#for a really long time
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saline-coelacanth · 6 months ago
Ok time for another one of my random thoughts that popped into my head
So you know how in Ninjago whenever one of the ninja would get a love interest, they would just immediately fall in love at the first sight of said love interest? Well when it comes to Cole and Geo, I like to think that it was the other way around. Instead of Cole immediately falling in love with Geo the second he sees him, I fully believe that it was Geo who was just immediately smitten at the first sight of Cole, and then Cole developed feelings for Geo over time.
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gay-robot-boyfriends · 2 years ago
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It's a whole ass mini comic about them kissing asdkjashdkjhasjkdh This was supposed to be a cute 5-6 panel comic, but things got out of hand, and it got low-key unhinged along the way.
asdalskjklasdklj This uses the HC that Zero is a warbot who's been built to scan his surroundings for potential threads all the time. Edit: GAAH!!! My french ass wrote threads instead of threats I FIXED IT!! I SWEAR I'M NOT STUPID (not that much) ENGLISH IS MY SECOND LANGUAGE! ASDKJA
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s-wave-entertainment · 7 months ago
A lot of people are saying N is gonna die in episode 8 and you wanna know what scares me?
I don't have enough evidence to say that they're wrong.
Like I know the common thread is that the acrylic stands come out after ech episode, and this time it's N on the stand. Typically whoever's stand comes out after each episode sacrifices themselves for someone else in the series by the end of said episode. Now granted, Uzi wasn't actually dead after her sacrifice. I don't think V's sacrifice has led to her actual death either, so it's possible N's sacrifice won't lead to permadeath, but Good God if it does. I do not know what I will do.
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quillkiller · 1 year ago
who wants to. hug
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recklessmark · 1 year ago
missed u and ur content 😓
i’ve been extra busy 😔😔
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how-to-be-a-tree · 2 years ago
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It's not the 20th century anymore and artists like Beyonce, Harry, Taylor and kpoppers have redrawn the map regarding people's expectations of touring artists. These people are super fit and treat tour more like an athletics tournament than an opportunity for endless alcohol and drugs consumption. Compared to them, Louis is an anachronism.
'It's not the 20th century anymore' is such a devastating opening anon. I don't know that anyone has ever said something that left me feeling so attacked and exposed - and I am very impressed.
But I don't think you understand how culture works - just because something new in culture comes along doesn't mean that other forms of culture end. I do think it's reasonable to see Taylor, Beyonce and Kpop as developing Stadium shows in a significant way (not Harry so much - I think there's much more continuity with older forms of stadium shows for him). And there will always be people who are only interested in the newest thing, but there will also be people who valued older versions of a particular art form and seek it out (alongside people who don't really care and can enjoy both).
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climbingthefloors · 6 months ago
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obsessed with this baby hippo from thailand's khao khew zoo.. she has been so utterly betrayed by the world
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months ago
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Expertise can't help you here.
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castrovulcant · 1 year ago
[Image description: a gifset from Doctor Who featuring the Tenth Doctor and Donna.
Donna and The Doctor stand beside each other, The Doctor has his arms out protesting, and in his right hand is a sonic pen, he says, "No, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on! One more thing, before dying." He reaches into his pocket and says, "Do you know what happens if you hold two identical sonic devices against each other?" He holds up his sonic screwdriver and the sonic pen.
Miss Foster is opposite them with two armed guards, she says, "No."
The Doctor replies, "Nor me. Let's find out." And holds both sonics against each other.
They create an awful noise, that's what. Everyone except the Doctor grabs their heads in pain.
The caption says, "(Unpleasant horrible noise.)"
/end image description]
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Doctor Who | 4.01 - "Partners in Crime"
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qvert · 24 days ago
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Refuge at the Firelight Hideout
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eydilily · 3 months ago
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would you bite the hand that feeds you?
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hotdogmchiggin · 2 months ago
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Company Mandated Fancy Fits on the Tulpar 😏
Also had to include the REAL star of the show (and a bonus)
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Based off of this and this. Thank you very much joetastic for being inspirational 👍
The REAL reason this is late
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bastardlybonkers · 10 months ago
i feel like not enough ppl are factoring in the cultural clash between laios and shuro and the many micro agressions shuro faced while being in their group. literally the name 'shuro' in itself is one
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his name is toshiro 😭 lets also not forget that he has his own communication issues, in the opposite way that laios does- thats literally a factor in their argument, that his envy for laios's ability to express himself sincerely manifested as part of his distaste for him.
ig all this to say like, was their fight heart wrenching, especially when reading laios as autistic? absolutely. anybody whos ever been in laios's position knows how much it hurts to realize someone you thought was your friend doesnt actually like having you around, especially when they didnt tell you and you had no way of knowing due to not understanding their cues. but im begging yall to step back and see the nuance of this situation cause im gonna be real a lot of you are kinda just brushing over it acting like everything is toshiros fault and that hes a terrible person when in reality hes an average guy who really, really clashed with laios and it led to a very long misunderstanding due to their supremely opposite methods of communication. even laios and toshiro, after letting everything out in their fight, were able to come to an understanding and start a foundation for an actual friendship built on better communication
ok yknow what Edit: i shouldve made it even more explicit at the end of this post, i hadnt thought i would need to since i started the post with this, but i think a few too many people are missing my point so i just wanna clarify. i shouldnt have said 'really clashed' and left it at that because yeah they did, but it wasnt just their opposite methods of communication, it is also very much that toshiro was experiencing microaggressions via laios. it may have been unintentional on laios's part, but it still happened and wore him down, made it harder for him to communicate on top of both the more subtle social cues that he was raised with and his own communication difficulties. i also want to say that the fandom reaction to toshiro and the complete ignorance of this point is also racist tbh or at the very least ignorant. i understand that the anime did not cover this panel, and neither did the manga, as this was an omake, but im gonna be real with you guys. there are enough context clues within the story to clue you into this. if you didnt pick up on it thats ok, but i think this is a good lesson in picking up subtext in the stories that youre watching and/or reading. kui shouldnt have to explicitly say 'by the way laios was racist to toshiro' for this point to be understood, and at the very least, when the author portrays a character in a sympathetic light (as kui clearly does) it should make you question Why they are doing so and what makes them sympathetic, rather than youre immediate and only reaction to be 'well i hated what this guy did/said so i hate them and they suck'. idk exactly how to finish this, just. idk. question your biases and gut reactions to things you see in media and stories, and think about whether or not theres subtext that youre missing.
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inquisitor-apologist · 5 months ago
Ok I’m being so brave about it but a couple of days ago I saw this post claiming that the Jedi saying ‘this weapon [your lightsaber] is your life’ is emblematic of ‘the Jedi’s failure as peacekeepers’ (not an exact quote but pretty close) because why would a weapon be the life of a peacekeeper?
And like. The Jedi are a culture. They’re a religion.
You know that, right? You know that many cultures, including generally peaceful ones, have sacred weapons, right? You know that the bond between a Jedi and their crystal(s) is an extremely sacred thing that requires the consent of both parties and is integral to their way of life, right?
You know that lightsabers are not intended to be only for killing, right? That the first thing Luke learns to do with his lightsaber is to shield and defend? You know that a culture having sacred weapons doesn’t mean that they view killing as sacred, right?
Not trying to start shit, I don’t even remember who said it, but ugh
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do you even remember the lives that you threw away like trash
continuation of this
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