#fly with the arrow
booksandrandomfandoms · 4 months
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JOMP day 29
This months favorite
I’ve read quite a few books this month … most were ok 🤷‍♀️ I love the fly with the arrow series so I’m glad I finally got to finish it, but also sad because I finished it 😂
I read third shift society on WebToons a while ago (I think it’s been a few years but idk) and I loved it then and I still love it now 😁
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chosenkeepersworld · 2 years
Reading Updates!
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Rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Review: I wasn't very familiar with the original Bluebeard tale so I had to look it up before I started reading. After reading the original tale I was curious to see how this one would go and I'm happy to say I enjoyed it a lot. My favorite part is definitely the relationship between Izolde and Arrow. I was definitely intrigued with how they would be communicating given the circumstances but I just loved their interactions with each other. Bluebeard has so many nicknames for his wife and I am weak for that. I love them, I just love them.
But of course we end on a cliff hanger and you can bet that I'll be reading the next book.
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ataurusinabookshop · 6 months
Arrow/ Bluebeard: We should get married Izolda: We've known each other 30 seconds Arrow/ Bluebeard: And I think I've shown incredible restraint waiting this long
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You ever have those moments where an idea just... won't leave your head?
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hey btw every time you dumb down a superhero in order to make the resident Bat look smarter an angel fucking dies
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royboyfanpage · 7 months
Lian Harper has a better understanding of Snowbirds than much of the modern fanbase
I've been reading the Green Arrow 80th anniversary special and one part in particular stood out to me. One of the stories in the comic is Roy telling Lian (and Ollie) a story over the phone, specifically *Roy's* story, in the style of a Navajo story, and Ollie and Roy are called Green-Man and Autumn-Son.
During this, obviously, one of the major plotpoints is Roy's addiction and a retelling of Snowbirds Don't Fly from Roy's perspective, in which Roy accounts how Ollie was angry at him. Lian actually *corrects* Roy, saying that Ollie was scared
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And honestly? I think this is *how* this was meant to be interpreted when it was written. Snowbirds was never meant to show Ollie as in the right, but it was also never meant to make him the villain. Ollie is, in this story, essentially a caricature of a 70s parent's reaction to finding out their child is using drugs. Keep in mind this was written *during* the war on drugs, a time where misinformation was rampant and every parent's worst fear was finding out their child was an addict. I personally firmly believe that Ollie views Roy as his son, and vis versa, but even if you don't Ollie finding out that the kid/young adult he'd been mentoring is addicted to drugs? Terrifying. Especially since Ollie's aim had always been to teach Roy strength, and addiction was seen as the worst possible weakness, meaning Ollie had not only failed as a father but as a mentor in his eyes. Snowbirds is repeatedly used by Oliver Queen haters to demonize him, to show him as a bad father, but Snowbirds is and always has been a product of its time, not in terms of writing but culturally. Yes, Oliver *would* react like that in 1971. And so would most DC heroes. But you know what? He grew. He developed, he changed his mindset and he *listened* to Roy, and snowbirds ends with him being *proud* of Roy.
So yeah. While there were definitely aspects of his reaction that were undoubtedly angry, that was all vastly overshadowed by *fear*. Lian Harper was, as always, right.
Edit: I did a big post on Snowbirds here
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adorkastock · 6 months
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slapping poses together is a good time
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okaioh · 2 months
I miss when cucurucho sent everyone on these little side quests during Christmas and get the reward of seeing their kids in cute christmas outfits </3 - everyone's reactions to their kids all dressed up makes me want to tear me hair out and cry they loved their kids so much :((
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cleradinel · 1 year
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Favorite S4 Mike parallel -> Mr. Bingham.
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sketalya · 10 months
✨Gresley Family✨
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My brain burns just for thinking about their outfits, But yeah...Here they all are...
Keluarga Bibit Cogan Songong 🫴🌹✨
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ophanimlover · 6 months
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WIPs: https://imgur.com/a/5QQoVqC
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nerdytextileartist · 8 months
Another day, another fic on Tumblr that uses Roy Harper's addiction to demonize Ollie in order to pair him up with Jason Todd and erases Dinah Lance and Hal Jordan from Roy's life yet again.
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ataurusinabookshop · 6 months
Grosbeak @ Izolda: when I first met you, I did not like you. Izolda: I’m aware of that Grosbeak: Then you and I spent some time together Izolda: and? Grosbeak: Oh! Nothing changed. 
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licorishh · 7 months
Not to be shippy on main but why does everyone go in for tsundere fx and "nuisance to society" jy when their every interaction screams the opposite. Fx is logical and realistic enough to be more than well-acquainted with how she feels and is extremely devoted to her work (and subsequently the general) and on the opposite hand jy is incredibly selfless and caring towards her (literally the first time they met he told her he'd take the blame when she suggested they frickin commit a war crime in order to win the Abundance War). Like yeah teasy jy is amusing or whatever but realistically that wouldn't be in the droves y'all think it would and fx would probably laugh at it the few times it might happen more than she'd get all tsundere-y about it
She's not emotional. That's the difference. She doesn't have emotional outbursts. She's extremely calm and rational and she's dealt with jy for more than long enough to become extremely used to his antics and she wouldn't take them nearly so seriously.
They're PINERS. They're pining and it's obvious. They watch each other from across the room when they think the other isn't looking and they leave each other nice little notes at work because both of them overwork themselves and need breaks. I am COOKING here
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fosermi · 4 months
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the silver bug got to me it seems...
anyway! have sacrificed chaos Silver because hes a cutie pie (ft. sonic and guifil and an itty bitty eclipse) <3
welp, I'm off to a road trip! bug me as much as you want ill be bored in the back seat.
heres some closeups:
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hellosunnycore · 1 year
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I realized I only posted Walpurgisnacht before, but never her lovelier counterpart — Saint Valentine! I'll make a cooler illustration for her at some point… when I have the courage to face those details again
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