the sword. Like that playground sword that you had to remove from the ground, and whoever could move it was the 'chosen one', there was one that laid outside the cave, imbedded in the beautiful scenery of flowers and healthy grass with its delicate pattern leaving you with mysteries.
"Where did it come from?" "What does it symbolise?" "How did it get there out of all places?"
Who owned it?
Well, let's just say that you weren't too scared to find out. You needed answers and if you had to dig into a random mythical cave then you will. Despite the lack of information, you searched up any little tips to help you navigate inside of a cave.
You needed to be prepared, and properly prepared.
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After a while of constant climbing and exploring the beautiful long yards of greenery, you stood face to face with the cave that was feared the most back in Linkon City, aka the Dragon's Lair. In the papers, it looked like absolute horror capturing in a frame but in person, it was gorgeous.
The cave was expanded and opened for anyone to come into, and you'd did just that. Entering the cave, you turned on the flashlight you brought, seeing insta treasures of many different kinds of art scattered around the walls of the cave. "Wow...this is cool..." you softly murmured to yourself, still engrossed in the scenery—
...what the hell was that?
A deep and raged growl sped through the walls of the cave like air, filling your eyes with an intense sound. Hissing, the growl's sound waves led you to an expanded room, where a big bed-like item was in the front, surrounding by more jewels of ancient treasures. You found yourself searching around, looking for what this place could've belonged to.
And after 5 minutes, you dug in, "What's the worst that could happen?"
Searching the amazing rich items on the floor, your bag got heavier and heavier with time. Each jewel that caught your eye went in. Some of them even had ancient symbols on them, now that's a lot of money.
But, a singular gem caught your eye. It was a necklace that had a black substance scattered all over it, laying on the bed that was in the middle of the room. "Oh?" your hand went out, curious, "This is peculiar."
The necklace was a beautiful golden chain, wrapping with ancient knots and twists so it was bonded together perfectly. On both sides of the pendants scattered around the necklace, there were small, very intricate patterns dented into the metal. It had a pocture of a dragon on the front, and it...was weirdly shaped. Like the top half was crossed out, but forget that, you just found a good millions of money in your hands.
"Well, that's been a nice journey here cave, thanks for the new finds and...yeah. I'll be going."
You turned for the entrance where you came from, and it was blocked off by a large bolder. "Huh..? Why...who?"
You turned around to find a way to get out when a tail wrapped around your waist, pulling you down to your knees in a rapid manner. You scrapped your knee on the harsh carpet. "Ah! Hah...ow.." You tired to arise from your forced position when you heard a deep voice.
"Were you never taught of etiquette? Or was it just you who missed out?"
He boomed over you, a...handsome man. He was silver hair, crimson eyes and weird black claws and a tail. His clothes bleeding in with his skin.
This isn't the dragon. I mean, it's a literally human being?
"Etiquette? Who are you?" You replied back harshly, not thinking before you spoke. Remembering quickly, it was too late, his tail went around your body before whipping the skin behind you thighs. You yelped, cursing the man-dragon above you.
"You!—" "Me what?"
He arose from his throne, walkijg menacingly to grab your waist before pulling you up to your feet. He turned you around, your back against his toned chest. His hand went over your chin and upper neck, pushing your head back to his shoulder with a smirk.
"Maybe I should teach you," he bite your collarbone before growling, "how to respect a dragon's cave."
"Gahh—Ugggg, you're so deep!—"
That same dragon had you bent over the same drawer you had stolen from, your clothes ripped from his sharp claws just where you soaked pussy was.Your back arched like never before and his hand still around your chin, his teeth biting and sucking on your collarbone with delight. His hips were slow but deep, reaching your cervix with long strokes, his dick sending you into a wave of pleasure.
"What's the answer?"
He'd made you write down the rules of entering his cave again, the pencil shaking vigorously in your trembling hands. The paper soaking up your falling tears as you begged and pleaded with the man above you. "Hahh— Sylus— please...! Please! I might just—"
His tail traveled down your clit, gently caressing it with the peek of the tail. "Write it down, or I'll do even worse." He threatened, and you obeyed, grabbing the pencil and harshly writing down, "I will be respectfu—"
"Ah!!" His hip gave you a sharp thrust, a warning to behave and write properly. His hand groping your wee cheeks to the point that you could feel his claws digging into your flesh. "You have one more chance." With every word, he thrusted harder until you shrieked, your body bending more forward to escape his powerful hips, you pussy squeezes into the life out of him.
Your hands went back, trying to push his pelvis away from you. "Hm?" He hummed, his eyebrow rising before you hear a chuckle, "Want me to slow down sweetie?" His voice was playful, yet you nodded quickly anyway.
"Too bad." 

He sped up, his hips snapping so fast with your to the point where it echoed in the room. Your hands banged on the drawer, lookijg for a way to soothe to intense pleasure that you were being given. You couldn't even speak, your face fucked out and your body slowly weakening.
"S-Sy...luss...I can't...! Please..." You begged, trying to find a better way to convince him to give you a break. His dick the was so deep that you thought that it was two dicks at once. It felt so huge, and more struggle.
The stretch was too much, you yelled, "Sylus! Why is it—" You gasped loudly, relent that he had two massive ducks in you at the moment, both of them lodged deep in your pussy. In that moment, you nearly passed out. "Ahh ah hah...hahh!!" You cried out, tensing, "Pleaseee..."
"You're fine, just one more." Sylus cheered on, his tail moving up to caress your back, travelling down the straight line. His tail met your ass, gently put slowly digging it into your other hole, "No! No no, please, i can't, please," Your whole body was shaking, your sweat coating your skin.
"Mhm, fine, for now." Sylus replied in a teasing tone before continuing to roll his hips into yours, and by that tight squeeze he knew that you were close. You stood a little, crying, "I can feel it!— I need to pee—Why does it feel like I need to pee?!—"
He reassured you, speaking in your ear, "It's normal, you're fine, just relax." You wasn't breathing at all. He grabbed your chin again before ordering you, "Cum."
Your orgasm hit you, your lungs not being able to take in oxygen due to the sheer force of your release. The intense feeling was still shocking you, your hands braking some of the wood of the drawer due to your grip. Your legs shaking like no ever before you felt his claws tap your chest, "Hey, Breathe."
You took a deep breath in before covering your mouth, instantly being met with fatigue. "I need a rest...I can't feel myself..." Sylus chuckled at your position, his hand goijg around your waist to carry you to his bed. "It's okay, you took both off my dicks, well done."
"I knew you'd come along," Sylus hummed, "so just relax my Queen, I'll take care of you.
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this is not proofread! i was too eager to post so sorry hotties!
@ aly4khq, do not plagiarise, translate or copy my work. (30/11/24)
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feyascorner · 1 year ago
Okay perhaps this sounds odd but imagine Astarion starts to disassociate while intimate with Tav and so he uses their established safe word, only to be bewildered when Tav actually listens to him and stops and asks if he’s okay and tries to comfort him because nobody has cared that much before 😢
OH GODS WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME (i love it) warning for suggestive content :)
For as long as Astarion's been genuinely intimate with you, for no other reasons but simply because of the affection the two of you hold for one another, he has always been in control.
It soothes him, in a way, to be on top. And as much as he enjoys watching you come undone beneath him, there's a more frustrating reason behind why he always feels the need to be the one to push you down onto whatever surface he deems decent enough at the time. From above you, he can see every little twitch in your body, every shift in your expression, and most of all, he can control what's happening, unlike his centuries spent as a seductive tool for Cazador's own needs.
He knows you're not like those fools. He knows you're different, and you're special to him. But the gnawing voice in the back of his head always forces him to pull you in, to hold you closer, to make love to you.
It's fucked up in so many ways.
"I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel."
But when you look up at him with those imploring, loving eyes, the voice seems to go quiet. He swallows the dryness of his throat, unable to think of anything but how wonderful your touch feels on his skin, and he thinks he could drown in this forever. He's putty in your hands, whether he wants to admit it or not.
"Well? Don't be a tease just standing there, darling."
In what feels like minutes, he's a mess. He's making sounds he shouldn't be making, fingertips digging into your hips as if they're the anchors keeping him from finishing too early. He breathes heavily into the crook of your neck, groaning when you caress the sharp tip of his ear between your fingers.
The only thing keeping him from spilling is the impending embarrassment he'd feel for doing so this early on in the night.
Then, everything stops.
"You're so beautiful," you whisper.
They're only words. They're not ones he's heard little of---in fact, he's heard it too much in the past two hundred years. In an instant, memories of the nights he spent under strangers, forced to shove his mind into its darkest corners just to get through their own pleasures, flood his consciousness. The sickening taste in his mouth afterward, and the need to rub his skin till it goes raw were not uncommon. It was routine. A sick part of his life that he'd rather forget.
You don't mean it the same way they did. They only said things like that because that's all they could say. They didn't know him as anything but the husk of a body he resided in. He knows you are saying the words to him. Not to his body but to the very person he is.
But the word comes spilling out his mouth, and immediately, you freeze.
You actually stopped.
Of course, you would. You're you.
"Are you okay? Did I do something?" you reach to cup either of his cheeks, and he stares at you as if you're a star that's fallen from the sky. He blinks, slowly.
"I don't know, I just---" he searches for words. "--you haven't done anything wrong, darling."
You wait for him to finish patiently. Gods, he doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve you.
"I only remembered something I'd rather not," he plasters a crooked grin on his face. "It's quite alright. We can continue now if I haven't ruined the mood."
You pull away from him, and he fears you'll leave.
Moments later, you return with a glass of water. Wordlessly, you hand it to him, and he only stares at it, confused beyond belief. Only once he notices the way you gesture to the glass does he drink it, and you finally climb back into bed, lying down beside him.
"Come here," you open your arm, motioning him to come closer.
"Darling, as much as I'm all for experimenting, that's a strange position to have sex in."
You smile, shaking your head. You don't explain any further, only continuing to hold out your arm.
Hesitant though curious, he slowly lies down beside you, his head just above your chest and slotted between the space below your chin. With gentle hands, you pull him closer and toss the blanket over both of your bodies.
It's warm. Strange, but warm.
"You don't have to wear a mask with me," you whisper.
His eyes grow wide, and his chest stills. He doesn't have many tears left after 239 years, but there's an unfamiliar squeeze in his chest that tells him if he were still 39 and alive, he might have. Astarion wraps his arms around your waist, burying his face into where he can hear the steady beating of your heart.
Later, when your eyes begin to droop, he mumbles.
"Tell me I'm beautiful again."
"You're beautiful," you say softly. "With or without your pretty face."
You might be imagining it, but you feel him smile against your skin.
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soaps-mohawk · 8 months ago
Cherry Red, Crimson Blood
Chapter 26: Fuck
Summary: You're going insane. The need is insatiable, but that's not the only thing plaguing you.
Pairings: Poly 141 x reader
Word Count: 6,261
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, p in v sex, unprotected sex, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, bodily fluids, gagging, creampie, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alternate Universe, a/b/o typical classism and sexism, a sprinkle of angst, fluff, obviously language, someone drops the L word, Simon rizzin' with the 'tism
A/N: You might be asking, am I really naming the chapter that? Yeah. I've been half asleep these last couple days (including while writing most of this) due to my change of meds so if this is ass, blame it on my medication lol. Anyway, yeah, you'll see with this one.
I'd also like to give very special thanks to @141wh0re who helped me with the Johnny scene I owe you big time, princess 🫶
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Hands squeeze your ass cheeks, pushing them apart to reveal your soaked pussy. You let out a quiet moan as the cool air in the room hits your damp slit. Another, louder moan leaves your lips as a thumb drags through your folds. Your pussy clenches at the sensation, slick oozing out of you in anticipation. Fingers rub it through your folds, teasing over your clit before pulling back. 
You let out a whine of indignation and disappointment, pressing your hips back as you chase after the touch needily. 
“Easy, you needy little pup.” You jump at the harsh slap against your cheek in retaliation. “I'll give you what you need.”
You whine, face pressed into the sheets as John kneels behind you. His warm breath across your damp folds is a delicious contrast to the cool air in the room. It has you whining and twitching, fingers sinking into the soft fabric under you. 
Your legs nearly give out at the first drag of his tongue through your folds. You moan softly, pressing back against his mouth. His hands press against your ass, keeping you still as he drags his tongue through your folds again. His beard tickles your thighs, prickling deliciously against the sensitive skin. You'll have beard burn by the end of this, but you can hardly complain. 
You never do. 
His thumbs part your folds again, spreading you open as his lips close around your clit. A long moan falls from your lips as he sucks on the sensitive bud. You're close to cumming already, your pussy sensitive after the last few days of near nonstop fucking with the members of your pack. 
“Fuck!” You moan against the sheets as John gives your clit a particularly hard suck. 
“Sensitive little thing.” He murmurs against your clit, his tongue flicking against the bud. 
You whine, legs starting to tremble as they fight to hold you up against the pleasure from John's mouth. He continues his relentless ministrations against your clit, rotating between suckling it and flicking it with his tongue. 
Your moans get more and more needy as you get closer and closer to the edge, John pushing you harder against the mattress so you don’t fall as your legs nearly give out. 
You cum with a cry, legs shaking as he holds you up, licking up every last drop from your pussy. 
He stands from between your legs, delivering another light slap to your ass. “On the bed.”
You pull yourself up fully on the mattress, turning to face him with a smirk. “How do you want me, daddy?”
A low growl rumbles in his chest as he stares down at you, his gaze darkening. He nods towards the pillow, his voice deep and rough. “On your back.”
You shift so you're laying on the bed, sinking into the pillow. He strips off his shirt and pants, hard cock springing free. You nearly drool at the sight of it, hard and weeping. He climbs onto the bed, the mattress dipping from his weight. He settles himself between your knees, pushing them apart so you're spread open before him. He stares down at your weeping pussy, licking his lips. 
“So fucking needy.” He groans, pressing two fingers into you. You mewl at the stretch, pussy fluttering around his fingers. “So worked up over the littlest things. You'd cum just like this on my fingers, couldn't you?”
You clench around his fingers, your hips pressing closer to his hand. You could, even if he held them still. Your body feels like it's on fire, desire and lust and pleasure coursing through you. His scent has gone straight to your head, driving the neediness and desperation for some relief, something to take the edge off the intense throbbing in your pussy. 
“Need you, alpha.” You whine, continuing to fuck yourself on his fingers. 
He holds his hand there for a few moments, watching your slick coat his fingers before he pulls them free, spreading your legs further apart. You lift yourself up on your elbows as you watch him press forward, dragging his cock through your folds. Your lips part, quiet gasps slipping free as his head catches on your clit, smearing his precum through your folds. 
You flop back against the pillow again as he presses into you, splitting you open around his cock. He's so big, so warm as he takes his time, working himself into you. You moan at the stretch, pressing your legs further open around him, as if that will help him sink in deeper. 
You can't do anything but lay there and moan as he pushes into you to the hilt, hips flush against yours as he bends over you, his hands framing your face. You stare up at him, meeting his gaze as he sits there inside you for a moment. Your pussy flutters around him, the intensity of his stare shooting straight through you. 
He lets out a quiet grunt as you squeeze around him, pulling his hips back before slowly pressing back in. You’re nearly hypnotized as you stare up at him, as he continues to move, fucking you slowly. Your breath hitches at the intensity, the passion building in the moment. 
He shifts his position, pressing his body down against yours. He grinds against you as he picks up the pace, his hand cupping the back of your head as he presses his lips to yours. You moan into the kiss with every pass of his pelvis over your clit, your arms lifting to wrap around his back, pressing him as close to you as you can. He pulls back from your mouth, his lips parting in a groan as you wrap your legs around his waist, trying to take him deeper than he already is. It's all very sensual, the way he moves against you, his eyes locked on yours, the quiet grunts leaving his lips, the twitch of his cock inside you. 
It’s too much as you cum suddenly, your orgasm slamming into you like a battering ram. You squeeze around him, legs tightening around his hips. He lets out a low groan, his pace faltering a bit as you squeeze around him like a vice. It doesn't stop him, though, his thrusts continuing even after your body has gone lax around him. You continue to cling to him, holding on for dear life as he fucks you to the point of overstimulation. 
You whine, nails digging into his back as the sensations become too much, squirming in his grasp. 
“You can take it.” He grunts, shifting his hips just slightly. “Come on, be a good girl for me.” 
You whine at his words, your body shaking as sweat drips down your face. “Yes, daddy.” 
He lets out a deep growl, his hips slamming against yours at the pet name. You’re not quite sure where it came from, why you’ve decided now is the time to pull it from the recesses of your mind. You remember when he jokingly told you, you could call him that if you wanted before your last heat, but you had yet to be brave enough to let it slip from your lips. 
Until now. 
Maybe it was the desperation, the neediness driving you to sink to places you’ve never gone before. He likes it, you can tell by the growls rumbling in his chest, the way his cock throbbed inside you when you let the name spill out. Maybe once the ache in your pussy subsides, when this relentless itch has finally been scratched, you’ll be brave enough to say it again. 
He finally cums, hips snapping into yours as he spills into you with a deep groan. His hips twitch against you as you continue to hold him there, letting him fill you. 
He nearly collapses over you, just managing to keep his full weight off of you. His skin is hot against yours, only adding to the sweat slicking your bodies. You’re worried he might suction to you, though you could hardly complain. You’d suction yourself to your alpha permanently if you could. You stroke his sweaty back, both of you laying in silence as you catch your breaths, letting the pleasure of the moment linger as long as possible. Your pussy flutters around him, pushing some of his seed out around his cock. 
“Fuck.” He groans, his lips brushing your ear. “Making my cock hurt, sweetheart.”
You hum, drawing patterns on his back. “You don't have to do it, you know. I can always go to one of the others.”
He lets out a low growl, pressing down so his weight is almost fully against you, trapping you under him. “You're mine to take care of.” He rumbles in your ear, lips brushing the shell. 
You let out a quiet whine, relaxing under him as he presses soft kisses to your skin. A shiver running through you as he kisses his mark on your neck. You arch your back slightly, pressing closer to his chest. 
“Easy, pup.” He says, shifting off of you. You whine as his cock slips from your pussy, your walls fluttering at the loss. “You need to rest.”
You pout as he rolls you onto your side, locking his arms around you to keep you still. Your pout shifts into a smirk as you press your ass back against him, putting pressure on his cock. 
“Stop.” He commands, releasing you to slap the side of your thigh. 
You yelp at the contact, but a smile pulls at your lips. “Yes, daddy.”
A low growl rumbles in his chest as he wraps his arms around you again, keeping you pinned against his chest. “What prompted this change?” He growls in your ear. 
You shrug, your hands coming up to wrap around his arms. “Mood felt right, I guess.” 
“I’m certainly not complaining.” He says, nipping at your ear. 
You whine, pressing your ass back against him again. He pushes back, pressing your legs further forward. 
“You need to sleep.” He says, the warning in his tone clear as day. 
“Can’t.” You whine, slickness already coating your thighs again. 
He slips a hand down your front, pushing it between your legs to feel how wet you are still. “Did you tell Dr. Keller about this?” He asks. 
You nod, spreading your legs as he pushes two fingers into you. “Yeah.” 
“And what did she say?” He asks, holding his fingers still inside you. 
You pause for a moment, your hazy brain trying to remember that conversation, but all you can remember is how insanely horny you’ve been these last few days. “I don’t remember.” 
He grunts in disapproval, your legs closing around his hand, trapping him there. “I’ll ask her about it tomorrow.” He breathes, pressing a kiss behind your ear. “Get some rest, for me. I know you’re tired.” 
You let out a quiet whine at the growl under his voice, his alpha slipping out to try and convince you to sleep without commanding it. You know he could, he probably should, as you shift on his fingers, moaning softly as they press up against your sensitive walls. 
This is going to be a long night. 
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He feels like this is becoming a regular occurrence, sitting across from Dr. Keller, voicing his concerns about his omega. She always looks so sympathetic and understanding, always so attentive, listening to every word. He never had any doubts about your doctor, but the more time he spends in her office, he can see why you like her so much. 
“Pseudo-heat.” She says, after listening to him ramble on about your intense desire and neediness, the insane level of horniness that’s plagued you these last few days, ever since your first time with Simon. “I had my concerns after our last appointment together. She brought it up, but she was so out of it, here but not here.” A smile tugs at her lips. “I’m not sure she heard a word I said.” 
“I don’t think she did.” John says, leaning back in his seat. “Is this dangerous?” 
Dr. Keller shakes her head. “Not entirely. They can happen for many reasons, usually a hormone imbalance, a disruption in pack dynamics, or a rejection of an alpha. Occasionally, though, they can be brought on by a new bond with a second alpha.” 
John grunts quietly, the pieces beginning to come together. “This started after she slept with Simon the first time.” 
Dr. Keller nods. Obviously you would have brought that up to her. “They both have very intense instincts, and while Lieutenant Riley might not have claimed her, that bond is equally as intense as it settles into place.” 
“Is there a way to stop the intense...neediness? I’m worried she might fuck herself to death.” 
Dr. Keller chuckles. “She won’t. She’s young and healthy and while it might take a physical toll, the rest of you are more likely to suffer before she does. This is where toys come in handy for omegas. I don’t doubt the rest of you are beginning to feel it.” 
John grunts. “You could say that.” 
“Keep her hydrated, try to get her to rest if you can. It’ll pass in a few days.” 
“Will this have an effect on her actual heat?” John asks. He knows you’re due for one very soon. 
“It shouldn’t.” Dr. Keller says, looking at her calendar. “The only thing I’d worry about is if she’ll have enough time to physically recover before it starts. Otherwise she’s going to be in for a world of hurt when she comes out the other side. Of course, I can help with that once she gets there. It’s very likely her preheat may cause this all to stop. I doubt she’d get thrown into her heat without her body doing any preparation. Just keep a close eye on her, watch her temperature and any other typical physical signs of her heat.” 
John nods. He knows how dangerous it would be if you suddenly went into heat. He’d never dream of hurting Simon on purpose, but the thought of losing his mind and attacking his second alpha over their omega has him terrified. 
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“Simon?” You ask, rolling over in his bed as he picks up the towel from the floor. 
“Hm?” He hums, walking into the bathroom to hang the towel over the shower door. 
“Can I ask you something?” You continue as he comes back out of the bathroom with a damp rag, parting your legs to wipe you clean. You wince at the roughness of the rag on your sensitive skin.
“Depends.” He says, going back into the bathroom. You hear running water for a few seconds before he comes back out. 
“You don't have to answer if you don't want to.” You say, scooting over to give him room as he slides under the covers with you. “Just curious.”
“Go ahead.” He says, tucking his sheets around the two of you. 
“How did you learn to do that?” You ask, pressing yourself against his chest, your cheeks warming a bit. “Make a girl squirt?” 
He hums again, the sound vibrating against your ear. “One of the few relationships I've been in, back when I was a recruit. Dated a beta. She was into it and taught me how to do it.” 
“Why did you break up?” You ask, immediately regretting the question. You know how closed off he is, how tightly he keeps his past sealed. That you know as much as you do about him is a privilege.
“Mutual decision.” He says. “Got busy, started going on longer and longer deployments as I moved up the ranks. She didn't like me being away for so long at a time, so we moved on with our lives. Never really had time for another relationship or wanted one until I joined this pack. Even then, at first I wasn't interested.”
“But Johnny wormed his way into your heart.” You say. You've heard the story from Johnny before. 
Simon huffs out a laugh. “Persistent bastard.” He squeezes you tightly. “Almost worse than you.”
You giggle, squirming in his grasp as he tickles your sides. “Hey! I wasn't even trying!” 
He rolls over onto his back, shifting you onto his chest. “Still.” He says, cupping your face. “Managed to win me over in the end.”
“I'm glad I did.” You say, looking into his eyes. “I'm glad you finally gave in.”
He smirks under the mask, you can tell by the way his mouth moves beneath the fabric. “Me too.” He releases your face, letting you rest on his chest. “Don’t tell Johnny.” 
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Your nails drag over the top of his muscular thighs, feeling the soft skin mingling with faded scars and wiry hair. Johnny stares at you over the edge of his sketchpad, his dark eyes watching your every move like a hawk. 
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, fighting to contain the eager grin that bares your teeth to him, showing your excitement at being face to face with his cock. Your nails dare to venture closer to his base, teasing the skin of his pelvis now as you lower your head to place a kiss on his weeping tip. 
Johnny’s breath hitches, his eyes falling shut at the initial contact. A shudder runs through him, his grip on the sketch pad tightening, fingers curling around the edges. 
“Thought you were supposed to be drawing.” You say, your hand wrapping around the base of his cock.
“Christ almighty...” He breathes, staring at you for a moment longer before turning his gaze to the sketchpad. 
You don’t move until you hear the scratch of his pencil on the paper, lowering your head as you hold his length in place. Johnny bites his lip, a strangled moan choking in his throat as your tongue trails a line from his sack, up the length of his shaft until you reach the sensitive head. You close your mouth around the tip, meeting his gaze as the sound of the pencil pauses. 
You pull away from him, meeting his gaze as he stares at you. A smile tugs at your lips, your hand holding his cock in place as he fights the urge to throw the sketch pad off the bed. He’s struggling to stay focused, fighting the urge to succumb to the pleasure of your touch. 
You don’t move until he looks back at the pad, the scratch of the pencil starting once more. You return your attention to his cock, flicking your tongue over his slit, tasting the salty precum pooling at the tip. Johnny’s nostrils flare as he exhales deeply, shaking his head just slightly as if he’s trying to shake off the distraction you’re proving to be. 
Your other hand moves to gently cup his balls, massaging and rolling the soft spheres in your hold. Johnny finally reacts, letting a breathless moan escape him in a moment of lost concentration, his hips bucking involuntarily. 
“Christ, bonnie,” He exhales. 
Your thighs clench together, still slick from when you sat on his face earlier, pussy still pulsing despite the three orgasms he gave you. Your arousal threatens to leave a damp spot on the bed, a lasting reminder of the events of this evening. 
You finally take him into your mouth, shifting just slightly as you sink down on his length. Another groan leaves his lips, the pencil stalling for a moment as you flatten your tongue against his shaft, taking as much as you can into your mouth. You fight the urge to gag around him, pulling back until just his tip is in your mouth. You swallow the build up of saliva in your mouth, tinted with the flavor of his precum. 
You continue your ministrations as he continues drawing, bobbing in a slow, steady rhythm as your free hand cups his balls. His legs clench around you, muscles flexing and relaxing, flexing and relaxing as he fights to keep control over himself. Drool pools at the edges of your lips, dribbling down his length and collecting at the hand still wrapped around his base. 
You take a breath through your nose before easing further down until his tip hits the back of your throat. You gag around him, tears reflexively rimming your waterline. Johnny's hips twitch as he fights the urge to buck up into you, knuckles going white around the edge of the sketchpad. 
You hold that position for a moment, breathing through your nose before relaxing your throat, taking him as far as you can. Johnny groans, peering over the edge of the sketchpad, meeting your gaze as your lips nearly press against the hand holding his base. He stares at you for a moment before going back to his sketch, pretending to pay you no mind as his legs relax around you. 
You accept the silent challenge, speeding up your movements as you bob on him, your tongue flicking the underside of his crown. Your hands leave his cock, settling on his thighs as you take him as deep as you can with each movement of your head, nails biting into the sensitive skin. 
“Fuck....” He groans, muscles tensing under you again, and you would have smiled had it not been for the cock currently stuffed in your mouth. 
Your lips are starting to sting from being stretched around his girth as you take him deep into your throat, gagging around him. He echoes with his own groan from the way your throat constricts around him. The hand holding the sketch pad is shaking slightly, his breaths quiet gasps as he tries to hold in his pleasure. 
You ease yourself back up his cock, your tongue tracing the tick vein on the underside of his shaft. You flick the tip of your tongue along the underside of his crown, nearly pulling a whine from his lips. The pathetic sound drives you to continue the motion, flicking your tongue back and forth as your hand shifts to stroke his length. His cock is raging red, twitching in your grasp as you drag your tongue along his weeping slit again. 
“Fuck...” He hisses, his hips twitching again. 
He’s not holding back anymore, needy moans falling from his lips, his pencil continuing to falter as you tease his head. His hips jerk, trying to push his cock against your face, smearing precum on your lips. 
“Gonna cum?” You ask, taking hold of his cock again as you lazily trailing your tongue over the veins lining the throbbing appendage. 
He groans, fingers nearly denting the sketch pad as he grips it for dear life. “Fuckin’...yes!” 
You take him into your mouth again, sinking down as far as you can, your nose nearly touching the hand holding his cock. He twitches in your mouth, his stomach flexing as you gag again, squeezing your eyes shut to fight the reflex. More drool drips onto his pelvis, soaking the dark hair that lines his cock. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He drops his pencil, his hand shooting to hold the back of your head as he cums in your mouth. You take what he gives you, swallowing around him as he twitches against your tongue. “Screamin’ Jesus.” He moans, tugging on your hair to lift you off his cock. “Gonnae kill me. Fuckin’ got my boabie aching.” 
You lick your lips, getting every last drop of precum and drool left. Johnny groans as he releases your hair, his hand reaching for his pencil where he’d dropped it off to his side. He’s not wrong in complaining about his cock hurting. Even you’re beginning to feel the last few days, the ache lingering longer and longer after every fuck, every orgasm. 
You crawl your way up Johnny’s body, flopping yourself on his chest. He grunts quietly as your weight falls rather ungracefully on him. You lay there, catching your breath, the salty tang of his cum on your tongue. He’s breathing heavily too, sweat slicking his skin where it’s pressed against yours. 
“Insatiable little kitten.” He grumbles, resting his sketchpad on your back as he returns to drawing. 
“Can't help it.” You murmur, your head resting on his shoulder. “Feel like I'm going insane.”
“Yer just releasin’ pent up energy.” Johnny says. 
You shift slightly against his chest, shocked he can have such coherent thoughts after an orgasm. “Huh?”
“You and Simon have been dancin’ around each other fer months now. Ye have a lot of pent up energy between you, and ye need to let it out. He's been just as insatiable.” Johnny explains. 
A frown pulls at your brows as you think it over. It makes sense, that the two of you would have a lot of pent up energy, paired with your heightened instincts, you just want to fuck each other senseless until that energy disperses. 
“Makes sense.” You murmur, nuzzling against Johnny's shoulder, relaxing in his soothing scent and the sound of the pencil on paper. 
He hums, the sound vibrating through you. He presses his nose into your hair for a moment, breathing you in. His lips brush your forehead, pressing soft kisses along your hairline. “So fuckin’ sweet.” He groans. “Fuckin’ love you.”
His words wipe all urge to sleep from your mind, suddenly wide awake. You tense just slightly, waiting for him to realize what he said, to change his mind and backtrack. 
You've said it, confessed your feelings to John and he had said it back with no hesitation, but had he only said it because you said it first? He hasn't said it since then, but neither have you. 
You take in a shaky breath, planting your hand against his chest to ground yourself. You'll never know until you ask. It's Johnny, you can trust him, ask him anything and trust he'll be honest with you. “You mean it?” the words are small, quiet on the off chance he won't hear and you can backtrack yourself. 
“Course.” He says, his lips brushing your forehead. “We all do. Hard not to love our sweet omega.” 
You hum quietly, shocked by the words. “Well, that’s good.” You say, swallowing the nervous lump forming in your throat. “Because I love you too.” 
He turns to look at you, a grin pulling at his lips. He sets his sketchpad against your back, wrapping his arms around you. He presses his lips to yours, tangling a hand in his hair again. The kiss leaves you breathless, so much emotion and passion poured into it. He licks into your mouth, stirring the warmth in your stomach again. 
He groans against your lips, feeling the slick of your thighs as you start to slip off his chest to his side. “Not again.” He whines, pulling away from your lips. 
“I’m fine.” You say, trying to force away the insatiable warmth in your stomach. “Can I see what you were drawing?” 
“‘Course.” He says, shifting the sketch pad to his right hand so you can see. 
It’s a drawing of you, eyes looking forward with his cock halfway into your mouth, lips spread around him. Your hand is holding his base, fingers delicately wrapped around the thick shaft. You lick your lips, suddenly finding it hard to stop the slick wetting your thighs again. 
“If you ever get tired of the military, you could be a professional artist.” You say, staring at the detail in the drawing that he managed despite the fact you were attempting to suck the soul out of him. 
He chuckles. “Yer not the first one to say that.” 
“‘M serious.” You say, as the exhaustion from the day starts to weigh heavy on your brain. 
“Thank ye.” He says, kissing your forehead. “Get some rest, kitten.” He says, moving the sketchpad back so it’s resting on your side as he goes back to drawing. 
You can't help it as your eyes begin to slip closed, lulled to sleep by his warmth and the sounds of him sketching. 
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It's the first time in days you've woken up without your pussy throbbing in need. Your half asleep brain can't comprehend what it means as you press a hand between your legs, finding only the dried fluids from the night stuck to your thighs. You blink awareness back into your mind, laying there with your hand between your legs. 
Kyle groans behind you, his arm tight around your waist. “Not again.”
You're finally awake enough to digest what the dryness between your legs means and you push yourself up to sit. “I'm not horny.”
Kyle shifts slightly behind you, still half asleep. “Hmm?”
“I'm not horny.” You repeat yourself, withdrawing your hand from between your legs. 
Kyle pushes himself up to sit, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He slips his own hand between your legs, running his fingers over your folds. Despite how nice it feels, you don't feel the urge to grind against them, to take his wrist and hold his hand still as you fuck yourself on his fingers. 
“Damn.” He says, withdrawing his hand. “Looks like we finally fucked it out of you.” He leans over, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Fucking glad, my cock is starting to hurt.”
You huff out a breath. “You old men and your sore cocks.”
“Hey!” He tries to grab for you, but you're faster, slipping out of arm's length as you grab your panties from the floor. “‘M not that old.”
“Well, you're certainly acting like it.” You say, sticking your tongue out at him. 
He jumps off the bed, wrapping his arms around you before you can reach the door, lifting you off your feet. His fingers dig into your sides, tickling you. You shriek out a laugh, wiggling to try and escape his relentless tickling. 
“Okay, okay!” You gasp out. “You’re not old.” 
“Thank you.” He says, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he sets you back on your feet. “We've spent way too much time fucking this week for you to call me old.” He delivers a slap to your ass before pulling away. 
He grabs clothes to change into and you steal one of his shirts, pulling it on before walking down to your room. You pause in front of your door, your eyes drawing to the gap between the door and the frame. Your heart rate picks up as you stand there, panic making your fingers shake. You closed it. You distinctly remember closing it, hearing it click before you slipped into Kyle's room. 
You peek around the hallway, trying to keep your breathing even. Johnny's door is open across the hall, but he's not inside. Kyle has gone to the bathroom, and both Simon’s and John's doors are closed. You have half a mind to run for John's office, or to knock on the doors, something. 
What if they're not in there, though? No one will hear you if something happens, or be able to get to you in time. 
But what is the likelihood of anyone managing to get in without anyone noticing, even if none of them are in the hallway? Kyle had just left and would have noticed. There would be a smell, a bad vibe, something. Simon would have noticed immediately if he’s left his room already. Johnny would have noticed. Someone would know. 
Your fingers shake as they wrap around the knob. You can scream. Scream and they'll make it in record time. For all you know, maybe you didn't close your door. Or maybe one of them had come looking for you and forgot to close it. 
That's probably it. 
You take a deep breath in, closing your hand around the knob tightly before throwing the door open. You take half a step back in shock, your startled shriek reducing to a squeak in your throat as a familiar dark figure turns to you. 
“Simon!” You gasp, putting a hand on your chest. “You scared the shit out of me!” You look between him and your closet, and the many clothes draped over your bed and your desk chair, and even the bear. “What are you doing?” 
“Your closet is a mess.” He says, hanging the shirt in his hands. “You're living in a pigsty.”
You pout, looking around at your dirty clothes on the floor. “It's not a pigsty.”
He gives you a glance out of the corner of his eye as he hangs the shirt in your closet. 
You step into your room, calming the uneasy panic. It's just Simon who entered your room. Simon who felt the need to reorganize your clothes. “Simon?”  
He hums, hanging things back in your closet. 
“Where's my laundry basket?” You ask, noticing the empty space against the wall. 
“Started a load for you.” He says, grabbing more from the stack on your desk chair. 
You look over at your desk, your eyes scanning your books. “Did...did you reorganize my books too?” 
He nods. “Alphabetically by author's last name in each genre.” 
You nod slowly, turning away from your desk. “Right. How long have you been up?” 
Simon shrugs. “Couple hours.” 
“Uh huh.” You nod, moving to your dresser to dig out clean clothes for the day. 
Simon lets out a long breath as you dig for a shirt, drawing your gaze up to him. He shakes his head, eyes focused on your mess. 
“It's not that bad!” You say defensively, pushing the drawer closed. 
“How do you find anything?” He says, staring down at you disappointedly. 
“Like I just did. I know which shirt is which.” You say, crossing your arms. 
He shakes his head, rolling his eyes as he turns back to your closet. “Fucking hell.” 
You can’t hide your smile as you head for your bathroom, getting ready for the day. 
Your stomach starts to growl as you’re brushing your teeth, the hunger gnawing almost painfully. You frown, rubbing at your stomach as you rinse your mouth. You’d had a snack last night before creeping into Kyle’s room. Maybe the exertion of the last week is catching up to you. 
You exit the bathroom, finding your clothes put away in your closet and Simon missing with the dirty clothes on the floor. You’re not usually that messy, but with the last week having gone the way it did, cleaning was the last thing on your mind. You grab a pair of shoes before stepping out into the hallway, still rubbing your stomach. 
“Hungry?” John asks, coming down the hallway. 
You nod, your stomach growling again. “Yeah.” 
“Come on.” He puts a hand on your back, steering you out of the barracks. 
You’re still a bit on edge from your panic earlier, your body shifting towards John’s as you pass by groups of soldiers. He wraps an arm around you, keeping you glued to his side as you make your way into the mess. 
He makes your tray for you, plating up your favorites before carrying it to the table. You’re the first ones there, the other three still missing. You don’t care, digging into your tray immediately to try and ease the ache in your stomach. It’s like you’ve traded now, the ache in your pussy for the ache in your stomach. 
You're halfway done with your tray by the time the others take their seats, not even pausing shoveling food in your mouth to acknowledge their presence. 
“Slow down, love. Food’s not going anywhere.” Kyle says, patting your back gently. 
“Hungry.” Is all you say around bites of sausage. 
“How much of a workout did ye put her through last night?” Johnny asks Kyle. 
Kyle smirks, glancing down at you before looking at Johnny. “Apparently a good one.” 
The dig into their own trays, eating slowly as you continue to inhale your food until there’s nothing left. The scrape of your spoon against the tray has you pouting, your stomach still rumbling. You’re half tempted to lick the tray to get up every last bit of food off of it. 
“What?” Simon asks, looking at you as you pout. 
“Still hungry.” You say, pushing your empty tray away from you, resting your elbows on the table and your head in your hands. 
They all share a look, pausing in their own eating. You feel like crying, the gnawing in your stomach relentless and uncomfortable. 
“Love...” Kyle says, his tone hesitant, like he’s about to deliver horrible news. 
It will be horrible news. The pieces are beginning to come together now. Waking up not horny after nearly a week of being horny, the insatiable hunger, your pouty attitude. 
You lift your head from your hands, your arms dropping onto the table. You don’t look at them, already knowing what you’d see if you did. They’ve put it together faster than you have, your stomach swirling with emotions. You’ve lost track of time, not even thinking about how much time has passed, how the weeks have flown by. Dr. Keller had mentioned it briefly, but you had been in too much of a horny daze to really comprehend it. 
There’s a pit in your stomach, the panic from earlier starting to bubble up again, but this time for a different reason. You feel like crawling under the table and curling up in a ball, that, or stealing Johnny’s tray to finish off the eggs he’s not eating nearly fast enough. You take in a deep breath, trying to steady the sudden onslaught of overwhelming emotions
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@sheep-from-rad @ohgodthebogisback @willow-sages @scythemood @daniblogs164
@mirzamsaiph @xlxnq @chickennn-soupp
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paddockletters · 5 months ago
secret's out | lewis hamilton smau
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pairing: lewis hamilton x reader summary: lewis accidentally reveals his secret relationship with you in an instagram story, sparking fan frenzy. request: yes/ thank you so muchhhh! author’s note:hey anon, i really loved and enjoyed writing your idea! thanks for you request and hope you like it and and sorry it took me too long❤
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lewis' imessage
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liked by lewishamilton, f1 and 2,467,095 others
yourusername: i guess our secret has been reveled bt none other than my husband...
georgerussell63: you guys definitely made that podium moment legendary. Wishing you both all the best! 💪🏼❤️
danielriccirado: You guys, first you hid your relationship and then your wedding and you didn't even invite us…. I'm hurt
user1: the fact that george is his teammate and he didn't even know that lewis was married 😭😭
user2: ok, we already knew that lewis was very private but this, THIS is another level
charles_leclerc: took you long enough, Lewis! Wishing you guys all the happiness! 🥳
user3: can we just appreciate the casual hard launch AND a kiss on the podium?? absolute power couple energy 💯
user4: he way Lewis looked at you during the podium 😍 He’s been in love the whole time!!
user5: he fact that Lewis called you his wife on his story and we all lost it 🤣🤣 Congrats on your not-so-secret love anymore!
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liked by lewishamilton, f1 and 3,456,955 others
yourusername: this secret and announcement took us less time this last time
lewishamilton: Can’t wait to meet our little one. Over the moon with you, love
user6: BABY HAMILTON?! Oh my God, I’m crying. This is the cutest news ever!! 😭🍼
georgerussell63: Congratulations!! Can’t wait to meet the future world champ! 🍼🏆
landonorris: BABY HAMILTON??? Alright, I’m officially shook. Congrats, guys! The paddock just got a whole lot more fun! 😂❤️
user7: Lewis is gonna be a dad??? IM NOT OKAY!!! CONGRATS!! 🥺❤️
danielricciardo: A little racer on the way? YES! Can I be the fun uncle? 😎🍼
user8: A podium celebration baby??? 👀 Looks like we know how y’all celebrated that win! 🤭
user9: he timeline is connecting… podium celebration = baby Hamilton?? You sneaky lovebirds! 😂💛
charles_leclerc: Wow, huge congrats!! The grid’s about to get a little bigger 😄
user10: OMG this baby is about to be more stylish than all of us. Already living their best life before birth! 👶🏽✨
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Lewis' podium
The energy in the paddock was electric as Lewis’s car crossed the finish line, securing him a spot on the podium for the first time in what felt like ages. I could barely contain my excitement as I watched from the sidelines, surrounded by a sea of cheering fans. The moment felt surreal, and my heart raced as Lewis climbed out of his car, a triumphant grin plastered across his face.
As he approached me, still wearing his helmet, I couldn't help but notice the way the crowd erupted in applause and shouts. The deafening cheers seemed to fade into the background as he got closer. “Honey, I’ve done it!!” he shouted, his voice slightly muffled but filled with uncontainable joy.
The adrenaline coursing through my veins made me feel invincible. I laughed, my heart swelling with pride as I reached up to remove his helmet. The instant his face came into view, I felt the warmth of his excitement radiate between us. The crowd’s energy shifted, anticipation crackling in the air as they sensed something special was about to happen.
Lewis leaned down, his eyes locked onto mine, and in that electric moment, he kissed me deeply, right there in front of everyone. The world around us disappeared; all I could feel was the warmth of his lips and the deafening roar of the crowd as they cheered for us.
From that day forward, we became the couple everyone adored. Fans began sharing videos and photos of the kiss, turning it into an iconic moment.
As the weeks passed, our relationship was the talk of the town. But it wasn't long before the news of our little family surprise came to light.
It was late, the dimmed lights in our living room casting soft shadows on the walls as I paced back and forth. The small plastic stick in my hand felt heavy, like it held the weight of the world. My heart pounded as I stared at the two pink lines that confirmed it—I was pregnant.
I had imagined this moment so many times, rehearsing how I would tell him, but now that it was real, my mind was a blur of emotions. Excitement, fear, happiness—everything at once.
Lewis had just gotten home from the gym, his usual easy smile lighting up his face as he stepped inside. He dropped his gym bag by the door, not yet noticing the turmoil in my eyes.
"Hey, love. Everything alright?" He asked, walking over to kiss me on the forehead, his hands automatically settling on my waist. But as he looked down at me, his brow furrowed in concern. He knew something was up.
I took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of his hands on me, grounding me. "Lewis, I… I need to tell you something."
His eyes softened instantly, the worry easing away. He pulled me closer, concern still flickering in his gaze but now mixed with curiosity.
"You’re scaring me a bit, babe. What’s going on?"
I bit my lip, the words almost stuck in my throat. My heart raced as I reached for his hand, slipping the positive pregnancy test into his palm. He looked down at it, confusion crossing his face for a brief second before realization hit him like a wave.
His eyes widened, flicking from the test to me and back to the test again. "Wait… are you serious?"
I nodded, tears springing to my eyes as a nervous laugh escaped me. "Yes, Lewis. We’re going to have a baby."
For a moment, it was like time stood still. He stared at me, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. Then, without warning, he scooped me up into his arms, spinning me around as a wide, joyful laugh escaped him.
"Are you kidding me?!" He was grinning from ear to ear, his excitement so contagious I couldn’t help but giggle, too. "We’re having a baby?!"
"Yeah… we’re having a baby." I nodded, my heart swelling as I saw how happy he was.
Lewis set me down gently, but his arms stayed wrapped around me, his forehead resting against mine.
"I can’t believe this," he whispered, his voice full of awe. "You’re going to be the most amazing mom, you know that?"
"And you’re going to be the best dad. Our little one’s going to be so lucky." I smiled, feeling the butterflies in my stomach.
He pulled back slightly, looking into my eyes, his expression soft and full of love.
"This is the best news I could’ve ever imagined. I love you so much."
"I love you too," I whispered back, my voice catching with emotion.
Lewis placed a hand on my stomach, still grinning like a kid on Christmas morning. "Our little secret," he said, his voice hushed, as if speaking too loud would make it any less real.
As the initial shock and excitement settled in, Lewis and I spent the rest of the evening curled up on the couch, talking about everything that lay ahead. The glow in his eyes hadn’t dimmed one bit; if anything, it had grown brighter with every moment.
"I still can’t believe it," he whispered, running his fingers softly over my stomach. "We’re actually having a baby."
I laughed, leaning my head against his shoulder. "It’s real, Lewis. You’re going to be a dad."
"You know, now that I think about it, when do you reckon we… you know, made this little one?" A playful smirk spread across his face.
I rolled my eyes at his cheeky tone. "Really? That’s what you’re thinking about now?"
"Well," he chuckled, nudging me slightly. "It’s not every day you find out you're going to be a dad. I’m just curious." He paused, tilting his head as if considering the options. "I mean, we’ve been busy lately…"
I snorted, shaking my head. "Busy is an understatement. We travel all the time."
Suddenly, realization dawned on him. His eyes widened, and I saw the gears turning in his head. "Wait… what about Monaco? You remember? After that podium…"
I froze for a second, my mind flashing back to that night. The celebration had been wild—Lewis had just gotten his first podium in a while, and we were on cloud nine. The champagne, the excitement, the adrenaline… and later that night, when we finally got back to our home…
I fele my cheeks flush. "Oh my God, Lewis."
He grinned like a Cheshire cat, clearly putting it all together. "That’s when it happened, didn’t it? The night of the podium celebration! No wonder the timing makes sense."
I covered my face with my hands, laughing as the memory came flooding back. "I can’t believe this! You’re right. That’s when it happened."
Lewis burst out laughing, clearly delighted by the connection. "No wonder I felt so invincible that weekend. Turns out, we had a little extra reason to celebrate!"
I playfully swatted his arm, though I couldn’t stop laughing either. "We’ll never live this down, you know. People are going to figure it out, and the teasing is going to be relentless."
He shrugged, still grinning like a fool. "Let them talk. They can tease us all they want. As long as I’ve got you and this little one, I don’t care."
I smiled, leaning into him, feeling the warmth of his words. "You’re such a sap sometimes, you know that?"
He chuckled, kissing the top of my head. "Only for you, love."
As we sat there, wrapped in each other and in the realization of what was to come, I couldn’t help but think about how crazy our journey had been so far. And now, with a baby on the way, it was about to get even crazier. But with Lewis by my side, I knew we could handle anything—even the endless teasing from our friends and fans.
"Just wait until the guys hear about this," he said with a wink, already anticipating the chaos to come.
I rolled my eyes again but smiled. "Oh, I’m sure they’ll never let us forget it."
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bunny-jpeg · 9 days ago
sharing clothes
toto wolff
tags: smut/pwp, age gap (20s/50s), size difference/kink, doggy style possessive behavior, established relationship
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toto had nice clothes. he looked good in a full suit, his business casual for the rack, and even old t-shirts he wore around your shared home. you liked to go through what he had from time to time. in your possession was a (stolen) ratty old sweatshirt you used like a pillow case when he was away.
you stood in front of the full length mirror with one of his crisp white button ups on with all the buttons underneath. it exposed your body underneath. you weren't wearing anything too special underneath, a nude coloured sports bra with light blue panties. comfy, casual. you were wearing the shirt because you wanted to feel closer to your older lover.
"my name of torger christian wolff and i am the ceo for mercedes racing. i make more money than you'll ever see and my team wins!" you laughed to yourself as you admired yourself in the mirror.
"do i sound that bad, my treasure." toto's voice called to you.
you turned quickly and yelped, "ah!"
your lover laughed ans asked, "is that what i sound to you, my love?" he pulled away from the door frame and ventured further into your shared bedroom. he got closer and then settled his hands on your hips. he leaned in to kiss you on the forehead before he said, "you make me sound like a bond villain."
you melted into his touch easily and replied, "well, you'd make a great villain." you giggled with your cheek against his chest.
toto took you gently by the throat and tilted your head up to kiss you on the lips. he looked so much bigger next to you. he was like a large shadow.
"and you'd make the perfect bond girl." he laughed, "the one who joins me at the end."
"and who would play bond?" you looked up at him.
"couldn't care less. not when i have you tied up in a bikini." he laughed, "but you'd be too pretty to feed to the sharks." his hands went to your chest and cupped your soft breasts. he rubbed his thumbs up against your covered nipples.
"please like you'd give the dignity of a bikini. and there would be less shark biting and more cock sucking."
toto laughed lowly, "destroy the world with the prettiest thing in my lap. no other way to do it." you moaned when toto applied more pressure to his grip on you. yu reached for his strong forearms and held tightly.
toto made you feel small in a way that made you feel secure. he was a looming presence that wrapped you up in protective warmth. he admired your reflection in the mirror. you looked like a dream,even in such casual undergarments. the earrings you wore were from him, as was the bracelet around your wrist. made of gold and forever around you. well, until toto bought you a ring.
so much of what you owned belonged to him. his name was on the sleek black credit card that you enjoyed using and abusing.
you looked over your shoulder and into the mirror. you smiled a little and he took you by the jaw to look back at him. it wasn't a hard grip, just firm enough that you felt safe.
"you look very nice in my clothes. a little big on you. but at least no one could be confused about who you belonged to." he rubbed your soft bottom lip.
"i like that it smells like you. still has that cologne smell on it, and i love it." you glowed under his gaze. you felt the heat between your legs and it climb through you.
he leaned in a little further and said, "you look good in white. like an angel." he kissed your neck and you shuddered with want.
"it feels nice on me. it's so soft." you moaned as you played with the ham of the button up and let your lover kiss your sensitive neck.
"i'm glad my clothes are up to your standards." he chuckled, "but you knew that you have your own team shirts. why mine?"
you looked into his dark eyed, "because it's yours, silly!" you giggled as toto got the shirt off of your shoulders. he tossed it to the floor before he put his hands back on your soft hips.
"you already have me, my treasure. don't be greedy."
you got on your tip toes to kiss your older lover on the lips. you then giggled and he pulled away. you watched him undo the buttons of his shirt for a moment before you went to the bed. you got up onto it and gazed at your lover as you lounged.
the underwear hugged your curved and it pulled toto's attention to you.he swallowed to restrain himself as he undid his belt. he kept his dark gaze on you, which only aroused you further.
"as much as i love you in my clothes. i prefer you naked." he remarked as he undid the fly of his slacks, "you look your best when there isn't anything covering you from me. all exposed for me."
you giggled, "always the first, sweetheart." you watched him strip with excitement coursing through your body. heat crawled across your face as he got his undershirt off. he was in great shape for his age.
toto always looked his best in those undershirts. made him so more casual yet more domineering. he looked more assertive, almost scary. the kind of fear that excited your sexually. made you soaked.
"how could i not? to deny you such sweet words would be an insult to you." he got onto the bed with you, "what am i supposed to day? that you're ugly? i don't like to lie to you." he took you by the chin and pulled you into a soft kiss.
you moaned into it. you were both nude on the bed, your lover's hands soon splayed across your nude skin. it turned you on greatly.
"mmm, princess. you're just so lovely." he said with affection in his tone. it made you hot all over. something about the lowness of his tone excited you.
"please, toto. no need for all those sweet words. you already spoil me."
"for you." he said, "it'll never be enough. i want to give you everything because you're everything to me. i love you." he sank into you, every inch inside of you.
you blushed, "i love you too." then helped toto get you on your stomach. you felt his large hands roam your body, you felt the shudder of warmth in your core. it felt amazing. you needed toto, you needed to feel him. to be close to him. to touch him and to love him. just as he loved you. when he kissed your lips, you still felt that spark. the tumble of emotions in your gut. you felt heaven as you ended up face first in the pillows.
"you feel amazing." he said, his hands traveled up your middle as he moved against you. his movements were steady, "i bet you can feel me right here." he said as he pressed on your stomach. the knowledge of how deep he was made you excited.
damn toto wolff for knowing exactly how to get you turned on. using size to make you aroused. it wasn't your fault you were so much shorter, toto didn't mind. meant he could be more protective of you. you had a soft spot for how he was with you.
it took you a moment to get comfortable with his size. soon you happily took him. just like toto knew how to turn you on, you knew how to turn him on. make the great toto wolff crumble.
you held onto the covers under you as your continued to move against him. the moans left your lips and he felt the surge of hot pleasure. it was such a rush that it made toto groan.
next time he knew that he'd made you ride him, facing the mirror so you could watch his beautiful woman work his cock. it raced excitement through him. you felt the heavy rush as he leaned over you and bully your sweet pussy.
"maybe you need to wear my clothes around your paddock. wear me all over you. maybe a pretty collar under those shirts of mine." the thought made him excited. his strong body against yours, the leap of sexual excitement went through him as he fucked you.
you made him feel younger when he took great pleasure as you pussy clenched around him. you fit him perfectly, in a way that made him only fuck you harder. he only wanted you, he yearned for you. you were the woman for him.
"toto. fuck, please." you gasped, "i want to wear your claim, i want you to mark me. all of me. i want you forever and always, toto." your back arched as he adjusted his angle to really work your slick cunt.
you gasped hotly into the covers. the pleasure was an overwhelming feeling. he fucked you with a strength that left you core quivering.
"my angel, my everything." he groaned as he continued to push up against you. your brain was flooded with sexual desire. he could only ever think about fucking you for the rest of his life.
why would he want anyone else when he had you all to himself? his pace wuickened and you soon came around his heavy cock.
the climax made you feel overstimulated and it made you press your face further into the covers. you gripped onto them for a moment before you let go to go lax against them. toto continued to thrust against you, his heart pounded heavily .
with a few more thrusts, he finished inside of you. he groaned, "fuck." followed by a string of german curse words. he rode out his pleasure as panted heavily as he held you tightly. he leaned in to kiss you on the back once he stopped his movements. he lingered over you for a moment before he pulled away.
"you look amazing in my clothes." he said once he was laid out next to you in bed. he was panting heavily. he gave you a lopsided smile. he tucked back some of your hair and said, "next time you see me on the track you should wear somthing of mine."
"i'll make sure that i look cute in it."
"of course, my angel. but even if you looked horrible in it. it will just be on my floor by the end of the day." he pulled you in close and kissed you deeply on the lips. <3
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kiirschtein-archive · 2 years ago
⋆ 「 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢’𝐬 (𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞) 𝐦𝐨𝐦. 」 ⋆
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feat. — toji fushiguro x f!reader, kid!megumi
word count. — 1.4k
content. — sfw, non-sorcerer au, established relationship (marriage), mostly just fluffy domestic stuff, reader is addressed as ‘mom/mama/mommy,’ toji’s kind of a bad parent but he’s working on it, brief mention of toji smoking (cigarettes), overprotective!toji, very minor suggestive themes (from toji 🙄 he’s a walking cw/tw)
notes. — idk. this has been incessantly on my brain pretty much from the moment i  woke up today, even to the point where i was writing half of this at  the laundromat lmao. mother’s day yesterday had me feeling some type of way, so here have some fun headcanons from a strange eldest daughter!!!! (i might end up doing a set of these for gojo x reader too 🤔)
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⋆ 「 — he’s not your biological son, but you’ve been around since you started seeing toji when megumi was still a baby. but now, a few years later, you might as well be his real mother. you certainly act like it and feel like it, so toji gladly initiates the conversation about official adoption. it just makes sense. you eventually explain the situation to megumi as best as you can simply so that he doesn't grow up thinking he was lied to or anything of the sort, but as far as he's concerned, you're his mom whether it's by blood or not.
⋆ 「 — and oh, megumi’s a mama’s boy. i imagine he’s just a little bit of a healthier kid vs. canon given the better family situation, but he’s still always a bit of a grumpy baby, appreciating his autonomy and trying to be as self-sufficient and mature as he can be. but he’ll most certainly run to you when he needs help, is truly hurt, or just needing a bit of comfort. you’ve always treated him so softly and kindly with understanding, so he honestly feels more comfortable coming to you most of the time instead of his dad.
⋆ 「 — he likes the way you organize the bookshelf in his room or fold and sort his clothes in special little ways. he gets upset any time toji tries to put a book back in the wrong place or can’t figure out where his damn socks are. gumi will scowl and say, “that’s not where it goes.” or go deadpan and be like, “mom always keeps the socks in the bottom drawer.” disappointed that his father can’t even remember. toji just grumbles and says, “your mama’s gonna ruin you.”
⋆ 「 — has called you 'mom' basically since he was old enough, but don't let him fool you. megumi will drop the big boy act and come out with 'mama' or 'mommy' when something's wrong or he's really excited. he'll come to you with quiet tears and sniffles, a little ashamed that he's crying, but present to you a scraped elbow, "mama... it hurts." you clean up the scrape and explain to him the little medical details in a somewhat understandable way to help him focus on something besides the pain, and you tell him that it'll be okay, and that it's alright to cry. or on the flip-side, you and toji take him to the zoo, little gumi on his dad's shoulders, and he gasps and points excitedly, "look, mommy! look at the big elephant!" and it feels incredible to see him be so spirited.
⋆ 「 — along the lines of the art from this post and the thought i had about it earlier, just imagine that you're at some event (maybe like a birthday party or something), and toji's been hauling megumi around. they're both so over it at this point and are like 'please get me out of this' so as soon as toji walks past the obnoxious inflatable bouncy house, he smirks and just YEETS that kid inside without a second thought. after regaining his breath, megumi just looks at his father with the most EVIL little scowl as other kids bounce around him with smiles. by the look on that child's face you could've swore that his father had just done him the ultimate betrayal.
so gumi slides out and hurriedly makes his way over to where you're sitting off to the side, quietly climbing into your lap for a little bit of solace. he wiggles in close to your chest and you tuck him under your chin with a ‘come here, sweetpea,’ rocking slowly and humming something soft because he always seems to like it when you do.
toji comes over and you look at him through narrowed eyes. "kids are supposed to like shit like that," he says.
"you know he likes when things are more quiet," you respond, and toji rolls his eyes at how you seemingly spoil your son.
"just thought it might be good for him to try and get along with the other brats." toji tries to cover up the fact that he tossed his kid for the sheer personal enjoyment of it.
you huff in disbelief. "oh, like you get along so well with everyone?"
he scoffs and moves in behind you, leaning down to place a kiss on your neck. "i get along with you," he says almost suggestively.
you just keep stroking megumi's hair and give the top of his head a gentle kiss. "yeah, well not today," you say, shooting a smug, resolute smile towards your husband, ultimately taking his son's side.
⋆ 「 — outside of his alone time, megumi would honestly much rather be with you instead of other children. toji thinks it's probably unhealthy and you're inclined to agree, but you also don't want to force megumi into situations that will just make him miserable. so, when appropriate, you don't mind at all pacing around with him in your arms or have him walk next to you (maybe holding your hand if he’s not in a ‘big boy’ mood), teaching him about the things you see in the woods, the park, or even the museum. when toji's not away working, he'll join too because it admittedly makes his heart feel soft to watch you two together. it always has, because you've been doing this with megumi since he was a baby. it never gets old. if it wasn't already so difficult trying to figure out how to do things right by his son, he'd want you to give him even more babies.
⋆ 「 — megumi likes doing things with his dad sometimes too, though. toji tries his best to do it right and watch both his mouth and his temper. you like seeing them getting along, even if it's just quietly watching tv or a movie (probably a cartoon where toji gets kind of into and will ask the occasional question like "why does that one stupid chick keep doing that?" and megumi just shrugs like, "i dunno. she is pretty dumb.") or playing ball outside because gumi's starting to show some athleticism. but you have to remind toji that he can't always be so rough or competitive with games because megumi is literally a child.
⋆ 「 — toji can also be way too overprotective of you two at times. you'll be out and about and he'll just be wearing such an intimidating expression as he walks behind you both, on the lookout for anyone who might want to cause trouble or take the wrong sort of glance at his wife. he'll even snap at people for walking too close or like cutting in line or something petty, and you have to tell him stop acting like an attack dog and looking like the grim reaper because dear god you're literally just having lunch at the park. even at his age, megumi's just eating his ice cream and looking at his dad with his little baby deadpan expression and thinking "this man really needs to take a chill pill." other times he can be more relaxed, however, obviously confident in his ability to protect you. it depends on his mood. but that still doesn’t stop him from being embarrassing and going off on people in public if something happens.
⋆ 「 — you also know all of gumi’s favorite meals and snacks. it’s yet another one of those things where, if his dad does it wrong, megumi expresses a disappointment beyond his years. toji will be making and packing his son’s school lunch just as instructed by the notes you gave him, but it’s by no means as neat and meticulous as when you do it. toji’s got a cigarette hanging out of his mouth with furrowed, concentrating brows, his free hand shakily reaching for a cup of fresh coffee, and megumi’s standing there with his little backpack, criticizing his father the entire time. “mom doesn’t do it like that,” he says.
“well mom ain’t here right now. and it doesn’t matter how the sandwich is cut, is still tastes the damn same.”
gumi doesn’t even physically react, still wearing the same neutral expression, just waiting for his dad to hurry up. “mom says you shouldn’t smoke. and she also says not to use bad words.”
toji scoffs and then smirks. “well mommy uses all sorts of bad words you don’t even know about when her and daddy have play time.”
megumi’s already almost late for school and can barely feel his feet from how tight his dad tied his shoelaces. he also asks you later about “play time,” and you want to absolutely murder your husband over it.
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smutoperator · 1 month ago
A Night to Remember
Shin Yuna x Male Reader (+5 more guys)
Tags: anal, backseat foreplay, blowbang, bush, couch sex, double penetration, facefucking, filling every hole, free use, fuckdoll, gangbang, golden shower, queefing
Word count: 5109
Yuna was getting herself ready for a special night. After taking a shower, she put on lipstick, combed her hair, and looked at her beautiful self in the mirror until she received a text message.
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"Are you still going out tonight?" you sent a message to Yuna, who stopped to read it and reply. "I'm getting ready now, hope you bring the whole team, I want to fuck them all" Yuna replied, already showing her naughty intentions.
Yuna finished dressing herself up, putting on a beautiful dress that barely covered her ass, and went outside, where a huge car with your crew of friends inside was already parked waiting for her. "Good night," you greeted Yuna in the driver's seat as she fit her tall, slim body inside a packed car with 6 guys inside.
"So, where are we going tonight?" Yuna asked. "A very nice spot, but we have to keep it a secret," the guy in the front passenger's seat answered her. You kept trying not to distract yourself as you drove the crew to the destination, but Yuna was right in your mirror's sight in the backseat of the car, making it very difficult for you to concentrate.
Yuna smiled as the guy looked at her. "Ohhhh a secret, I'm ready for you guys to give me a great surprise," she said. "You can count on it," you told her as the two dudes on the backseat alongside Yuna started sharing kisses with her, you reaching her hands on her legs while they touched her dress close to her tits.
The touching got more and more intense. "Looks like I'm getting in some trouble tonight," Yuna said as the guys' wandering hands kept touching her hot body in every spot.
Yuna opened her legs in the backseat of the car, unveiling her white panties under her dress. As soon as she did, the guy in the front passenger's seat pulled them to the side, only to be surprised by the massive bush she spotted in her pubic area.
"Damn, that's quite a big bush," you said as you looked in the mirror. "Well, I usually keep it fully shaved down there but for tonight I wanted to be a little wider and keep it untouched," Yuna said. It was the first time you had seen her with a bushy vagina but you enjoyed seeing it, indeed, it felt very different and gave her a more mature aura.
You guys hadn't even arrived at your destination, but Yuna was so tempting you were already running your hands all over her pussy. In the middle of her sexy bush, her throbbing red lips appeared, her rubbing her clit and teasing the crew while you filmed them. Soon, the guys were digging their hands deep inside her cunt, leading her to smile brightly.
Yuna pulled her panties down, handing them to you as the guys kept massaging her spot. You smiled as you sniffed her underwear, the amazing scent of her pussy impregnating your nostrils and getting you even hornier. Yuna tried to grab her panties back, but you pushed them out of her reach. "They are mine now, you don't need those for tonight," you told her as both of you laughed.
The guys in the backseat pulled Yuna's dress to the side as well, unveiling her perky and delicious tits in the process. Yuna moaned and smiled as both guys to her side dove to suck her boobs like hungry babies while she rubbed her clit. And that was just the start.
"Are you guys gonna fuck all my holes tonight, pass me around and share me?" Yuna asked. "Yes, and we are gonna cum in all of them too," you answered. You always loved that Yuna always asked the right questions, she had no fear of openly talking about the way she wanted to get used, fucked, pounded, truly a girl that was horny 24/7/365.
"Fuck, ahhhhh, you're getting me so wet," Yuna moaned as you reached to finger her clit and prepare herself for a special night. You guys finally reached the destination, climbing upstairs to the secret house you had rented for tonight. "That's it, it's going to happen, I'm gonna get passed around until I tap out," Yuna said, already heavily anticipating the special night.
"Hi boys," Yuna greeted your crew as she was the last to arrive in the living room. "Hey hey hey," you greeted her back as the guys were chilling in the room with their t-shirts already out and their muscles in full display. As Yuna was still mesmerized, you surprised her from behind, grabbing her tits as the guys one by one got out of their chairs and started surrounding her.
You kiss Yuna's neck as hands run all over her. "That's so fucking sexy," she says. "Fuck, I wanna taste all of you," she continues as you pick up her phone and film her getting groped from all sides by your crew, her tits popping out of her dress already. But Yuna is unfazed, as she moves in your direction and rips your belt off in one go, quickly getting her hands on her most coveted prize.
Yuna grabs your already hard cock and starts massaging it. The other guys quickly get jealous, answering by ripping her dress apart. Yuna smiles as she gets stripped naked and her dress tossed to the floor. One guy sucks her tits while another runs his hand over her belly.
Yuna quickly gets on her knees as she gets surrounded by cocks from all sides. You're the first to serve her, putting your meat right in her horny mouth and filming as she sucks it. Rotating in a clockwise direction, Yuna goes through each guy's cock, sucking them to perfection as she puts their shafts deeper and deeper in her throat.
"Give me all those cocks please," Yuna commands as she reaches the final guy in the circle, jerking his cock off hard and deepthroating him. She keeps moving from guy to guy. When your turn arrives again, you grab her head and fuck her pretty face, shoving it in the direction of your crotch and enjoying the gagging sounds that come out of her mouth while your balls hit her chin.
"Choke on this dick, bitch," you tell Yuna as your meat bulges under her cheeks. She tries to push back but you quickly show her who's in control, taking another round of fast thrusts into her mouth as you grab Yuna right by her long hair and make her gag on your cock.
"It's free use night, guys," you tell your crew as Yuna moves to please the other dudes. She bobs her head on the next cock, but just like with you, quickly gets her face pounded once again. She looks at you with her big eyes wide open and jerks your cock off while choking on the dude's dick, finishing with a gagging deepthroat.
Yuna gets hornier and hornier, making insane moves with her mouth as she gives head to all your crew, stuffing her mouth full of cock and deepthroating them one by one while giving her attention to at least two more cocks as she jerks them off. "Pound that fucking mouth," you tell your friends, who follow your instructions perfectly, grabbing Yuna's head and thrusting their huge cocks right inside it as soon as she starts sucking them.
Yuna remains surrounded by cocks for many minutes, enjoying every second of it as she gets to taste multiple flavors of man meat. Rapidly moving her head from one cock to another, Yuna quickly takes control of the situation, you guys struggling to keep pace with her fast-moving mouth that jumps from cock to cock with ease.
You try to tame Yuna with another facefuck, to no avail as she handles it with ease and slowly rises to be the star of the show. Your cocks are now at her mercy, Yuna now choking on every dick that gets in her sight, handling the plowings to her face like a champion.
"YEAHHHHH!" Yuna enthusiastically screams as you get behind her and bend her over. She knows what's coming and can't wait for the real fun to start. "Are you ready to fuck me? Stuff all my fucking holes?" Yuna asks, grabbing two other cocks to keep sucking while you shove yours in her pussy. "AHHHH," she moans as your large meat penetrates her cunt, making her go even crazier and bounce her mouth from cock to cock on the opposite side.
"OH FUCK," Yuna screams as you start giving her pussy the first thrusts while she gets spit-roasted, the guy with the cock in her mouth always fucking her face. "OH FUCK THAT FEELS GOOD," she keeps moaning as your cock gets deeper inside her.
You detach Yuna from the other guys cocks, grabbing her slim waist and pushing her supermodel body in your direction. "FUCK YEAH USE ME, AHHHHH, AHHHH" she screams as she gets plowed from behind in a standing doggy position and grope her cute tits. The other guys don't stand idle, worshipping her hot body with kisses and licks as you stretch out Yuna's tight, bushy pussy.
"OH GOD I LOVE YOUR COCK, OH YEAH, FUCK, AHHHH, AHHHH, AHHHH" Yuna moans as she rolls her eyes with you pounding her harder and harder from behind, her slim body jiggling at each thrust you give deep in her cunt. After a few more poundings, you drop her to keep sucking the other guys' cocks, watching as she goes full slutty and deepthroats them one by one.
"Oh yeah, give me all of them," Yuna begs as she's encircled again and you guys slap your cocks in her pretty face and then plow it one by one. She sticks her tongue out, giving each guy a no-hands blowjob while always keeping her hands occupied jerking other cocks off. "Yes baby, such a good girl," you say as Yuna endlessly bobs her head on those big cocks, covering them full of her nasty saliva.
"Come on, bitch, suck those cocks," you tell Yuna, giving her cute big pale ass a spank as it lines behind you. She immediately follows your orders, giving the guy in front of her a soul-sucking blowjob, you pick up her phone to film it as she stays glued to the guy's balls. "Oh damn it," the dude says as his massive cock just disappears inside Yuna's sexy mouth.
"That's right," you tell Yuna as another guy spanks her ass while she bends over once again to lick your shaft. With her pussy ripe for the taking, the other guys line up behind her, ready to use her in heavy rotation.
"It's free use time," you tell the guys as Yuna chokes on your cock. "HMMMM, HMMM, HMMMM," she moans as her mouth gets stuffed full of your meat and her cunt gets stuffed too. "YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, AHHHHH," she continues to moan as one dude grabs her waist and plows her from behind. Yuna gets caught by surprise with his hard thrusts but quickly searches for your cock to put it back in her mouth and for two more on her side to jerk it off.
Yuna gets used nonstop, as each guy fucks her harder than the previous one, while your cock holds a monopoly of her mouth. "DON'T STOP, I WANNA FUCK ALL OF YOU" she says, tapping her clit as she gets her bushy pussy destroyed by your crew of monster cocks, you taking advantage to film her getting fucked hard from behind as your friends' cocks rotate in her holes and her tits bounce like crazy.
"Give me more," Yuna begs as she sticks her tongue out to suck more cock, you filming all of it from her phone as she's got one cock in her pussy, one in her mouth, and two in her hands. You quickly move back into the circle, as your friends use Yuna like a bunch of horny animals and you don't want to be left behind on that, muffling her moans as she gets put on all fours by one of the guys and begs him to use her. "OH YEAH USE MY PUSSY," she says as she drops her head to the floor.
You get back behind Yuna, watching as one of your friends stretches her needy cunt out and makes her moan hard, capturing a perfect shot of her big ass. "Who wants to go next?" the guy fucking her announces, suddenly picking up the pace and delivering a final handful of hard thrusts in her pussy that make her scream as his cock hits Yuna's cervix. "AH, AH, AH, AH," she moans, as you prepare to take your turn in her next.
You give Yuna's sexy ass a tap before firmly gripping her from behind and taking her pussy at full speed. "OH YEAH, OH YEAH, OH YEAH," she moans as you turn her into your free-use fleshlight, clapping her fat cheeks hard before lifting her body, carry-fucking her in front of your friends. "MORE, MORE, MORE, TAKE IT, TAKE IT, TAKE IT," Yuna says as you push your cock upwards and make it bulge under her belly while one of your friends reaches to pinch her tits as her body gets drilled up in the air.
"Serve those cocks," you say as you put Yuna back on the ground and spank her butt once again. She quickly crawls towards your friend's throbbing rods, vigorously sucking them off before landing on your cock and having her face plowed hard as soon as it hits her mouth.
One of your friends grabs Yuna's body and shoves her on the couch, her quickly getting on all fours for another round of fucking and spit-roasting. "Yeah give me more," she begs as you move the couch into a better position to allow your crew to attack Yuna's body at every possible angle. The guy answers spanking her butt and shoving more cock in her mouth, but Yuna now is in full control. "Shit, that bitch still tight after all that fucking," the guy taking her pussy says.
"Yes, I'm your dirty slut, fuck me until I tap out," Yuna begs and moans as another guy takes his turn in her pussy. As soon as she senses a new cock coming in, Yuna moves her large hips and spins on it like the good whore she is, her cheeks jiggling at each thrust her pussy gets, Yuna showing that she can take on a whole crew of guys and come out on top.
You take another turn on Yuna's pussy, grabbing her hair as you start pumping her cunt hard. "Yeah, yeah, take that cock you stupid whore," you dirty-talk her. "OH YEAH," she screams as the hair-pulling gets stronger and stronger, loud noises coming out of her fat cheeks every time you hit deep in her pussy. "I fucking love it," she announces as you keep messing with her hair. "Yeehaw," you say as you intensely pull her hair and another guy chokes her. "Take that fucking dick," you tell Yuna as you only push harder and harder in her pussy. "YES," she happily obliges, getting destroyed like a fleshlight.
The next guy in line rotates Yuna's body, lifting one of her legs as he fucks her while you line up in front of her for Yuna to taste your cock. "Hmmm delicious," she says, sticking her tongue out and grabbing her jiggly tits while her bushy cunt keeps getting drilled. "Keep using that bitch," you tell the guys. "Yes, use me, shove all those fucking cocks in my mouth," Yuna rapidly answers.
You quickly oblige and stuff Yuna's mouth full of cock. On the other side, the guys keep drilling her bushy pussy nonstop, groaning hard as her tight hole pushes them to the edge. "Oh shit," one guy says, having to hold himself not to blow his load early in her pussy. The couch free use spit-roasting fun continues, each guy taking his turn on Yuna's young pussy and sexy mouth. "Hell yeah, what a slut," one of them says.
Yuna rolls her eyes as she's turned into a full-time cocksleeve. One guy pulls out, and the next one is quickly in, her mouth and pussy are used to the fullest as she now dives to suck the guy's balls. Each fuck is faster and harder than the one before, but she holds her own amidst a horny horde of monster cocks passing her around.
"Let me ride this big cock," Yuna tells you, who quickly sits on the couch as she sits on your cock. "Look at me doing all that work, fuck" Yuna says as your cock instantly disappears in her pussy. Yuna rides you like a demon. "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah," she moans, her bounces being fast and well-paced, all that while grabbing a pair of cocks to jerk off and one to suck.
"OH FUCK YEAH," Yuna moans as your big cock impales her cunt all the way deep. "She's loving this," one of the guys comments just as you spank her ass. They are mesmerized by the way she bounces on your cock and surprised you haven't blown your load in her pussy yet, given how insanely she moves her hips up and down that big fat pole.
Yuna increases the pace of her ride, putting your cock at her mercy. "HMMM YEAH, YEAH, YEAH," she moans, her large hips moving fast as her pussy grinds all over your dick, you are forced to flip her around not to cum early.
But Yuna wants more, quickly opening her legs as she gets herself on the couch in a missionary position, letting you keep penetrating her pussy "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah," she keeps moaning as her cunt gets plowed while another dude feeds her your cock for her to suck. "Stroke that fucking cock," you tell her.
Yuna does more than that, diving under the guy to lick his balls and asshole. "Oh fuck," he moans as Yuna rims the guy to the fullest. Seeing it, you quickly have an idea.
"You like licking assholes, how about we fuck your asshole, slut?" you ask Yuna. "Oh yes, please, fuck my asshole," she begs and gets it as you insert your cock in her tight backdoor.
You show no mercy towards Yuna, pushing your cock as deep as you can in her butthole from the start. "Oh my God," she moans as you attack her anal hole. "Come on guys, let's take turns fucking her ass," you command as another cock replaces yours in Yuna's ass and claps his balls against her cheeks. "Oh yeah, I need all those cocks one by one in my ass, use that fucking hole" she begs.
The crew keeps taking turns assfucking Yuna on the couch, much to her enjoyment. "Oh it feels so good," she softly moans, reaching for the other guys' cocks as the next guy in line drills her ass the hardest. "OH FUCKING YES, USE THAT ASS, YEAH, YEAH" she begs as the guy starts choking her.
"PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, DESTROY MY FUCKING ASS," Yuna begs as her butthole gets drilled almost to the point she starts losing her breath. As soon as the anal fucking is done, Yuna spreads her ass for your crew, showing you the big gape you left in her bum. "I want the next cock," she pleads as a tattoed dude stuffs her anus next and fingers her cunt, teasing her ass putting his cock in and out of it, before giving Yuna a rough drilling that makes her body bounce while pinching her clit.
Yuna laughs as the cock rotation in her ass keeps going. "I'm your fucktoy," she says as you come in again, her long legs now over the head as the couch quickly turns into her favorite place to fuck. "Yes, please, use me, keep using my ass" she begs, fisting her long fingers in her pussy while she gets assfucked. "Say it again, you look so sexy saying those dirty words," you tell her. "USE MY ASS, PLEASE, USE ME LIKE A FUCKING FUCKTOY," Yuna answers and soon tells the guys what she wants next.
"I want two cocks inside me," Yuna begs. She gets up and sucks your cock as one dude lets her sit on his and starts drilling Yuna's cunt from down low. "AH, AH, AH, AH, OH FUCK, OH FUCK" she rapidly moans. You soon come in and shove your cock back in her asshole. "YES I WANT TWO COCKS, PLEASE," she demands.
Yuna feels happier than ever as she's got a pair of cocks stuffing her needy holes. "OH MY GOD," she moans as you and your friend pump her in perfect sync. "OH YES, FILL UP MY FUCKING HOLES, THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD" she commands as you keep pushing your cock deeper and deeper into her asshole. "Oh yeah I feel so stretched out, my tight holes getting shaped by those big cocks," she moans.
"Fuck my ass deep," Yuna begs as your full length is buried in her asshole and you pound it balls deep. Your friend does the same with her pussy. "PUSH THOSE BIG COCKS IN ME, I WANT MORE," she says, reaching to suck another guy and go airtight.
Yuna spreads her cheeks as you let your friends take turns stuffing her ass. The only sound you can hear now from her is Yuna choking on another cock as she gets stuffed airtight. "Take it, bitch," you say as you watch her get plowed from behind. "AHHHHH, FUCKKKK, IT'S SO FUCKING BIG" Yuna screams, getting caught by surprise as your friend attacks deep in her ass.
Yuna gets mounted as the airtight double stuffing continues, and more guys rotate in. "I'm ready for the next fucking cock," Yuna says as the next guy fucking her ass chokes her and pushes her body in his direction hard. "I'M YOUR FREE USE WHORE, I LOVE WHEN YOU SHARE ME," Yuna screams just as her pale ass gets spanked and the guy fucking her from behind grabs her hair.
"Oh my God, five cocks at once," Yuna says as she bobs her head on your cock. She isn't lying, leaving only one of the guys out of the fun as she strokes two guys, you stuff her in her mouth and two more dudes penetrate her pussy and asshole. The dude fucking her ass pushes her face in the direction of your cock, forcing her to deepthroat it, while the guy immediately to your side hits her pretty slutty face with his big fat cock.
"YEAH, YEAH, I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF ALL THOSE COCKS," Yuna screams as she keeps getting used to all directions. You grab her head and fuck her face once again, "Shit, girl, you're amazing," you praise her as the airtight DP keeps going on, Yuna rolling her eyes as she gets turned into a full-time cocksleeve.
"Holy shit," the guys fucking her from behind groan as Yuna's ass gets smashed between their muscular bodies. "So good, so good," Yuna says as she guys plowing her pussy thrusts from down low. "FUCK IT'S SO BIG," Yuns screams as she gets surprised by your cock hitting her ass and then grabbing her by the waist and clapping her cheeks.
Yuna flips around as she sits her ass on your cock, ready to get double stuffed in reverse this time. "Oh yeah, right in my ass," she says as she impales herself on your dick, opening her legs as you finger her cunt while she's anally drilled. "YES I LOVE BOUNCING ON YOUR COCK, BEING YOUR LITTLE TOY, YOUR SLUTTY FUCKDOLL," she says as the other guy's hands are all over her sexy body now, two guys groping her tits as she bounces on your cock.
One by one, the guys spread her legs and enter Yuna's wide-open pussy, sandwiching her as she gets pounded balls deep in both holes. You let another guy provide the anchor role as Yuna spins on his cock before fully sitting her ass on it. "I want more," Yuna says as you give her what she wants, stuffing your cock deep in her bushy pussy in a mating press position, her cunt queefing as soon as you penetrate her.
"AH, AH, AH, OH YES, RIGHT THERE," Yuna moans as your cock hits deep in her pussy. "That's so fucking hot," she says as she gets sandwiched between two monster rods pumping her hard. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER DONE," Yuna says as you stretch her pussy out. You let the guys have fun, Yuna in a completely submissive position to their cocks entering her. "Is that what you want, baby?" one of them asks. "Yeah, that's what I fucking want," she answers.
The double drilling of Yuna continues as she gets passed around like a hot potato, challenging every guy to fuck her. Once she's done, you pick Yuna up and stick your cock back in her pussy, with another guy coming in as you two perform a standing DP on her. Yuna moans hard and gives you a naughty stare as she gets drilled up in the air. "I'M YOUR FUCKDOLL, DADDY, DON'T STOP USING ME," she says.
Yuna rises to the challenge, bouncing on both cocks despite being suspended in the air. "I love the way you fuck my pussy and my ass at the same fucking time," she says. You open her legs and drill her cunt, before letting Yuna bounce on the other guy's ass and get back to being double stuffing in the couch, her pussy queefing more than ever.
"AH YEAH, FUCK, UHHHH," Yuna moans as her cunt gets drilled fast. "Give it to her," you tell the guys as her pussy gets drilled while the guy on the bottom fucking her ass chokes her. You come in and let her suck your balls and rim your asshole. "HMMMM, HMMM," she moans as you sit on her face and she keeps getting sandwiched, her body jiggling as the guys give her cunt very hard thrusts.
Yuna takes one more round of a traditional airtight cowgirl stuffing, with you taking her in the ass as she gets all her holes filled. You pound her asshole hard while the guy fucking her face makes her gag on his dick. She looks very wasted at this point, after over 40 minutes of getting turned into a cocksleeve
"I want you to cum in me," Yuna begs as you guys start going for solo rounds with her. You are the first as you start pumping her bushy pussy, groaning as her walls squeeze your cock. "I want cum in all three of my fucking holes, in my pussy, in my ass, in my mouth," she begs as you keep pounding her while she fingers her clit.
Yuna spreads her cunt and plays with her clit as you fuck her. "Fuck my pussy until you cum in it," she begs, giving you a naughty smile. "Give me all that fucking cum," she says. "Are you ready for it?" you ask her back. "YEAH! GIVE IT TO ME." she enthusiastically answers.
"AHHHHH FUCK," you groan as Yuna's tight walls squeeze your cock and make you fill her pussy to the brim. You pull out just in time to decorate her bush with cum as well, her spreading her lips to show your semen oozing out. "I'm ready boys, I want more," she says, rubbing her clit and fingering her cunt in anticipation;
The next guy comes in and puts his cock in her asshole. "AH YES, GIVE ME YOUR COCK, GIVE ME YOUR CUM," Yuna begs as he gives her slow pumps into her tight anus. "Oh I can feel it," she says as he bursts inside her asshole not even 10 seconds in, her anus now dripping full of cum as she grabs a bit to taste it.
"Round fucking three," Yuna says as the next guy comes in, already jerking his cock off and ready to ejaculate in her pussy, stroking his dick inside her and giving another load to her cunt. "Oh I love feeling it dripping out," she says, spreading her lips again to catch the cum.
"Three more to go," Yuna says as the next guy shoots his load in her mouth, licking her chops. Another load in her face comes next. "All of it, give me all of it," she begs, sucking and licking the guy's cock after he finishes in her face. "Give it to me, oh yeah," she says as the final guy groans and gives her face a third load, her licking his tip afterward. You then come in and give her midriff a final load, covering her navel full of cum. "Oh wow, so much cum, seven loads for this fucktoy," Yuna says as you guys turn her into a cum dump.
"I want to remember this night forever, come here guys," Yuna says as she walks in the direction of the mirror, grabbing her phone. "Hope you recorded a lot while the other guys were fucking me," she tells you. She lets everybody come into the frame, taking a picture of her with the crew, her body completely sweaty and full of fluids, especially cum. If the night ended right there, it would already be an amazing night, but you had one final idea.
"Yuna, can you get on your knees, I have one final surprise for you," you tell her.
"Of course, Daddy, what is the surprise?" Yuna asks, getting her face right on the sight of your crew's cocks. You are the first to move, hitting her with a surprise yellow jet of piss right in her face. The other guys follow your lead, turning Yuna into a massive urinal as her body drips full of pee, her trying to get as much as possible into her mouth, gargling and swallowing all the yellow liquid that comes into her sight.
"Wow, that was amazing, turning me into a cum dump and a piss dump," Yuna says as your crew leaves, only you and her still at the house, her looking at you with her typical fuck me eyes. And you can tell she's not going back home.
"Daddy, can you fuck me again?"
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hannieehaee · 6 months ago
18+ / mdi
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content: loser!jungkook, sub!jungkook, softdom!reader, oral (m receiving), etc.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, extra
wc: 1632
a/n: i havent read the previous three parts in months so if theres any discrepancies pls forgive</3
in the time you'd known jungkook, you'd never actually been to his apartment.
he was at university on a scholarship, meaning that he didn't have to worry about paying for schooling or dorming. any money he earned from tutoring or any allowance received by his parents was all his to keep, meaning that his current residence was nicer than that of the average student.
despite being aware of all of this, you were still quite shocked the first time he brought you around.
unlike what you'd expected, jungkook's spacious studio apartment was not filled with nerdy figurines and stacks of comic books (god, that would've been adorable). instead, it replicated the appearance of the average bachelor pad. the furniture appeared of good quality, the bed was comfy, the decor clean, and even the cleanliness gave you a vibe of maturity and put-togetherness that you hadn't quite gotten from jungkook yet. at least not to this extent.
the most shocking thing, though? that was jungkook himself; his look and demeanor while lounging around his apartment.
he'd been growing his hair recently, something which you adored, though tonight had been the first time you'd ever seen him with it without the proper care you assumed went to it every morning. the messy curls laid at the sides, fluffy after a whole day of being worn and played with by the wind. accompanied by that, he donned some loose sweats and a simple tank top, two garments you'd never once seen on the boy. he tended to go for less casual outfits while in public, usually wearing buttoned up flannels or graphic tees.
unfortunately for you, his slight change in look had an instant effect on you. had anyone else seen him like this, you were sure they'd pursue him immediately. as of late, more and more girls were taking notice of him. since meeting you, his confidence had gone up and his way of presenting himself had evolved quite a bit. just a few more months and you were sure he'd become a heartthrob by all definition of the word.
"god, you're gorgeous," you practically whimpered as soon as he let you in, having taken a few moments to simply stare at him before pecking his lips as a greeting.
"oh, i- thanks. you're prettier," he mumbled back as he welcomed you in, "sorry it's a little messy."
he must've been kidding. the place was insanely tidy! you expected as much from jungkook, but it was still surprising to find a college-aged boy with cleanliness.
"it's perfect, baby. show me to your room?", you went straight into business.
with a sheepish smile, he led you to his room.
you had previously agreed that you'd be spending the night tonight. it was your first sleepover at his place, which had you both giddy at the thought. there was no special reason for it other than your sudden insistence for it about a week ago, claiming you wanted to see where a one jeon jungkook spent his nights away from you.
he was shy about it at first, as per usual, but agreed after a few smiles and kisses from you.
and so now you had the privilege of laying on his bed on a saturday night, clad in a pair of his boxers and an oversized shirt of his as you waited for him to do his skincare.
you had insisted on not packing an overnight bag, knowing jungkook would have anything you needed at his place — he was very well put together, after all.
smiling at him as soon as he entered the room, you extended your arms to motion him over to the bed, causing him to chuckle shyly as he stepped towards you. once he was at a close enough distance, you grabbed at his arms, pulling him to the bed and somehow managing to get him to lay down, climbing on him immediately after.
"hey, there, gorgeous," you flirted, hands on his shoulders and full weight sitting on his crotch area. it wouldn't take long until you found a tent under you.
"you don't have to try and fluster me every time you see me anymore, you know ..." he mumbled as he lost any ounce of control under you.
"where's the fun in that?", you smirked as your hands traced their way under his shirt, pulling it off him without a second thought, "god, how'd you get even more handsome?", you groaned as you took him in, so pretty below you with his long hair and his breathless state.
"i- i just- oh-,"
you gave him no chance to speak, choosing instead to quickly throw off your his own shirt and lower your lips down to his. the kiss was immediately heated. you could never really help yourself around jungkook, but fortunately, he liked that about you.
he'd gotten a bit less shy with time. his hands were more willing to explore your body nowadays, currently finding themselves on your waist as he pulled you closer to him.
you adored how much more comfortable he'd gotten around you, both sexually and not so. at times, he'd even initiate sex with you. these instances were a bit awkward for him, but you always liked to encourage him, letting him know through your enthusiasm how much you enjoyed it when he went after what he wanted.
however, you still had to keep him on his toes somehow.
like now.
"no touching, baby," you murmured between kisses, grabbing onto his hands and pinning them above his head as you leaned down onto him.
with a simple gulp, he nodded, lips shyly smooching so you'd kiss him again.
continuing your kiss, your hands went down to his torso, sneaking under the fabric and beginning to play with the skin there. your fingers traced the ridges of his abs, adoring how he shuddered against you but made no complaint. the silent effect of your actions only lasted up until your hands made their way north, eventually finding his nipples and tracing them teasingly.
the poor boy under you whimpered against your lips. his arms made some movement, but did not stray away from where you'd left them above his head, still pressed together as he attempted to follow your directions and not touch you.
your next move was to rid him of his clothes altogether, requiring to get off him for a few moments but immediately taking your rightful place straddling him on his bed once more.
"prettiest thing i've ever seen," you hummed as you looked down at him, leaning down to press kisses on every inch available.
"please ..." he mumbled when your lips first made contact with his chest, knowing their next destination.
ignoring him, you continued as before, letting your lips find their way to his nipple and twirling your tongue around it in a teasing manner. your barely there touch had him whining at the contact, wanting more from you.
you took pity on him, deciding to go all the way and suckling on the bud just how you knew he liked. except the poor boy could barely handle the pleasurable pain that came from it. he writhed under you as you alternated between pecs, filling his chest with love bites that'd flourish by the next morning.
the kisses made their way down his body, landing at his happy trail by the time you lowered yourself to your knees at the end of the bed. with a bite to your lip, you enjoyed the view of what was to be in your mouth in mere moments.
jungkook sat up, wanting to see what threat of pleasure approached him next. he groaned upon seeing how hungry you looked eyeing his hardness, but he remained a good boy by keeping his hands to his sides rather than reaching for you.
"a-ah, fuck," he groaned as soon as your lips made contact with his member, lightly closing in on his tip and suckling at it in a way that had his breath catching and eyes rolling back.
keeping your eyes on the trembling boy, you caught glimpse of his hands fisting harshly at the sheets, holding himself back from wrapping around your hair as he usually did. the thought made you smile around him. he was so so sweet and well mannered.
deciding to be just as nice, you engulfed as much of him as you could, practically deepthroating him. his reaction was immediate, whining and writhing above you while you had your fun with his cock.
"p-please, oh fuck, please," he pleaded for nothing in particular.
you weren't one to ever deny him of anything. every one of your actions was meant to aid him in his pleasure.
humming against him, you slobbered all over him, not minding the mess of your saliva and his cum slowly dripping down onto your chin as long as the pretty boy above you was losing himself because of you.
as per usual, his orgasm hit him pretty quick. as shy as he was, he was never too timid to let himself cum when he hit his limit. jungkook was one to appreciate the pretty girl giving him pleasure by demonstrating his immense appreciation.
it always got to you how loud he became while cumming, which was currently causing a mess in your panties. you decided to enjoy every drop of his orgasm before paying mind to that, though.
finally done torturing him by licking off any remnants off his dick, you climbed up his body and sat yourself on his lap with a smile, leaning in for a teasing tongue-filled kiss before humming in satisfaction against his breathless lips.
"did i tell you i love how you're growing out your hair?"
he gulped.
"you've, uh, you've mentioned."
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