navajja · 8 months
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I watched Hasbin with my friend, we complained about some stuff and i ended up making some redesigns probably so far from reality that they could easily be my ocs. But HEY I have been having a lot of fun playing around with their designs, do u ever see a character and ur like "how come ur not a fat man?" That's how i feel about husker. Anyway, enjoy 💕🕷️
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ichabodjane · 1 year
Jackie of Fantastical Follies Costuming out here spreading the good word of fontages, one of the most truly bonkers historical fashions that I know of. Rich people really will just do anything to look rich, guys.
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terrimotors · 2 years
Fontagent activator indesign
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For a number of very good reasons (which I won't get into now), you should migrate all Type 1 font usage to equivalent OpenType fonts.Īlso note that with changes in the Windows font installation and handling in recent years, simply copy fonts between systems.
The OpenType Myriad Pro Regular font is effectively equivalent to the Type 1 Myriad Roman font and the OpenType Myriad Pro Bold Italic font is effectively the equivalent to the Type 1 Myriad Bold Italic font. They are old Type 1 fonts that possibly were installed automatically by older versions of Adobe Creative Suite programs (particularly Illustrator) a number of years back. Myriad Roman and Myriad Bold Italic are absolutely not fonts that are part of the Myriad Pro font family. I'm not really looking for a fix at this point, I did want to describe the problem in case someone else experienced the same issues. Maybe it't time to go back to the days of old and stick with Helvetica and Times for everything. I'm left with only 9 fonts in that family on the 2nd machine and have checked each font and none match the actual desciption of the font when opened with Windows Font Viewer. Windows states that the font exists but clearly it does not. I have 10 Myriad Pro fonts on the first machine and when I try to copy them over to the 2nd, one font does not get installed. It appears as though windows is confusing fonts.
The closer I look the more it looks like Windows 10 issue, but I cannot be sure. Nothing other than Windows and application updates has been done to this machine. It's clearly something with machine #2 because when I open InDesign documents from a year ago, the same fonts are missing. I can copy the fonts although some must be missing (based on the count). I have attempted to copy the entire font library from the first machine. This has been working without issues for years. When I open the same document on the 2nd machine I get missing fonts. The first machine opens and modifies files with no problem. I'm having a similar problem after a recent update.
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terriportfolio · 2 years
Download fonts fontagent
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Download fonts fontagent mac osx#
Download fonts fontagent mac os#
Alternatively, you can click the Install Font button to install the font to the default location specified in Font Book > Preferences.įonts located in the computer’s Fonts folder ( My Computer/Macintosh HD/Library/Fonts are available to all local users of the machine. Drag each font to the appropriate User icon if you want the font to be available exclusively to that particular user.Ĥc. Drag each font to the Computer icon in the Collections pane if you want the font to be available to all user accounts on the computer.Ĥb.
Download fonts fontagent mac os#
Font Book, the Mac OS font manager, will open a preview window for each font.Ĥa. Select the all font files for the fonts you want to install (remember that each PostScript font requires 2 files), then double-click on any selected file. In the Finder, open the folder or disk that contains the fonts you want to install. Close all open applications before installing fonts.Ģ. The best way to install fonts is still to follow these steps and drop them directly into the system folder.ġ. There have been several problems with Suitcase, FontReserve, FontAgent, FontBook, etc. Important: We do not recommend using font management software to install fonts.
Download fonts fontagent mac osx#
Installing PostScript, OpenType, or TrueType Fonts in Mac OSX Installing multiple formats of the same font may cause problems using the fonts. We recommend installing only one format of a font either OpenType, TrueType, or PostScript. Quit the application and start it up again to see the fonts in your font list. Some applications need to be restarted after fonts are installed. sit files onto Stuffit Expanderʼs icon or application window to decompress them. If Archive Utility does not unpack the files you can download and install StuffIt Expander at no charge. sit files to decompress them with Archive Utility. If your browser does not extract the font files automatically after download, double-click the. Mac OS font files (PostScript fonts) are compressed and encoded as. Otherwise, use software such as TurboZip, WinZip, or FreeZip to unpack these files. Recent versions of Windows (XP and later) can unpack zip file archives and self-extracting zip files when you right click on the file and select Extract. Zip file archives have a file extension of. Typotheque Windows font files (PC PostScript and PC TrueType) and OpenType fonts are zip file archives. Once you have downloaded these files, you need to unpack (decompress) them and then install the fonts. After the payment process is complete, the fonts you have licensed become available in your Typotheque account for download.
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marypsue · 9 months
Thank you @thelibrarybat for tagging me!
song recently played: Arcade Fire's 'Neighbourhood #3 (Power Out)'. Wait. Wait, wait. This is a Canadian band, why is my track listing telling me they spelled 'Neighbourhood' without the U. Blasphemy. Blasphemy and perdition.
favorite color: Green!
movie recently watched: Eyes in the Night, a crime thriller from 1942 about a blind detective uncovering and thwarting a Nazi spy ring with the help of his guide dog, which all takes place in one night. It's a bonkers premise and that dog is the best-trained animal actor I've ever seen onscreen.
tv show recently watched: I've mostly been watching movies lately and really haven't been watching any TV shows. The last episode of something I watched was, I think, a Silent Witness? Which is basically a movie anyway.
sweet/spicy/savory: All three, but preferably savoury.
relationship status: My New Year's resolution for 2024 is 'live like the protagonist of a cheesy romcom', so. Looking?
last thing i googled: 'fontage cap' (turns out I'd misremembered the spelling and 'Fontage' is a hair salon.)
current obsessions: Songs from the soundtracks of 90s-early-aughts romcoms; nice sweaters; my new local coffeeshop and their trio of seasonal drinks; wearing skirts with leggings. Honestly, I'm kind of in between fandoms at the moment, which means that pretty much nothing I've got going on really deserves the label 'obsession' as far as I'm concerned.
ETA: Oh, I was supposed to tag people, wasn't I? Eh. If you want to do it, do it.
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blukrown · 2 years
The Life We Have Earned - Spring Cleaning [NSFW]
Reaper (Gabriel Reyes)/Soldier76 (Jack Morrison)
The husbands go for a grocery shop the day after moving in. Mischief and shenanigans do, in fact, ensue.
Or read it on AO3 here
WARNING! This fic features - Sexual acts
The early summer afternoon sun shone down upon the quiet, peaceful houses in the suburbs just shy of the big city. Warm enough to have young children playing in the yards but not too hot that all the garden's sprinklers were on to save their ideal emerald green lawns.
In one house, all the doors and windows were open, allowing the faintest of breezes to blow through. The vacuum and mop were still leaning against a wall in the kitchen and nearly all surfaces had been cleaned of dirt and dust. With the warmth in the air, it had inspired the occupants to do some (out of season) spring cleaning. 
One of the occupants, dark and nearly always having a frown on his face, was currently hanging the washing on the washing line in the backyard. Basket full of washing in the grass at his feet, he draped clothes, towels and sheets to dry in the warmth of the sun. Squinting on the occasions when the bright sun snuck past the drying fabrics to blind him.
The other resident was still inside, tanned but with white hair, he busied himself in the laundry. One and a half sets of boots were set by his feet while the one lonely right boot was in his hand. Desperately scrubbing at hardened mud and grime, grunting and swearing in his struggle.
The warmth of summer was still new and novel and had inspired the two men to venture for a hike in the nearby mountains just a half-hour drive from home. They had forgotten, however, that there had been a great showering of rain the night before. Causing the ground to be soft and malleable at first light when they had set out on their walk from their parking spot at the base of the path. To summarize it simply, their boots had not been the only thing caked in grime when they finally got home yesterday night. And now, Jake Morrison-Reyes was paying the cost.
Sponges, scower, an old guide brush and even a rusted fork were at his disposal as he struggled to get the solid muck out from the grips of the bottom of the boot. Thanking he wore a thinner shirt, he was already straining with exertion with how fiercely he brushed at the grime. And this was the first of four he was planning to clean.
Sighing in frustration, Jack dropped the fork and boot into the sink in front of him. Needing a break before he felt carpel tunnel kicked in. Looking up, he could see Gabriel through the window.
Gabriel Morrison-Reyes, wore a baggy black shirt with the words ‘Death walks among you' in heavy metal-inspired fontage. He also wore short however these were not just any shorts, but the shortest of shorts Jack had ever seen Gabriel wear. Cut high on the upper thigh, the sleeve rising high on the outer side of the leg to give a seductive peekaboo of the rearend that made it very difficult not to stare.
This was not the first time Jack had seen Gabriel wear those shorts, however. Gabriel had bought the damn things ages ago when he was on deployment in Brazil. Needing shorts as he forgot to pack civilian clothes suitable for warmer weather, he had bought the first thing he had found. Obviously disgruntled, Gabriel had never thrown them away. At first surely to not to waste the money already spent, even if they were indecent. But those shorts were surely brokering on a decade old and Jack had the sneaking suspicion Gabriel only kept them now to taunt him.
So there they were, still on Gabriel’s person, some of the threads undone and a hole near the base of a sleeve. And damn it, Gabriel’s ass looked fine in them. Jack bit his lip as he looked through the window, not much caring if he was caught. As he beheld his husband through the window, because damn it, someone had to.
Gabriel had one of the fitted sheet’s in his hands, flapping the fabric in the wind a few times before hanging it on the line. The flex of his arms, straining all the while. Then, he ducked down to get the matching pillow cases and fuck, did his ass look good in those stupid shorts. Just the perfect amount of ass was visible peaking below the cloth, and even with the fabric being worn, still hugged to his rear to make a very alluring shape.
He could stare at that ass for days, enjoy the way it tilted when Gabriel leaned over or when he settled on one leg. He had to thank Gabriel for still keeping up his physique.
The sight made him think about just he should do such a fine specimen. Touch it, grope it, fuck it, eat it out. He did not even care if Gabriel was sweaty from a day of cleaning. He realised his crotch was warming and growing sensitive. Jack had to look away, letting out a funneled breath through his mouth as he tried not to get a erection during the middle of cleaning boots, of all things. Taking a moment, he strained to think of something to distract him. 
Mud, glass, trees, dogs, washing, clothing, ass- FUCK.
“You know soaking might do the trick?” Gabriel’s voice interrupted Jack’s focus.
Jack looked up in surprise to see Gabriel coming back through the laundry door, empty basket in hand.
“W-What?” Jack spluttered, feeling his face burn before averting his eyes again.
“The boots, the mud’ll slip right off if you just soak them.” Gabriel repeated.
“O-Oh,” Jack started, looking down at his rather pathetic attempt so far. “You might be right, hah, I wasn’t thinking.”
Gabriel only let out a grunt, leaning over to open the laundry door to pull out the next load of washing. Dark fabrics came tumbling out and into the basket but Jack did not notice as his eyes betrayed him by staring at Gabriel’s behind.
Gabriel, damn him, must have noticed, “Seeing something you like?” Not hiding a smug smirk that curled his lip.
Jack thought to say no, defend his ego, but he knew better. Gabriel could read him like an open book and still have energy enough to be smug. So he did not fight it.
He gave Gabriel a awkward smile, “What’s there not to like? If I didn’t know any better, I would think you wore those shorts to mess with me.”
Basket now full and washing machine empty, Gabriel stood straight and his grin was only growing wider. “And if I did? What’re you gonna do about it?”
“Several things,” Jack replied, feeling his mouth grow dry and forcing himself to gulp.
“Really? Then how’s about you show me? Then I might learn my lesson.” Gabriel said, voice heavy and low like gravel but smooth like velvet.
Jack’s took a heavy breath in and out through his mouth. Gabriel loved to test him, tempt him. Keep him on his toes. It was one of the things he liked most about him. He also found great enjoyment in surprising Gabriel too.
He kicked the basket that was below the washing machine so it slid across the tile until it hit the back door. Trying to seem as calm as feasibly possible, he then looked to Gabriel. “Bend over.”
Gabriel’s smirk, if possible, only grew. “Yes, sir.” 
Stepping forward so his knees brushed the machine, he then leaned over until his stomach and chest were now resting on the top. Just the sight alone ignited the embers arousal he had felt since earlier.
Jack took to stand behind him, getting close enough that their leg’s brushed and his crotch rubbed at Gabriel’s rear. Jack heard Gabriel let out a heavy huff of a breath, noting it to be a sign of lustful anticipation.
Licking his lips, Jack lifted his hands to Gabriel’s hips, pushing up the other man’s shirt a little, he let his fingers drag over the muscles of his lower back. He could feel Gabriel flinch, ever slightly at the touch, always having been ticklish around there. Back to Gabriel’s hips, his finger’s scapped around, thumbs brushing over an awakening cock to squeeze at Gabriel’s inner thigh’s teasingly.
Gabriel grunted and Jack looked up to see Gabriel’s fists clenching, a reaction to slow burning sexual frustration that Jack could not help but flare further. Pulling by where his hands lay, he pressed his tenting cock against Gabriel’s ass. Letting it go between the two muscles to tease between them. He felt no rush, enjoying the smallest of stimulation he got from the action, savoring it like the sweetest of fruits.
Jack’s hands then, curved around to finally cup at Gabriel’s ass. Enjoying the firmness of a muscle in each hand, squeezing to relish the slight give of fat on the flesh. Pushing Gabriel just that little bit more forward until his hips touched the edge of the machine, Jack massaged the shapes as he rubbed his cock again between them.
He could feel his own cock now straining at the fabric of his brief’s and shorts, enjoying the friction but yearning for ever more. And by the looks of it, so did Gabriel, his breaths heavy and languid, his shoulders tensing as he must feel the head of Jack’s cock tease at his entrance through his shorts.
“God, Gabe,” Jack grunted, leaning over to kiss at Gabriel’s shoulders. “The things I want to do to you . . . Jesus, you drive me crazy sometimes.” Rubbing his cock eagerly around Gabriel’s rear.
Gabriel grunted, pleased. Looking over his shoulder to look at Jack where he could. “Well, you better hope you do more things to me then . . . Otherwise I’ll be the one going crazy.”
Jack could not help back chuckle, straining to steal a kiss from Gabriel’s lips. “I’ll have to get the lube from the bathroom. Can you wait?”
Gabriel grunted, reaching behind him to keep Jack there. “Don’t . . . I’m sure you can figure something out.” His voice raspy but relaxed. Soft and mushy with blissful pleasure.
Jack nodded, catching on. “Yeah, yeah I can do that.”
Getting to work, Jack nabbed one more kiss before departing. Covering the back of Gabriel’s neck in kisses and even leaving a hickey or two at the nape that, with Jack’s great pleasure, made Gabriel let out a satisfied moan. Still grinding his front against Gabriel’s behind all the while, he was slow but not teasing, wandering but deliberate.
Eventually, he pulled his now fully erect cock away from Gabriel’s ass, his hands at the waistband of those accursed shorts and pulling them down along with his jocks to drop to the floor of the laundry. Then kneeling down behind Gabriel so that he was eye to eye with his quarry.
Gabriel was handsomely hairy and Jack loved it. Think black hair creeped up his legs, fading slightly over the cheeks before growing bushier again between them. He also had the smell of sweat and natural musk around him, having had a shower just before getting to day’s tasks. Jack took in a slow breath, welcoming the familiar smell. 
His hands went to either side of Gabriel’s cheeks again, this time lower to then spread apart, which Gabriel obliged further by widening his gate where he leaned. Displaying himself to Jack and, although Jack was sure his husband may feel embarrassed, he did it without a word. Revealing his hole, puckered and only slightly stretched, unlike Jack’s own.
It was a sign of trust and safety Jack never stopped cherishing. It had took Gabriel a long time to take the more vulnerable position of bottoming, as his masculinity had at one point felt wounded just by the thought. Now, although not his first choice, it was something he found undeniable joy in. Jack sighed, squeezing the fat of Gabriel’s ass to ease perhaps any tension the other man may still have, before he then began.
Leaning in as his mouth wet his tongue, he gave Gabriel’s entrance a small lap, giving the man opportunity to adjust to the feeling. Then delving in, he pressed his tongue at the squeezing muscle and gaining entry.
Jack relished the sound of Gabriel's initial groan as he must be enjoying the sensation of Jack’s tongue inside him. His hands gripping onto the edge of the machine as Jack saw his knees visibly weaken.
The muscle surrounding Jack’s tongue was warm and malleable, giving but still squeezing. Pressing his tongue as deep as possible he then curled, and Gabriel’s reactive whimper was music to his ears. His hands cupping and spreading each of Gabriel’s cheeks as nearly the whole of Jack’s face was between them. His eyes closed as he focused. Lapping at the sensitive place inside him until Jack could feel Gabriel quaking both inside and out.
Gabriel did not let Jack stay down there for long, impatience being a habit of his even when Jack took the lead.
It took a lot of energy for him to lift his head, eyes unfocused from pleasure but still steely with eagerness to move on. “C’mon Jackie . . . Don’t tell me that’s all y-you had planned.”
Jack pulled away to look to Gabriel, unabashed by how his mouth and chin was covered in saliva. “Not at all, you want to move on?”
“Yes,” Gabriel said gruffly, “Quickly.” He then said as a bit of an after thought.
Jack silently smiled, getting back to his feet. “Do you want me to stretch you out or-“
“No, I-I’ll be fine, just get on with it.” Gabriel hissed, impatience flaring again.
Jack, like always, did not take offense. If anything it was a compliment that he was able to get Gabriel this eager to continue.
Jack leaned forward over Gabriel again to kiss as his shoulder, then neck, cheek and finally chin. Approaching him to kiss his lips, if he let him. Sometimes the thought of kissing a mouth that had just been in his ass was too much for Gabriel, but this time he didn’t care. He took Jack’s kiss great-fully, hand reaching to hold him there.
Getting the hint Gabriel wanted him to stay there, Jack tried his best to go about his other task without looking. Fumbling for a second or two, he undid the button and fly of his shorts and shoved both them and his briefs down to the floor. Pulling away from Gabriel’s lips for just a moment, he lifted his right hand to wet them but he saw a look in Gabriel’s eyes. Eagerness.
Jack smile was still present, although darkened with lust, as he let his fingers enter Gabriel’s eager, open mouth. Taking all the digits greedily, the other man’s tongue lapped at them all as his mouth provided ample saliva. His lips sucked on them as they left, teasing them to come back in and wetten them again.
Jack’s face burned at the sight, Gabriel’s eyes half closed as he savoured Jack’s fingers like the darkest chocolate, a dribble coming free from his lip to drop into his beard. Thoughts to change course and get his cock in this hole tickled at the back of his mind, soarly tempting him. But he knew Gabriel would gladly oblige, afterwards.
Now with amply wet fingers, Jack took back Gabriel’s lips trying to convey in kiss alone just how hot Gabriel was just then. How, if it were possible, he would have made him even harder. Telling him how much he turned him on just at the sight of him, how much he loved him ever more by the moment.
His saliva-covered hand took to coat his cock in the liquid, and with any excess left, smother around Gabriel’s entrance. This being enough of a cue for the other man to spread his legs further apart and lower until his stomach and chest were against the surface of the washing machine once more. Straining to reach Gabriel’s lips from where he hunkered over him, he opted to kiss at his neck and back. Shallow pecks, to fierce presses as well as additional hickeys that Gabriel audibly enjoyed with a hitch in his breath.
Left hand took to Gabriel’s hip, keeping him steady, and his right took his cock in hand. Giving his shaft a few jerks, just to stave off his building climax, he then angled so the head was brushing at Gabriel’s entrance.
Gabriel grunted below him, wriggling his hips eagerly and pushing backwards, forcing Jack inside. Jack let out a moan, greatly pleased with the warmth and squeeze that surrounded the head, then the rest of his shaft. Gabriel took him in well, with only a slight bit of resistance that created the most tantalizing of squeezes.
Now fully inside, Jack ensured both hands were secured at Gabriel’s waist before he began. Pulling out, both men groaned at the sensation. For Jack, it was the reluctant give of Gabriel’s walls, hugging around him as he unsheathed. For Gabriel, it was the drag of the head of Jack’s cock along the inner wall.
Jack then thrusted his hips forward, finding an angle that made a rare gasp come from Gabriel below him as he pressed to Gabriel’s prostate, then receiving a reactive squeeze in response. 
Jack leaned over to kiss Gabriel’s back, licking and nipping at the skin to create another hickey as he pulled and pushed in a few times experimentally. It had been a while since he had had the privilege topping him. Not out of disinterest but the reverse was a familiar, easy configuration to find themselves in. Not that this, the tight walls of Gabe’s ass, lewd noises of Gabriel’s groans and the wet slapping of skin on skin was not to his displeasure.
Jack set a strong but steady pace, thrusting in and out on a even rhythm, not daudeling too much on the stroke.
Jack then felt one of Gabriel’s hands reach back to grasp at his wrist to gain Jack’s attention. Gabriel’s head was turned to look to Jack, one cheek resting on the top of the machine as if too tired to lift it. Once Jack looked to his dark eyes he grunted. “Harder, Jackie,” Before then gasping as a well precised thrust hit that favorable spot.
“Y-You sure?” Jack asked, knowing exactly what Gabriel was requesting.
Gabriel only grunted, turning his head as his eyes scrunched closed in a pleasured focus. Jack trusted Gabriel’s judgment, even with his own doubts, and obliged him.
Ensuring his grip on Gabriel’s hips were steady, he increased his speed. Snapping his hips forward harshly, pressing to the prostate on nearly each attempt. Pulling out with quick brevity and pressing thrusting in again. Picking up pace, Jack was at the fastest speed he could maintain, without hurting Gabriel or himself. Fucking into Gabriel with little care for pacing or dragging things out. But this was how Gabriel liked it, roughened, harsh and with a twinge of pain that made it all the more delicious. As long as Jack was not seriously hurting him, seeing Gabriel’s growing unrest and nearing orgasm was more than worth it. 
“F-Fuck,” Gabriel growled and Jack could see Gabriel’s hands gripping the opposite edge of the machine for dear life as his whole body jumped with each impactful, harsh thrust. “J-Jackie, I’m getting close.”
Jack was relieved to hear, apart from his body already growing tired from exertion, his own end was soon cusping. The raw fucking below him, the sight of Gabriel’s back heaving for air, and the downright pornographic slapping of skin and faint liquid noise of where the two men meeting being a lot for Jack to take in at once.
Jack licked his lips as he moved one hand under Gabriel’s leg, hooking under his thigh and lifting. Gabriel initially gasped in surprise only to be interrupted by a whimper as Jack’s cock pressed unbearably inside him and at an even deeperdegree. One leg still keeping Gabriel standing, the other was now lifted up and hanging in the air with one of Jack’s arms. Not flexible enough to lift straight as Gabriel had proudly been able to in youth, the effect was still very much the same.
“God, G-Gabe,” Jack gasped, letting his head roll back on his shoulders and shutting his eyes. Trying his best not to let his orgasm crash over him too soon. “Your so tight, ah- and the noises you- fuck make. Sometimes I think you do them on purpose.”
Gabriel could only grunt, mouth too busy gasping for air amidst noises of sincerest pleasure to reply.
Jack now finding his rhythm once more and gaining a level of ease enough to focus on words, he continued. “Jesus, those shorts are dangerous. Everytime you wear them, y-you drive me crazy. You just- hah, look amazing in them. I-I’d let you wear them all day and watch you but I f-fuck, can’t keep my hands to myself. And not just your ass. Y-You’re just so -nngh, handsome Gabe. I can’t stand it. S-Sometime you know it and sometimes you forget, god. Even in shitty old shorts and that lame shirt, I just c-cant -mmph, take my eyes of you Gabe.”
Gabriel was soon reaching his undoing, the words being the sprinkles on top of a sundae of lustful delight. Without even touching his own cock, Jack watched as Gabriel crashed from up high. His muscles, bunching and bunching. Breath hitching and hitching. Ass squeezing and squeezing. Until he came undone, an all body shiver coursing through as one last whimpering groan came from him. Cum spilling out from Gabriel’s touch thirsted cock onto the window of the washing machine, splurting several times until a final drop clung to the tip.
With only a few thrusts after, enraptured by the sight and feeling of Gabriel’s end surrounding him. Jack came as well.
Unlike Jack, who found sick joy in the feeling of cum inside him, Gabriel felt the opposite. Despised the dripping of it and the mess he had to clean afterwards - even though Jack enjoyed it when he let him.
Pulling out just in time, he thrust at the peak of Gabriel’s ass between the cheeks as he too came. White ropes of cum splattering onto Gabriel’s lower back and ass. 
Gasping breaths were all Jack could hear over the sound of his heart beat slowly settling to a steady rhythm in his ears. While waiting for his body to cool and lungs to catch up, he gently massaged at Gabriel’s sides and ass. Not so much grouping as urging blood-flow to the areas he had  so fiercely clutched to moments ago. Leaning over, he kissed Gabriel's shoulders, over scars and hickeys. Welcoming the faint taste of salty sweat on his tongue.
Eventually, Gabriel spoke, voice grumbling and heavy through abused vocal cords, “Remind me to get a new pair of shorts, those have got holes in it.”
Jack could only chuckle, his laughter joined by a low snigger from Gabriel as they partially embraced, half-naked, against the washing machine.
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mwgamera · 5 months
Speaking of Unicode hentaigana, only five kana don't have encoded any alternative forms derived from the same kanji as modern hiragana: た(太) め(女) す(寸) こ(己) と(止)。Probably because there's hardly any way to write them structurally different from the modern ones. They do have forms derived from different kanji encoded like 𛀸(古) for こ, though. The others will generally be different simplifications, sometimes even more kuzusareted simplified like 𛃻 for る, but usually some kind of intermediate cursive form between the regular kanji and the form of modern hiragana.
Which means we can almost redo the table showing hiragana development like the one at Wikpedia in plain text using Unicode hentaigana for the intermediate forms. Like so:
 无 和 良 也 末 波 奈 太 左 加 安  𛄝 𛄉 𛃮 𛃝 𛃃 𛂡 𛂀 〓 𛀿 𛀘 𛀂  ん わ ら や ま は な た さ か あ
   爲 利   美 比 仁 知 之 幾 以    𛄐 𛃱   𛃌 𛂫 𛂉 𛁥 𛁄 𛀥 𛀆    ゐ り   み ひ に ち し き い
     留 由 武 不 奴 川 寸 久 宇      𛃺 𛃤 𛃐 𛂰 𛂐 𛁪 〓 𛀫 𛀋      る ゆ む ふ ぬ つ す く う
   恵 礼   女 部 祢 天 世 計 衣    𛄒 𛃿   〓 𛂹 𛂗 𛁳 𛁔 𛀶 𛀑    ゑ れ   め へ ね て せ け え
   遠 呂 与 毛 保 乃 止 曽 己 於    𛄛 𛄃 𛃩 𛃘 𛂺 𛂙 〓 𛁙 〓 𛀔    を ろ よ も ほ の と そ こ お
Your fontage may vary. The 〓 are the missing forms and some parts like や are probably the wrong way around. Cf [[File:Hiragana_origin.jpg]]:
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poetcsw · 1 year
Goodbye FontExplorer, Hello Typeface
Managing typefaces on computers has always been difficult. This month, support for the font management tool I have used for many years, FontExplorer X, was discontinued by Monotype. I needed to find another font manager, one that was “good enough” for my needs, if not as complete as FontExplorer X. I considered several possible replacements for FontExplorer: FontAgent…
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wintcrew · 2 years
Rightfont vs suitcase fusion
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Rightfont vs suitcase fusion upgrade#
Rightfont vs suitcase fusion pro#
Rightfont vs suitcase fusion trial#
However, what does really bother me at FEX Pro, is, that - as you already pointed out - because FEX so relativelly new product (so we can say not a mature), can it somehow happen, that Linotype thinks in a situation, that there would be not enough registered customers, that they simply stop the further development of this project.? Since their main living/activity is to sell fonts, not app making.
Rightfont vs suitcase fusion upgrade#
Anyway, this price is somehow the same as the upgrade prices for Suitcase Fusion 2 and FAP 4 Pro.
Rightfont vs suitcase fusion pro#
The interface is simple, and there is also an option, that the fonts can be leaved on the original place, where they are stored (similar to Suitcase, don't know, how it is in the newest version).Īlso, the price of FEX Pro is cutted to half until the end of february (yet, we have to pay the € price, that mean in US you pay 39,99 $ + German VAT, we in EU pay 39,99 € + German VAT).
Rightfont vs suitcase fusion trial#
Right now im in phase of trying out Linotype FEX 2 Pro trial version. So there would be no problem at all to buy any of these updates for me. Well, the situation is that, that i already own a Fusion 11 license (for both Mac an Win) and also a FAP 3 license. The newer CS4 plug-ins do not work with the free FEX 1.2.3. FEX is pretty seamless and worth a try though.īTW, tested the FEX upgrade work-around on my home MBP and it doesn't work, so don't waste your time if you know about it. Personally, I went with FAP since it's a more mature, proven program and I need to make sure our stations are productive and not bogged down with issues. So, I would recommend avoiding Fusion, which I know there are content users, but with over 16 years in advertising and being a long-time Suitcase user, it just never was a good program compared to others. We bought FAP4 multi-seat licenses at 40% cross-grade discount (same as FAP3 to FAP4 price). I asked if they had upgrade or competitive/cross-grade pricing and they do. Told them I was a previous user forced to go to Fusion. I feel this is the king of font managers and requires little to no babysitting.Ĭons: None except for price, more expensive than FEX, but. Pros: Loved this before, demo was awesome. Still a young program and involves some interactions (less than Suitcase). $40 for limited time (50% off)Ĭons: Free not compatible with CS4, must use paid version. Pros: Good as a free program, better as paid (demo'd). Also requires 10.5 which we are on 10.4.11 and that upgrade isn't an option at the moment. Now to this past 2 weeks, as i said we upgraded to CS4 so I started researching before doing it company-wide. On my personal MBP, I use(d) FontExplorerX (FEX) and was surprised at how good it was for being free. Again, while Extensis did improve it, I really hated using Fusion (since we paid for multiple seats). When we upgraded to CS3, we had to go with Suitcase Fusion since FAP was not compatible yet. Moved to FontAgent Pro (FAP) and was extremely happy, few problems over many years. Used Suitcase since Adobe kill theirs and hated every minute of it. I've personally used all of these over many years. We just upgraded to CS4 so this is a fresh subject for me.
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sartorialadventure · 3 years
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Late 17th-century fashions
1. Dame, French, by engraver Henri Bonnart, with a servant carrying train (I think meant to be a black page-boy: it was very fashionable to have a black page as part of your personal staff) 2. Damoiselle en Habit de Chambre, French, by engraver Robert Bonnart, carrying mask and fan
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Beauty and the Beast (2017) dir. Bill Condon
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During the 1600's and 1700's a hairstyle called a fontage ("top knot") was named for the "Duchesse de Fontanges" mistress to Louis XIV. #didyouknow #fontage #topknot #HairCulture #HairHistory #France New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene-Glycol Free Wet Line➡️Sulfate-free Shampoo, Rich Rinse-out Conditioner, Hair Serum and Detangler! 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating hairstylists everywhere for their #artwork, #initiative and #independence! #virginiabeachstylist #norfolkstylist #chesapeakestylist #richmondstylist #DCstylist #newportnewststylist #alexandriastylist #charlottesvillestylist #hamptonstylist #roanokestylist #virginiahair #richmondhair #vahair #virginiastylist Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️#parabenfree #crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale ⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfzAABHrxbv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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my18thcenturysource · 8 years
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Late 17th and early 18th century fashion (part 1)
As requested here is the post about late 17th and early 18th century fashion. I had planned to make different posts per decade, but the thing about this period is that it’s the transition between the ultimate baroque fashion and the clearly rococo stuff (it’s kind of the 1840s in the 19th century, the switch between romantic and victorian fashion). When you look at this in books the whole period is shown as a whole therefore, sometimes it’s not so easy to date this period in fashion, for example take a look at this nice portrait  from the National Portrait Gallery in London:
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Yes my darlings, you all read right up there: this is from sometime between 1695 and 1720. Almost 30 years and we are not even sure when. Let’s cry while we laugh at it a little bit. And while we cry let’s think about the fact that in this period menswear was a lot crazier than womenswear that, in comparison looks pretty dull.
Now, let’s wipe our tears away and let’s see that there are a couple of key changes, silhouettes and details that help us to understand that turn of the century fashion. But first, let’s remember that we came from neck ruffs and doublets, stiff decorative lace and long pointy bodice fronts. Let’s see these examples from the Rijksmuseum:
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These above outfits are the base for the next changes from the 17th century:
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WOMAN: in the 1680s the mantua (or manteau) appeared in fashion, and this gown will be worn until the early 18th century (so that’s the key item for this period). The mantua was what we would call nowadays a dress (remember this example from the 1730s?), a single piece of clothing to be worn and was originally "undress” wear (casual comfortable stuff to wear at home); later the mantua became more elaborated and refined and became a gown with pleats, worn with contrasting petticoat and stomacher, looped at the back to show the petticoat underneath. Since the mantua was made from a single piece of fabric (lengthwise) it became a perfect way to show the decorated and patterned silks that were available at the time. The full sleeves changed into tighter ones and the decorations became ribbons, bows and laces, also a stomacher could or could not be worn. The hairstyle starts to change to upward volume instead of volume at the sides of the head; the head accessory was the fontange (remember this tutorial?), worn à la sultane or with lace rows.
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MAN: With the end of the Thirty Years War the military influence became looser: the high boots were changed for shoes and the lots of ribbons became a decorative essential. In the 1660s the outfit for men consisting of coat, waistcoat and breeches became the norm (remember the sleeved waistcoat post?). Before the 1680s the coat sleeves could be shorter (look at the 1668 example above from the Rijksmuseum), with volume, slashed or buttoned, but in the 80s the big turned-up cuffs and fitted sleeves became fashionable in a fitted coat with side-front pockets (that could be vertical, not only horizontal) and with a length down to the knee. That was the birth of the justaucorps. The shirt is still voluminous but it’s less visible since a waistcoat is worn, but the cuffs are very (like VERY) decorative with lace ruffles. The long falling collar for the shirts disappears and the cravat remains becoming longer and sometime in the 60s a ribbon bow was added, this bow became bigger and more complicated while the century advanced. The large wide breeches from the mid-century changed in the 1670s for a more fitted ones with the stockings worn over and a garter below the knee (maybe to give the impression of longer legs). The wig or perwig was the final addition to the look (of course men could grow their hair long enough to be in fashion) curly and usually parted at the middle the wig reached amazing volume at the very end of the 17th century and a crazy tight curl appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, the wigs could be of all natural hair colours. Accessories such as large brim hats were worn and in the 1680s appeared the tricorn and the sword belt.
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And now some details and accessories:
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And extant garments:
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slidejust · 2 years
Fontagent 7
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Fontagent 7 how to#
Fontagent 7 for mac#
Fontagent 7 mac os x#
To find out and kill related background process(es), you can run Activity Monitor (located in /Applications/Utilities folder) instead. To quit an app, the common way is to right click app icon on the Dock and choose Quit option. Why I cannot delete FontAgent Pro Server 7.0? Being prompted that “The item FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 can’t be moved to the Trash because it’s open”? This message occurs because FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 (or its background process) is still running. This act is irrevocable so you must do it with caution. Note that the moment you empty the Trash, the app will be permanently removed from your Mac. During the process, you may be prompted to enter an administrator’s password to make the deletion take effect. Or choose right click Trash icon, choose Empty Trash, and Empty Trash again in the pop-up dialog.īesides, you also can trash the app from the Launchpad interface.
Step 5: Choose Finder > Empty Trash from the Menu bar.
Step 4: If prompted, enter administrator password and hit OK to allow the change.
Also, you can right-click/control click FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 icon and then choose Move to Trash option from the sub menu.
Step 3: Search for FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 in the /Applications folder, then drag its icon to the Trash icon located at the end of the Dock, and drop it there.
Step 2: Launch Finder on your Mac, and click Applications in the Finder sidebar.
Step 1: Quit FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 as well as its related process(es) if they are still running.
Here’s the regular steps to uninstall FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 on Mac: In most circumstances you can take the drag-and-drop way to delete FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 from your computer.
Fontagent 7 mac os x#
Most Mac apps are self-contained, and the trash-to-delete option works on all versions of Mac OS X and later. Question 1: How can I uninstall FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 from my Mac? So, when you decide to uninstall FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 on Mac, you will need to tackle the following two questions. The trash-to-delete method may leave some junk files behind, resulting in incomplete uninstall. That means, if you simply trash the app and think the removal is done, you’re wrong. Additionally, some apps may create supporting files, caches, login files scattering around the system directory. General knowledge: Once installed, an app is typically stored in the /Applications directory, and the user preferences for how the app is configured are stored in ~/Library/Preferences directory.
Fontagent 7 how to#
If you have no clue how to do it right, or have difficulty in getting rid of FontAgent Pro Server 7.0, the removal solutions provided in the post could be helpful. This page is about how to properly and thoroughly uninstall FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 from Mac. Removing applications on Mac is pretty straightforward for experienced users yet may be unfamiliar to newbies.
Fontagent 7 for mac#
Perfect Solutions to Uninstall FontAgent Pro Server 7.0 for Mac
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pineramber · 2 years
Download fonts fontagent
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#Download fonts fontagent how to
#Download fonts fontagent mac os x
(This architecture is similar to Font Reserve, where Font Reserve itself is invisible, and the Browser is its visible face.)įontAgent Pro thinks in terms of libraries and sets. FontAgent Pro is thus essentially just a window for telling FontAgent Activator what to do your fonts are still managed even if you quit FontAgent Pro. How It Looks - When you use FontAgent Pro, fonts are activated by an invisible background application, FontAgent Activator. In general, FontAgent Pro appears simple and dependable. It can manage installed fonts (except for /System/Library/Fonts, which it leaves alone), and it can install a startup item so that your chosen fonts will be activated the next time you restart, but these are preferences under your control. But the current version, FontAgent Pro 2.1, is much more user-compliant. I had tried out an earlier version of this program, but shied away because I found it too intrusive: the installer demanded my password, which I found suspicious it wanted to take control of my already installed fonts and when it imported fonts, it reported having performed hundreds of "repairs" to them, without asking my permission and without explaining just what it had done. Recently, however, I’ve put a tentative toe back into the font management waters by taking a look at FontAgent Pro, from Insider Software. So, since the advent of Panther, I’ve kept my font management minimal, using Apple’s own Font Book as described in my ebook "Take Control of Customizing Panther." Also, by that time, Extensis had acquired Font Reserve, ending the healthy competition between the two, and the steam seemed to go out of the development on both products. I then tried Extensis’s Suitcase and stayed with it happily for a year or so, but eventually it broke against Panther, and although a revised version was issued, I found it sluggish and undependable.
#Download fonts fontagent mac os x
For many years I was strongly attached to DiamondSoft’s Font Reserve, but it foundered somewhat on the breakers of Mac OS X initially it didn’t support many Mac OS X fonts, and Classic activation was never reliable. In past TidBITS articles, I’ve talked about what a problem font management on the Macintosh has always been, and what steps I’ve taken to alleviate it on my own machine. #1621: Apple Q3 2022 financials, Slack's new free plan restrictions, which OS features do you use?.#1622: OS feature survey results, Continuity Camera webcam preview, OWC miniStack STX.
#Download fonts fontagent how to
#1623: How to turn off YouTube's PiP, use AirPlay to Mac, and securely erase Mac drives.#1624: Important OS security updates, rescuing QuickTake 150 photos, AirTag alerts while traveling.#1625: Apple's "Far Out" event, the future of FileMaker, free NMUG membership, Quick Note and tags in Notes, Plex suffers data breach.
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pinerfreaks · 2 years
Fontagent pro windows
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#Fontagent pro windows for mac os x#
#Fontagent pro windows for mac os#
#Fontagent pro windows for mac os#
In addition to the 750 bundled OpenType fonts, FontAgent Pro software manages all Type 1, dfont, and TrueType fonts.įontAgent Pro: Font Diagnostics, Repair and Management in a Single ApplicationįontAgent Pro provides a complete font management system that integrates diagnostics, repair, font selection, auto-activation, font book creation, and design tools in a single powerful, yet simple application for Mac OS X, Windows XP and Windows Vista. Many Windows users think they are immune to font problems, but by storing all their fonts in the Fonts Control Panel. Purchased individually, the fonts and software in FontAgent Pro Plus are worth thousands of dollars.įontAgent Pro Plus runs on Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later, Windows XP SP2, and Windows Vista, and requires 100 megabytes of available disk space. Learn which versions of Insider font management and distribution products are compatible with which versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Its modern, customizable Windows interface gives you. Versions of FontAgent Pro Plus are also available in Workgroup and Server-Connected versions for an additional $30 per user. FontAgent brings the Worlds Smartest Font Manager to the most widely-used desktop OS on the planet. The retail price for FontAgent Pro Plus is $249.95 (USD), but is available at an introductory price of $149.95 for a limited time, and can be purchased online from Insider Software. The collection includes more than 150 book and text fonts 400 creative and display fonts 80 script and handwritten fonts 25 typewriter and mono-width fonts and a wide selection of symbol and dingbat fonts. Many Windows users think they are immune to font problems, but by storing all their fonts in the Fonts Control. The 750 professional-quality fonts in FontAgent Pro(TM) Plus are from the world-renowned Bitstream Font Library and have well-defined kerning pairs, full character sets and reliable metadata. FontAgent Pro 9.0.51 download description.
#Fontagent pro windows for mac os x#
The new offering is available immediately for Mac OS X as well as Windows XP/Vista platforms. Insider Software announced FontAgent Pro Plus, which bundles 750 professional OpenType fonts from Bitstream with FontAgent Pro 4, Insider’s industry-leading font manager. Windows users should download and install the following package. The collection contains well-defined kerning pairs, full Character Sets,and reliable metadata, and includes book and text fonts, creative and display fonts, script and handwriting fonts, mono-width fonts and symbol and dingbat fonts. Student licensing for FontAgent is automatic, and determined by your current course. Insider Software and Bitstream today announced that they had partnered to bring a bundle of professional OpenType fonts from Bitstream’s extensive professional OpenType font collection to purchasers of FontAgent Pro Plus for Macintosh and Windows.
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