#flying shark
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retrocgads · 9 months ago
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UK 1987
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years ago
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Sky sharks again -- time to bug out! (Pierre-Olivier Vincent cover for Casus Belli 26, June 1985)
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indieretronews · 1 year ago
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hldrmusicametria · 1 year ago
Review de Flying Shark
Um lançamento que havia passado despercebido por mim mais cedo no ano foi Flying Shark, da banda eurobrasileira The Grombbles. O grupo, que se juntou inicialmente no fim da década de 70, mas passou por um longuíssimo hiato, e cujos únicos lançamentos até então haviam sido curtos EPs, finalmente lança seu disco de estreia, quase 50 anos após sua formação inicial. Apesar de uma discografia curta, as performances ao vivo intensas mantiveram o perfil da banda bem proeminente em círculos musicais mais experimentais, especialmente por ter membros do Funhauser e Fefo Falleiros na formação, quase como a relação do Camberwell Now com This Heat. A banda fez parte de um movimento/gênero de curta duração chamado Pizza Rock, que trazia uma veia satírica ao Rock In Opposition, e apresentava ideias puxadas de música eletroacústica e dos princípios da música eletrônica, mas acabou abandonando o movimento quando este começou a tomar uma forma mais séria em 1981, especialmente considerando bandas como Like May e Postpartum, que em 1982 já haviam abandonado completamente a veia satírica para focar em estudos intensos de marxismo italiano e o pensamento de Mao Zedong.
O disco te introduz às suas experimentações musicais logo de cara. É impressionante que músicos que a essa altura do campeonato têm mais de setenta anos consigam parecer tão jovens em sua ousadia musical. Apesar de seu estilo emprestar muito do Rock Progressivo (especialmente da onda do Rock In Opposition), o uso de drones de sintetizador analógico também mostram uma certa influência de Space Age Pop e do futurismo do fim dos anos 60, de forma bem irônica e ácida, quase como uma faixa do Frank Zappa, ou They Might Be Giants. Só essa introdução já serviria o suficiente, mas as faixas seguintes introduzem elementos de Trip Hop, samples equivalentes aos encontrados em faixas de rap, uso de colagens sonoras e soundscapes industriais junto de passagens de folk, mas tudo sublinhado por guitarras, bateria e baixo, continuando as ideias de Prog Experimental, mas de uma maneira que desconstrói os tropos de bandas como Black Midi e Henry Cow.
Não obstante, os temas das faixas, apesar de questionáveis (com uma forte veia "anti-lacração", e com algumas referências de caráter duvidoso a teorias da conspiração), são explorados com uma lírica incisiva e poética (que acabam se perdendo para mim, já que o disco puxa umas ideias da caixa do Manu Chao e usa pelo menos duas línguas inteligíveis, junto com um pouco de bobagens sem sentido), que dá ao disco, apesar de seu caráter satírico e humorístico, uma complexidade maior. Um momento de destaque é It's Over, Jessica, em que a banda traz um mote quase de espelho, com a primeira parte da faixa trazendo a frase "Drone over me, sweet baby Jessica/I'll hang under you", que na segunda metade é referenciada no trecho "Te dá la gana, no quiero/Huye de mí, mirote de arriba". A faixa encerra no mantra "Huye, soy tu bruma", que muda todo o tom cômico do disco a um terror assombroso.
Mesmo com sua ousadia, é importante notar alguns aspectos negativos gritantes do disco, o principal sendo a inconsistência. Apesar das faixas trazerem uma variedade interessante de sons, esses sons nem sempre se combinam, com passagens de folk em uma faixa sendo cortadas por um industrial psicodélico na faixa seguinte, sem nenhum tipo de sequenciamento lógico. Para além disso, a banda se perde em algumas das experimentações, criando algumas experiências tediosas ou totalmente incongruentes. Apesar de sua influência no passado, é possível ver porque algumas dessas ideias não haviam sido executadas em estúdio, é quase impossível pensar em uma única gravadora que conseguiria fazer um marketing minimamente lógico desse disco.
No fim de tudo, o disco é uma aventura intrigante, mas que ocasionalmente deixa a desejar devido à sua inconsistência e tendências líricas duvidosas.
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ryartchus · 2 months ago
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bananafire11 · 7 months ago
Tw body horror?
Bendy twisty
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Since jax is a rubberhose rabbit, wretched jax gets twisty body horror priveleges... gross creature
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requinoesis · 1 year ago
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Oh, look at that in the sky! What is it? A little shark in a flying saucer... or aqua saucer?✨🦈🛸
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nocternalrandomness · 6 months ago
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Flying Tigers in the break
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cuttledreams-bugs · 1 month ago
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June theme: Parasites!
1. Ectoparasite: Pocketbook Mussel (Lampsilis ovata)
2. Endoparasite: Polypodium hydriforme
3. Mesoparasite: Shark Sucker Barnacle (Anelasma squalicola
4. Parasitoid: Ladybird Fly (Gymnosoma rotundatum)
Fun facts in the read more!
The pocketbook mussel uses decorated fringes and patterns on its mantle to flicker and shimmer like a fish, drawing the attention of larger fish such as bass. Once close the mussel blasts the fish in the mouth with larva, which then attach to and feed off of the fish's gills.
Polypodium hydriforme... where do you even begin. I love them first of all. They are parasites not of sturgeon, but the sturgeon's egg cells- wikipedia describes them as one of the few animals to live inside the cell of another animal. On top of that, they actually develop inside out while inside said egg cell. Once it's time to get moving out of the host, they flip right-side in and in the process grab the host egg cell's yolk and drag it inside itself, using it to live off of once free in the ocean waters. And that's only scratching the surface.
Goose barnacles are a shark parasite! They are barnacles that embed into the skin of certain sharks, extending their root-like bottom tendrils into the flesh of the animal to extract nutrients while the top portion remains exposed.
Ladybird flies in contrast to all the above probably feel the most normal haha. They plant their eggs on shieldbugs, with the young then growing up within the host, later to re-emerge for pupation and adulthood.
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yen-sids-tournament · 2 months ago
Pirates of the Caribbean First Mates
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(no the First Mate doesn't come with the ship, it's their resume. but if you want the ship why not take it, yer a Pirate ain't ya?)
And yes, this is to match with our Captains poll
*Arabella "Bell" Smith is a character from the Jack Sparrow series by Rob Kidd. She is his first crew member and first First Mate. In the books she take up with Bootstrap Billy leading to speculation she is Will's mom. She also has a role in the Magic Kingdom, as a tavern proprietress.
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smallearthboundfindings · 2 years ago
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Some Mother 2/EarthBound guidebook art this time! I went through the trouble of remastering this art a bit by cleaning up the colors, but these were originally from Mother Forever as well! Check them out!
Also, more under the cut! The more spoilery ones are there alongside some of the sillier ones.
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respect-the-locals · 8 months ago
🦑 Daily Cephalopod Fact: 🦑
Neon Flying Squid: They are so named for their ability to shoot out of the water, much like flying fishes. They sometimes unintentionally land on the decks of ships. This happens more frequently during rough weather or in the presence of predators in the vicinity, and it is presumed that this behavior is an instinctive response to threat. Flying squid have been observed to engage in behaviors that prolong the time it remains in the air, making it more akin to actual flight than just gliding.
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bethanythebogwitch · 9 months ago
Australian Pokemon - single stages
Another set of Fakemon for my Goorda region, based on a combination of Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Previous posts: non-natives, regional standards, creepy lines, regional variants, birds, early-game standards, misc 2, misc 1, variant starters, starters
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Wakaremai, the Transport Pokemon, water/dragon type. They have been used since ancient times as transportation, carrying humans between islands with the canoes growing from their backs. Some scientists believe ancient Goordan people created the species, but are not sure how. SOme legends say that people were first brought to Goorda on the back of a gigantic Wakaremai. While massive, Wakaremai are gentle giants who feed exclusively on plankton and are easily tamed by humans. Since the invention of motorboats, Wakaremai have become more common in the wild.
Wakaremai is a combination basking shark and waka, Maori canoes. I based the design on this reconstruction waka. It fills the same niche as Lapras in being a transport focused water type and Lapras are either not native to Goorda or where never used for transport. Real life basking sharks are plankton-eating gentle giants just like Wakaremai. The story of Wakaremai bringing people to Goorda is based on Maori stories of how they first came to Aotearoa on canoes. I did make two boat sharks in the same region, but Wakaremai is a gentle giant and defensively oriented while Davalossam (in a previous post) is very hostile and offensively oriented. Wakaremai's name comes from "waka" and "reremai", the Maori word for basking shark.
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Mimicrag, the Thin Pokemon, fairy/rock type. Their bodies are paper-thin, making them incredibly flexible, but they are so light that the wind will blow them away. They live inside cracks in rocks and only emerge on windless days. Mimicrag are intelligent and mischievous Pokemon that have been known to prank hikers, but they seem to mean no harm. Legends say that the Mimicrag taught the first humans in Goorda how to survive in their new homes.
Mimicrag is based on the mimi, mythical creatures from north Australia who had to live in cracks in rocks because their bodies were so thin wind could kill them. They were believed to have inhabited Australia before humanity and taught humans how to hunt and make rock art. Depictions of the mimi are found in a lot of petroglyphs, which inspired the rock typing. Mimicrag would be a very fast and lightweight, but defensively poor Pokemon, the opposite of most rock types. The name comes from "mimi" and "crag".
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Windipet, the Carpet Shark Pokemon, flying type. These airborne Pokemon normally dwell high in the sky and eat clouds, but they occasionally come low enough to encounter humans. They are strong enough to carry a human, but need training as their normal flying style would quickly send the rider falling. Windipet are know to be playful and will spend hours playing with each other when they meet.
Windipet is a flying carpet that is a carpet shark. Specifically, it's a tasseled wobbegong and a tasseled carpet. Them living in the atmosphere and rarely coming down is a reference to atmospheric beasts, cryptids that allegedly live their entire lives in the sky. Windipet comes from "windy" and "carpet" and I tried to mimic the word wobbegong.
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Didgeridoodlebug, the Noisy Pokemon, bug/normal type. It has eight horn-like organs on its back that it can move air through to create a very loud noise. Smaller, stick-like organs coating its back are banged together to make more noises. During mating season, Didgeridoodlebug create cacophonous symphonies to attract mates, much to the dismay of any nearby humans trying to sleep.
Didgeridoodlebug is based on two Australian musical instruments and Thopha saccata, a species of Australian cicada that is a contender for the loudest insect in the world. Much like real cicadas, their songs can be very frustrating for humans. The musical instruments are the didgeridoo and clapsticks, both of which are used by Aboriginal peoples. I made it part normal type both because we don't have a bug/normal yet and to give it STAB on moves like hyper voice and uproar. Its name comes from "didgeridoo" and "doodlebug". Cicadas aren't doodlebugs, but I just couldn't pass up on that pun.
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indieretronews · 2 years ago
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galaxygirl-katie27 · 1 month ago
Bro is blind
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ecto-stone · 7 months ago
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u ever like imagining fish ? I imagine Vlad to have a rare mutation that make his body more fish like instead of the fish looking part just stop at the waist like normal mer folk.
He only have like one Fries in his wholes life spawn until now and most of them look like they didn't inherit this mutation at all (she do have the sharper chomper like him doe) This also translated to his Wind Spirit Form to look Way more Beastly then Danny winged angel look like Howl bird form kind of beastly
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