#fluffy shang tsung is best shang!
arttrampbelle · 1 year
Now for my main self ship. Shang tsung.
But for other shang tsung tsimps like me.
This is for you too.
Shang tsung absolutely adores you,would kill for you. Would die for you plz dont shang like gdi!
Either way,what bliss?
Shang tsung is the type who would be a simp for his s/o. Absolutely head over heels. Absolutely spoils tf outta you!
He dotes on his beloved. Coos them gently.
But he expects the same.
Course everyone would know your his. He would make that most certainly known!
He is the type so to say all these sweet things,do these sweet things. Frets over you(he don't do that for just anyone. Thats how you really know he loves you!)
"My dear,plz take a jacket. Its cold!"
"Ugh you are so helpless sometimes! Lemme help you with that"
Yeah. He may sound like a momma/papa hen but he genuinely fucking loves you and would do anything for you. After all. He feels like he aint never gonna find a love like this ever again. He will sink his claws into that and never let go. Its suffocating,intoxicating,possessive but respectful too. Its a luciferian,devil in love,type of love. Im sorry you want shang? You gonna get that type.
But most of all...he's touchy touchy. On you.
On him? He wont say no to a hug if you ask,or a steal a quick kiss. He wont even say no if that really is your love language or you just are super affectionate.
But he wont always initiate. You will have to ask. Its not that he doesn't care. Quite the opposite! He just would rather have his hands n claws all over you.
He will coil around you like a dragon with it's treasure.
"My most precious treasure. My beloved pearl. The most beautiful jewel in my hands" *smothers you in kisses*
Look fluffy shang is best shang because you one lucky bih if you got this man all over you! And he will!
Also i hc of your mad at him,even if its not really that bad and it's superficial and you forgot about why you were mad. Or even if you aren't the type to stay mad. He will suck up to you. He will give you gifts,say every pet name in the book,kiss your hand,etc. Like this man is wrapped around your finger. He loves it and hates it. He hasn't felt like this with someone in such a long time. So please don't ever take it for granted. He genuinely loves you hunny.
Dilf/Gilf to a T.
I could go on forever! But yeah. Shang tsung loves his baby. Nothing is too good for babygirl. (Babygirl in a gn neutral way. Because all y'all baby to him,no take backs!)
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mrstsung · 1 year
Some somft shang and me
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Because i said so.
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cocoreallylovesraiden · 7 months
How MK1 characters sleep with their S/O (liu kang, bi han, kung lao, raiden, shang tsung)
This is very casual and nonsensical but pointless useless headcanons give me life sorry; I might do this for other characters but idk which oops
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Liu Kang
- I am in-between the idea of him needing sleep at all (being a god and all), but either way I think he would be in bed with them to spend time together.
- Mattress hard like a rock, so you’d be better off laying on top of him for any kind of soft squishy comfort.
- Likes the physical pressure on being laid on, would secure you in place with a hand on the small of your back, or cradling you closer if you lay your head in his chest.
- During the summer months he would be too hot to comfortably lay on, so either he just longingly stares at you back (rip) or holds your hand in the middle of the bed.
- Wakes up/ gets out of bed at the asscrack of dawn and folds the spare blanket next to you so its like he’s still there… and then becomes annoyed that you’d rather cuddle the blanket than wake up and see him.
- Laughs at you when you want to buy more western soft pillows or fluffy blankets, but he gets them anyways and then now HE can’t sleep bc it’s weirdly soft.
- Will read as you sleep in his arms, and has resorted to using your unconscious elbows to flip the page bc his hands are being held hostage.
- Likes to watch you as you sleep and tries not to smile when you twitch from a dream, even when you drool onto the pillows; is content to do so until sunrise.
- Sometimes tho in the middle of the night when you roll over you just see two military grade flashlight beacons glowing in the dark staring at you like an eldritch monster.
- “Hello, dearest 😊.”
- He says, like you didn’t almost piss the bed in fear.
Bi Han
- Has a meticulous string of tasks and duties he must fulfil before he can even think of getting into bed, and he still manages to be under the covers same time every night.
- Becomes VERY cranky if you are not in bed with him within 15 minutes and when you eventually settle into bed, his back is turned towards you and he huffs like a dramatic housewife.
- Self-assigned big spoon (non-negotiable) and loves resting his face in the crook of your neck, his favourite way to rest after a long day. He isn’t the best with words (in terms of emotional vulnerability) and uses little actions to let you know how he feels.
- His hair gets EVERYWHERE. It’s in his mouth. It’s in YOUR mouth. If you have long hair, have fun waking up 20 minutes earlier to sleepily untangle your newfound spiderweb of human hair.
- Doesn’t toss and turn and is a very light sleeper- it’s required of his job. At the smallest sound his eyes are open, and he cannot rest until he’s gone and checked the locks and such.
- You know when Asian dads wake up at 4am and just go hack and cough in the bathroom yeah that’s him… that’s how YOU wake up.
- You both look like hot fucking garbage in the morning it constantly looks you both are two struggling new parents who had a metaphorical baby keeping them up all night.
- Debates smothering you with a pillow if you snore and keep him up before a busy day.
Kung Lao
- I hope you’re a heavy sleeper.
- His snoring sounds like sails ripping, it’s so loud he scares himself awake sometimes.
- You girl….
- Doesn’t matter what season it is, what temperate, you two are always still too hot and on the verge of breaking into sweat, even after you’re dressed down to just underwear.
- Maybe you fall asleep a safe distance away from him, but halfway through the night its like looking an abstract painting of human limbs, his foot is on your stomach and your face is smashed against his knees. Chiropractors are scared of you two.
- You both complain about how annoying the other person is to sleep next to, but can’t sleep alone at night- the bed feels too big or too cold.
- It’s like when you wake up from a nap not knowing what country you’re in, drenched in sweat and covered in those red lines but every morning.
- Talks in his sleep and you have several videos in your camera roll having incoherent conversations with sleepy Lao.
- “Hey baby… Are you asleep?” “Not now babe imgndh tm running for presdidentnt”
- Yeah king you do that!
- He SWEARS that he’s a big spoon but likes being the little tiny eeny weeny teaspoon looks at you with the ugly goo goo gaga eyes until you relent and wrap your arms around his waist.
- I don’t care unless it’s past a certain time in your relationship he will sleep on the couch or DIE
- He is traditional to an almost irritating extent YOU WILL NOT DIE IF YOU SEE MY UPPER THIGH OH MY GOD
- But let me tell you once y’all do share a sleeping space its over for you… He uses that farmer strength to squeeze the life out of you. Like Kung Lao where you fall asleep laying next to him and wake up in the alligator death roll fighting to breathe.
- Death by beefy man arms sounds great until you need to pee and have to scrap at 6am against an unconscious man (he is winning).
- Likes it when you nuzzle under his chin, but when he’s really tired, he really just wants to lay on your chest and have you smooth his hair.
- Feels a certain need to be the Bigger Strong Man but secretly wants to be cuddled and babied a little, just doesn’t want to ask for it.
- Doesn’t matter because however you sleep, you’re waking up to that child-holding-their-favourite-teddy-bear GRIP.
- Likes to chat about both your days before falling asleep, and will verbally ask like “are you asleep?” And then stop moving, breathing, thinking because he’s scared to wake you up. You have to smack his face half-awake like RAIDEN YOU CAN BREATHE before he relaxes.
Shang Tsung
- Idgaf if he’s a man and if you’re a woman, he is the girlfriend.
- Wants you to kiss the top of his head and stroke his hair, you can feel his ugly ass smug smile against your skin the entire time.
- Even if he does love you, I can see him being unable to sleep with his back turned to you; he has to be acutely away of what you’re doing (sleeping. Your tired ass is sleeping.)
- Unless of course he’s being the little spoon. Rolling eyes emoji.
- Another very light sleeper, but when he’s deep in sleep he has reoccurring night terrors, and maybe even sleep paralysis, so he clutches you tightly like he’s scared you’ll up and leave him.
- When he wakes up he’s probably frozen, so he grounds himself by listening to your heartbeat or readjusting your hold so it’s tighter and more compressing.
- Doesn’t matter if it’s a big ass bed or stack of pelts on the forest floor, you are not allowed to move a SINGLE INCH away from him. You two occupy 25% of this bed’s real estate.
- If he wakes up first, he is slipping out without a word. If you wake up first and god forbid, try to let him go, his eyes are snapping open and looking at you so judgementally.
- Throws your boots at you if you oversleep like. Wake up you Lug. We have things to do.
- Looks amazing the moment he wakes up and makes fun of you for having bed hair and overall being uglier than he is.
- Pokes your cheek and makes your head loll about if he wakes up first and chuckles at how cute he finds it, catches himself being mushy, then pinches your nose so you wake up.
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spiralingemptyness · 10 months
MK hc
sooo I’m sick, got some time 🤷🤷🤷
Kung Lao gets his gossip from Johnny, then tells it to Raiden (who probably tells it to Tomas)
Liu kang knew the Lin kuei brothers when they were just kids
liu kang also helped train kuai liang to control his pyromancer (cause yknow he came from a line of cyromancers and how tf would they know what to do with fire when they use ice)
Bi-Han is older, but Kuai Liang is just barely taller, so whenever Bi-Han pulled the ‘I’m older card, Kuai Liang would pull the ‘I’m taller’ card (also despite being taller no one mistakes Bi-Han as the younger)….. Tomas is also taller than Bi han (just bc it would piss him off)
Raiden once pulled out an uno reverse card on Kung Lao after he tried to make Raiden pay a large bill (Kung Lao had to pay)
Liu kang’s hair took awhile to fade from the grey/white back to his original black
This being said his hair will revert back to grey depending on how much godly power he uses, so he literally has rapunzel hair (minus the length)
Syzoth gets cold easily, especially when in earth realm, so he is always bundled in blankets, sweatshirts, fluffy socks etc.
Bakara is basically a dad to everyone 
Johnny is the best movie picker, and when he’s not it’s always on purpose
Liu kang has naturally good locks, it makes Kitana and Kung Lao jealous (mk11)
Liu kang and Geras are meet up at least once a month or one every other month
Liu kang is pretty much unrecognizable without a bandanna/headband (only people who can recognize him is Kitana and Kung Lao (sorta mk11 but can be both mk11 & mk1))
Tomas and Raiden often hang out a Madame Bo’s 
Madame Bo is the ultimate mother/grandma figure, not even Liu Kang is safe
like she scolded him for about an hour for overworking himself with his godly duties
Shang Tsung tried (and failed) to befriend Raiden and Kuai Liang after the stairwell battle…. Didn’t end well 
Mileena and Bi han would hang out and braid each other’s hair (bi han is better) and honestly gossip/shit talk
Bi Han has a deep and sorta raspy voice cause he obtained a bad throat injury (slit throat, crushed vocal cords, smth like that), also why he wears a high collar
Yes Tomas is one of the nicest people, but he is also one of the most scariest
Li mei surprising gets along with the Lin kuei and is one of the only people to get them to stop bitching at each other (the others is madam Bo and sometimes liu kang)
Bi han doesn’t flinch when fire/pyromancy is used around him (idk if that’s bc he’s cocky and a cyromancer or bc he was trained not to be scared) (I base this off the scene in cage mansion where everyone but bi han moved back when liu kang flared up)
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simpingforheros · 9 days
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Fluff - 💗
Hurt/Comfort - ❤️‍🩹
Angst - 💀
Spicy but Not Smut- 🥵
Smut - 🔥
Dark - ⛓️
Disclaimer: While I do my best to label any and all trigger warnings in my posts, I would like ask that yall take a good look at any warnings before you read anything online. Minors DNI as I intend for all my stories, whether NSFW and Dark or Fluffy and SFW, to be for an 18+ audience. While I do my part as the writer to accurately give trigger warnings and label my content appropriately, please be conscious of the triggers and take care of yourselves.
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Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Bring Me To Life (Arkham Knight! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💀❤️‍🩹⛓️ (One Shot, either a future series or rewritten someday)
Corruptions (Arkham Knighy! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹🔥⛓️ (part two to Bring me to Life)
Jason Todd Headcanons 1 💗🔥⛓️
Jason's Girl ?? (Jason Todd x Female! Reader) 🔥💗
Gifted with Love (Jason Todd x Female! Reader)🥵💗
You Belong to Me (Hush! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) (Coming soon)
Safe (Gotham Knights! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) ❤️‍🩹💀
Barbara Gordon
Clark Kent
Conner Kent
Diana Prince
Cole Cash
Oliver Queen
Dinah Lance/Queen
Roy Harper
Lay All Your Love On Me (Roy Harper x Single Mom! Female! Reader) 💗🥵 ((coming soon))
Barry Allen
Wally West
Martian Manhunter
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Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Wade Wilson
Eddie Brock
Logan Howlett
Miguel O’Hara
Sunny X Miggy Series (Grumpy! Miguel O’Hara X Sunshine! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹 (Retired series from old account)
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Moonlight Lies ( Bi-Han X Female! Reader) 💀🔥 ((coming soon))
Noob Saibot
Hanzo Hasashi (not the child)
Kuai Liang
Tomas Vrbada
Clearing the Smoke (Tomas ‘Smoke’ Vrbada X Female! Reader) 💗🔥❤️‍🩹💀 ((coming soon))
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Takeda Takahashi
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung
Li Mei
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lilacliquors · 7 months
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pairing: kuai liang x reader
sweet or spicy: sweet
word count: 713
prompt: [  WEDDING  ]: as they prepare to exchange wedding vows, sender gazes at the receiver and says “i love you” for the last time as an unmarried couple.
notes: here's day thirteen! it's our last fluffy prompt and let me tell you i was looking so forward to this one bc i love kuai liang so much <3
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he truly never thought this day would come. kuai liang had always been so consumed by duty, his desire to work hard to protect earthrealm and represent his clan, that he never even considered that one day he would be married. but there he was, in his golden ma gua adorned with an ornate dragon pattern, standing across from you. 
you were breathtaking in your fiery red and gold cheongsam, the golden thread weaving an intricate phoenix pattern along the fabric. there were white flowers in your hair, and everything about you looked soft. kuai liang could hardly believe his eyes as he gazed at you, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. as he gazed into your eyes, all of the happy memories he’d made with you came flooding back, nearly overwhelming him.
he thought back to when you first met, how you had him tackled and pinned after he and his brothers ‘attacked’ madam bo’s restaurant. of course, you now knew it was nothing but an act, but in the moment, he was convinced that he was too dazed by your beauty to move a muscle. 
his thoughts wandered to your first date, a walk through the wu shi gardens as the new champions trained to try and best the others. you had no interest in the tournament, all you wanted was to get to know this handsome stranger. 
he thought back to his proposal, how it came mere hours after the attack on titan shang tsung’s forces. with every step climbed, he thought he might never see you again, and he had vowed to ask for your hand in marriage the moment he returned. he couldn’t bear to imagine a world where he didn’t have you in his arms. the very thought made him feel ill, and he knew what he had to do to change that.
now, there you were, as vibrant as ever, holding his hands as you prepared to exchange vows, and then your rings. the way the sun cast a glow on you was ethereal, and it was like he was gazing at an angel. you were going to be his, for the rest of your lives, and it was exciting. he knew he was the luckiest man alive, and he would shout his love for you from the rooftops if he had to. the whole world, and all of outworld, had to know how much he loved you. how much he cared, how far he was willing to go to keep you safe. that if any harm were to come to you, he would not rest until cities were leveled, and the culprit’s life had been the price paid. and he knew that if he said this out loud, you would laugh and shake your head, telling him he was being far too dramatic, but it was the truth. you were his everything, and you deserved the world. nothing less would be good enough.
he met your gaze again, and he knew that it was almost time. your lives were about to be forever linked together, and he couldn’t help himself.
“i love you,” he whispered. it would be his last time saying it as your fiancé, and while it might not have meant anything to anyone else, it was a big step for him. you were about to become husband and wife, life partners, one in the same. any future ‘i love yous’ would have a much deeper meaning in his eyes, but this … this one was special.
“i love you, too,” you whispered back, and you felt him squeeze your hands. you squeezed back, a mix of emotions coursing through your veins.
“are you ready for this?” he asked.
“as ready as i’ll ever be,” you replied.
“i … i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. to create a future worth fighting for, a world of peace that our children will inherit,” he murmured, and you smiled.
“it’s going to be amazing. and there’s no one else i’d rather do it with than you,” you whispered, and again, he squeezed your hands.
it was almost time for your first step into forever, and there was no one else he’d rather take the plunge with.
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cagcd · 10 months
Raiju respected earthrealms champions, they were not his Master mind you but they were.. decent. The Thunder Beast had made sure to be on his best behavior in their presence, well.. mostly. The one who smelled of artificial scents and fancy cloths was nearby, he could smell the leather of his boots before he was in earshot. The hound raised his head from where he was resting at the gate of the Sky Temple, turning his head toward the man as he spoke. ' One with changing scents. What do you seek from me? I smell no fiends.. nor my master. 'Unfortunately for both parties... to Johhny that would only be heard as a few crackling barks. ( KAMEO ; Raiju! )
     He hadn't known Raiden had a dog,   and by dog it was a large,   fluffy,   thunder-conjuring kind of dog.   The sight of him alone had the ability to blow Johnny's mind,   despite the many years of going back and fourth into outworld and facing all the new horrors it had in its beck,   things like this still manage to surprise him.   However,   this surprise was the pleasant sort,   nothing horrific or ghoulish as the work of Shang Tsung and what not,   but a large animal with the attitude of any small dog of Earthrealm.   Damn,   he always wanted one,   but a busy life such as his own didn't permit him to have a pet of any kind,   not even a fish would last long with how rare it became for him to be at his condo,   with how constantly he has to be at base and recent shoots outside of all that work.   Until any sense of stability can be found in his life johnny had to suffice with giving all his love to his friends' pets,   Raiju had easily become one he would spoil as soon as he was allowed to pet his warm-colored fur,   a little staticky but soft to the touch.   He hadn't counted on seeing Raiju this time with how urgent Raiden's call to meet at temple of the elements sounded,   &.   indeed Johnny had spared no moment to join in with the remaining champions to hear what he has to say   ...   that was the plan at least,   until he saw the thunder dog resting close by,   the actor took a quick turn to come closer and kneel by Raiju to pet his head after ensuring his greeting wasn't hostile or disapproving of his presence.
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       ❛❛   I didn't think Rai-dude would bring you along,   but lucky for you,   I came prepared.   ❜❜        he said and took a full minute to empty out all the pockets of his military vest with all the treats he had stashed for him.        ❛❛   accept my offering,   thunder pup.   ❜❜
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@axrsinal // DOGGO !!!!
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shang-tsung-simp · 3 years
Fujin Headcanons
I'm fond of this Elsa haired pretty boah, so time to write some fokin hcs;
- Has a sweet tooth. While I don't think he needs food, he does enjoy it, calls it one of Earthrealms greatest pleasures. But, his favorite type of food? Candy. Especially chocolates. His favorite type of chocolate is fruity dark chocolate.
- Loves his hair and would probably crumple up and have the big sad if something bad happened to it. He takes care of his hair, and probably as a joke named it. It rly was a joke tho, mostly just to annoy his bro Raiden with it
- Fashionista 200%
- He really loves fashion, and has always taken great pride in maintaining a nice looking, put together outfit.
- I mean shoa ya won't see him eyeing clothing magazines, but he might die inside if he sees someone wear something unfashionable (Looking at you, Raiden)
- Sweet boah
- Really gentlemanly all the time. He's as polite as he is sweet
- He's also a very sensitive feller. Much more than Raiden, anyway lol, but poor boah can't take too much teasing (Unless it's from Raiden, but that's different cuz siblings, and even then, when Fujin was much younger he couldn't even take that, although I don't think Raiden did much teasing anyway, when he did, Fujin would be a sad boah till Raiden apologized... assuming Fujin got the joke, anyway.)
- Used to skip a lot
- If you put him in a field and it was a windy day he might do it again haha
- Loves hugging his friends, and is just generally someone who LOVES physical affection. He probably kisses his friends foreheads and cheeks platonically (I do mean platonically tho, he smooches everyone he likes affectionately, unless they tell him no) He also loves holding hands, locking arms with people, and snugglin' up with his bros on the couch
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yns-world · 2 years
Hi!! Can I get fluffy hcs for Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, Kotal Khan, (and anyone else you may want!) with an S/O that enjoys showing them their favorite music? I’ve always wondered how some kharacters would react to Earthrealm music and what kind they may like! Thanks! ^_^ (also if you use pronouns could you use she/her or they/them?)
a/n: this was an interesting one to make <3
Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, and Kotal Kahn Music Hcs
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Shang Tsung:
He’d find your excitement with music adorable
You would be rambling on and on about the lore behind specific artists and music video theories and he’d sit there listening to every word with a gentle smile on his face. He absolutely loves it when you gush like this
When you tried to get him to listen to different genres, he’d object at first because he feels as though he wouldn’t enjoy it. He feels like there’s too much of an age gap between him and the music that’s popular these days
That is, until you introduced him to the old, classical musical of the 16th century
Now THAT he can get behind
Shang Tsung listens to all the villain-sounding piano and violin classical music. It’s not because he specifically goes looking for it, the songs just find him
The first time you caught Shang listening to Earthrealm music, he was in his study with an old record player that looked like it came from the 16th century
“Lacrimosa” was playing from the music device as Shang watched over the hovering feather pen that was possibly writing someone’s eulogy (i hc shang to be able to control things using a soul power similar to telepathy. yes, whatever he controls has a green aura around it. it’s cool as fuck)
He immediately noticed your presence when you walked in and he looked up at you with a smile, but between him hunched over with floating pens and the villainous music playing, you didn’t know whether to walk any further or turn tail and run
Shang would later tell you that classical music helps him focus so if you hear any loud organ playing in the dead of night, that’s just Shang being silly, goofy Shang 💆‍♀️
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Shao Kahn:
When you show him your favorite artists and songs, he’d shrug you off at first and insult your taste
But behind closed doors he’d listen to your mentioned songs on repeat, trying to decode your obsession with it
He’d be a little jealous that there’s something you’re fond of that he isn’t automatically the best at
No, he’d be VERY envious and would become even more of an arrogant asshole just to prove a point
Overtime when you expose him to different genres, he’d discover phonk and rap and he’d 100% start blasting that at maximum volume around the palace
Specific songs he listens to include: “Midnight” by PLAYAMANE, “Draco” by Playboi Carti, and “Nonstop” by Drake
Thanks to you, Shao Kahn is gonna have some kind of Carti song blasting before every battle
shao kahn soundcloud rapper era
shao kahn would also film a music video
Interestingly enough, there will come a time when Shao would prefer Earthrealm music over the music of Outworld, his reasoning being that Outworld music isn’t “loud enough” (the real reason is because Outworld music doesn’t have Playboi Carti on its tracks 💔💔💔)
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Kotal Kahn:
Similar to Shang, he’d find it endearing to see you so happy about something and he’ll be more than willing to give it a listen 
Kotal is man who puts tradition and culture first so he’ll take the time to learn about the music that you enjoy and music from your culture
Even if he doesn’t particularly enjoy a specific genre that you do, he’ll still be respectful and listen to it with you
But for the most part, he enjoys whatever you enjoy
Kotal would also introduce you Rodian music and he’d be elated when he finds out how much you love it <333
if you enjoyed this then please reblog it :) reblogs help my account more than likes do <3 thank you!!
as always, check my pinned post for request rules! i hope y'all have a great day and i'll catch y'all in the next post! <3
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kombatkhronicles · 3 years
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+ One character per request, thank you!
+ I will delete requests that either make me uncomfortable or that I get no ideas for. Please don't take it personally if I don't answer yours, I will deliver either my best or nothing at all :)
+ You may request a character that is not on the list below, but I might not know what to write about them and then delete it ^^'
+ Don't be afraid to send more than one ask, but please, don't spam.
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Headcanon [open]
Send a prompt with your chosen character and I'll give you some silly, fluffy, angsty or spicy headcanons for them :D
Imagine [open]
A couple headcanons, accompanied by a short scene (around 500 words).
Fic [closed]
A piece of text, between 1k and 2k words.
Raiden ¦ Dark!Raiden
Shang Tsung
Prince Goro
Hanzo Hasashi
Bi-Han ¦ Noob Saibot
I won't write:
Anything kid related (kids, pregnancy, etc);
Shao Kahn
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I was challenged by @theelderhazelnut to answer all the questions from this post made by @phoenixyfriend for my Fate Au series
so here we go. (warning: my Fate Au series is far from over so some of these answers may change in the future. There will also be spoilers)
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I had been planning this au for years. Making ocs, developing them. Doing different plots and scenarios. Hell, when I once called it the Mixed Au, before I went with Fate Au. What finally got me to write it was Aftermath. I was just so pissed off at it that I literally told my friends, "Because of how pissed I am at Aftermath, I will be writing my story now" I did put it up on a03 until 2 months after that.
2: What scene did you first put down?
in terms of actually writing the series: the scene in the prologue where Fire God Liu Kang asks Shang Tsung how they should go about resetting time, and the Fates pop in with, "that's easy. Ya don't!"
in terms of making notes and shit for the series: A scene that will happen in book 2.
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Favorite line of narration so far?
Umm, I will chose some from chapters 4 and 5 cause I feel I put more emotion and effort in those chapters than any of the others. Not that the other chapters don't have good lines of narration. It's just, those two chapters I like best.
Chapter 4:
“I don’t care how slick you think you are Gae, what you did was wrong!” Fuyuka scolded in a hushed tone, as she had switched her height from 8’3 to Gae’s 5’7 and looked straight into his earthly brown eyes with her silver ones. As if on cue, Gae sobbed into her which alarmed Fuyuka. “I didn’t mean to, honest! I just wanted to hug them like mama and father usually do me. With … With.. extra love!” Gae was lying right through his teeth.
And it worked too. Fuyuka’s face softened to a sympathetic one as she hugged Gae and rubbed the back of his head, running her fingers through his fluffy brown hair. “Gae.. you have to be more careful.. You can’t hug others so tightly.” “Ok..” - Ok so, spoiler alert; Gae is one of the villains of book 1. (There are 4 of them. Kronika, OB, Alvah, and Gae.) And at first, my initial plan was to lure my readers into trusting Gae, and then BAM! surprise villain reveal. But then as I was writing it, I realized; 1, I suck at doing that sort of stuff, and 2, I want my readers to know just how awful Gae is. And he's only gonna get worse! But I want my readers to know this, so that way the focus can be on the victims. As it should be.
“Well do you think Krow feels that way about him?” Fuyuka shook her head. “Krow and I are the same. When it comes to like liking someone, we just don’t feel it instantly. I don’t think we even feel it at all. Though I could be wrong about Krow. Maybe for them it takes them time to feel it. Maybe that’s the same for me. I’m not sure.”
Cetrion’s face lit up as if she understood her sister. It also lit up with the expression and feeling of connectivity. “You know, seeing Krow up there, bravely telling us what they wish to be called is really encouraging.” “Oh?” Fuyuka looked over at her older sister who was just looking ahead of her. “Yeah…” The dull purple goddess sighed and looked at the silver goddess. “Fuyuka, I know this may seem odd, but I feel better telling you this than anyone else. Especially Shinnok.” Fuyuka’s face became that of concern. “But Shinnok is your twin. Why wouldn’t you trust him?” “I don’t think he’d understand. Besides, I just.. I just trust you more.” Cetrion was adamant on telling Fuyuka. “Because.. You seem to get it better. You understand.” “Get what?” Fuyuka was confused. - I wanted to have a good segway into the next chapter.
from chapter 5:
All of it. For the simple reason, that I feel this chapter does a good job getting into the depths of Cetrion and Fuyuka. While there will be more chapters like that in the future, this one really felt meaningful to me.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Favorite line of dialogue so far? AGAIN I HAVE SEVERAL!
from the prologue:
"If you know so much about the hourglass, how do you propose I reset the timelines?"
"You don't!" - I just imagined one of the Fate's saying this with one of those "well no shit" grins
"I mean, I don't like him either, but are you ok?" -That line killed me. I was wheezing when I wrote that
"Sorry mo-Ma'am." - Raiden is just, so precious
"Guess it's too late to say sorry, huh?"
"Yeah. It is!"
"Ouch." - yeah. Ouch indeed!
from chapter 1:
"“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” - Spoiler alert; Freyja did do it on purpose.
“As of now, until she’s ready to go outside the keep, Fuyuka will only know us, and whoever comes to visit. It’s important we help shape her perspective of the world in a positive way. And so far, Shinnok and Cetrion are doing a great job of that.” - Geras was taking no shit, and looking out for the three like a good man.
from chapter 2:
“You make damn sure Alvah stays the fuck away from my wife!” - enjoy this version of Lucifer while you can, cause you'll hate him in the future!
“And Gae, when someone tells you not to touch them, you don’t do it! Now, apologize to Fuyuka!” - Rhea being the mom certain people fucking needed when they were kids.
“Not today asshole!” - NGL, this is only the beginning of someone being done with Alvah's bullshit.
from chapter 4:
“Talking is easy. Communicating is a lot harder than it seems. This is where you come in. You can do this Molt. I believe in you.” - I feel, this is something that a lot of people don't understand. Especially for trans induvials.
“And you see, those references. She. Her. He. Him. None of those fit me. I wouldn’t want to be referred to that way. When I am not here, I don’t want mom calling me her son. Nor do I want you calling me your daughter. And I don’t want my brothers calling me their sister nor their brother. Cause those don’t fit me. They never have. What does is something past the she/hers and the he/hims. Past son, daughter, brother, and sister.”
“What does fit?”
“They and Them. I am yours and mom’s spawn. To Gae, Flamus, Aquillo, Fujin, and Raiden, I am their sibling. When someone asks about me or my name I want them to use they, their, and them. For example-”
“What is their name?”
“Yes! Exactly!”
“So, what is your name?”
“Krow.” - When I wrote those lines of dialogue, I did it with the imagery of how I wanted my coming out moment to my family to happen. Unfortunately, that didn't happen for me. The best I got so far, is my cousin being supportive. Also the mom of the kids I babysit. She cool.
The rest is explained in question 3.
5: What part was hardest to write?
Chapter 2. I was stuck for a while
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
I'm actually committed to it
7: Where did the title come from?
It came from the whole idea of the au. The characters aren't gonna go through the same BS they've went through time and time again. This time, they control their fates.
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
My trauma. This whole series is also a way for me to cope with my trauma. And unfortunately, yes, my abusers and the toxic environments I had to grow up in are the inspirations for how the villains treat the main characters. And how the main characters react to it, is how I reacted to my abuse, with the supporting characters acting the way I wish others would have acted/re-acted in those situations.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
umm... not really. Not that I remember.
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
I have a lot of them... soooo, because I can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11: What do you like best about this fic?
Chapters 4 and 5.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
Some of the language I use in terms of the agelessness of the characters presented so far.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I made one playlist for book 2
Here is the link for what is in it so far: AFIWR 2
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Not really? Not that I can think of.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
That I have a lot to unpack.
no but seriously though, what I learned from this so far is that I put myself into my stories a lot.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
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Ok fellow shang tsimps. Have some food.
Have some shang tsung in love
Like i hc he doesn't blush often,and it's rare to do so. But when he does,it's absolutely amazing. More so if he isn't being a tsundere grumpy face about it
And i also hc he likes to stare. Not really in a creepy way,he just likes to observe you. Like in a sweet admiring way. Like a fine peice of art,a field of wildflowers,or a beautiful sunset. To him you are gorgeous in every way.
Idc what your gender is. Shang calls you gorgeous,my dear,beautiful,honey,etc to me thats gn and anyone can be called that! Also he's hella classy.
(Also ngl i like it when my irl bae stares like this. Makes me blush. Even after all these years. :3 )
But anyways. Have a fluffy shang tsung.
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milly-plays-litg · 5 years
Hi! For the ask ship meme uwu: 001: mortal kombat, 002: kuaitana and 003: my dear princess kitana. bye :)
Sure, dear anon. Thank you for sending this ask. Someone seems to know me, so, let’s go then.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Kitana, hands down. She was my main since MKII, and I kinda related to her. 
Least Favorite character: Kronika. She sucks as a boss. She is boring, plain and cheap, Shinnok is ten times a better villain than Kronika will ever be.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 
Taleena (Tanya x Mileena), Kuaitana (Kuai Liang x Kitana), JadeLao (Jade x Kung Lao), CageBlade (Johnny x Sonya), Bireena (Bi-Han x Sareena).
Character I find most attractive: As for women, MKX!Tanya is hottest girl I have ever seen in Mortal Kombat. As for men, MK11!Kuai Liang is the most attractive man ever.
Character I would marry: Johnny Cage. He may be a jerk sometimes but I see why Sonya married him and I can’t blame her. 
Character I would be best friends with: Kung Lao. It would be a real fun to have a wit battles with.
a random thought: I don’t care what everyone says, but alongside with Nintendo, Pokemon and the WWF (back in the day during the end of the nineties), Mortal Kombat was my childhood. Later I liked other fighting franchises as Street Fighter or Killer Instinct, but never with the same intensity which I loved Mortal Kombat. Maybe is for that reason that certain retcons saddens me.
An unpopular opinion: I don’t know how much of umpopular opinion is this, but I don’t find that the guest characters are a good idea, even if I understand the financial gain behind it. I look at both Joker and Terminator slots and kinda saddens me the fact that Havik, Mileena or Reptile could have been in MK11 roster instead of them.
My Canon OTP: Taleena. Even if it’s safe to assume that is nothing but a fling and that there is more sexual attraction than real feelings between them, I will forever ship Mileena and Tanya in a romantically way.
My Non-canon OTP: Kuaitana. No, I don’t ship Kitana with Kuai because they wear blue and are assassins. I ship them because they have a lot in common:
Both were literally raised to be assassins and became honorable warriors for good causes, like saving Earthrealm and aiding to defeat Shao Kahn. 
In their transitions, both rebelled for freedom. In the old timeline, Kuai rebelled hinself from the Lin Kuei, so they wouldn’t turn him to a robot like Smoke. Kitana rebelled herself from Shao Kahn after she discovered her real origins and Kahn’s deception regarding Mileena’s existence.
It was literally confirmed that for being a Cryomancer, Kuai has edenian ancestry even if he was born and raised in Earthrealm.
Both have to deal with a brother/sister who went or is still nuts (Noob and Mileena).
Most Badass Character: Kitana, Kitana and Kitana. ¿Who dares to ditch Shao Kahn and lives to tell it?. None than the Princess of Edenia.
Most Epic Villain: The most obvious answer in terms of popularity would be Shao Kahn. But in my eyes, my choice is Shang Tsung. While Onaga and Shao Kahn are kind of brutes, Shang has the same means that also made other characters like Palpatine or Voldemort to be formidable villains: a scheming brain and cold blood.
Pairing I am not a fan of: 
Kotal x Jade. I despise it, because Kotal is a total piece of shit in my eyes and I headcanon him as possessive, jealous and liar type of man (one of his intros with D’Vorah kinda hints the last when she implies that she bedded him). Jade can do waaaaaaay better than him. She does not deserve a supremacist git whose idea of a “uNiTeD oUtWoRlD” means the slavery of Edenia.
Liu x Kitana: is not that I don’t like them, but I was never fond of them together. Is the same feeling I also get from Baraka x Mileena.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Sindel and Mileena. The first was supposed to be a caring mother who tries to deal with her dark past as Kahn’s consort and not the golddigger that NRS gave us. The second was supposed to be Kitana’s evil twin who grew up with her and later hated her by irrational motives, thanks to NRS now, Mileena is a childlike experiment from Shang Tsung’s laboratory Flesh Pits.
Favourite Friendship: Kitana/Jade, Liu/Kung and Smoke/Kuai. Personally, I like when positive and healthy friendships are portrayed in media and despite of being known by being gory and violent, Mortal Kombat has plenty of healthy friendships.
Character I most identify with: Jade.
Character I wish I could be: Kitana.
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: Long ago, when I discovered that I didn’t liked Liutana at all. I respect all ships, but Liutana is not my thing so I started to ship Kuai and Kitana since the days of MK9, later I found fanfictions/fanarts of them together which fueled my ship. 
My thoughts: I love them and canon or not, I will ship them forever. As I explained earlier, they have a lot in common and I don’t ship them just because they wear blue.
What makes me happy about them: The fact they have a lot of things in common so I can ship them freely.
What makes me sad about them: Nothing at all. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: When Kitana is depicted as a Mary Sue or a lady-in-distress. If there’s a thing that I love from her, is the fact that she has a lot of shortcomings and is not a perfect human being.
Things I look for in fanfic: A lot of fluffy. This may be cheesy, but I love Kuaitana fluffy fics. Neither am bothered by NSFW (or lemons if you want) fics as long as they are well written.
My wishlist: Not going to lie, but I don’t have one at all.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: While I know that my ship is not canon, I’m not totally repulsed to Liutana, Liu is a cool guy who cares about Kitana after all. Just merely not my cup of tea. And if Kuai ends with Hanzo in canon, I will be okay.
My happily ever after for them: With Kitana ruling a free Edenia as Queen alongside Kuai as a Prince Consort while he reconnects with his edenian roots.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: About Kitana, she is not only my main since MKII and my favorite character of this fandom, she was the first female hero that I truly liked. Words cannot describe how much I love her. Her story is one of the most epic in the Mortal Kombat universe. After she discovers Kahn’s betrayal she stands up against him by doing what she thinks is the correct thing to do. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I have shipped her with Jade at some point in the past and Kuai Liang. But Kuaitana will be always my very first ship regarding Kitana.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Her friendship with Jade. I love when positive female friendships are depicted in media. My favorite moment of them will be when Jade in MK9 literally defects from Shao Kahn after she witnesses Kitana being arrested after she discovers Mileena’s existence and the deception related from Kahn’s part.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Even if I like the idea of Kitana defeating Shao Kahn (after the hell she endured for his cause, he had it coming. He deserved to be humlliated by Kitana), I’m not fond of the idea of NRS of ditching her Edenian identity and making her Kahnum of Outworld. I will be forever positive to the idea of a free Edenia from Outworld ruled firstly by Sindel and later by Kitana after she inherits the throne from Sindel at some point.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That her edenian identity were acknowledged by freeing Edenia when she killed Shao Kahn during MK11, and helping Sindel to rule her realm as a warrior princess with Jade or Ermac’s aid.
Favorite friendship for this character: Like I said before, Jade will be always Kitana’s best friend.
My crossover ship: I don’t have an oficial crossover ship for Kitana. But for some weird reason, I’m kind of open to ship her with Cammy or Rose from Street Fighter.
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caribouwritings · 5 years
Hey :) do you have anything remotely fluffy about Shang Tsung with an Earthrealmer s/o? I know he's about as fluffy as a wirebrush but this girl here has needs and tumblr is really letting me down :( I absolutely love your writing and wish you all the best :)
Thank you, and of course I got a few ideas for Shang Tsung ;3
- At first he’s repulsed by the idea of dating you because Earthrealm and it’s inhabitants a pain in his side
- Eventually he warms up to the idea, begrudgingly of course
- Shang Tsung doesn’t understand his emotions when they get soft and mushy, he doesn’t like the idea of being a lovesick fool
- It all comes down to the fact he can no longer think straight, and he must learn more about you
- It starts with him learning as much as he can, believing his true desire is for your soul
- When he realizes his desire is the heart, he feels betrayed by how he did this to himself
- He’s hesitant, but tries to be soft
- Because he wants you
- He’s a traditional type of romantic; flowers, chocolates, long walks, and grand gestures
- He ops to find perfect moments, but they’re all perfect when you’re on his arm looking at him like he’s everything and more
- He couldn’t look you in the eye when he said “I love you” the first time, and he said airily like it was a common knowledge fact
- He loves getting kissed on the cheek, but he gets flustered when it’s a surprise
- He’s soft only for you
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halloweenfor · 5 years
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Video Game Costumes - Mortal Kombat Scorpion Hooded Robe
Theme Halloween Costumes
Mortal Kombat Costumes
Get Over HereDecisions, decisions… it’s so tough! Do you head to Shang Tsung’s tournament and exchange blows with Sub-Zero or do you make a big bowl of popcorn and have a movie marathon on the couch? Do you sharpen your harpoon or use your harpoon to reach the remote control, which is halfway across the room? Do you pick a fight with Johnny Cage or do you spend the day playing video games? Yes, he’s one crazy-tough ninja, so fighting is in his blood, but even ninjas need a little rest and recovery. That’s the terrible dilemma that Scorpion from the Mortal Kombat series faces on a daily basis.The good news is that he’s one prepared dude! He’s got an outfit that’s suited for both types of activities, fighting and relaxing! This Mortal Kombat Scorpion robe helps Scorpion stay prepared for any kind of situation. Now, you can have that same outfit.Product DetailsThis Mortal Kombat Scorpion Robe is an officially licensed garment designed to be worn by ninjas. Perfect for relaxing and for kicking some Noob Saibot butt, the robe is made out of a soft, microfleece fabric and comes in a black and yellow color scheme reminiscent of Scorpion’s outfit from the video game series. It has a pair of pockets on the sides and the included belt can be threaded through the waist loops. It has embroidered and appliqued details and it even has a hood. The hood is shaped like Scorpion’s mask.Join the Fight or Relax on the CouchJust toss this robe on and you’ll be shouting, “Get over here!” in no time. Since the robe is both comfortable and stylish, you’ll look like a ninja, but you’ll feel like you’re floating on a soft, fluffy cloud. You can wear it as a cosplay outfit or just use it to relax on your couch for the weekend.
See Details & Get More Deals at: Best Halloween Costumes 2019 :: Shop
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