#unf my heart!
arttrampbelle · 1 year
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Ok fellow shang tsimps. Have some food.
Have some shang tsung in love
Like i hc he doesn't blush often,and it's rare to do so. But when he does,it's absolutely amazing. More so if he isn't being a tsundere grumpy face about it
And i also hc he likes to stare. Not really in a creepy way,he just likes to observe you. Like in a sweet admiring way. Like a fine peice of art,a field of wildflowers,or a beautiful sunset. To him you are gorgeous in every way.
Idc what your gender is. Shang calls you gorgeous,my dear,beautiful,honey,etc to me thats gn and anyone can be called that! Also he's hella classy.
(Also ngl i like it when my irl bae stares like this. Makes me blush. Even after all these years. :3 )
But anyways. Have a fluffy shang tsung.
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mrstsung · 4 months
Omg this shang tsung is delicious 💖💖💖💖💋
Unf yes honey sneky bear,fuck em up!
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(I am not sure who the og artist is. If you know,plz let me know so i can properly link,and credit. Pinterest has a horrible thing for this. Ugh. )
*edit update: the artist provided in replies is
是@luanshujiawen/It’s @luanshujiawen
I hope this is correct. Thank you so much to the person for providing the artists name. :3 i appreciate it.
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I'll admit, when I found this photo earlier today, I gasped. Vincent Price's laugh is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
I love these two. Pure perfection.
Vincent Price and Boris Karloff kidding around behind the scenes of "The Raven" (1963)
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girlsloveandjoy · 2 years
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Yeah, I'm gay...
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cuteteacakes · 1 year
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Look what I bought on One Map! :D
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thegoldenelite · 2 years
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entitled-fangirl · 12 days
Never Happier.
Gwayne Hightower x wife!reader
Summary: Gwayne returns to the reader and their infant son after the battle of Rook's Rest.
Warnings: breastfeeding, crying, feelings of guilt
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"My sweet wife is likely awaiting my return. So while I enjoy our conversation, Lord Hand, I must return to her."
Criston Cole tilted his head with a slight annoyance at the reminder of the sweet life that awaited the redhead. "Very well. I thank you again for your service to the Crown."
Gwayne nodded, "Of course." He then handed the reigns of his horse off and began to head inside in Keep.
It was unusual for a wife to not be outdoors to await the sight of their husband, and it worried him.
But as he stepped into the Keep, he was met with the sight of his wife running to him. "Gwayne!"
He rushed forward and wrapped his arms around her, one of his gloved hands wrapping around the back of her neck to keep her close. 
"I… I tried to… I tried to be there… but your son was keeping me…"
He only held her tighter, "Shh, it does not bother me." He rested his chin on the top of her head. "You have cared for my son while I was off fighting a battle."
Her fingers gripped desperately at the harsh metal of his armor. "I am still sorry."
"Hush, woman," he teased lightly. He reached up and gently pulled her head away from him to look down at her. 
Only then did he notice the light tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. 
"Why are you crying?" He lightly reprimanded. 
She sniffled as she looked up at him. "I… I am not."
He let out a scoff as a smirk came to his lips. "Be honest with your husband."
"I… I was unable to feed Loras. I tried. I did, I promise."
"I do not doubt you, sweet woman." His grip on her head tightened just barely. "I still do not understand your tears."
"I was late to greet you because I could not feed him. I feel… inadequate in fulfilling my duties." Hot tears began to fall down her cheeks as a light sob wracked her body.
Every teasing inkling that ran through him fell away once the tears trailed down her soft skin. "Oh, dear woman…" He leaned down to her level and pressed an earnest kiss to her lips, trying to ignore the salty taste of the tears mixed in.
She continued to sob as she kissed him back, overcome with every emotion. Her fingers continued to grasp as anything of his that she could, ending with her hands in his hair. She pulled at the strands desperately.
He moved away, wanting to let her catch her breath, but she chased his lips, reconnecting them. He moved again to her, trying to reassure her through his actions.
The two stayed this way for a while, breaking apart only to catch their breath for a second and then continue. Their hands wandered gently over the other.
He pulled away again, and when her lips followed, he pulled away further, "Talk to me."
She let out a small whine, and rested her head on the metal plate on his chest. His hand rubbed up and down her back.
"I've missed you desperately," was all she said.
He hummed, "Forgive me for leaving you when you needed me most."
She pulled away, "You're being so gentle."
His brows furrowed as he smiled, "Are you surprised? I can be gentle when I wish to."
She sniffled and wiped her cheek as she let out a soft chuckle.
"Is our boy still unfed?" He lightly asked and brushed hair behind her ear. 
She nodded, "Alicent offered to bring in a wet nurse, but I did not have the heart to do it. I have managed it for months. I don't know why it troubles me now."
He nodded with her. "So you will try again?"
"After seeing you, yes."
"Let us go together then."
She shook her head, "I couldn't ask you to do that."
He let out a sigh. "You have ten minutes before I am in our child's room with you. I must get out of this armor first."
She stared at him for a while to ensure that he was indeed serious and not just jesting with her. When she found him to be honest, she nodded and headed up the stairs to their child's chamber.
Ten minutes almost exactly, Gwayne opened the door with a soft creak and peered inside. 
Loras, their 5 month old son, whined in his mother's arms as she tried to feed him. Her dress was lowered down one shoulder to expose her breast as she held the babe to her nipple. 
She looked up when he entered, the tears in her eyes beginning all over again, "You look better without the armor."
He grinned as he stepped further into the room, "Without the armor or without the blood?"
"Both, I guess." She looked down at the babe, "It means there is no danger lurking in the shadows."
He nodded, "I've scared it all away for now."
She watched him walk to her, bending down to caress his son's cheek, "No luck still?"
"I have tried it all, and so has he. It is growing tiring," she whined.
"Let me hold my son while you gain your bearings again, love."
She shook her head, "If it has not happened yet, it will not happen at all. I will not try a third ti-"
"-Hand me the babe," he demanded without room for debate.
She handed the child to him, trying to keep her emotions in as she watched how carefully he handled him. It was like second nature to the man, coming back bloody from a war and then coddling his infant to his body like a precious jewel.
"What do I do now?" She asked softly.
He shrugged, "Anything that will ease your mind."
"Your company eases my mind," she stated.
He nodded, "Then stay."
She pulled the sleeve of her dress back over herself, fastening the strings at the top of her bodice. "He's a rather easy child usually. I don't know what's come over him."
"He seems content now," Gwayne pointed out as he looked down at the small boy in his arms.
Indeed, the child's fussing had died down.
She frowned in frustration, "I held him the same way and he cried."
"You don't have a father's touch, my dear girl," he teased. "Perhaps he missed me is all."
She stood on shaky legs and walked towards the pair. Gwayne watched intently, careful to reach out with his free hand to steady her if need be. 
Once to them, she rested her head on Gwayne's bicep as she looked down at their son. "If you ever question how Hightower he is, I hope his hair is enough for you."
A humorous laugh left his lips, "I never doubted it, but it brings me joy to have verifiable proof to others that I have indeed claimed you as mine."
"As if anyone would question your love for me," she scoffed.
He smirked, "You may be married, but if you were not being fulfilled, any man would jump at the opportunity. Trust me, my dear. You are a delight to gaze upon. Even with my babe at your breast- especially with my babe at your breast."
It reminded her of the one thing she had failed at today. "Give him back, I wish to try again."
He held the babe away from her just barely out of reach. "You're exhausted. Let me help you in some way."
"How would you do that, Gwayne?"
He smiled, "Let us go back to our chambers with him and get comfortable."
She gave in, walking him to their chambers as their son lightly babbled.
Once there, he motioned his head toward the bed. "Sit."
"- I said sit. Now go on." 
She huffs but does as he says, sitting on the bed. 
Gwayne moved next to her, pushing his back against the headboard, "sit between my legs now."
She starts to see where he's going with this, and does as he asks. He lifts the babe up so she can duck under his arms.
Now with the babe in his arms in front of her, he can support both the babe and his wife. 
She leans back against his chest, "And you're sure about this?"
"I've never been more sure of anything but marrying you, sweet woman." He kissed the top of her head. 
She unties the bodice again, pulling the sleeve down one shoulder.
Before she can even get herself entirely set, the babe latches onto her breast, the very thing she had tried to get him to do for hours before.
She let out a whine, and Gwayne nudges his head against the back of hers, "Something the matter?"
She quickly shook her head, "No. No, everything's perfect."
"Good. Get comfortable. I've got you now."
Leaning against him fully, her entire body can relax, something that's never happened while trying to feed the babe in her husband's absence.
Gwayne's strong arms keep her caged in as he supports his son with his hands, keeping him steady to avoid any further grief from his son's mother. 
"I think you're right." She sighed.
"About what?" He asked.
Her head leans back against his shoulder. "We have both missed you."
With his entire world within his grasp, Gwayne Hightower had never been happier.
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
hallooo,it's me again:)) may I request soshiro x reader forced marriage angst but happy ending
I hope I'm not bothering you:). it's ok if you don't want to make it
a/n: i could never say no to such a beautiful request! i love writing angst muahaha
pairing: hoshina soshiro x blind!reader
cw: forced marriage, physical and emotional abuse
genre: angst/ hurt comfort/romance/fluff [wc: 2,9k ]
a/n: this story takes place in the meiji era!
a/n: i am so upset the fic idea in my head was so cute but now that im proof reading its ass 😭 i am so not satisfied with this but maybe a part two will safe it idk rip 😭 and i have to post something can't have u guys go to bed/work/whatever unfed 😔
edited a/n: is this even forced marriage omg 😭🐵
still, enjoy!
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A Vision of Love | Hoshina Soshiro
The world around you had long lost its colors. Your vision was plagued, cursed to pick up the world in vibrations and tones instead of images.
The gods have plotted against your existence long before you had been born, cursing the path you were destined to walk on with failure and hardship.
“You are no child of mine!”
The feeling of your father's hand was imprinted in both your memories and mind. A gruesome sensation, one that had no problems seeking you unannounced. On some days the beast would simply barge into your chambers, striking you to his heart's content.
And for what? All for being unable to carry out his legacy.
“Blind and weak, we should have killed you the second we saw those impurities!”
No day passed by when he wasn't cursing your existence but you had been all too used to it..
You sat kneeled on the engawa of your estate, scrubbing the long corridor facing the entrance. It was one of the many tasks given to you which had to be completed by noon. Pearls of sweat accumulated on your forehead, dripping down the side of your face and staining the cloth of your clothes but that told you that you were almost done.
You heard voices chatting in the distance. Some belonging to your family members and others to the Kaseifu, yet you were able to make out three voices foreign to your ears.
“Please come this way.”
Your father greeted the guests with fake hospitality. It irked you immensely, listening to him put up an act of dishonesty but there was nothing you could have done about it.
As soon as you finished up your work, you brought away the cloth and the rag and hurried back to your room using the back entrance. No using the main entrance when guests are around– another strict rule you had to follow.
They stopped bothering you a long time ago, the harsh rules and strict regulations forced upon you by your family. It was unfortunately not just your father who harassed you but also your mother and siblings– though their approaches of breaking your spirit were more subtle. They whispered and gossiped, calling you all kinds of names to lower your spirit.
All to make themselves feel better.
Your family was a renown clan known for its fighting skills and birthing people of strong flesh. In the world of Kaiju slayers, your family stood on top with another handful of carefully selected clans. But as dysfunctional as you were, ripped of your vision at birth and your laughable body, there was no place for you in the limelight. Thus you had been hidden away in the back of your clan, mixed with the maids and housekeepers to keep the knowledge about your existence to a minimum.
But all that was about to change.
“Lady Y/n.”
The voice of Madam Kiyoko called out for you, the only woman to treat you with kindness in this place.
“Yes, Madam Kiyoko?”
The woman's voice was gentle and sweet, like honey and milk. It calmed your heart and made you feel loved in a way you were unable to experience anywhere else. But this time something lingered in her voice? A hint of grief? Frustration? Even without seeing her face, you somehow knew that the woman was not displaying a smile on her lips.
“I was sent by your father. ..You are to pack your things immediately and prepare yourself for permanent departure..”
“Permanent..excuse me?” The tone in Kiyoko's voice painted your ears, so much that you wished to cover them and hide away.
“Your father has..given you away to another family, therefore I wish to congratulate you on your engagement.” The fabrics of Kiyoko's Kimono shifted, hinting to you that she had gone down to her knees.
There was no word that could properly describe the look of horror on your face. Pain, disgust and vexation– all these emotions tugged on your heart, forcing it to fall into unbearable agony. You suddenly felt all strength leaving your legs, forcing you to fall to the ground.
Hot tears ran down your face as you allowed muffled cries to escape your mouth. You wanted to scream and curse, run over to your father and rip all air from his lungs..
But you of all people knew too well that this day would have come sooner or later.
How else were you going to get engaged? You, who was unable to leave her house without supervision. You, who was seen as garbage in her own home. This was long overdue.
“Lady Y,n..we mustn't waste any time.” Madam Kiyoko spoke, her arms wrapping around yours to lift you back up.
“No..I don't want to, they can't do this!” Although living here was torture, it was the only home you have ever know. A small part of you always hoped to just die here. Life was cruel but at least there was food and a bed waiting for you at the end of each day. There was no telling how the people outside these gates were going to treat a blind woman like you, especially a family selected by your father. The unknown was much more intimidating than the familiar horrors.
“Child, I beg of you to grasp your heart and look at the future with confidence.” The woman tried to encourage you to take the situation with pride. But you couldn't. The fact that someone had accepted you as a wife could only mean that they were worse off than you. Who else would accept such worthless and weak soul into their family? Or perhaps they were like your family, looking forward to abuse and make use of you.
“You musn't refuse your duty as a woman, Lady Y/n, as a daughter of this house. I beg you.” Madam Kiyoko pulled you back up and dusted your Kimono.
“I know that this treatment is unjust and sudden, but anywhere in this world is better than here.”
“But I don't mind the horror! The pain and the humiliation..because I have you..”
Once again the tone in the woman's voice tugged on your heartstrings. The truth in her statement tasted bitter on your tongue. You did not wish to admit that she was right, that living here was a hell your body couldn't bear much longer.
Madam Kiyoko walked you to your chambers and helped you pack your belongings. There wasn't much, only a few essentials which you held dear. As you were preparing for your departure, you heard a soft chuckle from behind you.
“I heard that the Hoshina clan is as good as useless in this modern day and age, since the Kaiju have grown in size.” One of your sisters snickered from behind you.
“Yeah, and that their sons are as incapable as they come.” Your brother mocked.
Their voices were mere background sounds, easy to blend out. Your fingers traced themselves over the silver hairpin in your hand, a gift from the Madam.
“I will forget all about you once I leave this home. The memories, your voices and your scent. What a blessing it ends up being to be born blind, as I have no faces which I will have to wipe from my memories.” Your words stung your siblings in the guts. One of them stepped forward, your brother, ready to strike you down. But madam Kiyoko quickly extended her hand to shield your body from the abuse.
“Do not dare touch the Lady. She is an engaged woman now and therefore no longer under the rule of this household. Striking her would mean raising your hands against the Hoshina clan and I highly suggest that you do not make yourself an enemy of them.”
“She won't survive a week outside these gates. Compared to the people outside, our treatment was merciful. In this day and age there is no space for those who cannot protect themselves, tsk.” Your brother gave you one last glare before he and your sister left your room.
“This family can no longer harm you, child. So look at your future and smile, don't listen to his nonsense.” The warm hands of the woman embrace you in a comforting hug. If only you could take her with you and start your new life together..it was a hopeless wish but one you hung onto regardless
Nobody came to send you off besides Lady Kiyoko. With your bag packed and your heart set to leave, you approached the front gate. You refused to look back as you walked into your new life, each step feeling foreign and intimidating.
You were raised in a traditional household. From the building to the rules it reminded you of the old times. Therefore standing in front of the public transport with no navigation or sense of familiarity deeply frightened you. You could feel them all watching, the people on the train. Surely they were judging your lack of vision and pitying your weak form.
It took you quite some time to arrive at the destination, the lack of any known directions making the journey much more treacherous. But after two hours, you finally arrived at the Houshina estate. If it had been for the old couple you met at your station who guided you all the way here you would have been lost for sure.
“That is just the path we wanted to take!”
They said and took you by the hand. It felt strange, putting your trust into two unknown strangers. For a good minute you believed that they were leading you to a nearby cliff, for whatever reason. But your doubt slowly vanished as they began to talk about their day and all the errands which they had to run.
You took a deep breath and fixed your Kimono before knocking at the gate. There was no guarantee that anybody was going to hear you but this was the only way you knew how to make yourself known.
After around five minutes and almost giving up hope, you heard a shift in motion. The gate opened and before you stood a stranger. They didn't say anything and simply looked you up and down you assumed. Then they spoke up.
“Oh, it's you.”
What an interesting dialect..
Unsure of who was standing before you, you went down on your knees to show your respects.
“My name is L/n Y/n and I am the betrothed of Hoshina Soshiro. It is my utmost pleasure to meet you.”
“There is no need to be so formal, please. And get up, ya Kimono is getting all dirty.” A pair of strong hands suddenly placed themselves on your shoulders and helped you find your way back up.
A scent so sweet was attached to the stranger, one that had a strange note to it. Yet you stayed focused and continued the conversation.
“Did you come here all by yourself??” The stranger sounded almost appalled.
“Yes..is there a problem with that?”
“Your family reassured us that they were going to send someone with you, since you are..”
His eyes locked with yours. Light gray orbs sat in your sockets, robbed of all light. Yet there was a glimmer inside them, one that shone brighter than the sun itself.
“Excuse me for asking, but who am I speaking to?”
“I am just a housekeeper. Anyway, let's get ya inside and perhaps, you must have a long journey behind you.”
“Thank you very much.” The housekeeper took your hands in his, a soft warmth spreading over your entire body. His bold action startled you slightly but you did not allow your discomfort to display on your face.
“Not having an official wedding must be quite frustrating I believe?”
Is this..smalltalk?
“I never clung to the desire of partaking in such festivity. I was told from a very young age that I wasn't deserving of a wedding, let alone marriage. My father eventually giving me away to a family with no future was to be expected.”
“A family with no future?”
“Oh my, I didn't mean it like that! I apologize for insulting your masters..”
“No offense taken. I understand what ya were trying to say.” The soft sliding of wooden doors indicated to you that you were now entering the building. Almost immediately you were greeted by the sweet scent of lavender and tangerines, two odors that completed one another perfectly.
The housekeeper continued to guide you through the building, holding on to your hand so tight you feared he was going to melt into you. Yet despite his grip being so fierce, his touch was gentle and almost protective. You were not used to such kindness, therefore you found it difficult to express your gratitude once he let go when you arrived in the space which you believed was your room.
“When will the rest of your belongings arrive?” The housekeeper asked while taking the bag from your hands. Your silence said all he needed to know.
“If you need anything, don't hesitate to–”
“Young Master? A letter has arrived from the Anti-Kaiju Defense Force, requesting your presence. Oh and has the young woman arrived already? We heard the gates–”
Your head turned to meet the voice at the door. A young woman, you assumed, stood at the entrance of your room, her words and turn indicating that she was talking to the housekeeper.
“Oh, she is already here?? Why wasn't your father notified!” The woman scolded.
“Thank you Ayame, I will see to the letter shortly. And I wanted some alone time with her first, I'm sure my father will understand."
All the woman did was sigh, as if she was too used to his behavior and excused herself from the room.
It didn't even take you five seconds to realize what was going on. Your face froze up upon realizing, a soft gasp leaving from your lips.
“I..apologize for deceiving you.” Soshiro sighed. “I didn't know how to properly introduce myself when I saw you back then and just went with the moment.”
Embarrassed? Shame? Anxiety? You did not know what to feel first. The words you spoke only minutes ago suddenly came back to hit you like whiplash. You just told your soon to be husband that you had no faith in his family, to his face, the gods were probably laughing at you right now. Not just them, but also your siblings and parents.
Their voices rang through your ears, eating at your consciousness. Not even a day had passed and you already managed to screw up, what a twisted joke this was.
“Ya ain't upset with me, right?”
All thoughts suddenly started to disappear into thin air as his fingers once again wrapped themselves around your hands. Only now did you realize how soft they were, like sunflower petals. And the distant scent of vanilla that lingered on his skin, it was soothing in a way you could not describe.
In an instant you found yourself calming down and remembered that you were no longer in that household. Five minutes have been spent in this foreign place so far, yet it felt much more comforting than your old home. Why was that?
“Saying that your family has no future when I am the one who lacks the ability to function properly..I am so very sorry..”
“Don't tell me yer apologizing for being blind?” Soshiro placed one of his hands on your head, gently caressing your hair with his fingers.
“I don't know much about ya or what you went through before. All I was told is that your family did not think highly of ya and therefore signed you away to the next available family. But just by looking at ya I can tell that you are much more valuable than ya think.” And with that said, Soshiro gave your head a light squeeze.
These gentle touches were so new to you. Being embraced in such a loving way and taken by the hand as if you were too important to lose– and not to mention by a man you just met..it all felt quite unreal.
Soshiro suddenly started to move away from you, the lack of his warmth mildly bothering your conscience, but he had somewhere important to be.
“We shall converse more once I return from my appointment, most likely together with my father. The others will want to meet you so prepare yourself for that. If they barge into your room feel free to send them away”
“Send them away? I could never do that” Hosanna laughed although you didn't say anything funny?
“Im looking forward to future interactions.”
“I..me too.”
To have something to look forward to..did you ever have that in your life? The feelings in your heart were difficult to describe. Was it truly possible for you to find happiness in a place full of strangers and foreign emotions? To seek comfort in the arms of a man you barely even knew? As Soshiro walked out of your room, you quickly searched for the hair pin that Madam Kiyoko had gifted to you. Your fingers embraced it tight, trying to recreate the warmth which you felt moments ago.
Something deep down in your heart wanted to trust his words and believe that you too could experience true happiness in this lifetime. Therefore you desperately held onto this vision of love, in hopes that one day your future would be painted in its beautiful colors.
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eruden-writes · 6 months
Allow me to gush about this monster fucker find today:
I stumbled on this manga at Half Price Books today. Soulless by Gail Carriger.
Victorian era, vampire, werewolves, etc etc. Muy bien. The art is wonderful, too!
There's a novel version of this series, which I think came before the manga, so I might fall down that rabbit hole.
Anywho, here's the first volume's cover:
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Of course, being a basic bitch, I really like the alpha werewolf guy. Sorry these screencaps are in French.
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However, the main lady character is a preternatural, which means supernatural beings revert to human in her presence.
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BONUS, however. Alpha werewolf man is naked, while the main character is dressed, for a section of the comic.
OH and additional bonus: She's 26!
I'm fighting the urge to buy the rest of this series.
Also, Lord Akeldama? He's so cute and over-the-top, but still sensible. It's rare when a vampire steals my heart as much as a werewolf, but... here we are.
I think he's supposed to be explicitly gay - and thereby "not a threat" to the main love interest - buuut I wouldn't complain if he ended up being bi. (I just want polycules all around.)
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world0fmadness · 3 months
oscar piastri x extreme / black metal vocalist! reader
faceclaim: assorted but mainly hulder and gen vincent
୨୧ for my fellow metalhead f1 fans <3 i recommend listening to hulder and mythic while reading, that’s the type of vocalist i had in mind while writing! tiny metalocalypse reference included because i can
reading music recommendations: winter solstice by mythic - upon frigid winds by hulder - lament configuration by mythic
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ynln: took some more pictures for the upcoming album tonight! can’t wait for guys to hear it 🗡
oscarpiastri ✔️: looking beautiful as always my love, these are my new favourite pictures of you ❤️
> ynln ✔️: because you took them?
> oscarpiastri ✔️: yes… but also just because you look amazing
oscarpastrylover: whenever her pictures pop up i just get reminded of how funny her and oscar are as a couple… like oh yeah this is oscar piastri, golden retriever innocent baby of the grid and this is his girlfriend yn, a blunt black metal artist known for throwing buckets of pigs blood at people in the crowd of her concerts!
> oscyn: she’s just a girl <3
> ynln ✔️: i can assure you oscar is everything but innocent
> oscarpiastri ✔️: yn… we talked about this… my pr agent is going to ring my neck :(
> ynln ✔️: i’ll ring his neck first
lewishamilton ✔️: incredible pictures yn! can’t wait to hear the album, i expect nothing but greatness from the likes of you 🖤
❤️ liked by oscarpiastri and ynln
> ynln ✔️: thank you lewis! i can’t wait for you to hear it
landoontop: this is oscar’s girlfriend?
> oscyn: yep! they’ve been dating for a year now
> landoontop: holy shit lmao 😭 i wonder how they met…
landonorris ✔️: strange looking woman
> ynln ✔️: strange looking woman that’s going to gut you
❤️ liked by oscarpiastri
> landonorris ✔️: 😟
oldf1lvr: oscar piastri can you fight?
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kerrangmagazine: we had the opportunity to interview and photograph the one and only yn of mythic today! fans of black metal will immediately recognise her as she’s being hailed as the next household name in the black metal world and if you’re not a big fan you might know her from somewhere (or someone) quite different! pick up our latest issue to read all about it
ynln ✔️: it was an honour, thanks for having me in 🖤
oscarynlove: her tattoos are so cool… everything about her is so cool… i have a major girl crush me thinks 😩
oscarpiastri ✔️: great interview love ❤️
> ynln ✔️: thank you my sun 🖤
> landonorris ✔️: yeah, he only bought 10 copies of the magazine
> oscarpiastri ✔️: is there something wrong with supporting my beautiful, lovely, taltented, gorgeous girlfriend? and i have to give some to people on the grid
oscyn: she talks about oscar in the interview! more oscyn content 🥳
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ynln: mythic had our very first concert in australia today! this show was extra special to me as it’s my lovely boyfriends homeland 🖤 i hope everyone who attended had a great time, osc sure did and he was sweet enough to surprise the band with pizza afterwards… cut into a pentagram… how cute is that? also featured is a picture of our guitarist, toki, in a trash can, where he belongs <3
oscarpastrylover: oscar just constantly being a supportive boyfriend makes my heart hurt, when will it be my turn?
oscarpiastri ✔️: amazing show love! i’m forever mesmerised by your performance ❤️
> ynln ✔️: thank you osc, i’m glad you had a good time, you looked hot in the paint
> landonorris ✔️: why are we allowing this woman to have access to social media when she says things like that?
> oscarpiastri ✔️: don’t be jealous now lando
iluvf1: the hand pic… yn ln you know exactly what you’re doing and i love it
danielricciardo ✔️: and i didn’t get an invite why?
> oscarpiastri ✔️: you did, but when yn mentioned the pigs blood to went pale and said you were actually busy that day
> danielricciardo ✔️: oh yeah, i was actually, my pet frog died and that was the day of the funeral, very unfortunate timing…
> oscarpiastri ✔️: 🙄
oscyn: yn being so soft with oscar is what makes me love her even more 💔
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oscarpiastri: girlfriend appreciation post ❤️ a lot of people think you’re a little freaky and creepy but i think you’re just perfect, love you lots yn
ynln ✔️: thank you osc… love you more satan 🖤 but don’t worry, i am a little creepy
> oscarpiastri ✔️: well then i think creepy and freaky is just perfect ❤️ by the way my mum wants to have you over for dinner again soon
> ynln ✔️: anything for mama piastri 🖤
> oldf1lvr: oscar’s mom being the #1 oscyn shipper will always be absolutely adorable to me
lewishamilton ✔️: young love… you two never fail to make me feel old
> oscarpiastri ✔️: sorry not sorry mate!
oscyn: how anyone can say they aren’t the cutest couple on the grid is beyond me, they’re SO mismatched it’s adorable
landonorris ✔️: simp
> oscarpiastri ✔️: i’m not entertaining this 🙄
> ynln ✔️: can i gut him yet?
> oscarpiastri ✔️: i’m really considering letting you at this point…
> landonorris ✔️: i don’t fear your threats anymore, i saw you cuddling that stray cat that appeared on the grid
oscarpastrylove: this is so cute… she’s so cute… he’s so cute… they’re so cute 💔
charlesleclerc ✔️: perhaps it’s time to meet my future daughter in law…
❤️ liked by ynln and oscarpiastri
> iluvf1: charles hasn’t met her yet? lmao 😭
> landonorris ✔️: he’s scared of her
> charlesleclerc ✔️: i’m not scared of her… just cautious
oldf1lvr: my new favourite couple on the grid, i’m obsessed with them
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ynln: boyfriend appreciation post 🖤 my sun, i never believed that opposites attract but here we are, i’ll love you for eternity
oscyn: *sigh* i don’t think i’ll ever find a love like theirs…
oscarpiastri ✔️: i’ll love you for longer ❤️
> ynln ✔️: impossible 🖤
loveuyn: so funny seeing all of yn’s past partners being the same style as her and now she’s dating the human equivalent of a golden retriever and she’s happier than ever
❤️ liked by ynln
landonorris ✔️: you guys make me SICK
> oscarpiastri ✔️: jealousy jealousy…
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
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More shang tsung edits
I love this sneky old man
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mrstsung · 4 months
Shang tsung edits
*rawr* 😏💖🔥
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Feel free to use with credit. I wanna see y'all decor your blogs 🥺💖
Shang tsung with his hair down is a treat
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iamjellyfish · 2 months
can you have one where Soshiro (😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) and Y/N are child hood friends and are both defense officers, Y/N is super kind, polite, and cheerful, almost always smiling and teasing and making jokes (specifically with Soshiro, they're besties) nothing could ever be wrong with her, she has a smile as bright as the sun!... Right?
Soshiro, would always just find Y/N in the forest or Y/N would sneak into his house, and train with him (even though they was weak and lacked the proper nutrients to even carry twenty pounds) they would still try, Soshiro forced her to eat all the time, sneaking food out for her, he never questioned her though, and when he did Y/N just avoided the question , joked about something and put a grin on their face. Soshiro often asked if they ok, because she's unfed most the time. He knew they went some hard things but .... not to the extent of what she's been through... I mean losing everyone you care hurts. at the ripe age of 4 she witnessed the death of her family, gaining multiple scars from the incident . She still hates herself more than that kaiju though... Why? ... Despite has still Y/N never cried or showed and signs of anger in front of anyone... until now, Soshiro finds Y/N sobbing quietly, letting all her hatred, sadness ,anger , heart break, finally let out ... Soshiro OBVIOUSLY comforts her because he's the best (boy)friend ever!
sorry for making it so long, and if the request isn't anything you like to write!
❥ A/n: Oooo, I like the lore; I had been thinking that the reader could join the defense force for a smart plan or tricks similar to Kafka (supporting others).
Oh yea I changed the timeline for events in reader's past a bit:p
❥Warning: potentially broken grammar, angst/comfort, mention of death, self-destruct behaviors from reader, ... not proofread, I write this half-awake.
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You and Soshiro were best friends from childhood. It's probably because you're the type to get curious and sneak into his house one day and be amazed by Soshiro's fighting style. Soshiro, back then, was a bit discouraged because the era of swords had long gone, and reaching to be a defense force officer seemed unrealistic, yet seeing you amazed when he was training and offered to train with him and share about how much you like katana because "they're just so cool" make him happy.
You were his ball of sunshine, even if you don't realize it; your cheerful voice, your smiles, and your kind gestures here and there make him so in love with you. And the best thing is, you were always joking and teasing him, it made him feel at home as long as you were there.
"Soshi should be careful, I might charm you too much that you might forget to train and be my husband!"
You, at the age of 8, are teasing him, yet he grins back and holds out his bamboo katana. He is still training yet he always stops a little to talk with you every few minutes while you watch.
"Why can't I do both? I clearly can make time for both marrying you and training."
He stops a little to pinch your cheek. And when he sees you blush, he laughs a little yet when got older and thinks back, it's quite true, he could definitely do both, marrying you and sharpening his katana techniques!
You were a free soul; you were polite to adults, yes, but still, you're someone who doesn't follow the rules a lot. You love the forest and would spend time enjoying nature, hearing the wind or the nearby river that had many cool rocks and flowers nearby. You would always bring some cool rocks or flowers that remind you of him when you go on this little adventure in the forest. Soshiro always cherishes your gifts even though he didn't show it too much.
But when you turn 12, something is always odd about you, at least after you went missing a few weeks ago and returned like nothing had happened, you refused to talk about it, so he can't really press you about it. You look like you lack the needed nutrients, always so skinny and weak, you look like you would fly away if the wind is a bit too strong. He doesn't mind, though; he got used to sneaking food out for you, and seeing you enjoy eating what he made makes him really happy.
After years of being best friends and feeding you throughout your teenage years, you both fell in love with each other. You both confess at the same time before you both get into the defense force. You love him deeply, and no doubt he is head over heels for you.
He knows you love him yet something about you is distance. To put it into words, Hoshina feels like you are hiding something from him but he can't really tell. You always smile, of course, he loves your smiles! But he feels like there is a deeper matter to this, so he tracks to the old times and investigates a little; you won't mind that, right? It's just that you won't answer his questions and always try to change the subject, so he gets a little worry.
Hoshina always knew you went through something when you were a kid, but you never told him; just bundle it all into your little heart. So when he investigated, he found out that the day you go missing for a week was the time that your parent was brutally murdered by kaiju. He had some theory but it was best to ask you.
So when you both get the day off, Hoshina and you get home, and he prepares your favorite food while you prepare his favorite snacks and coffee. He wanted to start the conversation softly to not trigger you so he started with a little small talk.
"Y/n, did you eat properly these days?"
He said softly, looking into your e/c eyes while waiting for your answer; his hands were playing with the food a little. You just shrug and try to answer it to get over with.
"I guess."
"I know what happened that day that you go missing. You were hiding, didn't you? Your parent got murdered by kaiju, and you were hiding, and it took a few days to find you"
He reaches his hand out to comfort you while you just sit there frozen. The memories that you bury deep under the rubble of your feelings that day. You want to run away, to hide, but it's Hoshina, your dear Hoshina.
"Please don't, let's stop this topic."
You said, sadness bleeds in those words of yours; you hated it, hated yourself for the simple fact that you were helpless that day. You were mad at the kaiju, yes, but the guilt of surviving the life that was traded for your parents' lives made you sick to the stomach. You were hard on yourself, trying harder and harder to achieve higher things to avenge your parent; that way, you could say your parent traded their lives for something worthy.
Hoshina knew this; at least, he knew right now when he saw the dark cloud on your head. He rushes over to hug you while you start crying, confronting your own guilt. He gently pats your back and gives you little kisses quite he comforts you.
"It's okay alright? I know ya try your best but it's time to start letting go of the past. It's hard, but I'm here to support you. Now, you can pour your heart out to me."
"I don't want to dump it all on you..."
You mutter, you bury your head in his shoulders. You subconsciously hug him tight as he comforts you. He looks at you with scarlet eyes and smiles lightly.
"You're my everything. It's okay. Just tell me, I'm ready to carry the guilt you have in your heart."
Just like that, you cry like a kid pouring everything that keeps your chest heavy throughout the years to him quite Hoshina just comforts you with hugs and kisses, listening to everything you have to say.
A/n: I'm going to sleep.
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And all that I have
Part 8 of my Accidentally on Purpose Series
Warnings: Smut (18+), cockwarming, conversations about CNC (consensual non-consent) play, kink discussions, talks about non-consensual kinks, toxic relationship, conversations about burglary, insecurities, angst, obsession with reader, mild body insecurity. Charred the dove and the dove kinda liked it.
Disclaimer: I want to be clear that although the conversations are centred around non-consent, the entire thing is completely consensual, if reader was uncomfortable, the conversation would stop. They are discussing a scene they plan to do in the future, so be warned that this will come up later in this series.
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You loved him.
You knew it now, without a doubt.
You’re gazing at him from your spot at your desk, peeking over your laptop so that it’s not obvious to him that you’re staring.
You watch him scratch at his eyebrow, deep in thought as he reads the report on his desk. You feel your stomach flip as he squints for a second, no doubt reading something he disagrees with on the page.
He runs the backs of his fingers over his cheek, scratching at his beard, deep in thought, unaware that just a little distance away, you’re admiring him with every piece of your heart.
Whatever  you had felt for anyone else before was nothing compared to what you were feeling for him right now. Your relationship with Dominic had been nothing but a shell, hollow, it had been filled with moments of self- doubt, separated by spaces of indifference that you’d tried to convince yourself was happiness. But it wasn’t, it wasn’t contentment or satisfaction or delight. Being with Dominic had been nothing but a mediocre meal when you were starving, only perceived as amazing because you were unfed.
Now, with Billy, you knew what it was like to really feel.
“Billy.” You say softly, watching him blink and raise his head. He gives you a tired smile.
“I’m bored.”
The corner of his lip twitches before it pulls up into a smile.
He looks down at his report before looking back up at you. 
“Feeling for anything in particular?”
You study him for a moment, before closing your eyes.
“It’s been two weeks since we last had sex-”
“Two weeks and six days…” He pauses when you open your eyes to look at him curiously, “...To be exact, but,” He clears his throat, “who’s counting?”
You can’t help planting your face in your hands and letting out a little laugh.
“Fine, it’s been two weeks and six days, and there’s still about a week left before we can- and I really want a distraction from it.”
He swallows, nodding eagerly, in full agreement with your words.
“I get it," Billy agrees, and you watch him drop his papers onto the desk with a decisive thump, "It's been actual hell to not be able to follow through with any of the things I want to do to you."
You give him an amused raise of your eyebrows, a slow feeling of delight spreading in your abdomen. You take a slow breath to help ease the feeling.
“Well, that didn’t help distract me, just made me want you more.”
The look on his face is one of pure mischief.
“Oops.” Is his only response.
You blink at his audacity.
“You know,” You say, pushing yourself to a stand, “You really shouldn’t tease, there’s no chance of you winning this.” You advise, moving toward him. You don’t stop till you’re leaning against his desk. 
You take your time, moving his phone and staple remover out of the way, and when it’s just papers, you lie down on his desk, smiling proudly as you turn to face him.
The muscle in his jaw jumps as he clenches his teeth, eyes skimming your body as you lie on his desk, knees bent for comfort. After a moment, the pins in your hair begin to stick your scalp and you grunt as you unpin your hair and let it splay across his reports.
“Everytime you tease me, I play this game in my head where I come up with payback.” He says, eyes fixed on you, “At the rate you’re going, you’re not gonna be able to walk after.”
You smile at him, your only response is to raise one hand, and undo the top button of your shirt.
His eyes follow the movement. 
“I doubt,” You hum undoing another button, “That you’d be able to last long after four weeks of no sex.”
“Maybe not.” He sighs, “But I’ll find a way.”
When you reach for a third button, his hand reaches up to cover yours.
"Mercy." He whispers finally, "You're pretty, and I want you and I don't know how much more of this I can take."
"Poor baby." You tease.
He grunts out a laugh, closes his eyes and shakes his head.
"God, you're really in for it when I’m fully healed."
“What am I in for?” You tease, tugging your shirt open as wide as possible.
He looks up, as if asking a higher being for his sanity back.
“You really wanna know? It might scare you.”
“God I hope it does.”
He groans, low in the back of his throat.
“Alright. I’ll tell you.” He looks down at you again, the back of his fingers tracing over your cheek softly.
You smile, closing your eyes as he touches you softly.
“I want to tie you to our bed, and use you whenever I want. I want to leave that sweet little cunt dripping with my come.”
He lets out a soft sigh, his thumb tracing over your lips gently.
“I want to… rent a cabin in the woods, and chase you, make you run, play with you and when I catch you- I want to make you regret running.”
You swallow, excitement swells like a wave within you.
“I’d love that.” You confess to him softly, “Make me regret running from you, sir.”
You watch his throat bob as he swallows, his eyes a hue of darkness you’ve never seen before.
His fingers slip down your chin, tracing its way over your jaw.
“I didn’t expect you to be so… open about this.”
Maybe I'm just right for you, you think helplessly.
You smile up at him.
“I’ve always wanted to explore that side of myself, but Nic wasn’t very accommodating, so I hid those desires from him. But I’ve… I've wanted to be touched the ways you want to touch me for a long time.”
You think about the last time you’s asked Dominic to choke you- he’d done it so poorly, despite the way it had intensified your orgasm, and then he’d never done it again, it was like he wasn’t willing to learn what really got you off, so why would you ever try to push him further, or ask him for more?
Billy grips your jaw tightly, pulling you back into the present, into his dark, hungry eyes.
“Let’s come up with something, that we can,” His tongue darts out to swipe at his bottom lip eagerly, “do together.”
You feel a smile creep onto your face.
“Of course, Mister Russo.”
He leans in, his lips meeting yours softly, contradicting the rough implications of his words.
“Come sit on my lap.” He offers when he finally breaks from the kiss, and you nod easily, rising from his desk, giggling when you feel some papers stick to your arms. He helps you remove them, and then guides you into sitting on his lap, your legs being tossed over one of the arms of his chair.
“Will this even hold us?” You ask, resting your cheek against his chest.
He wraps an arm around you, humming an affirmative.
“Am I hurting you?” You check next, worried.
“Not at all, Mrs. Russo.” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head, “Now, tell me about your limits.”
You smile, looking down, playing with your fingers.
“I’m not that into anal, or hitting. Those are hard limits. I like being spanked.”
Billy hums in acknowledgement, his arm on your knee to keep you steady.
“What about slapping?”
You feel your insides clench.
You shake your head, looking up at him.
He smiles, the hand on your knee moving up to cup your cheek.
“So you like small amounts of pain? But nothing harder than a spank?”
“Yeah.” you answer, breathless at the conversation. No one had ever made you feel this comfortable and safe talking about topics like this.
“I like being scared.” You offer up, “I wanna be scared into acting like a good girl.”
He makes a low sound in the back of his throat.
“God you’re so fucking hot.”
You giggle in disbelief.
“What about pet names? I know you like the nice ones, but what about degrading ones?”
“I like ‘slut,’” You offer, “But not ‘bitch’ or ‘whore.’”
You groan when a thought pops into your mind.
“Literally, I think calling me your little plaything would make me see stars.”
His laugh is deep and alluring.
“What about you?” You ask, desperate to hear him affirm your desires with his own, “Tell me some things you like.”
“The idea of forced breeding is nice,” He starts, and you nod eagerly, already obsessed with that idea, held down and made to take his cum, being teased about having his kids. It makes your skin flush with heat.
“I have- uhhhhh-” He hesitates, and you adjust yourself to watch him carefully.
“Sorry, fuck, it’s embarrassing to say.” He mutters, and you realise that maybe he needs some reassurance.
You raise your hand, cupping his cheek, loving the feel of his coarse beard against your hand. You trail lower, fingers caressing his neck, before you try to slip your fingers under the collar of his button up shirt.
“You can literally tell me anything. I won’t run, I promise.”
He goes still, looking up at you, something unnameable in his eyes. After a moment, he blinks, looking down.
“I have a little fantasy about being a thief, maybe you have something valuable I want. Maybe it’s not what you think it is.”
You swallow, nodding your head eagerly, thinking about what it would be like to find him rifling through your home, touching things that weren't his to touch. You think about the way he’d grab you, about the way he’d lean in to kiss you harshly, the way he’d rip at your clothes-
“T-that’s a nice idea.” You whisper hoarsely. 
You think about him all masked up and taking you on the floor of your home. You shift a little in discomfort caused by your definite arousal.
“I can't- I really need to be inside you.” He rushes out.
“Couch?” You offer, and then you slip off of his lap when he nods.
While he settles himself, you reach up under your skirt, pulling your panties down the length of your legs, smiling when you catch him staring at you.
You carefully climb onto him, reaching to undo his belt, the sound of it making you more and more aroused. 
“You're so fucking beautiful.” He whispers, and you glance up at him feeling a little shy under his obsidian gaze.
“Thanks.” You whisper, your voice so soft that you barely hear it.
The back of his hand traces your cheek.
“Do you need help?” He asks, and you manage to be amused at the question, considering how absolutely wet you were between your thighs.
You shake your head, clenching when you finally get his cock free, giving him a few gentle strokes that has him groaning and dropping his head back.
He's so big, heavy in your hand, you love the slight curve of him, the wideness.
“Ready?” You ask, and he raises his head to look at you.
“If you are.” He says, voice pained.
You lean in, pressing a kiss to his lips before raising your hips to guide his thick cock to your entrance.
His head falls back again, his breathing shallow as he stares wide-eyed at the ceiling.
When you start slowly sinking down on him, you watch him suck in a deep breath, his hands gripping harshly at the couch.
“You're so wet, sweetheart. Fuck.” Billy exclaims, finally able to look at you once more.
You clench around him, your prolonged denial in support of his, claws at the walls inside your mind.
You feel a pinch of pain, the size of him stretching you open but you pay it no mind, your wetness makes taking him in so much easier.
Your eyelids flutter as you sink down onto him fully, you bite your lip harshly when the head of his cock presses firmly to your cervix.
“Oh my god.” You groan, panting, unable to comprehend the world around you with his cock so deep within you.
Before him, you weren't so desperate. You could usually go a month without sex without any problem at all, now though, Billy made lasting four weeks the biggest challenge.
He stays perfectly still, But you can't help yourself, making micromovements on his cock, rolling your hips a little just so you can feel something more.
“Princess.” He warns, and then groans loudly when he feels you clench hard around him in response. He loses himself for a moment, rolling his hips into you, before he grits his teeth, stopping his motions.
“You've never called me that one before.” You purr, trying to distract him while keep your body still.
His hands grip your thighs, blunt fingers pressing into your skin, sliding up to grip your ass harshly.
“It's cause I've got you so spoiled right now.” He hisses, "Couldn't tell you no if I wanted to.”
It makes you clench down on his cock a second time. You watch your own desperation mirror itself in his expression.
“You're so big, Mister Russo.” You moan, gripping his shoulders to keep your body steady.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself, to relax the vise grip your cunt has around his stiff erection.
Billy has always thought of himself as a man with great strength, but it's in this very moment, he learns precisely how weak he is. Watching his gorgeous, breathtaking wife, try her best to sit still on his cock, brings out a darkness in him, gives him ideas of what exactly he's going to do the moment he can.
No woman has ever felt as good as you, and he knows no woman ever will.
You're having your own debate in your head at the same time, wondering how you're going to last another week without him fucking you into oblivion.
“Tell me what you want to do to me.” You plead, eyes squeezed shut to hide from him.
He doesn't speak for a moment, the only sound filling the room is both of your laboured breaths.
“I want to see you submit to me completely.”
You squeeze your eyes tighter, nodding.
I want that too.
“And I don't care how hard it is, or how long it takes, I want to fuck you until you're just my messy pile of wife, no brain at all.”
You whine, a low sound in the back of your throat, you can almost taste the pleasure on your tongue as if it’s something physical.
You roll your hips, feeling him inside you, the grip of his hands on your ass tightens.
Your eyes meet his, half lidded, panting and desperate as you gaze at one another, you know that it wouldn't take much to get you off, and you're trying your hardest not to, you really really want to support him this way.
It makes you a true mess, aroused beyond thought. You can see it in his eyes too, delirious yearning looking right back at you.
“What else?” You ask, needing to know the exact ways he wanted to unravel you.
He licks his bottom lip.
“I wanna fill you up, watch my come drip right out of you with the number of times I come inside you.”
“Yeah? M-maybe you can… use a plug if you get tired of watching your cum drip out.”
The sound he makes next is nothing short of a gowl, pulling you closer until your noses brush, You swear there's a fire in his eyes that you've never seen before.
“I can't stop picturing it,” he whispers roughly, one hand leaving your ass, trailing around to your front. You cry out when the tips of his fingers press to your aching clit, “The way you'll look when I'm done with you, passed out of course, my come messy between your thighs, I'll ask you if you're okay and you wouldn't be able to do anything more than make a little sound.” You tilt your head to the side when his finger begins rubbing softly at your swollen bud, he doesn't take kindly to the movement, his other hand reaching to grip the back of your head, forcing you back to him, “Maybe I'd keep fucking you. Even when you're out cold I could still fill you. You'd be so far gone you wouldn't even want me to stop.”
You nod, whining, knowing that you'd let him do anything he wanted so long as he was doing it to you.
“I know how that makes me look- I've been so ashamed of this side of me, but I want this, every little bit of it, and I want you.” You confess.
“There's nothing wrong with you I promise.” He says, leaning in to kiss you softly, his fingers speeding up their touch on your clit.
You gasp into his mouth.
“S-stop or I'll-” You find that the words evaporate on your tongue.
“You'll what, little wife? Come around my cock? Don't you want to?”
You shake your head violently.
“Not if you can't. Don't make me.”
He drags his fingers away, and you sigh in relief despite the way your body burns, aching for you to just take the edge off.
He kisses you again, harsh and all-consuming, you hum happily, trying to return his passion with a little of your own.
“No more.” He says, and you nod, rising from his cock, your cunt clenching as you get free of him, registering the emptiness, before you feel disappointment immediately follow.
He reaches down, grunting as he wraps his fist around the base of his cock, squeezing in what you can only assume is a method to avoid orgasm.
He’s beautiful, the way his skin is so flushed and his breaths are shallow and you think it’s mostly because of you, and you wonder why on earth would someone like him ever-
You swallow nervously, looking away.
You don’t want to ask, exhausted with your own insecurities to voice them.
Luckily you don’t have to, because at the same time, your cell on your desk starts ringing.
You turn to it, standing, adjusting your skirt before taking the few steps to it. You sigh internally when you see it’s your mother calling.
“Hey mom.” You greet softly.
“Hello. I’ve been sending so many messages. Why haven’t you responded? I thought you were dead.”
You try to hold it in but a laugh comes out against better judgement.
“Dead? Really? Wouldn’t someone have given you a call?”
“Who? Who’s going to call me if you die? Dominic? Your friends? This mysterious husband I have never met that might be the person doing the killing?”
“Why was murder the first thing you thought of?” Humour dripping from your voice.
“Because you’re living with a random stranger and I’m very worried.”
You let out a slow breath.
“I get it mom, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to reply to your messages, I’ve been trying to take care of Billy.”
After a moment, you swear you can hear the anger leave her over the phone.
“Okay well… how is he?”
You feel like you've won something.
“He's doing great, recovering well, that's what the doctor said, a few more weeks and he'll be recovered.”
“That's good to hear. When am I meeting him?”
“Soon.” You promise.
“That's fine. I also have something I want send to you. Can you give me your new mailing address?”
“Yeah, no problem, I'll message it to you.”
She's silent for a long time, and you know she's thinking about saying something terrible to you. You tilt your head back in frustration.
“Mom? You still there?” You ask politely.
“Are you doing okay? Dominic said you gained some weight.”
Your mouth parts in surprise.
“Why are you still talking to him?” You ask in disbelief, looking down at your body automatically. Why did everyone care so much about the way you looked?
“I called him. I wanted to hear his side of the story and to hear more about this Billy guy.”
You stiffen, realising that Billy was still in the room somewhere overhearing this conversation.
“Tell me that you didn't believe a word he said.” You beg.
“Some of it was definitely a lie, I remember when you'd called to tell me you'd broken up, that sounded genuine. I don't think you actually cheated on him, and I know you well enough to know that gold digging isn't your style.”
You smile, “Thank you.”
“But,” she continues, “One thing that confuses me is the custom rings. How did those happen?”
“Um,” you squeeze Your eyes shut, shaking your head, “We um,” Fuck, you didn't know what to say, “We had them made the day after.” You lie.
“Why? Why a stranger? Wouldn't you have tried to get the marriage annulled first?”
“Um, we tried and then decided not to on the same day. Hey mom? I gotta go, my next meeting arrived early.”
“Okay, cupcake, talk to you soon.”
“Yeah,” you say with a shaky voice, “Bye, love you.”
You hang up before you can hear her parting words.
You stare at your phone, forgetting how to breathe for a long moment.
When he says your name, you turn quickly, looking at him. You finally find the strength to take in a breath.
“I'm fine. I just need a minute, be right back.” You rush out, walking out the room without a second thought.
You press your hand to the wall outside, taking a few deep breaths. You wanted to hide, to stop being perceived at all.
You glance at Martha, sitting at her desk, typing into her computer. When she senses you looking, she turns her head with a smile.
“Are you doing alright, Mrs. Russo? Do you want me to get you some water?”
Mrs. Russo. That was you.
You straighten.
“I'm okay, thank you though.” You say with a smile, turning in the direction of the elevators.
You press the button for his floor when you're inside, and only after you shift your feet impatiently, do you realize that you're not wearing any panties.
It gives you more confidence if anything, you were just sitting on your husband's cock, and he'd asked you to. He'd called you beautiful, he'd wanted you. 
You squeeze your hands into fists, Dominic would not take him from you.
He’s in a meeting, his receptionist says to you, apology in her voice, and when you inquire with who, you find out that it’s just his boss.
You give her a smile, before walking right past her desk and knocking on his door.
You open it without waiting for a response, a smile on your face when you see both men looking at you.
“Sorry to interrupt, but can I please have a moment to speak with Dominic? It’s urgent.”
Both men glance at each other, and you know that his boss would not deny you your request.
“Of course,” The man says, rising from his chair, “We’ll pick this up later.”
Dominic only nods, his face set into harsh lines.
The door closes behind him softly, and you don’t speak for a moment, studying the landscape picture on his wall.
“That day we broke up,” You declare, not turning to look at him yet, “You told me that I wasn’t as pretty as some of your old girlfriends, you told me my laugh was irritating, that my friends annoyed you. You gave me reason upon reason as to why you didn’t like me and why we weren’t a good match, and I’d sat there and apologised to you.”
“Look,” He interjects, “I’m sorry I was so harsh-”
“-I’m not done.” You interrupt, turning to look at him, showing him that there was nothing between you anymore, that he could look into your eyes all he wanted, he would not find the version of you he once knew.
He lets out a breath, raising his eyebrows to seem amused by your intervention. 
You didn't care.
“I can’t believe I ever did that, apologise to you for not being what you wanted. If I could go back, I’d tell you to go fuck yourself.”
He blinks, stiffening his shoulders.
“And then, you come back, assuming that I’d forgive you for the shit you said, and get back together with you. But I was never going to, marriage or not, I’d rather be alone forever than spend another minute with you.”
“So stop trying to mess with me, stop trying to destroy my life over something that happened after you broke up with me. You can’t hurt me anymore, and if you try to, I’ll show you exactly what I’m made of.”
You turn to the door, reaching for the handle.
“I love you.” He blurts, making you freeze in place.
You can’t help it, laughing softly at his admission.
You pull his door open, a smile still on your face as you glance back at him.
“You don’t even know the meaning of the word.” 
“Where’d you go?” Billy asks when he sees you come in a few minutes later.
“To give some closure.” You say with a smile, approaching him, cupping his face in your hands, and leaning in to place a kiss on his lips.
You feel him relax under you, you hum softly at the feeling of it.
“Are you in any pain?”
“A little,” He confesses, “I might have pushed myself a little too much.”
Your eyebrows draw together, worried that you might have hurt him.
“I’m sorry, my full weight-”
“-was perfect. It was the tensing up when I got too close to coming that caused the strain.”
You groan, squeezing your eyes shut, one hand pressing to your tummy.
“Why do you even like me?” You rush out, in disbelief that you were literally making power moves just now, to come back to him with your insecurities.
Maybe power was exhausting to hold on to for you.
“Because I do.” He says softly, with an encouraging tone of voice, “Because you see me.” He’s quiet for a moment, biting the edge of his lip in deep thought. 
“Growing up in the system was bad, it was real shitty. I don't think I’ll ever truly recover from the abandonment. I pretend I’m okay, and I pretend that I’m whole but,” He shakes his head, “I’m just pieces on the inside. Broken glass.”
“You make me feel like something more. A mosaic.” He utters, as if the word has just come to mind.
You take in a deep breath, your face contorted into one of sorrow.
I love you, Billy Russo.
You simper, leaning in to kiss him again.
“Let’s go home.” You suggest.
He’s nodding before you can even get the sentence out.
The hardest thing is keeping your hands to yourself. You want to touch him all the time, run your fingers through his hair, slide your hands under his t-shirt, gently trace the veins on the back of his hands. You want to smooth your thumbs over his eyebrows and taste his collarbones and you try your best to resist for a couple of reasons.
The first reason is that you don’t want to get him hard- you don’t want to torment him any more than he’s already being tormented. The second reason is because you worry he’ll eventually get annoyed with your insistent touching, that he may find it irritating eventually. The smallest hint that he’s getting annoyed with you might be enough to dissolve you into thin air, you don’t think you’d ever recover from it.
So sometimes you find yourself reaching for him, only to draw back at the last second, hoping he doesn’t see how hard you’re fighting yourself.
You should be more open about it- you know that- he tries so hard to open up to you and the least you can do is respond with the same effort.
And yet, your experience with Dominic lingers. 
You and him had been so good at one point too, and the next thing you know, every aspect of you had irritated him.
How long would it take before Billy felt that way too?
This was bad, you had no support system in place, no one to talk to aside from him, no one to tell you that your thoughts were unreasonable. This, this was why staying with him wasn’t sustainable.
You’re lying motionless in the bath when he finds you after excusing himself to take a work call.
You turn when you catch movement, smiling up at him when he approaches. He’s got an apologetic look on his face, one that tells you that he has to leave you alone before he even says it.
“I’m sorry.” He breathes, coming to sit on the edge of the tub, “There’s an issue with our servers and I have to go.”
“It’s 8 p.m.” You state, “You can’t do this tomorrow?”
He shakes his head.
“Some of our guys are at risk without the intel.”
You take a deep breath, giving him your easiest smile. You wanted to fight, but maybe in this moment you didn’t know if you were capable of winning.
“Alright, Billy, I’ll see you later.”
He leans in, kisses the top of your head, then your cheek, and then tilts your head up for a quick kiss.
He leaves the room, and you hear him grab his things before the front door closes.
You close your eyes, letting your body sink below the surface of the water.
You sneak out maybe an hour later.
You wait by the door till the guard stationed there gets up to use the bathroom, and then you slip out in your fluffiest coat, making it to the elevator right outside with your heart slamming into your ribs.
Only after the doors close do you realise that you don’t have anything to help you get back inside, and that you should have maybe left a note. No worries though, you know Billy will call once he gets home and finds you gone.
You’d called Martha earlier, and begged her to find the address you were looking for, apologetic for disturbing her evening.
You take a taxi there, and you knock on the door softly once, in the cold air, before realising that you hadn’t knocked loudly enough.
The second time you knock, you hear footsteps, and you suck a deep breath in, smiling at the peephole before you hear the door unlock.
Maria looks concerned, her lovely brunette hair pulled over one shoulder.
“Are you okay?” She says with worry heavy in her tone.
You try to give her a cheerful expression.
“I’m great, I was just a little lonely, Billy left a while ago.”
She opens the door wider to let you in.
“Yeah, Frank left too.”
“I figured,” You admit, “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind some extra company?”
“Of course! I’m just cleaning up. You can hang your coat over there.” She says, pointing to a place behind you.
You thank her, shedding your coat with minimal difficulty and hanging it on the spot she had pointed to.
You follow her into the kitchen, where she’s mostly done with her dishes, only a few left to dry.
“Can I help?” You offer.
“No, thank you, I’m almost done. I have some leftovers if you want. Chicken parm, or do you want tea or coffee or something?”
You’re a little shy in her presence, trying to pick something easy so that she doesn’t insist.
“Water, for now, though I might pick at your teas later.” You say politely.
She smiles, and you feel so soothed by it, you find yourself smiling back. Not long after, she places a glass of water in front of you. You thank her again, sipping on it gratefully.
“So,” She starts off easily, looking over her shoulder to glance at you while she wipes a pink plate dry, “What brings you here at this hour?” 
God, you wanted to tell her the truth, fold like a stack of cards because you didn’t think you could lie to her. For once, you wanted to be honest about your situation.
But you couldn’t. You couldn’t do that to her, and you definitely couldn’t do that to Billy. You’d ruin their friendship if you said anything, you’d ruin his relationship with Frank, he’d hate you for it.
You let out a pained breath.
“All my friends kind of hate me.” You murmur, deep in thought, “and you don’t seem like you’d hate me.”
She nods in understanding.
“Why don’t you tell me everything?” She says easily, and you nod, willing to try.
“My ex- Dominic- we’d been together for two years before we broke up. He works at Anvil, and for a long time I thought I was going to spend forever with him.” You look down into the glass of water, studying the stillness.
“Looking back at it now, I realise how wrong we were together. He never really liked me, I was just a convenience, he only kept me around because it was better than being alone, you know? We took care of each other at first, but somewhere along the way he stopped caring and then any little thing I did pissed him off.”
You watch her finish one plate, reaching for another.
“Our breakup was really brutal, he literally just picked me apart and left me outside my apartment, and then three days later I woke up married to Billy.”
“And you think,” She says, interrupting your thoughts, “That this one is going to end up like your last one.”
“Isn’t it?” 
She smiles, shaking her head.
“You wanna know how long I knew Frank before we got married?”
“A reasonable amount of time?” You offer.
She laughs.
“Four months.”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise.
“I’m in no place to judge.”
She grins.
“I got pregnant three months into dating him, and we were married a month later. The first time I met Billy, was stepping on him when I woke up to pee in the middle of the night.” Her shoulders shake as she laughs, remembering the entire story.
“According to Frank, he’d climbed into our small apartment at the time from the fire escape, drunk off his ass, and crashed on the floor before Frank could help him to the couch in the living room. The way Frank says it, he just tossed a sheet over Billy, and stuffed a pillow under his head where he passed out and went back to sleep. I woke up, and stepped on him and he didn’t make a sound,” She laughs,” I screamed though, because there was a random man on the floor and I’d just put my full weight on his leg and he hadn’t made a sound. I thought he was dead.” 
You try not to grin at the imagery.
“After some convincing from Frank, I fell asleep, and in the morning both men were gone. Billy… well he didn’t like me at first. He was sure I’d trapped his friend in the marriage or something, but over time, he… honestly he didn’t really warm up to me until I went into labour.”
You sit there, transfixed by her story.
“Frank thinks she came a week early, but she was just on time. He was supposed to get back before she came but something top secret kept him there longer- anyways- Frank called Billy and Billy showed up at my doorstep in maybe ten minutes. Back then, he had this old, beat up Harley- strictly american- you know?” She glances at you as if you’re supposed to understand what she’s saying, but you can only shake your head in confusion.
She grins, “Sorry, he used to be real patriotic, American brands as much as possible,” She shakes her head, “He’s grown out of that since his discharge. Anyway- that was maybe the first day he actually cared about me, held my hand all the way to the delivery room, almost punched a nurse that told him family only. I was so mean to him too, probably almost broke his hand with the contractions. And then Lisa decided to wait, had me in labour for fourteen hours.”
Your eyes widen drastically, mouth dropping open. She laughs when she sees your face, finishing up her last mug to sit next to you.
“Yeah, gave Frank just enough time to get there. And then there were four of us.”
She blinks, smiling, deep in thought.
“Billy was scared of her, he didn’t hold her for at least two months after, he’d somehow worked it into his head that she wouldn’t like him, but one night I got real sick, and while Frank was taking care of me, he’d begged Billy to come over and take care of Lisa. The first time Frank put her in Billy’s arms, she cried, at the top of her lungs. I thought Billy would have given up immediately, but he didn’t, he rocked her in his arms till she was asleep, and even after he held on to her for as long as he physically could.”
“The moral, of my very long story is that Billy isn’t someone who gives up at the first sign of trouble, and he’s definitely not someone that gets annoyed with someone he loves. If he chooses you, he’s going to stick with you. He knows what it’s like to have no one on his side, and because of that, his loyalty is unbreakable.”
Your heart squeezes in your chest. You wanted to know him the way she did. You wanted stories like this to smile at when you thought of him. You wanted to know what he looked like, riding an old era motorbike, and to see him so drunk he can’t make it to a couch.
“I lost all of my friends because of him.” You whisper, heartbroken, “They thought I cheated on Dominic. Friends that I loved, blocked me because they thought I’d done something terrible.” 
She reaches to place her hand over yours, squeezing tightly.
“Maybe they weren’t very good friends to begin with.” She suggests softly.
You nod, understanding the point she was trying to get across. 
She makes you tea, something calming that makes you sluggish, offers up one of Billy’s old shirts for you to sleep in, and shows you to the guest room. Not once, does she suggest you go back to his home, so easily welcoming, that sleep is attainable within minutes.
Maria, considers for a moment while watching you sleep, that she should tell someone that you’re here. No doubt Billy doesn’t know you left, travelled all the way here by your lonesome. She unlocks her phone, pulls up her husband’s number, and hesitates on the call button. Maybe Billy’s reaction to finding you gone would set the both of you straight. 
She grins deviously, putting her phone away and getting ready for bed herself.
It’s almost three a.m when Billy gets back home. He’s tired, his shoulders sagging with having to carry the weight of them. His eyes hurt, feels so much discomfort in his whole body that only sleep can provide.
His shower is quick, functional, though the warm water begs him to stay and enjoy it, he gets out as soon as he can, ambling to the closet to grab a pair of comfortable pants for sleeping.
He moves in the dark, working on a memory of where everything is to stop him from making too much noise, not wanting to turn on the lights either, he really doesn’t want to wake you.
In the dark, his bed is deliciously comfortable, he lies on his front, before the area where his appendix was removed screams in protest and he’s forced to roll onto his back. He tucks his body under the soft duvet, feeling a thick sense of coziness overcome him.
He reaches a hand out- won't be fully comfortable until he touches your skin, confirming that you're there. In his drowsy state, he struggles to find you. He groans, moving even closer to where he thinks you are, fingers scanning the bed, only finding chilled sheets. He opens his eyes, squinting at the other side of the bed and sees no shape that even resembles you. You simply weren't here.
Were you sleeping somewhere else? 
He sits up, rubbing an eye so that he can see a little more clearly, turning to flip on the bedside lamp to confirm that you really weren't next to him.
Yeah, definitely not in bed.
He stands, sways, groans, pads his way to the living room to find it empty, then searches your office, then his. He says your name, but the only thing that answers is the silence.
He grabs his phone, looking into the almost too bright screen, trying to decipher words that help him find your contact. He squints, pressing the call button before waiting.
Your phone rings and rings and rings and no one answers.
It's then, that Billy begins to feel the panic. He takes a deep breath, calling your number again, searching his house for anything he might have missed, anything at all that tells him where his wife had gone.
He calls for you, all sleep erased from his mind, he does a finer walk through of his place, looking for items out of place, signs of struggle.
If you'd left, someone would have seen you and told him, right?
What if you'd been kidnapped?
Billy feels his lungs seize up.
He looks down at his phone again, hands shaking, opening up the location app he'd installed just in case. He'd told you about it, told you how to disable it if you really didn't want to be found. This would help him narrow down what kind of situation he was in.
He lets a breath out when he sees your little symbol pop up- you'd chosen the image of a black cat for some reason- he zooms out, eyebrows drawing together when he sees where your phone is.
He closes the app, calls Frank.
“Whad'ya want, Russo?” Comes Frank's sleepy voice after a few rings.
“Is my wife in your house?” Billy asks, a lot calmer than he feels.
Frank says your name in question.
“Yes, Frankie, ask Maria.”
He hears some shuffling.
“It's four in the morning Bill, I'm not waking my wife for that, I'll just check the guest bedroom.”
Billy waits, listening to Frank's slow breaths, his hand gripping his phone tightly, his other hand curled into a fist.
“Oh yeah, there she is.”
Billy sags with relief.
You were okay.
“I'm coming.” Billy announces.
“Use your spare, I'm going to bed.” Frank grunts, before ending the call.
Billy grabs his coat and the keys to his fastest car and nothing more, leaving his apartment quickly, wide awake now more than ever.
He breaks every speed limit possible, makes it to Frank's home in half the time it usually takes. His body hurts as he has to move slowly now, quietly so that he doesn’t disturb the peace in the house.
He uses his spare key, locking the door behind him, double checking Frank's security while he's here. 
He finds the guest bedroom easily, having stayed here countless times, he knows this place like he knows his own.
His stomach twists, he wonders why you left. Did you not want to be around him? Had something else happened? He knew that the chances of you running away were low, ever since he'd shamelessly listened to the conversation between you and Dominic (He'd bugged the office of course) he'd had an inkling that maybe you were growing to love him as much as he loves you.
The door clicks shut behind him, and he feels a sense of ease wash right over him at the sight of your sleeping form. 
He pushes his coat off his shoulders, torso bare underneath as he climbs into bed and hovers over you.
His hands cup your face, waking you with a little start.
“Billy?” You hum, voice so tiny, his little wife disturbed from slumber.
He can't help it, leaning in to kiss you softly, followed by him wrapping his arms around you tightly.
“Why'd you leave home, baby, hmm?” He asks, cheek pressed to the top of your head.
Your voice is muffled in his chest.
“Was lonely.” You say.
It damn near breaks his heart.
“I'm sorry.” He sighs, and he means it with every bone in his body.
“S’alright, you're here now.”
And he is, crawls under the sheets, wraps you in his arms, and feels the stress drip right out of him. Only then, does he allow sleep to take him.
He wakes to laughter. He blinks, sitting up, an automatic response to the sound.
Hearing laughter while he slept was never a good sign. In the group home it meant that some poor kid's face was being written on. In the military, it was shaving cream on your hands, or dirt in your bed.
He bolts up, looks around, determines no danger before he relaxes.
He smiles, slips out of bed, and goes in search of one of the shirts he keeps around for situations like these.
“Honestly,” Maria says enthusiastically, uncapping the milk she just pulled from the fridge, “I thought we were goners, Billy was still recovering from that gunshot that almost made him bleed out in the desert, and Frank had several grazes, but even injured like that, the burglars never stood a chance.”
Your eyes are wide in suspense.
“Where was Lisa?” 
“In bed beside me, Frank shook me awake and we hid in the bathroom. Ten minutes later, he came and got me cause the fight was over.”
“Holy shit, that sounds terrifying. I've had some almost run-ins with burglars as well at my old place.”
“Really? What happened?” Maria asks, really interested, concern in the undertones of her voice.
“It was close to Christmas and almost everyone in the building was out visiting family, but I was studying for an exam the next day for my old job.” You think back to it, deep in thought, “I remember hearing heavy footsteps in the hall, and then the sound of doors shaking. I had my lights off because they’d made my eyes burn and I was just using my lamp lights, so it maybe looked like I wasn’t home. The person was trying each door, shaking them hard. I can still hear the rattle. I texted Nic, and he’d told me to hide, but before I could call the police, the rattling just stopped. I sat in silence for a long time. I was kind of shocked dumb, and I didn’t call the police because it seemed like he left without any real harm being done. I probably should have, but also I really needed to study for this stupid exam. I did tell my landlord though, and she tightened security and it never happened again. I really regret not calling the police though.”
Maria nods, relating to you.
“Fear can really hold you in place. I’m sure whoever it was, got what they deserve, don’t stress about it too much.”
You smile, mimicking her nod. She really understood you, and you find yourself hooked to the Castles just a little bit more.
Just then her smile widens as her eyes flit behind you for just a second.
You turn to look back curiously when suddenly you get pulled into someone’s arms. You know it’s him from the moment you touch, you grin widely at the way he squeezes you.
“Excuse us for a second, Maria,” Billy says, hand gripping your wrist to tug you in the direction of the guest bedroom, “I need a moment with my wife.”
She nods, before remembering something.
“There are kids in the house.” She warns sternly, locking eyes with Billy.
“Wet blanket.” He shoots back as he tugs you around the corner and out of the room.
The door to the guest bedroom can only slink shut before you’re pressed against it. Your eyes fall shut as his mouth meets yours, your heart fluttering so surely that you’re sure it’ll fly soon. He kisses like he’s starving, hands holding your face, mouth eager against yours, you copy his fervour, pulling him closer by the shoulders, the delight of feeling your passion mirrored isn’t lost on you.
You smile up at him happily when the kiss breaks, only for him to drop his head once again, ever eager for just one more kiss.
“Is everything alright?” You whisper softly, confused about his feverish kisses.
“I’m sorry.” 
He touches the tip of your nose softly with his.
“Where do I even fucking begin? I’m sorry I left you alone, I’m sorry I made you feel like you had to sneak out, I’m sorry that I’m the reason you have no friends-”
“-That one wasn’t really all you,” You interject, “They didn’t even give me the benefit of the doubt.”
He shakes his head.
“I’m just… sorry for all the pain I put you through.”
You can’t bear to hear him say it, your throat squeezes tight at the very sound of the words.
“It’s alright,” You reassure, rising onto your toes to kiss him, “We’re alright.”
You peek at him while he drives, wondering if now was the best time to talk to him.
He catches you looking, raising an eyebrow curiously, eyes turned back to the road.
You think that maybe there’s no time like the present, and you take a deep breath, reaching out for his hand before you catch yourself, moving your hand back to your side.
Before you can get fully there, he reaches out, taking your hand in his. You turn your head to look at him in surprise.
“Notice you’ve been doing that a lot.” He murmurs, tugging your hand up to his mouth so that he can kiss the back of your hand, “Reaching for me and stopping halfway. Making fists with your hands to stop yourself. Why?”
“I just, don’t want to annoy you is all.”
He huffs in amusement, you feel his warm breath on the back of your hand.
“You’re funny.” He hums, giving your hand another kiss.
“I’m serious.” You whisper.
His lips part, eyebrows drawing together as he slows his driving a little to look at you.
“You’re serious?” He echoes, “You think you could annoy me?”
“I think I could annoy a saint.” You grumble.
“You know that I’m… obsessed with you right?” 
“Are you? I hadn’t noticed.” You say dryly.
He huffs out a breath of amusement for a second time.
“Do you know what that means? It means I’ve seen your medical records.” 
You glance at him, shock running down your spine.
“And I’ve done background checks on everyone you’ve ever met.”
You try to swallow but your throat has gone dry.
“And?” You whisper, his hand is still in yours, holding on to you.
“And I know where you went to school, I pulled your student records, I’ve scoured the internet for your face and I’ve probably seen photos of you that maybe you don’t even know existed. I’ve wanted you since the day we met, and nothing could have stopped me,” He turns to look you in the eye, “Not even you.”
“I’m sorry to scare you, but if you think that I don’t know how needy you are, how touch starved, how badly you want to be held, what makes you cry, you’re lying to yourself. I know all of these things, and I want you because of them.”
You close your eyes, trying to process his words in a reasonable way.
God, there had to be something seriously wrong with the both of you. Him, for saying those things, and you, for managing to somehow feel reassured by them, even if there was a little fear mixed in.
You don’t say another word to him the rest of the way back.
There’s a silence all around you as you follow him into the apartment, a whirring in your ear that sounds like waves of static, disconnecting you from reality.
You reach out, gripping his arm tightly. He turns, looking down at you with an unnameable expression.
“I need you.” You say softly through half-gritted teeth, pulling him roughly, feverishly toward the living room.
He doesn’t say a word, and you’re grateful for that, he’s said enough already.
“Take it off.” You breathe, reaching for your own pants, pulling them off, followed by your shirt. He catches the intention behind your movement, and drops his coat easily.
When you get yourself naked, you lie back on the couch, not having to wait long before his naked body covers yours.
“Do you need me to-” He offers, and you silence him by pressing a finger to his lips.
You shake your head, reaching down, pumping his hard cock a few times before guiding him into your dripping wet core.
Billy gasps in surprise.
“Shocked?” You tease, “I thought you knew everything about me.”
His eyes darken, something terrifying crosses his features. He moves his arms, braces one on each side of your head. Your eyes flit to the snake curled over his shoulder.
“I don’t know everything about you,” He hums, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement, “But I will.”
A/N: Happy Holidays to you!
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takami-takami · 1 year
A Dog Unfed.
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includes— hawks x reader. angst. hurt/comfort.
warnings— animal abuse analogy. discussion of drugs and cravings. be warned and avoid this if you need. sorry for spoiling the subtext lol, but it needs a tw. though, i encourage you to apply this however you feel it apply.
perhaps we all have a dog.
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Did you ever tell him?
The fullest extent of it all, the thorny vines that adorn your past— more bondage than decoration, a dragging weight against your throat and up your nasal cavity. A growth, an infestation, a plague on your subconscious.
It is a dog you unwittingly adopted— a drooling rottweiler that smacks its jaws and begs and paws at your thighs, pleading to you each night: "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry. Please feed me, I'm hungry."
Everyone who has ever seen your dog has mistaken you for it.
Everyone who has seen your dog has peered down their pudgy little noses, muttered "mutt", spit it and clinked their heels away; or perhaps they simply looked on in sneers of smiling horror, down past their clutching pearls.
"This is you? By god, my goodness! An animal, an animal!"
You used to hate your dog.
You used to lock it in chains outside, let its fleshy paws burn and blister against the cement in the heat of the blaring sun. You grew tired of feeding it, of crushing up its kibble, of leaving it out to dry then quenching its bottomless thirst.
Now you just sit with it.
You sit by its side with your knees to your chest, listening to the cicadas chirp their prayers. Some days, you even let your back burn against the molten floor, a grounding heat while you lie down flat; but every day, every position, your eyes always remain locked on it.
You stare as it rests on its side, fusing to the glistening cement. You listen to its keening whines and dying breaths with a familiar pity and an unbearable disgust.
You blink, unfeeling again now.
You're sure it will never die, no matter how many hours it spends dying.
You never wanted to show Keigo your dog; even though a part of you is screaming and begging to present it to him. A gift from your innards, dirty in the palms of your blistering hands.
Keigo is just like everyone else, you assume. He is kind, he is gentle, he is an angel among men and he is the exact same as everyone else.
You've come to realize a person's good qualities— openmindedness, kindness, empathy— mean nothing in the face of what one is taught. No one is immune to propaganda, and there is no shortage of that nowadays against people with dogs.
The part that makes you doubt your assumptions is this: Keigo has honey in his eyes. Flicks of gold specks dust along the amber of his irises, a sticky kind of love swimming in them that drips down to his lopsided and infuriatingly safe smile.
You could never fathom his nose upturned, as he has been on the ground too many times to do that to another; nor could you picture a sneer from a mouth as sweet as his, honeysuckle and gentle, bright yellow.
So one night, you allow it to spill, hoping for him to soak up your blue one last time.
It's not uncommon for you to spend the dim of your nights at Keigo's home— his real home, the one the commission has never barged themselves in, the one he keeps hidden from every soul in this world but one.
It is uncommon for him to listen to the water of his shower run for several hours.
If you had feathers as sharply perceptive as his, you'd detect the nervous pacing of his leather boots against the carpet of his bedroom floor, even through the sheetrock that separates the two of you. The patter of the showerhead is far too consistent for his liking, very little movement being detected at all and his mind is bouncing off countless possibilities while sticking to none.
Those worries overflow from the cup of his bleating heart, bleeding when he turns sharply toward the bathoom door, resolute.
With a barely audible thud, his forehead traps golden strands between it and the wooden door it rests against.
He doesn't ask you if you're okay. Keigo never bothers with questions he already knows the answer to.
"Baby, open the door. Please," he begs. "I promise, it's okay— just need to be with you. Please."
The song of your sobs muffled through the door causes his feathers to sting an unbearable itch.
How his heart is just as red as those wings. It begins to drip, the string connecting him to you pulled too far for him to take. It— he needs to be with you right now.
A palm slides up the plane, resting firm by his cheek. The air of his breath hits the wood, fogging back against his lips.
"Please, let me in?"
His hopes blossom in the heavy pause that follows.
"...The door's unlocked," you answer.
Keigo knows. He could have pried it open in a heartbeat with a single feather even if it was locked, but trust and respect are precious commodities. They are irreplaceable, yet entirely and easily breakable.
Slowly, the knob creaks open, the careful movement still startling your spine stiff. The heels of your feet gently propel you backwards, firmer against the icy wall at the furthermost corner of the shower. The expanse is wide enough to accomodate fierce wings, wide enough to swallow your comparitively puny body in its open jaws.
Curled in on yourself, soaked, and trembling; this is what Keigo sees when he enters the room. This is what he sees when he dashes over, mumbling words you don't quite catch— some are familiar. "Dove", "sweetheart", "oh, my baby."
Down, he kneels by your side under the pour of the synthetic rain. The fabric of his shirt clings to his skin now, hair soaked just like yours; a wet dog all the same.
And with your tears plopping down against the flat tile, scratched knees held to your chest, you allow it to spill.
It spills through the hiccups, it spills through the wet of your cheeks; and above all, it finally spills through your confession, nose upturned to look up at his shaky gaze.
"Oh, angel..."
You can hear the palpable crack of his beating heart in that voice; but even if you didn't, the rustle of scarlet feathers that puff out in protection give his wounds away.
Keigo busies himself with a racing thought: how could he not notice the signs? He knew there were secrets nestled in the cavity of your ribcage, tandrils of some sort of ivy even he couldn't quite recognize.
You have a weight. Shackles chaining you to be left out in the midday sun.
He could tell. It's not the same as his— it's another flavor, another disease, another beast of its own— but in the most abstract of ways, Keigo could see it: you're just like him.
"Why didn't you tell me," he rasps, cupping your cheeks with shaky palms. They tap and squish like they're searching for signs— distress, hurt, anything.
You smile a mimicry of his, pulled from your most precious memories, and silently beg for that wobbly smile back; but it does not come. Instead, his eyes begin to shine, glassy and wet.
You've never seen him cry before.
You've never felt as desperate for his yellow as you do now, but you have felt this pathetic and small, once. You have felt like an animal, desperate to be domesticated— a synonym for loved.
"Y-You don't need to worry! I'm good, I'm still clean, see? See?"
As if that's the only thing that matters, you tip your chin towards him to offer your pupils as proof.
Such a gesture may shatter hearts, and Keigo is but a man. Despite it all, he is but a man.
He declines the offer, your words more than enough for him— his body opts to tackle you in an embrace instead, clutching your skull close to his hammering chest.
With each wide-eyed blink, the droplets resting on your lashes flick onto his chest. The soaked strands of your hair cling to him, both bodies drenched now by the roaring downpour above.
Water cascades in heaps onto the floor below. It never stops.
With your cheek pressed against his sternum, his scent invades your senses. He smells like cedarwood cologne and thickets of the forest, a warm signature. It matches his labored breaths: sturdy and weighty and masculine.
"I thought you wouldn't see me as a person anymore," you confess.
He hushes your worries as your eyes flutter shut, kissing the crown of your head with unwavering pride.
"Dove... You're my person."
Keigo thumbs away your tears and pulls back to offer you a wobbly smile.
You offer your own in return— a real one, too, this time.
The greatest advice you've ever been told was "don't start".
The words felt feeble at the time, like a joke passed down through unproductive seminars in high school out the mouths of stuffy men in suits, men who spoke of the boogeyman and jumped out behind chairs.
It meant nothing at the time.
It means everything now.
It helps you explain a little better to people who've never had a dog.
The words "don't start" are a language they do not speak; and yet, it helps to say it to their mirrored face, to imagine the breadth of your world could be pressed compact into those two tidy little words.
Talking to yourself helps you pretend you're understood.
Even though it is not necessary to be understood before you can be loved:
Don't start.
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reedsofintimacy · 4 days
If it's any indication of where my mind has been recently, I had one of my first subby dreams last night!!
I don't really remember the context but I was at sort of school or church youth group or camp or something and was standing around and 2 girls, this short blonde curvy one and her friend suddenly approached me from the side and asked "You like to be good for mommy don't you?" And grinned revealing to me that they knew I was internally a subby desperate slut.
I nodded cuz I was too nervous to speak and we went togerher around a corner into a bathroom and the main one sat on the seat of a stall for me to eat her out and spread her legs but still had all of her clothes on....
And i woke up before it went anywhere 😩
Still! My heart was all racing and it felt v intense and naughty in the moment. I wasn't even super attracted to the girl in my dream she looked very normal it was more thrill of being anout to get to go down on someone for the first time and the suddennness of it all and her initiative just initiating on me like that. 💦💦💦💦 solid 9/10 dream would dream again.
Unf i wished society worked like that. Women just hitting on you to use you to service them in broad daylight with no shame just casual kitty munching by subby slave boys who love every minute of it and feeling like attractive pieces of meat and human sex toys 🥰
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